Newspaper Page Text
pn ll u iiiiimjij y -T --) ' i- "T'T "'T?lillir'Vir"" "" - -T-- X t-"wi..t,. THE SUN AND NEW YORK HERALD, SUNDAY, JUNE G, 1920. 15 Mss Hyde and "Major Moore Wed; Will Go Abroad )fnrrlcil by Army Oltnplnlii Who Sorveil Abrond With Jlridcgroom. TfrrM Tub Bit td Nsw Yok Hkmip. ' (Ikcb.nwiciIi Conn., June 5, Miss Kill f.rili Hyde, cldwt daughter ot Mr ,Mmour J. Hydo of Now York nnd 4 .fftiwich. was mnrrlrd thin afternoon ft Major I'lwrles Arthur Moore of Green )7Iih, at Lone uMt, the country homo of .he bride. In the Flold Point- section, tf-iufe of til dentil of ,tho bride's Ixotlier i.t winter tho wedding was sl'm tV only "n Uninodlato family nnd a few iflends bring present. Th liev II C Hescve of atamford my rhlplaln of tho old Fifty-sixth ijoniictlctit Coast Artillery, with whom jlajor Moore served overseas, outdated. J The bride was attended by her sister, jjm Harold Cooper Pynehon, tin matron el honor Ml Peggy Moore, niece of the bridegroom, unci Miss Ann Mario ftrU. daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs, Wal j, r. innll unci a cousin of the bride, ' i- -e flow r girts. Mr, Kugcne Maxwell llonm wan his brother's best man. A .Jrepiioii followed tlioccremony. Major aim .Mrs aioore win sou on or .out J iino -0 for Europe, whero they t (ll I ! guests of Ills mother, Mrs, Charles a, sioore. fin.l his slater, Duchess EUlo '!'(.' lonla. In ltomo, The brido attended Rosemary Hall Fchonl her for three years, 8he In a r.'cmber of the Junior League, JCew oi Major Moore fa connected with iic rtrm of Manning, .Maxwell 4 Moore, i which his father wag president. He a graduate of Vale University, class ,f 1903 Ho win active In athletic ,nori at olleso and ts a well known imor and explorer, having made a trip r ah Hie lata Hear Admiral Robert E. l tars- In the war lie was promoted to major of the Fifty-sixth Connecticut ast Artillery and served overseas, lie ,i member ot the Racquet, Union oeii .t;i! Valo elulw In New York and .e ... .. imlrli Country Club, tho l'leld ; ub and till; Indian Harbor Yacht Club lii e He and his first wife were dl. voncd f v- ral months ago. 'MISS FRANCES ELIOT WEDS. . to (.rnnililmiRhtrr of "President Emeritus if Harvard. rf, a n. Tui: Sin jlv .New Yoik IIculd. Bost-'V, Juno S. Miss Frances Kllot ;ctiugnipr f the Tlev. and Sirs. Samuel K'ioi of Cambrldpe. and Mr. Frank v-fmoni Smith. Jr.,' Harvard 17. son of Or ana Mrs Frank Fremont Smith of ,'oinnnincealth avenue, were married tjiis RftF'Mioon She Is the Branddnugh iii ol Tir Charles W. Eliot, president nntrnu5 of Harvard, who escorted her itno i lie church. Her father s presl ir.t of ibe American Unitarian Associa tion Miss Mary F Atkinson ,of Brookllne nas maid of honor, and thero were four jjldtsmalds. Mr. E. Breble Slotley of Doston was best man. Among the tfhers were Mr. Charles W. Eliot Jd, 'i- William G. Itlce, Jr., of Albany, v V . who Is to marry the bride's sls t(r, Miss Hosamond Eliot, and Mr. I.eon .)J iHlyckc of New York. Mr. Smith m. s tin insisn In the navy during the war Hnlnra -Ilobbs. Jvariiig the white Filk wedding dresc i ii hr grandmother wore sixty years afo Miss Harriet Hobbs. daughter of Vr and Mrs. Francis Jerome Hobbs of Vurray HiM. Flushing, was married yes lirday to Mr. William Howard Haines if. St John's Church, Flushing, by the rtrtor th Itev. George W. Ecples. She was attended by Miss Catherine Everett And Mrs Plerpont Edwards Twltchell. r IVniiain C. White was best man and Messrs Ilenjamln T. McGlll and H. L. eic were ushers. The bride la a radua'e of Bryn Mawr College and the 1 idegroom of Columbia. He Is a son f Mr Wullam M. Haines of Englewood, V J a vioe-president of the Chatham i il Piismx National Bank. nnd. Mrs. U nps in the war he was a Lieutenant, i-l the navy. He and his bride will raae their lio.rfie In Bethlehem, Pa. ( Mohola Sheets. iMi- Louise A. Sheets, daughter ot Ti and -Mrs. Klmer A. Sheets of Yon 'fi? and Mr. Foster Nichols, son of I" s Foster Nichols of Yonkcrs, were la led last evening at the home of the iin It a parents Miss Margaret Sheets ie bride's sliter, was maid of honor jtl liei Mster-ln-law, Mrs. Elmer A. -runs j , was matron of honor. Mr. -irlioli was attended by his brother, v'r Oorse Nichols. Mr. Nichols was k'aduated from Sheffield Sclentlfl: School of Tale tn 1913 and was a lleu tunant of heavy artillery during the war. ll I S p rn Bii r. tin o, ( Tun Sln A.n Sr.v Yobk UraiLP. liorTiiv. June 5. Miss Marlon Hprague, f'cl' r (l.tugliter of Mrs. Edward D. Bran-"i-te or Brookllne to-day became tho 'ile of John Edward Bolt, son of Mr3. 1 pbert 'pthorp Bolt of Brookllne. Miss ague's sister. Mrs. Wilfred Scfton ft A'iburn. N. Y., was maid of honor. vrmit Iloosevelt of New York and "t'n-rs of the '12 class of Harvard, of nj n li Mr Bolt Is a member, were ush 'i' Mr Bolt was an army lieutenant do ng lhc world war. We lid Ill's: ?T cites. ;v' F'-an, es Boyntnn I)ckltt. daugh tr uf Mrs. William Elliott Foster, and M' ' lirrord M.tchell Van Syckle, s6n rI Mrs l!amt.nd A. Corney, were msr-rr"-il ve,i, iday jtt the snmtner home of ti rnoiher In Babylcn, U I., by the f J. In.rlingham. ' -i Margaret Powell, ilauKhter of "I1 jnO Mr.. Uohert E. Powell of 45t ' ' u i-lHnrton :icntic, and Mr. f 'kf..ii r,. Farnsworlh. eon of Col. and Ii' Krnierifk K. Famsworth of Htint- I? ii I. I , will be married on next "n 'i"la In All Angels CITunrh. I .-nnard farlln ot ilS Welden 'Irr I'rooltlyn, gave a dinner on last sl'-''n for her daughter, Miss May An t'luptic arim, and Lieut. Frank J. Bell, Ji" n i. married early next fall, 'r J ihn Wlnfleld Kent of 'P"aterson. "'b of New Jersey's Department of 1 '1'il'or, ,V. ,f were married on the First Congregational Paten-on. by the Kev. Hugh Jt. I'r '1. ' llr William B. Burpo, oitce of I'assalo county, was best man. MY Muleline Eberhartl. a sister of iva inald of honor. I 'hel M. nude, daughter of .Mr. "(d Mr,, lolin W. Hude ot Haledon. ' ft the itev. Warren I. Coon, re Jtloui f retsry of the Now Jersey Pa onc League, were married on last te'ntsrtay at their future home, 241 Minn Eleventh street. Newark, by the '' A Boylan Fitzgerald. Mr. Coon "-.aplain of tho 113th Infantry, 'l t -ninth Division. In France. T(. carriage of Miss Lillian Williams. ' :s'!r of .Mr. and Mrs. Albern W. s r,t 321 West Flfty-flfth street, .,1 1 Stanley I. Clark of Baltimore. , " take place on next Wednesday , " ''iiiirch of tho Transfiguration, 'V' William M. Haradon and Mr, J. ifvtU Johnson will attend them. Mrs. L. C. Bruce's Daughter'Engaged to Mr. Geo. Reid Ilt'MSMffMiaW '' i 'K " 'HrJ S l-Hl I Efl i BfHf jHMrr " " 'Hf iv hI ''i fi j -. : -W Miss Harriett Bruce. I Announcement of Miss Har ! licit llmcc's Romance i Made in Greenwich. Special to Tut Run and Nbw Vcsk Hxiild. ClMWNWicttf Conn., June 5. At a luncheon at the country home of - Mrs. Leslie C. Bruce In North street here to-day announcement was made of the engagement ot her daughtrr, Miss Har riett Bruce, to Mr. George Itold of New York. Miss Bruce Is granddaughter1 of the lato Mr. and Mrs, Chaune-y Andr.v.v of Youngstown, Oho. Mr. Andre, was one of the oldest Iron and conl mer chants In Ohio and the builder Of -wvuntl Westerh railroads. S'ie hail jua'iy frlcnda In Now York, wnere she' and her mother usually pass the wlncit? at 107 Fifth avenue. Mr. Held Is a foreign exchange broker, with an office In New York. ElttrlilRp Stnrftti. Sfrcial to Tub Sl'N and New Yoik IIkiuid. BofcTON. June 5. Miss Josephine Stur gls, daughter of Mr. Robert Shaw Stur gls and the late Ellen Gardner (Hodges) Sturgls, and Mr. Arthur Stu art Eldredge of South Lincoln, son of Mrs. Emma Motley (Snelllng) Eldredge, and the late Mr. Arthur Stuart Eldredge, were married to-day In the Church ot Our Saviour, Longwood. Mrs. Russell T. Fry, who was Miss Dorothy Whipple, daughter of Sherman I. Whipple, was maid of honor. Miss Sturgls Is a mem ber of the Vincent Club, Mr. Eldredge Is brother of Mrs. Stephen N. Bond of New York. Mr. Bond was one of the many ushers. A reception was held and a wedding breakfast served at the Stur gls home tn Bay State road. EESOBT NOTES. The nerkshlrea. Miss Ep-Ily Tuckerman gave a dinner at her villa In Slockbrldge last night for Captain and Mrs. Henry Martin of New York. Capt. Martin was a member of tho British Intelligence Corps. Cap tured by the Germans, he escaped into Holland on his twenty-third attempt. Last year he married Miss Louise De garven of Amsterdam, Holland. They are stopping at tho Adams Tavern, Stockbrldge, for two months. Mrs. John S. Ames of Boston Is at the Curtis Hotel, Lenox. Mrs. Whitman Ware of Boston Is at Grey house. Lenox. Mr. Grafton W. Mlnot, who was there, returned to Boston yesterday. Mrs. -Norman H. Davis and children of Washington and Mm. Theodore B. Ledyard of New York arrived yesterday at tbelr places In Stockbrldge. Newport. Mrs. Charlotte; Sorchan t-as arrived for the summer at her cottage. Jit. Aerie, on Halldon Hill. At the Muenchlngcr King are Mr., and Mrs. W. Fltzhugh Whitehouse, Mrs. William P. Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. Mar shal P. Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. Itussel Palmer from New York. Among the yachts arriving yesterday were the schooner Marietta, Mr. J. F. Brown; the power yacht Fox, Mr. Gor don Dexter of Boston, and the sloop Hoqua, Mr. William G. Iowe. Jr. Hot Sprlngn. Xtr. and Mr. William John Warburton ! has returned from Annapolis, arrived at the Homestead Hotel yester-) day from New York to spend, their j Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wallach of honeymoon, I Warrenton, Va., announce the engage Mr. and Mrs. Alfred K. Cortls left Inent of their daughter. Miss Edith Bhep yestcrday for New Yorlr. ! ard Wallach, to Mr. Gaines Gwathmey j of New York, Miss Wallach Is the niece KING SEES AMERICAN PLAY. of Mr an" Mrs ury "Ialr-. I Occupies Bux for "Tlir Mini "Who Cn in e Ilnck." Special Cable Despatch ro Tub Stv and New Yok IIciaip. CnpuriaM, M0, by The Hit, ami New York Hiuiti. London, Juno 5. The King and Queen paid their first visit to one of the Ameri can plays running In London to-night, 6ccupyhig a box for "The Man Who Came Back," to which Mary Nash re turned to-night. 'The royal couple seemed thoroughly to enjoy the melodrama, applauding and gracefully acknowledging Miss Nash's deep bow to their box at the end of the second act. Plan Finn Doy Pnrnde. The Sona of the American Revolution and the Sons of the Revolution -will com memorate Flag Day, Monday, June 14. by a parade from Fnunce'fl Tavern to the Sub-Trcafury, Wall and Nassau streets, where patriotic exercises will be held. Job E. Hedges, third vice-president of the New York Chapter, will be principal speaker, and Thomas, Denny marshall of the parade. Dnvls to He IIot to Tloynltr. Paris, Juno 5. Ambassador Wallace, with Mrs. Wallace, will leave here for London to-morrow to attend a dinner to bo given by tho American Amh-ms'iilor. Mr. John W. Davis, and Mrs. Davis to Kins George and Queen Mury. .. Soclnt Xotes. ' Mr. and Mrs. Harry Learned, who are stopping at 130 West Forty-seventh street, will leave New York for their home In Parts on board the Rotterdam on next Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Braunworth of Rot-eland, N. J., last night observed their golden wedding annlversdry with a re ception. He has twice been mayor of Roeeland. Mr. and Mrs.- Braunworth have six sons, the Titesars Charles, Victor and Arthur Braunworth, who llvo In Brooklyn and aro associated with their father In business there, nnd the Messrs. Percy, Wilbur and J'lmer Braunworth, who live with their parents. Dr. and Mrs. Alfred N. Strousc have moved from 132 West Fifty-eighth street to 133 West Seventy-ninth street, which they recently bought. They will go next month to the Hollywood Hotel, Wcet oyja, j, PEBSONAL INTEtUQENCE. Nw Yorlr. Mri and Mrs. John n. Drexel ami her sister, Mr. Richard Van Wych, nnd Mr, William Hude Nellson went to Newport yesterday, Mr, and Mrs. John R. Drcxel, Jr., and their Infant suit; John R, Drexol 3d, will Join them on next Thursday, Mrs. Hamilton Mclf. Twombly Is en tertalnlnr at Florlmm, her house In Madison, N, J a party Including Mr. nnd Mrs. Vanderbllt Klseam, Mrs. Fred erick W. Vanderbllt, Dr. nnd Mrs. Allen M. Thomas, Mrs. Arthur U. Twombly and Mrs. William A. M, Burden, Dr. Osrcliv galas, a diplomatic rcpre. tentative of (luatotnala and professor of economics In the University of Guate mala, Is nt. tho Hotel Astor on his wav ito Mexico city, necompanled by Dr, A. Madrid, first secretary of the Guate I inula legation to Mexico, who wilt bo charge d'affaires when Ur, Halas leaves ' the Mexican capital. I Mr Rolaud 8. Morris, American Am i bassador to Japan, and Mrs, Morris are guests of Mr, and Mrs. George Pratt Ingersoll In Stamford en route 'from Toklo to Washington. Mr, Pratt was n the diplomatic service as Minister to Slam. Mrs. Samuel V. Farchlld will close her house next week and will go to Newport to Jon her daughter, Mrs. Long, wife of Capt. Byron V Long, V, S. N who Is In, Mexico, Mrs. Long has taken a cottagu In Newport for the summer. Mrs. Fai-chlld will go to her camp Jn the Adirondack about the mid dle of July. Mr. and Mrs. Williams P. Burden, who have been at S5 East Forty-ninth street alnoe their return from their honeymoon at Ashevllle, N. C, went yesterday to Newport for the surnmsr. Mr. and Mrs.W!lllam V. B. Kip will go this week to their summer home at Cedarhurst The Hon, and Mrs, Alfred. Anson will j:o on next Thursdoy to their house at liar Harbor. Mrs. James B. Haggm will start to day on a trip through the West, . i Mr. Henry T. Sloane has taken a house at Southampton, L. I., and with i his daughter, Baroness Amattry de la Grange, ,ana her children will go there this week for the summer. Mrs. Luther Kountze has closed her house here and gone to Newport. Miss Barbara Whitney has gone to Westbury from MIddleburg Va to pass the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Iaync Whitney. Mrs. Charles Cary Rumsey will go to morrow to Chicago from Westbury for the convention. Miss Lucy Aldrlch of Providence Is at the country house of her brother-in-law and. sister, Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, Jr., at Pocnntico Hills, while they are. on a Western trip. t Mr. and Mrs. James Henry Purdy started last week for Europe where they will pass the summer. Mr. and Mrs. William E. S. Grlswold and family have gone to Lenox for the summer. Mr. G. Crelghton Webb has gone to Europe for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Wlnthrop Aldrlch will leave Tuxedo Park on June 13 for Chl- Icago for ten days and on their return will go to Southampton. ! Gen. and Mrs. J. Fred Plerson will open Rose Lawn, their villa In New I port, late this month. I tVnihtncton. I Sir Auckland Gedd-s, the British Am- bassador, has accepted an Invitation to I attend the commencement exercises at 1 Princeton University on June 15, when the degree of LL. D. will be conferred on him. The Secretary of State and Mrs. Bain bridge Colby were entertained at dinner last night by the Assistant Secretary of War and Mrs. Benedict Crowell. The British Ambassador and Lady Geddes and the Secretary of War and Mrs. Newton D. Baker were among the guests. Baroness Romano Avezzapa, wife of the Italian Ambassador, had a tea at the ! embassy yesterday ftr the Very Rev. i Father Semerla, who was chaplain gen eral of the Italian Army. Earlier In I the day Mr. Andrea Gelsser Celesta dl IVcgllasco, Third Secretary ot the Em bassy, and Mrs. Celesla. gave a luncheon for Father Semerla. I Miss Marcla Chapln, debutante daugh i ler nf Mr. nml Mrs. Frederick E. Chapln. Other I'lnce. Mr. and MrK. Honrv G. Lanham of I Brookllne, Mass., announce the engage I ment of their daughter. Miss Katheryn ; Lapham, to Mr. Phillip L, Saltonstall of I Boston. WILL AID CHORAL UNION. Prominent JVetv Yorkers Are on Fund Committee. The People's Choral Union, which is engaged In a campaign for $250,000 en dowment fund to perpetuate and extend Jts work throughout Greater New York, announced yesterday that the following persons have accepted Invitations 4o serve on Its campaign executive com mittee: Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, president Columbia University; Mrs. Charles S. Uuggenhelmer, George Gordon Battle, chairman executive committee Commun ity Councils of New York city; Misha Appelbaum. president tho Humanitarian Cult, the Musical Bureau of America; David Blspham, barytone; David Kd strom, sculptor; Cajit. A. A. Clappe. U. S. A.J Dr. Frank Damrosch, founder of the People's Choral Union; Miss Helen Yorke, coloratura soprano, and I'rof. Samuel A. Baldwin, hend of music de partment. City College, New York. Com pany headquarters have been established In suite 1408, 347 Fifth avenue. CHILDREN'S FUND GROWS. , tj.!,.,0 1 Itecelvcit in Last Two Weeks for ficrninns. ! In the: last two weeks James Speyer, i treasurer of tho American Relief Coin- mlttce ifor German Children, has received 1 13,204.40 for this committee and 1317.50 ; for the Austrian committed. I Tito total amount received to date by Mr. Speyer In 1331,089.77 for tho Qcr- man committee and 137, 236. 35 for the Austrian committee. I dun Salute Greets Ur. Schnrman. Ithaca, June 5. A salute of twenty one guns was fired to-day In honor of Dr. Jacob Guuhl Schurman, president of Cornell University, who returned from n trln'to tho Orient. A nroFrminrne of 'welcome was -held on the university rrminds. In which clt.v and university Iofflclnls and a troop of United States cavalry took part, ...... FRANK MOSS, VICE HUNTER, IS DEAD Former Assistant District At torncy Wns LofidjiiR Figure, in Parkhurst Holds. Frank Moss, former Assistant. District Attorney under William Trovers' Jerome and Charle 8. Whitman, and. one of tho best known lawyers and criminal Investigators In this city: .died late lust night In his homo, 23 West J27th ntreet, Mr. Moss had been In 111 health for n'ftny months and spent sovernl weeks In Roosevelt Hospital, suffering from sen ernl Breakdown. Some tlmo ago, how ever, ho opprtred to recover, and at Ills own request was romovod to his home. Thero ho euf fered a relnpso and hi con dition grow stcadly worse. With Mr. Moss when lie tiled wero His wife, who was Miss Eva E. Bruce, whom Jio mnrrled In 1883; his son, tho Rev. Arthur is. moss, ana nts aaugnier, maa Elizabeth J. Moss. Mr, Moss was head of tho law firm of 'Moss, Marcus & Wels, of 233 Broad way. Beflldeg his legal and political ac tivities bo was Interested In church work nnd was a director of tho New York City Church Extension Society and of tho New York Ophthalmlo Hospital. Iln also wrote extensively, among his books being "Tho American Metropo l.s." He was a member of the liar As sociation, tho New York Law Institute, the Ne-.v York Historical Association md the Union League nnd Republican clubs. Of the many zealous men who within the last thirty years held the public at tention oh crusaders against vice none kept "i trail so consistently Jr fought vice In more forms than Frank Moss. Ha was born at Cold Spring, N. Y., In IS55, went to tho high school there, studied law In this city and was ad mitted to the bar and established his home here In 1878, Members of his pro tension who knew him when he was young did not anticipate that within a few years his name would be familiar to newspapers readers all ov:r this coun try, but they reckoned without his spe cial talent, which was a capacity for see ing vice 'everywhere and following Its trail through thick and thin. While Mr. Moss was still a young practloner the Rev. Dr. Charles Parkhurst enlivened New York with a series of spectncular ralde on dives nnd dens of all descriptions, led by him per sonally as president of the Society for the Suppression of Crjme. The first raid was contrived without the assistance of Mr. Most, but by the time the second (aiding party went forth In the night It was known that a young lawyer by the name of Moss, who had made vice a special study, .was general counsel to the vice society and that Dr. Park hurst was profiting In his crusade against evil doers by the advice nnd nssirtance of the society's new legal representative. Poller Felt Ills Crltli'Um. When not pursuing vice In the field Mr. Moss was often on the lecture Platform or In his library Inditing pamphlets and brochures. The police, as they always do In the Instances ot young crusaders, attracted the shafts of Mr. Mosss criticism. Then the Lexow Committee, whose Investigation Into New York evil doing attracted great at tention at the time and gave John W. Con his reputation and his Justiceship, began Its session. Goff was the chief Inquisitor. Moss sat at his elbow with suggestions and formulated questions. Subsequently when another Senatorial investigating committee with Robert Mazet at Its head was appointed to, probe Into New York conditions Mr. Moss bourgeoned Into full flower. The committee did not get the public Inter est as Judge Goff's committee had. .there were fewer conditions to Investi gate and tho flavor of vice had grown Insipid to newspaper readers. Evil doers had learned to be wary and non committal on the witness stand; but during the weeks In which the commit tee sat Mr. Moss found life unqualifiedly zeetful. When William L. Strong was Mayor and Theodore Roosevelt Police Commis sioner Mr. Moss gained reward and rec ognition together In an appointment to the Police Board. There were four com missioners In those days sitting as a bi partisan board In frank avowal of tin theory that politics was an Integral part of pollen business nnd administration and that the policeman's only safety lay In having two commissioners ot each political faith to take care of him. ifr. Mots had hardly received his com mission before he ascended the trial bench nt Police Headquarters. His voice was never silent at board meet ings and the public prints from day to day contained fresh opinions and dis quisitions of his, always on the subject of vice. . Talked of lllrh Oligarchy. From that day to his last Mr. Moss always had some pronouncement on im morality and grafting. As lately as May of this year he had something to say as to a mysterious "s,lush" fund, promised and paid in Albany for the passage of a legislative bill. Two ears ago at a public dinner he gave ntterance to the notion that -New York was ruled utterly by n group of thirty rich men whose Influence was "Infinitely more subtle and dangerous than that of the old style politicians," and that through their machinations from 130,000.000 to 143,1)00.000 wns lost to the city every year In tho shape of voided taxes and through corporation control. In 1914 a bill was Introduced at Al bany asking an appropriation for a State-wide Vice and graft Investigation, and the father of the bill. Assemblyman Hoff of Kings county, urged that when the bill wns passed Frank Moss be made head graft hunter. It was his Judgment that Mr. Moss would not have to hunt far; that he knew nil thero was to bo known nbout graft and only lacked au thority to trnck It down. It was a blow both to Mr. Hoff and Mr. iMoss when the bill failed to go through. During Mayor Mit'chel's. term Mr. Mosta. especial (alont had exercise often. He never criticised Mr.-Mltchel personally, but often bemoaned that Mr. Mltchcl did not call upon him to point out the quarters In which steal ing and Incompetence were mulcting the city. Arthur Woods was Pollco Com missioner then, and It was Mr. Moss's delight from tlmo to time to explain how, by certain improvements In pollco admlnUtratlon which he had in mind, captains could bo kept from grafting and Inspectors barred from traffic with tho underworld. He wis mode an assistant district at torney during Charles S. Whitman's first term, and assisted In tho prosecu tion of Charles Becker nnd tho four gunmen who ultimately paid the pen alty of tho murder of Herman Rosen thal! He resigned Just before Mr. Whit man wns nominated for a second term and became a candidate against him. The vote he polled, however, had but a trifling effect on Mr. Whitman's, tri umphant majority. One of III Last Speedies. Mr. Moss was counsel to tho Thomp son Investigating Committee In 1918. but after the close of Its sessions busied himself with his private law practice except for occasional appearance on the lecture platform before good govern ment clubs nnd bodies organized for tho general betterment of conditions. In one of tho last cpccchca ho mailt ho raid: 'This country Is now going through & unlqus crJslSjJU'i A3 fithss poustriu have passed (hrpuifh similar conditions from time to time. I used to wonder how It was that officials of all kinds wore boio io uo me wings wey aid nnd survlvo even for a night In the face of I popular Indignation. The tlmo emno I when I was ablo to ask an official why . ho nnd others like him wore content , to follow vicious lenders and .-cu-;t dirty money. Ho replied; "Wouldn't I be a fool If i didn't? lEvoryliody else Is doing It.' ' , "Many a man who has started out to expose grait in omciai circles has lost Interest when some pollco or other offi cial has whispered quietly In hla ear. Even ministers of the gospel have been known to havo boen so affected, I fear then thnt It Is pretty nearly trpetas a saloon keeper once said to me, that every man 1ms his price." WINTERHALTER, OF NAVY BOARD, DEAD Rear Admiral Once Com manded Asiatic Fleet, iVasiiinoto.v, Juno 5, Rear Admiral Albert Wlnlcrhalter, n member of tho General Board nnd former commnnder In chief of tho Asiatic licet, died sud denly In tho Naval IIoiltul hero to-day. Pneumonia was tho catMo of tho Ad miral's death. He had been 111 only .1 fow days. Admiral Wlnterlmlfcr wns born In De ttolt sixty-four years ago and was ap pointed to the Naval .Academy In 1877. After Bcrvlng on a number of ships ho tt'i transferred o the Naval Observa tory and spent some time abroad on epi'c-lnl duty In connection with the ob servatory. Ho was a member of tho board of control and management of the World' Fair nt Chicago In 1893 and Inter eencd on the flagship of tho Pacific fleet. The Admiral was first appointed to the general board In 1911 and In 1915 he was named commander of the Asiatic fleet, serving there until threo years ago, when he again was appointed to duty with the general board here. Admiral Wlnterhalter Is survived by his widow, who lives In Washington, nnd one sister, whoso horns Is In Detroit. His body will be burlccUIn Arlington Na tional Cemetery MorUay with full naval honors. WILLIAM II. MALCOLM. William H. Malcolm, organizer of the Bryant Park Realty Company, and well known for his activities In other large business enterprises, died May 29 In his homo In Valhalla, Westchester county, In his seventy-eighth year. Mr. Malcolm wns born In Albany, where for years he was prominent In the grain trade. He also was Interested In min ing. Burial was In the Malcolm family plot In tho Albany Rural Cemetery. Mr. Malcolm Is survived by his wife, two tons and a daughter. CHARLES K. MLLIXUS. Special '0 Tub Bcs a.nd Nbw Yosk BzsAtD. lUnTJ-ORO, Conn.. June 5. -Charles E. Billings, head of the firm of Billings & Spencer, manufacturers of drop forgings and tools, died at his home here to-night. Ho was eighty-three years old. Clifton t'rnwfor1 Hurled. The body of Clifton Crawford, nctor. who was killed by a fall rom a hotel in London on last Thursday, was burled In Edinburgh yesterday beside the grave; of his mother and father, according to a cable message received by Mrs. Emma Crawford, his widow. Mrs. Crawford lives nt Larchmont. Funeral services were held In London. Mr. Crawford was the only son of his parents, and It was In compliance with Mrs. Crawford's request that he was buried beside them. COMSTOCK AftD GEST . SEEKING. NEW IDEAS Former Will Wait Each Afternoon for Them. F. Ray Comstock and Morris Gest arc In search of new Ideas for decorations, scenic and lighting efTccts and costumes for plays which they are to produce. Neither America nor Europo has novel ties sufficiently novel to satisfy them, and to-give newcomers a hearing Mr. Comstock will each afternoc t from 3 to half past 5 o'clock In his office at tho Princess Theatre see In person nny one who has a new Idea or original effect that can be put to practical use next sea. son. "I believe there are persons with such Ideas," said Mr. Comstock, "nnd with a chance they can help producers to get away from the beaten path, especially In the field of musical comedy and revue, where success depends so largely upon the Injection of new Ideas and artistic effects. These are the men and women whom I am anxious to meet. It may be that through their lack of knowledge ot the course to be pursued In placing their Ideas before managers or through a mls t.tken belief that producers, are unwilling to give them a chance unless they come with an established reputation they havo been unsuccessful In getting a hearing. "I am especially anxious for some clever material to be used in next sea son's revue for the Princess; also a musical novelty I am getting ready for the Dolly Sisters nnd Harry Fox. I am planning In each Instance to provide c. performance that will he nlowf'entlrely. original lines. It It is simply an Idea thnt Is brought to me nnd I like it but find that It lacks the' touch which an experienced hand In the theatre can pro vide I will buy It and havo it worked out under my direction. "In this I am not actuated by any al truistic motives; my only aim Is to pro cure stage novelties,, no matter what their source, and I shall bo glad to .meet In my office any one who has a practi cal Idea- to sell." LOST AND FOUND. AUTOMOnil.E STOLEN. REWARD. Nash. 1920, Sport .Model tW7, aerial 157404, N. Y. license 11)8109; stolen June 4, 3 P. M while standing 25th at west of Droadwav: communications confidential. E. R. HOP WOOD. ", John at.. New York city. Tele phone lleekninn S9S7V A REWARD OF IKO will be paid for return of a woman's open fared watch, Ohio enatpet, with pearls; prob ably lost May, 2d. ComqiunirjCte wllh-K. 11. IIOPWOOP, V, John si" New York city; telephone lleekman S087. IjOHT tn taxi, "Saturday- afternoon, -from Pier 47, North River, Jewel caae containing diamond rings nnd diamond brooch ruid other Jewelry, also a small suitcase with toilet articles and tatuabla papers, letter for W. It. Allen from American Consul, Bermuda. Return to W. E. PEARL, 183 West R7lh St., for reward. LOST Wednesday, June 2. 57th st. and Rth av. to Island station, larse bar pin, platinum setting, contains at out tnenty-elght (Hamnnds; no questions ami very liberal re ward If returned. 11. A. SlIIKLlL-f, Metro lioltnr.,e,rrd Wcndwanl avs UrooKiyn,, Jf, V inone MEgg Mtv. . LUST Diamond I ln uptown side uf lllocker and Lafayette ati, station Tuesday. June I, U'20, about n:."0 P, M. neturn and receive wan! from St. ABRRrtACH, eare New York Made Tnr Co.. 2.i Wejt Houston at. LOST Kmc with thre diamonds, aet In plat (num. Ill ladles' room nf Lonrue Vita Inn , on Thursday night, .May 27. Reward of $l) ' . ...... L'TI'l'tm ,,,, n, rj. . . , i,jr rriiiiw i .--n.i, lav jvivvrsiue uriva, Ttione Canal fliW. LOST. In the neighborhood of SJth at., be (ween 5th and tlth avs., on 'Tuesday after r.onn, June 1, a diamond bow knot brooch with two pearls; 50 reward If returned to UDALL & BALLOU, 574 fdh av. LOST Thursday, a black enamel pin ulili diamond setting, attached gold atlck phi with diamond centru; liberal reward, HAMBLIN, 05 East 19th at. Telephone 0012 V Flatbush. L 1ST Lady's col I waul- on tinlhy inr from Trenton to Njwark nr from Ne'vurk to East st.. Ftatbudi Tilepho-ie 7PIJ Wind nr Reward. fl'ST FrliTa? g?'' f'txlblc frn ' t win the ennrald' r.l eral leward If rcturied to ALMA LAUFEIt, CIO Kenmore place, .Ctftjs-iil Vifj. Zlwue. .Coney, island 29, LOST AND FOUND. .asT-Mlt ! of May, 74th et nesr I'srk v diamond bur pin, Ittturn to rAllTIK'n. ilM 3th av, No qutttlons asked. Jlfmsrtl I2KI. watch IniM: lott in toxica!: llb.rnl ie- ward. MAI' MOItlllB, M Went lllh .U t.OHT (Jupphlru nni M'iul liiiritnlii.n pin In vicinity of llaoy'u; reward. Tlcthoni Fnnlhsm 7.1M, L()HT-.!y 27, uold briM-tiliit ivlth 11 email illsmiinilis iiliwny, mi flrnadwsy car. Howard Apt. 10. Hit West H2lh t. I.OT-T'va IIU bills, Cexlrmtii.-t iv. , .'iijth nt,, RMurday afternoon. Telephone 3'.'0l-Morn. Ingslils, LOST Diamond pin, bow"ETiot, minus drop". last rUturdny forenoon, Llbetal reward It returned io D32 West With t. l.O.HT-llolums Primed Diary, Lexington v. subway, June 2; reward. AUN13V, 27 William st. 1 LtiHT Diamond nntl pearl firxlblo bracelet nnout -Mtn sua 4.1111 st., nut av. ; retvarn, 1,. MATI1AY, 02 Wi:HT 4.TII. PIIONB. LOiiT-niamond sapphlrn pin; suhatantlal reward. AWTHUH TRAIN, 113 East 73d it. IlKd'HT book, lost Tuesday on Ilroadivny- Fourth avenue, Brooklyn line, going from .14th tt New York, to. Coney Island; reward, Phone Hunset SCSI. 1500 REWARD Fur return nf heart shape platinum and diamond natch, ruby, in cimtro, attached to illamruil rnonotirsm pin; InltlaH 1:. D, I,; lo.t Msy 1(1. UDALIi k HALLOW. K74 nth av. 1100 HEWAIIU for nutttrfly Ilroooh, wlngi plutlnum. open work i!""lt:n, sprlnVtud with illnniomli nnd pHirli, lo.t hi Lord is Taylor's, Thursday eflerm.oa, no til" ''Ion, Return tn IlLAClv, HTAtm & PROrf HI) av. and 48th t. It.'.. ItKWAIIU for return of plutlnum, illmriond nnd sap. plilro liar pin: Inn May 27, between Vet l"lh St., New York city, and Dtn t., Ilrnoklyn, nr I taxi, I, If. i It, If. WEIN- iiKiin.'Mi at, J si.v) nnwAitu for return of platinum and diamond bar pin, about 2 Inches lone, pointed at both ends; lost Juno 2. MARCUS CO., Bth av. and l.'th it. KM ItKWAHl) For return of bar pin. containing large ccji tie ttlnniond, t) small diamond, 12 sapphires, loit June 4 betueen East 43d st. and 53th nt., or In taxlcab, 11I.ACK, STARR & FItOFT, nth av. nnd 4Kth st. iSOn reward for return of fleilbls platinum diamond bracelet to MAR CUB & CO., r44 nth av. Lost between Harlem River bridge, 223th st. and Fordhnm square. S2.i 1 km ard for return of gold bracelet, two tll.tmonde, one sapphire, lnt June 4 be Iwetti IMtli nml 42d sta. Return to T. A. FniEl)I)i;itOi:n, care Julius Kayser ft Co., 33 4th av. Wearing Apparel. LOST Thursday morning, June 3. on east aide of Madlaon av., betwen SO Eait 00h and 32 Kant G4th St., a long, dark blue allk and chiffon aash with fringes. Reward will be paid when returned to Mrs. RRYNOLDd, 30 Kant 60th t. LOST Stone mnrten fur scarf about 7 Wednesday evening, on Cedar, Church or Cortlandt at. Llbeial roward If returned to room 110. 3t Nassau st. LOST Sunday afternoon, 0:3U, a silver (ox ikln, between entrance and ninth floor of Illtz-Carlton. Kln'lly return to cashier Rlti Carlton, 12.1 reward, no questions asked. LOST Seal atole, In Twentieth Century or Drown and White Taxi, between Forsyth and West 119th sts. Tuesday night. 11:30; irard. Mornlngslde 71IT. Ml" HOSE. LOST Russian sable necaplece, Friday mnrnlnir, at liloomlnndale'a nr between r.Iiili and 74th sti; label mark Stein Blaine; liberal reward. Phone Rhlnclander 2. LOST Double akin Eastern mini: scarf, Sun day, 3-8, I.ynbrook-Bedford av. ; reward. ROKSL"lt. 7.1 Lafavette av.. Drooklyn. LOST Two piece mink ecarf between,Jl8th and nth av. and JUth and 5th av.Call 3711 Harlem . LOST Ulua rape, In taxi. Commodore Hotel lo Pennsylvania Motel, May 20: reward. Return Room 5W Hotel Commodore. Cel. and Doj.. LOST Fox terrier, white, black specks on bark, brown spot left aide face, female, tall, ears cut, lost June 2; reward for re turn. MRS. 8. MURRAY, 100 West 139th, apartment 23. 1 LOST 150 reward for return of Blenheim ' ... . . -I-. ... 1. 1 , ... . spaniel t,r"""', miur. ,iu,wi spuia, brown ears, short (all, brown pants on hind less: lost Thuraday nlfiht. MORGAN, 313 West 24th at. rnone uneisca jm. LOST. In the vicinity of 75th st. on Friday morning, n largo chow dim, no collar, Re watd If returned to 034 5th av. Rhlnelande' 333S. LOST Small tan and black female dog, hair about one Inch long; child's pet; reward $10. Return to 170 0th av., Drooklyn. Phone 1114 Sterling. 150 REWARD foi return of spaniel, female; white, brown spots, brown ears, short tall, brown pants on hind legs; lost Thursday night. MORGAN, 315 West 24th at. Chel sea 394. for the return of male Iloston terrier named Tony, color onnnie, wun wnue necK, cnesc and etomaeh, white stripe down middle of lu-nd and 4 white legs, with two white spots cn back, one being on each hip; disap peared from 227 Riverside Drive, corner 03th at Wednesday morning, June 2. Tinder or any one furnishing Information as to his whereabouts will receive reward by com municating with T. J. O'REILLY. 227 River side Drive. Riverside 420. Found. FOUNDSmall launch. L. DE CONINCK. The Raunt Station, Rockaway Reach, N. Y. BIRTHS. ALEXANDER. Mr. and Mrs. AbMe Atexan- ' iter, nee Beatrice O. Levy, 790 Riverside Drive, announce the birth of a. eon, June 2, 1020. San Francisco, Portland and Atlanta, papers please copy. BODBE . Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Bobbe, 1220 Orand Concourse, announce the birth of a son, June 4, at Hill's Sanitarium. KLEINBEROER. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wein berger announce the birth of a daughter, Ruth 'Cecelia, on June 1, 083 East 238th st. NH'.DENTHAL On June 4, 1P20, a daugh ter to Mr. and Mrs. Noah Nledenthal (nee Seellg), at Dr. Bruno's Sanitarium, 137th . at.Edgeromb av. OPPENHE1M. Born at Flattaburg. N. Y., June. 4, a daughter to Mr, nhd Mrs. Edwin J, Oppenhelm (nee LSretta Scheler), daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Scheler nf Plattsburg. N. Y., and sen of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Oppenhelm of Nw York city. lOHL. Mr. and Mrs. Inward L. I'ohl an nounce th'e birth of a daughter, on May 30, 1920. at Lenox Hill Hospital. ROSALSKY .-Dr. and Mrs. Harry XV. Rosal sky announce the birth of a son, Donald II., on June 1, at Hill Sanatorium, ROSEN. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Rosen (nee Hnnnah. lU Solomon), 473 West 1581b St., take pleasure In announcing the birth ot a baby girl on June 3, 1920. Mother and baby doing well. ENGAGED. BAKEWELT DUNN.-Mr, and Mra. Harry T. Dunn ot U7 Fifth av.. New York, an nounce the engagement of their only daughter, Estene. Lytle Dunn, to Ben jamin P. Bakewell of Pittsburg, Pa. BERGKR OObp, Mr. and Mrs. Gold of l'attrson. N, J., announce the engage-pent of their daughter. Rose, to Sarriucl Berger of New York city. No cards, BERNSTEIN KORNSAND. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice. Kernsand of 12291 Park av. an nounce the engagement at their daughter, Evelyn W., to Mr. David M. Bernstein, son ot Mr. nnd Mra. I. Bernstein ot tiM 1'lst at., Bensonhurst. ITtANK HAFT. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Haft. 175 Hewrs St., Brooklyn, announce the en gagement of their daughter, Henrietta, to Mr. Hary Frank of New York. Reception will be announced later. Chicago. Los Anceli-) and Philadelphia papers please copy. GOI.IiBEltiiHR - GREENBAl'il . Mr. and Mra. Adolph Greenbaum of rerth Amboy, T T nniminM th tnp.rntn.nt .t .hat ilalichtpr. tlnrnthv TsAbflle. tn Mr. JpaftM 1 Leo Goldberger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Goldberger of 881 Riverside Drive, New York City. GUTTMAN COHEN -Mr. and 'Mrs. G. M. Cohen of 773 East 183d at. announce the betrothal of their daughter, Sylvia, to Mr. Nelson Cullman, son of Mr. and Mra. Aaron Guttman. HlGHEIl-REICHMAN.-Mr. and Mra. Sam uel Relchmau announce tho engagement of (heir daughter. Cora R. Relrhman, of 5012 5th av., Brooklyn, to Mr. Jack Higher of Brooklyn on June 13. No cards. Toil West 172d St.. wishes to announce the engagement of her daughter, Mae, to ! Mr. William I.lmenfeld, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Llmepfeld, 7(3 Trinity av.. New ' York. ' MARMPR-I'LAFM.-Mr. and . Mra. Jacob Mannnr 'vlli receive tneir inentia on nun- 1 ,laj. June fl. (loin 3 to . nt the Rlu- ICarltii!. In honor ot their daughter., P.nw.,. (Mtrvlhsl te Mr. Hesry lr.s JTJaum. . J lilirlnsteln." Verv liberal reward noon ie. 'n' l0 f.V.ii' rti.,Jier ?-TrinVtS turn to H. IIHMINHTBIN, 814 Wt With t. TO"' n ,1. NaMu"r ,' cl Pmm K ENGAGED. Ml ':RTZnr-KlHM:n.-Mr. nmf Mm. I.mU Keller, 2S0 Kast 63d U city, announc tho engaRcnient of their ilanshter, I.llllsn, to Mr. Iludolph Mertzel o( Unyonnc, N. J,. Jim 3, IfrJO, PARKUR-KAT55 Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Katx of 220 West 110th at. announcu the en gagement ot their daughter Juliet to Mr. Albert Pal Iter, son ot Mr. and Mr. Jacob Parker. Reieptlon Hotel Astor, Sunday, June 0, 3 to 0. No cards. ROIIINPON-UDKLL.-Mr. and Mrs. Max Udell of 1434 Kast HUh st.. Drooklyn. an nounco tho hetrnthnl of their daughter, Helane, to Myron, P, Robinson pt New Yr. V city. ROSENZWEIG fiROfi85f.N. Mr. and Mrs. William Qrossmnn of D87 Elton St., Brook lyn, announce the engagement of their daughter Jeahnelto to Mr. Hnrry Rosen zwelg, June ft, 1920, SCBWAHTZ-STIIAU8.-Mr. and Mrs, Emll Straus of 054 West Jfllst St. announce the engagement of their daughter, Elanor U to Mr. Herman BchwarU. ( S1IACKMAN ROSKNZWEICJ.-rMrs. Peborali. Itosenzwclg of 1 East lOdth St., New York city, announces the engagement of her daughter Hello to Mr, Herman Shackman, Juno 1920. EOUR-AllORN.-Mr, and Mrs. Milton Aborn nf 303 West 72d st. announce tho engage, inent of their daughter, Fannie, to Mr. Alvln II. Hour of Shreveport, La. WALD-WACIIT.-Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wacht of 700 Riverside Drive announce tho engagement nf their daughter, Jean nette, to Mr. Albert Wald of New York city. MARRIED. COIIEN-DAUII.-On June 1 Mathilda w. Daub, to Mr, Ezra Cohen. DRUMMOND-HUnitULL.-At Ray Shore, L. ! June 3, 11)20, Lulu Hyde Huliboll, daughter of tho Into Richard Hyde, to Howard Drummond of Now York city. FALZER RENDER. Mr. and Mr. I.ou:s Bender announce the mnrrlage of their daughter, Sylvia, to Mr. Charles Falzer, Thursday ccnlnr, June 17, at Wllloughhy Manslon. 0117 Wlltoughhy a., Brooklyn. Reception after S;30. No cards. OOTTHEIMER GOODMAN. Mr. nnd Mrs, Victor Goodman. (Hit Hoe av.. Bronx, an nounce the marriage ot their, daughter... iieien is., to ixiu uoitneimer, at tueir home on June 0, 1920. GRnnNBERGERGABRIEIa Marriage nf Miss Sylvia Oabrlel, 513 West 150th st and Sir, John Greenberger, 153 Audubon av., both nf this city, will take plane at 3 P. M. to-day (June 0), at tho roaldence of the bridegroom's sister. Mrs. Julius Schwartz, 1710 Avenuo I, Flatbush. The Rev. Dr. Paul Held will officiate. HAINES HOBBS. On .Tune .5. 1920, In SI. John's Church, Flushing', L. I., by the Rev. Oeorgo W. Eccles, Harriet, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs, Francis Jerome Hobbs ot Murray Hill, Flushing, tn William How ard Haines, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wllllairl M. Haines of Englewood, N. .T. BAItT-WARriEN.-Chailes E. Warren of 823 St. Mark's av., Brooklyn, nnnnunces the inarrliico of his daughter, Emma, tn Mr. Henry llelllngtnn Hart ot Council Bluffs, Iowa, on Wednesday. June 2. 1920, by the Rev, Frank M. Townley of Brooklyn. JAC'ISON ANDRKAS. On Saturday. June 5, 1920, at the chapel of St. Ansgarlus of (he Cathedral Church of St. John the Di vine. New York city, by the Rev, Dr. George F. Nelson, Battle Van Brunt Andreas, daughter of Mrs. and the late Mr. Justice Charles B. Van Brunt, to Ken neth M. Jackson. JORDAN NATHAN. Mr. Samuel Franklin Nathan of Far Rockawae announces the marriage of his sister Irma to Mr. Will lam Jordan of Lawrence, L. I., on Tues day, June 1, 1920. KLEINER ZIMMERN. On Monday,. May 31, at tho Hotel Gotham, by tho Rev. Dr. Krass, Edna, daughtrr ot Sarah and the late Samuel Zlmmern, to Joseph J. Kleiner, son of Mr. nnd Mrs, Max Kleiner. LEVY-MOSKOWITZ.-On Tuesday. Jure 1, at Pouch Mansion, 343 Clinton av., Brooklyn, Margaret, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Max Moskowltz, 147 Grand st., Brooklyn, to Mr. Harry Levy. LOIICKS-ENO.-At St. Mlihael'a Chap-I. Saturday, June 5, by Rev. Dr. W. D. Johnson, Jean'Eno, daughter of Mrs. Wil liam Olassell Eno of New York, to P. Du pont Loucks, son nf Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Loucks of Oradell, N. J. McBBlDE STANTON. At the Church of tho Holy Infancy, Luzerne, N. X., June 4, 1920. by the Rev. John A. Delgnan, Frances Isabelle Stanton, daughter ot Mrs. John Stanton of Troy, N. Y.. to William M. Mcllrlde of New York city. SCHAUFFLER PAGE. At Rock Acre. Cornwall, N. Y June 5. 1020, by the Rev. Harvey Officer, O. H. C, Marjorle, daughter of Justice and Mrs. Alfred R, Page, to Penne. Fellows Schauffler. SMALL ABRAMS. Marvin Stanley Small to Blanche Dorothea Abrams, on Thursday, June 3, 1020, , N STE1NERT BRAINARD. At St. Paul's M. E. Church, New York, June 5, 1020, by Dr." Raymond Lalor Forman, Erma Made Ion, daughter of Mrs. Cora I. Bralnard, to Clarence Hutchison J. Stelnert of Has brouck Heights, N. J. UI.MAR-BLOOM.-On June 2. 1920. Mrs. Charlotte Bloom of 25.1 East 77th st., announcea the marriage of her daughter, ElUaJieth, to Silvester Ulmar. WAhD-COLLINS. Mrs. Charles W. Collins announces the marriage of her daughter, Madelalne Reglna, to Mr. Thomat Henry Ward of Connecticut", April 7. 1920. ANNIVERSARIES. ' FRANK Mr and "Mrs. Leopold Frank of fifli W.-st lROth st.. announce the 50th an niversary of their marriage. Reception at Delmontco a stunuay, june is, at rj:ao P. M. No cards. PARDO. Mrs. and Mr. I. R, Tardo. 1243 Tin ton n. The Bronx, will celebrate ' the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding on June 10. SO-EL, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sobel of 302 Convent av. beg lo announce the 20th an niversary of their wedding on Sunday, June fl. 1920, and will be pleased to re ceive their relatives and friends at their residence after 8 P. II. STERNLICHT. Mr. and Mrs. A Sternltcht of SAO Caldwell av. beg to announce the 2.1th r annlvereary of their marriage on Wednesday, June P, 1020. . At home to . relatives and friends after 8 P. M. VAN LEEUWEN. Mr. and , Mrs. Benjamin Van Leeuweq celcbrste their golden wed ding on June 12. Reception at their resi dence, 157 Beach 113th' St., iRoekaway Park, on Sunday, June 13, from 3. to 0. A faintly dinntr at the Cherry Inn, 101 Beach. 115th St., at 7 P. M. No cards. DIED. Arnold. Wltlard J. Bay. Anita P.. Auerbach. Samuel H. Lang. Daniel O. Rtckman. Ellxabeth M.Martens. Matilda V. Blvn. MM Iln Morgenthaler, Marts Moss, Frank Myers, Ralph Oestrlch. Sarah Raymond, George T. Robinson, Eatelle M. Conway. Robert It. Corne, William E. Crochoron, Mary L. Davis. David Falconer. Alexander FlUhugh, William W.Ro-ve, GeQrgeM. Friedman. Anna anyner. ja-yB.jr-, Graham, Francis E Hall, Andrew A. Sturgcs. Anne IC. Wobd. Edna G. Tn Memortam. neach, Sophia V. Mnmielbaiim, Fanny Danzlcer. I,ouls Jf. Roach. David Hart. Betty Hartmann. Julius V. KInsella. Daniel F. Mahon, A. B. Uoblnsnn. Caldwell C. 8iar- iKas Wiener, Max ARNOLD. At Summit, N. J,. on Saturday. i,in !t tn"n. Wlllard J.. beloved husband of Jennie Arnold. Funeral aen-lco will bo held at bis lato lesldence. 50 Valley View av.. Summit. N. J., on Tuesday, .Tune 8, at 8 P. M. Interment private. Please emit flowers. AUERBACH.-Famusl H. of Salt Lake City, nt 40 West nth St., on Juno 4. In hla year. Beloved husband of Evelyn Brinks and father ot Herbert, George, Frederick, Resale, Jennie, Madeline. Selme Mohr and Josephine Slegel, Funeral from above ad dress on Sunday, at 215 P. M. inter ment at Salt Lake City. Tlcase omit flowers. EICKMAN.-'Etliabeth Manning, beloved wife of the late John Hickman, mnerai day momlng nt 10 o'clock from late dence. 327 Eaat 18th at.: thence ti riinrrh nf (ho Rntohanr. 2d av.. near st.. where solemn high mass will be of fered for the reposo ot her eoul. Kindly omit Rowers, masses preferred. Funeral private. BLYN. Suddenly. Juno 4, Millie, beloved ilaughttr of the lata Isaac and Marlanna Blyn and devoted sister of Nathan, Jacob, Hannah Stoff, Henry. Benjamin, David. Eva Curtlck and Rosa Ixvlnson. Funeral from the rhapol of Saul A. Rothschild, 150 West 120th St., on Sunday, June 6, 2 I'. M. CONWAY. On Friday. 'June 4, 1920, Robert II.. b'loved husband of Mathilda Conway (nee Khmer). Funeral from his late res idence. 149 Weet Bfith St.. on Monday, June 7, at 0:30 A. M., thence to St. Matthew's Church, 67th St., near Amsterdam av. Member of Lodge No. 1, R. P. O. Elks. CORNE. William E.. In his 53d year, be loved husband of Cora B.. neo Dalton, at his resilience In Tappan, X, Y.. on Juno ., llr'O. Funeral services on Monday even ing. June 7, at 8 P. M at his late resi '':',. , ,,.,,.,., I dence. c i-- iiwiu...-. j ":"".," ,", ' . paaced a way I- Hilay. I I 1 .. at her resl- dence. 168 Arthur HII road. Richmond.. atatsa lilioJ. r.ua2 .'... ouaday,, Jun9.lJVM, ... A I i DIED. DAyiB.-DavM. MovH liujibanf. of Mart ali, resilience 200 Vtt 107lli t or i""" . iS P- M- from Martin VKk'i i, t-uiiriHi -firviPL'- on ivin inav. pbapcl, 227 Unox av, '"-Cosmopolitan Lodge. No. 202, ...I fyitJ..of ''J'lhlas, regretfully announces . .V1 "f mir "lol brother and re. quests the pierenrn of Hie members at tlm l"K P'ac. (mm Martin Peek's Mineral Parlors. 227 Lenox av., Menday. riM. . 1, M Ilerment Union 1 Ichls, Cypress Rills. Fraternally. Morton 8, Coan, C. O,; W. O. Cohen, K, it, B. m;l'l 9n, B!!"ty. June 3, at the rel denco nf her daughter, Mrs, Lyman T Der, Mary Elizabeth Wilson, widow of 1 W,,1.1.1 rakn and daughter of the late Dr. William Wilson and Elizabeth Ooelet Rurknor. Nolleo nf funeral hereafter. Boston nnd llaltlmoro papers pleaat. cw-V. FALCON fill.-At Stumford, Conn., on Fri day, Juno 4, 1920, Alexander Falconer, be. loed husband of Lilly H. Falconer, father of Mrs. Alden L, McMurtry and Alexander l alconer, Jr. llaltlmoro and Atlantic Cl" papers pleuao copy, nTZHUOH.-Wll!la'm Wyv'lll. on June 4. In -i?, S0 " r?r! nt ''la residence. K0 Went t''i1 V H;,ty, If" M Tl" I'uneral Church. Campbell Building, Binadwny at fidth st , prlvMe' 8 ''' M" ,nl"mmt FRIEDMAN. June 5, Anna, wife nf tha late Isnatx and devoted mother ot Rose . Srhnltiler and Jacob. Funernl from the ."f..8aul A. Rothchlld. 159 West 1.0th St., Monday, June 7, at 10:30 A. M. fI';i!'M.-Oii Friday. June 4, at Ma home, 7;"l,"y"K P'-' ow vork city, Francis 'VJ,,ll,a", beloved husband of Agnes 8 ical-or, aged 53 years. Funeral sen Ices at Ills late rcaldence Monday afternonn at 1 o'clock. Interment Cyprcaa Bills Cemetery. 1,ALt.-Frlday, June 4. Andrew A,, son of i .Austin a, and liieanor L. Hal . 1 1 uncral prhatc. HAV.-On Tuesday, Juno 1. nt Demllle, N. ' Anita Blanche, beloved wife nf A. 8. Hay and mother of Walter. Connie ami John IVnn, runlvnrs of S.S. Carolina, sunk by German submarine June. 2, 1918, off Cniw llattcras, N. V. London. Jtong , hong, Yokohama papers please copy. LANO.-nnnlel O.. at the Post-Graduate Hospital, on Juno 4, In his 58th year. Funernl nrliate. I.ANG.-Vi'ternns of the Seventh Regiment jtrc rrques.a to attend the funernl ser vices of Daniel O. Lang. (4th Company) at Stephen Merrill's Lndtaking Parlors, .".01 West 120th St., Sunday, June fl, at 7. P. M. WILLARD O. FISIC. President. MARTENS. On Thuraday. Juno 3, 1020. Ma tllda Yesser, beloved wlM of the late Fred erlck W. Mnrten. aged 00 yoars. Services at her lato residence, 121 East 170lh St., Bronx, Sunday, the 0th, at 5 P, M. Inter ment private. MOKGENTHALER.-On Thursday. June J, 1920, Mario, wife' ot the late Jacob, and mother of William, 'Jacob, Leonnrd, Emily nnd Elttabcth Morgenthaler, In her 75th year. Services nt'her late residence, 181 Lincoln Road, Brooklyn, Sunday, 4 P. M. Plcnse omit (towers. Interment at con vcnlenco of family. MOSS. Frank, on June 5, afler a, prolonged Illness, at his home, 23 East 127th st. Notice of funeral hereafter. MYERS, On Juno 4, In Ms 58th yenr, Ralph, husband of the late Fanny Myera and de voted father of Ray, Florcnoo and Harry. Funeral from tho ihapcl of Saul A. Roth schild, 159 West 120th St., Sunday, June 0, at 10:30 A. M. OESTIUCH.-On Saturday, June H, In her 7Jth year. Sarah Oestrlch, beloved mother ot Mrs, Cora Oestrlch Goodklad and the lato Abraham and grandmother of Muriel Oestrlch Brady. Funeral services at her late residence. S00 West 100th at., Mon day, June 7, 10 A, M. Interment private. RAYMOND. On June 4, 1920. George T. Raymond. In his 70th year. Funeral ser vices at the U. S. Giant Post Headquar ters, 489 Washington av.. Brooklyn, Mon day, Juno 7, 3 P. M. Interment Green wood. ROBINSON. Eatflle M.. belovd wife ot Thomas A. Robinson of Liverpool, Eng land, nt her residence, 3."0 West 83th st., June 4. Services Sunday, June 0, at 2 P. M. Texas. Oklahoma and Colorado pnpers please enpy. ROWE. June 4. 1920, George A. Remains at Stephen Merrlt's Chapel, 223 8th av., ' near 21st st. SNYDER, Jane F., widow of William 8. Snyder, on ' June 4. Interment Fernwood Cemetery, Philadelphia, Pa,, Sunday, June li. Newport, Perry county, Pa papers please copy. STURGES. Anne Kneeland Sturges, sud denly June fl, In her 52d year, daughter ot Almlra and the late Edwin C. Eturget, Funeral private. WOOD.-On Jun 5, Edna Gambia Wood, wife of Charles E. Wood, at her resi dence. Grand View, New York. Sen Ices at the North rre3bytcran Church. 153th st., between Broadway and Amsterdam av.. New York city, an Monday, at 3 P.'.M. Interment Woodlawn. Edna Gamble Wood, wife of Charlea E. Wood, crude rubber broker, nnd mother of Richard, William r.nd Mary, on Saturday, June C, at her summer home at Grand Vlew-on-the-Hudson, New York, after m lingering Illness. Mrs. Wood was t ie I sister of S. Leslie Gamble and Mrs. Will-i lam Tajlor and daughter of William Gamble, vice-president of the Inlng Na tional Bank. IN MEMORIAM. ' BEACB.-In loving memory of Sophia VIr-,j alula Beach (Bluhm). who died at Nut ley. N. J.. June 0. 1918. DANX.1GKR. In sad nnd loving memory of Louis Moses Pamlger. who departed this life June fi, 1918. Gone but not forgotten,. HART. Betty. In loving remembrance of, our dear mother, yho died June 5, 1915. HARTMANN In loving memorlam of Julius Victor Hartmann (Inventor and builder ot Brooklyn Bridge. New York, under pseudo Von Rochllng, head engineer). Died on June tl, 2:30 P. M., 1917, at the German '""'ERNESTINE HARTMANN, Widow. KINSEI.LA.-In loving remembrance Daniel F. KInsella, died -June, 0. lfXfc. MAHON. In mfnory-of mr Jiusband, Arcul tmld'B. Mr'n.Avho died Juna 4, 1914. "Tn l.i "i in'the hearts Of "Nose "we leave behind ' Is "fcto die." MANDELRAV;l.-tn memory of pur beloved mother, Fcti.iy Mandelbaum, who departed this life JCie 0. 1913. . ROACH.-In tMr.stant and affectionate re membrance o my brother, David Roach, who died Juit 10. J018. BOBI.NSON.-CXcwolf Colt Roblnsnn. D. 8. C. Lleutenan. Ui Co.. Bth Reg. of Ma rlnes, heredlfc-fy' member of the Society ot tbe Clncln,jintl. Killed In action in the Bols de. Utvleau. France, June fl, 1018. "Ai Christ d'.d to make men holy, let us dlt to make men free." KTMlri Ellas. In cherished memory our beloved brother and uncle, Ellas, who passed rway June 7, 191.. WIENER. In loving memory of Max Wiener, beloved husband of Rebecca, devoted father and. grandfather, who passed away June 6, 10 lo. t U N VEILIN G S . BLOCIL Unveiling of monument In memory nf Theodore Bloch. beloved nephew of Mr. nnd Mrs. Bloch, Union Field Cemeterv. Cypress Hills. Sunday.. Jdne fl at 2:30 T. M. In case of Lain following Sunday. BOB, Unveiling f tbe monument of my be loved wife and dear mother. Anna Bob (neo-Garllnkel), at Mount Lebanon Ceme tery, Glendale, L. I., Sunday, June 0, at 2:30 T. M. Relatives and friends Invited, EPBRA1M. The unveiling of the monument cf Isaac J. Ephrnlm. beloved husband of Fannie (neo Tuck), Sunday. June 13. at 2:30 P. M., Bayslde. Cemetery. In case of rain following Sunday. FIX The unveiling of tho monument for my dear husband and our dear father, Eiiill Fix, will tako place on Sunday. June 13. at Mount Neboh Cemetery at 2:30 P. M. In case of rain tho following Sunday, GOLDSMITH.-Unvelllng of the monument erected In memory of Till e Goldsmith (neo Kaufman) will take pace on Sun day, June 6. at 3 P. M.: Union Fields Cemetery. Relatives and friends are kindly requested to attend. GREENBAUM. Unveiling of the monument to the memory of our beloved jnothar, Frances Greenbaum. will tako place at i. "... r-.ri rv oterv. Section A. Sun- dav June' 0. at 4 P. M.. weather permit Ing." n B. and Joph U Greenbaum. at liruuW" ;-"".. ,,..1 f,, .nllnulnP . .. ,., i Is unravoraoie iu.ii, - Sunday. Titnt-'I.SOHN Unveiling of monument on ,LJ?nnda7. June 13. 1020. 3 P. M.. at Cypress Hills CemcteiV to the memory of the late Clara H. Judclsohn. nee Hartogeiuls. t VIP7IOER. Unveiling of monument In memory of our beloved father, Abraaam Lelptlger. Rayridgo Cemetery. June 13. 3:30 o'clock. t pvy Tlie unveiling nf the monument ot our" beloved father, lsldor Jvy, on Sun day. June 13, Starhpelari Cemetery, si It A. M. sharp. In caso of rain the fo iw In'g Sunday. ROEVSTO'IC. Monument In memory of my dear husband and our beloved father. Bemhard Rnsenstock. will be unveiled on the Reuben Lodge grounds In Mount Hope f'em-tery. Cypress Bills, on Sunday, June 13, 1920, at 3 P. M. VAN NIEROP (neo Hartogensls).-l'nvelllng of monument In memory of Bertlna H ' Van Nlerop. devoted wife of Mnnrlts and Moved mother nf ltc;irk-ti ?i . r Spanish Porte-ice,' '-in-iTe.-,lm nt tery. Oypress Inns, oa aunuay. Jau l gX&.iU . , ' ion. jponOWITZ.-vniciiinK u. ""'""' ' p'V, rest' Herowltz. Sundayt Juuo tl. at - P. M., J thS Aeacla Cemetery, Bayalde, L. I. City line. a ' v .. ,.,., Tiri,irn to novel av. ii wrainer