MORNING HERALD. WKBIBIDiTi MAT ?? !???? Depabtvrb or thb Siaiea.?Exactly at one o' clock yesterday, this beautiful boat, with its valuable freight, got under weigh, and moved majestically from her moorings, opposite the Battery, up the North River. Capt. Roberts, with that urbanity and fine feeling which he has so incessantly manifested during his short sojourn amongst ue, ordered the ves sel to be propelled slowly, to give the thousands of anxious ana gratified spectators an opportunity sf seeing her movements, for nearly a quarter of an hour. She went up the North River a short distance, turn ed in nearly her own length, and came down again opposite the Battery, and remained atill for a few minutes. Twenty row-boats ranged along side, and brought off those gentlemen who went on board to see their friends off. The Sirius then started in good earnest, amid the cheers of the assembled multitude, and was out of sight in twenty minntea. God speed heron her way! First Epistle from the Sirius. A gentleman who came up from the steamship Sirius in the Hercules steamboat, brought ua the fol lowing epistle from eur friend Mr. Bennett, then fair ly entered upon Ins voyage. He writes in good spirits, and as every thing from his pen is acceptable to the public, we have no hesitation in laying this note be fore our readers. On Board the Sibibs, ! o'clock. Mv Dear P I write, just having received a salute from Bedlow's Island. The motion of the vessel is easy, and we have ihe prospect of a quick passage. The appearance of the Battery, of the city ?its spires, and the whole back ground, is splendid. 1 just feel, starting for London, as I would to go to Philadelphia or Washington. There is nothing re markable to say. By every vessel that we meet on our watery way, 1 will if possible, send a missive.? 1 do net expect to be sick at all?mj appetite is keen as a razor already. The packet ships are all ahead of us. As this is the first steam voyage from New York to England,! shall notice it particularly. J. G. B. In the Evening Herald, we will publish an amu sing narrative of occurrences on board the Sirius up to the time the Hercules left her. The subsequent incidents will be furnished in Mr. Bennett's future letters. fir The press of matter compels us to reserve the proceedings of the Board of Alderman, yesterday even ing, for this afternoon's Evening Herald. The Social Influence and Opebation of Bank# anb theie Agents.?There can be no doubt that the banking interest, the presidents, directors, cashiers, and their connections and dependants are the real government of the country, the imperium in impcrio, of which the authorities at Washington and Albany are the puppets, the ostensible instruments of a mys terious and invisible agency, whose influence is anly manifested by acts. This occult and formidable pow er, great at all times and seasons, has risen to its pre sent height and preponderaney in the conntry within the last eight years, during the wonderful expansion of f-ade, and the prominency necessarily assumed by all those institutions to which individuals were com pelled to have recourse for assistance in carrying their gigantic projects into execution. To obtain the favor ot a Cashier, or the interference of a President, was of vital importance in facilitating discounts ; and the co operation of several Directors in the same view, ren dered the object contemplated more eertam. Hence it was, that people learnt d to court the countenance, and watch the looks of these financial satraps, on whose good disposition the fate not only of specula tions, but the credit of mercantile houses depended. It is an attribute of human nature to love powerand influence, and whether men live in a republic or a des potism, ibey like to exercise authority over others. No influence is so tangible and omnipotent as that of wealth, t?d the dispeneors of its facilities are enabled to establish a more grinding and oppressive social ty ranny than any monarch m the plenitude of his abso lutism. The sanctum of cashiers, and the closeta of presidents of banks could reveal many a scene of cringing and humiliation?many an abjsct entreaty? many an impassioned appeal on the part of persons whose credit depended upon a prompt and liberal dis count, when man forgets the dignity of lus nature, and commercial exigency forces him almost to kneel to his fellow creature, because he is the temporary ad ministrator of the funds of others to the best advan tage. Hence it it that your financiers and cashiers, during ihc period when money was more wanled than at any former period, have secretly built up, and main tained an influence, of which the Almighty Dollar is the talisman, which is proof against the vicissitudes of times and flecluations, and which is increased by seasons of difficulty and pressure, as the wonderful fabric of theeddystone is more firmly connected on its basis of solid rock, and more closely knit together by each accumulating and curling wave that dashes over its summit, or slides against its sides. The influence of tanks, and their instruments upon the political destinies of the country >? too obvious to be enlarged upon and the contest at the present time is one of a free agency on the part of the guvernmcat, and an attempt to shake itself free of the trammels that had so insidiously crept around it, until its ener gies were controlled and its will overpowered, and moulded at the discretion of the oligarchs of Wall street. Our object is lo exemplify its operation in so cial life, and to shew that no condition or cless of so me ty is free f'mm its influence, and the domination which the command of the destinies of trade and ba nine** cannot fail to acqaire. The President, Directors, and Cashier of a hank act upon men's minds with the same force and efficacy, whether they >-xpand or contract their discounts; in the former case by gra'itude for favors conferred, in the latter ny apprehension .f application* refused. In both situations their power is increaiMd ; and the man who knows that his credit and commercial existence ism the hands of another, looks up totke arbiter with a deference that beceomes a deep md g habit in proportion to tho importance of the make at issue They can make or mar rmn'a prosperity; and an gold it the primum mobile of life and ita int-rests, these lords of Wall street are invested with a dominion to which the authority of a King or Sultan is as dust m the balance. The red nt inaight into the operations of the Hsnka, shew what men will do to extricate them selves from the pre-sure of pe< uniary difficulties, and the despotism which cashiers aud presidents have it in their power tn exercise, whether for good or evil. SiavanTs at St Lovis.? Two gentlemen f*om St. Louis, who called at our office on Monday to sub scribe for the I braid, told us we soon Id ^>e doing se emly m thai cry s service if we mentioned thegreot inconvenience families are I horng under there forihe want of fe-nala -ervsni- Thedrswhack is repreM-n ted as a most serums one i? -he d?.m? sue romfi.rl* of thecitixeot here, atid fei?,aleeimgr iuts would do will by transporting iheuiwslve* ihe?e Although (ft L ma may he ir?mnvenienc< d by this r. fi-ency. yet tin ?ir? so met s nee t? lis w? It f??r tin general pro*p?rou? con dition of tha* vu u iv, whore all puris* arc ton fortu nate m the gwot* of this world, to stoop to servitude^ or to bsnt.rtf. ins rucee* ty of entering il.? gate* of a jstranvef tor hir< T?n City Puh am? thb Pnoew.?The ?mgnl*r indiecretmn and want of dtscipliM of tka whig city presses antecedent to, and during the reeent charter election, are awakening the cenaarea of the country journala of their own party, who are now beginning to peroeive the effects of that conduct, which it haa been the object of the Herald, ever aince ita origin, to deprecate and expose. The brutality and intemper ance of the Courier Enquirer; the want of princi ple and the abaence of all ataadineaa of the Star; the tergiveraation and weathercock action of the Journal of Commerce; the arrogance, selfishness and infatua tion of the .American; and the marvellous self-eon ceit and astonishing imprudence of the Commercial Advertiser?were sufficient to swamp any cause how ever good, and to disgust any conscientious adhe rents however zealous. With the personal charac ters of the conductors of these papers we have no thing to do, except in so far as they make the col umns under their control subservient to the expres sion of individual prejudices and hostilities, and the furiherance of private speculations, whan we have al ways been found at our post to denounce and neu tralize such projects; we now only look at the efleet of their proceedings on the present welfare, and fu ture destinies of the great whig party which is likely to be misinterpreted and rendered ridiculous by such blinded, absurd, and short sighted partisans. To pursue a line of argument, and to indulge in personal abuse of men and things agreeable to the heated passions and silly predilections of their own immediate circle of connections and subscribers, can not surely be the proper mission of a political jour nalist, unless reasoning is no longer available, and ribaldry and falsehood are to be tried previously to an appeal to violence and the dialectics of club law.? This has been the course pursued by the Courier in all questions ef a political and personal nature, until its influence for good has been annihilated by its sui cidal proceedings. The people look with distrust up on statements coming from such sources ; they im agine that there is a latent motive of deception be neath every averment; and are suspicious that the coloring given to narratives is composed of hatefnl and envious passions, and blended with all the doc trines of political depravity and personal profligacy by which the Courier has been so indelibly stamped. The imprudence of the Whig presses would be suf ficient to rum any cause, however excellent; and the recklessness of its conductors, their unscrupulous dis regard of every rule of common honesty has been the cause of the long prostration of their party. It is now triumphant solely by the agency of circum stances and in spite of the Whig journalists, who might have labored forever to reinstate their cause m its former palmy condition, bat for the judicial mad ness ef their opponents, who saw the writing on the wall, but shut their eyes to its words of terrible im port The arrogant superciliousness of the whig press, and the haughty dicta'ion they assume through the coun'ry, is another cause of the inefficacy of their ar guments. People do not like to be dragooned into an opinion; and the memorable treatise of "Sydney" in the Commercial advertiser would have given the eoup de grate to the whig phalanx, but for the pressure of mercantile embarrassment, and the consequent trou ble and agitation that pervaded the community. In ordinary times, such a document would have had the magic effect of "To your tents, O Israel!" and the imprudent declaration would have thinned the ranka by thousands. The selfish arguments of the Ameri can, and its financial dishonesty, must remove the film from the eyes ef the most bigotttd of the whig adherents, when the touchstone of reason is applied as the test of motive, and the standard ef character. We shall not hesitate to expose the sophistry of the blind guides who have done such injury to the whig cause, and retarded our triumph by ineonvenient jar rings, and personal squabbles and interests. We have labored moat earnestly and anxiously to remove mis conceptions and explain the actual position of things; we have been straghtforward, honest, frank, and sin cere in our reasonings; and facts have been staled ae they occureed ; on our political integrity is based the influence we have acquired, an influence that shall be always used to support right principles in polities and finance from whatever set of men they may ema nate, or under whatever political sect they may be promulgated. Singclab Aitaie iw Wabbin stbebt.?A very I strange circumstance occurred in Warnn street, near the corner of Broadway, a few days ago, which ex cited much remark in the neighborhood, and which, we shou'd have thought, would have attracted the attention of the public or the coroner ; but, we under stand, it haa been passed sub tiltnlio, and but for ita reaching our ears, would never have been alluded to. 1b the houae in question resided a young lady of some peraonal attractiona; and or the morning af Sunday week ahe was found dead in her bed, with marks of violence about her throat; the aircumataRcea attend ant upon this catastrophe are said to indicate the im possibility of her death being attributable to her own act. On Sunday or Monday se nnight, the body was removed from the house: but where it was carrnd, or for what purpose, has not been ascertained. Thb Packet Ship Hibrbkia.?The beautiful pac ket amp Ifibernim, Captain Samuel Cobb, sails for Liverpo l tomorrow, with one of the fullest cargoes of cotton that ever left this port. The nainr of Cobb is a very distinguished one in theannala ol New York and Liverp ol navigation, and Captain N. Cobb, late of the Columbut, hae the largest service of plate (pre sented as a tribute of respect and regard ft -m his pa. - aengers) that ever naval officer was complimented with. Hia nephew haa a worthy example to follow, and has already shewn hia willingness and compe tence to do so. L'*ion Cottaax Racks Mav Mebtiw?.?'These races commented yesterday, and were ai tended by a numereua assemblage. The particulars of the meet ing areas tolluws, which we take from the extra of the Spirit */ the Timer, issued yesterday afternoon. Tuaioav, Mav 1, Produce Siakea for 3 year olds. ro'?s. % ha., hi hot 87tha For'y lour tub* seriners .ii $1090 each? l2S0 l?if?it. Mile heats. No. 4 Mr Jobs C BuvewC iVdisn. iriiioC by Bauer Jark. ... . II N-i I. Mr I i vlrg?ir>s'- J*h, osifs 4 * Laird Abram, S t Ita a Mr Rnln L Sir?rw' Cone roli.t'Dmrr by C< twivrr, - . Valmt-ne 4 2 No. !? t r?i Wysa'a Jmk> Ltmlen, trained by Por t's. dro<(r, 2 4 N?> d Mr B< ita' PeCtrwrr, tram, d by Harriawu, MeOfim, ... 4L.|. Tlsia. I 4?H-I M. Let til) I wr.s m favor o the two Mouth am era Ps' cnc? and John Linton; even on Furdhxm againai any other nairnd Imrse. Knrdhxni woo without a struggle in 1 4f Jn-1 60 The day w-a h e, hut the tra' k was not m ,ity good c rfler. owing to the re cent rains. Ko' the programme of this day's sport, see the ad fertisMMRi Nad Accideht.- On Moedvy afternoon curing an alarm of firs, a little hoy, named Riehard H. Lake, II y? ars of age, iving wnh hia widowed mother at 31 Piirstrer*, ran ?et to follow anng'tn : be wis knock ni dm # end ' ?? over h* a r*f T. . .
uo'?* and dropped desil nstantly An inquest wa held <.n hie body yesterday rnd a verdict r? turn ed accordingly. 0?|(iM ikelnkes?Omr Aotr?ss*??*' Mr*. Wm. SefUn?Miss Turpin-tk* InU Mr? WsUUck-Mrs. Harrison?Mrt. HnutmttlU. Mmiu. Editobs.?As the public geneinUy, ban ? strong desire, a kind of prying curiosity, to know something of the history both personal and d?"** tie of the gentry of the stage, and being an ?'derly j gentleman of leisure, somewhat conversant wtin the same, if you will allow me occasionally a corner ot your charming little paper, I may perhaps impart to it, (the public I mean) information interesting ana gratifying, without however establishing my own repntation as a man of letters or an accomplished writer, for 1 have been informed by authors, male and female, honest people and well to be believed, that my talents were never destined to shine very brightly in any department of literature. Moreover, 1 shall confine myself exclusively to the laau s ol ihe stage, woman being my favorite theme, as she is tne loveliest, most fascinating and interesting being ot creation. . ? The first that I shall introduce to your notice, is one, who but a few years ago, was a fifih rate actress at the Bowery Thea re, but now leads the general female business of the National. Her figure is nne and her gait spirited, but her face is most particularly plain. Her eeuntenance should certainly hav* *" longed to a huckster woman, but genius and talents have surmounted even the obstacle of a homely lace, and this lady, in almost every department of the dra ma, is row a distinguished favorite with the public. As a chambermaid, she is always capital, ranking nextto Mrs. Vernon and Mrs. Kent; in opera, PleV sing and effective ; in genteel comedy, much admi red ; but to me, her fine ladies have a spice too much of the hoyden and termagant; in the gentle, poeti cal, youthful heroines of tragedy, she is least esteem ed, but in the heavier parts she has few superiors. Her Hermion in Damon and Pythias, Elvira, Ame lia and Queen Elizabeth are admirable, while her Lady Macbeth bears comparison with the best on our boards. This lady, formerly Miss Anna Waring, was first noticed by the New York public, dur*n8 l[|e year 1630, at the Bowery Theatre, w here she had the advantage of play ing with Mrs. Dutt, Messrs. per, Booth and II imbiin, from whom "he profited largely. After playing at most of our city Theatres, she was united in marriage to Mr. William action, March 19, 1837, and on the 24th of the ensuing Octo ber, made her first appearance nt the National, as Kmelia in O/hello, and Tiberina in TTfce Critic, and with the exception of Miss Emnia Wheatloy is now the most valued actress there. This Theatre has many fine actresses in its company, and among others i? one with a very pretty, pleasing, Jewish looking face, raven hair, ana a full, dark, bright and sparkling eye. After P'?y,n8 in Philadelphia, she made her debut m New York, September 5th, 1837 as Amina in La Sovtnambula, with tolerable success, although she lacked physical power to do full justice to the difficult music of the part. She nfterwnrds appeared as Rosina in the Barber of Sirille, Diana Vrrnon and Jessica with increased applause. Her voice, though sweet and melodious, is limited in compass, and of no extraordi nary power?but as an actress she is far suporiorto the generality of vocalists; her Constance in 1 he Lore Chase ,s a beautiful and finished performance. Shebecame the second wife of Mr. Hemy Wallack, previous to leaving England, but on the American stage has been known only as Miss Turpin, though we perceive the hills of this week, announcs the as sumption of her hvmenial title. Kn passant, what a lovely creature the first Mrs. Wallack enee was. Those who remember only the latter part ot her theatrical career, can scarce have an idea of the ex quisite personal beauty, and fascinaimg gracefulness of her entlier years. She was Miss Fanny Jones till the viar 1S17, when she married, and shortly a'ler accompanied her husband to 'his country. uPt recollection ot her w as at ht r debut at the Chatham Theatre, May 25th. 1824, when she enacted Rosa he Somers to the delight of a numerons audience. She had however played at Philadelphia, previously, and possibly in this city. Asa dancer at this time, sh? was unnvnlltd, and according to a criticism in the Mirror, " floated upon the stage, like a being irom another sphere." Her figure wes of the most perfect symmetry, her voice soft and musical, and her read ings ever peculiarly chaste and correct. She had not enough of physical power to uppear in the higher J walks of tragedy, nor a sufficient flow of animal apt- j rtts for a dashing coinedy lady, but her gentle, girl- j i ish, artless manner as a rural maiden, and her grace, delicacy and peifeet case as a well br?d lady, gave | her a superiority over till competition. In the fall ol 1828she was attached to the Park Theatre, where she remained till the spring of 1934, having become I totally changed in manners and appearance, ?he then undertook a southern tour, and af,pr ? "boirt ! illnvss, died at New Orleans, April 10th 1836. Ofh*r i private affairs it is sufficient to say that her married ' life wan most unhappy- She waff divorced from her husband in the fall of 1833, being then, and continu ing under the protection of one P y, a supernu merary at the Park Theatre. . A pleasant actress at the National, is the pretty, petite Mrs. Harrison, the Titania of our stage. Sine | ha* a sweet face, with a graceful and lady-like da- ( portmenl, and in light comedy is always acceptable. She made her first appearance at th? Park Theatre? , 1 mean her first appearance in America. June 25th, 1833, on the occasion of Mr. Clarke s benefit, as L>es^ demona, which character she looked divinely nnd peiformed veiy respectably?h?r husband at the same time playing Othello, to Mr. Clarki s logo, i There is sno'het lady from Baltimore, who first sp 1 penn d at the City Theatre in July last, now at the National, who, if shehad hut life and animation, would make a charming actress. This is the lovely Mrs. Hautonvule, whose face and figure are unsurpassed on our stage; but she is, at present, cold, spiritles^ timid and reserved. Is there no way lor her 'o ac quire confidence and command over her features ana voice 7 Panic Tiieatse?Miss VV ells?This lnter^ntin^c child assumed the character of " Dew Drop' !? at n is hi, in place of " /? petite AufrutUi," who was an nounced as being md. posed, and consequently usa ble to play the part. Great disappointment appeared manifest among the audu nee at the announcement ot this change of characters in ihe performance, but it soon aubeided, and gave way to a proportionate feeling of satisfar lien and del' ht? when it was discovered that Mies wells conld not only go through h? part, but per form it highly creditable to herself and satisfactorily to the spectators I The audience appeared as much astonished at her evidently great improvement in the art of dancing, an they were delighted and cl artned by the graceful movements of the little sylph. We should rail this a highly successful debut oh har part, and sincerely hope that Mr. Simpson will duly cherish and foster the yet latent talents m this interesting httlc ere..tore, and bring her forward in the regular ballet. We assume not too much by sta ting that the audience, last night, appeared hilly to appreciate her talents and approve her efforts. S no fluting ik BsOi-klvh.?The city of Brooklyn has hem thrown into some excitement by the detec tion and am at of five females, hitherto occupy,ng a respe< table position in society, for shoplifting. The greatest efforts hnvs been made to suppress the par ticula a, hut we unrk's aud that the owner of one of | the stores who had suHi red by the depredations of these long fingered dames is inexorable, and is deter mined to bring the affair in all >ia details before tbe public, and to further the ends of justice PiLi.OAtr.ics ? Who can h? saved when doctors dis agree ? Doctor Brand n th has cited one Mr. William Wnghi to the har of public opinion, for having drug ged the public with hisnastiness insitad of the genu ine tra-.bol >he original pilla. This is a sad baainesa, tu he poisoned by deputy instead of first hand. II. 8 Circuit Cocst?Tui edsy, May I. ?Iu the ease of the si boxes of specie, tak?r? from s wreck at sea, sod brought to ibis city, and af'rr wards I belled hy the Mki n who picked ap ih? e|?#i h, the Court decided thai nn ralviii should he allowed, and that the lilvil.tnir ah. old b? ?rd?red to psv the rusts, on the gretitu'that netthrr at th< him *?f picking up ihe sperm, not of delivering il over to the owners, in >his illy, dd the limine inttnd 10 lav claun m salvage 'I hf jury nr? discharged until Tgredav n? . Highly lMp*rUat Trial. ] Ciacvrr Cobit?Tuesday, May 1.?Before Judge Edwards. W. Bayley as. Spencer A. Corning. This was an action to recover 11396 52, the amount of a bill of goods sold to the defendants. The de fence was that the goods were delivered after the part nership was dissolved, and after a notice of such dis- | solution had been published. , W. T. Board man, examined?Was clerk of the plaintiffs in April, 1836; witness then seld the goods in the bill, and delivered them; the amount was ?1395.52. The business was generally understood in this city to be the business of the delendants joint ly, and to be carried on under the name of D. open cer Sl Co. The bill wns made out in this form and delivered lo Spencer. They did business at Syracuse in Onondaga, in this State; this was the first bill el goods sold by plaintiffs to defendants, as lar as lite | witness's knowledge extended; the defendant Cor- | ning was not present when the goods were delivered ; > does not know Corning ; I hud heard of Spencer a> circumstances, and that Corning was a partner. Mr. j Bayley knew Spencer before, when Bayley lived at Albany, as did Spencer; Spencer had been in Bay- j ley's store. i Cross-examined.?Witness sold the goods, bnt he did not reeeive the individual note el Spencer ; Spen cer sent his note lo ihe store for this bill ol goods; trunks he may have seen the note ; left a letter at Sy racuse for Spencer to pay his claim?might have men tioned the note in the letter. On 15th Sept., 1836, he sold the bill of goods to Spencer & Co.; on 16th of November, 1836, he sold a bill of goods to Spencer alone. | Direct resumed.?Before became to New York did not know that Spencer had a partner. Edward Corning, examined.?Knows R. J. Corn ing, the defendant; is a distant relative of witness ; last fall wii nets went wiihR. J. Corning :o the plain tiff, and defendant then said he was a partner of Spencer's. October last, he said he had been a part ner with Spencer, but that the same was dissolved before this bill of goods was purchased. Corning wished witness lo go to Bayley in relation to the as signment mnde nfter the dissolution. Never dealt with D. Spsncer & Co.; in 1835, Corning bought a small bill of goods of witness. Don't remember that Corning ever gave notice to him (witness) that the firm was dissolved. Thinks Corning was in the city in the spring or summer of 1836. Don't recollect hearing of the dissolution of the partnership until last f?11- ? i The case of Smith versus Rogers was then quoted from 17 Johnson's Reports, P- 340, as b, aung on this D. A.Comstock, examined.?Is a merchant. Sold goods to D. Spencer & Co. in October, 1835; sold them to R. J. Corning?he bought them in the name | of the firm. On the 20th of April, 1836, sold goods to D. Spencer. The notice ?f dissolution was produced, cut from the Onondaga Standard, and dated 18th of May, 1836. The note was called for to be cancelled, and on being produced, the defendants introduced it as evi dence. Charles C. Merchant, exemined.? On Feb. 1, 1837, witness presented the note in question for signature; Mr. Bayley objected, and said it should havolhe sig nature of the partnership. Plaintiffs rested. Defence opened. James McDougal, examined.?He proved the pa per in question to be the paper published in the county wheie the delendants transacted their business On the 18th of February, 1836, Corning ceased to be an active partner, and removed to Sabina. He bought a farm down on Bergen river. The lease of the store and the assignment to Spen cer and another, not Corning, was introduced. Cross-examined.?Can't say whether the family removed to Sabina, till April or not. L A Miller, examined?Is the printer of the "On ondaga Chief''; published a notice of the dissolution of partnership for some weeks. Searched for the paper last December, but could not find it. Kept a file of the paper till August, 1836. Never starched the filet of pnpers to find the notice. The notice tommenccd in Nov., 1835, and was published for 6 or 8 weeks. Could not find that notice; has never searched for papers from February to April or June, 1836. Thinks this notice was published the latter part of Ft bruary or March, 1836. Aaron Waod examined ? Resides at Syracuae ; knows defendants ; thinks that the partnership dis. solved the lalUr part of February ; first knew of it then ; heard it from Spencer and Corning; thinks it may have been in March; made enquiries for the papers, but could not find them ; the sign wasalter td; thinks the new sign was put up about the 1st of March ; wai frequently at their store ; should ihink it was generally known that they had dissolved. Samuel B. White examined.?Is a merchant of this city. Has sold goads to Corning nnd charged to D. Spencer A. Co. on the 16ik of April, 1836, sold D. Spencer & Co a bill of goods ; drew drafts for the amount ; drew on D. Spencer Ac Co. which were discounted, one in Syracuse and one at Salina. Mr. Miller, recalled?The paper had a circulation of 800 ; it went through Onondaga and the western conn ties. Mr. Hillis in summing up for the defence, referred to 16 P.aat'a Reports, p. 169, and observed that the notice on the 18th of May was Spencer's individual notice; and that the witnesses swear positively to the nonce in the" Onondaga Chief." Mr. Kimball also for the defence toak the same ground aud referred to 2 Johnson's Reports, p 300, w here a decison waa made that a notice in one Ga zetta wa? sufficient, and also to thefith Cowan, 711 ; and 8 W. ndell, 423. The following references were also made in tha course of the trial, as illustrating and bearing upon the important point at issue as to the sufficiency of the notice; Piader vs. Wdkes, I Marsh, 248; 5Taunton. 612; Wrighton vs. Pallan, 1 Stark. 375; Woodford vs. Darwin 3 Vermont Reports 82 ; Lansing vs. Game, 2 Johnson's Reports, 300 ; Graves vs. Merry, 6 Cowan, 701 ; Bristol vs. Spraguc, 8 W, ndell, 423; Ketcliam vs. Ciark, 6 Johnson's Reports, p. 147 ; Martin vs. Walton 1 M'Cord, 16. The defence also comprised the following state men's?The pnrtntrshp hot ween Daniel Spinet r& R. 8. Corning, commenced on the 1st day of April, 1835, and was to conunue for the term of 5 yrars, unless sooner dissolved by mutual consent. In Feb. 1836, Spencer propos. d to purchase all Cornay'a inte rest fa the establishment, reserving to himself all the debts dae the firm and assuming to pay all the debts due from it. To these propositions Turning acceded, and on the 18>h ol February ihe dis dution was ef fected, and Corning retired wholly from the concern. On the 1st of March,Corning removed from Syra cuse ir Salina, aad took no farther interest m the buain m. At thedisi ilubon, Coining took from Mr. 1 Spenr t a bond oftnurmntty agonal nil liabilities on account wfthedebisof tho cono*rn, and all coaia. Tne disso labor was advertised only in Patterson's Onondags t'hu f; tho old a'gn was takau down, and tho uew one put up ; tho old l?ook* were laid aside and new ones obtained, and tho debtors of Ihe old firm were called upon lo pa? lo Mr. Spencer. Ho paid all ihe olrl bills in New Yo k and elsewhere, and it ws.< un'vcrsaily understood that Corning had reti red from ihe estabhahm nf. On or about the 1st of May, 1836, Spencer went to New York to purchase goods for the na* concern, he was staying atthe Fiankltn House, in Broadway, where he m# i Mr. Board man, with whom he wns ac quainted in Albany. Hi invited Span cor out to 'ake som' Oy: ters hi Maiden Lain-; they went according |y; when'hero, Board man naked hun if he hud come down tw purchase goods 7 Ho replied he had; H. ask fd him if stir on? wns in partnership with him; lie answer*d Ihsl Corning had been, hut hud left tho caneti n. B than invited holt t?? rail and sua tho of Mr Bailoy, with wh.un ho was n olerk; he called ne*' it 'u ning, the 19th of April, and made a hill of ? 1286,84; u was t ladeout by P rrrdman lo D Spell c? r At Co.; he did not notice mis 'ill af'er he hsu re turn'V, ma -much as the bill was sent to tha Franklin House j si as lie was leaving 'he city ; ? |" ,MjJr ' " not see Bayley at any time f t!" hi.sir.ess * at. all dona Wilt. H iardrenn; in Kepi, inker following he made another Ml with Bailey of ?1011.46; in Deceo.h.r Ha.l.y wrote to dp* nrer, making out tnt*e several hill* to 11 'on?< r A Co., and r. quested not* s at ?r month* Im 'bee. amounts; in F.brustv, 1837, N.,i ,?rot w* at la New V?nk and gave Bail, y hp. notes ; (he first n-tc lnf ? '"*? 13, a> 90 days, payable a the Om.nrtaga Countv Bank ; ti e -..on. was at 1 mniiibs, payaMein < h* u ?"" t.f ?Il36r?| these I we nol's were sen' for egll. rtioti and prole-led for noa-payment; m June, Mr Corn rig resetted a letter from Mr H P. Davi*, tellin, lun forth* firai train, of th? existence "f aneh ?. demand, *"d ??.?* hi t.r this |ur' we rual and ordinary way" In London the usual and ordi nary way, was simply by advertising the dissolution in the " London Gazette." This law had been laid down by Lord Kenyon. Now the simple question in this country was, what was a proper substitute for that London Gazette, or whai was sufficient to be considered as the usual and ordinary way. Under the evidence, it was a question of fact for the jury to determine en whether one paper in the country where defendants did business, was all that was meant by the usual and ordinary way. If ?o the defendants had given sufficient notke; but if they had sought out an obscure country paper that wae not much seen,the notice was of no avail, and they were liable. I The jury found for the plaintiff for the full i amount of principal and interest. Special Sessions Court?Tuesday, May 1.? ! Dear Dick Riker's term draws to a close. Only one i day, that is, next Friday, and then Dickey goes into ! private life. Yesterday he sentenced but two per sons; one man named Jones, brought up for assault ing a young lady. Ho fined him 6 cents, after telling him that assaulting a young lady was a serieus of fence, n;id was practised to a great extent in this com munity, and that he must "suffer some" for it. He then sentenced a poor woman 3 months to the Peni tential y. for stealing a piece of calico from a store door, that being a heinous offence. The splendid Oxen, believed to be lhe largest in the world, purchased by Messrs. Walker & Co. for the sum of$3500, and now exhibiting at No. 50 Bowery, will be visited by the Mayor and Aldermen on Thurs day, the 3d, at 12 o'clock. M 0 .\ K Y NAltKK T. Tuesday, Nay 1--6 P. 31. This has been a slack day in Wall street?it is the Jay on which capitalists receive their income, and ihe day on which the interest of .ill the real estate in the city changes hands in the shape of reel. This creates for the day a great demand for money; and from this cans* there hat been more than usual pressure ii. the street; hut this is temporary, as ihisaaiount paid in, as well as the sum of the dividends paid, and about to be paid, by the banks, which will be Irotn one million to one and a half million;, will, sooa be seeking an nutlet, and this of itself will tend to make money easier. One consequence of the demand for money has been a depression ol stocks, for which there were rather more sellers than buyers, and the transactions altogether were light. Delaware and Hudson declined 11 per cent, but rallied ; and the closing sale was at 1 per cent otf ol yesterday's price. Harlem sunk gradually to 2} percent below the close of yesterday. Stoningten also fell 1 i per cn,.t; aad most of the other sales showed a want of firmness. No Treasury notes offered. Some counterfeits of large denominations of tbase notes have made their appearance in the Baltimore market. Our rasially idle geaiuses have been unusually tardy in their ope rations that they have not before appeared. This is an indi cation of amoral improvement. The resumption by the Boston hanks on fives and under, has bad a tendency greatly to relieve the market at that city. It is the season ?f the year when mosey is in demand, in that section more particularly, and the banks discount freely for short paper. The great custom house frauds are proceeding slowly but surely to tb> ir lull development. A seizure to a large amouat was made at Boston on Saturday, on information received from ihe Collector ol this port Stale of Trade. We notice nothisr ia the way of trade this daywoithyof tnealiou. Onr hall ol the ctiy having been engaged in the great > operations o tiling tkelr places of abnne for the o ming year, . at w ell as places ol business Ttie Mi,vine, asd hurry ng loo I and tin of loaded ear s has been wuhuui parallel s.nce this day on* year since, the other halt of th* city has la-en on ihe Kaurry to attend the departure of the great Steamship Minus, ana h ur other Kur?| tan parkeis, who h carry out n arge am. ustof freight and are all nearly full of passengers; ol cuurse there has not been much mercantile business thought of. Titer* has, hswever, at Ihe suction maris, bre >. uie transaction* that indicate a healthy slate ot trade. (5< od mer chandize bring in demand, briiies rtmuzerstir g prit e* Ihe sales f iven are principally by T. S. Nimms and Hoffmsu k. Co. The brown Havau* supsr was slightly damaged. Trunsaci lusts This buy, Sales of Stock*. ?4 0 * Baak 115) Id Am. Ins.Cos 100 2t? Mechanic's yj 10 Mutual ?? M 2a Commercial #7 ISO North H Iris. 70 <0 Brooklyn 87 55 Hariaem 59 a 574 475Del k Mod 73 a 73) 23 Boston fc Pro v. 99 SM Son Long Island 57) a 57) d urtion Salt*. ft-gar?40 hn, B H. 6)t6i Wiue?40 qrcks .d. Mad 4?)a54 Mrvasses-40 ICS p. K SO) .Ohfpps 434*44 2? Muls P. R. 30 i ?? ?? 4*1 Raisins? 90 boxes, 2??a2l2 70 qr ch- Mai w illes^U 2lo h' " !12|alIS 10 " Muscat, 3 loo r ?* 60 40 " Clare i, 15 IhObisL. 170 5 ?> Bat *ar, 12) 73 kegs. 65a72 20 ?? int. Port. 34) A'uh nds?So b.ssoft shell, 84 30 hits chain,. SaS) 5 trail-h." 2) 10 ?? p'ls ?' 4 Oil?30 bus, SaS) Cheese? 25 ca-ks 2U4 Olives?Incases, ino Tohacc ? 40bi?eaven. l|sAf Botlle?5 hampers. 3) Nuts?18 bale* Mad. nuts 3) Rags?4 bales, it Mm? 4 Wbl?, 35 Red Chalk?Sras-s. I) '?emij.dns-V * galloas. 64 ?o Morris Canal 54 143 Mioningtoa 100 Am. LkT 90) 8 Ullca 1 St MAiiniiui). *>n iiir Ylih April, by ti?e Rev. Alexander Fraeer, William A(Ji>e of Pill?burgl., to Miav l.itilmle Irvine, ol tin* my On Tliurxiay evening, Ihe 2Slti ult. at ibe Method i?t Kpiern pal Church, in Orern etreet. I>y tlie Rev. Cli.irle? W. Carpen ter, Mr. Samuel H. Mover of Brooklyn, to Mi?? Kliia Httiael of una city. * On Turtday morning, the Id inaiant, by the Right Rev. Bivhop OiMlerdonk. Capl. 'I lion ma Sword), ol the C. H. Ar my, to Charlotte AugutU, daughter of Mr David Cotlieal, of tbi- city. On pnraiory to betng reported to the A?-oclntl -n and publl-hi Rrardved. That when tbla meeting adjourn i id joma un til Smut Jay e* enmg neat, Mn- Bill J?MN L. BR' WM. Prn .nt JOHN If wil.ntlN, V President A H KRAUTH. Beerautry. v i lr Itr A Card. The Commitiee ppointe t dl? and M. mhera nfilir New York ar II .. lyn Flru D> pa'tnieina, and the Fnhlic to general, are >? uliy lael tedto view ihe van t (previnn* ln?h ? P M. u >* it* ' > tlN ('Ol KRK .-Wr-ilnr * ir, f.T>0? ii Hi lie beat*. ' I .ta. ? . v hhtaiaa I. Wm R Jnrnton entera to. c StiFnlk.hv Ai ? -w, oat af , mil nf O liah dam, 9 year* old. .1 R F Stockton ea era impr rted b. h. Lai ? to by B>arrh, out of Peri, 5 y ? ate old Immadiaie y af -r?-Pnme? Mi e In t< toTataa I J S' Ith enter* a. f. Jack Andren, by A> , v ,dam Far "le h are, a ye^rvold t fa, ene* enter* a. f. be Andrew, net t( f i 'v Fieri, 4 e X I HO ITU, mv? If DAVID It ttf ANCff. I o .1 ? Hi and other* ire ruai ? i ? 1 ? la?t irnelinf J A i Oh t STAFFORD -n my ueeouni, or ra%ltvi him for ii. v r o.i?-obito it-m fy him aim ? the Ml Mm 1 m, or do l.vertrt' hh?i #. y roff"ee to be roueied hv no I l? | dlvehar ped to in I*. m my emp or J I ti(*W ? LL, kiae'ard, Cofle* and K. ? P rlory, ?oyf It 19 f loeliigBiL