Newspaper Page Text
Dl'BPBPMI k AND LIVtK CO >1 PLAINT*. ?THE PATEN r MEDICI V? STOMACH CJE ET HEPATIC*. toruied by riieuiirai auai'sis 4?hJ synthesis of ?e- vara1 DroAiiuAle vegetable principles, are uinvr roiilv ackeow- 1 Udged to have totally eclipsed the pretensions ot every other remedy, and utpeiepded tn? necessi:y of every other mode of treatment, wherever the wove disease- are frmaut to, as well as ia i ll' n |iia|i at jf the Sp ten, and in Jaundice. Among rhe symptoms of Dyspepsia and Liver complaint*. a*e flatulency. *?u. ess and burning in the stomach, melancholy, irritahtii y, tlisigi stable UUr in the iu??uth; great inegularity of ap elite, which is sometime* voracious, and at other times greatly deficient; third, fietid breath, nausea, weakness of lite stomach, eci4 eruclati-'os, paJpilalio i .drowsiness, irregularity ..I thehowels | pressure m the stom ich after meil?, pain lit the head, dizains s* >>i j vertigo; Cuufuiieu *?t mi ld attended wit* loss of memory, a gnawing ! in the Momiah when empty, dtUKuen, affection of sight and hear- , ing, pain fid weakness in ihehick,languor,dtsiutheddeep,cold feet, | and hands, tremor, uneasiness in the throat, c? High. pain in the side or breast. During the last year, thousand* with joy would testify to theii great rffic ?cv. like the td'l >wing From Vfjjitr Wi lis Young. nfSciiveu ca., Geo., vov. 13*35 Dr. F'ters?D?ir Sir, It i- with uus peak able plea-ure thai luf ir u y ai of niv rteuwrv from a neui distressing dvsprpiic and liver ajection. umlei which both the energies #f my am.J and body had been kept iuduranc* vile, fbr upward* oftwuyear-, oy the u eol two bo*es ?f v sir V? gelable Medu iiuael Slum ichicfe Ifep.ilicw. Al this time I have *H a vestige of disease .ilpxit iue. *eilh?*i have I bad for several u>> tin. I >? iih jr.-u t ? in ke this communication pu lie, far l'i? hwwhtof ? offering hnunaity Wi*hi >g tw ereiy mere*-. wnira your miane uinfe-taking, in the* reiuov.d of iHe movt ?Iis- i tretsing I* which hiunn nature is heir to. deserves, I | remain, tvhh Mm deepest giatilu le for the benefit derived from jwBrufi'.Muiitl 'kill, jour friend, WILLIS YOUNG. ! J. P. Fturre, M. D. Prepared >? J ?*ep:i Prie-tley Nen, M. D. P. B. C. P. M., at hi lostitutHMi f ?r ihe cure of Chnmie Dis?*?>es. hv mf uti of vegelab e> j rented es, No. tJ9 Liberty street, New York, inventor and sole proprietor. S. B.? T.? p>event imposition, etch bo* ?>f the (pmimr medicine will hare a fk?inuie of the proprietor's signature on ;he lanet; it will al?u be iM? the .lirecti ? +?, ci'tul tfs, and showbills, accompany* ma them, an I hi* n one will oe slumped on lite bottle*. For ot il rtlail. Wn. T. Peier*. New If tven, and llarvey 8by?our. II irt'ord. At wholesale and retail, hy Win. Jones, General Agm*. V ?. I J) Li er?v stieet, New Yo k, whrie further information relative l?? the r <^>eration iuav be obtained, and uuuierou* certificate* wen f their u.(rivalledefficacy. Dr. P. returns his sincere thank* f ?i the verv extensive patrotnur* that ha, been extended to him sMice his arrival ill I his C ll V, Mild 1 hops* to merit the routinned and united support of his old friend*, and gats u litio -.d new ones. Dr. P. re Mil I advise thine labouring under ob-tinate disease to | apply soon, as he pu puw, (iiilin; Europe Ihe firil <t nril Mi, de- 9-liu CULLKRI I TK sell IDLi Ma I#Ceul urrrt,?? In-eei' V .> irk, fon.r ( Crnil .trr.1, R- MN'EII.L and ' r. A. ST"E' TICK, Principal- The luratiun of ihi- Sch ?.l i. | parties' irl r rliiiihe.aJid it. rxim are ip iriutu and well veiuil iled It eoihra"-. f 'ur .|-p irlnwrita: lat TIIK CLASSIC AL DEPARTMENT, in whieh pupil, are St'eJ I enter oi\ U-iive -itV UT C-?ilrgt in the United |Mtl, 1 it under 'be imme ;i ?le i haiire of Mr. M? N ill, a gr idu tie of Trinity i Dob ?n, wrtlu waa form iiiv yetrs occupied mi 4,h? critical . preparatit# o" *tnd-nl? for thai Univei sitv. fd. T IK DEPARTMENT OF MODERN LAN GUAGKS. in which the German, Frew* h and I in taught, is undei t e direction of Mr. V Pestaux. Pi ?fe#?or of Modern Lin- J ''sT*' TM E ENOLISI1 DEP ARTMENT, f..r a r?ur*e of in- j struct ion in the conrrrv, umI higher branches of English education it conduce I hy Mr C.?\Jci?* in**. 4th. THE PREP AltATOK Y DEPARTMENT, to fit hid* under aigtit veitsof ?ge f... She *->gh?i English studies, by the particular attention to R? ading, Spelling, Wruing and the rudiments of Aiithsuet'C ? ?d Gettgrapfiy. For furibe particular*, ipnlv at the rooms at any time between the hours ?f ? A. M. and 3 P. M. Mt'fcrenres:? Rl Rev. Bishop OxhrMonk, George Barrlar, K-q. Rev. Dr. tlulMews, Chancellor Aii'buir B irc'ay Esq. of the Ve-.v Y rk University. John Chamber* F q. Rev. J. P. Shrwder, Schueler Livingston, Esq. Rev. A. .% ?cl.iv. John Caldwell, Esq. Wm. S.i:np*on, F*q. -W lO-Sra DRa ELLIOTT, OCUIafHT *V PKOFL?^OR OP AN ATM MY AND DISEASES OF Tllh HUMAN EYE. N ? lf>4 Broa?lway. up stu*r?, hegs t<? infonn those wh*? are tmsnh-4 with weak -<^e inAimed Eyes, or any defect of Visum, "that thev have m??v an opportunity of geiting their eyes PERFECTLY CURED, (without an iipeixtinni by the aid of skill, medicine wel gi ?*-e*. Dr. E. h ?VtWf *tudieil under the most rrh-hvuted fhrulisis in Enrtipe. ind one of the best in A nerica, Pne fevsorBmi'h, of the Medical College of Ohio, is enabled to assen j with confidence that be ran restore to sight, and cure in a sh*?n time, the mret d angenms diseases of the Eve, hitherto considered incn rable. a- fnun his extensive and successful practice, hundreds in N?w York uud chewherecan lesiifv. SPECTACLES, Tha patent ?e|f adiiKtingheaiitiful Iroispurent mcfliiim Spectacle | Glawessjt winr the peruliw' pn?peity of keepi g the eye perfectly j coo*, fnrmc u iinm* n tie inu permaitenie*-e, ami *i tne urn** nine adt>i4 itself t ? eve. v a?e. without the mre-?ity of rh mfe. Dl. E. wiH hiro-elfflt the Patent to ?uit the particular defect.? 1 Price of the oaten! dt?-e*.%l 25, common ditto, 3*. N. B- UIIUtN Pilent Ointment, for the immediate cure of in tami nation nf I he erf. Price .18 cents pn-Kux. wo ranted. Advice to the poor gratis, on the evening of Monday, Wednesday, ! and fn*lst. im>? l-tf | to the public. aBHOWN It Co. ha vine here t??f. or nnde rreat improvein the m innf tcture of Satin Reiver Hat*, PRICK THREE DOLLARS, have extended their atlentnm to , this h?j?I iiaport.u t he inch of business, and flatter tlteimelve* they have imivv succeeded in mmufactnrine: an article, which for lightn?>>, durability and hnlre. can he excelled hv nothing in the line. Thi< hat is the riHiifiined result of several year* experience in the maim- I far lure, much it ten don and c r*?? perseverance in the pursuit.? j Brown A Co. in pr^e'itii'p it to the public, think I hey have nearly reached the ultimatum of heauty, ttuapei ?s neatness. durability md comfort t? the wearer. They tkn etaitu far! tire ami have Seen doing for ?*M?e time a very superior Fur II *l which ?* also furnished j THREE DOLLARS. This hat ha. hew. highly appim-rd hv twt psNif, h Ion; exjieriencc will testify. All .ales are fur cash. j therefore no (immI customer pays the losses ol tfte rvtd Wholesale supplied at the shortest :H?lire at BROWN A C?\ one Priced II ?t Stoie, sepIS- 178 Chatham, cmner id Molt street j\JRMTvORK BOWKRT FI F. IVgpH. 1^1 ASCr. CHMFAVY. Capital %300,000-Will insure DwaUsug n, Building in general, Merc handle, Ac. Ac? Attn a- u?ua. DIRECTORS: Beoj. W. Brown I David Cot he d I Pliny Freeman Wf w w f...r I n?r.tiii.M. p;.k I n .. ?. Anson 'L Ph-lps J owe-* Mills J ?he-h L-o *-11 Fred. R. L**- I PWk Gtsner J ?m?-* C. St meall !o*I>h R. I* aylor I O il. O irirwler J ?coh P. Burning John fVtrvn | K R. f)upi?ii it F.. D. C?m*fork f foi. R. Cucke | W. H?b ?r?l M. T>. F Knril Dmurh'y RFVJ\MIN M. BROWN. Fr~i?l-?L PETER PfVCKV E Y. Secretarr. dee 22-?w COXFEC TIONARY HTORE FOR S4L,K.~ A kyiii-rfNt-lr "tl?l up Confectionary Store, for ?ale. The fiifure* Mvi. : ? of Gl ?* J im, Bn\r% Counter, Shelving, B.i-?k?-h Scales MHi Weirht*. Settee, Oil Cloth on Umir.a'Ml counter. awnine, nfiM>jk*. al5 -fw *ml in first rale onlrr. aloof with a ?raall shark"! C<*iferli??#?.inr It will he m?IiI a bargain, if applied for scum, a? llie fprorp'Htx kivinf mmehwineM than he eaatanltrmfto,!* the imiIv rr???mi Nteodn-iiif itfitreihv Putrxh reipiiretl.ami r>h?l piper for ihe (W? <4at% Apply at No.27?t Row ery. above Prince M. *eP7 IVfif.i riRY x nvic hau*. tickkth?I?1 VMitmr C.rdi and Caids at II one. M'-rta. **'e ami Store Card*, tufriv-l in a superior <tvle and printed with tne 'fiwal W?tn>?, an high'y rmmm l>i| -p-reelain Cink Peetona furm^nu.k thriruor** Cud plates c ?i? have then piiofed in the ino*t approved feahiwnahie ?tvle at -hurt m?i re. Specimen* to aero and all order* * ex-mKed *1 VALEYTl\K*S Rnenviitf, Prinlii g and fa>h? hmH'c Visiting tnd Store Card E?t abli-hmeoi. nur ^tajl SO .I diu ?ireef e??mer -f Willi im F~ "RV^.'r~V\I> AGUK. KIJ?II 0\ A ASP|\ W ALL'S T ?oic |itiure, f?r the cure of Pever and Acne.? "Phi* article i- A rfd with rond fence to the puMir. and testiuio Bins of il* e ?!? if? c ?? he fur liihel from Mr. Charles Henry II >H. Harl.tein; D- V ?u Ren??lier; Win. Holly. ami York. an??er whtN# r,i,iu!|it h brcu 'i-O **uh (niiktit wrrr*t,? I The prypn- i >r. ire m well avureil <( ??? * line that the* ?rll i| w Ike KHxIilMi, .if refrn ding ih* prire in mni imtairr whrrr il it I net.nliin to the diirel * ?> ?ith-in i>r|in? * r?r?, ruruleh>- RrstlTON k AMPINWaLI* no* 23 dfi Willi m??t. end I In ItnmlwIT. Abaugaix. ?l/?t? 3 wl 4 in the Tawn*?hio of Oxford, I In.oer Cam id I. e^Miwl.inw ?U0 - ?n .r 1-. hirti -tf "iltivatHHi well ?ntere<l ?n.l 'ni.xl The f^rix i* fceawtiMIr hhmmi un Js* nfiW Frjnri* rive- vlw ir?t>e ?llliP', tital iKf ?i tin i* frwH rwo raw Inr- Hi-n me propetlr : fir futU.. r iwfnraatMn apply to RKANK*'M \ DAY. I 1 V r.*ni?l rrei. COMI'OUVD SVRI**?OF HARS\P|RI|7. LA. ?f a -nn-raw quality. Fv vile hv lh-i|../en iir-iiirte Ur tie el Ml l|nMl?ir. +*>r? >? .? 'K? Cite Ifrel. ?i fUif GF,\UIV?; POIeAVURlA Oil..?A ?in- K*.t fmfii'i f iib- I* lfc? Rhrtm ii?n.?T*'< PuUndria ? 'il M Ih MKHtiil Mirwtwi fn.'n |hi P UnJiia Itw end i* en iitftlli I* ran (hr |k > ilnnrder. tkr ibei inetiam. in all it* alare* Par rik He P Rume* A Civ. W Grrenwn h Wreet. ian <! >*- Iwlaw Sprier: Patrick Dirki , 411' Rroalwar. rnnaer nf Luannl atrnrl i J ^tiw. (1 Bower*, inmer nf Walkei Him; and Pi. <ji*na, warner of Grand ?tteet and tfce Kewwrjr. Prion $2. dec t-U Dr. hc.vter-s fever i ague drops AND PILLS.?Tin- inner nn-diciwe 1s udrrcd to the pahli willioul ally system of puitlng disgiacetul U? a regular euucaled undid nun. The pmpnoor pledges ami w irranu (hi. Medicine .iter tw*,? rein extensive practice Ml an ague country with (he gre ileal successkih! he has unlet ed hit agi-nt lu stale m any one who it nut cured ui | taking the hiule uf Dru.n ami air nui uf pilu at they may b cured (rati) by applying u> Dr. Hunter, U6 Bowery, corner o Hmutuii street. Fur sale wholesale and retail, by Wo A. Tyler, corner of Bute* ry and Houston streets, and Downer and Tyler, 88 Barclay, come of Washington street. o- '? in. REAI> THlSl-lSSISf^N .111 ncl.-i says Addison, would he content to follow Nature, and her in her operations, what mighty efforts might we espert! Every thing would dispose itself into older, aa it were, of course ; and Ih. whole woi k is half d >?* as twin as undertake . Purge out the u'd learen that ye mar he a new lump, is the language .f Srriptun ; (his however, is denied hy many, as having reference to Ihe body, though it is known the burse by instinct eats iho n>, thistles, fcc. fin the imrpose uf purgation, and the c he this law uf physiology, t preaervr health, searches the fields for the gleanings, when [lis husbandman h ?s g il/i*-led olf hi-potatoes, that ?he may he purged nid heromc.a new lump, or according to the original,* healt y animal In like manner the dog and cat, and many o her aipui iL-, meander through the fields whee costive, that they may make a srleciimt of those g? asses calculated to open their bowels, and purify I their fluids Do we in4 see the feathered trihe. hecau-e deficient ol ' ga-lric juice, -wallow and carry con-inually .tone# in heir tluwarhi, t.? promote digestion, and produce h althv chyle, to purify ihvir klood, and open t eir pit-sage*; and hei ce the e an mals of the brutal race, from thus ASSISTING VAfU E completely -ecure theiase ve? (gainst epidemic c ntagioiu, although they are under the MB)' laws which govern the human uimal economy. This principle of purgal on, or agisting nature, is not Dr. Btandreth's r? any olher man's, hut it ?s a piinciple of Nature. Are nut the rider the d ily pmgativeof lh? Ocean.' Sonus ami hurricanes the purgative# or purifier- ??f the tir? !f for any I# ngth of time (his principle become* iri iclive, do not both witer and air become stagnant.' and if the circulation of oar h'oml become- languid, do not humor* ocean dale in the body, which ought to be passed hy the bowels, ltd which, if not mmusI. *?*>!? choke up the veins the arteries ami the passages of life? Mankind, from f ct* like lhe-e, iiiu-t see the all- inportan! necessity of attending the state of the stomach and bowels, aiul the iini?rtanrr of a medici e "hich i> m ?ves all no*ious arcumuUlio sfroiu ?h- m. without weakening the ?v*lem? ami such is BKANDR TH'S VEGETABLE UNIVERSAL PILLS, which in England have s|?hkI the test ?f8iy irs trial, and have perfumed cures for thousand* of hopeless and helple-s persomi, after the u-uoi scientific medical skill of physicians had con-ole I them, ibev could ?!? no more. Their pr pertie- as an antiblliiou and aper>e*it medicine are unrivalled; all who use ihem in variably reroimneiid them; theii virtue* surpass a I eulogy, and must lie u ed to he appreciated. The weak and delicate will he strengthened by their use, not by bracing, hnl by removing the c au-e of weaklier, the gru*? corrupt humors fruu the hod v. One 25 cent box will e-tahli-h their character and prove ther*- i- truth even in an advertisement. They require no care of any k'ud; occupations are riot at all iua eded by their use. Plain directions accumpany each box, so that every one i* his own rompeient phvsirian. E liiorn* notice of the Sun. l"ih f October. BRANDRETIIS PI LLS._There are f. w who do not know, th?t the essence of food is converted into blood. which, so formed, assimilates ibelf to the various r.tmificaiihis of the human*-. We like it, then-fire, as a clear axiom, that thai m- dici?e which makes the hi mm] pure, without weakening the syit nt, urus I* most excellent; and a* w?- know Braudreth's Pill* |u be -uch a edciite. we recoiumeiui tnein vvim confidence lo war ft tend*. Many and high are ineir tesiioi nials. 75"0 leSituoniiiLliave been received, fr??m individuals of the highest respectability. Call al Or rt.'s ?( *e, .hkI re id ?he o- ifiirnl le;ters, all proving the eltraoi'linaiy power of Br ?mli?th's Pills in removing dise ises of (he nenl opposite ch iractci from llie cmMiiulion. They in fact pr. fr. hy the cu es they u?.?ke, that there l- no necessity for any other medicine. Vew Y-?rk.?Mr. Lance, 2i0 Eighteenth *t.; A. S. Wli (mm, w dch and fancy *to-e. I? Fulton?L; N. C. Na??, bok^eller. kc. 9% Cath trine M.; B. S. T?t lor. grocer. kr.,7*V^f? I.; E. H. Trinp. stationer, kc? J67 Division *L; W. At D. O. Wright. h irdw tiemen, 08 Houston si., corner of Lewis si ; Mr. Gow.iru, Universal Book store, corner of Ch ah in md Pi? ?H sts. Jersey City.?W. R. Diajtm, poeer, kc., cornet or York and Gieen -ti Patter**!).? Mr. Pi?sf, P tssaic Hotel. Brooklyn.?G. B. B ?"th, watch maker. 73 Fulton ?t. II irfcn ih.?J d>?? S Kenyan. P *1 Office. New Rnchelle.?A ' onlanl, Ca? neuter, kc. I)R. BR INDRETIf'S OFFICE for the sale of the above Pills, wholesale an tetail, 187 Hu U??n street, opposite Broome s|? where he may be consulted ktmI * by tkwetaking his Pills, ?mi Mon days. We<|nead iys nd Sslurdays. dec 2V1ni* no r ?i4 14 idib> v so a-.s rUtt >1 * o7 I NKW YORK.?Y?i ?re rnsoectftiHv nsjiMel to preserve vour health. WM. R. SMITH, N >. II M ihten L ?? *, three door* from finmlwav, lakes this opportunit' of informing the public who ire iM acrju tinted with ihe Water Proof Shoes, that the? are the iivh! valuable article ever offered to the public, brine inealni tile hoe \viih(Hita?tichor inv possible m?* ?ns of writer penetrating. Ili? stock of this article cmapritei G ?iter Boots, do. and Slippers, with and with ait fu?-s. Also. Gentlemen's Boots and Over ?h>es; the *i?r a^Ki:neni of werv article from the R -t-m and Lmn India Rnhher Factory. (nfcthrr with m rj article in ihe 'e*dr m?de Linen line; likewiv, in eitrn^ife amirim^it ?f Ku-i iif rvi?rv il?< script In, all ?>f which you are respectfully invited to call and examine. WANTED?3W Seamstresses. Apply as xhove. dec3-lin O'HVSCAKPRNTfclW AND MECHANICS' POhL STORE, corner nl Chalhun ind Chainl?er*s u reels. New Y<?r|.?T. J. W. has constantly for sale an excellent assortment <?f lh?- following Saws of everv descrip'ion, Stocks and Ril*. Aucttn vwl Augur Kits. Patent S ?w Set*,C dliper- and Dividers, Tut nine and F ?- ?ti Chisels and (sou :es, Screw Plates. Slock* ?? H*mm?r?, Axes. A dies. B-vil* Spirit ur^el*, Burnishes. Spokehavw, (oicmar Saws, Turning Lathes, Vices, Meaeuriitg T ?pe*, Drawing lu-lru'tienis, Wood Boxes for Cm ling Screw- of nil sixes; Rules Files, Drill Row*. Cutting Nipper*, and Pliers. Mitre Squares, C?uiip?x-es Saw Pads, Oil Stones, Draw Knives, Plane Irons, Iron and Steel Square#, II >i!ow Augurs. D tawing Squires, Screw Tools ^better's Patent Augurs, Cabinet Maker's Clamps. Copper Glue Pols, Blow Pipes. &lc. N. B. A large wirtnei.t uI Planes, manuLetured hy A. Si E. B ddwin. PHuniw Plane, Factory, V Y. rl ?Mni* Tiif trcth will prrv ail !?cert a in DISEASES CORED?Dr. O'lodwilP* Gonorrhea ami Gleet Detergent. The wide infallible remedy ever discove ed for G??nori hea and G!t e?s, is now (imi well kit wn an J e* ?h fished in ail i art* of the Kingdom to tequire any c? ininent. lis uiiiVfrcii success vHkH fit ri,i<( .nee his ever 'aMed, hf w.?rnnl^l it to rurf f??? t \ - if hi hurrs tl??> ??? ?*( deaper .If .111! it?H 01iiMiory cajf uf (JiMM nhra. Ulrel .mm! While* in ill 'heir sKes.?? Strictures, fiwnal tvrjkitfx, pi na of the loin?, iinliiion of lh?urethra aiid frwel, a* ?*p|l n hruiic ?Acrfioii? of ihr ?iri?? r nl adder and kidm-v.. iffvrr so vio'ent or of lone and in?. Thi- safe .o?d 01.U inf.ildile re . n|? is in arrre-ihle liquid, and Hi r!T? cl* on constitution, Iwrng c ?e)P?>-ed ol*aparill 1 and Ihf rlioifwi preparations, thai whil- il Nun* Iht Tlf, its superiority ??vri eveiv oth?-r JW?lkinf of ihf kind, only irquire* ?i limited 1 trial to know it* efficacy. E *ei y pe>?on thai Im made use of thi. mr ieinr ha been In* own pkpii ian and secrrry h? hfen secured. II ivin? proved dTrr'ual ?m nlmml two ihnUMti r uf* ?ml new*r to our kimwItilfirfaiW in any one iiHimirc The *e? ami inrrr^dttf *alr from the reco'iime ndatiooa of ihf hirhcat " ;?t rh irvtrr*. u well as ihos oho have eipei ietired its a.iluhti?>ui and Kenefirt -I effects prove its cr**' *iifr*? and super iwrHi' nfrrf?TVother medicine, in hem* me met dfrrtstl n ue dy ever discovered f*?r the cure of l'?e above <wfi>f% e viaf muscular at mirth, tierrv .unl viym ?ms hea'lh to the ur!5?!e fume. The mn*t delicate fr utiles out l.?ke ?l wi h prrfrt.1 ulrtj. Dr Goodwill's DrtC rftil is 4 certain nd speedy rurf h?r the above ilieaw^, from ?h?- ui*?-t recent to the n*o?t protrart d case*. t is ta en without an? rhk, incoweu'enee. or 1 ?priHioh from See lK:?f nnr rar i* ra lir rled, ih?| Mrlml up by qu.ick A<ttW or quark BKihC Ns. Th m ?ke use of one ?in?|?* bottle in ?? he nxivi^nl ol the eaav m*?th*id of h? inf mired. The u unOnf of thi- inrdirine is, M let every Off son he their ..wn physician wi h urnrr." Il will prevent the occirm?Tf of the disease in twivin*. m.i'f or f"e?n lie, -?f the m-*! fmtidnm* delicacy, md ' % a Me*-in* i? human kind It ri-hl alw it* to he a h*nJ. N. B. A to the wise, fake no medicine hot the thnve, and kr?p away from (tie nnark Durturs. who e nitim appeir ievenr mihiic print, ami then pat take no mercury ami save yon ron-tkulio". 14 We hire much ple->?ure in heir in? totiwev to this olr in 1 -lir ifioiH nelifiio; w* do ih*s 00 ?roo?d* mf -lr:?i impirtia'i'y. k*i"wi ?? i rrraJ friends whe have heen ruml by it** A fact ?h ?l we k ow. Kori.lf **y appointment, hy Ptlrick Dickie. li t R roid w?v corner of Lonen >rd ?l. ; .1. Sviw, ntfwr of W .Ik^M. ami Rowerv, ?nd He P. Burnet k Co. Mil GitmwIth-sC.two ?loor*helow Spring. Price .%# renl? pn- hot .le. ikf 4-lf | AH1PA LOOK AT Till*.?wAT*o\ k V SX l-i DUZER, lit f hat ham *lr?H, ar -el! n? at wy re'uced ?r?rr4, a veer ?ple?idi I wm'nriil '?f Fur*, oiaiktiny ??f Capei Delenne*. R*w?h. M'WT, Neck Pufs tmlnwn f r trismi1?. and -rerr other description of u-Orl** in their ?ln . I.tdir^ wishing to nirrhiie ivmdd do wd' to r? I and ?ee f.o th- m*f'vs. -h the 1 brri era ire determined lu clear ?h ibjr entiresleeh of Fori preri msuthehotidaya. WATSON fc VAN DI'ZPR, IS8 CHaih 101 ?lree'. New York Also, an hand, as above, a superior *lvle of Hoe Fur C. ijm and Sliwki. ilee Sa| JTIIOMPSOW NO. 12 W%Vaf; ST. Pirdef. himself 'o his r mi omen and friends h-' '*s ki? 4sck ne?.aia tons hewi'l do mithinf ini HU own 1rr* HV* time and a'nli** in all rase*. ?hall he dev.?ted fiw the henehi (ft ewe who fivo hin with their milera. ?r? **-? PERSIAN RWP5RT BkGH. ?An inv.ere o' F les manuf.rtiir., ?o rdflvtel Cr seen i if Trunk*. Driweri, tr. remlerint 1 Pern secure fi om n*ah-. kr. F>.r ?al-f he the vtm* doaen, or ?inyV ime,by HIMITOKI ASP'NW ^LL, dec 16 William street, and II# Breedway, ? r *JfclVE HTGEIAN VEGETABLE VSh i VJ kiSAL MKDICINE. uMnutsclured in this cuuwry ?j GEOHOi, SILVESTER. (Imus England,! who alone is pusses* to of Use urigiiui recipe. Sold in uMong-snuare I in nozn. nealij r enveloped, with direc lions enclosed. at $JJO and 90,75, being Mi nail Uw price of the imported article. TESTIMONY Or CURE. r New Y?r>. Nuvrmner 22. 1S3&. I Oral Sir?Having a desire to discharge my on ligations to ;<?, ai well a> to promote good to su.l'ering humanity, I Herewith send yon for public Itioii asi extraordinary case of cure effected by mean* ol i | your ilygtian Vegetable Universal Medicine, in the pe son ol my son, R.itph, aeed about thirteen years; in which I shall endeavor to he as brief as possible, that you may be enabled to make it mure ex I te sively known. Wnilst in Edinburgh, my native j lace, mare | than two years ago, he i rerivrd a stroke on the elbow with a rule, so severe as to create in the joint what waa termed by physician an . iiiA.ia'imalion of the bone, frous which he has suffered sreerc pain until within a short time past. He has been treated by muse of the > mosl eminent physicians ill Scotland, which tended but little to ameliorate his sufferings; consequently 1 despaired of hit ever again having the former silvan late in I lie use id hi- afflicted aim. Happily I was at length induced to make trial ol the medicine in question; tnmi which in a few days use he ezperiencrd considerable relief,aflriwards his louiplaint assumed a mote aggiavated form, in the breaking out, I suppose, of putrid or acrid humors around the allrctetl pal t; hut receiving Ibis as a symptom of the good etTrcls of the inetlicine, your directions were followed, by coiisideralily augmenting I he dose, until he tuuk as many at ten pills a day, from which he gained great relief, and he is now, afier about three mouths use. restored to health. I can also hear test mony to the goad effects of vour medicine in rase of fever ami ague ami olhei common complaints; so would reconnnrnd those a/Bicied with any disurdei to lest its virtues. Rrspcclfully subscribed, h* your ubliged, WILLIAM BELL. Architect ami Draughtsman, rornei of Houston and Enci-it. Mr. George Sylvester. Certificates of other eatraordinary cases in which this invaluable , .Jiru.l I..r r? i- r^uiliy CIICdCWH^, UlfT I?e MTII 91 Hie JIOIT Ol D. BRYSON, Confectioner, Ajeni, 148 Pulton s reel, near Broadway. dff X-lf LIPR P!L.L*U-J. MOPPAT8 VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS Km lung been known and appreria?d for their extm! ordiim r and immediate powers of int'Tinr perf ct health to pet>-i?> sufferiHg under neioly every kind of disease to which the hu> ui.iii frame h liable. In on my hundred* of certificated instances, they have even rescued 5?if?rrn from the verge of an untimely grave, after all the deceptive nostrum* of the dry H ?d u terly failed; and to many lining d? they have per ui tnentlv secured that uniform enjoyment of he.lth wrihul which life it-elf i-? hut a partial Me**ing. The ingredients of iht L?fe Pill* are purely and *oleL veeetahle, and contain no mineral, in any firm whatever. They are entirely composed of xtract* from rare and powerful plant*, the virtue* of which, though long known to several Indian tribes, *nd recently, to some eminent ph.uniaceuti-l?, but weie never hefwre administered in *4? happilv efficacious a rouihination. Their first operation is to loosen from the c-?ats of the stomach a* *1 bowels the various impurities and cruditiea rnmtawtly seUBng around ihem; and to ituiove the h nlened faces which collect in the convolutions of ?he small hitcsloie . 0?her medicine* only partially cleanse these, .m l leave *uch c libeled masses hehin *, to ptodure habitual cu?tiveneas with all i s train of evils, or Midden diarrhoea with all its imminent danger-. This fact is well know . to all regular anatomist'' who examine the human Iv.wels after deat'i; a id the prejudice of these welt-inform* d men ar<inst the quick medicine* of the age. The -?c<>ud effect of the VEGETABLE LIKE PILLS i* to ch anse the liver and luof?, th* ' I*aid. which lak's Us rrd color from the agency of these before it p.o?e* into the heart, h*ing thus purified hy the liver and lung*, and iMMiri hed hy fo- d coming from a clean stoma* h, cou *es freely tbiotigh the veins, renews evgrv part of the system, and triumphant, I v mount* the banner of health in the hi oniing cheek. The follow ing ue unong the di*iie**ing variety of human diseases in which l?*e VEGETABLE LIPE PILLS arc well known to be ; . r.n.r.i. |>yspc;*t<a, and all its train of symptoms, 9*eb * Flatilency, 1 ?f Ai>prtilr, Heartburn, Ht-adarhe, Restlessness, I'I-temper. Anxiety, UnfUur, and Melancholy, will vani-h, a* a atural cun; *eqtiencc -f lis cure. Co-tivene-s, by cleansing I he whole lengih uf the intestines with a solvent process. and without violence: all violent purges leave the bowel c?>-tiv within two day*. Riatrlue| and Cholera by p moving the sha p acrid flunk by which the-e c?.in| pi dots ire occasioned, and bv prom ting the liihrir.jtive secretin of ihe mueifr* inemhr-ne. The LIFE PILLS have been known to cure Rheumatism permanently in a short time, bv removing local it rtaination from tin- muscles and ligaments of the joint*. Dropsies of all kinds, by treeine and strengthening ihe kidntrs and bladder; they oper de most d-lightfrillv on th?*e important organs, and hence h ore ever been fund a ceitain remedy for the worst case* of Grave I. Also, Worms, by didodging from Ihe turning* of the bo?el* the ?liiny matter U> which these creatures adhere. Ulcer*, and Inveterate Sores, hv the perfect purity *f which these LIFK PILLS five to the blood, and all the bum?*urs. Scorbutic F.rupti .its, and Bid Comple* ions. by their alterative eflect upon the fluid* that feed the skin, and the morbid state of which occasions a1! einptivecomp ainls,sallow, rfuidy,and other disagreeable com plexions. The use of these Pills, for very short time, will effe t aw en ire cure of Salt Rheum, and a striking iinprovem: nt in the cle. i mess of the skin. Cumiwin Colds and Influenza will always be cured even in the worst cases. Piles?as s remedy for hi* ne-t dittoing and .I, filiate malady, the VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS de-erve a distinct and emphatic recommendation. It is well known to hundred- in tnis citv, t h ?t the Proprietor of these invaluable Pills was himself aflli? fed wi l| this complaint for upward of Ihii1v-Ave ve^.rs; utd that he tried in vain everv teinedy pr scribed within Ithc who e compass oft he Materia M-dica. He, however, at length tied the medicine which he now offers to the pubt c, and he wa? cured in a verv short tint*. N. B. The*e PilLwr the Bitters will get all mercury out of the system infinitely fa?t?*r than the best preparations of Sanaparilla, nd a ceitain remedy fu? *he ru-hing of hit* id into the head or all violent h-ad ?che?. All persons who are predi-posed to apoplexy, palsy. Sc. sho'dd never be without the Life Pills or the Bitters, fbr . lie do*e " in time will save life." They eqnali/'- the circulation of the hhiod, draw ill pressure from ihe head, and throws off every im* Ipurtv hv the pops of the *kin. DIRECTIONS FOR USE.?The Proprietor of the VEGKT^rtLK LIFE PILLS does not fn||..w the base and mercenary 1 nr?ct"?ce of the quirks of thediy, in advising persons to take his PilU jo large quantities. No good medicine can paaiMjt be -<? re quiiMi. i ne?e rill* are in neiaaen at cert lime fTrrj nigfU, for a w?ek ??i forlitifhl, wcoidiiif t the obstinacy of the diseiw*. Th? mini lime is from 2 lo 5 are* inline l?? the constitution n| the prooi . Vifjr delicate persons should take Hut lirn; those tn-?re rohtisi, or of verv r.?*live h will, mar take 3, 4 or even 5 Pill*, and they will eflecl a -oflRcientlv h ippv chanre to ruide the patient in their further ne. Thev M*uallv op* rate within ten or twelve hour*, and never five p.iin, utiles* the lame's ar? very much incumbered They may he t ikt? >?t the in ot delicite female*, umler a r circumstance*; and one Pill in solution mar hefiven to a young infant Price in me* flA Limit ami At. J. MmRK\T'S STRENGTHENING BITTERS.?The HrH Tonic Preparation ever discovered, i* a pure extract from ? ro??t ofihe tiv??t inestimable value for its oewer of tesfoiiiif ?treocth (m the difes ivr organ*. and itivii: orating ?he ino*t impaired constitution*. It hs* nevr filled, in a single katwre,to cure the nm*l oh-tinat* rases ?f Fever and Ague, and to * fleet a ripid reslor ition of strength ! ? person* who ireiust recovering fr?m a?v other illnes*. It mav he taken, at ant time, hv all who feel weakm***, nervous tremor*, or l??wnc*e ofspinf*, with immediate ami lasting advantage. The ii*ii jI d?wc i- one third ?f a wine ftp's full in water. Priee-^mdl h4?le* 91 la re Kettle* f2. M'MEROrs TESTIMONIES in proof of the superior earn llei re of the above Mmlicines have heen grsfefafty rendered hv individual* whom they have vilalli benefitted, and many others could r:t?i!v be obtained. P eoired 4ud odd. wholesale and retail, bv the Proprietor, Mr. J. MOFFAT, at Hi* ofBu* No. V lfud?on street, dirertlv ?mnosiie Jiv stiee;, N. Y?AUo ff m|t at the HJInwinar places:? Patrick D;ckv, 413 Rrwndwav?William J. \ an Z mi, 121 Hester, "?mer wf Forsvihst.?John .Milhoi ' ': Rroadw.iy? Dr. lokii S. Crane. O'sbii, On?o-?* coiuilv, N T -J. A T. E. Durland, Chester. ftr ar> en. v. Y Charle> W. B?d~er. 9ft I street, Newark; R Covert 36? Biwad -tres?t.r?*ri-ei William. Newark; R. Cat'i??. M dn ?tie I. ?ppna'ie Vjii1u>iiIou. Paterson ; Dr. Jo*ewh C' ?rk. corner of Hud*' id G? v d stfef, Jfi >ev Citv. Dr Lrf.29 5 Ma Ifcmn. corner of Sea . me I. J. Hiototi, corner of Twentieth slnH, and Eighth avenue. dee IkIw ]\f? QUACKERY.?TAYLOR A SOVS Veendig.PlMos. i n inr tllirv* r r I uuirhsSoir THnml, llnir*eo#M. t <?hl? ??.?! li i'alNNi of the Lnn|i. # _ , li ? ih- fi?r ihn-e fl'*afree?hle and often fat ?l vkifocspnn'ik ..iirh . kr. an'I we anlir:t the afienthm of the public |o our Twtv Mr It* in? iri ih'f ?| rff ri?, pntwni u? t?? n/frr the PnMir#i ON COn4Him? thai if it does ?w?l afffl ?e|irf. ihr rwtiirir ?hM' Sr?iHiirii'-?l. I'rw hi l l our renn il-wr. No. W Divbiou, n il it f>'. Fran*' N-%D vi?i?H? and 377 RmmIw it. The e*iHiine i? *kpird on the label *?j Tartar Ai. Ami, an*! sealed with 'heir -eat T AVLnR k SOV. dec 7-tf Proptiet rs for the UnifrM States. |Vr W V P .4 RS' F*R \T8.-Chemiral Test Soses, I 1^ Mioer?l??7M*?l C ihinets. rW'rlr ?l marhiner, and ?irte!e an* d-mhle K?? relied Air P ?np>, O Generators, M i?rir !.miten?? and Sli.le* soint l^i'nn* Klaenorle-. Prisms R iui*a -e, ???lar Mkr?HO?p?. Rlournipos, *pn*ratu . R'*tort?. R. reivers, Crapor* ?li>>e IMiHr* fcr k<* F*w ?ale on rr??o? iMr Hv flee 28 Or. LRW1-' FICITCHTW SSOF.H 377 Broadway. AH1V~R?Mf3V RKMKDY F*R DY?PFP*M!? COMMUNIS AT F.D?A? a certain remedy f?r IitHiimtimi i? ad:*r??v? re of the utmost impo'lanr* to all ners ?m, I deem it a po itke !?? to t?*lifr ?fillnwa:?For more than ?ii yrart I hare hren kted with ntop^p?i?, aer mpmi r| with U? of -trei?tth. innelitr. OMllvrnm and head arhr. hr. Far tfp rnee of Vw? rfi?ei??r? I W had 'he r?mi-t int attendance of t phrsiciao, wKa.rii Is mol wr? mram in hi? powt-r to ?e?t??re me health. hen I' U-t. in le-pak, h directed rue to Ire 44 Oldham'* Fwh Pil,?.H 1 need iwlf a Id that th?-w h nn of these pilh have entire T rr^.rfrd ?.? u? r RAFFBUML No. 17 tlft iliwt TV* Fill* ?r? toU by U>? prupictar, ?t No. SIS lwu|. ' VEGETABLE KEr O NOVATING nLu. wim bm prorru peculiarly eiheaeuiue <a> maiiy nundreai in tiu ciijt can lenity) in ine moat uoti' "S "T1 . OvprpiiM. Liver ruinpui.iti. and ilnenei inim| ftoa ( a dhordei-d iute of the ttouurh and huweK. ur impurity U the oiuod. mmj ae ohtaimu at Ine Office. U Am. Mr ret. near Bnmoway. where circular* (ivine adearnptiuu of the uiedirine. ami lueMaimo*> and certificate* may ne ria -mta nea? i Prr'""al. 9 to I, and frum 2i to b 1/chirk, (hundajf excepted.) The PilU are Lr *ale at Mr. J. Di.lm ,.ell*> IM, and r Mr. Mr A Bleakly*. 242 Hudion I'm'" ? m B'""rr7; Mr.W 8i?H.nhin*>?5 Pulton street; Mr. N. B. Graham 33 Cedar>treet: Mr. J. H. Hart*.corner of Broadway and Hndtun ami North els: Mi. B. Quackenr?j,h70B Greenwich street; Mr. 8. ilinman between 18th and 19th .IrreU, in the 8ti> aeemie: Mr. O. W. Einhrec 71 Ea>l Broadway, mr-jn. . *. o. m. t*. J34IHM, iu?i Fulton stteel, corner Wil Um; Mr Wm. Bigeiew, Brooklyn, 56 Pulloti street. uov 90-e*. LAOIE* riJIUu PINJK PI R CAPHf HATS, AND STOCKS.?Watson U Van Du/er, 158 Chatham street, re?l?ectfully inform iheir friends and the public (hat tliry continue lu manufacture, and keep for sale a splendid assortment mf every article in I heir line, of the very best tnaierid* ami workmanship, which thry ula at vvrv low prices. Their stoek io*?i?ls of the billowing articles, viz: Lynx, Squirrel, Genet, M.irtin and Kahlt. Pelerines. Capes, Boa's, Mulfs and Neck Huffs. Swinsduwn Rods. Otter, Fur-seal. Nutria,, R.ilihit, and Hair Heal Cao?. Also. Sealh I, Plush, Cloth, Leather and Fancy Cam. Fine lur tnd Satin Beaver llats. Foulard Satin, figured do. Stuped do, Plaid Jo. Plain do Slocks, with Handkerchief-*, Bows and Plain; aba ftg'd striped, plaid and corded silk Slocks. Also, -piendid -?lk ind satin Vesting, Bomb *z in, Mohair and silk and brittle Slocks, uiade an the best iun bristle frames in the iuu>t approved manner. Line** Boshim and Shirt Collars, Cravats and Siilfnets, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Suspenders. Gloves, Ac. nov 2-tf |>UTL,ER> COMPOUND BALHAMK I# PARATION of the Essential Oils of Copaivi and Cmnm, -rr?Hiinieiided earluftively as a specific for Gonotrhtra ami Gleets, Viiuieious well authenticated cases of the extraordinary efficacy of 'his pleasant .tnd valuable romposition, are dailv presented; hut this male of publicity never has, or never will he adopted in citing individual rase?, however extraordinary or miraculous they may appear? xit their simple reconiaieudatioii totry il produces a greater cxtenhjci of its virtues, than would an elal?>rale the-i* on it? medicinal efects, interspersed with the naiiirul irs of ten lleaisand ca-wrs. But in changing community, doubt!**** there are hundreds who have not eard of il, and are at a lo?? what to resort to, and are nrohnhljr not ware of the magnitude of the e*il of relying an doubtful medicines; t, therefore, amnut he deemed imprudml t?? recoiniueud this as the trai article to he liied in recent cases, for often a few doses produce t e desired efTect. Differing from the cominnu nostrums that arc daily attempted to v foisted on an intelligent community by their fraudulent preteou*ns. mucked in general term-., ami insultingly offered to cure ntplain't diametrically opposite in llieir nature and their proper emedies the very antipsales to each other in their effect. This mfurine's singul ?r action is derived fnrni each of Its coiwMiuents having ts own peculiar operation on (lie particular symptom intended to einove?the combination and admixture forming an irresistible reult incompatible frith the complaint, immediately subduing its virtleme, rendering il ineit, ami pi mincing a s.?fe ami t ettahi cure. Surrounding the medicine isa plain treating, with various recipes or all the dim-rent sympts ins, with simple aim) easy instructions on he first stages of syphilis, observation, on empirical imposition, and he lamentable delusions attend ml on these complaint*. AGENCIES. NEW YORK-?IOJ Cherry Mreet. PIIILADKLPIII A.?062 Market street. ALBA NY.?46 State street. NEW ARK.?354 K rod way. octSl-tf rjREE.WYIC'll COAL. VAKDS.-^hu4uiw nerof Leroy, and 413 Hudson corner of Alma street, M HITALL k LAWTON respectfully inform their friend* aud the a>nsumeri of Anthracite Cod that I hey are daily receiving rarpn of very superior quality Schuylkill Coal, war 1 anted to l?e mail to any Coal sold in this market (under any name,) they Mould call attention particularly to the Spohn aud (Lite Veins. Front their arrangements this year they feel satisfied they will he able to give tal'iancli?Hi to consumer* both as to quality aud price. Orders strictly attended to. Onlers received hr A De Camp fc. Co. 34 Wall street; or to A Ten Ey? k, N2 Wasbington street; J. O. Koorhcftck, 1?^ Bowery ; or at either of their yards. JAMES D W. WIIITlt ALL, ati( v?l JOHN W. LAWTON. THK ART OF RAPID \VKITING, ILLUHI 1 ruled and explained. By B. F. FOSTER 1 e.talter of Writing and Book-keeping, author of a Development of Carstairaf System; Prise Essay on the best method of teaching Penmanship, Ac. I vol. 3 vo., with pi des, practical and ornamental. Also, Foster's Klementarv Copy Hunk, No. I l?? 4, designed to lead tlw- learner from the first rudiments of penmanship Us a p rfec t knowledge of the art. Adapted to school- and in ivale insti union. *1,25 per ilutrn; I^ rents single For sale at tne Writing Estate li.hincni, 183 Broadway. OPINIONS OF TIIE PRESS. Mr. Foster's treatise i? written wi'h cmcisriiess ?nd perspicuity, 11.d is well worthy the attention of all who are interested in this branch of ediiralion.?[Boston Courier. The hnld, flowing, graceful writing, distributed throughout this volume, k enough to prove that Mr. F?wter is a skilful and competent teacher. The plan is novel, simple and iitgeui<>u*, and admimhlv adapted to wcure the attainment of fine P?nmaoship.? I R.Miii.a Star We cixtftc ienlicjulv recommend Mr. F'-Ur9* tyitm I* all Ikon wh are entrusted wilh ihe xiurjiMm of yooih,or who frel a Mloril anxiety fur the pnr. ieK ?>f their children ill to rueful an dt eoinpluhnient as that of Penarinihi?.?| B??l??a Mete. J Mr. Kuarer pretend* lu teach lhal *t vie of writing which it wanted hy rumof bu?tne?s and judging hy the far iiwile in hi* h*4. *4 hy mIi.iI we uurselm have tern in hit -chowl, we ar.disp.isf d I. recommend (he work jnial h artily, and l? place (real cunlitlenr* in the teacher. We think mi hiehlr of Mr. Foster's Cope Hoik, that we hall adopt it forthwith, at Ihe ground woik of all the leaching ire ine <n In he finite of hereafter, Homely?that of our own children ? [NVw England O.doxy. There ij nothing wanting in this new system to irotire to the pupil of ordinary capacity the acquisition of a hand writing in which the ulino-l legibility eapedilion, and elegai ce are imiieo.? ft ii founded on lh. mod simple. natural, and philosophical principles.? [Boston Evening G.irelte. The rules Uid down in this treatise are sound, and if duly followed out, will lead t" excellence.?I New York American. Mr. Foatel continuet to give lessons in Prnnnnship and Ri.ik-kee lug, at 183 Broadway. wb-rt suung grr.ilemeii are qualified for the dntie* of the em luting twine, in a superior and expeditious manner. U >un of inunictiwn frnm 9 A. M to 9 P. M. Bclpeils and Families attended. T'im mod-rale. Jecll-tf LKF.CHKM! LEECH KB! LFFt llE-S-At ihe New Y??rk .Mfdiral Cupping jumI (aecrhinf NdHuhronil. 5lfl Ortfii?rkh ilrwl, two J'wn below Rprinf^l?Phyiic'H:n ninl Surgeon* %Yt informed that P. Burnet k C*?. hw cor?-t?nt!y mi hand a large supply <?f fre*h itnpo trd Swedish, Italian, Pnriutueie and Spani-h Leer he*, which ire applied at all l?>ori, ou reasonable terms, hy axperenced persona. iw? IS-tf JTIRIJNG^ ORIENTAL BALSAMirA'.COM? ? pF|l ND.?An rlTicariotM^vlutdry, ami u d rtiarajr in ail a*e? Leuotrrlnee, Involuntary Rnd?? n#t Ji? n.n.d Weakness, irregularity ol tlr* Menses, Irritation or D seaac aotiun of Ihe BtadU r, and in all diseases of the Urinify Oread*. Tne itMwrdiaAr^ relet" grnerallr afforded hy ihr m*p *?f ihe B.d?amir Compound, id a hort ?pvp of lime. Im ? much heightened it* celebrity in lh? cure f the above diseases, it i? confidently -J* red with fmnipjuif ine certificates of the it**! etnimnl of the I'rilMl Ftmby, which nil amp the high reputation in which the unique prrparuhwi it valued. Prepared on?y hy W. Stirling, White-thapel. London. Sold whole NATHAN B GRAIIA.M. Ch*tv.i>t k ho* fi Apo<hfr??nr. 88 OHar, Mtivrnf WHImiii 4, N. Y. DR. LOVEMAN'S BAf.M OF GILEAD II BALM. ?A MnliniH'al rmi 1-ffu-ary ami hrjliiif pmprrtirt, tifi't mu?cul?r ilwrth lo ih* diy*tiirt mrnit. li i? I rocured hr inritioin fiorn th* Amyri.i GJtademU. i? B >lm of Gilrinl Tree, >hirh i. a native of Ahra-inia, awl liwur lii>d in >yiia. The in eiikm of a hranrh of Ih* U.lm of Gi'r.ul Tim- yieldt only Ih eror 'our drop, a day. It it a powerful limulam ami rveclnrant, yiviiif relief to ill linn* p.Mora who arr lahoriny nniler c-<nwmp cotiybs, a-ibma, -pi'liny of Mood, lotitb lourno.p phleyhm, honorary, and a frntrwt of lb* lniy?. Tin- t'a m of Gilrad Balm ah*add alwayt I* ntrd to on Ih* rarapp. of lb< at*** cruel and if any medicine I ml down in Ih* I'nilol Stal*. Phar oarop*ia will ito any pml, tho t? ih* molii in* thai ai I dbct tba rurr. Tbr RKiliriia' yirtoei of th* Balm of Gi>*ml Tn* arc well known hy rc?rv peram oho baa any knowledge of nodiiin**, and i< known lo hr tlo- hr?t iikdiciiw for roup ha, rolda, and *i ikcm, ia all lh?-ir differ- I at ay fa. Dr Inovoman'i B dm of Gil'ail Balai. hai una h**n etlahlithed upward, of foil* y*ai?. and i. rrconiaarodfxl hy lb* hiyh**t mrdiral rhaiarlrr? <w i.-ny -tan liny Cnnyht, A-lhniat. bor* iwora, ioC**liiHw of lb* Lunet, apiilinf of M-md and lidWnya. li proencaa ill tba adoni-bhicr-uocotraird ?irtu tol the tree in it< hiyh*y| perled ion. tod ?h..n'd alwayt he uted wh*n Ibrir i? any - h incc "f r*. ro?*ry from lha?ho*e d !?*> *>. Ii? repatalion ami iny.ihaihl* pronrrti** arr t?<> w*ll known t<> r*qni>* any fuiihrr ronnaeal. Thoe-and. in tbi. ri'y ran le-lifc thai thry hay* h**n mrrd of llatimim r-myhi, ** ** rold-, and bay* born in.i otwImI and r??lor.d la tba hlraiiiyi of p<i tin* health and riyur. Tho ralnaN* mrdiria* n*?h .ml* a trial t? pro.* iu dkcarr in r li*?iny all th* abnrc dia*a?M. BmoMom r*rtiffralr< niyhi he puhltvh- d of it- *>lraordioary -Beet*. hm lb* piprii tor cmoirlni l1* vineet and prnpertia. ef the Italian of Gilrad T'*r wiffirirn'ly well known wilhnwt them.? The imniriH* a* ? of ihia airdicia* it a toff,riant proof of Hi beinf lb* and valuable of all rain hi**. Prir* 50rrolt prr hoi tie fur nl* hy appointiarnl. by Patrick Dirk'* III Bn-mlway; J. 'y?*. Ii3 B>iir*ry oimrr of Walker M.. and by P. Rtrarlk Ca. 510 Gr**nwirh ?tr> *1. two d-"?M h*l?w ftnrii nt. dry IS-tf A?9IUVEK'N \OTICF.-ll?yint hy d**d of amiewiw--ni h?*o a -taunted A-timer .if Ih* pn*>* JACOB *<WITII. of th* City of N?w Y -rk, (Livery Sta i < Krrper) ia i i at' 'nr th* heoefil af all of hi* credil -m. I nrjiiit* al' pi-nana ia* rbte I to Mm to make iewnrdi Hr pjrmm.1, and ill prrwaai barinf *l? >w? or drm-iodt ?r?ivi.| him lo furni-h a Matnaaal of lb* aaftina Ian (berei J with m( drlav to the whacrihrr. at Ih* comer of and Jtewlh itreeu, lire Yak. Nor. 26,1335. wr]M WM. P. WRIGHT, Ai I