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THE SUN AND NEW YORK HERALD, THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1920. 6 PERSONS DROWN I ABOUT CITY IN DAY i IVo Girls of Church Ticnic Crowd Among List of Victims. BODIKS ABB IiECOVERED Export Swimmer Lost in Woodoloft Cluuind -Inquiry Is Ordered. Six person, two of Uiem kits nml the others boys under sixteen, were drowned yesterday in and about Notv York "!t". Mlfs Ida Dlnkersloot of Thirty-second ftreet, Clifton, N. J., nnd Miss Nolllo Holstor ot J35 Sherman street, Passaic, ere .:ruwnetl In Verona Lake, at Ve rona, N. J- They hail ffono to the lako on tlie annual picnic of the First Hollmd IMormed Church of Tassale, and after lunch went bathing. They wcro seized with cramps. Miss Holster's brothor, ItuJolph. 16, went to their aid, but the frightened Klrls pulled him under the water. He was rescued by Charles Trut-x, another of the picnickers. Tho bailie of the girls wero recovered by iawd Slabatk, former Mayor ot Ve rona. Two of the hoys drowned were David Jlonvitz, 15 years old. of 264 Seymour nenue, Newark, and Robert Miller, 12, of Clinton avenue, Newark. Yotfnff Hor witz went to Slngnc with his sister, Mrs. Fannie Teltelbauni, nnd Btarted to swim arvnts the rawalc River, ft distance ot about K'O feet. Mrs. Tcltelbaum saw him throw up his hands and sink nnd the swam toward him, but she was not able to reach him In time. Tho body Was recovered, YounB Miller was visiting at tho sum mer cottafio of Edward Wcatherlll at Budd Lake. With ona of tho Wcatherlll bo)?. Hob rt. went out on a float. Ho dived, and did not como up again. Tho bodv was recovered. Joseph Dembroskl, 8 years old, of 302 Water street, Brooklyn, was sent along tlio docks of tho East River to look for blt of wood. Charles Koblsky, 11, of 201 Water street, was with him. At the foot ot Washington street Joseph Jumpod Into, the water, The Ppllco Department has begun a search for the body. Assistant District Attorney Elvin Ed wards of Nassau county has begun on Investigation of tho death of Thomas McCann, who was drowned In Wood cleft Channel on Tuesday, McCarui lived In m East Fiftieth street nnd was nn expert swlmmor, having at ono time been a lifeguard. Ho started to swim ncross'tha channel, nnd did not como up again after ho dived. Tho body was found near tho' spot whoro ha had gone, down. An autopsy will bo performed by Dr. Arthur Jacques of i-ynbrook. Matthew Prouskl, IB, of 3U St. Paul's avenue,, Jersey City;, was drowned In tho Hackensaclc River yesterday afternoon when he went flwlmmlng with several ether boys. Tho body was not rocovcred, CAlf FLY 173 MUES AN HOUR.' Ccnere Snliellt JIrlnn Plnnrf of Swiftest Alriilnne. v Tho plans of a biplane which Is said to bo the swiftest piano In tho world havo been brought to this country by Lieut.- Cesero Sabellt of tho Italian Caccla Air Squadron, who arrived yes terday on the steamer Giuseppe Verdi of tho Transatlanttcn, Itallnna Line. The piano can mako 280 kilometers, or about 173 miles an hour, according to Lieut. Sabellt. Ho said that ho would discuss tho plans with members of tho Aero Club, but would not make known the name of the piano for several days. The Verdi brought In 60 first cabin passengers, 245 second cabin and 1,650 steerage. Among those Aboard wcro Dr. A. T. Webb, who has for years been den tist to tho Italian royal family, and Lionel Perella, Italian banker, who re turned optimistic over Italy's rapid re cuperation from tho war. . Flint HciulH Aircraft 'Society. Albert H. Flint, vice-president of the L. W. F. Enlgncerlng Company, Col lege Point, L, I was reelected president of tho Manufacturers Aircraft Associa tion t a meeting held yesterday at tho association's offices, 501 Fifth avenue. Frank H. Russell, Curtles Aeroplane nnd Motor Corporation, was elected sec retary; J. K. Robinson, Jr., president of the Gallaudet Aircraft Corporation of East Greenwich, R. I., vice-president, and P. B. Rcntschler of tho Wright Aero nautic Corporation of Patcrson, N. J., treasurer. CROWD THREATENS DRIVER. Police CaIIciI tp Protect Man Who Hun Down Child. Five policemen were sent to Mount Slnar Hospital, Fifth nvenuo and 100th street, lost, night to help Detectives Unger and Rudolph and Patrolman At tach of thn Runt 104th strt station disperse ,a crowd p( ,300 Italians. Tho leaders In tho crowd said they were waiting for tho driver of a truck that had run down and killed Vlto Antonelll, 0 years old, of 234 East 106th street. Tho driver, Joseph Pacello, 43 years old, a wholesale grocer of Newburgh, N, Y carried tho boy to tho hospital from 106th street and Third avenue whero tho accident occurred. There It was found the boy had died; After the crowd had been scattered, Pacello was taken to the East 104th street station awl charged with homicide. Tho police said cyo witnesses told them the truck was going Blowly, but that the street was full ot playing children. Pacello said he had no time to apply the brakes. COPELAND DUE HOME TO-DAY. Two Union Delegations Will Greet Health Commissioner. Dr. Royal S. Copcland, Health Com missioner, who went abroad Mny 3 to at tend a health congress Tit Brussels nnd afterward spent some time In England, In dun homo this morning on the Lap land ftom Southampton A r port was received at the Health Department offices yesterday afternoon that a delegation of tho International Brotherhood of Stationary Firemen and tho International! Union of Steam Engi neers will meet the ship at Pier 61, Hud son River, to .express their appreciation of Dr, Copeland's work in settling the heat strike. 8 Cent Fnre Suspended. The S cent tariff rate filed by the Hudson and Manhattan Railroad Com pany has been suspended by tho Inter state Commerce Commission until Au gust 2, ' Orcn Root, president of the road, announced yesterday. Tho sus pension Is applied on a period of 110 days, beginning April 4. Mr. Root said tho commission has power to extend tho suspension again for thirty days it It Is found desirable. Meantlmo the present 6 and 10 cent tariffs will continue. Quality Does Pay! "1 have run my Mack continuously for 55,000 miles. My repair bill has been only $35, (or labor." from vne letter tut tf hundreds we should like you to read. EXTREME simplicity of parts, their special treat ment and their accessibility are largely responsible for the paying quality of the Mack. Distinctive Mack engineering features combined with 18 basic Mack patejitshave developed the motor truck the world is talking about. Capacities 1 to 7J4 torn, tractors to 15 tons Full information on request For the benefit or local Mack owners a Brooklyn branch has been opened at 1052 Atlantic Avenue, Tel. Prospect 2335. INTERNATIONAL MOTOR COMPANY, 252 West 64th Street, New York City. "PERFORMANCE COUNTS" 20 s Poll package with moisture' proof paper wrapper 20 WI-fK if Q6k Equip Your Small Car With Goodyear Tires 4 f t ' Goodyear Tires in the 30 x 3-, 30 x 3lz" and 31 x 4-iiich sizes are manufactured with characteristic Goodyear care to build high relative value into every carcass and tread Last year more cars taking these sizes, were factoryequipped with Good year Tires, than with any other kind In order to make these tires widely available to users of such cars, we are operating the world's largest tire factory devoted to these sizes L If you own a Ford, Chevrolet, Dort, Maxwell or other car requiring one of these sizes, go now to tjhe nearest Goodyear Service Station Dealer for Goodyear Tires and Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes HAW TOURIIT 30 x 3V Goodyear Double-Cure Fabric, All. - tjQ Weather Tread L 30 x 3lz Goodyear Single-Cure Fabric, Anti-Skid $ 1 5 0 Tread ' " Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes cost no more than the price you are asked to pay for tubes of less merit why risk costly casings when such sure protection is available? $J 50 30x3V size in waterproof bag T1 any "Sweet Cap" smoker, why, and he will say '"'Because I like 'em" and J that's reason. enough, too. . But Dad 4 could tell him why He likes 'em: Golden Vir ginia tobacco, blended with just a dash of , Turkish, not merely "cured" but cured Kin ney's good old-fashioned way. And he could tell him also that he's just like a million other men. It doesn't make any. difference whether he knouisi Sweet Caporals were the first American ciga rette, the first blended cigarette and the first pure and mild cigarette ever made, It may not interest him to hear that SWEET Caporals have never been changed in over fortv years nor that the London Lancet, the world s leading medical journal says that VSweef - - - CAPDRAL Cigarettes are" the" purest form" in which tobacco can be smoked." The thing that counts most with him is his first reason "he likes 'em.'They are good' CISARETTES i - . A Guaranteed by rt a- which metal that II you don't like Sweet Cipore! Ciftrettet you cm iet your money btck from the dttler I' v-t ' 'ft J ' 1M ' ' -S . ' 1 !-, " ' !( r I'M ... - ,.fi,.,t , ' v "lit. ( . V u It i - r ... ., ..if 1 (J, iil V I' .(- .Js