Newspaper Page Text
Louis Pbillippe, you know, ratified The Treaty, and pledged thus his word ; J knew thai kit handt were well tied, But the Deputies' consent I inferred. In this I was greatly mistaken, For those chaps, seeing Rives made such brags, Their faith in our claims was so shaken, They refused to open their bags! Louis Phillippe's a poor sort of king, Blair says if Vd had his place, I'd a' devilish soon settled the thing, By buying the whole Deputy race! I was wrong, I will own, when I drew The bill for eight millions, at nght. The money, to be sure, was then due, But, the Deputies having the right To haul the king over the coals. And refuse to give him the cash; (A pretty d?d mean set of souls!) I own that my conduct was rash In drawing before I had heard The Treaty had had their revision; But why dou't the king keep his word ? I do like a man of decision ! When the Deputies rejected the Treaty, He sent, to be sure, straight a ship To say u non obxtant" the defeat, he Would let no opportunity slip, But would at 'em again before long, That he'd get me the cash without fail, When bis u party" got rather mare strong, And for it his 44 word" gave us M bail." 1 own that he could do no more, 'Twas all I'd a right to expect; But to me it prov'd a great bore For my plans on the Bauk were all check'd. I sold, like a fool that I was. The Bill to my arch-enemy?Nick, Who claims the law gives it him?poz, Ten per cent damages slick! Another mistake that 1 made, Was sending old Livingston out, A peevish, tho' clever, old blade, Annoy'd by dyspepsia and gout. The fact is, I gave him the birth, 'Cause he spoke French and was poor, 1 had no other reason on earth, Yes, one, and the best I am sure? I found him a bit in my way, For he's too old to learn any new tricks; But, as its turn'il out, I may say, He'd best staid at borne to split sticks ! For, instead of stirring abroad, And letting me have all the news, He was most of the time, by the laird, Kept still in the house by the blues! So, thus by his letters misled, 1 imagin'd the king a dissembler, And came out, piping hot, as you've read, In my message to you in December. I did not intend to oftend Either France, or its Citizen King, But merely then said, u* a friend, That the only way left tbein to bring The account to a close, was, to lay \jut nanus uu r icutu vc^cis we iikti "Twm no menuee"?but, I'll candidly say, I don't wonder they got in a pet! As soon as the king thought he had A majority, to vote us the cash, _ He, like au honest, strait-forward lad, (If he'd push'd 'em before, be'd been raah,) Aak'd them again for 44 the dust," But, just ere they call'd o'er the roll, A fellow (ne deserves to be curst, For I'm sure lie's a mean, dirty seul,) Jumps up, and an u amendment" tacks on, That, " to heal the pride of the nation, Ere the money was paid, Monsieur Jackson Should give, of his speech, explanation." The only Minister present, For fear ot losing the bill. Was obliged, though not at all pleasant, To swallow the d?d fellow's pill! And, of course, again haulk'd the king, In his hoot st intentions to pay, For he cannot, like me, the poor thing ! Have every thing all his own way. Livingston, tbo' they gave hirn a hint To take up his bed and off walk, When my Message got out all in print, Like a fool, stay'd to have some more talk. He spun out a dev'lish long yarn, (The material to be sure'* good enough,) DUl lots r rcmruiticij, 1101 wiiiiu^ iti mm From oor who ha J treated them rough, Refused to answer bis letter, And, 'tween you and F, they were right, For when order'd awav, he'd done better, To hare ta'eti himself quick out o' sight. When he found the king would'nt hold Intercourse with him again, And, being by all his friends told 'Twaa useless any more to remain. He at length pack'd up his traps, And, cursing the French, left gay Paris; I'll no more send abroad such old chaps. For tay measures they alwayseiobarras. He left there his fine son-in-law, As Caarift J' Affaire* in liia sljad, A braver chap I never saw. And very polite and well bred. To show you our "honor's" secured In this able gentleman's hands, I need only mention, l'tu sure, How high v a marksman he stands ! And, an proof how lie hates their d?d " Court*" How " republican" h,* habits all are. He refus'd to join ilie Kind's sports, And to dauce with his daughter?tbo' lair! Besides?when Louis came near Being kiTTd hv that cursed machine. He?the only one, sirs, so I hear? Was not at the Tuillieries 9cene. I've trdd liim to ask for the " Rhino," And, if he don't get it, to start; That he imil mot succeed that I know Aa well as I do my own heart. For I know the King i? hut waiting The election of Mr. Van Bnren, To "pay up" withoot more debating, Which tome is past all enduring, For. iho' I acknowledge most freely, Tbet Livingston?and I a " small hit,"? Have not treated Louis genteelv In our attempts to get you " the frit." | Vet till, 'twould be shame and a sin. That 1 out of office should, go, Before that the inuoey come in; I'd die my good friends of the blow! You know that I'm now getting old, And disappointments illy can bear; Why, my temper's so cross, that I acold Even, sometimes, my bosoin friend Blair! * ? (Here several lines are illegible.) By my cash-keeper's books you will see We're, as brokers in Wall st. say "Jluth ;** N And for this vou'r indebted to me, Did'nl I try " the Mo/tiler" to crush ? 1 confess I did not succeed In breaking the Bank of old Nick; Altho' I do think 'tis agreed. Of abuse I laid it on thick! , I thought, at one time, I'd my foot On the " Monster's" devlish neck, But, his strength was so great, I got beat, And thus fail'd to make him a wreck. I knew that if I did but succeed, I'd have sunk the United State shares, But Uncle Sam the mouey don't need, And, ia fact, for him, who the devil cares ? For amount of the cash in uthe till" S<?# W. wulliiirv ** Ipiifrth v rpnorl.? He murders King's English?and will Afford you amusement and sport! I've receiv'd some most excellent cheese, For ?ize tliey beat England hollow, So pray come whenever you please, It costs but a fourth of a dollar. I've some doubts?which now I'll impart? 'Bout mv right to those mammoth cheeses; Can I taka 'ein any where I start ? " I leave Congress to do as it pleases." [Here the manuscript becomes almost illegible, from the dirty grease with which it is covered. I'll try some process to clean it (my washerwoman perhaps will help me,) and if I succeed will send you the remainder.] The ending lines I can however make out?they were thus:? With these "observations" 1 send, And shake you, one and all, by the hand, I hope you'll support your old friend, Bv doing just what I command. A. J. Back Kitchen, Dec. 7,1835. THE HERALD. 1 NEW-YORK, FRIDAY, JANUARY 1, 1836. ILr <V? paper will be issued from this office to-morrow morning. If important news should be received, (and we expect something highly interesting,) an EXTRA HERALD trill be published between 10 and 11 o'clock forenoon. THREE DAYS LATER. The Packet a)tip George Washington, from Liverpool to the 25th November, arrived last evening, bringing three days later from London. When our paper went to press, there was also another vessel below, supposed to be the Havre packet of the 1st Dec., which was to bring Mr. Barton home. By this we have further important information of the purpose of France, not to pav the Indemnity for the present. The English press is full of speculations and rumours, and the Paris letter writers equally so. What do you think of the news? Will the French pay ? Shall we have a war ? Is there any pro*poet of more difficulty ? These are the questions which meet us at every corner. It is difficult to give a correct opinion upon the intentions of the French government. Yet there is one chaunel of approximating to the truth, which exists, not in this country, but in France. The French press is entirely under the turvUlnnce of the Censorship. Nothing is published contrary tothe positive wishes of the government. What the French press is permitted therefore to say, may be considered not very contrary to the wishes of the government. Now we are told that a fleet is preparing to be sent into the American seas?thot Mr. Pageot is ordered home?and that no money will be paid until after another presidential election in this country. These statements may therefore be considered as expressing the sentiments, or nearly so, of the government, and on these facts, it may be asked if France felt her dignitv insulted by a few words in a Message, how ought the United States to feel at these insolent demonstrations about to be made on her very waters ? What is New Yore coming to??The money and property of some of our merchants here, have not been burned up entirely. We understand that $70,000 have I been offered to the senior Mr. Campbell for the hare ground, since the fire, of his lot, 25 feel on Pearl street, 125 feet deep to Water street. Mr. Clat proposes to divide the proceeds of the public lands during the next three years. This will give New York $2,!M>4,553? Pennsylvania $2,093^238? Virginia $1,581,000?Ohio $1,446,000. Tha other states wont pass it. Juvenile Thieves.? The ruioa are daily crowded bv bovs and girls with bags, who have already robbed to a great extent. The receivers of these stolen goods should be discovered and arrested without delay. Tie* citizens in the upper wards, where these vagrant bag men resort to sell their plunder, can easily discover them. The arrest and punishment of 20 or 30 of these boys will lead to sn extensive discovery of sec re let I plunder. Let five or six extra police men receive temporary appointment, and immediately proceed to the mrest of these thieves. Upwards of two hundred thieves were in ihe ruins all day yesterday. IHTThe Anti-Slavery Society have just published a powerful Protest against the Abolition portion of the President's Message. It is signed by Arthur Tappan and nine others, ami dated Dec. 26, 1835. We 'shall show it up hereafit r. O* Texas is nearly independent. They are sending commissioners to this country to raise a loan. Where will they get the money ? iThk CardBus' New Year's Audkus.?Beginning | on our outsidC will be found, as we stated yesterday, a very ingenious metrical version of the President's Message, which appears, by the most authentic account, to hare been done into verse by some of the cooks at Washington?undoubtedly a French cook? one, at least, in feeling. The Carriers of the Herald, catching a little of the spirit of the Herald, some time since determined to get up something for New Year's Day out of the regular jog-irot order. One of the eldest having had a fourth cousin at Washington, who hulls from the ground floor or the White Palace, means were adopted, through his influence, of procuring the Message which appears in this day's Herald. The story he tells about buying it, our readers may believe or not, as they please. We have no doubt the public will prefer this mode of a New Year's Address to the dull, tiresome, stupid, ridiculous metrical addresses that are usually put forth on this day. Gadsby's Hotel, Washington City, Dec. 23,1835. Carriers or the Hkkai.d.?" N man is a Hero to his valet de cbambre."?I have just come acioss another proof of the truth of that old saying, aud hasten to send it to you. I was passing the rear way of the " White House" this morning just as they were loading the scavengers cart with the ofliil, Jcc. Alc. from the " Kitchen," and observing that the driver appeared to be eagerly engaged turning over a dirty manuscript, I bad the curiosity to approach to see what it was that interested him so much. After some preliminary remarks (for you must know that even a scavenger bov attached to the ' White House" must he addressed with proper respect and caution,) such as " tine weather this morning mv lad"?how is yonr friend Mr. Vun Buren ?"?"you'll have lots of work now that the General is going to liegin feeding the folks again," dtc. See., 1 asked him what it was he was looking, at. "Why su" savs be "I can't exactly tell" As they tossed in a bucket full of stuffjuat now from the Kitchen, I spied a sort of written book moons ir, and an I in fond of reidin, for I went to Sunday school Inst winter, I pulled it out, and found it was something of a sort of" Message," written in a rhyming kind of way?which, to tell you the truth, I'm hardly up to yet?and then he handed it to me:?finding that it was indeed a " Message" and in verse, I asked the boy very politely, if he would let me have it, if I gave him 25 cents for it?to which he readily consented, saying, u (would be no use to him, as he couldn't read any thing that was'nt printed plain like' the Globe,' " which, added he, M I read every day regular,for its 'sent toine, and hII the liovs in the Kitchen, gratia for nothin.' " 1 have looked over it, nfter clearing it of the dirt, and as much of (he grease as I well could, and am induced to send you a copy, as far as I have time at p'esent to discipher it, that you may see how even " the General's" scullions iu the kitchen make fun of him. I rather think it must have been written by one of the Fianch cooks, as itsmelU confoundedly of soup meagre. Yours, Thf. Sly in Washington. N. B. No relation of the u Spy." Post:?We are all rejoiced to find tbot tha little Mohawk has, at length, succeeded in getting himself a "Squaw," as rich in heads and wampum as she is in chartn?,?being now a married man, great expectations are entertained of hiin, for the girls all say he was so great a "party man" when he was siugle, what will he be now ? Between you and I, it is said that the little Magician begin* to " blow cold" on him?is it been-a he wants to shake liirn offbefore he removes to the White House? 0? The Infidel Sun is out a;_u:& yesterday against Doctor Sleigh, in the usual farm?" For the Sun?Mr. Day- ' ' 1). Bachelor." These Infidels now propose to publish a pamphlet under a Christian signature, against the recent testimonies to the personal character of their victim. This is merely a rase de guerre to dii vert the public attention from an investigation of their history, principles and objects. It will not, however, serve their purpose. Coal ard Cold Weather?Yesterday was a fine, clear, cold day. We ordered a supply of Coal from Walton & Southart's Coal Yard, comer of Washingion aad Warren street. It came?it looked bright aad cleat as the weather. "Try it, boy ?" He did so, and we now affirm positively that we never had in a grate a better, purer, or more elegant coal thau this self-same from Walton & Southart's Coal Yard. Tliey are completely restored to our good graces and good opinions, and we advise all the readers of the Herald to go to Washington and Warren streets for their coal Don't forget to say, " I come on the recommendation of the Herald." That will be a sure passport to the best ahd most reasonable fuel. If k should not, just let us know?that's all. (Tr* Ladies and gentlemen walk up?walk up?to No. 7 Bowery, and see the lions danee. Goods at the Police Orricm.?Since the fire, it is calculated that an amount of merchandize equal to $140,000, has been deposited in the Police Office. Of this amount, $125,000 have been returned to their respective owners?about $15,000 are still in the back I room of the office. Among the many articles now uncalled for, are the following:?lioe and coarse broad t cloths and cssaimeres, vestings of all kinds and qualities, tine Welsh and coarse Yankee flannels, shawls of all sizes, colours and qualities, silks and satins of various shades and textures, shirtings and sheetings, and last, but not least in this cokl weather, hosiery and gloves in abundance; also, several pipes of brandy. (1 t Mrs. Phitchard's Benefit takes place to-morrow night, at the Franklin. Be sure to pay her a visit. Literary Consolidation.?The American Monthly Magazine has been united with the Naw England, and is now published simultaneously at Boston and thi? city. The first number of the new aeries we received vesterday from the press of Dearborn, 38 Gold street. It bears on its face a great improvement on the old Magazines. This number is ornamented with a spirited engmved sketch of a scene in Hamlet. The articles are interesting and varied. New Year's Presents.?If you want to make any presents of handsome hooks to day. jost look into Mason's hook store, 144 Canal street, you will find some beauties. ; Jackson, 53 Cedar street, has also some prettv n?w publications for this season. So have Robiosna At 1 Dryden, 359 Broadway?Wullia At NewalL, 9 John i street. I IPi irate Cot rasp*", tie:, So. XI. J Washington, Dec. 28,1835. The Christmas holidays are over aud those of New Year's approaching. The fashionable world is quite delighted with the President's Christinas party, and look forward, with pleasing anticipation, to the New Year's rout. A little set of exclusive* is now formed, under the immediate patronage of the President, who lias set hiinseif to the grand object of separating the true and acknowledged fashion and rank of the community from all contact with those who are not exactly of the right sort. The social institution* of Washington have too long, in his estimation, borne a resemblance to the political institutions of the country and admitted to such society, as the city affords respectable per sons from every quarter of the country, without a eery rigid scrutiny into their pretensions, as people of fash ion. The system is now to be changed, and we are to meet at every ball and soiree in the city, the same unvarying set of dowdy matrons, frumpy old maids, and gawky girls, who belang to the set, who are now, for the first litne, to be recognized as extremely fashionable. The scale established by the President is peculiarly arbitrary?for instance, clerks with three thousand dollars salary, are invited, and those of two thousand salury are excluded. Perhaps the idea is that a person worth only two thousand salary, cannot afford to attend a party, aud in this, the President is right enough. On Friday, the public New Year's levee is to be beld, and to that the Irish laborers, fiee negroes, dec. are to lie admitted, in their shirt sleeves, as heretofore ; and it is probable there will be some beside tbem to pay their respects to his Majesty?those whose names are not on the invited list for the eve-nine not heinr verv likely to go, uninvited, in the morning. The long pending reference of the Michigan question is decided, and the boundary question and tlte applies tion of Michigan for admission were both referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. The Presides! it was asserted has assured the people of Ohio that he will veto any bill for the admission of Michigan into the Union, until the Boundary question is settled. There is an uncommon thirst for speaking already manifest in the House. Every new member has come with a dozes or two of set speeches which he is determined to let off. Police.?Thursday, December 31st.?Jim Allen alias Jim Jones, a powerful black, sans hat, coat or shoes, was brought up, being charged with having stolen from Mr. John Jones, chief mate of tho schr. Oriole, two watches with the appurtenances, and twenty-five dollars in hills and silver. Mr. M'Grath who undertook his capture, traced him to No. 150 Leoaard street, where he was found, nearly in his birth-day rait, in company with some half dozen dingy votaries at the shrine of Venus. Mr. M'Grath ascended three flight of stairs, and Mr. Allen alias Jones, not liking his would be companion, jumped through the window, smaehing sash and glass, and alighted in safety on the shed in the rear of Dr. Marshall's office, thence through Dr. Marshall's office, (who thought that Satan had come loo soon) into the street, and was captured after a hard chase at the corner of Elm and White street. A young sailor who accompanied Mr. M'Grath, not wishing to be outdone by a Atgirur, dashed through the broken window after him, and followed close al his heels. Jones alias Allen, stoutly denied for a long time the theft,'but at last confessed, and went in company with aa officer to show where he had deposited it. That being secured he was conducted to comfortable quarters, until his honor lite Recorder, shall relieve Captain Swain of his charge. David Ohadwick, steward of brig Hays, was arrested this morning, bv .Messrs. A. M. C. Smith and Welch, at the house of one Schults, already we'l known to the inhabitants of this t itv. by his connection with the paramour of the infatuated Jackson. He was accused of having stolen from the cabili of the vessel, on Wednesday evening, a trunk and contents to the value of one hundred dollars and upwards. In addition to the elothing, there were $f>0 in bills of the state bank of South Carolina. Chadwick was not very cunning, for on the evening of the theft, he changed his clothes in the cshin, leaving his own in their stead.? The mate, Mr. Hume, left the vessel at half past 5 in the evening, and at 7, when he returned, the cabin was open, and the article* above mentioned were missing, suspicion fell at once upon Chadwick, as it was known that he had a key of the cabin. This morning he came down 10 top vessel wnna reiersnmn com on ononein^ to Captain Bertram!, and as soon as he was told the trunk had been stolen, he was off instanfer. Amoa Pink us swore that on the evening of the 29th bo sow Chadwirk with the coat on, and he tben stated that he had just redeemed it from pledge. None of the articles have as vet been found, except the coat. Chadwiok was committed for further examination. As F.picvre.?Amos Contine, a black, was brought up by Mr. Welch, for stealing from C?sar Rodney, of Harlaein, several articles of w earing apparel, a fowling fiiere, and a turkev and goose. Arfios, probably not laving the wherewithal to procure a New Year's dinner, look the libertv of abstracting Mr. Rodney's, and thus left him to provide another. The gun doubtless was intended to procure more game, should the tnrkey ami goose be insufficient. He was committed. IH7*The Custom House Hotel, corner of Nassau and Pine, has just been renovated in a handsome style by a capable set of new proprietors who have takeo it.? There isa reading room attached to the establishment, where all the papers may be found. Always try to get the Herald if yon eon, while your steaks are cooking. 0*The Calethumpian Band comes out this morning in great force. ttj*Voung Slideir* Travels in England, just published by the Harpers, is quite an interesting work. O" Nothing new from Canton or the Celestial Empire. ggp The rihnnds now fashionable in Paris, are of the Aral>e?que, Mosaic, and Z>-bnt patterns, ami are employed in trimming dresses. Among the novelties of fashion, are clonks with wide sleeves and no capes. Collars are worn of rich needle work, edged with lace, Waldpd dresses and pelises, called douillettes of silk and satin, are worn, and of a peculiar shape. Good figures di-qiense with peli rines. Colored silk stockings figured with black are all the rage. . . Tselioni. the Dnnseuse, having injured her knee, (an of the most eminent surgeons in Paris were railed togather in rnn?ultation, nnd that thev have givfcn It an their deli!?erate opinion, that she will?not be able to dunce for some lime !! A I-ondon newspaper contains a good engraving representing Louis Phillippe beheaded.