OCR Interpretation

Morning herald. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1837-1840, May 21, 1840, Image 5

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030312/1840-05-21/ed-1/seq-5/

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I r? II ?, ??
I -> Wedhrcday, May AO-HI P. M.
The mnvemtuts kt Hkrrivburg, and the precknous situation
J wfthr State of Pennsylvania have a depiessmg effect npon the
market* kt the Stock Board to-day. Sale* were email, and
lucre tell. U. R. Bank declined i |icr cent.; North Am. T. 6t
Banking Co., J per cent.; Del. <k Mudeou, f |*r cent.; Harlem,
) per cent.
There le hut little doing in domettic 6111a, axd the divennut
M lucreaaiug, particularly ou Georgia and Mobile. The country
money of tint Stale in again becoming deranged. It will be
recollected,!aat fall, afterthe SlateBankceaeed to redeem Safety
K11nd money in lint city the rate of ditcoiuit rote eery high,
and continued ?o uutil the 9th of Not.,w hen a convention ol Safety
Kuud Uauka wat held at Auburn, wl.eieby it wa? uriatigrd
that a bank tliould be appointed in Albany or Troy, to act at
agent to keal up the bill* and notify each hank by mail of the
amount of ila note* then ou baud for redemption. The Bank
no nolifud to redeem ita bill*, loaealed up at the end of 16,'day*
after the sealing by draft* or fund* current in Albany. The
agrury charged 1-10 of I percent for conducting the biitineta.
The new bank* generally came into thi* arrangement, uudtr
which the rale of discount gradually IV!I from 5 a I percent to
tail Per f'*1! both for Hi d Back and Safety Kuud. The bank*
artre to keep the ayatcm of exchanging with each other, and adjusting
the balance*. To tliia arrangement, the Safety Kuud
Bank* (till adhere, Vul mo*t of the bank* under the uew law
have been thrown out at the agency, and the discount ou them
i* rapidly riving. The follow ing i* a lilt of thoee (till redeemed
at the agency
All the Utics Bank*, All Syracuse,
, ' Geneva " Watertown.
I - Ithica '' ? " Hoche*ter, eacept Western
tveneesee Bank at L. Roy, New \ ork,
.Vlohawk Valley, kort Plain,
All Safety hu. d Banks Agricultural Bank, Herkimer.
These hill* are taken iu Wall street at 1' a S per cent di*
. ...a ,|| nther free bank hill* at 3 per cent discount. The
poditi- of the red money id very uncertain. The broker* buy
very cautioner, and thai which id redeemed tcday may not be
redeemed tomorrow. Many of the new baukd are on the *ve
of an evploaion, and agent* of *ome of the western bank* in
(inn city are felling their.bill* at a conitantly increasing digoounl.
Many of them will be unable to comply w ith the term*
of the uew law, requiring them to keeu fundi in Albany or New
York for the redemption of their billd. The law goes iate
operation o? the l*t of July, and every meaiid ia uaed meanwhile,
on the part of the weak hanks, to force a circulation, depreciate
their billd, and buy them in at a diicount, or explode
with a large circulation out.
It will be recollected that Mr. Humphrey* w a* appointed,
m.me lime iince, as receiver, by the Court of Chancery, to'
wind up that infamous concern called the City Trugt and
Banking Company. That gentleman wai unable to attend to
the dutiea. aud Joseph Willoughby. K?c|. has now been appointed
to the office, and entrrg upon the dutiea immediately. |t
uppeard that thid concern had on deposite with the Comptroller
^ i ooo of Arkandaa stock, worth 76 per cent, and hag out $1,200
#f\he bill* obtained from the comptroller. Bo far the np^ra?,?na
were hottest. It has, however, in circulation at the dm. h
west, and southwest, upwards of $?00,uo0 of post notes to
meet'which it ha- asseU of $70^0*, nominally, in bond, HllU
mortgages. Of these, two only are of any value j one is (or
*7 000 on two farms in tieueva, and the other *12 000 on a farm
Virginia, Thid latter mortgage has been abstracted from
the bank in the following manner :-It stood in the aa.?e .,f
< ,1? firm III' Wedton it tererlev. hr.iL. ru vis-n
i * tjri eley, 01 v"*
atreet. for $15 000. Wntoi, bri j| one of the diiw i"" " " ""
I into the bank room with tin president him} ? """
, and they panned a rei"lution to receive their pout r
ment of mortgages. Immediately after. w,.lt(o(i'"n'a iu P?yti
ller, Ackerman.and asked bun to lend |,,m ? ' lo the
he had, however, hut $14,850 ?u hand, aiid Muna 7"
note, whi h made up $15,000. Wentoa (hcn t,a "l" j0"1"' *50
bott, the cashier, who delivered him Ibe mortgage At?"
too gave to tireeley, and Abbott gate back the' ' ffe?.
Ackerman. Measure* an lakau to recover tlna'd**"'
| tl,r hi n<ft of the en ditors of tn. bank Then h>r
I hat thit concern will be made an e\amp|e (()- ' " ?re%, hop. * j
I The tea lale to-da> eihibited the i;.J(Uf(,K
a-'tensed the former onet. It wa. a. It attended " "j cl,"r- I
with ipirit. The detail* will be tbuud under T""
State of Trade,"' as also a sale of real estate ? 7 ' :'J ?' I
eery order, at prima which indicate n,? ' "" rr" ''han- j
dcocription of property. " of that
Th,Peun.yhan..L.eK.*laturea,ye,b:,?d0nrl(O( I
baa lieei. introduced lo e.tabliah a branch of lb, I' s n i
Pottaville, with a capital of glJNM.ooo. Thia i? "ank at (
of the loeof>eo anti-haul, prmriplea. Nothing . pr"
towards providing the means of *av nic tl ""en done
mi a Av., 2?. *-? i
of notice. The credit and a landing ?f tl,e gi,r, Z" *"r,h?'
vama, and with it the whole United Slater dm t? B"? '"
manner i. wh.rh.hr dmeharge. herpreae.', .bead.?*
provide* f?r future contingemira. A f. w ah ,t l
find htrpnalr.tr and yet movement ,? n,ade "IE
iu'pending .ate Her faith a. em. ?.. be ,tro
Bank aa .u the day. ol Ha ..mat undoubted crtdil The f'
d that matitvition m , it ia well known I j The """?*
eeci.on of the cuuntry wh..? chief of" '"ith'T'i 'h*'
production i-f enlton. Tin culture of ,hlt, alll.e ''
th. last few y,nn.ac.ua,I, - mean. ,f ,m ' "S
try in which it ia nu..d, Th. pro.lu. r,*?r ? "*
" f? c"*r lioaa,
own fluctuating currracy, while their *al<* hate h en made in
a foreign and dean r currency. The proceed* of cotton in
a cnrreucy hare fi?rined the meau? of purchaaiag ?l'all
tin auulhara Btatee. By the operation of credit, !li? currency
of thia country hoobe. n inflated until price* ofanppii.a hare
nerii much higher in proportion lima tint! of colli,n. There*
Hire, while the power of purr!.**- among the cotton |mkem
hue tc-i n icgulatadabroad, llir rate* at which they pur. Isaac ha*
I it-en regulated at home . the couaeqaruce ha* lie. n. that CoMon
ha* been a toeing buame**. The Ibllow in|( la a table of |',r crop
ofrottoo and ita raluefor each year, from Hit;; to litre
I (nit auo tm t "f roTrojt i> tut I'aircu 8t*tk*,
with Til* ?*LI r. or MKlADeTI trt COtal'MK* ANNT ?LI.?
I a Tlir C'OTTOt OillWUia nm*
( 'rapt. Price. I'alue. I'alrie a( Price of
Hal'i hriadsluft*. /'/ ?>.
i?3t i.u7#.ooo ie eta. ftgwooou j,a,.u(io.ooo yt
1*94 l,4?St)43 14 1* > fa.coo 4.1,044,044 ?
143ft 1.454 0110 I* *)V<?.004 .a.OOOiNWi 5
inaa i,joi.<i44 is 4i.acu.004 ?- mio.i *) ?
1437 1,441000 II N'1,418.400 74 U00,00o |n
ism I .*01.at * 14 f* 44a,000 tt noo.on* t?
1*34 i.sao.oeo I* To ifco.otiO .04.000 imo 7
1?40 4.C00 000 4 *4.000,004 3H.UOO.MMI *,
Thia i? a aety rcmarl ble table, auderinae* ttrnngl) the intin
race which ih' prie* of lionr haa upon the power of the
plAntrr either to purahaae manufartured article, or to pay old
debt*. The price* of cotton here giaan are the aieragrefor
1 he yes r; the prirea for IMo may In- ealnnaled. aa a large proportion
of the crop list* gone forward. The talue of bread
at 11 (Ta i? found by taking the arers<g* price of each year,*,id al
lowiat 7,400,000 barrcla a* the anotul cone imptiou ofthe , otton
growing atatee. If thia oalimate of conamnption ia not egswtly
right, it will ch <rl> how the proportion of fluetuatioa*. Th.
other great tapir# of llw f.oith, nee. rntt. n, and aurar, wr hate
not eetimated: their animal taloe doe* not, howet r.eic.. d that
f the anpptt.-e whim lliey draw from the western atatea in ptttk,
lard, bacon, elc. In th* table, thru, art find that the |Hircha?iaw
power ofthe planter* iarreand Ana l-.c to 1*34 ai->>iit 1*0 per
e?nt. while lh? tain* "f thecoueumpti >n ofbreadatulfremained
asationar). Tina retraced pf? 003.040, to he app.ied to olterparpneea.
In the ??nw |i*rmd atia-k wi> iie-l In Tenaeeae, Mi??
ai ai) pt, and l-oui'iana lo the unworn! of pll.Mi u?0 for l-aukiny
purpoeei. Thi? etork wa* realised ahroH.l, brought home, and
I, an< d < ait to the plaiit-ra. Thia made an addition of fll miw
of purrhaaingpower in the hand* of Ihr wnithera atatea, applirabh
lo the por.haa. of manufactured giunla and >ari .uaapecnlati.oie.mnre
than < tiat. d two yeara prm.inu*. The relatite pnaitmn
ol flour and cotton rrmaiue.l Use am- through out 1*3*. duriug
* Inch > cur >1" 0O9,#iia w ,m again aihlc d In th' hm hi in. *4|>ital. >n
I Ik crwilit of lh? Kiiillura ?tai*?. Tin* -lata auiilil >nIB< wntlv
tikmI Ik I mi?n nf w il<l ?i?? i.|?ti?>n. in'lc|?njriil of nth*r
ranara ill op*ralion in olhir airti.m? lh* fiiutilry In
th* ndw of lh' cotton priMliictiiin 1*11 i?rf?nl, whil* th*
^liif of Itimil'liiff iiifri i| murr than in \*r rml , M iking a
<Hf>iriK? tf HI.OW W 'Ulm Uj from Ik* pnlirt ofpmrtwln
ip innfhctnrrd articl'a, it of pat mt d . In that > *nr WOO, no
Bern again tilth I In lh' banking 'apllal of th) mntti by th*
wit nfilil' llwli. maliiiii g?fi mm POU of bunking capital, rr?
nt*d b) III* nam "I' rial* atnek*, aiac* |gj3. Th* y*ar? |a.i7
mn, awl lh* fort f art ol' itJt, ?*r? liaaatma* |.> tin plan tin;
inl*rralt, owing I ? thcgriat thai rplion >| capital canned bjr lh*
high pricaa of produce, which hail th'ir origin in a depreciated
c?rc*n*ir. TktImiy Ulw* Ihia " o iW acaiiwt the mufh
*hwrh*d III* whi'l* trlif* capital *f lh* bank*. inrlndiiig lh*
in"D*y rained abroad .n lh* c r*ill* ill th* Stil*i, Th* Hanli
I i*i?*d o?t tli* mow y to lh* public. anil h?bl immailnkl* |'?p*r
a* < *< . Th* inatilnti-ift* at? all largety twl*bt*d In |K* IT. ft.
ftnk. anil th* #*cnrili*? they hold for mnm y which ha* h**n
ia>n?nm*d b\ Ik* tolliiii iraatfl It lh* h?*i* of llw whol*. A
i imlirr ?f **a*<>n? of ?cti?? ??!? of cotton abroad. awl low
pi ici a ofprodno at Uoim, it lh* only rlrnn nt of rtcnt'r> . Tin#
n to h* r*a*kri| i>?l> hf h" ton* th* riilTi ItC) *l a? Ion a tl4W
lard aa poMtbh ?a * mi" which tin hank* art lima Inr ) ?m*trica'ly
npp. 4,d( Now, if wi lak* th* currency ol' Hi*
?>"iinrm an p<.'Hfi-* r?i I wr Rinr ynirw,?inr* i
?f fhntl nttff re it* chuiH'** IJ ri'ttnacf '?!? nith
i ?*rnci, xrtrit ??t i t i>?HHitu ?"' > tm f t
HIT HWlWi |. l" $ttT.OI? ?! '>
IW rt i<?i
In ll i" l?Mi tha rinrriK)' if tlia mmlh Mkl watt r?m in?
oaarty the noma. Tha currant y <f tha north waat ?*
a|ip''a<l rrin-i|wll) to lx>l.<uritig th? pricat !' pT'dui tim*.Thit
Vapt ?p IK* pror?nf ||. m.|i? ,,|?r ?f ?|,m |,,c ,mi?uiii? I in
IK* ?nvth n?? ? tnilly m..rr than thatof (V , ..lloiiraifil in 'h??
action. By I i? |n ration, th> > continued to* thaitiljr tnilabt
i ,1 wera unv.la to |?y Ilk n.iul. any thing. Tlia I ". Bank,
which had baa i ti a grant in-tn.mant ..f -npi nrt (o the tli.
I'. In '' nr. no ? i aciuiiiinlatii k Jc't, mr! thn ' vt
183* waa the conse<jueure. Thia i? apparent in tlx fart that the
rottnn produe log ?U4ee have eioBfc suspended. The BMIifuturiui'
interests ol' tne cast. the commercial interests of New
York, and the agricultural interests of the weat havr sustained
thetuaelrea simply because their profits do not da|>cud upon thr
prices of the supplies they purchase. They grow all thoie necessaries,
on whith the price of labor la dependent, within
themselves,a?d the surplus producta of their uiduatry only
tinda a market elsrw here. On the price* of their aurplua product
dependa the .|ueatiou i i a great measure w hether the plauterof
cotton will havea aurplua or meet with a loaa; hit aalea
being regulated by the steadier currency of Europe.
The elements of recovery are uowviaible iu the fall of produce,
and the cou*e(|uent iucreaae of the ability of thr aoutli to 1
pay and to purcha.-e. Thoae hank* which have hum conducted j
prudeutly.are perfectly able to resume and renew business; hut |
phe discredit and utter derangeiuriit of all .urn attending the in I
ulveticy of the U. 8. Bank preveula any movement of trade
The exceaeof produce in the aoutli, inuat be actually applied j
to the payment of debts, aid credits in their faior actually ex
iaiiug before trade cau be renew ed. Thia ta a cenae<|ueure of the
want of confidence growing out of the poailiou of the U. 8
Males at thr Stork Exchangr.
S50 alias N Am T c 40 *10 do Seventh W Bk *2}
130 do do c 3*1 *i> do Bk of Com 9H[
Judo di ?60 40 SO do Del & llud sill 73
175 do do ?30 40 2i di do e 72;
So do do 1 30 40 50 do M Bkg Asa l.oO ISI
173 do do tliw 40 ISO do U S Bk 731
70 do do nw 40} 33 do do 73}
233 do do 39! SO do xlo n: 0 73 i
303 do do bl5 40 3 do Am Ex Bk S3). !
25 d<) ilo c 391 30 do Ocean In* 76
50 do do c 39) 85 do do 75
100 do do blO 40 25 do Hudson Ion 30
75 do do b20 40 5 do jMer Exchange 40
1X7 do do 39* 50 do N 1 RK 42
so do do nw 39; 45 d-< Stoning ton KK 15}
ino do Phenix Bk 78 100 do '''o is)
25 do Mer El Bk 110 25 da Harlem UK 44
50 do Leather M. Bk 105 50 do do 1.00 44)
45 do h'arin. Trust SO) 300 do do 43,
State of Trnete.
Tlie rot ton mn-kel i' steady. and prices have ad roared J cent
since the receipt of Die Enalish news. Klour remain.' without
change. The anvals are fair, and I'reeljr taken for Havre and
the Kas'ern market.
Two 2 story brick front houses, one in front and one in rear, j
on the Bowery, about too feet northeasterly from the corner of
Rivinptou street?the lot 24 feet 11 inches by 186 leet?for '
The Tea sate evinced great animation, and prices generally
improved. The sales were as follows:
Clu.perlh. Cli.per lb. \
lly$on. Imperial.
85 chests 60) a 100 54 chts 5c hf do 39 ? 60
200 I lib bxs 52 230 I3lk hxs 78)
Twankay. 78 61b do 53
Il3hfch*s 48 a 50 Souchong.
Fount Hyson. 114 chts 4t> a 43
113 chts 60, a 62 13 32lh bxs 491
2053 hf d ? 11 a 69) 100 hf chts 40
200 lulls bxs 45j| 12 do Pecco .18)
Gunpowder. Oranxe Pecco.
26 chts 6| 20 hf chts 51}
66 hf do 61 Pourlio*?.
500 121b bxs 535 a 57} 78 chts 35
247 ISlb do 72 a 825 248 hf do W a 40)
20 2lb canisters 62 6 hf do 41
400 6lb bxs 55 116 111b bis 39}!
ffy.nn Skin,
253 hf chts 43 a 61;
Terms?6 mouths notes payable in the city.
On Wednesday evening. 20th instant, at St. Thomas' church
b; t lie Rev. I'. II. HaUey. Mr Joel Stevens,of PittSliehl. Muss,
to Jessy. fourth daughter > f Mr. Robert T. A \ res, of this city
On Wednesday, tlie 20tli instant, hv His Honor the Mayor,
Mr. Isaac t'arpenter to V1i?s Hannah Kield, all of this city. *
faanernjirn Arrived#
IIkimld??Sihr Jnxr?Slia Dantrl Srnu,1 children ml m r*>nt,
Mia Alexander Grant, child and aeri ant, J N 0 Middlrton.
Brig Ctitpar Hauttr? Janice I' Wolfe, lad) and
mivI. Mm T I nt I ma, i children and eervl, Mnura Rilml, Uaruarchi,
Plulpot and ( naaarca.
St ( ATiiARisca? ScAr I'irgini a?Mr Wi Irli, I' 8 Con.ul at |
St Catharin a, and 9 children.
St Makou? Prig Jotrph llankry?G Mipnim,\V P Jack(,III,
S Herd, ') Cromwell.
Mopii.k?Skip John Hming?Or 1), lady and eervatit,
Win Dram. Mri Laa n ua. Mra lili-a and child, I apt Win < lodge)',
Mr Backuu, Mra Kldriiliic and 3 children, Miaa K Brown,
Miaa H *'mwn. Miaa Rnrirtt, Mra Baldwin and child, Captain
Williama. lad) and child.
Ship yiaiy fVa< i ft?Mra Wood Miae W* bher, Maatrr Wood.
Mr Wright, M m ( hnrrh. rhild and eerx ant; Miaa I owlra. M i??
Gardner. Mie? Kit /gr raid Mi a (iarrow, Mr Collia, Mra Martin
rliild and aeraant; Mra Allen,and T at-rraec paeumgrre. Mr.
Jwhn K. Baairtt of N. V. dii d'2-lth of April, and war buried on
Mobile Point.
NiaOii ton?Skip Orlratn-Vi<a Trmaiit. Mr Trtgaa,
.Mra B'irnell Mt<?r? Penn, Kink, Ha'-oii, Si afford. Hatepe,'
in j, Kinlrv. Tra-h. Blood. Merrill, Capt Crowdl, lluti -binge,
<IIIrrr, Galea, .laindaman?33 in the eleerage.
Import *1 lone.
Mat am/ ? ? far Catp'tr /fencer?MO lit a angar 333 hag* r,.f.
|rr .a) kcg.? t.diai i n |:U d"/ pnir applet sp. fforil, Tilceton Si I o
?I Ir endure! a K Adaina?I hi I H Lyon?is do/ pumpkina to
Rio nr Jam mo? Per llmrrirt?9tl huge mffn Gondlim- k. 1
Co? >00 I L Hoper?ant Wilaon ir Br.iw 11?425 J <' Phippa & Co
?5-> II K Anguat ? 3 hkla N Carle??04ten coffee to order.
Hi. Malta a?Prr Jogrj h Hankr\) ? W bah a cotton Spottord,
Tilritou Ik ( ii?47 Paiawna, i.awrrure k t o? IKieaain k < 'o
?'IT Taylor k Rirh?IP .Malttier 4, Slur?I* R Talfi kl o. President'
?t do t Idid Inhaeco \V W Pratt?10 rolla leathcpA B
Van Nran k Co.
Moan r ?/'rr ,/?Aii Hnritif?in', hu|e? rotton Andrrwe Ik
Brollirre?445 llolbrook. N?dunu k On?114 J I, T M Allyn? 41
' Brown k Dim "ii?33 E D HuHbut It Co-af Dwighl lol.naon 1
| I o?4a T M \V altrra tk < o?t2 Sj olford, Tilleaton k I o?44 M 1
Pet kfirty freitrr#? 44 lualee cotton IVi>n?r,(i?lrk('o?irt T
Pk( Nori i# k Co?111 G T Triinhh ?151 If A Vandumme? |
too Or- Kh?m k Mivira?11 k Gifting ?10 Kirhard Irein h Co? 1
I 4a lauar 8 Juiiure?IH hie DkA Kmgalund?? bia mdae W I
llydr?I A M k K J Kogrre?i hair 1 bia J N Clark?I bale
' Hprugue, Robiiieon k Co?HO redar lore I bi A Brll k Co
NkwOblkan*?Per Or/rana?41 lilida tobacco J Douatda >n
1 ?I bi D H Schmidl'a Son kC'o?1 do J Van Antwerp?0 bnlro
rntti.n Andrew a k Hioa?300 tihla tlour Wilaon. Harpewrorth k
M.iii?I ho|t? 4 qr rka win, I, A I. Buchanan?11 hie R Martin
ki Co?7 W Klinu?til halra cnttoil Dupiu k II y m-?? l hi# |
hbl Cainman. White ho UOt k C??3 haieo Rirneliea?I Young k
Smith?tiki J Kdio- 45 Hrail k K.inory?17 haha iitton Oirkmn
k t'lwirrdiill?100 hhU pork 1700 piga lead B H Kield?50 Ma
aogar Roberta .V Willi una?40 hah a akin* 1140 India 33 hinte.igar
10 halra akina 00 halra lotion so hhda tnharrolO do ungar
to order? 30* aka wheal Rohan k V?nlrn?u,|-t pkga t)rlrich>
k Krngur?14 halra rotlou Ilepkina k White?0 do Krrrrlt k i
Port of New l'nrk, N?)r 'St.
M?r|iii, A"ril30 'iladielnr, Brillon. May 36
Saineoa, Atur**ee Ma> I Mediator, < hampiiii, June I
UO HMOI., 1.1% (IrailL.
Yarnn. Tnak. April i? Ki?MiUr, W?mlhuw?,Mi)i (I
Pilritk llrirrtll'lo'i.Aiiril II Ahendan. Depey?ter, VU> 3ft
II, Aptil It Ailtie iD Uraaee, May 24 '
Rhone, Wollnn. April24 Chaa Carroll, kee, June I
< irree. Hirin.
Lehl?h. Rogere, unr. C. Colon, Month, aonn
Lucouia,(tore, nun m:* uatctn.
Ann Meltim. Martin, unr. A gUmi. I'uil. y Mayr.
I E. Preble. Crocker, uur. Vi< kehnm. Bunker, Mi) 35
Roarm*. Cmliman, unr. < m iIliito.
o a VILMH. Motion, Barkman. Ma) tl
j Republican. W1U011, May 13 Moe<?, Lotrlod. M i) *1
ufamin. iMAmtN,
| Pill lure, Sherman. Hay* Aataniiah. Slianler, Me)" 83
Hulllr.. (I. B I.Miner. lohMon, V: i" II
Merou. Billiiipe, Mar * I Mailieou. Bulklry, Me>
R..hl A dame. Mnr?hall, May?| Hoaur.
Wakulla, RaUoon*-. Mayltlf uba. I.alhem. eoon
cMiaii-Toa. | Alabama. William*, axon
Calhoun, Mini lair. unr. |
Ariadti". Bi ekman. Antwerr: Kairfiald, Burr. Malein; Here
inr, Kmiiaf. < ami-Milne end Halliiuorr. Bouniy . Tnttrn, Ne* ,
turn, N' , Elnab'ih k Keikrr, N-Ima, BrrnuoJe; Oladiat ir, I
Britten. London; rigaal, Baker. Boalon, Ann, Nicker* mi do;
Peart,! lou-th, Falmouth. Emu anil n inkt; America, Martia, I
| p. rl an Piatt; Mn hita.,. Kllhurn, hiatal/aa, Atlea. I ... .pet,
' Rappahannock; Cirarn, Shew, Jamaica.
| Ship Ell*. Walermen, ol Poughhr.-pai.,f> ile) a from I allan,
' w Iln nua blila while nil, CiO epertn. ami I* DM I lie whalebone. to 1
I> A Ahearman, agent for the Hutoheea Whaling Co. Rrpnrta;
No* 3 *hi|? Mar. KMiliar, .1 F.dfartvwn. 2303 hhle nhoil 'MVaii.
all well, let ,">* A. Ion (I 31 W , I8lh, aliip Merruri , Haakrll, N
Bedford, l*i*l ap. lat I OH A, Ion M?W, ttth.ehip fo? Atarh.uk,
Wilk- r, Nantuckel, l?06 ap. lat I St ),l<>n tut (2 W; DrcSI,
hip Wm Rnnrli, Toh> , N Bedford, It# ip, lat 33 ?o. Ion M V.W;
Jan t,ahlpOeo tli'U lend, Wulo, .> Be df..rd, I J00 in, lat it W.
Ion to ?' W.37 h,in Cal ao Bay lupa K m in. Smith, N'Bedfd. I
4tu ap; Krb It, Mar> Mitch* II, Mard?m r, Nanturki-t, to aa: 13 h
hart tieorgina. Apettcer, PlnlaAi lj kia. aid tor Ouiiauiill. ehip
Mortetuin i. opts of do, aid foi ' eatot; *tl?. John Knob, Walk- J
er. -Id for \ alpataiao; I'Jih. hrir I.id)' Adoim. do dot bark a In- ,
-phitie. Aduna err tin ValpBrateo; till. Mar)" t hiltell, line,
lin U M, to rail far Ihoai ti.uil aho?t_ij7tK March: t?.l. I A loop
*1 w ii Lei.nglon *M ( r f'M.tta Yalparatao MM Ri >.87lh Peb; I
t" S aloop nf war f el moot It, to tail k'rb 33 for the L A, *ia Val- I
pnraiao and Kin, baring ..a hoard I Mronaul audf in.ilv. April .
33 ?i ,k? a I 11 P?j ' ' NBedf.fd^ It M i?wt, I ?0f ?p, j
Hill. .'' rr "lif l"l" "|1 ?' OKU Pf) Ml.lll R? I fll/f,
I . ?" hbta *ii oil.
flop John linn.if. Magna l? .laya from Mobilr. ration, to K
I) llurlM k '?.
Bhtp M?ri Krwirri, NWnniii, 71 >Im> from Month . ration. to
Htirm B htrniM.
^hiii Orli ana. r> m, Itilivi fnim Nt Meant, oiiliwi, fcr lo W
VI. m.
Br bark I or*. < Initio,., 41 il. I'm Vlllforil. Kng. n itli An chaldron.
ronl.tn Vaatrta, M <rko? k In? *7 |*agra.
Br hne Mriik?r?'m ulh. Bourn'. 71 At I'rom Stockton, Rm,
with l?4 h-iMroi'? . ml, to Wm Wtlbtn.on. Ma) IT, lat 10 1*
Ion 71 '* ?|otf Br hrtg Ari-I, h?nr. f.ir *1 Jonnr.
Brig Harriet Mm i?r, of It."Hon. I in Hio ilr Jmrinu Atrilt,
' with i iffrr, to I fooitnin h Co. I.rfl bftl.. rnip. >. Town, of
B"?lon, fir kitlrl ii>?, I it*?.; Otlrana, Vlama, of Portamonth;
l.arka ri'ito, IJ ' lln v ,lm ?lo; I.a Plata, Bernard. lift for Montr
tiilro; hntca rilgrim, Mill, Mg for Africa Mrnrj- P Simmer,
1 T> It r. f.n Balliino?.. |?|g fof ft Yorki S phm. Krooh. fm I hi*
<1> Vrn!?. >l4l Bnlilnnn. ntnlih*, lot Baltimore, March m. Oil...
?a. Moan, Ihi'li ohtirf. Mai; h irk Br?ia, for IBrw York 0 itav*
I., lort . y?i Amrrn in mrioof-n ar hi poll lor imi. inn. |
May l*. lal 34 Ion 71, ri?ik? hnc Randolph, from Phila.1 lor .launit'*;
17th lat t :nt. I..n T?. paaaed brig l.niln ig. hen. r tmnnil
1 a nlh.
Brig J a. pit Mink y, Ktltn >n?lon. of Bath, It il. fm St Mark a,
ii., K'lM'tl a .|?, w ilh roll..n. In to rapt. I eft l.rig *t ?lira,
|.o W ork, in J '?; hrif II \oj.a, lor N\ ork, al<l < .la)
hrforr. , M
Ilrir' >t u- linen r, \ iama. It d? fin M ilan/ *, ?ngar, h'to I
Briit Iti on, Matthew*, t !?,? fioi.it liarle.toi-.w ilh rr.tton, I
In Munlrtm It UiPt'/B. i
Brazilian sehr Virginia, Lunocho, tods I'm Ht (.'nthanurs, i|t>
b.*ts 17 rks 40 blila oolite liri hides 450 horns 500 Ilia old copm-r
to Hopkins, Hain|e> it Cn Left no Am 'curls, the wrhnliuy
bark Miu r? 4, Holland, touched ami ?W blew days previous On
*l cruise; April 4, lal 77. lou 47, spoke whale ship H)daspe,oU a
cruise. wilfi boo bbla a il.
Behr Nrpoleou, Pitts. I( d* fiu Mobile with 737 b.tlea Cotton
to W L) Ma.Iiii. 75 J K Bultrrworih. 70 (' Pulsus lit Co, 70 to
order. May 4, lal 76 4b, Ion 40 06, spoke iliip Birmingham, 4 ila
lin Mobile lor Liverpool.
Sclir Brutua,' otterrll. 17 da fin Ma> ayuer., I'll, with 740 < ka
molasses to A Zerwya. May ?, lat VH SO, louts 50. spoke briy
llocomoke. 18 ilr fin Boston lor N'tlrhans; lilli, lal 34 75. lou 71
15,spoke ship Spartan, 3 da lienee for ,NOrleans.
Hr aclir Jane. Daeis, I I day a from B< rmwdv, w it! ballast and
arrowroot, to W A K Oateupoil. Lett buy fJnuid Turk, (or
ft Doimuyo, lOlb; sehr llalry oC Huidiek. loi Turks Island,
aoou; May 17, spoke In ig System, hence |or Porto Hieo.
Sehr Hero, Curtis, 4 days from WlIuiiuKtoii, ,\t , natal stores
to B Kuy^les.
Srlir I,ik') Blake, Blake, 3 day s from Camden, with lime, to
Isrlir I Jen knot, Knox, 6 days train Tbomastou, with lime, to
Sehr Ann Deiunaii. Deuiiiaii. ">day- from Thouivston, lime,to
Sehr Win I'eiin, ?. 10 days Iroio Marinas, willi luuihar, to
Srlir Friend, Baker, 8 dnys from Boston, with indr., lie to J
Sehr MeDonouuli, Nirkersen 4 days from Boston, unlr., to K
Lew is
Sehr Cambridge, Wakeinan, from Boston with ind/,fto J
Si el ells.
Selir Oscar, l.ov< II, 4 days from Boston, with nid/, Kr to K
(irneral Kreord.
The Henry*, from NVork, nent aslirre elf tialfeaton, ou the
5lh lust., bill was tot ofT by the strar.rr New York, in safety.
The I hxtb im, Rirhardron, from Boston for NOrlrnns. was
at Nassau. NP: bad been ashore on a shoal hearing F.HK ; K
from the Sheep Keys, distance about nine miles.
Tlieie were 17 ships, 17harks, sud 17 brigs ?t f'hirh sto<i,lbth
OfToei * ot the St. Louis, at Mazatlaii. 1st lilt.: k rrurli forrest.
Captain: II A Sterle, 1st Lieiu; (J R f Irav, 7d do; (I M
Met reel v, 3d do; <i M White, Master; J A Bates, Purser; l>
K Tiludar, Snreeon; J J Brow idee. Aset Burgeoiiy Lhuninirk
l.yilch, i >11(1; r. r.asterhronke, Professor ol iviailismalu*; It
K Porter, L Oihbun. J Koslsr. Thou Patterson, Robt Millipa",
.1 W Kisk, James lliggias, Midshipmen; B Kmrtll, Captain",
Lirl of officer* altHehed to the Warren, at Pensacnl*, 6t!>
iii?t ; Stephen B Wilson, Lieut Cnmdg, Lieutenant', James T
Gerry, Jose) h '.annian, John K Tneiier; Daniel B Ridgrlr.
Acting do; Acting Master, W I intra!limey. Purser. Thomas M
Taylor: Surgeon. Daniel F'gliert; A??l do A K Lawyer; Mid'n
S D Val'ette. Wm K Bsudinoi, John 'Jim at. J W A Nicholson.
W m A Wehli, Keli\ G May eon, Paul Shirley. K M Cuvler;
Professor of Mathematics, Mnrderai Varnall; Captain'* Clerk
Joseph Gideon; Hoatewaiu. JainriBray; Gunner, J W Penning
ton: Sailmaker, M Wheeler: Purser's Clerk, Donald Davidson
Commander Jameson lia* since taken command of I lie War
re n.
Caspar Manser, front Ma tan/as for NYork, May 12. in the
< cidelia, hence f..r Charleston, Mav 18. off ( ape May.
United States Ports.
Boston, Mm 18? arr Pauls, Crovtell. NYork; Splendid, Patterf.u,do;
Trio, Ni.kerson. do; John B Hows, dot eld Kxti i.
String, do.
N'kvtr BiaoiiiD, Mi! 18?air Kllen Rodman. Nl<>rk; Lit/a, I
PiovintM i;. May I*?ai r Armu. Masan. NYork-, harlrs.
Ash. do; Jame* I. Long, llaw ki'i*, do; Soiith|iOrt, Sturgess, ito;
Hands', Cumlilf. do, Coinmodoie, Williston, >lo; Yankee,
Bright man, do.
Hn iimomj,Mav 17? an Lynchburg, NYork; ?IJ Man Eliza.
Norfolk, Mat IS?arr Ann D, Bedell. N Y oi k; ltd Kiupn ,
M c Math, doMuHii.r,
Map 12?eld Red lister,PenfieM, NYork
Vrvt Our*>i, May II ?eld Rubicon, Roger*. Havre; arr
Charles Ci An, Hunt.
Pnrelgn Ports.
Bv.rmi'uv, May 2?eld Mogul, Oallnghri, Liverpool: April
in, arr Haley on, Burdn k, N York; May I. Gland Turk, D> er,
do; eld Jane, Da\ is, do.
The zteams'tsp GREAT WESTERN
Hnsketi, R.N., Coimaander, 1548 ton*,
rr 450 Worse power, t* appointed in tail, for the
jrSSKsLiltsr 1840, a* follows:?
psom nurroi,. now mrw Tons.
4th June, gist July,
SSth July, 18th Auguat,
13th September, loth October,
7th November. 8th December.
The sleeping berths in the forward eabin are being plaaed for* ,
and alt, and the state rooms greatly enlarged.
The rate of passage in all parts of the eliiti is JdkO ?steward's
f?e* $5, including he., a* formerly.
Kor freight or passage, ur otherinformation. apply personally
?r ky Utter, to
fr7lm Rll HARD IRVIN. at.
Nt IS.?KARE. Hi Sumier 37| rente.
The r"miniHlii>u *teaml>oat NAPOLEON. ( apt. I. W. H<?eoi,
will leave the (hot of Kohiason ?tre I (next 1'ier .iboye
Barclay itreet) tki* (Thursday) afternoon nt S o'clock.
Regular day* from New York?Tuesday*. Thirraday*. and
Saturdays; from Allnuijr. Monday*, Wednesday*,and kriil*)*.
finding nt her passage up and daw a at the fool ul Hanunoud
Koi p:ii?*?i;e or freight, apply on hoard, or to
ni)'j| JOHN BALL, 104 Barclay at.
N B. A Re* ird of ten dollar* will he naiil upon the cutiie- |
lion of an) a i 11 ihm deetroy ing th? fill* of thiahoat.
0M KOR ALBANV.?Kroni ttie foot of Barflk
? ?Si#,'l:?y ?treat.?The ALBANV It morning
m iZ.at 7 o'clock.
The NORTH AMERICA In morrow morning at 7 o'clock.
The ALU \ N Y Saturday morning at T o'clock.
Krniai the loot of Cortland' treei.
The SWA LLOW tin* iiftretim.iu at 3 o'i h?ekThe
DEWITT LINTON to-morrow aflrrneoa at 6
o'i luck
NOTM K.? All govd*. freight, hagyagr. hank bill*, upecie, or
any other kind nl pro(ert), tskea, shipped, or put on hoard the
host* of this line, must be at the riak of the otrnet* of inch
good* freight.Iniggage, kr. inyt' ?n? j
J Cabin p **.eng. r? by tin* ?htp will plea*. be na hoard I be
ataaaahual Herculra *1 Whitehall, tki* d .y (Thursday),the
i at instant, nt II o'clock preciselyThe
f iler hara will clo?* at the Kathangt and Hale'* New*
Room at til o'clock. mill
TO HATT?Si?!!!
YIKN'B Kor *al?
WILLOW by the
SUMMER caae or
HATH. dozen, bv
mj-'M at* 14 Maiden lane and 131 Chatham at.
IN eitenaitr hospital* and la t arious climate*, together with
a perfect aiedieal education, enable* Ur. EVANS, No. til
Teck alip,< ai ike ettraurdinary cuer* of complicate! raa? ?,
??rn *1 Irrlhe \ knee herne(pelled trom the hospital, (in, ?ra
btrV The unforluiate. and also ih??e who hair keen ? dinted
With delicate di*i **ea?Hint j a'.hed up?a'e re,posted to call
lind judge for tin in*el?e?. Stranger* ere paitiaularly i aulmn
ed not t? he im| oaed o* by ha*t of mechanic* who lately
dubbed the in*' Ire* doctor*, change their name*, and they
*r< ihennlv regular medical advrtiarr* in the city The city
i* inundate I w ith aueh men, ? nt in*.illy p isoairg |l,. unlorlii.
nale being* who apply to them Fiael old Oalrn. The old
man No. 17 Pe. k and you will not lie decein d. my?i It*
'I*HE <'I tlEBWh t he teu day note* of tin* iu?li(u
I tma redeemed at the counter of the Baok No.lv Wall
my; ami,.*" * " DAY. I mhier.
QEAMSTRESii \i ANTES - An trior and intelligent
kr gi-l, bringing utee;ae*tinii*hlr testimonial, Caperiti ?n>l
re*pei latiilitg. ma) *ri'l? * Churl tan alreei. \.m, other*
than ftk'trdtaonbed need apide, *ntl It*
PALI II Ll.Otll. Aoc'ineeee
I* ANTIl I.ES.kc. kc.- W.M Met ORMICK will ae|| thi.
day at 10 s'iAih k. at rte*. < ourtlmmt street.* large and ec
teniriee a?*orttnent of fancy tad staple Dry IJnoel*, Silk*. Hoiierj.
Olorea.cieeth*. I ae*itf.area, Ac., being the entire .lock
,.l , ? hole. |I. a-. . r l ail dr V ?t >r. feme. . .1 . ? V. _
ark for eonr*ui?n< 'nfHilt pnaiti**, rain or <hi?r.
fit It* _____
\ I < TTON N" I I W W AHIRI f \ will .11
A da, (Tt.uraday), .1 Nn, IW Rioudwap, at 10 o7|.?-k, a
llrp (alilnfiir ?!* ! FarnilU**; *!? > from a family, I Pianofori*,
I lara* Aufa. I a*t l.ampa :>nd drop*, I tan,* Mnik. al?<>
rabin*l k'uruitiu* of all lnrripliii.uj rich cut lilaaawar*.
n<alrl l.amy-n.Clouki, Iliraiinlrl, ''Inn* dirm?i ai?1 lea nil.
Wiadna I urtaina. Pi*r UlaNtl, Window Ahnd**, Tralrar*,
Picture*, h? Anl* poailir*. rn'n or chip*. mr'J' n{
Mm KINI. Bin H -A am ill lol of anptri r flNa win to
iliipwrH of low. If immedi at* ?j>pli< ali..n H* ma.la al is
Jayalr**!. *rtl It*
pAHKi.K A roTif.r. MOOMA, it JOHN A.
I TK* altrrationa in lh? howa* h?mg romplatad, th*?* ->td
aal ibli*h*>! * iTraiom. ?r* again apan far Ihl rrffpliul ><f
Th* anharrilwr in rtliirninf thank* '"i Ih* lih* ral rapport
thai h* ha* h'irt l'.ir* r*c?irad. iloti hi* (italomara an
tno?r who palraniril hi* bi"tki r. that a ' (Port ah all b* wamine
an hi* part to i It a e< atinuani e ..I lh*it i-natom.
myliii _ OKOHOlTrA WKr.R,fnt* 41 Day al.
\ M I till OH l I'MlNi., \\ vl I-.nil is fli Kb
? On* of th* Hn**l <nd maat raluablr <-<*M*cti? n* of Paintinja
mh bri -ight I f that .n thi* country i? now :?n to Ihl
SuMi* for awmiaation. (V*a of ehanr*. at Pra??r'? l*all?ry, T-.l
road war, and will h*olf?r?dat an*lion on T?*n4l?,lba '<*lh
inalnnt. Th* r. II** lion ?mhrnr?? ?om* of Ih* ftnrni .na. inpan*
oflhr rvri.wiu mnnl?r?, an< i*nt anil mod'in. and m*fud*> fie
fviwl.lv >nl*mnlim and ?alunl.|* on*,no/ Pnrlraila of Oan?ra
Waahinfton. Hnmilton, John Jn*, Ad.iwa ind Mi.rni, painird
by t'nl. Trumhiill nn.l Mr. Anlly for Ih* lata fltn Wnlcntt,
l<r***ntinc n ??ry far* >*("ilanilr to Ih* *ol|*rl?r of worka
?f Ih* fin* arlaTh*Oall*r>
will I-a lit'. '*d up th* aaaning t>r*rimia In lh?
a. falMigMt nt ih* ImHary. mjrll Hia*
TIIK null r,n* lor Baliln*- . ttimdriA, Omy Hair, nnd nil di?
I * ??. ? ..f ih* A. alp, ,V>. I Barclay ?lr**t, tw door* from
N. A. Ml r*up?rlatl* |ih> ?iri.?n*. Indira and ,'nil??i*n in
tin r it v . in nrtrat Ih* nv?t it .,f in* npwattim
All aimlh''.'iri'?, dni,?i*ta, and roi at ry nv. rrhanl ar* r1
,f?|l. I., a... Il.-.a -.-a... i._ I. r.
f'iraniij* in'? linir r imi" -itJun, if IVy ni?h lUpniftl <M*)r.
J* perdotnn. _______________ ?"?*
JOtTt "B t*v OK Murrh. I"*. on the t'??f ?lllr of Mr >* 1
* w?) i Vln-rn Vrinr* IM 'if**! Jonr* ?ft?? l?, * htiwllr of
nM TV??t ran V of no i<o??ihlr u?r lo the prr
on *r*>ni.-'?r h?t? p4<k?nl tVm no.? Inr Unblt kbli iVv
r?lil?-h*'r nil I on finer V*n ?o|?l. and o??rl?- nil <?1 the dr'iN
?r? on r? ortl TV owner of t hrm n ill pnjr o(0 to nor rem id
*! > irtlHnw *hwi n' rr >i Vi. ?:"! or No Mlmi tif, if
l?l(?mil no nc Imfnm 1*?< ? ? Jtoe, 1444, ot n th
> * > ?r i?trntl? ?? 1 i \. ? i ' nvtnjr
A -THVI A AM< I M fRiSK.-lVr-. 'M Irunttlnrt nun thru*
li?lrr??inj Hi*. v?r?. ,*n mret ?Mk nl-noft iiutnnl id ?f ,
witl ooHv mm. h>- ri'lTioo *lri. MOTT. tl?n e?lrl?rnt?tl
' nv*l* Fhyntctno " ?* ?df"U??m?nt. MT7-4W"
NEW AHIUMih. >1 K. > l\
01- ?V3itrii? a oar from each place.?The new and
a Kg-Jg-.pl.nM.I steamboat PASSAIt.. r. W. Martin.
uiiUtrr. oil and af er Thuieday, May 2i?l, 1440. will run b<
tween Newark and New Yoik, uvukiag thro- trip* fioaewrh
place, aud leave aa fnllowa:?
CKivrar Whut, Ntwtni. F*ot or B.vact.?vr ?r., S. Y.
tt| cloyk, \ M. ?\ o'clock. A. m.
I0i ' A.m. IS.1 " P. M3
o'clock, P. M. 51 o'clock.!'. VI.
On SUNDAY the Pad?aic will run uud leave
I entre Wharf, Newark. k'ool of tUrolay ?trr? t, N. Y
71 o'clock, A M. *1 o'clock. \. M.
3 ' P. M. 5 ' p. M.
The Paaaaic will land at Bergen Point
On Suutlay* ihc will laud on lier paaiitagf down and np each
PARE?To Newark, Iff ?> ?? .
Bert:i-u r'oiut, isl t'retr. mvio
Sw?llie Narrow*.?The Dew aim low-preieure
steamboat WAYE,liapt. Vauderliill will ou Sunday, Die gtih
ihstnul. aud every euccetding Snud?y during the euniuttr,
make the following> irnraiou*.?Leave pier No. I Earn Kivei,
(neat the Batteiy,) at 8 and II o'clock, A. M.; 1 aud 4
o'clock, P. M. Leave platen Inland, at IU aud 1*2 o'clock,
A. M.; at 3 aud a o'clock,P. M.
^ Fare for the Eimrrinn lit cent*. apl5 3m*
M ROOMS TO LET, witniu three miuule*' walk of
the Park Poet-office, in a gruteel family, suitable for a
geotleiuan and wife or email family. Rent low. Address
bo* 336, Park Foal-office. my 14 3t*
( >1 \l i| M( II4TS? I.F.AKY 4- < o. an n,,w iiiushtng
their Summer Hut*. They have a good aaeortnienl
ofpMaiiill.v a? . leghorns for gentlemen. Alan. \ oaths' and
1 Ml h- n's Leghorn*. inyiO 3t*
Ail-is -ill IHIti 8- I.e.. I.,.. iMtsi-i foil ? I.. I"
frieuda aud the puhli that her FAREWELL BENEFIT
mil Imt xpKxmice in America will take place on Till RSI'AV
KV ENING. May Slst, on which occasion, Mr W1LM)N
and Mr. OUIBII.KI have volunteered their services in
the oo i a of
Madeline, .Mis* Sliirretf.
Bijou. Mr. i ruihclei.
Si. I'liur, Mr. Wilson.
Alter which, tin- farce of the
Gertrude, Mis* Shir re If.
iny-20 *1
! !
" The latch-string hang* outside the door,
Aa it haa ererdoue bctore.''
The no inhere of the 'NINTH WARD TIPPECANOE
CLUB." ami every friend of" HARRISON A NO REFORM "
are invited to attend inuctiuj: on THURSDAY EVENING,
c?'ht May, IMS, at 7J o'clock, at the Tippecanoe Head (Quarter*
< Northern Exchange) Bfeecker ?tre< f.
Spaachea will he delivered by distinguished api aker*.
The meeting w ill close w it h a concert ol Harrison nielodiea.
Let all seeker* after the truth come and hear. By order of
ROBT. <i. CHI TTENDCN. Preaident.
S. A. I I NNINGH A M. 1st Vice rreaiilent.
P. HORTON, ?d Vice Pr? siih nt.
Hornet St. John) o
InlmtkiMr, ^' ' aayW gt*
Original jKtna friction matchesTIXumn
* Patent Imprortd)?These Matches are superior to any
other Lneofoco Mulch in iue, aud sro warranted on sea and
I not aud in any .climate, and ire not aft> .ted hy damp woa'her
or by being kept any length of lime, b-iugpulup ill the moat
careful manner. They art the only Ma trips suitabh far expurtation.or
to he used in vessels. Dea era in Matchea can be
supplied oy the subscriber* in any quantity at the ahorteat notice
aud on the moat favornb'e term*, leither in tapei or tin
boxes.) To be hud at the lowest wholesale and letail pliers,
at the offices of the subsi rllier, No. UJ, Wall street, and S3
( ortlaudt street. J. ft L. DIJGAN,
invfo-iiu Sole City Agent* lor the Manufacturera.
WANTED loabonkstomau iiitelli|(eut Lad, one having a
knowledge of the business preferred. Enquire \o. W 9
Broadway, Anieriean Hotel. myt? M
OHMS TO LET, l?r single gentlemen. Apply ]K Part
place. _____ myH I win*
NOTICE.?All peraona are caiitloued against trusting any
pern on on my account fram tlna date without my wiilleu
Mil i' TEl'NI* BERUH, I2t (Irtrawicli at,
C No. no Broadest/. op|aiaite Hector street.?JOHN RO-,
BKHTD A CO., i motived from No. .? John atreet,) respectfully
aolicit I'rienda to call and inapect their assortment of
the moat aelecl fashionable gooda for Itic present aeaaou I
which they uiaki in thr moat approved atyleand.it 20 prr cell,
under the usual charge* made bv the rcipeetable house* in tin 1
trail-', who use the aame kind of good* rod make iu llieaame |
style. An experienced and faahioliahle roller aud the he?l I
workmen only employed by tliiw firm.
A room will be Kent to try on all gannent*. wben th aired. I
before aeut home, that every 'customer mi) he ?ali?lied, a* I
every article rnnat be paid lor on delivery. For rush- and j
cash otlv?for every arttelv i* the eatahliahed rule of thin firm,
mytt Jl"
n>Ol>A WATER -SOUILLARl), UK LLI'c St t-O., PharO
inac- iitiai*, apprise their customers and the public in general
that they have opened in each of theii establishment*. No.
g Tark Row ,opposite tbs Astor House, and #sl Bioadway , op I
p..site Niblw s Garden.a Soda Water Fi i nlain, to which they
will add their hi gWy esteemed *y tups, in great variety.
N. U. The mi ncrvl water* of Congress oi Saratoga. Vichy
and Seltrer H>n?|n constantly on hand. my is in*
H''Oil THE FACE AND SKIN.?Among the many and various
kind* of I osmetics that are offered to the public lor
beautify nig the complexion, and removing every eruption
Ir- in the skin, none can he so conli lently recommended a*
CHI'Rt H'S VEGETABLE LOTION. It imparl* a deli
eate smoothness to the c< inplexiou and rlfrctoally removes
pimple*, blotches, tan, ringworm*, chaffing*. ?ud ruUiiecu*
PENMARY, is* Row. ry, corner ef Spring at reel. Price *?
ccuta per bottle. Mf It IB*
N'KW KA8HJONS T OUTER'S Report of Ik* London
ami Fa l ie Faeliiona have t>een received Ihia day, and are
riad) for delivery ai No. Wl Broadway, up-aUira. Terma
".Ml per aopj , or K4.00 a vrar in ?d? ancc.
inyIt l w A. BI.AKEH1.EE, Agent.
LI I'M, late ol' I Ok William etrret, reaneotfully inl'orma hie
nuiHrroaa palrcua II.at he ha' rt B.oved lii? raah tailoring r>lal.luhmenl
In |V> K|.uadwa>, ow door (i jiu Liberty atrrcl
where he will continue to transact t.uauiraa <>u Ihe eame aye
trio that ha' Rained him ao large a portion ( public fatnr,
S. r ha? euteren into arrtngeniruta thai will enahlr him to
famiib article* of drraa equal, in every reaped In the tirai
I houaeaiothe ti adr, at a atlll greatri eat.t.g than heretofore.
Thia ma> l.r #rrn at oore by comparing their garment* and bil'a
with hia. (th< only way to arrive at a juat murluaion;) quali
! t> alooe munt catabliah the true ?alur ol auv artirle. it thin
I lart that w ithholda the proprietor from publishing a nominal
| Itat *l rhaigea. a* aril. Ira may I. *d" up at ItR IMN, wWcil
are aha..lately in tbr nm? ratio to the n.??t eat rat agant pr.rr *
S P. w tain a particnl irly to draw i iiiiinnlo thia fart, aa
I dally attempt' are made to ropy hia alylc ofadt<rtiaementa.
, In ronrluaion. h. P ran aaanrr grull* ?ien that he maker up
no artn le oldre.e whatever hut from the tery heat matrnnla,
and that he ewip|u/a nolo hut fimtraie haude. Mr aake the
public In make a li taJ of hia ay alein In the full conviction that
he really eau vate them thirty per rant.
Aa aaaorm.ebt of Shirti, Stcvka, P,uaohia, Collar*. an
(ill if dw ..)< n hand. mall mm'
:?l Maidtn l.nnt.
'IMIl' atiharribet I.aa jtml received a hhiidinme eupply of black
1 hod ml..red Cloth*. I'Maimrr'i, ud Voting*. which hv
vil make up to order, at hia uaual low pritve, for each, tin:?
Urea* I oata of doth >1* tin to 04
I-r>ck do do ....... I* no In M04
PantJ.jona dn Caaaipierc or Satinet... t Mi lo ISO)
Veata of Satin*. hufT or white I aahtaer*,CtnaJIc
and London W. I tinge ? 00 to IN
Peraone lui mailing their o? n food* tan have I hem in adr up at
follow a. vig;? .
I) race (oat a nvl. and trimmed. * no to ptl M
Kmck do .to do I N to M t
Pajilal eoua do do ,
Teala do do ....... .... 1
\ B?All m*6' it l>u? et.tl.lial,in. n* are made ,.y
Ik* ne*t wot I. men .lint warranted to At.
j T>i? iulwrttMr will reuinra on lk? l?t of May ne?t to No. M
| MaaWi laiM matt Smia*
'I'M E aubernher hn? t?h< n ll,e(Ji?utie ll? uae, (creeled lh>
I | tat a< iaoii.1 ?ml i? ri-mlj t- iftnaiaiafali' the travelling
| public in ? a.on ?tj l? u at any h u?. in the country. Tin
i ia well located in the pl> <? ?nt ullage ?f l.ittMon, on
III* Unlu ol lb* Auin?"0,,,aue rirer. Tin r ...ma arc a par j QUI
I vail nail fart,lihed. Veraoua a topping at Ihia houee can lie str?
unnrn in ttu whita Maaataii), Ha
i vert,ill, Montcrlier. aii 1 Hurling! >n, at anv time in thedM
Ml !?' I NRY THOM ? ^
nK HUNTER'S RED DROf? Ear oa# rlaaa of eomtlainl*
o?lr *Olkr, No. ? Dm*ioa atra??, I door from < at), mar
j (treat. lac only place in tK? city, am *o welt known for the
Very many great tad r itraonlinary cwrra it liaa performed.
' wiUitnd diat or hindr""iee frrm 'naiwu. when ail other rem*
li .1 Catkd. f or e??r) particular ot ihi medicine, arc
I ndeertmementauo oiitar p?gn >1 per rial mil la
Hi t (RANT ROOMS T< > LET lo ampinfratlaiaM, fur
' ntahed ar nuluroinheit, (with breahlaal taw I lea, if required,
in a de?tmble part ?l Rmadway. at the tat of Ma). Knyulrr
at# -art Broadway. An earl) application will ?nan re rhoic*
af eanma. Refeceueeagieen and required. mupa ia
la ?taft u i ratting, iiinul-rrut teiU) , h>a
TRII Mrll ANT t ARKKR ?n th#
freeing In Itie nliihcti.nl of lh. uaandt hie decided lupnnntf
m the aM of Ladiea'aad tientlemen'a 11 air Cutting and Diaaa
tag. PHALON'S Pricea, in hia ae* eetaMiahmeul.are:?
tianlh ovena Hair Cutting. fo %
* Curling. l*|
i Noevtra charge for Cm ling if dour at the time nf flitting
Th? beat and rh< ???r >i?rcd to the niiMtn.
r^r^nmrrj. Miff Article* I. idira' I >irU. ad harl.ionnhlr
Ornamental Hair of rrer) tarietr. M m*
/'I RKD IK fitr miniitn. by Sanaii'il natriioR I **a.
I " or? Wo aara |>r. Hauler. 1W* Hull- Amine; Knlwrt I.aw
ren.-r, t itaf'.ni Hnitn*t Judge T<imli**?n. kihI Ret. Mr. John
Hherman'? Anna Lnlfitnla will re mote Heartburn ami A r el ity
in three in in* tee. Ath the luii>'l|. ?i. upon hundred* thai
I hati urwd Ihcm.
Clierman'e ftta<tr*aii I ? l,nirtim ?red'liciou*. and Ihcy
purilr the hlond, remote pnnnl"* from !'" I'ar e, Ac.
A t LKAH VOIff .
* hrrmnn'a \rnii.. I mtti.t- rr ahe the r>i<*e fir ,\hee|
thr larvftt nv i?l. and arr pnenlarlj nd.i,il?d I > 11nk r 1
put lie upcahcrr.
"aid at I"* \?e?.> l?r'. '? ? l.nlh?m ' ' *,}ak H'r;IJt
F ilfon -t., Il'i it > > V 1 W-|ti ."Itrr Rr"' Prneii'.-eire,
R. I MfM y
pAKK THEATHJL?THIS EVluNINU will b? perform
POSPILLION OK LONJUMKAl'.-thao-lou. Mr. '.Vii
nun. Biltt, Mr. Qiubelei; Ma'eLto , Mia* Shirreff
LOAN OK1 A LoVKR ?Peter Spyk. Mr. < aippiudale; Uertruiir.
Mia* hi irretf.
Doors ova T?Performance romim-ncea at "I.
BtWriiyTHEATRE.? ! ?! ? KO.M.Nti won be perform!
'I Hi". a t aTI'K fiend ?Ra; mond, Mr Barry, The Stain*
Kir ado. Mr*. II i< ! <.
BRONZE HOUSE.-P.nc Sing Mr. Gale*. P< ki, Mra. Herring.
Door* open al kalf-put aii, and th- Ttain rire* at T|.
Puce*.? Boars, 75 cents; Pit, mi era**. liallery, ** renin
will be iierfarined
I IIILB UK l'HK WRECK ?Maurice, the Dumb Bey,
C t-lrsic.
N \TALIE.?Three character*, by Madame Celeste.
(~tTYMl'i(J THEATRE.? iTTftTEV?M Nl7w.ll be per
t/ Ibrincd
WATERMAN?Tom Tug. Mr. F.dwin.
THiKH'AT I.AROE? Sir Tobv Pliant, Mr Anderson, Frank
Mr. Edwin.
L \ VtO?>01T!TnV_L?w.ReM*, Mr Mitchell
Uuora open at half-past am, and performance te commence at
seven. Bon-*, dress circle, SO ce la; aecoud and third tier S
cento; Pit.la.
? BROADWAY, OPPOSITE CITY HALL ? Orand combination
of norelly and talent! Triumphant success! Inconsequence
of tile- at ill merrasiug popularity nl' the combined array
of attraction here,it willbe continued during the week.
The celebrated vocalist Mra. HENRY WALLACE, formerly
Mira Turpiu.
The ecCJlitricRr. VALENTINE, and
Siguor BLITZ, the Great Bohemian Magician,every eveninc.
Signor BLITZ will open the evening's entertainments will]
a variety el' Magical illusion., kiilliaiit Physical Knperimeets,
Opi'ical Drcepliona. and Legetdemain. Several entirely
Hove' and never yet attempted by any other pic lessor of
l''popul*arCbaHad by Mra. WALLACE.
S gnor BLITZ will conclude Ins part *,f Ihr entertainment
with Ilia celebrated, extraordinary,ineiplicalde,and unattainable
leal o" the Plale Uauce, which nightly elicila the meal
nnhounded applause
Mr*. WALLACE, afarorite Sepe.
Alter wliirli. Doctor VALENTINE will give hia mirlhinspiring
entertainment, commencing with
Mr. Seuailive, a man whoae body ia a prey to hia imagiua"collocjuy
between two loafer* on theataleol thecuirency.
By paitir'ilar deaire, Mi*i Tabitlia Tiplongue, a ciuaty old
Amaniah Trntalmul, master of <11 work ami lecturer an
rin. i??!.-*v The whole to conclude with
Country School-keeping, showing the different shades of
boy*' voire*.
K uiry (?!*#* Working during the day ami evening, by Mr .
Lecture room performances to begin at 8J o'clock.
Piauofortr, S. W. Bass lord.
Price of admission ti all the Entertainments. 2* cents.
' liildren hall pro' mm lm?
NEW Til EATR E ? The public are re#|? . tt'nlly informed
that the New Theatre of Mirth and Variety, late Franklin
Theatre, will open on MONDAY, May Mlb, with an entirely
new and highly efficient company, stars of celebrity, and a
splendid stt of new scenes.
A new eoniic opera! au e?trava';an/.afrom the French! a series
of novel enttertaininents, Ike. Ike., to he acted on an entirely
new stage. It is also important In announce that the
whole ol the interior has undergone a thorough repair, and will
he decorated si d appointed in style inferior to none of the public
establishments of the city. Further particulars a few
All professional will please in future to address their letters
and notices to Mr. J. H AMHKV.8T, New Theatre, Chatham
sijtmre. New York. invis im*
vTaTIONAL ACADEMY ok DEAIt.n, cum on
iv HALL.?The Fifteenth Annual Exhibition of the Academy
is now open, from 10 o'clock A. M. until hi o'clock P. .M.
Admission 3S cents. Season ticket* SO cents. Catalogues I'-tJ
cents. *|4? trm'
'IM'RNE., It KISIO.lt, No. 5*i < hatham street, publish tins
1 day, the C rocket I Almanac, Tururr's Comic Almanac, and
Fisher's Comic Almanac, with original reading ml flue liumorous
wood cuts, e^ttsl to any published in the country.
Order* lor Wood Engraving eaecuted a* above,
booksellers are inv ited to call and examine the large assortment
of Play*. Song Honks. Children's Books, Stc. lie.
THOMAS BELL, Auctioneer.
L'RIDAY, at I Ok o'clock. Ill the sales room, sheriff's sale of
P Hats, Dry Ueods. Clothing.elegant Je w > jry. Fancy Articles,
tiavelliuf Trunks, tkc Also, <0U > ards superfine Broadcloth,
in lots to suit purchasers. my 16 51*
IjERSSE k BROOKH, Commission Merrhaats, No. ft Li
berty Street,'ffer for sale?
V half# No. I domestic 11*8*
;<> hales No. t do do
100 hair# colored foreign do
100 casks Boyd's Bleaching Powder
do Sutton Ce.'s Blue Smalts
. >00 lbs of Twne
.1 Sales Fellings, 3d, ti. at. #0. and 71 inch
I do Machine Blankets
1 do Lappings
Mi.cou lbs Black Oinle of Manganese
They havr also for sale from some of the best tnvmifarlorw*
III the United Stales, the following Papers?
uw ream* ol* News Ptiutiug, of various dualities and sites.
i.MM do of medium, royal, and su|wr-royal Priating Pape r,
for books, ke.
IJMti ream# ol V oolsoap, tilled and plain*
MUl do Flat Cap.
Also. demy anil medium Writing. Tissue and F.kvelope Paper;
Press Papers; Bancbot MM Buidars' Board*.
.moo reams of rloth, hardware, double crown, crnwn, aad cap
Wiappvug Paper*i Straw Papers,tec atlowrst t>riee*. inyl* tt
h()? TOR EVANS, Senior, 'a m attendance at his okl
stand front 7 A. M. till III P. M., daily, where his old and
new friend* air respectfully invited to call, when particular
m?dii a', aid i'required.
N. B. Don't be deceived hy boy or men. who frequent I
pan f-r me, oi my snns. Look for the gray head?aad dotvY
mistake No. II. myll Imis*
V The subaerihrr re#i>ec?fully announres to his numerous
cusp.mere and the public generally, that his ?lock of exhibilion
Fire wen ks this yrar will far oiccnd any allempl* that
have ever been mad' in this rounlry herelolivre. consisting of
the uewi *t and most bri.liant designs thai have keen peoducrd
in Europe or any oilier country.
P.vrtieulsrf of agency will be given in future adeertisemenUi
IS A At KDtiK . Jr., Pyrotechnist,
inyiasti*' Jeraey I "it jr Laboratory.
3H0 BROADWAY, entrance in Warren ilrrrt,
WILL feel much pleasure in ahowiiie how ? ? plan of in?rtin,
Teeth on the principle of ATMOAI'IIKRII PRKBSI'RK
differ* from that uaualty adopted. with the important
reeull* (root ill application. A*. Dr. L . ha* nothing about it
ecret, he wiahea the public to judge forth- nwrta
(From the Sunilav Morning Mia* ?-f April JC. P<4<> |
From a long personal acquaintance with thr practice tad eat
prrin.. I .1 Mr I ?utt, l>i ntiat we ran no.*t cordially rrr?m
mend hi* atmonpheric prr?*nrr principle, w pr?ri*??d hy himtell,
a* the grrateet adv incrinriil in anil the perfection of den
Hour* of atten.lance only from 10 o'clock in the morning to
i , k aAaraooa KMtmin?"
U A AAFOIU) recpei tfully itifui DI* hi* fi ie11rta in the ririmtjr
o! the TaltrraaJI*, that he ha* iii*l fitted up the larf* Room 440.
known a* Broad way Mall, with ?er. nuew table* wherehe wiQ
be happy to ire lho*r who with teplay or t-urrhace table* and
at In* olil *tan-l t( Ann itreet. adj-naine the Muaeam, where
i there ar* thirteen tehle* ready for triaL Table* of every de
acril-tion, rl-th*. balle. cue*. rue an. for *ale a* above
1 lie abote aooma have the reputation of Seine keat in the
ao*l renpec table manio r and the bent a.o rineit of table*
jM w
nRTaiLen a is si.a sm of l.vkrwomt, *o i?*?
*d favorably hiKiw n to thi publie. pi. par'H under thi
o( ib- rigin -I inventor and proprietor, who ?e??
year* *iiicc ?larted the hnainea* at lit Bowery, and who may
now be coimnlted at hi* nlfice, lj I hamher* alrert, near Chathum.
in ronnetton with th? *ah of the only genuine Dr. Tay
lor*'' Unlearn of Liverwort Oro. Tivioa, M. n.
W?. J. Borritt k '*. aole Wholesale Agenta.
I From the k-vrning Signal.)
Dr. Taylor** Balaam of Liverwort.?Tnia medicinal prepnt
ation for thr alleviation and cure of rough*, roneomption. liver
' rom|ilaint*. kic., appear* to have e*tal.Imbed a very enviable
I reputation, and. a* a roii?#qurnre there i* rivalry in the vale of
| it.eurk claiming to he the genuine teiabliahmenl. By reference
to the :ol< erti*. no nt of Dr. Taylor hrmeelf, in anolhei
- Ill? . .. M ,11.. ...I. .... 1 - O
liumlCIK Ittcl, ?^n, hp tlw'wur, ku alwi?nulhM U
ciimrIi in |>r ?( of flu* fart. An the public are all
timea liaWr to imposition bv apurioua peep trut ions of uy tealIr
kouiI artieh. wo arc injurrj I,. Id our opinion thai llr
Balaam nbtalacJ of Mr. B. m?r be fi|?n|>f uytn aa thrj?u
mac. It i? In ill I > acriMiry U> add th.ithe inventor of a real
ly uaefnl dicitw mml boa rkillfnl ^><1 rvperira.ed pbyui
i ion. *'?d thoa# wla. milt' no of hia rem. diea will Mount"**
And llioir account ib ruunulliag hmi Dr. Tnv lar'a .iflro ia at
1 :n I harsher* atrrot.
(i'ronithr Moraina Herald.)
Dr. Tn/lar'a Balaam of l.ieerworl,?Aa lb- public aro liable
to imposition b? spamnia preparations .f an> food article. wo
ran elatr that the lilmm nblnaiffrom the urnrtnal prodrirtor,
I ,i) I liamhera street, or W. J. Bnrriltli' o.. It fluid Itroot, map
l.o depended upon *a tin (mujurj in proof of abu h we have
i aeen the lea<1 docnmoate. The imrnlnr of thi# modirlaa ia a
i ability! una eaporieiirtd phyairian, <u<l hii aorrean in eateeme
raaea, ia troljr aurprrain*. Hie ..Iter ia .' ) Itinmhera etrevI,
near I hntham.?fcd.
[('run the Daael.]
(J/- The reader will nhaorve, in another plaeo, an advertisemeat
ai(ned "I omatock k t'oV" offenai fur aula" Dr. Tajriar'a
Balaam of l.irerwnrt." Now. wr d ulit rer* much
whether they aril tlio real Hi-non parr, and therefore the pnhlir
will do well ?n purchase of rurh aa ran produce documents
I ry eridonce of the fact. W. cvpre*# th? or union thoa. thai the
' nnlii ifrnninr article of " Pr. T?;l?t'< Balaam of Liverwort."
I ia to be obtained of the Doctor himerlf, at I, I; ham be m atroot
, or ol W. J. Burnt! A f o.. It Gold a.roe..
Be earrful to |rl tin crnnine, and ober rre, Meaara. Bande
o.torb .1 in *rh . medicine. " Mi .c tK.i mt ! I
I (I\|M>\ roRT' H tM RitOtVN tfttl T .-JOHN
Wn.llNjWf. No It Pmratrirt. baring m?dr arranfr
j inrnta with Mraara llrnrjr Mem It I o? the well-kaowa Loa
I don brewrrs, for constant supplies of Ihoir Portar aad Brow#
Stout, will devote hi* ante attention to the importatioa and
aale of thi* article. He now otfera several hundred raaba.
I r tit mini piau ami qiiria r..r Mil in Iota .it urn aiimhrri
Icaaka. t? ' it purrUaarra or by thr nuilr ilntrn bnlllra
l.ontloii A'1 vr rt ta. in n t
l-KNTL? MKN inrlu.nl to R? ah. .1 in th? Atlnrtor ?1.
rr?, wlil do wrll to rail at
ROf.KK * CO S.
MK KCH \ N T TAI LO !t * .
!*?. M Orrat Marl'-m^b ?.? nt ?tr..t,
. tt-r.r niral.to -t.f- I tt.^ .atrwrr *r< r.rallrat
t r'n.f.t ol n I. nd b.?t Writ ?. * at1'
Glothr, b?i i< a irto ?r N *1' * ' " f'b'?rat . Ir
ion. and a* >*-. - ii ll" ,or ? ' rr" '* *r*1" .

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