Newspaper Page Text
rfi - -J ; *. VOLUME 1. * - ' * PlTBLlsUtb DAILY BY ; JAMBS GORDON BENNETT, Ojfkt, Mo. 148 flateau street, 6rtu*m Bcckman and Spruce streets, . opposite Dr. Spring's Ckurch, basemeitt9tory. ~ + TERMS FOR ADVERTISING. 1 iqnare a year, . $>' AO { 1 square 2 weeks, . $2 25 * 3 months, . 3 00 ! "1 week. . 1 75 14 2 mouth*, . 6 AO j ' S day*, . 1 AO " 1 mouth, . 3 00 J u 1 insertion, . 0 50 Sixteen lines make a square. 1\Ra LOVEMAVSBALM OF GILEAD, FOR m9 COUGHS, COLDS, AST KIM AS, & CONSUMPTION? . It is the most approved medicine extant for the radical cure of the J above disorders^. It jjive* ;m:n*-di*te relief to those whose constitutions have been impaired br intemperance and youthful iinprudnucies, anxiety of*Blind, and the habits of a fashionable life. It ij a ra ?l valuable remedyHop such diseases a* are attended with the following symptoms namafy . a great straightness of the breast, with difficulty of breathing, palpitation of the heart, sudden Hushes of heat in various parts of the body, at other times a sense of cold as if water was poured on the.n, Hying pains in the arms and limbs, buck and belly, resembling those occasioned by the gravel; the pulse very variable, sometimes uncommonly slow at other times very quick, yawning, hiccough*. frequent sighing and a sense of suffocation as from a ball or lump in the throat, alternate tils of crying and convulsive laughing, the sleep unbound and seldom refreshing, and ine patient in if 11 i roil '"*1 wiui 11 ii I iu arrnuis mum '11- oeen naiil by interested individuals agiirist meJicines that are advertised, but liie freal etficary of Dr. Loveuian's Balm of. Gilead Balm is ' pronounced by ti e Medical faculty as a medicine of great efficary for the above complaints, and should be iu the possession of every person troubled with the shove disorders. For sale, by appointment, by Patrick Dickie, 4I3 Broadway, corner of Lis pi Ii-irii ?t.: .1. Svuae, 6'1 Bowery, cor.-Walker st.; and by P. Burpet A Co. 510 Greenwich st., two doors below $;,ring sL? Prife' 50 cts. per bo tie. jan 4-lf rVERI' MA.V HIS ows DKXTIST.-Itisnot ' JLLi necessary In enlarge or expatiate on the invaluable properties of Dr. STILLMAN'S MAGNETIC.* ODONTICA Jt is the only preservative for the teeth, gums and uioutb. Per sale by P. Burnet &. Co., 510 Greenwich si., two doors' below aipatng, and by Patrick Dickie, 413 Broadway, gornLisfiluiaid st. 4-lf OROVE THINCJS.-DOCTOR STJLLMAN'S-t IT Magnetic Odontica is an infallible cure f ir the Toothache, and restoring the teeth and gums to health and b?auty?and arresting the progress of dm veil teeth, and purifying and sweetening the breath. Dr. Still in ill's Magnetic Odontic i has now the sole preference, and n patroniied by the medical farulty efthe highest reputation and , merit, is rightly bestowed where truth and justice deniajid it,*jgnd every person of an intelligent and thinking mind should use it. j The ingredients of which Dr. Slillman's Magnetic Odontica is com .1 ..... I.-,' w U -,?1 if M 9 lis.', It h ?, .f ik. teeth, apsis*,-, and m rutti, and everj; lover nf good teeth wh8 value ! the it. teeth mid wish >o save them, should not be without it. Fur sale by^^Tfuriset 4tC>., 510 Gteenwi'ch street.'two doors below , Spring; Palrirk Dirkie, 413 BritStftsar: and by J. Syme,63 Bowery, corner of Walker street. Price $1. .. ^ jan4-tf DR. " liOVKM A VS BA iyVle OF G1L.KAI) .BALM.?iA Medicine'ot great efficacy arul healing pioperties. cisriugniusculk^ strength to ine digestive organs. It is procured Dy inewltMks (joinThe Aniyrit Giiiaderuis, or Balm of Gilead Tree, \ which is'a iiafltf of Abyssinia, aijd nal'uralfied iri'Syiia. The in cision of a brffirrt pf I he Balm of Gilead Tree yield, only thiee or four drops a day. It is a "powerful stimulant and expectorant, givitig telief to all tho-e persons whb are laboring under cansumption, coughs, asthma, spilling of blood, tough morning phleghm. hoarseness, and is a preserver of the lungs. The Balm of Gilead Balm should always he used to s'op the ravages of the above cruel ' diseases, and if any medicine laid down in the United Stares Phar- ! macppeia will do any goad, this is the medicine that svill effect the cure. The medicinal virtues of the Balm of Gilead Tree are Well known hy every person who hss any knowledge of medicines, and j is known to be the best unilirine fur roughs,colds, and asthmas, in I all their different stages. Dr. Luveman's Balm of Gilead Balm, has now been established, upwards of foitv years, an 1 is recommended hy the highest medical characters for long standing Coughs, Asthmas, hoarsenesses*, in- 1 fee I ion, of the Lungs, spilling of blood and lmluenzt. *lt practices all th? astonishing'conceiitrales! virtu tof the tree in its highest perfection, and should always be used when Ihete ispnj drum of recovery from the ahove dxsea'j.?,. It^ reputation auasuivalinble pru-ws , pervies ate taxi wvil known to 1 any further ttmtnieu;. Thousands in this cityrffii testify that they have been cured uf distressing coughs, severe colds, and nave been invi.orated and restored to the blessings of pii fine health and vigor. This valuable medicine needs only a trial to prove its efficacy in r-!irving all the above diseases. Numerous certificate) might be published of its extraordinary effects, hut the proprietor considers the virtues and properties of the Balsam of Gilead Tree sufficiently well known wilnout them.? The immease sales of (his medicine is a sufficient proof of Hi being the most valuable of all valuables. Price 50 cents per bottle Fersale by appointment, by Patrick Ditkie 413 Broadway; J. i Syme, 63 Bnvery corner of Walker it- and by P. Burnetii Co. 510 Greenwich street, two doors below Spring st. jan 4-tf PRESERVE YOUR I" KtTH.?Preserve vour A Teeth?and to preserve v air teeth, a box of Dr. STILLMAN'S MAGNETIC ODOXTICA must be used. It presents the teeth and gutn-from aching and decayii^, au'l renders theiu ant,nd h-d t h V and haaiillfuV or! niirlRes and sweetens ihe hreath. Upwards of 1000 boxes have been sold the last mouth, and we have j never heard "fa singlervgrplain!?it has given general satisfaction. b\>r sale by PATR'CK DICKIE, 413 Broadway, corner of Lispenard slrtet; I*. BURNET V Co. 510 Greenwich street, 2 doors 1 nelow Spring ; and by j. SY ME, corner of Walker street ind the j Bnwery. ian 4-tf TIIK AI.L.-MUFFICIF.XT DF.XTIST.-DOCTORSTILLMAN'S MAGNETIC ODONT1CA isaclever article for the Teeth, and should be mod by all person- who value their Teeth. For sale by Patrick Dickie, 413 Broadway, corner of Liepenard street; J. Seme. e3 Bowery, corner of Walker street; and by P. Bu net 1l Co., 5X0 Greenwich street, two doors below Spring street. Price $1. jan4-tf t TAT. CAP AND STOCK FACTORY.?The subscritar i 1 oilers for sale a superior assortment of Satin Beaver Hats, Clu Caps, and Siik. Satin, Velvet and Bombagine Stocks, in every r tis-tv of Style, quality and price. Also, a large assortment of Frenr. and India Goods, consisting of Bombazines, Satins. Velvets, Crapes Levantines, Lr. writable for Stock makers, and Stockmaker'a Trimcuingsof all descriptiono. WILLIAM EEID, 23 Cedar st. N. B. Black Silk Plush,for Hwftr's use. sep ' Deserving attkxtiox.-thk teetic THE TEETH I?From Dr. S. O. Paysick, Surgeon Dentist of Philadelphia:? Messrs. Burnet St Co..?I am not in the habit of making out certificates of recommendation for any kind of medicine w hatever, but as you hail lb'go Mine's to present mewtth a box ot Dr. Still man's Magnetic Odontic a, it would ill become me to withoid my unbiassed j opiaion of such an invaluable preparation for the Tveth. Its medi- > einal propei lies, fr?,m my experience, arc admirably ad.aplsd to the alleviation of that excruciating paiu, the tooth ache; and I believe I it to be a health preservative for the teeth and gums, and it cannot hie too hig ly lecommended to every family who desire cleanliness of the mouth, as well as to fortify the teeth and gums, which is the most effectual step towards preserving the teeth in a sound s ate, and preventing that dreadful scourge?th? toothache. The above article is for ? le at Palrick Dickie's, 413 Broailwav, corner of Lispenard street: J. Syiue's.fiSBuWerv, corner of Walker street; ami at P. Burnet k Co1!, 510 Greenwich street, two doors below Spring. Price $1. jan 4-tf 17U>ITGATINO I'ASTHI LF,S AND ODORIPEA ROUS POWDER. for perfuming ai d fumigating rooms.? For sick rooms especially, Ibese articles are pre-eminently serviceable, emitting an agreeable fragrance and at the same time destroying completely any unpleasant smell. Also, Schreber's celebrate! Pountnm. for the rapid growth of the hair; Compo mdAromatic KreosoteT ioth wash, prepared from the genuine Rrichenh ick'a Kieosote, for cleansing and piceiyin; teeth ; Compound Kreosote Tooth Ache Drop*, for the instantaneous relief of the tooth ache; Compound Syrup of Horehoutid a.d Roneset for th? cure of colds, coughs, lie.; C impound concentrated Syrup of Sirsaparillaa, togetrier with Almond Gust, Capillsire, and a large and r twice as' irtraent of other Srrups Swaim's Panacea, Lee's Pills. Moffilt', Vegetable Life Pills, and a large vat iety of other patent medicines, <11 waranted genuine. The ahore articles to be had. wholesale or retail at FORTENBACHV MILNE'S, jan 1-Im* 14 Hud on. corner Reed street. pORK SOLE BOOTS.?LOIlEN BROOKS, 21 John-si. Vy one door east of Nassan-st., keeps on hand and makes to order waterproof Cork Bo its, of a superior quality, combining elegance with durability and lightness. They are particularly recommended to gentlemen who are delicate in health and liable to take cold from wet or cold feet. Gentlemen are invited W call and see the article, where they will find a good assortment of boots, mad* in the latest French style. nor 16-eodt I f OL.ORADO AND, RED RIVER STOCK. 1/ 50 shares warned by O. G. SICKELS octSMf J1W.U-.L >4. new-york, tlesdaj ir1 vans' 'Camomile pili.s.-the"ixm . J merible medicine* now bet?re the public wauw have prevented the proprietor from *uboutii.c to their nutice li^g'vaiu** ble preparation of the camomile flower-, uete he hut convinces rof th<?, gr^at public utility thtreuf^anc he h*? the tuile-t aswrancr 5F the cvntiouati >u of the paim?t?e which an inteHi^ettfpi^Xct have thought worthy to be*t*w. * The proprietor quite certain, that by-a little attention, ami ai occasional do?e of this medicine, the petiod ?>f ii e m ty ne extended many years beyond the usual number. * * Finn*'' Pill, -.r* rl fV.-4.? ! a uiild, safe, and effectual cure of nervous disease*..and ail stomach complai-U, and. as a naiui&l couaequence, a purifier of the blood and a sweetener of the whole sy-tem. Iii ?ngUnd this medinine is patronized by fens of thousands as one * fthe most valuable preparations ever brought before th public.? In America, all who have used it have highly commended itsjuedical virtues. . * * ? vans' Camomile Pills may l?e taken in all cases where the caiao mile flowers are commonly used, ami with much greafti efficacy, as three pills contain the virtues of uiore than one pmt of the camomile tea. TESTIMONIES New Yofk, Dec. 21, 18o5. To Dr. W. Evans, Sit :?I was long tuhject to indigestion, pain in the chest, obstinate costiveness and dimness of sight. I am happy to say by the use of your invaluable Camomile Piils, my health nas generally improved. You may mak? What use you think proper of this note. J. P. M'CULLYy481 Pearl st. A Certificate of the efficacy of Dr. W. Evans'Camomile Pills, frou; the Captain of a Havajinah Steam Packet. New York, Nor. 1, 1Sj5 To Dr. W. Evans, Sir:?Three weeks ago 1 was exceedingly af flicted with nervous irritability-, with strong spasms-some tithes incapacitating me for business. I was oftei^ianguid and fretful with excessive palpitations of the heart. These disease? were, I believe, 3 brought on by me visiting warm cliin.?tes, lowjiif h I have lone been accustomed. I am happy to say that three bottles of your invaluable Camomile Pills and two boxes of your mild apgrijgnt Pills have restored me to a stale of health which I could scarcely have credited. 1 therefore feel it my duty to you and to the public, to request of you to publish this, and as I do not wish my name to appear iiir public print, 1 herewith forward to you my cud, which you may show upon any application at your offioe. J. T. New York, October 26, 13io. To Dr. Evans, Sir:?I have taken your Camomile Pills according tvalhe directions, and occasionally a few* of your Family A peri-.. < ent Pills, which have entirely removed the pain in iny side. My appeiiic.iui? necoine goon; i nave no more rieaauciie, and a? much strengthened; and indeed. I am happy to infoitn you, M,I told you I would if I were benefited, that I niy quitemeli, and shall recom- 1 mend your invaluable medicine to all my acquaints noes. ELIZABETH C. UNDERHILL. ( Evans* Camomile and Aperient Pills are sold at Dr. W. Eians' ' office, 95 Division st. New York :?and by the following respectable j ciTRzjna as agents. New York?C. Shepard, bookseller, 189 Broad- ! way .-opposite John; H. Greene, Bookseller, 415 Broadway corner ' of HrtwacdjstreeC Brooklyn?D. Bedell. perfume^49 Fulton st. Phiknjplphia?C. Laycock, fancy store,59 Chesnut street. Albany? 59? Soutn yt*iket street. Providence?C. Shepard 4: Co., book- j sellers. Newark?B. Olds, bookseller. New Haven?D. Mitchell,; Church street. * ,. dec 4-lm* IBXEY'S TETTER & RINGWORM DESTROYER?the only certain and permanent cure foi TETTER, RING WORM, and SALT RHEUM. During the last j year, hundied* with joy wciild testify to the great efficacy of this truly valuable remedy like th? following: 'Nermanl.mui, (Pa.) Aug. 12, 1334. j 1 do certify, that by the useqf one bottle of Mr. Gibney's remedy I for Tetter and Ringworm, uiy wife was entirely cured of a troublesome tetter, and not the least sign of the disease has returned, and it j U a year lincdk was cured. I had tried several remedies, which only stopped the disease for a short time, -eturrimgWith a greater viofence. I would advise all who ire annoyed w ith this troublesome : malady to give it a trial. GJJO. BROOKS. A large supply of the above valuable medicine cjnstantly kept ob hand, at the proprietor I price, wholesale and retail by ' ! > JjhHN ONJHJLNK^General Agent. 145 Brqadwly, 6du^alx>v^tht?City llotei.N Y. For sale a' retail, at tly> follow nJ"OtJg Stores', vit.Broadway, 4 corner .of Duane street; Cotljeu's Apothecaries* Hall, No 2B3 Bleeckcr street; qoraer of Bowriy and"'Grand>trect; ?t^ Messrs Moss, No. 492 Gnud street; eofflrif pfCi'ial hiurews'streets : cm u~i ui ouiapi 'D^Tr) , ,;i x BvrnpsOR'*, :^u~aiu \,n iinani square; curiJfr f FuUou and William st reels: at Dr. PennoyeiS Drug Store, Harlaem; at Howard's, corner of Hick's and Fniton streets Brooklyn, L. I.; and at Whit* and Badger's, No. 354 Br,ad street, Newark, N.J. ^ dec 12-lm* j A\ FTwT|)EA AND A GOOD ONE.?The subscriber hiving witnessed th* inconvenience to which gentlemen ; are frequently exposed hy being csuglit ii. the tain while in the lower pan of the city, has provided a remedy for such inconvenience. He keeps i stock "of water proof umbrella* on hand, which for his own profit aiul the accommodation of the public, he will he happy to let lor a single day and at a reaaonable rate to any unfortunate way lit rers who Bray happen to stand in need of them.. J. H. HAVENS, Clii toil Luach, dec 7-tf Corner Broadway and Liberty street. ?-W. NEW KSTABCISHMEXTFOR ^9-THE SALE OF CABINET FURNITURE. ?H.BRUNSWICK returns thanks for the libe- , oa ral patronage he ha- receive,! sinc^the opening of j qI I ~amhj his estahlishment for the sale of Cabinet Funis - - I" ture, both new and -erond hand, and has the plea- ' sure to inform his custoinrrs and others that he has removed to the i spacious building c irner of Bowery and Division streets, (up ?lairs. j entrance Bowery.) where he keeps a general assortment ?f new and good articles of second hand furniture, such as Bnicaiw. Sofas, Secretaries. Book Caws, Si*?b .ards. Tables, Looking Glasses, Bedsteads, Pier, Centre and Work Tahle?, Music Stools, Boston j Rockers, Toilet and Washstands, Carpets, Rugs, Feather Bed-, M jilr.i--"', &.r. XT H. B. wdl t>uy orexchange household furniture or any artie'e in his line of business. nsrSD-lin O JOUK NEITAIEX CO\FECTIONEH.S.V. anted immediately two first rate hands ; to such the highest wag"? will be given and constant .gilov men'. Apply at the manufactory of S. W. BltVHAM. sep7 203 Bowery.between Springand Prince streets. IkOCTOR BOI D, a Member of the Royal College of Lr Surgeons in Ireland, and lately a practitioner in 'lie city of London, offm his services to the jHuted',111 the treatment of a certahi diseis*. His long experience and close attention to this class of complaints, his pkjtiaLsafc, and expeditimis mode of trestmersl. his extraordinary success during a long and extended practice, and above all, his legitimate medical qualifications are a few of the grounds on which he rests his claims to public patronage. In this sgeof empiricism when ignorant pretenders and impudent quarks ire daily -preailing their net* to lure the unwary to destruction, Dr Boyd would wish to raise a friendly and a warning voire to his fel,o? creatures, and tell them to beware of such dangerous persons.? Thousands who might have been at this day, " in the health ami palmy pride of manhood," if tf?cir cases had only been treated hy one duly qualified, are now numhervd amongst the incurable and he dead. Apparent cures are very common and easily effected: hut tu eradiraif lh<? latent ntiiwio. which twill Aiko^ri... :? victim to an untimely grave, belongs to the legitimate province of medicine in the hands of a skilful and ?Me piacti'toner. T..a; i>r. t?oyu i? sue.., ..t wiii.hg to convince nis patrons, by producing for their inspection his regular diploma, as a member of the Royal 1 College of f?urgeu?s in Ireland, and likewise testimonials for capa] xilily and skill, from- many who are justly considered as lights and ornaments of their profession. His mode of treatment is safe, effectual and expeditious. not requiring either the use ol mercury, or restraint in diet or eiercise. Recent affections he pledges himself to remove radically within a few days, anil cases of longer standing rnsi greater malignity will be treated with cordiality and skill. In soy case, the patient may rest a?*sured, after h iving being discuaiged from the hands of Dr. Boyd, that his health is established upon a i sound and firm basis, and that his constitution is renovated and unimpaired. His professional honor ami frith ate pledged to this, and he Hatters himself that sischaraclei and standing are sufficient warranty for ittfulfilmen The strictest honor and secrecy may in all cases he relied upon, (lours of attendance fiotn 9 o'clock in the morning till 10 at night sep 21-ly OFFICE, 14 Dover door from Water. VEXING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG 6ENTLEMEN.?The subscriber has removed to the elegant and spacious rooms of the C*llegiate School, 160 Canal street, entrance on the corner of V.nick atreeS. I A select class of ^oung gentlemen will be instructed in the usual i br inches of education, also in the Classics and Modern Languages. The French department is uiufgB the immediate direction of A. Pest cm i Professor of the French Language. N. B. Particular attenlio.. will be devoted to Book-keeping ar.d Penmanship. Terras moderate. Apply as above. C. C. JENNINGS. dec 2-tf _ A MERICAN WAX IaOCO-FOCO MATCHES t\. which on being lighted by fiction, each match will burn for thr space offive minutes. For sale wholesale and retail by NATHAN B. GRAHAM, dec 21-lw No. 31 Csdar s<-, comer of William it. . ERAL p J A WAln' 5, 1336. COjtfltviPTIOX, corWts ( OLDS, tt S?ITTIX?r7?' BLOOD, fcc?" Thi^J to certify :iut 1 ' hpr* J>*'en irflicted ?vilh l severe disti^e of the liiy*, accoinn tnieu ulitfA MBIM. Nni'lintf ,.f Kl H..l nUKt i ue is it eigh' vears, during which period I have not only used every iaqd ^e I nave heard recommended for my disease, but have ^-ejp impelled 1 > go every winter. Last summer. however, I fn.>rt;d t* " D:. 'iTiyior? Baham of Liverwort/' which bene* Sited ^ F> ottn h. I'vit I was enabled to remain in this elfv during ?a<r uitfti-i. and n >w* I consider myself restored to perfect health, a! I havediiJ n ? cough during the list six mouths. * \ G. G. WfLLETS, 27 Church -tree!/* -?Thi^ medicine can be ohiaiued genuine only of thj? proprietor %al No. S75 Bowery, and%f the agent, .?t 47 Cfwi rv itrect. uov 7 BADEAI'S CE L EH RATED "5T KKNGT HEXING PLASTER.?Prepared for pain# or weakness, in the breast, side, back or limbs: tlm for gout. rheumatism, livercnmpl.unt and dyspepsia; fo^unglg, colds, asthmas, difficulty of b&sathi ng, oppression ol theVoui ifhJ&c.; they will give immedia^and soothing relief; and for plej?attinc?#, safety, ease and certainly, agede* cidedly superior to most olher# remedies. Such person* wrose business or avocations teqyire UnUkgy should slant! or sit much, or those of sedentary habt^geneiBK who may lie troubled with pains in the side^or breast, nre a/vT?ed to try one of these beautiful plasters, as they are es*dl^:dl|r difTtrejjl from all others, and arg free from those objection* which a:e io re suitably made,again*! plasters generally. T e proprietor hasnrUfethe pleasure of selling iheui daily for mauv years in tiii? city, and of the many thousands why used thetnj he hat not heard of Vsofilary comp'aint.? They are patronized extensively by the medical* profession;land there is net probably an intelligent physician in the Foiled Mate# or Europe that would hesitate to sanction them with his namPor influence when made acquainted with their corujm-ition. Printed directions accompany each Plastei, ygped bv me in my povvn h ind writing, to counterfeit wh$h will he pfoiished a* a forgerv. Persons about buying them will remembgy to ask 'for BADEAU'S STRENGTHENING PLASTER, and see that they get ihe direction thus signed. They arej?ut up in boxes with large and atttactive show bdis; will keep willKfift injury in any cliinaiet and wilW>e forwartl? U' any part of the United Stales orJBrjti?h Provinces .a- per onlen and-aiiberal discount made to thotewho buy to t%\ again. In conclu-non, I have onlv to add, that insAicra are so numerom in \vhkdi-the must salutray efterts have beepjkrodir ced bv using thenidp^they are recommended with the igust entire confidence (o all vwi are thus afflicted. -*? SoldHvhole* de and retail, at the Bowerv Medicine Store, No. 260 B nvf ry,kNew YorkCSy X. W. 6ADEAU. ' dec 29 if TZK \ \ K VS AST RIXGEOT.B ALSAMIC IV MIXTITKJS now stand* unequalled fdr the certain cure of Gonorrhea, Gleet*, and ,weoiinal Weaknesses. A fpw <lo?e5 convinces the most skep icjl of its superiority over every other Ami his been ottered to the public. p Ther^ is hot a patti^e of mercury in its composition.' It saves the system from beiV* tn.the remotest degree deleterifl^Mffeclr-d. It operates on the urinary apparatus, and particiflarK- <mthe original seat of the malady%via. the urethra. the irriialeJllaiiig membrane of which it soothes, by diminishing :h,e viruienc^f the poison, and thereby disposing ti^? membrane to cast off the fcsorbid action which seat-let tnc pus ofti Gon^rrhe^, to resume its worded natural secretion af raucu- only; this is accomplished by the healthful.Ionic, balsamic powgt of's BaUanr. ? t This medicine?the result off. patient,' indefatigable reArch's on the*Pathological Anatomy of Gonorrhea qpd? Gleets, theonl^# sure and rational f<xindaliajt.on which to build i successful fbrifl uf treatment?is, indeed, far rfilioved* abore all those unscientific, inert, nauseous, and dangerous ^comp'Uiryi balsam*," '* mixture/" *'drops," and other lieartle***e!}pTiical remedies, Jvhich ane'baiyd on either the coni? ctur es of presumptuous ignorance, orou the worn* out, oosoiete ** recipes" wn;ci. were in vogue when PathologVjjLlie only curative source, was.compaiatively unanowr., . " V Kenney's Balsam is now taking the lead aU over Europe and in< this country. o?A.ilL',l?t^irdicine?. hitherto* known for receitt c^e^' ofX?.?n?irr^ea*f^vhi':h?irmpeculiarly effective in radically heflir?gLby.a?*ery-few do*s onjy. In innumerable cases, to lire gratify? ingAurAffg?T the pWent, not more than one third of a bottle ha? -u'kcedj^ii the total extinction of the rnaladj; and in lingering cases that have be?n subjected to injudicious tnjamfirht, one bottle hasiaecdiiiplish'?<!^in a great many instances, ^MPfect restoration to heilh. J V-v fe* ^ t * ; Tfie agencies for the sale of Keuney's^p^am in Oris city are or.iT at the drug stores, 6i B'Wfery, corn^of Walker street, and 15dk?Grand street, oppo-ite Centre market. Price fel per bottle. Onle~s ^- y*i r *^fcr* I.'nited States, putl paid, will We punctually atleudedto, addressed to either of the above agtneie*. dec 4-1 in* 1 THOMPSON. NO. U WALL-ST.STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKER?Exchanges all kinds of uucurrent money at the lowed rates. Ail kinds oigoid and silver bought and sold. Bank ??f Enghud Note* bought and sold. Thompson will collect and negot iate drafts ou most of the commercial places in the Stales and Canadies.- oct 23-tf OEGH DROPS#?A superior article for colds, coughs and all affections of the respirator}' organs. Prepared and sold only at 145 Broadway. nov 14?tf Book establishment for sale.That excellent stand, Clinton Hall, coiner of Nassau and Beekman, having a select assortment of Books and Stationary, can be had on favorable terms. Apply at the.Store. dec 8-tf New york life insurance* trust COMPANY.?Persons may effect insurances with litis Company o:t tlieir stvn lives, or the lives < >f others, and either for the whole duration of life, or for a limited period. The payment* *1 premium may be either made annualiy, or in a gross sum: Premiums on one hundred dollars for one year. m Age. 1 year. Aee. 1 year Age. 1 vear Age. Tyear 14 0 72 ' 26 1 07 Ji 1 43 50 1 96 15 0 77 27 1 12 39 1 57 51 1 97 16 0 84 23 1 20 40 1 69 52 2 02 17 0 86 29 1 23 $1 1 78 53 2 JO 13 0 39 30 1 31 42 1 &5 S4 2 18 19 0 90 31 1 32 43 1 89 55 2 32 20 0 91 32 1 33 44 1 90 56 2 47 ! 21 0 92 33 1 34 45 1 91 57 2 70 *22 0 94 34 1 35 46 1 92 58 3 14 & 094 35 136 47 193 59 367 24 0 99 36 1 39 43 1 94 60 4 35 *> 1 0o 37 1 47 49 1 93 Money will lie received in df-pmit by the Company, and held ir wfiiit, upon which iidere^t will be allowed as follows: Lpon any sum over $170, irredeemable for 1 year, 4^ per ct i 4* 44 4- 10ft. " for 5 atontlii, 4" per ct 44 44 44 100. 44 for 2 Hiotiih)*. 3 perct TRl'STEES. W'tn. Bard, Saml. Thompson, If. C. De Rjijiii, t Thomas W. Ludlow. Isaac Bronson, Jonathan Goodhue, , Wui. B. Lawrence, Peter Remsen. Jame* McBride, } Jacob Lorillard, Stephen Warren, John Ralhbone. Ji. | John Duer, James Kent. P. G. Stimtwit, rt-i*r uarmony, nainuiiw xuuic, twus. ; S. Van Rensaeliaer, N. Deverenx, Sleph'n. Whitney, ; John G. Coslar, Benj. Knower, John J. Astor, Tito*. Stiffens, GulUn C. Verplanck, Benj. L Swan, J no. Miaou, Cornelius W. Lawrence. WM BARD, Pretident. R. A. NFCOLL, Secretary. F. U. JOHNSTON, Physician to the Company, sep 9-ly rpo THE TRADE.-CHE.M1CALS.?The subscribe X ukes pleasure in oflering a very extensive assortment ofthi rarest Chemicals of his awn manufacture, or those of a warraiiiei quality", as likewise a large quantity of the more common ones, al i are offered for sale to wholesale Druggists, or to country merchant ' at t h<4 most reasonable terms, viz ! 3000 ounces of lunar caustic, various qualities. | 1000 do prussic acid, warn;.!?I for 3 rears, 1 1800 do nitrate of silver in crystals, white and pure. ! 2000 pounds spirits of hat tshoroe, F St FFF Itol, '< 2000 do sweet spirits of nitre, F St FFG. ' 1000 do sulphuric ether and chloric and acelic ether, i 200 ounces zuaides of iron, sulphur, lead. proUo and deulo lodid of mercury, 200 do hydriodate of potash, 500 do kreosale, with directions, HW do platlica. in plate, wire au l sponge Marphin, sulphuric, acetate and muriate, quinine, sulphate, ptu' siate and pbospn3te. Appiyto ,ep8 Dr. LEWIS KKUCHTWANGER.ST? Broadway. 1 I?OR SAL.E?22,000 Acres of good timbered Land i A the State of Maine, lying on the Naragattgus waters and with : a few miles of ship navigation. The timber consists principally i I White Pine, with a fair proportion of Spruce a>id Hard Wool thee are, also, several geod mills in the vicinity, of easy access. Persons who have been <>n k, represent it as a desirable tract of lai and an object for speculators to take hold of. Terms of payme will be made easy and accommodating; for further particulars a ply to J. G. VANDENBERG, dec 5-lf 55 Chatham street. ! PAMPHORATED COLD CREAM AN Vy PASTE, for eruptions of the fare, chappei hands, Ac. for si RUSHTON? ASPINWALL, t'tt 86 William street, and 119 Broadway. i D. i i i . NUMBER 110. I'AJLt KIAIWEK3. ' Those few pile autumn flowers. . H i beautiful they are! Than ail Ih^weut before. i Tharfall the jiimn er store, Haw iowliei far! ? An.vyhj-7?They are the la?! I? h t * "*IjJr<^<.t?t 1?(he Hut!?the last!? 1" ** , Oh. by little word. a-/ How many thoughts aie stirred? . That sister of^ie past! ( Pale flowers 1?pale, perishing flowery! Ye're tvpes of prrrious things? t* Types of those hitter moments, V_- , Tiial fli.'. like life's enjoyments, On rapid, rapid wings. r s ' ' f t . f . Last hours with patting dear ones. ? (That time the fastest spends?) tLot tears in silence shed? , Last words halfuA?red ? ^ _ Last looks of dy\pg fjiei ds. ? .* Who would but fain compress ' t *A life into a day? . The last day spent with one ~ Who e'er theanorrow's sun, , ^ > Must leave us, and for aye! * Oh, precious, precious moments! Pate flowers 1 ye're types of those; k The saddest! sweetest! dearest! . ' , I i!tV:iu?e, like those, the nearest "4 To an eternal close. , n * Pale floiTPis'.?pale, prrishing flowers! I wod your gentle breath ; ** I leave !}ie summer rule For yyung^r. bother brows? Telr pie juf change and lif-ul^. The fyllu^inj: pleasant dialogue upon the name of .Mr. Broi'^t). the friei^l and asskiant/rf ,Mr. and Mr$. Wood, we cqjnrjrom it?e Boston Morning Post. How to .address or?p?ik of<fri$ feebtletikan, so as to l?e understood, puzzle.I- our citizens as inucji as it did the persons represented behjs* :?fi/'t < . A scE/j>rr thutkemoST. t 1 Dramatis Pc~ttrmia Fmnfc'n Student, a Lawver, ? r * > a ClorJt^nd a^iechanic. Ed.?IIoav do i ofr^ike Bro, friend S. Don't you think his st^le^buniinyr ? ' jp ><l>7u.w-Brofl:^Q^y ouWeaje?Bro, indeed! EdAI call hull BiJr. ex. gr. T h-o-u-g-h,?though. I Si*.?\yry vrel) j^JFcnll-it BrofT?C-o-u-g-h?ough. Z>iir.^Ah, yOuiiWTRth wrong ; it's Brow. Erf-ylfsBro/ >. Stu.?It sjlroft. f v [jt\c.?Bless your souT. n^I hear Wood himself r' . kpronouhcrat empljatiullvABnwr ? AwL I ^iold that , | he'shmifii hest Wiipw.- Wlfy,*'lo<>k'ye^l*-l-6-tt-g-h? t ; plough'.' 'I insist "it is Brow.? ' ' r ' / " Cterkt? I iitsist iips Brew.Examine your lexiedhs, ^ .^fld if. T-h-r-o-u-g-h phuft c*jMjl Through, there's no . * |.*nnkes in Carolina. . * . ,? 1. Eair.?My dear sir. tlyftv i not a particle of euphony hi stlch 'u Mrouunciatioh^ I have it from first rate^u. th(>riL)f,-^erffo,^amg[igbl. ] -/.'d?rGerfljemen, imagine me right, if ypu pleas^Pt am atv editor'! ami understand orthography,, etvtnology. i syntax, and prosody, thoroughly and b? yoaj dispute, j You can't begin to argue with me on the subject. [Here a grimace of importance.] /<((.?Zounds, sir !?I am determined to maintain uiy ground. Hav'nt I beeu to college ! It's Broff all the world over. Mech.?Hh?hR?ha. Here have you been quibbling and disputing about a /m?i affair, all this time to no purpose. Permit me, gentlemen, without the advantage of a liberal education, so called?without having studied law, stolen a paragraph, or jumped over a counter?permit me, in a plain, common-sense fashion , being a roufth fellow, to assure you, you arc all wrong. Call every thing by its riahwtamc, Sirs, and you will pronounce the word Bruff; ex. gr. (as the editor says,) R-o-u-g-h?rough. Vide also, the song which my friejid Andrtw - and others have sung so melodiously, called tlte " Chough and Crewand remember again that master piece of plays, Macbeth; "Lav or. Macduff :?and rfamn'd be lie that first cries, ' Hold? Enoti<rh [The pronunciation tniten hv Hie gentleman himself is "Bruff."] Horrible.?This morning, as a negro man was leading two chained bears through tlte court yard of the Mississippi Hotel, kept in this place by Mr. Parker, a mulatto woman from the kitchen improvidently took I her little hoy out to see the animals, and allowed him to go near them. One of the liears immediately seized I the child in his paws, (sinking his claws into tne abdomen of the child.) threw him mi the cronnH. nn4 lieirnn ' with frightful aridity, to feed upon his carcass. The shrieks of the frantic mother, who, true to nature, had i thrown herself upon the prostrate body of her child, and was vainly endeavoring to unclasp the inurderoos ' jaws of the beast, brought ill a moment to the spot, the " keeper of the hotel, and a niwiberof gentlemen, lodgers there; and an attempt was made to rescue the boy by striking the bear with the head of a corn hoe. But the rapacious animal heeded them not, and continued bis deathly feast bv sucking the blood from a bite in the arm,?when, most providentially, the other bear was instigated, probably by the smell of fresh wounds, to contest the banquet, a battle ensued between them, which afforded on opportunity of snatching away the child, and'ulso diverted tlieni both from a fresh attack on any one else. At this in?thnt, fire arms were brought, f<ml tun nr tlirpp films inf nnuritntrrl Mfh nf ? ] tliem for further mischief. Dr. Dashiell was called to e | the child, and promptly dressed the wounds. He will i probably recover.?Xatehcz paper. 3 t Cold Winters.?In the year 100 the Euxine was covered with ice for 10 days. In 359, the Adriatic was covered with ice, hut for what length of time does not appear. In 929, the Thames was frozen ever for 13 weeks; the same river was also frozen over in 1163, 1265 and 1607?8. Several times since the same has o happened. The winter of 1033 was so severe in Europe, that trees were split bv the frost. Loaded sledges passed on the ice from Boston to Nnutasket in the winter of 109u?7, and have done the same one or two winters !- since. On the 12tli December, 1708, the frost in New England was so intense, that the trees were killed. A ? j fall of snow took place in Februarv, 1717, so deep that !" people in Boston liad to get out of their chamber windows. Eleven hundred sheep perished on Fisher's Island, from being buried 13 feet in the snow : Two were ? found alive after a lapse of 28 days, they having supld j ported themselves bv chewing the wool of the others.? In 1780, the Chesapeake was covered with ice as far as the mouth of the Patomac. In the same year, troops I of horse and heavv cannon crossed on the ice from New D York to Staten Islaad: and Long Island Sound was nearly covered with ice. Almost all the birds of the j foresi perished.