OCR Interpretation

The herald. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1835-1837, January 01, 1836, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030311/1836-01-01/ed-1/seq-3/

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H ?I
There U a flight gloom cooling *rer the market. Slocks yesterday
by no means felt to lively they hare been. Mortis Canal
and all others are somewhat tick and dispeptk. There i> no accounting
for ihe changes of ihe weather.
Somebody hat >ent u? a terrible pill for the Morris Canal. He
calls himself " Q," and we hare put him for he prrsent into a
corner. We niu.lfiril know oar cot respondent before we publish
What is the Committee of " 125" about f What good hare they
done? They ntskr reports and pass resolnti ins. What else? Just
whit a talking Congress will do. Two of the dilapidated lusur
ance v/uiupanirs n?rc arrctu u pjv up?viic v.iy aiiu 111c uiiiicu
States. The rest will prob ihly go _nlo Chancery.
The Banks yesterday and tn-dsy close up their accounts for
Real estalr is fiat enough.
Del. k Hod., 91 904, *>i. 9H. Jackson Ius., r7.
Morns Canal.85,4),4, 3.2),4,34, Bowery Ins., 107,
IS. O. Com. B ink, 1014. Us!, Mohawk R. it, 91, 3}, 4, 3),
Ohio Lit T.! 144, 14.143, B ut. 4: Piuv. K.R . 108,74.8,
Amer. Trust Co., (Bait.) IIOJ, Slonington R. U., 8>J,
N. O. Gas Co., 101), Bos. 4i. Wor. R. It., 95,4),4,34,
Vicksburgli Bank, 101, , IJlica R. R-, 112J,
N. Y. Ins. C?s 118, Long LI nd It. R.. 93,
Amenc in Ins. Co.. 12!), 21, N. H k H. R. R., 97.
Atlantic Ins. Cn, loy). Canton Co., 5-1, 34,
Fainter'? Loan, 19),
Latest Louden Date, ...... Nor. 24
Latest Liverpool Date, - ..... Nov. 21
Latest Havre Date ....... Nov. 21
To the Editor of the lie aid :?
of your Coteuipuraries reprobating an Engraving of Mrs.Chapin ui
executed bv s. H. Gimbcr and iveruaeeive it a duly we owe to justicetosay
that, that gentleman's reputation as an Anist ruts upoi
too solid grounds to be -oilmil oi injured by such nonsensical elite
cism as the aitide alluded to contained. Able and just crili isun
are as well calculated to advance the aits as such unmeaning sallin
are sometime- capable of injui initlie reput dion of an Artist Spe
cimen- may be seen of Mr. Giinber's productions, which will die
Cnse with any doubt as to the competency hr pose sses in his prossoti,
and it u-t always be birne in mind,that with engravings, in
with other things, the amount ol finish In-slowed upon a work ought
as it inevitably will be, commensurate with the retaun i at ion.
jao l-li* JUSTICE.
?Tin Pr uprieiur ?l" Hud-ton'* Merchant*' News R iom and Foreign
ship Loiter Ortirp, comer of Wall and Pearl street, announce*
to the public III U he ha?,in on inert ion with hi* other arrangement*
t?Ubli?hf<l a Sub-P.ist Office, f>r the convenience of such a? a t
disposed to avail lhc:iuclfei of his services. Letter* will be receited
and reeuUrlv orw aided !olh?- P?*t Office in due season fur lh?
(irpni lurr of ever; mail, agreeab y to the present Puat Offire Arrangement.
d? SO-tf
a Bub Post Route, a line of Suh Pott Boxes, it
the lust W.irl, uhich he purposes hall be rarricd on with the ut
Ml ran- and rcgulat ly. Letters committed to his charge, thai
be carefully depo-ited in t e City Pad t Iffin- in due time. Havi?|
had a good ileal of experience In the Sub Pott li-e, he hat no doub
of bring perfectly qualified for the undertaking. As a proof he re
fer* to the following gentlemen, in whose tlutet Suh Pint bone
have been placed. Hit attention, regularity, and tata delivery it
the City Poo Pfhce hat always given satisfaction. The folhtwin)
are references:?
A. B. Mr lame, Druggist, 108 J. Weir, Druggist, Grand ant
Greenn ich st. Forsyth.
C. C. Tappea, M. D., Church D. Owen, Druggist, Delancy am
and Chamber sit. Elaridge.
H. J. Hart, M. D., Broadway and W. A. White, Druggist, Delanc]
Chamber. and Si.ffidk.
P. R. Tanner, M. D., Grand and J. B. F. Fuller, M. D. Divisiot
Bruadssajr. and S (folk.
BJ. Dndd, Apothecary, Bleeck- E. B. Tanner, Physician, Di
er and B nod nay. vision and Walker.
M. C. Onion, Physician, Grand R. Lockwood, 415 Broadway,
and Bo very.
Peraani in th* first Ward, suitably located, where a Suh Post
Box uiigh' be advanta eouslv plated?by gising the tuhterih.,
notice?will be immediately attended In.
dec 5I-tf GEO. WHITNEY. 146 William si
SHIP LETTER OFFICE, is removed t? No. 7 Btosd street.
dec 25-tf
THE CONEIa AttRATlONv?For sale at IheHeralc
Office, 148 Na-sau <1, EXTRAS, containing a beautiful w od cm
of'the Exchange in Ruins, alio a Map of the " Burnt Diitrict,'
with livelv and graphic descriptions of the same. PRICE ONLY
Also, a splendid Steel Engraving of the Interior of the Mer
thanfs Bactiange. with a letter press (lescription of the building ant
thuhuruing?published at the Herald Officr, 148 Nassau street.?
Price 12 cents each by retail. dec 25-tf
and Water streets.?Letters for all Foreign Porta will be receives
as usual at this establishment and forwarded by the earliest convey
an re. dec 21-2w
On the 3:h ult.. by the Rev. Albert Sinedes, Mr. Geo. W. Rose
to MisaElixa A., daughter of Mr. James Ormond, all of this city.
On Wednesday evening last, Mr. Dana Clark, vged 64 years.
On Thursday, Capl. John McThichely, aged 74 years.
ARRIVED?Ships?Gsorge W .sliington, Holdrege, Liverpool
25<h Nov.; Calhoun, O'Neil. Charleston ; Kulusoff. Newton,Croo tadt
10th Oct.: brig Aviee, Brigh man, Smyrna,2d Oct.
CLEARK D.?Ship Caledonia. Graham, Liverpool; hrig Statirs
Holmes, Mobile; Danish brig Hiram, W.trdinger. Bremen; schr.
Cairo, Bur it mm, H vanna.
1VI. The members if this Association, who are the friend* of LIBERAL
PKINCIPl.ES, and in favor of the ticket headed '* For
President?Chailea Rolfe," are requested to meet in the Lecture
Raoin, at Clinton Hall, on Saturday evening next, January 2d,
at tighto'clock. ja"l-lt
DOBERT SMITH* No. 32 P-srl street. cornet of Mo-re
IV at reel, offer* for sale hi* usual assoituient ol Tea*, Brandy,
Spice*, fc.r. jan I-3t
KOL'S POWDER, for perfuming a d fumigating room*?
For tick room* especially, iheae article* arc pre-eminently serviceable,
emitting au agreeable fr granre and at the same lime destroying
completely any unpleasant -inell.
Also, Schreher'* celebrated Pomatum, for the rapid gretvth of the
hair; Compo- ndAromatic Kteojotr Toolh wash, ptepared from the
genuine Reirheuhack'* Kieosote, for cleansing and pieserving teeth ;
Compound Kreosote Tooth Ache Drops, for the instantaneous relief
*f the tooth ache; Compound Syrup of Horehoutul and Boneart
for lb-cure of colds, coughs, kc.; Canp-und concentrated Syrup
of Sarsaparillaa, tnget er with Almond Gum, Capill lire, and a
large ana choice as-ortmeut of other Srrups Swaim'i Panacea,
Lee'* Pill*. Moffitt's Vegetable Life Pills, and a large ear iety of
other patent medicines, all nuranled genuine.
The akaAe aiticlcs to be had. wholesale or retail at
jan I-lm* 14 Hnd on. comer Reed street.
HOTEL.?To " Down Town Merchants' ?Since the recent conflagratton,
the pre*ent new i.roprietor* of the Custom House Hotel,
(formerly L/vcjoy'i,) having made alterations and additions to the
former Mju*e, note present to tl>e respecUh'e da** of the mercantile
dilic, a place of quiet resort, where refreshment* of any kind can
had,including P es and Coffee "on the Exchange plan." The
undersigned hope, by unremitted industry, combined wi.h a di?positioa
to please and accommodate, to merit a shale of the public
HORN It FREES, Corner of Pine a.id Nassau streets.
A aery Commodious Reading lloum it .ni ched to the establishment.
jan 1-tiiis
next, 4ln January, will he sold ai auction, at >2 o'clock, aevecal
floe hur*et; among them, a very fast trotting horse, known a*
'he Sarabya Roan Horse. He was bought by his present owner as
~ jean old. sound and kind, and warranted to twt iiis mile in liarum*
lu 2 inn. 4*1 sec. To lie sold on account of whom it may concern.
Also, a sorrel Horse, seven rear* old. sound and fast, and
juat fro n the country. JOHN W.WATSON
J*"'-* 44fi Broadway.
DHOSPHORUB,?FOR 8ALF, in qunitil e* to -nit purc"Ua?rs,uy
. . . 14 Ifnds n, rorner of Reed street
\ "J** ^Baatitv of Lorn Foco Matches also for sale, nho'esale
ard retail; wwranud good. jan 1-1 w*
"I (jO OUNCES PLATINA?In wire and sheets, for sale by
aec 377 Bioadway.
A OF UltS. PRITC11ARU. and l.ul iiipnrarf.-SiJRj,
Jan. 2, J8o6-lt.tr drain. of MAHHAKET OF BURGyKOY,
uf Ll Tuui d? Nealc?Margaret of Burgundy, Queen of France
and Navarre, Mm Prichaid. Alter which, the Interlude uf MY
FELLOW CLERK?Tactic, Mr. Thayer; Vielirn, Mr. J. Seflun.
Toco elude with the -d act uf THE BRIGAND?Mauaroni,
Mra, Pritchard, in which character the will siug Luve'i Kitomella,
and introduce her celebrated WALTZ.
Particular! in the mil- of the day. jan l-2l*
public discu?s?io.\.-chkistianity^ in1
FIDELITY.? 1 lie Delegate! uf the Tammany Hall Infidels
having de lined to proceed in the controversy any longer, Dr.
leiglt will prosecute the De erice of Divine Revelation, and the
Philosophical Examination of the ground, of Infidelity, iu a way
which will have all the advantage and int. real, fur truth panic!, uf
public discussion, without the po!ability of interruption or noiae.
1. He will open each ereninr's meeting with a Lecture on the
Internal Evitlenera of the Truth o: the Sciiplures; euilir cing ?veral
Anatomical, Physiological, and Geological Dtacovcriea, some
of which nave never at> ye, tieen made putdic. Alto, the Anatamy
and Pnyaiology of the Human Brain?I ml licence and In.tinct
contrasted?the former proved to be the F iculty of the Soul, the
latter of the Brain?the Exiatrnce of the Suul pioved by ihe same
meant, and to the aaine degree of certainly, at tile existence uf ine
ll.idy?the Tri-une Nature of -Man, iic. ic.
2. He will exaruii e and refute the mutt powerful arguments of
Pel.... p..,nk,r, 12.1,1..,, V..ll?;r~ la. P.;,,, T-.rl,.r a, .1
Kneel and?through which he will regularly and systematical!)
3. He will appropriate an hour after each Lecture, to reply j
PITBLICLY l'? II questions thai may ne sent to hi , IN WRIT- i
ING, the clay oeforc each Lecture; and he invites all Infidel* and
Sceptics to f?rwai?l without d* lay, to hi- residence, such qutslious
as they consider militate most against the Scr ptures.
> Clergymen will receive free an 1 perpetual Tickets, by calling
I oil i he Doctor.
The Course will commence on Tuesday evening next, the 5t
Jjnu.iry, at 7 o'clock precisely, and he continued on Tuesday and
i Friday evenings in each week, in the M i onic Hall.
1 N. B. After the expenses <re defrayed, one fourth of the receipts
[ shall be h mded over to Drs. Brownlee k. Bangs, one half of uh ch
fur the " Seamen's Relief Fuciety,** am! the other half for the ** Female
Assistance Society for Poor Sick."
Ticket to a Single Lecture,-Is. A Ticket for Twelve Lectures
Tickets to be had of Howe k Bate*. Book sellers, 68 Chatham
treeI, or at Dr. Sleigh'- residence, 187 Prince street,or at th Hull
i the Lecture evenings. jan lk4"
to luve l?een saved, the following articles :?
20 pieces Black Italian Lute-trings, one hi act- or 22 inches wide,
and bearing numliers from -6"3 to 2627
10 " Black Italian Lutestrings, 1$ braces or 96 inches wide,
and hearing nqtiiber* from 2598 to 2607.
10 " Black Itaian Lutestrings, same width, bearing numbers
from 2638 to 2647.
10 " Black lial an Lutestrings,, If braces or 40 inc.* es wide,
and bearing nnm ers from *628 to 26-77.
40 u 40 German (Imitation Italian) Black Lutestring*, about
22 inches wi'(e. and numheied on their I a bels as follows,
from 1097to 1101,1105,1 l"8,l!09, 1110, 1116, 1117,
1121, 1(25, 1129, 1135, 1137, 1140, H4l, 1142 1145, 1143,
1152, 1153, 1158. 1159, 1163, 1166, fiom 1171 to 1176,
, 1182, 1189,1198, 1201, 1206, 1217, 1248.
i 8 " Black French Broadc!oths, each phce sewed up in a
linen wrapper, and numbered with one of the following
I numbers?1814, 1815, 18 4, 1827. 18 4,1811,1853.1856
I 6 u Black French Broadcloths, without wrappers. 2 piece*
t numbered 2637 and 440. 2 ditto 26^9 and 4.1. 2 ditto
2638 and 418
i Persons aving found any of the nme. will please give notice to
i th- owners, JOHN DURAND k CO..
j n-31-lw 11 Broad street up stairs.
CHANTS' NEWS ROOM, Corner of Wall and Water sts
. New York.
Ports. Ships Ports. Brigs.
Liverpool, Rotcoe, Jan. 8 Tampico, Victory,
Liverpool, Caledonia, 1 Antwerp, Baltimore,
Liverpool, Sheffield, 24 Maracaiho, Pasiora.
Londou, Oniajio, Jan. 1 St Thomas, Olyrupia,
Havre, Ulica, Jan. 1 Curracoa, Olyiupia,
Havre, Fmmosa. 8 Vera Cruz, Paragon,
Sl Thomas, St Thomas, 15 Antwerp, Socrates,
St Bart*, St Th<*ma?, 15 Maranbain, Isabella,
j ^ew Orleans, Mississippi, 4 LaGuayra, Marion,
I savannan, Belle. Halifax, President,
r Savannah, Cawander, Si. Thomas, Caroline,
Kingston, Jam., Wliilmurt-, Guayania, Caioliiie,
St. Thomas, Henrietta, Si. John, N. B., P. J. Nevius,
I Valparaiso, Faclur, S. Johns, N. F. Joseph,
Havana, Calumet, Leghorn, Helte,
Lima, Factor, St. Thomas, Helen,
Belfast, Jo-ephine, Guayania, Helen,
I Mobile, Emerald, Bremen. Hiram,
Mobile, Indiana, St. Marks, Chas. Carroll,
1 St Cioil, Whitmore, Si. Croix, Eliza,
' Havana, Norui.in, H.vana, Powhattan,
r Canton, Horatio, I ort an Prince, Onslow
Matanzas, Caluiuet, Venice, Codlington,
I Havana, Moio Castle, Ponce, r. R., Olrmpia,
! Apalachicola, Harbinfer, Schooners.
j | Barques. Aux Cages, Orient,
Havana, Baring Bro'rs, Cayenne, Covali,
" { Vera Cruz, Mexican, Havana. Caitu.
Letters for any port out of theUnited States not mentioned in the
above list will be sent by the first conveyance. dec3(l
i \EW YORK TATTERSAL,L.8.?The regular
1" sales of Horses, Carriages, Harness, he. will to take ptac
' ; at this well known establishment, every Monday, at 12 o'clock
The next sale will t^e place on Monday, lib of Januaiy. A!
1 Horse*, Carriages, he. intended for this sale, must he shown and en,
; lered,o|ior before Saturday next, 2d instant, at 5 P. M.?and as a
limited number of Horses only can be taken, early application is necessary
in order to insure a place upon the catalogue.
JNO. W. WATSON L Co. 44f> Broadway.
AT PRIVATE SALE?A pair of ftist rate B ay Horses,5 years
old, kind and sound. dec 7-lf
gay season, you'll find
ai a. jiasws neat mwt and fiinl Store,
New Annuals, and Albums of every kind,
With Scrap-Books, and mm; things more.
Fi-c London Engravi ngs and Books ;ou ma; view,
I And a c' oice von mi; also obtain
I From a splendid collection of Lithograph' too,
For transferring,?both colored and plain.
Songs, and Leaves of the Sybils, with Tablets so gay,
Motto Verses, Paint Boxes, and Cards;
| Of Juvenile works an extensive di-play,
Willi Puules, Maps, O ones, and Rewards,
Fanry articles therr you will meet to your mind ;
You've only to visit the store?
'Tis placed in Canal street,?the number you'll find
s One Hundred, and Forty, and Four. dec 28-1 w*
! THE LATE EI KE??The subscriber is preparing a not
A rect picture of the recent conflagration in this city, which will
be published on Monday next, and offered for sale at his store No
48 Courtland, corner of Greenwich street. T he artist employed by
him is every way competent for the task of giving a true representation
of this dreadful event and of its distressing and praiseworthy
1_T The publication of the ah>ve is unavoidably postponed for a
few days in conaaeqiience of the great labor of the irtists; the publisher
being determined to present the public with a unique and
fini.iied picture. dec ZMf G. R.
ANTED-A woman to Ho the b?t "wmk for a small
faurly, an American or English wornsti ? uld lie preferred.
Inquire at No. 578 Broom st. neat Hudson, between the hour, of
II and 3. dec 26-Sl*
OMESTIC HOOpSc?Ssbieii, Fu.li?n, Oomets,
Yarn, Wicks, Baits, Waddinc,iie?a general assortment for
I sale by THOMAS C. W1NTHOP,
dec 28-31* II Piatt street, up stairs.
A TL'NATELY lost all their Books, Note- and Papers, of
every de-ci iption, by tlx late fire, respectfully r?quest all thi.se indehtsd
tqjhem, either hy nuleur otherwise, to hand them in a statement
uQjmtir accounts, and copies uf hills, at their earliest convenienimr;
They will am feel obliged I., all those who have had any
Irans?fc"iis with them, ofany description, however small, since 1st
January, 1(35, whether settled or not, to h nd in copies of bills, or
furnish any data which may give them art insight into their bu-i
Mechanics and others who have had or now have bills against any
Vest l? thai ka?r? kiwati c..n I-wd ? ?l ?! lI r ~ - **
.. nn-Hi, win cvini r a lavor by I
handing in duplicate, particularly those arainst t.rig Napoleon.
PUTNAM Si SLOCUM, 135 Front .trret.
N. B. Having been informed bv s-ine friends (I w hum ? trniler
our grateful acknowledgement-) thai they p icked up all nur
papers which was out of the safe in a bag, and deposited them in
Nirull It Armor's atnre, we entertain some hope that they may yet
he iaft-. Should thrv have fallen into the ha as of any pervnn, a liberal
reward will h?^o <id for the ir return. decll-linin
' -U fni sale by NATHAN b GKAH AM, |
dec 28-1 w Dniegisl h Apothecary, 38 Cetlat sL, cor. William.
IJOOMS?furnished or unfurnished to let?spacious, elegant
Ilk and in a fine situation. Apply at No. 61 Murray street.
I dec 28-lw* i
Farm in Westchester wantednl
alahit aigiity acres, with good buildings: the nil tutM be of
a good quality, with a proportion of wieajlaiid. Applv to
| nov7 G. G.SICKELS 21 Wall street.
1 Afin ounees Lunar Caustic, of various qualities: 1001) IS
J.V/A/*' Spirit- of Hartshorne : 1000 lha .sweet Spirits of Nitre
10n0 lbs Sulnhuria Ether: 10)1O|bs, Grrutin silver. For sale hv
f vet 21 Dr LEWIS FEUCHTW ANGKk,*77 Brua.hvay.
Will be performed (be tragedy of
Richard, - - - Mr. Watlaclc | K in; Henry, - Mr. Hairiao
Queen Elizabeth, - Mrs. Sharpe
To conclude with the utelo dr iviatic opera of the
A!i Baba, - - Mr. Fisher | Muslapha, - llr. Placid
Morgianna, .... Mrs. Hilsou
Doon open at 01. Performance In commence at a quarter (a 7.
KKA.NKLiA TilfcAlKt.
Will beperformed ihe lair lie French drama of
Buridou, - - Mi. W.Sefion | Philip, - - Mr. Drutnnjaii
Mat gat et of Burg tidy, - Mrs. Prilchard
Atl'i which ihe dram.i of
Lj.icur, - - - Mr. Thayer | Hairy lieliun, - Mr. \V. Seftc
Jeanette, ... Miss A. Fuller
Doors open at lit. Per foniiance to commence cl anuarKr to7.
IVjUYl tll'L.N,?J. THO.M respectfully informs tlie cit
1 s sens of New York, that he is nowr eachrlirllr:p 111 the Amcrii .
Academy of Fine Arts, Barclay street, the following Statu s, in
Old Aloitalily and hi* Poney , Ihll length statue of Burns; Willi
and Allan, fiuui the sung of " W illie brewrerl a peck o'uiaul" ; Tar
O'Sliainer; Souter Joluiie and other works. Open fiun 10 A. A
till 5 P. M. uud frout 7 till lOeveuiitg.
Admittance 25 cents; Season tickets, $1. ocll3^f
g three new t| lendwl p.eces, and (eduoiou ol pm
j of admission to 2a ce^U, fo New Teat's day and eve nrg. Froiu 1
I V M. in 10 P. Al. and for ti.e evenings only ol Wennesday an
'1 h rsday, l,.e uO.li auil Slsl l< i . 1 lie order ol aniu-enieius wr
tic the same as on Christinas d.y, commencing al 11 in the toon
lop. mil r.irtliiiiie riDMi unlll 10 al n phi.
Older of the MOiiifeoifnUfur New Year's day and evening?<
at the City Salo n?opposite Si. Paul's Ciiuicit. Broadway?o?.n
lueitcing at J1 in the umtnii g, and continue open until 10 al nigh
A dm ttancr 25 cutis?cliilditn half price.
bceite L THE OhLLKiE.?At tie commencement,the hig
grounu of the ea ih, with lofty mountain-* in the ba? k ground, aj
seen crowd U uilh figures t men, women and oliil ren, wlioaj
[ ear v iih uplifted h mis to supplicate an offended God for uteres
iuit their awful doom is sealed, the angry ihuiult r is lieatd, ion en
I rain descend, and as the mighty waters gradu lis tise above tl
summits of the mountain*?every vestige of nature is lost in tl
boundless watery louth ol millions. The Ark is iiow seen tkwlii
over the wnfrj- waste, w Ih the chosen reiunantof animated it.
lure; a dove is -een to leave the Ark, which soon returns?nut ill
judgment of the Oinntpolc.it being fulfilled, the rain subsides; it
thunder's aw ul sound des in the distance, a das the dark clout
clear away, the promised Token gradually appears in a turnl beaut
ful ra nbow.
In producing this piece, great pains have been t^ken to give th
?o ?run effect, the sub ect so justly demands, and the piopriet**
tinsl that the imaginary Scriptural scene tney have depicted, wi
be sarclionet h tin approbation ol hII classes.
Scene 2 Brilliant display ??f Ait ficial FIRE WORKS,
which will be introduced, W a-hinglun, lite Father of hi* Coin ill
lu the centre o1 the An encan S ar ot Freedi in? Napoleon B-n
parte?A' .iria Loui-a?The Temple ot the Sun?Love among ll
Hose:?The Flower Piece?Splendid Rosttu?The FiAnitiiu
View ol Conslautinople?The rtacock?Passion Flower?Wiea
of Gratitude
Scene3. THE CAVE OF TERROR withilsawful terrii
i scenery, which sudde- ly changes to >oene4. The ENCHANT
ED GROTTO or Temple of Happiness, which lor brilliancy ai
splendor ot effect is unsiupa set I.
Grand Dioramic See *. 5. MOONLIGHT?SEA-VIEA
STORM AND SHIPWRECK.?In this very i l* resting scei
vessels are seen tacking from -ide to side, in a manner truly nal
nil. others sailing In fore llie wii d?in the co rse of the represem
lion a slorui arises, the sea Incomes agitated?the de**p reverbei
lioiiS oft iiuixlei is heard, accompanied with lightning aid lorrei
of rain. A vesse- appear- as it beating off a lea ?h tre; she fires si
n ds ofdistres*, and is answered from the fort, tr.-m which a I:
r-odt is sent to her assistance. The crew are saved, but the vessel
Grand Dioramic Scene 6. SCENE IN ITALY.?This see
represents the dawn of day?the light gradu lly iucrea-ing until tl
rising sun throws its rays u on the surrounding objects, W if
brilliancy tmly effective?vesselsaie s?en pa-sing a d re-pas?ii
on the lake, some lying at ai.choi, fishing, thers making sail: t
i whole presenting a bu?y scene of animated lite. After the merit
an *uu has displayed its splei *, tun-set gradually exhibits
be utie-, succeeded hy the twilignt, so frequently and justly allud
to, of an Italian sky, with its soft, clear and mellow light, richly d
Unrated. As the shades of evening gat In rover the scene. the hoc
ami herds are seen driven forwaid by iheSh pherds. whi elhe Un
ling row-bells, and soft music of ihe pipes which are d slii.cl
heard, delight the ear, and strongly recall the pleasir? t :
<-njo>ed in rural lile. Aflt r twilipht, the ru -on g i .i .iy ?i?uo
her iw^v, shedding her mild and silvery ligh? over the scene
PROCESSION OF MONKS is now xeeu, atiMiding ihe funei
of one ?f their order, by t rch light?I hey pas? in the forrgrouii
entering the Abby, from which lh? deep and rich tones of an rg
are heard, while the regular to ling of the Abbey bell, auds t I
toh (unity of the -cene.
Grand Diorauiic Scene 7. CONFLAGRATION OF MO
COW.?The burning of thi? citr, which was the prelude to t
downfall of Napoleon, presented oive of the most awful subl i
sights, p? rbaps ever Witnessed *, ar.d y? t this grand and tei rifir. sp<
tarie is exhibited in this scene, with an effect which startles the b
holder, and carries to his iuniginati' n almost all the details wtiii
have ever been published of thai tremendous act of Russian resol
tion. The opening of the scene represents the city of Moscow I
moonlight?the sounds of distant martial music announce the a
proach of the F ench army,which is -een advancing oyer the bridg
Napoleon and his staff of officers appear; a general consternation
perceptible among the inhabitants, who are seen rushing to and fi
some vrith torches, others carrying their effects. Brisk discharg
of musquetry are heard at intervals? lite tolling of alum bells, a
distant reports of cannon, produce a confu-ion of sounds, ittdicali
the teiror of the inhah.lauts, w hile the gradual increase of the flam
of the city throws a lurid glare over the whole piece, giving the r
feet ot a sea of fire. The Kremlin at length shares the fate of t
other bui'.dingv?ihe magazine U blown up, destroying the P?da
of the Czars, with a tretnend* us crash, exhibiting its burning rafu
ai d smoking rums, with every appearance that can possibly rend
the illusion complete. dec 25-6t
1. from 11 A. M. t- 10 P M. and for the evenings only of Wednt
dar and Thursday, the 30th and 31st inst. and on New Year's Da
The ordc-i of atnusemeiiU will be the same as on Christmas Da
commencing at 11 in the morning, and continue open until 10
THE MYSTERIOUS LADY.?This extraordinary individu
whose almost i. cr dible performance, have been the theme
wonder and admiration In London and most of the large cities i
the United States, will exhi it her surprising talents, positively fi
one week only, at Manchester's new and spacious Salocu, 187 Broa<
wav, opposite John slriet.
Doors open at 11 A. M. ?nd performance to continue at interva
until JO o'clock, P M.
This surprising and distinguished foreigner, by the exertion of
faculty hitherto unknown, is enabled lo peiform apparent imposs
! hi lilies, to describe minutely objects which are placed in such
situation, as to render it utter ly out of her power to :ee ihe wh?le i
any portion of them, repeat words which have been uttered in hf
ab-< iic\ and perform many other paradoxical feats cf mind.
d'-c 25?Cl
RETH, the discoverer of these Pills, was of opinion thalth* r
was onU ONE DISEASE, an impurity of blood, which, by im
pediug the circulation, hiought on inflammation or derangement <
ihe or, au or part where it tell led, Mid ?o impressed was he of th
truth of ?his simp e the ry, that h? spent thirty years in exneri
ments ami laborious research into the niedicina1 virtues of the nu
men his plants composing the Veg? table Kinudom ; his obiect hein
to Compose a medicine wh ch should at once ourifv. and nmdnr?
hy specific action, a removal nf the humor- from the blood by ill
stoina< h and bone!?, as by the continuation of the use <>f such
medicine, all humors are sure to be carried u(T, and the blood <ts?ut?
a stale of purity.
Many oilier med cine* are advertised a? having properties eqtta
to these, but the proprietor of these Pill- in this country, (thi
grandson of Ihe di enrerer,) would wish those who think well u
this PRINCIPLE, and who have made use of such medicines, t<
P've THESE PILLS a trial. They will at ?n?ce be satisfied o
the d fl> reneeof that medicine which h is been 83 year* before tin
English public, and lus pained a sale there of not less than ?20,00t
fterlivp per annum, arid those medicines which are forced int?
no see by advert ix-meni, before iheii properties can be fully knowi
even hy the di.cover ers themselves. C -plain? of ship* and tner
chant* will find thi* medicine one which will ensure their health
a d answer well for exportation.
Dr. B.'s office is 187 Hudsou, opposite Broome street. New York
wh?re Dr. Brandreliiuijay be CuMsiiiled, on M on dayWednesdays
and S ilunfiTs dec 23-2m-in*
GIFT.?Thi-day i-? published. in one volume, 12m hutuii
in fincy cloth, itli pill edges, and illustrated with a heaulifu
frontispiece, on steel, hy Dick, and eight wood < uls hy Adams
price ?re dollar,?
THE GIRLS' WEEK-DAY BOOK; revised from the edi
lion puWi-h d hy the Loudon Tract Soci ty.
44 That our daughters uny be as cornerstones, polished after thi
similitm! of a palace."?P-almn rx'i*., 12.
New York: WILLIAM JACKSON, 53 Cedar street. An J sdc
by all h.?ok*elie *. dec30-31*
and one on the third ; ?uilah efor peiter.il hu?iues*. A??p y of
the premise*. 4,J-1 P<a?' -tie#-!. #1*. jjn i?
I^OUVP.?A St ALL >UM OF MOEY. I he oum-i
1 can have it, hy applying at tlie Drug Store, corner of Mr D'-ugal
and Chant ?n strei t, proving property aud paving the ?x pen sea
of this advertisement. dec 3J-3l*
acjotaon sales* _ .
Franklin & jenkiX* would inform
thtir friends thai they have taken llit new and cupunodiouf
building, No. 15 Broad sirrei. a feu door* south of \* all street^ ~
n which liey are filling up lor a REAL ESTATE SALES ROOM y
and will resume business as soon .is the tequisiit ajiaiigemenl* can
be made. Due no ice will be given of theit succeeding sales, and
Itie** will he happv to see their friends a? abu\e.
e Dated Friday, Deceuitier 13,1335. dec23
TOOTHL"ACHL DllOi'b, xvananted to cure the
M. Toothe-Ache in a few moments, without injury to the other
teeth, for sale at 145 Broadway, six doors above the City 1 Intel,
nor 9
WANTED, Two lespectahle young women of good address
and unexceptionable refrtecttes to a tend in a Confectionary
d Store where they are requiied l? he active, pnnlr.nl and attentive.
One of the two who has been accustomed to the business will be
preferred. Apply immediately at the Bowery Steam Confectionery,
No. 2118Bowery, alter 3 o'clock, P. M.
a "oV iH 1 S, W.BRYHAM
THE OLD GALEN'S HEAD, 12 Peck Slip.?Dr.
A fcVA."N*S superior method of curing ?< cVrt.iin disease, isuolversallv
acknowledged in litis city. Also, Gleets, Sfricuues, Fi6tulh
las, and all d?se*K* arising from the impurities of the blood. The
,. medicines are mild safe, expeditious, and regularly improve the
strength ; his charges are reasonable, and thi cure is warranted per^
feet without Confinement or hindrance frun business?recent and lo~
|# eal cases rined in a feu days without a particle of Meictfiy.
Strangers uu?y possibly experieiice a difficulty in making a choice,
Dr. E. respectfully solicits a call, which will enable them toexer
' cise theii own judgment?his experience in extensive I iospilalt, and
| . n America for 38 years, will he is confident mahle him to give per?
leel satisfaction lu all tliose who favor him with their c/mhdmee.
e j augSl '
JL MEDY.?Creosote has not failed in one instance to give immediate
relief to the .-urteier of the most vxciiitialing pains of ihe J"
i toothache; 30?? oz. ol this celebrated article is utiered to the tradeI
and also at retail at reduced prices, bv
"I nov 3 Dr. LEWIS EECJCHTW ANGER. 377 Broadway.
??w?3b low price of $5, they possess every quality requisite in the
rjj i must costly tlat, being made on a fine fur body instewi of wool with
[c 1 the fiiuV. Be ivei Knapp?they retain their colour, shape, elasticity,
_ : and finish, in all weathers and climates?qualities whicn these on
wool bodies, and made in the ordinary way cannot possess.
^ j Sales Rooms, corner of Wall and Np?mu street*.
le P. S. The Genuine Mole Skin Silk Hats in the highest perfect
le tiiui, price $4. act 20-3 m.
* 1 W .ier Proof BOOTS AND SHOE-.?Me,sr>. HASLAM
le k CLARKSON, beg leave lu inform ihe ptiblir lh.,1 iht y hire io' e
vented .ml taken out a patent fur the *hove Hilieii.el Miter proof
. Knots anil Shoe,, the qu dities of which will be heller known whe#
J" tried ; <ufficieut to ?aj they ire perfectly water proof, (<Hnhii?-d with
waruitii, being lined throughout with mate rial manufactured for
. hi said mirnose.
F| The public are politely iivilrd to call at No. 1 Broad. corner of
1 ^Vall street, to ?ali-fy lh* inseU'es, being persuaded that <*?.?> trial will
hv-sufficient in ensure (heir palionage. Any px-ison infiirgir.f on
1,1 the pait-i.t will be pro*ccuteu according to law. die 2 i-lw*
be VJT or unfinished .-tale, fur sale by
lh dec23 86 W illiam street,and llll Broadway.
J VI". CAP AND STOCK. FAC'l UKV\?11* suhacliber
hr t A oilers for sale a superior assortment of Satin Beaser Hals, Cloth
Capi. and Silk, Satin, Velvet and Bombazine Sleeks, in every v?"d
i?iv of nyl?, quality and prire. AUo, a large assortment of French
iHi India tioods, consisting ol Bombazines Safins, Velvet*, Crapes,
* > l.esmilium, he. suitable for Sloekuirkers. and Stockuiakeps Truu">
mingsof alltleeciiptioss. W ILLIAM l.EID, id) Cedar si.
u" V B. Blark Silk Plu-h.fur Mailer's use. rep 4. >
t |\I*.W VLAH'hPhtfckNTS.- Hydiugen generator.
,l4 1" or Platina Fiie Lamps; A! gic Lanterns with slides; Electrijj.
cal Macliiiio: Scientific Toy.; LegeidcinaiiiAppanflus : Minerals
\( and Shell- in small liareana, aim all kinds ol CI irat App.js
ratus anti Pi cpaiaiions; all aitable for awakes ing and directing the
uiind of youth to scientific sjert*,aie forsab bs
ne I Her 14 Dr. LEW IS FEl CHI W A.N (J Kl'{,377 r ladway.
be |_|AV ? if**' bales Hay, lor salt by WW P. WRIGHT,
i ? XI Cornet Bet kman and South street, and 298 W ater street,
bg dec 14-tf
li- INDIA RUBBER GOO?S.-Tl.e Kusmn an a Lyiw
its X India Rubber Company otier foi sale at their W an house. No. 33
td Fullonstreet, opposite Holt's Hotel, the following article., all
e- made with India Rubber, and warranted water proof iu every ?li?
ks male.
k- Air Matrasses Meiino Suitouts,
ly do Pillows, Drilling Suitouis
,.s , do CiKhtons, do Frock Coats
les do Lift Preservers, do Pea Coals
A | do Swimming Belts do Spoiling Coals,
ral < O Travelling Collars, do Jackets
id, | do do Bags do Capes
an \ Sporting Bags do Pantaloons
he Gun Covers do Pantaloon Stress
j Injection Bags do Legging with Keel
S- Ladies and Children's Aprons do Cap* n ith Cape. ""
he Webbing Suspeudei-s, do Hand Reins
ne Baggage Covers do Water Bottles
c- Bathing Sheets do Wading trousers >
i. Caiublet Cloaks] Ladies' Pruned. Boots
ch do Capes do Shoes
ii- do Surtoutc Mens' Short Bootsby
ds Wrapper? do liongdo.
p- Also, Cloth of all kinds covered with India Ruhlier for Carriage
e; Gig or Wagon Tops, Curtains and Boois, or any other uses, fur
is which water proof Cloth is preferable.
ro, Samples can he examined as above. A constant supply will be
;es received from the factory of a quality surpa-sed by noise,
nd Orders for any article n.ar.ufartuied I rum India Rubbei Cloth,
ng addressed to the subscribe!, promptly attended to.
*, dec 7-3uiis SAMUEL CHASE.
j? |LrS?T PUBL.1SHKI).?Puce 12f cents.?7 lie first No.
v of the Libraiv of Useful Enterlairnient, being the comusemcce
uienl of TRUTH, a uovel, which w ill tie continued semi-monthly.
" at $3 per annum.
er Also, a ptint of the S >lar System, f r tjie use of Schools, con
taming the signs of the Zodiac, ine orbits of the planets the path at
gj the present Comet, and other celestial phenomena. For sale by
-s J. Drtdeu 559 Broadway, who has on hand a rhuire coih-clioa 0f
y. Greek, Latin, French. Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and Eugliiti
y, Hoiks, which he will sell on reasonable terms. dec 4-1 u>*
* * Vlfcl I INO CARDS and Cards at Home, Mt/raoiilc md
i Kioto r.aritg ms.mrmmw.cl a ' ' ? - ?
, v...wi njicanu pniita wi;ii me ut?
most MitMis, on highly en^mebd porcelain Card*. Persons far111
J nishirig their own card plate? can l ave them printed in the tnoft
-Jr approved fashionable style. Militai j and Civic Bali Tickets and
*" Cards f?r private parties, neatly executed at short no ic?-. ?pj?}mens
to be seen, and all orders promptly executed at VALEIf '*
TINE'S Engraving, Pi inline and fashionable Visiting and Store
Card Establishment. 5lt J??hn st. eornerof Willi.'in. dec 22 8t
a .
?. 1^ A? lit'MiE ha* removed t??al part <d hi* go*d? which
a Jl lias been saved fiom the late calamiton- hi* / to \n dw* I ling
>r b?ii**, No 27 Greenwich ?treet.
?r ! New York, December J8, 1835. decl9-12t
i* in great demand, and's much improved. It is pariicnlartv
~ recommended for the nuntfy, or where a mild soap is requited,
" being emollient as a .-imple compound of AlrnoiuU. f. rs.'de hv
'"j- dec 21 86 William ?tre? 1, and llll Broadway..
' OOA K1/1N (*.?"1 hrre ?.r fair gentlemen can he acruaiiBoi
LI dale J with single bed? aud boarded at .1 odeiate let ma, at 2M
H- Pearl ?l>eel. dec 10-tfm
f LOIANKLIN LIBRARY.?This daylTpuMwhed, pari 39, pf
' r llic PraiiklinLlhiarj, heiue* continuation of the CRUISE OP
f TIIE MIDOE. The Franklin Library i. published is weekly
part., price ltij rnit>. each pari containing Inn duodecimo pages .
The pari, already puhlislied contain thi following popular works :
Heuatiei of the h'.ngtieh Annuals, Jer Ibdo7 Ac Lmt Days of
Pompeii; Tylney Hall; Three Aighii 1a a Lifetime; Jacob f ailhr
fal; Tales. by J. Sheridan Kmetrics; The liotuhmrn ; 'J'nlesmj We nen'i
Trials; Real Life; Tela Simile; The Dark Jsuiy of Dmo~
f mi; Rahard of York; Inishairlorm ; BrenablHye House: Assise
Grey; The lief united.; Lodore; The Huxut Officer; uid Tie
I JdmiraTt Daughter.
( Person? wishing to have the woik left at llieii residence, on the
day of publication, will please learo their addre-j at lilt- (MTice, No. 9
i Multireel, near Broadway.
! N - person it authorised to rereive iiifwcriptions in advance.
i W ALLIti it NEWELL, Publisher*.
, Co sale at .11 the principal bookstores. ?pFtf
| rSR. GLOVRO i. li.a
J F day at hi- uffic e, tihrit his attention is devoted l'< the IrralOseDl
; and cute of Gleets Strictures, Gorton Inra. Seminal Weakness, mud
I certain delicate Diseases, in their different stages. A1*'*, Ulcersof
I long standing, and constitutional diseases arising from impurity of
the blood, and such as have baffled the skill of Surgeons less expo'
nenced in this hranrh uf the ptofessiotn Strangers ate apprised that
Dr. Glovet has received a tegular medical education, and desires
| not to be reckoned among the number of puffing nominal doctors,
, ' nlnsse nattier are found merely public print.
He will re lor no at his office. No. 2 Ann street, near Broadway,
I ; second door from the American M -iieut. at any hour during the
j day and err' ittg, until 10 o'clock. There are two entrances to his
other-; the first through his store, the fecund being the third door
flout the Mim-uui. through a private entrance to his office door.
, i or I 14?I msa
BOY W 4X1 KD. loatlei a a phjsi. sail's ? fiice, a lad of
12 to IS vwarsofage, ?ho can be recon uu tided lor -leading*
. ! and h .nests-. No objection to a colored b. y. Ap. Ir Unseen one
I Old tim e, P. M. to Dr. BU?L,.Vo. 74 Nassau street.
I dec. 28-21*

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