OCR Interpretation

Morning herald. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1837-1840, August 11, 1838, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030312/1838-08-11/ed-1/seq-4/

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nm HMAiD-VBW Y tax,
(Pn?Mr Ivnli| NMml]
Nan ?f (k? lu.
IWTIH ?f the sky? no throne so blgb
I re>g? a Moure to dlTlnf ;
Whtf Save ye below that doth Ml ewe
lu clary m4 lastr* to bum t
Mm Witty i charm I kin *01 ktlpc4
To aarlire la freahneas and Idoom t
Can a tint be ? pre ad? can a (lance be sbed
Like ilMtt 1 >l*i?a to illamef
Tboafb ye min?le iny beams, at ye do and ye will,
Let aU fallaxtei meet, I am u>i(hueai allll !
Tbe first red ray thai bera>ds my way,
Jail kisses the mountain lop ;
Aad splendor dwell* ta the cwwtllp Mk
While 1 kia<ile each aectardrop:
I vpeed oa my wide refulgent path,
And Nature's homage U given 5
All toaea are poured to greet me adored
Ai l|reach the blue mid heaven,
? Aad the sweetest and boldest. the truly ft*.
The lark and the eagle came nearest to me.
The glUteriag rain to praised by man,
Tbe mooa, nigbiN worshipped Qaeea,
Tbe silvory sound and t*? rai*bo*'sspaa
Snatch from me their coir masd sbeea.
1 know wbea my radiant sireami are flung
Creation show* all Uiat i* bright.
Bat Pm jealous of nought *?vr ibe face o( the yaung
Laughing hack my noontide luht :
1 lee nothing so pur? or no ds?*Hng on earlk
As childhood's brow with it* baio of miriK
Mr strength poe. do? n to ibe crystal cares,
1 gem the billow's wide curl,
I paint ibedolpli nanJ burnuh the ware#,
1 ua(e tbe coral and pearl.
Love ye the flower? f what power save mine
Caa the velvet rose unf >ld !
Wh? else can purple the (rape on ibe viae
Or flush tke wheat-ear with (old.'
Look oa the beam-lit wilderuew spot?
* i is more fair than the palace where I come noC
Tkoack giant clou s ride on the whirlwind's tide,
Ana (loom on the world may fall,
I yel flash on in gorgeous pride.
Untarnished abMve them all.
So the pare warm heart for a while may appear
In probations of sorrow aad sin,
To be dimmed and ob?cured. bat trial or tear
Cannot darken Ibe spirit witbia.
Let the breast keep its truth and life's shadows may roll,
Bat they qaench not, they reach not tbe sun nor ibe soul t
Times are Changed. ? One little year has acarcely
passed away, siace the men we new meet daily at
Sweeny's were to be seen daily dining at Delmonico'a,
and the Aator House. Nor hare they reason to regret the
change. They get a better meal for one shilling at
Sweeny's in Fulton street, than they could ever get at
Delmoniro's for a dollar. The coohery is better ? the
provisions are better ? the table cloths are snow white
? the waiters are attentive- -and, better than all, it is
cheap. At John Sweeny's are to be seen Senators,
Members of Congress, of the Legislature, Doctors, Par
sens, Lawyers, Merchants, all intent on getting a good
dinner for a small snm, and no wheie can they be so well
(jy The Pearl Boat Club, or.e of the New-Yark
epiatenr associations, took their boat to Hartford in
the ateamer las; week, and thence rowed up the
river to Northampton, where they spent a day, and
returned. The Northampton Courier says: "The
f Pearl' was manned by nine oaramen, in the coatume
of sailors, and skimmed over the bocora of the Con
necticut, with the grace ana beauty of a swan. The
boat is nearly thirty feet in length, purely white,
with a golden stripe upon the outside, and the inte
rior is painted to resemble birds eye maple. In the
etetn, a beautiful silk banner floats, and a streamer
rises aloft from the bows of the boat. The oars are
striped with geld, and flashed exquisitely in the sun,
as they dipped, with grace and measered lime, in
the sea of liquid light.
No 60. ? A New Orleans paper relates, with be
coming gravity, that as a train of cars was passing
through a neighboring village, a black boy was riding oa
horseback near the track When the engine carae up,
the hsrae stumbled and threw the boy on the middle of
the track ? and the whole train passed over him without
injuring him in the least. He jumped ap, scratched his
head, and exclaimed, "You can't ktU die nigger ns how,
Master lngine."
07 We learn from St. Augustine, Florida, under
date of July 21st, that it is estimated there are abou(
400 Indian warriors in the strong holds of ths Oke fe.
noke swamp, headed by Coacechee.
KT* The Memphis Enquirer of the 13th inst. says :
?"Until yesterday, the weather had been exceasively
warm. It is now uncomfortably cold, and we learn
that /"-est was observed this morning."
Seriows Accident. ? We are sorry to state that
Mr. Henry lnnis, the Conductor of the Philadelphia
Rail Road Line, met with a misfortune, on Thursday
last, by which he lost a limb. Mr. Innis was endeavor
ing to jump upon the locomotive just as the train was
starting from Spot* wood, when his foot slipped and be
fell upon the track, the cara paaaing over his foot and
ankle, crashing the leg in ao bad a manner sa to render
amputation below the knee necessary.
Accident. ? On Tuesday afternoon, while several
persons were engaged in pulling down a building at
the corner of Magazine and Delord streets, a wall fell
upon a msn named Jehn Bailey, a carpenter, wbo was
almost instantaneously kilted.
Mr. B. waa originally from England, but last from
'Washington city, where we unieratand he owned some
property.? -N. Q. I'irmyunt.
(J "jT The Annapolis Republican of yesterday says
of the crops in that district?
We regret to have to sdd, Ihst the appearance of
corn, potatoes and garden vegetables in this direction
is miserable indeeo ? a aad reverse within a few
The tobacco crop will fail almost entirely. Plant
era who pitched for thirty and forty hogsheads will
hardly make more than three or four.
Use or AdtcrtisiNo.? The advantage to be de
rived from a tegular system of advertiaieg, in any
trade, business, or affair of life, to the succees ef which
public notice and patronage are conducive, is well set
forth in the subjoined article from Chambers' Edinburg
Journal. Let those who would succeed in bsaisesa, be
sure to ad viae the public of their wiahes to do so, by fre
quent advertisements.
PAilMopA) r c f Arirrrtuing. ? It may be worth while to
communicate te young tradesmen the ideaa of as old
one on this subject . they are simply and plainly ss fol
lows :
The first utility of frequent and regular advertising
consists ia thht : there is at all times a large class of
Een?'?ns, both in the country and town, who have no
*ed place* for the purchases of certain neceasary ar
ticlea. and are teady to he swayed and draws towards
any psrticular place win<'h is earnestly brought asder
their notice Indifferent to all, they yield without best
tetion to the first who asks. Then, in the country, s
considerable number of persona, who with a supply of
theartielee sdvertised. and do not know of any psrticu
Jar place where it is to be got, being thus furnished
with the ssdresa of a person who can supply them,
naturally open s communication with that addresa.
which, perhaps, leads to much ulterior business. Peo
pie in the country are also liable to be favorably imprea
?ep by the frequent sight of a name in the" newsps
The advertising party acquires distiuction in their
eyea, and thes they are led, in making a chetoe to pre
fer him. But by far the roost important e fleet of adver
tising ia one of an indirect nature, it conveys the impres
sion that the party pr .Mending, or not pretending, quack
iah or not quacktah, is anxioua for business. One
whs ia anxious for business, ia unavoidably aupposed
to be as industrious, attentive, cieil person, who
keepa the best of articlea at the cheapest ratea, doea
every thing m the neateat and moat tradesmen like
mas iter, sad in general uses every expedient to grat
ify and attach customers. People, of coaree, like te
purchsae tinder these circumstances, and the ayatem
of advertising assuring that such circsnsatancea exist at
this psrtioular shwo, tney select it accordingly. Such
are the opinions of the old tradesman alluded to, and
they are, certain^ supported by facts for wherever
en extenaive or regular system of advertising is prac
tised, asd no hack drawing or unconquerable circutn
a ances exist, it is usually seen to be attended with
e considerable share of success (Hie feature in the
phitoaophy of the subject must be carefully attended
to. A faiiat end unfreqent system of advertiaiaf doea
not seeeesed even ia proportion,? " Drink deep or
tuts not the Pierutn apring "
! Tali Calleft mm rtr?. I
Y alb Collbqe, Wednesday Eveetog. >
August 8, 1838. J
Dttr Sir ? Tkii ?niini, it i q?*Mr M elrvw, the
alarm of fire ?u given. I jw' I*""? b*d
tad thought some of our freshmen were getting ip tho
ilirm, 1 west out, however, end foand thet tee little
building, known here by the name of the "joe alias
round-house, was en fire. The very extensive wood
yard soon ignited and iu ? moment was in a baize; tho
volume of flimti that rose from this huge pile of wood,
made every member of College, bat especially the
faculty, feel very anxious for the safety of the large
cabinet of minerals, which has attracted the attention of
all visiters to this place. The large build in? known as
th? Trumbull gallery of paintings, though close on tho
other aide of the wood yard, wis con paratively out of
danger, being fire proof The College bell waa rung,
and soon the engines were on the spot ready to quench
the flames. Bv great exertions the fire was so subdued
that the cabinrt was preserved, though it was eu a
blate once or twice. 1 presume about $f00 woith of
wood, together with the new building round the wood
yard, is consumed. The flames are yet raging, and the
notae of the engines close under my window ninders
me from writing an I would wish. The clock has just
struck our. and yet the fire is not got uuder ; I believe,
however, the cabinet and Trumbull gallery are safe.
The sieward of the college has opened the hall and is
aerving out refreshments to the firemen, and when this
got noised through the crnwd, every liule ragged urchin
who did not even nut a hand to atay the progress of the
fire, is tsking his due quantum of the cakas and coffee.
The President is walking about and encouraging the
men to work.
I did net think, when I last wrote to you, (on Monday
last,) that my forebodings would come to pass. There
is no doubt but that it was set on fire ; but I should
think that whoever di<4 it did not calculate how far it
was going to extend. I suppeie he thought it was
a to consume the old " j?e" and no more : if he be
1 out, however, (and I sincerely hope he will,) the
faculty wiil be pretty severe on him. and they ought to.
His fiendish propensity might have destroyed one ?f the
best collection of minerals in the world, which has been
collected at vast expe?se and in a great length of time.
I believe the carpet and stage far the exhibition at
commencement are burned, but we will soon provide
The engines from Fair Haven have arrived, (two
mi.ea distance ) to aid our men; though the fire yet
rages, it is now confined to the wood yard.
1 must stop writing, my shirt is completely soaked
with sweat, and I must go down to the Post Office with
this, that you may have the earliest news. It is now
half past one, ana the flame is being gel under.
Yours, ?5cc. Ringo.
P. S. Only for the great calm the college would have
taken fire
Iksanity. ? M. Briere de Boisemout makes the fol.
lowing estimate of the proportion of insane persons in
different parts of the world. In London, 1 lunatic or
idiot in every 200 persons ; in Paris. 1 in 222 ; in St.
Petersburg. 1 in 3133 ; in Naples, 1 in 729 ; in Rome,
1 in 418 ; in Milan, 1 in 249 ; in Turin, 1 in 434 ; in Flo
rence, 1 in 338 ; in Madrid, 1 in 3350 ; in Dresden, 1 in
406 ; and in Cairo, 1 in 30,714.
Most kxthaoudimaky ?ucc*?s.-ai.
though lh? pah ic press in New York lias been literally
inanoated with onilcitrf, affi tavits, and Irtlet, proving the
extraordinary and ntver fail ug force** of CGH?N'S KM'
BKOCATlUN.in casesoi Rheumatism, sprains, lumbago. fcc
yet it ma* noi be amis*? for the sake of strangers who visit
the ?i?y, and others whs have aot read the various testimoni
als published in the Suneav Morning News and oilier papers
?occasionally lo exhibit additional evidences of the pre-emi
eent worth of this most valuable cf nil medical preparations.
If necessary, over one hundred new testimonials, receive by
Dr. Cohen sinee ibe f inner publications, ceuld now he given;
bni the following Is of itself so strong, -iplicit, and direct to
the purpose, thai it >*aauol failol sansf> inc aila (if any there
now he .') who may yei deubt the astonishing properties of
this celebrated Lotion.
Brooklyn, May 15. 183S.
Doctor M. B. Cobea Sir? Ci minced that it i? a duty I
owe to the pnblic. as well as to yourself individually. |o ex
press my ackn jwledgments of the great benefits I have re
crimed from the u?e of your Khrutn uic Linim- nt, I MM to
doso at I lie first opportunity thai p-esents Itself. Very few
p-rsons, if any, have suffered more from Rhearuatism ihnn I
?lid. a short time since, w lien by the advice of a friend, to
whom the celebrity of your Embrocation was known. I pro
cured a bottle, and was shortly afterwards relieved from my
tortarea, aud re*:ored to perfect health. At the time of my
first sending to you. I had (wen crippled w ith iheumaiism for
nearly two months, four or Ave weeks ot which I coaU not
walk wi b< at era ches, and was ia fact u?inc them when ? lie
pan toapnlv the Lo ton. Thanks to its g.md properties, and
t?i your tSSMivr gsnlna. 1 was rntlre.y cured before 1 used
one bot le, (having pari ?f It yet left) and have had no return
of the ma'ady since. I ran oi hesitate, nnder circumstances
ao palpable and strong, io give your Kmbrocation the stroag
est?ceoiiimendait?n it at 1 am capable of. the more a.pccially
if, by so doing, I can prevail up?a any ol my f- llow cii-icaa
here or elsvwuere, who may be suffering from Rheumatism. u>
five it ? trial. RIIUKRT MrDlttMOTT.
Proprietor of 8econd Ward Hotel, corner of York and Pearl
?tree is. Mrnoklyn.
NOTICE ? Hie r?au'ne I'mhrocation boors the signsturr
of the proprietor. M. B. COHEN, and is so d only in New
Fork at his r?s deace, So. 210 Hudson sL : at Osorft Pcn<-h
el's store, 121 Kaltna ?L ; and at Ibe Boekstore of Mr. Thomas
J. Crowan, ?67 Broadway. It is also sold at Mr. M'lvers'
Bookatore, 47 Kalloa street Brooklyn.
Trice. $2 l?er bottle. JySeod is lin*
? Tee great popularity and >stsbiished demand for this
meslicine. renders the continuation of a lengths advertisement
nnnec??ary. Wherever these pills have been one* introduced
into m faaa ly, they become a standing remedy. and are called
Car again IN again, which is sufficient proof of their good qua
lilies Numerous testimosials of their value, from gentleman
oi ibe highest respectability , accompanying each box, with
fall directions.
Bishop Ives, Dr. Hawkes. Oov. Iredell, Hon. H. Potter. Hoa.
E. Stanley, Rev. *m MrPbeeters, D. ?..and many of the
firs physic ass ia this cnuntry, are among <h -se wha hsva
furnished letters in testimony of the beneficial effects resulting
from the u?e of the?e pills.
The piils are put up in a superior style, in tin boxes, coo
Utatng 4(i pilla. Price (flits, lo he had of
ISO Broadway New York, up slam.
ET And for sal* by most of the resprctabie druggists.
U PHI *?- TAKl 11, 629 Pearl street? +. D GILLE*
PI B, Serum of Christ Church, and aadertaker in ge>e>
rat. has a constant snpply of ready made coffias, of all sizes
and quality. Also, shronds, caps, scarfs, gloves, coffin plates,
hearses, carriages, he. he , at U>e shortest possible aotire and
on the m>Mt reasonable terms Imeraients procured ia any of
he baryta* ground* In the city or country. Orders seat to
29 Pearl street, will be promptly attended to. an4
VATING PILLS, Tom Germany, an effectaal remedy
for suppression. irregularity . as<l all rss?s wl.ere nature doei
not have her regalar and proper coarse
N B. Not to he taken daring pregnancv. The sale of I J6.1
hnxea dnrleg the last nine months is a sufficient guarantee of
their efficacy. B >ld oaly by MRS. BIRD, midwife and femme
phrstcian, 3/2 Bowery. New York. Likewise ber celebrated
sootlring syrap for children leethmg, a safe, sure and rffectu I
remedy. Also, an riclleiit remedy for sore nipples, prepared
and soid as *r?o?e. Advice gratis. my* Sin*
PANY? No.44 W Hlimi at. ant do< r south o? Wull street
and opposite the new exchange, continues to insure agains
loss or damage by flre< upon all houses and other butldUift
and upon fsods, wares and mcrchaadlse.
J amea Mr Brid ?, Joseph Kenwtksa,
E. L. Will-am*. John Wtlaon,
Thomas Safl"orn. Robert Dyson,
Henrv W. Hilas. Charles Oakley,
*a. Maadevllle, R. H Itsrood,
Campbell P. While, Ahoer Wry man,
R/tbert J. Dlllo , tt-orge Coggeslisll,'
Hamilton Murray, Timoias N smith,
John ? Hicks
W. R ftlLLIMAN. Secretary. J2S
PANY, Hart lord. CoenecticaL? This Company insarea
ag a iMt damage or loaa by fire, dwelling leases stores, user
cbanmre, mills, mannfartnriea, and moat descriptions of pro
perty, on terms a* favorable as other offtcea. The follewia
gentlemen comprise the Board ?l Direct* rs.
Rliphalet Terry, Albert Day,
J??b Alive. Samnel H. Hontinffte
Samael Williams, Oefirge Pa I nam,
H Huntington, R. D. Morgan,
Juains R. Morgaa,
JAMKS O. ROI.LES, Secretary.
\I ? fRre No S(H> Hmlsoa st? lasurance against loss or da
mage bv fire aa beddings, of every description, merchsndiae,
household furniture, and aH kinds of personal property, take a
oo aa reasonable t? rms as any other office ia thia city.
Timothy Whit tenant*, George Berkley.
Jacob Brash, JosepH W. Beadle,
Asner Martin, H?nry J. Meaman,
Horatio Mott. John R. SsHerlee,
James N Wella, Nathaniel Jarvta,
Clinton Gilbert, ' Edward D. Wes,
Issac I. Vsnaa. Abraham Coarsen,
Ahcahsm Van sfevt. W m. L Morrta,
Wm P. Havemeyer. Wm C. Rhinelander,
John DeUmater, Robert flalUday,
an election held at this offine on the 3th met. the followlrg
gentlemen were eleeieo Dtrectors of the Company for the en
Mint year
Charles M R vers, Heory W. Hicks,
,r*eT, Stewart Brown,
John W. nchmidt. Robert Eermiu
George T.TrtosMe, Adam Tred wed,
Josei.1. Snans, (Isliaa C. V. r planch.
?t>r'' W-JT. ^ William Banks,
Throdf>fp f|. HattrrtKwth^.
Aod at a meeting nf the Board on the Oth Inst. Charles M<s
Everi Esq. aod Adam T red well, Psq. having 'lea I inert a r*
electloo, * "* j "r-ra, Raq. was enanimrmsly elected
President, aod Th#odoce B. Rnkerthwaite, Baq. vW Preal
_ 129
GE W W A W WI LV>/ M ?in Hheet aod W|ie? Aa assort
asent of all shi of Plates aad la Ingots and Wir? tor ante
InaB qaaodtles, by
j,?-y LEWlB PEl/CHTW ANGER, t Caortlaodt st.
N. B. Coaatantly mm hand, a *plendid assortment of POCKET BOOKS, NEKBLE BOOKS, CARD CASES, MSB.
CHANTS' BILL BOOKS, ud fOBT POLIOS, of every descriptioa.
Jnn?t? y
Acknowledged by those who have ued it as a most superior article, ia barrel* of ?? fallow, and ia (hipping order, when
required. a 19 luik It >tf
tT BEOS respeetfally to offer her services to housekeepers ia ge?eral to pot ap Pickles of every kUd for them in aay
quantities, and en such terms a* cannot fail being satisfactory? whereby tlie trouble, as alto the loss, generally sustained by
laniilie* in having tbeir Pickle* put up by unskilful bandi, will be avoided.
Mjtel Kreperiaao Private Faasiiies wi*bin* to avail tlienisel?e*of tbe advantag-* off -red in this advertisement, will do well
by calling on >4RS. OOOLD, at her store, No. 16. Greenwich street, corner of Courtlan'lt street, (entraace in Courtlandt
street )
N. S. Southern fsmillts and persons wishing to ship to their friends South, can be supplied on application as above.
roTiir. empirical. Dr. HIGBEE is a graduate of one of the most respectable medical institution* In this
n* vli Ja has matured bis juogn.ent of ihe aaiure ol Uie class oi disease* which he profess** to treai. hy the PRACTICE
y , * ?' _nB- ">? remedy lor rnlmoa^ry D leases bat been more succn-slal than auy eve > before offered it the public It
DIENT ? b"e?2?r",rd i* daily increasing in popularity. Containing NO MINERAL INURE
It , A J Jr.; ""der eviry circumstance, w ill. cut fear ol iiuury.
For sale at 193 CHATHAM SQUARE. Price ft per bottle.
,u7 l~* THOMAS C. CONNOLLY, Sole Apent lor New York.
Dm., j PKAivcis* occulis aula, oh
EYES. ? In preaentiag to the afflicted Francis' celebrated
"Oscuius-Aqua," the proprietor n conscientiously actuated by
a s*n?e oi duty, and ? feeling which lells him lie will be the
means of aheviatiag the sufferings of hie fellow creatures
The remedy is known ? ha* been tried? and bat succeeded
In caae* where hope had fled, and where perpetual loss of vi
ti >a was rapidly setting la. It hat succeeded in case* where
the Faculty ?>{ Medicine had declared the sufferer to be incur
able.? (?*ee certificate*.)
The object of the proprietor in thns openly and candidly
placing hi? remedy before the oonimnniiy is, that ii may be
known to ail, and (hat il may prove a balm ef healing to the
desponding and afflicted.
Francis' Occulus Aqua 1* adapted to all inflammatory diseas
ea of tlie eyes evea when la their n??st tedious and chronic
stages ? it is adapted to all kinds of nervous affections, inability
to nae tbe eyelids? weaknesses of sight, opthalmiat, lie. ft
will ala i remove, by a judicious coutse, those aebuloas, scaly,
dead, ci'-udv appearances, frequently known b> the n*nn of
"Cataract*." Finally, ail tlmsr inflammatory and nervous.ilia
eaaea with which the organ* ol vision are attacked, should in
variably be treau d by this iaestnu able remedy.
The Specific is pat up in bottles, with complete directions
for nse. Advice i? cheerfully giveu, free of charge, althe pro
prietor's house, where aloae the specific can be procured, in
t^-e cinr of New Yoik.
Professional hours, from 1 to 13 o'clock, A. M. and from 2 to
6 P.M.
10 Barclay sl/oae 13, 183?.
P. S. It has been thought ad viseahle to anaex a few certifi
cates from gentlemen, whose station in life, respectability, pie
ty, and ackM?ledg*d worth, are suiftcieat vouchers for the
accuracy of their statements. To make any comments on
them would be alike iasuliag to the judgment ot tbe reader,
and the unblemished honor of the authors.
Prom the Rev. Mr. Potter, Pastor ol Ike church at Bridge
ville, N. *.:
This is to certify, that a gentleman with whom I a as ac
quainted. whA had oeea nearly blind for eight years, a'ter ex
pending s-vecal hundreds ol dollarson various remedies, with
a view to relieve himself, was at length prevailed on to try
one bottle of Dr. Francis' remedy. To the astonishment an -,
gratification of bis frtend?, after using it, though a martyr lor
many years to this distressing malady, he recovered his eye
sight, and speedily did be Improve in health till he recovered
his perfect vMoa.
Another case was that of a poor man, who, spending nine
months in aa Eye Infirmary, was discharged hy the physicians
of the limitation, with what they termed an Incurable
ca'aract on oae eye, so that be was nearly blind. A trial of
Dr. Francis's remedy, however, ( three bottles only t?eing u?ed
by him,) removed It, to the surprise of all who knew him, and
new he can see with that eye aa well a* ever he did. I feel it
mv duty to give tbla iaformatiea for the benefit of tbe
'I'he Rev. J. Harrison. 44 Thompson st having proeored a
bottle ef the above for Mrs. Harrisons o* es,says ? ''to his as
tonishment it ba? removed Use dimness and pain which bad
been excessive for rears; she bad used many dlff. rent eye wa
ters, hut tbey all fal'ed. Therefore I hope ih? public will
soon appreciate Its value. JOSEPH HARRISON."
Mrs. McCaffrey, No 3 Janes st. widow of the late Dr. Mc
Caffrey, having used Dr. France eye water.iays? "I am hap
py to state il had the desired effect, and I can truly say, saved
me from absolute blindness .and 1 hope the public will soon
know its raise."
The Rev. Mr. Duabar says? "Pram tbe te?timouy of those
who have used tbe eye water prepared by Dr J. Francis, I
have ne hesitation la reeorameadiog H to the special notice of
the public." DUNCAN DUNBAR,
Pastor of McDougal st. Church.
Dr. Isaac Francis, cannot be distiaguisked from the natural,
and sill perform every motion ol that orgaa without giviag
tbe i lightest pain.
It Barclay street. New York. Je?
?Splendid Confectionary Establishment jus. ppened Is
Catkarine st.? The puldie are respectfully Invited to eoms
and examine tbe subscriber's stock of sweeu prepared at their
establishment, under Ibe saperlnleitsiunee o' the most eminent
workmen, lee Cream and Jellies kept constantly on band.?
Pyramid*, Blsnrbmange*, m?de at tbe shortest notice, and sent
a ay part of the city. Cakes made and ofuarneated In *uj?e
io style. Ladie* are particularly requested to call aad ea
rn ne. Your orders are respectiuliy solicited.
JeSI-lm* D P. BINNE. No 324 Catharine st
T casts ? In ADvawcu.
Anaaal Suhscripttoo, ? ? ?4
Semi-annual " e ? o tM
Qaarterly, " e ? a a l.M
Moatblv. * .... n
Tbla Library comprises a jotftciea* seleoMon of more thsn
3AM volanu*. and Is constantly ealargiag bv the audition ot
every new and Interesting wore that laaoe* rro -i the press ?
? esidesibe ordinary catalogue. Ite<? braces a juveede library
ef u moral sad entertaining character Ladies and geatle
mea who reside in the apper part o the eltv will am euly
find their interest aad roaventeece consulted, but entitle tbera
seises to tie warmest thanks of the proprietor, by patronising
tbe Schoo<book Wurebwase and Music Store, No*. 331 aad tXj
Bleec her street. 'Bi n*
REN '?Every mother seys yes!? Then why d? you sui
fer i hem to linger out their live*, with he pain and agonies at
tending ih? SUMM ICR COMPLAINT* Toe an* we' , beraas*
>ou do not know of any remedy. You buee tried every medh
clae hut the right one. Yeu have had the most skillful phyat
claas to attuad them, and yet tbey daily waste away la th?
m< st excruciating tor meats and die I And why da you suffer
all ihi% when o certain and safe remedy may be bod t
Apply to A. B. Ii D. Rand*. Ne 100 Paltoit, corner of W||.
Ham street, for abottleof Dr. Jaynes' Carn insure Raisam.
who will wari ant that If given according ts his directions. It
wllicore nineteen rase* oat of twenty ot this diendfOI dieeaae;
and In less than t quarter of tlw time that it aan be by an)
other treatment.
It Is also sold by W. W. Embroe, N<v 71 East Rriadw* Tl br
J. R. Dodd, corner of Rroadway and B eeekerstsi snd by P.
Bar net, Chemical Moll, No. *6 Sixth Avenue New York.
felft Im
able discovery Is now introdaeed to the pablic with th*
(ulleat eoafiiience and UMurance that it will effect the object ot
ita application, v|?! THB COMPLETE RESTMRATIOft
OP THE HAIR upon the bend* of those who have loot tbs
tame, aod have thereby became I. aid or poruolty to.
Numerous certificate* might be give a to show how success
fully this compound bus beea applied, (never having failed in *
single Instance.) hut us It Is not brought before the puMIt w
sell, bo* to be applied upon the principle of ? no charge with
out snccesu, It is doomed uunecessory to swell an advents.
ment with particulars.
Its virtues have been folly aod sol^factorlly tested. Tbs
heads of Uw*? that were entirely bald, bare been, by the ?p
pi' attoa of tfala Restorative, ooverod with a luxurious grow it
ol lieuotMtol hair.
None need despair, whether oM or young, ef having then
hair lolly ream red.
No payment will be received .or any applicatioa of the Re
?tor a live until Ibe ndivkdual whts trim M la satlafied by the
restoration of tbe hair.
All huasbog aod quuokery la this matter |? otterly die
claimed. . .
Re ales' Nalr Restorative will bo applied by the dleeeverei
or inventor, Levi I. Reals, to those who may desire to avail '
themselves of its beneficloi effecta. at ibe efllee of O. M Mae. I
darnel. No. I Plott stroet, New York ? aad also at the llalr Cut* !
ting Roams of T. Haarley, agent. No. 1* Broadway, up j
Jyl In
? HKMH Al> Ut
CO. have conataotly for sate
??I VitrM, Alum,
Bleaetdar Salts. ,
Aqaa Ansor ia, M?natic Ac* 4,
Aqoa Fori Is, NHric AcWI,
Sine Vitriol, Moogaoeso
And many other articles In Ibe Hoe oi their bodnen.
Orders wMI be received at their Raakiog house, No. 31
RrosdteffB, ar at the odice oftbHraffent. No il Went street.
o?lj* ago B. OILBEEr, Ages*.
t liaihkm UrculMllDH Ubiaryi
Ne. 57 Chatham street
IT THE subscriber* i>eg leave respectfully to inform their
friends and the public that they have just reopened the above
establishment, after making many alterations in and addition*
to it. The are now prepare J ami ready to accommodate those
who may be pleased to favor them with their patronage. ?
Hitherto they have bad a liberal share of pnblic support, and
they hope from their late important improvements, and by
their atrict attcntien to business, to receive an increase of it.?
Tbe Library at present contains over 6,1)0* v?'lt?me*, and it ii
the intention ol the sub?cr.l>c'ns to enlarge it lr< m time Ut time,
as the wants of their patrons may eem it necessary. It is
systematically arranged, ami comprises tiie greater partol the
mest approved works on the following subjects? HiM?r>, Biog
raphy, Voyages and Travels, Natural History, Natural and
Experimental Philosophy, Classical and Misce llaneous Litera
ture. In addition to the foregoing, they would mere panics
Inrly call the attention of tbe reading community to their ex
tensive collection <?f works ou fiction. Perhaps no Library in
the city can produce a greater nr a more varir il collection.?
Nnrffortor expense has bstl spared t? render this depart
ment of their L'brary as complete ?t possible. It Cpnial? at
present over 3, ?'Ms-volumes on this subject, and is daily receiv
t?g accessions ol new work* from the press both of this ceua.
try and Europe. It is also supplied with 18 American and
Kuropran Periodical works, together with a fine collection *>f
So* Plays, acting and standard.
In conclusion, they heg leave to state that noexertiens oa
their part shall be wanting in mike i? eir Library shperior, If
possible, to any in the city, and thereby rendering it the moat
worthy of general patronage and support.
elS-tf J. k H. 9. LANQLET.
Tuoth achu-tooth achju? why win yon
suffer with the tootli ache, when there isa perfect remedy*.'
It has recently been discovered that the Eitract of Gall and
Kreosote is a perfect remedy for twoihacke. It can he nsed
with perfect safety. It remoees from the tooth the part that is
decayed, and loves it white as on tbe naltide? it removes the
unpleasant smell from the breath, and it gives almost intta. t re
lief from the pain, however severe. It has been used by thon
sands, and It has never failed to give relief whan It could be
placed in contact with tbe decayed UxHu.
Prepare* liy Win. Broun, Rostnn, and sold in this city by the
doxen or sisgle bottles, ky A. ? it D. Sands, Nit. 1*0 Pulton,
coraer of William street
N. V.? A liberal disc* ant to these who purchase by tbe dn
tea Jet* lm
Medical and kurcical.? dr. glover
is consulted as use a I In the treatment ol a certain class ol
disease*. He apprises the r>ut?br that be ha* received a regular
pmteomo nrl education in this country, and is not to be classed
witli the self-named doctors, medical puffers, and pretenders et
the day. Office No. 3 Ann H-, near the Aiuencan Maseam
Private entrance third door irom the Muse ass. Lamp at tbe
Inner nfftae door n ihf evening. ieT7-tf
TO J HK Pl'S^lC-DK. UK ANUKLIR, forim-rly
? practitioner oi medicine la the public hospitals at Na
ples, and member ?f the Medical Family ol tl e clijr of New
York. whr re he ha* beea prat twin* physic since the year 1791,
coatiuucs to be consulted at lit* r fflce, No. W Pulton it near
ly opposite Church st The m?*t obstinate ani inveterate di
?ea^es. requiring the soundest judgment In ireKtmeat, aad par
ticularly all cases orliinatiag in Imparity of the hood, and
chrootc affection*, rbf-umaunn*. obstruction*. ulcer* la ifee
throat, etuptions of the skin, debility, lie will lie speedily aad
radically cured by m> iu the lean ei pensive and most eonve
nient to patient*. Remedies to he used are prepared by hia
*elf. an.i their good effect* rendered infallible. Dr. Be Aagelis
ha* effected a cure la n any ca*e< which ha* baffler) all the re
M?arce?of themediaal art; but he cite* .>nly a few. Copy of
a letter from Dr* Osborae and Ireland, physicians of Uals cuy,
to Dr. De Angeliai
llfi Fulton itreet, Dec. 6, lilt.
Sir? We have ro hesitation la replying to your note la say
irir yoa deaerve mach credit for your surceasfnl treatment
ofMr.JohaThora.afnrit had baffled physician* both here aad
in a atora favorable climate. We are yoar obedient servants,
Patients may Inquire of Mr. Thora hlmsvlf. who I* ta be
found at No. fl Jones' lane, helow Coff/e H<iu?e Mho, and also
of his brother. Alderman Thorn, Broobhn. Dr. De Angeli*
alto refers 10 Mr. Thwwa* M M' Lean. of I6A Maldea Lane for
bis skiH in curing niseases, and also Mr Phyfe, cabinet maker,
Mr. JuhtiR. Reera.aad Mr Burns, bookseller.
N. B. Ail Dr. De Aageiia* family wfdicioe* may he had at
htsoflUo. jeTJ 3m'
LfcTil iTS'A if U If T KH'H H K I) DR UP -This
medicine I* the only sb* date Mpeclftc that his ever bera
discovered tor the care of the most dangerous ? Iseases bad
company is tha cause of, which has been knawn. when once
seated ia the system, la codown f?in generation to genera
tion, drf, ing th* skillaT the n>o*t eminent t liysjriaaa. This
medicine Is allowed by every one acquainted with It ta he the
most certain, safe, and oipeottlou* mode of care ever known.
It roots oat every vestige al the poison from the *y*t?m a a
lew day*, ao matter bow old the case, and may alway* be
ased with the greatest safety, under any clrt aantaa< e?, by
both sexes It eefin* obcavery from the moat Intimate frleaJ,
as their i* no restrictions whatever laid oa the pntleat. Every
phial will have the writtea sigaatare o' Dorfor U Leviaon, of
wboan R caa be obtained privately at all times. Pi lee $1 per
phial. Remember the eld r A te 5 Division *U J?3llm*
and Invaluable Mftticlnv, ot a. I di*?-a*r? arKinjr Ima Imparl*
tie* of the Blood, Morbid Rrcretlo** of the Livrt ana Htumarh
?alto, ? for Mercury. u ? Cathart e la Kev?r?, and
all B ll Inu a Affect tona.
Tbe.e popular rilia are a combination of a newly discovered
A'kalin# ?ll?UMr, rilTlclfd front tlir Toirato Plait) wite
oihfr vrinahle ?u'<*tance? which hav be*n foand 10 modify
and d fTuae in rflrcU, and *rv believed to be the beat All#' a
ttea and Cathartic Mt-diclne, ever dlacoverrd. Thry have
been aHamlant y aad ?u?ce>?(nlly tried, and have >er?-ived
universal npprotuiioa for l*crt?lo:a Dy*pep*ia, Jaandlre, Bill
oa* <1>*ea*e?. Oravel. RheamaiUin. Cougb*, Cold*, Irfla'nta,
Catarrh, Nervou i dictate*, Arid Rmmaefce, Ulamluiar Marl
II aft ?( all kiixl*. Caatlveneaa, Colic, Hea<l aahe. he kr.
Aa A tMoie it Contagion* aod Kpidemle D'araae*, to pre
vent li>e feranatlon of Biliaai an.) Liver Affection*, Fever and
Af ne. kr. In thote who retlde In hoi climate*, and low and
marahy couotriea, and the be?t CaiSartir that ran be for
Ummt localiUea. Meamea will find tbrm an Infallible remedy
for the ttrnrvy; and Ttaeeller* the be*t M.iliclne that they
ran oar to r< unteract the (tauter* of expo*are In unhealthy
ntmatoa. Fur ordinary Fa* HyphyUc, they are univertally
approvrd, a* the b?*t *ver ofl'-rrd.
i he pr^iljar virtue* of the Tomato Pl**| have for a kmf
time attraated the attrntloa of the Medical Profeaelon.and the
pab le ( and (treat l*terr?t ha* been (BrerteU to the fatare de
velopment ol lu medicinal qaallfe*, which the Propriety la
happy In helnf now able to gratify- and present* bit Potato
thepabllr, with the fall eon Ailence of th-ir hein* the m*?ta*fe
am! valu <bln rrmei'y ever dtaeoverrd. Namaroa* wrilBea'c*
of rare*, fr-a? tbo?e who have takr-n thrm, and ibe te*t>m "ny
ol several Physician*, who btvepri scribed them, all ei?erar to
joMlfy end romborate tbl* opinion. The rapidly lncre??in?
deaaaidfor, anil the anlver?al approbation be -tewed apon
them, la en addlilonat rvldenee of their meiitsand nsefal??m
The pahllr are rtspectfally laformrd, that the ahava rills
are now f*r nale by the folio* Ian air *t< In tbij ?H . A. B. ?
D "and*, William ttreet, corner of Ful'OOi *? *? M l^ean,
Sir* Greenwich j J. P Callender, 162 Na*<aa ?tr?et t J. Wyme,
? * m Bowery i J. I. ftrhelfflia, I It Oanal.treet i P. Burnet.
SA fltth Avenaei R.C k K R Moaa 49tOr*nd ?treti ; J.
C Malloch. flpr|nt street near Clinton Market
la Hroohlyn, by 1. M. Pmlth; Hlfeman, II Palton
*treet. Ordrrt from A tent* or other?^lr*cie? to <1. It. Phelp*,
Proprietor , Hartfnrd, Coo ,or te H?AOLItT. PUKI.P# a c?.
(teneral forwarding Atenta) I4f Wat?r street, Hew York,
*111 he promptly eserat'-d. , . .. . . .
For lb. hwury of tbl* medlcjaa, ^teatlm^olala, ke ?ee Pam
ph >??. ? Uirh may ?>e bad *ratl* of the abov* Afenu.
a*lm? odk W?
I TKIt ? For rrmovlPf Tan. Freckle*, Bunhnro, hr ,
for htallag pimrh"1 ?'* ?lher errapuea* nf ibe *kln, and hn.
?rovlaa tba KKtlhltn^ towhlrhlt Rlvea inrreamtl MHtoeaa
and b?aat*. Prire 1# conta
For aale b* J H. Marl, r? Brn.dway ^nd M Hadwm atreeti
aod ny R M Oa?on, a? t*T Itewrry, at the com. r of Pih? and
Henry *t*i M MMI wand rtrcH, kelavtn Rial Inaitwav
aed Or?n* aa 7 eodJhat*
/i HN>t? fllLV >t.K ^1'ATh hODh-Ofil Bute
AJI Rod*, drawn or plated fo? ?ate b?
mN L?wi? KRUcHTWANORR, 1 Ooanlandt *c
1 M r Srwhww-? It a*BM be appareal la all, that ii>?.rr ?
M rAeiul wtjr o( teaching ? pncutal t*?? Hit af lw>
Keeping, b? hg eoadacting l** papU ihroogh a variety at
bitacia VraaaaclloDa | by hi* aikiaf the nAa of each aa it
ocaara, and kecoailai fa miliar with the acceaat karta flfwa
actual eve. It asasl not he imagiaed thai bayiag and seUiaf
merchandise are all Ike transactions that uka place in busioesa.
Tbe coarse of iaatractioa wLlch preaeata ta Ike papll more
tfcaa a bandred differaai business Iraaaactlens, eacn af which
bwoaiw ike subject of remark, conversation aao stud v, la de
cidedly a coarse of practice ? kicb mast result in a good know
ledge of Bonk keeping Rooms open day and evealng. Pro
species, with terra*, kc. to be kad at tbe Rooms, wkera the
advert leer's werka may be seen, or parakaaad. The atadeai
practically opens, condacu, closes, and re-open* a leiof part
aerabip accounts ; be becomes familiar with the various ac
count book* trom actual u-e or reference, with trial balancea,
balance sbeeu, various mercantile calculations in Bqualioa oi
Payments, Discount and Interest, Exchange, Insurance, lie.
fifteen dollar* Is the charge for the complete course of ia>
?traction, stationery, fcc. included. Tbe course ta not finished
until tbe student lias acquired a good practical anowledgt ot
book-keeping | t J which elfect Certificates are given alter uae
Mrrcmtii* course of letson* in writing (a pre
pared, which w.ll not tail ih effecting a valuable improvement.
m o-? CV ?* MARSH'S >VOBKS.
? The Science of ??ubl. -Kniry Book-keeping Simplified."
?.'il J-L, "[ora, Inlta seventh edition, 260 pages, octavo?
91 514. This I took ia introduced into ibe New York Public
Schools, ia pretrrence to any oilier on the subject The trus
tee* af ihte Institution, it I* well known, compose seme of the
first talent in the country.
" The An at Single Knlry Book-keeping, improved by tke
introdacuon oi the Pi oof ot Balanae ISO puvei, octavo?
75 cant*. ?
" A Lecture on the Study of Book-keeping, with Balance
8heeU" A neat pamphlet. 48 page*, 18 ino.; price 18 cenU per
ainclecoay |yl4-eodlm
IvI subscribers inform the pubi c thai tliey have on hand and
are manufacturing their t'aienl Ma-glet, which i* a simple,
useful and labor saving machine, as it entirely supersedes the
oae of ironing, and puis a beautiful glass on table liaen, sheets,
fcc. fcc. Tfeev may he seen ia operation at the City Hotel,
Pearl Street Housr, Carlion and the Atheneum Hotel, where
they eive general calisfjciion They are sold only by BUN
CAN fc WKST, black and whitesmith*, locksmiths, bell bang
ers and laacbiaisu, No. 2 Green street, near Liberty, New
York. jjr24-lm*
ING* AND WORKS OFART? Th" public is re*
?II y informed th%t a large and commodious reom has
fitted up al 71 Lilxrty ?l.i wo doors raM of Broadway, for the
exhibition of Paintings ami other work t of an, ai private sale.
A fine collection of anci?-nt and modern paintings of nnnoubi
ed merit, are now on exhibition, to which the attention of la
dies, strangers visiting the city, and lovers ol tta- fine arts gen
erally is Invited. The ladies may be assured that nothing
?hall ba presented to their vi- w that the most fastidioaa raa
object to.but on thecontrary an anxious care shall ever pre
dominate to exhibit such only as tre chaste, pleasing and in
The Exhibition Room will be open at ail boors from 10 A.
M till 7, P. M,
Admission tree.
Engravings at private sale la lots to salt purchaser*.
1 BLIND MANUFACTORY. ? The subscriber reap*etfutly
beg* leave to Inform the ptiuhe that he has row for sale a new
and elegant assortment of every description of Patent Wash
able Transparent Window 8a?drs. among which are Land
scape*, Dlapha>*us, Chinese. Arehitr ctural and Fancy Blinds,
which he can conrtdently recommend for their beauty, strength
and great durability, as they have I* en h now n. with common
care, to last from 10 to 14 years. 7 be orices of the sh*' e?, in
cluding cords, tassels, rack pnllies awd fittings lor windows,
complete, vary from $6 and upwards per pair. Blinds made
to *rder by applying te
GtfoRUE PLATT. 12Spr*ce?t. New York.
N. B.? Country dealers supplied with blinds and flttiagi.
ly HMoiis*
TABLISHMENT, No. 4 John street? A garment may
look well tor lis U-nuiy of color and texture ?f ? Lovti , bit the
grand object i* lost unless in* At corresponds thereto. Tbt
public l? r sp<?ciiully informed thnt tbey can have their gar
ment* cot m tbr most fashionable manner, and marie op by tbo
best of workmen, by sailing at above, at tbe fallowing low
prices for caih.
Dreu coat made tad trimmed, ? $7 00
Frwck " faced with sulk , ? 7.fi0
Veati, " " . 1.55 to 2 M
Pants, " " . 1.3Sto3.M
Coutsof fine cloth fnraUhed (or ? l&M
rants, ? m . 6.00 to 10 QO
A superior aoat for ... 20. M
Repairing and altering always attends to.
Asaitef rlotlie* mad*- in tbe shortest spaee of time. A I or
ders mast be paid for on delivery. No. 4 John street, second
door from Broar way. eS3 3m
RNTERY. CHOLERA MORBUS, and all other oerango.
meats of the Hiumacb and Bo??ts, are effectually cured by
Hundreds ef certificate. of its viritues similar to tbe follow*
lowing, have been received by the proprietor:?
Dr. D. Jayno ? Dear Sir: Having m?de use of yoar Carmia
ative Balsam In my fami y.aud finding it to be admirably adap
ted to tbe complaints for which It is intended, 1 lake pleasure la
recommending It to the use ol mv friends and tbe public gene
rally, belieetng those who ar? afflicted with any ot thesecon
pUints will And relief in tbe n?e ol this vata.,ble mentcine.
President of Granville College. Onto.
New York, May 20. 1837.
Prepared and M>ld bv Dr. JAYNE, N-. JO Pea lb Third
street, Phi'adf Iphla. and sold in this rity at tbe proprietor's
prices, b) A. B ID. H>nd?. No. 100 Pulton ?treet, corner u(
William, and atretsll by P Durnett. 35 Siith Avenue- Jobn
B. Dod?t, 643 and 771 Broadway; and 0. W. Kmbree, 77 East
Broadway. Price, SO cents. jy28 lai
l TKfTHRKD DROP? N B. Tbe office f.r the saieol Horn
ter*s M-dlcine H No. ft Division street, N. Y? Tbe ui fortu
nate can here call without tb? fear ol detection by the most in
timate friend, where l>e insures to cure the V**' ???! disease,
and all caaes of the kind, recent or rbionic, aad all nlseasrso
the arinarr organs, or any di-ease arising from Impure hi rod
old standing ami indolent ulcers, tbe abnsoof mrrrarr.scro
fuloos affection, mercurial rheumatism. Private office at
tached. (Jy3l-lm*j DR. U. LEVIBON.
F|0M DVIHO IHK HAIR. f**>ii? nraf?Mt?t
beaotifui Buck or Brown.? M A HOMME D'B TURK1PH
DYE la nolvonaHy admitted to he the l>e?i article ?*rr ifni
before the poblic. It I* daily aoper*edlm every ether prro*?
ratio* for the parpoae. which i> mn?il? com pone d of drleteri
ou material*. ana maat eventually five way enUre^y 10 Um
TarkUh Dye luoperation it almoat magical, being applied
M ih? head at ai)tM Iwlore Koinr m bed? oa rtaing im themer
nine the traimforiuMion i* complete. Tb# ?kMi meantime tuf
fer* no chance either lrwn dhcoloriMent, eruption, rongbo***.
or other cauaa, Ua u *e be attended with no Inconvenience or ?
citMrqueifca whatever. Hold whole*nle and retail by
U. C. HART, 171 Broadway,
dl?y freer of CatHlMWfc
AHMTIFK Iai. TKKl H-rrom one to a complete
? mi WITHOUT CLAHPrt.SPRINO* ke on the pri.ei
plet of almotpberic prewure .by M. LEYKTT.Dential. No. 960
Broadway, entrance Aitl dowr In Warren ?r The improve
ment and <ii?liiiirotaiilny leatare of llii* method In the romplete
Iv eflVrllnc*! IMWNllll t?hj?Ct?of the eaae and ?ecurliy (if
the ??ppllvl teeth Intbe nou'h. wholly without Hatp*. ilf
atare*. ? print*. or any other tiuillar me,n?. P? reooa Interevt
ed In 'hi* Improvement, wl o are yet onnrquaiated with Ma m?
tare and extent, miiv -er hv a NI.IChT INHPKCTIOM,
WHICH IB KREEI.Y orKKRED To I H r M. that tke plaa
la difT. rem In principle nnd rebuilt from A H Y HaHB pMllb
?d In NEW YOfXE, and thai I'je a)*ove statement la airiciiy
and eatirelv accurate
I' ? telerei cea of the IUOHEST ORDER, are moat ampl~.
The oplnW>? of lh? New York public ON HH improved
teni may be aero in the following re?pectahle on per*? Yide
Neir Vorh Mirror Ifiih July, Ittfi; Coerier anil Enqairer, Jbth
Dereaiher. 1*36; Evening Htar, 17th Jsne, IS87,
Blip, New Ycirli. d?eniatl proper occasionally t?? remind
the pabl'c that h* continie* to adiniaiairr to the afflicted at
hi* fM eaiablibe?l Ditpenaary.
To a roat inmlfr oi the ?f thl* MlNplllkl needa
an hentid* l?t nannonea hit victor? over ?ii*ea?e, in Ita moat
complicated and JetirtKlWc foin nor .loet he iWm itmaie*
rial lo be very apeciftr in fnumrnM nf ibe name* ol tha "art
out maadiea to which mankind end womankind ?rr *ol?ef t.
To atranferahe U>fa l#a?e nioM retpeatfnlly t<> reiuark, that
bf confine* himteli to office practice, an?4 davetea bimarlf p?r
?ooallr I" ibe welfare 1. 1 hit I uenit. k" o? n.. au.oanm or
a hop boy*. and taa separate offices for ti e privacy of pauenia,
wil t can never come, in enter:. ...
Dr Carpenter wn?|d add that be ?? reffllarly educated to
the prnfeatton of medrii.e and *Brpery. and received h* Di
ploina in the year UI3 ? f ?be New York Rtate Medical 8*?r>e
ty, airned by the lii*hljr re*perind mil lunch lamented Joins
It ? Rodtera. M ? . ?? President, ard that be baa lor a lar#
serto a of years derwf1 himself to the treatment and care af J
delicate snd private dis*?ses.
Be particular la tha namber-4 Pack Blip, near Paarl at.
my nam ?R. CARPENTER.
U^mtTkD ITATE*, and other Peansvlvania Bala
? W?*. Maryland. Nfw Jeracy. Virginia, atxl DtaUlcl of
Colo-nbia PtinHs pur? hated at the l?wr?i rale*, by
a?4 0 J. BYLVEBTER.IW ? roadway and SS Wall at.
f?rttlW*N RILYKV TARI.K A Fin Th A
* ? BPOONR. Pitik?, 1 on**, Bponut, l.adles, Wravy Ppnora,
Pen and Pencil Cates, ol stiptrlor qnslliv.aml low price* for
caah. wkoletale, at MtiRklB JACOB*',
X Maiden Lane, corner of Maaaati at
Alan. I he niw Ortilin'inn Pen, wi li a vignette of Clay and
Webaten Willnit's, Warren's, Wendle'a, All wood'* and Perry'O
ten*, whb all sirdsof *tsi|onery. Jyff-lw*
T , ? *
*0. '21 AM* RTRMT.
TMM0 OF ADVRR1 IMINO.-The r?t? ntlre clrralali<*
of thr IImii j b- h In town aad country, make ll a taper**
clwi Kl lor advertiser*
FOR rwri.tr I.IRM OR LRM
I rt?y. ? ? V* I 4 ???, $1 iA I 7 ri*y?, |l 1.7 I 1A day?. f? ?
? . . R 7A A . . I A" ? . . S 04> I 1 1 . . V 57
? . . 1<*I? . . 1 7? | ? . . t 18 1 II . . *M
,r?a cir.HT link* or LRaa.
? week*. . |< An | 3 rrwntlw, . . <*
1 tnnwti, . . . 3 no I ti month*. . . ? 1?
CT All ad?ertl?emeaUi to be paid beft?ra their inaction.
A<l?ert?eT?ieii? I n*ened In the Wrrrlv Haa*LD, at ?1 (?
|??r f wy l?i?t*??. _ ,
MoaMiMO IIrrald? l*-aed *??ry mTntaf *RBd*y?
prlae, lot ?rmt p?r eaity. Caantry *ab*rnh?ra fgratal.eri at
the aiw rale, Iter any ?peefte period, oa a rr?litai?? in ak>
eaaee. Nn pat<er?ent, aalaa* paW la adaaaee.
Kvaataa Haa/iin laaaed every afterwaoa ?* V"* oVIorli
Prtee, twaceau per ?*?. t'oairtry *aaa*nber* farwtbed a
the aame rate?eaah la ad re. nee.
W?aii.t Waa?i? taaaad e*ar? Satardav raarrlnf at R o
?lark ? Prtee S( aeat* per copy. nralabH la rnimry ialw
her* ?' R0 per aanam, la ad*aare.
CaaRaarawaaara? art re^*'-*"' ?o addr??* their le tera ta
Jmmm Uacd*t rr^nrtetor a..<t Editor ( and RilktletR
oai haaUrat maai he p*M paid.

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