Newspaper Page Text
Eloping Bride Must Wait for Phelps Fortune i , 3Ir, Kortli to'Bliaro llvontu . ally Motlior'n Fortiori of 1 31,006,000 EHtnto, I'vanilimtloii yesterday of tlm will u( lr, Mlln Hheftlelil I'lmlps, widow or WUHnm Walter Phelps, wlio died In tlm Burklwilinin Hotel on Atinuat si, shows tout while bciiiwsrs; to ofia dmrlty nnd vitrloim rolutlvf!, Including severnl nriiiidelilldipn, exceeded 1100,000, tlm in itriiiiiriit docs, not luoludn nny itlft o( imnicy to tlm testator's granddaughter, MIm Frances Phelps, whose elopement Sit mi Thursday with Arthur A. Knrlli, mi w.tomobflo meolinnle, shucked her fam ily nnd startled society, However, upon tlm death of Iter mother, Mrs. Theodora I Peters, Mrs, Knrlli will dlvlda with her hrothor, Mr, Phelps I'ltfilpn, ft one-third Interest In her grandmother's estate, whlrh hits 1 ih estimated nt $1,000,000. The only bcnuest to Mrs, Kortli wns of noma treasured family Incen, It, W. Bernard, u Inwyor of 105 Broadway, stalling for Mrs. iViters, yesterday natA I "Tlioro has been no fam ily confiirencn rcunritlnir tho future of Mrs, Korth, Although Mrs. Peter Is deep Jy imsrluved ovr tier daughter elope sni'iit, tier homo In open to her daughter whenever Mrs, Korlh wishes to return, At prent Mttf. Peters In not Inclined to hcelvu her loiPln-Uw," coMiNfi iiinin with nnini:. AnoiiK the passenger on board the Imperntnr, dim hero next Saturday, nra Spt. nnd Mm. Allan I), PerrlnH of Hcot Mind. Mm, I'orrltiK win Mhoi Murlo Jlodewnhl, a dnughtcr of Mr, WV Mac Nelll Itpdawahl of this city nnd Tuxedo Park. Him was mnrrled to Capt, Per rind In October, 1010, nt the homo of hi parent, Ardros Cnstlo, In Hcollnnd, nnd It will be her firm vUlt hero since thidr marriage, During their tny they will ho with Mr, llodownld. dipt. Per rlns In 1911 was nn officer In tho famous Pen forth Highlanders nnd wns one ot iho fow jtnrvlvor of thut rcglmenf after tho flrnt tmtllu of tho Mnrno. Whllo In France ho was awarded .the Croix do Ouerro, nn well nn tho British Military Cross, Later ho wn mada n Chevalier hy tho KIiik of Italy. pau bah biuwi: i,i tptttat to Tun Hvn !u Nr,w ,YonK lltuio. SroCKimimm, MnsH., Hept. 20, Miss Jlnrlon Carter Bldwell, daughter of Mr. nnd Mr. Chnrha A. Dldwrll of this town, won married to tho llwv, Charles (Inborn Krrar ytcrday In Ht. I'mil'it 3:plcopnl Church, ot which ho In curate. Illnhop Thoman l-'rcderlch lnvle of Hprlnsflrhl wan nsslslcd at tho nervlco )y tho Nov. HeorKO (Ircnvlllo Merrill of Htockhrldqo nnd tlm Itov. Kdwln JuUcn of Ovford, N. H, Tho lrldc waa lven In nuirrlago by her father. Mr. Harold 3 n, Ca hi 1 1 In of Urooklyn, N, V., wnn lii'nt man. Alnonp thoao nt tho 'chnrcli Mere th brldeirroom's rorentH, tho Itcv. Dr. JnmA M. Knrrar, paiitor eincrltim ot tho rirst Dutch Ileformed Church, llrooltlyn, nnd Mrs. Farrnr; Mr. nnd Mr. James U Knrrlck of Waiihlnnton, I). C. i MrM. Jonepli II. Choalo, MIbs Mubel ('honto, Mrs. Oacar IaelKl, Mr. nnd Mrs, Alexander Bcdswlek nnd ills.i Umlly luckcrninn, icir(ir.Ht'iiii:n iiAM.Ann. Minn Helen Ilallnrd, d.iughtor of Mr. nnd Mm. William Marten llallard ot .'31 Went KlKhty-thlrd atrcet, was mar ried to .Mr. Hlchnrd Clmrlea KlUKcnehlcd yesterday morntns In St. ARnea'i Chapel, Wtht Mneti'-second street, near Co lumbus avenue, by tho vlenr, (ho new Vf. W. lielllitucr. Tho brldo"s nttendnnt vas Ml Hosamond K. Uallard, u cousin. Mr. James 8. Hedges wns tho best mini, Mr. nnd Mrs. Klunoschlcd ,UI llvo nt 100 Clnrcmont nvenue. IlortlNSON TIIOMPSOJf. MIhs Kdlth Carolyn Thompson, daiifjh ter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Jameti II. Thomp son of Mount Vernon, N. Y was, mar ried to Mr. Frederick Downrt Uoblnson of Hamilton. Ont.. yesterday In tlio St. JiegU ballroom. Tho Hov. William Pewart, cousin of tho brldeRroom, offi ciated. TJr. Albert Robinson of Mont real whs b-st man. A reception And breakfast followed. Aftor n wcdillnR trip In Canada Mr. nnd Mrs. Roblnon will live In Syracuse, X. V. I.UU niONNKTT. Miss Kmlly a. Rennett. dauuh'tcr of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cnrroll Hennett of 3lay Uldgc. Brooklyn, and Mr. Albert Morgan Lee, son of Mrs. Emma C. Leo of Savannah, Oa., wero married yester day afternoon at tho homo of tho brldo's etstor, Mrs. Alfred II. Van Ltew, Bloom fleld, N. J., by the Rev. Horace LeaVItt, pastor of the Day Rldgo Presbyterian rimrch. The bride's niece, Miss Eliza beth Van Llew, was flower clrL The best man was Mr. Sydney C. Lee. a brother of the bridegroom. Miss Alice Pool of Bay ltldco played tho wcddlnc march. A reception was held. Mr. and Mrs. Lee will llvo In Bay Ridge. MACOOWAIiD nAVXOH. Tho marriage of Miss Constance Ray jior, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albortus V. Raynor of Hawthorno place, nnd Uryco Inglls MacDonnld of Wilmington, Del., took place on Tuesday hlght nt the home of the brldo's parents. Tho cere mony was performed by tho Rev. War ren F. Cook. 'Miss Edith Archer was maid of honor and tho best man was Mr. J"ocl Ludlow. 564-560 ao368 MhtXtr A'i 47STS QPDINfC TAIL0IR.I1ADI SUIT PROS R AT . lHA& SET THE BiAli ''f AHeencan Clothes the Paris Model reproduced or adapted as w;ell as the most successful American styles are side by side in this wonderful assemblage of smart tailored fashions from the quiet and unassuming two-piece suit to the most degant three-piece cos tume or handsome daij wrap with ,fur or. without there are no women's tailored clothes to equal them. , Prices quality for quality are con sistently lower than in any otter fashion house of itskind in American . : i-i 7KHBQNAE IHTEIUQEHOE, NKXV YOHIC, Ainonir ilia pasitniterN nn Mnrii the Olympic, which sailed for Nw YnrK y terday from flquthhitinpton, nre Mrs. ChnrN Mieelii, Mr, nM Mr. James Ni'eyer, Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph ,1'. (Iruco, Mrs, 1'Urpont Mown Hamilton, Mrs, Jlilos H, JlHche, Mr. Alfnnwi do Navarro nnd Mm, I'lilllp W, Mvermoro, Mm Howard Qlfrnll has sen( out n vllnllons for tha inarrlHRo of her dutiflh ler, Mini Carnmal Cnrroll to Mr. J, T. Johnston Mali, nn October Id Ih Iho irvlngtcn l'renbytrrlnn Church, Irving' tonpii'lludaon, Tlm reception will It In CarrollolW In Tnrrytown, the coun try home of Mrs, Carroll. Mrs. William jr. , Rrluht and her dAliKhler, Mlaa Joy Ilrluht, ot Wlldwnod, N, J will sail to-day on honrd tho MnltrAtnnla Uimtt ntt IIiaI nrrlvnl "ni. v.n.i.m, mill , ,(,.'. IIVt ......"I nbrnad MIm Jlrlnlit will ho married to i.ioiii, ciianes urny j.iiiiip, v n ,( In London, Mr. anil Mil. Chnrlen It, Hcott, who went to liar Harbor, Me,, on their nr rlvnl from California, will return next week to Now York. Mr, nnd Mrs, Philip Kip Hhlnetander will pass tho winter lit Tuxedo I'nrli, N. Y.. Mr. nnd Mr. Phllln LtvlnBston will ictiirn to Now York from liar Harbor, Mo., In tlm mlddhi of October, PastienKem for Muinpo to-day on board tho Maiiretnnla will Includn Mr, and Mra. Otirnee Mtinii, Mrs, Joseph Medlll I'nttxrson mid the Misses I'illiior nnd Allclu Patterson of L'IiIihko, Mrs. Charles H. Baldwin has romo from Newport to tho HI, Renin Hotel. Mr. Bertram de N, Cruor'has tnken n n apartment nt 14. Kast Hlxtloth street, AmoiiK tlm Inronilng mnnnKer from ICurope mo Mrs, Cliarlen do Itham find her sinter 1 Minn Iluth King, whosn en gagement to llarmi du Vllllers dn Tor ae of Purls w.iri nnnouueed recently. Mm. Henry Jl. Hyde wll return from Hnrntoga Hprlngn, N. ' on October S'i. Miss )Ctlth (I. ltowdoln will clone her homo In Bar Harbor, Me., on next Mon day nnd malm u fortnight's tour by Automobile, Mrs, H. Van Rensselaer Kennedy has returned to her house In Hempstead, I 1., from New York. Mr. nnd Mrs. William H. flags have coino to the flt. Regis from Atlnntlo City nnd soon will go to their homo in Albany. Mr. John I). Rockefeller arrived by automobile with n pnrty of fi lends nt Iluokwnod Inn, H)mwnoe.on-lclnwon Pa., yesterday and had luncheon nt tho hotel, Mrs. Joseph C. Hongland nnd her son-In-law nnd daughter, Mr. nnd Mrs.. H. Droxel Godfrey, have taken for the win ter tho houm at 4 Kant Sixty-fourth street, formerly the homo of Mrs. How nrd Cnrroll. Mr. nnd Mrs. Oeorgo Brown Hedges wll give a dinner nt ,tho Piping Rock Club to-morrow for Mr. Frederic I'otts Mooro. AVASHl.VnTON. Secretary of War Baiter ,haK returned from New York. Mrs. Baker's father, Mr. Howard Leopold, who linn been her liuent, lias jrot'jyied to Pottston, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Kdwnrd L. Dolieny of New York panned yesterday In Washing ton nnd entertained friends nt luncheon nt tho Bhoroham. Dr. nnd Mrs.. Rnmue.l H. Adams, accom panied by their daughters, Mrs. Fairfax Davis Downey nnd Miss Llda Adams, arrived yesterday by nutornobllo from their summer place In West Springfield, N. H. Wll ITTMCHRY INGRAM. Mrs. Adelnldo Gould Ingram, daugh ter of tho Into Klglu R. L. Gould nnd Mrs, Gould ot 14 Kant Sixtieth street, nnd Mr. Meliar Merrick Whlttlesoy, son ot Mr. nnd Mrs. Frnnk R. Whittlesey of Plttsfleld. Maw., wero married Monday evening In All Souls' Unltnrlnn Church by tlm Row Dr. Potter. Mrs. Whittle sey's, first hunbnnd was Charles Ingrnm of Baltimore. Tlwy wero divorced ev tral years ago. Sho Is tho sinter of Lyttleton D. T. Gould, H. C. B. Gould and John II. P. Gould. .... Mr. Whittlesey Is n. brother ot Llcut Col. Charles W. Whittlesey, commander of tho Lost Battalion. Do was gradu ated from Yale In 1917 nnd during tho war served ovorseas an an officer In the Air Service, MISS MtlLaUHEN BNOAOHD. Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Mulqucen of Now York and Rye have announced tho engagement of their daughter, Miss Madeline Mnlqucen, to Mr. Paul aerard Daly. Miss Slulquecn was a debutante of last year and was graduated from Brrarley School. Sho Is a granddaugh ter of tho Into Mayor Thomas F. Gllroy and was Interested In many welfare ac tivities during the war. Mr. Daly In a son of the lato Mr. nnd Mrs. Daniel Daly and served in Franco as major In the Eighteenth United States Infantry. Hn wns decoratud with the D. H. a, tho Legion of Honor, tho Crolx dc Guerre with palm and star and the Italian War Cross. THE SVN AND Don't Be Afraid ofive Ghosts1 in Greenwich Village (Now Vhy at Jiocnl Vhbntrn Not So Spoolcy m Nnmo TmpHcH, onisnNwitrrir vn.Mnn tiiwatiih. I Jim, Oulililn ,,,,,.,,M. Wwtr I'm Woofer,, t......llM IJfirleo "r llulloii, , , , HimiiH I HhM Mel ford &V,',T' t(uli('iai..,CHrlM tKMi oa ' WlliUm'ri"inir..,.,,,,M.,,....l'rey lUlion om tlord(m,,iM..MM.MIn Mors, Hlitftllit rlrnia of HcutUnd Yr4.,,t.0tmrl. Pnlion IlinK.ii,,, Arlhiir Mclrnlta i.nny MiceMur,,,.,, li' sisresuss i;cniurn Don't hn nfralrt of "Throe Mvo Olimtn" at the Greenwich Village Tliea. tro It won't scare ny one with spookl-. wn, unit it may oven mnuno, inono who went to the tiny playhouae laat nlulit to sea Max.Msrcln'i Initial preen-i tatlon of I'rederlo H. Ishnm's comedy saw nothing antral, though tha playi llseir soinetlmen hecaina um. tnin an iv NllKt. To be sure, nt the. rise of tho curtain on tho London lodging of Jlfr. nubbin toward tlm end of tho wnr there wns a siiBgentlon of tlm nplrltuallntlo In tho cockney mother's seance tit hold com munication with hr stepson, reported dead In the nulitliur. and toward whom elm feels iiltu benevnlent, its elm Isi rollectln? hli Inniimnce. But Jlmmfe Oubblns returns, Junt out of n German prison, anything hut n ghont, though no Is tinnbhi to ronvlnco his Government ho Is alive 'when ho tries to collect his back pay, However, his stepmother, while con vinced of his reality, undergoes e chnngo of henrt toward him for that reason, until she prevails on him tn remain dead to keep tho Innurnneo ixiyinentu nllve, Ills pain who enenped with hhn fnnn tho (lermnii camp nlnn hnvn Ihelr ren ronn for being dead, as they were re ported, for William Foster, nn American rnldler, Is wanted for a orlmo In Now York, while HKiofy, n distinguished look ing Britisher, bus been shell shocked, so M at his mind Is tho part of him that hns been burled. Their attempts to remain concealed In .If r. nubbins' lodging might have been suocessful If Apoai'skloptomnmihndn't overcome) him and ho hadn't kidnapped n baby that "asked to bo tnken nwny," ns he explained, Scotland Yard descends on them nnd dlro doom threatens, but n crnek on flpooj's head from n detec tive's billy straightens things out ad mirably, Tho play Itself nt the start wanders nhnlennly n hit nn though nlno suffering from nervous prontrntlon. In such n imlqiin predicament onu expects such out of tho way rharncters to bo up nnl dolnf,- somcthhur entertainingly hltarie, Instead of constantly explaining to each other why their predicament Is unique. However, the pleco hits n livelier stride nn It proceeds, no Hint last night's audi ence presently liegan to laugh without fouling It was being polite. Largely that Wns duo to Heryl Mercer, who played tho Irresponsible Cockney mother. Chqrles McNnughton, nctlni oven more richly nnd with n wider range than In his previous. Three Muske teers role In "Tlm Bettor "Ole," wan nn other outstanding figure ns her stepson. Tlm rent of tho cast, outside of Charles D.tlton ns n detective, wero hardly strong enough to go very far In keep ing "Thrco Llvo OhoHs'' above ground. RESORT NOTES. NEWPORT. .Mr. Jjihn Bunnell Popo returned from New Yoik yesterday, Joining Mrs. Popo nt Sherwood, whero they will spend the autumn. Mrs. Henry Fletcher Godfrey left for New York yesterday afternoon. Mrs, A. 1'. linker, who hns been with her sister, Mrs, Harriet K. Brownell, nt Sachucet Lodge, has returned to Boston. Mr. Drexcl Riddle, who hns been spending a' few weeks nt the Mucnch Inner King, went to Philadelphia to Join his pnrents, Mr. and Mrs. Craig Riddle. Judgo Pcre I Wicks and Mrs. Wicks have closed their Jiunwtown cottage and left for Boston. Tin: iii:uK.siiuti:.s. The Rev. Mr. nnd Mrs. William Law rence Wood of Santa Barbara, Cal., are stopplni; with Mm. .1. Frederick Sohcnrk nt Valley Head, Lenox. Mrs. William B. Osgood Field left Lenox yesterday with a party of New York friends on a shooting1 trip to tho Cnsca Tnodlt River Club House, P. Q. Gov. Calvin Coolldge nnd Mrs. Coo lldgc ot Boston are nt tho Wendell Hotel in Plttsfleld. The Qovornor will deliver nn address at the Great Barring ton Fair to-day. Arrivals yesterday at the Curtis II6tcl, Lenox, Include Mrs. Charlos II. Pont, Miss Katharine M. Post, Mrs. Andrew J. Miller. Miss Frances M. Miller and Mr. R. Kerens Kcnna of New York. Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur II. Llpplncott left Stockbridgo yesterday on nn nuto rnobllo trip to Ronton, tho North Shore and White Mountains. Mrs. Arthur Ilunnewell. the Mlnnes Jnpn B. and Julia 0. Ilunnewell, who wero with Mr. and Mrs. George Bnty Blnke In Lenox, started yesterday for Welloslcy, Mass. At tho Asplnwnll Hotel, Lenox, aro Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Hartman Kulin of Philadelphia, Ps.i Mr. and Mrs. Forgu eon W. Foos nnd Mr. HUntlngton T. Day of New York. Tho Rev. Dr. Charles Lewis Slattcry and his mother, Mrs. George Slattery, who have had the Bishop villa In Lenox this season, will roturn to New York to day by automobile. Mrs. Ro$il Whitman closed her villa in Tyrlnghom yesterday and returned to New York. nOT SPRINGS. Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso P. Villa have ar rived at tho Homestead from New York. Other arrivals inclddo Mr. and Mrs. Will iam Bills ticull of Philadelphia, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. James J. Campbell and Mr. and Mrs. Harold D. Williams of Plttsburp, Pa.! Mr. and Mrs. Jcromo Napoleon Bonaparto of Washington, D. c. and Mr, ana Mrs. money n. Rus sell ot Detroit, Mch. Mr. John w, Davis, American Ambas- nadnr to Great Britain, and Mr. Henrv 1 P. Scott of Wilmington, Dcl.e played 0WT I the long golf course yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Coster Steers cave a dinner last hlght in tho Homestead. ! Tho guests included tho Misses Mar- jurat Harding, Frances Ballard and 1 OlVve C. Graet and Messrs. Balsley P. j'Elobaah, J. IT. Btovenson and James Cory. Mrs. Francis II. filsson had for miests ot dinner last night Mr. and Mrs. Harry Campbell Grief. Justice Richard P. Ly. ' don and Mtsa Cornelia P. Lydon. Mr. nnd Mrs; F.. W. Palmer, Mr. C. 1 W. Palmer of Stamford, Conn.: Mies r Holon H. Kcascby of Philadelphia, Pn) ; i Mrs. A. T. MoBaln of Bhcrbrooko, Ont. ; Mr. John Russell tjheohan of.HrJdgcport, ' Conn., nnd Mr. and Mrs. A, iF, Tlcde- mann of New' York arrived yesterdnyi t Stlss Ocorglne Iselln and Marguerito Krebs started for Now York yesterday and Col. and Mrs, Matthew A., Do Lancy for Washington, D. C. MR. STRAUS GOING TO BOROPB. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse I. Straus will sail tor Europe to-day on board tho Maure tanla for about, two months' stay. They will pass four weeks In Paris and at' most as long a tlmo In London. NEW YORK, HERALD, THREE COMEDIANS THE BEST OF "BROADWAY BREVITIES" Koflrfl, Oft n (or, WIlllaiiiH and U Mdli'0 Do Much Willi Blondor Mntorlnl. Tlmro wan n new show nt tho Winter Garden Inst nbjhl-hut with ft difference, H won not Indigenous, grown on the spot under tho watchful eyo ot J, J, (ihtibert, As n matter of fact, It blossomed In Philadelphia nnd was. Imported for tho occupation of tho runway, "Broadway Brevities" wait lis namo nnd thus It ended out n season of follies, scandals, silks, nnd satins nnd similar entorprlno In entertainment, which Is said to have made tho prevailing1 nalimtlnn between vaudovlllo actors. "Huvo you a little revue In your home," Bo that ns It may. In tlm words of the ndmlred George Monroe, the show, which seemed to delight the Inunenio nudlenco, was fathered hy George Le Mnlre, a highly cherlnhed vaudevllllan, He had with him Bert Williams nnd tha Hglln Nddli) Cantor, with whom he has in tha past been Associated in fun Minn Kdlth llallor ami Alexis Konloff, Will lam Nully nnd Minn Ula Sharon, Miss Vera Orosaet and Hal Van Rnnsellenr, Took Murdock nnd Miss Nntallo King ston -they wero some 6f tlm powers, known nnd unknown, that Mr, Le Mulro hud assembled, The result wns enough Mm tlm homo brow to satlify the Winter Gnrdeti uub lie, Irving Berlin and other song writer of cinltic nra had compoicd tlm munlo anil tlm text was attributed on tlm pro gramme to Blulr Treynor, whlrh did not In tlm leant prevent much of it from sounding altogether Impromptu. The two nets contained altogether n men twenty-two scenes, which shifted about In the usual manner of regular Winter Garden shows, nlthoiigh, as a whole, the plan of "Broadwny Brevities" was lesr ambitious than Mr, Hhuberl's. Mr, Im Mulro nnd Bert Williams be gan tlm regular fun of the evening with n prlfon scene which proved fairly amus ing, nlthoiigh Mr, Williams was pcrhnps more unctuous In his later songs. Mr. l,o Mnlro, repenting with Mr. Cantor thvlr fainoun osteopath sceno from lant year's "Follies," wps on comla ns over. Tlm prelude, whlrh showed Mr, Cantor's struggles In a dentist's chair at the hands of tho gentle Mr, Le Mnlro, added nu ninunlug touch of novelty to the cpl nlde, which Is In Itself funny enough to endure. This (lid not save tho first part of tho entertainment from nn occasional sinking spell, which wns at Its worst when "Tho Stnso Door Blues" Impended, 'limn u strong doso of vulgarity In this nong pulled the pleco together. It re counted tho woes of the chorus since the IllKhteonth Amendment. Pictorial Interludes Included "Spanish Low," sung by Minn Kdlth Bailor, look ing uncommonly lovely In her Hpanlnh dress, nnd Hal Van Ronsullenr, u tenor with n very mjrconblo voice and ununu nlly Ideasant personality. Then then was the moullnke ballet with nn aes thetic ballet to precede It. But it was tlm humor of Mr. Cantor that made tho deepest Imprrnnlnn on tha audience. He nnd Mr. Wllllnmn and Mr. Lu Malre did more to mako "Broadway Brevities" wolcoiin than nny of their associates or, for that matter, anything that they had to do. There waH no wealth of material provided for any of tho players. TO MANAGE LA S0ALA TOUR. llnrrr (!yphrr I.enven tlir tletrolt . iniibony llrclivstrii. fiprclof In Tun firm anp Nmv Verne llnui, Dktiioit, Sept. !!!. Harry Cypheis, f jr the last four years manager of tlm Detroit Symphony Orchestra,, resinned on Tuendnj', to talio ff(ct on Novem ber 1. He will go to New York to be come nn, nnsoclate of !ouilcn Charlton. Ills flrnt'responnlblllty there will be tho management of tha tour of tlm l.a Scnla Orchestra under Arturo Toncnnlnl, for merly conductor ot tho Metropolitan Opera Hoilso orchestra. ' Mr. Cypherfl.cnmo to Detroit on Sep tember 1, ltld, nfter live years' experi ence In tha musical managerial world. ACTRESS SECRETLY WED. Ml Ruth Sheiiley Mnrrled to Mr. (onion Rtirre on .Inly II. Minn Ruth Hhepley, Inst seen hero In "Adam nnd Kvn" at tho Longacro The atre, was married to Mr. Gordon Snrre, n New York exporter, on July f. In New Haven. It was announced yenterday, Only a few friends know of the mar riage ot the actress. Hlnco tho summer Mlns Shcploy hns .been appearing on tho road lu "Wild Cherry" nnd says that mnrrlago will not Interfere with her professional career. Sho expects to play in tho piece later In the season hero. Mr. Sarre was nn officer during the wnr in the French army nnd won tho Crolx do Guerre. ' 1SNUAGK8 MIBS IU2S8IO M'COY. Gcorgo M. Cohan hns engaged Minn Besslo McCoy for a prominent part In his "nil star" rovue, now In process of organization. Tho cast Includes Joe Weber, Snm Bernard, Lew Fields and other notnblo entertainers. 1IIJMIY C. HRREDILV TO WHI). Henry C. Brcedcn, who gave hla ad dress no tho Metropolitan Club, 1 Hast Hlxtleth street, and described himself ns a capltnllst, obtained a license at tho Municipal Kulldlng yesterday to wed Winifred Brndcn of San Frunclnco, Cal. Tho dato of tho wadding wan not an nounced. Ills otrica nddross is 100 Brondwny. Mr. Breeden, who Is 48 years old, has been married twlco pre viously. Death claimed one of his wives nnd ho was divorced from the other In Caltfornln. Miss Braden, who la 30 ycara old, was never married before. She was born In Helena, Mont, the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Bugeno B, Braden, SOpiAIi NOTES, Announcement was made yesterday by Dr. and Mrs. J. Frod Tcrrlberry of ISO West Seventyithlrd strcot of the en gagement of their daughter, Miss KHz nbeth Tcrrlberry, to Mr. Reginald Bar low Hoyt. son of Mr. George Hall Hoyt of 393 West End avenuo. Miss Maud Karl, English artist, Is re turning to this country on board the Baltic nnd will visit Col, II, Rleman Duval at Falmouth, East Isllp. L. I, Mlns Edith Adelaldo Judson, daughter, of Mrs. William Beardsloy Judson, will bo married to Mr. Raymond Glenn Mere dith of Norfolk, Ya,, to'day In the" chapel ot St. Bartholomew's. Church, IVIIITD MOUNTAINS. Beautiful weather following yester day's showers brought many motor par tics to the Mount Washington. Mr. nnd Mrs. Reginald Boardman of Manchestor-by-the-8ea stopped en route to Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Hardo and Mr. and Mrs. William II. Pouch of New York arrived by automobllo at tho Mount Washington Hotel. Mlns Mary L. Newberry, nnd Miss Louisa Her.rlck of Chicago motored .to tho Mount Washington from the Uiil Hnms at DIxvllIo Notch. Arthur Fenn of Poland Spring, who Js'nt tho Crawford House". N.. H came to Bretton Voods to play tho, golf course here. , Miss A. M. Shattuck of New York, who has as her guest at tho Mountalnvlew House at Whltefleld Miss IL I Yoaw of South Orange, N. J entertained a party at tea at Polly's Place at Cole-brook. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 80, 1920, MUs Kdlth Hallor. Oopyrliiht Irs Bill, U. S. OPENS BUILDING PROBE I NEW YORK Palmer Onlerfl Invostlynflon of Olmres of Conspiracy to Fix Prices of jratcrlnls. Tlm first official move on the pnrt of the Oovernmint to learn If thcro exists n bulldlnff conspiracy enmo to light yes terday when Attorney-General Palmer Ordered an Investigation of tho charges 'hat a price fixing combination among lulldliKt material manufacturers In ag gravating the housing situation. Representative Innna Slegel, who has leen urging null nn Investigation, made :iubllo n telegram rocelved from tho At torney General asking him to plaoo nny Information that Im had before United Mates Attorney Francis. O, Cnffey, who hns been Instructed to "connlder whether tlm facts tend tn show a violation ot 'ho Federal lawn." Mr. Slegel probably will sen Mr. Caffoy today. State At torney aeneral Chnrles D. Newton also has Informed Representative Slegel that he Is "quietly enirnged" In nn lnvestl ration of the chnrges. Loonl builders, dealers nnd manufac turers of building .materials hnvo been nnked by Frank Mann, chairman of the Mayor' conferonco coinmltteo on hous ing, to meet In his office nt the Municipal Bulldlncr nt 3 o'clock to-morrow nfter noon to dinettes rrenns of stimulating the building of apartment houses, Mr. Mann nnpt out tlm Invitations nt tho direction of Mayor Hylan, who said ho thought thot local dealers, In view of tho general reduction of prices reported from all parts ot the country, should ngrea to a reduction In thLi city. Will flun-R-ct Cnttlnnr Price. ' In his Jotter ta the builders, Mr. Mnnn said he wnnted to lenrn what effect, If nn", tho new rent laws would have on prices, Ho said he would suggest to them that the bent way to Inrrcnse build ing In to rcduco tho price of materials. .In r. speuch nt the luncheon of the KlwnnlH Club nt tho Hotel MeAlpln Senator William M. Calder urged a modification of tho Income tax laws, He polntedo ut that during the war tho totnl amount of tax exempted securi ties Increased from 13,000,000,000 to $11,000,000,000. Tho excess protlts tax. he said, should be repealed and tho In come from real entato mado exempt from tho Incomo tax. Taxes Reduce Net Interest. "I talked to a man this mornln;," said cnator Calder, "who had $215,000, 000 invested In 6 per cent mortgages. He told mo that because of the large number of taxes on that money he earned only 1 pr ccnt. on the Uveat ment, and that he was calling In $7, OOO.WIO of that money to Invest In so curltlen which would be exempt." Dr. Royal S. Copcland, Health Com mlnnloncr. submitted a summary of housing conditions to tho Scnato Com mittee on Reconstruction nnd Produc tion,' nnd said ho thought Government building should bo undertaken In tho emergency. Ho said that In one block In New York city 10,000 persona live, nnd that In a square mile thor'o are 600,000 persons. Sucr conditions, ho said, nro a mcnaco to public health nnd morals. Dr. Copeland Bald ho believed rents could bo controlled and a profit left for the landlords. However, ha said that if houses could not be supplied In any other way they ahould' be built with public funds. If $100,000 worth of housing bonds were Issued by the city they would be purchased by the public, ho said. In order that the people of this city may take advantage of the law passed by tho Legislature giving the legislative body of rt city power to exempt new dwellings from local taxation Henry H, Currani President of tho Borough of Mnnhnttah, will present to tho Board of Estimate nnd Apportionment to-morrqw a resolution requesting that tho Board, ot Aldermen enact nn ordinance Immediate-, ly putting this act Into operation,. Tho resolution will ca)I upon tho Cor? poratlon Counsel to prepare and present such an ordinance to the Board ot Alder men as soon as possible. MSS ROSA RAISA ARRIVES. Soprano of Chicago Opera Com pany to Ctlre Concert In Maine, Amonfr the passengors arriving yes terday on board tho Duca degll Abruzzi was Rosa Ralsa. soprano of the Chicago Opora Company. Thb tngcr said she. wen anxious to meet her father, who Uvea temporarily- In tho Bronx with her brother nnd sinter nnd whom she has not seen In ton years She said that he had rome put of Russian Poland after many hardships duo to' the war and that she herself had loft their old homo and had gono to Itnly nt the beginning ot tho separation. Miss Ralsa further said sho Is going to buy him a home in Now Jersey where he can spend the rest ot his days. Sho will Blvo her first concert on Saturday at tho Maine mu sical festival In Portland. With her Is her husband, Glacomo Rimini, barytone, of the Chicago Opera. Company. i CITY MOVING DAY ConflnuM from First Vwe company also controls numeroun apart mentis on the Kant Side as far north w Nlnety-alxth street, said that tenants nohoduled to move aro wnlllnic to we what tho othor fellow Is going1 to dp, In nmny Instances, ho said, tho tenants who must vucatn have made arrange ments wtlh those who arc supposed to become occupanta of tlm apartment to- ( morrow to remain until tho rush l over. Mr, Moora pointed out that while these ngreementu between tenanta help somowhat they merely add to the con. testloii all irtong the line. I In Manhattan tlm greater part of the moving seems to be located In the East Side and Harlem, Along the West Hide and In Washington Heights tho realty men expect very llttlo confusion. J. M. Masten of Blawson ft Hobbs, 103 West Heventywiecond street, which manages n largo amount of real estate In this sec-, tlon, said tho volume of moving wbuld not hn nn great an It wan In tlm spring or last October. Moat of the tenants have signed new leases. What moving will bo done In theoo sections, ho said, would be mostly Into old fnahloned one family houses which have been, re modelled Into small .npnrtmenta. Brooklyn will have ii honvy migration ot families, But no great amount of trouble Is oxpeoted Iicrauso most of tho moving will bo Into houses that have been bought recently nnd which tlm owner Intends to occupy. Oeorgo Hor ton of Bulkley A Horton declared Very few uvlctlonn nro scheduled for to-morrow nnd that a largo part of tlm movlrur would bo Into house which tenants have purchased on tho cooperntlvo plan. This movoment lian spread greatly throughout the borough In the Inst six months. Tho Bronx, which hnH been tho scene of no end ot landlord nnd tenant troubles, will pans October 1 Without Incident, In tho opinion of Wnlter 30. Brown of a'ftg Third avenue, Mont ot the tenants hnvo renewed their leases nnd thero hnvo been no vacant ,npnrt inontH for rent for months. Thero will .be very llttl'.i confunlon In Statcn Inland, Cornelius O, Kalff of St. Oeorgo Hold there will bo somo changes, but tlm ma jority of tho tenants nro holding on to their present quarters. Charlos MorrlS, president of tho Van Owners Association, which controlled more than 2,000 moving vnnn, said that about 1,000 of the association's) vans would bo opcrntlng to-morrow. Tlm teamsters are still out on strike In Man hattan, he said, hut many of tho men have returned to work in Brooklyn and Tho Bronx, It wasihln belief that thero would be a lurgo Influx of out of town moving vans nnd that many produce merchants and owners of other largo trucks would Impress their vehicles Into tho moving service for tho emergency. No orders hnvo been tnken by tho members , f tho Van Owners Annoclntlon slnrn (September 1. when tho Ntrlko of tho tenmnters began. Tho nn.ioclntlon waited until September 21, Mr. Morris nald, to sea If tho strikers returned, nnd when they did not tho work of recruit ing now tenmntors wns begun. Mr. Morris nnld tho forco now on hand would be sufficient If tho moving period wns stretched over two or throe months nnd not confined to a week or ten dnys, as It Is under tho system of dating leases from October 1 Ho haa advocated an extending of tho period, but real estate men nro adverse to tho movement on the ground It "hns been tha practice and will always bo so," LANDLORD OUSTS POLICE. Refuse tn Hrnrv I,enr unit Prr clnet Move Ont. Tho police of tho West 1.13th street station began moving their records' nnd effects Inst night to' the now station hottso directly across tho street, at 218 West lXth ntreot. Tho landlord of tho building nt 237 West 135th street, which has housed tho station for the last five years, refused .to renew tho lease, say ing ho wns losing money on the property. Richard E. Enrlght, Police Commis sioner, called tho mattor to the attention of tho Board ot Estimate and Apportion ment Bomo tmo ago and $37,CO0 was ap propriated to purchase the new quar ters. The police will take possession at midnight to-night. RENT WORRY CAUSES SUICIDE. Mrs. Anns Schwnrts, Fnclnar. Ilvlc tlnn, Ilnnns Self In Her Room. Inability to find new rooms nfter sev eral weeks 9? searching was bellovcd to have been tho cause for tho milcldo .yes terday ot Mrs. Anna Schwartz, MS years old, of 113 Beach Nlnoty-thlrd street, Rockaway Beach. Tho family had to movo October 1. Mr. Schwartz had gone out to mnke another search and their son had gone to work. Mrs. Schwartz hanged her self to a gas plpo In her room and was dead when she was found. WHITia SULPHUR. srniNas. On tho golf ' links yesterday were Messrs. W. H. Taft 2d. and J. B. C. Tnppen, Mlnses Martha Wall and Dorlne Fltgernld, and Messrs. C. C. Bourne and Walbrldgo S. Taft. Mrs. Thomas B, Yullle and tho Misses Burko and Melissa Yulllo returned to Now York yesterday. Miss E. T. Martin of New York was among tho arrivals yesterday. Mr. Hamilton Davis and Miss Mnry Hamilton Davis havo returned to Now York. NOTES OP TUB 'folHATIUiS. The Shuberts will present "Tho Outrageous Mrs. ralmer," a comedy by Barry Wagataft dribble, with Mary Young, at tho Thirty ninth Ptreet Theatre en Tuesday evening. October 12. "roddyjthe Next Bert Thlni" will go elsewhere. Mara Klarty Inc, announces tha Dallas Welford has been encased to play tha role of Svks In "l' rencn Leave, in ungusn comedy by Iteglnald Berkeley, In which tha Coburns will bo featured. Tha Selwyna will open their new Times nquare Tlieairo lo-mgni wun ine mirage, -starring Miss FlorencO'Ilced. Charles Pllllnnhnm nnd Fred Stona will celebrate tho twentieth year of tholr asso ciation when the comedian appears In "Tip Top" at' tho Oloba Theatre, commencing next Tuesday evening. Mr. Dltllncham first en' gnged Kreil Stone tn 1000, for "Tho Cllrl from Up Thero" as chief comedian with Miss Hdna May. Miss Florence Walton, dancer,, hns sailed on board Ln Kronen and will nrrlve In New York on Saturday to open In vaudeville. With to-day's matinee Miss Ina Claire wilt enter upon . her second year In David Delasco'a production of Avery Hopwood'a comedy "Tho Gold DUsera" at the Lyceum Theatre. She never baa missed a perform- anco out oi Mies Hate! Dawn, Who left the "movies" in mturn tn her first love, the spoken drama.' baa reverted to the pictures again, having signed a contract with A. J. lumbers to star In a series ot speotaeular pictures .of modern life, tha first of which will b put Into production this week under tha title of "What is LoVeJ," . Wellington Cross Introduced a new danelnjr aceclalty,' the third, Intn the first act ot "The Night Boat" at the Liberty Theatre last night. Fifty members of the Dramatic Society of tho Washington Squara College of New York Vntvcmlty nlll attend tha performance of "Happy-tio-Lucky'' at tho Booth Theatre next .Monday. Michael Goldreycr' has nngnged Fleming Ward to play the leading male role in "Tho Shortcut, 'which will have Its out of town premlero on October 18. ' Honald J. Flamm, for thrco years asso .ii with the Bhuberts oa assistant to tha general press director, has resigned to start r publishing venture of. .hla own, the Pro gram Magazine Publishing Company, with offices In the Tribune. Building, which will publish a weekly magazine pertaining to tho sure, "movies'' ana Brcn)klyn;socletr, for circulation to the "movie" houses of Brook- 1 MRS. C.A.HAI6 WILLS ESTATE TO CHILDREN Fortune o Caroline A. HpBi Honry 0. Drayton nnd W. A, Drnyton. Tho will ot Mrs, Charlotte Augusta Hals', widow ot Ooorgo Ogllvy Hslg and slator of Col. John Jacob Astor, who lost' hli lire In the Tltanlo disaster, was filed yesterday In tho Surrogates' Court. Hhn left the bulk of her for tune to her three children, Caroline As tor Phillips, wlfo of William Phillips, attached to the Amerlcnn Embassy at Tho Hague Henry Coleman Drayton nnd William Astor Drayton, residing In London. Mrs, Halg wns married twlco. After twelvo years ot married llfo with J, Ooleman Drayton aha divorced him In 1808 nnd subsequently .married Oconto O. Halg, of tlm firm ot IJulu & Halg, whiskey dlstlllors, London, Mr. HalB died In 1P0S, Thereafter his widow re. sided abroad nnd was in Nrullly, France, nt the tlmo of her death on July 10 last. Sim directed, In her will, that her body bo burled beside her sec ond husband in England, Mrs. Halg wns tho daughter of Mr. nhd Mrs. William Astor. Under certain indenturefl executed by her father sbo rpcoved the Incomo from trust funds nnd hnd tha power of disposal of tho principal In' her will. Sho bequenthed 110,000 of tho principal to her son, Henry Coleman Drayton, nnd directed that the bnlanco be distributed equally amona hor three chlldron. Tho trust fund es tabllshed for her In 1003, by her mother sho directs nhnll bo divided equally among jier three children. "It Is my wish to keep my estate In my family," sho stated In her will, "and that If I leave no descendants, my sis ters nnd their descendants shnll benefit rather than tho descendants of my ds cenncd brother (John Jacob Astor), who loft a largo fortuno of his own." Mrs. Halg left annuities ot $000 each to her domestic employees and $1,(00 n yenr to her friend, Clnrn L. Upward. Tho will on filo hero dispones of her American property only. In a separate will sho disponed of hor property In Englnnd. Tho vnluo of her estate Is not oatlmatod. HARRY HA8ELW00D DIES. Former Newspaper Man Wn Uem oorntlo Publicity Worker. Word wns recolvcd last night of tho death' In Chicago yesterday of Harry Haselwood, newspaper man, who re nlirned his position on tho copy desk of tho t'filn0 World to beoomo nsnintant director Of publicity of tho Hemocrntlo organisation In Chicago, Ills death wan duo to pneumonia, Beforo coming to Now York Mr. Haselwood wna telegraph editor on n Chicago newspaper, nnd beforo that was on the staff of the Denver Ponf. He wns 35 years old and Is survived by IiIh widow, who lives at his birthplace, LOST AND FOUND. A reward will be paid for Information lend ing to recovery ot IPSO Maxwell. 15 pniiien. ger. hlnek touring body: ncrlnl No. 307B.13, motor No. 30sh02. llcenmi Nn. 2.10820, N, Y.i Motcn from In front of 45 Treildont St., Brooklyn, Kentemher i.1. shout 12:M P, M. MIKUWOOl) ADJUSTING 1UJH-AU, CS William nt, Jolin .in lit. L08T rirown brief catf containing 2 bookn, or.o mnrlced Woonter, Tlioiiian & Co.! nto Imrortnnt tmpernt left In tsxt between Ilrook ,yn and N. Y., Saturday evening. Finder wilt bo rewarded If Im will return en no and ,'co,rir't?0"N' "frW LOBTlllaek rinlent leather nult ci, left In Uxtcnb Friday iiierlng, Heplember It, In front of 233' W. Slth at.i contents of no vnluo except to owner; reward will bs paid for return and absolutely no questions aimed, Phone cmifPa. BchuyUr 31110. ' LOST At Polo Ground!, Monday afternoon, upper grandttand, violin In black leather ease, green plush llntnr. labelled InMdn violin "O. II. Bryant. Boston, No. 08." Reward If returned to A. L. Lanntey, 02 St. Nicholas place. Tel. Audubon KIM. LOST Gray suede bag, containing keys, money nnd piece of Jewelry, Islington or Madison avs.. In tho Itn'a, Wednesday, Sep tember 20; reword. mi'l.F.Y, Devon Hotel, 70 W. UStli at. I1T l-arite sum of money In Uertren, Ln fnjctlo Hnnk envelope! Illiornl reward to flndr. Tel. Mldnood 4811, It. 15. POX, MlllhA.ln. irkbn. 108T-Cnno. Initials "Z. B. M.." In InM; n" wnttl. Apartment 4A. 14H West With. WILL the person who cnllud Mr, Mnrlant Monday regarding Uridine ot lost purse kindly communicate with blm again at the Hotel Latham? Absolute privacy guaranteed and no questions asked. Call between 7 and 0 A. M. or 0 and 0 P. M. Jewelry. LOST In Ptltmora Hotel, gold chain brace let with about twelve charms; great senti mental value: large reward; no questions asked. Telephone Tarrytown B8. LOST Lady's aold wrist watch, diamond shape, with black ribbon: mward. Mrs. BMPCY. room 2210. 01 Broadway. LOST September 8, larpe platinum pin with 4 diamonds, 1 pearl; reward. LOST All- TICI,w dkit., Tirana central Terminal. 20Q liEWAHM for return of diamond ball watch, lost Monday, September 27, 'after 3 o'clock, Iclntty of FOth St.. or perhaps brown and whlta taxi. Beturn to BLECIITA & HOrtVATII. 07 K. liflth St. ino nr.WArtn for rctbrn of senrt pin containing a pear shaped pearl with small diamond below It: lost September 20 at or between New York city nnd Brooklyn, N. Y. MARCUS A CO., Blh av. and 43th st. $73 JtLWAIlD for return of gent's watch monogramed "L. J. A." and platinum chain, lost Septem ber 20, between West 23d and 34th sts. I. II. and It. if. WE1NHBTW, 003 Blh ar. S.100 ItKWAItD for return of diamond flexible bracelet lost Sept. 22, at or between Vanderbtlt Hotel and 370 Park av. BLACK. .STARR & FROST, Lth av. and 48th at. Wearing Apparel. 1 inEflAI. reward, no questions asked White moving from 310 W, 80th St; to tha Delnord moving man lost corrugated box containing trousers, shirts, collars arid ties. .Phone Longtere 3230, or call C01 lOtli av., I storo. 1 OUT Dropped, sable neckpiece, front- Rtst I Street Theatre or left ln taxi from j Rastern Steamship Co. to R40 West 112tli st. Ruward, II. REEVES, tel, DK02 Cathe- drab LOST lied fox neckpiece, taxlcab from Malson Arthur, 5 G, 43th at., Tuesday night. Return to nbnva address and get re ward from JACKSON. i IX)ST Fur neckpiece In Loew's Ilea Thea tre, 159th st. and Broadway, Friday even ing, September 24; reward. Tel. Audubon Ml. LOST At Kltlnge Tlioatre on Wednesday evening, .September 21). two akin sable scarf. Liberal reward, no questions asked, if rcturna io m r.ast u LOST Wide, seal scarf, about 30 Inches long, In Peacock alley. Astor' Hotel! liberal re. I ward, zstt ntn av.. room 4ou, " " AiiMnnn am mnwn v OVKRCOAT LEFT IN TAXI. Fifty Dollars ' reward, no questions asked ot taxi cab driver who found overcoat In taxt after taking gentleman to Hudson The atre September 21. Return to WILLIAM DALEY. Head Porter. Hotel St. Regis. feTONE marten. 81st theatre. Tuesdar inn Ing. Communicate S. . E. SKELTON, 23 West stn. Till! finder of. brown fur neckpiece lost Sat u urday evening at Playhouse Thentre or on street between 8 and It o'clock, return to ,MR8, BLONDKL, nt Gotham Hotel, Room ( 403. Reward. ' Cats Dow, Sr. LOST Sept. 20. about 11 P., M., small' female I sklngeso dog, from 18 13, Mill at,. Liberal rewnrd If returned tn above address. Tel. Plata 3020. ' 123 REWARD. Lost on Tuesday, between Portland and Bridgeport, brownish dog, black tongue; answers nnmj of Jcffla. Finder communi cate ROBERT ROCH, 320 E. SSth St. l'onnd. FOUND Diamond onyx" platinum lady's bar pin near renniyivwiia mauon. writs v. u.. 300 Sun-Herald, Id square. 11 I Qulncy, III. While )n Now Yorl Mr, Hanelwood lived nt tha homo ot MaurlAo Ketten, cartoonist, nt DO West Sixty seventh wtreet, Mrs, Ketten was hi Inter, MIM, PHRnllltlOIC OltAlIAM MHO. Mrs, J'Vedorlck Ornhnm Je, whose death occurred in' Cooperstown, N, Y on Monday, was a dauithler of the late Mspenard Btewart of this olty, The funeral waa held yesterday Jn Chrlit Chiiroh, Coppprstown., Mrs, I,ee, who was In her eighty fourth yanr, was Hsrah l.ltpennrd Olowart, and was one of .two daughters of the late I.lspennrd Htewart nnd his first wife, who tvua Louisa H, Hallos Her sister was innrrlcd tn John H Trevor of New Yorlt, Mrs. Frank H. Wltherbeo and Mipenan! and William Ilhlnelnnder Stewart nra halt alitor nnd halt brothers ot Mrs., I-ee, PHILIP JUICHAUI, nnAunoN, lAinernl aervlees will ho held this morn ing for Philip Michael Beanlon, 3D years old, who played right field for tho Brook lyn National Lengua bnneball team In 1901, Bourdon died on Tuesduy of pleie rlsy nt Ml, Mary's Hospital In Brooklyn Ho wns born in Brooklyn nnd ediicntod nt HI. Laurent College, Montreal, Can ndn, Ho played nt various tlmea In the Routli Atlnntlo league nnd New Kng land League and wan regarded an a skilful fielder, He Icavea two brotlior and a Water, .llltd. KI.IZABI3TH VAN N.1MU. Mrs, Klliauoth A. Vun Name, mother of Borough President Calvin I), Van Name, of Richmond, died Tuesday night In her home, 71 Van Belt nvenue, Win l'nrlt, Htaten Island, Mrs. Van Name, who wns eighty-four years of nge, was born and had lived practically her nn tire life In tlm clone vicinity of the l.ouso lu which alio died, tth? belonged to a family who wero among the first to fettle Htaten Island, HAMUni, I.U.VA, Ban SALVADnhl ' Bopt. 29, Pamuel Luna, formerly Minister of Finance, Dr vclopment nnd -Agriculture, died here yesterday nnd was burled to-day wit! military honors. Ho held various Mln literlnl posts 'n u number ot ndmlnl' ttntlons. .MINI! MA II I A BAH I. Bantiaoo, Chile, Sept: ZD, Jose Maria Barl, a retired (lenentl nnd member of tho Council ot tituto, died huro to-day, MARRIED. TBOMrfiON-MA60N.-RoswU Ije. son Mr nnd Mrs. A. L. Thompson, tn Miss Ruth K. Mason, daughter Mr. O. P. Mason, at Akron, Ohio, DIED. Bower, Dnntel P. Brett, Harsh H. P, Cnllnril, Mary Codington, I.euls M. Ulnmiore, Andrew A. Emery, Mnry E. Fnnle, D.ivl'l M, I'rledenhi'lt, flersou HIkmIiis, Mitrgiieiltu James, Howard Jehl, 1-ouls x K ane, Mnlilo ,M, Ortalca. Ellin Owens, Patrick J. I'lnlt, Alfied II. Pi line, Rnlph K. Rennlon, Philip M Hltnuil, Knitnn Taylor, Hnrah M. Wllley, fleorso P., Wolff, Paul BOWER. At Worundyko, N .t... Tuesday, September 2H, 1H20, Daniel Franklin Dower, beloved husbnnd of II. Maude Bower. In his 71st year. Funerhl nt Trin ity Reformed Church, Midland Park, Fri day, October I, at IOiJIO A. M. Rradlnr, Pa., nnd Fort Wayne, Ind,, papers please copy, BHRTT.8tiddenly. nt Purls, on September . i, Harnli Bhotwell Price, dniiKhter of lien Jatiiln M, Prlco anil Anna Khotwell Prlo nnd wife of the Into Martin Wlltsl Brett, Funeral servlco at her Into resb done, 1117 West 87tli (t Friday, October 1, at 11 A. M. CALX.ARD. Mary, wife of Ocorpi .1' Cnllnrd of Elm st,, Blshwooil, N, J passed away suddenly September 'M, 1020, Funeral servlrn 2:W) P. M, Frl day, Oclolier 1. Kindly omit (lowers. . COD1N;TON.-At Pomenllle, N. J Mon dny, September 27,Iwls M, Oodlnmon, nited 72 years. Funcrnl vlll ba held train bis late residence, 00 North Oroya st;, nn Thursday, September .10, at 2:80 P. M. Friends of the family aro Invited to at tend. DINRMORB. At 201 West 103th t N. Y., Bev. Andrew A. Dln.imore, D. D,, beloved husband of Mnriaret Woodburn Dins mora, In the 80th year .of his age. Fu neral services at Broadway Presbyterian Church, 114th ut. and Brondwny, Satur day, October 2, at 10:30 A. M. Interment Rosedato Cemetery, Oranse, N. J., nt lh convenience ot the family, EMERY. Sept. 20, 1020, Mnry Ullinbcth, beloved wife of Alfred 1). Emery. Funernl on Friday, at Oi'M A. M from her lle residence, la Ht. Nicholas placet tbenee to tho Cbun'b of Our 1-nly of lmrdes, 142d el., near Cement av. Interment private, FOOTp. At Son Francisco, Cnl., on Hfnt-ni-ber 22, Cnpl. David M- huslinnil Oathe. I Ina Foote,,age ft. Relalltes and friend, also New Caledonia Lodge of Nova Sootln If. nnd A. M. Invltci to attend ttinernl ser vices, to bo held by Philadelphia IxsJca Mlchaol' Arnold, No. 1130, F, anil A M.,' 2 P. M. Saturday, Late ri'oWfnco 1410 W. Tioga it., Philadelphia. Inter ment Woat Laurel Vault. FRIT3DEN1IBIT flerson, In his 87th year, beloved husband of Fanny, father of lsaao. Harriet Illrsch, Sophia Kings bacher, Rachel Schloss, Simon, Bannali Abrahams, Kmia Llppe, Clktro Jacobsnn and Arthur. Funeral at .convenience of family from hie lata residence, 2.1 West oath st. inoaiN8,-September 20, 1020, nt Wlnsted. Conn,, Mnrguerlto Bryan, wlfo of Rlehanf T. HI wins 'and sister ot William J, Bryan of White Plains, N. Y, .Funeral serrlces at her lato residence, 63 Hlnsdnln av., on Saturday, 0:30 a. M.," and nt 10 o'clock, St. Joseph's Church. JAME8. Dr. Howard. "Tho Funeral Church," nronqway at doth- St., Friday, 01.10 A. M. JEHL. Br. Louis, Sept. 20, at the, lioma of his-dauRhter, Mrs. Samuel Walters, New Ingten, Coim. lliirlal Lutheran Cemetery, Oct. 1, about 3 P. M.' KEANE, On Monday, eVMcmhcr 27, Mnb,le ai. Keane, aauguier or uie mtn Patrick J. Kenno and Julia Mulry Keane, Fil nernl from her' lata borne, 005 Fifth av Aitorla, L. 1., Friday, October 1, Solemn requiem mass at Our Lady of Mount Car met R. .C. Church, Astoria, L. I., at 10 A. M. ORTOIE8.-On Wednesday, September 20, ivzu, at ner resioence ou , nurns sc. Forest Hills, L. I., Ellen, widow of John Ortgles. Notlco ot funeral later. OWENS. Patrick J., on Wednesday, Sep- temoer zv, irm, neiovea nusoonu or ismma K. Owena (nee Le Page), l'lineral from his lata residence, 20 Ilnmllton nv.. Yon kers, N. Y on Saturday, at 8:30 A. M.; thence to fit. Teter'a Church, Yonkera. In terment St. Agnea's Cemetery, Albany, N. Y. Albany papers pleaao copy. PL ATT. Alfred H., suddenly, at SSranac Lniie. Tuesday evening, sept. 28. husbaml . of Marin Oarsla. Requiem mass 10 A, M. Friday, Oct. I, at Lady Chapel, Bt. Patrick's (Cathedral. Interment private., PRIME.-On Monday. September 17, lPin, at his residence,- Yonkers, N. Y Ralph E. Prime, Into Lleulennnt-Colonel U. S. Vol unteers, In the 81st year of hi nte. Fu neral services at First Presbyterian Church, Yonkers, Thursday, Bcptember 30. 2 P. M. REARDO. Philip M.t dearly beloved uroiner ni oiarie, iimomy a . ana wwiw L. Reardon, on Tuesday morning, Septem ber 28. Funeral on Thursday, September 80, from bis lata residence, 430 8th at., Brooklyn. Requiem mass at St. Saviour's Church, 8th av. and Cth St.. at 10:30 10:30 A. M. Interment private. STROUD. Emma. The Funeral Church ' (Frank E. Campbell), Broadway, 68th at., inuriaay, i r, i. TAYLOR. Sarah M September 27. Fu neral from ira nome oi ner oroiner, Edward' R. Taylor, 1322 Elmore place, Flatbush, Brooklyn. Solemn requiem mass 0:30 Thursday morning at St. Bren dan'e'R. O. Church, Av. O. East- 12th st. Interment Greenwood Cemetery. Plain field. N, J., .papers please copy. WILLKV. On Tueiday, September 28, 1020, nt Plttsfleld, Mas George P. Wllley ot Urooklyn. Funernl services' will be held nt Lefferts Place Chapel, M Lufferts place, near Hi and nv., Brooklyn, on Friday, October 1, at 10:30 A. M. WOLFF. Paul. "The Funeral Church" (Frnnk E. Campbell), llroadway at Wth ft., Thursday, ,5 P. M. unve"ilings; NEWMAN.-Unveiling Ic, memory of our b. loea oromer. Lisopoia nowman, win laKt place at Mount uarmei uemeterr, Hun day, Oct. 10. 1020. at 2:30 T. Rla- neterr, tlwa and friends invited.