Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN AND NEW YORK HERALD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 80, 1020, ARREST OF HECKLER GIVES COXM'ISSUE IliiKlmoro Incident BahIh of Ilencnvoil AttaokR on irnnllnff. THATLS SUNATOJt HEED Appcnlfl , for Qormnn Support in Speeches in Khubwj ami Missouri. W n " CormpmultM of Tub Bcn ahu Nmv Yoik Hutu it, T.'I'KK.t, i"Pt. 29. WIlOII tlOV, COX, trying- to iiinlio n natlonnl Imiio of the nrnM nf tlio hwlilrr nt Ennntor llnr (tmr Hnliliunro meotlwr, sot Into To to-niKiit lio found Hint tlio nrch enemy ot tlio Administration, nltliuugh it 1 Jiemocrat, Hcwilor James A, lleeil of Missouri, lilt j como to (own Just ahead if lilm, nJ, In a speech nt n soldiers'! reunion, pamkI out a black eye to tlio Unsve of Nations. dov. Cox Rot Into Topoltrt at tlio cloio of it busy day of cainpalsiitnit over a routo that carried him frotq Houth IMUotit throuKh NehnuUn, n corner of lnv.n, n illco of Missouri anil Into Knn ia Thero worn count loss rear piriform, talks, nml tlirco not vpoecliea In Topulm, Atchison nnd Ht, Joseph, Mo, Makliiu the Loacho of Nations tlio feature ot lilt talks ho brousht Into secondary prominence tlio Incident In llaltlmoro, wlion Bdward A. Hynn was arrested for Interruptlnir tlio speech of Senator Har ding. Like William J. Ilryaa did In Ne braska on Monday during the visit ot Oav. Cox, fionator need remained com pletely away from the Democratlo enn itldato, even though he travelled for several hours across the Htato and epoko In Its third larcest city. Ht. Joseph. Althotich ho had been In Topeka less ttiiu twenty-four hours before ho hiked' out nf town, leaving only his dust nnd lonir newspnper reports ot his attack on the league behind him. Senator llced'a attack on the Irtwruo of Nations occurred when ho addrcraed k crowd ot 10,000 attending n noldlcrtt's leunlon.and tlio soldiers want wild with their approval. It wan agulnst this that Oov, Cox had to buck when he ipoko to-nlcht, this and tlio heavy trend ot eontlment In Kansas against tho Wilson Administration, G. 0. 1 Will Get Kniisns, Kansas, ot courso, Is normally He publlcnn, but It went for Wilson four years ago because ot $2 wheat nnd tlio Imuo of "Ho Kept Us Out of War." This year, there's no doubt ot Us going back to tlio Republican column with n bump and the plurality, they say, will bo anywlioro from 100,000 to 100,000. Bo much for Kansas. Iowa, as averybody knows, Is so Republican that Oov. Cox just tipped ids hat tto It. Missouri Is In a confused condition politically, duo to tlio attltudo ot Sen ator Uccd, whoso break with President "Wilson' occurred when ho brought tho Lenguo ot Nations covenant back from France, and whoso clash with Qov, Cos camo when tho Democratlo nominee In sisted on making the covenant the lend lnc Issuo of tho "campaign. Senator llecd Is keeping hands off, his attack or tlio league In.Topeko last night being tho only tiling ho so far has dona In tho political light, now In progress. At this tlmo, say those who nro In closest touch with politics hereabout, It Is unsafo to venturo an opinion as to how Missouri, normally Democratlo, U golnj to go In November. Oov. Cox, pounced upon the Baltimore Incident when ho learned of It In the morning newspapers In Omaha, and de cided to make It ono ot the fentures ot his endless attacks upon his Republican opponent 'I seo by the papera that Edward A. Ryan, n lawyer who exercised his right ns an American citircn in uaitimoro to ask tho reactionary Presidential cnnrtl date how ho stood on the Lcnguo of Na tions, snont the night In Jail," Oov. Cox raid. "A hasty disavowal of responsibility was mndo. but the fact remains that Sen stor Harding tcld the nudtenco In plain words that ho considered tho Interruption a discourtesy, whereupon, the man was. taken In chargo'by tho police." He Humored Heckler. This gave Qov, Cox the opportunity to review an lncldont that occurred at St. Paul threa weeks ago when a man In the audience Inquired about the Irish question. A policeman was about to take htm In chargo when ho was stopped by tho Democratic nomlneo, who said the question would bo answerod. "If oil tlio persons who havo asked me questions on tho Western trip wcro Incarcerated." ho said, "you would not have room for them in your Stato peni tentiary'. . "Wo nro In America, not In Russia. If tho Senatorial oligarchy which nov controls the Senate and seeks to annox the Presidency declines to bo questioned before tho election what can wo expect after election If It should gain control of public affairs? This must not be re garded as a trifling circumstance. It Is a.jymptom of conditions that ore ap proaching." Working In the Baltimore incident with the League of Nations arguments Gov. Cox In the St Joseph Auditorium, before a crowd of 6,000, not onco men. tlonlng Senator Reed, Inquired If .any body wantod to know anything nbotit the covenant "Ask me any question," raid he, "and I'll answer you. You'll not bo locked up." Thero was a snicker, then sllcnco. "You're not all going to vote for me, are you?" he asked. Tcs," chorused a few, and thero was another laugh. Aslu nimselt Question. There were no questloaaVand so Gov, Cox ssked some of himself about the ability of tho Supreme Council to send American soldiers overseas, which ho de nied ; about tho six British votes to one, which he declared to bo nuiiniea on im portant questions under the Hitchcock reservation and along: similar familiar lines. Gov. Cox renowed his demand that Senator Harding mako public tho letter he averts tho Republican nomlneo sent to Senator Illrnm Johnson of California assuring him of his starid on the Leaguo ft Nations. "It la a part of tho documentary liter ature of this campaign," ho said. "I vaat that letter mado public. I don't nt anything going on behind the ecenes." There was a epcclflo appeal for tho rapport of the Germans ot Missouri and of Kansas. He expressed deep sym pathy for them, declaring that they wcro trade to suffer during tho war because a "minority of Junkers mado tho wholo race and brood appear to bo unworthy In the eyes of tho people." "I have great sympathy for them." ho 'all, "but I'm opposed to a separate re with Oermany. It would bo dis honorable. It would ho dishonest. JJ jould ba perfidious, I am In favor of Germany going Into the league. This is new order. The bitterness of the past "nut be forgotten." governor Cox left to-night forOkla-. 1 POINT 6.O.P. VICTORY 100,000 Plurality for Harding nnd Coolldfjo floon Jy I'nrty loiulorn. ffpicinl to Tim Hon and Naur Yotk Haute, Trenton, Hept, tP, Analysis of tho vote cast at tho primary election throughout New Jersey yesterday nd. cates a pronounced Republican trend, TliU Is shown by no comparatively heavy vote polled In the Republican primaries and the tendency of women Who oast their voto for tho first tlmo to affiliate with the Republican party, AMumlnir that the ranks of women jjpt crs will bo further augmented at tho general election, It now seems probablo that Now Jersey will alvn Harding nnd Coolldgo a plurality ranging from 76 000 to 100,000, Regutnr orcnnUntlon candidates were generally successful throughout the ntato, niltiQiiah thero were a few notable exceptions In the contest for party con trol, Tho Republican organisation was overthrown in tho ntxth Congress Dis trict, whoro Into returns show that for mer Assemblyman Randolph Perkins defeated Representative John 13, Ram soy for the Congressional nomination, Mr. Perkins was n "dry" candidate cndnrwl by tho Anil-Saloon Unrjuo, Of tho twolva Republican Connxesslonnl cnndldatro nominated ut leant llvo are ruled as dry and six ns wet. Tlio nttl tudo of tho Twelfth ilepi.tids upon tho outcome of tho fight In tho Third ills trlct, where Mayor T. Frank Appleby of Asbury Park and John W. Herbert of Holmettn, former chairman of tho State Highway Commission, ran a rloso race. Latest returns neem to Indicate tho nomination of Mr, Appleby by a small margin, Kuelinlo Dnfrntod, In Atlantlo county "Commodore" Louis Kuclile, former organization lender, who revolted against tho machine, met with n crushing defeat, all of hla candidates being defeated, In Hudson county tho Verdon faction of tlio Re publican party was beaten badly by tho organisation forces. Calls were Issued to-day by Edward C. Stokes and Charles IT, McDonald, rcspectlvo chairmen of tho Republican nnd Democratlo State Committee for Htato convention to be held In this city next Tuesday. The Republicans will meet at tho Republican headquarters nnd the Democrats at tho headquarters of tho Mercer county committee. In ad dition to tho adoption of Stato plat form both conventions will select candi dates for Presidential electors. Latest roturns to-night Indicated that tho Congressional nominees In Now Jer sey nro an follows) First District Francis V, Patterson, Republican j William V, Kramer, Demo crat ; Dr. James S. Sharp, Prohibitionist Socomi District Inaao liucharnch, Re publican; Dr. William II. Jonah, Demo crat ; Harry A. Ottlngcr, Prohibitionist, Oeorgo H. Strothor, Socialist Third District T, Frank Appluby, Republican i William A. Ramsay, Democrat. Fourth District BHJah C. Hutchinson, Repub lican! Charles C. Urown, Democrat Flftlf District Hrnest R. Anderson, Re publican; Richard H. Clement Demo crat; James H. Furbor, Socialist; ISu ccno A. Smith, Prohibitionist Sixth District Randolph Perkins, Repub lican; Thomas A. Shields, Democrat; Fredorlck ICropft, Socialist; Henry J. Cox, Prohibitionist; Charlos T. Logan, Slnglo Tux. Seventh District Amos Rndollff, Republican; Nicholas Hughes, Democrat. Klghth District Herbert W. Taylor, Republican; Cornelius A, McClcmon, Democrat; Harry J. How land, Socialist Ninth District 11. T. Parker, Republican, Daniel F. Mlna hnn, Democrnt. Tenth District Fred erick M. Luhbach, Republican; Dallas Flannanan, Democrat Eleventh Dis trict Dr. Archibald B. Olpp, Repub lican; John J. Fngan, Democrat; Will mm j, Tigne. inaepcmient; ucorgo Kovon, Socialist Twolfth District Walter Wllllnma, Republican; Charles IC O'Urlen, Democrat COX PLANS RAID FOR VOTES HERE ON OCT. 23 Roosevelt la to Follow in Eleventh Hour Appeal. That tho Democrats Intend to ralso an eleventh hour hurrah In New York In tho hope of winning the State from Harding la Indicated by an announco mont mado yesterday that Qov. Cox will speak In Madison Square Garden on Saturday night October 23, and that Franklin D. Roosovolt will spend the lost week of tho campaign on a speaking tour of tho State. On October 28 Cox will talk In Indianapolis. Theso two en gagements nnd one at Buffalo, October 18, are the only ones of the latter part of the campaign thus far revealed. Apparently the Democratlo atratcgista are trying to conceal from tho enemy tho location of their weakest spots, which tho candldato will naturally try to visit as election day draws near. COTTON MARKET. Tlio cotton market developed a gen erally firm uhdertono followtnir a de cllno of 80 to 80 points In the 'first two hours of its session yesterday, with shorts uneasy bocause of official pre diction of frost for tho Western belt and tho approaching Government re port on condition. There were two dis tinct swings In tho market The early ono was downward. The afternoon ono was upward. Both moved with uncer tainty and irregularity. It was evident even in tne nnt two hourst that aoveral shorta who had not taken their proflta wished to cover, ana tho list was not long In rallying to within 20 points of TuesdayVi finals. Oc tober lagged behind tho active positions all through tho day, selling .80 points down at ono tlmo. Later, wnen tne gen oral market roso to about 25 to 70 points more than Tuesday's finals, October rallied, but did not cross Tuesdays finals. A decline of 10 to 50 points was recorded at tho opcnlnr. Early busi ness waa animated,- .and most selling was absorbed by Wall Stroet nhorts and a llttlo support from spot houses. No October notices' wcro In circulation but October Was under Influenco of stale long liquidation. When tho trado bo came awaro of tho eastern forecast promising unsettled end coolor weather to-day, Uiero waa a revival of demand from speculattvo shorts. The Clement Curtis condition report indicating a per centage of 60:1, aroused little comment in the trado and wo not & factor. The SALES AT AUOTI0N. Important Estate Sale TO-DAY AND FRIDAY, 11 A. M. EACH DAY 88 University Place Between 11th and istb Fits.. A v.rv rhnlc nnd Rich Collection Furniture and Household Effects, Oriental Carpet! and RufS. Rich Hang ings. Uroniei, Jiar lnin mauria-a- Brae, Clock flets, Sliver and Sheffield Plate, Library Books. Arthur Kaliski, Auctioneer. wlly weather rport, which appeared Ht noon, was bearish, but had been gen rflly fxpoottd and discounted, . i h9 J,evlost buying pf tho session do yeloped In tho afternoon, when prices roso ovr H cent a pound frora Tues. day ending, Tho uptWn reflected re newed Wall Btreet and outside specu Utlvo coverlngy. Reports reaching the rtng told ol iTsllBhtly bettor tone In flouthern spot centres, and they and enro weather forecasts were suffl c ent to change the price trend, The highest prices attracted a Utile new scattered bear pressure, but all In nil tho tone continued firm to strong, Ao five months closed IS to ES points net higher, October being CO loer and local spot unchanged at 2d rents, Ilanet of prlout Tu- o...b.r.. vffiiifritsi ,a& & January,,,, 21,00 ti,i SI, is 31.10 te:: m m m llM p M.y!;:::v; im m m lM M Juiy..t so,33 51,00 to.ia :0.1s tq.tQ Ausiitt,,,,, ,,. ,, :o,?n N 80.JJ Hpot Ural, SQi Nw Orleans, iia, COTTON HTATIHTICH, I. nit I.nil ., . , Yotritny, Wtk. Year Port receipts,, SI.OM- iM.JIO Msporis aesmn ?,TIMl S,MI 75.1,01(1 New York stocks,,,, :.1,5DH 2.1, TW hHljn I'ori.sicioks,. , ftno,4r..i Birt,l?i hm,vm Interior rfOpiii.,, in,ni 7,5ih 2.1.M.I inierinr iniimicnts,,, id,T03 p.nia ii,v mi New York arrlvata,, 058 430 S.snt , .... , . 1 ncsi rtnlnar at II points advnnr at 10, Hi for mlitilllns. Haiti s.OOO, .American 4,onu, Imports 0,(100, none Ameilean, liiluri Clnieil Irresular anil unaMtlml at 10 to 41 noliiU (lerllns, Octolur, I0.4ild, December, III. ,'10,1, 1 Jftiumry, 10,1(1.1, 1 March, in.hSil,, Mny, m.ilHii, Manrlieitiri Yarns dull aim IrrrRtilar; rlnths, goml iirnmml lor Imlla. COFFEE MARKET, Tlio coffee market was yesterdny ngnln n very quiet affair. On thu call prlcos wero 0 to 10 points higher, but sunned off 10 to 10 points tm modernto offerings of n prominent local Importer nnd soil ing by scattered trndo Interests, prob ably Induced by lower Santos offerlnis In the cost nnd freight market Trading was ot such small volume that the mar ket was without character. Lnter In tho day thero wna a llttlo spurt of cover ing nnd some earlier losses were re gained, final prices being a point net lowor to n point net higher. Spot coffee prices were lower, but demand was onld to show some Improvement and may havo Influenced the llttl'i covcrln; nt the close. Rang of prices i Tiiei Open. HlBli. Low. rine. day. Beptrmber J-''!'- J- October 7.50 7.M T.'.'O J. I -SI 7.11 November T.44-H 7.41 l)?cmlier..?..." M0 7,80 7.05 T.nii-Jfl T.Jfl January H-?.? IT February R.OO-Ot f.OI Marti. ... i0 8.30 8.18 MS-W-JI" Antii ; 8.5S-20 a.20 May ".. (1.33 D3l MS MJ-M J-JJ June , .... MJ-47 M0 July .. 8.47 8.53 8.47 M5-M J.J4 Auguit B.&O-Ol 8.08 COITKIS CAHI.r,1. rtlo wan unchanced at MIOO for No. 7 dollar rate unchanged at .'4150; ficlianne un chamrril at 12Kd. Receipts 7,000 ban and line k Ml.OOO bm, . Bantoi peli not quoted. lulurei un ehanited to B0 hliher on old and lilsher on new. Reeelpti 48,000 bagi and nock 1,(121,000 bass. , Itpeflpti at the porti wer M.000 bags, ariiln.t 32,000 latt year and 42,000 two yearn oro. Han Paulo bad 48,000, ngalnet SO.ono and 80.000, and Jundlahy 80.00O, eitalnut 17, POO and 28.000 bagu, repee(lvy. Cleared from Bantoi 08.000 bepi for New York on one steamililp and 0,300 baei on snnlher. . Klnn weather was reported In four districts ot Bao Paulo and elaudy In one, will) mini- ART SALES. ISM SMITH'S KNfCKERBOCKER SALESROOMS, INC- 823 SEVENTH AVE., AT fi3HD STREET, phones cirtfji-n snu-sots C. E. SMITH, Auctioneer NOW ON EXHIBITION 11)20 Main Floor, Second Floor and Basement Executor's Sale of Importance Estnto of tho Into Suo Lloyd Parker DY ORDER OF ARCHIBALD M. MAOLAY, KXEOTJTOR, 81 NABflAtJ BT. Abo from the nendrick nudeon, Orron and Orerdma Apirtments A stupendous oollnetlon of Furniture and Furnishings of the better class coMrmsmo almost new bteintyay uritianT and bady oiiant) tianos, HOnACK WATEH3, EMEItSON AND DOLL UPniOItTB. Quantities of Tiffany and LAItQE 8IZB VIOTOR VIOTIIOLA, HALL OAItl'ETS. LAItai: Mantel Ohtme Clocks, Larfe Ileal Droniw, Superb China, Rich Orystal, Isusesise Collection of Period Mirrors, rrtnta, aieuotlnts, ete. A COLLEOTION OV MODERN PAINTDNTaB DY NOTED MAflTEBS. EkjuIiIM eundtai and Table Electroliers, Teakwood Screa&s. VALUADLB LDJltARY OP UTANDAnD LITERAtAtRB IN FINH DDTOIKaS, Bupab n anginas. Real Laco Ourtetns, Vlat Medium Furnuuro ror entry Sale Begins Tomorrow and following aternoons at Thursday next, , Unrestricted Public Auction , Torday (Thursday) at lt45 P. M. ALSO FOLLOWING DAYS, SAME HOUR. (with Final Session, Sat. Ercning. 8:15 o'Clock.) JOHN McCORMAGK The Celebrated Tenor, with additions. At May Auction Galleries, Inc. 2236 Broadway, S. E. Cor. 80th St. Sea? JSSS M. VAN BRINK, Auctioneer. , DESORIPTIVB OATALOQUES 30c KAOfl. DALES AT AUCTION. J. A. FLEISCHER f... S. J. HASSETT JAuct,c tionecra WILL DIBPOSH Of BY PUBLIC AUCTION ON THE PREMISES 128 WEST 49TH ST. Between Broadway and 6th At., To-day (Thursday) Commencing at 10:30 A, M. Continuation Bait of The Efltire .Collection of AriQUE AND MODERN COSTLY FURNITURE WORKS OF ART, &c, Contained tn abov Galleries, COMPBISINO IN PABT S"unilihtngs for the Dining-room,. Boudoir, Library and Parlor, In complete Butte and Odd Pieces. StoInwoy&Sons Parlor Grand Piano, Victor VIctroln, Ucrleht Piano, Subway Fool Tahle Comploto, ORIENTAL RUGS & CARPETS I JNOLUD1NO LAItOH filiES. 4 'IIALL CLOCKS, CHINA, BILVErtWARE, Bronzes, Clock Sets, Brlo-a-Brae, I Oil Paintings, Etchings, Engravings. 20 LARGE MIRRORS-20 Dealera-and Private Buyers, Attend I st to 03 Iirailllan eolft statlitlosi Ytiterittr. Last wk, Last mo, 0,0(11 Jl,7fi0 t040 m,m (4V.0C0 I.oon.ou oia.too ,fl0,J(t 1,300,911 lew York oellv, g.JJ 1. Orliana d Iv. s.0 10 ,70 s:iii N. Orhtni tluk SWt.lTl HiMk-a pern, 1,507,11? l.Ms.i Afloat ii,W . ttV v sibi supply, .l.Bij.jlf i.tH. Lait rr'v vuibki 4e,iw i,t?,i l,OUl ,tOQ tun 8 10 c Business Troubles i'rtitionh in nANKnurroy. Ths fallowing pitlllonln bankruptcy wer filed Wednesday n the Dulled Plates PUtrtot Court I ' Involuntary petition aialnet nelneteln-Bt-tilion fiehorl, Ins., furs and skim. 108 Wt Twenly-fourtli street, In behalf ol three creditors, Liabilities and suets not ''voluntary petition by William II, Rankin on and John 13, Oarvallio, trading ae ths O. A O. ! Company, .IT.We.t Forty-iieonij treet, who Plae. their llab lltlei at M.JOJ and aM.n at 1317. Of the liabilities M.801 reprteent umeeured elilma and (3,500 cured etalme. of the aieets slock In trade make up 230 nnd debts due on open ae inunti 1147. Oecar Illcliter Is attorney for thu lisnKrupti, , Voluiilary petition by the Marine Operating f'nmpany, In the transportation biulneei at 140 Hroaitway, sltnetl by Fontaine , I.e Mallre, president, who gives ths llblllll si l.1HI,8li'J end ueeete ae I400.W0, Of l he llnblllllei 1100,000 are lecurvil claims, 137, HO nre uniecunil rlnline and notes and blue 1102,000, One of the Hems under 'secured lilni. is n trust morlirafe for 1 1 87,000 by tlio New York Trust Company as trustee, Of the assets IIM.f.00 are.put down ai ehlp I'lni and ebarei In vesseUi ottior personal pioperty 874.HUJ nnd debts due on open ac cuunte 133.710. Lampke A Uleln are attor neys for the bankrupts, Voluntary petition by Louie Levlne, Plumb.r, 804 llat MOIh street. The Ilmnx, who nlar.i his llabllltlei at ll.Mfl, all uns nirrd clslme, and assets of 81,r.i, nf which In'.'il represent ileble due on open Recounts ami $3ro stock In trade, Kalien Uroe, ore niinrncys for tho bankrupt, , . , Involunlay pellllnu Bunlnst the Hotel Louie burii, liie,, with offices at 211 liroadwny, and I'midiicllue; (he Ilottl l.oulsburg nl liar Har bor, Me, Molillltlie are liven as 130,00(1 and aseutii ns 2S,0(Hi, The petitioning crt'i1lrn ami nniiiunli claimed arei Anna M, llaleh. 12,0001 Illta It. Ilalch, 12,0001 Marlon It Hfn, I'.W). Yankaner A Davidson am at torneys for the petitioners, . earn, Irvine; Oreblnar and Hldney l.efkowlij, trading as Blanrtard Cap Company, 833 lUr.adway, In behalf of three creditors, Lia bilities and assets are not slven, The peti tioning creditors and amounts claimed arl F Harrison, II80 F, llllti, (3001 M. O. debet, 22, Hnbel A Ilrand are attorneys for the pelltlenoni. Inrolunlary peililon asalnst the Conjoint Jewelry Corporations, manufacturer! ot,tew elry at 108 I'lilinn atrei't. on behalf nf thren rredllore. Liabilities aro rtlvcn an 0O,OOO and asseli as 123,000. Tim petlllonlnu cred itor! and amount claimed nret Funk A llnlsky. I2,OUOi liarnct A Blsman, 8M,'00, nnd Bllberberg A HplelberK, SO 13, y.alkln A Cohen are Attorneys for the petitioners, , Vnlunlniy petition by llllae Hlmlne, trading n li. Hlmlne A Hon, furrier, OSfl Weitelierter avenue, The llrone, who riven his llnbllle m 113,571 and asset! ae 10.030, Of tho lia bilities 13,H2fl are unsecured claims. Of the nrrts nock In trade Is given ns 12,272 and machinery, tools, An., as II.H33, Joseph M, Levlne le attorney for the bankrupt. HCHKIt!l.r.S IN IIANKItUPTCV. The following schedule! In bankruptcy istre filed In the United Blatci District Court Wednesday t The schedules of Joseph II. Oehlniky, trad Ins an the Atlantlo I'rotlMone Corporation, aralnst whom a petition was filed July 21, show liabilities of 0,2I'(1, nf which 8 MM aro unsecured claims and I,000 are notes nnd Mill, nnd assets of 12.100, of which 12,000 ri'iiresmti two automobile trucks, Wise A BHlgsberit am attorneys for the bankrupt. m:n:ivr.ttH in iiankmtvtcy. Judae llouch appointed Arthur J. Cohen temporary receiver for tho Marine Operating Company, Inc., at 140 Uroadway, with a bond of 13.000. Judse llouith appointed I, L. Ernst tern noinry receiver for the Hotel Loulhurr, Inc., Uroadway, Vlth a bond of f 10,000. Judse llnush appointed Herbert A. Wolff temporary receiver for the Oonjelnt Jewelry Corporations, 108 Fulton street, with a bond nf 83,000. involuntary pmuon asain.i dhjhuoi ART SALES. Gorham Sterling Silver. OLOOIC, AUODT 100 PEnSLVIT RUOB AND mum temperatures ranting (rem AND SMALL BIZKO. Beddhur, Model Oowns, Costs; also quantities of Drancu oi ue noma. (Friday), October 1st 2 o'clock, continuing to October 7th. tNDDAY OF QIIAND OPENING 3ALKI BENJ. S. WISE, Anct'r Will Soli at Publio Auction at tho WISE AUCTION BUILDING 428 Columbus Ave. S,?ftXn TO-DAY (Tliur.), 2 P. M. Alio Friday & Sat., Same Hour, Household Effects, Works of Art, Paintings, Rugs, Bronzo and Marble Statuary, Player Pianos, Stclnway Baby Grand, Draperies, China, Linen, etc. Formerly brlonglog to the Estates of VAN rUUNSSELAEn, KENNEDY and others. NOTE 75 ORIENTAL RUGS & CARPETS, Large sad small sizes, sold Fridtj, 4 P.M. SPECIAlr-XTt hatt eons lAol tela po. Urtlu rnore our purclmnt. POBEOLOSUltB OP LIEN. By virtus of a lien of 81,803 olatmed by ue thereon, we will sell at publio auction on October 18th, 10S0, at 10:30 A. M at our placo ot business, No. 843 Bevonth Avei Manhattan Borough, New York City, the following dresses manufactured by u (or Max Bchnatl of No. 41 Weet 21st Btrot:Jtf embroidered serge dresiti and 10 embroi dered trlcoUns dresses, mixed eliei. COHEN A QRUBER. An oxtterlleemen; (n the Lost and Found columns of THE BUN AND NEW YORK HRRALD offer a real postiUUt of recovering your lott ms$HH , MA Nil ATT AN, Ths following Judimmti ,wer filed. ys n'ltorl "f,t Ukm Adler. Ctierlss-J, JPttnsr, 9134,10 Amp.), liirman, and Mssr Oseliel (Oosmopolllan Dental Laboratory) -American Mrs, Ooneern,,,,,.M JiJ'Si Bonner, John-M, AvMan.......... tJMO Iloltman, H, llsrman-U. Antonnoelo 180.30 Hrandshatt, Alter-T, II, lleyneldi, 810,31 llrewar Amuse, Co., Ino.-O, Illaks. U.03 lllaHeman, Chai, Jl, Jackson-linillli Agency, Inn, 181,18 Cohen, Mlcliael-13. Hehoonmalter ... ('o,, Inn, ,,,,,,,, 187.80 Clement, Louln-M. Avldan.., Sii'K U. , rt, tCurpl-ltauman A Co.., OIiiiitIi, Julm II,, and llertiert M, Churoh Milling Co,)-A, V, Young. tiiooii, i hp ,, l,9?iT? Oarwo, KrnsstJ, 1L Maybury,,, 11J.48 Oamp, Henry N,-', mieplierd.,,,, 000,43 Dude, Oliarles. Max Oralienststn, Joseph llrouda, Trank I'Mliacsk, I'rank and Caclav Hldevy V. Lellstb ,,,,,,,,, 1,808,80 I ,iikker, I'auMlonwIt Tel er A Co, 1C0.SI I'loraeante, iouls, Doinenlok I'rli. tanhl, llaiihasl Barna and Unl Urlegihaljsr Morrti Plan Co,, N, y, ,,,,,,,,,(,,,,,,,,,,,(,(, homo Trledman, lleatrlce, Frank I'rted- ..... man and Utty London-m,,.. IIJ.OO Plalierly. Jamei J.-A, Brols et nl, 73fl,T0 Klynn, J0I111 A,-llotcomb A Merle Manufaoiurlni: (!u, ,,,,,, D?.?'25 Trost, Clns,-Moril Plan On,. N, Y. M1.T0 1'flrk, Oharlns. anil IMwnrd llobln- sou-M(iril Plan Co., N. Y :0.U0 ritlifl, Miirk-llnli'l Clarldgo, Ino, WlHi 1'nllara, Julm-U, Hchnonmaker Co,, lno ,,,,,,, ........... , 117.1 1 Ooldlnger, Jarnh-I'ubllo National lisnk of N. Y SM.M niassiriuan, Ilobere-M. Itoseniwelg 4T5.S0 llancon, Nlcholai, am! Joseph Han- lion-Morrle 1'lnn Co,, N, Y.,,. 212.30 Oentlle, Ellnore, and New Amster- ram Casually Co, People, &o,, Oentlle, I'rank and Lulsl-Hamu.... 800.00 (loldstone, Herman A.-U. Wallach, SIWO Ooldman, Morrle-B. Half et nl.... 800,74 Ooldman, Morrls-H, U, Ilaff 058,04 Hooper, Henry D.-W. II. Uee.... m.lKI Hunt, notiert-Morrts Tlan Co,.N,Y. 111.70 llersliowlti, Nalliaii-llncyelopaedla ... Ilrltannlca Cam.., 121.30 lliulley ConstrueiiiJn Co., liie, Ideal (Ins A lllcclrla I'lsturH Co,, Ine. 310.02 Jiicolis. i.'iniik H,-Morrls Plan Co,, N. Y 310,70 l, Hlnnilitril I'niindry, Inc. N. tloial Muliil llt'iliietlnii l,'o l.MO.flH Meyers. Hacrv W.-M. II. Ilcig,... 410.31 Marnuaril, ltlclmrd V. J, lloicn- ttri! , 310,01 Miirnimnl, tllchard W.-L. Henry et al 034,01 Millllian, Martin II. 8. Klsson.... 400.00 Monlallo, John-I'eter WlOln, Ino. 387,47 Mlddliton, Win. T, Abram Croc Move Cn 4!M,nfl Miller, Louls-fl, Both A Co 020.83 Mentllk, William, and Max Ulmer Uesslca Walit Oo, and Illie Prisi Co,)-Hdellty A Casualty Cn 1,233.07 Nuollne Co. nf America M. II. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. . CHURCHILL'S "More Than a Restaurant A Broadtody Institution." Where the wisdom of experience hu been applied to the development of the most risen. Iial tlnnrjS in dining aiendat FOOD QUALITY FOOD COOKERY FOOD QUANTITY FOOD SERVICE And the pater demand for m nd recreation during the dining hours hsi been studied and amplified with a program of auperior cjbaret, a perfect dsnclnp floor. :No Cover Mm7c hath eharmancl tro-Jiavc tho musla' Broadway at 49th St. HXije Camtr(bgc- 60 WEST 68TH ST. New 12 Story Fireproof Hotel Just Completed. OPEN FOR INSPECTION ' Suites of 2 Rooms and Bath, or Larger. L'nfutnWted only on yearly lease froTi Oct I ALSO DOCTOR SUITE, 3 ROOMS. MAIN FLOOR. ,. i c RfP""ntative on Premise! InderSsme ManseVnr. Hotel Lanrlon. 5th Av. & 56th St. E. H. CHAT1I.T n HOTELS Uun (tr Oit. Ill tin U l Marnlflfnt Vltw'of Park I t I itMi sktirf Tlath. isHTONr,'.i;ivA:r Its nrnnhli up nf tsna bath I Tom lltS.M m.nthlr. !. weeMyj inn ns I' ' rwrni na pu.. Hit aft atsniianc. 1. 3 and S Booms, Bath iOLONIAL L'L UMt nnuttful ivui ti . m mm .VI. na tut) Mm A DlUi n I- Usm Vftf W nM. sutis. in weitir. nuTLEDGE nwm. Uth A sisals, lit wk. ua. Roams. A Wut ktib. I1.SS day up- All Aieis AtMiitste t All Oin A la Carte, Table d'H tots S3C5 HOTEL LOAINB' cenuo atTbrhj-fiflli St. A Rcsldonttnl Hotel, con servatively conducted, ap pealing to a discriminating patronage Unfurnished suites on yearly lease from Octobor first Slnglo rooms or suites, fur nlshed, transiently or per manently. HOHTICI.1,0. as-ai nest vim cn., n. x. DotwMn Broaitnay and Central Tark. Btatlon ot "L" and Bubtvay at 60th St. A Modern Flrcproot llottl. Catering fur a Quiet Family Tatroaate. ROOMS lTOIt SK1TIUIUUK. Slnglo ltoom, il.'oO. Itoom (or 2, J3.C0. .Ttoom and Bath for 2, $t.r,. t nooms and Uath foe 2, 3-J9. Thooe Columbus 1300. J. A. JEFSON. Itlatibaltan Square SO to 09 West. 77th St. Faring Museum ot Natural Hljtorr. rcninsnED and UNirnnmsnBD SUITES AVAILABLE Eerenl Decorated bj the Adams Studla. Immediate Inspoctlon Ineltei. HOTEL ORLEANS 100 WEST I0TH ST. ONE BOOM WITH DATII. ONE nOOM WITH RUNNINfJ WATER. onti Hurrn s rooms and dath. DetlfbUatlr looat6XxeesUotusU low rtat. Tucker ,1,1,1.,, , him f!Hi! ristanl, Lulsl-J, Dunkelt et al. JH.W I'ulaeky, Iule-B, Bchoonmaker Ilubln, llyman-T, Durham 1,831,23 lloval A llegil O0,New England Helling Co y"f?Hi flrtiwliser, rul W.-Cowan Oo,,rr U3M Ullverberg, Joeeoh (Ullverterg Bam- pie nitopW, Ilselit tiSM Bmll, D-rtarland llealty Oo Ino,, 107.80 Behuli. Hnfy-N, Y, County Na- tlonal Hank flklslr, II, (I. (Mount Vernon Ten, Coffee and Cocoa Co,)-M, I'eck. ernian .,,,1,,,, ,,,i,i,,t,,i 103,00 fllllrfl. .!ntin.Apinleilsp HaIu And (Jertlco Co,, Ino ,,,,,,,,,, 803,07 Tarior, John ,0,-U Herelta e al 83.00, lnile-L. Under, I.20 Wllner, Charlt-M, i'leumm ., al.00 IlflONX, The first name Is that nf the debtor I llareletta, H,-Mrwll llrs Inc., 103,00 iirandiliafl, Allsr-T, II, lleynolds, 140.31 rjeplnge, A.-Ulmoek A Kink Co,,, 189.8) Onldfedrr, Morrls-D, Oluck,,,,,,, 87,73 (iaiiie-f(ine 170,73 Mnnlalle, Jnliih-I1, Wldln, Ino 887,47 I'atente, Dolorifon P. Jalfo, , Ml.W HATIlirilU) Jl!ll(lUrCNTU. MANHATTAN, Tlie first ,nni 11 thai or ths dflilon ths eeeomi that of (ha ci editor, and date when Judgment was fllmtt lialkan American llipresi nnd Navi gation Co,, Iiw,-ll, I Uoni Mny 28, 11)20, , , 1384.00 lludy, Charles-National Cash Itcg- Istur Oo, May Si), 1010,,,.,.....,, OTt.lQ Olobo lnilinmlly Co,-0, H, Wllioni Jnn. 17. iu"o: nHm-8smei July P. 1018,,.., 111.01 nanuor, unarm, ana napi rinsKor Kastnian Msehlns C'0,1 Nov. 17, . iyi ,' 808,23 Union Ilsal Ketato Co,, Waller O. Oakman, Samuel Uutermyer and Ouaranty Trust Co, of New York City of New York et al dept. II, . 1018 , 101.03 Levy, Utarue-niat Industrial Commlssloni May 10, 10'JO 803,10 Webb, Thomai 0,-Aleinder Hamll- ton Instllutei Hept, 27, 1010 , 187.M Levlson, Iaao-, Levlsoni Deo. 10, . 1018 , , , 130,00 Melnwald, Solomon, l"hlllp rtndln nnd Alirnhani Cohen-H, Krlnbeu , et a I Hept. IB, lO'Jd 800,01 Mc.Niilly, Miss Aunui "Joseph" 1 Aug. HI, IlUt 141,41 Brodll. .loeiph r.-H, O, Iiamni July 1, 1020 , 23.1,41 IlllONX. Brnun, Jacob J,-n, A, Ooodmaiu Ike. U, lt tn , J23.73 Ooldmin, Mnrrli-A. Bchnltieri March fl. mm ,., , 87.81 Kee, Louie, and National Surely Co.-l'jopii . Htato of New York) April 14, 1020 .,1,000.00 Ijreni, August, nnd NallonM Surety Co.-iVop e Rtau of New York May 14, 1020 ; m.tO Budy, Cliarles-Nnllonal Cash Beg- Istcr Co.t Juns 4, HMO.. 871.10 HOTELS Aim RESTAURANTS, RStAURAHV IWJK AVE33VC ELYTEE 1 EAT 56VT CPILLON laEAyr ifJX THE PLEASE OF LUKCH1H6 (W DIMIHGlfIS liWliBOrfDr Ifr TH PLEA AJHE OF CTERttlft TO A DlTINGUIHED AHQ APPJIKIATTVE CLIENTELE OUSf NBW OCTOQCR FIR-r I02O THE TOURAINE 9-11 Enst 39th Stroet New York City An apartment hotel eater ins to patrons who desire exclusive surroundings. Furnished and unfurnished apartments on yearly lease. Several desirable furnished apartments by tho year or shorter period. Usitanrant a la Carts. A. n. SMITH, rrop Formerly ot the St Regis. HOTEL SAN REJMO 140 Central Park West (Entire 'Block) Overlooking Central Park's, roost picturesque lake. A most delight fully situated hotel, appealing to permanent and transient guests. Attraettvt luUit to Itati furnithed or unfurnished. One three room apartment (unfurnished), $2,400. Moderate Priced Rettaurant. ELI. D. DE PUY IM sis IM phw Bretton Broadway, 85th to 66th St. Sabtroy Station nt lh Street Corner, NKTf YORK Xr-Jel and Hott JLttracUvi UUttW uoM, Conventrnf to all SAost nnd TAeatret. wT TransUnt or J'ennan.nt Rastdsne. Fnmlshrd or Vnfnrnlshed Suites. All the Comforts ano Advantages ot ths Hist New York City Hotels at Attrac tive Rates. RRSTAURANT OF lITOItnST STANDARD AT ATTRACTIVE fltlCnS THE SUNSET, Beach COtti nnd Surf Ave., SEA OATB, M!V YORK HARBOR. tO Minutes from Times Square by Any of Coney Island Subways. Open all year. American and European plans. Steam heated comfortable rooms, with or 'without bath. Rooms without hnard. It.r.O day UD. M. W. BONTA. I'rop. Tel. Coney Island mi. CURAT .NUIirUKlLN HOTKL. 1U West SI Si. HOTCL himiERLAKD, tea Ave. it M fit. RESORTS, New liglnnl, lour New England . This Fall tlOTOIt OVIilt (VKI.I, IIDII.T tlOAI). vavn, iiiticArnie tomki ami, vikw KVltlt t'llAMOINd HfllSNni, Wll fllMMRII'fl (IIIKICN Tt'llN TO All. TUMN'N NOAItl.KT AND (IOI.D. I!N NKW ItNOIND AT 1T RICST. AND AKTEH Til t'lTY UOTKps Oil V AWAIT VOU. THIS IIAT'H ItUN S INNS MIIIIKIIN I'AMOHH llliHOIITS Head for free tllustrsled read tas 1 in roiors, "Nw BnglanJ TomV published be Ilia NKTT KNOIUND llOISJI, ASSOCIATION, tomprlatns tin two liundr.4 nf the hssl hauls and reserls. WII.MAU Ut KIMIUIX, HeereUr, Draper Hotel. Horlheraol.n, Ua, Garden City. Loner island, An cicluslvo American plan hotel with an a la carte restaurant (er motorists, Tnrklsh ami Russian llalhe, Eictllent U-llols 011 Ciune I re to (luests Prequsnt eleotrla trains from Tenn, Btatloa J. J. i-ANNIN TO,, l'rps. Westchester, H O X B L 1 tninuto 'roi vsns onwi to electric .trsus oaur. Oltjresa. linl.scM In, .the counuy, Oa f. tsnnla, isddls lisnaa Dallf Concert. Denrli. Ilinrl I'auchsy A Hon, Ina., Ujiii. Uwreoee Pailr, Dromellla, N. X, rtarcliff oi$fi DRIARCLIFF MANOR, N. V. Open Till After Thanksgiving. Atlantlo CHt, UOYAL PAT ACE Li4u H(TELA,COTTA0CS.i mlhaJitmcK. ATLANTIC ClTY.If.Jl COtAtfflEfff TO AU AMUSEMENTS IScaiIi5.1dIMcn.UrchUe' GMbtityOOO. Opm sJl the liar t.OpmJlttvB ifcai rTr ViMnrVrrVr fnt miss KOIlHIiil'S SECRETARIAL SCHOOL Twentjr.llrst Tear. A school which equips nomen for lit at Its standard Is upheld by hundreds st fonner students. Bend for booklet. Commercial Engineers Uulldlng. 17 WEST 39TU 6TRUICT. Aiianfic Clfy'rfsiKe. .AsVIAn tumit on ifoooirraftwM . MACK t-ATjeCO.j OCfAK fRONT (IRtPROOr I AMEII1CAN and KUROrRAX l'I.XS. Vhtlnla av and Urach. Cap, 3SQ. 1'rhuli baths) tunnlnt water) elsvator, etc. Amer. pln. SAMUEL, ELLIS, Owner. N. J. COL LINS. Mcr. Try CLARENQON Hotel Virginia Ave., near Ileafli. All rooms with hot and cold running water) prlvats baths. Always Open. MONROU HUTCIIlftB. Owner. TDI! CARLTOJT, In .the select Chelsea Section. Beau tiful surroundlnss. Brick structure. Spsclal Fall Rates. Renowned cui sine. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. TITO WORLD'S OR15ATBST 1'I.AtGROUND Magnificent Hotel. Miles of Ocean Uoard walk and Pathlns: Reaches. HOTEL CONTINENTAL Always open. Alwnys ready. Terms mod erate. Phono or write. M. Walih Duncan. TUB AMRAHSADOR Atlnntle City's Newest and most Distinctive Hotel. Asbury 1'iufc. ASntJRY rARRf N. J-AIX YRAR RRSORT, WRITS CITV INFORMATION DUIU3AU, lalterrooo'. N. J. At Lakewood There Is Just enough ertapness In the air to enhanoe your pleasure In a round of the links or a gallop over tho springy turt. Miles, of perfect roads make motoring a koen delight, The golf courts Is the finest rosort links- In the world. The annual trap shooting contest Is In Ootober, Inseparably associated with th charms ot Lakewood art the social acUvltles and homelike atmosphere of the Laurel Ilduss. Generations of popularity and tho patron age, year after year, of a host of congenial people have given this famous hostelry a welt deserved prestige, and make It first choice ot thoso who would enjoy Lakewood at Its beat. oi'bns ocronnn i. LAUREL HOUSE Lakewood, N. J. A. J. MCRI'IIY C. V. MCRFIIY Asst. Manager Manager FLORENCE in the PINES lakewood JfJ, Modern conveniences ISO soltes with bath. Full rates. Booklet. I. WO mm. Nnv Jersey. PUDDING STONE INN Successful Week Ends. Open all year. .Folder. . K, VIHCBHT. sfaaana. M. is rrnnsylranla. BUCKWOOD INN cm America. BCCKWOOD INN COMPANY. R. B. WORTItlNOTO.V. Pres.) TUm (SntiunnA ML Focono, Va. Open all Ine UntWOOd, y,ari tnoderniflnscfimate: elegant location) booklet. E.L. B.V.Artmao. Canada. Cbateaa Frontenae. on the HelghtiotOld CJue- V.. Drirl, ITnt.U. IMS Ilnr.r.M V. a.. i .1 Vermont, I i n . rr ! mimoxjioim mmJ I J Wonehe.eI..!eN.Mountln.( . Jk W im I m personal inintrllon, M UJm lAB I m Indicate hi ml wqutrj. A INSTRU0TI0N, COLLEQES, &0, (VNyi'VVVVSeeMVe BerkeleyIrving SCHOOL for BOYS 311 Weit Elality-tliird SUeet 4UI Ym Jlfjlni ,Htpl, 10th, A S(hal whit Mi hlthttl tlw Iknot litcli hau htn jiwhi fully ftedlitd fot W visit, "From Primary to Collojo," mtll classes and Individual Inttructlon. Swimming Pool. Cymntilum nd Hoof I'laytrouW, all on Use prenv lies, permit properly supervised sport end athletics tint develop mentally nd physically, Special preparation for Weil Point, Annapolis, and ill Collegei, Super vision from 8i30 A. M. to 3 P.M., If desired, Afternoon OullniClaiiti. Jlia 1 ff a 'master Is st tin school morninit. Iluilrnlsd Cain loo on reoueil. WtJIH U, ItAT, Mi, D llssdmastsr TELKI'IIONIl 8CIIUVI EII tllfl. L AMF.K CAN iC OOLS A'l'M M 1101 Times Squuro llldf,, N, V, r. 'all, trrlls or plums Iterant Slino, Advertising Practical Evening Course Oludente Isuslit hove to prepare newspaper and masaetne advertise, ments. booklets, lolders, cslnlonsi how to advertise n retail buslnese how to market a manufactured iiroduel, S.1 weeks' course, llooklet 3 on request, llrooklrn Central (V.M.O.A.) Schools, 63 Hanson l'lece, llrooklrn, Reopens Wrdnesdajr, October Olh, The Veltin School FOR GIRLS 100 A 103 WIWT 14TH HT Y. A Fireproof, Sanitary School Ilnll.llnr. Clasars limited tn twelvo pupils, miMARV IMtrAIITMKNT km:rai rotutsis COI.l.ICOi: I'RRI'AIIATOIIY I'nuitial ailrnnlacM In French are offrred In every class. lis n.Mnttry School wtlh itr.n. rrlmirr ind Junior H. with trsnj Collegiate bulieint. .Ur Orntn.. I. M Utlrv Drill nJ Cllinnl fr ANereeulli clsuia sJiHUUI 0yi HUJW, nihil., irt tnUtt IISI THE BROWN SCHOOL OF TUTORING 111 West 73th St. Phone Col. n.t.91 Founded 100(1. No classes, Uludy supervision. All pupils save time. 1'udIIs tauslit lllllll (A MlUdU. l"A School with on Atmosphere of Work," i 3-r NIGHT SCHOOL ALL COMMERCIAL BRANCHES Day 5cho I Also A SCHOOL WORTH SEEING Merchants and Bankers' School, Mselison Ave. st Sltli St , New York City riasa 300-1 H. V. F.HTRY, Plreotor de Cnnccy School 'iZ, TopGim W West End Ave. and 08th St. Primary, Intermediate, College Preparatory., Reopens October 1st, 1830. LAW SCHOOL JSSSIS,. WOOLWOUTH DLDQ., NISW YORK, ,' Aftcruoon Classei 4:15 to 6:15 LkiiUbk Classes 7:30 (o 9:30 courses orrtN to wimicn. Term Beclns Hept. CI. CASK SYSTEM. Write for Bulletin "II." STENOGRAPHY, TYPE WRITING, BOOKKEEPING - Brook'lin Crnlrnl V, M, C, A., 8.1 Hanson FL YOUNG Lntln-Amerlcan eontleman desires to eichani;o leisnns In Spantih for Ensllsh. Mr. REYES. D8t Franklin ave UrooklyS. BROOKLYN LAW SCHOOL W: Washington 3U Brooklyn, New Tori Fall Term drains Monday, Hept, tub, etena for CatsUm. L aw. uiumn . ..... T is. Uroekiia and Manhattaa Bereogli Hall Subway, Slfiltoos; FBNNINOTON SCHOOL. -a Preparatory School which equips students for Collega ana uusineis. utioiio ut jtiouerts Dormltortee Gymnasium, Swimming lVjol," All AUiletloi. Infirmary. Resident Nurse. AlOVinG I K.ui... u.t.i. vuvnwic.. Jtioa. erata rates. CO miles from New York. Phone 28, rennlngton, N. J. Write PEN- THE CARPENTER SCHOOL, no niai ai.. Cot, 4390. A Christian school for boys. 21st year begins Oct. 4. Outdoor exercise -dally, 1:30 'o 4 iQO. Prl. to college. ,, WANTED-iStudents to study law at home) a legal training Is the best equipment for business, llyiur method It may be acquired at ellght expense, with comparatively IHUe effort' during epare .moments; let us shove you our systsm. Box 13, Btatlon 0. Hamilton .nstifnte for Girl, , RmtUMDB PltlVB AN II i)0TH 8TIUCBT, Collsge Preparatory, Bebretarlal, Uom.itls Science coursss. Lower school, Qrammav and Primary uraoes. GARDNER SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Boarding and Day. Primary to Pot-Jnd- Bate. SecrrtarUli Moslot Athletics. KireV year begins Oct. Clh. n M. 61st St.,. V. Y.C. " RIVERSIDE SCHOOL i70 WEST END AVE, (AT I03U ST.) For Olrli, Kindergarten. jjUmentary, lllrS School. Catalogue. Telephone Riverside tto. U. S. Secretarial School Blt-WI FIFTn AVE. tmii STO The oldeet and1 pru-.mlncntly ths most suo cessfut. Prepares for and obtains excellent secretarial positions. Write or Catalog 10. nN I'Ol.XT MILITARY ACADEMY Bronx, N. Y. City, Catholic Boarding and Day Bchool for Boys: College Prep. Catalog. YOtiNCl Latin-American gentleman desires' to exchange Spanish lessons for English. . Mr. Reyce. 581 Franklin av.. Brooklyn. "ACCOUNTANCY CLASSES FORM1NO. PACE PAOB. 30 Church elreet. New York, "l'Ri:n CATALOOH OF ALL PCHOOI.S. Ap--t oly 1101 Times Illilc. or phono Bryant S0SO. NRW YORK COLLKOn MUSIC, ltd W. 7:,t.' NEW YORK CON. MUSIC. li Kith. IJUSIOAL. KR1ENS BYMPHONY CLUB-OrchcMrn of 12 men, women, boys, girls: ninth ecasotil Chrtsttaan Krlens, Conductor: Amateur and Professional etudentst weekly rehearsals, V concerts Carnegie Hall, Ac; several vacan cies, specially wind, violas, 'rellos. Apply, by snail only, S0J Camegle Hall, 'j