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TlfiBSUN AND NEW YORK HERALD, MOKtiAY, MAY" 10, 19&0. 8 4f "Season's First Tennis Singles Tournament Gets Under Way With Entry oj 123 Players at Harlem Tennis Club EH. IS TBMS WIPER One Time Holder of Harlom Cup Takfs Foaturo Match in Annual tfonrnoy. Hy Vttplnr H curt occupied from 10 o'clock In th morning until twilight the Harlem Tnnls. Club moiio up yes terday some- of the tlmo ost on Satur day whn rain Intsrfered with th stsrt of tha annual ODcn tournament, The court were still soft and the ballH Bounded rather poorly wring tno morn Ing session, but later In the day condi tion vers excellent and a large nailery 1 was treated to fast tennis In nearly I every match. Moro than one-thlrd of the record field of 118 contestants had been ellm ipateil when play closed for tho day. iThero were ns upets, but there was many a aharpu evenly contested tussle that kept the flillery on edffe from first stroke to last. The feature matches i war thoso In which Herbert H. Man chester triumphed over Joseph W. Fox t after extra nta and IUIph n. Ontcomb . over William M Flflhr f, won the Harlem tournument four years ago, and on that occasion, b In yes terday's match, J. V. Fox was his op ponent. For all of one set Manchester was clearly outplayed yesterday. Foj; was passing him beautifully wjth swift fjhota atong the side lines and was work ing him out of position In most of the rallies, but he f.illsd to maintain either I his speed or his control after that and fell a victim to Manchester's superior steadiness, Tils better Judgment of dls !' tance and greater versatility In the nest- two sets. In his contest with Fischer Gatcomb found he could not match the speed and accuracy of his opponent's deep court driving, so he changed his tactics and i came up to the forward court to volley i tho low returns. By persisting in the net attack Osteoma not only overhauled Fischer but passed him and won the et at 7 5. Fischer passed his man often enough to keep the score very close all the way. Ho was within two points, in fact, of taking the second ret but failed to come through with the necessary strokes. The sit proved to be tho longest of the day, 119, Oat comb breaking through Fischer's ser vice In the last game. Tho summary: Harlem Tennis Club Open Rlncles First Itound-rt. N. Slnelnlr defeated A. E. Itu rio'.ph. 1IW, 0 3 rt. De Castro inn from V. Matthews, by default: M, Ma'tannrt de feated E. Heese, 7-5, 4; A. llialy de feated A. l. Pruneau. l-ll, 0-2. V. Ppark won fmin W. H. Wood, bv default; Ben llsan defeated C. l!lrr. 0-3, 0-3: 0. A. Soarles won from II. II. Ilaidsrson, by default; J. fi. Xfclxrtnott .defeated It. J. Bornmtr. !, 70. 8-0; II: II. Manchester defeated Joseph W. Hoi. 3fl. ft-a, 0-1; F. i Allan dafislrd H. II. Huztlnl. 7'.. 01: F. M. won from O, A. WalVer, by eerauiti raw Keressjr nerc-aiea J. pirnnnow. S 1, 7 .1: Frederick C. Anderson defeated 8. V. Ilrubsrrs, ft I, 0-3: Into llsrtman de feated N, Wlntar, R-O, 7 .1 N. Comes d f rated E. Pamrau, a:. 0-0, ft-aj L. If. Rogers detested W, C. lUmmond. 07. (53; Percy I. KynaMnn defeated Franklin P. Adams, 0 I, 04: Allen lUtir defeated Thomas Kecne. -fl, I f, 1; Hlirmiind Rnaath defeated W. If. Huston. 01. 7 1; R. Lewleohn won from O. R. llnrkavy, by default : R. E. Roberts defeated C. If. Xannes. 8-3, 0-2: II, O'lloyla defeated .'. Arkland, 01, 01: B. Ilenar won from W. De Mett, by default: II. W. Srhwarts de feat n. Kuhn. 01. 02: K. rjmnnea de- featad J. Cuskls', 6-3. 0-3: L. W, Knox ncieatea j, Werner, o-a. a 1, i-n: y. . Blewnrt defrated I,. Ilkoits. 0-1. 01: It. n. fl.lrnmh dafpatid W. it. Kleehrr. 75, ji o; Herbert L,. Ilowmnn voit from II. II. Mardtln. by default: Edward Oflaner defeated TV. I), Roberta, G-I. I: O. Mslre defeated W. Abels, fM, HJi I'- V, Cook defeated fl. Bsnberg. 0-1, a-A. 0-3: Alfred P. Hammeti aeieaiea wautr j. Tousnlnt-7-. . , . , , . , Sarnnd Hound-It. M. Sinclair defeated R. Te Cattra, 60, 01: Tien Letion defrated V. Hnork, 0-1, 0-3: Trod IKon dafeated V, M. ioiKhman, 7-a, 0-3: 1. Sells de feated II, Wleaeltler, 0-3. 6-4. STRAIGHT SETS IN DOUBLES. Hard nUtlns; 'Wins (or KnmaRae nnd Blnacsi. With tha speed and aggressiveness of their attack Ichlya Kumagae and Elliott H. ninsen fairly overwhelmed J. Harry Stelnkamnf and Carl Jallffa In, the final i of the North Side doubles tournament at tho university Heights Tennis cmo yes yesterday. They scored In three straight Vt, 0, ( 2 and 'i taking four nines In succession with the score tied tn tha aseond set, and four more In a row when their opponents for the first and only time In the match ramccj a lead In the final division of play. Xt must bo said for the losers that ,r.n( eksln Innhltltv tn mnlfA thA RfnrA tloje Uiey kspt their opponents travel ling at top epoca iw win mm iiuuiia, BBIff MIXMpRB TAKE TJTI.E. St, Louil, May J. Th? Hen Millers Of St. lo.Uls, an nil American born team, won the united states roceer foot ball championship her to-day by de feating the Fore Wver eleven of Qulncy, Mpst., t to 1. Indexed Pimlico Entrie. First r.ace Two-yrar-olds; maidana; aell- ins! four ana & imu runongs. Tndei. Wt.flndex. Wt Ilea's Kft..,1l.1 Mars. Wood. .110 rfn Tnerny Vfar.iiui m namit mir.inz j t Attorney ....lis w Kehma ! :n4 iwnrose n. rrii)ceis.,iiw 204 Irlah Jsg...lU - Fuet 104 HMonfl ltaeei'otir-yer,olds and upward; tha Potomac Sfatpleehaaai two rnllas. Index. . , Wt. Index. Wt. Tli'Rlx H...1SSI 20". Piirf 0"een..l42 Jlgjte - Candidate U.141 HO Pea Bun.,...1-V jUllsnre ,.,,143 NeUa ,147 212 Nw llitven.,14!) JffO Joyful t4l 201 Mldaa II..,.!l3(t 7ftf Wlaeat Vol.,I.VI 102 Bmlthfleld ,,t49 219 Frank II 1 Coupla Joyful, Widest Fool and Fraflt n. aa .T. R. Wldeeer entrv. rmiple fiurf Oneeti ami ?andldata ft. aa Mra. V. imh,M 1 Wry, .Index. Wt. 1ST Vlrsinta I-., .112 114 Irfar, Dancer.n? H7' X. Hrummel.107 men i.irot...i 1' nr. Hall 1 -oBrurr- j 1X1 RuD'r 1 102 Davll Tloir,..115 Caib1 driftwood Sn Griffith entry. Fourth nsee Taro.ytar-etds; 'our IMP a nail jninr, Index. Wt. .-, 5 01orleux..H2 2M Fealor 112 . 1 ourcmil. naico 11 in rmitiira ,,,111 1 1 ,T. f),Hrlei....112 - Jean TiiJnt.1l7 Kiuater 112 i Virginia L. as J, E. elalmlnz; I"dex. wt. I!! winds of C..1M V Torvndor ....112 2IS Inrrteereat .,,,112 - Ayr!an Q,..l03 Inde , Wl.l r?n Tan son ini ltM rulllean ....1121 (1M) fTiow lin (2is) eaiint rifnA6r Flflh uewrnre.yar.eids rd unvrard: hs arR Oak Handicap: claiming; alx ''Hffvi w.,.lB(Hf-. . Wt. M r mera .....Ml Mara iue.lo ?H Franklin ...,10!fJI4) T'nW. 110 n. Me"ney,11l J14 aTo-tnecd ..,.101 e,15 .Rl1!!,.,W" J? m T kr lis (JlOl Marmlti 1 ...JM - Mayor Home. 00 Cant Kt...l6ft Couple I)ul V. and Rt. Quentln as J. U. Sunn entry. .Hlffh nace-Thrfe.yaar-olda and upward: rlslmingl ens mile and a sixteenth. inner. wi.iwx. RESOLUTE HAS TEYOUT. Uaperts Satisfied With rarioritt- are of C Defoaee Candidate. Dbiitoi., It. I May 9. The first trlala of tho sloop ItesQlute, candidate for the honor of defending the America's Cup this eummer, were held In Narr&fjansett Day to-day ond tjave complete satisfac tion, accord Ink- to the experts aboard. The sloop went out first In the forenoon, when a six knot brew was blowing from tho northwest, and again In the afternoon, when the water had rough ened under a fourteen knot breete from the southwest. The yacht carried a mainsail, club topsAII, foresail and Jib, and It was found that the new sails set well except for tho leaches on the mainsail, which was a little flat. The now mainmast, constructed cf blocks of wood glued together so as to form r hollow centra, and the -yard of her club topsail and the main guff of nlumlnltc stood the trip well and appeared to give better et&blllty and ftlffcr form. The trials compare favorably with there of 1914-1915. A test of speed was considered Impossible, as there were no yachts sailing against the Ilesolute. In the afternoon the slosp went down the bay as far as Dyer's Island, a dis tance of about seven miles. The water was about an rough ns is likely to bo encountered during the summer and the tow brnsd nnrpiy, but the mainmast was as solid as a rock untl the gear held firm. Hho enme back before the wind In quick time. Aboard were Managing fiwner Robert V. Emmons .'d: Secretary George A, Cormaclt of the New York Yacht Club: Charles Francis Adams 2d, who was at the wheel; Oeortre Parkinson and rig ging and sail experts. Nathaniel Her reshoff, the designer, was not present be cause ot (liners. MORSE HOLDS ROBINS TO SCORELESS TIE Hivnl Soccer Teams Play Ex tra Tcriods in Stato Cup Scmi-Flnnls. BOHLAND IN FftONT. Two full halves and two extra periods of 15 minutes each wers sufficient for the purpose of deciding the question of,nB., which was much faster than any Former Champion tVeisd Big Vield 1st Road Race. Displaying tho same high order of speed that carried him to victory In championship hill and dale contests two years ago, Max Qohland ol tho Paullst A. c. won the fast time prlso In tho five mile handicap road race of Unity Council, Knights of Columbus, In tho Ilronx yesterday, Tho one tlmo senior and junior National A. A. V. champion cross country runner started from scratch and conceding liberal handicaps to ninety-one rivals finished In thirteenth poauion, covering me course in 21m, supremacy in tho semi-nnai rouna 01 the Now York State Football Associa tion's annual cup competition at Todd Field In nrooklyn yesterday, when the soccer eleven representing' Morse Dry nock distinguished Itself by playing Itoblns' Dry Dock, twice victors over Jlethlehem this season, to a standstill. After two hours of continuous play, the two sides were rtlll deadlocked, neither having been able to score, so that tha frame must be replayed next Sunday. Meanwhile, Tebo Yacht Ilasln, the other finalist, Is awaiting the outcome with Interest. . After minutes, of play. Millar seJ! in a hard shot for the Itoblns thnt hit the crossbar. Garslde of the same team other competitor was able to travel the distance. The summary! 0. Hillllpion, Paatlme A. C. (0:15), M:10; M. Tea, Cllencoo A. C. (4:4!, 33t4fl A. i'ominc, Murnlnsilde A. C. (SMS), 24:20; D. Srxrato, Morolngslde A. 0. (3:43), 32:34; It. Moorhnut, Alpha Club S:0O), 32:1(1; J, Coat.llo, I'anllnt A. C (2:43), 53:12; 0. Klrkwood. Paullst A. O (3:00), fl4t31l W. Ueegan, tit. Anatlm'a A. 0. (JdQ). 33:33; C. Jscluon, Aln'.ia Club (4:00), 3U:0d; J, O'Connor, Rt, Anaaim's Jl. 0. (2:13), 34:11; J. Loarsr, 3t. Aneelm's'A, C. (2:13), !!442i W. Hhfppel. I'aullit A. C (3:00), 30:03; M, Dohland, l'aullet A. 0. (scratch). 31:11; I,. Llebermnn. Paatlme A, C, (Si.Vi), 30:4.1; A. Arnheltcr; Paatlme A. C. 15:30), 30:30; J. Certnq, I'aullit A. 0. (3:0(1), 34:20; P. pu-rell, Paitlma A. O. (5:M), 37:03: P. Ftynn. Paullst A. 0. (I j3), .1S:00: M. Kde. raitn. ratlni A. C. (3:13), 37:10; II. Nye, rUlHt A. li. ti:i. J. nmtoor.. W. II. HALL IN GOOD STROKE. If. Throckmorton Alan Plays Well In Practice Matches. Tryout matches for places on the New York Church Cup team were to have been played nt Forest Hills yes terday, .but owing to the Inability of most of the candidates to arrange their appointments satisfactorily the contests were postponed for later In tho weak. The only candidates who appeared were Walter Merrill Hall and Harold Throck morton. Hall ployed two sets with Harold Taylor, the former Juqlor cham pion, una then Throckmorton took the courts for a practice session with Tay lor. Roth Hall and Throckmorton were In cood stroke and set a fnst paco for their younger opponent. They forced the play lit the forward court. oTHKit socicnn iibsults. Erie A. A.. 4: Palerann, 3. Astoria, 7; Jludrons, J, " struck an upricht and Lennon of Morse R J'-:W. failed to take odvantace or nn Pn A. O. (3:00). 1 Kallras, goal, but otherwise piayea, a star game. ,ornnf,rtg A. c. (3:30). .ts;28; ucicliwc iiic rii ' 4 v, , '. m."..- up considerably In the second half and much depended upon their defence, which held out. Shnnholt, off a .pass by McCulre. found the Morse ret, but was off-side. The Itoblns In their turn ut tha nice In the first of the rxtrn periods, when tho Morscmejv faced the nun. Trllln!: shots were made by Mc Quire, Clarke and Uatlcan, but none counted. TEAf OOMPtrriTION'. PaUlK A. C. 4 3 ft 0 Pastime A. ; C...... 1 II HI. Anaelm's A. 0., 0 7 18 Mornlnolde A. C. 8 3 17 1 Yorkvlllo 0. 0 20 21 S3 St J. lted- Total I'olnts. 13- 41 1 M IS- 03 22- IH 23- 115 n.Kin n n rm. PAtUlnn. Moraa D. P. (0). nenrulll Ooal Yf,'',n Robertson Rlxht back ........ IJndesy Drownlea I(f bae.i .-r neardaworth ...RlsM half "Mr'"; Clarke Center half Tlustard Lance Uft.half Btradan Oartld Outside rlsht Kerahaw MKlulre Ineldo rlsht Itorks rtatlran Center. Lennon il'll.? . . . : : .in.lde lef t ..... Mrlxuxhlln 8hanholt Outside left aa!!0"'?: rtefarte 1. Mastcrann. I,HeemarC. Stntt and W. Williams; time haUes of 43 minutes. ATHLETIC GAMES AT TRAGUS. fiixriA. ifav 3. The Csccho-Slavaks and Jugo-Slovs have arranged for nthn Ia.ia nnmM nt TVnintfk iltirlnir the com- Ing summer, patterned after the Olym pics. Five nations. Including the United States and France, are said to have sent entries. A largo group of Amer ican contestants, it Is reported, will come to the meet and will carry their own food. A huge grand stand at Prague is under construction. I SUN AND HERALD RACING CHART. PIMLICO. May 8, AVonther clean tropic, henry. 90X FirtST HACK. For two-year-olda. fiilllna. Flva furlonm. Purse. II.OSO. roat, 2:20. Off, 2:31. Time, 1:012-3. Winner, ch. g.. by Harrlsan-Deatrke Boull. Owner. V. nAIIVK-r!V Trlnr II V. Prev. Start ffnod. Won eaallv. Jockey T. Pator. Rt. 01-20 2' Lux 40-1 3 H. Haynes 13-2 4 Ponee 3-4 3 Johnpon ...... 0 Dlshman 30-1 PI. 21-10 17-4 3-1 1-10 Sh. 11-10 fM 43-20 1-20 Index. Home. Wt. PP. at. t 1 v, pin 100 Tutt mi n 1 H4 l 1" 1" ItQicate 110 .1 ft W. '" 201 Hot Stuff 113 4 2 2 2 i 78 Mary Brb.... 100 3 3 0 .1 ' 213 'Ceo. Hover,.. 110 " S S 3 P Gaorge C. Jr.. 108 1 4 3 0 0 IS Dlshman 30-1 10-1 -1-1 Peterson entry. I Mutuela pald-Tutt. SS.10. (0.20, f4.20; Roseate, $I0.'4, t.30; Hot Btuff. S0.30. Tutt raced Hot Stuff Into aubmlsalon first Iislf and ahook off opposition In home at retch, rtnieatu, a alow beginner, outrun a usual In early atsges, finished fcolne strong. Hot Stuff tired. Qeorge nove quit laat quarter and was eased up. Winner rntrrtcl for tl.OOOl no bid. Scratched-Bllver Sprlnga, Inglecrast. 0 rwtlght T.eorge IIore, 2. Owntra-l, P. nahnken; 2, Mrs. A. C. Kltliaus: S, R. Parr; 4 and 3, G. Peter eon; fi, Mra. Xt. Brown. 99f SECOND HACB The Green Spring Valley Steeplectiase. Por four-year-olds and upward. Two mllra. 13,000 added, l'oat, 2:30: off, 3:00. Time, 4:01. Win ner, b. g., by Ethelbert-Dulclbella. Ownar. J.. E. WIDI3NER, Trainer, J. II. Lewis. Mart rood. Won eailly. W. PP. St. '.t. i nt ii 'n. Jockey. l o- I- I i,yera s 4 3 s3 S 7 fi 4 2J 4 l r, i 2 i ii a 3 2 n a' r. s r, (t 1 T 7 It II C 7 fl S S 7 7 7 a i a o o a Index. Horse, Dui'ttiate ... (IPS). 'Royal Arch. 13 Rollanea .... 210 Itrook HlyalAn (100) M.e Maraouln 1H3 tKlar W Peclilva . M4 . 141 . 1ST. . 13.1 . 140 . VSI . 1.18 140 Merzlcr 3k lluali ... A If anna . 3 llaynes I, Crawford 7 Gilbert . Cheyna . Huspes . Rt. ..4.20 ,. 2-1 . 12-1 .. n-i ,. 7-1 PI. 23-10 11-20 a-1 3-1 6-2 Rh. 3- 3 1-3 7-10 4- 5 7-10 ...22-1 . 10-1 S-1 7-1 4-1 3-1 Royl Arch (Parr entry). 13.10 and - Uack of Spades 130 3 D Colli! and fell. i-arr entry. Trttitn entry. Mutuela pald-Ounttlate, 1(1.30, S4.30 ami eo.20; 12.40: Rillanre. 13.40. Duettlate, In hand until laat .quarter, moved up with a rush v. hen called on and drew nr.-ny Into nn eaay load at end. Royal Arch shook off Brooke laat furlong. Reliance outxnmed latter In final drive. Jack of Spades bolted and jumped wing at third fence and fell.. Owners-I. J. E. Wldener: 2, R. Tarr: 3, Mrs. w. A. Prime; 4. J. E. Davis; S, Mrs. P. A, Clark; 0. R. Parr; 7, E. C. Griffith; 8. II." W. Maswell; 9, E. C. Griffith. 997 THIRD RACE For three-year-olds. Selling handicap. One mile. Turse, ll.OSO. ' Toat. 3:30. Off, 3:32. Time. 1:48. Winner, b. f 3. by Orrnpndalfr-Mamle Worth, uwner. H. UJUia. Trainer, a. o. rareuo. atari Bonn, won easily. Wt. rp. fit. 1 2 3 4 R n :i J 1i V. Fin. 4'H4 S 2 1' St. 1 lUl 7 7 8 n a 4 3 3 II 3 7 4 3 S Jockey. Ponca . , , R. Kator Obert ... Dabln . . Lux ..... Fletcher Bhelepets.... zoaller 14-3 ..4.1-20 ..27-10 . .30-1 . .tVM ..18.1 73-10 PI. 1-2 11-20 10-1 13-1 3-1 3- 2 4-7 Rh. 2-3 2-3 1B-S 0.1 2-t 0-3 33 Index. Horse. 180 Edith K m 1 fi 107' "Foreclosure... 00 3 1 107 Old Red 103 3 4 107 Eastern Glow, 03 208 Han Marcus.. 08 170 Rardnra ..... 101 211 "Nancy Ann., 100 170 Cball-ncer ... 10.1 'i;. k. iirym entrj. Mutuela pald-Edlth K., 0.50. S3, ?2.80; Foreclosure (entry), 13.10, S2.$0; Old Red, S.40. Edith K. rated off the early pace, moved up etnutly rounding the far turmand shook oft opposition In laat sixteenth. Foreclosure tired after forcing; tha paea. Old Red showed a lot of early speed, but quit laat querlcr, San Msrrua showed a flash of speed on bnckstrelch, where ha nent to the leaders with a rush. He was eased up when hs tired. Winner entered nr It.OOrt; bid tn 11,203 nd retdnad. . Scratched Sagamore. Pokey .Tana. Bea Queen, Mark West, Frog. Bohsr-na-Breens, Hush, OvrralKht-Otd Red. 2: Challenge.:-. 4. Owners 1, S. fiuls: 2, E. K. Ilryaon: 3. Mrs. C. H. Sprsre! 4, G. Choos; S, 0. A. Htnnaham: , U II. Ratter; 7. E. K. Roaan; S, C. W. Campbell. 990 FOURTH RACE The Retvedera Itanrtlrnp. Tor three-year-olda and upward. On -""0 mile and a alTteenth. Turae. S2.iN0. Post. 4. Off. 4:04. Time. 1:40 2-3. Win ner, br. c, aged. lv Eannockmirn Rchwalha. Owner. SUNNVL.ND STABLE. nan street y. m. ii. a. games. Sam FrcrlcH romped oft with the two mile handicap run that teaturru tne members' games of tho Ninety-second Street Y. M. H. A. at Macombs uam Park, Tlie Dronx, yesterday. II started from scratch, but passed his fifteen rivals shortly after tha mils point to win by twenty-tire yards. Tito time was 10 minutes S3 seconds. The winners In the other seven events for seniors were: 100 yard dash, Jl, Lewis; 8S0 yard run, M, flteln; running; brosd Jump, HU Wlls helmer; putting 8 pound shot, C Here gan, and 850 yard relay race, Rover Club. KENNEDY BEATS BIO JJELD. Win Klutit Bill llond Race Over Port Chester Course, Ponr Ciigsiiui, K Y., May . Bill Kennedy ot Port Chester, N. Y made a whirlwind finish In the fourth annual eight mile road race this afternoon un der the aupslces of the Cygnet Athletic Club by taking the lead, on the last mtlo lsp and winning In 47 minutes 30 seo ondy, with a handicap of 8 minutes 30 seconds. One hundred and fifteen started. The first twenty-flve were: W. Kennedy, Mornlngsldo A, C, (0:S0), 47:30; A. Fleischer, unattached (7:13), 48:2(1; 0. Williams, St. Christopher A. C. (0:00), 47:47; l. Mllqfaky, unattached (7:00), 44:30; M. .Dwyer. Mohawk A. C. (0:30), 48:40: W. Stokcley, St. Christopher A. U. (il:00), 48:17; A. t MlllUten, Ht. Christopher A. C. (3;30), 48:041 C. W. napp, Mohawk A. C. (7:30), 30:11; J. Brooks, Mohawk A, C. (5;43), I8S7: P. Zabludofskr, Mornlngsldo A. ,C. (3;43), 40:07: II, rarklnson, Momlngslds A. C. (7:30). 30:301 W, Bosk, Mohawk A, C. (7H3), 30140; W, lllllman, Finnish Ameri can A. C. (0:00), 411:32: E. Lehman, Morn Inislda A. C. (0:13), 40:48: P. Troulenn, Mo hawk A. C. (3:43), 47:20: Nick GrannoLo pulas. Melrose A. A. (1:431, 43.4 It .1. Ooff, St. Christopher A. C. (3:00). 48:M: J. c. Lang. Mohawk A. C. (7:30), 31:23; II. Prim, Unnleh American A. C. (3:0)), 47.00: F. Tltterton, Melrose A, C. (2:3UJ, 4d:.17r I. Lehmann. Mornlngslde A. U, iiM), 31:10; F. fentnll, Mornlwtslde A. C. 17:11), 51,10; W, Rltols. Finnish American A. C. (scratch), 4;t3; (1. Itlclmrdi, Ex-IIan'ard A. A. (H:00), 52:23; I. Berger, unattached (7:30). 32:00. The team lnners wore: Mohawk A. C, 40 nAln,.ti Ol ri.talnntl A. ft . BaC ond (42 points); Mornlngstds A. third (43 points): Cygnet A. fourth W Points), LOUISVILLE ENTRIES, First Race-Clelmlnx; purse, 81,000: for thris-ytar-olds and upward! six furlongs, Talisman. 031 Pre State, 103; Anticipate, 1031 Madras Glnsham. 100) "Marasmus, lilt J. P. House, 114) Blaise, 110: Jlrlnjhunt, 110 1 Msglkon, Ilt Souteler. 110: Port Light, 110: James Foster, 118. Also eligible Oppor tunity, UP: "I Win I Win. 1001 Precious Pearl, 08; Humms, III; "Water War, Ml! Converse, U(J. Second Race Puree, 81,200: for two-year-olds: maidens, colts and geldings: four fur-, tongs. Court View, 113; North Elkliorn, 113; Versailles, 113; RunUf, 118; Buddie Kean, 110; Judge Budrow,I13 Frank Moody, 113: By Ulnser, 113; Black Scnanl, 113; Will o' the Wisp, 11B) Red Legs, 113; Oriole, 11. Also ellglble-SIr Lawnfal, 110: Phllan dersr. 115; Loushrtd, US; Ras. 113; Snare, 113; Old Chap, 113. Third Race-Purse, 11,200; for four-year-olds and upward: ont mile. Legotal, 101; Oine, 103; Wlckford. 103; Mint Cat (Imp), 1H3 fDuke of Lancaster, 103; War Prise, 103; Claquer, 103; asm Cock, 10I Honolulu Hoy. 10U: Klku, 107; Pastoureau (Imp), 100; Linden, 100; Dodge, 113; Moecowa, 113. Fourth Race Purse, 81.000; -claiming; for four-year-olds and up, fllllco and mares: ono mile "Banaymo, 107; "Jovial, 107; "Lady Rachel, 107; "Mellora, 107; Thlnksr, 107; Netta R.. 112: Lucky R., ill; Tally, 112: l'srls Maid, 113. I'lllii itavr rurse, sj.wu; added debutante stakea for two-year-old fllfea; four furloni tlllt of Green. 114: Seraphlna. ill4: tl of Willi (imp.), Ill: Natural, 114) Panwell, ft; 114: Krtvol. 114: tl'ekoe. 1141 Miss Fontaine. m; U-llc, I14i iCIiaiupasna. 11W; Ittky lllus, 1191 tllolluiu, 119; Last Rose, UO; Aphis Dear, UP: Mlsa Muffins, 122. E. It. Brsdlry entry. tJ. M. Damden en try. III. P. Whitney entry. Sixth Race I'urae, l,OX: Waterson Hotel handicap; for thrve-year-olda and up; seven furlonss . "Arrow Point. 100; I Win. 100; Hewrll Combs, 112; Courtship (Imp.), 112; Klnnoul, 118; niaclilo Daw, 110; Sway, 122; King Gorln. 120. ... Seventh IUco-Purse, 81.-f: claiming; for threo-yrar-olds and up: ono mile and a quar ter. vWarllkc, Ot; Cortland, 04; "Cory, don, ION; Fly Home, IDS: Dahablah 2d, 103; Jack Reeves, 108; "Sea Urchin, 108 1 "Dies corlda (Imp.), 101; Plantarede, 108: J, C. Stone, 10.1: Brynllmah, 113: Wailsworth Last,. 113. Also eligible Tsnlac. 113. Five pounds apprentice allowance claimed. i KRAMER TOO FAST FOR "AL' GODLLET Takes Both Heats of Hilo Cyclo Match at tho Newark Velodrome. Nbwark, U. J., May 9. Frank I Kramer defeated Alfred Ooullet two straight heats of a mile match at the V lodrome here this afternoon before the lrfrgest crowd that ever saw a bike race In Newark. Thousands wero turned away from the track and tho Infield. In which every one had to stand up, was packed to overflowing. The fans surged on the' track and the races had to bo stopped to get them off. Krs.mor'a vic tory was a popular one with the fans, lie has not lost a match this season. Kramer won the first heat all the way, finishing a full length in front. In the second Kramer chased Ooullet and, with a (rest jump in the home stretch, man. aged to nip him ot the tap and win by inches. ' Orlando rtanl and Oscar Egg defeated Eddie Madden and Jake Magln Id two out of three heats ot a mils match. The summaries ; Two-Thirds Mile Handicap, Professional Won by John Btashle, Newark, 33 yards; Ray Eaton, Newark, scratch, second; Regi nald MeNamara, Australia, 23 yards, third; William Hanley, flan franclsee, 20 yards, fourth: Gus Lang. Irvlntton. 33 yards, fifth. Time. 1:20 2-3. ... ono wue Novice, Amaisur won oy vin rant Choferl. Unions Bnortlvk Italians: Wal- tsr Caldwell, Newark, second. Time, 3:10, liau-Mlie Handicap, Amsuvr-won ny. Fred Taylor, New Yerk A. C, 13 yards: Ed ward Bendl, Union Spertlva Italians, so yards, second; Arthur Ooerke, Newark, 80 yards, third: Nick Howath, Bay View Wheelman, fourth. Time, 0:33. . One Mile Match Racsi "Professional-Frank L. Kramer, Esit Orange, vs. Alfred Ooullet, Newark-Won by 'Kramer. First, heat won by Kramer, Time, 3;0 1-fl. Last eighth mile, 0:12. Second heat won by Kramer, lime, 2:33. Last rlshth mile. Oils ML Australian Pursuit Mateh. Profeeslenal-. Won by Charley Plercey, Australia, and Jo seph Kepsky, Newark! John and Menus De dell, I.ynbrook, L. I,, second. Time, 10:48 2-0. DUtanes, T miles, 31, laps. Miss and Out Invitation, Prefesslonal Won by William Hanley, Ban Francisco: George Chapman, Newark, second: Edward Byron, Australia, third) Fred Hill, Boston, fourth; Lled Thomas, san Francisco, fifili. Tims, 4: W 1.9. One Mil Team Match. Race, Professional Won by Orlando Pianl, Italy, and Oscar, Swltstrland: Jacob Magln, Irvlnslon, id Eddie Msdden, Newark, second. First best won by Egg, Last eighth mile, OtlVJ-a, Second heat won by Madden. Last rlshth mile, OiKS-IJ. Third heat wen by Plan!, Last elshth mite, 0H3 1-8. On Mil Consolation. rrofesslonal-Won by William Keller, Newark: Peter rrolinoh, Itaston, ascend: Hurry Kaiser, Bronx, third: Prert Weber, Irvlnaion, fourth: Tom Bello, Brooklyn, fifth. Tim, 3:131.3. Dna Mils. Claaa B i Amateur I VAm ir Thomas Pltsslmmons, East Orange: ),ouls lllban, inwooa, u. I., seconq; i'tihh Hen derson, Newark, third: Banny 'Urk, New ark, fourth, Time, 1M Australian Pursuit Bscs, Amateur-Won t-y Anthony Younc. Bay View Wheelmen; n drew Watts, Bay view Wheelmen, second; girls Dotlewelck, Newark, third; Prod Tar r. New York A. 0.. fourth, Time, 0I8. Distance, 2 miles, 3, lap. Flv llle Invitation, rrofesstonil Wen by Raymond Eaton, Newark; Diiar I.'pg, Swltierland, second! William Hanley, Han Francisco, third: Fred Hill. Boston, fourth; William Keller. Newark, fifth, Fr-ink L. Kramer, East Orange, sixth. Time, JO.S0 2-3, YAWKEES BIO'S YOUNG CATCHER Washinoton, May D.Manager Mug gins of the Yankees has signed a lad named Hager as an addition to his catching staff. Hager had rt short ex perience with the lied Sox at one time. Before the war he was with Mobile, then went Into the service. He lias been hero several days practising with the Yankees, and Hugglns, as well as his players, think him very promising. Hurrains has four backstops now. Ruel. Hannah, Hoffman andvth new man, who Is just out ot nts teens ana a tail, wen built youth. Trainer, R. A. Smith. Start, Bond. Won driving, index. Ilorssi W. PP. St. i i i M. Fin. Jockey. fit. 170 flllppary Elm.. 101 2 1 1Hitti1 Ii 1 Morris 2.1-4 (20) Boniface nn iinisisr , 188 Clean Gone. 103 Tailor Maid 1J4 104 ino 03 2" 2. 21 4 S 31" 3 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 Sand Durks ... Dlshman Fletcner S-B ... 4-1 ...18.1 ...33-1 PI. 4-3 1-4 4-3 4-1 8-1 Rh. R-20 1-20 1.10 7-S 3-1 Mutuels pald-SIIppery Elm. S13.S0. f.l.r.0. 82.SH: Bonlfac. 88.80. 82.10: Bolster. 82.20. Rllnnerv Elm outran hi field to first turn and set fast naes all tha war. Had tn b hard rlddan to outlaat Boniface. letter waa wearlns; the winner down and would hava won In fev more strldrs. Bolster res as good as left. He was ueed up first quarter catrhlnit his field and tired last sixteenth. , Scratched Sir Barton, Star Mcatsr. Ovai weltfit Clean Con. 5. Owners 1. Punnyland Stable; 2. J. K. L. Roas; 8, 0, W, Foreman; 4 J. Farrall. Jr.r 3. Mrs. O. W. Atkinson. OOO FIFTH RACE. For thrco-year-olds and upward. The Equity Handicap. Six fur 6'J ons. Pune, 82.0fln. Post. 4:32. Off, 4.34. Time. 1:10. Winner, b. c, 4. by HIpt James Tickle. Owner and trainer, R. E. WATKIN8. Start gooel. Won wt, .-w. v. in. .incney. Ht., 110 .1 3" 2' Hi It Johnson SS3 2 2 1 1" 2Hi2 Sand 7-20 t 8 A' ."." 3 Zoaller 1T-3 4 4 4 3 4 4 rolllleltl 2S-I r 3 0 0 r. It Mooney f,S-l II 1 3 3 fi S W. Tavlor ... 43-1 Mdtuels psId-Tlckttsh, 817.00, 8.1.00, 82. CO; Billy Kelly, 82-30. 82.10: Midnight Sun. 82.10. Ticklish ellpnMl thrmurli next the Inside rail rounding the far turn and drew away .I., nllW Y.-Allt f HV nfll-. Kill MIAll.ll. . nl .1 nn V, I . T . . Mldni.iht Sun need up forcing the pace and oppd after going four furlont. Ima 'i ITrsnK ooro out rwinnna; iar mm. Kcratch'd KIT Thrush, Old Knents;. Daydue. Overweight-Tl'klUli, : Imk Fra"li. 1. Owners-1. R. Tl. Watklna: 2. J, K. Ii. Ross; 3, J. R. BUnkcr: 4. A. H. Morris; 3. J. Fltwlrrmons; (1, J. J. Maher. non SIXTH RACB-Th Junior Purse. 'or two-yesr-olds. Five 'furlonxs. Purso SI.3M. Pot. 3:04. Off. 8:03. Tlma. 1 :M S.S. Winner, ch. c. 3. b Whl.i,hr- If.-Fly I'y Night, Owner, If. P. WHITNEY. Tralnor, 6. A. Cloptorj. Btart good. Won driving. . . , ) raiij, Ipifex. Horse. 1041 Tirtdl-'i 1TS1 Rllly Kellv .. 1.10 lift' Midnight Fun. 100 TO.' Quietude .... 100 S02 LadlnT Rlnr. W Ima Frsik,.. 100 PI. 4-fl 1-4 1-2 3-1 1S-I 10-1 Sh. 1-4 1-20 1-10 2t1 oil 4-1 Index. Hope, Wt. PP. ins NlrM Raider 112 2 IS3iAnt!llea .... I0H 1 21.V Th Ck.... 112 213 Inajemat .,,112 IDS Mantilla .... 109 4 - Marl. Misnnn ids a St. 4 .1 3 1 ti U It ; Pin. Jorbsv. 4 V S 1 Collllettl.... 2 2" 1!J Jie Starling I" 4'ii4i Vftn. llaynes.. 3 3 3 4 Smart 1 1 3 n ' Kelaay 0 0 0 0 DIMirrTon. fit. .1-4 11-3 Iti'l' 17.1 .. fl,1-l PI. 3-VO 1-4 3.1 4-1 4-1 13-1 Hit. l-l 1-3 0-20 7-3 -t -,arr xwit!i ifi nsar ,,, 1S1 Romeo 113 NW "The WU Wt. .10S m OS 117 113 113 Mutuela pald-Nlsht Raider, 83.30, 82 30. 2.10: Antilles. S2.M. SJo: The Cook. 82.DO. through on Inside entering homestritch. Outa-amed Antlllea In final drlws. Antlilex weak ensd after dlepoitng of Mantilla. Th Cook dropped back rounding fer torn. Mantilla, a rapid beginner, showed lot of speed 'or thre fur!nra hut tired badly In homestretch. Owners-I, If. P. -Syhttney; 2, 0. W. J. Blssell; 3, R. ParrH, L. W. Osrth; 3, W. J. Salman: !. L. Brown. OOl-BEVUNTIt RACB-Por thrce-ysar.olda and upward. Helling. Ona mil and a slx tcenth. Purse. 8I.3S0. Post. 0(40. off, 5:4?. Tlmo. l3JIrO. Winner, b. c., 3, Sh. 11-20 0.3 7-10 M S-2 8-a hy Avco-Cremome. Owner and trainer, R. PETRRHON. Index. Horse, W. PP. R. 'i I mn. Jockeys. St. (207) a. d Causeiro 10 o nil 2' it Ponce ...1 12-r. CAJiRleata 101 ,1 4 V 1 ! ! 3tt,yaller 10.1 SIS F. Tlrrtir...1Mt SIS OnMlne . 1231 W. Felly.. ..1131 r Pni;hoari) . 2o.l "fllrsta '....llni ffs ri,(, .ii. M.......ih.. wi irrcini ?10 "Br ra'o ...UN sevenl'i Ttate-Tlieae-yesr-oMs and us--rdi'f(llles asd maris; one mil and a Hiteento. T-'er. y ir-'x. v; 5S51 Aretl-ms ,..'071 "f n M'i T AA lav t 'I l I . r i a . "01 n. Riifeener.'.lt'l tW Wvd Vnle1l I j, vioia Tip....inni zini minidlum ...107 'AppreoUc allowance claimed. I . 7 flt n 3 A J 4 t 0 10 10 10 Barnes MIX ...... Obert .... Mooney .. ntchareak Hand Johnson .. Collllettl St. PI. 12-r. S3-:o 10.1 17-1 17-4 g.S 1.1-1 3-1 17-2 3-1 12 S-t m-i IT 17-1 0-1 11- 4-1 ?-l .1-1 2-1 1741 M. roily.. ,.107 807 My Pr.., tt 1M "Q. Blonds. 103 100 T. Pectslon.104 207 "Am. Boy., p!) 103 W. Folly.. .113 (ion T.iwgun ;diis 207 reecant ...100 Field. Mutuels paldMlaln ds Cause. 10.80. 81.70 and 83.10; Sluts. 86.89 and 83.80; Mrftress Polly. 83,40, , ' ' Gain ds Oauss moved lip stoutly entering- the homestretch, and outxamed Rlesta In the final drive. letter need Into a lang lead rounding the far turn, but tired th last Quarter. Mstreaa Polly Hod a Mg gP and linlshert with a rus5i. Winner entered for 12,300; no hd. Peratrheri-'liMi tvimlno, fnth. Dor-Ae. Dii-l-board. Antoinette and Sasamore. fhct-welrht-Welahmans Foil. 3: Queen Blonde, 1. Owners-rl. f. letlirsont f. 3 Lurasdini 3. P, 8, VAuntaln: f. r. Musanto; B. C. W. Qssser: it. Mrs. F. A. Clark: W. V. Cassr; 8. J. K. L. Ross, 0. c. L. CerUng. 10. HALF MILE I ' ' I KILOMETER r f gTj ONE MILE ' . I B J ' TWo MILES - , ' it . THREE MILES m d , F0UR MILES . " I I FIVE MILES 111 111 Aituriatn KtOmMs fauasffim ' ' ' " IlTOIMliTTi 'fHHasam TO - j-. i-? f' Twin Eight Cylinder $ uuesenberg Automobile with Delco Ignition driven by Tommy Miltmn Seven World's Speed Records Won With SO fast the eye could scarcely follow blur of indistinct motion Tommy Milton shot his Pclco-equipped Duesen bcrg car along the smooth, hard sands of Daytona Beach, at a faster, madder pace than machines have ever travelled on earth before a mile in a trifle more than a third of a minute. This tremendous burst of speed shattered the wbrld's previous records, and enthroned Milton as the world's new speed king. Comparable only to cannon speed the human eye can scarce visualize a machine hurtling over a race-way in the follow ing fractions of time officially, accepted ApriH920 by the American Automobile Association: Delco Ignition Nw World's Speed Records Mi mile . . -'11.57 seconds, 15557 miles pr hour 1 kilometer :14.40 rconcU, 155.34 milt pr four 1 mile v :23.07 seconds, 156.04 mils ft hour 2 mile ..." :46,24 seconds, 155.70 mil pH haur S miles . 1 min. 12.18 sec., 149.62 miles per Heur 4 miles . 1 min. 36.14 stc.', 149.76 miles per hetlr 5 miles . . 2 min. 00.04 etc., 149.95 miles per heur THOUGH the mind can scarcely com prehend such speed, it takes little im asjdriation to conceive of the tremendous strain on every part of a car travelling at thisunpr?cedented rate. Delco does not claim tic credit for iwrmrngtlife race with time, but Delco takes pride in announcing this result to the rnillions of owners of Plcoquipped autcTOobik. j Delco met this gruelling test with the same ratability and efficiency that it has dsmoostrated in the establishment of other world records, such as the ssexfifty.hour grind the Hudson trans-contiaentaj run the NC-4 transAtlantie flight, iiajor Schroeder's altitude cHmb. All are world's records been made with Delco, and all have Q. u. Qoodscrs. 1 J: The Dayton Engineering Laboratories Compahy, Dayton, Ohio. U. S. A. 01 s .-THj.t2fr i .. . Wws