Newspaper Page Text
8 COLBY TO DEFEND j MARINE LAW ACTION ,WJ11 Stump ifi Explanation of Itofimal to Enforce Ship ! ping Act. PRESIDENT 13 RESOLUTE Determined to Opposp Menu tiro on Ground That It : Vlolntes Treaties, fefrfal la Tlia SiM W New YosK llnuiri. Wasiiiwiton, Hopt. SP.-Ilalnbrldfi Colby, BocrpUry of BUtto, .will defend en the stump tha notion of resident Wilson In refuiine to mlmlnlster tlio merchant mutlno net calling for tho .pronation of tlioso rrt of com inerclnl treaties V'hlcli Interfere with operation of the Inw. Thin dovulopment In the contrororsy nwnUoneiJ by tli TrrsMsnt'ii eotirso was learned to-drty from excellent ou. thnrlty. Tho Administration ! deter Mined tl persist In Its coiirso nnd will defend It on the ground "iul 8nr oln9r policy would bo nno Vf International duplicity. Democratic lenders,- tt In understood, have beenmo nlitrmre. over tlio storm of disapproval of tho President's action on tho Krourft that tho reaction of tho country shows Ita Impatlenco with ns numptlon of exccutlvo authority and dis position to bIvo support to Senator Harding In his denunciation of one man government, Theio loader say tho pubtlo In not Riving thouuht to tho wis dom or unwlsrtjm, of tho-not, but has Ita tyen fixed dcarchlimly upon this now vldenco of (.endenoy on tho part of tho Kxtcutlvo to become a Inw to hlimulf. Administration forcos nro not din turbed by the outburst of Ilopuullcnn criticism. nor by tho votctnd of tlmlilltv on tho part of Pemoerotld leaders. .Mr. Colby Is to bo put forth on tho Plump, taking. (ho President's action as tho text fiom which ho will preach tho sanctity of treaties and tho unwisdom of sncrlfllclnir ndvnntatrcs nlrcady en joyed for tho attainment of others hoped for. Thl compilation of arguments In support of the President's action Is ox tected to romilt In n reaotlon In favor cf tjio President's position as coon ns Mr. Colby attunes his volco to tho pub i lie oar. Any concern that may bo felt over tho President's arrnpatlon of ton right to exerelte tho "dlspenslnt: power" and to push on or Ignoro features of nn rs tHbllshcil law, oro expected to bo lost slcht of In the appeal which Mr. Colby Is to-mriko for a moro harmonious rela tionship In trado controversies. Intima tions that tho purposo of tho Jones bill may bo obtained In somo other way nro made In olllelal circles, coupled with ardent dofenco of tho President's right to abrogate tho law If ho chooses. The situation for the defenders of tho Administration was further complicated to-day by tho publication of tho fact that tho representative!! of tho State Department told-Tenator Jones while tho bill was framing; that tho provisions of rectlon 3, directing tho annulment of thd conflicting portions of the com mercial trtntlts. would be opposed by Ureal Urltaln. "Government olllclals In put that tho President's act wna taken jegardleas of tho representations or atti tudes of any foreign Governments. It Is also said that at tho tlmo tho bill was being formulated nctlng Sec ritary Phillips stated that twenty of tho twenty-six treaties contained pro visions allowing their tremlnatlOn within, n specified time. It is nlio charged that several Euro pean nations aro engaged In scrapping some of their old treaties through tho proper course of denunciation with tha view of making moro cqultnble and Advantageous agreements. WARNS PRISONERS . OF 'PARDON RING' Governor Notifies Convicts to Bowaro of. Persons Claim ing Inflncnce. Oov. Alfred E. Bmlth announced In Albany last night that ho Intended to "put a stop!' to further operations of tho so-called pardon ring, nnd that no tices would bo posted In all prisons In .tho Stato warning convicts not to have niiy dealings with porsons who protend thoy can Influence tho Govcjnor t'o grant cxecutlvo clemency. "I had heard reports of such opera tions.'' said the Governor, "and I mado up my mind" tha.t If I ever caught any one doing 'It I'd sco' that thoy got the limit of tho law." , Maurlco I. Itosenterg, an Insurance broker, of 151 tCassau streot, one of tho two men Indicted by th Grand Jury Tuesday after tho dovernor testified regarding the work of tho ring, was ar raigned beforo Judgo William H. 'Wad hams In General Sessions yesterday and pleaded not guilty to a charge of grand larceny. Ms attorney requested one week In which to amend or clmngo tho plea or make additional motions and Rosenberg was held 'in 110,000 ball. Tho other man named by tho Grand Jury, a physician, Is being sought by detectives. Gov. Smith's announcement that he would try to stop all futuro operations of tho ring was made In a letter to Charles E. Rattlgan, State Superintend ent of Prisons, In whldh ha said: "No doubt you have read the account In the newspapers of tho Indictment of two men In tlifc county of New York for tho crime of grand larceny In taking money from persons who are Interested In tho rt-lcaso of a person fn confine ment In ono of the prisons of the Stato. It Is alleged that this money was ob tained from relatives of tha prisoner on tho plea of tho Indicted men that they could Influence tho Governor to sign the commutation of sentence. "In order to guard as far as we pos sibly can against similar actions In tho future, I hereby direct that tho following bulletin bo placed In a conspicuous po rtion throughout the prisons of tho State where thft Inmates can havo ready access to It: . "'Tha Inmates of this Institution are hereby warned to avoid dcallngti with miy person or persons, attorneys or otherwise who pretend to bo In a posi tion to got them any favor at the hands of tho Executive. Commutations of sen tones will b Issued on tho merits of each particular caso nnd other reason. This warr.lncr nhnnM h pnn v9yert JVe'atlves w ho may be approached "t vccris ior wis purpose.' " WILSON UNSHAKEN; SEES COX A WINNER Omulilnff Defentfl In Georgia, Maliio and Now Hampahlro , Fall to Dismay Him, THINKS, U. 8. FOR LEAGUE A tl I tnilo Ilccalls Confidence Tliat He Conld Domino to 1010 OonfjrcBs llaccs, UprtW ta Tim Hun iwi Nsw YoK limm, WAaiiiNOTntf, Kept, 20, President Wilson, wearing tho rosi tinted spec tacles of fultli In tho (support of tho Lenguo of Nations by the American people, Is confident James M. Cox will l. In fan. lilt I An til Mill CfTSet .'V WIVV.VU, ..I.". IHI'IIWII from a source closu to tho Admlnlstra lion was forthcoming to-uay, pineinu Mr. Wilson practlcnlly alone nmong of ficials nf tho Administration now In Washington nnd tendinis Democrats all over1 tho country, Just when worn rencnen nnniiiiiBiii that some of tho Cox managers prt .!. ,AmttnA ilnv ivnrfl flffhtlnff S losing fight nnd that only n miracle bo- twooii now nun ricction uny coum yo their cause the President's nltltude enmo to light. Naturally nnmng nemo crnts hero u hrnvo rrnnt Is bring kept up and there Is no lack of claims. 1 ut there Is lacking the tono of sincerity frcm the voices of those putting for ward tho claims. Tho succession or blows which havo ruined upon the . ... Unm t.tlllttfwt league supporters inun mr im win.... prnctlrnlly nvery conviction save tho ir.i,imii rnini-iiinir tt nodularity and appeal as a campaign Issue. '1. 1 . I ,1.1.4 II. a Tl A 1 a Ifc Will Winin,w.. - - - - I dent's attitude Is not u lo to political. developments having neing kih him. The President has ncqualntod him self with every detail of the campaign It Is mid. He Is aware of th,o (.ox charges of a "slush rund" being raised by tho Republican pnrty nnd tho com plojo collapse or that bubble. He Is aware of tha various plotn th'n candidate linn professed to discover and of tho difference In the way tho country Is re celvlng tho opposing candidates. Tho outcome of thq, Democrntlq primaries In New Ilnmpshl'ro nnd Georgia nnd of tho ninriinn in Miiimt nil those bo 111 ir crush ing defeats for ,the league scheme aro known to me i-resioeni. n una and moro has failed to dampen his hopes or sway hla Judgment. It was pointed out hero to-day that tho President has been sadly mistaken and' tho. victim of misplaced confidence before this time. His contldenco that tho country would return Democrntlo majorities In the two houses of Congress In 1(118 wns rewarded with control of both branches going to the Republican pnrty. His outspoken conlldcnco that hn could force the Senate to accept the league covrnnnt proved to be sadly mis plnred. Reports keep piling Into Wash ington Indicating a continual growth of Republican sentltnont everywhere. De spite every consideration, though, tho Presidential eye easily plorces tho gath ering gloom and sees Gov. Cox taking up the burden of guarding tho heart ot tho world from harm. BEVERIDGE ON STUMP SEES HARDING VICTORY Says 'Mass Sentiment' Every' where Is G. O. P. cnator Albert J. llcvcrldet of na, who Ma been speaking In Mas sachusetts, reported at National Republi can headquarters yesterday that "mass sentiment evorywhere Is for tho Re publican ticket. Tho result was n forcgono conclusion, ho said, but over optimism was to bo deprecated. Senator Ilevordlgo, who mado tho speech nomi nating Col. Roosevelt for tho Presidency In tho Progressive convention In 1013, left last night for tho Northwest, where liu will speak beforo going to tho Pacific coast. Representative Joseph Walsh of' Mas sachusetts, told tho national managers that tho Republicans would gain two seats In Congress In that Stato tho Seventh and Fourteenth districts. James 8. Raldwln, a member of tho Illinois Stato central committee, predicted that Harding nnd Coolldgo would carry Illinois by 400,000 and that a Republi can 8enator nnd Governor would bo elected desplto recent factional troubles. The travelling salesmen of the United States, who aro organising a lenguo In each State, hava taken for a motto, "Wo aro for Harding nnd horse sense as against Cox nnd chaos." The officers of tho Now York Salesmen's Harding and Coolldgo Lenguo nro: President, J. 11. Patton; vice-presidents, Charles Fischer nd Loon Fox; secretary, A. A. Plller; chalrnian of tho exccutlvo committee, Herbert L. Schamberg. Natlonnl Chnlrman Will Hnys left for Chicago last night to check up on the campnlgn with tho leadors there. Oeorgo W. Perkins, Jr., has been mado treasurer of tho campaign committee of Robert McC, Marrh, Republican candi dal for Supremo Court Justice. $42,208 TO WIN MAINE. Republicans Had Ilnlonce of ?a48 In State Election. Arni'BTA, Mo Sept. 29. Total ex penditures of the Republican Stato Com mittee In tho Stato election campaign were M2,r,06, or 1348 1cm than the re ceipts, according to n statement tiled by Treasurer George W. Norton of Port land with tho Secretary of Stato to-day. Tho Republican Nntlonnl Commlttco contributed 123,000: Guy P. Gannett, National Committeeman for Maine, $1,600, and United States Senators Fer nald nnd Hale. 11.000 each. mm Golden Syrup THE SUN AND -CLEVELAND SEDAN A car displaying tinmusl taste In iIwIbh, miterhli, conitnictlon and flnlilii luxuriously upholstered; equlpne.1 with nil, Including tho compact, powerful, wonderfully flejtthlo Cleveland: motor, Sturdy and serviceable all tho year round. Telephone for an appointment to drlvo it and teo for yourself how catlly It It handled. Cataloguo on request, CLEVELAND AUTOMOBILE SALES CORP'N 1B80 Broadway, New York Telephone Columbus son DRY8 KEEP PEGGING1 AT COX, Pnllnrr TnffRitrt'a, ISxnniple. llltl- hnw HiiKKests to Illm. Virgil 0, Illnehaw, chairman of the Prohibition National Committee, ban sent this telegTam to Gov, Coxt "Now that Tom Tnggart of French Licit Bprlngs, Ind a candidate for the United States Senate on tho Democrat lo ticket, who Is generally accredited nn being a vital factor In your nomination, has declared openly and -emphatically In favor of tho Volstead law nnd his opposition to any Increase In tho al coholic content or leverages, can you not Join your compatriot and declare In like manner for the spirit ns well as tho letter or the Constitution?" 1 s These are the new prices compared effective immediately, f. o. b. Buffalo, .m TMPODTATTON Hi r J ON EXHIBITION WITH OTTO W. HECK 57 ST. AT SEVENTH AVE. TS,.COIv.8645 BOLE AGENT FOR U. S. A. MERCEDES REPAIR CO., INC., 218 EAST 51TH ST. mmi with 'imwM&smm, NEW YORK HERALD, THURSDAY SEPTEMBER SO, 1920, $2395 F, 0, 11, Cleveland Mn, nooHiovicr.T to stumi'. While Assemblyman Theodore Roose velt Is touring the country for Harding and Coolldgo, his wire will speak In every town and village In his Nassau county district In the Interest or her husband, who Is a candidate for reeleo. tlon. Mrs, Roosevelt will speak also for the Stato and national Republican tickets. Her tlrst nppcifance will bo In Freeport lo-morrow evening. mg.MOGUATIU CALL OUT. TnKNTOM, N, J., Sept. i?, A call for the Deinouratla State Convention hore ntxt Tuosday t adopt a party rlntrorm nrd select doctoral ciftdldatct was Is sued to-day oy Charles F, McDonald, chairman or the Democratic Slate Com mittee, Hie Republican State Conven tion also will oe held Tuesday, tewarft Treek Priees Reduced 'Y'HIS bed-rock reduction in Stewnrt prices means a largo temporary loss to the factory while using up material on hand, but we arc willing to do our part to put the busi ness of the country on n pro war basis immediately, thus insuring continued prosperity and full employment of labor. Model CMd Price NEW PRICE 3V2 ton $4,100 $3,39S 2V2ton 3,200 2,575 ,2 Ion -3,075 2,49,5 iy2 ton 2,450 1,995 1 ton 1 ,850 1,650 34 ton 1,450 1,295 Orders will be filled in order of their receipt. Herrman Motor Truck Co., Inc. 607-615 W. 57th St, N. Y. Tel. Colembus 6372 ' VW. .. :...Vf. ' . A Jr .". ... AMUSEMENTS, Tg-nltlil st I, "I ran IHI Put ni, ' Fmmsn, Us Mitts. Asollnl, JUIlMter, Cirvl, U lllsil. Cond, Mirols, Clhfi , llftr, Msnly, Vslls. Cond, rnIfro, fist, ML ''('armrn." ((nli, Kll , llonmr, Ulbsl I, Vslls, D'Amlrn. C'nnil, Msrols, Hat, Nhflili "Aids," llsnnohl (OutMl, V Metis, Ooislln, lltlleiltr, UonH, Hociurn, Mon,, "Itliolrlto," Upkowibs, ) MUte, Asottlnl, iiulktfr, Ilnusno, uond, Hadre.. Tiirs., l liloeeedn," Frmsn, fluntls ytinr uorsno, vsiit, us iiimi, vpm, Mercila, Wed,, "Jeurli f (lis Msdonns." D'Arcl, Ps Metis, Asoitlnl, UsIlMter, Oervl. Cond, Knnrh, I'rlcts r0o to I2,B0, Peats selling sll pr fortnsncss, CARMEGIE HALL SUNDAV. .Ptrsmmint I'letup unt rirturei.. . . HELD Viui EMEMY ' mA iaii , IVOL1 I il way t will ni J tl volt I'mierrt Orrli. 1ALTO "Till, Mini . Dim .lull Mini," .. HU .Pol nor li ,Miy, lilnlln (, lay , i'lmivi fill I'smnin Criterion M'wsystitllhRt. THE RESTLESS SEX Willi MAIIION DAVIKH, Cnnt. Noon lo II I', M, with 4 :w. .vv.v,'.v,v.', .v.v.' t y.vv.w. .-x1," : : v.v.'.v.'.v.v. .' .v.v y.-Av.v.v v.'. ;. $4 7V v VV-'.'V.'Vv -t'JBWB 2 W 8SBB Bl Clilckcrlns I'lsno uncd, I ritrxnrzrnrrr-' rr--i riTrrnriy.M ,,-:! the old J AMUSEMENTS, . AVIRUIOA'H ronBWOoT CENTURY 3 nilTrrtnt Musletl Irodii(tin Hismiy, CENTURY MIDNIGHT tm REVUE J0i ROUNDERS Am Wom i, u, u mws ii. w, ia, is, Pliilns sml risnrlns Till ('Iwlnir. , Greenwich Village K'il'imn, M",,nWc.r?Vri,li"y!3n "Three Live Ghosts' A U (lomwly In Tlimi Arn NORA BAYES VMiW1' Jllli, GRAHAM MOFFAT ' In tlis Hmttlh Coniwly "IIONT TKU.I" l TltKATIIB. A 1ft Ut kin ll'i ftl H.,nr,irwsy, ftrm.HUO, Mm, " U'oi. a Wnt.auo. lll!l,l) AUDIBNOJC llllltATIII.Kim," fr. Aun. "SPANISH LOVE" 'NOIIUDV t'AN AI'l'Olt)'i'0 MIH If Bifrlrmi, Hnt fl wwl In Ailvmifn, Mkta.flst, A Wt, "A plot mutt atmtiU ahh anJ mort tnltt' that ptoiutti In Mm htnlni than ami of , Yoik fill ttcMn.'AUxaniu lloolhotl In 7u Tttm. LITTLE OLD NEW YORK PltY.nlU ll'. Wis.?, J.Yrl..'M. rllimOUllt Mali. To-dav . .Vat, t tl), LITTLE BEST MUSICAl.XIWlV in icwr MI CHARITY U3 v, J.itii. ritroy H:30, Muts. Tdy iy Ift'iJ. Kv! irdHit, aao. .MATINKB TO-DAV, nitOCK I'KMIIKItTON l'rnt . ENTER MADAME NS Willi JAAIKh 4 itAfMlL. Tops the Hit Columnl 4flTH ST Tans. Jurt ll'y. Krs. B30. CENTRAL mm. wii..flt.a;3u I OPENING TO-NIGHT J -who Setwynt will present moMcimD NOROSCOTsJIMV SthStWBimnAY Inf ikII cvttarmvtoiVtflllMi MHU SS WINTER GARDEN The Biggest Hit in Years! MANHATTAN ROCKED WITH LAUGHTER c a ciiontrij oi' nAviMRiNu iihautv WORLDTGReATESX LAUGH NAKER5 -EDDIE WNTflR-fiE&RfiE teMAIRt AND BERT WILLIAMS BtaptlbyJ.C. HUFFMAN AXKffloraa AND EDITH HALLOR FIRST MATINEE TO-DAY BUNDAT N1Q1IT CONOKUT-lllO Ol" BTARS. TTPkFTQ 0N SALt F0R 1 IvrsClli 1 D ALL THEATRES N T. W TOnK'l LBADIHO THMATHKB AND BUOOBBBBa FAfOU IIKLASCO SVCCCSSH HMDIRP H'wsy ft 40th St. Kv.8a0. tMrlKn. Mt.Vea.&st.a:30. "Kscwxltnsly smuslng.'-iJrciun, TrtMinf "Call the Dqctor it falTI iVn WKttT 44 Hi'. Km. 8:30. ULLAOU MlU To-Uy 8t. 3:30. MATINKK TO-DAY AT 330. "uncommonly nno v Frances Starr a Woollcott, Tlmtn. "ONE" Edward Knoblock. LYCbUlVlMmj,. TiMlay ft fist. 330. MATINKK TO-DAY AT 3UIO. vai iitru fc e .oui n01KIK()U8I.Y FUNNY."-rriuiw. IHA CLAIRE'S The Cold Ily llopwood. irA mii i rrvb theati IK I l'IIULCKOU4W4 ft JO-KATB THUBS. & 5A1 im MILLER lAirur 111 THE REASON'S TQIUMPH t.XJ.-.:. Thnatrfl.43 8t.Ki.8:l. Lohan 6c flams MaU. & 84t .,,,a SAM H. HARRIS iwt. with GKOItOK SIDNEY AAltON HOFFMAN'S Comsiy Buccnci. IIDtfjTV West 43d St. Ev 80. UStKll Mats. Wed. ft Sat. am MlffiiMyj: BPGLOBEP''LAST WEEK tSuiHi ANN JSest Rotrvsitons To-Day 3 FIRST NIGHT TUESDAY NEXT Oponlnis OI.OI1E THKATBE Season .1 Charles Dillingham presonts f FRED STONE J In a now musical extrtrsftasa S "TIP-TOP" ny Anna Osldwtll ft R. II. Banuldo. i mmc by Itob Oaryll. SightSeeingRoyal Betlnf Ifsw T OP town, oowa ii town, ortr ths trsat nna lllMt; to Brooklyn. 10 A. M.. 3 P. . -'-'-' Chinatown. Nsw York Afttr Dark, 8 P. VI. Luxurious An- I inp ttmsblles.. DlitlnctlT 8rlo. -JUAv ,Aik at hoteli tor our Ire map and cnM. . . .tn ilvn fn ,in v. w OtOo Etartins Point, Hotel MeAlpU. AEOLIAN HAL!., Sunday Aft.. Octobsr 3rd Bong ncltal-ANNA - BURMEISTER UtU Ev;lyn Iloppsr, Chlektrlnc riano. L ittfttlMTES - ArrrnTiraTfTV - ' i TllWATitgu Ami mm. """"' Kvs.Si30 Wllll.m 11. lrladUiiil(ir l'ircnl "PITTER PATTER" tiih nrw mmaKh roMitny AT pi. vi 1 MnitodPO I niw'lt MARRV the POOR GIRL . .MlinANCK ri,Allltlt fnnts MMii, UOHGNY HAMMEK Drodlnirit &hu VTII.MAM THE QUEST HODGE OP HONOR "UK lipi,pH lllfl AtmilfNPIJ IWTIIB SELVYN1W nnmH i'iika., w.jr m wtw. nan, UUU 1 n,M, V, (j'np,, ti MM a,il(l, ri.AVKD (INK VKAH IN U)NmN Art '-ni.i.Y oe iil.nnMHiitiitv " PI TIWr.PThsS'i.'Y""- l'vr.fl is. l'up,)Nst,U:UO, ii i mi mill1 w i l rULlUlNjtsu. Hul H yrtl, J-10. I I : wnii IIOI.4KP yot'NH. ji'i.u:ttii,iv. CASINO mhinvsy, Kvr.'.S i. S'.IMIUl.lllT'H risy wlih M'ilc. Hl'.M'.i MliLl.lNd Vi WUKKH AIIKAK. ni mi J fhs., 4nii 8t . v. oraiy. Kv. sao- "Twra7iATTcrjr rfoitu OVER THE HILL HyWIMiCAIlI.KTO.V. DlnTUil dy llsrry Mlllinls. ASTOR TIIKATltK, n'wsy, st 4Mb Hi. All Reals HwitvwI. .MtlnU-l(). SMtoll. KrnliiCT NUiO. Hut. siul HimilySlM.fiKH(il.aO. Do you Wh lo cry or h laughf Thi New Yvrk Trilnni (and emu other city paper) eayti "llring lean and rapturtl" mmm. Or A rlvnnr TYSON & BRO. UNITED, H65 BROADWAY JUC rtaVollCe oi'ics hUndayh tkwswionk imVAvromi-r'ni. r I MAI MEW AMSTf RDAM THIATBl 1 t2.50 LAST 3 WEEKS MATS. WED. & SAT.. 50c to tl NE.W-ON THE ROOF NEW 1 ZIECFEU M1DNKHT FMIK I iAWT HICKMAN ORCHESTRA J GEQiAII AM TMEATCE-BWY3r IA. vvnnn GEO. M.C0HAN'S , '".LPKODUCTIOH oFa If ARNOLD DALY D1IUPU 9. IlinV W.40Ht.Ki.8':30.Clrclal3CO. r UnLn a JUUI Mat, rn. & sat. ihono ALAN BROOKS 3Sf!p,0,n"x3:1' "Par nbovo afxati n theatrical Rim." Ttlnram. PARK TIIRATBR ColumHusClrela My Dear Mr. Arllssl ,..,,... , . uontn rarkinxton's IHIMlEKIN la at mini thn mini lnirrrst. Uitf and moat amunlim ilay that I havn ami In ytiars. Your own iiurformanco of tho title rola Is tulmltsbln. IVIU110I.AH MUHIIAY niTTLRR, President Columbia Unlrmlty, Knlrknrliocltrr. BVay. 38 St. Kvm. I3.IO. Sat. 13. MAT. BAT. Unit Boats S3.SO. lhe Kapid-rire Musical Comedy JOHN (lOliUBN pntiniu ft Qalcty, ll'y. 40 St. Mt. Wud. ft Sat., 3:50 fttWt M0N 00T. 4 sou tfBM dm JENS CAIUJEQIE- HALL, Sat. Attr. October 2nd RUDOLPH BOCHCO IICBSIAN VIOLINIST (Dtbut) Tickets COo. to 12.00. Now at Dot nrrii-i Manaeement B. E. Johnston. Knabe Plana Aeolian Hall, Wtd. Aft.. October 0, at 3. Bom Recltal-WINIFBED P A-RK ER Met. PariUl 'Mayer. Chlcfcertng riano. SVUIUC S TRANfl Jas. Oliver Corwood's Nomads of tha North (tned Symphony Orcb, 1WNH 1A 1NtsKT lift 1AYHKN AMUBEMEIOfl, urn and 4, j, BimnitnT, CENTURY, Seats Now on Sale Rliay Comslock & Moms Crsl ANNOVNM Till) World's Premiere, MotuM 4 TMr 1'outth Annual ."ffffefM'nr 'rcfwtffiw "MECCA' fly OMAN AHCIW, AVTHOII ill "ci cuw enmr Muilc rV Pmv Fliuher, W MICHEL FOKINE E. LYALLS WETE POSITIVELY WE WORLDS LARGEST PRODUCTION, CO, 0F4M-H DIG SCENES, rp A'rrp W,43lHt. l!f,fllW),i'liniinS l'IA.L.LiMUlVl,j,AiHH.a.l8.llryanl' MARGARET ANGLIIJ 111 "TUB WOMAN OF lIUON'ttK." PRINCESS CaMTASW3 ERNEST TRUEX in 'BLllE'BOHNEr (l(ini) B15AT1 AT 11.00 AKlt II VI, 1'oi'ifuH cninKO xIatihiu n, KOIMROOK DUMW THE BAD MAH COME0Y"U!trMMlUH 39tliSt.Thea.P wsv. , liyniliiif s( Artl.lVMl.LMit.Slll 'Another IVu n' Mr llmri. list Irr. klillhln lifmlni-.'' .v; V,,.Siin-rr,jW, "PADDY THE NEXT . BEST THING" rrlti HnhMi unit nyrll Pmt 44THST.THEA. ST.THEA. i.?a, i wico liuly a'ts-mis. Fifth Tremendous Wccl, Ii. w. UKIrrllllo III I" pciriP Kn,AHat..VHilll, Msir Wh!lnJ) rWLlO All..llir fl 9VI In 11 Mi in u..... tlu...H..l llnv I., .Ii-k... PI AVHnilSFWlhfihKioriVwsy.Iw.8!! . 3 'in. "An artist of immense value." Alan Half, Antrim ALJCEBRADY (lcrouslly) Anna Ascends In IfUIUlK ...fill.. . VMW 115 TIIKATltK nt'11,1), III",, ITtmiiU " THE TREASURE" Rusts on wis tr-ds- Ttl. Mir IM4 lyric ar t'niitliluniM t to II 1'. M, LAST 4 DAYS of a Triumphs! H Wii-ks ltun Tho CmomcloUmm.i Srn.MIoii While New York Sleeps Produced by William Foj niiwtuil by Churl J. llrsliln. I'rUrsi-Miits. a.V:, W)o, 7.V. NUthW, Mc, "W slid 11.00. N.Y. HIPPODROME, "NEXTSUN.EVG William Morris announ ft THE AMERICAN DEBUT oj TOM BURKE ORKATEST MVINO IIIIBII TEN'OII, Direct from hit To YoarV Triumph m tho Star or tho Itoyal Opera, CoM-nt Uardcu, Ixindim, 5 EATS NOW SELLING Tlckctai Orchcwtra, S2M, S3,(h), IA.0O; Halronlnv 1 1, IV), Sl.Sli. 83.00, I2.M. IIKI.KN SC'HOI.bUlt . f , , , , . , '(VIM. I'ltANK ST. LKOEK....Arrt)inp,viW. KNAIIK PIANO UHKl). PD. V, Kolth's ALACE llrj-ant 4300 MU.DaHy38o-t OEO. WIIITINQ 4 RADIB I1UIIT t CO., Hobert I'mmttt Kan, Bantlry .4 Norton, cih. nnd Bylvfutur frhffr. Bn. V. Krlth's IVERSIDE D'yftUOthSt. Karyl Norman, "Tin Orools Paahlon rit." Tho. E. 8hfa, Ua Her nit. Morris A Cainp'wll. Irvlnu ti Jack Kaurmss. HIl.K.Kelth's AMILT0N H'wayHCSt l'op.Prlcftsaie-H TOUIl MOItTONH, finrton A Glan, Clara Motttm, Corlnnn Tllten ltevlw, Yvclta HubsI. nlhwy T 1J. F. ittlth'a Iefferson J 148t.E.of.1Av. PopaMcuSJc-ll Herman Timbers. "Trip to llllland." 4 Quetnn and a Joker, Kl Clove, Dolly Ky. Tonsy & Norman, nlhn. n. d. MOBS' BROADWAY A Oont. Perf'm'ce, Mta.lB.S5,3Be. nv.JO.40,0c. B. F. Kellfi Vaudeville 10 iiia ,10 FEATUTIE9 LEXINGTON SSf.lKpS QAUX CONCERTS KVKllY SUNDAY EVE. SUNDAY KVK.. OOT. 3. AT BM. RUSSIAN SYMPHONY Conductor. Leo Ornstcin Helen Yorke Poy. trlcos SOo to $3. Scats Now at Box Office " OCT. 10-BONCI and ?g'I Mtt. Musical Bureau of America, Col. ioK. PSDMHE U5it3 Scllin6 fn6 a watks in advoncs um "MADAME X." with Pauline Frederic!!. Ily Mayer's Travi'laut" Canllnl Crnil Orch. Con,l!:30to 11 P.M. Mls.SO-BOa. NlBht53-!3e. rOLUMBIA.By&47 Bt. Twlco Dly. 2 I.U lH - Pop. Prices. "TWINKLD TOES." BROOKLYN AMUSEMENTS. p'lD Jay & Fulton salMit 1 A K ye Tel. Main IS93.UU con At miiiP; JVaR"' SUNDAY TWO BIO CONUBK" SHUDERTijKjj. Oh