Newspaper Page Text
MORNING HERALD. VOLVHK III* N15W YORK. MONDAY. MAY 22. 1837. no. i. [From llie Weekly Herald, of May 20.] Newt of (lie Week The pa9t week his teemed with events unparalleled in the annals of our country. The wave of revolution has been tolling on. Bankruptcy? for the miscalled suspensions are nothing less ? has spread from Maine to New Orleans. With very few exceptions, every great monietl institution has adopted the suspension measure, which necessity or policy demanded? but which can never be justified. Pint justitia, ruat caelum. The news from Great Britain throughout the week has been of the same character as of the last. Meney scarcer than ever ? merchants failing ? trade declin ing? an almost total suspension of manufactures and general distress is experienced there as well as here. The sympathy between America and England is so intimate, that a blow upon the commercial interests of one is felt by both alike. The legislature of the state has passed a law au thorizing a suspension ef specie payments for one year, but at the same time imposing such restraints and regulations upon the banks availing themselves of the act, that it is doubtful if the city banks gene rally submit to it, and in case they do, the constitu tionality of the law is questioned. In the mean time all is suspense. A large amount of paper currency, worse, if possible, than that fur nished by the banks, has been set atloat, to meet the great demand for small change. Ere long, we ex pect to hear of suspensions and failures among these self-made coiners of n better currency, and then of prosecutions for swindling, and procuring money by false pretences. In consequence of the depreciation of paper money, several articles of produce have risen to a higher no minal value than they before surtained. The prices of necessary articles will show the relative value of paper money. This has always been the case. All the legislative enactments in the world will not make a pap er currency equal to the wants of the communi ty, that is unsupported by a solid basis. Every cent paid in discounts, every loss of time and money, in consequence of the present slate of things, is a direct evidence and consequence of this great fraud com mitted by th? banks upon the community. The executive and treasury departments, like the New York legislature, have yielded to the dictates of stern necessity, and finding themselves utterly unable to pay their own debts ? even the French indemnity, in specie, have desisted in requiring it of others. Con sequently, treasury bonds are to remain in statu quo, paying 6 per cent, interest until the next session of Congress, which assembles on tho first Monday of September. Until then, but little can be foreseen as to the ultimate effects of the present state of affairs. No foreign news of importance, except from Eng land. Bustamente has taken the reins of govern ment in Mexico ? with which power we have had a quasi war, and one of our National vessels has de stroyed the principal part of their navy. Poor Mexi co?distracted by internal divisions, maintaining an anequal warfare with a new nation, once her rebel lious province ? and surrounded by powerful foes? and what is more, with all her rich mines of gold and silver, a bankrupt. She is in as bad a pickle as the banks in Wall street, that have suspended specie pay menta, with money in their vaults. The Florida war is ended at last, after costing we the people, only ?6.000,000. Oceola has come in and says he has had fighting enough, and is perfectly willing to emigrate to the West. When we can say the same, we may go West too? prtkajts. [From the Pennsylvania Inquirer.) Attempt upon the lite of J voce King. ? It is with feelings of the deepest regret that we record the fal lowing transaction. Some time since, in consequence of a domestic difficulty, a husband and wife, residents of Southwark, parted; and the wife returned to the re sidence of her father. Subsequently she made apph #auan to the Court of Common Pleas for tw? of her children, uf tender uge, which having been granted, a suit was forthwith instituted against the fa ther for their support. This question came up for de cision before the court on Wednesday last, and among other evidence, the wife swore that her husband had locked her up in a room and intimidated her with a loaded musket. The case was heard in all its bearings and the court, through the President, Judge King, gave a decision against the father. This produced the most painful excitement in the mind or the defendant, and while in a slate of great agitation, and laboring under the strongest feelings, he visited the house of Judge King, in Girard street, where he made use of violent language, and remained for nearly an hour. The judge endeavored to appease him by every mems in his power, but in vain. He finally drew a loaded pistol from his bosom, and was in the act of presenting it towards the Judge, when the lady ?f that distinguished judicial officer, whose attention had been arrested by the vehement language of the excited visiter, sprang suddenly between the two, struck the pistol with her hand, and the ball with which it was charged fell upon the floor. But for this act, and the presence of mind of Mra. K., the most-fa tal consequences might have ensued. The hurried visiter then retreated from the room and discharged his pistol in the air. We forbear from comment, as the case will, in ail probability, be brought before the pro per tribunal. r Thb Exscction. ? In addition to the particulars we gave yesterday, of the general behaviour of Mo ran, while under sentence of death, we have only to add that the Reverend Mr. Kenrick, Pastor of St. Mary's Church, and another clergyman whose name we could not ascertain, continued to administer every consolation that could alleviate his awful situation, soften and subdue his nature, and prepare him for the fearful rhfingp he was about t?* undergo. The unhappy pr soner seemed perfectly sensible of the solemn posi tion in which ho wss placed, and was contrite for the errors and crimes of his life; but it has not transpired whether he made any substantive and special con fession of the crime, for which lie was about to enter eternity through the portals of a public and ignomini ous death. He has all along declared that he did not ?nke the mortal blow; but that he was engaged in toe inunity, though no worse than any of the rest. At an early hour yesterday morning he joined in prayer with his spiritual friends and comforters, TiT ^*',rcMed R hope that through the merits of tfce messed Redeemer, his sins would be pardon ed, and thai he should be saved from the pains ot everlasiinn perdition. He was truly contrite, re signed, and io a certain extent, firm in looking for k.midf a.W.,u ?f u enrth,y career. He expressed himself grateful f?r ^ pjOHS eJtorlK)nB 0f tf,p Rrv ^ f UaHr.'i.vJli J? tZ?n4L*nd- *Ibo f*r thc ??ention he had received, as for as his situation wonld allow, from thegovernor and koeperBof (hc pnBon tiTVn IE"',?*1 "l ?? ''levatcd spot on Bush Hill, near the .ad. By o'clock groups be gan t. assemble, and b? ^ thefy, w?8 a CQ?n iKj{,rnb,c nnil nude. At eleven h* cruwd was immense, and hoae who are judges of ,,ch matters, inform u? that fc? "T hf? heC.n ,wemythr>usaad Persons .ssem "ty "U ^ *fter eleven, the large gates of the prison were unclosed ?nH Mr R?n??i marshal, witli the proper authorities ace<*mnan i i ! a constabulary forfe and smntl h*} ^i^mS forth, n procession, e.eortmg the pri*,,nTX wm attended by the Rev. Mr. Kenriek n.?| broth, , el-rcv men. I k, v proe, .-d?d slowly toward ,|U! fn,a| F * form, and during their pro<rr?>HM. the Im^e number .if people present appeared to be much tmpreMed W|li. the solemn reparation* for the appr<> - 1 ... ?p< rtn. |(, ol death. Before the prisoner, a furniture en r mire containing his enffin. wis drawn towards the gal lows. He was dressed in blue pantaloons, white shirt and suspenders, and wore a cap on his h*ad. He had neither coat nor vest, having expressed his desire to ?s f ree from them. He also begged that the execution might take place as early in the day as convenient. When arrived at the platform, which he ascended with a firm step, he was escorted by the two clergy men, who cort tinned to exhort and pray with him, di recting his mind Io the very Isst moment, on the only true source of psrdon sad salvation. As he wslked ffora the prison to the scaffold, he was quiet, firm and resigned in Ins manner; and on ihe platrorm^JH | said to have shed a few tears. Let hs hope they were those of sincere repentance. , Mnran's ' In a few minutes the clergyman retired. , arras, which had been tied with a rope, were ihe rin drawn over his face, and the cord adjusted round L neck. The dreadful *'g?Jrbe'r^ floor fell beneath him, and a shudder was risible anci audible through the multitude. We wish we could add, tint lie was immediately launched into eternity. But, no ' The rope was badly tied; the knot slipped from that part part of his neck where it was intended to produce immediate strangulation? and the fal of the nUtform did not appear to be sufficiently grtat. 1 be executioner, who was disguised in aprisondressam blac k mask, doubtless performed his fearful dtit y to t!,e best of his ability. But he utterly failed in his at tempt and the feelings of humanity were pained and outrog^ by witnessing .he rri,h.f?l and eonvu struggles of Morsn for nenrW tif.een mmsw. H,sel bow Struck part of the woodwork as he fell, at a time when he was engaged in prayer; and from t! ment to his last dymg spasm, he must have si ercU incredible torture. Wc much lament this clum y management; for although Moran richly deserved the severest penalties of the Paw, as a pirate and the abet tor of a murder ? ret such a hideous exhibition as that of death being inflicted by torment, excited the most painful emotions, and was alike at vanencc with our national feelings, laws and sympathies. At length the struggles became faint not before the immense populace ha more than onv part of the crowd expressed in a smothered manner, their sense of indignation. In<leed, s!T much were the feelings of those who were > nea the gallows excite d, that two or three rushes were made ta wards the scene of agony and death. They were, however, successfully repelled by the police and uia rines? we are glad to say, without accident But we draw a veil over thvs part of the proceedings? it is too revolting to dwell upon. After the body had hung for twenty minutes, it wascutdown, placed inthecoftm, and conveyed back to the prison. The vast assem blage of people then quietly dispersed. Thus died James Moran, at the early age of nine teen May his fate be a warning to all who indulge in evil companv. or yield to the tyranny of their own malignant. vindictive and wicked passion. wf?le the marines were conveying the hnncman to ihc prison for security, the mob .^sailed him with stones, and would probably have killed him, ?"tf?r the promptness of the officers, who ordered the ma rines to load and fire, uuon which intimation he as sailants desisted. The horse that drew the cart to the gallows, dropped dead in a few minutes aftorwards, without visible cause or disease. We learn that the committee appointed at 'he re cent town meeting, having addiessed a letter to jhe various banks, those institutions have appointed a comtni tee to draft a reply. The intercourse between the two committees has thus far been charactens?l by a proper degree of liberal coui^y. and we doabt not the banks will be able to satisfy all who feel the slightest interest in the subject, of the propnety nny, the absolute necessity of their recent course. Bank IWs.-The Wilmington Joarnal saya "The first impression being over, our communi y nuietlv settling down to the paper currency imposed upon us by the pr sent erisis. The banknotes of this town pass as currently among a* as 'h^y ever dicl and there is not the slightest reason whytheyshould not. They are just as good as they were two w k. a?o bersusc by the prudent precaution of the banks, in saving their specie, they have secur^ the certain ty of a future redemption of all their notes. cerUintyin view, there is not the slightest hesitation on the part of any man whom we have ard ot, 1 ^vintr currency to a Wilmington or Phiadelphia bank note." Novel Mode or Puffing.? About six months ago the Paris papers gava an account of the extraordinary conduct of a Russian prince towards the wife of a wine merchant, on the boulevard Montmartre, and of his having been s# struck with her charms, that after endeavoring to seduce her by the mest brilliant pro mises, he endeavored to carr* her off at mid day, and was only prevented from doing so by the cries of | the lady. This account excited public curiosity so much, that the shop was for aume time af,c[wa?H crowded with persons frem morning to night, bat the Russian prince was never discovered. It turns out that the husband of the lady is an agent for the sale of champagne, and that there was no sort of founda tion for the story, which had been invented with a view to puff the establishment. 1 ' IS1TI N < ? CARDH, VIWITIM4S CARDS." V In plain writiwr. th?- Italian and lancy band*, printed on POUCHED oJSniAN Font PLAIN CARD, n.av Ik- pro cured at tlx- comer ot Maiden lam' and Broadway, ai Stou la RNORAVING ESTABLISHMENT, where ?p?-cimrn books m\yLsI^LsiLVER PLATKD DOOM k NTMBF.R PLATES t|?rpiattag of which i* unu.ually ?hu- k, Uie silver beinp e* ur.'^lv rcJlr.1 for the advertiser. . . ... MEkt IIANT'S COMMISSION CARDS, executed with ''l^'ter^stamps, con solar and notarial "bRASS DOOR PLATES AND KNOCKERS, with bake, I jei black nlgM, enamelled, andcapablaof r"C4,vl,t')fv ??at ? I.OWKll HTILI. WATER ro M PAN Y -Y> ?harr< of this atork for ?.!?? at a very low pn< ^ ma ? L..8* atr>i*k in triwlw coimm* of Mill*, LuX"/ vl Town?lilp?, and i?cU of lumber lan- 1 rlran w'ill' .tV^Tawl ? part of ll^.r laJ L"Vk Ti.en will tK DO dUficalty m?howing dial the aUe can be had at ? bargain. APr'jr THOMPSON, W4 Wall at. N. B. If Uh- .took i. not i,V s?.l, I at auction by Mriaw. rrankfin k Jrnklna. a?^ I.?ilM u .tiKli Want I to purcliaiM-, Irmn 2 ,!^-,nf ltoo.I W. ?tern Lan.t, at ^"vrniin?-nt |>nc?'. Jl? m.iHwaiFMn ((n?i i?ilw*irir>itrof?oinrto*n It mwtbc in a or wL.l. wo.W U W pnn^rty will hj Civen to Apply to B. T- Y . ikrougb Uh- poat o?. ? , ? .d.^ ?< vriMMEH M ? TB?? Frif'' rrrtarnl to E VMIDON roriv'r of WaM an-i Nawuni mrmrU, an Tj %i .W.-AM ID N ^ U a ||(iri tlMt in ro^qu*rK-?- o( nooncr* l)f 1(,r t?nr?, Ik- Ium mluc??o lt?f price ibv anparaUe^r'** ? , |roiB f | sc ; In ail ra?? ? ?f bUSm.Krtl. WbuM wtor. ^ ^ ?T,P of th? nUny, lobe eaah on ?*very. ^ la*t two year*, are too mvS-tmU - - WMALL n.,^or7irke? nt ^ cannot to* a'?i St<^?- Car.l twianlmc borne*, an.t vlrtnalierj- ? Th. v s^?sgS2& - - aSr tor> , corn ?? liar ri her* ha?e now on bainl f A H of CarpelinK, ?urb a? t an elera* ' ^Jn'TnT tilie. Twille.1, <t?",a-k, Brn?? l*. Three t ly. .I'IJLj Htrir Carprtlnf. of all wiflth* Tbn . Ply, Xin n,,rr.. ">1attinr, D.K?r ?n, | color*. Fie'injjl a i |itf ,n,| Kt?,i.lCn?''r?, k''. Ma??, Siarol MaM. Ptoao, T , KK)OT oil ? |*o, fr-n Al*>, ? very lEM'SJJe Em a?Hl well 'I -rtKle. al ,1"' ,nmt r"*M" PTp^hawra will find U to tbrir inters to call before m.kin, ibHr ?k su w Sr.- J zzzszA of t-awlajant received an?l oyenimr L. r rtreet". Con?amer? Pr,?rl Mreet, between Frankfort an-i - ^rnntaref no an<1 dealer* will find, at their e?u ,,-ir entire new rtock ?W else to 1?e i net with, in addition to their entire n ^tarmnem, of lha al?*e firm, ?S^anerl^wcr^and wfco! ?t ap^tlaii.m or the Three riafere.1 PtjeT HaiHf , lh, 5 ne^t)^ to ay. to anv hot a?ran*era, ?tawda onrtvanes^ u ^ art of Paper h*n?inr. h>*fcf '? jyw ,*** .hull lend in peraon aa far aa praetioable to all the woia be < utruted to kit care. Paper Box G E O R O E PBUSCHER) NO. 121 FW.TON STREET, THDEE l)UO!(8 PROM NASSAU, .Manulai tures aud keeps caiwMimly on hand lor ?iie? Plain and Fancy Paper Boxes of ?*er? dcscnption, sue an ?tvie, tor t?MWlowmg liaea of busine*.? A-Dry goods, silk.-. lacea, &c.f B? Short ? clesi D? Stocks, collars, lioaonw, shuts; Is.? Curls, j* B luns ; G? Jewellery ami perluinery in all their biww* , " Sample* tor cortee, rice. wbeat? ki\\ J M al u lit -*i ' estieciajly for muffs; L? Mimical instruments; M-Drugs apo thecary anil stationery ; N ? Hal casvN ''at boxes, boxes for millinery articles. Orders tor any purpose, quantity or (lualityot i,,w est received Mil promptly executed with deapati' :h, al prices, to lit anv aiticle prescribed, in the nisitM maim Merchants setting up new stores can l<e supplied ,,niw|.' ' with good anil strong boxes lor slore use, exactly lillni0 shelves, anil being a real decoration ol the store. , Country merchants will lind every ?cc^'ouin regar of olitainfng hexes of any description, an.l shipping tin in to an parts of America at the shortest notice. In the m? an time be gives notice that lie regularly J'"JW from Germany* (his native country, (real genui ie Cologne wa ter, of which he lias just received a lar^e iiuan ity lor w holeaoli , superior to any article in the present market Al?), a most splendid assortment ol Gerir an patterns lor **? pies aad embroideries of every description, lor retailing ; se^ar hoxes, pocket hooks, and ladies' notice books, decorated With needlework, in so rich and handsome a style as ihey never were seen Itefore. . , . f. (J. Peuscher returns hissincere thanks to his numeron* friend anil customers lor their former patronage, and trusta b/ unwea ried pains, to merit a continuance of tin- sa"lf> lie also informs his friends and the l'ubhc, that h< ha* b? 111 awarded a diploma from the last American l- iur. hel.UK tttJ. r, 18 XS, al Nililo's Garden, New York, lor _a specimen ol p ap er I Mixes, they being consiilered lb? n**>t substantial and spl? nihil article in the line ever offered to the inspection ol the pubhi . uiyJU-liii _ COSiKKCUO^ARY. TT A CARD.? To the Ladies of New Yerk.? A new tlnnp expressly manufactured for the ladies at GREGORY ^whole sale and retail Conleclionary Store, No. Ul street. N. York, and is sold wholesale or retail hy no other Person In this citv V ANILLA Cream Candy, a new, very rich, anil deli cious article, is now hereby submitted to the .judgment ami pa tronage of tlie New York citizens and the public in general and especially the ladies, wlio are said to be the best judgi s ot the sweettof life ; and is a ? sweet without a bitter," the Vanilla Cream Canily stands pre-eminent . N. B. On baud, and constantly manufacturing, a as sortment of Candies for the South and Western 'narRets i at tin lowest wholesale price, and warrantisl to keep in any <!'">*)*? No charge for boxes, packing, or cartage to any P^j'^y 1 SKK ADVEBTlhKMKNi. --ABKKNK THY'S Compound Liquorice Cough Mixture, tourth page. The special agent, 127 Bowery, corner ol Grand street, has been obliged, in consequence of the great demand ol this Me decine. from the Uwer part and west side of the city , t<>?P noint lloPI'KR, corner Broadway and Kranklw street, and UN DF.RH ILL, corner Beekmail ami William streets, agents for this Mixture. ~-t ,? rilE ( <IP AKTNEKSlrflP heretofore exi-tm" under the firm of W. A. ANDKOSS k CO. is Uus day mutual consent J. E. ANDKOSS.' December 17th, HW>. . ~ Ilts Britanic Majestv's Cow^ulatk 1 New York, lltii Mny, Ifrf7. > ITT INconl?nniiv witli n law passed by the Legislature ol thlTsia'te,^ tiSfli day of April girlate the lowers and duties ol t?r, ig?e. s," giveS.'tha? on ?ud after this date, the pro nert v und effects of >11 subjects of His Majesty who may die on thei / wav to, or in this city, iniestate, su?h Pmperlywd effects arriving 'in tlik Slate, are place 4 umler tke < are of tlii? olHrf , and not under thai of the Public A-hamisirator, as lieretofore. The uiMlersitfne?l, in consequence thereof, requests tiiiit notice* heretofore sent to the PuVlic A.hninistrator, may be sent lo this office, where information as to tlie estate anil erteets ot any subjects of Mis M.V'sty shall at all limes Ik- furmslwd without WTl^VeVl!hoiRcnl'an7ot'hers at the Quarantine are respect f'uliv requested to make thejr ci irimunicalions to this office, where all expenses connected therewith will l>e ^{Mlawl( t /-JOSEPH K. SPENCEIt having completed the arrange ments attendant on opening his Hat Warehouse, is Wl^ red to furnisli a superb article of the style how In am?n- the genteel commuwny. ?ml i><<ssessing th< increased value'of capacity for Kiore ktngtbewd service, at ilie standard ft**..' m? ?..!>, x age he would nre-ent tbe followiBg rules, which will invaria "{?SSS" Tht haS^d .1 his establishment will be ofthe same value, tlKmgh differing in slwpe awl general ?PPr?rane?. Secondly The very moderate price demandeil not warrant ing a system of credit, all sales nrt??t he subjected to cash |my "'ll'ehaa also added to his stock a ebplee selection of I'mbrel las, Canes, Gloves, Hawlkercbiefll, lodel Brushes, be. file sHlesroom, which is fined -Irji u. a stylecoia'ne^urale with the gmw ing lastrf and r?-tinemenl of the city, is located at thecor?e?of Wall and New streets, being a part . the build ing about to be occupied by tl?e Courier an?l Enquirer^^ Nl'W WORKS ?Memoirs ol the Life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart., bv I. <L Lockhart, part first; Jijck Brar, by Theodore ll(K,k, autltor of Savings and ' ^ J'U li,l ed. For sale by C. SHEPAKD, No. X2 Broadway. i?lw d \ b'KUiiN BILiV' Kit.? Kisli and butler Knives, Su Cftrar Tontr*, Rpnooa, Fork*, ajul Laiflen, of vark>u? pattern*, all of superior quality, and warranted wrought for sale by the manufacturer. The ?ub?cril>er originally intrrsluced ,l?e*l?ove ware, aiMl has lieen established m arly live years in UiU city, and was nwardetl the fir?t premium for tbe l?est specimens of | German Silver Goods, by the American Institute at their late * German Silver Coffin Plates engraved at one hour's notice. Price from *1 38 to each, engravmir bicluded. rtn. N B. The price? of the al?ove articles are about 7.1 per cent cheaper thvn the real ^rc|(ANDLE!M, Manufacturer, 6 Clarkson street, mvS 1m' Between Varick and Hudson street. litis EMBHolDKllIEl- ? -Ju?t received, a splendid assortment of capes, collars, pelerines, shimiietis. be., the newest style aud most fashionable patterns, imported this spruu. j nf linen cambric baiMlkerrbiefs and caffs an extensive stocks of infant eml> of every de scription, fmcks, robes, frock waists, linen cambric caps and Uimmings bi . r?,?,rohUre.l satin; ?eve r?l nJes M? o!ch ami English cryes an.l collars. *c. A large selection trf Rnfftuh and French thread lace- black blonde (Mrle rines; a splemlid stock of bla< k and white lace shawls; Mack and white lace veils, very rich, be. be. ... Ladies mid gentlemen wlm wish to purchase any of the above would find ll their interest to call ami examine the stock which they will lind are carefully selected from the l>e?t markets. The subscriber, from the extensive patronage he has receiv ed, ami still continues, feels no hesitation in saying tbegOOOT are the c' --anest in this city, wlmle-ale and retail. THOMAS COCHRAN, 61 Catharine st., a?2-lin' and 1!M Bowery, ibree doom above Spring St. rtKKAT BARUAINB.? An extensive lasortment sf I I Silk an,l Cotton Hosiery, focether with a large assortment of Eml roideries, c?nsi?<ing of cap* s, collars, pellerines, canar tnu\> , fislmreltes, Infants rottes, waists ami raps, ladies (ola?a cat>s iae<- shawls; merino embroidere.1, ?ehra ami brocne, 'lo. very' rich; thread ami Iw^Jiuwtt laees, insertinifs amledginps, needle work.l iiaa-rtings; ami s.??||op edgings; 20Q0 needle workMand lamliord hands, ulain ami figured swim inusluis l?eail ba?s, Durn** and safety chains, aeedbs, ihimblc, sil ver ami steel |po.lkins. balr ptns, setov>r?; whl'r and cisl'il -atin, gaus,. and lu^rintr ribl*>ns all * ldths; gentlemens and ladi<s horse skin gloves, >.>,ies plain and o|ien wirked silk and cotton gloves, jilair. Mnd figured silks; Irish |iop|insihnenrsilk ami e?Kton nai-iaerrhiefs, laee aprrms. Ulack ami white la?w and gaure veils and searts s . ami whit plain and figured blonds, damageil at Uie lMrftrr, *S fomary. , gy ? ? ?. Hl igle Hatsfurl ashsl W holrsslc I'rh ? ?. No. M3 Broadway, corner ?f Anthony ?t reet, ?l story. P.nlmnrr m tj? nf aeerss is ffr?iWiiw|. rtiHF snliscrilier having i^wneda Wursriois tor the I Hat. ot the very q.iakt v ami late.. fad.^- .uil?ble r.?r the citv retail trade, would res,* cif.dly intonn hkWee* W the puMic in general, that they will find at ?*' "^vr " ..iui ment a and fasl,'e article not excelled hyany.ta Idishment in tin- city, and at a discount rach ? nglr which will a?tom?li all wlm have been ^cnMoo,ed ?o [*v I usual heavy retail rates which the jw.i|il1??an. extravagant fixture, tiave l?e?*n o4?lige<l t? ask. in ' ' 'wu'.'ili'saC or<tvrs strictly attended to, and dealers at a ihs laoclr mav raly pjnrn their orders l-iog MM wttl. punctuality and M manufacture, and will Ix-ready in a day ?r l^.'. ultra imle.kin r ? brilliancy of flmdi ami rb hncs of appearaae' ^"rn^A JJ[T '""ITllri.sie sale ami wdlhe r.swlv for inspertioa oa Thursday tb. iRlh out a lot of li??- oil painlings. br"'ight from South America and never liefore seen in this ceomry. j ^ mv IS I w . - ? ? VimmOAPIDlTOH R rAHDH) engraved bia ciVnerior style ami prink* I with tl?e ntrmwt neatness Per ?ons fi! riiisbi ng^l he^olw r, < "PI er Plates can Imve ihem prin, ed on the tmH apprrtve?l fashionable style of cards. _ Th?- late?t fashions received, and an Invoice of ?nP*'rj2T melle.1 Cards, expr?-ssly for Vidtit* t;anls, which lor bri llian ry nf imlish cannot lie excelled. _i,?. rmrAt # iiher Merchants ami "tore keepers supplied with ( ards, Uher Conner plate or letter press, at a lew honrs tmuce. t'ards at Home ami for Private Parties, , specimens to b, seen s,?l all orders prom, a y ?| V Al KNTINK'rt Rnpravin^, Pnntinif, ano r a*ni'enni?H vi i big am I Store C ard Establish,,, em., ? John street, cojr^nf William. i nHItDHK!*'* CliOTrtllm Tbe ..d^riber. ?SSi? y. f KT.I.TfjffWC'R L 7# t kamber ?!.- ' Please to take notlcethat been lone established, and that mtk-i be had at the shorted notice. Thoae wbo are ?M^p servants sheuld apply immrdiatcljr. No. * M juM at ?er of Broadway. M " PIONEER VAST LINE. * ia hail road and canal to i'ittsbi rcu ' """toter Ho**, corner Broad and k?cc street,, T. ?"'j/ at to o'clock. d^WSLSE ??' nP?" ""* "">?? ^rv he., of passenger. iin.fiir.. , ,'xI,r,'s;sly lor the accommodation Thia is the onlv P?l ? it -v nny country, riibury, '.hereby Jlw ni i r""1 OI! to Ifar PitUkurirb in three .l?f '.' "i "1f.canal travel, ami reaching as was lorinerlv (lie ca!e u* i ""our ?*d u I wit", tliere took the canal. ' * Ib^y went by Columbia, aikf in tlie L^iti^|J.s'ul,''"'' 'rt "1W llne is not "Celled by any Other JulTirTwiu SwavHhi' %i""' '*?"*?<, Nashville, St. ?U. ilhi' Vil'S Market'sL^r.^ a,? WMlow ,1l;i.C,"">nut Philadelphia, May 3. A. B. < I .MM IN (is, Apent. L.ONQ lSI,A \ D RAIL HOAD/'"" -^yj; I ?SS: ?f &Auaa[*aWil,|n,nL "^r ^r : ,7 o'clock, .A. M. ^i^kl ^Xk^"' 3 - p. m. " Vi ? M ' ;; '' .M r'"' ' h !ra.'"* u b* omitted, vir Wei .nrv 'i a'"'1 ,eft *???* following places, WTrS7uS:?Az?.iD' 1 <Sxnsz morning, >t 7 o'clock. ,clo< k- riie FIUK on Monday ti - vnoi... r.n.'m th(' font of st pood?, freight, hai>gfi"e tc ' "" owners ol such - ? 6R is ? *' ? mv22 "KW AU1U\(JKMKNT. ^ W* NRWBI'ROR ? Landing at Cald Po.i,n,T,H'steaml>oiit IIK.II foot of Warren street *v!Tv Vt V ll-,I\Ynr,l,;"'>' w the afternoon Ht 5 o'clock Kettmiinir l>y ' v ,"5' i""' s,n,"r,,?V ?lay morning at ? ovtl LT ^'r Newburp every Mon. noon at 5 nYhwL ? V. ^ u^lny ami F ridgy alter* K*4rirht or A!i, v "?'?? further notia, myit-Hi in' *? ' "PPhJf ?,J ji?,? ,?!"? "" h<?ril, or to ^7 - T. POWELL & CO. N?wh?r?r/i. ? fc - A IV l ? PRO~ KiMBSt. M(-?,,er , K VI V f^VVa! N,i'\K- IC """? ar&sr? For furti-r inlomialion ,u<|Uir,M?, b.lar.l, or of th^ate^^?l?t^)r'o^o<^^0rl>i^,^'r^'^'''il'''y ?"'e'fin^croi'ini' uiyI'I r> >M|>, r. if. The ?teatnl??>at < I,KOPATRA day) afternoon, at 5 oVU.j -fc?" "?I,K W'" k*Ve to?norrow (Tu.- I Fare to New London, f-J. Stages will leave I ,? /? aSS,t;ifcr N"* 1 r'ui'iK.SS^ 1 ;s,fr, kk t 31 oVtei a nialtitude of hired ?Un<lerm ! i 1 monopoly have I??w4 i. uttered by th? m to prev.' r , ,1 .'7, ?'?"??? >1* Haiwlilik r. She in entirely neu |y fitted tu>?tCl V S?.*?, trentleinanly treatment. Leave fi,r 4 IlLnJ - ?^?""'^5. ;"3 n\"r7Z7?;: ?? Broadway, beinjr the middle of il... i , , 1 nf finished. This (ion?> U Hnld.^l in ,i ! i h nr limise*i?st uiy!6-Utf ^^AKa, 13o Wiiernreet Mi?s r,r i'Hn> nf,,? n?. "ome parlor*, on' the ' 'J-,'-, ,'V.I ?,orv '' 'w'ilh'maH 1*? ^ -?r~ ?7i? 4 or together. The Store an. I wfLuVl "r,*tr,, *',l,?r?<ely ly ultelvetl, well a.hioie.l ? '"'"d floor are bandtonie businewi requlrin? r^.n. ?'"clioueer or any rMpMtable w SmiiHV.nJ, in ,w " ' m ? _ . auMbr TO IiKi The Mtore known \ 1 1,, Laiie, one d.K.r fr?.in Pearl street. Pfceaewiofi riven i,n wwHntriy. Inquire at IfM P. iirl ?L jflo!y J' ^rThr "f tke second story of the Home No. 37 ? street, either to u small r. .t..-c XI il !"i!7 w,,'K>"t children, to artists, or lor oft/res The floor contains two lart.'e mnm, well l.trhted wjjh place*, ctoaeU ; beaMet two large rloaett that liave been beslroows. myS-tfy ? he beach, a,?' neal'lo t? t? "f ^S.10 Ariih.Vn'/f'Tn^ l'"rl' ln * Central situation eltb ? otalile or workshop. Apply at .177 Brnnd my 4-1 f r, nev st^.eiT.TrTi'T ':,rL'" ?n<l rrmn ?"d^. n0. Apply 't' v.' '?? ?-? sas itr.-ter - 4 TW K V A l,L, NTODDA HT fc r?i v >, ( Mraet, l.etr |? llTtnilje tha?i*K k Pluah and win'r [/"'""i '''"?hea, (V(T In. lies' lionnets which they Will *? II on armmtiKMlatiri(f tprm**. Hma, Cap*, Stocks, an.1 Slock Frames, at wlmlesale. ?12-y A fit M K 'h K H I* rV ^ V ! T lK lH l' K R "ATS. JB ' lK?' ' M>.? RAtiR It <;??., IM Rroailu-a v ^ ^eie"^7^*'",ir "'Kl.,h" P"1'1"'. "'?< h"'Z: quenre of the nn|>recedente.| pre?snre hi the market, II ie finrp of thnr while ?nnimer Ham will l?e rrdoo J te [itm p f fronifA to $4. "A The qualllv ofthealwive Hats Iteinif atl|<en.?r to tho.c furnisheil, and which L'ave nniversnl salitfaction I ant ?Mfrnner, R la pre-nmrsl ?i|| neeo no c?tnmont. my 19-1 w* ^ Brow w <v (o.'hu?r pkic r hat jH s I < >lt ? rite sulavrdtera, aince the year 1tf4, have ilfTM <1 at farnMiin(r the pnltlic with an efe^nnt and sulv ~ ^hiiIuiI HAT of the moat (rracelul form, at the acrom mo?latit?(( price of frt Tliry can now say Ihnt their eflorta have been crowned * Ith irinmphant ??ece?s. The Hals maun Ifcctared bjr thrm during the last three inowba, snr|*aa in bean* ty and tiinali any lirretotore olTered, ami stand pre-rmim nt amrmf those of hii'ber prices, worn by IIm fashionable world. To their patron* tliey would *av ? the quality, a* faraa may l?e. is nmfi>rm ? llie firUt mo.1. rale and fl*?d? th*1 |>ro?it small, ami all th?- *nle* fcir astk 1711 Cliathain (MM^i cor. Mon ?t mvlMf BROWN k CO. MVBBHE ?HBII at wholbsalk PRfcrs.? ' To TIIF LAHfr^-T. MORWAN, IZ1I-2 (liatham st, icn<|c??|i lo mf.iriTi the ladies of N. York ami it* vicinity that he has in.f received, pnr recent arriynla, the i?o*t choice aiel ele|(aiil asaortment of irraaia ever olR-retl in thl* % lleirant Printed Mu?lios, of the most novel deaijma. Printed U?n< ami f'hallice*. 40? Vieloria Dresses, at ^ M the dreaa nf 10 yarda, anmne which are a choice assortment of colors 1 rase of the real Imperial Bine Rla. k Wanhimr Rilki, at eirht shillinir* per yanl, never o/Tsred In lhl? city under (en ahillincr*. RiW?on? in en. I lea* varivtv. A full an?l rlaiice aaaortment of rich ficnred and plain Silk* ami Satin*. ? 18 4 doren plain and emhroi.lered Hoaiery, for I* *d per hpnlr. Ruasia Miapera and Table Linen*. I cane ol Oilnon's celebrared Irish Linen*. 4 cartona ol Fn broideries. Drapery Mn?iin?. In ey? Ty ?tvle, lopetlwr with a larpe aasortment of French ("alic??-* nml D.waesttc (, loo nu meroaa to mention, at (lie lowest price naked, nml mi abate ment. T M(?R'J AN. I 2 f'haiham ?t afcSin i ^ItANlTI*". The?tih?.-ril? r wili furnish blocks o? Ora \W nlte to nr^er, nf anv *i?eor .limen?Wma, delivered on the east hank of thi Mm-1 ' ? - ? ? Ihwi Naw Varfc . eqnal in quality to any of the eastern Oranite j or any point deaienatMl on the river, at ibe low eat term*. Application to he made ia Ward It Howard, F*q., No. S Harnaoo *treett fornetm* Rikeman, Peeksfcilh or the *nl>acri ber, at Cohl Spring, Putnam county, near the Quarry. IIFNRY HOI. P AM A rent of the Hifhla*d Wranite (n Cold Rprinjr, April 2*d, li-'H a?2 Ira 4k M &. M OLD filiTABUHHEll PACKET OFFICE, ?n,.. p, A1 No. .JJ4 PEARL STREET. I memJ mrr h*v? ??nclnded additional irrun , criMHil in tiu. "* ''pl'ab'hof extra spring ships to IrtTeli deurau* , ,r \j .x "! "i'ruary, March, and ApriL Persons lion. In .loin" r frieni make early applioa n*\ \vil| prevent detention delav ?nJ Ji*. apiKMntnw-nt. All will t... ' , nuon, "? i?y , an? ui? ' ..? i _ 111 ? iniilt'd to a free passage La the FllEIUUT ASIU PASSAGE FROM LIVER POOL. To remedy tin* inconvenience occasioned to shipper* is U pool, hy many of the recent vessel* having shutout good*, thay are requested to (iliwrvp that ill addition to the eight extra spring ships previously organized by the Robinson Line, Uie following select convevttncaB are engaged, in order t>. Afford every facility with a greater frequency of departure, vu POWHATTAN, 580 tons, ('apt McCurran GARDINER, 940 Capt. Jackson, MANCHESTER, .r>70 Capt. l'atton, K.A.I All, .531 Capt Blw?, CALEDONIA, (new,) 7ti2 Capt. ?. ROKINSONt (new,) 762 Capt HENRY KNEEI,AND,S03 ( apt. Ranling MATT AK EES KT, 433 Capt Drew, Bi ll L1NGTON, 4h'? Capt <i. J. Priace, SYLLERIK, 221 #'apt Hunler ANN HALL, 771 Capt Jackson, Kl'TI "/.OFF, 41U Capt. Newton., LEVANT, 2 Cii|>t Parsons. To passenger* giving a preference to this line they are very res|?ectfiilly informed it is the intention of this company to do away with the present contused system of bringing out passen gers, ami for (instead of the present steeraee) fore anil aft call in*, after the principle of those much admired and powerful steamers so successfully employed on the Liverpool ami Glas gow station. Apply or address 331 Pearl street. DOUOLAS ROBINSON & CO. ROBINSON BROTHERS, Liverpool alt ROBINSON k CO. Dublin. l-As?AiiF. to \ M> FKOM TIIK VNITED KINUDOMOFUItRAT BRITAIN AND 1RL LAND. ?m. ? Weekly conveyance by the Robinson's Line. The proprietor* res|>ei tlullv infonn tlieir many and very numerous friend* thai the undermentioned extra spring shins, vl* : JANK WALKER, KITI'/.OFF. M AROARET, CONttRBSS, SILLER IE, .Ml TT AM 'SET, LEVANT, S LOCIJM, hare been fnwMil to rupply the kmli, in order to ensure and guarantee additional facilrtb-a, comfort*, and ilespatch. I trail* as usual on the hank of Ireland and the Itohinson V Co.. Dub lin, on tbe National Bank, and all itt branches, ol which Daniel O'Counell, Esquire, is the governor. Tbe rate* of passage have been for some time past very consideraltiy reduced, and the company tender a free passage to all wherever the steam Iwiats run U>: the proprietors deem it worthy of noticing that, for the last year, 183h, they sailed from the port of Liverpool alone, sixty vessels of t lie largest class, being on an average of one ship for every six days, a great accommodation, as it pre. rents detention and delay, ?o very -erioosly complained of hy passenger* who engage w ith esiablishnients having only occa sional opportunities. Apply or address 334 Pwarl >t. ? DOI'OLAS ROBINSON, New York. ROBINSON BROTHERS. Liverpoel f2tf ROBINSON & CO., Dublin. N1 PA?!iiAUE X'KOiH IhELANDAMI) EHOLAND, In opport unities every five or six dav?, by u ay of Liverpool. Sb @ M> Jff> Til K ROBINBON'S LINE, with remittances, moi>ev or ders, checks, and bank jiost notes, sailing on the 1st, Mi, lflth, and 20th of every month The proprietor of the Robinson Lin< very kmdlr return thanks to their many and widely extended friends, for the effi cient and able support tliev have received for so many years past : and at the same time feel gratitied in having it in their C>wer to announce that they have, in Cl>nse<juen3e of many ?avy shipments of specie, deposited to their credit in the banks ol Ireland and Kii'/land, hare lieen enabled to iu I end and aug ment very materially their arrangements with the most opu lent and wealthy haukers, for the payment of their drafts ou presentation. A* regards the agents for the attention of the Robinsons pas mifti, through Ireland, ibey at least pontes* honesty, |>robity, and integrity *, have lieen selected as responsible, wise, and in telligent business men, who will carefully attend to the collec tion ol' debts or other business where efficient powers of attor ney have been remitted. Passengers studying tbelr conve nience, should prefer this line. Induing so, they will avoid making contracts with |>eople having no agenclef Pfther in Dublin, Liverpool or elsewhere, and whos*-only feeling, aftnr receipt of money, has and will 1m1 to gain a per rentage ou the amount of passare, reckless of all other consequences. Application for remittances and passaged should be directed 33-1 Pearl street. DOITOLAB ROBINSON k CO. New York. ROBINSON It BROTHERS, hanker*, Loerpool. ROBINSON k CO. Dublin. mylOtf A"V KOK HIM., KNOL.AWD.-To sail 28th ol vHRlMay. ? The well known last sailing first class packet ? ?" ship TIIOM AS DANIELS, Captain Davidson, will sail asaliove, andean liandsomely accoaimodate n few cabin, *>'? . .., t ? ?!. in. urn t si, , r . i . paaseiigers, it immediate Application is made on hoard, foot of Dover street, or to IIAWHON k McMI'RRAY, my 1 2 CMHrtf Hh Hi iHttlk rfft PAMHMiK KHDMt OKK.UIHRCT. The well known fast sading ship TRV AOAIN.(*ap UK. t a ill Haycock, will positivel/ sail in July, ami will t>e comfortably fitted np ror pass?'nu'erf, who will he engaged ?u reasonable terms, if early application lie made to RAWSON t McMI'RRAY. aX Corner of Ptm- and South street. ,1* PAHHAOK FOR LIVRtfOOL J9I> The packet Shin POW MATT AN, laying at Dover wharf, will lie promptly di-s|mtcbe<1, and can very comlortably take a few cabin au4 steerage passengers. Thm op|>ortunity prevnts, in point of ipeed and safety, a convey ance second t? none. Drafts as usual on the Rank of Irelaud, and RohinaonA Co., Dublin ; on l.iver|wwil. Robinson Brothers, Bnnken. Apply 331 Pearl street, New York my3 DOUOI.AB ROBINSON It CO. F,n VOI1K I. IKK IlMHI'llANCE ANI) TRI'ST COMPANY.? Fersona may ifTect insurancet with this Company on their own lives, or the live* of others, ami either for the whole duration of life, or for a limited perl* oiL Tbe payments o| premium may be either made annually, or in a gross sum. Premiums on One Hundred Dollars for One Year. Aire. 1 year. Age. I year. Aire. 1 vear. Age. I jr. 14 0 72 W 1 07 ? l? SO 1 M 15 o T7 27 I 12 *? I 37 31 I VI ? a ?HI 2R 1 '? 40 l? 52 2 09 n ? m 29 i a 4i i w SB a i* IH 0 IN 90 1 31 42 I M M 111 iq a aa 31 1 32 43 I R9 M 2 33 20 0 91 32 1 33 44 190 2 47 T| 0 92 33 I 34 4ft 1 91 '.7 2 70 Vl 0 94 34 1 35 46 I 92 '4 3 14 ? o 91 3ft I * 47 I 93 *? 3 f7 099 3B 130 48 IM bo 435 & 1 00 37 1 43 49 I M Monev will lie received in deposit by the Company, and held in tru?t, upon which 'merest w ill be allowed ?s follow*: Coon any sum over $100, irreileeinahle for I year, 1 44 per cent. ? m m joo " forftmoa, 4 percent. ? u <1 inn " for 2 mm, 3 per cest TRI'fTF.ES. Wm. Bard. Samuel Thompson, Thomas W. LoilloW, Isaac Brotwon. Win . B. Mwr^nce, Peter Rem*-,,. JacJ. Lorlllard, Btepl?# a Warren, John l?ner, ??tneii Kent, p,.|er llarmonv, Natliann l Prime, M Van ReMMMllaer, N. Devereau*. John (1. Costnr, Beni. Km wer. Tints. Suflern, Cornv W I.s ?? retaee, || C lie Rham, Jonathan ?J ??fllwie, James Mc Bride, John P. (). Stuvvesant, TIk>io?? J. *>akley , Stephen Whitney, J"'"n ' John Ma-sou, ? , Ouhaa C. Yerplwk, Bent. L. Sssan. 1 WM BARD. Frest leni. r i Nlt'OIJi. Secretary. Dr D ATKINS. Physfetaa to the C.impanv. nJ4-tf r t rll ?c ^iiH'l 'R A^KhH'ACI FIRE INSLT* nivi K I'flMfAM (ontmne to insure against los* nr dam 1 . <',r. 1 Mini's, griivla, ships In port, and their cargoes, and every deacr plioa penwoal pmiwrty, at their o?ce, Na. 18 Wall sir" DIRECTORS Rolicrt (his lie, Thomas Bolton, < >mI wise, llenrv II. Fllintt. Hnmei Jack""". Thomas Sari- int, t ortlamll Palmer, *de*r Jenklw, fnhn La^twer Oraham, ( V P llasbrook . Thowas Tile-ton, Hettrr H laaiis De Casse, Oenrge D. Strong. ?enrv Wyrkorf, Charl. . O Samuel T. Ti-dale, Bte,*. a H^n-. Witiiaio P llalb tt. Edward FTwC William f. Nauru, noBF.RT AINSLEI, Preside?. I NO McBR MR d I y 4 ( \ it l>. W M H tt HHI'ltS Iispiv t illy infonrw J\ hi* friends and the public that be has, in connection with his Mtenm C.aifcctionarr at ?-?raml street, between Chrys ,ie sip, | Forsyth streets, added a splendid saloon. The stale in which It is fnrnkhed. Hf UpBter eicellency of his tee rrenms, a iih-s, ?n<< other refreshments, cannot lie sur[ aa*eil in nut other estal'lishiacfit in 11m- citr. W II. A. pledr< s lianself thai hi* Saloon shall be comforted in 'lie "tost rcpeetable ami orderlr manner, ami that every ?? tentian shall I*- p?"l to the ?ccowimo.lartcni of those who wil ( . f s it h ;i sisit wty4"lat* S- A (ijk? Will Wtakenka (he fireproof m.i'i, M ami S2 Water street. Apply oa the premises, to ?14 II ART MAN k BIRDS ALL.