WEATHER FORECAST. Cloudy, probably showers to-day; to morrow clearing; no change in tem perature; moderate east winds. Highest temperature yesterday, 73; lowest, 6a. Dotallcd weather reports will be. found on Editorial pig. AND THE NEW YORK HERALD A HAPPY BLENDING The amalgamated SUN AND HERALD preserves the best traditions of each. In combination these two newspapers make a greater newspaper than either has even been on its own. VOL. LXXXVIII NO. 6 DAILY. NEW YORK, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, prtfX;r w k. PRICE TWO CENTS I TURKS ci:nth WITHIN aoo UttJU, IN NEW YOllK CITY. J FOI'll OXNTS KI.HKWIIKftB). WICKERSHAM FINDS HARDING TRUE TO ALLIES gays Nominee Wants As sociation of Nations, Xo Separate Peace. TO PROTECT AMERICA rr. Z4,U0U Maine Women Registered at Voters Tan 's Attorney - (General Has Long Talk With Re publican Candidate. LATTER NOT SCUTTLER PORTLAND, Me., Sept 6. More than 24,000 women have registered as voters in this State since laws were enacted for that purpose at the special session of the Legislature last Tuesday, according to estimates here to-night. COX INTIMATES INDUSTRY LEVY Asks Hays if 0. 0. P. Called on Gathering of Coal Men to Furnish $80,000. HARDING DRIFT IN MARYLAND IS RUNNINGSTRONG Current Toward G. 0. P. That Gave State to McKin ley Seems Gaining Fast. SCHISM AIDED WILSON RADICALS SEIZE FACTORIES IN EVER Y SECTION OF ITAL Y Red Flag Run Up tr Replace National Standard as Workers Defy Owners With Arms. Republican Creed Appeals to 30,000 Independents, Who Hold Balance. May Prop Front Porch Method and Speak on Atlantic and Pacific Coasts. HAMMERS SLUSH STORY I WELLER IS RUNNING FINE Moore, Goes to Michigan for New Evidence to Offer Probe Committee. Prohibition, Suffrage, Negro Claims and Big Navy Are Factors in Campaign. , a Stall Cerrvegesdesl l Tub Be and Niw Yoik Mruii p. Marion, Ohio, Sept. 5. Illustrative of the united front of the Republican party against "Wilsonlnn and Cox Ism'1 and other forms of Incompetency Is the attitude taken by George W. Wlckersham, Taft's Attorney General, fitter a long talk he had to-day with Senator Harding. Mr. Wlckersham as everybody knows, burned with zeal for the League of Nations, His fever of desire for the covenant ran fully a high as Mr. Taft's, yet he finds himself to-day In perfect harmony with Harding, convinced, as he eays, that Harding's appreciation will sat isfy every practical and ethical re quirement. Mr. WIckcrsham's position, like Mr. Taft's, is founded upon the conviction that Mr. Harding is a man of great good sense, practical experience and real liberality, and that Mr. Harding enn be depended upon to do the proper thing as regards a league or an asso ciation to discourage or prevent war. Fornnil Matement Made. .sf:cr r.'n.iuking that he was deeply Bj a Staff Corrttftmdtvt of Til. Sex anu Nrw Yosk Hnuui. Chicago, Sept. 5. Gov. Cox stopped his stumping tour to-day to come to Chicago and outline some work for the Senate investigating committee to do toward sustaining his often repeated and often denied chargo that the Re publican National Committee is rais ing a slush fund of $15,000,000 to buy the Presldency. After a conference with Ed. H. Moore, his personal rep resentative before the committee, hi; volunteered what he .termed a new lead for inquiry in the form of a ques tion addressed In a satirical tone to Will H. Hays, the Republican chair man. "I desire to ask Mr. Hays whether there was any quota, assessment, fixed donation or whatever the proper term Is levied against the coal men of Chi cago, in the amount of 180,000," Gov. Cox said. "I desire to ask him whether he re calls a meeting of coal men which took place on the ninth floor of the Audi torium Hotel In this city In the early a Staff Corrttpondenl nf Tin Sin and New Yoik Hkxalp. Bai.timohb, Sept. 6. Tho' Repub lican current is running strongly In Maryland. If the election couldbe held to-day Harding would carry the. State handily and O. K. Weller "Good Roads" Weller of this city would capture the United States Senate seat of John Walter Smith. This, from a Republican standpoint, happy situa tion can be maintained straight up to and over election day if the Repub lican campaign managers work vig orously and intelligently and with some special regard for the feelings and attitude of the people of this border State. The electoral vote is waiting for Senator Harding and the Senate seat Is ready for Mr. Weller if the right, sort of campaign Is made, a campaign of information, education and dignity. Like prohibition, Maryland's disposi-; ton to turn Republican has been in- tenstfylng and solidifying for years. Although a picket fence of the solid j South, the State, has displayed en thuslasm for Republican policies and , candidiates on numerous occasions In : the last thirty-two years. Over that 1 By LAI HEXCH HILLS. Staff Corrttpondent of Tub Si n anb Nrw Yoaa Hui,o, Copyright, into, by Tin Bun and Nsw Yoik Mould Paris, Sept. G. Press despatches received here from Italy conUnuc contradictory, hut tho French For eign Office views the . Italian sit uation as graver than tho Gov ernment in Rome is willing to ad mit. The Italian workers' move ment Is spreading rapidly in the larger cities and ports. In Trieste a general strike has been proclulmed, and the dock workers have Joined in It, threat ening to hoist the red flag and to operate industry and transportation themselves. Milan and Turin are centres of the revolt, and ' the workers are nrmed with rifles and machine guns. In one factory they have even a small calibre cannon mounted before the door and are ready for action. Persons arriving here from Milan declared that more red flags than Ital ian flags wero shown there, although the Italian workers denied that they had Instituted Sovietlsm. , Owners and superintendents of fac tories, they said, are not allowed to enter their plants, a workmen's com mittee being in control. This commit tee, they added, has advanced wages 30 to 50 per cent. The situation In Genoa was reported to be critical. The dock workers were reported to have picketed the city, and were said to have plenty of machine guns. There Is no confirmation to be had here of reports that the Italian army and navy wero sympathetic townrd the movement, hut It was sal: that where reslstanco has been shown by the army and navy. It has been half-hearted. London-. Sept. 6. Sunday passed quietly in Italy, according to a Stefan! Avencv despatch from Rome. Many of the metal workers remained In tlw factories they had seized without their occupation giving rise to any disturbances. Work in some of the shops was again normal In conse quence of the employers consenting in advance to accept an agreement, which It Is hoped will eventually be reached between the employers and the workmen. COAST TO COAST AIR lift DAILY New Route to Be Opened Wednesday Most Perilous in Entire Service. END IS NEARING FOR M ACSWINEY Lord Mayor Still Conscious, Brighter at Noon, but in Pain at Night. BEATS TRAIN 24 HOURS REPLY TO FLEA OF LABOR Elapsed Time From Here to San Francisco Is Put at 56 1-2 Hours. nnnger Strikers in Cork Jail Enter 26th Day of Their Abstinence. STAGE IS SET TO AVERT BRITISH MINERS' STRIKE Lloyd George Is Returning From Lucerne to Take Momentous Action. TORIES WANT BATTLE Would Hare Him Defy La bor and Go to Country on Red Issue. A SETTLEMENT EXPECTED Premier Likely to Mediate and Forestall Peril of Indus trial Collapse. Return of Influenza Epidemic Predicted Hpn:ial tol'ut Sum and NiirYvli HiSAtn. ("JHICAGO, Sept. C Recur rence of the influenza epi demic nex,t winter is predicted by Health Commissioner Robert son in Ws weekly health report and all Chicago women who can arc urged to enroll in the Train ing School for Home and Public Nursing operated by the city as an emergency measure should the epidemic become serious. Dr. Robertson quotes prece dents to show the disease is re current at thirty year intervals and runs its course in four years. He does not expect the coming epidemic to attain serious pro portions unless accompanied by bad weather and other unlooked for contingencies. B.R.T. STRIKERS ARRESTED UPON MURDERCHARGE Four Held and More Sought for Killing Passengers in Attacks on Cars. 2 DIE IN BUS ACCIDENT sweep of campaign nationally Mary- ! summer, at which J. K. Deerlng spoke interested uf i he success of the national i to those assembled of this quota, Republican tk-ket because of the ntces-1 assessment, fixed donation or what- WmS1JiKt'.Wi I am also asking la has bn found either entirely party and from the exaggerated and dan- him whether he recalls that Mr. Deer- within the Republican ranks or has prous executive powers built up by!lriB..g Mmarks were gunolemented bv 8pllt ner l'torul vote for thc benefit President Wilson, Mr. Wlckersham, In i "J" "ma3 were supplemented by of the RepubHcan candldate, formal statement, said : aome from i,r- c- M- Moderwell upon McKlnley carried Maryland by 52.000 "I deplore the fact that the League of the same subject. If these clrcum- In 1S9S. In 1900 McKlnley again won JTatlon. should have been made to any stances are no c,w ,n h8 mlndi hJ Maryland by 14.000. In 1904 Roosevelt ii-i;ri'? a political issue in mis '. .ui.j,ikii. That it is so must be distinctly nttrlbut-: m6ht ca!1 In George McArthur, E. E. Id to the stubborn unwillingness of Pres-: Fyke and Robert H. Zollar of Chicago; 1 lent Wilson to recognize the constltu- James Forester of Duquoln. or Rice ;onal power of the Senate as part of the jjier 0j Hlllsboro " reaty making power, or to assent to any modification by It of the treaty as form- j Tarns Fire on Industrie. ulatfd In Paris. . "I earnestly favor the League of Na-' . Although Oov. Cox s ' new lead" was Hons. I recognise the Imperfections In " the form of a question. Inquiry on the Paris covenant. Yet. I should have 'h Part f th newap.r. me" brou5,ht k, .-.i.s ,e ., it rHwi rrii- forth a practical declaration from him ia .1 V urr-u, In ,a Mfrht of thig ,rVey. therefore. r'u ".'k ... iv T w. :T . I ! It would be foolish to assume that Mary- spilt tho electcral vote with Parker and In 1908 Taft split it with Bryan. Even; In the fatal election of 1912 the combined ' Rooaevelt-Taft vote wag 90 votes In excess of the Wilson vote. In 1918 WH-j on captured the State, but the reasons : were plain. Tho Republican srhlsm had i not been closed successfully and many libera Republicans either did not vote at all or caat their votes for Wilson. I Not Xatnrally Democratic. ten. believing tha the power of amend- ....... I 4 ..,,.,1.1 . I. ,,, h. ..,.1,1- M as our national interests might make ,re a,ld had "W" lel i ,anl naturally is Democratic, naturally 'essarv. I think the President sacri- . .. .... predisposed toward Cox or to her pres- fled the Interests of the country when . '",1 ,1 "'B , I ent Democratic Senator. It is much he refused to accept tho amendments chariro cwnceratnsr the coal men more r(,MOnable t0 aMume on the baa8 adopted by the Senate, or seriously to V"h"m V""'","' "V th V.n,,hrJ;n f r'''"iellc Ione '" In national elee-; endeavor to frame amendments to meet ; " f the Kpubllcan Marylan1 doubtful alwayf de ; the .Senatorial objections "I am In full accord with what Sena- ntlon be funds Is Inj then a llttlu that way, and going In the tor Harding said in his address of August , ?n:nv,lnV 1 end the way the big Independent vow batable, leaning a little this way and Sfrriat to Tn Shn and Nw Yosk IIisald. Washin-qton, Sept. 5. Postmaster General Burleson's air mail hobby will be enlarged and extended this week $t'Y the establishment of a coaat to edit route. Thc new route will be put In operation next Wednesday. whii planes will start from both New York and San Francisco. Tests Will In- made to-morrow. "The transcontinental daily air mall will be the most difficult flying project yet undertaken,'' the announcement read. "Not only has It required the working out of infinite detail for n dually operation of a route nearly 3,000 miles long, but the actual flying will be under most trying condttlone. "At Chevenne, Salt Lako and Reno the daily "flying with a full load of mall will hsve to be at altitudes ranging from 15.000 to 14,000 feet above sea level and over occasional high wind swept platenus with powerful head winds to cut down the speed of the planes. Every precaution Is being taken for the safety aril comfort of the pilots In the difficult mountain flying during the coming winter. Lloyd George to Hylan: "Can't Free MacSwiney" liy tht Auociatti m. LUCERNE, Sept. 5. Premier Lloyd George of Great Brit ain has replied in the negative to the message of Mayor Hylan of New York city urging the Pre mier to release Lord Mayor Ter ence MacSwiney of Cork from prison, where he is on a hunger strike. The Premier in his reply, despatched yesterday, stated po litely but firmly that he could not interfere with the course of justice and law. London, Sept. 5. Chaplain Dominic left Mayor MacSwiney at 9 o'clock to night He reported that the Mayor had occasional fits of dizziness, but had not lost consciousness. To-night the Mayor's condition waa unchanged. He was a trifle brighter toward noon, but his wife, who spent 2. when 'is expressed his belief In a; . . b ' h Democratic candidate are society or association or league or na- , th0M of wmnMt coal deafrs, t ont, animated by considerations of The Mea wMch the democratic can rlfht and Justice, Instead of might and (,,d(ite ,fl B(.eKlrig lo ,.onvey apparently. .elMnterest. and not merely proclaimed ,g that m addltlon t0 thf aupposed state, an agency In pursuit of peace, but so or- j counly and township quotas assessments aanrzra anu bo iii.i'' were levied against specific Industries make the actual attainment of peace a reasonable possibility. Substance Rather Than Form. "In common with Senator Harding, ro h an apsoclatlon I favor with all my l.eart and i would make no fine distinc tion as to whom credit is due. Let it be an association, ,a society or a league, or what not; my concern Is wholly with the substance, not the form thereof. "Senator Harding does not reject the This Is the first time he has attempted to present what he calls proof of such a thing, although the charges from the outset have centred on this. The charges that have been made time and again during the last three weeks, to every audience before which the Demo cratic aspirant has spoken, have been that certain "sinister" Influences have been at work trying to buy favored places In the Government, and he has, among others, named specifically bank- ,t.,m h. aalrl wnnti.,1 I it vnln Mtfilrnl league covenant. He recognizes that ltj o thB Fp(1,.rai Regrve system, and. Tiay nave neconie so eniiu.u mm unci-, mnnufacturers who wanted to "have the woven In the peace of Europe that Its good work must be preserved In order to itabllize the peace of that continent. In my opinion this la wise statesman shlp. The Paris covenant Is a part of 'he treaty of peace executed between the German Government and all of the nations with which It has been at war except the United States); a treaty under which vast property Interests have be-omc vested rights ; a treaty which has greatly restricted the power of the 'nnan Government separately to con tract with any other nation. "When President Hardingi working In accord with a Republican Congress, lakes up the work of placing upon a af. Just and sure foundation the re lations of this country to the other na tions of the world, I am confident that the logic of accomplished facts will lead to the adoption of the league, so modified a to remove all Just doubts as to Its undue effect upon American rights and Interests. "Senator Harding has recognised this 'act In the statement that ho has no ex pectation whatever of finding it neces sary or advisable to negotiate a separate peace with Germany. The first effort of his administration obviously must be to secure an agrelhient with the parties to the treaty of Versailles for Its modification so as to remove the ob jections of the American Government, and, that accomplished, our acceptance the amended treaty will be the natural 3".!iuon of the international problem. bayonet used to suppress labor disturb ances." He never had beroro mentioned the coal men. Gov. ('ox's new charge followed a lonx conference with Mr. Moore at the candidate's rooms In the Congress Hotel, following which Mr. Moore went to Michigan to remain until the Senate Committee meets again In Chicago Tuesday. Gov. Cox sent Mr. Moore there apparently to follow up some trails which were turned up Friday when the Democratic candidate made a series of speeches In the State. One of them will be publication In a Republican newspaper at Oshkosh of an article which Is said to have referred to the "raising of a quota" there for the Re publican fund. Cox Repeats Slash Charre. Apparently a large percentage of Democrats are trying to help Gov. Cox and Mr. Moore bolster up their charges. They are receiving considerable mall containing newspaper clippings which have to do with the subject and lists of names which 'the senders would like to have presented to the committee In the hope that they will be made to appear. Mr. Moore Is under subpoena to appear when sessions are resumed Tuesday, and the conference with Gov. Cox was for the purpose of going over his testi mony. The date on which he will be called, however, has not as yet been decided. Meantime uov. toi is going I maKe deslres to go. There uro about SO. 000 male Indepen- dents In this State that have been settling national elections for a good many years ; and often deciding State elections. As; they bo this vear, they nnd the same In- j dependent element among the new woman voters. Maryland will go. Obviously, therefore, the main business of the managers of the Republican cam paign Bhould be to convince the inde pendents, largely of Democratic ancestry, that Senator Harding will make a safer, stronger and more competent President than Gov. Cox and that Weller will make a more valuable Senator than Smith. This, Indeed, Is Just tl line of campaign that Is being taken under the Intelligent guidance of Galen L. Talt, , Republican State chairman. Tait, one of the finest types of political 'manager to be found anywhere, is down; hard on mudBliiiBing. loose talk and un- j dignified mothotla generally. He won't j stand for shakers sent out through j Maryland who make reckless accuse-1 tlonf. His methods are calm, dignified., businesslike. He Is centring his man-j agement upon Ideas thoroughly approved by Will H. Hays and the Republican ) National Committee. Kdncattn the Electorate. These Ideas nre educational and are put out by word of mouth, newspaper advertising and In pamphlet form In simple, vigorous language. Speaking broadly they cover these points: Baltimore, metropolis of the South, with her population of 730,000, half that of the whole Stale, Is a great industrial centre. She benefited immensely from Republican rule from the business stand point and stands to gain Immensely from a resumption of Republican rule. To Baltimore and all Maryland Republican victory means quickened Industry, the proper encouragement of business and greater all round prosperity. (Innumer able Instances and examples are fur nished to prove and point these contcn- j Hons.) Hard experience with Democratic i rule has proved that the Republican party offers the safest, sanest, strongest , national Government and Is the party of a great navy. ( Many Instances and ex-1 amples of the blundering and Incom patency of the Administration are sub-1 The thing dlfflcu'tles encountered .,, .,, ... on this route as a dally undertaking l - " ha not been underestimated by the I evening he was again In pain and suf Post Office Department. Through the j ferng from depression. cooperation of tne weamer imreau im: air mall officials have been able to plot Mrs. MacSwiney to-day received the average dally weather conditions for message signed by the President and a twenty year period and the Depart- secretary of the (Jjjrk tTrban District ment has been able so to lay out its , council, conveying in behalf of the townspeople of Cork "heartfelt sym pathy' and adding: "The sacrifice tho Lord Mayor and his fellow strikers are making has In fused Into their countrymen a settled determination to carry to triumph the cause they are suffering and dying for." Replying to the Labor party's appeal In favor of Lord Mayor MacSwinev, flying schedule that the planes in the main will be able to pass over the wind swept sections at the hours of least wind interference." New York mall to San Francisco will be advanced twenty-four hours by es tablishment of the transcontinental route, Mr. Burleson says. The mall planes arc expected to make the trip from New Ycrk to San Francisco In fifty-six and one-half hours, elapsed time, and the San Francisco to New -i ,., .iv., a1 r,np-hfllf hours. JOrK 1IIIC I" " . 1 . f, . I - r ..... .. elapsed time Msll sent Dy train irom - - -. , uuuicbku . luiis leuei, UHU'U l'mill,:i, ; street to-day, to the effect that the Gov- 1 ernmcnt's position was made clear In ' the Premier's statement of August 25, to which there was little to add. Mr. Bonar Law proceeds to stale I that MacSwiney was one of the leaders of tho Irish republican army, which declared Itself at war with the forces, i f the crown, and, according to his own written words in one of the seditious I documents for which he was convicted, he and his followers had determined to pursue their own ends, asking no mercy j and making no compromise. Had he beer taken at his word and dealt, with as an avowed rebel, accord- i Aj.erlal t'nbtt Drrpa' h to The SDN m New Voix IIbsalo. (ioavrioM, MO, by Tna Bps and New Yosk Unun. London, Sept. 5.-Two big jobs await Premier Lloyd George when he re turns hero from Lucerne. They are Ireland and the threat of an industrial collapse in England. There Is to-day more than a suggestion that the stage has already been set for him to settle the Industrial problem, however. On the other hand. In so far as Ireland is concerned, nobody sees anything there save bloody chaos. Whlie the coal miners, with the so called Triple Alliance (the union or ganizations of the miners themselves, of the railroad men and of the trans port workers) behind them, are unex pectedly consolidating, meanwhile hanging fast to their programme for a reduction In the price of domestic coal, an Increase In wages and the wiping out of the Government's sur plus from the mines and are Insisting that they will get the support of the Trade Union Congress this week, there Is in the air more than a hint of con cessions by both sides. J The offer by Sir Robert S. Home to submit the miners' wage demands to ad ; Judication by an industrial court has j not been turned flown by Robert Hmlllle I and other labor leaders. Ir.deed, the I London Sunday Times to-day goes so fir as to tar that the Strike hn Uen I averted, since declarations that they wish to avoid a strike were made by both Sir Robert and Mr. Smilho last Friday, -although others who head :hess declarations did not construe, them us definite. Premier's Talents Just Salted. Nevertheless the situation connected j with the miners is just such a one as I IVemler Lloyd George's talents revel In. Indeed, It Is a situation where he can get the miners In one room and the Cabinet In another and pas from one room to the other with counter proposals intll he can effect an agreement. It Is what he has done before this and what 1 is friends and enemies alike say h will do again. On the other hand, there is a most Important element In Kngland which believes that now is the time to glre labor the fight of Its life. Many lead ing Industrialists have already Indi cated their willingness to shut down their plants, and, Indeed, many of them have shown an eagerness to do so to "teach labor reason." However, this movement has not received the slightest popular support during the last few days, but the entire country has de manded a settlement at almost any price. Too, strangely enough, the public ha a not risen to the miners' bait for a four- SAFE IS CARTED MILESFOR LOOT Bobbers Drag 380 Toond Strongbox Away From Lig gett's in l'Ath Street. Truck Prom Michigan Runs Into a Brooklyn Store With Disastrous Effect. FOUND IN THE WOODS Work Goes On Unmolested Opposite Tammany Hall Day's Receipts Stolen. The 300 pound safe in which the day's receipts of the Liggett drug store, at 136 East Fourteenth street, opposite Tammany Hall, nre held, has been kept for several years tinder a small table some ten feet from tho front door of tho store and in plain view of the street. But when Patrol man Anthony Brennan of the Fifth street station, making his rounds yes terday morning shortly before 5 o'clock, looked through the glass door of thc store he saw that the safe was missing. y SUNDAY SERVICE IS GOOD 100,000 Go- to Coney Island on Two Lines Well Guarded i Against Violence. The Brooklyn Rapid Transit car men's strike entered upon its second week yesterday with every sign of an early collapse. The arrest of four strikers on charges of murder and the announce ment that flvo or six more are being sought on similar charges threw con sternation Into the ranks of the rowdy clement that has been stoning cart and otherwise endangering tho Uvea of passengers. The operation of Brighton Beach ele vated trains all night under a heavy police guard and the furnishing of normal day servico on all of tho im portant surface lines without serious mishap dismayed the strikers further. William 1). Mahon, international president of the Amalgamated Associa tion of Street and Electrlo Railway Employees, of which the strikers ara members, arrived in this city to taka personal charge of the union's side of Uie situation and issued a statement which was in the nature of a sharp This struck him as unusual, because not since he could remember had ho "buke for Louis Frldiger and others failed to sec the safe whenever he looked into the store. He tried the front door, but It was locked. He looked carefully over the front of the building and the fastenings on the door and windows, but there wero no signs that anybody had tampered with them, and no signs that there had been an attempt to break in. Yet the safe was gone, and the patrolman notified the captain of the Fifth street station, who sent Detective Williams to make an Investigation. Williams went to the back of the store, reaching It through a passage way from Thirteenth street through a vacant lot. Ho found that burglars had entered the cellar of the building in which the drug store is located, and that they had then made a hole In a tile partition and entered the cellar of the drug store. This hole was hardly large enough to admit a man, but the burglars had gone through It and Into the store. Then they had gone upstairs Into the store, and watching for a time wheiv the patrolman was at another end or his beat, they had hitched ropes Either that, or two men of unusual strength picked It up and carried it Into I the cellar. ) At any rate, having got the safe Into I thc cellar of the drug store the burg l lars did not attempt to open it there. I They decided to carry it away with , V. Th,. anl.,M,l , I, U 4k. ; H Z "Z , r.;,l i Pih b8"111' '" n(l Bhved the safe public which i has ndured high prices acr0SJJ tne ,.(lcant ,ot down thfl so long, now cries that coal is wanted at ,, .-,,,,, ,.. ,, a trucK. Detective Williams figured that all of this happened, and it turned out later that he was correct in his surmises, but he could not find nny further trace of the safe until yesterday afternoon, when Henry Dann of 543 Tenth avenue, Long who have been speaking for the strik ers within the last few days. Declaring that the creation of tha "unpleasant condition" was not with his consent or of his making, he de plored the attacks upon Judge Julius M. Mayer, Receiver Lindley M. Garri son and the newspapers, in which Frl diger has been indulging, and said: "You can rest assured that thosa who liave criticised the court in this case were not speaking for me or the Amalgamated Association of Street and Electric Railway Employees." Tito Killed In Strike Accident. Another fatal accident directly at tributable to the strike occurred yes terday morning when a motor truck that was carrying passengers crashed through the window of a store and two persons were killed and seven in jured. The discovery' of another fire, similar to the one which destroyed several cars in the Rldgewood yards of the B. R. T. Saturday morning, led to the belief that about tho safe and wheeled It to the I u" were ' re"u'1 t incenoiary piore rear of the Store. The police think the by nc etrlkers. lesterdays fire oc burglars must have placed planks on the curred In the storage yards of the East drug store floor before they began to Nw Vork brn and resulted in the de move the safe, because there were no , "'ruction of one car and the uniforms scars or marks of any sort on the tiling, j of tnrce policemen who helped ex- unguiso mc maze. Other instances of sabotage reported were the apparent tampering by strik ers with elevated railway switches and fuBe boxes. The men taken Into custody on homi cide charges growing out of disturbances gave their names and addresses as Frank Mazano. James Dl Papol and Sil vio Orslny, all of 1202 Sixtieth street, and Mike Colucco of 1330 Sixty-fourth street. They, are charged with having par ticipated last Tuesday night in the stoning of two trains of the Sea Beach line, which resulted in the death of Fred Friedman, 17 years old, fracturing the skull of William Fairbanks, motor man of one of the trains, and an in- Van- York to San Francisco readies me latter city In about 100 hours and San Francisco mail arrives by train in New York In about ninety-six hours. CHILDREN ARE SOLD BY FRENCH MOTHERS Accept a Few France Rather Than Let Them Starve. any price. The widespread desire for a settle ment of tho labor demands also was shown In a frantic, last hour effort to avert a lockout of tho electricians, which was scheduled for to-morrow In the entire Midland metals Industries. Such jl iockuui wuiii i iiiummed rain.ii. . ,.,., .,...i.,j i, urv to a woman uassenrer. , ,, . , , I WBIIU l..L, lUllIUITU ,,,,11 II -rf cations In all trades using electric power. ! W(llkln(t tUrou,h tlle woods at Flushing ' CotUCCO and two of tho other prisoner. avenue and Old Bav road. one-h:ilf mile ' "re said by the police to have admitted from North Beach. The safe, openl bv I that wer in thfi mol ,hllt "toned sledge hammers and saws and chisels. tha trains, nnd to have furnished the lay on Its side in a flump of bushes, but 'names of several men who were with there was nothing whatever left In it. tllem. They are alleged to have In. I had been looted clean, and there were i formed the police that the "tip" to at- not even anv marks on it to indlcato its the cars was secretly passed out owner. Dann notified the Astoria police, who ' ti'orerniurnt'a Activity. The Government has been meeting with both sides all day to-day and yes terday and the meeting is still In ses sion at a late hour to-night, when word comes from the conference room that the.-e are bright prospects of an agree ment. . at a meeting of the striking elevated railway and subway guards a short The mine leaders have all gone to ; In turn communicated with the Manliat- ' oeiore uib iuau. Portsmouth for the meeting of the entile ! tan headquarteis, and learned that the trd union movement there tn-morrmv. ! safe belonged to l.iggett's drug store. 1 Man High I p In I Men Arcmeit. rnecial Tabls Denpatch to Tus Sen and Niw ' Ynax UssAt-r. Copyright, , by Till 8cn ANP NW YoK HSBALD. T.T.n. Sent. 6. A widespread traffic In little children has just Deen aiecovereu i tng to tne universal practice among civ- in thle locality, tne iiih- miuumi nizcn noiiun, imajh .ur. iuii ,m while their propagandists are busier than a Tammany delegation In Saratoga try ing to line up the trades 'behind them. Similarly there was heavy political pres sure exerted on Downing street over the n the hlah cost of living In the dev astated region. Mothers who are un able to buy proper food for their babies prefer to sell them for a few francs ,n,i.r than see them starve, It Is said. would have been liable to be shot. In stead, he was tried by a legally consti tuted tribunal, sentenced to a moderate term of imi risonment and given ail the ' privileges of a political prisoner. Six cases of this kind were discovered ; "To rekasu such prisoners." asserts last week. In no Instance was more Mr. Honar uv, wouiu De notning snort than sixty francs paid for a child. In- j of a betrayal of loyal officers on whose deed, one Infant two months old was sold j devotlo" to duty the fabric of social to a' wealthy ahd childless farmer for i order In Ireland rests." ten francs. Mr. Bonar Law declares In conclu- ehead repeating his charge" "Voonew IdWm eroding', the charge now." he tells hi. audience, mlttfd , point these assertions.) -.1., ?JL. 7,! "and I will continue to make It up to xhe Republican party is again de- hike ,he lesd .rrevi-Von ZZt JH as. 1 "'!' or reconstruction he hl I,, count n ,UU,""M .'" . ... . X " "'T "" """' ., ,u" T, , J, . candidate conrerreu wun rrann uore- on the cordial cooperation of all na- 0'0 B,nator Thomas J. Walsh 'concerned.' I . Prll K Lester Jones, director o! the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, with whom he talked ahout reclamation projects In the Northwest, .nd Representative Warren Card (Ohio), Just back from the Congres sional Junket to the Orient Th. courts are threatening the most I sion that the Government canrot take a severe penaltl". unless this traffic In chil- course Involving the complete break-1 dren ceases. It woe stated that thc au- down of the machinery of law and gov thoritle had traced the practice of sell-1 ernn.ent, and that It the Itrd Mayor Ing children to a colony which arrived , dies In prison the responsibility will rent 1 here from the French Alps since th.l m some degree upon those who by their armistice was signed. In the French j repeated appeals have encouraged the .- ktA .1 ;i.l,..,, iu ul,1 to K-linf ft if f'lA Crwll m.nt Tt-nul.l nr.-,. , Alps tne spurns .- ' . " i ,7 h . enmmon occurrence. inamirn m no um u.,. ,,... Tha tiro marks of the truck that car- , u wag intimated last night that a rled the safe Into the woods were plain. iraan of Mfh .tandlng in the trolliv The distance from the drug .tore to the I unon hj facing arrest as a reault of? point where the safe was found Is about s .t.tements made bv the prisoners. II ten miles, and the burglars evidently had I (he- m,n ,al..n ., ..... week end to prevent the Ministers yield-! been In no haste. The woods are near t0$y v -sicrday morning by Acting Capt. ing anytning. no nouses ana mere was nomms to urn- i McClosliev, in charge of the Tenth In- However, the general public sentiment j turb them while they were about their .pectlon district, and Detectives Smith, against the row had such an airing last task of opening the safe. The police j jtvan and iilake of his ataff. They were wee): that It Is not expected that Pre- were unable to find out what was In . ,,Ucstiined at great length In the For mier j.ioya j.nurs;e win neglect it ior tne . the aaie, out tne mam- weicuinitii ii advice of his Tory backers. ' the drug store last night said that It 1 These Tory backers of the Tremler i contained probably between lM0 and j evidently are preparing to go before the 2,S0O, the receipts for Saturday. country on the labor issue. Last week j s'ens of remarkable activity were manl-; .nrmana dukt w febted In the Unionist party organisation, j MADDEN ACCUSES BUaLESUN. which started formal recruiting of that .lass of spellbinders used only In gen-' Tell. Po.tal Men Their Chief Wag era) elections. This win, of the coalition j rr , 9.Upl. Is urging Frontier Lloyd George to dls- , solve Parliament and to go before the Sr,-iil to Th Scn nb Naw Tosk llsai.i. ; rcuntry on the issue of resistance of the : Ctiicaoo, Sept. K. Representative! demands of labor, which. In the first! Martin B. Madden f f Chicago In ad- Notable for Tito Things. I' was pointed out that the statement U "liable for at least two things: first, it suggests that Senator Har Ung Is perfectly willing to accept the -e;,gue of Nations covenant provided that there are removed "all Just doubts Cosffneed on Second Papa. THB PI.AXA Ta and Dinner Dance, asm been rerenO In th Rose Roea.-ide'e. der sovereignty to a superstate and em broil the I'nlted States In the dangerous politics of the Old World. CThe League uf Nations project with its follle. and dangers Is exposed In this connection.) This line of battle has been very suc cessful In the Interest of both Senator Harding and Mr. Weller. There la a growing disposition throughout the State, and especially in the city, to bellere that CLOSING TIME I'OK I NDMFIAYED ( I ASSIKIKM l FRTIr.SIKNTS. 3) J&tttl AND NEW YORK HERALD DAILY ISSUES t P. M. at Mala Office, 2M Rroadwsy. P. M. at former Herald Office, Herald Italldltif. Herald Square. I P. M. at ll other Brunch Office.. (Locatlona llstfTon Editorial Pag..) SUNDAY ISSUE II P. M. G& area at Mela Oflk. SM Broadway. I S P. M . at termer Herald Office, Herald "anting. Herald Kqnare. 5 P. M. at all other Branch Offices. I (Locations listed on Editorial Pasa.) place, can be attacked under the terrify-, drewing r- mass meeting or heiierai tm llig name of Bolshevism and. in the set-I ployees to-day .barged t'.iat Postmaster ond place, which is Important, Industrial- 1 General Burleson bsd misrepresented lts and bankers here believe that this ! ion affecting postal employees. movement by labor will lead ultimately ; "Burleson said he bad recomme nded t the dis'ocatlon of the empire from the to the Joint I'ongressionsl Pnjtal Coni- p;ace slie holds In the worlds trade. Kveiy Indication, publicly and prltate-, from him, however, la that he will Hamllt in police t-tation by Reuben Wil son. Assistant District Attorney, In diarge of the homicide bureau of Kings cc unty. The men are held under Section 1591 of the Criminal Code, which relates to ! railway strikes. This section makes the latcning of cars a felony, and provide. 1 that T here there are no paasengers v j the car and no one Is Injured the roaxl j mum penalty may be five years 1m ' prisonment. Where there ere pass n Igeis In the stoned car the maximum l penalt-.- may be twenty years lmoris- h stick to the Irish policy outlined In theae despatches late last July, when the ef forts of labor In both Dublin and Bel fast to read) a settlement fell through. It was stated then that the Government would arrest every Sinn Fein' adherent in Ireland, and restore order there If It waa humanly possible to do so before it mission that he be given power lo flv salaries of postal clerks as high ss f,fe,M Mr. Madden said. "The facts are that he recommended four grades onnie-it Where the atoiuug results in the tiesth of sny person the persons BUilty nf the storing arc held under this statute to be guilty of first degree murder. it wa pointed out yesterday at (he o.hve.t "f the P.. R. T. that the two men ai rested en Saturday night for stoning a :,r in which tbcre wire a number or nssaengsra may receive in tne event of of clerks receiving nntnniq '-"" conviction twenty years in prison The $1,300. 11.400 and $1,500. mnv will press the charges against "The Postal Commission, of which wit, the utmcat severity, was a member, raised his figures and To guard against a repetition of set the salaries as high as $1,100. That i ,ru, sdr.y'. trouble on the Sea Beach ilni was done In opposition to Burleson. If fh. , uillce iruariie.l everv ut ref ern.aln we'd made them any higher President j meT tjie Brighton Beach elevated cut; wmrH truit forTdeflnit. -political tUt-j WLUon would hit vetoed the leglila-j last night as the crowds were beln.' can meat, TOnr - ' " , r"a a"0 U0la Lony Island. Tins cuj