EstablUhed in 1731
S 3
yiSlTOUS to London arc cor
dlally invited to visit this old
established House, which for
ever a century has been famous
for tlx; taste, the quality and the
value of its productions.
It is not possible in this short
article to tell the story of this
great business, or the wide scope
of its different departments, where
every article of Feminine attire
is stocked in the highest passible
We hope the great American
public uill visit us and sec for
themselves how the best and
most advanced ideas have made
shopping a pleasure, in what we
believe to be the most comfort
able shop in the world. (
American visitors will feel ut
home on entering our doors, and
appreciate the quiet restful atmos
phereeverything conveniently
displayed to advantage in spa
cious, light and well-ventilated
rooms, decorated so as to form an
appropriate setting to the goods
To-day we number among our
customers many members of the
Itoyal Family, including Their
Majesties King Gc6rge and
Queen Mary, and Queen Alex
andra, H.I.M. King Alfonso, and
many others from whom special
appointments are held.
As Royal Furriers and Court
Dressmakers the House of
Dcbenham & Frcebody has long
been noted for iU collection of
Choice and Luxurious Furs,
Model Fur Coats, and Wraps and
Neckwear, also for the creation of
ihe most beautiful Presentation
Gowns, Wedding Gowns, Even
ing Gowns, Garden Party Dresses,
Ilivcr Frocks, Visiting Costumes,
Tea Gowns and Wrappers, which
are modelled by our own design
ers, and made by highly-skilled
workers. Tailor-made Suits and
Coats smartly cut and perfectly
tailored. Distinctive Millinery of
exclusive design, at well(as inex
pensive Ready-to-Wear Hats, and
Flowers, Feathers and Ornaments
of every description.
We specialize in Sjilk, Linen and
Lawn Lingerie, and Slumber
Suits, and every article is charac
terized by refinement in style and
We'always hold one of the largest
and most interesting slocks of
Silk and Woollen Fabrics in the
world, including fthe most ex
clusive and richest productions in
artistic and beautiful colourings
and designs, of both Britislrand
French manufacture.
It may interest all lovers pf Fine
Linen to learn that some 'years
ago we, purchased the well-known
Linen House of Messrs. Capper,
Son & Co., of Graccchurch Street.
This well-known City house had
established a worldwide reputa
tion for the excellence of its Linen
and Table Damask. We would
like to state that for nearly one
hundred years Cappers and our
selves have continuously supplied
the Linen and Table Damask to
all the Royal Palaces and Resi
dences, which we think, in itself
is a high recommendation for the
quality and standard of our goods.
Our Knitted Sports Coat Depart
ment is one of the most impor
tant sections of our business, and
we have always in stock a wonder
ful assortment of Sports Coats,
Jumpers and Costumes, exclusive
in design and in great variety of'
Other Departments of outstand
ing interest are Blouses, Shirts,
Lace, Hosiery, Gloves, Ladies'
Hoots and Shoes, Jewellery and
Fancy Bugs. ;
In addition Jo our stock of
Modern Lace, we hold a1 choice
and unique collection of Antique
Spanish, Brussels and Italian
I.accs, and many of these rare
examples will appeal to the col
lector and connoisseur.
In our Antique Galleries are
displayed objects of interest which
ti ill appeal to collectors of rare
and beautiful examples, and in
clude English, Spanish and
Italian embroideries and brocades
of the early 10th Century, as
well as later periods; Sicilian andqi
Greek linen and lace covers, old
bead bags and fine needlework
pictures, etc.
Write for Departmental Catalogue.
U'J Ko;oJ
House Republicans Act to
Meet Growing Hostility to
Big Tax Burden.
's Servico Ucnoflt Ts Cut to
$1 Land Allotment Is
Washington, May 10. In nn effort
to' stem the tide of growlntr opposition
to any large expenditure for a soldier
bonuH the Republicans of the House
Ways nhd Means Committee to-day re
vised tlio soldier relief bill previously
reported by reducing, t ho total opprp
prlatlons from $1,800,000,000 to leas than
The tax on retail sales, olglnally
fixed at 1 per cent., with an estimated
yield of $400,006,000 annually, was elim
inated from the bill, and the amount
of the benefits the service men would
receive reduced by approximately 25. per
furthsr rcductloim may be necessary
because of the large number of wavering
members In the House, who believe the
total expenditure should not be more
than $1,000,000,000 at tho greatest.
Agreement was reached as the result
of the abandonment of the sales tax to
extend the other levies over three years
Instead' of two, as previously planned.
These additional assessments Include
levies of one-fifth of I per cent, on stock
exchange transactions; one-half per rent,
on all real estate transfers and Increased
tobacco and surtaxes. The tobacco In
creases amount to ubout 33 per cent.,
while tho rate of surtax on Incomes be
tween $5,000 and $10,0,00 Is Increased 1
per cent.: between $10,000 ami $20,000,
I per rent. : above S2r,,000, 3 rer cent.
The taxes, In addition to the present
revenues in excess of $1,000,000,000. will
yield about- $iiO,000,000 a year, or
$1,110,000,000 In three years. The differ
ence between this amount the Repub
licans plan and the total of $1,400,000,0110
required will b mado up by reducing
other Oowrnment expenditures.
Representative Fordney (Mich.) hopes
to havj the revised bill reported to the
House within a few days, but there are
no Indications when It will bo taken up
for action. A canvass of the bonus op
ponents Is now being msdo to determine
their strength, which will decide when
it Is safe to bring up the measure. Sir.
Fordney to-day declined to discuss
whether the bill will be passed by the
Senate, simply stating that "we will as
cure the soldiers we are for them. If the
House nets favorably on tho bill."
The benefit of tho bill for each day's
service In the United States was reduced
from J1.23 to $1. This applies to the cash
bonus, and the option forms of aid vo
cational training, paid up Insurance and
farm or home aid were cut correspond
ingly, or from $t."5 to $1.10. No credit
would be allowed lor service after July
1, 1313. This date previously was Janu
ary 1. 1920.
At the same time it was agreed to put
a premium on foreign service, the men
being allowed 11.25 and $1.73 a day for
time abroad. None of the benefits will
be paid until the taxes are collected.
Realizing the difficulty In disposing of
treasury certificates on Indebtedness at
5 and ii per cent., the Republican mem
bers of the committee decided that the
benefits will bpald In twelve quarterly
instalments, Beginning viprn i. nzi.
cash bonus nil In one year and aell more
treasury certificates In anticipation of
the Increased revenues.
Representative Trcadway ' (Mass,)
during tho meeting to-dny fought to
have all cash bonuses eliminated, but
was unsuccessful,
The Mondell bill for land settlement,
which was Incorporated In part In the
bill recently reported, was changed
further as the result of objections vx
pressed at tlio Republican caucus. The
authorizations for the purchase or de
velopment of land settlements was de
creased $300,000,000 to $230,000,000. To
answer the objections that this feature
of tho bill wai nothing more than un nt
tempt to pass a large reclamation project
under tho guise of helping the set vice
men all civilians were excluded' from
settling on the land. ,
On motion of Representative Tllson
(Conn.) the section allowing the service
men a loan of $1,000 was stricken out
because of the largo expenditure this
would entail.
Most of the revisions are the work of
Representative drccn" (Iowa), who was
acting chairman during the absence of
Mr, Kordney Inst week.
Democrats plan to continue to oppose
the bill, because the scheme of Repre
sentative Henry T. Ralney (111.) far an
80 per .cent, retroactive tax on war
profits was not Included.
Attacked for Not Prosecuting
Beds After
Seditious riots.
New . York Representative
Ridicules Cabinet' Officer's
Advice to Housewives.
Further Commitments Not
Needed, Houston Decides.
Special to Ins St'N and New ToIik Hktuid.
Washington, May 10. War finance
corporation aid for the export trude of
the United States Is to be withdrawn.
Tho corporation has decided to make no
further commitments of any kind. Its
action Is based on the request of Secre
tary of the Treasury Houston, which was
prompted principally by consideration
that nil the capital of tlio, corporation
has been put out und that further opera
tions by It will necessitate either sulo of
$422,000,000 In Government-bonds, which
the corporation holds or .flotation of
corporation bonds. In cither Instance
such a comce, no doutit, would have an
immediate effect upon the riiarket for
Government securities which at present
la low.
Secretary Houston Is convinced that
further aid for exports Is not necessary.
Exports are Increasing practically with
out liny Government or urtlficlal aid.
The authorisation to the War Finance
Corporation to aid the Financing of ex
ports has served Its purpose, officials
belleVe. Actuary 'he amount of expert
business financed by the corporation is
relatively small. In all, export louns and
commitments wl4 not aggregate more
than $75,000,000 in an' export business
last year of nearly $S,000,000,00
Special to Tuc He np New York HirtMP.
Washi.vuton, .May 10. Attorney Gen
eral I'qltnor was attacked during de
bater In tho House to-day for not prose
cuting violent Red leaders after having
several times 'unnouncd that he had
discovered u conspiracy to ovcrthtow tho
Representative MucCrae (.'. Y.),
Newton (Minn.) ami other Republicans
sought to obtain Information why "the
Attorney General, after declaring that
W. Z. Foster and other radicals weni
back of the recent outlaw strike, failed
to arrest them. Tho Department of Jus
tice's campaign to reduce the cost of
living was also denounced as n completo
failure and by a vote of 63 to 47 tho
House refused to Increase the allowance
In the sundry civil bill for detection and
prosecution of crimes from $2,000,000 to
$2,500,000. which virtually Is the nmount
Mr. Palmer requested for tho next fiscal
"Xo radical leader of this generation
has done moro to unsettle the nerve of
the American people than has the At
torney General," suld Mr. MacCrutc.
"He has awakened class antagonism to
a greater pitch than any preacher of
ciass wnrfure. He borrows tho bitterest
terms of denunciation and hurls them
Indiscriminately here and there and else
where at portions of our people. When
ever the country seems ready to settle
down a;ul the national nerves aire about
normal he breaks out, crying: 'The re
public Is endangered!'
I'n 1 1 ii rr nn I'roirvufor.
"Other men cry out for the repeal of
waithno legislation. His voice utters
demand that we must not let wartime
legislation, dlo with the coming of peace.
Ha failed to prosecute a slnglo profiteer
from January to June, 1919, under wai
ting legislation, yet In savage languago
sought to aroueo the American ,peoplo
against Congress to turn their Indigna
tion from hlmsolf,
"Our Attorney-General has become a
general adviser to the housewives of
Amerloa. Dally for months he has told
tho good women of America wjiat to
cook, what to wear and when to wear
and what to buy nnd when to buy. He
tells our wives and mothers how to
make chuck taste lllto elrloln, ami how
to bo satisfied with old fashioned ging
hams Instead of now silks. Ho warns
them to beware of demanding too many
styles of clothing In one season, ,
: "For the top of the head and the sole
of the foot, for outer garmenta nnd lnne.
needs our Indefatigable Attdmey-Gcn-cral
has a dally suggestion, , Surely wo
who Iavo seen Sunday's noonday meal
come on tho tablo In a new dre'sB oi.
Monday, .Tuesday and sometimes on
Wednesday know that our women folks
need no assistance from a Federal ofllco
holder on tho art of making Sunday's
delicious roast beef Wednesday's de
lightful hash,
"Wo who luivo watched feathers and
flowers transposed and transplanted to
make the old hat look like new nnd who
have seen a dress of thrco 3cnsonu made
modern and fit for the fourth rccom
mond to the Attorney-General that ho
tako from rather than give advice to the
American housewife.
Snrlorlnl Comparisons.
"If wo are going to convert the De
partment of Justlco Into a department
of household economy let us put nt tho
head of the department one of the
millions of American mothers who has
been transforming dad's trousers Into
son's pants while tho Attorney-General
has been trying mightily o mako Presi
dential garments out of the olllclal
clothes h" now wears. Is suspicion to
supplant facts in the conduct of ,thc af
fairs of government? f
"We will never get back to porinal
while the chief law olllccr of the coun
try proceeds In violation of constitu
tional and stututory principles and ever
lastingly mouses the people to suspect
each other, There nre, as there always
have Kin. bad men among us. If the
Atlonuy-Gencral will gU them and
rightly put them in jail we will Im able
lo count them with certainty, but we
will never know their number as long
ns thulr only place of confinement Is
the mind of the Attorney-Central.
"The American people arc tired of
talk about the existence of hundreds
of thousands of dangerous profiteers
and overthrowcrs of the Government
while u baker's dozen only find their
way to a 'ilace of punishment."
Hoover's Idea of Allied Pacti
Stirs United States Envoy.
Washington, May 10. Herbert
Hoover's suggestion to Senator Capper
of Kansas that ns one menu of reliev
ing the sugar situation the United States
stek an agreement with the allied nations
that there be no .International bidding
for Cuban sugar brought nn otllcial pro- I
test to-day from Carlos Manuel de Ces- i
pedes, Cuban 'Minister to the United I
Such nn agreement, the Minister said,
would amount to "a league of Xatlons 1
to work principally against Cuba."
Cuba, the Minister said, would willingly
abide by puch an agreement, however, I i
If It were also agreed that there would
bo no competitive bidding on the articles I
It was planned to pay tho which Cuba, must buy.
t Carlisle Sales Company, Inc., I
f 235 West 58th Street. j
1 iwcpiiune .ircie' 1JJ. L
B ThtOtUSUniUsJit) '
EL l 1.
) 1
1 1
MILTON will help you:
MILTON is one of the most effective yet per
fectly safe germ-killers known. MILTON kills
poisonous microbes, deposited by flies. Washing
with MILTON helps sterilize baby's bottle, bowl,
spoon, food receptacles a spray with MILTON
disinfects nursery articles the little fingers touch.
MILTON will help keep milk bottles free from
germs, fresh and sweet, and impart no taste or
' odor to the milk.
Build a Barrier
In all of its many uses
MILTON is not pdisonous, wjll
not corrode the skin; cannot
take fire or explode. It is per
fectly safe to have about in the
nursery. Yet it is more efficient
than many usual and some
times dangerous compounds.
MILTON promotes quick healing of baby's scratches
and cuts; relieves chafing and irritation of the tender
skin.. A few drops in water on a soft cloth help
to keep the little gums healthy, the teeth sound.
MILTON -removes stains almost instantly from the
tiny linen or cotton garments and bleaches them a
snowy white. But don't use JVIILTON on silk,
wool or dyed goods. 4
MILTON thoroughly disinfects the diapers and
removes all stain3 and 'odor; a tab'lespoonful to a
quart of water is sufficient.
MILTON cleans porcelain and, tile articles in the
nursery and helps to keep them bright. Cloths
moistened with MILTON and hung in the nursery
will wonderfully freshen the air.
MILTON is the wartime discovery of an English
chemist. All England welcomed it. Now MILTON
is here in America. Telephone for a bottle from
other word describes it. MILTON is a
combined germicide, antiseptic steril
ize.", deodorizer, stain-remover, bleach
and more; yet does not burn, stain,
fioison or leave an odor. MILTON is
ust "MILTON."
Get tho Booklet with Each Dottle.
Mothers and nurses coming in from
the street, will, safeguard baby by
using MILTON as a mouthwash
it effectively kills germs.
2 sizes 50c and $1.00
Each makes Gallons
' t
Opens all the way
down the front.
Easiest on -Easiest off
Closed back-Closed crotch
Guaranteed Fabrics
M65-to $8.50
- i
rCUT Union Suit
Chain Shirt Shops
The Largest Shirt Specialists in America
Hotel Pinsylvnla,
.1-M and 23d St.'.
Hotel Commodorr. 42d St,
Hotel Imperial. 1250 IVy
Hotel Brejlin. 29th. B'y
26 Cortlandt St.
139 Naseau St.
110 Chambers St.
Z6 Fulton Street
New York City Store
.117 Broadway
C2 Eaat Nth St.
200 Fifth Ave.
134 Delancey St,
im B'way at 39th St.
1434 B'way at 42d St
1943 B'way at EMhSt.
Brooklyn Stores
' 431 Fulton Street
204 Wet 125th St.
105 Inox Ave.
3337 B'way at 137th St.
1011 Southern Boulevard
S43 Prospect Ave.
28383d Ave. at 149th St.
1398 St. Nicholas Ave.
at 180 th St
879 Manhattan Ave.
NawiRi TATtasoN Union Hill Rocbiiteb Eoanton Wnats-Baaia BaiDcrroai Hittroao
WAizaaoir Atlantic Citx NiwUutain SovcuIcthluiii
The Car Problem is "Gas"
GASOLINE is steadily going
down in grade. Motor
car engineers are much
concerned. Some have found a
remedy by accepting the Ghal' .
mers principle or Hot Spot and
For this principle has supplied
the answer to the problem of
it "
Hot Spot transforms the taw,
inferior "gas" into a fine fuel, sim
ply by "breaking up" the particles
into a "cloud."
RamVhorn, minus abrupt
sharp cornexs,short in length and
ingeniously designed, makes the
distance "gas" travels from Hot
Spot to each cylinder equal.
,At a velocity estimated at 100
. m 4 ftl
miles an hour the gas cloud is
rushed through Ram Vhorn and
the results are marked:
Quiqk starting
Smooth action
Spark plugs seldom foul
Absence of engine troubles
such as burned bearings and
scored cylinders.
The sum of results from Hot
Spot and Ram's'horn looms large
in your mind once' you become
a Chalmers owner
and you, too, will
say Chalmers is
one of the few
great cars of the
World. (Fialityffai
Chalmers Motor Car Company
New York Branch, 1 808 Broadway
. Comer 59th St., New York City
BRONX BRANCH. 175th Street and Grand Concourse
Brooklyn Distributor: Maxwell-Chalmers Sales Corporation
1410-14 Bedford Ave., Brooklyn. N. Y. Phone Prospect 8411.
12 Stone St., N. Y.
i, $T