Newspaper Page Text
Variety. Attempt to Assamtnate Mb Clat.?Tha New OtIchha Bee of the 4ih mat. savs. the citizens w'r* thrown into consternation yesterday by ? rel>5)r* ',yat an litem >t h <<J !>f?*n made to assassinate Mr CUy nth*' " vi.reine Court The true version of the s'ot\ appear- to bp this?While our distinguished guest was lrdv.nR the Court, in companvwith Mr. Preston, an individual outside the ratling exclaimeo. "Salute to Henry Clay," end discharged a pistol above his head", the ball lodging in the ceiling. Dreyfou- is the name of the person in question ; he is looked ii|>oa as somewhat unsealed in his intellects He was immediately arrested, and taken before the Recorder, where the aflair was investigated Dreytous was sent to prison, the Recorder recommending that he should be treated witli all i>os si tile mildness, as his mind was evidently disordered. Sir hemic Coi-rt or tub United States?Friday, Jan. 15.?No. 19. The United States, plaintifl in error, vs. William Linn et ai. The argument of this cau-?e was continued bv Mr. Attorney General tor the plaintifl in error Mr. Coze for the defend ants in error, and concluded by Mr. Attorney General for the plaintifl in error. Saturday, Jan 14?No. 7. The United States vs Uomineo Acosta -on appeal from the Superior Court ot East Florida. Mr. Justice Catron deliver ed ihe opinion of the Court affirn ing in all respects the decree of said Superior Court in thiscau9e. No. 24 John Buchanan et al appellants, vs. Edwin Upsliaw The argument of thiecause was commenced by Mr Leonard, for the appellants. Naval?The Peusacola Gazette ot 31st ult., says:?We learn that on the arrival ot the Falmouth, Capt Melntosh found orders awaiting him here, requiring his immediate return to the Mexican coast. hvery exertion has since been used to eel ihe ship ready for sea, and we learn tint she will sail in a few days. On the arrival of the Missouri, Capt?in Newton, ol mat ship, ordered the Dolphin to Caml>eachy, with a view to the protection of American commerce against encroachments which might grow out ot the troubles between Mexico and Yucatan. The Dolphin will sail in a day or two. The following is a list ot officers ittuche d to the ship Saratoga, nearly ready t#T sea, at Portsmouth, Those marked with an a>terisk have not yet jik'.ned :?Commander?Jostah Tatnall. Lieutenants?CttiWifs M. Armstrong, Charles Heiwood, Cnarles S. Bog* , B. S B. Darlington, Enoch or. Parrott Acting Mkster?C. R. Perry Rodgers. 5urgeon?Horatio N Glentworth. Purser?Horatio bridge. A>sistant Surgeon?Charles ,T Bates, 'assed Midshipmen?J. Curtis Wait, G. W. Kodgrs Midshipmen?G. V. Fox, William S. Cushtian, T. W. Colby, E. Wilkes Henry, H. S. Newomb, C. C Hunter, John P Hall, * Ellicott Wall, aptain's Clerk?Alex. W. Russell. Boatswain? Wiltam C. Byrnes. Carpenter?Luther Manson. Sailmaker?B. B Burchstead. Gunner?* John Barr.?Portsmouth Journal. We learn that orders were received on Thursday to rebuild the Warren sloop of war, and put another brig on the stocks, at the Gosport Navy Yard.? Norjolk Herald. Winter in Canada.?Ths weather for the last week has been very cold and boisterous On Monday we had a great snow storm, which has made heavy sleighing in some places, where the snow has drifted into the road to the depth ot several leet. On Friday night the channel between Kingston and Wolf Island was frozen over, and the frost has been so intense since,that horses and sleighs have crossed The winter so far has been a very pleasant one. We have had excellent sleighing for about five weeks?which has enabled our farmers to bring their produce to market with great facility. We now begin to think that the emigration of the squirrels was not a bad omen of a hard winter?which, in our opinion, is by far the most pleasant and advantageous to ihe countrv penerallv?il is true we nreiv require an extra cord or two of w ood, but when the best can be obtained in our market at the low price of 6*. 8d. per cord, in consequence of ifje Rood sleighing, we have no reason to complairf>?.fftnR*ton Chroniclt. Canal Rioters?We regret to learn tkat there has been lately some further disturbances among the laborers on the Feeder of the Welland canal, in the vicinity of Broad Creek. The troubles, however, do not api*ar to have been extensive?the unemployed nr-n, who attempted to stop the progress of the work, being so few in number, that, on thB appearance of Raron de Rottenburg, the eoecial magistrate, backed by the troops, stationed at L)unnville, the leaders were taken into custody, and the rabble speedily dispersed.?St. Catharine's Jour nal. The Earthhuake.?The steamer Chieftain was nBar Mill's Pouit on the evening of the 4th, and about half past nine 9'clock the Bhock of the earthquake was very sensibly felt by persons on board. The sensation experh need was similar to that produced when a boat runs over a log. The shock was so severe at Mill's Point as to knock down several chimneys. It w as reported that the earth had sunk in several places near New Madrid. Fire in Buffalo.?The fire this morning was on Green street. The whole of the upper part of three frame cottages, owned by Henry Lamb, were burned, and in consequence of the hasty removal of the effects of the occuimnts, much of them were injured. The buddings were occupied by Mr L. Williamson. John Holley, tailor, and Jacob Rest,clerk. It ts understood that the buildings are partially insured.?Buffalo Commercial, Jan 14 More of the Freshet.?The ice has done still further damage to one of the bridge uers, knocking out ihe stone so as to almost entirely remove the support to the wood work on the north side The travelling, we believe, whs confined to the sou'h side during the day. We understand that the bridge over he Connecticut at Sunderland, has been swept away.? Hartjord C our ant. A friend from Ithica, N. Y. furnishes the folio ving particulars-.?Two large bridges on the inlet, over which the entire western travel passes, are carried away. The bridge at Clinton street, over the six mile creek, an expensive and handsome one, is carried away Those on the Cascadilla creek are uninjured The flats below the village, between the steamboat landing and the Lake, are submerged. Senator from Kentucky Mr. ' rittenden has been re elected to the United States Senate He received 24 votes in the Senate and 65 in the House. His opponent, Richard M. Johnson, received 11 in the Senate and 32 in the House?total 4o. Mr. Crittenden's majority 45. Mobile Racks ?The following is the result of the fourth day?Jockey Club Purse $600?Four Mile Heats. Col. D. Myers'b. m. Hannah Harris, by Bertrand, out ofOrey Ooose, 4 y. o.,97 lb*. 1 1 D Stephenson's ch m. .t artha Carter, by Bertrand, out of Sally Nay lor, 6 y o , 107 Jbs, 3 3 Col. R Smith's ch. h . Bois d'Arc, by Eclipse, dam by Contention, 6y. il, 110 lbs, 3 dis. Time?8 06 ; 8 11. Death in Ithica ?We learn that Mrs. King, wifo of James B King, Esq., of Ithica, was found drown- I ed in the cistern in the rear of the dwelling, last |l week. Minister from the Sandwich Islands ?Mr. Hau-liho, the Commissioner from the Sandwich Islands to the United States, is now very sick at Southampton, Mass Texas ?The Congress of Texas, it is said, had nfit Iippq in RHUdHin mnro than to?n Hovo tuhon T _ ? - ?? ? -j "?vii IV?VJ petitions fur divort e were presented. ~~ IMPORTANT TO THE PUBLjC ALAlUrK assortment of Clothing, cloths cunoiirrv \ntiiu>. ? ith a earieVy of linen goods, is now selling off at grestly reduced pnen wholesale and retail, at 205 Canal street, corner of Hndf>u Orerooals. alto dress and frn<-k coals blue, black, and invisible green clotb. cassimrre, sattmett, molt skin pantaloon A great ranety of ?esu of all kindt. lb-member iOJ Canal street. Jr|0 Itn* rrc \\TANTED? I'nmn Bank Bills of Dover, Nr w Jersey, at *? half per cent discount, by PADDOCK A VANVLKEK, jt 2w?r No. lg vV?ll street jmL W A NTED to rent, the lower ptrt of a neat and respec isble two story house, from the 1st of February to V1ay J^lBalit?rot particular as to Iocs inn. Address L C. at this office,plating tent, location, Ac Ac jyl' ec aw \ \ l tu TO PUHCHABIt?A country reaiaeuce witliin 15 miles of New York, one with from 5 lo 26 "c-resof land,n??, Long Island Wound, preferred. Adress will' (all particulars, boi T, ret Office, ron. hheepuie, N Yj Bid LOOK AT THIB. ^^^aQENTLE.MEN B Cork ban Boot*, 'he beat of quality, ae AC do Water Proof Boots do J 00 do Light French Calfskin Boots, do S3 to 4 no do Oscr Bhoes of all the different kinds..7'ie to i 7-> I do Dsncing Pumps I do Dancing Oaitrr, beautiful article, I y, ' ' And all other kinds of Bhoes and worked slippers in fashion; ladies ySlier boots, buskins, slippers, Iies, quilled shoes, prunella, white and blaek satin, and burton shoes; India rubber straw-furred, plain and all other kinds of orer shoes: cloys mocnsias an a the greatest assortment of boys boots and shoes, misses and childrens, ol all kmda lo be found iu the world, all ol oar own maaufar tunny, and warranted to be rhe best, and clump as the cheapest, at 367 Broadway, corner of k raukltu st. and it W C?nal street. OKKUOHV ,v CAMILL, d 15 Isi'r 367 Bo.sdwsy. BOTTES FKANCAISES. P A. Pans, has opened a store 16 Broadway, where he is prej ared to rereisr and etc cute orders lor boots ol all descriptions Although his jiricer are lower by two dollars than those of auy fashionable kteach aataultshm. at in this eity.hia ooots will be foand at least equal to at made here or else where. He imports his lasts from PsK> and ea modifies them as ta At any irregularly shaped foot, r. Geidy's long e*| eneoee n.wler Mr Fori and other rale bralad maker* in Pans enables hun I > conduct hit business with economy and lharaby to supply his customers at the following 'adacerf price*? Fine and snhataaual Boots .. - f6 Cork and double aole do I \ proportionate renuctioa in the rarioaa .tber articles to be foaad si It' B'tadWi y. dl3l*n*T TEAMS CASH. WA1KKPMOOF BOOTS?Oam Elastic Hh ~e* rod Boots and Bhoaa of almost all the differ eu' enisle sai'able for winter wear Also a large assort*!* ol al A.. t> ' shoes, ?allurt and pumps for geut emeu asd bun; dies, isjiss- S and childrsaa boou. shoes, gaiters sod buskins of 'ity, in graat bondsaoe All tha siwrt articles I, -y ibi'ig IU the Ie,st and shoo line, may be jound O.V fc f known as the Clinton Boot s bs ? I 'rill east comer ol Hudson si ? , lass Ui Mil no U. too . cry one d!7 liu'r* K important to merchants and CLERKS. d rl stow'* writing, book-kef. pi no and '' short-hand academy, No. us Broadway, t"?r ?rk Pine*', cofetiuota open Dty and Evraiug, lor UewtleMkw or all ion GREAT REDUCTION. .. twelve ri) six. dollars! BHH1 OW, of L iQiioti, KutidQiMfi t?? reform ANY WHITING, however bad. illenbl**. orcrAuii^d, 'olo.a beaotiful. frre, t i,*-<liri?ui tml lini-htd Mercantile Sivl*. at adaiMtd to all tK,. onrsQica of lif- and hutiiicea. lu XWlLl.Vt IlA8^ I LESSONS?for onlr Sii Dollar, ! Academy Xo. 2:15 Broadway, near Park Place. Tli- LA LiKS art taught au dee lit, graceful and fashionable Kin.Mint Hind ' ih v assemble duly at II o'clock. VISITORS in New York can take a ~?ur-e in Three l^iyO Mr. B. is to be aecn from 9 to 1 A. M., or from 4 to i i i <n n | ;> 1 c 1 c?1 STENOGRAPHY. Or the amusing art of Short Hand Witting, taught by Mr. Brie one iu twelve Irraona, for taking down, Lectuiea, Trial", fce. (kc a< faat aa ana* parson can apeak. s: B ?A work of the author ia patented to every pupil. C./" ?OR SALE, at the Academy, up Hurt, a " Onide to Short.H nd." jy 13 Im't PACKET SHIP rlUN r^VILLfc, Iroin New Or'eana, ia ditch irgiug >t Orlraua Wharf, loot i f Wall at.eet Consignees will please aiteud to the rece pt of their good# immed ataly J omarv 12. '43 jyI t ec VI K. LEOPOLD UK JANON negs to inform hi, frieuda and the public, that lie continues giving lea una in ihe French and Spanish Languages, alao on the guitu and the violin, at his reaideuce, 430 Houston atreet, or at those of hia Pupils. Rtrtiiacu. Rev. John Power, D. D. Mr. Merrntcelli, Comnl of Rrv. < l. C. Piae, D. D. Naples, Rev. W?iuwright, D. D. P?. K. Ariioult. Ker T. Huddart, Mr. H. C de Knsm, K T Jenka, Teacher, Mr. H. tiriuuell. Mr de la Forest, Consul of F*arire. d'4 Im'r IHK < OMPLEXl'IN AND EKUPTIO OK THE FACE, BODY, OR SKIN. CHAPT OR TENDER KLEsrt. be A MIRACLE, a Wonder, and a Blearing ?1To cure anv Eru|i[iuu or Disfigurement of the Sk.n, and tender or ehaiit Kle>h, is the Italian Chemical Soap?The effect of thia on in* kin almott su|>rrliuman. It haa received ihe highest euco mnuni from the medical socie'y of Paiis, and i> warranted a never failing remedy for pimples, freck'ea, blotches, icurty, suit rheum, tan, sunburn, mon.hew. chapt or tender tie h. be. It will cliiuge the color of darlt, yellow, or discolored skin, to i youthful, healthy clearness. This has often effected a cure in caies of ertr-rioii when every other means failed. It makes the skin sm V1 h soft and white, in fact, it ia one of the K'eatrat discoveries in science, and is a never failing remedy, of which factone trial will satisfy all. It is the invention of M Vesprini, an lla ian physician, uid is sold, whole?a'e and retail, by T. Jones, s>gn of the American Eagle, 82 Chatham-strnet. New York. Price 40 cents a cake? ne I lk* is often enough to cure in inns' cases. Appointed agents? Zelber, Third or Dockl treat, Philadelphia; or nest to the Ame ican Hotel, Wasnmg top, D. I'.; 8 Siatc stieel, Boston; 47 Stite-street, Albany; 2C' King ?trei t, Chailestown, 8. C ; l. F Bailey, Morristnwn, N. J . E C. Ferre, Main a'reel, Middletowu, Ct.; oi Mrs. Hiyea, 139 Fultoie-streel, Brooklyn. d3l lm*ec the~german surgeon. vJOLOMON MINE, M. D.. Nn 47 Reade street, New York. 1 - In acrofnla and chronic d-eaaes no charge made till the .Mtieiit is satisfied?medicine delivered gratia. All persona deformed, nnder twenty-one years, can have their bouea straight ned. Relerenoes ctven as to nnmerons patients who have -"encured in this city. o*7 1m?' LONDON" AND MANCHESTER INDIA RUbHER GOODS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, No.g Wall street. Th atihacriber has received and offers for sale a large assorti meut ol imiorted India Rubber Water Proof Goods, viz: (oats and Capes, of superior Lama, Cashmere Lama, Persian, Menno and Cotton, of ail colors aDd sizes. Cloth?India Robber, Water Proof, super Lama, Lama Persian and Cm ton, prepared fort ilora. India Rnbber Webbings for suspenders, corsets, be. ?2g ?m*r r.HAS. ABRAH AM8QN SEGARS?SEGA RS. TP HE following choice Segart are always on hand at HEN1 RIQUES'S HAVANA AND PRINCIPE SEGAR STORE, wholesale and retail, basement 31 William St. Hiouaas, in half and quarter botes Do. No. ', half and quarter botes Noriegas, in quarter and eighth do Para Regalos, iu qnarter do Keg&li.u, of a superior quality, in 3d, X and il-10lh boxes Congresas, in quarter bines Trauucas, do do La Norma, do do La Eiperanza, do do Tres Amigos, in cartons of 20 each Loodcu Krgalias, ip cartons of 48 each La Pruela, in quarter botes Misgan's spotted, in quarter boxes Panetilla's, do. of tnperior quality YugeneuJad, do Dcmoyas, do Maleos, do Priuciper, of the Reudon, Cruz and Hans, alilent. to deb. Primaveras, in quarter boxes Alrauzas do Conatantiag, do Bustamentat, do Exnrro Regalias, do Imperial do. iuquarte otes, a superior article. i N. B.?Hotels andgroceia plied on reasonable terma. . ol4 U. S. CITY DESPATCH POST. Pt >ST OFFICE, New York. 25th July, 1842. HOURS of Delivery each day, (Sundays etcepled) at the U tier and Lower Post Offices:? Letters ut posited before Hali r ast 8 o'clock, AMI P S " P M Will be sent out for deAt all the Stations before livery at 9 A M. and 1 7 o clock, A M mid 4 o'clock, P XI. II " 2 " P M Letters tolw seut Free, must have "Free Stamp" afited to them, otherwise three cunts will be collected of the party to whom the letter is addressed. No money must be enclosed in ietters mil est rei isterrd st t ie t rincipal offices. Lists ol the stations (a: all of which "free stamps" may be purchaaed at <2,40 per 100. and every information may be obtained on application at the uppei or lower imat t dices. Stamps issued by the late CityDesjntch P'isi will be rec ived. It is indistH-nsable I nm rne nmnoer ?, rnt r? jku ecc anoui i siait-3 in aJI letters MLl jlTOOfl this I'osi. Tht Post Mister solicits the earliest information should an? rtegnWrntie* occur. JOHN JLOKIMK.i GRAHAM nn28 1v ec Post MnjireV LEKCHES! LEECHES! ! LEECHES ?! ! (Q 000 Laige Swrdish aii'l German Leeches, 1*0,V'UV7 pist rect ivid per ship Htephaui, fiom Hamburg, and dsily eipected, 4l>, 00 Swedish and German Leeches per bark Washington, from Hamburg, for die a( moderate pries, by O. A & H. WITTE, jy'O Im'r 131 William '.. Importer of Leccor*. Beef, rouK. and mutton, at the store corner of I Wot and Warren-street*.?Families, Shopkeepers. and Grocers, who wish to iwichise the above articles by the quarter are requeued to call at the abore place, where they will find a fresh aiipplv ? very morning of a .operior quality, and at prices suited to the times. A> economy is the order of the day, porch isera will tiud it to thrir interest to call as above. December, 1842. d3l lm*r "po the Ladies.?m. la hue a sister uke i.?ve 1 to inform ih i> friends and the pnblic, that they couliciue 'heir Curl Establishment, I624.1anal street, coiner of Varirk.? They also e SOU rata 'Ins opportunity to return their sincere thanks for the liberal support they received daring their leu veer's resideuce iu tint street ; also the p'easore they (eel at the satisfaction their friends and customers ha?e universally eipress* d at the quali'v arid t*?te of iheir goods; at much labor and great eijiense. they have discovered a me'bod of dressing the hair which imparts to it a be luliful rich lustre and durability that will chil'enge comoe'iuo >, by which roeaits the earl will last for one vear. and are confident that no pairs shall be spared to deseive their fuinre patron *g*. Their atock it large and spleudid. consisting of fine and other fu ll, braids, Friaettes, wire < nrls, Kinglets, Head Dresses, and net Cans, shell ana other Combs, with other articles appertaining to the business. Old Cnrls dressed iu the first strle for ?! ern's. mule to look like new. M. LA HUE It SISTER, djb lm*r 162 Canal srreet, corner of Varick DOCTOR BELL. PVOCTOK FELLd-votcs his personal attention (daily, on- I V ul 9 P. M.I to the removal of private diseases id every I ' stsg*. AH suffering under pfOftCLrd case*, sggMvatvd or onsuccessfully treated by imiperu nce<l or pietended practitioner!?thoae fib-ring under the destructive effects of m rcwry or quack not.rumi and ai! who snspec* the remains of di tie lu'kioe in the system, may consult Dr B. always with a gu-irantee of a cure. ? Persons contemplating marriage, who n^va been the subjects of delicate diseases, m y cousuU Dr. Bell with honorable confide ce. Past-osid letters, describing the c^se of persons at a di?fance, have h?? promptattention. Dr. B.'s treatment never eiposes to suspicion, and is well known to be sale and i?erma* Private office 4 Courtiandt street, two doors from Broad way. Im + ec H ATTN DEN'S. ADAMS', * PO.VIEROYITEXPKESS ?Persons in the habit nl sending in this city fur my lemediet fur chronic diseases, with direction* tor their ate, are informed that thev will hereafter be promptly fnrwaided bv either of these linra, according lo directions, free of any other eineuse then Uie quantity oidcred H. H. SHERWOOD. M D New York' Jan. 10. 1(43 jyll lm-r WAN 1 ED?Union Bti'k bills of Dovsr, New Jersey, a hall per eepl discount by JOHN T. SMITH It CO. jl 2w-r No. 3 Wall street FRENCH'S HOTLL*. 'I'HK anbtcriber ' mum completed the enlargement of his a Hotel, No. 9'Chatham street, aod entirely refitted it in a novel and magnificent style, respectfully offer , its attractions to ihe public. The npper part of the establishment is fitted op with lodging rooms, Turn shed in the best manner and trplete with every ap noin'm?ut calcolated to add iu the convenience and comfort ol hn customers. These rooms will be 1st for the day, wees, or month. The principal floor contains a Picture Gallery, Library, Re lull Halo m and Bar, arranged in a costly aud unique style. Ovsters, Welsh Rarebi's, Pouched Eggs, and all other season able relishes nnl he served in the best manner, and of the very best quality. Hn liquors will be selected Irom the choicest stocks in the country. The Library is large, containing many valuable et-ndard works ot reference iu science, the arts, literature and politics, 7 he liistiincal pori'on of it is rich in rare and canons works, il luttrating ihe history and politic! of tins country, from us die coveiy to the present lime. The Gallery coutains many fine pointings, by old masters, of pleasing and interesting subjects, well worth the attention of liie admirers of art. The aubacnber liiu epared neither pains nor eipenae to render hit establishment wortny of ?n extended public puroMge. It ia Ilia ann to aui<i>ly hia customer* with place of raaort of an intellectual and etc vated character.and he ooea not hesitate to eay that [he material lie haa provide! haaneaer been au rpeaaed ill any similar establishment, here or in Europe. He therefore cot fide nil y inrite- the public to come and aee the drairahle and I ra i nal rraort he haa eat bliel.ed, convinced that they will admil hia en'erprire to be aa deserving ol encouragement and anecrM, aa it ia unique and novel. RICHARD FRENCH. N. B.-The Hotel will be cloaed al 12 o'clock. P. M.. Mt I odjt i n t? < ibuined ttotill A M dfO lm ocienriKiC'ANb Seve<Tfailing ADman haik restt >H/V nvr.?read this THen judge 'l'Hlf HUMAN HAlH rati poa tivrly be realored?iU > growth Cauaeil?Ullmg off alay.d?and dandrnf cured by a acieaufic remedy Before .peaking of thii article, '*t nie relet the ouilic to the following i?r?oti , who having uaed Jonea' l oral Hair Reatorative, certily tuat they believe it ia all it ia represented?t i?t by applying it with alight furlioll to the acalp. the nair ia absolutely- forced to grow, to effect which, of coorae, wr mnat strengthen ami make healthy the route or bulb, aa<l the acalp . ihia effected, all scurf or daridrnff ia destroyed These respectable [ieiaona certify theae are the properties ol Jonea' i.oral M/ir Reatorative :? The Hon. Judge Edwarda, ol Philadelphia. ? Phillipe. Eaq., ?9? Broome-atreet, corner ol Wooater. New York. Mr W Hopkine, V> Kiug-etreet, New York. J Pewer, gr eery. Follwn-atrcet, New York. J Pearann, Eaq., N ivy Yard, Cliaih atown. Mr. Jar ica (Jilber, Houston-street, New Vork, jeweller. We coald give 300 elher names ol per.nna who nae (his, hot theae n uat sanely ail ieo| le ol romuion sense. Give it 'rial, and you will be ivr'i r tly satisfied. Ii g'Ves the hair a delicious, soft, dark, silky appearance a id fttinig It is sold at ihe low price of 3 5 or g .lolling, a boitl-, by T Jonea, are n of lite America a Eag a, Kl Chatliain-atreet, New York; and h the-e agetita :?/nlirr i'niid a d Dock-street, Pbilad- Iphia nd ii it'o the American Ho el Wa.i.iiigtou. D C.; I Stan I treat. Boston; 17 vuta-aweal,Alb ay;2U7 K nig-ar reel.Uhai lea lown, S C.. L. F Bailey, ,V? nialown, N J ; E. C. Ferre, Man. street. Middletemji, C:., or 139 Valtog-atruet, Brooklyn Wtl Im'ec I.T?77Maaeka Asiiion'a Salt, faetnryfiled" now landing | r m ship Sheridan, aud for sale by ? E E. CUJUj.NSfcCO. KSoalhet. I, w pOAL ! COAL ! COAL'?The subscriber having taken ^ I've yurMtattrwert corner of King and Oreenwicri street, it Dim receiving a fall npcly of Schuylkill and Peach Orchard Coal, anlected from ihe heal reine, which ha offers at the fol- f lewing reduced prices, via >? N. Eroia the yaad, hrstoaality, broken and screened,$6,M per ton M % " Egg site, " 5,50 tu " * Store, " 5,15 " hi " * Nat, " 5.00 th Delivered free of cartrge. ri d't 3m*ee JAMES DOWNEY Tl? HAMlLlES WOIMJ SOUTH, to the Vilest Indies or En-ope ? \ ri-tp- ctnhtc female, 24 yean of age, wshet to V i.ntsin s per nam ntsittiatioa &? aeamalreaa, m a genteel l.-.mily J* She would prefer going to Europe, yet would accept ol good j" offer to go South or to the Weat Inuiea. The beat ol refer- ' pueet given. Address A. A. A box 785, upper Pott office, N V ork. ?'<" . j* N' EW YE A ICS OIK IV?The Pilgrim's Progress, ivuMndied IH by H. M A KTIN St CO.. it ruteuded at an Annual for 1843. his most be* tifully printed and einbrlliahrd with 23 highly g, limrhed roar rings, by the moat rmineut London artitla, a colored map, and a hue etching by Cruickthan* and aupurb- 0j ly hound in n orocco. e< Thi-. beii g a tlaudard work, age will not depreciate its ralne, ,,, and therefore at a uew ycar'a preteut wilt he more acceptable ,, Prree $7. R, A1ARTIN k CO . ,e dl5Jw*r 26 John itreet a1 WATCHES LOWER THAN EVER.-ju couaequeuce I of the reduction of dntiet by the late tariff, the aubtcriber ia telling hit atock of Gold and Silvei Lerer*, Ao' hor Et- a ea|iemeut Lerioe, and other Watchea, ol new and snleudid patterns, and Jewelry, at retail, at a enntiderable reduction from former prieea, being much lower than they can be bought (or ar any other place in the city. Gold Watches at low at 20 to 25 dnllart each. Watches and Jeweliy exchanged or bought All Waichet warranted to keep good time or 'ne mouey re- K turned. Watches anil Clockt reiMired in the heat manner and t warranted,at much lets than the usual prices. E O. C. ALLEN, Imiiorter of W itches and Jewelry, d27 lim* Wholesale and Retail. 30 Wall it., up stairs. g VI ART! N ' S c A g"H T A I L O RING ? LSTABLISHMENT. " 164 le .((mm Street, Corner of Jinn Street, ? IS decidedly the cheajvest iu the city. There it ?lwayt on tl hand atel .t < ittock ol teaaouable goods, purchased foi cash, which will Vi made up to order in the style of make, (it, tnnr Ct mi nit, Ste., th i - ha* given auch general satisfaction during thr |, last four yen r. mil at a t>oiitive saving of JO per cent. Uenlle-'ien are requested to call and eramine. Those whe hi furnish th eir cwn goods, ran have them MADE AND TRIMMED. Dresa C ata, made and trimmed, -$7 00 le $t 54 Kroek Coats, do do 8 00 to 9 50 Pauts and Veati, 1 75 to 2 00 OverCoats,- 9 00 10 11 fO I tr?" Terms?Cash o? delivery. 1 l olsvm MICHAEL E. MAKTIN Jw T AMOUHOCX'S ELECTRO-MAGNETIC. PLACES. < I" La afford t very day Dew evidences of their infallible efficacy ,B for curiug all uervoua dise ties, a* acute and chrouic rlu-uma- '! tuini, oeuralngy, the g'Ut, megrim, tic dolourcux, dame tie ^ >aint 3uy, chilli, sci ttic, cramps in the stomach, an'l p.* ins *' brouvnt on by bruises, disjointing* and fractures ; also, the tits- " eases ol women and youug girls, pile colots, nmenotrhees, sun- " pressions, ?a|M>rs, nervous attacks, kc. They are very; useful *' loo foi l? tiers, scro'ula, swellings, erysipelas, paralysis in the c' beginning, kc. Sold at the moth-rate price of $ I 60, by f d2H ltn?r NINUARD. 65 Franklin s'. N. Y. ^ I Bl JW'S HIDING SCHOOL, 4<>8 Bowery.?W. J V DAVIS, (from Europe) Professor. (7 Evening class for gentlemen will commence on Monday w evening, '2th instant, and continue each Mouday and Friday evening, during the season. S -lect par'ies of latlits and geutleinen. can be accorr moda- \ ted with instruction on Tuesday and Thuriday evenings of m each week. si A Military class for the instruction of gentlemen in military m horsemanship, to commence on Wednesday eveuing, 14th in- t) slant, and continue each Wednesday evening during the sea ci son Gentlemen wislnug to subscriue to either of the above ry classes, will please call at their earliest convenience. Daily |) instructional usual, for ladies, from 11 A. M. to 3 P. M.; lot D gentlemen, from 8 to 10 A. M and 3* to 9* P. M. Eveuing rr school to eminence at 7 o'clock. o25 3ot*re jy MECHANICAL OK CAKCEL LAMPS si 'T'HE public is invited to inspect the entirely uew stock of H ' these uurivalled lamits, which have just been opeued by the tl subscribe r. comprising toe most extensive and rich assortment G that he will receive this reason, and the lineal lot of goods in n< the line that has ever been seen in this country. An early ex- U aintnatiou of them is solicited while the stock is complete, as *< he entire iuvoi.-es received the early pariol't.b e season were ~ d-siiosed ol immediately ; many parties wered isappomted in consequence. > The gojtls just received comprise some entire y new articles rof that esqnlsite taste peculiar to t n-uch manufacturers, such J' as iKirci lam shades or lamps, with landscapes of tignrea, some colored; suspeusiou study lamps with percelain shades for linraries; brackets; lustres, brnuxe, "renaissance" and gill, for two " and three lamits. rici. shades and globes, colonied and cut, 01 beautiful new designs, Ac kc. ** Hotue important improvements have been made in th - inauu- ' fartnre of the lamps now offered to the public, rendering 'hem 11 unquesiionahl' the m it beaut.fnl as weil as economical lamp extant. This fact ia lully established, and any one at all iceplt- '' cat on the subject cau be convinced of it by calling at this establishment. K. D. 8AXTON, Depot of Mechanical Lamps, 20 John street. The estimation in which these lamps are help may be infered from the fact that the following public establishments in J* this city are lighted with tnein, viz;? j. Astor Rome, Carlton House, JN. V. Society Library, Mansion House, L Park Place House. Siguor Fereio's. r" Cafe Tortoni. They are also ro be found in many other public buildingi J}' throughout tfe country, aud in every instance giving perfect 1,1 latislaction d 17 lm'ee 9* PLUMBE'S DAUUERRIAN GALLERIES. 251* Broad [? way, corner of Muray strret. New York; 7t> Court and l.-i _ Washington ?tre*-t, Boston; 173 Chesnut strret (opt ositr the State Hhuar) Philadelphia, and Broadway, Saratoga Springs, constituting the oldes and m si estensive establishment ol the (r kind iu the world, and containing nearly a thousand pictu'es.? A| Admittance 'ree. . PLCMBE'S Pat.ut Colored Photographs taken everv day, bv a proress confined exclusively to the above establishment, and secured bv letters psleut, 'tiled Oct. 2', 1842 flu nbe's Patent Daguerreotype Appiratus ami instructions . fertile production of colored likenesses, and Dumbe's Patent E'ectro Gilding Apparatui, and iiutiuctioiia for gilding and u plating met-llic artic'es il everv description, supplied to or.ler. Paleut Gilding and Silvering done to order in a style nevet f( el'ore seeu in New York. ST"5* Prompt attention to all post |uid letters. ,Ttl7 lm *r CHINA It GLASS 01 every description?the cheats! id thi- city, for Christinas and New Year presents; leautifu! st rut tumbler* ami lemonades, with ilver flowers ul different ktu-ts; new dishes, cologn bottle* of different sixes. it The above emnot be had at nuy other place in thia couut-y. Cu?-ond plain glass of every description, warranted t? be furuivied at 20 p< r cetu cheaper than any other manufactory, at 8 wholes tie and retail store. No. 35 John a:., anil at the Glass mar ulicmry of 8TOUVENKL It CO. | J19 lm?r No ? > (1 Ida' Mr* York J TO THE "UBLIC ? JOHN KESSLEK begs leave io in1 form his irtenda, ami the public in general, that he has taken tint well known stand at the Co ner of Washington and Lib rtv its, formerly kept hv E. Ch-mbrrliu, since rebuilt with nddinoii of room aud comfort, for the accommodation oI travellers rod others. Persons wishing good board, and accommodations on reasonable terms, would do well Tunc c tiial attenoapee. itjl tm * re ,l UCONOMY IN UltttSS.?Stck suriouls, the si\It ol over ji! 1-s coats at) much in vogue,are afforded at SI, $'2 Sit, $16 and p] $20, from drab, brown, black am) blur beaver and pilot cloths, are lor sale, ready mtde, at 111 Broadwav, American Hotel. . <122 tm'r WM. T JKN \INGS. " \i EW INVtivTLL) Oleaginous Compound?For reuder ? ' ing bocta and'lioei perfectly wa'st nroof? to be obtained w of the subscriber at hit old established Leather and Finding , ol Store, No. t Ann street. Trice 12H cents a bos. To sports- re men and others, who would secute the advantage of dry feel, di this compound is conlidentl) recommended. F <113 lm*r H. BROWN pi HULL Tu5SE5 ?1 NOTICE TO Li it i BED TEK80N8. PERSONS -Dieted with run i t i may rely npon the best instrumental aid the world i t its, on application at the w office. No. 4 Vescy street, or to i.'eiol the agents id the principal towns in the United States. I ? careful to nomine the back pad of Hull's trusses, to see it ? > are endoned by Lit q? Hull, in writing. None are genuine, or to he relied upon as good, without nit signature O Many ps-rsons have undertaken to Venn ir.lU'.y i s of Hull's acelebrated trasses, and thousands are imp-sit- '<'-s in roose- (i ynence These imitations cannot be relie -a cut they are made by unskilful mechanics, and are no be-tai than the ordinary trusses. , Rooms have been fitted op at No. 4 Veaey street, exclusively lor ladies, having a separate eutranee from the business depart 1 meet, whete a female is in constant attendance to watt upon A rrasle pa?ientl "b I"1' P.' CKltRCH CHINA?Dinner setta, octagon, Tt>a do do, and '' " all the articlvs fo dinner and tea setts, hy case outv For sale by . A. UALE8ME, " <114 1m*r Rntifh Willi* *. No 4 on DAY'S FIRST * PREMIUM SHEET AND CLOTH m RUBREH O > EKsHOkB. w UXCELLED?and Cheat U* uuction ? Having recently made a-* still further improvements in <>nr IkshaOMttu Knbber Ovenho's lor 'adiev, w hiv. reduced the price from 1! strd 15 to 10 and 1} shillings, without changing the quality, eicept 10 improve. Day's Sheet Rubber, leather ?o1e, annk heel overshoes, for t) gentlemen, for which we hare lor the last two years received p the fir?t Premium, are reduced from H aud 20 shilling* to 12 and u II I' llhutta. a' retail. g With iiur faahiouable lady envtomsrs, the new qnilted overtime*. of our recent itiv ntinn, will m*et great favor for thrir beatifttl appearance, while they romp'crely remedy the ob|>ction of weaiing too loaae. Th" quilting it dune on blaca tilk o or wonted. an" it etceedingly unlike auy thing ever before a'tacked to a thoe. All our bn?oi Bobber Shoes are ttayed at tr.r toe, and nevet bieak out at we tee many of the oilier mauu- f fartnre 1 Observe that every pair of Day't timet have hit name inside, t? and are warranted not to loo eu in the let Warehoute of fi Kmbury India Hnboer Ett blitemenl, 45 Maiden Lane. Re- pi member, 45, between Na?i>u and <u HORACE H. DAY, <116 lm r Sneeeaaor In Rmhnry India Rubber Co AMTlN'i tvh.Lh l-AVI.NO TOBACCO KEi'O.llTOIUES?Bv I he adoption of thete article!, public h>IH _. keepert are rnahltd to make a taring of thecovt ol all the l?- ' b.ireo hmUfoN given tw iy with a p olit of maily 50 per cent lion the quantity told, affording tt the tame time perfect ta- _ titfaciion to the contumer. The gereral approval and demand for thete article! hat in- c-, duced the undersigned to make arrangemenU with Mettrt / Day, Newel Si Diy, m mir'act nrern, to supply pub ic hnuae kee ert geuerally thronghoui the "Intra, anil alto wiih John _ Andi rami It Co., touaccnitti, to supply thvin immediarrly witli hit superior fine cut honey d*w Inlince , in penny |?ap-r?. j They are lishly ornamental, and are warranted to pay Ihr | eotl in ODe month. Orders left with Mr Jeumton, the agent, \ will meet with prompt at lent ion. , JOHN L. MAMT1.V, jll lm*r IS? Broadway. |J BO A KDIN (4.?Tke origiual Walton lioute, l'4v Pearl tlreet. ' Franklin Square?kept bv Jna. howler, from Condon Eng * land, pvrrnaDent boa'dert *2,50 per week, traniient noardert 50 ' cents per dny Families caube accorniriodared wirh private roomt on reatonable termt. Wmet and spirits, 1 eeutt per r' glass?home brew'd ale 4 crnti per pint?fine Welah rnrehirt 4 " centt each?cold cult equally cheap. N. B. Hotcolfee 1 cent* * per PIDI?ttakct and million ctio|*can he had at all honra. J. K. particularly requett* any one wh? it in want of a comfortable home to etdl and inspect hit establishment, and ludge lor themselves. Persons travelling for England would iiidir to their advantage to call. The liout? being contrment 10 Loudon and Liverpool ships, J F. being ip|>ointeo agent, he 1 can give ii isssengcrs every information. 1 New York an" Old Country papers taken in. n5tm*r Ci ADA MS it CO.'S NEW YOKK AND NEWARK EX I'MESH?Trie public are reipcrtlully iufor.ned that ilie J1 vuliscribcr* hate etiahlia ed an hspr?tt between New York " and Newark, >. J., for the Iranamitaion and apredy delivery of packages, boiid'ea, money, Sir. flic.; the collection of uoies rT anil Inllt, and all other business appertaining to an Eipreta.? '' Ordert for artirlrt to be returned by the Etpratt will be p delivered free of charge. Office m New Ynr* at No. 7 WaM ttreel. and in Newark, at II MMl'l'H'B Newtpaiier Depot, No. 320 U until !t. r Leave New Yoik at I1M A. M. am) tW P. M. Leave Newark at A. M. and l>{ I' M. cl dIVc ADAMS It CO e A L. h AKNAM, 240 Water atreet, New t orb, maun lac- ti U turer of svery tpecie* of Hydraulic apparatus. * Fire Engines, of every size, for citiet, villages, factories, 11nula*ions, flic C O uden Eueiiies, Fire Hooks, Fire Buckets and Fire Csfis. C Hemp hose, Leather Hose,of any site reqaired. |, Huc'iou Hose, 45upliug Screws, Im. Life and Force I'umpa to lift aud force water any distance, p from 10 in 5U0 gallont a minnta. Wind Mills, Horse Poweit, Water Wheels, he., for work- | unr painpt y nhip an I Steamboat Pumps for filling boilers, lie., to be used <a. II case of fire. j Air Pninpt for vacuum or condensation, of any required uae. Lead aud Iron Pipe, Bum Cm.k?, flic. ( *a 11on Kouutaiut, of various ligurea and devicra. N. B?The pumpi of my manufacture are double sellau, of a gflcat iliength. arid vtrv simple in thsir construction, being par , (Aularly well calculated fbr the aoulhcrn and Weal India markets _ _ dll 3m*re, n[1 L'l.tlfJIt?200 bkls luiienuie Float, lauding limn ship Llamas- r" 1 lui.ifom N'swC/leana, for ta t by I dSl M X LOLU&* * CO * Bomb at < , MEDICAL. \KRI9 TOOTH WAIH-Jitputd from the o run Mil re' eipe ?t No. I ilold Hew Vrok?The Orris' Tooth Fssb u purely ? vegetable pMpararinn, possessing the proper ea o lelesning the teeth aod mosth restoring the gime toe laltliy state, and'preventing tny unpleasant teite ot odour is ie mouth, whether arising from decoyed teeth or from e del aged state of the ilumnrh. It it deiuruei] to be used with e tooth broih, and will be fontid uprm-de the necessity o ft powder .k?*pu>g the teeth deep id rrevrunur the *faril ? eway of the guru Ir til the teeth, ii ivirtimlarly aaeful in cases of spongy gams, restoring them i n healthy state, and canting tliem to contract around the eth. In painful affections of the teeth and gums, arising from tpoinre to cold, it will be found highly beneficial. It u per calarly serviceable to nae the Orria Tooth With at night joit fore retiring to reet. This method it recommended by emisnt deutittt, at by to doiug all particles of food which aeeontate daring the day are entirely removed, and the month mi through the night in a clean, tweet, end healthy state. Sound teeth tnd white teeth are the moet valuable portions r poor humanity; bnt how many neglect the attention oe istary for their preservation, even when tevounded by all the ieaut needed Among these we know of aone more pleasant id effectual than the Orris Tooth Wash -it cleanses and whins the teeth, strengthens the gams, pa lies the month, and veeivns the breath.. We recommend it Die to all, yonng and d.?[Boston Morning Post. The Orris Tooth Wash is the bast detergent we ever a ted oa sr enamel ?f Boston Transcript. go- sale bv fHe principal drunrist* in t' a city - T artist in hair. MANUFACTURED FROM LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S HAIR. JOT less than two inches long, in oue hundred different de' signs? Necklaces, Bracelets, Watch-guards, Ear-rings, lowers. Rings, Wigs Mid Scalps. A C. HARRY'S WTGS AND SCALPS. till stand pre-eminent above all others. Their peculiar light. o?amer,*ud ventilating character, their being shaped exactly i the lutarnl hair grows; their elasticity and tneir superior mairial aud workmanship, as well as their style of finish and ar-raiufeuieut, all combine to form such perfect heads of hair, lat they mast be seen to be fully appreciated. Pnrtirt having a piece of hair of a living or deceased friend, in g?t it formed by liiin into any design the miudoaueoaceise. 1 such aforni it will be a keepsake invaluable. Gratuitous advice given on all diseases connected with the sir, at the Hair Cutting Rnnms, iac DDoimsiv -ri iTltCm* ?Tn GU1DK TO SOUND Tbjfc-TH. A DESIDERATUM IN DENTISTRY. "\K. A.C. CASTLE, 297 Broadway, has a Paste fnrfiliing de' coved hollow teeth. It can be put into the most (ruder teeth ithout any pain or inconvenience, and with which it become* npacted into ONE hard solid body.'hus restoring an > preservig (hitherto painful and useless teeth) artificially sound, and rrfect in all their respective uses for life?preventing IN ALL ASKS, the ueressity of extraction. Ladies the most distinlished in society, otter their testimonials in the most vivid rms, as to its efficacv. The Editor of the Evening Post, lys" It is admirably adapted for tender teeth and tier mis persons,and Dr. Castle operates on the teeth wi'h great ire and ability." 1 he New York Aurora, says " It make* le teeth in all respects perfect for life." The Sun, says Dr. Castle has oh aiued much celebrity foi hisexcellent mode r tilling the teeth." The most eminent gentlemen of the ledieal Enmity, have personallv tried and recommend Dr. satle's Paste for filling the teeth. 'I ooth-aohe Pills, one ol hich pot in the achinc tooth, will effect a permanent cure. [From the Journal of Commerce 1 DELICATE AND SUCCESSFUL OPERATION.?Dr. ,. C. Castle has replaced by a most ingenious piece of dental lechanism. the lost portions of the uppe'aud lower jaw bones, tot away in tne case of Lieut. 8 of the U. 8. N., ssho let with this terrible and severe casualty, while in pursuit of ir Indians in Florida. We have seen letters from Lieut. 8 nnfirmatory of this extraordinary cure audits entire success at the loss of these important organs so skillfully replaced by >r. Castle is tx)w no more a s uuee of regret to the Lieutenant. >r. C. inserts artificial teeth on the priuciple of adhesion by atlOspheric pressure, which he first introduced Wthe notice of ir public inIS7S. Dr A. C. Castle refers te th* Spanish-French id English Ambassadors, Mr. Stonghiou the 8|>ani?h Consul, iear Admiral Walton, Lord Mori>elh,Ocn McOarty, Dr. F. I. Johnson, Preside tofthe Medical Society, 8. N.Y.tMrx. leu. (James. J. B. neck, M. D.. Dr. J. A. Smith, Dr. E.Dels rid. Dr. Beadle, Dr. Boyd, Dr. Btiger, Dr. J. C. Cheesman. 'r. A. H. Stevens. Or. J. Torrey. Dr. Baylies, Dr W,n. t? av in. lie. he. he. Office 297 Broadway. j9 tm*r HUMBUG. JOVE cryhnmbng out of enrv?some from jealousy cry ' humbug?some from sheer ignorance of 'he thiog cry humtig. I do not believe that every thing is gold that shines, nor . i ,i.?,......... ?i...k I. i...tilt. . mhtig. Men need not tie frightened Dy a mere outcry, rove a thing and then jndce of it. I war led to the above reinaika bv a very teuiible gentleman lying to roe tlnsday, that " Pease s Hoarhound Candy" waa ? umbuc. Now, I know better from actual experiment. I find one of the beat things for the throat aud voire, hoarienea*. ad conch, which 1 hare ever nsrd Let each try and aee fur imaelf. HKMAN BANGS. Pastor of the Methodial Episcopal Chnrrh, No. 10 Forsyth it. New York. Dec. 13th, IMS. Meaars. John Peate A Son. 45 Uiviiion at. J. PEASE A SON'S Celebrated Compound Clarified Es uee of Hoart>ound Candy, Depot 45 Division street, for the ureof Cough*. Colda, Hosrseuess, Irritation of the Throat, roup. Whooping Cough. Asthma, Palpitation of the Heart, iver Complaint, Night Sweats, D fficnll or Profuse Expectotion, and all Diseases leading to Cousumplion aud Death! This pleasant medicine is formed by a combination of tweD-five different ii gredieuta, all celebrated for the enre pi old*, Cong .s and Pulmonary Comol >iuts; an , ty -,v -?uibt ilion, if one o( these articles shonld be used t ir ?r rd no relief, in the Compound Extract oi 11 . .. i ?? ' i amalgamated, that the benefit of the whole Uixpcr.eoc le compound THE OPINION OF THE CLERGYMEN. The underoigm d have used J Pease A Son'* Compound Exact of Hnarhound Candy, and freely recommend it to th se flirted with Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, aud Consumpiive unplainlt, a* an excellent reinedv ill theae cases, and for the ?e of the voice prolessioually, nothing can equal it. We reimmelid it to our brethren throughout the Union. Reverend I. Liudsey, recent pastor ofM E Chureh, Second Teet. Reverend J. Crawford, pastor oftlie second M. E. Chnrch, ludfou, N. Y. Reverend Mr. Lucky, presiding elder, New York Con trence. Krveirnd Mr. Whirsker, pastor oi Presbyterian Church, arner of Madison and Catharine *treets. Revereud W. C Hiwley, ehaplaiu at City MospitaL Rtverend Mr. Giffen, pastor of M. E. Church, Bedford arret. Revereud Mr. Hart, recrnt pastor of Baptist Church, Gold reel?resilience 521 Pearl street. i>lrf wholesale and retail at 45 Division street. Agents? Kuehton U Asrmwall, 10 Astor House, 110 t'uidwuy, and 86 William street. Adepts out of the City. Benresi A Zither. No. 3 Ledger Buildings, Philadelphia. Rrdding A Co, No 0 State street, Bnston. Dexter. No 57 State xtreet, Albany, N. Y. Haldeman. Louisville, Kv. Thompson A Co., 'inciuuali, Ohio. Weeds A Watrrs, Troy. An agent wanted at New Orleans. COUNTRY MERCH ANTS and ethers wishing steam nlectiouary will find it to their a-leantaire to call on the ihscribers before they purchase els* where. Boxes cf assorted rmfcrtiouary put up in the following sires: vis?I5lb, 20lh, lib, 501 b, 75!b, I0O doleii, or any nna titj required, at * cry low lices. J PEASE A SON, 45 Division sr. N B ?All kind* steam conr?ciiouary at 25 cei ta per pound t retail. Broken Candies at IGd. per pou-id. J: PEASE A SON. A CARD ?As the Holydsy season is ui.w ai hand, hen f indies are (Npuig to rereiee then friend* in the Id Kuieke. burner st; le, M' s*rs. J. P-aae A Son are ready to cerve oid* r? for lee Cream Jelly. Jelly iMnmraonge; Charletc e Hus*e; pi tin and nrntmental Cake; Kitse*. Mack cronies; emhand American Mottoes; Pyrsn-.ids, Temples,Ladv Apl?-s, and in fact, every thing suitable for the rmbrllisl mast r a New Yra.'s Table. Iu eaeh department of this braucb of .cir humuess ihey liaTe procured the best of men, fully iilersianding their dniirs, and f< aiiug no rival All orders, ruber for the pre-eul or for New Year's day ill be promptly attended to as heretofore. J PEASE A SON. tT^" Ice Cream and Jolly, form*,' at six shillings per '.V B. No New Year's Table shonld be without Pease's range Cream Candy?It possesses the most delirious flavor of lyHavana Orange?It is told wholesale and retail at 45 Divion st. dig Imr ARTIFICIAL ThtSTH. ON THE PRINCIPLE OF ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE. Jl LEVETT, Dentist, the iuiroducer into thi* country in '1 . the year U'5, of inserting Teeth on the above *cieniifir rinciple, as practise I by himself ALONE, courts the attenon of the rubl c to his great improvement. The established potation of Dr. Level!, his easy, well known, peculiar, and -lentific adaptation in supplying the deficiencies of the Teeth, id the unvaried .atiafirtiou gvrn, which lie fnlly guarantees i all cues, warrants Ilia luvitiup the attention of the ladles ad gentlemen who have had artificial Teeth uuakillnlly set, or ho may require new for those disolaced by nature. M. LEVETT, Dentist,260 Broadway, corner Warren street, opposite the Park. I Copy of a Letter Irom M. M. Noah, Esq, to Dr.Levett 1 N*w Yoaa, May 24th, 1841 Dear Sir :?It is both a matter of duty and pleasure t - state, ist th? set of artificial teeth on the principle of atmospheric ressnre which yon made fora lady in my family, has succeeded I every respect, in appearance, comfort, and utility, aud ha* iven entiresalislaction. I am, dear sir, your obedient servant, [SignedJ M. M. NOAH. Dr. Levett has Permission to refor to so <( be elite of the im.n. r.r M- ? V..I Aa 1 me. CLOTHING, CLOTHING. NHfc!AP for Cash at tho Kaah otiahla Tailoring EstablishV mrnt 108 B-ekman?ireet. kvery ga-m u'in the line m*da i O'der in the mutt fashionable and siihat inti al manner of the nest materials, slid at the if ry lowest prices. The following rirea nre stuctl/ adhered to : Overcoats of superfine bearer, $30 atvle, $16 to 22 Dress coats of Hie best West of ? el and cloths, II to 23 Pants, sup fancy and b'ack catsiineres, i to 8 Vests, cashmere rilk, satin, an I cloth, 2l^to f oats m?de and trimmed, tT)% to 9 ; P'nts % 1 Si to 2 ; Vests tin 2 One ! ok at the foods will gire more satisfaction ran the h- st description. )>l? Im?r JOHN MOFFAT. LUMHKK. FOK SHIPPING. AO KKK'I" of pine lumber. 16 feet lone, for sale st rUUjUUU H V. DeroeV lumber yatd No. 317 W-stst., rar Hammr-rsly street jy 12 6l*r _____ TLNLTOULDS. J K.MKM BKIl, No 3d North Hiith street, one door below V Arch street, Philadelphia, the most certain and best Kamtly ledictue, for Coughs, Colds, Knitting Blood, Throat and .ting liiaease, a rising se iaation like choking, tickling, nj nuleiunni nbstiartmns. fc'nr the a bore, Dr. 8 w A YNfc/H Com ouod 8\ rur of Wild f -berry will he fonnd the great remedy etsonswho hare atnised ahemselrra hy the nse of ardent spirits nl* finrl both their strength apd resolution mnrh imprnred by aring off the spirits, and taking a draught occasionally of the hove reatoratire. All preparattona from thiaraluahle lree,elrpt the ahorc.maybe considered spurious or counterfeit The al article may be had of the following Agents, or at No. M lorth Bisth street, f Inldelphia? AOKNT8 Dr. W. H. MILNOR, Druggist, No. 192 Broadway. Mllts. M. HA V KM, No. lit Pulton st, Brooklyn. BKNJ. OLDS. Newark. N. J. JOHN MASON. Patte top, N. J. d!2m?r ylAIIAVIh I 11 S'1'LL.I.O.?keinale Periodical Piiis gtiar"A auteed in every cast where the monthly nerinda hare beome irregular from colds or other causes. Their cerlaiuly of etion lias long been arknnwleuged by the medical profession, d hundreds that hare uselessly tried various boasted lemetea?indeed, so sure are these Pills in therr effects, thatcare I s onetimes necessary to their use; though they contain no letlieiiie detrimental r? the oonstiiiitioii. Advise giren gratia > all those who use the Pills, by Madame Costelln, 3t Lis rrmrd st, where the Pills are sold genuine. Price $1 per hot dl6 lm*r lHfc.UMAI I8.V1!". ttHk-fclMA I Itvw'.!! PHISUisa rst ahls and iiuivt rsal complaint, which haa here' tofon baffled the skill of the int st celebrated ptivan tan . ia nred h- 8 J Tobias Khum site Line nem. It ia also efflcaious in the speedy cure of >prsin?. stiffness, n ;be li ha. sore iroata,?c.,aud s remedy which uo family ought to be wnhnai. orav'eonlt at ?t MoMe" Lane np.firs d13lm?r Fashion a ml e stucka Jf AMfc'9?t'KAVATH?(JLOVEH, Itc kc.-Old Eatah' liahment ?PaRbKLLS Ik AftAlK,. established 818 ? i aduitf n to theireftensive lasortinentof F.ialnonalde Ootids, e suhacrihars ere receiving hyevary from Loudon anil iris, a uew supply of fsshiuuible raca'fa and Crarau. Their surtmcntof faalip net I At-ic a, Kesris, Cravata, ready made IbM. (for w kick tflif i ruiil Ih lilt atSgllsM at the late sir of the Artiericaiil Ut,val),| (Msrss, 8u J'I Iidera, Hosiery, Ik, klenn , Lam lis*,.ol sou buckskin Shirts and Dr Wera; d all articles ap|ieri ini g tn a gentleman'a w.irdr. b?, art :n and e tried. I n u |. men cnllliig al ihe old ealab iabment, sy d- peud ou beiug 'uiuishe-l with a aupenor auiele.of the al fashion, al fair aud looderate guess PARSk.lfLU a i A 1 It, Ml b toad way, batffesn Park risen aud ,vi array P. h A. soatiniie the manufacture of their colebrated Bracts d gentlemen's Hnssis Hiding Bella. d!3 la'l ' NCUMRjfcNT MONEY of all kinds. W/chaagdI at tha lowagt markst rata* by 8- J- 8VL vfc,b Jfc>R 8, AM HWiUNMiiMlNlmdwsr. PRIVATE ESTABLISHMENT FOH THK TREATMENT OR VENEREAL DIS EASES. IN CONNEXION WITH _ THE COLLE'Hi OF MEDICINE AND PHAR MAC* OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 'T'HR College o* Medicine and Ph ?rmacv of the city of New * Yn k, have opeued in conneiion with their Medical and Surgical Couaultitiu Rooms, an eatanlwhment for tie eiclu sue reception of patients suffering from venereal diseases. Ni class of human maladies require* for their safe and snccesilul treatment a greater degree of matured ei|?rirnce and practised ?U.II than do those whieh vice entails on her votaries ; hut etaa ! a* thousands mutt bitterly acknowledge, no other cla?f has been ao much subjected to the mal'.reatineut o( heartless and uneducated pretruderi?inen without character?without medical knowlekge?without evnerience?without responsihility. The members o( the College are fully convinced thut were venerea) diseases uniformly auhjected to the treatment ol properly qualified physicians, a vaat amount ol human sufferim would be ureveu ed, and the innocent saved from the conaeque cea in which they are now too often involved with tin (uiliv. .n order therefore toauppreaa, aa far aa poiaible, thi> ruinous quackery, the College have opened this eaiabliahmaul uid olaced ituuderthe management of two eminent medicat grHMeinen of great eiiterieoce, and sound judgment?men foi whose respectability ouu laical Uie high character ot the coi leer itself is pledged. Patients of b"lV sexes will be admitted and receive advio rratuitoutlu, and 'he recessary medicines will be dispensed u there at less than the usual rates. No fees whatever will b? repaired. The College cherish the hope that this libeial arrangement will soon put a stop to the im|M?t ire to which thi: Haas of patients have been subjected, and all tlins sffccted will it is hoped, see the wisdom of availing themselves ol the op porltuuly now afforded. Bv o der, W. ?. Kir.llA.Rr SON. Ageut, Office and Con J ting Rooms of tne College, d( let SO Vihin street. New York CHbMl'GALS. UKUtrS. CUPAIVA CAPSULESAND GERAM SILVER. Dr. FEUCHTWANOER, No. I, Wall street, offers Che micals. Drags, Dyestuffs, very cheap, and warrants all his preparations of best quality and the mo,t genuine in market, vix:?Lunar caustic and silver crystals, from 50 ets. to tl 25 per or ; aqua fortis8cts per lb; hydrocyanic acid Ph. U. 8 25 cts per ox ; pure nitric acid for jewellers and chaii makers I8lf cts pr lb; copaivi capsules best quality, $7, Alt, and $20 or gross : nitrous acid M cts or lb; labairaquet chloride of soda, *"tth Prench libels tl 75 prdot; jodine '>5 cts pr or ; dentists gold foil, of the most approved manufactures, (30 pr ox; diatnoud cement til pr gross ; spirits of hartshorn, from 7 to 20 cts pr lb . and sweet spirits of nitre from I to 20 els pr lb; jodines of poias sia, iron, sulphur, lead, mercury 50 cts prox;" weedish lesches $10 pr 100; chloride of jodine 75 cts pr ox; bromine S3 pr ox; and hypohelohide of soda tl 50 pr lh;eofniiound chemical whale oil. soap and all his poisons warranted. Extract logwood and chip* dye woods, sold very cheap. Apply to DR. LEWIS FEUCHTWANOER, ol7 Jtn ee No. I Wall st , N. Y TO THE LADIES DK. HULL'S UTEKO ABDOMINAL SUPPORTER. ""PHIS new instrument fot the radical cure of Prolapsus Uteri 1 or Falling of the Womb, by external application, superseding the use of the obiectional Pessary, is confidently recommended to the afflicted as the means of perfect restoration to uualth, if never having failed of performing a cure, even ander the most aggravated circumstances. The Supporter has attained a very high character in Europe sa w -H as in this country. It-is adopted to the entire disuse of pessaries.aud all other painful surgical expedients,in the Lyingm-Hospitals of London and Paris, and is universally recommended in Europe by medical men of the highest rank In this country J lis sustained by the leading members of the faculties -if Colleges and Hospitals, and by all the eminent private practitioners. Rooms have been furnished exclusively for ladies, at No. 4 Vesey street, having a separate entrance from the bnsinesa department, where a lady is in constant attendadce, to apnlv Trusses and Supporters to female iwtients. n< Imt* CURE (. F CHRONIC DISEASES. I~\R. F. PRUD'HOMME, from Pat is, disciple of the ilinaL-r trions Hahnemann, whose science and doctrines have astonished all Europe, and gathered around him a crowd of eminent physicians, eager to receive his instructions, and to profit uy his experience, anuu'.uces to the pablie that he has elected New York as the place of his labors, and of his per manent residence. Dr. F. P. has been professi anally and intimately connected in France with inen, whose names are honored ana reverenced in this country; and during ten years' practice, he has visited many parts ofthe United States, and of the West Indies, with t view to elucidate severs! points in science, till then involved in much doubt and obscurity. He inst arrives from Paris, where he has been to eotnmunicate'he result of his observations to the Gallic Society, of which he is a member, aud now retnrni bete to diffuse the fruits of hi? experience and the blassings of heslth. In the course oi his travels and practice,he has the help of his method, founded on the laws of Specifics, cures which had resisted every other mode of treatment; moreover, tie wish s to be judged not from words but from works Suffice it to say, that besides ill maladies reputed incurable, there is no disease so dreadful, so inveterate, such as Consumption, Incases of the skin, rtug warms, Cancer, Fistula of all kinds, Serophula," Dropsy, ho, that he caunol entirely extirpate.? By the tame method all diseasesiacideu: to females and children xre promptly and radically cured. Dr. P may be consulted every day .from 10 A. M to 3 P M. at hit office 7$ Duane street, neat Broadway. Consultations given in the English, French, German, Spanish and Italian languages. nl 3m*r DOCTOR ELLIOTT. OCULIST AND OPTHALMIC SURGEON, Confine* hi* Practice to DISEASES OF THE EYE. Office 261 Bro?ilwav. comer of Warren street. n2 Imt FEMALE PHYSICIAN, 34 LISPENARD STREET. Vff ADAME COSTKLll'O, Female Physician,(till continues l to treat, with astonishing success, all diseases peculiar to fsmsles. Snpp'tnsion, irregularity. sbitrnction.fcc, by whatever cansr .iroducod. can be removed by .Madame C. in a very sort time Madame C.'s medical establishment having undergone thorough epain and alterations for the heiter accommodation of hei inmernnr patients, she is now prepared to receive ladies on the mint of cotilinemeat, or those wno wish to be treated lor ob traction of their monthly period. Madame C. can he consulted at her residence No. 34 Lis pen ird st, at all times, and with the strictest regard tosecresy. AM commnturstiottsand letters most he post-paid d16 lm dvltwv*r THE SULTAN OF MUSCAT IIAS had Sherman's Lozenges and is cle.iglited with them, as H. ,:vrry one in this countty?so t,.ey are used by crovtDrd yrads as well as he humble citizen. Jonathan Howarth, Esq . ihe well known tempersnce lectsrer, look a severe c >IJ last Jiooary by sleeping in dsmp ihrets. that se> mtd to have settled in a consumption. Ho rised agr>at detl of bloody matter, and I is cough ? a* so bsrraising and mcessint that he could get no lest by dav or hy niL'ht AftertiJin* various remedies withoutrelinf, bethought hat Heaih a'onr would relieve him of his misery. But by the adiice of a lady he parch wed a boa ot Hherm u's Cough Loirrges; they pave him great relief, and to his snrprise allayed his cough made him raise easy, and euabled him to sleep sound all night; three days'use of their made a new man of h'm, lid lie is recommending tthermiu'a Lozenges to all his acquaintances. SHERMAN'S WOHM LOZF.NGR8 Are the only infallible worm destroying medicine ever discore re <1 1.400,Dii# noses have txeu sold, and not a failure ha* ev? r been k.iov*u They d stroy all kinds of worn s, and canIiot injure where th'-re are none. DISTRESSING HfcADACHKS Vre -urert in five to leu u mutes, bv Hhirm.n's Camphor Lounges, so a* *.n? only specific f >r sea mi kurss. palisutioo, lowurss of spirit, and the Ivwunde and fatigue of kouy n miud attending liaveling or crowded parties WEAK BA< K8, Pain or weakness in rny part ol the bod., rheumatism and lumhago, rnred bv Sherman's Poor Man's Plaster, which costs mly 12.? cents, su.l wansr.iyd better than nil otheis SHERMAN'S ORUIS T??OTH PA8TK Is recommended by the many who have used it as the best pre pnration for cleansing and oeantilying the testh that evsr was icnewn. SORE NlPlLF.8 Post 'ively enrsd by Sherman's Pauillaty Oil. Warehouse, 106 Nassau street, New Yori. Ageu s?Hand's. 77 East 3roadway, 371 Broadway corner Chambers st, and 227 Hudson st; Rushtou and Aspinwall'aM William, 110 Broadway, and 10 Astor Honse; Church's, Its Bowery; tad Mrs. Hay's 131 Fulton street, Brooklyn; 0 State street. Boston; C. D>er, Jr., Providence; A. Guthrie, 4 Sunwiz Hall, Aibain ; I Ledger Buildings. PmUilelphis; Herd, e ruer Osv sort Saratoga sts, Baltimore; and Robeson. Har risborg. Pa ; 4j9 Broadway corner Grind ? H?i RHEUMATISM ! RHEUMATISM! PERSO S S afllictrd with Rheumatism are now beginning to be aware th<t if ihry continue to suffer any longer they <-an blame no o e but themselves. Dr Henry's Vegetable Hheomatle Syrnp now stands above all donbt in the core of Rheun ausm. To all whom it may concern?This certifies that last sprang I >vti taken with a violent rheumatism in all my limb*. Ho gr was ihe pain that I was unable to tarn over m my bed without help; and at one time the pain was so severe that I did not sleep for nearly a week. I employed six or eight physicians who C' ul" not refieTe me in the least, when Ream g of Dr Henry's Syrup I procured a bottle on Thursday morning, aud on Sitnrdsy following I walked nearly two miles. I kept steadily imp oving, ana in two weeks 1 was rrrfcctly cared. -toil am now .ble to bear any fatigue and r xposure. HENRY MARSALL, 261 Heoston it, uppoaite Ludlow. Thus we go. Not a week |?uses hut duxeus of perron* ire calling It the office to tell how rapidly they hare beeu relieved by thii medicine. For sale it 286 Bowery, coiner of If niton treet. d 16 lm*r CERTAIN CURE FOR ALL DEAFNESS. MONS. MAI LAN?SOUVD M AUNIFIERS?INVISI BLK, VOICE CONDUCTOR*!.?To enable perioni in advanced ute, a id of forty and fifty yeara stand* log. of extreme deafness, and of those who are only slightly dull of hearing, lo join in general conversation and to catch the onnd ol idistant low speaker at a public assembly. They are the sixe of a very small gold seven shilling piece, and when in toe cavity ol the ears they are not in the least percei-tinle. nor rnore uncomfortable than havi ig a small piece of fine wool in its place. And although they are so extremely small, yet they enable tlioau afflicted with extreme deafness to liaar, in ever; ie*P**et, equal to those of most accurate hearing. To be had of Mons Mai I an fit won, Sorgeon Dentists, sole arnts for the patentee. No. 371 Broadway, next to the Union ub. _ ? i he above invention live been in ute In I'.nropn tor tome yeats nod is strongly recommended, being one of the greatest discoveries OI the age. Persona, non-residents iu New York rtty, on the remittance of A '0, CM? Kav# a i?Mir for |?v p?>st to tiny P?irt ,l*n itn POSITIVE CURE KbK COM >8. TT is now positively cerUiu that Sir Aviley Cooper's ceteorated Corn Salve will make a final cti r ol corns, in proof of which we introduce the following certificates from highly respectable gentlemen *? This inay certify, thai one application of Dr Cooper's Corn Sal re, has perfectly cured my corns ; and irom its < ff?cts in my c 'te, and that of ma v others which litre come within my knowledge, I am diiimst a to rvgaid it as a rpecific. H. H. SHERWOOD, M. D, 82.7 Dm <d way, IX< w Yolk. I have used Dr. Cooper's Corn Salve with perfect success ? Ml Corns were o' long standing, and the worst I ever saw?so had that I considered them iuciirahlc ; but one or two applications of the above named stive entirely removed thrm without pain. WtMAND BHADBUitY. Puhliahar of the Uosten Miscellany, Ac. JIT Nassau street. N. Y. Office for whol'saling and retailing this article, lia Noatan street, u"H. r Cliulou II ill ; also for sale hyihe following gen tie me n James K Million. M I), 261 Bn-adwav ; Messrs Sands, 273 Uroidway ; Mrs Harriet's, J7Jillowery, and 130 Ful ton street. Brooklyn ; James If Hart, M D. coiner Chambers stand Broadway. Leteyeiy one who hai Coma make one trial { it may be ddW" Willi I ertelnll III pKrdllClllg l'ie effect |i II It r UNITED STATES TEA EMPORIUM. 121, late 129 Chatham ilreet, New York. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. rJE CANTON TEA COMPANY contmne to offe' for rale new and fragraut Teas of every variety and atyli Their asaortmrnt specially includes the most delicious ami powerful grades of lirreu and Black Ever^ park.igv beans lh? lamp ol neatness Slid elegance, and the Teas therein are si ihoroughly seemed fiom fight and air that their quality and power will remain unimpaired iu any climate. Their svstem uf prosecuting business ispriliaps scarcely to be exec"r ' is fnuudrd upou the utmost regard to the rights of "ecus er especially wi ll ir-uj cl to weight sud quality- am ^ railed cheapness. All purchaacrs are ca|led upon to i l.iri srticlea which foil to give ihem the fnllv.t ssusfcin-n. wni? ihe money will be cheerfully and promptly " '"I j jjet, #D, try meichauti, public etlahliahmeiiu, beaila o , there dilpmasnrs will find it a decidud aJvaotage to supply men .r|vr? from ihii *l?l ulunf nt. Or'hTis 'from'all'psrts "'o/ lhe United <.?.. ."cu.ed wit yrumptitude and da>paieh. A_-Hua K* ths sala of Hoi. Tbt oaJy warnnoBM A?*" jjf im*r jinrt f#lrhr-Bfro Blfirk ' , r? ?? r. - - -jjir. A yg'if" p.vfibl* ai tight on nil i*rtt 01 B'^^S^a^otlaW ? *"> jt:J0 to guy tni??uni. Tot 9AI? nv ^ J. MLVMTKR. iu W*u smitMl m Bgoudway. * ON STRICTURE AND ITS CURE. rnOSL .OWING REMARKS WILL PLACE BE* FORE the public afeutmoe. deeply interesting focti.? ^^B "Trrt, 7a a< the dleeaee tolled Siaicrrau, ii of very freyuoeU HI Kcvrrtnce and often emitti in tertont who are not ?n Ihe loaet ^B| iwort of if; next thai a very erroneous notion prevail* r t ^Hl iprrfwis Slricture.and that ignorar.t advertising profile ake I had aarantafe of theerrrone-nie notion; then, that there art \>ee particular cirrvmilancet hu which a Stricture may \e vunye knoum?and in the last place, that the cure of Stric- ^^B ' ire it certain, free from pain, and generally accompeethad ^^B in a very little time, W ith regard to the Ant of these remarks:? It it well knowu that Stricture it the result if a badly treated ) in irrhea If, for instance, that disrise ta suffered to tonitiue on from month to month, a tInlet into a elect. Now, ^H here it no pain or incoirvrnience in gleet, and therefore It ie rteu suffered to remain indefinitely. .But it thonld be known ^H^ hat sleet implies achronie inflammation of the passage, which ^H "rurally termiualea in thickening, and thit thickening at one ^H art or other of the passage it stricture ; and. furtner, that al .hough stricture may thns re naiu unnoticed fbr a length of time, ^^B it is far from laying dormant, but Is the hidden cause ol many erious maladies, not euly of a sexual, but those alse of a net'out and dyspeptic kind. _ .... Bnt what especially leads the It Mltiou off from this disorder t the idea that stricture c annnt exist so long as no irup - iiment ^H o the flow of urine is observed, which is iuile A tricture often exists for veers without piodfce.i any very ^B trik^ng change in this resjieet; indeed a inuiinninec niterupted stream of urine heiougsonly to the worst of cases, and t is to prevent this very state that these remarks are published. The advantage, however, which ignorant adrer.'islng people ^B ake of thit erroneous notion is very cruel. Every bedy knows ^^B ow men of this description swarm tbonl tins city, and tlfat ^^B hey will sell their uostrumt as long as any one will buy fheid. ^^B vciw, it ii a fact, and one wlneli every rcil physician will im- ^^B Mediately acknoa ledge, that all the medietne ip the world, lone, can never cure a stricture. In proof ol this, nothing is oore common tha for ihe writer to he consulted hv persons. . ^B vim have been tal ng all raauuer of thiugs?as colored drops," ^^B tnd pills, and cordials, and the like, for many inontns together. ^H ant whom, on seeing the real nature of the rate, be r ,s cured u osinany days. ^H With a view of preventing these impoaitions. therefore, it ^H lerms desirable to lay before the public a lew plain circum- I^B itauces by wh'ch a Stricture may be known, which can be easily dons ; for uithough the symi lomsofrhis disease are numer- ^H there are three ol especial import, and tnese tnree may ne ^H tated very briefly?they are the following : T he nrut relates to The manner of urinating.?It has been already said the stream ^H teed not be much diminished or impeded. Bat obsr-re at ten'ively, after it is finished and the clothes are reaflinsted, whetfv ^H rr a drop or two will ever steal away, so as to wet a little? tnthimr IB more indicative of atririnn, Tk. n.t, ia The time a Gonorrhoea hat remained unrured.?ll is diffi -uit to say how longs Gonorrhoea or Gleet may ran and not roduce a itricture, for one u naturally more disposed to stricture than another ; bnt, aia general rule,ifit should be suffered to s<> ou beyond nx weeks, this alone wonld afford sufficient ground, at least, Tor the suspicion of a stricture. The last ia? The ejfeel a stricture hat upon the mind.?The effect of Stricture is to depress the spirits, and 'oleaseu both bodily and nental activity. This also is one of its most common effects. Vol, however, that it is seen alike inevery individual, bat it is to common that the writer rarely sees a case of stricture (and ne sees many every day) in which the patientdoesnotcomplain core or less, that ne is not so capable ofbnsinessas formerly. It is gratifying also to witness tiie uniform return ot spines, and 'he disappearing of other maladies as the care progresses. With regard to the care of St Mciare, on this subject it is sufficient to observe (and it is stared with confidence and pUar'jre) that this is certain, free from (win, and generally aceomplished'm a very little time. So mudi ns this could not have neeu advanced some years ago; but such has been the jm provemeut in this art, and such the practical eiperieuce o<*?ie writer. that he can now accomplish the cure of stricture 4nn many days as formerly It demanded mouths. The writer also begs to stale, that for those who wish to undertake the care themselves, he has published a little velamr, tailed TTie Private Treatxte" in which not only stricture, "rut the cure of all thoae delicate diseases which require especial care and privacy, ia directed in the plainest manner. It is tdvisable, howevet, that thoae who inspect a stricture, if possi- ' lie, should consult the author personally, and nothing will surprise them more than the ease and certainty of hie means of care. Separate rooms, also, are arranged for those who may have to wait a little. . It only now remains to say a word or two on the ground on which the public, and especially strangers coming to this city, may rely with confidence on what bus been advanced. With his view Dr. Ralph begs le state that, beside his rank as irradiate af Edinburgh, Stc. lie.?he has been engaged in the enre if these diseases, both in hospital and city practice, for morn nan thirty years, and has published two editions af a work eiiressly an them.?Also that he has testimonial letters from the most eminent physicians in En rope to the most eminent in \menea?es Sir Astley Cooper to Dr. Mott.of Vew York, Dr. fhysick, uf Philadelphia, and olhera, and that he it permit ted to refdr to almoet every Physician of aminenee in this if. Ralph is consu lted at hia private residence. No. M Greenwich stieet, towards the Battery, at any hour.?He may also be '.onsulted by port. Tne little volnme eaove referred to is one Inlles j I 1m*c lit. fKIVAi'e. i'Hb-A I'lCiK.?This is a little relume on certain diseases, in which the most couvemeut and private means of cure are stated in the plainest possible manner. And lot only are directions given for the more simple and recent ases, but those which have fallen into improper hands, and continue ou from mouth to mouth, are particularly dwell on.? Such persons will see immediately the difficulties which im(>ede their cure, whatever they may be, as well as the plan to ^e pursued in each particular case. It is obtained only of the luthor. Dr. Ralph, 81 Greenwich at. Price SI. Dr. Ralph also takes this opportaity of say try that he may be consulted ou the peculiar diseases above referred to, aithis private residence, et any hour. Aware, however, of the deep and just solicitude which many feel to consult a person of integrity as well as egperieace in these peculiar complaints, the author deems it prur cr to give the followiug short sketch of the opportunities he t as ad te fit himself for this trust. Aud this he is lk? m.ire inclinra u> as ....... i,.-. i u,._ ,k.. r.. ?r .ll kiud , they have selected from a list of advertising people the one who had boasie i most of wonderful cures hut not without the bitterest repentance, lit therefore begs to state that, bolide his rank as graduate of Edinburgh, he he. he. he haa oeen watchim. these diseases, both in hospital and city practice, for more than thirty years, and h.ia published two edilious of a work expressly ou ihern. Also that he has testimoniul li tters from the most eminent physicians ol Europe, to the most eminent in America?as Six Astley Cooper to Dr. Mott, of N.Y. mid l)r. Physick of Philadelphia, and at hers; and further, that he has the privilege of referring to almost every phvsieiau of eminence in this city. Nothing can be slated, he conceives, as better gronud of confidence to those who are strangers to him. Consultations may be made by post, and for snch ha haa n littlei urate chest, containing every thing necessary for needy nd private cure. Itiz forwarded as eaag taw directed. Price St I. j| lni'c IF THE WORLD ouly kuew hail tor desperarec ,?es of ?is 1- real diMiase, cured by the physicists a< the Hatiterian Dirpen s.iry, 3 Division street, wi h the fir lamed and .usily crl.brated hunter's Red Drop, there would u<>t beauv other remedy used this medicine has proved itself twelve years ago to be ihe only sure and harmless care ou earth; those atRicted are respecfully invited toca'l aud examine the many pirate rooms and read hand eds ol rerli titles of persons who haxe been cured by tnis nirdiciiir aftei all rise have fails- i. Price Si, wirnuled iu all cases. IVrsous tu Albany,Knclirsler, and Buffalo, n.y. Boston, Mass aud Charleston, s.C., in wan of tins medicine, can obtain it genuine, by remitting f I,with a description ol tlie case in n other ina ,uer can tney oe sure of gciuiig the true aruclt. dlh 1111 * in ________ CAUTION lO KtMALhb Madame kestkll. female physician, would inform ladies who with a proper deiicacy, have a renucu nice ts the treatment o: their complaints except by "ue of uieit >wu sei, that id ail cnsrsslie stteuiL tolhem , crsoually.her ex terieuce, practice and knowledge cii birs her to do so. She icems it necessary to ?LVt this, as she dors 001 wish to be el.itied with the pretenders continually &p|*snug aud disappear i lg, advertising as "Female Physicians, who too ignorant and i icompetent themselves are obliged to get some scarcely less ignorant quack to experiment iustead. Cousuliug parlors and r-soieuce 141 Greenwich street, between Courtlandt and Li b Tty streets. Hours of attendance from I A. kl. tog P M. jlO tin Ph.male monthly piles. fkWlNG to the celebrity, efficacy, and invariable success el Madame llestell's Female Monthly Pills in nil naasa nl irregularity, suppression, or stoppage ol those functions of na cure upon which the health of every female dermis, since their .niroductiou into the United States, now about lour yaan, counterfeits and imitations are constantly attempted to bs palmed off for the genuine. Che p common pills a e purchased st twelve cents a box, nut up id different boxes, and called? "Female Monthly Pifls." with the ohject of tell rug them, H possible, at our or two dollars a bos. Females arr therefore cautioned against thee* attempts to impose uioutncm It it sufficient here to itatv that all Female Monthly Pills are coon terfeita, except those sold at Madame Kestell's Principal Office HI Greenwich'-street. New York and 7 Essex street, boston Price tl- Madame Kestell's signature is written on the enva of each box. N. B ?They can be need by married or aingle, by followite (he directions enclosed inside of each box. Sold also by ap poiioment at 314 Grand street, corner of Alien, New York. fcj 0 1m ,, TO ,vlAtCK 1Kb LAbllkN. vff a11amk KESTELL'S PKEVENTIVE POWDERS I L"A?These invslnablr rowdershaxe been universally adoptee in Europe, but France in particular, for upwards olthirtv yean, ' aa well is oy thousands 111 this country, as being the only mild, ' safe, and efficacious remedy lot married ladies, whose health forbids a too rapid increase of family. Madame Keitell, as is well kuow n. was tor thirty yean Fe male Physic'an ia the two principal Female Hospitals iu Europe?those of Vicuna ssid Pans?where lavoren by her great esperieiiee aud. opportunities, she attained that eelebnry iu those groat discoveries iu acieucr so specially adaptee to theTemalr frame, for winch har medicines sow stand unn vailed, as well in thus conntry aa in Europe. Her aajaatntanes with the physiology and anatomy ef the female frame, enables ber? by tracing the decline and ill heallhof married Isms lea, scarce in the meridian of l>fe, and the consequent rapid and often apparently inexplicable causes whioh consign -nany s fond mother to a premature grave?to then Me source?to,ar rive at a know .edge of the primary causes ol female tudispou lions?especially of married females?which, in 1MI, led It the discovery 0 her eelehmted " Preventive Powders.' Their adoption nat been the means of preserving not oniv the health, bat even the life of many an affectionate wife and fond mother. The advertiser feeling the importance ol this subject, and e> timating the vast kenelns retailing |e thousands by their adop uou, would mott respectfully arouse uie attention of the mar nrd, by all that they hold uaar and dear, it. their consideration U it not wi?e and virtuous to prevent evil* t > which we are ?ab leet, by simple and healthy nirnna within our eoi/lroJ. Kverj iiiotasiouau, virtuous, aud enlightened mind will uahcaicat tngly aaawer in the affirmative. Price fire dnllaraa package accompanied with full and particular dircetioua. Tney in be forwarded by mail te any uart of the Uuiird Stales. A1 lettera mail be poal paid, aud addressed to MADAM K KKB rKLL.Kcmair Physician. Principal otlice, 141 lircenwiei ireel, Naw York. Olf.ce hours from 9 A.M. to 9 o clock P..V BaetonafRea Na.y I'.sacnt. to im 111 it U A 1? b K IE. O 1 fc L. h. , l/thlMALK PHYSICIAN Office and (esidenca, 141 Ore*. " wich atreet, between t'onrtiandl ud Libert;- atreeu. when he can be nonsnlted with the stricten confidence on too plaints mrid<-ol to the female ft, miuv Medame Reslell'aeipeneucaand knowledge in the treatment 1 if abatinate caaeaof ftmala irrejnl -.rity, stoppage, snppreesion, the., ta ruch aa to require bnt a lew days to ultoef a perfaet enre. Ladiea tlrstnni proper medical mtrnilance daring con rineinent or other ipdnroaition, will be accommodated dnnnt uch time, with private and reapecubl - board. 4 Preyentire Powders," for marned ladiea, f licate or preeariona neaith lorbida a tin. ' I1'1' or family, will be aent by mail to any part of the United States. Prior Ua package. All Letter* I cat paid) addressed to box IM New York. Boarou OAct, No i troetN. B.?Madame RXBTCLL wonld mform lMie. residing ml of th? city, wh(?f health wtoiM iiotadmrt of travel I io(,thal ha would dea.ite hcrpemoual attendance wn them in any iart of the United States within reasonable dmranee. J19 lm i'UltTULaUlhSt' KLiVLAlalh PLMxi. nvl?TKU AIIU pRKraRKn * VI iJlf BOUUKLOQl/ftt D,, LIHBON, f*1 HTlKiAL PHfc Seiennfc combination of ingredienta of whrcn mesa 1 nTii. ?.? romiaieed. hava mada fhein the woudci and admi. ,,.,U of worUThoy are known all ore, Lurope to be .lion of the , n dMeoveied thai has pro., d iinariahly P^Hlnema the monthly tnm. Their certainty, in ill "iTl iw.i,is iuch that Ihcv moat not U um?4 riuriuR pregnancy ^J2*2Li|wiy? mi I A, afe. and healthy, they are certain to ^ micamage if naed donna that period. The direction# are tranaiaied into Lnglish .and aia euteioped '.d ?ith the aeal of the imi>oner, <tami>ed. ttaeh hot ""i. ihe iigii'.tnre of M. lie Bondeloone. and the Kiixhsh d| the .Igoamre of Dr. K MAlVKAU, anthonseg nan! far the coiitinoiit of America. I'liey can be Lraiiainitteo by mail ai any part of the United Stater Letter* directed to Dr. F. Melteau, boi 14, New oik, will r-wt with iminedme attentiou. All lettenrrns. e post paid. Bold by aiiiMiiiumepi at 110 Cherry, o. ar Calhir nfrtrrrl. Pile- IS. "a'f hoira S9. No h*'f noses sent by a?ol jlO 1m dfcw PUBLISHED DAILY BY JAIII KB <?0 ItlKM HKIfRHTT, . tf.CORNKR. FULTON AND NASSAU fTRKfCTb Tmi Nrw Yotia Haaai.D?A dnily paper tanned even oriHtw of the week? price 'mm rrnlt per rep; Country I itnherr rarnithed at the ?aior rate, lor aoi a|iecifir period, or fmttaiice m advance. No iwper ?ent, nMtn i?m in ad ramie nr Wggghf HxnaLD?leaned every Setnrday moraine at one o'clock?twice w and a yirertrr rrnlt pr copy?l-iroiThed io country snhsenbers at par annum, in advance, or tt t"e rime rale for any specified penod Coaanrronntn** arc reen eased u >ddr*ss ikm Ulian M L*L*-*" "'T'lV'rrTfff'""7 ?Mwi I i