OCR Interpretation

Morning herald. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1837-1840, May 01, 1838, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030312/1838-05-01/ed-1/seq-4/

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[rrw MT ?**?*? Mta ml yasMrSar J
a Lack of Hair. accMcatally dlM?r?r?l
alter aasuajr jraara.
Thou dear ?*?'??? *f tbepast.
What *i*tni?? rise at *tfki of thee,
Alas they rw?" ?? .)?*? lh#l
Bat tartara knag M? wemory,
The alia of y oath to Beetles'* but a jew.
O Rite nae ba?k ay feHtags
Aa4 let the hollow world take all tke rest.
] ice the aalle ef ether days
Aad hear lb* antic of tay longae.
It sound* like ? ittaut lit mat ef prmiae,
Through all the Heavealy arches rung,
But waketao thrill hat sorrow ia ay breast.
O give me baek my feelings,
And let the carele.a world take all the real.
1 am not old, yet feel a change
No great my heart aeetna wrap'd la pall,
AM preteat thing* appear *e strange,
The sweets of life are tamed to gall:
1 a?k not wealth in gorge us splendor dreas'd.
O give ma hark my feeling*,
And let the hear tie** world take all the rest.
I ask not far thy love or hate,
For they are nothing to me now,
If thoa art happy in thv Mate,
It I* not written on tliy brow,
And vet thou niay'si he cold, hat not di*tre**'d.
O give me hark my feelings
And It l the grasping werld take all the rest.
That look recalls a transient gleam
ftf plensu re uaallov'd with care,
It seem* a long forgotten dream
In glory ling'ring round despair,
While ev'ry pray er of my toul ? unbless'd,
O givenie back my feelings
Aad let the sneering world take all the rest.
1 ask not for the poet's v reatli.
I would not rvonnt the hill of fame,
Though 'twere to pluck a single It af,
And leave a bright immortal name,
Unless to find niv bosom's early guest.
O give me ha'k my feelings,
Ami let the cruel world take all the rest. .'amis.
Heart by the (iient Western.
At nine o'clock this morning, we received our London
files bv the (irent H'cutern steamship, which arrived in
New York this day se'nnight! They have been lying
in the Post Othce of this city ever since, and were sent
there by the underlingsof the Courier and Enquirer, who
very kindly, hut gratuitously took upon themselves
the new olfice in this port of Inspectors General and
Distributors of 'etters, papers, and orticial despatches.
As we had recourse tu a friend last Monday night to be
enabled to lay before our readers the news by that ar
rival, we will see w hat of novelty we can now glean by
a rapid glance over our own tiles.
We think the foregoing fact will sulhciently reply to
Mr. Philip Hone's badinage about news boats and ships
coming into port, and that the impertinence of the Courier
people Ass been productive of inoonvenience. In the
meantime, what explanation can the Post Office give for
detaining papers seven days ?
The Approaching Coronation in London.?Ac
tive preparations arc being made lor this august cere
mony. The etiqnette te bu observed upon the occa
sion (for in the crowning of a female Sovereign there
are forms different from those which are parts of the
ceremonial when the Sovereign is a King) are now
under the consideration ef the Duke of Norfork and
the other officials of the Herald's College. It is sup
posed that the forthcoming coronation will outvie
in splendour and magnificence even the far-famed
ona of George IV., which, when ihe great number
?f foreign princes and nobles who are to grace it with
their presence is taken into consideration, seems far
from unlikely. The Emperor of Austria will send
over 20 Hungarian noblemen (chiefs of ancient hous
es); and it is rumored in circles, likely to know the
facts, that Russia. Prussia, and France, will be also
represented by a deputation of their principal noblesse.
To add greater iclat, if possible, to the occurrence,
the new order, which it has lonr been in the
contemplation of government to institute in place
of the Cuelphic distinction, now in the gift of the
King of Haaover, will he established, and its first
batch of knights created. The crown with which
the youthful brow of our Sovereign is to be invested
will be a new one, made expressly for the occasion,
and in ita structure very different from the imperial
diadem, having no colored stones whatever, the only
jewels in it being diamonds of the finest wster, and
the golden band, from which the bars spring, repre
senting the national emblems interwoven with oak
foliage, the flcar-de-lia being totally omitted. The
ooatt tradespeople arc beginning to be very busy, the
orders for new coronets, velvets, furs, and other par
aphernalia of a coronation being very est tensive.
The following will afford an opereu of the state of Ire
land as compared with a cjrrespoadinc period of last
January. February. Total.
1937 946 " 763 1,799
1938 447 426 873
Commercial affairs ice as to be taking a new impulse
in Bngland, and parts that have not hitherto bestirred
themselves actively in distant commerce, are now awa
kening from their lethargy.
"A vessel of between 300 and 400 tons is now leading
in the river Tyne, to take a earg# to Calcutta, and te
bring direct to Newcastle, a cargo in return of eastern
Cjuee. The name of the Ship is the Ida, Captain
a Carrie. She carries out a general cargo, chiefly
ef articles which are manufactured here, on mere ad van
tageens terms than in any other pert of the kingdom, such
as battles, copperas. Ac.. Ac., and ahe is to bring bark
sugar, hidea, linseed, saltpetre, and such other goods as
will be certain te command a ready market. Thia m
an epoch in the history of the commerce of Newcastle :
this will be the ftrat carge ever brought direct from ledta
o this port.
On the trial of a inan of the name of Love, for biga
my,or rather polygamy, hit defence was thnt he had
keen absent from his first wife at one time for a year,
when ahe became enetinu and he then went to her and
told her that he intended te marry another women, and
she aaid he might marry as many as he pleased ; he
only married lour others. The jury strongly recom
mended him to mercy.
Morality or Dublin.?During the last year the
perish rates of Ft. Peter's, Deblin. have bee* nearly
doakled on the inhabitants, in consequence ef their hav
ng to provide fer upwards ot 500 deserted children.
A Vienns journal relates, u a carious coincMenre,
that at a late evening party, in that capital, the Pope's
nuncio and tbe Turkish charge d'affaires were seated
at the same table, and engaged in the same game of
Upward* offlO individuals, mea. women, and children,
have fallen victims to the email pox at Worcester since
Janaary last. The disease is not abated, fatal cases still
ore erring.
The state liveries of the numerous train of domestics
ef the (7ovemer-general of Canada are understood to
he of the most expensive and elegant description, and
will cost 791. etch man.
Hitra<?bixart Law lis Jirsit.?On Thursday,
99th March, the following application was made to the
Boyul Court of Jersey, whicn. from its aaost extraordi
nary variance from the laws of tbe mother country, must
strike tbe English ?a vary strange The solicitor gene
ral made an application to the judges en the behalf of Mr.
Lahey, that Mr Peter Le Croe, a prisoner suffering in
carceraiion at his suit for debt. sAstdd Ac rutneed t# $mr
softs* point, by withholding food from him, in order to
compel him to give up hit property to the applicanL Af
ter hearing counsel for the defence, the cuurt proofed
lhe eppdiemtim f
AwrfL Stram Boat AcemanT at Cincinnati?
195 Livis Lost.?On the afterneon of April 95, the
steamboat MottlU. from Cincinnati te ?t. Louis, while
taking some passenger* on board about s mile above the
former plaee, burst her boilers with a tremendous ex
plosion. equal to the most violent elap of thunder.
Heads, limbe, bodies and blood, were seen flying
through the sir in every direction, attended hy the in??i
horiihle shrieks and groans from the woaadod and dy- |
The Imet, at the moment of the accident, was aboat
thirty feet from the shore, and waa rendered n perfect
wreck Rhe teemed to be torn ell to flinders a* far
hack *? the gentlemen's cabin, and her hurricane deck
like who'.# length) was entirely swept away. The boat
immediately began to sink rapidly, and float (with a
strong current) down the river, et the aame time getting
farther from the shore.
It is supposed that there were about f*e Kvnirtd pee
?so * on hoard, of which number only fiom fifty to seven
ty five tre believed to have escaped, making the estima
ted loaa of lives about ear kmndred end teuefp Jlee. Most
of the sefferera are among the hands ef the boat, and
the steerage passengers.
Tbe foregoing is condensed from a Cincinnati paper
published on the evening ef the arrident, the next mnile
frnm that city will bring further particular*.
ISore Tlweau, RhemOwu, aM bmtm< ou dux asas, Mk at
? ? ?? viumk vp? ^
?*? Bh?as. Brystpela*, Scrofuiaua Inptloa, Ac. can be
narud IB a few days by
I VapanrBalbs, at M Bawery. wbara vbimrs nay be a^H
Imnslntrd witba Bath at live minuteF native, every day.^WP
? o-eknb, A. M. a aul 11 o'clock ia the avaatec
N. B. Oaoieal furaishrd apartmaau, with board. wmd the
boat of aarcet provided for utalMb who may wiab to pat
Hi r mat Ives under Doctor JioIum'i treatment, aad bia Medi
cated Vapour Bath*. It ia proper to waba, thoae Batba
hav? ao resemblance to the Tbonaoniaa system, nor treat
meat. aBla*
U ?-*"? HU l bk-NtW Y<?HK?The public and
? . strangers arriving, are resaactfully in formed that thia ex
trusive and highly eligibly leoated ?fiabtiabment la now per
manently arranged on the European plan, and offers induse
menta on the score of economy, ??mfert and convenience,
which, It ia presumed, cannot be equalled by dny hotel in the
city, tttrangera, particularly, will find it in every way desi
rable, aa their meala aan b? obtained ia the aame alyle at aay
hoar, and the charge* made only for what ia ordered or at
they may prefer, at a charge ot our Dollar and a Half per day.
The lodging room* are in the best condition, and the house
having three fronts admits of the freest ventilation. Families
can be accommodated either at the ladies' ordinary or ia their
private apartments, of a hirh the house affords a large number
of suits handsome ly furnished. The bar it provide with the
best of liquors aud it under the superintendence of NT KPH EN
B. HOLT, who being well conversant with the French, Spa
nish and Italian languages, w HI be able to extend better facili
lies to gentlemen of those nations who inay patronize (he
bouse The dining department isconducied by ANA HOLT,
where will be found every variety of the best which the mar
ket can furnish, with superior hoi coffee nnd ten- to the pre
paring of which special attendance is given The basement
story is conducted by STEPHEN HOLT, Sea , where, upon
his good old fashioned plan, he will be sappy to serve his
friends with the best oi fare on his accustomed reasonable
N. B. Open at all kawrt ?f ike night!! a23-lnt
|> K A LIP HA1K KhHTUitATlVK This valu
M3 able discovery is now introduced 10 the public with the
fullest confidence and aisorance that it w ill effect the object of
its application, viz: TUB COMPLETE RESTORATION
OF THE HAIR upon the heads of those who have lost the
same, and have thereby become bald er partially so.
Numerous certificates might be given to show liow success
fully ibis compound has br en applied, (never having failed in a
stogie instance,) but as it is not brought tie fore the public to
sell,but to be applied upon the principle of?no chaigc with
out success, it is deemvd unnecessary to swell an advertise*
mem with particulars.
Us virtues liave been fully and satisfactorily tested. The
heads of those tLai were entirely bald, have been, by the ap
plication^ tins Restorative, covered with a luxurious growth
01 beautiful hair.
All humbug and qnickery in this matter is utterly dis
Bea!es' Hair Bests rative will be applied by the discoverer
<>r investor, Levi I. Beals, to tlioae who may desire to avail
themselves of its beneficial effects, at the eflice of O. M. Mac
daniel. No. 9 flatt .trect, New Yoik.
None need despair, whether old or young, of having their
hair tally restored.
No payment will be received for anv application of the Re
storative antil the individual who tries it is satisfied by the
restoration of the hair.
N K. Strartrers who may stay a month in the city, can have
their hair started sufficiently to ensure its complete re dura
tion. mlS-Sin*
HOTT k CO., No. 14 Bowery,
have mi hamT"itn extensive assortment of ready made clothing,
suited to every age and site, which they will sail very eheaj
tor sash, either at wholesale or retail. m23-8m*
MKN'S. youths*
have oo hnTin extensive assor
| OOK AT THIS.?WALKER, the late partner of
M-J RICHARDS, has opened a large, splendid and fashionable
new BOOT AND SHOE STORE, with all frcsb stoek el the
latesi lash on at 226 Canalstreet.the second shoe store west of
Hud* n street, where all our low priced Bouts, and different
kindsof JO shilling and $S Boots, made to imitate the highest
priced boots in the city, and the best of stuck and workman
ship. Also, Ladies', M'-ses, and Children's Ties and Slippers
in great abundance. Please call nnd judge forvourself. and
" " - - -- \ J. WJ""
don't mistake the name and No. of K. k J. WALKER'S, 226or
230 (the old stand) Canal street, where the nimble sixpence
passes tor the slow shilling. al9-lm*
pound Extract ot Copaiba and Sarsaparilla, a certain,
safe, ami most effectual remedy ever discovered for the cure
0f gtiirtmet, w hites, pains in the back and
loins, seminal weakness, affection* of the niduses, gravel, scor
butic eruptions, be. kc.
One recommendation this preparation eqjoys above all lib
ers is its nrai portable form, put up in pots, the mode in which
H mar be taken being tieth easy nod pleasant, its tasteless na
ture, with no restriction in diet or eonlineraent from daily bu
sices*. Travellers especially would bad this medicine highly
useful, and ought never to be unpaovlded with a preparation
pu.vessHig the advantages which live present our combines.?
Accompanying the mcdictar is a pamphlet explanatory of the
different stage, of the diseases, without aay extra charge, con
taining fad and ample directions
Prepared by J. B. Thome, Chemist, London, and for sale
by N. H. ORAHA.M.
us27tf 9? Nasssu st cor. Fulton.
? VATINW PILLS, from GERMANY?An effectual re
medy for suppression. irregularity, and alt rases where nature
does not have her regular and proper cooeae.
N. B. Not to he taken during pregnancy.
8ol<t <>oIt by Mrs. BIRD, Midwife and Female Physi
dan, No. 7 Division st. New York.
Also Iter celebrated So >tbing Syrup, for children teeth
lac, * *afe care and effe. tail remedy.
Aim, an eserllent reir.edy for sore nipple*, prepared and
?old as above ft-3m"
POUND ?An eflicac?oo?. salutary and effectual remedy
in ail cases of L> urorrhtea, lavoloatary Emissions, Seminal
Weakness, Irregularity ol the Manses, Irritate.! or diseased ac
tion of the bladder, and la all disease* of the Urinary Organs,
The immediate redef generally afforded by the use of the Bal
samic Compound, in a short spare nftime, has so murk height
ened us celebrity m (be cure of the above disease*, H i* confi
dently offered with accompanying certificate* of the moat Ml
ineni "of tks British faculty, whicti will stamp the high reputa
tion in which the unique preparation is sained.
Prepared only by W. Hurling, White Chapel, London. Bold
whole sale and retail by
mOTtf No. Pfi Nassau street, corner Fulton.
<1 CAMK -I ?AWlt-i
MAN'B PILLS ?A sure and speedy cure far certain ded
rate diseases. When taken together, the Detergent a* a naill
fterand the Pills as a vtrengtiiener of ihc dl*es-ed ergan*.?
These articles are now so universally used that aay thing
which can ue mid tu a short advertisement wonl.i not add to
their great reputation. Their popolarity may be judged ot
Irom the fact that IMO.OOO or more bottles and botes have been
soid in N'w York, Philadelphia, Boston aad Washington, dar
ing the last two years. Those lKstdesire secrecy may, by the
medic * J *
its* of these medicines, be entirely cared without the frsr ef
Bold wholesale aad retail by E M Guion, 137 Bowery, cor
ner ef Gran I, corner of Henry aad Pike, and 441 Grand i
nerof Gran I, corner of Henry and Pike, and 441 Grand rtt
Hart's, corner of Broadway and Chamber* ?t, and corner ol
Hudson and North Moerr *ts; and *s. B. Hoffman's. *37
Broadway, at M cents per bouie aad hoi, with tall directions.
UK. JO UN NGN Is contours eetafldentials at bit office
No. 17 Duane street,between Chatham and William au.es
the following diseases, via.-? Onnnrrhura, *????? Chancre*
Strlrtaras.Reiniual Weakness,and thenamereasdksaaes arts
lag from venereal poison or Improper ireftsneaL Dr. Johasot
remove a* '
engages to remov * any recent affection iatwo or thrae dayi
and toe most inveterate cases ia a proportit>astc time, wiUtou
live ase ol any debihutiag or injotMcioa* saedir.ine, or pre vet
Isos front business. Persons entrusting theatselvs* to Dr Julia
ann'icare, may dose themselves with s certainty of soecem, b
thr mod *rgr?*ltedcases. Scrofulous sure- unersied Bi
hcspeeAsty healed. Air angers would do Well by giving Dr
Jehnann s raff,asa certain gr? vemstivr mav Im- made -le in-e
the occurrence of the foregoing sMseeees.wbtrb has never fat
ed whe? need w nhia I wsaty-four hears af:?r ny>o*ure. Itfih
tors post paid, and endoatag a tee, can have the user usury me
dieine, and directknmi for its-use fnr warded.
Attendance from I, A. M. to II at alght. Dr. Jnhnmn hat
moved from IS Chaiubersatreet. a.l lsr*
ventor *ikJ Manufacinrer of ihe Safety Kefl-. ung dp rit
I .amp, se much approved ia giving a clear light without shadr,
invnet the pnblic to iaspsct his new patterns in Brass aad
Brome, saitat-le for Dry (foods. Jewellers, aad Fancy Biore*.
AI?o, Lamr* for Billiard and Reading Room*, Relertories,
Groceries kr requiring a strong light, and are warranted to
burn at half the eipease of nil or g?s l.amps can be viewed
at bis old store, ? Catharine street, or 47S Greenwich, corner of
ttpirtu sent hy bis wagons as usual. Observe the acme.
a?-lm* O. MICII ELL, -spirit Lamp* on earb tide.
RCALD HEAD, and ail other disss*? of the skin, are
effectually cured by the uaa sf "HAND* KEMKDY FOR
HALT RHEUM." whirb bus now been tested in rising IM
cases whbnai in nsse instance having Ruled. No alteration in
diet ia iwoevnnry. and there is ne ranger ia applying it even
te (be tenrtecest infant ft is a dhroeery never before knows
ia the history ef medicine ami sverv person afffteted with
eataneotis diseases in anv form is Invited to make immediate
use '.t thl* valuable medicine. Numaroes renifirate* of Ha
virtue* have hern received hy the proprietor, and will ne eg
hibued oa application.
Prepared and sold by A B AD. BANDS, IPffFolioa street,
rorn*rof William, aad sold by draggisu genera Iy la many ef
the principal cities aad lowna In lb* United Btnte*.
N. B. k ran h- ordered with ether goods ef aay of the prin
cipal druggist* >" this city or Ph ladelpbia atl 1m*
I MERINO ?This institution, 'ormerly of Conrtlandl street,
will be reopened for the reception of pupils oa the 1st of May
neil.ai I'd Bpring street, near Hudson. Arrangement have
Iteea made 'or persona coming from the rodhtry, and o'her*
that ebonae it, U> board at the Fnatitate, and tboa he constantly
under the ?aperlatradanae of th" Principal. The y*trm
* .... 1 Hr"
taught will he the ?ame a* praciieed by tbe subscriber for the
la?t five yeara, with such complete snereaa Hundreds of per
anna ia tbis city and the adioiaisg country have esperiennd
its benefits, and testified to its complete efficacy In curing the
worst of a'awnterer*. Pupils wiH be received ffnwi five years
old to forty, sad a care in all saaes goarsLteed, or llie money
will he refutried.
Terms-Frum 898 to fltm The indigent eared grail* For
further information, apply to the subserilier at the Institute?
ifbv letter, post paid.
Ctrraiar* can lie had by applying m above, rnatainiag ref
1 hy apMyl-??
tiftraten of rarea. recommend* nor*, he
WOO IMB?Sour Rooms .m the third floor, with doors gn
AA ing from roetn to room, and doors leading oal of each
room into the hall. Three of the roenss have windows hn.h
Ing Into Broadway and the Park, and (moling oa Chambers
streei, with rjoaeis attached Them rooo s will be fbrmshen
on the 1st ol May to salt snplic mu Also, oa the second flour,
three Room*, beautifully furnished, fronting oa Chambers st.;
and also nne large hack Parlor aa the first floor, famished a* a
bed room for a single rentlem,,. Gsnth-mea before cry aging
rooms for the foils wine year, wUI do well to ffflN at No 75
Chamber* street. first bouse west ol Broadway, nod sec for
them*el??s. They will lie rented lew to gentlemen of moral
*nd retired habit*. The rooms win be kapt ia order Firm
moAe, He. without aoy eitra charge.
- alt !?* No. 78 Chambers iirvet.
3 Hanover-st. 4 doors from Wall-st.
Constantly on hand, an assortment of the inimitable short napt
Beavers and plain Castors, at the reduced price of $4 25.
O* WHITE WIN1 VINEGAR, of (he best quality, healthy and fit for all purposes, aud.'free from the dangerous
ingredients generally Hsed to give strength to other vinegars; by storing it in a e.ol place it improves daily, and is spe
cially good f?r pickling, druggists, d>#rs, kitchen ums, h? .
The most eelebiatcri cliemists, such as Dochetciner, K. I., sehubaitli, Taylor, Otto, Guy, Lustae, and Beiaelius re
commend the Vinegar by this system as superior to any other.
The following certificate Iront Mrs. G old, the celebrait d Picklest re si. who hBS for three successive years taken the
premium Iront the Anterican Instuute, w 11 sofice ol itself to esianhsh a reputation (or this Vinegar, offered at low prices hy
EDWARD BAY?lt, 34 New street.
Certificate?Premium I* ckle Establishment. New York April, 1833.
I do rier#hy certify ihal I have les ed Mr. Ilayt r's s megar, and have no hesitation in pronouncing it a pure article,
free from all and every pernicious ingredient, and sup#riot to any Vinegar made in this country 1 nave ever used, ami
equal to the very best White Wine French Vinegar. 1 lerl pleasure in r< comnn nding it to pickling merchants and
families in general. ELIZ. I. GOOLD.
P. 8.?A beautiful sample of wired pick-lei, put up specially in this vinegar, by Mrs. Goold, may he seen at the store, 34
New street. ,
The State ok Mississippi,
Lowndes County.
Circuit Court, Tuesday, iuth Octol?er, IK37.
Oeorgf. Tucker, i
vs. !? Atlach'U
Bigklow 1l Clough. '
| This day came the plajaliff, l>y lila attorney, aad It appear
ing 10 the saiikfii' tiou ni the Court that the defendant is a m>n
| resident of ihe State of Mississippi, on motion of the ulaintifl"'i
attorney, it is ordered hy die C >urt (hat publication i>e made
for sis weeks ia ilie New York Herald, a paper puidiidwd iu
the city of New York, notifying die defendants of the penden
i ry of tins suit, Hint utile*,, they appear on or before the nrsl day
| of the next term ol this Court, give -pecinl hail and plead, judg
ineiu will be entered against tnrtu, ami the property attache.1
, will be sold to satisfy the plaintiff's demands, and this cause
continued until the next term ni this court i.. - ?
O" A GOOD HOUSEWIFE should never tie wiibnnl a
UNIVERSAL PILLS. They have been proved by thousands
of individuals to he the best assistant ol nature ever discoveied,
and may be taken at all times, under any circumstances, by
paying strict atteution to the directions which accompany
each box. To he had genuine of all the agents advertised hy
Dr. Brandreth, and likewise at his own office, 241 Broadway,
opposite the Park.
N. B. Beware of counterfeits. All ngents who sell the gee
nine medicine have a certificate sealed and signed B. Bran
dreth, M. D. Purchaser, ask to see it before you spend your
money. raSl-tf
IN? TO MANY.?Since the publication of mv little private
volume on Venereal Disease Sic. (designed originally foe those
who wished to have a private, as well ns a speeuy and conve
nient mode of cure,) it has been my lot to witness so many
wretched examples nf these diseases, arising chiefly from the
various boasting nostrums which fill our daily papers, as to in
duce me to given portion ol time expressly to consultation on
them Ills not, ltoveev.tr, hy any means agreeable to enter,
myself, upon the ad vertising list?yet, Ike importance ol the
subject, together with the difficulty of makiog my practice
known in any other way, has led me to this course. Perhaps
Ibere are no diseases which give a more intense degree of suf
fering to the mind, nor are there any which require a grea er
share 01 knowledge and experience, combined with strict in
tegrity, In those who are convoked on them. And when it lur.
tlier b- reflected on that venereal diseases, if nit thoroughly
eradl ated from the constitution, do not confine themselves to
those who first contract them, but extend to the virtuous and
innocent, it must appear lo every man oi sense, tiiat these com
plaints are worthy of ilietime and talent of the very best phy
sicians. In asking, however, for so great a share of confidence
on a subject of so d-ep an interest, it seem* cipedn nt that I
shoulo also give tnme statement o: the groondnn which I seek
this confidence. For these reasons, though I heg to stale,ill it
in addition to being a graduate of Ed nburgb, a member ol
the Royal Codec# nf Surgeons, l-ondon, as well as the author
of I he "Private Treatise," written expressly on dis* ases of this
nature I have also testimonial letters Irom t^e greatest sur
geons In Europe in the most eminent in America, as Dr. Moll
ol New York, and Dr. Phyttck of Philadelphia, aad these may
be seen by any one who wishes it I would therefore unit
add, that those who write by the post, or otherwise coos til me,
will receive the faithful attention of one of much experieact
and knowledge in this department of di*eas? a.
JOSEPH RALPH. M D , M Cnurtlao.lt st.
For those renting at a distance, a little chest, containing ev
ery medicine he. necevsarv lor the cure, the honk being filled
mtbe ltd,is kept, (price $12 ) This is forwarded to everv part
of the Un ted States, and tt is astonishing to those who have It,
to observe with what rase aad certainty they care themselves,
even after they had failed by various other means'
A farther notice of the "Private Voloiur"may be seen In an
other column of this paper. a20-3m
kkwakd.--cros*'? spkcimc mu
qj"'""" TURE?Fortheenreof Gonorrhoea, Gleets,strve
lares,a ad a nali goes complain' of the organs of generation.
Hi all remedies yet discovered for the above complaints this
is the most certaia.
It makes a speedy aad permanent cure, e tthnat the least
regard to diet, drink, rxposare, or rbange in application to
We gire no long quackish recommendations to deceive the
pul> Ic. If the medicine does not speak for Itself, no one shell
speak for it. Our object it to notify wkere it con be had,
and tkat t'ie proprietor challenges a siagle case o: re
cent Gonorrhoea to be brought, io which the Mlitare will ?* t
effect a rapid cure, aoder a forfeiture ol ?M$.
This is a disease that aoforlunately poreades all risks of
society?high, low, rich ond peoi, matrimonial aad single.?
They are sow preseated with a remedy by which tkrr ran
care themselves without the least eipissure, in the shortest
time poatihle
Farther, the dwra?eraaoot be contracted If a d>se of the Mis
tare ittaken at aigbton goiag to bed whew eiposed.
Itlt putap ia bottles, with full directman accompanying I
at ft a bottle. Oae bottle lasts a week, which generally cairn
Many arocured in two days.
For sale only at Br. Wm H. Milnor's drag stare, No. IN*
Broadway. earner of Bey st (Franklin House) Now Yoiks?
aad at Junes k Hutchinson's, corner of Chesaut and Tth its.
Philadelphia. afffi-Siu*
MIL, IVAK YRALOOn, 71Dl*Utnn street ?LKE I
ROLLINR liitr ukra ik? SaTml and 4th stories of ibe
building 71 Dirision at running through to Ka?i Broadway ?
The 2d story la fitted up for a Saloon The Ad mJ 4 h alorlea
are Sued np for DrBl Rooms, 130 feet long and 20 feat wMe,?
They t are also small rooms for Committee Me -tings, Boat
Claba, Kaglas rnmnamea, he. The ha loon U fitted up in the
beat ?ty .e and roast fashionable manner, with tb* best of
liquors. Wines. Hegars, London Ale, Hctdeb Ale, and Bottled
Cider They hare also a hummer House, that will be Sue
ap for the arrnniH odatlna of Military Companies. ih?tr friend*
aad ibe public In genera'. All Mil iary C?>tat-an.cs that are
aot engaged, are rrapectftolly lamed to call and see the rooms
JOBHt'A H. Lilt.
?' Drop into the Saloon aad take a glass of wiae with as. Ra
trance Tl Birfcloau. m3n Inr
TOR V*,#,#*L ?0?ce A DebTon tl ? Nerer knows in
fall.?Those sflU tried with >he renereaI disease are informed
that U ey ran Sad a safe, rertaia and effectual cure, hr apply
ing at A Diriaioa *t The natare of tb|a nsedie ne it sorb that it
dritros erery restlge Of the poison frowi the syt em in a rery few
days, no matter how aggrarated the rasej in additien in us be
a sure and certain, It It also safe an see ret, tbe most intimate
nd being anahla to detect the tase of k. It* h ? tes may use
k, wttb perfect safety, without regard tocirrumstsnem or situ
atina, or any reupect to diet. The wood erf si r urea effected by
thN eatrsordinarr naedieiae la different p?rta of Hie If Bine,
hare rendered It so celebrated that It n la amrersal demna-t
from Maine to Florida.
Out of thousands sf cases in no ting'e lasts use ha* It seer bee,
known to daft aeeeral raaes of It or J* years .tan mg hare
beea caeed after eeery th rg eU?- has failed CnrtlBeataa sai
be seen by applying at this iflice.
The aatrersal success of it yeta all rnmpetltlne at ,ieSaa< * ;
If yoa wiah a remedy, he sure ami fiml No. I l) iln? .1 the
only place In tbe rite where It it sold
To i
i preeeot mistake* erere bottle will haee the wrttten sip
em a re of Dr. U. LRYIMON, of whom it sua be nhtsm, <? p*
eately at all times. mja |m
LMIH DVIBO THE MAIH.fr,* "r* nrv>,l.s*
a heaaufoi Black or Brown.? MAIIOMMRD'B T(fltK|n|f
DVR is aeleeraoMy admitted to he the hex ante , seer sent
before the pnhlie. It it d He superset np eeeey nthrr pr, n
rafWtn for 'he purpone. which la mostly o tumse, ?f w, eten
ou? materials, aae must errntaally (ire war cuti-el* to ih>
Tu-hKh Dye Its naemtinn is almost n>ag r?i loxpsppiie
*n tho head at night Wore going to bed?on t- ny n he too*
mng the transformntioa at complete Tlis ???n
n.snnt me iff
fer* no rbanpe either 'mm df?col' 'meat, rt oro on, 'nuphns s
or other rauae. Its uau be attended with no In, n sentence orH'
consequences whateeer. Bold wholesale a- ,t r. t?,t ?,y
H C. HART I7? B mod way.
all y corner f fou'-Haodt at.
rpilBS ?>IIIL.OBOPIIKHP n I ??> K. AT LA?1
I DIBCOVRRKD!?f?r. PftETTB f dlontar ? ? f,j,.
?o eradicate a certain delicate com pla nt. If taken at the ot
set, a st eg l? dose la .ufBrirnt?and if Of longer ??? stinn, a sla
f,|n tx>??ie prurralle ?nf*cn R eery one %? afflicted ma > l?
its own phrsiclan, f, r the dirertions are so p aln, nithful aad
eaprmaire, as to antble tbe iadlrtdn"! to treat hisdia***,-, w
well as a sure method of prerenting it Indeed ib><o<s,ids hare
said that tbe prevsleaee nf this aenoying omplsint has w?n
tferfTMly decreased dure the Kmdteator nas he*,, made pahlty.
It ?ita easy or the ?tassart withoat taintiag th? h rath
Tor sale hp A. B. h D. Saod* corner Pulton and Will ?m
streets t Nyme,coe. Bowo?y sad Wafher st , and corner Bond
and Bowery; j. M Pfnaes. <144 Broadway, and P. Roruet, V.
(Hit trsuoe. In PhHadefphls, hy ? P. Wr-fflth
Price tl. aSHta'
1T| is ennsuiiarf ns oaaoi in the treatment of a certain el am -u
ols, aa, V He apprwe* the onhtlr that Ike Una r* eired a regular
professtnnal educattoa ih lb" country, awl is not to be r lasses
With the seK nsmed dosters, medtrsl puffers, sod pretenders at
the day, OHlee Aftv t Ana A, near the Amerman Museum.?
Pr+este entrance third ,Voor hum the Museum. Lamp at tba
ianor oRkae door a the rrmafng inff-N
HOVCK'8 P A W A C K A? Prepnreil solely from Vegu?
| tattle matter, t>y J .coli tluuck, Baltimore? which may lie
taken with pi rl'eet safety by all ?nes and in all diseases; its
i ures ire tor the following diseases?Dyspepsia, l.oss of Ap
petite, Indigestion, Intkoumation of the Stomach, Heart Burn,
D arrhea, Dysentery or Flux, Piles, Fistula. Obstructed Men
Ktru.'tiMn, Ague and Fever, Bilious or Remittent Fever, Ty
phus Fever, Scarlet Fever, Small Pox, Krysipelas or St. An
thony's Fire, A?lhmn, Pleurisy, Measles, Yellow Fever, Cos
tivene-s, Wind on the Stomach er Bowels, Cholera Morbus,
f'nn-u.option. Influenza, Colds, Coughs, Inflammatory Sore
Throat, or Quuisey Wbos-ptog Cough, Thrush or Sore
mouth, Putrid Sore Throat, Croup, Inflammation ol die Heart,
Dropsy. Iticaets Dbnwi Mthe Liver, Jaundice, Difficulty of
making Urine, Gleet, Hysterics, Nervous and Scrofulous Af
fectinnsof the Member* and Ligament*. Mercurial and Vene
real Diseases, Ulcers, Sure*. Atfections of the Skis, and all dis
eases arising from Impure Blood, itc. Price per bottle tl,5v.
Sold by BUSH ?t HILLYER,
Wholesale Druggists,
And Dealers In drugs, medicines paints, oil s, dye woods, w in
flow gla?s. lie.. No. 184 Greenwich street, New York; also, by
Dr. K. >1. Guiou corner Bowery and Grand street.
npOOTH ACHk-lOOTH ACH?I? Bctract ot
1 Gall aud Kreosole, an effectual remedy for Tooth Ache.
Prepared only by Wnt Btown, Chen tsl. No 481 Washington
st. Boston. As n security against counterfeits, observe his sig
nature on the directions. Why will you suffer with the tooth
ache when there is a remedy r
The above extract has recent! been discovered to be a sale
and sure remedy forthe tooth sehe. It remove* from the cavi
ty all the decayed substance, and leave* it white as the outside
of the teeth?also, removes tise soreness, and lakes away all
? hat unplea'ani smell arising from defective teeth. It does not
ipjure the teeth like many articles that are isaed.
Mold wholesale aud retail by E M. Union, 127 Bowery, cor
uer (4rand st; corner Henry and Pike sis; and 441 Grand si;?
nud retail by J. H. Hart, coiner Broadway and Chandlers *u
W. H. Milnnr, corner Dev st. and Broadway; Win. B. Hod
man. 647 Broadway, and A. B. and D. Bands, corner William
and Fallon streets. ?I71nt
| tOCTOH MEAttN msst respectfully announces that
IF he contiauesto pav unusual attention to the treatment of
CHRONIC DISEASE*. During the year i>ast his practise
n this city, and throughout the < ountrv, has greatly increased.
Many nt the most respectable ? Mr triers can he referred to.
who have received essential benefit from his treatment, in Bil
ious Affection, Consumption* Dyspepsia, Dropsies and Anpiaa
Peeioria. Having hatl much experience in the treatment of
these diseases, and having discovered and prepared some me
? iiriuea more suit..hie and efficacious than thsmc used in com
mon practice, he is confident that many cases which have re
sisted the ordinary meansaf medical practire.may he entirely
relieved bv his treatment. He assures ine public that be makes
no pretentions to what he Is mil competent; and, as regards
the rnnfi enre to w hlch he may be entitled on account of his
moral and religious character, he is permitted to refer to the
Might Rev. Bishop Onderdonk, D. D , and the Rev. H Spring,
D O .oftbiscity. Prraona wishing to make enquiries respect
ing his treatment can call on tliuae giving the folk'wing cert ti
rates, and numerous references ma* be had at his office. 4f Ana
For almat two years my he Ith had been on the decline, I
experienced much pain aiMiut the chest led side, and hetweea
the shoulders, attended with palpitation of the heart, difficulty
of breathing, si. ? gr-nt debit's During lust spring ami sum
mer all these symptoms increased with pain and ainess at the
stomach, and other symptoms, indicating a general dropsical
affection. In September last ad these aynipl ms horame so
viol- nt thai I was scarcely able to healioat. In this sltuatioe I ,
applied li?l)r Sears, and by his irvalin Dt I have been entire
ly relieved of ihep?tpita ionol the heart, and other symptoms,
, and restore.! to romiormble health I am fully confident that
Ills treatment, by the t?le*-ing nf God. has lieen the are and of
relieving me from mueb suffering, and nf pml< nglng aiy life.
JANE K f, YSFK, 271 Broome street.
New York, Feb. 25th. 1838.
More than a year ago I was taken sirk with a severe rough, 1
paia about the chest difficulty nf breathing, and nitxineas of
the hear, attended with dropsical affections, of bloating over
the wlioletarfaceof the ! ndv and limbs. F r many months I
was anahle tw attend to any bad em. and at times anable uvbe
about In this situation I applied to Dr Bears, and bv his treat
meat I have been relieved, and for five meatus past have beea
able to attend to my aaaai business.
I have been acquainted with the ease stated above. The
symptoms were aggravated and alarming, and bat fhiat nope*
of her recovery were entertained; when she applied te l?r.
Sears. Mhr hat been relieved as stated above. I have also re
ceived ami know a ma-v others to ha<e received greet benefit
irem his treatment Fdrtx-n* w sbing tn asahe inquires are at
liberty to call ea me at 317 Houston street. JANE A LEE.
Three yrers aro I was relieved hv Dr. JSenrs" trea meat
of a bilious affection, alien ed wi h c ugh. paint at the
sides, hrea>t stomach, and extr> me debility. ' Far aeveral
I \esrs I **i seurety able to he about a ad was often coo fin
ed to mv room ami bed I was . ot only at this time reltev
ed, but n?r health bat coatinued, and become far better
? Pan could have iieea expected When not so well at use
e?rs I was scarefy
b-d I was . ot oaty atiatstiaie
? bauar
than could bare been expected When not so well
at I have re -ourse tn hw medirtne, which never fails to re
? tore eie Mis treatment has evidently br en the aieans ot
relieving me irom much suffur-ng end restoring me to runs
fortalile health Frxoi my own eaperience. and what I
have wiinessed in ntauy allien, I fully believe that mots
persons ? uhject o bilious sffee.ions, or any chronic disease,
would receive essential bene A from his treatment. Ferae na
wisbiag to make Inquiries respecting Dr. Bears and his
treatment are at libeitv to ell ?a me.
ANN MINMAN, 148 Eighth Avenue.
New York. Marrh 1st. 1858
To toe ArrticTea? For three yeers I have een s?hjeet to
ae he pat.c er live< affectum attend* <1 at times for several
months Willi e di* re so ng darrhtva aridity of the stomach and
dy?p*-p>ie, skKli has ireqeemly ?et>ffaed me to the ho one. I
made a paced trie of lM different kindanf mercurial prepa
rations u*a lly MHdbSi n ?ech ceaes, witheet relief. In
Aaru t lac 11 ecame s> emaciate, and week, by a oag coa
nnuan eof etreaarve r'inrrhma and soarnem ?f thastomarh that
I was ? arsv'y a klahr about, la tlitw s ination I appi ed in
Dr keso, ant! under hts treatment the distressing diarrbtra,
ctdity of tb' ? lotnarh. and as he symptoms, have beea anure
y relieved and a< health great1 y improved The paia and
oteireaa nf which I I ave h en relieved c as not be dene. ibed.
Having auff- red mar* frwm staea e. aad had great eipenenee
in the use or merlirii c. I ran with the utmost confidence r#
<n mend D-e tor Bears* treatment *- jadi too ami efffcarious
Prrsons ud biug MS a ake inquir e? sr? at liberty to rail on me.
P. JOIINxoN. 854 Fulton at.
New York. March at, ICS
ANGINA FFO rtlRls -This rlis- a?e i?, no doubt, the
cto?e of m si nf tee and- en deaih- which (Wquentiy osrur,
ad are Ue . m"<au<Mhe vaita'toa of Ood I'* prominent snd
harnetertatie aamrHoma ars an sa lea-ant sensation at the
?termini. ?>rew*t le ne or pit Of thesOm-Ch. ottendeu with puln
dititt hebreaa- hat off particularly the I of) side and region
of the hear , riiea. in. nfh n 'o the ah- ulder llode?, and af
(erinribeieft rm. f h?n? sntyert to n are aonieiimesawakea
ed with a enseal ?uffocatian or dtffkaltx af hreaihtng, ami
yeoerallv experience a -hnnne?. of breath and pulpilaiiou oI j
lie- heart on walking mat, or aaeemling a Bight of sunn.
r?ea. gi loma are no; rottatant, .ad he person often eejnys
- mi health e?r. p- anng the psr?ii-ma. whtrh at Brat do not
Ireguenil* oeeor.l it whieh become mors frequent, attended
? H per altar and alt rnoog sens ito- s and often proving sud
enlv (htsl. whrn. at>pareni|y g?ml health at anjovr-d Doctor
-ear- h?a pa d naa-na altenima to this di ease, and ban bee
nrreaM i mans - s?e? which had e-ia ed all the ordinary
neana frraw ? rolling at his office , 44 Aan street, will receive
'be mot I Mb none and those wishing to he stalled at their
car enre p.-r-<-n? r> a?. mg in the country, by giving a parti
re ar d- -cripihiti i heir symptoms, ran hove medicine aud
otrectiois torn ante ? to thvui. ski 1st*
> Ft) OA K ?A vrrv snperiwr kiml?aeed Iran whteb
ttiei wne re -ed coat $4 tier '-(label ?now selling by the
?>ng atle- il,a ft Apply ot 164 Diane st. aff-lr
TBHl MAI ' I IIK VIA R ' It should invariably
I b ImrtN' it- to lust to a gon,| ?el of Teeth, tb# next
ni at ?.- rah , e xperiy is -h roaaeas'op nf a ftoe head af
It AIM, sad whif'i < a only lie uMxtned by a mnstant and
tree tw o| it,- VI -4> Tiffl,f 11 AIM till., a T'Chly perlumed
tn-i de f ih , -iila iime for ihe many Injurious preparation*
that ng del y p Bo,I apoat e public
TliC litvrP -, plroge- hiinarlt hat the VEGETABLE
IIAIM till, * ii' '? -at to nourish and sire, gthru the half,
aud ft ?tuie i' ha ,1 pi <erw? aud ia order to meet the eiSen
t, I ss put Hat Ihe low prtre at 3ff cents per
ha H. C HAMT, 173 ffroadwav.
corner ot (loanJandt at.
R. MM AH 4 M BF.NNKMff. fwrmerly of Mewbem, It- C.
att auav tss Cnvwat ies st Law.
Linden, Ak.
Ruratrsrt- H-n. Wilba Majton, Newbe.n. Iff C.
Hon W ill's hi H Mtvwond, Rat , N. C.
? Hon. L ? Henry. FayetetMe, N C.
V Mr. F H. Fay tor, Mobile, AL
w F d Blount, F*ff.. Mobile, Al.
? Mr. John M dtrong. Idmlea, Al.
,, A|r William Locke Linden. AL
flff-?'in - - .
N I l? A Bsrher, tn lake eh-'g* of a .bon. Eli
I quire at the Eirbmge CNBce under the new Franklin
Market, f?td ffhp aJB-8?*
Sive den sod I
laHile. For? _
i2l y corner
?ELi ?ieea??*I niiMB*!!
MUltfa ,h?-^"T'nn^nii.? ????
u Imilm and perfect earn of Mr ooapletnl*, tot
odoptcd olao to ike mm of evnry mldvidaal. The Trridit.
(which oiay he hod alena If wit hod far,) m 1- tht hd of
0 little ehes** containing every ?of rod loot and medicine oc
oooaory (or the earn. Having Ihio little cheat and hook com
plete, there 1* no occasioo whatever to mho ooooooo pesaon
acquainted with the aohjoet, not even In lonf standing and
doaktfuicase*. If It be preferred, however, the aatbor may
he eonoulled con Aden t tolly by peat or otberwiee, and the me
dicine tent to any distance.
It weald be icarcely possible to express the satisfaction thie
little book affords to<11 wlio are acquainted wit it, lor being
known to give the plain and faillilul treatment el a regular
physician of many yeats experience, and one also who is hon
ored wiiu testimonial letters trom the hiehtsl surgeons in Eu
rope to the most eminent in America, as Or. Molt of New York,
and Dr. Pbysickof Philadelphia?its directions are followed
with that confidence and regularity which ensure success, hi
this little volume, not only are the different kinds of ihe tit
ease described with plainness, hut the euro ol those other and
more distressing symptoms which arise ironi constitution, ha
bits of liie, age kc. is also given with great clearness, so that
those whose health and spirits are almost broken down far
want ol proper treatment, are led at enve to see their error.?
To every man of tease it must be evident that nothing can be
m-re unwise than to trust himself to any of those boasting
m strums which are daily advertised as certain cures in all
those varying circumstances. Indeed, it is to those, chiefly,
that we bear of so many persons continuing on from month to
month uueureo, and it should be also kuown thai it is nut only
ihe anxiety of mind, ana great expense incurred by these de
ceptions.hul wher a clap or gleet is suffered lo remain so long,
nothing is more common than a stricture as the consequence.
Now, a stricture, il not removed hy proper means, is the most
? erious thing that can possibly happen, and, which makes it
worse, it Irequently exists where neither the patientnr the
doctor once suspects it. Moreover, this is ibeslage of ihe dis
ease in wliicii so much ignorance and knavery is practised by
advertising persons. There are these, for instance, who pre
tend to cure a gleet arising from this cause, with a box ol
pills, or a bottle of drops, when every surgeon knows that ail
die physic in the world would never cure a stricture. For
these reasons, therefore, the author lias bean particularly anx
ious to ni.-.ke thv cure of strictures plain and easy, and in Lkis
he has succeeded most completely. Many have consulted him
on strictures who are peciectly astonished at the esse and
1 quickm ss with which U? v are cured, having lor years tried
everv niher means in vain. Indeed, undei the author's mode
of treatment, nothing is more safe and easy than the cure ?f
The remaining chapters of this little volume are on the sub
ject of ven?real disease, properly so railed, in which every
symptom from its very firei beginning down to its most ne
glected farm, nre staled w ith the utmost clearness In all their
stages the treatment will be seen to lie exceedingly easy and
effectual, so that, with the assistance of the Utile chest, any
one may undertake his cure with perfect safety. Inthesechap
lers also, will he found son.e facts detailed upon die effect of
old venereal mints on children. Many " ho are abont to mar
ry, or lieing married have no families, will fiud some deeply in*
teresting ex pla-'ations on this subject.
Price of the Chest and Book complete, $12.00. The Book
alone, $1.00.
Letters on consultation addressed to the author.
n20-3ni DR. RALPH. S>8 Courtlandi at Now York.
_ _ N(cw OFFICE. J~1
n( h's.iusily rebbraied and far famed ''VEGETABLE UNI
VERSAL PILLS" The high reputation of this excellent me
dk-ine Is now so generally known, from the testimony of many
tkiousandsoi individuals who have experienced its salutary ef
fects, llml it is unnecessary to revert to It in this noltre; but it
sheuId he ihe particular care of all who wish lo obtain the
"GENUINE BRANDKETH PILLS," not to purchase of
any individuals in this eity who have not a certificate of agen
cy sealed and signed B. BRANDKETH, M. D. m31-tf
D" COUNTERFEITS!!!?The man who passes to his
neighbor a counterfeit bill, and takas his goods in return there
for, knowing the ?ame to be a counterfeit, is n thief, a robber,
a sw indler, and it amenable u> the laws of hit country ; but the
wretch who would put into the bands of his fellow creature a
eounierieit PILL, not only robs him of his money, but destroy*
his constitution and endangers his life.
COUNTERFEITS, and reeieniner, when you w ish lo obtain
the GENUINE BRANDRKTITH PILLS, go to my regular
appointed arentt, who has# each of them a certificate or agen
cy sealed and signed by me, B. BRANDKETH, M. D. or to
my own office* at
No 241 Broadway,
No. 182 Hudson street,
No. 1 Rprocc street, and
No. 276 Bowery.
f~r NOTICE.?Tbe wholesale business ol Dr. Brandretb'a
principal office is now removed to his new ami spacious estab
lishment No. 241 Broadway, where bis ce ebrao d "VEGE
TABLE UNIVERSAL PILLS" may ?t ali times be obtained
in targe or small quantities,and where all agents are desired to
direct their eommuniualion*. Rs member?
241 Broadway, opposite the Park.
The Minor Offices are?
187 Hudson street,
1 Bpruee street, neat to Ban office, ami
2T6 Bowery.
N. B. For authorised agents, aer Dr. Brandreth a advertise
ment, and observe that all who sell the genuine medicine have
a aertifiaaie of agency sealed and signed.
m31-tr B. BRANDRETH. M. D.
"Aunt quibu* in xatyra vldear ainua acer."
I am a eautinu to quacks
DR. WILLIAM E VANS ia (rittfal to tkr pat lie for lk? U|h
coaftdvnce which they hare been plraae* to repot* in him, and
in teetimooy of hia gratitude, ha btga leave o aaauir them that
ha hit received more patient* through a knot nl'advenialag lo
ratta than from ilia deviation* of tha infa uated from morality.
Dr. Evan*' knowledge af medical and sargical practice kaa
barn derived Iron tha bt at irkooU aad bonpltal* ia England
and Si o land?ha l? not, tbarafora to be rlnntad w ith man igno
rant of tha-a important iriearaa?man who, aaarraly able to
affix their algn maaaal, hare brought over, "pr< l> potior!** half
alarved, and qaartar educated mpiraat* for lame, 10 poff" aa
haltoweo neatruma, got ap throagb the "aurl aacri lamea," or
lore of gold.
Dr. Evaaa pmfeaaaa not to have any aertain apeerfir aoatrnaa
?he treata the Proteaa like according to the nature
ol the aitniplaint. aad pccnlinritlea of the conatnutioo Ha oaoe
not tperlffc dropa. anperaatarated with mercury, nor then
draw* more largely on the am arable virtia>? ol btarharlatanery
by adrertiaad "An* i-Mercurial" aaed cine juat like tha murder
er, who, after be haa knocked oat the brain* of a fallow cran
ia re, pretend* that he haa a re met y to replace them. Many
of the martyr* to the alioee abominable treatment, (aa cna be
proeed to the aaUafacuoa of the pahlkr,) have vought for aad
found relief at If* Chatham at. All edarated pariona. whether
proCoaaionai ar net are reouevted te call at the offrr tf Dr.
Evan*, aad they will fiad that hi* medicine* bare bee a col
lected without any regard to expenae, ami atade up aeaardtag'
to the foraaalr of the lieat Eoropeaa and American Diapanaw
torte# aDd Pharmacopeia*.
Braid a* delicaie diaeaaax Dr. Eran? ha* carefally and mo
re*.fully auradad to the general affection* ol the btrtnan body,,
tnrb a* apoplexy, opitepar, tic donleareax, acrofuta. dweaaaa
of the heart and lang*, dyapepala, or indigestion, gout. rben
matiam and the aourioua progeny ol both; worm*, the tabea
meaenteriea of rblldrea, and the dlaeaaeaof married ami un
married tVmala*.
a Dr Erana* office la at I ffff Chatham at.
*?* Mp?n from I o'clock A. M. ontil Iff P. If.
HUNTER'N RED DROP, a Idaaaing to the buwia* race.
Copy of a latter recelrrd tbrnngh the bom ofltca:?
Mr i. l.e?i*on, 5 Diriainn at New York
Dear Mir,? At the rrqaaM o' a irlend who Ita* lately harm
liberated from the langa of afllictien by the aid of your .naad
matde Hunier'a Med Drop, 1 addreae too He lemterx yon hlo
tineere thank* and gratitude lie the slewing be haa receirefk
at year baad, harmg bee a radically cured, hy angle, aa Iff
ware, (aaing no I* a part of a phial) or a dangerona dlaeaaa, a
which be had raahly rxpnaed hhuaelf ia an unguarded benr, haff
harinr received b< tb a care and a lenaoa, off I* indeed truly
grateful far the one, and hope* 10 rerelae a aalatary benefit
from th* other. I myaalf, who wltneaaed It* efiketa.ean teatify
to d* mrrtta, aod aa a Chrlatiaa pbilanthmpiM, aenet aiaeerefy
wiah that the pahlie may be mode acquainted ?Kh too
O poar thy halm apon a wonndad w or lit,
dad let lha banner of di?aa*a befarled ?
Life'* eri.ber* rail I ante?while yet oaa apnrht aNre,
And bid the htndkag glow ol health revive?
Extend thy am??the ?uffarar"* pang appear*,
While groaning* aeaih lhe demon of Diaaaae?
And rratefbl heart* .bail all thy caret repay,
Whan aieraaM'wtion*'* chain* are karat aw ay.
Defencelew youth? if Panoona Arm control
Ha* placed thee where dark wavet of angultb roll.
Where aormw reign*, ami Monoa of Buffering faff
Where merry'? mt ne'er heede tht nlteoa* caIt
Then flee hihhn who kindly hold*foe thee
Thar precise* Drop* that anotbe and act theefme?
And when thtjaai affilctiwna ?? eeareo'er,
Oo, reacaed "child of wrath, and Mr no more.
Yonra rwmvnrtfully. E. O. P.
?nM at No ? Dlviaton at Pflrt H per bollle. Thi* letter
can be aeea at the office.
N ? The pnb;?c wMI pleane take notice that the geoulaw
Honter** Red Drop can be obtained at no other place in the th
ty hat * D'eieiee it. !?*
W PIMPtKD FARER.?The great -Mir A alley** naaared the
proprietor at the time he presented thia receipt, that he never
knew an Instance of iu fhil ng to produce a care. Tha aale off
It In Europe ha* been liameaae
fold by R M OaWm. If? Rawery, comer of (Irand at; Hen
ry. comer of Pike w; 441 Orand all H C. linn, cor ol Broad
way and Coartlaodl at, aod Win. B. Hoffman, Ml Broadway.
Price iff cents
wo. 21 Attn mm,
TRRTM "P AIIVER riHINfl.?The extensive elr
of the Hiaai.o. both ia lown aad courlry, make U a I
ehanaei for adveniter*.
ma rwiLwn tint a. oa in*
I day, ft? ?*> I 4 day*. |l * I 7 daya, *l ?7 i Iff day*. M ffk
I . . 8 74 * . . Iffaff.. 3 an I 11 ? ? 1?
? ? . IffOlff . . I 751 B . . 3 IS I IS ? ? iffff
ma BtnirT i.tnaa, oa Lue*.
t week*, ? $2 50 I .7 month*, ? ?? ??
1 month, ? . . 9 ffp | ? month*, ? ? ? Iff ffff
t f All ad?ertWoventa to be aald helWe their nai rtlon.
Adcecthwiwrrta iaaetted In the WaaaLT Haa*i.n,a? ffl ??
per aqnare ever y inaertioa. ^
Jdoanme Haaat.o? laanadeeery morning.e?ee|dMBMf^
price, two ct nta per copy. Cnnalry ?ub*rril?er? Jai iMi il ffff
the aame rate, fnr any apeciflc period, oa a remitance la a<L
eanee. No paper aent, unhtaa paid in *dvw-r*.
? yan.nu Haaai.n-M.oed e*ery aRema.-a? Om^alnwk
Price, twa cenw per cony. Connuy aniMcnheea rngmaned an
the aame rate- ?a*h la advance. ?. a ml.
Wr.aat.y Nta ato> iaaund mery Matnrday mmwlag a>?
?lock?Price f J arota nor aopy. FamlAed to coaatry MR*
hen at BS per annam.ln mltan. c , ,
roaa?eont??MTff-?rt roopewed to aw* ?hf? Mjwjw
Jmm flomlen ktad, Proprietor aod Edhor | mA iffkatlatan
oa huaitaoaa meat ha poat pnaA.

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