Newspaper Page Text
MORNING HERALD. VOUJMB III. NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 13, 1837. ?o. n. (From *ur Evening Edition of yesterday.] From Waahlngtan. We annex our usual correspondence. The excite ment that prevails at Washington about the "Sub Treasury Scheme," <s the most ridiculous farce that we can perceive, now floating like a " troubled me teor," on the edge of the Southern sky. Since the J lih of May last, when the villanous banks suspend ed cash payments, the self same scheme has been in operation by the government. What is the conse quence? Why the government is even more embar rassed now than the country is. The commercial classes are gradually recovering themselves? not so the government. The public finances are getting more and more in disorder. We would advise the opposition at Washington not to act as fools. Let the sub-treasury scheme pass both houses. No one would be more disappointed than Van Buren himself at such a result. Or if the blockheads of the opposition wont do that, let them give further time on the suspended bonds, and there stop. By doing this, and not repealing the Distribu tion Law ? not mthorizing Treasury notes ? you will place Mr. Van Buren, and his administration, in the moat bankrupt condition that ever a band of specula tors were in. We believe John C. Calhoun is the only man in the opposition who understands his position. Clay's journey to Philadelphia is only an evidence of weak ness. One thing the opposition at Washington may rely upon ? then is, in this country, a stronger hosti lity to the banks than to the administration. This is the issue that will be joined next elections? and on this issue, if the opposition dont lake care, they will be most signally defeated. We hereby tell our candid, honest opinion, on the state of the facts presented to us; for between any party, whig, locofoco or conservative we dont care a pin who thrashes or gets thrashed. We should like to see the leaders of every party soundry bcked, but as to the country itself, it will prosper in spite of all the powers of hell. J From oar Correspondent RotksdKUd, No. XVII1-J Washington, Sept. 10, 1837. The measure of sub- treasuries is decidedly anti xepublican. It will be equivalent to a declaration by the government, that it has no faith in its citizens.? What the government does, will be done by individ uals. No system, however strong its bold upon the customs and manners of a people, can withstand the powerful attacks of self-interest, in all social states, of a nation, the binding cement is self. By adopting the sub-treasury scheme, the elements of this all ruling passion will he disturbed and set in motion. ? The government says? I must lake care of mj self. ? The people will say ? wo must take care of ourselves In the working of this one principle, in different spheres, the most violent actions will take place? the utmost confusion will be the result. How? in what wayl Any man who has ever bought or sold the simplest article of merchandize can answer. If the government, erected by the people and sus tained by it voluntarily, will put no faith ui the hon esty and integrity of the citizen, but require at his hands, before his goods are delivered, the imposts upon them in the precious metals, how can we expect the existence of faith between man and man ? In the contwi that would ensue, und'T the non-exietence of credit for the possession of property, to which class of men would the victory fall f Is there any one so ig norant as to imagine that the poor and industrious would gain it? Is it not evident to the unprejudiced mind that the poor would be thrust aside, and that the rich would oecome richer? Have we not the ac tual condition of the Austrian and German govern ments, of Naples, of Piussia, and of Russia, to dhow us the true operation of the system now pro posed by the President of the United States 1 Do we net see in the wretched condition of the lower classes, under those enlightened governments, the full and satisfactory results of the practice, now so earnestly pleaded far by our rulers ? There is not a vestige of credit between these governments and their vassals. Imposts and taxes jf the heaviest descrip tion are wrung from the hands of the people, the very instant they accrue, and that too in tb? precious metals. And are these countries republican 1 Is there a sin gle sprig of democracy to be found in the soil over which those tyrannies t-xercise sway 1 Aak the revo lutionists of Naples, Piedmont, fcwi'zeriand, the Ger man principalities, or of oppressed Poland. And yet Martin Van Buren, in this enlightened day, proposes the very system that now holds in bondage millions of Human bejigs, panting for liberty, and groaning for the free exercise of thought and action. Let the American fat mors beware. Let the American labor ers beware. If the sub-treasury scheme he once es tablished with their consent ? if the credit, formerly oubsi stent, between the government and the citizirs be once cut of!', by demanding gold and silver exclu Hively for the imposts on commerce, yeu will never re cover your liberties without a resort to revolution. The abuse of the hanking system does not argue against its right use. A* well might we argue against liberty, because it is liable to ahu#e. To enjoylibcr ty, we must make large sacrifices. To enjoy the blessings of the hanking svstem, we must yield much to the institution. Nothing can be more forci ble than Mr. Van Burcn's disclosure of the ilia of hanking. But would he have u? destroy this great institution, long since, truly called the offspring and i lifter wards the foeterer of liberty ? to put ourselves under the iron sway of the despots great lever, the ! gold and silver regime ? Why did he not recommend a National Bank to ' be founded on our ovn vast resources, on our own j credit, ? a National Bank that could efhctually pro- j vide a currency uniform for the twenty-six states of ; (he confederacy t Experience could have thrown j round such an institution safeguards *ad restrictions j that would have placed us management entirely be yond the influence of politics. In whom should a ' free government repose trust, if not in ita citiwnsT? The assertion that the public monies would be safer in the hands of officers appointed by the Rieentive, by and with the consent of the Senate, than they would he in the hands of our fellow cttiaen* not de pendant upon the perquisites of office, hot standing At the head of a m^nied corporation, is an msuh to freemen and th* plea of all tyrannies. The necessities of the nation for the last 60 years, with the exception of a few short intervals, called for a uniform currency, based upon gold and silver. Onr interests and happtoess demanded it. It is true, that Congress by yielding to the demand, excrc.sed a ques tionable rignt. Thinirs have now eome to such an is sue, that it will require three or four years more of suffering to induce the farmers to call out for such an institution. Instead of waiting then, to go through this probation, the better plan would he for the leg islatures of threo- fourths of the States to apply to Congress for the cidl of n Convention, wliose duty it should he to amend the constitution on the subject of the currency, either giving to Congress the express right of chartering a National Bank, or of denying the power to it forever. Neither the present Congress, northenext, nor the next after that, will do any thing to give the people a sound and uniform currency. Why ? Because po litical eonsiderations will be paramount in the estima tion of the majority to the good of the country. The people have not yet called for a National Bank. And wo cannot expect the present party in power to pro rids be* i re hand, that which, they t$ell Ww, will b? demanded by the very farmer* who are ssmlodlby vii l*i nous misrepresentations. u This Congress wtfl, do soms gaod There are men , in tl who wXl etrythe<wnn?g*?lfco*U?? of Banking and the prevent system of drawing up charters. The fruit9 of this contest will be the truth. It will remain for some great statesman when it shnll have been found, to erect upon it a sound system of currency. H i From onr occasional Correspondent. U Washington, Sept. 9, 1837. Both houses of Congress adjourned yesterday, to Monday next; and smce then the cars hence nave been crowded with passengers leaving this Golgotha I of corruption and vulgarity. Never before did Wash ington present such a brazen front of ignorance and effrontery. The loeofocosare predominent ? it is the reign of the Bowir Knife ! Since the promulgation of the Message a satyr- : like leer sits upon the countenance of every blackguard i and loafer you meet in the street. They lounge in I the public offices, swagger in the hotels and block up the avenues to the capitol. The scene is more revolt ing than that presented in Paris during the worst days of the French Revolution. It is not the refined infidelities of the French court, but the reeking mor alities of a brothel ! The downward tendency of mo rals and refinement here will soon make Washington a rival of the " Five Points." I propose watching the progress of events in this city and informing you from time to time of the cur rents and undercurrents, of the plots and counter plots of the parties here, and now and then to give you a touch of individual character. At present 1 have only time to inform you of my whereabouts, and to wish you every happiness. Yours, A VOICE FROM THE CAPITOL. Diaphanous wisdow blinds. ? tc THE LADIES. ? Some new pattern* of these splendic and fascin sting articles have been received ; they are such a are so much used and admired by the fashionable* of London and Paris, and so far surpass all others of their kind in ele gance and beauty, that they merit the attention of all person of taste, especially those who study to unite the ornamental with the useful, us tlvy impart an agreeable and fashionable finish to a drawing room, and are equally suitable for parlors, silting rooms, and bed rooms. Those unique articles are from the pencil of an eminent ar tist, and wilrbe found very desirable, pleasing, and chew sub stitutes for cosUy paintings. They are to be bad of the subscri criber. at prices not greatly exceeding those ofordinaiy win dow blinds. E. DOYLE, 8 Beekman St., Clinton flail. These Blinds mre beautiful creations, and worth looking at. ? The y are a species of illuminated picture*? pictures of birds, of trees, and of paradise itself, illuminated by the light of day. ? The rays of the morning sun coming through these tflindi become mellow, soft, ruieet, and enchanting, resembling tie light that flung its beauteous beams over the garden of Eden on the morning of ereation. ? Xcw York naper. sMtOl DllCTOK WILLIAMs. TO THE AKCMCThD INDIAN SPECIFIC 8YHUP, all of herbs. It I* generally known in this coun try that the herb medicines are tbebest. and safest to betaken. This Indian Specific Syrup will cure Dyspepsy, Liver Com plairts, Cholera, Cramp Cholies, Cholera Morbus, Shortness of Breast, Straimessof the Breast, Oiddiues* of the Head, l.-jts of Ap<-tite, Pain in the Breast, Mont, Coughs, and Colds. WORM SYRUP, of herhs,for aged persons or children? Re moving tape worms ?f a long length from aged person-, and may be taken with safety. Families are invited to call at his ertice, No. 1M Church st. CNIVERSAk SALVE, for the cure of wounds and -ore* of long standing, ami has oeverbeen known to fail. CORN SALVE? Corns cured in three applications, by tins salve. EYE WATER, for weak eyes or dimness. This wash is perfectly safe for weak eyes. TOOTHACHE DROPS? Pains in the teeth cured in ten minute's time. The tooth does not d?cay alter liming these drops. A wash prepared lor the cure of Tetter, Scurvy, King's Evil, and Strains on the Body or Head. Two hundred persons, du ! ring the last year, have handed in tbeir names for publication, I that have been cured of these disease-, by the above medicine-. Persons, by leaving their name* arid numbers will be w aited upon. Cupping and Leeching also done. The proprietor has rmt-le this his study lor three or tour years. Me will be found at No. 155 Church street, New York. sl2-3t' C1GAHI. JOHN ANDERSON, Kirn of the Indian Chief. S21 Broadway, and adjoining the City Hospital, respectfully in forms the adnurors ofgood ClQAM.thatbe has succeeded in making arrnnx?ne?w with thf calelt rated manufacturers, Don Manuel Pulak Co., of, for a constant supply of choice brand*, such as are rarely found in this market The most tattidlous conaoiaenr* may rely an bavin* their taste gratified, oy Cigars of every flavor, and on term* (whole sale or retail), that shaH induce a continuance of their patron a ge. A call wiU oblige. N. B.? J. A. has no connexion with any other house in this city. ijy!9-8m* PA P ? KHAN O I N OS-DONCOU RT it ST AMM E RH beg leace respectfully to call the attention of tseir frierxli and the public generally , to ike new and elegant assortment <*l good* .just received aad opening at their new store, No. 3^3 Pearl street, between Frankfort aud Hague street*. Consa men and dealers will find, at their establishment, advantages no where else la be act with. In addition to tbelr entire new Mock of g'>ods. Hummers, of (be above firm, more generally known Wv the appellation of the Three Fingered Paper Hanger, and who, it is needle** la say, to any bat Iran gets stands unrivalled in the art of paper hanging, both for neatness and despatch, will at tend in persona* far a* practicable to all the work which shall be entrusted to hue are. mv31-6m* C"*APM FOR SAXjB.? 100 tloten otter; 100 <Jo7 seal; l.V> J do. muskrat; 200 <lo. hair seal; manufactured of the best materials, ami most fashionable style. Country merchant* would do well to call and examine for themselves before par chasing elsewhere. Also, a com pie e assortment of Hat* and Cloth Caps of every variety#/ style, whole-tie and retail, at liu* J. H. ARCHER'S 2M and 204 Greenwich <t. DRTbR ANOKKTII'S ofkiccn and lTht OF AUENTM in f.nd immediately around New York, Aucusi 10, IK37.? Dr. BranUreth'* Office* for the sale of his Pill* in New York are Principal, 187 Hudson st; Bowery, 27?J Bow- j cry; Central, 1 Hpruce ?t., neit door to the Hun office; ami (Jrand st. office, j,t Orand St., corner of Eldridge; and con nected with Hie New York agency, who are appointed sub ! agents, are :? D. I>. Wright, 91 Houston, cor. Lewis st ?N. C. Nafii, W Caihannest, near the market. F. H. Tripp, 167 Division, near Pike st B. S. T*>1< ?r, 2* Veney, tie twee a tireenwich and Washing ton st ? Ne wnNa,9M Greenwich, cor. Warren *t John Nove?, 172 Broome, near Ciiaton st Thorna* K vie, car. fludaon and Hammond st J. A Whitneld, 1 Courilamltst, mail stage office. Mrs. Blarlord, RM Water st J. k W. Blackett <>44 Broadway and 364 Bowery. Thomas Hill, SO Frank fort st Miches 1 O'Donogbue, 862 Fulum, opposite the market Henry Pope, 209 Broome *t Howe It Bates, 76 Chatham ?t, bookseller A H. Nchuyter. 220 Broadway, cor. Ana *. J. H. Kenyon, Harlem. Win. Thw<n?<, North 2d st. Wtiiiamshurg , L. 1. Mrs. Booth. 72 Fulton st, Brooklyn, L. L Jamas Herriman, Jamaica, L I. Stephen Burr, Oystei Bay, L. L John C. H. Bailsman, Southampton L. I. Alfred Fdwards ^?g Hartmr.L. L Samuel Peat sail, Rockaway, L L Walter Havens, Ureenport, L. L KjT The above Ageau l ave each it vhem cerwfccnie* of r, and no person las OENt?INK BRANDRETH for sale who has not one. aalAdlmwdi* fWPO RT AH if. ? Cfuppmg, Leerhiiir, and llnediflf , M 1 tented to at a minute's notise, for one half the n-.u?l price*, by an old experienced and regularly educated phiebotomisf. who can give Die most eminent medical gentlemen in the city a* refer* nces. Large healthy Swedish leeehes finr sale at the low price of f dollar* per dotea, aad pnt up caiefujly in clay, m peculiarly shaped leech jars, a* that they can be sent to any part of the country wtlk safety. Charges ? Leeches appked in ibe office, or elsewhere for 2 dollars per dojen? Cupping, 40., do., 1 dollar, at No. *2 Li berty street, corner of Broadway over W?nman li WycbofTs hardware tin re. s||-lm" READI BMEAlf I? The subscriber respe. tfullv re Agency, PiLLtf f 15 i . ? n? is and tHe Ml. 'Mirwfement yivokilU sinat iMHHt? need est Weekly Assite of hi* Bread. Owing to the -mall arrivals of Plonr this week, holders have advanced thefr rite, and we*t tii m hf Id at ten dollars per barrel. The weight of his bread this week will he oi. for 1 shilliiif , and 24 Oi. lor sit pence. It can lie had of the ?am? sire at Brady's, corner of ftrand nnd Suffolk sts.; Dusen??srry. Bnlkley It <>>. 130 Cherry st.,aear th? Catfteripe mar set; at H. William* k Co.'s Pearl sl, n?'ar Frank >n square; at 2* Bflsncy st. near t'ie Bowery, and at w* ' Bakery, *10, Cherry street. P. H. BRADY. , N. II ? It,, narr]>.| number and weight are staoi|>e-4 on each sll 3ts HI; ^ K(k RK IT l< v KT a VIIU K > iv>, near | < amiine.-JOHN WYBLIF. !pegs leave to return hi* most grateial thanks (or the very liberal patranage he hai received since opening the alasve e*uol??kine?t, and has tlie pleasure to announce to his fYien>|? and the public, that In ad?fition to his former ptemiaes, he kas taken in more ground, j?gether with a very namemm ?-oiiection of r* ? nd *eratlfur plant*, well worth the noticenf botanist*. He has aim ?ngngerf a very *e e w*"d IJ, ???h , to attend ?n To** lav and Tliomdny evenings. His Confectionary and Ice Cream, are of tne first v -S'1 SecwnMB u da)* Mr* tore, " kas never fWost in rr ??..???.? * * ? . travel, and SBgESaSSaafe^S *?? "S"?.' In tMt city, a* ?eQ ^vVienae, aad Ne* I D18EAIES OF TBK EYE. DR. ELLIOTT, OCULIST, ATTENDS TO D1SLASES OT THE H11N?N EVE, AND IMPERFECTIONS OF THE VISION ONLr. SPECTACLES. The Eye examined, and Spectacles adapted to ?uit tbe par ticnlar liefwt. Hours of cousultalion from 11 to 4 o'clock, at the office, 303 , Bread way. 1 TIT Private entrance >a Duane street. ao38-tf Vanilla Cream Candy, MANUFACTURED BY H. 6REUURY, INVENTOR AND PROPRIETOR OF THE RECEIPT 131 W1LUAM PTREET, NRW Nil. jy4-tf PH V l,OSi'S NEW AND SPLENDID STYLE OF HAIR CUTTING, No. 36 Bowkrv, | aul9-3m' Neit door to the Zoological InfcL.tute. LAND OFFICE,-J?HN L. BOGARDUS, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Clinton Hal), No. 3 BtekRUiM it, opposite the Brick Cfcnrrh door, city of New York, Illinois, Mississippi, Arkansas, Military Bounty, Ueneral Land office U Western Agency. Patents obtained and titles perfected for soldiers or their heirs cither. 1st ? Revolutionary. 2d ? Late War. Ud ? Caaadiaa Volunteers. 4th ? English refugees from the United States to Canada and Nova Scotia. 6th ? Deserter* from the British ar my, or the heirs in all the aWove case*, bib? Titles to lands forfeited for non payment of tax, reclaimed. 7th? Heirs ander a^e entitled to lamls sold for taxes. "th ? Those who parted with their discharges, warrants, or titles, before the patents is sued can reclaim the same. 9th ? Lands in the several states and territories in the United Slates, Canada, Nova Scotia, and Texas, bought <uid sold, or exchanged, taxes paid and titles in vestigated, obtained, and perfected, on application to this of fice. Postmasters throughout the United Stmes, and other gentle men forwai^ng any ofthe above claims, and acting as agents In their several sections ?f country, will be entitled to 25 per ot on all communions. Commur'cat.on* post paid. O" Valuable farming land for sale in the state of Illinois ? 300 quarter sections of 160 acres each, in parcels from 30 to 820 ?ere- situated near towns aad otherwise. Also, in Missouri k Arkansas. d36-y S3A5ID^ HEMBDV FOS, S.'LT HHEUM. * NO CURE NO Kii. Siaten Island, a or. 12, 1837. To Messrs. A. B. t D. Sands? Th.s is to certify that my wife was aifli'-ted a long time with the Salt Rheum very severely in <1 ed, causing her so much pain and ?i: tress as to destroy her rest at night, and by the recommendation of our physician, Or. Harrison, I applied to you for * box of your "Remedy for Salt Rheum," and a Iwrttle of your S> rup of" Sarsaparilla, whf:b I am thankful to say has performed an entire and perfect cure in about three weeks time. I would not myself hesitate one mo ment to pay you $ 100 for your medicine if that was your price, and she should be in the same situation again. I can therefore confidently recommend your "Remedy" to all who are thus af flicted, and believe all will obtain similar relief. Yours truly, ENDS BUNNEL. We have received numerous verbal testimonial* similar to the above, and in every instance where the medicine has been used, as far as we hnve been able to ascertain, the result has been th? same; vii: a perfect cure. At an evidence ofthe estimati >n in which it is held, we have the satisfaction to state that ho less than SOU boxes have been sold within the last three weeks. The price is but $1. Prepar ed and s?ld by A. K. 4i 1). HANDS, jy29-8tn* 100 Fulton, Corner of William St. "Joseph Glllntt'M (Celebrated Patent Elen J gated Metallic Pen.'* OSEPH KILLOTT begs to iufonn 'lie pubiij. iLtthe is constantly receiving from his manufactory, in Birming ham, a regular supply ol his most approved Metallic Pens The st<K-k on hand ofters the best assortment in the United States, and of warranted good quality ? amongst wfck b may be found his " Patent Magncm Bnnum Commercial Per." '? Original Patent Slip Pea," " Original Patent Ladies' Pen," '? Double Damascus Barrel," " Lonars," ?' Pert v. an," "New York Fountain," and " Damascus P^ns," pat up in a variety o styles ? vii.: on cards el" one doten each, with rtisewood and sd bata holders ; in boxes ol one dozen each, with holders ; in mo rocco cases, ?hell boxes and morocco cards. '? Albata Everpoint, and Pen and Everpomt Pencita." CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. From the well merited and universal celeUity of the above Pens, as attested by the whole mercantile community in Europe and the United States, several unprincipled makers have endea vored to impose up-?n the public, by a spurious Imitation, pur porting to >>e the original "Joseph OiUnu's Patent," bat which arc utterly worthiest, and c uUrely drsUiut# df those qukliiies requisite to fine writing, which have est a! dished such an nnpa ralled demand for the original pen, in every country where it W known ! ! The public are hereby ~autioned to t>c c tl * t .rowd at.';un-t these counterfeit* ; they may be 1 1 nitty del 'Hed by their unfinished appearance, and by the inferior style tn which they are tent into the market, in their attempt to impose upon the unwary. Each gross of the genuine pen .s enveloped in a neatly print ed wrapper, descriptive of t'-.e article it contains Further to guard against the fraud, the public will please to observe that the genuine pew* bear une afthe foUowsng naras, always reading from the point of ihe pen i Joseph Joseph Toseph Hillou's <?iliotrs Oillott Patent. Warranted. Maker. The atove may be had at hts Warehouse, No. 109 Be<-smac a-ret.oae door beiow Pearl, New York. Jyll-Sm* Da, JACKSON'S PATENT VKO' TABhE MEDICATED VAPOR BATHS, 209 Bowery. Tliese Baths are an Improvement en those of Mr. Wlutlaw, whose wonderful cure* have established the character of the V apor Badi as the rno-t pow erful auxiliary in medical practice ?and Dr. .'acksoo's own practice in almost every variety of dl* a?e has been equally succ??-fi?L A few of the specific ef- j feet* of the medicate*! vapor baths? tn remove the etfpcts of mercury from the system n.ay relieve difficulty of breathing, and hence cure asthma and other di-eases ofthe ch*< t and lungs ?to give strength to the stomach, to the digestive organ*, and cure dyspepsia and it* coMrqutm disorders ; to care acute and chrc nic tnrtammatvin ; W prrmot- the peeling of scrofulous and chronic ulcers, and remove rheumatic pain* and feetmgs from the joint* ; to nrooiete the (itxmrption of ilroj sieul kuminrtt: tn cure gout in all Its fi rms In less t!me than ony other agent hith erto used. AJ*), ?U kinds of eruptive diseases ,Eryi1j*i?V ur St Antlio oy's Fire, Malt Rheum, Scrofulous Errpttons. Iff. It bestdea relives etnanstion an<l *tigue, raises tLe ?ptrlu, traaquWizes n* r\tms irritation, and increases ihe appetite. For the troth of these assertions, Dr. J. appeals with confi dence hi si e hundreds who have tetted ti e. r curative power. These baths are beMeved to be the oaiy ones in operation i?i Ik. t country ui.der the Kirestion of a regniar physician, ft ms P' oper to mention that they hear no ??? rrJdance whatever to U>nse employe*: in the Th. mpsooian practice. V iu,rs can I eve a tsath at five min ale's o*?t '~e, from eight O clock. A. M..IO >1 P. M. A feauale su* ays l attandance to wait ipun Ladtes at Ibe Bewetp. ii r t ty |k?t. h VANS' OLD b \ LRM UISPKNNA ? ' RY, No. 1 \nn st. , un?;er the Amencan Museum, and No. 12 Peck Slio. ? DR. EVANS contiaues to be consulted as asaal ?ouCdentially at tUr alwrre offices. Has nocnnaection with any <>ther offiee ia this city or out of it. The success attending his jwcnliar treatment tn all <i4*ea?eso(a 'tehcate nature, and particularly those covipllcated cases 'YSyphihie and Mer<-nri ki *Jt? ttu>Hs, which hnve baffled the ineyprrieneed medical men an>i quacks, enables him to offer a guarantee inall cases. Dr. Evans has rooffned hitnaelf to this part of hi* profession (er upwards of forty yearv Hen e the .raaienee a<|vantage to be derived ia '?(insulting at his officea. aivVAm B%L.W. <?K JELLY OK- ICKLANDlilb^S. This arucle, so celebratesi tn caaghs and diseases ot the chest, prepared from the be*t Most aad containing oo talari oos or foreign admiitare, constantly on hand and kW sale hy j r? i/AMOUREAL'X k CO., No. J77 l?r<?dway. VHB ITUDT Or ROOKKIIPIIItt. NO. 14 GBDAR nT.nomr -3. C. *tar,h re. ?pectfully inform* the puhltc that Ma mon ?a are ft ipwrt ? pectfully inform* the pahltc that hi* r<*?m?i for the wtnon. He invites alt who w?h to aoqoire a to a Ml practical knowledge of Bookkeeping to engage n the ?tady under kill direction ; hi* tM' attention baa for a k?iwr tlae been ?^voted to thi* on* branch of education, and he promiae* to thuM- w ho pom i hrough the course of instruction marked oat for b* pupila a proftcieocy in the science of account* which will he truly ?ati*lactnry and ancunmon. ProapoctMo* with torm* and particular* furm*hed at the room*. In?trn?tii? riven both day and * Ten inf. C. C. Mar*b* work* for wke at the muiir- and booiuMore*. ag ai-im* ___ ? ___ A (AUII. I)K. JACEJMH* haa ari-'M to hi* P.. t ? 0 x* get able Medicated Vapor Bath B?taM <hmer ;? jaa Bow fry, tfealoeiiy lumiAhed aparunenta and hoard, wtth the w4 af mirw, provided for invalid* who may wdab i? pat them ?elee* onder hi* medi al treauoent and hHMedteat??t v apoor piit^ , ? .v- JoB?^ DK. VAN IIAMBKHT'S VKHALK MIBMO. VATINU FILLS, TKOM GKRMANT~-An H?fcctn?l re nedy f?>r ?t?p?>re**';<>B, irregularity, and al cane* where ;atore io< ?* not hnv? tjcr proper and regular course. N, B. They nm-t not be taken during pregnancy, a* they ?i0 prod nee abortion. *4?tlri by J. H. Hart, ooroor of flrowlway ami Chamber* *ti K. M. vaion. rorner of Bowery <i*d flr*nd *k; MB hj P. Barnort, Mdth avenna H?el"* dKUAK, 1 7 CEIMK tfTRKKT, ha w1*o4 br the O |.?t writ?d? ?o?ne of Ihe beat no^ar* thai navo been In the market fbryeart j he haa mart. ,?r?nr?nvnti withtfw hnoieof Oou H1m d? Canta It (Jo ?of th<- Island of Cuha, to *?nd biro the b??t that can be procured in the Havana. Tboaewbnar* in want ?< good ?epr.rt weilrf do well b f eaJHng oll?Ai?? IMAM Norrago, So, 000 La No, ma, V>,*06 Principe, tfl^H Ba. mHa, and 14000 very napeytar Sogar*, Ml ?P * lWie* of IN ei^b- ?? prewly for ganUeinea'* one, ?*ll for ??e whoU**le and retail N il ? MHXAB oBbr* H> oiaeaie any o?d?ri in hie hne wua M^tne*a and doepatcb, at the nbor ieM nowce, to *nit the widkea of Hb r -mmmrm. ? U ROOM TO LET. A !arni*bed Mnne mom to SjW lei, wiUj breaklaet, if reqaiied. Apply at 19? Siuhgm ?C J? sl-tf ^noTEL "to LK>' Oil LKASIt.-Thi new iJgJW four suwy Brick Building at Souih Ferry, Brooklyn. TUe Long okuid Hail Road ('bis arrive and depart from lb** <!*or three times every day, which make* lliia a great ihojcouRlilare. For particular* enquire of A. CAM PBKLL, So. 88 Broad st. N. Y. The first story of thi? lxiu.*e would make two handsome ?tore*? the remainder would make a good boarding Iwiwe. Also to let cheap, several work shops. auiJ Jni" MTO LKT-50 WATER ST.? a ooob CHANCE. ? The Bur, Coffee Room and Refectory, No. 3ti Witter street, connected witli iLe Pearl Street House. The Furniture, Fixtures and Stores in complete order Apply at the Saloon of Pearl Street House. at. 22- In)'' MTO upper pan ol a -mall two story house, N?. 4 Peck Slip, -unable for an office, for an ar tist, land aeent, or any light bosilietf, or for a man and his wife. No finally with cLil<tr?=i? ne???l apply. Rent f 150.? Possession immediately, O* There wilt He no other family inthehause, the lower part beinc a medical office. aa2-y AT MORAHdUf 8', 234 BOW**T, "is oSSeS for sale as handsome Hat- :<t *3, as any ever offered to the public ? light aud durablt? warraated oufur bodies ? and water proof. ?fl-3?n" TUEVAbl., SfeOOAftT <tb CO., No. 14 Coortlandt street, i>eg to inform the trade that they have removed from No. 6 Courtlaiidt street to the above large and elegant new store, where tbey have en Land, and are con stantly receiving, fresh supplies ol" Hatters' Plush and Trim mings. Also, fancy colored Plushes, for ladies' bonnets, which they wi>l sell on accommodating terra*. Hats, Cap?, Stocks, and Stock Framet, at wh*lesaie. slS-y M BKOWN A CH.'S ONK PRICE HAT STWRE. ? Tbe subscribers, since the year 1824, have ^Mfeaimed at furnishing the public wub Rn elegant and sub stantial MAT of the most graceful form, at the accommodating pnce of $3. They can w>w say that their effort* have been crowned with triumphant success. The Hats manufactured by them during the Inst three mouths, surpass in beauty and finish any heretofore offered, and stand pre-eminent among those of higher prices, worn by the fashionable world. To their patrons they would say? tbe quality, as far as may be, is uni form ? the price moderate and fixed ? the profit small , and ail the sales for caah. 178 Chatham Square, c?>r. Malt St. myl9-y BROWN k CO. ^ NEW HAT ENrABUNHUlBNT. Short napped and plain Beavers, po-.sessirig all the re quinites of the most ousily, at the reduced price of $4.25. ? The subscriber, after nine years practical experience in all the branches of hw liusineM, having established himself in trade, now offer* to his friends and the fashionable commu nity, at bin Sale* Room, No. 3 Hanover street, oppo?ite the Ex change, a superior assortment of Hats of every variety of nap from the medium to tliw plain, which, in point ot" economy, style of finish, and fashionable appearance, stand unrivalled.? He intends vending hi* hats at llie fixed and unalterable price ?l $4.& cents, and as the price if so greatly reduced, it pre clades the possibility of selling unless lor < ash on delivery ; as they are equal in every respect to any sold in the city at $6. ? As the sub*, riber hhs made some new and useful uaprove menu in the manufacture of Uis hat Iwd'ies, which cause them to retain their original shape anil color, and their being ex tremely light and durable, weighing from 5 to 6 ou., and a* he fears no rivml in thedepartmt-nt of taste, lie hopes h* efforts will meet with that success they so .justly merit ; and as be will direct his attention t? this style of hats only, he feels confident in producing the roost economical, fashionable, and durable hat that is now offered for the examination ol'a discerning com munity. Arrangements have l>een mad* for the reception of the Len don and Paris fashions, immediately on their introduction among the fashionable* of those cities. ROWS 4 v CO.. No- *> Hanover st, between Wall and Beaver su, directly opposite tbe Exchange, ti-lnu" "ST" SEW ASD IRIPKOVED STYliW QV MEDIUM NAP BEAVER HATS? TOD?k FLEU KY, late of the well known ??stablisljrnent of Leary k ~ Co., and C. Ml John, would respectfully inform our friends and the public that we have opened a Hat establish uient 194 Bruadway, and we flatter ourselves that after many year;, eiperient e in the business, we have arrived at perfection in the art of manuf acturing Hats. We feel perfectly confident that the new style of Medium Nap Benxer Hats, with impro ved coloring, which we now offer tor sale, wili render our es tablishment unrivalled, and enrol it first on the list of taste and fnshiwn. We tear no rival in the department of taste, as these Hats have lieen inserted by some of the first judges in this city, who pronounce (hem to b< superior to any ever offered for sale in this country, at the reduced price of hve dollar*. Il is a style of Hat that has long been wanting in the department of Mi'te, an<I which for many year* ha-, employed the minds and tau'd the ingenuity of many of our f ,r?t Manufacturers, but in vain. The suhscruters have made arranirein? tits with some of the hr*t manufacturer' in London and Paris to receive tbe latest fashions without delay. We also offer for sale at oar emporium of lan iard fashion for the season, a -.plendid Short Nap Silk Hat, ol the latest Pai wian style and fashion, aiade in imitation of Benver Nap. N B? Having had experience for many years in the celebra- I ted house of C. Hl John, we feel ourselve* perfectly compe tent to produce the most splendid Choppenu and Military rap on the moat reasonable tei rn ? ?nd at the shortest notice, with all the necessary alterations that taste may require. r?I>D U KLKUHY, 1*1 Broadway, stt-lm* opposite Franklin House. BlKD'N FASHIONABLE HAT EMTABLISHMENT. Bl KB late foreman to, and for many years connected with Messrs. LEARY k CO.. afler the most successful expe rience in all the branches or his business, having established himself in trade, now offer* to his mends, at bis salesroom, No. 13 Nasaau street, corner ot Pine, a superior asvirtinent of Hau of every variety nf nap. from t!?e medium to the plain, which, In style of model, material and finish, sliallbe (bund unrivalled. He intends to seUatfS only, au<l, hy directing his whole care and attention to that single style, is confident of producing an article without any saperior, ami fashion ami utility having e*. tab! Is bed this quality as well for economy and rlegaoee as du rability, be i lee ma it an obvious ndvantag* to ihe pnblic to con fine and elegance as durability. he derins il an obvious advan tage to the public to confine his efforts to one purpose instead ol mahing e xperitiwni* in variety, fearing no rival in the de partment of taste, he ta witling to entrust himself in competition with any establishment la producing this article. He has made arrangements tor the London and Paris fash ions with vimeof thetiesi hows.-, in those cities, trnd will always be first i n the market with the ik w stands;,! established by foreign tasle, BIRD, 1.1 Naesau, coiner of Pine street. aol7-l?s* A^m CAHD - TO LADIES AND UKNTLEMKN - LADY MONTAOUE'fl COMPOUND CHINESE SOAi' is prepared from beautiful exotics, and warranted per fectly innocent. It completely eradicates tan, ireckles, pimples, spot*; rednev, and all caiaiicms er.iptions; gradually realis? - a vicar sofl skin; transforms even tin- most sallow complex ions into radinnt whiteness, imparting to it a beauttfal Juve i.ile bloom. Gentlemen, alter slaving, will find it allsy the irritability and smarting pain, and render the skin smooth an<1 pleasant Enr sale whoiesnte and retail by A. I'mWtHl, M Beekmaa St., corner of William; Dr. Hart, comer "I Broadw ay and t'hsn h? ra st. Dr. Myn>#, Bowery, renter Walker sf, D. Scbeifielin, 1 14 Canal sl. corner Lawrence su suvH-Irn PM1C K H L\ Y 'H l.mnn COMfMUlTltm, for removing th* blue froin stove bars without ii\jury tn tl.epo lath, and for ' Ironing brass, copper, pewter, tin, kc. with ItaK the usual labor. The aUov? 1,4,0 d not only restore, the t*r>l 1 - ti u> steel Uiat ha* been ex pose, I 10 the action of fire, hut speedily remove* all stains or rust from dead ground stoves and fenders, brass, cop per, Britannia metal and pewter, are c.Wwnaed hy rt with lite ereaie?t expedition. To block tin dish covers that have been m use for years it fives the polish of new one*. It reaaovee grease, Ink spots, or aay stains frosn paint with Ike greatest fa cility and witkoot injury to the color. Bras* lacquered raroMnre will retain its original brilliancy if OccaiOnnaBy 'l?*an?ed by M. For sale hy NATHAN B. ORAHAM. Nassao-sfor. Ealton.* with Ulid Company M their own er tfte Itrea of ?U>rr?. I and either for the whole 1111011100 ?>/ w, or for ? rimlied pert prewifttna mny cltW OMd? UNtllf, w to VCnSiRMM Om ?*<red Bullan for Am T mr, tr - ifr> #* ? rf n ? *4 ? ? ?w ? ? ft) 99 ? N 91 0 ? 92 9 99 *1 ? 94 94 #17 9ft 9 w :?> 1 99 97 i*r 1 1a 1 39 1 X 1 SI 1 XI I m I 34 1 9A 1 99 I 90 1 43 if 9h * 41 4 ? 4EI 44 *'? 46 17 ?48 49 iff"' I f? 1 89 1 n 1 96 1 ?3 I 90 I 91 1 98 i m 1 w 1 * tr ',6 at &a as M M M HI 'A V a ? a 19 a 19 aaa a?? l *9 a 14 a 67 4 y> a* ___ _ Money will be rrrrir+4 in depoak hy the Company, nnd hefcl tn trail, ip?>n which ii?t."re<t wHI be allowed a? followi 1 Upon *ny mini or+r Mm, tre deems >4? (or 1 year, 44 per H " " )M " for 9 m**, 4 per rnn. ? w - t?w "Mr a ????, 9 per e?m. TRUSTEES. Wm. Bard, TNk W. 1i?Aow, Wm. S. Lawrence, facott Lorillar4, John Over, Peter Marwwwy, H. Van RrmmelU^r John <*. C?wt*r, TM. Hoffrm, H. C. Or Rham, llBWI Madrlile, f. 0. ItoyenuMt, BU-pftM WlUft^y W tviMMaa! ?4?rt ml TKompunn, Immc Sron*>*, Peter Renneti, Mtapften Wiffifi, JlMH Ken*. Naih'l Prime, N. U?Tere?u*, PmJ. C. W. LavrreiK*, Jnmthaa 0?nmRio?, John HathhoM, Jr. Ttwia. J. #aliW?j, f?hn J \?tnr, Onliaa C, VerpUar.h leiy. L. flwu W*. BARB, rnftdm Ml <he IVapwy. *4f ? ft "''tlj .RKTHRSIED PARAGE KKOn LI wPft \ ERPOOC-Tlic new packet >hip WfSTCHB!^. TKH, tlapL Ferris, will be leaving Liver]>oot 1st ?>cw> u desirous of ?'?inline lor their friends, can now ?h> ?P ?y il?? well chosen conveyance. Cabin paseege, $100 or ?<V( Mcoo4 cabin, $Ai or ?i ?, steerage, |15 or Thta packet mi) j> i? wi ll known in ihit port tt? be one of the ha?d ??iiieit ships, built for the Liver (tool trade, betnj; constructed on u new plan, lur ih? comfortable convenience of paMtengem Apply to 106 South ?trt*L _jW L ROCHE, BROTHERS k CO. ArT*. V1 \ * KHOOL.- The very 95 new Ijffb packet ship SARAH V. AUSALIA, Capt. L. Gardner Je** burthen 800 ton*, capper ed and copper fastened, faal nailer, and is in all reapects a first rate conveyance for freight and pa^en^era. Thw ?hip Will l>e titled up in a superior ?tyW, first i-ubin excellent furnished accowimodations ; second cnbta will be constructed en a new plan for comfort and eaae jor respectable passengers. Steerage accommodation superior to any packet ship in port , only require* inspection to he con vinced? lays at pier 13 Ea?t River. Drafts a^ usual cn the Roy al Bank ef Ireland or sovereigns. Alio p<?i n?tes payable at sight in any part of Ireland. Apply to 10ft Mouth street s< dtOl ROCHE, HKOTHKhM k Ctu j-+jt Kult N t>i W ORLKAKS. ? To sa l with dev i ?H? patch.? The very fine coppered and copp?-r fastened J""?><liip MATAKKS8ETT, Joshua Drew, master, register *81 t*m, Uglit draft of water, and will be towed up the mWsi* - >ippi by steambont, will be punctually despatched as above ; is in all respects a first rate conveyance lor freight. For which or pitssage, having excellent furnished accommodations in cabin and stei-rate, apply to 106 South st. ROCHE, BROTHERS k CO. N. B. Oomls forwarded from iheconntry to the subscriber* will be punctually attended to and shipped free of commiidwu sj 1m ___________ ITc"* * KA]LROADLINEFORBO? r K VIA NEWPORT AND FROVf. -lEmSBSaBL. DEN CE.? The steaml>oat LEXINGTON, Captain Var.derl>i1t, will leave from pi?r No. 3 N. R foot ?# Morns street, on Friday afternoon, Sent. IS, at 5 ?Vlock. Passengers for Boston will be forwarded in the rail read can imaoediatelv on tire arrival of the LEXINGTON. Fn ight for Boston forwarded wklreut delay. Forfurtner information inquire on board, or o ( D. 8. ALLEN, 169 Senthtt. N. B. All person* are forbid trusting; any one on account at the above boat or owner. s!2-4t w f* FOR ALBANY. t- ? ?*? Prom die loot nf Barclay Street? Tie JBHBBHBBLi CHAMPLA1N, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday morning, at 7 o'clock. From the foot ol Cortlandt street. The SWALLOW thlx afternoon, atSo'cfoek. The DE WITT CLINTON tomorrow afteroen, at 5 o'clock. NOTICE.? All good?, freight, baggage, bank btUs, aaeet*, or any other kind of property, ia*en, shipped, or put on m?i<1 the boat* of this line, mnstbe attberisk of the owner* of nek goods, freight, baggage, fcc. _*13 KAIL. ROAD LINB FOR BOSTO*. K * VIA NEWPORT AND PROVIMIIO V ri ? From the foot of MarketfieUi street, Batta rv Place. North River, at 5 o'clock. T!*e NARRAGANSETT will leave this afternoon at 5 o' clock. T ie MASSACHUSETTS will leave tomorrow afternoon, at 5 o'clock. # reigbt not received on board after 4 1 'clock. P. M. Passengers for Boston will take the Rail Koa<l Can at Pro*). dtCf immediately on their arrival. See " Monthly Arraago nienw ' ?13 K rj" ? ft FOR HARTFORD -The atcam ~ B&w ? ? . i. t><,at CLEOPATRA, Cam. Reynolds, will JmBMSmmKLm leave from Peck Slip, E.R every Tneaday, Thu>*day and Saturday afternoon, at 5 o clock. FOR SAO H A tt B OR. ? The steamboat CLIFTON will be in readine-4 on arrival of the Cleopatra at Lyme, to convey passenger* to Sa^harbor without delay. Fare throat $S. Fare to New LonUon, |2. Stage* will leave Lyme (Sacoo't Landing,) immediately on the arrival of the Cleopatra. For farther information, inquire on hoard, or of D. B. ALLJ,"^ IAsmMi.' Mi B.? All pertoul wi tvr^id Aby one on account Oi the above boat or owner*. N. B Tti? Sag- Harbour trip on Thursday, September 14th, will be omitted m consequence ot" diferent arrangement* on that day. It will lie resumed on Saturday, the l?kh, n* usual all . FROM PEBKMKILL TO NK^ YORK.? '1 br ^irinibnxt ORANGE, CipUui Frost, will continue Iter regular tnpa frmn Pe?-k*killto New York on Mondays, Wednesday* and Fnday? at 10o'.-kx-k, A. M.; CroMo at II o'clock; Sinf Sing at lit of' clock, and Tarry town at U o'clock, (uoon,) landing at the ?? temifdiaie place*. Returning, leave N?>w York Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sitor at I o'clock, P. M . landtag at tli** old ."Hate Pruon wharf. For Ircijjta or pas^agr, ? pplv to tlx- captain oa board, or u> K. W. Liu; II' '> . - .iriM*r nt t liamhevi and \V,->t y*., and to _ CROOK k KOWKS, cor. W?-*i and Liberty ?U. Peekakill, AO|f. 21, 1W>. aaMlan pv FOR CAMP MBETIXO AT SINO !*INO.? The xf-aroboat ORANUK, ??Capt. Frost, will leave New York, loot ? Chamber* ? treet at 1 P. M.? retununjf leave Siog Hing at If A . M ftrPtTir Ytrrk^ equipmenu, Itc. ?9 ! w* BOSTON t4 WAMED lO PrKCHASR A rood Hiram Engine, suitable for a *?mt from 400 to "j#0 ton?, or a boat with etifmi Apply to H. CARD, 133 Broad m. AsaD?r iffis*** i Via Newport and Providence.) HAUL* ^j3 gjjjB SEPTEMBER ARRANGEMENT. Frtm firm Far*. From Pram draw. _* * Friday, l?t, Narra*aaaeH, Rhode Ida&d, Saturday. 2d, N?Lrrar*r?ett, Maaaackaseu*, ? t Rhode Island, Narraranaett, Massachusetts, Rhode bland, Narrafanaett, Massachusetts 4 # Rhode klaid, Narra|TMiMMWt, M?*sacha*eti>, ? ? Rhode Island, Narrauawtl. MaMachoeetti, Monday, ?iUi, Tuesday, 5th, W^di>? *day, -.'th, Thursday. 7th, Friday, int.. Saturday, tali, Monday, llth, Tuesday, iVth, Wednesday, 1.1th. Thursday, 14th, Friday, l'4h, S?uur4?y, lf4li, Mon<lay, Uth, Tuesday, 19tli, Wudrvsday, *ih, Thursday, 24 ?t, Friday, id, Saturday, Ziti, Monday, 2Mh, Tuesday, Wediw?day, 21th, TVo rsday, J*ih Friday, .?Hh. Satarday, Mtl>, Passengers for Boston wtU take the Rail Road Car* at Nd dence mined lately n tkelr arrival . K7 All Me.rahaadiae, Specie, and Ba*ric?*e, at the nak ?f the owwers there* f. w4 ' I.O.N t. ISLANB HAIL ROAD. Rhode lalaad, Narrafausett, MaaaachosettJi, Rho^e I .land, NuiacbiMtti. Rhode lalaad. NarraraaaetL Maasacaaarcu. IT * Rhode Maad. Narraranaeu. NaiMditMia. i ? ? Rhode bland. Narraranaeu. Massachusetts Rhode lalaad. Narraraaaift. Mi arh? iW. ? ? Rhadr Idaod. Narraransrtt . MaataaniiBi # ? Rhode lataad. NarracaaaelL Mawai kaMtia. On and after tht M +( Vpl'mk'r, Ifce Can will h? itwpaltbf* a ? follow*, rix i L?ny Hickarllle. I L??? Jamaica, I l/iw Braaklfo, 74 o'clock, M. I) ?'clacl, A. M. M o'rfork. A. M. 4 " P. * ( %i " r. M. I 4 - P. M. rtmrnmrr* will fc* r*crtT*4 ?4 Irft a? U* toUowUg plana, fit i <ai-f?? Place, Clownnlk', D? Lancy Amw, Goonecttemt A "?nn ??. r? uo*y!rania Avenue, and B^dferd. TtrkeU nan be had al the r%nom? offlrea. taMfHI wW Mil* wttt wlifconl litem, will be<*.arf*d oar IkM Mr*. B^ormo1 LADIM^AT NIWTUN l?Tt removl their ??ho*t from the city to ifce pN?ut and iourhthiuR village at W?at ftmi, W*auJM*ter fly. They Mr* ??< le< :ed thu kvalMM, not onhr in pomwjn-n tt ? iu? pro*' rbial h'-alth, bui of iu pr.mmiljr ta the city. the ?**?? Uix-r aol ?*' -m* eleven mile*. Th?- I, w j. lar*e. "T ? and well wUpted for wh an Ui.thauon They are now prepared to receive yor. nj; La<fir* a# boa/iter* or day ?cholar?, *nd they aware their f rvr?u .iml the i?oMk , that nothing ?hs\ll be wanting on thHrpart i" *ff?H every fl? <-Hitv?i inetruction and improve m?nt in their pupil*, and to qualify Ihetri, l?y a liberal and >?iiaipl(*^*L^ edaeauoo. for the r?-?pe?-tai>le wnk? of IHe. 1 union con.priv ? a complete K'?l *h ' ?"??, ?nyeradde<l t? whtrh are tautrbt the Fren-h, loili*". *m' Mi>ar.??b laufWfve, Mti?h>. Drawmif, and Dancinfr. H repaired. Highly respectable rafer?-i?c<~ *?l "f ??ur?e lie r>v-a to pa. rent* or gtMftlia??, if applet <m? LTT*w.?*'r M the village, or by letter <Hrrcf?l tf> > A?? poatoflce, We* Faraa. aoli-lrn* 1 m(| 0or THICK 1* CA PITA LINTS A. bi ild I KHf - The New Vorh OfMlItt < ooipaay rr.^tfully to. *tl* yMi aHe.:"..?.**mplei.of Uranite (rum their QnarrV*, wli-ch may he ?e?-n ?? 'hefr office, No, ft iw< kaaan *L This Oraaiic h of very ?operior qaaiity. I>eia* pnra. aa4 free frtnn ior< rn ?uMtan-e* Ita e**Dp?went part* ire Menrf> |n mch p-rirf t pnpWIhM a* to reader it Um deatrocHMe | ?*? l.aolr to Hecay or Intary from ctpoaure, while aa?Bp* mtl?ee*perimenH ha?e proved that It tplitt and drraeo* ?tore ea?e and le<o w??te, than aay other now i* the awrfcet. It * of a h. aoiitnl rotor, being barker than the Hailo<r?ll aad fighter than Ihe Qnmry ; aiwt, taktnr Hi to cooaectfcm ?* ?aftMh ty, daratnlfey. and eomporah** chevpaew. It will ba fcwMt wall worthy ilw attenoon af aapliaHau and hoildefa Harinf wyeral tbooMia'i tana m* fuarrie4, ihe t- a mpmmy Me prepared to netai* ardara ta aay eitn* at the *fdM notlae, and w?| 'ootnk t fhr ita delivery at hrwee arlew thM ather ?tdh?, <#a*wi h*wh>i f aly.aaafc* ^ SB&sSSfEsfflfcr m niik * *? * * . * % fr* ? # I ? t I # ?