Newspaper Page Text
ITHK HBKALO-IBW YORK. [rrom our Evening Bditm of YweertUy.] Same UcidcuU In tk? Plortda Camp^gn- < The Pkaatom Battle. Fkiuatk Hudson, Sept. 1, 1837. i Mr. Bennett, were you ever a soldier ! a Florida fwldier f yea, a Florida soldier? if not, dien you know nothing of glory, nothing of that chivalric l'eeling which ?li*tinguished the heroes of days gone by, which fur nished food for an Ivan hoe, and nourishment for a Cceur de Lion. But as you could not (had you been a soldier) have wielded that sharpest of all swords, (the pen,) so much to the edification and amusement of our transat lantic brethren as well as ourselves. Some ef Florida's most exrinf/Muihtd soldiers, and one of Neptune's brightest ornaments in the shape of an as pirant. will give you a history of my three weeks cam paign in the wilds of Florida. It was about tlx- SOth of January, that the account of Dailes massacre found me at I'eusacola backing ,n the dunshine of a fair one ? No! no! wot sunshine, for a rluud had come over the spirit of my dream. Tiie mother was a wily politician, saio she would be glad to have me lor a son-in-law ? 1 boreruch a fine character. But I was very cute, Mi. B. I knew Joe Smith. An exclamation I once heard, left an indelible impression o.i me. It was made by an old negro as he Mood silently contemplating the movements ?f a negro trader ns lie journeyed along over Mayo's bridge in the city of K. It was, '? Ah, Jjord ! white man (should be woman) so unsartain, nig gar know not whar he ar !" This exclamation always occurred to me as the old lady would whisper, "court her, she will have you," but I said with Mesty, in Mid- j ahipman Easy, "stop a liitle" ? and I did stop a little ] Mr. B., and proved too much for the American T alley- > rand. Thus was I baulked in the only serious attempt I ever ' made to fulfil the Lord's most holy commandment, '? go : ye fortn into the world, tnke unto yourself a wife, and "multiply and replenish." Bless her old soul, sin* is in 1 Madriii now, exer-ining her powers of diplomacy on aome of the young Dons at court. Tt was about this period of the action that we rec iv j ?d order* to take in a few lr! pounders, and proceed irn mediately to Tampa Bay, and < o-operate with the army, where we anchored after a few days nail, within fifteen ? miles of cantonment. Nothing of interest occurred du- | ring the first two months we were there ; but aliout the j h of April, hearing of the In-'ian chief, Wehawpe, be- , i'ig encamped at tl:?> mouth of the river Maya :u, with a large force, we immediately tilled our boats and starte 1 ! them otl under the command of Lieut. and threw ! mother officers including myself, to cruise down tne coast as far as CharMte harbor, explore all the little kevs therein, and from thence direct our course for the mouth I of the river, our principal object being to intercept any SSpar.iah smacks, which might be trafficing with the in ! ?liang. The thirJ day of our departure from the ships found us entering the mouth of the harbor, where we descried * fleet of Indian perogues landing along under a heavy press of sail for the mouth ef the harbor. Thinking I they were of Oseola's party, under tiie chieftain We- j iawke, we drew out in battle array, and stood along un Her easy sail for the supposed redoubted antagonist, hut ] instead of finding in the anticipated foe the swarthy vi- j *age of the Seminole. " Jesu Maria! a set of squalid looking Spaniards, and as t'.e Irishman would say, their worser halves, with a ho=tof little ones, '?very now and then bobbing their heads up above ilie g'inwnles of the boat, and drawing them back again, according as the mingled feelings of ??uriosity and alarm would rain the iwcendancy. On speaking them we found they were Spanish fish erman inhabiting a 'mall island in the upper ^nd of the harbor, and were just fleeing from the objects . f our pursuit, who had landed at the island the uight previous and laid the village in ashes, and would probably have massacred every soul on it but for their own untimely indiscretion in giving the war-whoop a little too so'>n, thus alarming the Spaniards already on die alert, and giving them time to escape to their boat!-, which they i always kept in readiness. Ou hearing thin we made all sail (accompanied by the f pnniards,) fo r the inland, and arrived there about mid night, in tinv? to see the last glimr.ieriug taper this fated village ; the Indians had retired, but having rea son to believe they had pone tt> n iirtle island called Huogbcll, we followed in pursuit, und arrived at this ? island about one o'clock at nicht, nnd lande?l at a fishing ranche, where there were several huts, but not the slightest signs of life. As a precautionary weaaure, . however, we staiietied snc? at the doars of each hut, t nnd then knockcd ? three Indian, started out, two were , fchotdown as they crossed the sill of the door, the third 1 sine escaped. Tnere were only three poor souls ; I, at ieust, only saw three, bu? do uot take my word for it, .Mr. B., as I must conclude that my vision wa^ particu larly affected at that time, having s/??.n th* offi< ial ac count of this action published *ouie time sin-:e, in some- , thing of the following form : "Came *p with the enemy about midnight. Afier a ?? hot engagement of two hours and twenty uine minutes, i they nvd, leaving two dead on the field of hattie, and j ?ne prisoner. It b^ing dark, and thinking it imprudent ] to pnrseo them, I ordered the me.i in their boai?." A'\ At . But even you, who a? in civil employment, Mr. B. . w ill aoinetiinea make these numerical inisuker. Then how much more apt is n (Jenetai to make them, labor ing under the excitement of C glorious victory .' ar.d there m nothing dishonorable in mistaking three men for sas many score. Brutus said "Cesar was aukbitiexu, ami Ke was an honorable man ," besides, we did not know bvt what litis might be the only opportunity of disting uishing our- ; ?elves, so we made th*- best of it. As to their being j hostile or friendlY, the less we say ab .<at it rhe better, | or you might be orinfung one Kef ire Justice El?od- . jjood for manslaughter. However, we went to shoot Indian-;, .aid not to exer rise oar powers of physiognomy. Alter putting About *s much dirt on th?-in as yoo throw in the grave as t!i? f reacher proeounces that part of the funeral service, *' dest to oust, nnd nshes to ashes," we returned ind en camped on the island in which the village was fit iated, j throwing up a small tort for in. mediate pr tection, | evhic h, in compliment to the Counter, we .railed Fort Nonsense, and the stylo and effi acy of which -e?em- I hied very much th it order of architecture, called pig I ?tye. We determined to remain here a few days, in an- j tiripation of a return of the enemy. The thir l night of J ?<ur encampment, we were alarmed by the *,,os? stsrt- ' ling cries of Los Indio* ! Los lndiwa! proceeding from j the village, we were immediately under arms, and had , otir f!*seristi forces drawn in battle array, divided Into two divisions, one under Mr. C. and the other un ?ler myself, the whule auder *,#,-einmander-in-chief We marched off in regula, order of batde, and as we sienred the skirts of the swamp, the Indians tainted as with a wtr-whoop and a volley " By Janus," said an ??ld tar, is that what ye call the Ingian war wheop ! ] can give a better one myself." 1 suppose tlw? rest coin, .ded with him, for they gave * jell that put the Indian war-whoop to the blnsli, and, ?s if their limbs were actuated by the same p >wer as ?)>eir lungs, they made a simultaneous rush into the thirkit. (me to?, Mr. B. Ob, be Jasus, yes , no ba<k out in an antbitieus mui.,| and did I not keep me weather ?ye ->pen, and so 1 din ; and was it not me who wanted I to disunguish myself, and weather the President out of a swab, (epaulette.) and escape the common enemy (ex amination) by lifting by the commodore at Bait. more next May, and ?r> it was ; but do not publish this loud, Mr. B. for they hear you, and jam me at last. ? They are a very powerful people, they even have the j etars under their command, ana they might command mine to set, which ( have had in the distant horizon for the last fiTo years, and which, ttke a beacon light, has glided ine to my present haven (not a very pleasant one t>y the bye) anrt which 1 hope further to assist me, in piloting throt.i'h th..' ro-ky hsnnel (e, room) in which so many small cr,.u haw f??ur lered before " tuff, quarter master, luff 1 d? p jr. ke.' your course !" " Aye, aye, sir." So here I am again, ,, ,|,r Indians through thesiv>imp tliey fled, we hut hut as well might w have attempted to run v/uh the fleetest race horwe ; they were in their boats and r, h 0t sitlit by the time we arrived at the water's edge. Ti?? hirrls having flown, we thought it *vell to return, but on turning around to get the order from our coramsnder !n chief -Orcat find ? he was not there f what could the matter Ue ? surely not afraid ? No, no ! for he was <?? frrnr*. ' Oh, cruel, cruel fate I e/ha? t killed f? No, no, for that was equally repugnant ?o hui known principles. During the troubled state of my musings, a tnoteor /lashed across my imagination ami dispelled the mist that floated before it, he had adopted the maxima of hia brother ehieftsins of "days lang *yne," that the better part of valor was discretion, for ongoing berk to the hoets, we ftfund him as near them as compatible with |>?rsonal safety, it mi^ht have been for the purpose of f Sttine them afloat, hut, oh Jasus! ti?e:r anchorage woul 1 s?e fv?ated a line of bsttle Ho you again find us unersthed at the end of a second jloriems batde, kiJhog one pig, whieK had the temerity to grunt In the swnesp; and wounding twenty promising young saplings , thfl number of lndUns killed . and ssfounded, not known, k toiag a rtUfioua eastern them never to leave their deed and wows tied on the field, (particularly when there ere none.) This battle, in honor of the number of the enemy we saw, we called the Phantom battle. I have not yet seen the official account of this engagement; if you have, you can enlighten us as to their number. We liad one or two more engagements, (all of which proved very fatal to the growth of the young live oak and cabbage trees, on this island,) and then cruised among the many beau tifnl Keys in which this harbor abounds. I have been thus particular in giving you an account of our movements ou this Island, as it was here that I arrived at the apex of military glory. I have not yet received the order of military merit from Washington, but am looking anxiously forward to the meeting of Con gress, when, 1 have no doubt, my claims will be laid before tlint honorable body, in due form, by the Presi dent, ami doubt not. but they will receive tliat consider ation, which merit has commanded from the earliest ages down. it was rumored that I was to be sent out, to relieve I General Jessup, but my very important engagements at the Navy Yard, in attending to the tilting out of several I vessels of war, seeing that no rope yarns were thrown from aloft, without the proper notice being given, of "stand I from under !" and keen a look out for tlie signal, when hoisted on board ship, for dintiex. I say all these things rendering me unable to accept the appointment. I shall decline it, and rest my hopes in Congress for that justice to my claims which tuey so richly deserve. " Port, Quarter Master, port ? vou aie o points off vour course." " Aye, aye, sir !" After cruising about for three or four days, we made sail for Tampa Bay; when about half way we met Gen. S. coming round with .">00 men, to explore the Mayaca toits source; being attracted around by the ascending glory of our arms, and a fellow sympathy for a gallant fittle band, contending agaiiMt so subtle and numerous an enemy, numbering 3, barring 2 killed. Having vet a good many young GVsars in the bud, anx in js of displaying their military geniuses, and our worthy commander being desirous of retrieving his own good name, we tacked ship and accompanied them, and an chored the next day ut the month of the river, where we landed the troops; and after being metamorplused by a musket and knapsack, containing pork, and hard tack for a ten days cruise, we embarked in o?r boats, and set sail up the river. I think the most noble looking one I have ever seen, not so much for the body of its water, as the silent majesty in which it appeared to wind its 1 solitary course ulong, through that desert of Mind ? the sacred ness of its silence having never before been dis turbed, save by the occasioned plunge of an alligator, after sunning itself on the banks of the river. Tiie grandeur of the scene was still further heighten ed by .i dark and gloomy looking forrest which clothed the banks of the river, in which there swarmed an in credible number of alligators, which appeared, at Hrst sight, like a number of burnt boss floating down with the current! but on approach would apparently, without an effort, sink down like a stone. After proceeding up the river about sixty miles, and finding it impracticable to go further in consequence of the channel being blocked Kp by trees fallen across it, we left the boats and took up the line of march in a country seldom if ever trod by the loot of a white man since the invasion of Hernando de Sota. Wehad rainevery night that we were out, b'tt I was always contented, when night came on, to make a fire and lie down in the wet grass, with " Our mother earth for my bed, And *ky l'?r my kiverlid." Excuse my poetical effusions, they are spontaneous; and you know the prophet says, "out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh." The country through which we passed, was an entire sandy waste ; tin the river there v. as a little soil, extending about half a mile frcn tke banks, and that entirely alluvial. Oocassionally 1 there > ame up as in miserable (not bob!) relief some of j tlie gloomiest looking swamps that the most troubled imagination of man could possibly depict to himself. We were often whole nights standing up to our waists in thick stagnant water, cuttiug our way through. Once during our march we came across a salt lick, w hen several doers started up and bounded oft for a woodland near; when about ;i0 yards off they suddenly j stopped and look at us, with such countenances ns 1 1 have never before seen expressed in the face of any of , the bi ote trilie. They were countenauoe* in which were alternately depicted the deepest astonishment and con rern, an it they had discovered in us new occupants of that soil of which they had imagined themselves to have been the sole lords and possessors ; and before we had recovered sulliciently from our astonishment at this in teresting and singular phenomena to level our guns to shoot them, they fiad bounded away and weie soon lost : in the distance. We augured, from this incident, more ] than any thing we had *?en in oar march, tiiat we were not likely to meet with ajiy Indians in this ijuaiter, as it ! was evident they were unaccustomed to the sight of a ! human form. 1 think I hear yon say now, " what Physiognomists ( they were;" but yon were never a soldier, a Florida soldier, then you knew nothing of the beauties of nature, 1 unless you see it on the battery, and if you do, you ma nage to see more with your crooked eyes than I could ! see witli my straight ones; but I am again digressing ? | vi lo proceed. After marching peveral days without \ seeing any signs of the Indians, we about faced, and commenced a retropndc march for the banks of the river. I A little incid'-n* occurred, during thi uiarch, which served to illustrate one of those metaphors, in which the , bible abounds ? Man born of woman is of few days and fall of trouble he sprmeeth up like a shadow, and is cut down like a bnr of brown soap." A fly, which had the temerity to light on my back, ' slipp'd off and broke its neck , the mixture of dirt and ; pree<e, which tiie powerful rays of the sun had extract ed from my pork in the knapsack, and sent trippling down mv ba -k in vrp^nt'ne streams, together wun the rubbing of my knapsack, serving as a burnisher, made it a dangerous rejtirig place for any of the feathere 1 tribe. After this emti' strophe, I determined to scrub myself; so immediately on my arrival' at the river, I pot my friend, MiJ. V., to ?crot> lae down witli a soft pi"c?- of cabbage tree and a iittle sand ? but whose labor might have been employed to a much better advantage on him self. Th>; whole army followed rny example by planning into the river, nt ouce patting a seal to its transparency; and, instead of an undeftled ".ream, sent a muddy body of water, to tell the inhabitants of the sea that the Lou isana volunteers had washed themselves. After purify ing eursi lve* n little we took to ear boats, and after a few days sail, I one more planted my foo; on the deck of ties ?hip. when I thanked the Lord for conducting me safety ba^k ; and promised, if I continued lo please him onthi> element, never to go soldiering again. Now, Mr. Henriett, betore bidding you adieu, allow me to beg. if you a favor, in return for mv invaluable campaign ? -just ?pc:.k :oour g-?od Comi..o?lore, through your all convincing paper, and beg him not to crowd duty on so hard, and enable us to study and prepare for our examinations? tell him it is approaching very fast, and, for < rod take, do not keep us "do^k wolloping" here, throwing awiy our precieus time ; and. O! tell him, if wo 'ulqr at our eiair.inati >n next May, it will then be too late to say that he did not go to do it. Too late ? when thnt star in the firmament shall forever have set on our blasted prosp*' ts. That atar whi -h has so far safely folded us through times stormy sea. Tell him we lik'* nun wry well, so he ought to hearken to out liehest. If all this doe* no melt him, 1 can buteiclai?i O! TrMPOR*. ? Mr B. resr.IJect, i?e star is worn by Ihec *h<. pass their ?*sminatinu. BOOT!* BOOTI.-BirnT AND MHOB STORR At MARVIN'*, No. IM Spring street, ts I he place where Bople get t tie worth of ihelr money In Hoots ami Shoe*. His ?gr 'tore is Ailed nearly to e?re?? with almost every dearrip [tine of men's, women's sn<i hi litre w1* Boots ami Hhoea. <*en ile?i-n'? fine drew Boou fram II to 20 "hillings per pair, id ?i-i idaaee. s^ '_-i>od m any te be ? n<t in ttie city. A Isrjf* US sort me nt of Isrge sail smalt boys' Boots *oUl vary cheap. La iM? ?' *nd children's Boot*, Shoe* and Hltppers of every kiod, <i ' j i l "iishtv in i nmmin use, -,il | u nrnmonly Inw, at No. 130 Sprinp, tietween Woo?ter ami Lawrence ?ts., ami where the pubha will lose nothing by ( allin*. aul4-lm* SHTKtl IdNU'H ?' IMHTtl I COMPOUND ?An efllcacions, saluta-v. and fflTectital re. I m? dv in sll ra-'sof l^'irorrlwra, Involuntary Kmi?*i<?". risl WeakB' ?s, Irrvgelariiy of'he Men???, Irritated or Dlservwo action ol ttie Bladder, am! in all disease* ot ii,e Urinary Or I h? ?> edi e relief r< ? ! ? ? i v art ?riled liy the n < th? BsUsmie Cotnpoa- d, iw a short spare ?>f nme, has ?? much ? heipl t> ned ifs S' li nruv in ihe i oftlie ?' v vr disease*, it is f.ii t tiy nflered with ?rranipanvintr ertitiraw ftl ?TTiin''nt oTtlie Rrd sh Kaculty, which will sta-rip |t|f liiiili re | r?'?ti'<n In whirli the unique preparation Is vai ed. Pi?t>are?l ' vv . ? rli ? Wkitc C li ip* ;, li? 'mi. *<ul l ^h .V?alc a- d r?tsll,hy NtHIVN R Oft AltAM, ,r* ,f No. 90 Na?san St., corner o< Fulton. I ????? KYR-DH. ELLIOTT, OVI wr LiiH r,a?ft ProfDssor ef the Anatomy and Diseases ol Uw liDBi-in eye. ? Mfice, 3A9 Rroadway, Private entrance ia Dasne street" FOK THE SALT HtlP-i/JI, Mil H**ii?ltTr tirrn, RirffirtiiiJl, r.mpUoiwoft the face, neck, hand*, ke. This Otntment has t^en used so loag, and is so well and fas jrahLj kaewn that it k* u?neres?ary tr. sav ?u h conearnin, ctu.heity it haa gaiaerl. has imtne^d the pmnrlrtor to yet it ?a ta a st' le resafnenrarate with tl?e desaanfl, sod t>ose_w%o Aay W a?eie4 whh any ?rf ****** H'mm*. i' S' !Vnji r ~ tematr* f TlAr hr deems It mcmw;, in introducing W gooarai ?otic#, for the nrat time, hi* invaluable preparation for the cure of Rbeama tum, (however severe or of loar standing.) to add a ay liable to the strong and anequivocnl leaumonlalaof it* eficacy contained in the sutyoined letters. It will be teen that they are from In* pi vidua!* of unexceptionable standing and respectability, now reaident in this city ; and. unlike the purchased and Actitious certificate* mane use of oy ibe quacks of the day, are genuine ami indisputable proofs of virtue* tested and benefit* received. But for the space they would necessarily occupy, a hundred other evidences of a like flattering description could be given of the potency, and certain and never failing efficacy of the Em brocation ; and it is only in conse^nenoe ot the repeated solici tation and cantinnal i mpertunities of persons who have experi enced its singular virtues, that the subscriber has been Induced to manufacture it for sale ? other and important avocations ha ving heretofore engaged bis attention. II. B. COHEN, 21ft Hudson st I, Henry B. Nones, First Lieutenam of the Revenue Cutter Alert, in the service of the United States, dw certify that 1 was for five menths afflicted with the inflammatory rheumatism, and had every remedy by advice of physicians without any relief, and finally, by the advice of Dr. Win. Rockwell, Health Officer at Quarantine, 1 applied to Mr. M. B. Cohen, in the month of July, 1837, lor a botile of his Kbeumptic Embrocation, and af ter one week's use of his specific, wasVntirely free from all pain, and able to resume my duty in the service. H. B. NONES, 1st LL U. S. R. S. New York, Aug. 1, 1837. New York, 2d Aug., 1837. Mr. M. B. Cohen ? Dear Sir? 1 have just been informed, with re. I pleasure, that you are at Inst determined on benefitting suffering humanity, by making known to the public the virtues of your invalnable specific lor rheumatism. You are well aware I have often pressed upon you to make this known before now, tut you always declined. I with pleasure add my testi mony to the invaluable qualities of your Embrocation, having been severely afflieted and confined for two or three weeks, and in three days after an application that you kindly made your self, 1 was able to attend to my business. You are welcome to make any use you please of this communication. Yours, Li\, THO'S BELL, 34 Ann In February, 1R35, 1 had a severe attack of the inflammatory heuniatisui. which deprived me of ihe entire u?e of my limbs, offering at the same time the naost excruciating pain. Mr. M. B. C?i eB having an ucquaintaiice w ith me, and hearing of my situation, called on me and kindly offered, if 1 would consem,to relieve me; he applied his Rheumatic Embrocation, and be fore he left me 1 had in a measure the use of my hands, of which I was unable previou-ly to move a linger. He continu ed to visit me seven or eight days, during which time I experi enced the greatest relief; and at all times an immediate cessa tion of pain, un the application of hi* specific. HENRY R. HASKIN, lati Verick st., cor. King. New York, July 28, 1837. New York. July 27. 1837. Mr. M. B.Cohen ? Dear Sir ? Having understood that you propose to offer to the public a specific for the cure of rlietiima tism, allow me, as one who has received the benefit of it, to make some re paration for your kindness i.i furnishing me with a relief In the winter of 1832, when 1 was confined to my bed for upwards of six weeks, and compelled to walk on crutches, and ride to my place of business. You having seen me gel out of a carriage, inquire 1 the the cause, and immediately brought me the remedy which, after using it. enabled me to walk and attend to my business, m four or five days, without stick or crutches. I can only say that a domestic in my family was re lieved in twice using of an attack of rheumatism In his arm, and it affords me pleasure to know that you intend preparing the ariicle, not only on your own account, but as a panacea to the suffering of this dreadful malady. With my best wWkHfcr your success and prosperity, your friend, SOLOMON SEIXAS, 539 Spring ?u Frederick Tarr, of Thomas st., had the rheumatism in the summer of 1836, and suffered severely; and by applyii g Co hen's Rheumatic Embrocation for a few times, was entirely cured. He consequently strongly recommends it to the unfor tunate who labor under that tormenting complaint. FREDERICK TARR, Thomas st. New York Aug. 1, 1837. The subscriber Lad the inflammatory rheumatism in his limb* in Janury, 183.5, and suffered for five weeks, and was confined to hi* room. He was attended by several physicians, among whom was Dr. Mott, without any relief. He was then induced by the advice of a frieud to try the effect* of Mr. M. B. Cohen's Rheumatic Embrocation, and after using it for a short time was perfectly cured, and has had no return since. ROWLAND DAYILS, cor. 2tKh >t- and 3d Avenue, or No. 16 Spruce st. New York, Aug. 1, 1837. The subscriber had the rheumatism in 1835, so Via'1, that he was unable to raise his liand to hi* head, ami suffering; great pain throughout his whole system, and after Using various !??> me.'l?, itidtio-u lu try Cohen's Rheumatic Embrocation, and by the blessing of tlie Deity, he wns in a few days perfect ly restored to health, and enabled to attend to his business. AB'M MITCHELL, No. 279 Hudson st. New York, Aug. J, 1837. K7" The Rlieun.atic Embrocation c.-un be had only at No. 210 Hudson st., to wbich place all letters and remittances must be addressed. Price $3 per bottle. aul S-lm* AL17BIV; DINCUVKH V ? I'A V*?ON'S IN DELIBLE INK. ? This composition ela ims a preference over other discoveries of the kind, in it* not requiring the aid ?f any preparation. Letters and ciphers can be traced by it with a common pen, upoa all articles of linen, silk, or cotton, and although the writing lie pale at first, yet by applying the same to the sun, it presently assumes a deep black, ar.d then remains so firmly attached to the web, as not to be effaced either by time or art. It possesses also the advantage over other productions that can be used in a similar manner, that it doe* ?Kit, alter it ha* been written with, turn tn iron mcald, noroor rede ?r injure the texture of the finest fabric, and that it can retain iti quality in any climate, t>r -a> by NATHAN B. ORAHAM, Jy2!y M Naaaau street cor. of Fulton. BBKIHA.ns SALOOSI KM.AIK.i.U A CARD. ? H. W. BRYIiAM of the Bowery Steum Confec tionary and Saloon for ladies and gentlemen, respectfully in form* his numerous friends and the public, that lie is a! way* folly prepared with Ice Cretans. Lemonade*, Meads, !*oda?, Ices, ic mr ., whh the varioae delicacies u tbey coaae >n sea on, for their accommodation, as also the best assortment <?f pure and wholesome confectionaries, manufactured on the Im proved principle. H. W. B. respeetfolly invites those persons who kave not yet had an opportunity of visiung lus Saloon, to make a call at 2n8 Bowery, when they can jadge of the com fort and accommodations s>f his establishment ; at the same lime pledging himself thai Ills patrons will always find a respectable and select society, with accommodating waiters. S. w. B. In tends to devote his whule and cole attention to his Bowery Es :uent, as also Mrs. B. to the confeotior.ary department and witli the uuited eiertio** of both, hope sull to merit a con tinuance of the patronage already ao extensively experienced with many thanks fur pai-t favors. S. W. BRYtlAM, Bowerv Steam Confectionary and Saloon, No. 206 Bowery mySB-ly opposite to Rivingtnn st. TH K note* of the North River Eacbanpe t'ompany are re ?leemed at thr follow in* hxcbmure oi 'M ? 137 Greenwich New fwk: 45* < anal ?U New York; 347 North Market *t., Albany, and at Tyler k Brown'*, corner of WntT anil Perry -U Newbarch. Thi.- inst'tntion is intended lor the aceouimociauon of the North Hirer tteamhoat* and for traveller*. Order* received lor inuall note* at 1B7 Greenwi. h *t? New York, and t!,o*e notes redeemed there at 8 per cent for ?iiver. aa28-lm* PPOIM.OV Jr. offer* lor sale at bu warebou*e, No. ? 2tl Pearl street, nenr Pmt<>n, in lot* In suit p0tltM| uid on term* a* good# a* can be procured in the city Martini" It Paper? Suitable for eitra largt- *how Ml!*, the , snnie qunlity now u*ed by the Zoological Institute, and work ed on the large pre** now lit operation in thin city. Thi* paper ! ran be furnished at short notice, in any quantity, and of a luucb I larri-r size, if required. Prbiling Paper? Medium, Medium and Half, Royal, Super- ! Royal, and Imperial, meararing 2K-40, 26-19 24-3?, 84 X, 2Ki5. 24-04, Si 33, and 28-32 inches, with a full assortment of ' colored paper* of various qualities, embracing nearly ail the ? afx.v* ikM. Writing Papnrt ? Pool-cap, flat and folded, Poiiu Pn*t, L> tier, I blur, white, and a*sorted colors, Pot, Demi, ami Median*. Wrapping Paper ? Envelope, various Kentish Cap*, j suitable lOr hardware, polished and plain; Cloth I'ttf - r?, e*tr? ,nrf:< ? *iies; Crown, Double Crown, and Cap; also, iiirge and ; small Straw. HatteiV Papers? Tissue, plain and aborted -olor*; Tip and Imperial, of variou* colors, e*pr?**ly for hatter's us*. Sheathing Pup? r?? Por vf-sset*, house*, he Sugar Bakers' Paper*? Plain, bioc, and .alald with white, of assorted ? ze*. Pnateboerde Trunk, Boston and New Jersey manufacture; Binders, Baaboa, brown Bonnet, in r?>il*j fine white and blue ai?l white ie lint*. Pre** anJ Straw Boards. Cards? Eagle*, Harry VIII., Merry Andrew and H>-niand er Playing, with an a?r>nmeat nt'larre and <m*H BMiik. Southern merchant* visiting New York arerequ'te I to rail, i< there i* at all time* a large a?-ortment of cheap Paper* on ..ami. well adnpt?4 to t Ire ,r m?-keL Manufacturers of Paper supplied with ra|f*. fa?*lT'r and do mestic; Bleaching Sail", Small*, Pelting, Jacaet*, W re Cloth, Mould*. be. auS-Srn* ^ SPLENDID RNOLIMH EDIT1UN4 -Hume a*. Smollet's History of En-la**! Gibbon's Rome The W?irks of Wrfuam Roben*on? containing tho History of Scotland. R<ign of the Emperor Charles the Pi'tb, and the His?oryof America The works of the Rer. John Howe Wilson1* Preoch and English Dictionary Thr above are large octavo*, i>< splendid Engliah binding, for sale by aUJ4 C. SHEPARD. m Broadway. B" OUTl H0O1N BOO ? S. fashionable WW (A* Boot Store.? H. NEWELL re?pe-tftilly inform* the aabllcthat he baa taken the storv No. 94 Canal St., corner of Wooster, wliere he intend* keeping a geooral a??ortment of men** *nd boy* boot*, which he oflhrs wholesale and mall at rH?oe<l prices fcreash. Jost received from hi* factory, a #rw eaae*of French pomp hoots, a prime article for rammer, whirl* he offers at the reduced pnfc-e of f&AO. N- B. Constantly on bar: 1, boot* fer $250 and fZ75 jy*-9m* ^omptbhh n>w kmh thk labibT CT RAVI'IPEE CANDY ?A new and superior flavored Candy, nxuinfartorid at the Rewery Strnm Cenfectiruary. nnd no other place m ihi* city. Thi* new < 'n<tdy mrp*>?e? all otiiers ever invented, for it* superiority of flavor and ?Mcieni. ne*s of l*?te, nro'lucmr *l*o a pieaaant odor *nd *w?-etrie?s to the breath which no Other Candy (>os?ess?* in ih* world. Lad i?? arc respectf ully invited to call and taste gratia, at No. 2<*J Bowery, opposite ? Rivirrton street. au?t S. W. BRYHAM, Snpt. , |, |4HKa p k hii.La AND l-l Mil. O SYKI/P.ofa very superior totality, mantifactun-d arid ?or sale .vbnlrsnle and retail at ihv v?-ry low priee of f4 ">Oper do ten, or Vtrent* by U?e ?iMgl?? bottle, and w vrnnie.l *s rood a* any ever made in thi* city, by H WHUdOilY 131 William st. N. B. Sarsapariila o? tirnaght at MK a gallon , for soda wa ter# atf-tf BKNOV /VI#.? DOCTOR JACKSON ha* remaeed hi* Medieated Y^por Bath* Tram No. IN to 9m Bowery where he has kath* read* for viMlota at five miunt'V notice, from 9 o'clock. A. M. to II o'clock, P. M. An intellifent female, who ha* bad three yeatV e*ner ience in the bu*ine**, in constant at lender ce oa tae ladier apartment, f+eeieel furnished apart meats, and board, vrHh goosi ourvs, prrs .,led for invalids who may wiaa to pat ihiim selves aader ihe medical treatunt a/ Dr J*< k*nn and the Medicated Vapor Bat bs. rnytt* Tul?, He ILTRiKir Kr??T, durability mi I tcomWaod-Toetree'ived 1 saihan?t( hgjred fasoefyWaW, *a Hrflre aew artVV for WlVe* < Woled, wtjl effiKtuiv ran the Dysentery or rtwIeW, IhM it will ammvrtrv inm with which w? mn tMkUd. Mce ? ? good vegetable, one of the bed we have, bat to imagine it will remove the cause of disease U nonsense, u all who try ii will be satisfied of. Never rely on it to core? use tbe BRAN ERETH PILLS ? they will remove the cause of Dysentery er Cholera, and that being removed, (lie body will soon be restor- , ed h? UealUu In tact, after an attack of any of the diseases in which the symptom* are profuse evacuation, when Brandreth's Pill* are employed, the body always it afterwards in a better state of health than before the attack. The great object X to remove tbe cause of the disease as sown as possible ? gel rid of that ? then there is no danger. Ho W different the state of socie ty was this judicious plan adopted ! We should none of us be unwell for more than a few days at any time, and not that, if we were only a little careful. Remember, always in cholera, dysentery, or any c holies, that tbe cause ef pain is what is in the stomach and bowels, antl that nature is endeavoring, perhaps ineffectually, to remove the cause, never oppose her, either by ouium or barks, but assist her with purgative*, tins is the sensible method. If you use Brandreth's Pills you will not he deceived ? they can be always procured genuine, at Dr. Brand retli's offices, and nfthe agents. au23-dlitiw4t? CIIULEUA. ? If yon wish to prevent an attack of ChO|e ra, or any other disease, the same eourse has to be adopt ed, namely: to he attemivr to THE CONDITION OF THE STOMACH AND BOWELS. There is no danger need at any time be apprehended, if purgation be occasionally resorted to with BRANDRETH'S PILLS. At this season of the year, four or six once or twice a week ought to be taken by the most healthy. Why, it healthy? TO INSURE IT TO THEM. Head what is best to be done iu Asiatic or Spasmodic Cholera, ?what is there recommended is equally good in Common Clio l<*ra. anil all Clio lies, as well as ii> every other disease. WHAT IS THE REST TO BE DONE IN ASIATIC OU SPASMODIC CHOLERA.' Cause: or Cholera.? The cause, the real cause of Cholera, i< the same as all other cholics. to wit: HIGHLY VITIATED, MORBID, AND PECULIARLY ACRIMONIOUS STATE OK THE HUMORS. principally of the bile, brought on by a neglected cond.tion of the stomach and bowels, caused by the heat of the climate and casual alterations of the atmosphere acting upon the consis tence and the quality of thw blood itself. In such a Mate of the system, these corrupt, tenacious burners obstruct, choke up, convulse and paralyze what may with truth be calleu tbe very SEAT OF LIFE, the region* of tbe heart a.<l stomach; thereby in the first in stance producing vomiting iu most cases, proceeding to the sinking of the pulse, to the cessation 01' all energy, and finishing in tbe SPASMS OF DEATH. From these facts we must be firmly convinced that the way to prevent or remove these cramps, dreadful spasms, ami miserable sickness, aud prostration of all tbe faculties, is by a thoroug h CLEANSING OF THE STOMACH AND BOWELS with some simple yet fully efficient purgative: the PUTRID HUMORS w itli which the body was loaded, and which were ine PRINCIPAL CAUSE OF THE ATTACK, are thus DROVE DOWN, and entirely removed. Those diicersing and prudent persor s who have adapted this course, have never had reason t?s regret the consequences, for it the Cholera should seize them, it will be found to be bereft of almost all its terrors, and by continuing the purgative plan will be cured in 24 hours. What purgative ntedi cue does experience then recommend.' is there any with su<.b hij'h claim* to public confidence as Uie BRANDRETH PILLS f Experience answers NONE. When tbe Cholera raged in London *n 1882, riot a single person was lost whe had recourse to them lor the purpose above named. DOSE OF PILLS. As cleansers, from two to ten, fifteen or twenty or -nore in fine, to carry out the principles upon which these Pills are based, whatever quantity will. EFFECTUALLY PURGE is the proper dose. IN THE CHOLERA. Let large and repeated doses? say ten, fifteen, or tw enty or more, as urgency of symptoms shall indicate, drinking freely very het water, or brandy and water, or pure brandy, uncord ing a? the feelings of the suffering patient may require. These directions must be adhered to until POWERFUL EVACUATIONS. 1 shall have taken place? then | ALL DANGER WILL BE OVER. It wrll be necessary afterwards to persevere with the Pills In I such a manner as to allow the body to recruit itself. Several doses of Pills will probably be returi ed from the sto mach, but this is not a b;vd sign ? perseverance will obviate this, as tbe stomach will sosn be sufficiently ' leansed to retain them. A very excellent plan is to put 5 or 6 pUU in some brandy, and swallow them together. Obaerve ? NO CHEMIST sells the GENUINE BRAN DRETH'S PILLS. Thousands of count el fells are out? therefore all who want the Pills, let them purchase only ef the agents. au28-UJniw4t* Hr TO THE EDITOR OK THE HERALD? Sir. 1 have been attacked for the space of three yew* by asynhilJitic di?* ease, which made ph<- vutfer violent ]?aiin in all ili?? articul* Hon* of my Ixxly. I iiad ulcer* in the.tbraal, and the bon<*? ;n my head liepaM to decay. Ifter Iwving changed different limes of physicians, wbo could ?ot deliver roe from that dread ful dl-ea*e, I iiad ulcn the determination of applying to Dr. De Zaniton, 44 CourtUndt si., who is noted forni*currs 0t chronic and deficate <Uh?a*e*. H>- agreed to cure ine. After baring undergone ? treatment for the space of six month*, ac companied by a ric?roj? diet, 1 ?-njoy at presem a moot per fect ru??lth, which I am indebted lor to tli>- cure of tliat skillful physician. .Mr object in publishing this is to be of use to such persons wbo ritav he atf 'tcied witli the -line ditr aae. If they uiay require positive information n ?pe-'tu><,' my health, they nan address themselves to Dr. De Zannun, wbo will make me known only to such female* wbotoigbt And themiHves in the ?w situation W I ha v l?een in. auin-lrr* E. V. DIC. S. SWEET'S CELEBRATED STRENGTH ENING PLASTER. The inoat valuable remedy for weaknes* and pain in the side, bark, aud stomach, and for de bility in the back and losni, from the effect of fractures and dis location of the bone*, ever offered to the public. Dr. Sweet, of Franklin, Connecticut, to long distiaffuished iter Bone Set ting, willing to meet Um: w mIm of Li* friends, ? and that the thousands ruiTV ring from pe.ins and weaknesses may avail themselves of a remedy, axid diminish the bills of physicians ? has arranged with Mr. B. C. Baiter, of New London, Conn., to wannfactuie hi* Strengthening Salve, and supply every city a*d i??n in the Unite*! States. None genuine without the written siguarure of B. C. BAXTER, agent and joint propri etor. Me?*rs. Pratt k Rav. drsirW*, S3 Maiden lane, wholesale airent* for the city ot New York, and for sale by rood of the respectable druggist*. Price. 3ft tents a roll. m31 6ra Dm. eqOBWILL'B DBVBBeififtT.M?? iebratad for the eure ef ronorlMM, and ?*??*, and anatofou coiaj?I. .iiits ofthe?r;<>mot tte?<traiioo,is offered ia the puhdraf one )f the bf-*".i>ridci)?ivi.?sttLrti)'lM. for the cure ofthe.Mrve die sears, that c< ii in- toxrd. Its t* all piec, and great virtue, of wkirk ihejHtK' care informed, that MM)*0, ?: mora hor-|ir? haee l#??en son! in tkiiokl, Phiiadclph.a, and Bovtnn, warrant *Jm ainn' in ?fl< r t g it to the pti'tilc with porfent ronmionne. Hole, wnolonaio i t*f rrt&i i at B. M. Gui'<n's. ooraer o." Bowery A Grand ?*.?????, at. wcanta per bottle, with Auhlireotiaiie.' ? ? ? ? _ _ .. wylfry IEVIS ON'? IU Sn:it'H KED' DROP-New -J Office, No. 5 Division st? The only sure iuid ^afe cure for the Venereal diseay ,n l lie known world. To every person of Hound reason and jodftntut, it must be evident that Hunter* lied Dron is U?e mo?t certain and effectual cure fer lhat awful disease, the Wner? al.ln ,i id it ion in the extensive vale at it, the *ery circumstance o: iliere beinir so many who have ?*inlv ei? ?ie?*ored to Imitate it, i-> aa undeniable proof of its wonderful virtue*. We do not wish to deceive or jure le with ihe public, w? merely ?peak the plain and simple truth, as our certificates wil' show. on application at the om< e. The unfi<rtiinaie shauld ?on- der Dr. Hnncr a* their guardian .ingel rescuing tliem from tbo (anrs of a disease in w hi 'b iiiany have been brought t* the brink <?{ the grav? , ax much by ('rugs a* by the di?? as>?; ami by an anplicat.or of this mrakine bare been restored la perfect healtb antl their wanted punty. We wish it lo U- un derstood that we warrant to effect a tire in all ciues. After *ellwg in New York for tip^vards of twa years, and in Philadel phia (oar years, In which time, out of thou?and* of cases, not one Ms failed, he feels perfectly Mti?fied that no matter baw old the rase, or bow mvefrat'', he wilipertorm a certain cure : thereby t a u dag the 'Uffrrer t,> be as riear fro.u the vene-eal p< i*r>n and iu pure a tfc* day he was horn. Ttu* invaluable article iseold ?ale at :? Dlvi-ian it. Pri-e 91, which is warranted to rtsre. aa 14-lm* HII.KH PI LEH.-DK, HALE'S Pie ?iatment is a po^ JT itive cure for the Piles ih three 4mj* time. Sold by JIH. Han. corner of rhamKers street and Broadway; P. BnraetL V> t'th avenue; K. M. Guiou, corner ?f Bvwtry and Grand ?ro?t aplHw* AHU1BIA PKCTOHM.-DOCTOR HEARS haspaM unnwal attention to this fiise**, am hag had much expe rience ,n the treatment af it; and in man t aees has been aao ? esaful in relieving its urrent synmtoma. and la nmy af afford .ng entir* relief. It* chHrvtertotk ?ymptoou are an oopiea ?ant seasatioB at tl?e sternuu?-t>reast bene, nanunonly at the lower part of it, attended with pain* about the breaet, bat I particularly the left *Me and regian of the heart, eatendWf aften ta the shoalder blades, "?pe<-ially the left, and often ar fee ting the left aim. Those sahje -t to K are soaietime* awahaa ed with a sense of ?;.ffo?arton, and generally experience a shortaes* of breath, and some lime* palpitation of the heart ow walking fhrt where It to <sceadiac or a?ainst the wtoid, or up a flight of stairs. Doctor Hears would invite thtee ?oh|ec? ,in* dtsenee, or u> dyspepsia, liver compla iota, or psMfarr or drapaieal affections, to rail on hbn at hi* olBce, 4| A an street Namemue certdkate* rnnv he seen, a**d refereecee y ea. aw MM F7?OH THE H KJIttV AL OF MJPKKFLI' Of 'S HAIR.? Tlie h.tfje of female beaoty , whether on the forrliead, nerk, or, still more u i*i?htly.>h? ''P ?>*? ^ effectaaBy rrmoved hy n free use of ATICIN7ONS DKPII.a TORY, ft* operation is iwtanlaneons, retooling the hair arfth out the least approach 10 pain, and leaviof ;l?e skm nhiter and mfter than le kire. B? twite using the Depilatory the roots of he haW ire usually dr-troyed, *o ?* u?reauir?. o.' further ap pli> iiU'Mi of iu No bad ron?eq?i.-nrf? l>?m it* iiw need be ap nrt 'iruded, as it inny be used 00 an iafbr.t* dtia without aay (>.id offer t*. r he adverti-er ? pisrpnreil to warrant every botile said by hi<n. to oaertKe ofleetu illy. ?r?l ?? b' X in it* effecu. Price SoW WWesjJe aoi IrjMU Ibv H. C. HART, 173 Broadway, ju2P-3m* (atfner Courtlandt at. I OVKbY ANO AOOWKO BV ALL.? AN EX L CELI.ENTARTICI.E MR P KKSHNAL BEAUTY tkrtw*<lered as ahjett ever rm, niandlng anfeigned admlre tian. .iwahens a netural aolicdade fbr Its attalmnent aad preaar vatk>n. and U?? to?*et becomes a department both of trannrtaitce and atiBtyi,,lore especially where dkcermnent prr^idea In the *ele?ttan<n lhaaeaapeailves which experience ha* sancUoaed. rorlhto pnrposr, Lady kiv.ntao^i Campoand Chinese Snap, ?ndhrs aneotloa. ftmrui- l on nearly a century m trial, cana (iuing elegance of preparation with the prominent rerpitofterfof safety and eilencv. It h*n obtained ertrnstv# patronage aja refi'dber snd Msininer of the aoniplextom, aad p?a*r*W fa yr reside ieiibdtoy , sateens, aad > <i*a Far sale whe HwheWsw Art, I ratad Wy A. ' *umr f f 1 wkdarcnSi CHmtrr*+u Mflm fection offlse IDSmtya, LoTm," Urethra, , ? . . eland, and all those secondary i/TrrtloM arising from the abuse of arwrcarr. or iaaptopor management of Veoet ed. A perfect care for Pever and Ague cube obtained attkuOSoe. Dr. Cooper has never koow it to fail Charge. very moderate. CoMultation strictly private. Post paid letter* attended tau? Office 12 Duane st? opea from 7 A. M. to 10 p. M. ao2t-l#? I I COMB IT* ?ay be consulted in the meat ??? xJ Mentialmanuvr at hiaoSce, W Du&ne street , between CkS am and William streets, New York, wham m*om with delicate diseases, old obstinate ulcers, dyspepsia, . -*--in of the bladder. urstha, and kidney, and all arseases arising from 1 abuse of mercury, or the impurity of the Mood, are mtfeed to m The baneful effects olten aiming from the abuse of I no deaenption, persons troubled with a certain disease, may i to Or. Cerbitt, with the the assurance of having it ra*a without a pa! tide of mercury, or any other dangoroua i Hia ch&rgea are reasonable, and proportioned to the ? _ ^ applicant. Dr.C. Kan been educated in ftirope, under teachers at acknowledged talent, and baa had considerable practice in exten sive hospitals and dispensaries. Instant relief given to theee at flictsd with piles, and a perfect cure effected in three days, with out confinement from business, or the slightest pain to the patient. A medicine nay bo had to prevent the occurrence of a certain dis ease. The most honorable secresy observed. Attendance daily 'Wi 1A.M. to io P. M. silt- y DH. JOUAbUM is consulted confidentially at his otiko WM *? 17 ntiane ??.".et, between Chatham aod William sts., oo the following diseases, vii;? G<tnorrh?a, Gleets, CImujC.-os.^ijw* turen, Seminal Weakness, and the numerous diseases arising fros* venereal |>oik<>H or improper treatment. Dr. Johnson engages to remove uny recent aflectiwn in two or three days, sad the most in veterate eases in a proportionate UKie, without the use of any d^ bilita tint or injurious medicine, or prevention from business, sons entrusting themselves to Dr. Johnson's care may dose wjjj? . a ?ertai?ty of success, in the most aggravated case*. Scrofulous <SoE,.? Ujcerated Le??,ftc ut>e<Kiily healed. Strai gera would do i /ell bygivirg I?r. Johnson aeall, as a certain preventative may to | ?ad against tne occurrenee of the foregoing di*ea?M, wliiflh has i never lailui when used within twenty four hours after exposure. Letters po.-t&Eid, and er>cl<*ina a fee, can nave the neoesaair , medicine, and directions, fiir its use forw aided. I Attendance from s A. M. to 11 at night. Dr. Johnson has moved from 13 Cn.imber street llMhy IflVR HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD.? SPECIFIC M1A 1. TURK for cvre of Gonorrhoea, Gleets, Htnctures, and fi"fB gous complaints eft he organs of feneration. Of all remedies yetdiscovured for the abtovecomplaiBts, this 1 the most certain. It mukesa speedy and permanent cure, without to diet, drink, exposure, or change in application to business. We give no lone (juai kish red mmi ndatioris ui deceive the pub lic. If the mecic ne dee* not speak for itself, i o one Bnall I re a* for it. Our object is to notify where it may be had, and that tho Eropnetor ckiiileuftes a single case of recent Gonorrhoea to bo r?ufht, in whi h the Mixture will not effect a rapie! care, undei a fo'feuure of #5tto. This is a (hbe'uscthatunfortHr mely pervades nil ranks of socie ty? hicn, low, rich end poor, matrimonial ard single. They a?* now piesented v.iih a remedy by which they can cur<- themselves withoutthe leant exposure, inthesbortesuime iossibl*. Kuril) e?. disease cannot, be contacted if a dose of the Mixture u takoo at nixiit on gomji to bed when exposed. It is put up in bolt Us. with full direction* aecoiripaNyingjt.ti frl a bottle. One tfottlelasta a weuk, w hich generally cures, fiau^r are cured in two days. For stile by Milnor & Gamble, T9S Broadway, cornetof Dey it. Dr. Guion, corner of Grand and Bowery; M. C. Slooum, corner of Broadway and Dunne si; A. B. ft D. Hsndi, I ?o Fulton st, eomccr of Wilkam, New Yerk; Jones ft Hutchinao* .corner of Cheacot and ?VrenthHts.. Phila* elr>iiin. nMj DR. HAMILTON. a suiK?on of long standing, and a po pil o^ two of the first colleges (for anatomy and the theory and practice of physic and surgery) ia Europe, has moved into tho heaso No. 87 Courtlandt street, where he n<ay be cens.-lted oa every disease incidental to human nature, common or unMimaooo. delicate or ;noclicate. The rmk>i desperate venereal cases cured m from two tn uined&ys. Sores of every other de.ich;>tion, in a hour proportioned to their state and nature. Attendance at ail times. ui-} R. HOUSTON'S BALM OF G1LEAD. Coo tinues to enjoy Uie same reputation that has already keen bestowed upon it by numbers of the afflicted who have suffered from dyspepria, nervous affections, debility, loss of appetite, heartburn nnd all similar complaints. Its virtues cannot be too highly extolled and is fan gaining the reputation that Ot. Solo mon's once eqjoyed in Europe, invalids cannot find any aitieio to answer the purpose so well, it is put ap in large bottles wiUi full directions, #2 each, and suid wholesale aad retail by R. Mj Guion. cor. Bowery and Grand St. aay Sft-y. IkOCTOK VAWCKTT, Member Of the Royal CoiMM V of fureeoos of London and tldiobur|h, and Uaeniher of tho Medical College of Plirtadetphia, oontiruea to direct his attoo tion io the treatment of the ioHowing ?'iaeases, viz:? Gonorrbota, chancres, strictarea, irritation of the urethra, bla?< d*r, anrt prostrate glands, aore legs, rheumatism, ague and scro fulous afweiious. Recent < of Venereal cured m two days without mercury. A preventative may be Peraoaa woe have mje-ed themseives by a secret destructive babit wifl <* - tain immeditte relief. Separate offices , 218 Pulton street, neat Greenwich. The strictest sec.resy observed. my4-y Doctor carpenter s peck slip dispensary, 4 Ne. Peck Slip,(irat door below Peaii! atrei-t, (late Or. Ax OeMon'r.) Doctor CajT*nicr ha vice had the advanf area of a reruiar medi cal e?iu<*atK<i* ,nnd h&tine reorivec in* Dip Ionia for the practice of Pbyaic and eo rgery, from the New York Mate Medical SoeoM > , and bavin*- ha<i t*ent} tUeeytara, gtneral and very aucceaaft practice in thia city.devotra kia i c-xonal and undivided attewtwa to the care of all Cueuaes incident to frail humanity, and particu larly to a certain ciam or train of tfiaaaae ?f? i which ton. sny noe trnma and pious af medicine, abound in the eo.iirnaa o tncnewa papera. Diseaxea retire to be treated aaweabJy the aymptoma that may prevail, and tbevariouti ?:agca ami ekttBge* ibey may aa ?ume- and hence Uie ieant reflect ion muat aatiafy any diactrmag raind thn: no apecific ni*inun ran be cpthcahlo tn all caaea. The cxUumive experience of Dr. Carrenter in all *tage* aid rt rietieagt thia mawwc, ennMea hirn tn efiisr a vpe<Mr and tltorougi) care, and To adopt a el auk of inetiiein. a so arranged and compound ed a a not to oft'endt e ta?te, or lead to anaptcinn? camp* unda to" Miliv unknownto riuiatvouac.ka of the dav. MiyS*-y MKL'CAl, AND Hl'KOIC A 1. CARB.~Dk FA Mr CETT, late a Surgeon of the 24th reamont of the Briiith army, eot?fin?a hi* attention to I he removal of a certain cla?? of di.?<)aaMi . hia e xtenaive practice in Europe, India and Amenaa, (tovotrii exclusively to the treatment of venereal m a t iu variouaatagea.enahleahina to adopt the aafeatand mont ? fleet - nal rWMdiea in eradicating "very form of that diseaae entirely from tS<i ayitAni; fe:n treatment ia vegetable, hia abargta mode rate, ajid oXces private. CaH at 2i0iPuIt?Kj-itr?et,iiear OrMf wica. i .?*! DA, CAItPKNTKH., No. 4 Peek SUp, c?e?ii>t>?a to at votc his undivided pcraonal aMantiwn to the ew of all <Mt eate or private d?*?eaea, whether recont or of 'on* standi n?. Dr. Carpenter, licuntiate of the New York state Medical Society, late Burgaoa of 43 remnant U. S. Army, and for IB yean a prac titioner ol'thiM city. Separate oCeas for the privacy of patient*1 Chartw aaaeona Me and all -u?f NiHaraat*. d. BrVT-ti Da. CAH PKN TUH coauaaee to admmieier to una ?}? fiicted and unfortunate in the moat prompt and ettectaal mar ner, at hia eatabhahed and well known Diapenaary, No. 4 Peel 9a? mrtr-tf AtiTlKIt'lA li TKKTH, without clasps, iprinti, kc., thereby avoiding injury to the adjoining teeth Jhn the principle of atmoaphfrie pressure, by M. LEVETT, Dentist, Ne. ail J Broadway, opposite Masonic Hall This method, no generally known and approved. need* no comment, being wholly different ia principle and result Irons any practised in New York. Hi* refrrunces, of the highest order, ape meat ample, and th? opinion of the New York public en hia improved ayatem, inay he seen In any of the following respectable paper*, vii.. New York Mirror, 'I6tb July, lMfl: Courier* Enquirer, Smh Decew l>er, IM| Kveniiv/ Star, 17th J uae, 1W7. Je i V3m' [J Private finch t Trrmtnt,\ OH Cr.RTAt* CoMrumn v hich Occaiiot* Obbat Amx ietv? A? STaicruRK, *' *?, . tu ? aiM unthoMt m littl* C'h'it nf Mttimne, corUmtning ever)/ thing nt" 1 1 mry for Uu Immediate and h/ixutt rttrr ?/" thitt Ofnflmnt ,. By Dr. lialfiM, 3H Courtland Street, New York. Since publishing thit little book, the .mlher baa beeu roji-oi. ed on Ml many ruin'- 1 constitution*, principally frnin trunia;; to unworthy perMMa, i* te *how how desirable it I* tliat th?r. ?hoolUbe some practltinn**' of known interrity and akUL u> 'vhnm auch patienu might ?ppiy with roafidence ami aafet>. Hew far the advertiaer 11 fitted for a po*t of ao much '.. u*t, h? w j| leave for otln r* to determine, l?-rginjr only to state tli* follo^in/ fbcts. He :* a OraHoate of the Ualvendty ef Edin burab, Wfinber of the Roval College of Muryeon*. London; and AuiTitirofa work e?pie?'fv tfceae <l^?a?e?. He ha* tertiiiHi I a; a 1 letter* al-o fr mi the hiirh?**t ph\?iciai.? tn Knrope to the | mem eminent in America, which may t?e ?een by any per*oa. Pun her. he ia permitted to rt fer I? aoiDe of the flm phytic iawi of New York, on the aoluect ?t hit proi? v^ojial ability mid pe culiar qualification for ?och a tru-i. Aato this little Treatise, no peraon ^hoold be without it, If it -were only to be satisfied and certain ef his being in a right and proper courae of cure, it i? hardly po**ible in this advertise ment to (fi*e a Ju?t idea of the s alne of thia little b?r>k, bat so me thing may be judged by the following suhjecu, on aome of which ?t has a aeparate . hapter, v,x s On the tricks and de ception! practised by adrertiaing quark* upon their frightened patient*? the difference between Venereal Disease antTOoaor rh^a.calletl '"?-whfit mer ury really Me?lrf be taken j and when it *AeuW not? the crtnseqneocea of ailowinr a Oonorrbrra to ran on froni mootb to month one 0 red, and how tobnn* u lo a speedy arid perfect cure? the nature ?f a Oleet? why a Oleet continues tor so long a time, then terminate* 10 atrictur*? what i* meant by Stricture ? the total HnpaatihiiUy of curing a Stricture by any kiodo! medicine whatever, although, through igaoranee ef rt* nature, /a'Jonsof Drop* and Pill* are dally gi ven with such a view? th? author'* peculiar, eaay and certain way of caring Btrictare even 1ft or lb year* duration. TbH * ubject u made so very piain 1 hat any oae (if be shookl deaire. 1 may undertake the can of Stricture with perfect aafrty and (Bcetas . The renaiaiag chapter* are apon Venereal D mease, proper ly at called i and the?e relate to every possible cirrurostarwy and <ympiom thatevtr can ariae from the Hr*t appearinr Oi Ifv disease down to it. DM neglected form. The treatment of each stage iaalao made exceedingly plain aad ainpie, ao that thoae who have the hilie cheat of medicine a* well as the book, are prodded with every tiling aeceasary for the perfect and priv ite cure ol the^> , ompUinta. l-'nnher, to mtke it inore complete, there are anion r hapten on old venereal tainta of the blood, aud their effect* upon po? terity ; the?e are deeply I ntef eating to man' nho hare no fa milies, enabling *urb fojtulga How fbr rtiaeaae may p??**iWv l?e the cause, a* well aa fortii.hing a aafa aad cehain * ay oi curing k, , . , The price of the book done ia 91; the little cheat with lne? and key, and all the medicine complete, the hook being fitted In the IM, is $12. the medicine (tor vt aereal diaeaae alooe ia $t>, and for goner hern alone, Letter* on consultation are addressed, Dr. EALr B.Srt aurt Umdt street. New York. N. B. Having reeei'-ed, amotig my mi a>ere?? correepond eaee, several letter* enclosing fe? a, t>ut without anec if jring their particular direction^! thl* ia to remind tho*e wiia corres{K?n<f Ucnnaft'a fllewapaper EitabllahmaM, No. U1 Ann BTHBttT. Moanttia Hr.a*t.r>? Issued every mormae except Baa?lay.-? Priee, two cent* per copy. Coumryaabar iwrirariiiahed attba lane rale, for any *p?n Sc period, on ? ream lance ia advaaco. No paper *e*< out, unless paid iuadvanc , |vb!?in?i llr.?*LD.? ts'tted every afternoon at f o'clock. Wee, two cents per eopf Conntry eebacrtber* firnWtod at iboMane rate. Cash, hi advance . Waiai r Haiti.*? laaaed every Batar^ay coming at ntn VeioeA. Price, ? 1-4 cent* per copy. Poraiabed to oonntry anb arte. 1 a at P per annum. In a^vaneo. Wnrno?.v Haaat.n or raa?n??^laaued every W ednaaday atomlag at nine o?dnck. rrtce C| aeaU par copv. rundabeJ to eiianfri aabeeriberaat ?9 per igna, py able (0 adva?w*? ieW tneenerf In aay or all tbtae paper* a<l? tMflltWto alnq^^yk*' ?? ?? ???.