Newspaper Page Text
EV9SS9B HERALD. toimiv. NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 4. 1888. ??? - UKN TtKMBH'B CAST O r r C LOT ? I Nil houuht, ARB TMB rVLL TAL0B OlVllir IN CASH, NT II. L K V fc. T T , 428 Broadway. Knowing tbero kc persona who make a great puffin their advertisements lor east off Clothing, Ac. Ac. and who In many eases do not give the full value lor the lame. H L. will a* fcure iboae gen. lemen who may have sncb srilalea by them, and who may aeon for him, of their receiving- the very utmoet value iu CAwH for every artieie. N. S.?A line through the poet office or otherwtee to the ?hove adores*. will meet with die attention. myl-Sm' " CARL KINO, First Premium and Tuscan Straw Hat Manufacture r. Noe. 2851 Broadway; 1? and 29 Division street, aN ? New Torlu Dcs Cartes d* Vlaltes, de noces et dc Com merce. cr VISITING CARDS CARDS AT HOMR, STORK CARD?, Ac. Ac. -TS V A L E N T 1 NT' 8 SNOSAVIRO, PBI NT I If 0, AND FASHION AILS VISlTlNQ AND STORE CARD ESTABLISH KENT, 99 J*An at, ctnw mf William at NEW FORK. Visiting Cards, Cards at Home for Wedding Parties, Mer cantile and Store Cards, engraved in superior style, and print red with the utmoet neatness, in the latest and most approved fashion. JeU Composition Ornament Manufactory, 584 Broadway, New York. CP JOHN OALLIER respectfully informs Architects and Bsildera that be conttnngs to famish o ran menu ol every de scription for the interior finishing of building* on the lowest N. B. Specimen* ean he seen at the man a factory as above. Ornanseats got up to any design. my04m* S. J. S YLVKSTKM, STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKER, Noa. ISO BuSadwat, and 23 Wall sts-ext. *?* Has no other Offices la this City or elsewhere, jel.tfis CP UNITED STATES, and other Pennsylvania?also Kentucky, Ohm, Tennessee, Indiana, Illinois and Florida bank notes pure based on the best snsrketterms, at M. J. SYLVESTER'S, je 16 190 Broadway, and 22 Wall street HOAsIDAT PKICBHJRTH. CARD?. AT 172 BROADWAY. VISITING CARDS, in plain writing, the Italian and fancy hands, printed on the polished German Porcelain Card, way be procured at the corner nf Maiden Lane and Broadway, at STOUT'S Engraving Establishment, where specimen books may be seen. Also, stiver pla-.ed Door and Number plates, the platiar of whWh Is uncommonly thiek, the silver being expressly rolled for the advertiser. % Merahanu' Commission Cards executed with distinct* am and Letter Stamps, Consular and Notorial Seals engraved te oekere.Ac STOUT, corner of Maiden Lane and Broadway. THE I4MWK8T CASH 'lAlLSHlkO Afr TABLIHHMSNT, No. 4 John street?A gsrnsent may look well tor iu beauty of celor and tnxtar* of cloth, but the oraod object it lost unless tuc fit corresponds thereto. The pa*l? is r spectialiy informed that they caa have their gar ments eat in th? most fashionable manner, and made np by the Ae?tnf workmen, by a ailing as above, at the following low priees Car cash. Dross cost made and trimmed, |7 M Frock " faced with silk, T M Vests, - M 1.25 to 2 HO Pants, " " ? 1.26 to 2.0# Coats of fine cloth famished for ? 16.M PaaU, " 6.00 ts 10 SO A superior eoatfor ? . 2AM Repairing and altering always attended to. A suit of clothes made in the shorten space of lime. A I or der* mast he paid for oa delivery. No. 4 John street, secoad door from Broae way. >23-3m " ^ hats?(CHEAP?LIGHT?DURABLE AND ELEGANT-D. C. WINNB, No. 02 Bowery, near Walker street, respectfully invite* public aHrn-ian to M Sis rich assortment of Summer Hals, partirnlarly to jj his four dollar beavers, which lor lightaess, taste, ami a su perior style of finish, he challenges competition to cqunl. Also, a full assortment of short nap M tleskir, Nutria. Plais Huts'*, Silk, Leghorn, and Wbalelxote Hats, a-Mmrnhly adapt ed to the sen*nn. besides caps ami furs In every variety, jell K MUI.iTa N r. tpesiluily inlortnt hit l>tendsaao fjm the pub ic in general, that lie hat removed hit llA T Stiv STORK Trout 93 to 90 B<>wery, at the corner of Hester ^ StrstL II- lav i t his Iriends ami the public to giv? l him a call, n?uo pains have been spared in bringing to pertec I tioa the article in bit ine, which lie lie-ntnte* nutto say '*m m i lie tnrptsted in the Uit 'ed State*. From a pr ?ciie,il experi -nee in Ku-vp* and t"is counu y, and with a derive to please, h* feel* ?m?i.fidrel he will uot fall. If a trial is made. HutsaFd Cap* of*very description made to order,single, or by the doxen, with neatness and detpa cli Military gentlemen ami otlier< are re?i eclfnllr invited tocal' . ami ex nii.-.e ipecimens of Mili ary Cap* ami heaver Halt which li.ive [i mil him the first prratlums at the three .ast | fa rs, and ha, Iwcn approved of in the wur department is 1 Washington. 1 Ordeit :or Militiry Hals from the South and other parts ni I'.be Uo inn punctually attended to, and csrelw'ly putupand lor ? warden to any p?rt of the country, upon rtitnoce to any re lgponsikle bon-e incity. I N. U t)rti-e.-?or others sending for hats or cap* will pieaw I nentlon their ulHcial graduation. I Agents lor the-ale Ol< chapeau Itats and cape Mr. Tod I, bat it.anuiaeturer, Washim-:ion,D. C. Mr. Burt'otn. do. do. l;?Cliesnal?t., Fhilvd'lph'a. Mcssr*. Van -vu. k Wrglit.lM Market street, Baltimore. Mr W. Jnhn*tot). MarKel square, N rfolk.Vs. Mr J. <1. West. No. 3 Kxcitsuge Pla-e,Nrw Haven Ot. Bilk and Fur lists made to suit Uie most limited riremit tattcts. )** 1/ ?H;.V AIMk. I'UittLA'l'lAU LI IV lilt A tl ?. Trrmh?In Advance. A inoal Subneription, ? ? ? ? 94 <WI Nrwi annual ?? .... tlaarmrljr, " . ? . . . i..y> Monthly, " .... 75 TM* l.ibrary comprbea r judicium ?elec ton of more (ban DIM volant*t, and la eniwiuiitty enlarging hy the addition ol ?very new and int?rp??ln< worn (bat M>urf lent (he preai.? teatdeaihe ordinary owing ur, lie ? braeei a (uvei lie Itbrnry if n moral ant entertaining character l.arlie* n*d genile ? rien wh" ri Mile in tl e upper pailo ihe cilv will nr>t only nd tiieir IntereM and convenience consulted,hut entitle them* frlv-a to l ifwimi'it thank, of the prop ietor by p.trmiLn?e 'i? Hi htm.liooa Waivhoute ami Muvc adore, No*. Til and ?'J3 tleecber .tr?-ei. j'XMm* ?TVAlliU 'trt Ml'MUK'M yunALM HbHiu* WriNtr PllJiH trim ^nrmany, an rffncion) remedy ir auppre?**nn, irregularity, and all raaea where nature doe* ?I have her regular and am per tonne. N 8. Not to b- token darter prer nancy The *al* of ISC* oie* daring the ta?i nine mrwih* W a .uRIclm! guarantee w inrrfN'a.-y Holdnoly hy MhB. BIBD, midwlle and leniaie byaicua, S.2 Bowery. New Y rk. LikewKe brr celehrntod uihin v it rap for children teetMn*. a >ale, .are and effect oa I medy Alan,an earrUeat remepy tot tore nipple*, prepared above A'lv ?? gratia. ruyS-.tni* lady. A I told aa k"ca?ti#-i mportant tw Tub brau m<ndr V ? I he Vanilla C? mpound.or Pernan Soap, continue* to do)' !t? big l? reputation a* thr only covmclie that will remove option* tit ibe lace *od Irecklea. It give* great relief to the re and hand* where ibe itkin i. liable to ch*p, fmwiripiear? the wind, which, fr*n? iu healing pnpenle* i* a Rrcat de*b ?ratum. The .month, iran.pareiilappearaner it giveain ibe tmplciioa, man be pe ak lor It arrest popularity rmongthe die*. A* ,t *i??p for dNivipoitcaniioihe-arpaaseil, producing a lew *er?mt* a fine rifli lather Tin* patronage it rr ive* from the nobility and r-ntry ol Prone* an-i England t? made It e*ten*i*eljr nt"t In Europe. It ntav be t-adol H. C. Hart, mrncrof Broadway and Conrt ndt ?tt J. H. Hart, corner ol Chamber M nod Broadway; 'm. B. Hoffn-an,Mi Broadway: and K M. flmon. ITT Bow ?y, corner afftrand ?t corner of Henrv and Pike at*. ?nd 441 ? rand at | A. B. It D. B.tnda. KO gallon, corner of Wtlllaaa *L " Price N? cent*. aB-Bm ? MURKS' TAAijMBC AND BANUB0] ? Bit A RO?f?la# too* tar aal* by J CAMPBELL k PRItSMB, nyltof llitaad 112 at. a a N ? I A Ml A itl.tO, fa ILLIaIBh If. Ac. 1 MAO LahCALA beg. to nlornt bar friend* and the i4ic* genera ly, that ahe ha* remov d from Went (Iron i way the mere convenient attuati n tor boaineaa at ?JA Broad ay, n'-ar Oaane at. where ihe will be happy to a areata any dec* rommitted to her care Th? lateat fa.hlon. recelveil fW?m Part*, and her perannal tention given ta the making of Ladle*' Dreaaea, and pnncia y obaerved. Ahe beg* to return het ttainka for the pai roware reoeteed n-e her re*idenca m <b<? f IMr, and hope, by car* ami aiMattoa merit a rontlnuaedewfpahllr favnr p. B. WBated, a firat rat* Ureaa Maker ard aa apprentice _ vole a* a.'ove. | Si-lm* F.WIIO* N FladTi?r. B., ol No. M William at. baa j juat reeelv*" J raaea of very aaperior Hat*, which ere now ady lar aale at #4 Wilham M. and ?' Broadway. Re tar alar?the Broadway htraw Bhwe ia kept ap atalr* Kn inee la hy th* *how o' d'd? Boaneta.cUiae by lb* Scotch aia -.between K*ed and Ouaneat*. Alao. line P*?' nt K?gli?h Onnaiable and very fine Ta*ean all at reduced prleec tliK NtM'h. liPwr ?,70 ami aherU l>?a* ante pa > ?.,f:fhdc by J CAMPBELL b ^KKShR. ^ ?yl9lf IT* *??! I IT Na-acu at EBAl ?IIN? f?OtAI> fit cash* ol Boyrfi B*4-',-r?avssir.T.l8;w tin and III Mmmb A III < A A tl) ITitAOV Ht?i C-'tifi te* R >arhi A a7, Ki'hv. Wondameh, l.#nea??er, ral 4 Town and l aanucwrt th Bank Nanna. (fneorrant dk enan'ed at very low rate*. yr n Rank Nm. a, Incladinr the ante* of the Bra ad ran dry rht *' Improved rale* Certificate* of Bepradte on h Bavaanab, la Mia, br. me. New Orb-aiaa, Ckarl, atoa, iw. a oAaraMTB* *? u . Cr A PRIVATE TREATISE, kc ON VICN EAL DIMEABEA, GONOKKMEA, GLEET, Ac., writ tea more especially tor those who require ? private, as well as aa i<nmediate ami perfect cure oi their complaint*, bnt adapted also to the use of every iaidvidual. The Treatise, rhtcb i (which may be bad alone if wished for,) ts fitted in the lid at a little chew** containing every iagreeient and medicine ne cessary lor the core. Having thie little cbest and hook com plete, there is no occasion whatever to make a aeconu person acquainted with ibe subject, not even ia long standing and doubtful cases. It it be preferred, however, the author may be consulted confidentially by poet or otherwise, and Ibe me dicine seat to any distance. xjlt would be scarcely possible to express the saliefaction this little book afford* to ail who nre acquainted wit it, for being known to give the plain and faithful treatment of a regular physician of many yeais experience, and one also who is hon ored witn testimonial letters Irom the bight si surgeons in Eu rope to ike mostembient in America, as Dr. Molt of New York, and Dr. Physiek of Philadelphia?its direction* are followed Willi that confidence and regularity which enanre success. hi this little volume, not only are the different hind* of the dis ease described with plainness, bnt the cure o( those other and more distressing symptoms which arise from constitution, ha bits of lite, age he. is also given witn great clearneee, so that those whose health nod spirits are almost broken down for wsrnt of proper treatment, are led at on<e to see their error.? To every man of sense it must be evident that nothing can be m <re uawise than to trust himself to any of those boasting ' in aO nostrams which are daily advertised as certain earns those varying circumstances. Indeed, It is to those, chiefly, that we bear of so many persons continuing on from mootb to month uacured, and it should be also knownjhat it is not only the anxiety of mind, and great expense Incurred by these de ceptions. hot wher s clap or gleet la suffered to remain so long, notaiog is more common than a stricture as the consequence. Now, a stricture, It not removed by proper means, Is (lie most serious thing that ana possibly happen, and, which makes It werse, it frequently exisu where neither Use patient mr the doctor once suspects it. Moreover, this irthe stage of the dis ease in wbiab so nsdeb ignorance and knavery is practised by advertising persons. There are theee, for instance, who pre tend to care a gleet arising from this cause, with a box of pilla, or a bottJe of drops, when every surgeon knows that all 'the physic lathe world would never cure a stricture. For these reasons, therefore, the author has been particularly anx ious to make the cure of strietaree plain and easy, and in this he has succeeded most completely. Many have consulted him oa strictures who are periectiy astonished at the ease and quickness with which th?v are cured, having for years tried every other means ia vaw. Indeed, under the author's mode of treatment, nothing is wore safe and easy than the care of HfkOMA The remaining chapters of this little volume are on the sub ject of venereal disease, properly so called, ia which every symptom from Its very first beginning down to its most ne glected form, are stated with the ulmmi clearness, la alt their stages the treatment will he seen to be exceedingly easy and effectual, so that, with the assistance of the little chest, any One may undertake his cure with perfect safety. Inthesecbap ten also, will be found some facts detailed upon the effect of old venereal taints on children. Many who are about to mar ry, or being married have nolamlfies, will lad some deeply ia. terestlng explanations on this subject. Price of t l?e Chest aad Book complete, |1100. The [Rook alone. ? 1.00. Letterson consultation addressed to the author. aE>-3m DR. RALPH. St Conrilandt st. New York. A CARD?JAMES A. E. LMMOUKEUX, No. 317 Broadway, having entered into nn arrange meat with the proprietor of the Putnam Congres* Spring at Saratoga, by which he will receive constant supplies of the water, to be dii' swills posed of to the public on draught similar to soda water. For farther testimony of its virtues and perfections, the following certificates are referred te :? The undersigned have examined with much satlsfhctiea, a novel method of supplying (be beat af Saratoga Waters, at the drug store of James L'Amoureux, 371 Broadway. The water is drawn Irom a fountain, and appears to possess ail the pro perties and flavor of the Putnam Spring. CLARK WRkGHT. M. D. JAMEs J MAPE8. ESQ. M. PAINE, M. D NICOLL H. DIKING, M. D. BENJ. W. NcCkEtDr, M. D. J. KEARNEY RODGER*, M. D. New York, Jane 18, IMS. Dear Sir?Your apparatus for distributing the Waters of Saratoga, which yoa keep on draught, cannot fail to attract public attention, and a correspondent measure of public pa tronage. To have the veritable waters of Putnam Spring at 377 Broadway, and in as rreal perfection as if taken from the natural founinlr, was hardly to have been expected. Yet the public ntay he assured that a draught from your fountain is Sreei-ely such as it would be at the natural spring, witU per aps the advantage of being a little solder. The process is ?o? slmpl to deceive, and aerfectly efficient?consisting only in adding a supply of carbonic acid gas ?qui?l In the amount presumed to be lost in the transfer ai d transportation of it from the spring, and coo'ing it with ice. I hope that th- public will fully remunerate you far your trouble and expense in introducing ibis innocent and healthy water. Yours, he. J. R. MANLFY, Resident Physician. To James L' Amoor-nx. 377 Broadway. New York, June ia, jjju. Th* snbscrilier Isegs to as-ure the rublic that the mode he hn* now a opted e>? ronveyi g rtie Water from lire Springs will at all times >n.?ore far btui a cor nam supply. JAM Ed h'AiMOlJRXUX, jr28.-oi.6t U77 Broadway. NPOtTA T MKIHCTN ? HEDGE'S CELB I r?ll\TKI> RHEUMATIC PIASTER?Tqhe appii.d In il rasi-a to the soles of lite feet This plsster is equally ?IB s-ions wbeih? r the - bease be loc.ted in the hip, shoulder, or sewhrre In fiie system. The astontd'ing success which lias sttrnde-l this Plaster the ist season, ami the num-rous r?comnienil.?u >ns which have ren given riv men ol the first character and standing msoeietv, oin'dne t > show that it excels auy aructe tver before offered to thr public. Bloom field, Conn.. April 5. IW7. This mav certify that I have used Head's It lie jmauc I'luntr with ?urces- and rmlrrHmflinin?{ ana I have known u owl irt vai ion* other instance* with equal nieces* when oilier thing* which Mil been tried, proven Unsvail .tig. I base cnnHttrnee in It. at the in <?i rfR-arinas rcmsdy lor ihruihpltMU U)al has ever been ofleied to thr public. Ilrv. CoRNKLiua II Evxttrrr. Karlhar recommendation* accompany rarli koi. luiuoesa n curing i* almost univ. r-ul, nn<l ihr low price al *lirh It m ? old. plurr* it within ihr reach of all. 1 be proprietor hope* lh.<t every person afflicted will embrace the present opportu nity of b?inj' cured. For sale whol-sale and retail, by A. R. k D. Hands. No. 100 Fulion street, corner of William; by Hundley, Pbelp* k Co. anil H. Carle k Nephew. Wstcr ?Uvett by P. Burnet. SA Hiath avenue; and by Dr. My me. OS and 930 Bowery. Price only 25 ami .10cents. j?.9 Ini TOO I II ACHK-TOOTH ACHK?Wby will Ton suffer with the moth ache, when there is a perfect remedy a.' It has rerently been discovered that the Kxtrart of (Jail and Kriosote it a p rfect remedy for inotharhe It can hr used with perfect safety. It ri timet s from the tooth the part that ia decayed, and le-ivea it white a* on the oolrtde? it removes the unul ess int asietlfrom the Hreatb, and it fives almost msta. t re ?let from the pain,however severe. It has hern turd bs thou aanda, and It haa new- lined to five relief whan it could be placed in contact with the derayeit tooin. Prepared by W m Rmwn, *nst*n anal sold in ?M? eity by the dot n or *hgl# bottles, by A. It k D. Hands, No. 100 Fulten, eori er of William street N. B ? A liberal uiaennat to those who putchaie by the do aew Jrg Im THVPHIb'lKOPHk.H'S STONK 9 T I. A S I 1 dihc.hV kuKD! ?Di P.iett'a t)on<>rrii(r i Rrsdieatnr la universally nlioweit to be Ibr only real specific for f norrhce i sea Insl weakness*and all affrciirn* of the kioney, blade er and prostrate fIamlm He..are of initiations, and he oar ieular In buy ot A. ti It l>. bkcds, cor. Fulton and William; nr .lym-, ci H<> err* .Tut Waker. so. I II nd i ?l Muweryj nr at tbe New Vork Chemical Hall, Si Piilhavrnue. r. * Tab ? r> iiri linn In thus., buv inr '? sell *g nl a Sea.uen and rnptmn* of te?ie s would rind llie" Kradtcamr . I fu st value, a? it will preserve it< viitarain any el,mate, and fi?r anv i?nrik ot ilmr. j.Iin ul iFICI Ala TP El H - From one to a complete sat WITHMIJT CLAbPt.HPltl\Ofl kr on ihe prtaeb pies of atmospheric M. LEV kTT Dentist. N<>. ate Broadway,enlraace fl. *t dowr in Warren st* The improve men. and dkiiogaiahlng leature nf this me this I ialbe complete ly rffretiagoi lhee*?eitilal ehjsrtonf tl?e ease and security or the supplied teetk In tbe mini h, wholly without clasps, lif. start s, springs, or any other similar mean*. P? raoaa interna, ed in this improvement, who are yet anarqoaiated with It* na ture and extent, iwtv tee hy ? MLIOH f INSPECTION, It Kirn IS FHKF.I.V OFFKKKD TO I HKM.lhaltke plan it diff. rent In principle nod results from A ft Y hitherto practii etl in NF.W YOftK.aad that I'm above statement is strictly and entirely accurate. Hia icterei res nf the HIGHEST ORDER, nee moat ample. Tbe opinion of the New York public ON HI I improved syw tern ma? be seen in the loilewlng respeciabtejmpms?Vide New York Mi ror. 16th Jolv. IKK: Courier and Enquirer, Ml December. IMS; Itvenin* Htar, I7tb Jane, IIS7. m\34-?m? ~ M,t|S ? uU I II |P'tl? I h.?An unequalled Oenti I J frtre ?The Orris Tnoth Pane has, N every instance more than reabied the highest stp.ctstWm* oflbwae who have used it. as hundreds of tn<itvtda?ls cheerfully attest While It beautifies the teeth, giving to them a clear and pearly white- , new., and rrmovlng ami pietrnt ng eery napearanee oftur tar. Itaiao Imprnvesthe rnlnr ol the lip* and gums-prevent* and healn all ulceis of the mouth?nrresta tbe progrv*. of de cay In the teeth?ai dlnipsrtsthsi peculiar and rrate'ulsweet ness to the breath for wli cli the Orris Moot Is ?? unity ami at te naively celetnated?and It iu also, preeminently utaUngalsb rd for iu ag i enable taste and fragrance. The ORRIH TOOTH PAHTE can. on tbe InstaM, be chan ged Into an agreeable and mwsi eiretient Tnoth Wash, while it hi hree from the atsny objection* that spply tosaehan article, and atao from thoae that are applicable toToulh Powder* a* an appendage to the totlet. It w ? arrant* d to eno'tln no in gredient In Ihe least degree Injurious to the teeth and It b Mthly recommended by tbe most eminent DeniM*. Ita exteo eve mle ami the general tahaiactin. that It ensures, are, bow ever, tbe best evld. area wf lit popularity and merit Price. !b cento, wltb In'l dlrecioet For sale by H C. Hart 1*1 Brnwdwav ; J H ?'arl, M. D PI Broadway, and UA Htt-'son Howe h Union. IJR Chs'hamst; E M Oainn, Iff Bawery. corner of PBtr an* llenry Mat ami at 441 Orwnd street, hetwesm East Broadway and D vision rmi AJ WdU ? V* A I ?' I. -M Itctmts for ft, as g,*.' a. can be C* feuadfb New York, fee ade at 191 aitlnait by Jet I if H. eREOfWT B? A DDRVJS TO THE PUBLIC?DOCTOR WEN A RV ElfluHEL.fa native of PiBiiii, ami formerly of that army,) ha?jnit arrivvil trom Englaod, where he has practiced for a number ?f years wiih the greatest success iu the art of healing. His attention it particularly directed to those dU eaaesao frequently Drought on by the indiscretion of youth and inebriety, which, through ill treatment, so often proves fa tal to the sufferer, aod mates him looh upon life as a burden. Dr. H K. flat era himself, that after many year* of Intense stu dy and practice, he u able, through the I dewing of heaven, to eradicate the m-si inveterate venereal disease*, and to can vlnce the afflicted that he really can perform what he proless es, he will r ceiveno remuneration unlesa a perfect aare It made, for which he pledges hit reputation. Hoursol attendance, from * In the morning till 3, and from 4 till 8 in (be?veniug, when the doctor may be consulted by either sex with the greatest confidence and seerety. (in the English, French, and German languages) nt his Medical Es tablishment, No. 54 I Pearl >treet, a few deer* from Broad way, where advice and medicines may be obtained. 117 The PILEB effectually cured with internal medicine only. Letters post paid, and addresaed as ah eve, duly attended to. N. B. Surgeon Chiropodist. 17 Observe, No. 549 Pearl street, near Broadway. jeSO lm? JD BUG POISON?This article baa been used for several yean In this city, and has received universal ap probation It maters not whether the begs infest the walls, bedsteads, floors nr furniture, as tbi? article wdi effectually and certainly destroy nr disperse them for the season. It is prepared for use, is easily applied cheap and very desirable. It is sola oaly at47 Cherry, center of Roosevelt sts. and at No. 975 Bowery. jc3t-lm? ttUPKUiUK WATCHE5-TW subscriber, tnane >7 lecturereftbe celebrated H J. Tobias k Co. Liverpool, Patent Lever Watches, has on hand an extensive assortment, which be will warrant equal to any manufactured for accurate time. He also has a great vai leiyof Lepine, Anchor, Escape ment, Duplex and Vertical gold Watches or his own imports, lion, which be offers for sale, together with Londou gold Ear as Broaches, Guard, neck, and Veal Chains, kc. he. on lib term* and at lew prices, j e?i Imis* S. J. TOBIAS. 3 Piae street jviILEi' COMPOUND BXTIiACT OF i *# lTl MATO PILLS?THE CELEBRATED SUBSTI TUTE FOR CALOMEL.?This valuable medicine, which has been in general use in the west and southwest the past year, and so successfully introduced at Philadelphia wilbla the last three months,may new be had In this city. In chronic diseases such as affections of the liver, dlspepsla, constipation of the bowels, eruptive diseases, he. it is of great v?lae,and may be resorted to with perfect confidence and safe y. Thv public are assured that Miles' Compound Extract ol Tomato Pills contain no mercurial preparation whatever.? The undersigned, General Agent for the proprietor, can give incontestibie proof of this fact, and is autheriKd to ? ffrr a handsome reward to any person who wid prove that Miles' Compound Extract of Tomato Pill* does now contain, or ever has contained, (whe.t sold by their agents,) calomel, or any other mercurial preparation whatever?and although the el feelsof litis medicine are similar to that prod need bv calomel, still it may he takea without the slightest fear of salivation, or of producing any of the deleterious consequences of mercury. This metiic'ite does not belong, at some have supposed, to the class of secret medicines. The component paru will be cheer fully made known to physicians wishing to use It in their prac *?? be obtained at MARSHALL C. SLOCUWS Drag and Chemical Store, 993 Brood way, who has been appointed Ge neral Agent for their sale. Also, at flnshtoo h. Aspin wall's, 89 William a , 119 Broadway and 19 Astnr House; houlllard It Delluc. t Park Row,and 699 Broadway; J. Milhau, 189 Broad way; T T. Green, 399 8roadwayt Adantson It (hiiff, 6 Bowe S, and 699 Broadway; J. B. Doad, 949 and T7i Broadway; , B. Coggrshall, 4tl Pearl, corner Bono <L t-l- ruTbfcS-lm* r\OCTOK.XAVIBiB CHABhlRl' begs leave to *J announce that be has removed from bis late resiSeace to the boose No 3t4 Broadway, aoraer of Franklin street, where his patients ruay expectfrom bim every atteuiion and exertion to please. Doctor Cbabert hopes that his mmeis too well known to render any further assurance on this band necessary. As usu al he wi I give the strictest attention to basins se. The Poor will be attended lo gratis. Doctor Cbabe t has been loag celebrated for extraordinary cure*ia case*of N-rvous Affections, Asthma, Gaul, Ca'icer, Byspep*ia aad loag standing Bcrotnla, Pulmonary Coasump tma, and wilier dangerous diseases. He lias also met with na Ercedrnted sucev** la Ids treatment el the Eye and Ear.? J* number is rtoin J64 Broadway. jr!i? at Medical and surgical.?dr. glover Is coosultod as usual in the treatment ot a certain class ol aHwnse*. lie apprises the public that he has received a regular professional education in this country, and Is not to bo classed with the self-named doctors, medical puffers, and pretenders ol the day. Office No. 3 Ann *L-, near die American Museum.? Private entrance third ilnor I rout the Museum. Lamp at the imter office door n the evening. |e37-tf TIIK. VICTORIA HA 11< CUTTING KUOBIB cor. Fulton and Bro.niway, west side.?CLIKK. HUiiti ha* just opeuetl the above room* la conrvciio* with hi* other rstsliitsli' eat, where ladies ?nd gentlemen will always tint linn " at le'ine," prepared t? rut aud arrange their hair in the most prevailing sty e of I'sshio-. LLIKKHUUH'S 8TBTRM ofrutting gentlemen's hair is entirely ortg iial. hav keen adopt ed by the most talented artist* In Loiuien an < Pari*, and L well calculated to ?.i>play the luxuriance and beauty of a fine head of hair. The de Iga anil rieeuiion have b> en a scientific art, and wliether I ir llie pulpM. ihe h ?r, Ibr senile, or hie* age, its cla*aicand elegant arranges m ad<l> dlgelty and grace lo the u hole contour of In trie Awn.< n? I'he U uo puilo swphy ol th- h 'irlre-ser** art is ?o Ui arrange the hair, thai wuilv Ihe finest Ira sres tmy be hnprorrd by '*?tsi* most esti mated ?( nature'-gifts,"the plain**' < nuittrn tnce may he matte lo appear P'**iti*?iy handsome. Tii;s gift LLr hugh ha* at tainvd in an eminent degree, and acknowledged hy ihou-an * who na*e chanred countenance undrrt?e tm-.c of his loach. Entrance to lb* roetus first door trom ttroajw, y irtln" BOOKBIMUuKv LrATII K formic by J. CAMPBhLL .V PKHN.nK, nt lll'inil lUNnwait. DK .? K ll A ACIH' OOCVU'8- mVA, OH SI'Kt IK??; fOU l)hKA"Ki UK TMtb HUMAN HYa.*.?In pre* ntia?- la ihe added fraud*' adetira no "Otru ?? Aqm.'' Uir proi rietnr itc>intc|en|jnu?iy nt-iuntel |?y i un?r ill ilmy, >ni(i a (e?lHg whidi leiU biai lie will Or uir mean* of Ml evu in^ lltr miff, rings of In* fellow rrenlurra Tim remedy I* known?hot men ;rbd ami ba? aucct eded in ?a*ra wbvir hope hurt fl-d, and wlo re perpetual iom ol Ti ll n waa rapidly telling la ll h?t succeeded la c*aei warre lb* Family 'if Medicine bad declared ibe auMerer 10 be meur ibf.-lvr arrtiAcatra.) The object of ihe proprieti r la lbu? openly and candidly placing lib remedy before Ihe community i?, thai l> may lie ; known toed, nod <Hatit way prove a baiu al healing 10 the ' deapondiug and afllu- ed. fianel*' ifrruiu* Ai|0? ia adapted to all inflammatory rfiaeaa ea ot Ibeeyea even when in laeir woat ledmaa and chroma *tage??u taadapted to all kind* of net vona aflVcliona, inability lo u?r the eyelioa?weahneatea ef tight, opthalniia-, be. ll ?III ala > remove, by ajudici u?couiae, tboae n-bumua. aealy, dead, cl ady appearance*. frequently knowab> ilie onto* ol "Cataracts" Fnalty, a.I U.oae ihil u..n auiry and ner*. u? nta ea?ea with which Ihe oigin? 01 viunn are attached, ahoald in var ablv l>e treat* d by ihw laeaitnuhle rentede. The Hpecihr la pot op in bottir-, w ih complete drecltoaa for aae. Advice H < h'ertully gi.enfree of ch rge, at ilie pro prieioi'a hnoae, where alone the ?pccifle can be procured, In l?e city ?>t New Yoih PiofVaaionat hour*, from 7 to IS o'clock, A. M. and from 2 to ? r. m. It Barvlay at Suae It. IMS. P. ih It haa been thought ad dwrhte to anne* a few eertifl eaira front geaileinen, wnoar aiatm* in life. rrapectanHliy pr ly, nod nchnw ?? (edged worth, are aarbcleni vouch ra for the arrarncy nt their atairuieula. I u make any mmai>aiaoa them weald he alike Intel log to the ja.lgnaeul w u>? reader, ?nit the nablemiahed honor ot me authors from ihe Rev. Mr. Potter, Paaior of Ihe church at Bridge VIlie, M. Y.i Thla la to certify, that a gent emnn with whom I am ac quainted. who had W.-ea nearly hilna for eight yeart, a'ter ei pending a vera! bnndr- da o, iiollacon varinaa rente* Ira, with a view in relieve hlm-eif. ??< at length prevailed on u> try one bottle of Dr. Francia' remedy. To the aatonl-hnient and grailfi atinn of hia frl*nd?, after Uaing It, tbough a martyr tor many yeara m thla dktreaaing malady, he recovered hw eye aighi. and apeedlly did he improve in health till h? Ircovervd hia per eel vl Ion. Another raw ?M that of ? poor man. who. * pending n'oe monaha ia an Rye lallrmary, wna di-charged by ihe phvalrana of the <aatitntmn, whh what ibey termed an wenrabie caaract on one eye, aoihat he waa nearly blind. A trial of Dr. Praneia'a remedy, however, (ihree hnttlea only being n.ed by bin.) removed it, la the aarprlar of all who knew hiai, and onw he raoeee with that eyena well naever be did I feel it mi dniy m give thla informauaa for the beaeftt of Ihe I lie Rev. J. Harr.too, 44 Tbompwm at haviog proeored a bottlemf the above far Mrs. Ha-p*nn'? e ea, aaya? 'to hM a,, loahdtmont it Ima removed the dlmneaa ard pain which had been raemalvg fnr yearai a he had u-ed many dilT. rent eyo wa ter* hot they all f*l ed. Tberrlore I hope (he public will anon appreeiate tta value. JOdKPII HAftfllwN.* Mrs McCaffrey. No 8 JameaM. widow of the laie Dr. Me C?IT-ey, having need Dr franc a'eye WHirr,'aya?"I am hap py to Male It had the dealted afftei. and I can truly aay, aavrd me from ahaolote blh.doeaa, ami I hope the public will aoon know Ita value * The Rev Mr. Durbar rata?"Fmm ihe teMlmnjv nflho e who have aned the eye water prepared by Or J. Praocle, I | have on he-itation In recommend inr d in lae anerial an1 ice Of ifg public." DUvCAN DT'NBAH. Paring si Mr Dougai at. Church. THE I at PROVED RNkMKUUFD BY KB. Imerled hy Dr. laanc Franc la, canooi l? dbtmgaH ed I mm ihe namral. ?nd will pevformeveo motion ol thai organ without giving the < lighted pat* Ih Bnraioy areot. Mew Ynrh. JfBHl THMMAfmt tMB MAin i-li fa aid toaortoBiy t be Home in mind that to a good act of T?eth. 'be neat ?mat 'lea ralde p.wperiy a the pnweaenm nf a Hoe head -1 ll A IK, and winch ran only be obtained hy a cwnMaat and free aae ol the VRURT ill,It IIAIM <HL, a richly perinowd ?tad deairhhie aolnntoiofar the m?ny htjorinoa preparobnva thm are dally pointed upon b e pabde. . . . The edvertlaei pledger hbwartf ihn4 Ihe flfllTAILI HAIR OIL wilt be fwond to anortab and aifor gth-n ih? hair and reatore h a bald placet and in nrder to meet the eitom alee demand Ibr It, ban pot R at the low price nf M cenu pi r bottle, for aale hy ?. C. MART, ITS Rma4?u. aBI y ooroer of Coorilnndl at EAWeiT WISDLAII B VTu STEAD. 17 THK subscribers, Help Proprietor* ami Manufacturers, are prepared to execute, with despat h, all order* lor their Unrivalled Patent Swelled Heaai Windlass Bedsteads, which are now almost universally used, at being the beat article aa yet invented?combining eaae, convenience and durability. The lacking, acted upon by th? wind lata and awelled bear*, ia made perfectly light,and Iree front ah liability to tag. still leaving an elaauciiv lu the aame, which readera U particularly eaty, simple in sootuuciinat the matter of putting up and taking down, will ne found of but littlr trouble in comparison with those o, any other contraction, whilst the precision with which the component paru are fitted, acta aa a safeguard against the introduction ol aay kind of vermin. Krem Ike care taken to reader each Bedstead perfect, their qualities for durability will recommend I he in to purchasers? who are invited to call and examine a large axaorunent, note on kaad Also, a large assortment of elegant Furniture, Maltraases, Feather Beds, be. constantly on hnau. J. W. b C. SOU i HACK. No 1M Broadway, jelS y opposite the Franklin House. MEW YORK BAZAAR for Plain and Fancy Paper Bases of sell KINDS AND MIBS, IN KVBET STYLE, AND NS ANY link or avsiNisa whatbvbk, 1 a 1 Fulton Street, Three doors from Nassau sL HBW YORK. O* City and eouatrv mvrchanu will Sad constantly a very large stock on hand. They eaa be acremmodated at abort no tice to aay sate or any quantity they please ? alse, by shipping them In so oro&tahie a packing as may be desired to aay part of America. Real genuine Cologne Water, Imported Oram Germany, ef a most superior quality?will satisfy every purchaser. Also,just received t>y late artval, a flue let of GRATE APRONS, of the most beautiful patterns, whiofa attract the attention Ladles wonderfully. uiyll-lmli TT BILLS of Kichange on all parts of Great Britain and Iralaad in turns of Ave founds and upwaids, for sale. Oralis oa all paru of the U. S. collected oa the best terms, at 8. J. SYLVESTER'S, Jclfl 130 Broadway, and i2 Wall street law notice; R. GRAHAM BENNEHS. formerly of Newbera, N. O. AlToEKBY AMD COUNSBLLOE AT LaW. Linden, Ala. RhrBhBNcas.?Hon. WUUam Gaston, Newbern,N. C. M Hon. William H. Haywood, Ral, N. C. " Hon. L. D. Henry, Kayetvllle, N. C. M Mr. E. H.Taylor,Mobile,AL M F. 8. Blount, Esq., Mobile, Al. M Mr. John M Strong, Linden, AL ' Mr. William Locke. Linden. Al. fl9 ius CHKHlCALk, _ THE NEW YORK CHEMICAL MANUFACTURING CO. kave constantly for sale Oil Vitriol, Alum, Bleaching Salts, Copperas, Aqua Ansonia, Muriatic As Id, Aoaa Fort Is, Nitric Acid, Bine Vitriol. Manganese, Aad many other articles la the line oftheir business. Orders will be received at their Banking-house, Na. >1 Broadway, or at the odSce at their agent. No. Al West streut. uJA-ly* _ GEO. B. GILBERT. Aeevt CX HHNTER'8 RED DROP-Ofice A Division st-Now well known for tbe very many great and eiirajrriiaary cares It has performed in v i. without diet, or hindrance from business, and no cbanee of being detected, when all other re medies have failed. For every particular of this medicine see advertisement* on outer pages. Warranted confidentially to care. No. A Pivitloa su No. other place In the eity. JeM lm* CP ON A SUBJECT DEEPLY IK TBE ST ING TO MAN Y.?Since the publication of my little prlvaW volume en Venn eel Disease, be. (designed originally for those who wished to have a private, as well as a speeay and conve nient mode of cure,) ft has been my lot to witness so many wretched example# of these diseases, arising chiefly from the various Itoasiing aosiruius which fill our daily papers, as tu In duce me in give a portion of time expressly to consultation on them. It is not, however, by any means agreeable to enter, myself, upon the advertising list?yet, tbe importance of the subject, together with the difficulty of making my practice known in any other way, has led me to this <our*e. Perhaps there are no disease* which give a more intense degree of suf fering to the mtud, nor are there any which require a greater share oi knowledge aud experience, ceirtt inert with strict In tegrity, in those who nre consulted on them. And when It for. |her b. reflected on that venereal diseases, if a. t thoroughly eradicated from the conultuiion, do not confine themselves to those who Mrst contract them, hut extend to the virtuous and innocent, ii must appear to every man wt sense, that these com plaints are worthy ofihelime and talent of the very best phy sicians. I n asking, how ever. lor so great a chare of confidence on a.uhji-ct ol vi in i ;> EN inieuM, N seems e pedu-nl lint I sbocld also give tooie slstement o< die ground on which I srvfc Hit* confidence. Kor these r? a>ons, though I nag to slate,tbit in addition to bring agraiuaie of E.l niiurgh, a member of Ihe Hoys! College of Surgeons, laind <n. a* well at the lu'hor oftiie "Private Treatise," wraien exp.ewdy on div asesnf ibis nature, I have also testimonial letters irom t >e gteaiest sur geons in Europe to the oh art emi. ent in America, as Dr. Molt oiN' W York, and Dr. I'ltys.rkoi Philadelphia. and these may be seen l?y aay o?e who wishes it I would therefore onl? add, that ill one who write by the post,or otherwise cnasslt rrr will receive the foiDiiui attention of one ol uiuoN experience and knowledge in this department of diwsses. JOSEPH RALPH. M D.. 3D Courtlamft SL Por those residing at a distance, a Itltle chest,coolatnti g ev ery medicine be. necessary tor the cure, the book being fitted in the lid, It kept, (price ?dj ) This o ferwarded to evei y pari ?ftlieVii ted M'.Aiee, nod it is astonlahiag to those who have it, to observe with what ea-esnl cectatstv t key care themselves, oven after Ibey bad t ailed by various other means A further notice of the ' Privase Volume "may be seen In an ether colum .ol this paper. *20-dm Silt A ST I K1 COOPRR'I I.OTIOM KOU PIMPLED FACKM.?The great "Sir Asllcy" wsurri! the ?rsiprlnniat the tint* he presented this rtcelpl, that he never kn?w Hit Innlaureoi lis to produce a cure. The tale of it In Kurope lm? In en Ltuimose. Mold by K M fluwn, 121 Hcwery, comer of (Jrnnd ?t-, Hen i jr. corner of Pike at} 441 Urand alt II. U. Hart, cor. of Broad way and fWiurllanot a, , Win. B. HnfTmin. 657 Broadway,and A Ui k D Hinds, 100 Jfoiion.comarof WlltamaL Price 50 cents. , _ : . M. im OH It IS TOOTH I'ASTK-Aa elegant and highly approved Dcq.nfire ? To give a pear y whuenesB la-be teeth, T enhance (be charms ami beauty ?t I lie maolh, Aad add a fragrant sweetness ia the breath, l? an attainment hang devoutly wiahed, Though ne'er lib . <>w effea ively achieved. The Orris Tooth Paste happily limurea Tt ?? mu It desired revolt, aa will lie uae. With pcamp ne?? ana high satisfaction, prove. THR ORRIS rOOTH PASTE, wbilu It heautlflet the levth. removing and preventing every appearance a tartar, and giving t? ihe?? a clear and pearly whitened, jm. proves the color of the lip* an t gums, and given addition* bdautytnthe M ramtllt of the mouth?by us d pronertiea It greatly tend* ta preserve the teeth front decay snd it also tmpsna nut peculiar and fragrant aweelaew ui the breath for which Ihe Orris Knot ta w justly and eiteasively celebrated. Tor aula whr levcie aad retail be II. C. IIART No IT} Brosdwjy, a3l*f ^ ^.i _ . earner of Cnurtlandt at. MROICAk CARD-DA CARPENTER, No. 4 Peck SI p, Nee Y.-rk. d'Otar It proper occasionally to retwmo the puoie that he continues ia administer to the a flic ted at h,s old eainbll bed Dispensary. To a fig nimber nf the cittteaa ?f this metropolis he needs n i heralds to aanouncw his victory over aire me, la lis moat cnmp (rated and destructive forms?nor iloet he deem it mat" rtat to be very spscifl* u et umrrai ng tbe aam'o of the tare i.a - taa adisuto which mankind and womankind are lutyeit. To stroigeith" bega I- ive moat resp -ctluiiy to remark, thai he confines tilm?eH tooflce piartice, an I dev teahmtreli pi sonally to tbe welime ot his patients. heepa no assistant* ot ?hop bays, and has separate offices for Uae privacy of patients, wbe ?-n never cnme to e mtac: Dr Curpener would mid that be la regularly educated ia the pndeaaton of m*d cat and surgery, and received hM Di p nam in the year HIS. - f the New Tort illf Medical ?sole ly, signed by the h ghie respected nd much lamented John H. ?. Rodger*. M U, as Presides, t, a*d that be has for a long ?rriet ?f years devoted himaeli t* tbe treatment aad care uf all detteaie w private diseases. Be particular ta tbe aamber?4 Reek Slip, near Pearl at. mrh-Sm OR. CaRPRNTRR. ..RRNTN !><? Id! MIVK VOUH CHILD REN .'?Every manner says yes!?Then why oa jwo sol fer th*in i* NM?y out thmf lives, wnh >he pain aad agnolea at tending ihv MJMM CR COMPLAINT.* Yon answer, he-ause jou do not know of any remedy. You have tried eveiry meoi cine but the right ?ae Yau have bad the most skillf ul physl class is. atisud ibtia, aad yet tbey daily waste away m the m at eieruciatleg hwmenta and die! And why da you auger ail this, when a cerium aad safe remedy mar he ban f Apply to 4. B. k II. Bands. Ns iM ruiinn. coraur of WR Ham stre-i, for a bottle of l?r Juyneu* Carialnauve Baisutn. aha wiH warrant that II gteen aeuordiogt# h.a directions, it wil eU'e nineteen oases nnl of twenty oi this deadbl diaessc; and to lest than a quarter of the time that It nan be by any other treatment It U also *4d by O Embres, No. TT Rast Broadway | Ivy J H. D'.dd, r orner of Hroadsrar and B eeefcerswt Hod by f. Rut net. Chemical Mai', No. M Bisib Asraua. New York. |e!5 la PV INITITUTION rORTRKCUttltor 8TAM MERHvlf.?This >natitattoa. larmevly of Court landt street, will be reopened for tbe i rcrpttoa of pupil* on tbe 1st of May acti,ui ?'* BprtOf street, near Hodann. Arrange,aeais base been matte for persons routine tram tbe omatry, ann others thatchs?>seH,toImard at ihe Institute. and tbuf ba constantly under the supertetendease of the Principal. The system taught will he Ihe same as practiced by the luiwcribav Bar tbe sat ire tears, with soon complete success. Hundreds of par sous in lb* city ami the admtmag country base eiperlnacv 1 Hbenefits, and notified to its oonmlete eflcacy ia curing the worst of naasmerec*. Pupils wRt he r-eeHed from Arc jrear* i'd to fo tv and a cart ha all eaaea goara,.teed. or tbe mower I'enna?Pimiii ?3Bto((M Tim ludsgeut aurud gratia 'b ether Information, apply la tbe so barn bee at the lostdme ifbv lettar, pnatpatd. Cfl'caiars can he bad hy apptytag at I dtcstew of euruu. raanaaauaoattowa. be. aTMka m ??MIT WIUS, To Somber* and Wetter* HrnkaeU. TUB subscriber respectfully inform* Merchants o< tbe Boot ? end West, that he hu mite ir invrumt to muiTic ? tare anv quantity of Ciotbing at the shortest notice at a sav ing of 25 per cent, from tbo ordinary price*, to effect wkiek the termt mast be ca?htor a good city acceptance,at M days. Merchants will do well to tail pre * in a i to purchasing eror cerintf their clothing elsewhere, as inch Indueeiaenu will be held oat at this establishment as cannot fail to tecnre their orders. A. 9. JAMBS, Cash Tailoring Establishment, jy3-2w 66 Maiden lane. "lET MANSioN HOUSE. Port Jeffs'son, (lite 67^55 Meadows,) L. I ?'The subscriber bas opened the abate home for the reception of compsny, transient aad permanent. Tbe bouse is large, new, built especially for the business, and ar ranged with every care for the commit of visitors. It is sitaa ted at ibe head of; and commanding a view of ooe of the finest bays on Long island, which abounds with fish and fowl. Car riages will lie in readiness at all limes, and two handsome sail boats for the accomnodatioa of company. A liae of slagee ran twice a week to and from New York, vis: per rail road to Micksville. Also, weekly across Ike island to Putcbogpe and a regular pacset weekly from foot of Oliver street, be sides other vessels alraeei daily. Terms moderate ? SNJ. T. WILLS*. Port Jefferson, L I., Jane 30, IBM. JT* tf bTpullba, cr Bsll Manger, (row Bostoa, informs ike eiUiens ef New York that he has taken shop No. 4M) Broadway, where lie will receive orders for hanging bells oa n new ane improved plan ia the most modern style, fist which be fas forms the public be has a patent right, aad forbids all psneae infringing upon it. He would also inform tbe public of the fallowing references ?Astor Horn*, New York; Clinton Hotel, do; Trsmeat ilonse. Boston; American House, do. JeSI Cw* CT MRS. BIRD, MidwIfe aad Pemale hyaleian, baa re moved to 323 Buwery, one door shove Bleocker street, where ladies caa be accommodated with beard, pleasant famished rooms, and the best of attendance during their confinement Hit Bird continue* to be consBiled on aO diseases incidental o females. Advice gratis. my6-3oa* Chatham Circulating Library, No. 67 Chatham street E7 THE subscribers heg leave respectfully to Inform their friends and the public that they have just reopened the above establishment, after making many ulterationa in and additions te it. Tbe are now prepared una ready te accommodate those who may be pleased to lavor them with their patronage.? Hitherto they have had a liberal share of public support, and they hope from their late important Improvements, and by their strict attention to business, to receive ua increase of it? Tbe Library at preaent contains over 6,006 volumes, and it ia the intention of the subscribers to enlarge It Irnm time to time, as the wants of their patrons may eem it necessary. 1th systematically arrsnged, and comprises tbe greater part of the most approved works oa the following subjects?Histerj. Biog raphy, Voyages and Travels, Natural History, Natural aad Experimental Philosophy, Classical and Miscellaneous Litera ture, In addition to the foregoing, they would more particu larly cull the attention of the reading coram unify to their ex tensive collection of works on Action. Perhaps no Library ia the city can produce a greater or a mere varied collection.? No effort or expense has been spared te render this depart ment of their Library as complete a* possible. It contains at Cesent over 3,6no volumes on this subject, and is daily receiv j accession, of new works from the press both of this emus try aad Europe. It it also supplied with It American aad European Periodical works, together with a fine collection mt M* Plays, acting and standard. In conclusion, they beg leave to state that no exertions en their part shall be wanting te make tieir Library *b peri or, If possible, to any in tbe city, and thereby rendering it tbe moot worthy of general patronage aad support. elS-tf J. k H. G. LANOLMY. kxTkA6Rt?l!*AHY ftUCCKSS.-Ai? though the public press ia New York has been literally inundated with certificates, affidavits, aad tellers, proving the extraordinary and nsver failing success ef COHEN'S 1B BKOC ATluN. in eases ef Riseumathm, sprains, lumbago, he. yet i| may nut be amiss?lor the sake of strangers who visit the city, sad others who have not read the various trtumoalals published in the Mueday Morning News and other papers? occasionally to exhibit additional evidences of tbe pre-em loom worth of this most valuable of all medical preparations. if necessary over one hundred new testimonials, received by Dr. Cohen since tbe former publications, could now be glisn. but tbe following is of itself *o stri ng, explicit, and direct to the purp'tse. thai it canr.ot tail Of satisfying all, (if any there now be?) whe may yet doubt the astonishing properties of thin celeUmed Lotion. Bkooklvm, May 16, ISM. Doctor M. B. Cohen:?Sir?Convinced (hat it is a duty 1 owe to 'he public, at well as to yourself individually, to ex press my sck.mwledgemenw of the gn at lieoefits I have re ceived irom the use oi your Rheumatic Lineniem, I hasten to do so at the first opportunity that presents Maetf. Verv lew persons, if anv, have suffered mors from Kh-uni ?ti-m than I did, a short time since, when by ilia advice of a friend, to whom lb- celebrity of your Kinhr cation was known. 1 pro cured a bottle, and was short I y afterward* relieved from ray tortures, and restore* to perfect health. At lite lime af my first sending 'O yon. I had heen crlnpled with rheum*-???? f? ?early two inc ill*, >'nu* ->r five a,,,, ?i mhicu I moid not walk 'villi 'Ui crutches and in fact using ihvm when (be gan to apply the Lotion. Thanks to its good properties, and to your intenlive ramus I was entirely cured before I used one Unit e, (havl g part of it yet loll.) and havr had no return of the mi lady since. 1 cann it heaimte, nailer circumstances so palpable nil str<'ng. to give your Embrocation tke strongest reeninnei d#<km thai I ne- capable of. the more especially if, by ?'i dning, I ct'i prevail upon ?n v of my frllew cititcn* here or elkv where, who may be seff-rin/ from Klieumalum, to give it a trial. ROBERT McDERMOTT, Proprietor of Second Ward Hotel, coiner ol York and Pearl struct*. Brooklyn. NOTICE.?The Pennine Embrocation heart the* gaaiure of the proprietor, M 8 COHEN, ar.d is sold on v in New York *t hi* lesidence. No. 210 Hud* nsl| at Hen. Peueh*-r*s store, 121 Full' n *t; aad at the Bookstore of Mr Tbnm<s J. Craw m No 6 7 Hmad-vay. It la also sjld at Mr. M l crt" It ? k tore 67 Fulton at- Brooklyn. Price (3 per h title. Jy 3?eod ia tm# Nb W IVOhK-Jum publiahed l.y KM. II. VEIL Ml l,YK?Voyage* in th - South Seas, Pacific derm, he coniainl-g pew di<coveriet of groups of lalaud*. hi*, kc. not heretofore r rotiniiga?e,| ? as also ihr rise an* progress of Ike AnienranHonth .?eii Exploring Expedition,an iniarrtitng and Id'ormi' g work. For s.ile by the publisher at 261 tlreenwiefa at and by other Iteokoellera. je/7'H* LONO KkLifi H M t lL RUAb. BR55 On an after litis dale, the Can will be despatched as loJIowe v|i ;? Leave Hlckwflte. I Leave Jamaica, I lea*r Braoklra, 74?Viack,A M Sj e'cloca, A. M t| o'clock, A. W. 21 " P. M. | 3 " r.M. I 4| " r. M. ftondav trains will leave ai follows Leave | Leave Jamaica, I lesvr Rrnokln, 7 o'clock, A. M. 7| o'clock, A M. 9 o'clock, A. M. 4| " r. H. I 6| " P. M. | n " ft*. J?*V L^ORALHOVf. LY I-IVBRWORT. CT Tlllff invaluable mettlcine has, unaided by puffery or piimnafe, Raise* a bigli reputation sole)* in Cniiseqaraee ot Its unfa nog eflkary m removing lb* inctpieet symptom* ai itist deadly kteui I e human race. Con-uni, tioa, sir la radical ly curiay. In a more advanced .'st?, H* r >n*otuitanta, catda, roughs, asthma, nts croup, n hooping cough. and ell lu ll imnialoiy nfl. citotiso' the rh>-*tand iui |s, it offered to the public at a pike wis ch readers no ??lu? le a preparation ? salable to even the poorest el >?se*. Under a rlima e so va ri ihh- at aura, the prevalent. of sach complaints calls imper atively fot some remedy, plemant in tu actioa and effect oal ia IU ? >er<ik>a, to rerwuve In ihrir birth tbrve symatont* winds, if an becked, mast eve> tuate In a serines disease, awl soah a prepnrn nn, aach a remedy la presented to the conttauaMy ia lite Perioral Heney ot Liverwort, to Ike unfailing efficacy of which, testimony of (he most aMBv'aeing abaiaco r Is tendered h many of oar mint respectable citit?oa, who, t<a?ing e*pv? rienced us beneficial effects, have voianurily authorised the proprietor o refer to them nay sufferer an am as to escape troaa the oSsvaaea above alluded to. In all csaes a fdtMcult ; ia heeitidn canned by Inflsmasn > ism net he rues tor fungi, the Pectara Haaey ot Uvvrwss* will be loon* an tnvaluah e and anfailtng meres of r?llH, ope rating, as It does, pleasantly yet effvctuaHy. la tbos-dtstresetn* com >laliiu incident to children, rroon, whoaping rough, R?. it is the only certain remedr?and in mere advanced life It hi ia every instance the surest ??reposed against Use approaches of onsuntptio .. In met the naupnai moitnof "B Morions I"nam " nnt in the sense nf unity frnus multitude. bat the select ?ae from a lb >asand. of advertlaad me?ite.amenia, may with pecaltsr propriety be applied la lha Pectoral llnoey of liverwort. Km- sale bv (Ay KM D NO WILL, sole proprietor, < M t lison net Cattaarin* at*. Otctt, W -K-aaon k C*. IA* Maidea Laae. J. Milhsu. trt ftroadway. mm Adamton h Cliff #7^ Bi-wdway. snd ? Bnwrvy. ?f Jsmea Tarrant, corner nl Orcca wkh and wai run am. (4f9rf# D. c*?r*ic #f ^ T. R Hibbard, W Bowery. IL V bash, corrn r ot Mammenlev tad Vark* da. Allen k lueertafi, Ofaad, corner of Norfolk m. Df. ?lomteood.cnmern' Alien and Rivtagkoa Ma. Cungnscq. 77 Chatham at. Rlagrsve* Powers, Brrmklyn, L. I. J. W lones. Jamafcn, L. I. Dr. ffh ss Trtvetb Poeth?eepsie, N. X Henry BssNkC* Alhaay. w ffrwtof, Ifdca, N. 7. L B. ffwan, Rochester. Lather Kelly k Co Geneva, W. ?. J. B Phillips. Neoberg. Jim Carisemer. Sing Blwf. ?tevmssor k Duktawia M irtfavd. Conn D?vi'l Msictie L New Haven. It. Thortnn. jr. New Bedford, Nana. Roberts h Atklamn, Baltimore. R L Biker Charles an, 8. C. J. Hannewetl, Boston. To ambl disappointment, never pat tkaaa a I ?tit heart the proprie?-rN^|g?? are.^^^ | Hh?esl d