10 THE SUN AND NEW YORK HERALD, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1920. be AM' THE NEW YORK HERALD. yODNDBD IMS iav KtW TOBK. miPAT. MPT. 0. W . TIIK HN-IIKHAM COBPOIUTlOHi I'ul.h.: : 2 Ml Broadway. Prank a. Muu, Prorident. Mn in Wardman, Vlc-riMnl; Wm. T, I.taart, U II prenldint and 1'roeiurer; It. It. Till. ri notion, hocratary. story was run down It failed. The Iniane Mountain wolf was a akin Be lieved to navo been shipped from tho Went. The Saratoga Lake wolf proved fo he a collie. The on'y real, honest to goodness wolf taken wlthlu recent curs In Hie Adirondack was a coyote ahot OD December 14, 1916, bjr Bdwau As- dukwh of BOtttll Hrlstol, Ontario county. That specimen was mounted and presented to the State Museum al Albany. The belief Is that the uul mul escaped from captivity, as It ta gotnolonn. The Kncllah banker will ! time expressed approval of the nttl THE HOUSING PROBLEM. MR. ROOSEVELT CORRECTED. ADpXNT7iV N A ()N A i ' (Fhf .rtf&&fj ROOSEVELT BODY the raw herald. now .Itompl to M tl M . I..-1 Mt of lh. BrtU OCTOTIBWt. Till, j Tax.tloa P..D 1 IWI.Me U I....... .1 S.Uo" son for having presumed that the we must say, Is not consistent. For If I wnrld'a financial centre might have MacSwixct Is attempting sulcltlo he la departed from London. An Agricultural Programme Worthy of a. (Jreat Nation. attempting a crime, and the rgapon slble officials, from the HrUton street ! to Offset Extraordinary Costs. To Tub flrv and New Yobk HnAWI Need Not lie rnaiilmnns. To Tin- si .v and New Fork IIimmi Hie special session of the Legislature In explaining his reported statement H Alt. d by Governor Hnilth to take up the i lo tho votes Controlled by tin United gaoler up, who, knowing of a crime. hon,ing probifms of New York city and I mat did not try to prevent It, would be Hlnlrt N flllriy uri, , TKuit t It' MacHwinEY measure of material valuo In solving Grout Hrli.iln In this wise TIIK SVS nan founded by len Dan 1i is:i.l; TIIK XKW York lIFRAIn violators of the law. Simple, us truth Is always simple, had taken poison and the officials did "'Is critical situation and quite likely 1 dlaouaalon, however. Is if I very ieo- vet nonet re tine- to the verv dentbs of .,r .. th ernmaflh nnmn the aurnlv seriously to interfere wim ins opera- on,i..ry mm, am e in Mew or me emi KIWMTANP MICK. K ... . . mm. In Mm Vurk r It T sW eu within 200 mile, wkl tar - uncommon for persons to keep rioi-onerr, niosf (iniiKc animais IIS icts. The prairie WOlfAr enjote has been exletiditig Itl range In recent years elsewhere; Snndaj, fia rent. ten eents. MAit. ItTBSCniPTION RATM ,i. .... , H... ....... L I ... . .. i .v . . .t..l.. ' . f ll... I .'IkFlli t, nmni.mt II f I Kit It U 1 I kl """ Ul Itl" Ililllllill I. in UI f HJ M.IU'.I ''III Ml .I II III!" . HI 1 ' uiit HWi WOUIU ne S""i. i iirni. ),' -" liu,,,! .i,,..i, ,u , , ' , v,.,.,.. .1 n. ,.. v nieetlm: e. In the I.eKie Of Nations Mr. ll,.,. Hoot ami W I IWQ . , .... , L. no j Rooaevelt dtopotta of the t to t vote el 1 " ' '' t, r ,m- ' ' ' All of tniH I'ei'lllHlH'llI JlOniOriol I "' in wi m, AllOClfttlOni .. "i property of Frank A. Vmuu .irt 191H. TIIK XKW YORK II Kit AIM this or any other nation, Senutor H,e- their failure to resort to forcible feed .Vunt ot tho prvJLlc-M. Onti Year .411 DAILY SUNDAY.. 00 DAILY only v. M.W SUNDAY only $.M0 I ..'.0 , Hv Mall, Poaipabl. DAll.V A SUNDAY. $11.00 I'AII.Y only 11MX O-OO VNDAY onls 4 oo 81' NT AY only, f'anarta 0 00 a.:5 rORKION UATHS. 111.30 P. no S.U All eliek. money nrileri, e . lo be madt I'Oabla to The mio -llarald. 0 l.oniprun Kdltlon roblllhtd lo Turin eveiy dv In the y-ar Prlea in rarla eenuni, uau li.lM. OFTIOB. 4 KWHVM Information eoaotralag advartlalM raj for ilia Maroaoan Edition "iay b oiminan trnni Ihe main New YoiK offe. Uon'tha. Month .!"''' few examples have been taken ""e Is a clear, definite and practical : Th Tw m oo $i.i" mi far east ns aouthern UntOflO and ul lu.i i- iraun.i Dltro'l ngrlcnltural programme out- ng iu (be case of n hunger striker ran Th troubiu is that amateura In roarro.uko tho tftTetment of all member! lined at the .Minnesota Stale Fulr la tie explained only by the nssnnptlon estate eooBomloa aro combining wlth!uf tho Leafue represented 'In tho meet worthy the profound study of every that the law does not regard Mac- radical, ami a hndgn podge, half baked, jtg.'' Following this sUtemenl wn find initltOtlVt proKrammn will bo foisted on i this IsnffURgei "Furthermore, it is wen 'the public und forced on thn i iovornor ', known tluil Ihe Council In tho true gov- unil our last ease will be worst- than laming body of the l.engue. of tho Assembly or of thn Council' shall I J sTKKS ARE BJ5LW I rAt Individual In this whole great nation. SWISEY as bent 00 lUlelde, Apart fPOID alt political considerations, and the western Pennsylvania, That a strai 'nloted Into practice not by impoi 'glcr may be taken at anv lime In New i fork Slate Is possible. ilug conditions on :lie fanner for his supposed benefit as has been done In Candidates Farmers. The contrast f method was again IS0D In Striking Illustration nt the Minnesota State Fair. ..or Ilfet. Then v,o will n reality be In for a very serious time. .Mr Hoosevelt did not le-ein hi quo tation nt the opei Ing of the senten. e To ilh:strnte: It Is ndvocnted thBt tho from wblob ltw:o token, and that makes u dlfferenosi Tho oomplote Hem. nee is necessary In order to Sfl at till truth and DBI i A Mel or Dry Question for Montana and Elsewhere. in o despatch from Washington Mr. Mask Si u-ivan, described as "Na tional Political Correspondent of the Kvening font," Informs our esteemed neighbor that "the fact is that In the eyes of the country Cox Is becoming Inly iMltlad Increasingly Identified with the ex treme "wets, ne cannot pommy al low this to go (in unless he Is wilting to avow thai position n ml take Its penalties with Its assets." , ,, Curiously enough, lu the M-r nct If our fii.-nd who favor iu with menu 1 ... pta ami llliutratloni for pubu -aiioii wtata roltimn 01 the EvemHg lost WC nnd lo lave raleettil artUlea it' inieU ihey unlet, m nil cii Mad itampi for that purper. !this report from n stuff correspondent wiio is accompanying Governor Cox in Montana : "Women come up to bin and pres Tl,n . I'reHH I eX''hl lo lb una for republl.-ailun of all ne'i iea patchel i rednd to It or not oibi i l rrodltad In thll papr anJ al UW local ore. p'liciaheit herein. !i rtsliti of raptibllcstloa at ipawal u patchaa heratn ar- also rallrvadi UA nt'SINKHS ISP BDITQMAL OF-' i k ks. 2S0 llltOADWAY, TBLRPHONH, woinil lO.oiSJ. We do not know what IS Ihe high eel remuneration spellbinding fa'entl i on expect In n Presidential campaign. , We are pretty well convinced, how ever, thai if Mr. Witt Hats and hisj organisation bad Jnsl n.ixM,070 to J bestow in n legitimate way fori the election ot Senator IIamdinoI upon him remedies for throat strain, though, as a mutter of fact, thr: Gov. ernor a olco shows not the sllghtf; sl(rn of It Other women com ui and ask while shaking hands how ho stuni!? on the temperance question. to depart glowing with satisfaction when lie says he in lor enforcing the Blghteenth Amendment." Tills diHS Ilo. ilil(. meet III oris- they eould afford to expend al least giou. Every law respecting person in $2,000,070 of the available total, If the the Cnited States, we take it, Is "for thing were possible, in employing Gov- enforcing the Eighteenth Amendment" , while it stands In the Constitution, ernor Cox n Ivcp on the stump and " ' Mow would it do for the Htentng continue lo exhlbll his pern I and Po , mmiit , t!u. W0Ulen hl M(M1. Irremediable unfitness to he President tons -we do not mean the women who Stato or city or both ro Into the hous ing same, mul a bond Issue as hiKh as I'll .Monday J20,000,000 has been suggested to be 1 of tho mutter. It follows: SOtpt where SthtrwtSS eprely pio- viii'd in iiii eovananl or by Ida tartns Of the pnnent treaty. ONlSlSnS St any m alien of the Aembly or o( US in linn nun f an hi Mp.. horM . . .. . . ii .I..O il,u ii .i.' of . . i .i. i.... i . ii ., - " I io srntn Iiiim tn, nnsiitii inn.i r p M : " """ " ----- l"''1 ""' I'""' ",u " 'ooiumnuiia ,,,,,, ht. .,rt l,0oL. h. ,,..,. ,..or .. . in -v.fc .... ..ub V.V...M v.v. in, utirixiw money ior aucn purpoaaa . ,1... nno, n.,,1 n... I.,, .U.L.n .. I, ...... I a i I fiovernor Cox visited the exposition, used to build, to loan, to finance and o-iruc. o me uronn population Bj moonted mt o , nciag 8U,kv, for stveral other laudable purposes, any raising prices so ns to give the farmer . i,u . , h no ,u ih "nn "t which would require iioo.ono.ooo. I vvrva SMrV ii.iii'i a a unit nia . . . nn increased prout which ne nas. rniieu It the first place neliher Ihe city nor all the branches of OKrU'tilturnl pro duction nnd distribution to shorten j the route from the wheat held to the bread box In the city pantry, from the corn field to the consumer's table. This programme calls fur the wlp-1 p iur m:r oi suporiiuous nun crimina cominisslotw nn,l oMO'lioml , Srau . " : Hie tra wnicn wcigii netivuy on tne cost to tne consumer, bu; instead of augmenting his eyes, and drove B fnet exhibition secondly, tho debt limit would interfere, mile for the admiration of tho grand and third, the otty i laoe.ooo.ooo short stiind annefolnra !0' bUlMIng requirements and l fall- The teleKniili did no; tell US Iftg bark at tho rate of 1110,000,000 a vear. The o- ,1 IIS Oftfl OflO or anv whether the Democratic candidate for nth noneaiWhi iini thm mnM ho sldeut of the United States wa provided by city or State would not j accompanied, during his whirl around make a d.-m In the need, by a targe blin-1; cigar, lighted and held firmly between hi loi.rll ill on 1 1 1 .iv -I t-. I . fiterv the pr.'tit to ihe farmer actually cur,, , . ' . Ave degrees. If not, one character!- i down thai profit. Although formulated by a man fa miliar with the farm through actual experience, Senator IIardinu's pro- tic trick of campaign appeal was cer tainly missed by Mr. Cox. Two days later, at the Mime place, Finally, private construction ntouldbt paralysed. It is upon private construe lion that nil communities depend for tholr housing requirements, and no build er would have the temerity to Invest bis capital or iredlt in a field where his competitor la free from the Inexorable laws of business. If such a disaster aii toe members of ma beasai rpr isantad at th m eting Paragraph ! Artlrla V. i shall call attention to two Instances In the covenant elono where It Is "other wlxo expressly provided " First : "All matters of procedure at msstlngs of ths Assembly or of tho council, Including the appointment of committees to Inves llaate particular matters, shall be r. g-uiat.-d by the Assembly or h ths Coun cil and may be dei Ided by a majority of ihe members of tho LeuRiio repre sented al ihe meeting." I'liraftrapU Article '.i Se. rd: "In any i:Ase referred to the Assembly all the provisions of this arll Cle and Of Article XII. relating to tho Measuieg Als Tftkon i fVd vance Oron American' I (It'll Is. Charles EC Hughes, Bllhu Hoot and Msjor-aen, Leonard Wood were named :k hdnorary president of the Ituoaevelt Memorial Aaeoelntlon by the sXSOUtlve eommittee, which made yesterday formal transfer of the funds and records of the rff SISfSSd tae property of ill ftiundt UntU Hit dealA l lH'ii. Uilun Al, son, ofi Jomrt OondoN Vennetfi tueeeeded to tW nvnrrihii) of the paper, lOSiOS Ci.sttiii.i io Inn haiuta until tin death tu lMt. TUB ttWBALD bseams (no prppirtr) Frank A. Muntty Iti 1920 III sM ss ami EDITORIAL 0FF1I i s. MAIN BDSINBSg AND RDITORtAL OKKICB8, ISO BROADWAT. THUjE. PHONB, WORTH lo.uc RANCH OFFICES for raeslpt of adv.r. tlaanifata and sale ot papers: PRINCIPAL UPTOWN OFFIOH uerala iiiiiiitins, iiraiii gquarti Ttl Pui Roy mnio HARLRM OPTIOB JOB WRIT IS6TH ST NRAK HIIVMNCII .UK T.I ?Oi M ...i ..' unincorporated body to the permanent lide, Open uniil 10 r M. to-morrow and every day until ele.'- Hon by farmers everywhere in the! gramme does not gather Its note- i j. ... . , , ... . . " . hundred thousand hearers the great t. i..i.i,... r.., . i . . .. .i.. i. ...... ,.l UWHH I I "l lil OKI UIUI U aUUI M . .,. Ul I. I ll , .speech which was read yesterday, Is ,11111 i.i- in n ii--. muiu lilt- I'lili I Ilo- . , .. . , . . he'ii;; rem niioq or agriculture to-uay or because It explains lucidly the dangers that will arise If R definite scheme Is not worked out to muke the nation self sustaining. It docs all thut, hut, what is vastly more Important, It sets dowti definite remedies with which ; m- bal specific difficulties. Senator HAinrltn detlvared io half ai, ....'action and powers of tho Council ah.ill -- -i w.inieasui a on. iiio unn no apprecutuio . good. The proposal to take the tax oft mort- to day, and will be rend s advanced as a solution of the I housing problem. T ho cxerrrption of mortgage loans from jiersonal taxation will halo, but Mrs. I'artlnct'iu with her I'ntted States. And it will be read broom could be almost ns effective as With increasing faith In the dignity auch a moasuro against the great tide, and sincerity of this gentleman's in- "f demand for shelter that is setting In. II is well to DSar in nnrol that the ex- ,.l.li..M i.f IMMamM frrtm MMAIID I taxation win reduce ths rate by less resentatlves of one or more of the par- Than one-flfth of 1 p.-r cent. By nil mean's let us have mortgage exemption, feilectual processes, for it is full of common sense and right feeling nnd ViliiT of iIaMiiI irmr I ,. nniulul 'I'll., f'h'imroil UIli1 . iirulill.iiw 1 111, 1 . On the Whole, we should sav thai apply to the action and powers of tho Assembly, ptOVlded that a report made by the Assembly, If concurred In by the representatives of those numbers of 'he league represented on the Council ami of a majority of the other members of the. League, exclusive In each case of the representatives of th parties to the dispute, shall have the same force as a report by the Council concurred In by ell the membera (hereof other than the rep ...u.w.i.iii.in r...,l ri.i-ei.llv by emigres- WAR1I NilToN lli;ii;ilTS slonnl .hatter. This Is an Important "';,,1 r' gtep toward tne memorial wnien w stand for all rimo a a natlun'a tribute to the great American. Thn honorary vh e-pl f -"blents sleeted are Hanrv fabol Lodae. H'.rain S'. .lohn- son and Jafflea it. Uarfleld, William Boycs Thompson Is active president ol the association, William Uoeb, Jr.. vice president, Albeit n Wlggln treasurer and Hermann Kagedorn secretary. Austen Colgate heads the new executive eommittee, wboss membership Include win H. Hays, A, T Hsrt, Charles B Hughe.--. irw!n it Kirkwood. Franklin K. I.nne, William Ixi.-h Jr., BllhU Hoot, Marry V, Sinclair nnd Albert H. Wlgfln Mr. Root is chairman of a eommittee t 'provide ii monument as a memorial l" Washington and Mr. Loob of a commit tee to establish a permanent memorial park in Oyster Bay, Ol-'PIil -.MU twos Wadaworth, , . - , . . 'll nil- nil' I,-, I- - PUI in; llieans lei US na e mvriMlUU exi'injii lull, Increasing urban population, the dlffl- Mr , ABm!t0 dW tt Mlnneapolla but don't let us fool ouraeives that 11 ties to the dispute." (List iianigraph, Article XV ) This Is not unanimity and Will see tl at It Is quite Impor For a I.lvlna Memorial. Thgodors Ilooaevelt's spirit is to be kept alive und flesh In the minds of the people whom he knew so well. Clifford PlnollOt, long-time friend of the Colonel, In named as chairman of a com mittee whose puriiose will be to provide a living memorial for the advancement of Roosevelt's Ideals. Members of that committee are men and women Whose . south winds. I lives were touched and Influenced by i those ideals. They are Lawrence P. Abbott. Carl K. Akelty, Henry J, Allen. Hermann Hagedorn, Henry c. Llndaley, Mis. Meiiiii UcCormlek, J. J. McOraw, DOWNTOWN OFFICE i'oii HRn.nwT Op,-n s a. m. to lu p, M.i Bundayi, s p. w to 10 P, M. BROOKLYN OPPtCBS BAOLE rritt. IN(I, 80.1 WAHMINIITO.N HT. Tel I KM Main. U COURT 8Ti Tel. MM Miln Open uioii to p. Mi iiiionx tii'i"ici-:-.',i8 wit. i, is avi- -MSTH st. t.i. iMiiw Mclroia, Optn untl 10 P, M. Prlselsal American and Foreign Bureau, WASIttNOTON The Muny lliilldlng. i HIOAOO- wis s.uiiii La Salle it, LONDON 40 i.; Kint st. PARIS 48 Avenua da I'Operai Rim d'i Lou re. Thaaa are about a."iO sdvsrtliemtnt racetr. Ing station lo.-ateii throughout New tarM elty anil Vicinity hi Hun Hralil aol Hueio.iils Mill be reoalved at of f be tain and forwarded for puiim-ation. Daily Calendar THE WEATHER. For Eastern New York Cloudy with showers to-day; to-morrow probably fnir; moderate temperature ; modi nits cully of obtaining farm labor, the of i Ik- I'nited Slates. The Disintegration of Sen I linen I lor thr Wilson Cos l.esgue. The renomlnatlon of senator Mobls by ihe Republicans f New Hampshire in tho primaries on Tuesday is fol lower) by the equally significant am! satisfactory renomlnatlon of Senatoi BbanOeuuc hs the Republicans of Con- and other affiliated liquor denier noctlcul hi their Ktute Convention soclatlons; and also that Oovernor yesfenlay, Mr, Bhanueoec la one oflt'ot 'i f- uitti(i on ickI ihr the ablest, squares! and moat nsefu1 lfhf fo r? more the Eighteen! h A mmd men In the Senate.- Ills services there ntenf from the Constitution t" press throat remedies upon the ulnp 'osf'.f candidate but those who ro away glowlns; with satisfaction be. causa ho is for the enforcement of the Eighteenth Amendment to uk him tin more sea robing question: Is it true. n the Liquor Dealers' Association of Now Jersey officially sillies, thai Oovernor Cox was mate rially aided in his nomination, by that need for proper conservation ot soli productivity! the decreasing areas of new farm lands and the dangers from overproduction-or underproduction asl a result of Inefficient transportation) foreign competition and bud dlstrlbu tlon each Item constitutes a definite problem calling for a definite remedy. Price stabilization, a sensible tariff, cooperative marketing, larger repre it" imlte the confidence and command the respect of the agriculturists of the .Middle West nnd of the whole ,,v eul (;r(lian I'nlon than if he bad climb is gointr to solve the mortgage end of the housing problem. There is Just one thing that w ill .iLtu- , knot, and do so ! tant If one but reads Article XV, In Its I D Wight W, .Morrow, Mrs. c A. Sever ance, Oscar H. .Straus, M.irii BUlllvan, sntiret) I am not prepared to aay how many times it la otherwise expressly pro IntO 11 without Injury to any one: exempt hOUS v,aau m ln" u, uy pt '' . . in IfKHr'l IV Hi'' vuum u uviisq 1 " Milk udU beaten Mr. Coxn t!nif Ins cf certain needed t)ptv from taxft ;iroinifl tho COUrfte, The Twilight of the Mone Digger. The which mnne of the wit i:. a. Van Valkenburg. Henry C. Wul- . ! Ih.-o nn.i William Wriffley, Jr HprtA3 upon tiu reooroi "f th nw soclfttton remArkable tribute to 8eth Bullock. Mdevoted lerv&nt of th For Now Jinn -Partly eloudv. wtih hmK. I lily showera tc-iiay; to-ntorrow faJrj inod trau ttmperaturei raodtrata aoutii and I aoithwnt wiinl.i. For NoPtbtrn NW Pniflunf. -'MoiKlv, nivi ahowari to-tiny ; tomorrow probably fair, i modarato temperature niodarata aou'ii t wlndii i per Southern w EinflandCloudy, artth ! showera to-riay ; toniorrow probably fair . I niodarata temperaturei moderata aouth wlndi! I Vor Waatcrn Ktw Vurk Bhowarii followtd by eleaiini to-day; to-murrow fair; n. cnana In temperature; lnoderate hhifMni ; -! u initi. tion tor a period long enough to amor-!""0 awernlng body the stamentmust caUM ffhloh brou,hi the memorial plan .imij exisieni e, ana w no giaujy i?ai nis deal life ns a forfeit to it." at its meetings with any matter within "The sun nnd the wind nnd the open the sphere of aellon of the Uagua or apeai ot mis eariu tnnt saw I iienuore tlie the excessive and abnormal eosts that wiA prevail lor tho next few years, an 1 our hi using trouble will disappear he modified to sum extent. mint says "The Assembly The m.i motion of diversified farming nnd ef- uessea before Sanator Ke.nyo.n's com mittee have unexpectedly :.ie mysterious profession ol monoj :iff"ot;ng the pence of th world" I para- like the mist. If lu iii.f v.-ll In Ii,- friphfennl liv I .i.i ,,.. .., .,. graph t, Article 111.), and "the Conn fiiiiiuon in governmeniai anatra,pro- "" -m"".ui., lu.vnu w ,hat thjs niPan3 . introduction of the Rooaevelt and Si-th Bulloch riding side by side in the pursuit of clean adven ture have now seen Beth Hullo, k ilis- fectlve administration of farm credits ''W'" s :l oy-prouuet of the Investl- cannot he spared ! ihe party nr the country, ah the Indications afforded by ihe? recenl Incidents of preliminary poll tits point in the rupiil disintegration of the Wilson league of Nations in the esteem of the American people. As we said yesterday, lit' hois- of universal peace ns so general and so eager after the armistice that probably ih per ceni. f nr cltlxens were inclined lo view with favor any proposal for nn international ussocln lion or concerl or tribunal which should reduce the probability of an other such horrible experience. 1'erhaps this estimate of ihe ir ccstage is too low. Perhaps ninety fire out of every one hundred Amer icana were recent ire ns lo the l.enjfue of Nations at the time when Tid: BuW, now Thk Bed ami Xtw YoBK Uhiai.h, tlrst endeavored lo stuns the bollow ness, the falseueas, the iinoonstltu (tonality, the bojiolesanees of the self deterinined scheme which Mr. Wilson obstinately insisted must be accepted in !.;. Knndi If our Government was in enter any international agreement fur the sake of peace An Inteillgihle answer to that iin- l imi would moan something to women in Montana und elsewhere who want in know how Goternor Cox -:anl on iiie temperance question. They would know then whether he Is a humbug or not In hi professions nf respect for the Eighteenth Amendment. ute the definite remedies Which Sen ator ilABDINO as spokesman nnd ml) didute of the itepubllcun party pletlges liitnaelf lo support. When he says " The lime has come when, ns s nation, we must determine uim u definite agricultural policy, we must decide whether we shall un dertake tn make of the Tnlted .tntes a self-sustaining nation." ami yyheu he mills "Farming Is not an auxiliary, it is the main plant, and geared with i; inseparably is every wheel of trans portation nnd Industry," Senator Hab iuxu is not uttering mere nlatltudei nr dealing out metaphor, Every siu tinanclal rilgrlmages to London, donl of economy, every hunker niel Norwegian financiers who vi-oti ! Bnancler, every thinking person who London in an endeavor to ohtaln a banking loan to Qnance shipbuilding contracts entered into In England when exchange rates on Chrlstlanla were more gatlou hut ii clear gain to the public. Vot once in their iius these Inter esting gentlemen are benefactors and i tud nuisances What :i picture we i"t. or Instance, from the wonderful Mr. iti. ua of Ihe I organization, methods, terminology and emoluments of the professional asses- sin ... uuiei veuynn piwaeujguaa uuu Iltd VMluHI aj nie,ely gives a subsidy hunk accounts. Nevermore cau the to the buyer of homes which he realises ! man who With stern suavity marks! will offset the extraordinary costs of oiu the course nnd the extent of your to-daj eleemosynary or religious or political 1 may In any case under this article - - .i. .i i. ... ,1. . m.hMk T-h,. Will deprive the City of its j nuiM sown oe s.i rcra.vu . mt-... minn, rvuiuu. inner memorials wen- I .- -1 DI ell.er pari) Ml Ul inejiuie, ,.iw- . .uiii'i-ii fi iitr i , iniiiii 1 1 irr in iiiiiiiiii. -,;de,' that lUCR request be made within 'of .luhn Mitchell and ileora W. Per fnurtaan dava after the sulmilssion of k',1!'- b",h Mendi of Rooaevelt, who th dispute' to the council'' tPara- "d, " """- ' WASHINOTOX, Hept n Th diiturbaan Hint uis centred li nialn over -.ii uppai I Mlilli,.l Vall.jy ailvniieed nrtheutwar, and lo-niahl lis Centre was over Ui ren: lakes. This disturbance han been aitwrdi-il by itnara ihoweri within in iat twenty four hours In the. Mississippi Valley arm a, dlatrlcta east thareot exeopt (lerlda, laittro New Vork and (he New Bneluid Stat singl lirnirraiiiiii legitimate and needed revenues. No one believes more earnestly than l that the Ingle tux theory of Henry Oeorga Is unsoundi unworkable and under exist Ing conditions In every way harmful. The exemption prOBSSed Is for a llm- Ited period and to meet aii emergency! it noes not affect land values, nor Is It Intended to. Contrary to the very na- ! ture of the single tax idi-n. it maintains graph 9. Artlil XV i Immediately fol- lowing this is the paragraph quoted 'shove settlor forth the fact that aunan- i nnous decision is not neeessary. September S or patriotic duty be the terror ir in iii-i in- i...iiiii iiiiiirniiiiii. iiiul . , , . . .., , , , , . , , the ( omlng of Autumn. the otty will he deprive.! of needed rev- enues. one mlahl ask. How can the cltv I To Ths Sun ajto New York Hesau: yon that he has been in the glorious! be .iid to be deprived of revenues it September ha come with its lingering past. Vint will always know now that would never set except for this meat- auggettloni of summer's season and its th, lancer ho sits nnd raninni wtrh tire? The chancel are the Legislature occaalunal tuggestlone of fall. At pr.-s- loii the richer he hlmmlf U ratlli.ir "i'1 sidestep the one real sensible as l 1st nr tbe Trustees, Members Of the hoard oi wnion took over the management of th,- new association and whl, Ii will carry on the work of completion are: Law rence P Abbott, Henry J Allen, Joseph W, Also), Charles V. Anderson, H Liv ingston Beeckman, Austen Colgate C, Converse, John S, Cravens, T. Cole In the Air and the Sky Are Signs of "lan du Pont, Dr. John H. Flnley, Jane s Cm ant.oTTSevii.tB, 'a. WANING SUMMER. appear over the trail Which his friends ' Tl','r ,h"," heavy Iro-m raln In tha had taken betore him." the .trlklng reso-: " iJSS-RJBitS T cuplei the far Northwest and It aiicnilv bu become attended by rains In the Rocky itour. tain region, Washington end Oregon The weather has been considerably winner Over III liluniH Mnti-H HM'l the western flulf me- , atut M ami loolm- in the far JCorthweat . I leraparaturaa remain much below the normsi west ol the Rooky Mountains and are get. I erally near the normal east of th Reeky , Mountains, In the middle Atlantic and New trustees I '-oilanil fitu'es the wt'alher will hu mi!- urn, "nn snisri- lU-rilUOO" MOa ISO BSl- unlay, with a i onilnoatlon of nenlerate tm perature. in the South Atlantic statea tln-ie will be loeel showers to-morrow and Satur day, In the seat O.df tUntea, Ttnntsaae a:, I the lnaer ihlo Valley the weather will li aenerally fair to-msrrow aed Sutonlnv I E. the Uppt, llilo Valley Knd the region of T lis Steal iaSea !. oners will be followed hv clear Ins weather by to-morrow night and fair weather Saturday, No material cliur.se In temperature la Indicated for the eastern half of the country during the next few duv. understands even in ti,(. crudest way i ii- economic phase through which nils . country is passing knows that these few words state the paramount prob- io richer every minute Unit he de ites to convincing you that yon will he a cad nnd u incuk and a slacker mak his lawa If yon don't retrench in the matter of niintnce of reher. Hut if so. the poor tniint will pay nnd pay and pay for tho ihortslghtedness of the men who William k Harmon. m the S'erdant foliage is wholly uo hanged, yet within a few weeks a lianare will come over valley, over hill lue, Thi r the foliage will bs1it to turn mt ii. like some aoraeoui painting, tn t: Garfield. Mrs. Frank A. Gibson. James P, Goodrich, Lloyd C. Griseom, Herman Hagedorn, Judson Harmon. George Harvey, tVlil H. Hays, a. T. Obiervatlona at United Btatea Weather Bu Hert . Frederick C. Hii-l.s, Elon H, i reau itatlona, tsken at s P. M. yesterday, Hook,.,-. Charles E Hughee. Hiram W. "veaty-ftfth meridian time: Jrihns.m. OllO II K.lhn Frank It Fel- I .elnperature I'.ain s loKg, Irwin I! Kirkwood. Mrs. C, Grant Rtatloni I .ii SHrse. p-ranKlln 1. I.nne. Henry P Llndsley. Henry Cabot Lodge, William Loeh, Jr Mr Medill McCormlnk. .lames J. MeQraw, Clarence II Mackey, I last 4 hr." High. Low. Taro- last 24 eietr. hr... v. n-her favorable are retried to lera "'' " commercialized clvilizntioii liowsfhidtl nnd family expenses In or have embarked for borne with their which threatens to destroy itself by object unattelned. The inexorable laws of International exchange huv rutting off the band thai feeds it. As g careful exposition of the rein- put Norway In a position similar to " agriculture to the future wel- that occupied with vai led degrees ot . 0' America the speech is of such comfort or discomfort by Japan, Ar- Imperii e that every word of it tier to cuiiie up lo Ids expectations in, the matter of noble altruism. If you want tn accomplish a big tusk lu ii big way you must employ big men to do it." said Mr. Blaib on New Vobk, September . PEEKSKILL VINDICATED. Mr. I)epe's Retort to a neekler at a Repuhllran Mass Meeting. To The Str.v AND NSW Yona IlEr.M.D: landscape will shine beneath the golden M NV I.'?'r","'' SWWJJl i .. ... , , ii . . i Intel, tw Reldi Raymond Rollins Bllhu 1 ,'",ri"" !. sunllg.u like a veritable vision of fairy- Koo, Ju)us ospnwa,d Mr. ,. A Sev" SLn.1',1nJ land. Overhead, erance, Harry when night's curtains arelgtewart, Henry V. Sinclair, I'lilllii B. L. Btlmson, Warren S. .1 . 1,1.1, All , I . ,-I I S (if I .. 11- I 1 -I . .1.n.l .,....A1.. k..l.U,l O.lo ,1, .... i i. ., ......... - I - ... Kuiiii-ii pinri uu . ,n,n-:i ltiiiii.i iiiiw Hie stand yesterday, Grandiose sen- ... ... .j m t . .. ... ...... .. .. . iiui nun inn nn,. in.- i.u.io nn,.) m ginnxii son tile utile .sorinern i row n i drawn, there aparkle and scintillate the .Htone, Gscar Straus, Mark Sullivan. Will- Idistan' auns and constellation!. Nearer I nnd nearer the northwestern horlion the i gigantic sun Arcturus descend In Its gentlna, Hraail, Holland, Spain. Swlt- should be read and pondered by young U'ment ! but fatal to this ntw profea- peskskill remind a young fellow ef an also descends, its brightest gem, Al zerlgml, I'liim mul the I uited States, each nnp of which has had ii quota elected or not, Henator Raanisia Im of questionable irosperlly based nn randered a vntiinble service in setting nd old, Whether he should be 'on 'llst Ms :,s "s mi1 algnlfl- incident in tbe old Hrooklyn Academy I phecca, glittering ilke s starry diamond i ', the effect- of the war. up guideposta for Iu nil these countries it was a fetch-1,1 'iiiestinns whh-li ciinnnt much in' spectacle to tbe inexperienced longer be denied inielllgeul attention public eye when their currencies, ns wlthoul disastrous results. The nationwide change of opinion , measured by the hitherto proud ahlch rapidly Biicceed ing events now pound sterling, soured to uiq.rsfe-1 ,. si,iLin. in ViM the Law. exhibit from tiny to day is one of thai dented premium I-'or once the tables ino-i remarkable demonstrations that had turned. The English gold sovet . e is genorally understood. I glory," continued he, "in the fact the ultimate miIu-'""" 1 nm 11 professions, money raiser, Two of my beat men were offered double what wo ore paying them by the Interchurch Movement to do ihe very thing we are paying them for -to get the mono; ." Most of those ordinary American citizens whose solvency has survived in ef Muso on Mortague street while Mr DapeW waa Illustrating a point by some thing that happened in Peskskill. it was a Republican mass meeting the Senator wns addressing, a Democratic wat In the gallery calhal out: "Whsrc in thunder Is Peeksklll, anv way?'' After prolonged laughter had sub sided Mr. Depew, who relished the threat, unswerad : "That fellow must have been born In China. If he llveB In this country long 'enough we will we can recull of I lie power of hard common sense over prismatic sentl mentalism. There is no less love of eign iiui obeisance to the paper peso I ' '""u '"u w 111 a tne efforts of ttie big men of Mr. teach htm Anferiean geogravny. Thurc the tint dollar, the silver tael nnd the lm """'e tnan U nas uggressive yon, because values were comB tm mtty correPn,J- peace and hope for enduring jieace in iinceriain, stuudurds were upset and en"' IWa question: t lie hearts of Ainericuns to-day than nobody knew who was going to he there was two years ago, when Preat-1 who in international finance after dent WiisoN irfgitu to Juggle with peace hud been restored, delusive phntses. Hut there has oeen j The Norwegians have now made a ii tremendous deiline of popular faith I trip tu London to borrow money, he In hia specific; a great increase of j cause nil the war time, balances uc popular conviction that, the SUpergOV- j cumulated In London hy the bauks of ernmept his covenant offers us In Norway have been withdrawn, rimy To Tm: SCM anp Xkw Vobk Her sid: If Tkkenck MacSwinbt dies be cause he refuses to eat will he not have ronaawaed lUlelde? "Mrs. J. Ii WSIDHI, "liOi'iivil.t.K, i!a.. September 4." Ths' ethical side of the problem has been delisted without conclusive re- Blaib's profession during the pasf flvell!, nill"lnP "ke aiding tho heathen." or six years will glory In the fact Jhtta T" T IT"' ... . ,, . . . . . , ment as the question had. Mr. Depew that daylight Is getting dim for the ,, th h0UM with Mm ,e of . professors of iiiis must recent of America's hig industries. place of our Independent nationalism ure not the only balances which have . . .... ., - , . .suit, and particularly among the doe- is sure to be a war maker, not a peace i been withdrawn, 'ihe first sign of i , ... : " Inl-U iif loci-ir) MM i i'Wll't vr xe . . ...... readjustment caused tho homeward I , . , T ,e" iis'ii.s tan su.iMoii. v e nnu tne i.ng lish priest, HtssAan Vauohan, de- the phenomenal change here referred steadier nerved and more experienced J,jta1J W0"''t, ft'W ob",,,'1 10 Tlicre can he of course no exact Swiss and Dutch hankers lime betfl preserver. I'udoubtedly ibis last consideration j flight of .lapnne.se, Hra.ilinn, Argen has had a leading part in producing j tine. Spanish nnd Chinese funds. The The international Congress Against Al.-ohol is to meet In Washington this month. The police should see to it that the delegates .ire not annoyed by undiscerning bootleggers. evening. Chauncbi U C. prntAgs AstiTwiuB, geptember . "UNION MUSIC ONLY." Air. Protest Against a Resolution Adopted by an American Legion Post. To Tiik SUN and New York Uihald: FbaMRXIM I). ltooSKVBl.T accepted As a member of the American Legion another silver loving cup on Labor Day. Has tho Vice-Presidential candi date an inside tip that the ancient I wish to direct attention to a rcsolu Hon adopted by tho Moiitfaucon Post, No. 6(16, at a meeting held at the armory uses of a loving cup are to he restored 1 I" Mount Vernon on September 3 to the and may again lawfully tie observed j effect that nothing but union music census of those who have changed, less hasty in faking home tbe war I heir original view of the Wilson i bacon League of Nations: hut If we were to I venture, a statistical guess, based on I trade balance has assumed an ggpegt recent Incidents and Indications, W I M,,'e favorable to the pound Sterling, withhold i lie last gacranienta from n hunger striker, yet admitting that this was u personal view from which gome ln Ihe last few months the English j ,,r"B r(,",m I,rl0Hs dissent. n should surmise thut the IS) or Do per . ent. has now fallen to 30 per cent, or thereabouts, with the decline nnd full on still actively progressive. Wolf, Wolf: In This State. From remote sections of the Adiron dacks come atorles of the presence of and by the end of this year It Is esti mated that London will have a sur plus of fJUO.ikJO.tXW- avyabU for In ves; ment abroad. Evidence of finan cial Stringency in several parts of the world accustomed to depend on Lon don's financial support before the war mis blue m i ni' water miner t i n roBD of Columbia agrees with Father Vai'uha.n to the extent of saying that Mai Swim t's reason fur Inviting deuih Is not adequate, while Father Cabev of St. Francis Xavler College believes that the case of the Mayor of Cork, considered according to the prluclpte of the double effect, is not point to the probability that the Nor-1 one of suicide that Is, that "the weglan pilgrimage to London may he wolves" In the woods. The State but the forerunner of many more sm-h in a future near enough to warrant would be employed st any of its social collection of such vessels of wrath In I functions. An account of the meeting number siillb lcnt for frequent use In i appeared p the Mount Vernon .Lffutof divers places'. I September I, It Is not the mission of the Iagion to "fleets have begun to board whig lend Its influence to promote the Interests key." saya a London cablegram. The of ur class of our citizen at the ex Scotch were ever Solicitous over tho ' pepSS or another, and It Is unjust to dls SUpply, as was evident tn an American : criminal, against non-union men of any tourist Who noticed When he good ! crf, many of whom are numbered turediy poured a glass for his guide ' cmong Lesion members, that Sa.vut cautiously took It and with . Non-urion men fcllowed the flag with lightning rapidity emptied It. "Why, no less devotion than those who would BambtT" the American aaked. "Sir." deprive them of their rights aa honest Sanut replied, "I onco overtui -rncd a workmen, and I ii. aire to protest against Ulaeg of whuskey!' agent does not intend the evil effe-t. i but only the good." Perhaps that Conservation Commission Is checking journeys undertaken by hankers of phrase epitomizes best the arguiueiil such stories up and printing the facts other nationalities. i of the defence : That MacSwinkv hasi ln its biillctlu. Coyotes howling j Reconstruction must inevitably lop I no Intent to kill himself, but only tol Inspectors on 0fr much of the war wealth of credi-1 compel his captors to set him free. poles while testing the high tension ior nations, and especially tbe smaller i The other side of the question Is elts-tric wires, the killing of two ami lam Independent nations, but it will I that which is concerned with cold lew. certainly Inculcate a proper respect! It Is curious that most of the persons wolves hy farmers of South Lyons, ihe capture of a large mule wolf on f0r the superiority of orthodox Dnan- who have written to Thk Sun am. I mane Mountain, and a pack of live "timber wolves" near Saratoga Lake: sip-h -re the reports. When gad cifll doctrines as radiated from Lom bord Street. The Norwegians did not care to meet I.nndojjj terms and tbey New Yohk IL.ku.h declaring their belief that the case in Brixton prison was one of suicide have at the gane Th Time and Plaec. Too long wera we rated By dreamcra of dream-. Too long were we fooleil Uy faraway si hemes. Tbe vlalanal men Hail only a care For iatitti.it- When And loncltude Where. We y.arn for a man Of common asnse lype With practical plan I'onahltrt-d and rlpa, W ho tervea w it h hia vow The places moat dtar In latitude Now And lonfltudu Here. McLasdligu WiLsoa. i the action taken by th Momfaucon Cost j In adopting the un-American resolution above mentioned. Faik Plat. Montci.air, N. J. September 9. Rrmolnr the ( nine of War. from the Otlava Journal. There la ona plucky Canadian woman in Detroit. Slit tendered a storekeeper a $.1 I 'ana dian bill. He refuaid to take It and hostilities ensued which resulted tn her baln talcen to court en a charge of dlaturhlng th pcaca. Then th heartless American Julga fined her V and she tendered him the bill In dispute. Ha kept It. set Ir. a sidereal rui BlUt and beautiful. Vega has now slightly passed the senlth and la slowly following Arcturus, but l as lost none of the lire and brilliancy which char at tertsed her during August evenincs. Td-night ihe Noithem cross Is shininc overhead, and sastwardly wa behold ths Square ot I'egaaua and the three bright est stara of Andromeda extending like a handle from Andromeda'a northeast ern corner, directing the lirmamcntal way toward Auriga's sun ('apella. Heal autumn has not yet begun, but. nono the less, tho j..d day of Septembor Ib mar at bund. I'pon that day au tumn really begins, nnd upon the 27th the beautiful harvest moon will again Shine gloriously over meadow and moun tain. CRABUS NavSBS ftiit.MFS. Xewton, Mass.. Bepteniber S. REGISTRATION DAYS. Hales fer Absentee Voters and Stay at Homes tu He mem her. To The Hun ano New Vork HSBALO : In aummarltlng the reKiatrutlon rules for absentee voters you say that In cities of more tlian 5,000 inhabitant the regit tration days arc OctobVr S, ft, tfi and 111. from 7 A. M. until 10 P, M. 0,i seeing tho above 1 told a Repub lican friend who leaves town October i on a trip West to he sure to MglatST early Hint morning. Later met a i r lend who told me too above dates did not apply to New Vork otty but out side ot it. and that In New Vork city the registration days are October 4, S, . 7 ant' g, from E I. at until 10:JO P. M. I cukC'it your giving the addi tlhnal dates. HlNBI DAPSON. New Vork. September t. lam Boyce Thompson, Henry C. Wallaci Albert 11 Wlggln, Luke K. Wright, William Wrigley, Jr. and Ior.ard Wood. IMPERATOR LIGHTLY LOADED ON TRIP EAST Only 825 Voyagers, and Liner France Sails With 902. The imperator, which sailed yesterday for Southampton, carried among the first class paeeengers Mr. and Mrs. M. K. J. Cos of Houston, Tex., who have two ,n- trles for the Gordon Ilennett airplane cup iliamniet.'r Abilene Po 7;' 3g,SS . . I louey Albany 70 :,s K9.S3 . . Clear Atlantic City.. T8 s SO.1'9 Cloudy, Haltiniore .... 74 us t'.'.ni ,01 Cloudy Itlsniiirek .... 71 42 30.TS .. Cloudy Boston SO lit! n.M . . Clear IhiffHln 7d 114 '."i.s-j ,ie cloudy Cincinnati ... 7s OS 30110 .IS Clear Charleston. . . M 7- 80,00 .. It.Cl'cr Chteago ...... 72 us 21' ni .. iiain Cleveland 72 M 29.S0 .10 CI, may Denver 7 4 2.i.S4 .. ciouiiy I'etrolt 7n 2P.9S .04 Cloudy Qalveston.... ha S2 cp.iis .. ci r Helena 68 f,2 20. 7d .02 Cloudy Jacksonville... BO 78 30.04 .. Clear Kansas City., so tin mesa ., ctep.r I e Angelea. .. 72 r Slfi.HI .. Clear Milwaukee.. . 72 88 20.74 .02 C'loudv New Orleans.. S3 ko JS.M .. Pt.CI'ey Oklahoma s4 St B. SS . c-'ear Phlladalphla. . IS 89 "S ,88 ,. Cloudy Plttaburit ;-i m aa.'si 1 ut) Rats Portland, Me. 7d isi 80.00 . 1 .nr PorttSndi 'oe. 111 .-.4 88.88 .02 V.n-n Bait Lake City TO 02 80,78 .08 Cloudy i-'sn Antonio., isi 7H ue.88 .. Clear Han Diego ... 70 00 80.03 tMeAi Ban l-'ranclsco 88 r.4 imi tis 1 - -' vy st. Louli 7s nn SB.8I .. Clear Bt. Paul so ib.ib . . cloudy Waahlngton... 73 as i-j.'.it ,oj cloudy race at I'arl.s September 27 Ilohind I Humidity LOCAL WEATHER RECORDS. S A. M. I I M. SO OS 38.88 Wind dlractUin Wind Velocity Waathar Itohlfs. holder of the wqrld'l altitude record, is tc pilot the Texas Wildcat. which la Mr. Cox's contender for the I Precipitation prize. 1 larence coombs, another famed The tempeiature in this pilot, win try to carry off tho honors With Mrs. Cox's CactUS Kitten. The Imperator carried S50 first ehssj, 27ft aocond das and 20O third class pas- ScllgerH. Mr. and Mrs. BVlla N Doublsday and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Doubleday wore among the first cabin passengers. Others were sir J. O. Qeddea, Qeorge V. Hohart. Mr. and Mrs. .1 s I'lllsbuty 70 K S. B. S W. 2 12 clear ciou-ly !tv vaaterdav. rtaordttl hy the sfflelal tlieimomeier. H shown In the amiexeit table: 7 8P.M.... TJ S 7 P, M.... '-' ti 8 P. St.. 71 ii 8 p. M. . . . "a 3 10 P. M. .. . I!20. 1818, nl tl a S A M sc. 1 P M P Ai M US 2 P. M . lo am. -, 1 :i p V! ham.. 7a 4 y. m . 13 M .. T8 ." V M. Iti2'l. Ifll'.l I- A M hs RJ 12 M 71 08 II P, la.... 77 ai us Valublet. King Mldaa terned a hand tc gold. "It Isn't as bad as turning a head to Ivory," wa consoled him. The dates first given are for cities and ullages of 5,000 or more Inhab itants, exrept New York city. For New- York city the days of registration are- October 4. ., 6, , and 8, from 8 P. M. to 10:80 P. M., nnd October . from 7 A. M, to 10:30 P, M. Ivle Pride In Pennsylvania. fro.u fhe akoiciit-a Htpiitir. Tbla town baa a young man who pawned bis watch to obtain money for a bath. We contend that this Is a claim to distinction possessed ny no other town on earth. Te Get Mara Kgga. Knlcker What la a good policy? Bocker Put all your egga In one basket and watch th hen. OI Milwaukee and Mr. and Mrs II. II. Weatlnghouao. Tho Hun. Hugh Guthrie, Canadian Minister of Militia and De fence, left with Mrs. Guthrie to attend a session of the Imperial War liraves Com mittee of Great Britain, of a financial conference of the League of Nations membera and to Inspect the construction of eight permanent monuments of the dead Canadian heroes on eight battle Holds. Col. l-3dward La I.oiran of Boston left aboard the VYeneh liner France as head of a commission to select a site in Kranle for a monument to the dead sol diers of Massachusetts. Kmlle Hove. lan.ua. Inspector General of Public In struction tn France, left after a trip to Japan in the Interest of closer Intellec tual relations between Prance and Nip pon. This will be fostered, he suid, by the sanding of many Japanese students to Frunoe. Others amcinir the 902 pnB-sena-era for Havro Included Lotiia Sherry, restaurateur; Mr. and Mrs. Klllott F. Shepard, Roy L. Barnes, Wade II. Adams and Mrs. Kdward K. Hastings. Woman Named Deputy Sheriff. SpRiNormi.D, -Ohio, Sept. . Miss I.eona Yeeiell to-day was appointed deputy sheriff by Sheriff James f. Welsh of Clark county. The appoint-1 ment was approved by Judge Frank W. : Golger of Common Pleas Court. This is believod to bo tho first appointment 1 of a woman deputy sheriff In the State. ; a p u P P, M 12 Mid. lllgl.eat tamparaturt, 7s, nt 1 v M. Lowett tempi rature, 02, at a A M. Average temperature, 70. EVENTS TO-DAY. Former .Indue Xatlinn L, Miller will If at the annual canipfiru of the Police I1--partrnanti Q rave sand ltac Track, this aft," -noon. Meeting of the fivn borough labor org.i-' ItaUona, Central Opera House, 803 I'' Slity-aeventb street, S P. M. Veterans of the nwh infantn- w'11 bav a nioonlislit sail up tbe Hudson, leevtns tl -Hatter- al 8 P. M. Misting to discuss the houalns altuall under the auspices of tho rtderatlon of II feaalons and Huainesa. H. H. 188, l"stb air. eaaf itroniiwiiv. this evening John Oowper Powyi win lecture on "Ri and Juliet at Benddere Hall, 71 c llbth atr-et. S I", p. M. tnatltuta of Makan of Biaptoalvei mei and luncheon, Waldorf -Aatorla, i' P. M. I est. for Army t'ommlaalons. Washisotov, riept. I. Competitive examinations will be held from October 2i to 31. inclusive, to fill 100 vacancies ln the army commlsaloned lists, ranging rrom srconei lieutenant to major, the War Department to-day announced. These vacancies were reserved for those unable to appear st the previous test FLOOD DEVASTATION IN UPPER AUSTRIA Many Danube Towns Without Food or Light. Spfial Celt! Dtspalrh f,i Tiia Bt s im Ve Yosk HxtuLD. Comrifk', I88, ey Tua 'i-'1 asp Ngw Vobk Hcan.n. Virnsa, sept. I, Upper Atwtrls t auffaring rrom Hoods unequalled 1 ibos-e of IMG. Flu-easing sru.w a .id ri T: storms have swollen and broken tr over banks. The devastation la 1 country districts is terrible aU owns are without light nnd are ettt Off from the outer world The late part of the harvest eept clally potatoes. Is mined, SI ' Danube Hlver carrtes heaps of 1 v" and houae ruins. Steletmark end 18 burg. In Vpjer Austria, h ue been Wj worst The Government has red'JC!,,e help of the Allies,