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IS ftvonihlro St BOSTON Munds, FINANCIAL NEWS AND COMMENT klDDHR.PEABODY&CO. 18 Drotd SI NEW YORK Cnnfiifiliitf nnrt GonfllcMiif,' Prico Movements Oonllnuo to Mark Dcnliiiff. CD 7H 85 T4H 71M Govcrnmont Bonds Investment Socurltlos Foreign Exchange Letters of Credit BTJ3KLB AND OILS LOWBll S3 87 182 1)0 Hails mhU'iiMIq Utllltlofl To MOi'd QIobIiik Aro Favor ites With Traders, .11 it DIM 7IK I CcfftspondaDlJ ol flaring Brothors & Go.r Ltd. LONDON Trading In the stock market wan dls- tlngulshed again yesterday by n series of confusing ami conflicting prleo move ments In tho Industrial anil npf clalty 1 stocks, hut In tho main the trend contln-i iid downward, Certain group tllnptftyexl I letter resistance to tlm selling, hut any encouragement that might hnva heen derived from uch stock wu more than offset hy the selling campaign conducted . from Mart to finish In in vend other groups, notnhly tho toel and oil utockw, nil of which closed materially lower on the day, Tho steal shares broke on run-, tinned talk of. prlco cuttlnir, hut In tho ; wiso of tho oil share tho Street bod nn entirely new argument, that of price cuttlnir, Tho financial community, how 109 U 18 CO 1(1 107 WA OS 7!i U'S 127 71 U mi Rogers & Stackpolc ever, won not Inclined lo look upon ru- mom of cuttlnir of oil price a tho real I 1H R7 m 7fl II 03 mi 3 10K lW MH sr. reason for tho decline In tho groap, a ' It had not suffered the readjustment thnt Philadelphia. Company of Pittsburg had taken place In other groups, hut to experienced observer tho .fift that onn company announced a reduction of gnu oleno price while tho market was do- rlinunr seemed to no more man n moro coincidence, Thern wa nn change durinrr tlm day In connection with the steel prlco sltun linn. Hovernl further cula were mndo In tho automobile trade, hut generally they had heen discounted, In pltn of tho fact that (hero wu no announcement iihout steel prices, the flnnnclnl corn munlty wa moro .strongly convinced than over that reductions of price In tho tnel trade would hnvo to he made soon. In that connection tho Street Ih Qur Sptdil Lrllcr, tml . upon rtquttt, titeutt tltit iwycrty. 1 2:1 r. so 00 102 .nay ID 90 7W 17 120 r MEMBERS N. Y. Stock Exchange N, Y. Cotton Exchange Chicago Board of Trade V Broad St. Uptown Office 16 Vanderbilt Ave. Inclined to Plnco great Importance on the return of Judgo (lary from Kurope next week, hut, -n tho llrst reduotlon aro likely to como from independents those wno aro luunlly won informed on tho uhject do not expect nny announce, ment from tho steel corporation. Jf tho uteri corporation decides to cut price thnt cut will not como until tno inno- nendontM linvn to lower their prices to A level thnt will compare fnvornhly wUh tho corporation's HChedulo. Tho now ticker carried n Aport that tho Amerl can car and Vonndry Company had pur chased steel nt lower price than those now prevailing and for a time It looked lis If tho wavo had started In, but that report wa denied Inter ly an offlclnl of that company. While th steel nnd oil stock wore going down tTio flnnnclnl community, as hefore, turned It attention to other di rections. Tho railroad stocks received a good part of that nttcntlon, but toward tho closlntr traders took up tho public utility Mock nlso. I.lko tho railroads, the puhllo Utility stocks havo not bene fited from tho tremendous Increase In Iirlces nnd operating costs nnd thu It Is believed that, with prices of commodl tic coming down ull alonK the line, tl'cso compunles eventually will como tack Into tho position which they occu rred In tho market prior to the war. Thero was hardly n stock In thu utility l,roup that did not share In the Improve ment, but tho butter Rrndo or stocks nat urally recdved most attention. Tho rails, oh Nfoie, continued upward nnd nt tho cJoko had recorded n new hlirh for the year In tho nvcrnues. Tho Indus trials, on tho other hand, cancelled their nttlro sain of the preceding day, leav ing; tho nveraue of tho twenty Indus trial within a frnctlon of n point of tho year's low. Tho monoy market was firm, calt money solnir to 8 per cent. Just before tho close, duo to the preparations for (lovernmont withdrawal to-dny nnd tho continued prepaotlons by tho bank to meet the OctoBer 1 Interest nnd divi dend disbursomcntii. As tha first of tho month Ih only n duy off, It Is expected that money will continue high to-day, although no such flurry ns wa experi 44! 43 215 !230 .1SUI 70 00 15 23 '14 10 12 28 COUPONS Payable at Our Office October !, 1920 39 t 7CH 77 39 08 80 -OS 14 20 CO 32 33 ,33 no 67 20 44 74 83 9 27 10 82 30 120 40 30 BRUSH ELECTRIC . CO. in a'h, mm KNOXVILLE.GAS CO. I f.', 1033 4 1 SOUTHERN ONTARIO GAS CO., Ltd. - lit ft'a, 10,11 Henry L. Doherty & Company 60 Wall Street New York enced Inst month Is anticipated. It 1 70 relieved that money mny ko a trlflo 103 hlKher to-duy than It did ycslorday, but no ono looks for much hlRhur than 9 240 4VJ per cent money, nnd If tho rnlo goes thero It Is not expected to contlnuo there lonR. Tho money situation -Is much rosier than It has been for n lone tlmo nnd for tho time bclnR Isnot hav ing much effect on price. Nbthlnc of rroclnl Importance occurred In the ex cliaiigo markets. 3 NORWEGFAN THRIFT and industry nre 'famed throughout the world. Nat ural resources are well developed foreign trade tonnogc Is the largest per capita In the world. Kingdom of Norway Twenty Ya'ar 8 Sinking Fund Gold Bonds Prlco at Market to yield about 8 Aak for Folder 8.H.N. Hollister; White &Cfo pi Cedar St.. Cor. Trinity PI. turn tork Boiton ThUndelphU 11 7 11 35 23 14 61 60 19 23 MONEY AND EXCHANGE. CALL MONEY. IIIeIi.. 8 Low 7 Hrnewsla 7 Vear's Msh zoirear's low 8 CLKAniKQ. HOIIOn STATEMENT. Clearing Homo . exchanges, 742,538,870: US' 32 21 22 . 8 66 balances, ttl7,3l.1,DR9; Suli-Treaiury debit balances, M.i.nja: trnerai iteaena creoit balances, 1(11,001.0.18. B1L.V1.II H1AHK1-.1H. Official bar silver In New York: Domeatle. DliVic, per ounce, unchanged ! fortlfrn. 0.'4c, Ml ftc.i Lrfinnon, mis,a., on a,; Mex ican dollars. 704c.. off Me. ICO CANADIAN KXCIIANOE.. New York funds In Montreal. IIOT.M) nre- 82; mlum per II.OOOs Montreal funds In New 141 fork. 07.0fl per fl.ono. FonririN nxciiANQB. 18 67. I 78 J 85 80 I 33 27 17 66 12 30 104 89 7 45 4 13 19 114 20 UIIEAT UniTAIN. Parity. Wedneada' nesdav. , 13.47 Tuesday. llJfOil.1 Demand, aterllnir.... 13.41 :i.4n 3.30H 3.43H U.43H inDiea. aivrupK. ... . .t.1111 Hankers, 0 da-a.... 3.43 Ilankera, 00 Any:.., 3.41 nit! CONTINENT. 10.31 France, cents a rranc Demand n.iui Csbles 0.07 10.3) Holt lum, cents a frano Demand ...... 7.0.1 Cabl 7.03 19,30 B ltorland, cents a franc Demand 11.03 Cables ..' 10,03 10.30 Italy, cents a lira Demand 4.17 Cables 4.18 23.80 Germany, cents a mark Demand 1.03 Cable 1.(13- 16.60 Hwrilen. cents a krone-. Demand ............ 10,00 Cables ,.20.00 '20.60 Norway, cents a krone Demand 14.13 Cables... ,.... 14.20 20,80 Denmark, cents a, krone Demand 14:13 Cable t 14.20 , 10.80 Greece, cents a drachma .Demand 10.23 Cables 10.33 10.80 Spain, cents a peseta Demlnd l'.fxl Cables 14.70 40.20 Holland, cents a flortn L'emand 31.10 Cable 31.20 S1.40 Ilusais, cent ft ruble V rubles 1.10 D0O ruble M 20.3 Austria, cents a crown' Demand 43 Cablea 1.. .44 8.71 0. 72 7.00 7.10 10.00 10.12 4.10 4.20 1,0.1 1.04 20.00 20.10' 14,13 14.20 HAX 14.20. 10.40 ' 10.30 '14.(13 14.72 31.12U 31.23 1. 'io' 1.00 .44 WE RECOMMEND New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R. Debenture 4s Due April 1, 1922 ( A74 38 17 73 62 34 7 6 , 3 '7 18 .43 20.23 Ciecho-SIovakla, tenia a krone 24 48. 54 '34 54 23 iiemanu 1..... Cables ....1.4 1,30. FAIl EAST. 103.32 Bhanchal, cents a tad . Demand ............IDT,..- Cable 1 100.00 78.00 Hongkong, cents a dollar Demand ........ ..,. T.'.Ml CableaN , 70.00 32.44 llombay, cents a rupee Demand 33.00 Cabl' 113.23 V4D Yokohama, Cents a yen Demand M.12U Cablea '. , M.3714 BOOTH AMEniOA. 1.S2 1.37 1UI.00 ,73.r.o 70..00 Prico at the market 1 to yield over 17 McClure, Jones & Reed Member New York Stock Exchanss 115 Broadway New York Con. Rector 7662 33.00 33.23 62 38 EI.12U 01.37 Vi 4 1.42 nio de Janeiro; cents a mllrela 4 A Demand 17.02V4 17.MH J7 49 bftui.n .............. J..IU AI.IU 42.84 llueno) Aires, cents a peso Demand 37.23 37.BO 20 Cablea 37.37H 37.02H 103.42 Uruguay, cent a. dollar Demand 1V1S7W 04.87H Cables , ftf-Wi S4.62H 13 139 101103 THE BUN AND NEW YORK HERALD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 90, 1020, NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE QUOTATIONS. WKDNBBDAY, HIBlTWMUlim 80. J010. 944,011 1919 Day's sales 1,638,090 i., r-dloalntf.-! m 1 TfTihT Law 11 ma, a. titles', 1. Inn. . 4B -OU o JHX UIHMIIT IDMt.ll... 44 44 42 1 1 68 74 84 76 71 87 43 SOOIAtaxlta Uold M, , IH 2001 Alaska Junoau (1 M,,.',, 1? 1 mi 1800 Allied Chcm & Dye wl... C9 76 pv 75 68 70 9i 75 7 7M m 193H 200 Allla Ohnlmr Mfnr Pf 74 400 Ajii Afillo Chum. 100 Am Hoot Himar, ........ 500 Am HobcIi MKncto,.,,,, 84 86 84 75 76 75 7116 71 71 87 lOOIAm Drake H A lMy pf... 1AAI -!.. 87 87 J7V'oiii vim 1 . 1 1 . lOOIAm Can pf. ,,,, 1300 Am Car & foundry,,,,.. 38 83 83 87 131 32 87V4 87 87 13214 133 133 100 Am Cnr A foundry pf,,, 100 An) Cotton Oil 800 Am PnwKlHt' Hyndlcnto, , 200 Am III1I0 A Ioathnr,.,,,. 2100 Am Jlldo A I.eiithfT pf,,, 4400 Am'Intornittlonnl Corp.. now 110 110 110 33 33 29 23 0H '0 9 10 0 10 18 11 69 71 11 sat r.2 58 09 61 71 71 71 91 94 uvviniu j.ui'umuiivv ........ 100 Am Lofomotlva pf 03 94 03 113 101 101 101 101 15 UOOIAm Hafnty Itnxor , ISOOlAm Hhlp A. Cnnunort'o... 16 16 14 16 13 1AM 18 18 69 18 2000 Am Hmolt A llnf 69 30 68 60 30 700 Am Hteol I'V)unilrl,.,,,. 1200 Am Hugar nof 2100 Am Humntnv Tab 30 80 108 108 107 108 87 87 85 90 100 Am Humtitrn Toll pf.n., S5 07 85 07 85 07 85 07 07H 1100 Am Tel A Tol 400 Am Tobacco 1200 Am Tobacco II 4300 Am Woolen 2200 Am Writ I'upt-r pf 2900 Anaconda Copper 120QAiwotN Itrnlliuitlmi t2V4 129 129 130 128 138 127 138 130 127 7l',i 62 H 73 65 62 24 68 85 77 11 03 72 56 62 8 24 68 85 77 11 93 70 53 51 3 23 58 84 77 11 03 71 62 62 3 21 68 85 77 11' 03 ' 24 58 77M 400lAnHocifttC(l Dry (IochIh... 200 Aho Dry OoihIh 1st pf,,, 3300 Atch, Top A Hnntn Fo.... 200 Atcli, Top A Hnntn Fo pf, 1100 Atlantn, Illrm A All 400 Atlnntla Const Mno , 2200lAt, Clulf A W I fi fl lOOjAt, Oulf A W I H H pf, 39S00llnlrlwln Locomotive Wlta 22200' lln'ltlmoro A Ohio .. 1800nnlUmoni A Ohio pf 11V4! 94 118 00 141 142 110 141 112 02 02 62 io8uoo;ioo 108 44 51 16' 44 45 61 38 c 61 38 38 ': 100 narnsibll Corp II 400;ilnrrott Co 38 38 130 5 90 89 104 71 7 12 8 50 91 7 16 130 1130 1211 1 00 89 104 08 7 10 0 49 00 7 15 63 129 I 5U 700 llethlehrm Motor I 5 4 90 69 95 300 Uothlchcm Hteol 7 p c pf. 90 95 JO Hi m. m 12M 8V4 CO 04 7U an in.n.i..i..... it. -m ..l nn. uv -ovuiirui'iii ruri 1 p u pi au;i 400!IJothlolK'm Hteol 8 p 0 pf. 104 7400lotlilt'hem Hteol 11 70 lOOIHonth KlHhcrleri 7 7900Ulrooklyn Ilnpid Transit,, 10 3500lllklyn It T ctfn of (lop... 7 1200jllrooklyn i:nlon (Inn.... 49 iOO'IlnniH DroH 90 800'Ilutlo Copper A Zlno 7 700iCaddo Cent, 0 A It 16 lOOtCallfornla Tack Co 63 ROOICallfoniln Petrol 27U 104 I 1 69 7 12 8 49 91 7 16 10 17H 05W 27 Hi 04 Ml 27 63 -20W 6 120H1 2800!Canndlnn I'aclili! ..' Ill9l120!ll0 2600!Centrnl leather (43 I 45 14 200;C'entral of N .1 220 1220 1220 mrt ft 1 1". .1. It, ...... it, t nn I ft t son 120! 4- 44! 20 I 3.1 I 39 77 H7 16 28 10 10 12 20 39 01 4wuviv,vnti lie 1 nrtil t 1 tli' 1 Ui I JnVlt 4800IChnndlcr Motor ( 77 77 75; 70 I 67! 66; 67 : CU00Chennprnlo A Ohli j 67 1700 ChlcnRo A Alton' ! 1571 300ChlniKO A Alton pf 23 I 100!Chlo A 13 111 Kt Tr ctfs.l 14T.I 800lCho A R III pf Kq Tr ctfs 17 2400'ChlcnKo Ot WoHtern 12! "OOlChlwiRO Ot Western pf.. 29 ' 1U 23 14! 17 I 12l 15 10 I 23 I 14' 23 11 16 12 28 38 58 76 79 3K 09 80 16 12 23 39 61 76 80 29 39 61 70 80 39 69 81 0 14 10400!Chlc. Mil A fit Paul 39 13900Chlo, Mil A Ht l'atil pf... 69 lOOOjChlo A Northwestorn.... 76 400Chlo 1'neumntlo Tool.... 80 lOlOOjChlc, H 1 A ITiclflc 39 800 Chic, It I A 1' fi p 0 pf . . . 69 76 73 39 9 til 69 I 80! 70 I 14W! 09 80 700 Chic, 11 I A 1' 7 p 0 pf... 80! lOOIChlc, St 1', M A Omaha. 68! 70 14 68 11: 26 I 600 Clillo Copper 1 ' 54 26 1 4 3! 4 5 300 Chlno Copper ! 26; 20 60 S3 34 33 r3 coo Clov, C C & St lulfl....i 62 I 6 3! I cn 1 f 32l 59 I 1300 Coca Cola , ' 32f 32UI 33, H lOOlCol Fuel A Iron..,,. 33 33 33 33 ' 33 51 I 51 COOIColomdo A Houthern 33 CI 67 21 44 73 St 9 27 10 83! 37 28! 33 61 38 20 44 9 100 Colorado & South 1st pf.. 1500 Columbia O A Klec 4000 Columbia OrnDhonhono C7 68! 57 20 45 70 li 21i 20 4 100 Comp Tab Ilecord 300 ConBolldntod Cigar 2500 Consolidated Oa.i 200 Con Interstato Cal Min.. 1000 Consolidated Toxtllo .... 1300 Continental Candy 11000 Corn Products Itcf COO Cosdcn A Co ..- 0400 Crucible Steel Co 2000Cuban Am Suimr 44 .74 84 9 28 10 84 37 41 73 81 9 2". 10 71 71 84 9 28 41 H 3 277; ,s 10 82 1 4 10 82 36 82 36 37 2 8 129 125126 40 41 41i 37 I 40 40 ;- I t4 37 77 105 3700 Cuba Cano SuRar 100 Cuba Cano Huriu pf. .. 100 Dclawnro A HudHon... 200 Del, hack A We.storn... 1000 Denver A Illo Oronde.. 1700 Denver A lllo Ornndo pf 200 Detroit United Hy... 800 Domo Mines . , 36 35 37 76 76 76 76VJ 104 104 104 104 245 244 244 212 n 1 24 4 3 92 11 7 2 3 2 3 92 11 3 92 11 3 - 92 92 11 "11 6 10 1900Duluth. S S A Atl... 1400 Duluth. S H A Atl Df 7 6 10 1A' 7 12 50 24 15 01 93 19 ,28 70 33' 21 23 8 68 12 36 23 15 62 9? 19 28 69 82 21 23 8 65 12 36 23 15 1 01 92 19 T 32 21 23 S 65 100 Durham Hosiery Mills. 100 Elk Horn Coal Corp.... 100 Emerson Brnntlng 600 Endlcott Johnson 100 Endlcctt Johnson pf.... 6600 Erlo 2800 Erlo 1st pf 400 Famous Playcrs-Lasky 300 Federal Mln A,'Smolt pf. 1900 FJskTniihhcr 700 Frecport Texas 100 Gaston W A Wlgmoro. . I 100 Gen Am Tank Corp.... 100 General Chemical Co... 100 General ClRar Co deb pf SOOOencml Electric-Co...., 12400 General Motors. 200 Gen Motor Corp deb.... 36 23 15 62 92 19 27 68 82 21 23 8 65 30 23 "15 60 92 19 27 68 32 21 23 8 65 1 -1 " 158 lGtr ISO 150 150 85 . 83 83 83 83 142 ' 143 143 141! 141 18 68 79 49 87 80 33 28 17 67 14 30 18 68 18 68 79 49 86 80 33 28 18 66 14 30 18 67 79 48 86 79 33 28 18 65 14 29 18 67 79 48 86 ' 80 33 28 18 66 14 30 100 G Motor Corp deb pf 7 p c 79J 7.700 Goodrich (B F) 160 Goodrich (n F) pf lOlOOlGrcat Northern pf 49 86 79 33 28 18 66 7 4 2 2 300,Great Northern Ore ctfs. 100 900 1200 Grceno Cananea Cop.,.. Guantanamo Sugar Haskell A Barker Car... 4 1 700 Hupp Motor 14 ' 3 200 4000 Hydraulic Steel Houston Oil Co..... 29 105 107 107 103 100 90 7 800 100 600 21500 Illinois Central Indlahomn Itcf Inspiration Con -Copper.. Interboro Con Corp 90 7 45 4 90 7 90 7 45 8 00 7 45 4 7 60c 4 45 4 4 13 6200 200' Interljoro Con Corp pf. . 12 19 15 12 '19 13 19 20 Xnt Agrl Corp 19 110 200 4400 Int Harvester Co new. fat Mer Marino ,. 113 113 113 113 HA4I 20U 20 71 38 18 74 19 20 72 2500 100 Int Mer Marine pf Inter Motor Truck.... International Nickel .. International Paper . . Intcrnatlonn.1 Salt 70 71 38 17 73 39 18 38 38 17 2300 18 73 ,34 13500 100 74 63' 35 7 34 72 63 63 36 63 34 3300 600 Invlnclblo Oil 1 , Iowa Central 33 7 8 7 7 300 Iron Products Corp.., 35 33 83 6 3 2200 1600 Island Oil A Trans Corp. 6 6 6 ,3 7 18 24 48 Jewel Tea 0 5 3 7 8 19 600 300 Jewel Tea pf 8 18 24 49 55 64 63 18 24 Jones Bros Tea 18 24 24 3900 1400 Kansas City Southern... Kansas City Southern pf. 49 65 60 60 24 50 48 2100; 1600 100 Kelly Springfield Ttr6. 55 63 54 Kelly Spring Tiro rts. .-. . 1 1 Kelsoy Wheel Co Kelsey Wheel, Co.. tv Kennecott Coppor . ... 64 63 54 54 90 63 23 13 ,63 23 13 3800 23 23 13 63 1.20 , 1200 Keystone Tiro A Rubber. 10 y 13 63 1000 Lackawanna Steel Co... 63 36 . 20 35 - 61 35 63 40 700 2100 700 100 1300 1300 400; Lnclcda Gas of St li.... 38 23 38 38 23 38 Lako Erlo A Western.. 20 35 L..ko Erlo A Western pf. 20 2 3 2 Lee Rubber A Tiro..., Lehigh Valloy ....... Loews Ino , 19 60 20 14 19 19 19 60 60 60. 60 21 21 21 20 13 13 Loft Ino I 14 142 jnotT. 1142 142 1 -i I 12 I 71 nioi 19)0. 1011. 087,045 Year to ilato. ... ......n m .. 162,783,945 238,017,185 -"Wir Clisnjrt ""pieslMfl Up'irvllil'"' f alas, I Law. sat. ma. 1 abh 69 01 40 10 39 69 lOOlMuckny Con pf. ......... 60 59 90 61 20 96 44 20 43 06 60 20 48 4 12 PH 5 KI - 800 Monntl nuiiar ,...., 1800 Manhattan Elevated guur 100 Mnrtln-I'nrry Corp 200 Mnrlln Jtocltwoll Corp... 5800 Maxwell Motor ., 1 ... 200 Maxwell Motor ctffl..... 8800 Mnxwdll Motor lt pf . . . 60 S 4 4 1 3 12 0 6 ! I 10 f 6 fl HT4 JOOlMuxwHI Motor Int pf ctfs I 6 1600 Maxwrll Motor 2d pf. ... 100 Mux Motor 2d pf dtfa.,.. - A- 73 74 200 Mayu Dept Hlorc..i.... 74 100 74 74 S 180 19 183 183 Mftw aioxican roiroieiun iioaIiii I 1 1P1 10 19 vu uiiinim inpper .......... 19 19 14 87 15 1,00 14000 Mlddlo HlnteH Oil.,..,... 15 87 16 14 87 87 28001 Mid vnlo Wool A Ord 38 3 18 10 78 8300 Minneapolis: A Ht h new, 10 19 18 77 1 76 77 ivuMiiiui, mj-Mun.i,... 77 6 11 0 0 1900 Mlasniirl, Kan A Tex,,,,, 1600 Missouri, Kan A Tex pf. DMA lf,M,,H, ti..,l.. 0 11 29 6 11 11 10 20 51 29 20 20 - - oivv .uinnijuri I'libiim 1 63 66 37 33 80 6800 Mlwioiirl Pacific pf 100 Montana Power ........ 1700 Mont, Ward A Cn 700 National Acma Co,, 700 Nat Anlllnn, A Client... . 200 Nat Anlllnn A Chcm pf ... 200 Nat Biscuit Co pf.. ...... 100(Nut Clonk A fliilt pf.... 200 Nat Knnm A Htnmp 600 New Orleans, Tex A Mox. 100 New York Air Brake..., 7300 Now York Central. 2800 Now York, Chin A Ht h. , 200 N Y, Cho A Ht h 1st pf, 100 N Y, Ohio A Ht L 2d pf.. 100 Now York Dock 7900 N Y, Now II A Hart..,.. .1900 N Y, Ont A Western 700 Norfolk A Western 100 Norfolk A Western pf... 8800 Northern Pacific 2700 Oklahoma Prod A ltef... 100 Orphenm Circuit 100 OtlH Elevator pf SOOOtlH Htecl 100 Owens Bottle Co,...... 100 Pnultlo Development ... 62 69 28 33 80 89 63 69 28 82 80 89 61 69 1 59 27 37 33 80 89 31 8 - 80 89 - 3 105 107 105 100 IDS - - 2 80 57 84 68 50 Oii 76 62 00 63 25 36 24 t7 69 40! 83 68 68 98 76 40 63 60 , 22 35 24 96 68 83 4 37 82 21 48 30 83 68 59 93 77 63 65 60 33 20 24 82 67 58 93 70 40 60 60 22 35 p3 3 - 1 68 -3 03 76 53 04 60 23 35 23 f- 1 fl 3 I 1 7 4 7 '90 06 68 84 4 37 83 31 48 30 48 93 85 42 18 37 18 29 33 40 31 13 73 37 17 94 61 90 68 82 4 37 82 21 48 30 '48 88 81 42 18 34 18 28 62 88 33 13 70 35 17 94 01 110 70 38 93 102 14 92 45 48 51 77 34 72 80 67 40 4 27 1 2 1 4 28 40o 21 48! 30 1 48 22 49 I 31 j 48! so; 83 1 42 SOO Pnolllo tlas A Elortrle, 48 jvt 89 82 42 18 37 IK 28 62 40 34 13 71 35 10 ,91 60 27700 Pun Am Petrol A T 92 UOO'Pnn Am Potrol A T II. ..I 85 1 3fiOOIPonhHylvnnla It It 200 Pnnu Heahnnril Hlcel..,. 4700 Peopled (Ins, Chicago,,,, 1300 Peoria A Eastern... ..... 4600 Pero Marquette ......... 400 Poro Mnrqttotto pf...... 14700 Philadelphia Co 2800 Plcrco Arrow Motor.. 900 Plcrco Oil Corp 1600 Pittsburg Coal of Pn 42 i 18 37 18 29 63 40 34 13 71 35 17 91 70 18 31 18 29, 63 38 34 13 71 36 17 1 1 1 2 12700'Plttsbiirg A West Va..., 1 UOOjl'ond Crook Coal S 200ll,it'NKO(l Htevl Car 4 100'Piibllf Service Corp N .1. 8' SOOIl'iillinan C( X 2l00!Puntn Alk-Kre Hmrnr 4 lOOOIPuro Oil ?! 200Itnllwny Hteel HprliiR.... 5 M! 01 I 1 1101U UOTi'llOTs 3 70 70 38 93 1 1 38 38i 38 93 93 95 110 102 7t 100 Hallway Hteel Spring pf,. 102 102 14 14 1 200! Bay Consol Cop.. 14 93 .45 48 51 79 34 74 11 93 45 48 51 79 34 76 88 93 pj4 44 47 53 79 33 74 80 15 32 4 13200 llenillng 43 47 lOOlltradlng Ul pf... 1 2 100;ilendlng 2d pf 30 7R . 200 Itcmlngton Typowrltor ., 1500 1800 23100 Beploglo Steel Republic Motor Truck... llepubllo Iron A Hteol',... - 1 34 3 73 80 20 2700 Boynl Dutch Co N Y. 88 14 1 lOOiHt. Joseph Ixwl i 14 14 14 31 9400,8t Louis A' Han Frnn....' 32 30o;st Louis A Han Fran pf.l 44 540o;st LouIh South western.,! 37 1 100;t Louis Southwestern pf 43 600finvni;o Anns Corp 30 1500Huxon Motor j 4 32l 31; 41 1.1 44 I 44 37 37 3S 43 30 I 36 12 OA 43 I 41 1 23 - VS 24 4 10 18 5 n 10 19 127 100 63 32 64 97 32 4 10 1900Hcnbonrd Air Lino 700 Senlwird.AIr Lino pf.... eOOl.Sonrs'ltochuck Co 10 10 18 18 19 126 106 128 110 8 7 127 127 lOOlSears Kocbuck Co pf... 10G 63 100 62 31 02 - - 1 53 31 02 06 31 63 63 74c 1300 Shell Trans A Trading... 15200 Sinclair Consol OII 300 Sloss-Hhcfflold S A I.... 17000 Southern Pacific 12700 Houthern Railway 1000 Southorn Railway pf..., 31 32 2 1 67 04 36 31 06 95 31 03 31 03 63 1 - 1 1 632 642 l'Htandard Oil of N .(, .163,4 63, 634 632 1642 SO Standard Oil of N J 1632 635 632 104 t04ll05 10008tnndnrdOII of N .1 pf,.10r. 103 30 63 55 SI 18 50 31 66 65 300 Stownrt Warner Speed..! 30 30 30 04 SSOOIStrnrnlierg Carburetor 23100lHtudchnker Corp 100;studubnker Corp pf... 800 Superior Oil OS, 6 60 57 54 8.6 I 86 86 81! 18 51 10 47 37 38 14 21 66 20 19 24 ! 12 45 18 60 18 18 900Huperlor Steel Corp.., 50 50 9 47 36 300 1 41500 600! 2300 Tenn Cop A Chcm 9 9 9 Texas Co 50 60 47 Texas lnc Coal A Oil.... Texas A IMclfio Third Avenue Times Sq Auto Supply... Tobacco Products Toledo, St L A W 37 37 1 , 20 69 16 13 24 12 46 28 37 38 36 37 12 20 65 16 18 24 11 43 27 33 14 20 1800 14 300 4600! 20 69 16 66 17 100 1400 18 T, St L A W ctfs of dep. T, St U A W pf ctfs of d. Transcontinental Oil .... .19 23 1300 12 43 5300 800 13 46 28 Trnnsue A Williams Steel 27 28 1600 2800 400 300 100 , 400 6300! Union Oil Union Pacific Union Pacldo pf Mnl.A.I Alln.. 123 123 123 124 122 64 38 65 38 65 38 65 SSU 65 38 ,... i,. t.tiwjt oivr. ...... United Cigar Stores United Fruit Company.. 5 175 199 145 ' 145 199 145 3 - 6 1 - - - 1 - - 1 - - - - 4 - 198; 199 198! 13 13 28 70 14 7 02 81 50 76 United Ry Investment., United Ry Invest pf.... United Retail Stnre6..v.. 11 25 71 14 6 65) 82 48 ; 78 13 28 11 25 69 14 6! 61 81 47 75 3100! 69 10000 13 100 u 8 C I Pipe A Fdy 14 7 65 I 82 48 78 6 400 6700 2000 660 10600! 100 200 89600 U H Express U S Food Prod Corp.,.. U H Ind Alcohol U 8 Realty A Imp 52 81 48 76 U S Rubber..., 105 106 U 8 Rubber 1st pf U S Smelting, R A M.... U S Steel U S Steel pf Utah Copper Utah Seo Corp 105 105 105 55 86 57 36 50 80 00 87 66 85! 106 106 200 106 100 106 60 61 10 65 82 12 11 1200 61 8 07 62 11 11 31 16 22 88 61 0 67 60 8 64 60 11 11 30 9 1300 .7200 800 1800 65 62' 12 Vanadium Corp Va-Carollna Chcm Vivaudou V .63 12 11 31 11 2900 Wabash 1 ' 1' 1 30 15 21 38 ' 31 16 Wabash pf A,.... Western 'Maryland 7VUU 8600 16 14 22 Western Mnryfand 2d pf. 22 21 38 1300 Western tticltlc .... 38 72 72 73 48 400 Western Pacific of, , 72 47 72 47 1000 8100 Westlnghouso E A M 47 47 15' 16 Wheeling A Lako Erlo.. 15 16 27 15 - - 1 - 1, - 1 - 1 T -1 - 1 - t T- - 26 27 45 29 1900 1000 300 Wheeling A Lako Erlo pf 21 14 26 44 White Motor 44 43 28 11 Wlckwlro Spen Steel 27 28 12 27 11 67 60 38 11 67 14400 600 iWlllys Overland . ... 11 67 49 39 Willys Overland pf.. Wilson A Co 69 69 60 40 700 300 100 6Q 38 50 40 Wisconsin Central .. 62 66 Worthlngton Pump pf 13. j 62 62 62 Odd lots. NOTE Odd lot transacUons nre not recorded In ssosxato woro mado at price outsldo of the regular full lot range. PEOTE8T CANADIAN BATES. 1011. inco of Manitoba,, produced figures to show, that tho operating ratio ot tho 8 4 railways is much lower New Iln.Il Tariff Work Hardship In Fnfr nMr.H 2 3 3 an lVful, it In Maid, ' Ottawa, Sept. 29. Recent Increases .,- ,v. ..amy uelween in freight nnd passengor rates granted Canadian railways by tho Dominion Railway Board work a severe Injustice to Uie thinly populated Western prov inces, according to speakers who ap peared to-day at a hearing beforo Pre mier Melghen and soveral 'members of his Cabinet Business Interests In the rjxrortTs pnoat xmw vomc. Exports from Now York yosterday: Wheat, 191,841 bushels; .pork. 100 bar rels; bacon, 780,000 pounds; greece, 138,000 pounds; rye, 195,260 bushels; beef, 108 tierces; lard, 3,317,800 pounds; praina provinces seek to have tb In creases readjusted. GOSSIP OF WAIL STREET, Industrial Pull to Hold, 1911, 97,711,687 Htocks failed to hold Ilia rally that they mads on Tuesday and In a market tin and wltli rreat Irreiril ftrlty 111 the en Change. tire industrial list saiwed toward lower (9 P5 44 20 40 8 8 8 4 l 69 95 60 20 40 4 11 S 0 . 1 -1 - 6 - -2 . 1 levels. The loss for the day tur iwcmy representative, Industrial stocks was 70. annroslmatelv wlnlnir out TllOSdHy'M I ualn and hrlnitlnif the average hack to 1 HJ.JJ, Roll stock took Uie lean away ! from Industrials early In the day and Wall Htreet got a peep nt A two shied , market, In which the rails went up and the Industrial went down. Many fot tors pulled nnd lnvulod thin way and ' that, which added to tha IrreguUrlly JU 0 0 s of tha market and conrusion or traders, Heveral additional reductions were made hy automobile companion, Money nil vanned In tho lata afternoon to 8 per cunt. On the other hand, now of ft big shipment of god from Eniland was Inilllshly construed. ItnllH nt Now High I.firel. Twenty rail stocks, practically all of them hon-dlvhiend payers, tho possibili ties of which to get back an a dividend basis or fit Into some convenient merger are very bright, rrosscd yesterday Into new high ground for the year. In every rase n now high flguro was attained and In several cases It represents an ad vance of 100 per cent, or more from the year's lows, Tha rail market Is it law unto Itself and Is not affected, ex rept In a general way, hy considera tions and factors that causa fluctuation 4 74 180 -2 10 15 - - - - P - - - 1 - '- 87 19 77 6 11 39 63 69 27 83 80 89 100 3 83 67 58 In Industrials, It is a rrcqucntiy an-, vanced theory that tho current price I cutting wavo Ih favorable to stocks of. - 4- 03 77 63 05 00 22 U 35 24 06 68 88 4 27 82 21 48 30 43 89 82 42 18 37 18 29 62 40 34 13 71 87 17 04 61 that class, because freight will move faster and roads, will he able to buy equipment much cheaper than had been anticipated. At nny rate, rail stock were under prefigure of accumulation yesterday and maintained a strong touo all day, Rail stock which eold Into new high ground yesterdny wero Minne apolis nnrt fit. iouls, Western Mary land second preferred, Wheeling nnd Lake Erie, common nnd preferred 1 Omaha nnd fit. Paul preferred, Peoria and Eastern, Kansas City Houthern, Nickel Plnte.Chlongo and Alton common nnd preferred, Atlantlt) Const Line, Chesapeake nnd Ohio, Now Orleans, Tcxn nnd Mexico, Pittsburg nnd West Virginia, Lake Erlo and Western, Big Four, Bnltlmoro nnd Ohio, Duluth, South Shore nnd Atlanta nnd Wlscon tdn, i:(tilpiurnt Price. Iii view of tho outlook for n consld ernbto reduction .In steel prices, rail road companies aro looking forward to a cut In prices chargod them for new and repaired Icomotlves nnd freight, passenger nnd other cars. Tho Street hitherto has accepted the contention that onn class of business which will escnpo tho preciit economic trend Is tho omilnmmit Una nnd even yesterday 8 5 1 1 1 f 2 2 ',4 4 2 1 U 1 nenrly nil equipments HCored fractional net gains In tlm race or a consuieninio decline In Industrial nvernges. The wave 1 of price reductions, however, foreshnd own n slackening volume of gcnernl bushier-, which, In turn, foreshadows 11 quick drop In rnllroud demand for new 110 72 38 93 - 2 - locomotives, enrs, kc, tiic question 01 equipment prices nn doubt will follow 102 tho workliiRs or tne law or supply onn 14 93 45 48 51 70 34 74 86 14 32 44 demand nnrt fallurn of equipment com panies to reduco price would surprise those who move In Important banking nnd business circles. In such quarters n reduction In equipment prices Is ro- - 11 Rarded as Inevltnhlo and should uo ac- - comiKinlcd by a sweeping cut In Inven tories liesklvH, companies, such as Bald win and others, which havo done n lot - 2 - of foreign business without n complete cash payment, may hnvo to dq somn 1 Important financing before the present economic trend comes to nn end. - 37 v42 21 Oil Price. 7 5' Thero were those about Wall Street Inclined to sniff the other day when n 4 10 18 127 06 53, 31 02 report wns published In this column that production had Just about ctuiRhl up 1 unit consumption in tho oil industry nnd that n reduction In tho prlco of crude oil was nn Inovltablo nn was tho 1 cut In automobile prices and as un avoidable as will bo a cut In steel prices, - - -1 1 in met, tno nrcaK in oil nrlces tins started. Reports from Texas nro to tho effect thnt nt lenet one lnrgo company has reduced Its crude oil prices nnd that 96 I 31 63 Rnsoleno at rilling stations can be had 634 ror approximately 3 cents lower than tho peak, reached considerable tlmo na-o. 633 3 A great many hirpu companies, of courso, havo tholr output for tho vonr 106 30 06 sold nt around M 11 barrel, hut there uie many nlifo that sell at tho market nnd It Is by thnso corporations who must keep their production moving that. It Is anticipated, a cut will bo made. 3 - -2 - 2 1 2 I 1 ' - I - 8 1 2 - 1 3 4) 1 '3 -1 1 ."'5 86 18 50 Motor Dividend Cut. The first motor comnnnv tn nil itu 9 47 dividend slnco unsettlomcnt nf i,!. 36 38 14 20 66 16 18 24 12 43 27 condition made prlco slashing neces sary Is Pnlge-Detrolt, which announced yesterday a reduction of tho quarterly dividend from 3 to 1 ner cent, nn n. $10 par value stock. Th rirnnt Cnr Company recently omlltrrt tt divi dend. Reductions In the prices of cars wore announced yesterday by the Chand ler aioior company, tho Cleveland Motor Company, tho Maxwell Motor Company nnd tho Chalmers Motor Com pany. Sevorsl corporations mnnnfnn. Uirlng cars nro guaranteeing purchasers at current figures a refund In cnae they shall mako reductions before March 1, 1921. According to a report from the Franklin Motor Company, which an nounced recently a eduction in pflce, salos of its enrs throughout the coun try hnvo Increased 833 por cent slnco thnt reduction, in contrast to Its sales records for tho first twenty-two dnvs nf 123 65 38 145 198 13 28 69 14 7 62 81 48 76 September. Philadelphia Compnnr. Tho market action of PhlliuloinhiA Company In nn advance through 40 yosterday evidently is In discount of the probablo extra dividend to which Its directors have ngrecd. That dividend. It Is' said, will bo 2 per cent, or $1 u sharo. The present rnto Is 3 per cent Slnco brnnchmg put Into the oil busi ness tho company has become prosper ous, nnd It is from Its oil earnings that 105 56 86 106 01 9 65 61 13 11 31 me exira win do paia. The corpora tion's net earnings In August were nearly four times wbnt they were in August, 1919, although the former's earnings fell behind thoso of provlous months of this yenr. The gross for Au 14 gust .was $900,000. against nn average gross of $1,300,000 for the nrst seven 21 38 ' 7 months ot this year. 72 47 15 26 Ilond Specialist Snowed Under, Bond specialists on the floor' of tho Now York Stock Exchango nro literally snowed under by tho heavy business which has accompanied the rise In bonds; Moro than $17,000,000 figured on par values of such securities wero traded In yesterday and every day this week has rolled up an aonroxlmnt.iv 44 28 11 67 - 2 - a - 50 3P similar total. Ono house had the ex perience of having a bond order declined yesterday because tho specialist did not have tho time to execute It, and reports on sales wero generally one to two hours late. Pnhllo Utility Stocks Strong.' 62 iin ni... Tho strength of public utility stocks. r ' uu HUlllUir 18SUC3. PTOb- iou oy u. ti. r. and similar Issues. prob . , ruiv WSl.CUlIinC. ThK thonrv mo two sections, i that nolltlcs wn a ..nn.i.wt. V'' was advanced In a few nuartnr h it -- - ' StAVtUI appears to bo rather far fetched. It coal GoodveaT Tire & Rubber Co and every other raw material, of which vf I i . IVUDDer .v' w.llmSi"!.17 iT.1'! ans heavy N Y- N. H. & Hart. Deb. 4s buyers, should be slashed to lower levels, m a t r't n I n- . such pried revisions, of course, would National City Bank Rights give a decided Impetus to net earning ffll5I:;n:!!!leu,1,,c,,!a income McCLURE, JONES & REED Profitable Investments Almost unparalleled op portunities now exlfit for conservative and profitable use of funds, If lack of decision is due to inability to select the more desirable bonds and notes, we shall take pleasure in submitting some investment oug Ideations, Write for Circular DX-7 A.B.Lcnch&Co.Jnc. Investment Sccurtllts 02 Ccdnr Street, New York Jloaton Olileasa lluffslo Clevrtsn I lldlsdrlphU MlnncapolH llalllroor Goody ear Common unci Preferred Listed on Cleveland Stock Exchange Direct Private Wire to Cleveland J.S.Bache&Co. Trading Department 42 Broadway Now York Ttltphone Bnai 6400 Kirby Lumber TOBEY&KIRK Uimbtn Ntn Ytrk Stock rcAeaf 25 Broad Street New York 181 legal Investment nnd exempt from all tatatton In the State of New Yoik. Utica,N.Y. '270 Registered Bonds Maturing 1921 to 1938 Incl. Prices to Yield 5.50 to 5. 10 Income Descriptive Circular on Abate, nnd Other Tax i:xcmpl Isiues Yielding from n rb (IV, Sent an Itequeat. JPECIAUSlSlfil lUHICimL BONDS PHONB B7ST ntcwn 135 BROADWAY NEWTORK MlLLEPL&jSQ .Members . $av&rk Slock ExcKancfV? Securities Bought for in vestment or Carried on Conservative Margin Bnnch. Offices 212 FIFTH AVENUE ' . LONGACRE BUIIDING" ,N t.CORnlCT A-DROADVAV) HEWTORlt h. J. Bymlngton. counsel for the prov I,y 1