Newspaper Page Text
8 p zz iii 1 1. nwaegqaBBg; im SUN AND NEW YORK HfiRALD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 80, 1020 A Varied Service Our iielgliborn around Mndlnon Squnrq nro men oC wido intoroata. Our nlm' la to pvovldo tliom with ft biinldnrj;, Bcrvlco ndcqiiriUl tr) , tliolr needfl, '' ? Our cllontfl nro nlwhyn nt Hcndqunrtcrfl, GARFIELE) NATIONAL BANK FIFTH AVENUE ,vHt(ii:23no5TREeT cnosseo ohoadwav Carbon Steel Jonos & Laughlin Steel 5s Vera Cruz & Pac. 4tfs Pressed Steel Car 7s Bethlchom Steel 5s 1942 Nowalk Steel 4s HOLMES, DULKLEY & WARDROP MKMUEHH NtaYoikStxkEuhantt Plttilurth S(x Euhcntt Union Dink Bldg, 61 Broadway Pittiburgli New York Listed and Unlisted Securities The Sugar situation di' cusstil in our Stock Market Ktricw. Sent on rental jor -27. i Your Inquiry Invited on Sucac Securities F;AJARDO SUGAR UOUailT-SOLI)..QUOTI'.I) Fpcwtlistsin SVWtrStocXS' Seven W ft MEMBERS N.YJttMk Xt. N. Y, Product Itt, X'.y.tvion Ex. CMt'iii. of Trait ft. Y. CaBtt and .Sujcr Un Int. Lcncun J'rmf. Cltonng How, Ui, Allied Chemical and Bye Corporation 7 Preferred Stock is now selling on the New York Stock Exchanoe Tor delivery "when 'ssued," nt prices which return an an nual Income at the rate of about 7 '452 Wc believe this stock 'will be classed among the most conservative and highest tjrado preferred stock is sues and we recommend it for Investment. Further Information Kill bt furnished, upon rtcutsl R, H. SIMPSON & CO. Mtmlen Nctt York, Stock Exthtntt 61 Broadway New York 1. K.Rice, Jr. & Co. Buy& Sell Atlas Portland Cement Com. Amer. Cyanairiid Com. Equitable Trust Stock Gen. Baking Com. & Pfd. Lima Locomotive Com.1 Niagara Insurance Pntinn fta1 Rr ir a ni i vuuu. vuui w. vvnv J.K.Bice,Jr.&Co. I'honea 4MO to 4010 John. 30 Wall 8t.. N. V., BONDS IN STOCK EXCHANGE' W-UNIWDAY, fllTWMni5n 29, 1080, Dny'u ala . Vr to rtato. CloHlnu. lllil. Asked, UV.KQ 1M0, 101P. $17,360,000 HA.OTffnnn iMiT,(ii,uuo 1018, 18,047,000 l1!2O(O7P,O0O 00,71 87.70 mo -88,04 67,10 D7.C0 88,04 87.10 P5,7 HP.70 88,00 87.30 88,11 87,20 88.70 87.10 08,80 00,83 Yield, 4.07 ',4.80 6.03 is.oo 0,33 0,00' 5,30 fl.SC B,3 Hales (ill 005 814b 032'47) 00,08 00,80 iiO 1st CV. 4 UDJJHT).. 87.20 87,8 1 3 M 4h (1037.42) 87.40 87,"40 145 1st Y. 4l (1033.47) 88,30 88.80 1,108 3d CV. 4Vi (1033-47). 87,48 87,70 .. lt.2d,qv.4U W'U), .. 1,1170 8il IU (1028) H0.O8 80.20 4,835 4th 4',iH (11)83.38),.,, 87,60 87.80 1,278 VIC, 4 (1022-23),,, 05,70 05,80 698 Vic, 3?i (1023.23),,, 05.70 05.80 100 5H fflf 00,60 00,50 00,60 87,20 87,00 87,00 88,70 . 87,10 05,02 05,04, 00,34 IiAHt, 00,70 87.84 67,00 88,10 87.10 88,70 87.10 05,70 05,80 00,34 Net CIlK". ,20 .70 .31 I, ,33 -.40 H-i00 .14 .08 United SUUi, Fortlm Govarnmant, Railroad, Industrial and Olhsr Bondt, v v roup a, .....10,114 An.tol'rnri ft W ).. ,..,10(1 vn pencil )ini 'It itilH Ji......inii4 94, ioii I....tms4 l 111114 a wish 1 tons ;o......jni u iniii) 4 lniv lOllj 111 miNi no milt ,J toi"d 17 IOIU 4 misj an iniii 0 n.. 11,. a,. t. 1 x., 1.. 1011 , . , imi . ...101 unit . . mi, ,,..iniiH .. ..iniii ,.,1011)1 .,,10114 , ...iniin , . . .nun m-IIIm M 9 Ml nirori'anui '?;:::::jSA 4 Ot'd J.....,, mm IMI la m A, ...... OKU vma 4D OKU 11 om n uhu 1 QHIh A VM W IMI 1 0.11 B i.UAU .1 O.V) i ,va hit in :n,,,.,..RRig 4, 8KI4 in mi n 80I3' U. .(17 a sivii in.... '...has 0. 517H 1 KA.V ft HOTrt :i MVTi "J 8161 10 Hfttj 1. N7 in. R(lt 11 H(V14 1 Kill J 1111 a ow 31 P.I 1 Wt n 11 4 1)734 ID 0.1 Htlrtfin Uoir St IMI 4fl OI)li S OOI4 i?ji 3 fiaiij a.. nati 13,, 03 1 OUa KntnOT Itn'M 7 ion 1..,. ,.10l4 3 103 Cltr of GoiMm tiaittn ll t 77U DmOnulMKt IMI 0 OS) ir s . 03 Doni Canada '4 IMI 3 .0,4 r. . ....niilj 0 Obig IK) .1 OOI4 PomlncnlUpU 10 H170 SO,-, K3 ricp of cubkM IMI 7 81 RrporOuhMMl .1 CV) Vfiotilakau 1 421 l 43 ChlnettOovt 51 1 427a Jnponr1tU'( 33 .7414 20 7ft 0......73I4 I 74 1 7.1 1 7?U ft 71 10 7.M4 jMiniiMoMllil 0 741) 10 741 10 747rt 10 74s II) 747ji 4... ....ftA 3 Cf.'a Va f II Hi Co clh 47 OS AmBTilcb St 4 021) 2 ozat AmSmMtXiUSl 4 7AI4 in 77 .1 7rAi Il. ,....7058 4 7014 AniT&T ct 04 4 0014 3 VI) AmTT Clt to R 81 1 13 ROIl B BO. 1 NW4 J.,, . ...ruig AmTAT cl 4i 0 701 i I., 7ftfM 7J7h AmT&TcrOSi 3 81!s AimAtuor mil g,.,.,..W Amvour ltd m wnrsrii 1 no n, ..,,,,01113 ia A Alt) m.aS0...Hft l,,t30,Ntl 0;,,,,,.8,Mj 1 ..10.Sl3 AT4,8irger li 0,7r, ,,.701 111 7071 li.... . . .77 A 7I)7 A.,aao,.,7A ai, 77 3,,l30..,7AJ4 ATA Hlf 6(1 l 1 711 0 70U kUmiifd a 70s 1 ..7014 1 71 ' 4 701 4 1 7U ft 70' ,0 71 , rocWpti .1 tons 10 101 . 7, . . , ...10114 10,. .....70 10.. 7014 10 707u All ObcItU . A 7ls Allantlcl'ru tT . 7.......H3 llU At Ohio ei 3 ..BOI4 10,,.,,,. sola 1,...,..II9 A SOI4 a mtij 1 roij 3 AS :5l 1 01 I..,. ...077k 7... . ,. ,ni 1 .OH ft, ,.io,.,n7ij a ..(VO4 10 OH 211 ,,AXIl A.......OHIJ II,, UVH .7 OH4 iiaiiJto torn u 3..uo...r,o ft,. ClVSf ft. 7(Hn D A O PL Kit , W V 11 3 At II AO Tol&OH 10,,,,...ftAI) ft f',1 11) M7 1 ot 13 ft,Vj a si 31 ,.ft.1l) 10 .A.V14 I U 23 AM n ,.r,n 1 ...f,0"4 . . .All . . .Mil ....1(11 J .B014 A... A,., 13... 3... 3,, Halt&Oblo M 10 8314 UaltAOSWIHi 3 ..701 j A 7AS not'h'a't'rci J' 3 Mis, Ilrti'8tl'tolMI 1 7716 10 7S Ilkln Kdlson ti 4 70 Ilkn Itap Tr 7 ft 413s 10 4134 13.... ...41 cvrtMcaua 1 401) rkn Un Kl ltt 0 00 Cil Gas i: 5s ft t.Rl A 8J.I4 Cm Leather Si 4 V CrnNcwKnn 4 1 AU 1 OO Cent of Gad 3., Sail cent I'aciae 111 1 7314 1 73lg ft 737U Out rao JKl 3 771s O iV O CY M 44 12 M If, Mil) 131 HO Ad,, .. .i.N.I a r'3 30, 3 8AI1 10, C : o er 4Ki 1 ao, :i.',"!'.!!76l4 7.. .v.. .7.1 A 73ll 3D 7313 3 7311 Ctia A3 O iHt t 7AJ C&OKkA In 1 70 ChlftAlton SKi 13 8811 3 SWs 12 a CI1AU Joint li O....'...037g a an 14,..,,..03Ta s.. a Cblll&Q cm It 13 ROIj CHI 11 !e i) 111 ti 1 ..bO CliliKaiti III 41 a nets 1 oo-V ccrllflcatM A 3034 10 3AV cm nt wet 3 Aft 10 34 ?8 8 an 4 Mil 1 S4V 1 73 3,,,, ,,.73)4 8 73 3.......737B O 73l ,1,, 74 2i ,.7A OMiilMgetlUi t 1 1 1 1 o7 3.,,,.,,ii7Ib 4A 7IB4 0 i m i' rj 9... ,.,.0!l'V 1 ru7,i 1., MH fl.,,,,..Ol la cifiHiiiflir'1?? 1 Oil Clil A N1V It 17 10134 H 1011, A 10134 3 101 lj i7.,.,..ioiH4 A tOlf ft 10134 111. .,. 103 UJU.NWgnHi I 771a ciiiiii&i'Kru :i ,74 3 ,.737h 3 74 ChlllUl' M II 10,,.,,..flMl4 A AH7 17 r,o 4I.1.10,,,(1N7.1 n 0414 3 ..051 37 00 Ift ,,001 ClllUnStll 41(1 aS'Vw'imi4i 1 ,.A034 3 IV) 1 AU7g A 00 1 01 10 (Ill; 10, ni Dills Coppof J, A 71 7 10 7IS4 1 73 7. 717S CW Po xt 4'fl 7 7Al 1 70 Con (lot j-yr H 03 1... ,...OS7H ;i (1H4 ir, ... on 4 , . . OMsi OiliaCnnollrr I... ....II3U A 11234 S, OJ l) 0234 1 .0.1 Drift II sold 71 I ,1031s rifl&lludcTM 10 80 2 mi a Dm A ll 0 41(1 1 73 crrllflcatoi ttatnitfil 9 40 i Prn& Itlo II 4i 1 .1 01 10 tm.Vj 7 OO ripnAi IIOIiUi 3 M8 18.,.,,..A3lj ft 3.1IS ft 331 3 DUtlllmSM to 1.......7R Eria lit con 4i 3 377n Eriacrtiaor A 3 r.4U4 13 41 1 4IU Rrltcr imt 11 ft.. .A. ..41 rrlecTUtor D A A3 10 IH7a 3 3134 33,. .....Alia 1 517m Ert sen (j 1 4 8 4-Tii 0 173i Oen Clrctrlc ei 3.. ,....111)1(1 3.. .....0034 1 UOIa GtKallt J'nr.1.i 1 83 im Orwrillay Ac V oeu aer 11 13 107a 10 11 3 U3i Hud A Man Id P Scrloj A 3 SOTy 3 00 1 S914 1 OO 1 cola 1 .VP 3 33 Iftid&Man mil ...24 . . .2314 ...31 1 ..Mil io 33 111 Central iKi 0 3 OOlj III Cent 4 1I 1 71 1 7034 1 7Ha 1 7U4 1 711a III Ota fd l U 3 77 3 7114 ft,... ..,77 1 741.1 IllOnCtUen Si 3 8234 I 83U lntirb II T W Mlttt li,,K..,.t 33 481a A 484 II 4Slj 1 4Hlj 4 48)8 11 48)3 ft 4878 10 49)8 4 40 3.......4UU 13.. 403a 30. 33 Ul.,..,,,ftOlj I". W4 10,,,, . ,.A0 30,,.,.,, wia A,.,.,., AM I,,,....30Ij 23. ...... tillj 43 A034 in.,,,,. .31 III. , . . , . .3li7 111... ,,,,oi Inteiboro-Mab col truit 4l(i a,,, , , , 1 7 1 a AO I7U J 17ll 17 i nil 3.i,,,.,i7ia ,".,,,,. 11 .lRU ,...1734 . ,,.i7ia ..,.18 . ...IM4 . ,.U4 . ... lit . . . I Hi 4 . ,,.IW , . . .311 ..1014 ..30 .11134 , , 1.11) ,..I(I7B A.. 10..., I. .., 7.,., II. .. AO..., AO.. . 1 3... 10..., .403, ...403 ...4Bia ...40U ...4034 ...407rt . .. ...3038 , .AOU 2 A,. 10., in. in.. A. . . . 13,,,. 10,,, . 23, , , . 0... , 3(1,,,. 'Id.... iw,, ..( 10. 21), 40,..,.,, una a io 14 10 iia io so 10 1034 20,,,..,, 20 4 301s 3 20 crrtlncatM A 17 20 1078 10... .,,.17 08 17U 13 17l 10 1784 13 17N 20..,,... md 20 18 A 181 ft 101a 1 1 77a 100 10 10 1BIj 34 10 hit Atr Ch M A...... ,771a 4 77 Int Mltarln in 4 H2U 10, .....HJIh ;i MI4 KortHMn.i 3 011) nan ueonui 1., 7134 1 7LV Kan City Bo Si 0 3l 1 3134 Jtanuir tut 41 .1 717a 4 73 Ky Central 4i 3 71 I.HAWS 41 IMI 20 83 n,, in I(l,.,,.'..Hl)l4 I MI3 I M7 U-iMS m Mil 7 MI4 87TN....M3a io aiia Lclilsb Vol ti 3.,.,... 073a LlKRett H M 7. 4 1031a 3 10S78 3... , ..1UD La Ac Ark ti l.i 70 Lull Ac Natu 71 rtcelpta 13 102.14 1 103N 1 10234 10 103 A 1031a Ixiil At Nanh it 3 801a 3 NA) I.OIlAN StL to 10....... 0834 0 OSi LouANBtlill 1, .130... 3134 8 33 Manual Ity 4i 3 r.Ha at am pod 3 341a Mldrals 8(1 M 3...;. ..7834 0.. 781) A 78U ft 78 Mlnn&Ht It 41 1.......44b UlnSSMi.MU 1 87 Mn K ft Tox 4) 2..30...0OT 2: 01 8 AOI4 13,.t30...0O'l4 7..n30.,.A078 1..M0...01 Jlo K A-Tcrfd crrtlflcatM 10 .31 Mi 1'adiV ron 8 0!) Mo I'ac li 1111 4 811 Mn I'ao It IMS 1 78 3 80 Mo l'nr pn (1 I ft'la 10 A7I4 4 , ,671a 4 37)4 2 07l 1 3714 A3 B7la M&OhlonnrA) 3 033a 4 77lj jioiH I'wr 1 a 83 3. ..... .80 S V Cfntril Ji receipt! 1 101)4 3 1015a 3 IOII4 4 1013a n......iona 4 IOISn 4,.....ioila 1 ioi3a n 10114 is ions 0 10188 3 loila 4 101V 14 1017a 3 loda 13 1017a l. . . .10161 N Y Odrfritlili 14, 033j )(),,., ...03lj a,.,, ,,,0314 II T IWI lll 2. 77N( 1 ORV N Y Otn M 0 ')( 1 ...... .ntia 7 OII4 .8,,,,,, .Bill NY Out KLtll i 1 U . 4.......7II4 N Y N II Ac II CVH 1.,,. ,,.80 1 NYNtiiiiu NYN'iiifui II 33 I AO NYOntA W(4 3 A2la 03 No Tex M li I.,, , ...AHlj tO... ....38 a .A8ii n iiya in 11 10 31 34 nilj O.......JO wlinratm 10 2AV . B 211 7 3 27 A 371 17 30 10 ,.20la n v iiya auj 11 10 7 10,,t7., Ala n i n Hen 11 4, 88S4 3 8S3a 13 bHIj NYTMrmilfi i... . . ,.77ia 10 ,.7731 11 771a 3. . , . .77H4 10 771a n r ntcnitr A IlMton tm 33 30 Norfolk Sou 11 3 M7a 1 , , . , 33 NorfJtW rv ti a 1017a 1 11 j Norfolk ft W 41 1 7014 NorfAWrocati 2 77 Norttirrnric ( ft 77 NorthemPaaJi 0 8a NorBlatMl'nt lit It flw A A 74I9 N 74V a 70 Or A Cal 'at It 31 873( 4 871a 10 873a uriiwifc.Mv. 1 7(11 j 1 7711 Or Sh U fd 4 P 8H4 ft 8II9 uroivaan ituac Jiar fd 4 3 70lj rC Td T M 1 82)j IVnna 7t ifl.....iot)a 1 10434 14 lOtlj 0 101 1 10414 1......1IH so 10.Ha rrnnata .1.. I.. 6... 4... II... ' A... 1.. .8AI4 .89ia .miii , ...80 3m , ...8oia ...RtiVi ,.8(iia! Pfnn am 4)i a 1 Rota H 81 ft 8134 4 83 rennauitlt 3 HOUa rs0& Ofdli 3 021a Tro Ac E lne I IMIfl R..t....34la 3 341a Prra Marq IMA 3 83 rilta dn CM & StLfmJiA 1 83a 3 83 Vrn Mara 4t f l.t aou I'ud worv uirp or ,ijh a A33a 1 .1113 3 , .U.1 IlfadlDi; ni 4i H, f0 4. 80Va 3 8f)lg nioGrando.Wli ,3 033s 10 037a iiiouiy coiirn 10 349a niArkL4(i n n7U i ,17 OtL&IronM 4i 3 7ft A.. 73li Stli ft Iron Mt lilT&(iuiri 3 73 3tL it flanFrao 8(tlos A 2. 1. 1. 1. 4. O.... 2,... 13.... 10..,. ft,... 1..., U.... ft.... a.... 3.... A. AOI4 ...ooii ...307a ...3034 ...CO ...31)34 ...nn ...OOti ..,00,1 ...00I4 W)5t coia flosa ooia 007g (tr, ft Ranrran orriet 11 0 73 3,,,.,, .73lj ? 72a 1l.,,..,73la A.., ,,,,7:il4 3 731a in a nanrrau kdllt 10,1 AITh 1 ,,0834 1... . ,, ,AK7m a 00 .4,, ,,.,,(1811) OHJ4 13 ,,A87a 10 ANA4 0.. A87u mi. 41 nanrrau mo ai 11 Ania 13,,, ,,,,B,ll4 4,,,, ...Alilg 18 33lj 1, . . ...Aoia ;ii.,,,,,,3iii4 I,, , . . , ,AO 11 ,.rou id, ...... Aula III All 3 Allli 17 3(1,4 n nn Art BPI4 3 AOIj 3 30I4 1.,..., 33)3 n 11111,1 w nt 4 08 StLouliBW M 8,,u , , ,coia .1) OA 0IIJJW con 41 1 03ti 11 on Btl MAcM 4l( A,,,,,.,887 30 88.T4 RrttKlALfill. ..,... 4JI praoa a u aill 10 8 Mi io,.,,,,,noia fl 3(3a 10,. nm 4 u, no 33 8 pi a n .1014 n sin. SoIWITJcTcOi . 3,. ....837H rumnno ct 11 10,.,. in.., . 1 ... 10..., 20,... 3..., A, 003 .mnj .O8I4 .011 .Uflfta .nuij npi4 t outbrao cr li 23 78ta 3 7834 A,,,,,.,7K3a 1 787 8..l30...7Rlti Foulb I'ao fd I. 13 7AI H 7(114 I. . ISO., .711 1 7Ali South I'ac 4i 4,,, ....70 1 7 04i roiiiocrn nr 11 3,. 1 ft.'. a a 10 1 8Aii .8A3j .RMa .hnia .SA3a K7 Feutb llycmlt 38 OI 24 OOlh Third Avo 3 23 73 Third At fd 11 .I.....1.43 TblrdAr adl 81 3 2314 A 22 11..4....32I4 A.J....22 30 2.1 an 2.Ha A 23 1. .... . .23l 3 237rt 10.... '..2334 8 231a 13 3 U 10 r.413 20. 24I4 no; 24a 10 24ll Unlonl'adao 4i 11 MA 17 HO.34 1 807 n., t30... 803a 3..a30...K07n CnlonFaccr4i 1 827 Union I'ao fd 4i 3 71:19 1 7(!li On Kit 81' rd DnTrtutctfi 1 233a O 2Sla tHubbrr 7"i 10., 1., 4., 3., :i.. StL&SanFran Htnn u 3 88 , I.... ,..8883 in., ,....39 .0734 ...0778 ...DM ...077a ...08 ...077m D n Rubber ii 4 8OI4 14 NO 3 707h 1... 703, V H Btttl if ii 17 0.1 15., 031a 3, 3 027a 2 03 20,. i. . , .0314 03,,,,... 033a 1 03l 2.1..13O...03U i:..,.-..u31h Ctab&Norttili , 1 8fl lltMi I'ower 5i 2 70U Virginian Ilyfc, 7 SZlS WMt Mil ii 3 65a Wntl'aclflo l 7 837g 2,.. ,..84 Wt Md 41 3 337a W NY As Pa lit 1..I30.. ,833a Weal Shore 11 3...W..75 Wilton & CilCT SO 8134 1 8034 WIUOU&CO lit 4 , ,801-a Wl Central 4i 1 71 Bethlehem Steel Company' ' Fifteen Year Marino Equipment 7 Trust Ccrtificatea To bo dated October 1, 1920 At current market prices to yield about 7.55, ' Complete details upon request Kean, Taylor &Co. Niw York Ptthbmgh V WEST VIRGINIA DEBT SETTLEMENT To Holders of our Doponlt Receipts covering Virginia Debt Certificates for both principal and interest Issued undor the Acta of 1871-1879-1882 and 1892. In accordance with the finding! of the Distributing Tribunal, Menu. Jtmei S. Alexander, Wil'ard V, King nd Newcomb Carlton, promulgated Septem cr 16, and a decree entered July 22, 1920, in the Circuit Court of the City of Richmond (V.) In the matter of the Sttte of Writ Virginia ex rel Virginia Debt Commiuion vi. Eu'ene Delano and otlien, holders of our Depoiit Receipt luuenl under an Agreement dated July 28, 1693, for original ccrtificatea iuewl by the preient Commonwetlth of Virginia for an unfunded one-tlilrd of the debt of the original State of Virginia, may exchange the tame at our office on and after Monday, October 4, 1920, for the State of Weit Virginia Twenty.Yiar Cold Rondi dated January I, 1919, with January, 1921, and iubieo.uent couponi, to which they are entitled, after deducting the 5 rommiiiion due the Writ Virginia Debt" Settlement Committee, to wit: For certificate! repreienting principal under the Act of 1871 1879 1832 1892 $0.8949824$ 87.694772875 75 2542281 66.81 1906SJS For all crtificatei for intcrcit. including sterling icrip (sterling amounts being figured on the basis of $4.7625 to the sterling) 16.8635662$ of the face value thereof. The right ii reserved to limit for any one day the number of depoiit receipts taken for exchange. Bonds will be in denominations $100, $500 and $1,000 and will carry the January, 1921, and subsequent coupons. In making exchanges each of our outstanding Deposit Receipts will lie treated as a unit, and new securities issued accordingly. Bear icr'p certificates will k issued for fractional parts of $100, No interest will be paid on such? scrip certificates, but the same may be exchanged upon presentation at our office in amounts of $100, or any multiple thereof, for coupon bonds carrying the January, 1921, and sub sequent coupons. At a convenience to holders we shall be prepared to buy and sell certificates for ractional amounts. Copies of the plan approved by the' Distributing Tribunal may be obtained without cost at our offices in New York, Philadelphia and Doiton, and at the office of Alexander Drown & Sons in Baltimore. DROWN BROTHERS & CO. Depositary for the Wat Virginia Debt Settlement Committee, 59 Wall Street, New York City. BID AND ASKED QUOTATIONS X. V. HTOC'K KXCHANO'. 4JLOTATIOXH. To tho follow Ihr prlcea accrued Intcrcit Ii lo be added In every ciuoi UXITUD STATES ClOVllItNMl'.NT I10ND8. UIJ, Aikcd t$, rtglatertd 7... coupon 4n, reelitered 4i, coupon Ji,, 1'iimiinn, HOI, restitcrid,. 2i, l'.mama, JIKM, coupon...., 2s, I'aimina, 1038, rtKbitered, 2a, 1'nnnma, 11)38, coupon.... 3i, Panama, reglalerod 3s, Panama, coupon Phlllni.ln.i 1.1 Inrf nr 4.. 1334. Philippine 111 pub wk 4, 1035, 73 Philippine Il pub wk 4, 10M... 73 DUtrlct of Columbia 3-05s ronnicx iionds. Anelo-I'rcncli Extern rii, 1020.... ArKentlno lnteni An, 1P4.1.. Klucilnm or llalglum 0', Jli'Jl.... Kingdom of IlelKlum (In, 10'.'3... 101U 101U 103U 105U 101 101 101 101 T7 77 .7.1 102 102 10(1 100 103 102 102 102 80 HO 83 83 83 onii iii'.i D2 1)711 08'i 08H4 DOS p;. 83 on 81 84 7fl!i KltiL-ilom of ltetclum 7Ui. 1013, Onnn'l.i, Dominion of, C, 1021,, Cnnadn, Dominion of, notea 1021 Canada, Dominion of, 1020.,,... Cauaila, Dominion of, 11)20,,,.. Canada, nonunion oi. iu.u Chlncen Oovt Ilu K'iib Ity St, 1031 Cuba Ktteni 3i, 1944 Cuba Kxtern 3, n'rlei A, 1049.. Cuba KJiteni 4li. 1040 Dominican Hep fn. 1038 ,, City Of Lyona 13 yr lis, 1034,... City of Marseille 13 yr ti, 1034., Ulty pi liorncau jo yr va. iiu-,.. I'llv of Cnncntiaccn 23 yrAUi. '44 T.V.nrli r.nv.rnmeni 8. 1 lnue. 101 French. Parli City 0a. 1021 .1)4 (lovt of Hwllxerlnnd 8, 1940..., 103 Jananean Oovt i: ttnng in, ! JnpBiiom Oovt 4i. 2d crl,-'2i JnpenoKO I'.oM 4i, alrliiR In. '31 JAunnea Tofclo City 6.1, 1032.... Un K (It Ilr A Ir 3 yr JWi, 1021 Un K (It llr A Ir II yr 8M. 1022 Uu K nt irr A Ir 10 yr AJli, 1K0 Un K Ot llr & Ir 20 yr 3 i. JWT Moxlro llxtern etrl St of W, 143 Mexico lUt K6ld 4i of '01, 1034 Klnguom or nuiy u r ui, ovm. doling- nrlcea of ttotlm In ftlilcli were no trnniftctloni ycttordayl 74H 38 Km HSU mn 8(1' i Wi 34 GRAIN MAEKET. catmoaaanaaBaaaanaaiasir ?RICHITT&OQ . Members NtfStock Exdwugc i SIXTY BROAIWAV new", yqrk crry aiiaiaaaaaaaaaaaBaiaaagaBBat Ailvincc8 of to 3 ccnlM n biiHhcl were i fglntpred In yetenliy'M v.'liont mr Het on further export buylriff. better flour trndo nnd continued hpldlng by fanners. Exporters ' dlil not' work nn much grain ns n'v haYa lcen' worklns recently, but (oak 300,00,0 bushelt. All Indications point to Rood demand from tho Con tinent. Tho. world's statistical position is on ot tho Btjronfrcst arguments lhat tho bulls nro advanclnrj for bpttcr prices, Thoy nlso 1y tonsldernblo stress on the fact that fanners aro not selling nt present levels nnd wc-ro not moved dur ing tho rccont price cutting wave. Tho mitrltet opened .slightly lower, but ral lied nnd oitvnnccd Sft cents before It' was checked by ronewct) nelllnB- Miul datlon, however, was not very heavy. In the' corn mnrkct, September, be cause It passes out ot tho 'pit trt-dtty, held tho centre of Interest and ad vanced 3 cents n bushel on covering ly shorts because of congestion, niid re ports of frosta In ho Northwest nnd parts of Nebrrwlf a "Knd predictions of mo'ro frosts in other r tlens of, tho belt There were, howover, traders who held tho vlow ttiat tho, corn crop wan practically made and that frott would be more beneficial than harmful at this llld. Mtlt Adams Ex. 38 3 Advance 11 0 31 do I f.... 0 02 Al AmCab.KXt 10T AI Ch MfB fail 0314 ai a p w i no in Alb Sus.120 140 Am A C Pf 87 00 Am Bg 1st. 81i Am Ilk Nto 43 do pf.,.. 40a Am na Pf .. Am Uk Rh. 30 Am Coal... 03 stage. The deferred deliveries moved Up with September and advanced 15ij to1 AmCntO pf ot 2Vi cents u liushel. . ' l - . , JAllI IC.. .18 .tuuiiiK n "iiwi ivna iiniimv uiiii " pf.,. 3D i.m.iiij vituiiun.H "vii,, vciiiu'.ti u,iu Sluyi' Commission houses bought De cember nnd sold May, Country offer1 Ings wonj light nnd cah prices were Yj cent higher, Provisions, after declining at tho start on the drop In hogs, recovered their losses .when piickers supported the market. 47 43 82 fit W1IK.VT-I.1 the locnl marfct No. 2 red and No2 bird wcro quoted :,t 32.384 e. 1. (, track N, V. COIfN-hi thtt. Incn'l cah nimket Noy 2 yrU low, l.!f0, nnd No. 2 inlvcd, .ftVe. I. f. N. Vr ten ilnsv' thlrn-ent. OATH-t oenl eiih prlcm: No. 1 v;,lti),7to,; NO.. 2 hlte, llSJtTOi;.: No. ri whllo, OftifROc; No. .4 wliltij. fi'JillSc,! famy. rllpped-i white. 73I74c., ctiiluury cllntwd 'yhlte. (HWIIOo.. all elevator. . , , ... HYIV-Murkrt fjrni. No, 2 Weitem, 2,0&m ..COnN f. o. t. nnd- t2.CK)V4 e, I. f N. Y. 1 ' Septtmbor, IIAKI.I'.Y-Markft tteady. l'ejillng. l.oa'J) December. 1.07: maltlnc. JI.ifiBl.U I, fN. Y, . May...... MAY aiaruot barely tteady, , Ko. l, 1213. OATS Am I.iFrne ll Am Lin... 14 do pf.... 82 Am M ft a 27 A 8hlpbldB ... Am 8m pf. 80lj Am U BeeA 7S!t A 8t IV Pf R5 Aid UnuffolOO nt TH Am Bit Pf..l03'.t io? im ion pi w Am T ft O 47. Am T ft T 7'.i AniYVbol pf $0, JtnrtVnol Pf l"3tt Am ZIP' ... 12 (In pf,... 4,1 Ann Arbor. 2: 70 140 30 OO II 117 83 33 133 110 I5!4 88 101 87 do pf.,,,30 D O 2 Pf .. no 07l U3 I3 i:ii 30 23 33. 100 liUH Ullti P2H un U8V4 l'KH I'Hi 114 wvj 43 83S 81 73 82 83 83 83 77'i 101!i OS 381 i 311? U8H HSU 8IH1 53!? 33 tliero Ask. Bid. a..m nil.. 04 At Fruit.. 16Vj 20V4 At Refln.,1180 1223 do Of.. ..108 110 Aus Nloh.. 17Vi 10 do pf 74H 80 Auto gatet. 3 8 rtn of II 13 IlAlll U Pf. 00 Wt Varnet 43 i Oil pf.... 80 in.) UarmdallA 41 43 liarrett pf.lOlt; 107 llatopllaii .. , Ti 31 118 00 113 1)3 n 73 83 10O 113 83 ItW 17U B3 70 r.s 83 0 rcs 33 83. llecrh CrJc. : Uetli Htecl. M Illin IJclln... S3 Ilrowil fib., 33 do pf.... 83 Itrunawlck, 311' Tluf ft Run. 72 Hut rrft r. oo da pf.... 81) Ilurna n pf 08 lluali Term .. nuttertck... 10'4 initio Sup. ten Cat pk pf: 02H Cal Pet lit G8U Cal ft Ariz. 33 Can pon... ."Jl Cnie pf.,.. S3 Cai Plow. 8 do pf..,. Cert Prod.. 43 do 1st pf. 80 (lo 2d pf. 70 On l.tli pf P4 C4NW pf.;in3. I'll 107 llld. Atk. CHP40 pf. 8S 1'3 CCCHI. pf (Kl 1 Clcv ft Pit. 37 (12 Col .lMI pf IK) 120 Cluett l'by 72 78 do pr.... IH1 limn Col So 2 pf 43 32 Col llptl pf 77 81 Con Clg Pf 80 83 Con ConiM .. 83 rnn fan i.f Itf UV! Con Tmifr.. 8!) 70 CornPIt Pf.101 10114 Crcx Carp. 63 (lu Cm Stl nt 03 (HMi k!ub A H pf U2 WM liavitou (.11 w,Si xin Ielleera .. 2U 30 JVcre pf. K2 H3 Dot Kdlnon 03 III Ict ft JICK U3I4 HO Iilnmd M...I0U 113 Pur II pf.. I1 t'lHi Klk IIP if. 32U 37 Kleo Htor.-120 133 i;nier iir pr .. Krlu 2d pf. 21 Fed M ft H. Ui Km I' I. nf. 83t. ralrlinnldi.. 31 H niner uiiy.un an Con Ch pf. 81) Oen Clirnn (ll do PC.., 88 Gen Mot pf 71 Krnnby ... 33 Ory A Dav 13 Quit MN. 12K do pf.... 21tt Cllllf Hteel. 40 do lit nr. .. Ilnb Steel. 13H llniimnn ,. .ii. llnrv pf...lM Hcndce M.. 21 IlncU Val.. :H Ilemeitnke. 43 llyd Stl pf 70 Imllnn lief. .. Hit AKr Pfv b" In-ll Con.. 4V do nr.... 13! tut MT I pt 73 do 2d pf. (10 Int Nick pf 81 Int Pnp pf 00 do pf at. 72 Iron Prdti. 41 KG VB pf, 34 Knyter ...-88 do lit nf.Kin Kel S T pf 8054 do 8... 03 Kel Whl pf 82 KVo ft D M 3 do pf.... 23 .. Knice 8 8,12lii 140 do pf..., 03 Il2 KrfHi R II., WA U3 l,3rlcilf(Sna 38i 4(1 Mg ft My,.l40 U3 io turns 00 Mswtt 1I..120 iC3 I.orh nf... li; 1(13 I,c-ieVllei, 41 I2!4 d.i Int pf P34 11)1 do 2d pf.10-1 110 Mtllleon .. 10 do pf.,,. 33 nch... i Mill UI H 37 do pf..,.100 Ma.i Shirt l""i Mackny .. )2Vi Marall Hpf'80 siaur aik... . May Si B pf P3VS. 100 jicx ret, pt ig im Mich Cen Ki 03 Mor ft r:.i.. 0,, .. M SfiM pr. 88-01 Cn I, 1... 32 M Innt 1 pf IB ' 0d Mnllln Jiy Wl !W dc. nf. ... D.i N (1 ft B I..103 llOli 2IH 11 81 3(1 113 1113 112 114 1)2 78 3.1 HI 13 31 30 1)3 13-H 80 107 23 i 82 Wtt 8.'li 4H 13'1 7.i .01 80 10.1 73 13 ill! 120 81 03 80 8 20 IE! 80 18H 04 Aik. lici 30 in 7311 1U3 11 0 83 47 no'S im IS) 31 40 iu ID 32 (1 03 127 101 100 40 !(Kl ro 42 na 30 29 'I? 04 40 110 37 83U llld. Not llli.. 107 Nut C ft H. 33 Nnt I'lidt, J 7 N I", ft H pt 88 .-ni i.ena., ,4'.i no pr....iu: Nev con.. 11 ft 1IM I Pf 8i do 2d Pf. 41, N Lack W 78 NVIck pf 41 NYSfatelty .. MngK 1' pr .. Nor fiou... 19 N I Vf Pf 07 North Am. 32 Nov tfe hil 404 Nummlly .. 13 O Ilcly ft n IS CWo Tiiel.. 4J On' Mlvcr. S!l ornli li nr. .. (it li Kiev, .123 Dili Hll pf. .. Oweni 1) Pf M l'no Coait.. 23 do HI pt lid flo id Pr. )! rao V ft T. 41 , 10 IkT.... SSVi rao Mall.. 28 rarlili A 2T Pinnoy pf. "I Peru M r. It 03 Pft-Mu .... 30 do pf. ... l-. riiiuin j... 40 ria nf.... 81 phtlllpi rt SOU .38 PIi ito A nf 88 100 Pierce O PI w H4 rCO t- BIi. 78H . . l'ltti CI pf. 8li 83i PKWCp.113 120 Villa Wl nf IK) III P ft WV Pf 75 8D Pr St c pf on lvntji A 82 72 linnd 25'4 Item A H.. .. jtobt KeU.. 10 no pi.... i" Ul Pf u 00 Kent lit Pf "3 do 2d pr. 8.1 Ban C Bus:. 1W Mom-fl pf.. 83U Bliattuck .. 8ii So rort hu.isi rtn nr. Stand MII1.120 . 140 do pf.... N' Plern II pf 8(114 f un Hit Pf. 07 Temtor A.. 41 , do U...... s lexal I. T 281 Tide W O..SIM Teb I'd pf. 8.1 18I,ftW Pf IS Trin City, si r.i: do- pf...- 3U M-1 I'm'enMl w132 170 ' do pf..', .101 U7 Un r lit if u.1 101 lTn Druc.UVI do lit pf 40U do 2d pf. M Un Drew d. .80 UB Oil pf. 41 US In A nf 00 US Fm Pf.. 43!J 41 VR-R O Pl.HU in Ya-1 C4O..U0 118 Va Ity ft P i . 4.1 wab pr n. so; 2iw IVclla I'M. 37 ftO'i Wit lit Pf 03 73 Wi tt A llr nun mot 'WHICH Pf . .. 80 Wociwiti ..ioni ilo do nf... 101 110 XViiiKtn iv P8i nn do pf A- ,. 00 lfH) 73 21 111) 13 80 111 14 87U 'i 157 ltJ turn 41 41 321 22rt 00 inv 47 iV 12 M 2.10i No. 2, tl.Wtl; No. a, I1.75BI.03; thlp. ..I4. ( rAl f. STltAw-Marke! eaiy, No. 1 rj't, $2022 a ton. Chicago rnicKs; , Tuea- W11HAT Open. III(hr Low, Cloao. day, Pwember.... 22214 0 222ft S24Vi 223 March 218 220 SID M0 B17 Septembor.. December. , May.,,....,. .LAUD October.... January..., rtiiin- October..,., Jjuwary,.,, 127 IH1 m 38)4 02 120 07U 1001i 33 38 621i 120 IWU S31i 3744 03 v 120 12UN 07'1 I5i lOOHi, W8H 3.1 r.8'.4 02 33H C7T 01H tO.00' 10.50 18.00 10.22 19.03 16.03' 17.32 10.00 1T.30 10.87 13.80 18.00 15.77 18.00 13.90 13,78 , 13.T7, 18.70 IWT 15.W 23.00 23.tX) 23.00 83.(10 23.00 23,00 23.00 ronu- Beptember, Qctolicr... ' ;.STRnt6n iiEceipts. ' 'Wheat. Corn.- Oftis. Yeatcrdar ........1.788.O0O.'1.On3.O0O 702.000 Latt week.,.. .1.031.000 1,174,000 1,002,000 Llist year...... .2.23I.0OO 43T.WO ,B2.0W BCADOAKP ' CLEARANCES. Wheat. Yntefday 302,000 Lnit woejf , ...... 1.378,000 Laat year.. ..., 749,000 .r,i.w, 4Vk htm $2,285,000 City of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Direct Obligation Municipa' Improvement 6 Bonds Dated July 1; 1021 ' Duo aerially July 1, lOMOCO Inclusive, as below ' Principal And semi-annual Intereit (Jan. i and July ;) payable In Canada At Hank of Nova Scotia, Ottawa, Montreal and Toronto nnd In gold In Now York Coupon Bonds Denomination $1,000, $500, $100 FINANCIAL STATEMENT . , , . $150,000,000,00 Actual Valuation (estimated) AsnosBcd Valuation , , Total Debt . . , , Less Water Debt , , " Electric Light , , ' " Slnldng Fund . , .$3,304,210.05 , 700,000,00 . 2,308,373,02 120,453,600.00 11,525,430.4(1' 0,312,595.57 $5,212,034.89 Net Debt , . 'Net Debt less than AYi of Assessed Valuation Valuo of lands and buildings owned by municipality $4,301 ,747.37 Lc)tiili la bo approved by Maloiw, Malom Long, Toronto MATURITIES AND PRICES TO YIELD 1921' f , 8.00 Basis 1929 . , 7.50 .Basis 1922 , , 7.95 Basis 1930 , , 7.50 Basis 1923 , , 7.90 Baois 1931 . , 7.45 Basis 1924 , , 7.85 Basis 1932 , ' , . 7.40 Basis 1925 , , 7.80 Basis 1933 , . 7.30 Basis 1926 , , 7.75 Basis 1934 , . 7.20 Basis 1927 . , 7.70. Basis 1935 ' . . 7.00 Basis 1928 , . 7.65 Basis 1936 to 1939 . 0.875 Basis 1940 to 1950 . 6.75 Boss Guaranty Trust Company of New York E. H. Rollins & Sons Wo do not tniarantee the aboie iPitemrnu and flgurer, but i they are taken from lourcwi wlili'i e liclliivo lo bo accurate. Now Issuo tat at aaaa ! at 1 ( $1,000,000 Scranton Electric Company 10-Year 8 Secured Gold Bonds To be Dated October 1, 1920. . Due January 1, 1931. Interest payable April 1 and October 1. Coupon Notes of $1,000 and $500 denominations register able nt to principal only. Callable on 60 days' notice at 105 and accrued i nterest ' 1 during tint year and at a reduction of VjJS from tills price for each succeeding year. Bankers Tnut Company, New YorVrustec. Interest paid without deduction for normal Fcdcnil Income Tux up to 2. Frco of Pennsylvania Four Mill Tax. Business: Supplies under unlimited franchises entire commercial and municipal electric lighting, power and steam heating service in the City of Scranton, Pa., and also the entire electric lighting nnd power business in twenty-eight nearby cities, towns and townships. Serves n population of about 330,000. Security: A lien on the properties of the Scranton Electric Co. now owned or hereafter acquired, subject only to the First and Refunding (now First Mortgage) Bonds. Earnings: Net earnings for 12 months ended July 31, 1920, were over 2 times annual interest charges on total funded debt, including this issue. Equity? These bonds are followed by $2,069,100 Preferred Stock arid $2,500,000 Common Stock. . - T , We recommend tho$3 bonds tor Investment. i Price 99 and Accrued Interest to Yield Over 8 1.1 HVicn, as and if issued. Descriptive circular on request. ! r '' Edward B. Smith & Go. 4 IV' 165 Breadway NEW YORK , AferH&fTa 0 New VotI & Philadelphia Stock Exchanges. ESTARLInllEn 1801. BANKERS ' mrchestnut Street, , PHILADELPHIA NKW LONDON, CONN. AlAENTOWN, VA. RASTON, PA. rOTTSVIUE, PA. The abovt italemtnti, white not guaranteed, art oateii upon 1 titorimiMoti onrl adiHc which toe believe accurate and rcllaole. 1 ' FINANCIAL NOTES. r ll jl ti 4T numhari fif ihm KtW Ve.k Stock Kxclianr. I'vt. trtpare4 da (nlleil nnalyila of Unton rnVJf lo and Cana- d ill I'acinc. conininin. t,u, """Vrtv. tlou. organiiatlon. mileage ftnrt propjrty, taiulnKt nnd outloolc for tlionvjrallroaa Sloclul. wleh will be mailed upon renutit. noliert I.. McClure of J. O. Wlilta ft Oo., Cornellua II. llalited nnJ Joieph W. Orea oen of Me r I). lirncli , Co. hMOomrt WSi I W." W Uroauwny to wrumct n. general ouiineea m ihhu a,"" .v Tliomaa Alien Mooro ha liten appointed n"iiVtant truit officer -ot the Guaranty 'TriiatCompany. ' Miller & Co. Iiave lamieil a booklet it nrih n notenllalltlej of railroad, publlo utility and otlicr eocurUIei. if nn 1 nail tut. s nn"i . vl?e".pre.lrtent of the National emratrolat nank nml Tniit Company of Attwy. hat been elected vice-president and treasurer or the American Trailing wuinim.ij. Tmifoepartment ot tht. Goaranty Truit Company na depeiltory win wctiva roe ae- tiotlt nenerai wiemivm. i;r,".l emet.Solvay. Ilarrett alert Anil na ami unemieai prumi.. preferred) nt celled for In the contolldaUen run. , Suitable OWffljS IS!S..Sii Th."lSS NFPU Manufacturini Company. , tt. If. Flmpion ft Co. have Utu;d a circular on Allied cneniicni aim VV" showing It" raio.oi incu,, m,.., .. . ... TZITT.. hv tlia TJe "i'.u.vr." .v.v ;hj'on r-i;. ne act have been granted to the BUekttooe field. That company haa received tltlet to Section 18 T, SO It. TO W, on which the coma any na a w i,vw yagw Attractive Listed Railroad JBgnds Tho combination of Improved railway credit nnd lower uiterest rates s certain to result in a substantial recovery of railroad bond prices. In our current circular we describe a carefully selected group of issues which combine sound security with an exceptionally high yield. Ask for S-10 NEWBl)RGER,HENDERSON&10EB MtMlfRS OF NW'VOriK&WlA.STOCXtXatAHOIS ' 100 BROADWAY PiptXnKTORTOcO 20iriFTAVE,AT25"ST: 2imVSt 11 FlfIMAVI,W43$f JUIIAUELIMIIA COJtl'ANV. A circular on the I'hllailelplila Com pany of rllteburi; 1i:ih been prcpnrcd by JIunils, Uonera ti Stackpolo, mem bern ot tho Now York Stock KxcliaiiRC. It rets forth the potalbllltles for tho company to nilil to Its earnings nil a. re sult of tho recently (tranted Increano In rates for the tmlo of natural' sns and electric light nnd power. The circular compares the company with tho rail roads of tho country and shows that wliercVi tho Philadelphia Company has received tho name rate Increano grantod railroads,, labor costs have not proved such ajrlmportant factor In lit operation. DENVER AND IlIO GIIANDB. t At yeoterday's meetini of stocUholdcrji of tho Denver and Hlo Qratido Itallwnj Interested In the new protcct'lvo con mlttoo a letter wns read from Alvlji W, Krccli. president of tho Equttaulfe' Trust Company and chairman of thu executive commlttco of the WcstcrtTPiy. olflo Railway, In which ho said tha't that committee was willing to consldi' any proposal 'from Denver and R!t Grande stockholders provided that It would include a satisfactory credit struct ture to rehabilitate tho Denver and Ufa Grande, J I I - - 4 i 1'"--" . .v.f-r .,.t ... iiiBaaBMaaaaaaaa