Newspaper Page Text
BY THE SOUTHERN MAIL. \tvm?r< #f rorrrdlng* In rnngrna. \V imiiinuton, Jan. DB, IKI3 Susans -Several communication* were received rrmn (lie- State in>1 N?\ i P. | iiiiMi iiiM, .imon? tlient iw >> from Ili?- former. ii|?on li<- mibicet ol lite Oregon Trmioiv, and the corTT*pondenco (heretofore nn publ'mlicd) in ri'laiimi io the aioaiiirt ('uridine Tin communication* were retcrrcd Mcnioii*l* wen pre? -nted bv Mfwr?. Tnllntnthto nnd Kerr nun in*' the repeal ot tln> llnnkrupt law, ami l?v Meant* I'alhniiii nnd ltavnrd in favor ol tin* Kxclieijiiei nvnleni The bill |,?| ?ho relict ol the IVi?'p>l*iir? liailrmid Company, by allowing ilir nlookholdera an extramioii ol time lor the mi|?oilation of railroad iron tier of duly, wna then taken ii|*. hiu! idler n di*? iim aion, in wluoh Mrn*e* A relict, Hurliunnit, Itivm and Kvuiim look ixirt, it wan panned aye* A I, noon III Thf Senate then proceeded to connidrr the "Ore* Son Hill," which wnm under dtnctlnMon mil 11 ike ml journiuent I locate oi- Kki*hrkrnt*tivkm Mr. 1'ii.i.mokk rone (<> a point of order, aild aeul In t lie rlerk'a (able I lie New York " I'moii" ol Saturday, nnd the " Mmh ncninti" ol tlua morn inn, in which it w?h Minted (noi editorially in the Inttrr napcr) that it had Im-cii anoertaincd, previously to inn rcnolution of ihei'oni U'.,,., M. !...?? i,...,.,.,i,. 1.1.. during ihut the Kxchoituor plan should not be ndoiK<*<!.> tlint it majority of whig* were in tnvor of the scheme, ami t)in(, the mmon, a coiictts was called It ?'H? further fluted, that in iIlia caucus nonie ol the lihcial wltigs mid that tliov would support the Kxehnpter At thin finite, some ol (he lenders rone iiiul deelf red thai those who would do no, deserved llie nmiie ol traitor, nrul would lie no held up lo tin eouutrv, mid that n letter from Mr Ulny having hern r' ud, nil dlapiteludo mid faction was calmed, etc. Mr K eonirndieird ihene nlntemenln unrquivoenlly nnd posiiivelv, in every particular; nnd onlled upon uny gentleman in the House to stale to the contrary, d lie eould?or nny member ol the " i lunrd " Mr. NVisk unked the gentleman whether he mount to impute to him, oranv oilier member ol the ttunrd, no e.illedj nny part or lot in the publication of the Mndinouinn or ine Union Mr Kii.i in in k said that lie eerlninly did not 1111pntt to tlieui nneh n disgraceful eon rue ol conduct Mr Wisk thanked the gentleniiin lor the dis clailiter, llchadneen the publication lor llie first time this morning, and knew nothing more nhont it llinu the gentleman himself Alter nome further rem irks, he moved that the House, lor the pnrposN ot a I sir and lull investigation, resolve iisalf into n eomiuiitee ol the whole t?r the purpose of taking up the exelieijuer hill. Some discussion arose ns to whether there was not n special order lor thin day. However, holme the House aruveil at any conclusion on this subject Mr Honrs moved n reconsideration of the vote bv ...I.-,. .1 il... ... .1 ! v* nun litnnirAiin i ?'im? i* hi uu n |n?n ??i ?n?* mnjoruy ol the Committer ol Commerce, in r< Jut ion l?? th?> sei*ure and imprisonment of colored seamen in southern ports, were ordered to'hc printed Tin' vote wtH thrn taken on recoiisideiation, and the result wn?? yens US, navaHH. So the vote was re-considered. Thequrstion tlien recurred on |iriuting the extra number, and Mr Wisk moved to lay the motion on the tnhle, which was decided in the alliruintive?yen* lot. nuvsHl. Mr. Pii.i.mokk naked whnt wan the rrgulnr order of the ilny. The Skkakvii informed linn the report* of the Committee on Ways and Means on the Mihjeet oi the Exchequer. Mr. Fii.i.mork desired that the question he taken on the printing, by yean and naya. Mr. Wintiikoc insisted upon the consideration ol his motion to lay the report on the table. The resolution ot the majority was read a* lollownj: ? Itssolnsl, That the plan of an Exchequer prejcatnl to Congress liv the Hoc rotary of the Troaaury at the l??i scuilon, and entitled " A lull amomlatory ot the several acta MtahloUing the Troaaury Department, ought not to ho adapt oil." Which Mr. Atiikiiton, from the minority of the Committee, had proposed lo amend as Inllowi t " And that the Committer ol Wnyn anil Menus he instructed to bring inn hill regulating the collection, sale keeping, transfer, and dishnrsrment ot the public m*>ney. in such u manner as shall, as far us possible, substitute provisions ot law for Executive discretion in the management of the linanres ; shall pre rent the moneys of the people from being used ior purposes of private s|<eeulntion and emolument, and shall render the Government iudependest of the agency and influence of moneyed corporations." The question to lay on the table was decided 111 the negative?yeas71, nays 114. Mr. Bidi-ack then addressed the House for a few moments, when Mr Ctrsmvo, to procure final action, moved to strike the word " not" Irom the resolution, whereupon the House adjourned. St et!cxik Court Csmtn Status, Monday, Jan. '2:1, IHItl ? No. 1, Thomas Hammond's administrator, iVc , of General tieorge Washington's executor. A|>penl Irom the Circuit Court ol the United States tor Alexandria?Mr Justice Daniel delivered the opinion of the Court, reversing the decree of the Circuit Court, with rosts, and remanding the same to the said Court to he proceeded in conformably to the opinion of this Court.?No 5S, Arthur llrons ut, complainant, vs John H. Kinxieetal. This cause was submitted to the Court on the record and printed argument by Mr. Arnold tor the complainant.?No. IS, the city ol Mobile, plaintiff in error, vs J. Emanuel, et al. This cause was argued by Mr. Test lor the plaintitf in error, and Mr. Sergeant for the defendant in error.? No. *20, Robert Mortis, vs urury .maun iHri'iiini*, ?'l a I I IK' argument of thin cause was commenced by Mr Wood tor the appellant. Adjourned till to-morrow, 11 o'clock A M. From Fi/iripa ?The steam packet St. Matthews, which arrived at Savannah on the 20th inst., bring* the following intelligence :?The troona who went in search of the Indiana that escaped from Post No. 4, have not yet returned. Thov consisted of Company E, Capt. McKavett, from Palatka, I) Company, and a |airt of another company from Wacas tasee, and n hall company, Lieutenant Smith, trom Micanopy. Nnlrl of Ntoeka at Philadelphia Yesterday. 3tt *ha* Mine Hill RR, .VI; |A t'om Bank, .11 J, 4 do 1I<; 8dorhilad do 41; -JO Camden and Amhoy lilt, 40; H S Nh vigation Co, #0, 7 do #0; 30 Mechanics' Bank, t Ijt, $1000 Cam and Am RK bond*. 71; $400 Lehigh mortgngc loan, to J. Alter Board, $1000 Witni RR, 1HAA, A7f LATEST SOUTHERN SHIP NEWS. rnlLann rm\. Jan 24?A*r Vemn, Trice. NOrleam; Lotio, l!o..ver, NYork; Catharine Amanda, Tea', do; A B Cooler . Camp, ?! ?. HarriMonr, .1*11 21?Arr Kmily Kllirott, Tort , Cabeilo; Jr-w, Biirtown, Biracoa?lift no Am?. Cld Michigan Terry NYork. OeoaoitTOwa, DC. J in 2t?Arr Col Hku,o,i NYork. t'MA?l.F*TOS, Jan 21?An Roger Stewar'., (Br) Be?g, Demrrara. Cld Ann Limirr, (Fr) LemailYe, Bordeaui; lYe, (Br) Fowler. (Le-nock: Cnmmrrcr, Head. B.ntou; Bi /.in K Reiec.(Br) vVett Indie*; Jn is & H-lvn. NOrlean,; Caroline, N Yoik;' h H-raw, Borlon; Mary Men,, Vilmrr. Nrr* Orlenut; For. at Kmc, Ki lly, We?l lielip,. Arr 20th, ( rmlcii, (l)an) Miller, St use,; franklin Oreeti Draper. Matanzia. i*Av?sr?*H. J <n 20?Arr John Bi-ntlev, ( Br) Diihrow, Liver pool, I'riuoe**, Vaughn, St John, NB; Kui.oiniu. Croaby, New York: O B Lamar, Sannemann. do; Columbia, Cornell, do.? Cld Alaharo i.Wooil. Liveri ool; Severn, Clieever, do; Kdwina, Wot, Mobile; Wilder, Sluhlen, NOrfeans. Moan.K, Jan IV?Air Tav,(Br) Oreenoch. Cld Ulendowrr, Liverpool; Baiannah, Hawlev, NYork. Naw (lai.ean* Ian U?Arr Ivanhoe, Outerbridgr. Rum Key; Jefferaon, Oyer, St Thomaa. Cld remiavlvania, (}rn*?, LiTFrpool; Kilt,ell. Lanfear. do; Roekall. Higgin*, do. H v 111bal, Barker, do; Caledonia. Malonv.dc; Favorite, Allan,, Bremen; Onlnare, Curbing, do; Catavan, Bray, do; Monroe, Fountain,do; Wailiing'on, Tillabnry, NYork; Delta, Hiuckley, do; Mioa, Trieste; Freeland, Smith, Belize. Foreign Part*. Toiito Cahki.lo, Jan 9?In port, Anita, Lovett, for Boston, unc; Reatrer, Breaton.lor Brllimore, neit day; October, Crowell, for L< Uuayra. **me d,v; Oen Call, Kdmondson, from Si Tbomaa for Baltimore, t day*. La lit'Ava*. Jm i?In port, Orion, Weldeti, from Pluladelphia; June, Irom NYork. OCh W. K. ROBINSON, OF NKWHAVK.N, WILL deliver a lecture In Washington Hall, Broadway, near Chamber* atreet . on Tb??.a? - ??.nunj cvriuil^, JilQ. 2niO, HI flBil pant 7 o'clock, on the UNION OF IRELAND WITH ENGLAND. Ticket* to admit three peraona, f>9 centa. Single tickil* 2ft cent*. May be hail at the tiaual placea, and at the Hall. Ilia lecture on " The Iriah in America," w ill be riven thia (Wedneaday) evening in Hair* F.vehange Building*, Fulton atreet, Brooklyn For terma, Ac., aeo Brooklyn pa pet a. (J7- WEARING A WIG'IM PAIRS THF. HEALTH, ' breed* humor*, and produce* nnmberleaa evlla, all which can be avoided by the uaeol Oldridge'a Balm ofColumbin, from Comatock and Roa?, 2ft Magazine atreet, which fully nature* the hair, whether it ia lout by airkneaaor by age, knepa the head entirely I roe from dandruff and aourf, and | give* the hair a heantilul gloat and curl.?N. O. Creacent ' City. The tame article to be had ol Comatock and Co., Tl Maiden Lane, and Comatock and William*, No. fl N orth Ath at. Philadelphia. Of^- TO THE LADIES? Thou art unaeaed ! Thy gentle air Scarce prove* thy womanhood, T were well to try the "Poudrea Subtile*,' Be fair aa well a* good. Oottraud'a I'oudre Subtile, for completely, aafely, anil permanently eradirnting auperfluou* hair, $1 per bottle. AI*o, Paria f.l<|iild Vegetable liotige, prepared by l)r. Fe. lie (kiuraul. Thi* article haa long been need by tbr la dleiof America,and alwaya recommended by them to their fair (rlenda, with pale laeea, it la therefore tinnrrraaiir) to enlarge upon the aupertor merit ol thia re lly beautiful preparation. It apeakh lor itaelf in the living bloom It) diflnaaa, aa aoft, aa uniform, and almnat a* p< imam tit * nature. It will bear the moat delicate teat and while ?* 1 aimilating evenly with the akin it ia warranted to be per. leetly harmleaa loutea lea belleade Paria uae it. For aule only at A7 Walker at, one door from Bread e*> 00 cent* per bottla. <*/- T1H ANf IK NT ANIl MOOKUN < I l*INK Kloieuco o( J40 IIroad* a> . voraua A|>iotua ? ?* K.|'kmii ti? At IriMllio nw|?IA'i<nl thai Hi it rati1 ( troiwrni' Who hold hlijatlal turn.(notinga In Altioa and Homo, thought, aa ho tolled ii(*>n liia oouoh, and licked hta tin Kova dean, There \l tio'or l>* atiglil in lutuio tinto to match lit* on n (Milium Ho atiiarkml hla li|ia o'er Tit i a of ahat ka. dot mil o>l I ho hrama ul ifiialla, I tout oil on Unt|iro\? liird in oil mid tongiios ot niff lit in Italoa Not old Aniicrcotl in wine, \\ .1. more .1 coiiiioiMCiil, And 1101 it In oalhod.llionii 0 01 auioo, a jollier n|iioiiro It ill lot nil th id, tlio loll 1 Inn hi 0110 I limit ? n? doth unit, Although, ooiiMdomijt tho ago,1110ookort .|inlo lu etic lent, hoi I'loroiioo I'oing (Ron iiiilnirn, III in iVinoo of Unman i-ovalrra l.ivod, .fled, in horrid igtiormico ol tho art o< t'ookm* vjMrn, l'hoto moat aalacioua ahcll liah are not i> Into Invention. Vet of thorn cluneal koiii mamla male v ?i v little mention i \Vlin ti aliowa thr Khi hnlii at tlioao fUh. then hiiuaolinhl go.U <I1<1111<<I thorn, They wiwl.l hare mentioned thom. 1 gnota, had Klorence towed or fried them. Theoyater* ol the Midland Mon"* hiedlltel <<nt, tliev aay. To thoKo w lull., fat, come , at mennoa, ?'? get Irom ?'i m<?<?" Bit . I lorn mi orator, no,I lh? crah (lint alieltera "llMlh h?? |n<n nam, To tln< rounil and Juicy commoilorc * tort ol Aral lleiitaw nt. It nt not the oi iter i?? it cotnca from ocean'? mililily hc<l, I><>?<? Klorence, rriaeenlTatorara, upon Ilia tallica aprcad; tl<<pompora him 'till Hi m ami plume within hit thelly cave, Then Hu nt him out ol limit* ami home a *<<??# *?i? hi ol tin* wave. Slewed, fried, roaat, raw, 110 matter liotv, na if by manic wrought, Tim templing iliah, at Kloience'a, cornea alnioai lit your thought 1 Ami then tho li<|uora ami the wlnea one geta to waali it down till ! Kloronoe ! Hacclma alioiilil to thee Voaign Ilia cliialereil crown. Ami then the minora, how lliey hla/o the picturea, how <11 vine 1 llow Itaali (lie really rltamloliert' the gilded motlldluga thine1 The In 10I1I nlcovet, how a|i|eniliill\ , w llli drapei y me tlicy hong' Say, w aa 11 from Alla.lin'a tpell tliia fairy palace apriilig' llchol.l the erow.l through eitliei iloor with eager leet '""J I. Knoll it till oil, ami, uniting i-onla, I tin1 lit loiiat a nee i t'. ('npiu niun ia tho rioli nnloon hut not in thrh'otho a|.noo I'oulil Kloronoo lor hia ouatomom Hint moh n lilting place. An.I Itiii U' the erioa ? .loton Irioil," " n atow," " tantnrnn," "ohanipiigno," The t.iotinlla of tin. wiiitora aouinl liko thickly puttering min. 11 ttrk' to tlio. liink ofplatoa, lot Un.apoeiia, nt every crowil0.1 t Utile, Aii.I voiooa ol lilt aha.loa ol tono. Wknt nil enohiii ting lluhol t Nor nr.. tlio "gentler box ' forgot ilittinel na lloavnn from tlu.Toe, It tho iiiiartntriil tlttoil n|i for llmrtu't heat gill the tallica ' Why tlioulil tho goutlomon uloiio on oj atora lunch or lino 1 Ho Kl.lMIKNl'K. tliinka ao think Ilia holloa iiml tluit o|i|inon'a mine. t'oulil Kplouriia pa.Mlo Imrk noroaa tho Ntygiiin iinol, Hoaiilo our miti'/ra it'hntfl, he'il nu n hiiiiaell u fool : Kor truly 'twin tlio Mnxln (full nn.l aourco of tho Ht. t.awrcnco, Thoruk nnono mn nu oy?tor ilrrtaovon half an well na FI.ORKNt'K ! CRUSTACEA. Tho Moilitorrnnonn. Ot/- TIIK At'DIKNt'K AT TIIK BOWERY TIIKA tro, on Momliiy night, on tho occnaiun of Mra. Hhuw'a bnilotll, were ngroonhly aiirnriactl t>y tho ii|i|ionrnnoo ii|miii tho atn(o, nltor tho lira) piece, ol Mfta Turnhiill, who ilnnooil tho < rnoovionuo in hor hint atylo, nml u na Thla young huly, if alio continuer to improve nt rnni.lly na alio hna ainoo alio laat appeared U|ion thoao l.niii.ta, nuiat noon oolipa* nil rlvnlry. Wo nrvor lioioro anw hor tlnnoo ao woll, anil Indmal aim o tho Ela alor lrft ua thia ta tho tirat tiino wo Imvo noon nuything rn aomhling hor eracovtanno. Why waa not aotno aiinouiioinout ot hor nppoariuico mailo upon tho hllla I (h/-TIIK PARISIAN ALTERATIVE MIXTURE hat oflootoil aoiiro oron in ciiaaa w horo tho holloa nt t he iioao u oro exfoliated Irom tho aooonilnry otfoota of ayphilla. Ilumlroila liavo h?<on anvoil from tho moat awful oonno I? - .............. ......I.....'. ..j ..... Ill nil. i n lebratrd medicine, now so extensively used in thr I.nn.l<m nnil Paris Veiiorlal Hospital. In nil case* where disease is suspected to tx< lurking in tho system, tliin medicine should boused. Sold by tho authority of tho College of Medicine ami rhurtnary, ol tho city ol Now York. in largo bottles at $1 each. In caari ol half a doren bottles W. 8. ItlCHARDHON, Agent, Principal Oltlcn of tho Colled* W7 Nassau at red. (W-TO THK Pl'BLIC.- Dr. Hunter's Rial Drop,Justly cebdiratod for the euro of tho venerealdisease. Hcicnce marches majestically an,I itrcsistibly forward, and this is the age of invention, liut nothing in ita depaitment, no diacovery reflects great or honor ii|*>n the inventor, or advances more rapidly to distinction, than Hunter's lte.1 Drop. It comes with healing on ita wings, proclaiming relief to the autlcring, adding day after .lay evidence upon evidence of its mighty jmw er, clearing the way ol all competition, nnil taking its true station as the moat powerful and brilliant combatant ol that scourge of the earth. This is not the Inngnageof mere encomium, hut these are the words ol truth and soberness, elicited bv the irresistible claims of real merit and tested worth, (live it a lair and impartial trial, and its super-eminent use lulu ess shall appeartotlie lull nn.l entire satisfaction ol all that need. This medicine ran only he be obtained at the lliinterian Dispensary, 3 Division street. Price $1 per bottle MONK* ISARKKT. Tnesdsy.Jan. * I?? P. M, The stock, msrket presented no new features. Sales were lair, and prices generally were less. Kentucky 6's declined j, Mohawk j|, Harlem }, Stonington J. A sale at tho Merchants' Kxcliangc of 10.5 shares of New Jersey Ruilroail, was made at 7'J. It was a " wash." The otloring price at the board is 00. The protec tion al forged by a public auction against sham sales, is more fanciful than real, a fact made apparent to the tas payers of this State, in the sal. s made by the F.rle Railroad of State sives. The law was imperative, that the stock should be disposed of at public auction, at not less than par for cash. In violation ot this law, $3,000,000 were i sold i?t private sale at III to-J0 per cent discount, and the | buyer bid them in at auction to evade tho law. The Doll rier u nil inquirer excused Ihis conduct on the ground that the loss was the company's. The aerurity which the State held for the stock was the road, and the value of that security is diminished by the loss on the stock, v> hie h should have been spent upon the road,instead ot heinf J Riven to stock jobbers. Tl'O progress of repudiation is irresistible. Judgment* to tlfco amoui.t ol $80,000 have been rendered against the Planters' Bank of Natchez, Mis* , at the Ule term of the Lawrence County Circuit Court, ujion the ground of the trunk extorting usury. The line of railroad* built in the State of New-York, tributary to Buxton, ia now complete, the cars having panned over the Tonawnndo railroad. The communication from Boston to Dullolo ia now complete,and the channel* of trade to the lormer city will deepen and strengthen at the expanse of New York. The report of the Comptroller of the State of New York ia an able document. It clearly and unflinchingly seta tort 11 the true position of the State finances. Dibt ok thk. Srsrr or Nrw Yobk, Jab. 1843. Th# debt of the State nu the 30th September, 18(2. and the amount required to pay the annual interest Ihereoo, is as follows Jlm'l interest. Oeneral Fund and Railroad debts, $5,121,189 282 928 i Canal debts, 19,613,259 1,058,992 Total, $24,737,249 1,341,620 Means of the Erie and Champlam Canal debt, 1,407,666 Total debt on 30th Sept, $23,330,682 The amount of stock issued to railroad and canal comrmmiea is $5,0.36,700, and of this sum $3,512,700 ha* fallen c pon the treasury by the failure of three of tha companies to meet their engagements, leaving a balance of $1,720,000 on which the respective companies continue to pay the interest. The State stock is held as follows .? By foreigners, $10,833,776 09 '* citizens of other States, 1,126,788 20 L ? " of New York, 13,877,318 no 24,737,749 00 The revenue and expenses of the State, for the past ' >enr, have been as follows : Fiasncra or thk Statk of New Yob*. Paid. ' Kor maintaining the finished r <nsl?, ?nJ iu'ereit on th? debt of all the csnals, except old Erie and 4'liamplsin, $1,529,838 17 Paid from Treasury lor all sums charged upon the geoersl fund, exclusive of temporary loins, 917 367 79 Total payment for all State purposes, $2,447,205 96 Hei tirrif. Fortolls, surplus waters, tut. on sit the finished canals, including the (lenesee Valley to Dansville, $1,798,692 78 Pay ments in the Treasury on scconnt of general fund, exrliistxnf temporary llMtllS. nn.l *21111 OOO i.e..v..I from tUe ('mini Kami,' 415,311 1.1 >2.241,908 73 Deficiency in nrrnur to iay annual chargee, $2i11.297 3< The eetimete of the receipts ami eipciialituree for the ensuing year il aa Inllowa Flrprndilum. Interest on canal alchte, incluitini; Ktie and Chumplain ilclif anil all Trciaurv alebts, $1,310,191 11 Maintenance of canal, sameaalaat year, t.'->7,J7l 00 Payment* for general liiml, same aa la. t year, ale lii< 11in' internet on ilelita included above, 700.101 in $3,697 661 14 Heceapfa O'roiii tolle, fame ?e laat year, fl,798 ti#> Oil >n iicrnqtif ot urn* mI fin <i. ?> 413.215 Oft Interest on Krir anal O aroplain ( anal loans anil Crpoailre, 72 041 ?- $1,241,171 Oa Drflritnry in revruure to p*V iunusl i speusse, 461,tfl 14 o Th<> Comptroller dourly ami flirdhljr pnlnla Ml Hie corrnplionaol the k.rle lUlltoa.l, Mil the oonaetpianl lo?? ea Ilio people have aiialamril (Inout*la " The liillaning aio the rental ka ol the Comptroller "> lolutioii to the financial allaim o( llu* state : " In vte*v ol the llmuicial i'liiulltton of llie dtv of New Voi W, of the State, mill o( llie whole Union, ! II wl?e, in oven ante, to Itirreaao Iho *leht unothor dollar,eaccpt to I'll Iff I eiliting obligation* ' II la not now a ijlieatlon who I tin the completion el a canal will In* henelkital to a par tlenlar acetion ; hut tl la a i| Ileal ion ol aolvenejr Ol llianl viiiei it liaa hiH'onn* pin el* i ,|ti?-atii>n ot tliianee. Ill*' state liaa alien,ly aapemlril iiioi e than to* million" "I 'l"l lat a oil Iinpi niliictlve mil ka the principal part ol thla * a pital la tnirlml lieyoml the hope ol t eam root Ion. 1 lie no jtiilao ol Internal Intpmv entente ami local Intereala, ic Itai illeaa of the coiutlllon ol the ttltanrea, liaa preaee l llie Stale to the ver) tirlnk ol ,|Pkouoi ami lialikrtiptcy. I'lieae Itileriwla nuial now \ irl.l to u neciatalt)' growing "ill *if III <ir ilw II exoeaaea lo tin* iricetalililc |aiw el ol .1 it nltillg t*f't'tlit ami a ilelh ten! 1 avenue.'* The Compttoller flirlhei alatea.tliat In the preacnt con <1 it Ion ol (lunge, || |e Inipoaalhltt to make new loaiia on the faith nl llio Stale. The tolla ami mill taa are pltxlgial ho oaialltiK ilehle, ami In create new loaiia will Involve new laxea. Thla, In the preaent napeot ol allalia, lew will he liaidy enough lit ptopoae In all l et nllltt,ma II, 1. .1.111,1 c milt III il ..I., uir n HimiPifx/ ' whi'tlmi (hoy l>o ol a |iolltiriil in(lluimi-Ul onal, or wlmtlmr politioiuiia oiimhiiio (ho Iw n la foi ? anl tholr anlilah v tow ? Tint rotnaw of llm party now aaroiidaut ui Washington, haa Iiooii iippm. I tn I lio ol.I ay vlnii ol ill v Inlalillil v ? ' i'n" Inula. Titov Itavo rouglit popularity liy omlravoriilg In 0<lonaii (lio ilolilnra 'unit iho olaiiiia nl' i rv.lltoia, without lalilug iiiln t inw lltii iluiigi i nt Uiiiii king ilnw n (lio iihl Inti.latinU? nl nnntninri itil Ittlogilly. I hoy fuvom.l hank aa.l illalintioaly liy tlioir omiiii|i|n lit ullnw lti|! (ho DlatrlCt hatlkalo lomulii atiapoinlr.l 'I'lioy aol (ho oauiu |i|o nl Innl Initli, in giving uwiiy dm Inn.I I'ovrntiua of llio In,I.imI gnvorniiii'iil, u Inln I lint gnvm niuoiit una ninililn In pay llaown dalita Tlmy nimntliuurd Htatn ri'|iinlla(lnn liy lull.ling mil llio ltii|>?>tlull min i i-nnl.t lm gut limn ullioi i|imrt?ira lliun tavnllnii. Tim Inn l itlalrllnitluii hill luul Iiouii |iu??nil mi tlin Onll.lltiilll llint llm proi'ooila mIkiiihi rnvoi t In Ihn Irnnmry wlion uii Inoritanoil Iuvill hooumo nrooaanry. Wlion thai tincnaaily iniivo.l, irgimlh n? nl plight ml laliu.tho) ami |( III In i opoal llm ouiullllull. Wlmii llmao aula hml tinaollli .1 |nihlli' Humility, ami i olmo.l llm moral obligation nl nvnli nnla, logmlutiin aiii-llnti win glvon to lltn growing ortl hy tlio ouiiotmaul nl tlin bankrupt layv I'uhllo, ? itr|.orii11 innl linlivlilnal oi u.lil aunk till.lor tlioao noi'umtllali'il lUaaalom Tlio Kla'r nl Now Yolk ntlrmptnd to atom llm lorront, anil parao.1 a lax law In pay llm Stain dobla Trunin llmlr doalnwllvn r nil ran, llm pnlitloluna imnmiliutrly inland a ory againal |uiylng (nana In tlila Slain. In Hilarity, Ihn litirilun nl lavoa la Kiifln innlly ottoroiia, ami Ihn higlmat motnI lulliinnon ia iiooiaiaaiy in Ihaaotimoato konp llm lux payora ohoorful nndvr tlinir littrdoii. Ynl ihn Albany Kvoning loiirnal, nl ynitnl'ilay, onnlnilia Ihn Inllnwlng lllllummatnry III III I nl " Tlin IIatiIII It.In nl |iolitiiiiiu, l aying an nxtaiialdli nl limn lor llm onllnclinii of laxoa, ia linghiiilug In art Inward tlio capital. lltll tlila yoar tlio oiirrnul aaonta In ho lintli alrnngnr ami iloppnr Hum Imrntnlni n. Oim oanao nl lliia ia In ho tniiiul in tbo grout anari'lly nl iiiunoy , innl uiiolhor in llm iiiniaual anuMinl nl Htalu innl ( iniiily laxoa Tho Hogrimy w milil aooiii In hay o arlnolod lliia purlloiilm youi, whon llm proaaurn haa Iiooii morn anvorn ami morn gnnnriil than In iilnuial any provlutis aon.Mii, lol' llio Ilit|H>nllion of an lliHiaiial ami n|i|iroaaivn Iiih. ' * * ' " |a It lint amiai'Piit thai tlin mill lax waa aa lliinoooaaary aa it haa hoou fitninl u|i|iroaalvn I Worn not llm wlilga nl tlm luul l.ogialaliii'tf lualilloil III manning tn tlio iitnioat Ihn im|Hixitlnu of lliia litirdrn upon thn|ioo|iln I Wlinlml tlio woulthy hohlora nl our |uihl|r alnoka hnvn gulim.l hy tlin nimriilinn nl tlio llogi m y lux uml atnli law ' Wlm iimniig tlu< people l lint lina not Miillwi<<l 11) I Ilia " grunt inmaiira ui tliu lt*Mt araalon' V' < <><i|>Iiiik thla Inflammatory iHiiguuue with llio fact tint laxea in tliia < ity mount to every truth dollur ?l I10 <1111<< tliia with Inanrntiee, wear mid tear, and lnaara I<y tenuitta 111 t Intra ol n< io i ul 1I1-1 leaa, leaving a<i lit11<< liiroinr <111 thrir property that the |xioi?r clnaa ol Inndlinldern nr? already iitmhining to mini thr hurt it lii<<<oni<<i very plum that th? politlciuna.w 11I1 IiIiikI destructivelolly, ur? raising u atorm thnt lliuy will hereafter seek in vuin to govern. I.lkolhn leader* of tin- aitcreaaive stages ol th<> French rrvolution, tliry uru putting rlrmrnta ill inotioti to ilnlrat Uioir op|uiiienta, which will ilratroy theiuaelvea in ila lury. Icaal ItiaSiiM'k Kirliang*, (HMM) N V Hi?l<< '<l,'?,IHOI in1, i.'i alio \1r, li h Trail'a 'Kl llilHI>'*, IflflO <<>., in Ilk 1 oinuirn r, liill 112 U limn do i<''i <ti <l<< 11 I 'Mill no fi t 26 ilo amp '12 \ IIIIMI il? nt't 21 II H tt.uik > Minn <l< 1 aOO til', III A11I1 ami Rnrhrater <10 1IHMI do S'a, Ik'ui (,1*4 2'i Mohawk lli'm 7IHIII Kentucky fl'a, 1*71 III-, Ml II irlrm HA, IIIIMI Indiana 21 266 do M<>, III aliaa Manhattan Uk, 1,2 Ml do |M.0 IfitJ '< Ilk Am, ncn IHi.Si Inn do < oil I It Si 3.1 Phrmt Ilk 7I,V .Ml Hlni.inKtnu HIV Mrionil lloitrtl. $HUUI Ohio 1,'a aid AII4 .Ml ahaa it,,. I?.., Ittl ?? n?'.< IIIIMI llo all) 1,1 V Ml do al II,'4 MM ill do all) C't Ml <1-, kin HlV Hill ah la llarlrm Hit hi IA*{ Inn do 1,3 HI V Ml 11 to of Trailr. Thr general markets rrmnin without mati'riiil altera- I lion In rrul estate, thr following wua mailn liy W II Kriank lin :? Lot '26 lay Kill fi-ot, nuil two story brirk hotiao, No. in Moroor street. By K. II l.udlow, 106 share* New Ynik Railroad, 7j|<rct. Proprrty known us 127 Maiden lmi<- mnl II Flitchor street, in trot 9 inclioa front and Hi foot 4 Inchon deep, 21,000 Two niory front house and lot 17 Christopher street, lot <20 li-ot fiont mnl r< nr hy Bn li'i't ilri'p; house '20 by 26, with 1111 addition o l'2 Irrt tiptare, '2.7MI Houai- mid lot 42 Boml atrrrt lot 2(1 lent hy KM) feeti houao '20 by 66, two ntory, rlosi <1 piu/./.u in thr rear, 10,07 42 aharra Mnrylnn,! Mining ( oinpuny'a atork, A;><mip<<< shin, fMprabdro Ml ahnrra N. Y. nml Miaaiaaippi I,mi l f'o. (260 |nt aliarr, |05 " Iti do do <lo 110 " 160 <lo Aitinii Coal Co. (60 prr share, 6 " 160 do Arhon Lund Co <lo H " 60 do Commercial Bunk,Natchez, (100 per share, 0 " 100 ilo Oommfirciftl Bk, Scioti, $iy) " II " Arrived. Nr.w Out.r *w??Ship F?irfieM?A L Thomas, of \?-w Orh?in*;C K ttoumav, J Pollock, New York; A Thorn;ton, J I) Li Molten, J mxicn I'ANM iiger* Nailed, Havrk?P < krf Lotiu I'hilij jm*?D M IVyaer and l oly, of New York; J B f rnef slier, lady Mid cSil I, or Phihdelpl 11. (>hirh* Mflffuatr* Louis* il'e; John Phna?, New OrleiM; K Dean. Boston; Mr* C J Maldegiry, Si Loam. lioinenlr I in |M?rt.sif lona. Niw ORf.r.AIti?Shin Fairfield?(Reported y?tfrdiy)-2^ hlid* Miami L itflrr At Foley?A bis K (J Lonl?I vl L Cnero? I Mi hhd* rohtcco B M)rmAii. J lin?l on it <>?2fK) hhls suwar I) K f'ar^y?50 do M Dinri?SB bbls 'tutor oil K Fiedlei?21 hhd* cticar T P Stanton?'61 bales cotton Newbold Ik f'ruft?100 bbls Iwrd M? rritt it cr?36 do pt rh bran I , W C At J F Craft? 1 bo* mdse J F Cool due Ac co? ifl bbls inoiassi s Foley?I bo* I n Newton At CO?365 to rres flaxseed 1711 bales COttoL Ne wb old At Crult?23 bn tobacco Doicinu* At Suydam?| tc* hemp seed () Howland At <???\ clu itaMMIlo b*nwii B E Ckft* cotton W * -obb?i bn Huutiiiif'nii Ik Savairt?I Baldwin At co ?I box old filter jewelry 10 bbls taoln i i? p r v Wicimarsh?1 boi sugar A Booth?2 do mdse A Judsno?140 bale* cottou T P Bunton?68 Janvier At co?9 ck? I bbl flaxseed T II M *yhew?100 tn flaxseed 37 bap* feathers F T Fitchel? 31 his riff* .1 Campbell?3 T F Ouiror. Apalachicoi.a?Sbii? Uncas?1 box Harnden At co?67 bales rottoti Wood, Johns >n At Burritt?217 Blacx At co?It Post At Ph i 111 |x??2 T P Cum mi off*?23 A J f'e nun ton?333 H Bronson? 10 II tornio9 J', At ? NI to rd r. Port Lko*?BriffN tJ Bourne?301 bales cotton 12 do moss t f d)s leather Baduer At Peck. MARI T I M E H E K A L I)" Whip Musters and Agent*. We thill esteem it a favor, if captains of reuelt will ;ire o Commodore koskkt siltkt, ot nt news smc, a report of the shipping left it the port whence tbr> saiUii, lh? tctaci* spoken on their passage, a list of their enrtrn, ..u any f >reifn ne wipapcrs or aiwa ihey may have. He will hoard rhem itnrnediltelw on their arrival., an/I a. home or abroad, will alio confer a favor by aero!in# 10 thia office all the marine intelligence they can obtain. Nautical information of any kind will he thankfully received. PORT OK IV KW YORK, J AH CAR Y JUtT i w run 7 191 woon aiara 3 11 a rata 5 7 I Htaaa war i 2 Cla-art'd. Shipa Sheridan, Dr Pevs'er, Liverpool, E K Collins at Co; Genesee, Jack, New Orleans, H I' Buck ?-Brig' Helen Anna, ( Br) Hughe*, St Kitla via Yarmouth, Ns A Hubbard It Co; Carib. Porterlield, New Orleans, Foster ?t Nickerson; Clinton, Lyon, Savannah, Sturnea It Clearinan; Pecoinc, Miller, A alachicola.?Schri John \V Taylor, Burch, Moatrfo Bay. Jam. Thomas Wiuniett; Challenge, Park, Wilmington, NC. K I' Back. Arrived. Shin Uncus, Latnam, 16 days from Apalachicola, with e> t.on fo F-. I). Hailhot A Co 13th mat. D. 11 Shot Krvs S. 70 mil. t, spi ke ship Formosa, Crawford, of New ^ork.from Apulachicol i lor Liverpool. Slop At-ihnmieu, Lane, 12 days from M bile, with coft n. to E. D. Hnrlbnt It Co. Ship James F.ow ard. Wtbster, 70 days from New Orleans, with cotton, t? I. O. War t. Burjnr Star K< public, Hendley. 21 daya from Galveston, Texas, with 700 bales cotton to J If Brower. Brig N O. Botmnv Perry, 12 days from Port Leon, Fit. with cotton, to Badger It Peek. Schr Wolcott, Kidrr J daya from Boston, with noise, to J. Stevens. Srhr Benjamin Bigrlow, 3 days from Boston, with inJse. to order. (lalow. Two brigs, unknown. Wind N W. blowing a gale. Mailed. U 8 ship Vincennra, Coast of Africa; ahttw Loan Phi I.e. Castoff, Havre; Gustavo Edonard, (Kr) do; Cotton Planter, Uoanr, Mobile, and other*. Ilcrnlil Marine Cnrreapoiidntr e. Orrica or tmk Khouc l?i ont.j Newport, Ian 11, II: 3 V 21st?Air Hiar f'rowell, lienor* lor Mobile . V igilaul. He tb Providence lor NVork. 2*it?sill W tnkinco. uaiinnora: > irfiim. N?vann< tl -rt Brrdrn, Phit'iirlpMa; S \r, Mob Ir Nciirral Krrnnl, ftOIIT ?Mif iNllll'i*, for Lir*rpo?li, wi i tail I n d?v ? It-r Irtlor vr t' tlilpi'i' m 'hi1 KtoK in Bani Aran-?, of Boilon, l.rm m V. ? . ? . I I' l'h. Kllllli RMd Jrtviro prarKHit |o N.n 19 m m.u. m, tl' Of * ' ?! 1141 a r Ot r * . t ? '! ?tAI,'it. MttvBona ?A'art*abi niliofIm panUU >mmi I Baura Aiiaita, * it r?|>oilrd at Aiyiri Oil MlMxi lii|? xil rlrai of tin- wilti, ImiI lliate l?ul a almtl tllltr, M iaiU Wrri* a#t H? mm Lri't ^*ii?itMKt,of Voik, l.oatitt. Iron* I.a?1 lot IliMiliiii, III, lii taihri, K ***- I Kuril oil llM* milirfa h il??. ? ia(i in ant tarn# ??| |?\n lalaitil TlioioimM irw. muni ??I Mil iitat. Itnm, |<trvt?Mial\ ihmwi 11???ft i?*a l ? ( liri ?lt ? U load i|| t yul,. H|,,, iflatwillii* M??l ,('l I'11' 1 'l"" l?i tin *lt?il ?( r*tiiil? u, hill nf wali'i I V> Imtaa hvtfiwii %?? ir <1 llll 'IH ' t|, IHolIrr hi t>4*?l mui Hum, K iirtft fiom tit* ??f ?l?* Imi ! * PI ilii ,i al \i <?. i r i.. ftum 1 ln?Ma n#ailay ?ih I'll ' \t | ? m nba#n mI tl??* "**** ? !?* i'*' lumrtl mow mi it oh i'im .1, iu-pt lli? aliip awa\ ami aim liattil nloO lit look OIK oil,. oliM ivi.l li?? aim* mi pn'rlo* i* l??i 'I a lli? "\ .'illil It it It, i ll iiiii |i , 1 W'MVV ..II I I' M'.( I I ?.,, iIn ti,1 ni mi,. | iti-lt( .mil h.i, .. lie.. w?. i 1 an, i i.,li..m. ? a.n,li l> ,i. n, i,.ii,hum > < w lit It 11 , i| | r ll III 'I'll,. rat til of ill.. .I?,.*l H | ?| ? ' rt" ?l I11 I** i'1"". iIik, in,li? l.i, iiii i \ I.Hi iii iii l> " t i.i I'll i?>> 1,11 lln r ataira ll,.i H, ||, i .,1 ,l,i. all,,.it ilimi' ""i" I.'"*. I inkfia. ,|? W alllr. In,I l,m |, a,|?.ll| III I If I,.,aII,"Ml. I'M! ? * tl,a*M in.,, I .1 .1. MM '"HI lJIK'llt I |'||? \ II I.I ||. III llilllll IMlllOH, I"1' ll?' ' I I . . ! ,1 m i. I 1 ; II .1. . ? . . II. .1! . I. M M. .III. I. . f M IIM Wll| |?i?iH 1.1*1. I lot. n;t W linlrmrii, A I Alii If I . MM .1 III , I' I MM. , Mill III IIIMIIIIm, h nit 11*1'! I?I?U * mill too .in up mi| ^|Nll( !!? I'IM|MI r, 11 Mill < li.ii It alnit |t?t |. 11 11 mi m) , I ill VO, I 11 II I' N. lull i 10. I it mIiii*1 , of It II.I II ,| M , from r.Mlltml I mi Hit tin, I mi 1 . I*' 10 <U N, loii 7V An Am. i it in *|ii|. iIimwiiiii i elirmiei* ?l 11 o? . I*" *liil*\ oii?? inl .iiiiI Mite 1.1 iir a.|imire, I lei Iti, in I ln?|ii>i Hnmi* k'oiflKii I'orit, Ma111 i 4, ili.nif Fe|.i V0 In |n?rt, Mmin Tli.-i. ?. < 'Imlt, <?l umI i mi II. in '.in, in ill,Mil (I iln\?, ( iimIiiim, 101 ilu\ * Iimiii lluttoil l?r < Iiimh. k "i mim, Muril.ti It, Iimiii l liltm. A i\ hi n, nli. nil 11.1 io In |n m i, INmilmlti I. IImmmi* of HIM I for HmMmii, n? %| <lt\ r.ii*n| |0:li. NmmIk . mI Now link, lor I ' IMIMII I An To WW, nbfMI t l?n | H'll liell H.mII, I iiiiiiiiiul'tin. of mill 'mi II i*iiiii f' i vi' pinw , ll<e |o In Mini, Dmiiiim, Plrlti iinf, IVmiii Hulem, I'm ^in Mnm . 10, M.h y 11< Im, 111\nrtii fni Mulrm. 10 Halrm, Up'nii, fin Sui in nil ind W 11 mi 11 iu Mil, Nl n nli t| iImmiI III iUv? In | i 1111 n a *, .1 in lo Am I'mit ro, JmIi i in hi, Hi TI mi in on Homo I'litlw, I \ it I If *, ,1 ill III I M < in In m e, '|'|l ! ii If i, N (frleili*. Hfiiwm on i, I in in- An * In iom, Minium. Mortfiilipir i l> t liul?e, KliOl, II 1111 III 111 - III |uOf, fill' ihllVP, Hill III Mi* Itnllinil, All* III Mil. IIII I'll I \ It eni<l. i , HI III! I'.lliM'i*, Hf I It I. II I I I t| e , lllllepl lull ' I e, Nil I* MM, MllllAMII.I, 'I IiMIIMMI lull, < lli lllll*, J'llir, MmWiIiIi-Ii, Mio (inMiiti Kniei \ . IIIV nirllil* . Unlit I'lrnl, JllllM, I Mill I lull! < liiltllil, 1*1111 .|||l l| | M| M i| |, |(|M III I III ill Ifllf , < III Mil, II Mil nil, I'l'Mli I , H V 11 'I*. I .III lie I.I.I Ml lie 11" II T I I III I U Irwin", f'oluilllni, (tun lie, Hpmiiill. I'.ulo llieo, IVokrf, OuIihIm . \V n. I'dh I l,4N|l, .lull '.'J l lpf l?i|||| \V 11 ! ? ?? W ill tfli IttftAll I III Iniy Mnlltl, lii pine. ill ( > 111 111 .li.-, 'I owniiknii UaIiII>M, I'll i'l - III III11 f , V? in, CoOllllli, fri'MI KulllMo I I'll N Yolk , I' ll/ lilt III. H.iwyri, I'.lklpnil I'll llu'll HlO|e. I'iiii iuMiir i li, .1.111 ill Aii rtiiirt?i,<tutilil, lii'liiii'lu i lor I'orfo llll'll. N i \vhi m vroil i , I iii vi r|i| |).i|i>liin, It? miii U. Wrii Imlir * ' 11 I M I . M II A . I 11 .in I v < lui li. I I \ I nil. (Jul '111. Aim Item i. K my ?lnii\ , N Y.r k. II in i tlrt. Inn vi I lil 'I'll'r i, < imli, Nrw I hit iiim , f li HilpioM, W 11 n ii, ( 11 ii I. nil Hi; I'i In I, (in w , i'l M.i 11 hi , I if r >( I lit a l?n? y ) W i 'inllii' r i y, N? w Month Wnlm end I li ill ? Air 'Mil, Kll/n In*ill, Wiln v, N York. I'MTMiII' I ||, Jlllt I'l All l'l"l?l, Ii-1||? illM, II llfllllot#. Iloi m? * 11 oi.r, .Inn 5M? No V"4m-I m poil, or if Tnrpntilfii i 'i i v i', mI iiim hi I'umi il It v, A t??rl, II.ivm, i r i in n"w Vork for I'orilmii; Only I I.tiiylilm, Tuek.r, of mot fioni ilo mii I'oiU IllOlltll I'novnn no i . f hi 'M \ \ r Jr. I .unpinm, K-nny. N? w Voik MM I * 11 r 11 I* 11 fin v. Mheljy. York 111 v? i, V <1 An SliM, PnMiuirl, l.rwn, H.ippulni,ii"i l?,,' M .ml, Hull N Y"-k IWl.w, Aiioii, Ko in li, from n York MM New I'.nylin.l, fl, my. r.Mn f uii/m , K.Ii /1 II mil, 11 do i, ll*lfmime , Teemnm-li, ( liilil, New Yoik. I'llii aim- i rnu,ImV| Aii Hi I.nwrenre, Drinker, M nilln CM t 'nv iiyn, Hfi'w.ui, NYoik. vJOl'NH riLOT-OWKN PHkMCO'lT, Hint lor N#?w t ' lli'ilfonl, Noiliirknf Mlnoil , Oiiainn I'mtMinoiifli, I'ortliiinl, Ki'iiim'Im. k , miiiI "liter porta O flier it t k'tye IW Mint w'4 Neiiti nil Mforr, 222 Wnlor, r'ortier lleekn.nti nimti, n. v ?Vie" ferae A.'nlru* kfCpleaa, llnaluu, i It i jln>a lie for" will I to I t Iiiih?' flie 4'iine ua from (fey 11" ?<l i't'r Itriiar I lie Y |)u( KS. Ik llo* pe i mil llidl wnile I tie nrlielt ofir I Ii" aty nil n ?? of STAltKKRT, which wm |tttbiitned in the 11.?.i?i ?.i ihn lull illNlulll, will leuve 11 i 4 n.lili.m at I lie Iiim of 11??? W.'tle Ml I Intel, hn w ill eolifei n !?ivnr <m llir wilier of llila. An infer Urn i? rtuUrilfil. j'i.'t l?*t WaNTKIi-IIv ?i r?' p.e i nli le yon in/ a? it I. i mlunf ion in i.iire . .lie of elillilrwn, in.l d.i |ilnin *.'wimr, or f o ko irtveliiiK Willi ii Inilv. I'Meae iii.jiiir? ??f No I Micth Aveiitir. flood eily reference from lier U?t piece. jV? 2( r 'p(| L A IN D I) W N ! '. If M <1 to purehe i Imi il." |."ii ' pom of forii'lny >i n. 111 iii<- it I. for <i iiiniilrrr of fatiiillca now pi. P II in: I'l III"1 r In ill" c, nin I r , i > j >i ill i' . ">l I on I, ||V 'con |(M(i ?.? liluO U ' 11 iii it?I In of I 'I nil I' v i" ?f. . 11 , 'I I", hi ii m<(| fOUtiellOlif to i tut?h|nhlj| riVlf, fllffOAtf Of IIIHll AiIiIh m, |m! ( pmil, kl iliny .piniilily n(, low. pur.-, proi unify to f .i|liolir nml oilier eloiieli. * a. lionU *?e. nnd full pur lieu!.ii? fo " A y r Hiilfuie," el (lie nffi.e of a Ii * frmli Kruiyinur Mo. Mly. A? (told ml N If A li y re* pre I a lil" p"r4<;li wiali my fo Join f lie nltove mn i rty mey eiiplv e? ehove. )t5 4t+r NOfiCE hllOI'OHAli^ will Itr re. civ. .I u the I'll re Immuy f Iffi''. I il on i. i M ,*f.i '* I >| erf irien,'in I'liinolrlpliM .to furnikli l lie I >>l"Wini< iiiiilt iMi* itnu uriirlm im the ilmii'ii Nl<it?? Army lor tin* yirar IH43 via:? Hliy I;11|?> | willed I I Hit, l? I Wide. Blenched f/OltOh Hhtrlini, 7 R wide. IJliblaae.ltcd do 7-11 wide I fubloai hi d 1 ' i tiit Drilling. 1 H widn. I* I'%nim I'M hit'ou ?%11 I Wool, 7 II wide fhtMoii I* I>irilie 1, 3-4 wide. Uniform Unjt* for Hrfitfooits, Artillery and Infantry. Pomi oona I- ' a i'111. i, Slioiildcr Htrnp?, brass, for Dragoon*. Itl'illkcI* Vt 12 feel lotlfC, wide. W' l*(hf 1 lb*. Ilone HlniilielR, blue,!* feel long, 'i 1-2 wide, weitfbt 1 lb*. Drum* romidete Artillery nod Infantry. Urtp K'juiptrit nts for Drtgooiis, Artillery and Infantry f latcbsts. Worsted Hindiok *" ! fiord of >1II lurid* The <|if?it11ry mid number of these articles will be dr tanninr d hereafter t aafci foi oim . 11 i root Ap il Mil The wliole are in be of domestic rn.itioftchir# d mnferi tl* i' i i ri i of all tha ratyuirea w ml fen ind e.ottou clotha uid itti ali iro dr posited in tn? Pare ha irjj OfRn in thi city foi mn ti it s mplas of my > >i tin *o 11 1 utd otton will ba Boot to any maunfactori >, on api lis atioti to this offit a, by < >uI, ><iid muli mint mat ion given .1* mi, be <] -tired On lire samples and patterns lbibited, trie roiiiot'ts will be foil 11 ed mid io*|?e< tiom rn mid no article will be r?e*ived thai inferior in thr ?< iterials or woHwtanaliip to, or that doaa i,.. corn ; id in vary raspact mil 1 Bi III " on ahiib 1 eon'r tel. u foutiJi'd. I be supplies n re to be delivered alth' IJ lilt'd H f at# a A Men i liear I'hibc Ii'b 1?, lor i *p? niton, in rousl monthly portions, mi d the contract* ?tr? to be fillad on or before the Is'. day o| Augaa . I Tbe 11; opoiM11 must be in writing aea'ed, and ? ndorsed " f'roi?o?jIs, end must, retrb tbe oflt e of tbe aihi.unt l^iut?r M*ster Or-lieraI on or before tr? tub day of h'e biliary, l&l'i Hecuiii v will b?* n uiiirt d for the fulfilment of contract* PurcbniiiK f)ITi , Mr'* Dept./ Pbilid . ' lb J Id IHII $ j2, I 2 Kr A/f MH< AIM) V ? POW IIA I I11, 2' U mr-Uodt strer , ?s 1*1 tnblutied i'4 ti?Hcatlef "-ver, colds, n II urun it .r, 4rid chronic rheumatism,be Mired 111 a few days by the (* * o ) P. i irr 11' .Yinin lien v j..,r 1) ili.i 1l| f li from b o clock in I it*- tiiofinn-( 'ill nine o'r.l < k at n iif h' H111|>liur I) ill* a i"|inr* otic hoar'a preepiia botir Porta''** bi*li> Hi-Hi in miy |nc. 01 the City or Brooklyn. Hvhi n Uln and hip hatha l'**r hire. jtil Iwr CENThRViLLK < '< Jl'RSK?TK' ' ITIN'? A MAT' H for $200 p?v orp'ay.wi'l r*"n' off *e r I 00* Conrir* '*11 'I tiuri'l iT! Jiuiiry M'l> it 2 o'clock, P M ? Two mil' hot* o aulkte . II. Join a nunc* icr g Si-analc. j 1 2i* rr Wm Win-1*n narnei 0 m J V PA'.KKI Hfl'IP SMKKIDAV for Ln ' ? I'la en.-. by tin* *hip will pi* .tar Pc on board th?* at* nili at Hnrahl at Whitehall. lomir.'.w tho 26rli iii*r, ?t 12 M, *twl. rh ime Ik* dip will tail. Letter bait* will clo e it Halra It fJilpin'* ?n-wi H roti htlf-pMt 11 o'clock. j2S Itr QTUYTK1ANT INSTITUTE?He nre J r* will l' a lecture at the ihoce plire r n Tl urtilay "niiir 1 &, h lofUUIt, on fiitcn1 ' hriatianity, or on the ilor'nn' >f Jeaua 1* the ?'ii*-ihle ontrtowih ?n*l enrr plelioa of the J -with ec.*r: n , Tin hrtnr* will commence it ha'fput 7. Arlmotince free. jy21 It i?*r BALIe? The Hi*lii* dbocM N?w York ? . . . Bill on Tueediy Lremtif, Jin T?f, IfU, it 'I ammany liill. The B II will Ire opened by the memoir 1 in fall H**bliDil coat ante. The ptocee*la of the bill are apple! for chanUbl? itirpoa'i. Tica< u one dollar, to be had at Tammany Hall and of Itoderick Met to! 7 l.oairtlaudt atreet. Jot'-ph Ct'nt HI Pearl afreet Thomaa W. McLeav, 116 BIeecker atreet. Andrew Orytdale, 139 ' edar afreet. Hiinn-I Jicki .j. Pra'h Aaenae and loth atreet. William AroMtrooic, T?nth A?enoe and I911 afreet Alexander ftobertr.,n, IT I Knlton atreet D'rid D'l'in. I ('onrtland! atreet. John Eorreat. 120 ' anrre ttreeL J<me? Peaeri-k I'.larkaoD at/vet. William Wil?.,n. T >I.xr atr?et Thomaa McDoeyall. !7 Dey afreet. Ilahert Dryad* "I fc" fth a. *oi. Hnin uti r at. 1 eon r ' JOHN V.. CLEMENT.vWtan ~ AMKHK AN LAND AND LOAN OfKlCK ? L. Siniere haanw abnre thirty yean eroe-ienew is Ui? maivuteinent of R.->' K-tat?. and ;?ivnhK ( larxe I?nda t property hitna-lf. tlofrliug itrrat - nfidenee from if libe-al p.itrenaje he Km heretofore enjoyrd. IMNMff n',<'it? ton attention of the puhlir to the aiecia! idrtnu|ii of iJve Aarncui Lu'l and Loin OHoe %t No. It Wall ttnrl, in the city of N?w York, for the rorenvae, ul? or eacheafa of H i?ri and Lota, Farma and oacultira'rd Linda. either at private or public stir, Mid for lh? hirnm and l?liio* of Homtt. Stww. Farma, fee;for col'ecunc the -rata, and tor ukioat Urn reneral aifriic) *i?l automaton of Real LaUte, alao for ihe sapenntrndacee of erecting udrrptinw Bmldicwa. Fr raom harm* pfvperty to aril, eirbanxe or let. will fmd it to thnr advania*r to apply at tKia oAc- railwr than ~jo any other iu the city, hotn m , iu: fat ti -nv and dnapate . All property rvciatered in thia office wtll. if required, be ?d rrrtiarii in twoor more of the m a: wiiWj circulated ;ow-n*l?, and every honorable ? tenon made to dntoar of th- tun?, Should the property not he told at trirate aale, tt will, if deaurd. be iferrd at pnblio aacti, ti. tlaaa cimoc to owner? of the property doable -diamine. He will .tlao attend to effreunt luau-anee on property, obtaininc and Ummoc ol money on bond tod mortguKe. or jther aecoritiea, takiu* ai?.cial tut to reeetre ample aeturitv for money loaned; an.I to haee titl-a to property exawtmed yj yeotlemen of Uie legal profession of established characu r tor accuracy. Holders of vacant KTPwrd that requires impeori*. will find it err ally to their adv ullage to apply to him as ha knowledge of the km., of buildings whie'n are naiWt productive for the difr-eot loealities. is ofthe treateat irapcrttnee, and his Ion* acquaintance witn the hutld'n* of hoaaea will enable ham 10 cvt them ? reeled -m the m.wt reaaotaable teruu at a fat leas rope me thin la aatial. He will tlao take charge cf real estate -1 traded for pa Vic sales, tt his knowie-ic* fr-co etperieue* 10 cetri?wup aalca. Will W Ol treat ulti t?v th we intend it* lodi*f?w? jf their prope- . Ne will preye the advertisements. aee thai tiaey are i r -p. ill hWtrikwtvd and inierin'r-ti i-d. and direct tKe anlemnl 't wi 1 he fonnd l?te i treat saving tr-rn 'he feet 'hat property lor the lent three or lowr veara h*a been frequently aucnheed fion the want n4 piifit alt* ut ton and akittfu' limtmitl Individual or e mpariea that re-; aire an ag-ul tn rake fhanrr ofih, I raw! ea'.itr. mav Jcpe'ait ? hiviag ir futfci'ulht aod awnnomicnllr naan red?a-rd rh rwonera -eceie, 1 pewmpth miJoaet reonona wiahiu* to hire or paa-c^we p?iee1 . > ,tiaeal mower cm mmt (foetal * be IriiUnm dated ti-e o etl?nnr?"?nd peraona residing at a distant* deattvma ? #r ? pti c' ? red < at" hi en Kn a Vacnpfi >n of th.- pr'pe I e i| .t ier iwimrdaade altencton VI era for "e t>iv- or.nla retchaace > tea a< ' I or fifth! I<*oiiu? or i ottin* aid w?v. mnat bar dweci- I Wll.1 ItMUSIMKRS America Land nflaa odko. > i Wall apeet. h r w V?k ? d tv ?ta? i? > \ I t wuraeta and oth. t pniwi* in>an< at 'Jan dkre I it ? i?aia*i I AUCTION SAI.KN. '1 MUM \ H II H I.I \ MI tuiiixf i V M* I I. ft MOW AMI' t |h#< tt \ ? ? ^ %v., t .-? ? VV fchNk H|) \ \ \1 |AjU cYmm'Ii Ml 11?? I||| KMtllli Knrttalf# ??!?? ?( <l?mni unit ?*lit?M< tumilm** ?? ?%H ilr? " ripl I '< ???t*rl?lt?n i'*r|*tfa, i*!??%i . loinmn, ?<! m?U, l? "kitiv uI i h i, iiilm, wurifrolw a, uitrlir*. IimU'miIi, IimIi Im < inniir?Mi*i Iiiim, uU??, ami pUfril w?ii?, Uiiiim, rlm-lia, i .ni"linn iiinm nil kiittUnf Um \ i?*iIoim rihI i rking inttf| i ' ?? 11 I 1irtlai 1,1 Wawliall *l ??* hum I unlltc* *?v >n? up tinwii k*?i |?in?. I puti?? f'?H? ft. ft. TMI'MWOA V \ I |lti% i.'. l.irk , ml ??l llr iU ! I liiirt I. II iMtU?.ln?i ? intuitu lit, h.ttilfitrr u| * k n In u, 1 p*t lnt? mill | 1 ... n ' . < I ? II m Ini I ... .i. .. | i., i , , . i , i, . ' H '' "i'. ' ii| . . I. ... | , i|?| ?.. I , rW, m lit.iii ?\ lllll ati|lll fli'Mi?, !.<? vi i... I I'lmnt in,| ,i, ,t| 11, Mitiliil i|iii?|i 'I nti irk ^ i mi i. 11 i || i i. rurf#<l tlrtMM RP* rTl,# *' ***" I lit' *nlr iv ill n niim n< ? wn li t? r kitr lit II UfeimlU PlltltA V Ml I I V \0 ii'i ! ? |> in li,, ?,11> iililflia J i ? nil ' I. |. nmimr*, tri'nm hit I nlliiii', ai'iuotl'thlp ill v U'XiiU, Inm . ohl |>1?il||?ol 11 l.'lo*, rl of Ii nm Vr AUo, Willi wllll'll ill" anil' will ' mittm iii < , 1 |||?||(|||| |i|||||0 fort"*, rt Vailrl V of i t ! i nml .iiMi ti | i ?|| i iiv " III* Nil V K Mil* I.I, A in i *r II V M?l* l.|. % A IM III. A II lit* Htnir I'll IWiKlllwiy, 1*4 ii i)i t ill I 11 ? 11 - al'rrta |t. fit A. nil* now n nilv to Miitilw hI) Hii rn niiy niniiiini on I'Olli'lMinU ll'a, H I 4 H I 11 |l|OIII|'f W'i|i??i|f rt>nl t aint" mill mi) I iliiiir n i|. a of'liiii)iii|)i)l)| M)))|lfi)ii< ntfi n it .1 i.i in |.. rami l(i ifiilnr antra of |4|i|i|nri Moa Ma. Am , i iidv I'lD'ailay, Cut llllll'Ci rinlKii, Nti1 , ivory \Vfili|*a !<av Mill MntiinUy. \V \ V Al IflVi n'l'lorli 'i t* anli* roooia A Dim naaort iiirtif of Itriiarltolil f%itnilni v tiinl lint n alioil Hum*. i A'au, ||i w rnliltMt wnfii im k-iv Vmih t\ Alait. Illfli rlia|ra aofiia. ollnltl 'lia, ili>ana. lid wmIi Imiiin, atnml'i %r nil Dm rnai' wimhI -nil hi ilmumi v , ll?? fl I > ii' w. 'I'd Iii? nnlil fui i ?li ) ?, 11vr?m i i 11 n il no a v At Wig i 11 it* |? ni I In* aw |i? iOdiim A V# i V t ili im v?>, ilraiiahli* iiiul vnlimlili aim It of |*'aa||ioi)* | III ? ii'Milv iii .i 11 * i 11 11111 iif -I In* nlin afo# li of odd Mil w IV n iiiu ii|? hualnraa ii A lio, 'i I ?tm* lot oi ?I lip i|ir?'a*ly fur tlo' oimId'iii mailiaV. Tin who!* will In- miiIiI wiilioiil r? ani V'1 .niiil ia worthy tin- off* it f ti? hi of lira In 11 it ml *)ii|i|>p|M li M. VVAMH. Aitf.?"iirro Ifl.nWIMUNU IVirl.o I * i n.. * A ? At., will * anil llna tilOMHMtf n' II o'? I 1 Ii. ill flo- afor" Mil llro.nlw.iy i.mIU'i t.ihril v at, ) "Hi rtio ? ol pnilor |.Inula ,tonal I v ill hlooin o im III ill li u a , clt (o . (or ii i ii a, . / .1 ma, o Oil" >, Ii ini-l. I, It y t i l 111 a, i-rt|*i i oa<*nillia*?, i|h mmI?da , il lalra, Ii li'oln?|'i a, m<i A 11", ai'i "Mi miiidiIkI llovvi i alimli, iniy I" <n.o?r?| < lloill Ilia hour ofai'a. j'A If rrt / Ml A N(H|| V HAI.K ot Valonlil. Mm,., ami f .* ? mi " / JdIiii ai.i'iM Williioa Mi MoMiiia will n il lit niirilori at (lie Mi ri'hnnla* Karliftiiif.', umlr. flm ifirnr t inn of Imiii ? H Iluifyma. I' ai) . dii h iiil.iv,'/'< tli, lit \'Jt nVlufk >tt iiodii. nil thi! v o I ii d III I four alory moilnu hollar nml IdI of i? roil nil Nh 70 Inlili ? Tlii' liotlao la (? t front nml V, f? # | I*- *|?.w.nk W la iinialii'il ii| tha lii'af mnitM r witii tn*rtl|?i tliliillH'l |i|i i id Mi ll arnli'i, high i "illttga. allilinK tlooia, ro.MM''l ami' I'liuii'i] wnlla, i^min-y Kianitr frnttf Jnrim atom with !? ? I* room on tha Drat alory -v. ry Inn/i hnai'iiit*ot rootria, w? II liuhii <1, ?*? 11 rt r nmhr 11 whola nml Lit' Inn 'I'll* lot m ')'% Im-l liont nml irar nml I oil (it! ih Tlia aitmif ion for h-*r?l wnii', ilry yomh.or A a IIV nlh?" huaitioaa la tint alii imaaiij, or nan r**|n if i?.11* hotil nml homilioij Itoiiao.loMUg ahoft iliat mk i from tin* K.n hniig*, | . . | |< I .1.1. | ' I Ml f< OOHITIVK HAI> V.luniil. It- ?l k-m., No lit Wlm# at hi I. Itflw# <?i? Mrondway wild ( Imrrli af Win II piunk I hi will "II Wi dofdny ( Jioimi y HOtli, id IV<1YI0<I< ii ?l,i. Mi-ri l? tliU' K?<*11 my#* , ill#' lollopiiik v 11 mild#* prop?; -A lot of I ttiil will# llii* )#<i 11 <11 <ii4 llmrmn, 011 lli* oorfli?>rly ?nl?* of Wl?ir?* airorf, I,iinwo nn N<? m VVIni#. I, Irving V, f< < r front mid inn I v' I'W I* ' 10 il?'|illi Alio, 1 pit 1 < of I ? 11 <I 00 ill' ona'frly noIi- oI mwi mfjniin nv tli* rr ir ol llir nliovo lot; lii'log 70 l? 1 ii|ti nr. Willi tin# nlmp titer* , oil. | A Uo, attollia r |*i< < of lurid, IH l? rl l?y 2f) in f)i<- rrnr of f| lllf IiiaI loL I Ik wliole i>r<i|?o|y l<#inv 1 virry d*nirnM? |or<i | tioo for IfimiV |?nr|?oa#'a. Il will f < ?nld ill on* ? nttH' p<?r# ?<l ,>m<l v ? wmiiiifr#- ?l?? 'I will viv#'11 A Imvrniri of tlir properly 01 ty , l?. n< < 0 ni fit#1 urn 1 ion room N II "H?l< iliaolulr lo tin lilylnNt hold*". |y | 'p * r ri V' A I,I / A It I.K M KA i? KH'I'A T I* , mid f ?#. ? # tml'I Properly III (imifil mil Iroriiwmlt Nlr? #*ta, 10 ill* Ofl| W*o| of t my ol N< w Vorli Will lo rol,| ?t pulilir motion wjflinnt r< ' m< rv?, I#v W II Krmiklin, m ?I?** Vli-rrlimifN* K?iflim<y?, on Ttiurait V, f OHMrV Villi, m IV o\|oik, for < i?l,, I0p#r<rrif i' ill# tint* of V?l< ImUo<'< *1 'Ml daya, Wlimi l|i#? <I?<<U w 11 lo- <l< ihiiifiOi Unit v * I n .1,11 pti o < 1 priiMftv 10 '< < No?. < m s$d 41$ OrvmiWtth ' <1< 11 M l lifl'i Pail, - I t 1 <-1 <<- t < M'< 'I I. -' l>' itn I I" on/ l'i I' 1 r, 1 fi n| nl ' I,, .|l?<iof |#a| -i" ' i' ? i" f IRip |l ' ' a !' ' I >1 ' l'i I '1 ij i 'i ? Alan, 1 In- |< ? < from Trmo y <-loir< ii of V? I ''If, nor) 'itfl 1 urn I |, . . i. < '.< hi , ( i iii' i a on 'i l.<- |< . f,. i, , ''i ft ,11 11111 11 111 11 from il" VP It lot Mno'li, (<# # of groom) ttni N. It 'I li< < mini afrrr-f property let nt %W, prr .0,00m arid mor<iipir <l 0 1 Lirjoor Htor# mid I Joltiing Hfor< It in w# If known lliaf l? n?r?i foori Trlniiy < lmr< li ar<- rrrirwnl <*l no< h luw irpiiiijl moi is to ffiwli ln#ni fiff fljitbli ' a* 'ion in .1 for# ml ?!< of prop* r?v. no <lo?il?f if will n?#II n' n pri< r will rn?k<i if <? v#<ry profitu?M- ?o<l Nif#? ir?t*?tfO#?t?l^- | 11 will noIiI rlmr of -n 11 in# iiuilrr<ior<-n, ui<l tit!#* y <?<? !. )V 1/ l$t*f i I /-.AlKtl.lNA IIOl-.H. 'I ?A' ^. < MAINH, An.III. ' \J Iff 9fl ' RIIMli , ' "I! r''/' ^< rf$ f$$ *0 1 r '1 i'-inI<* loiylif f r *# * clnlna. VOMi I## as nof^fior rut iniU, nil ni/.#->. lot Im^n ii|m wrotuinl 1I0,11<? 194 I 10 < nnwn 11^<1 f 1 Id a wirrno'i 'l hf<# ffi#'ld nnvilfl. 30 fOON !?? t O llf'f'l; lo#<.l<l llN'N, WNrMNlN'l. ' M raaliN IiniiiI, panm i ?nd bnrkaNwa. i 1 cunIi IrstC H|?rfTi< Id l?r,ir#-N nr?#f Intrt, nvNort*#!. I 1 do r, and kbrnd rurry eorobs. ImrM-N f^n v < <i#'k'n niij #*rior air n-NliiiK, i<,f# mi<l <l,?ir w#9, wfa I NpriovN, riirl*'d lour, alw-iya <<ti Uno#l and for nnI* l<?w l,v J A : ' ir.** r 'ft I > ktr#>?f. ItAIM ; CilANCU h'Jll HA I.K rP JIK 1 <>< k mid fil'ureN <<l ?i vr<<<*ry Nfor#- aitfiNlr-d HI H<<?j<h r '!')<?< m?',<1 11 ?i,nvill< -I I ? niio-it 1 on f *r snip anrr'i #r,'l ifr*11 *r-11 Ii>1 all 1*'in "i ? i.r? n<-ot # < < upirif wiaiioiv to i#-**#- lb# oiiNiioNN, Will < i?p<?N" #<f the 9'ii,r'ni On noon Mr t?rrr?? K or farther jfnficaUm tn#|oir? ssnhot | #r MKOICAI. N'OTICK. I til IIOMKII B'MT *!<;? ->< Hiir/ -ry ??# H?rLr iton toih' N?w vorli I / ' Hur 1 I # i<ny+ 1 ? #r' #' 11 #r nfiori f<# ?fr? ifmo.' <?f < >' < ' ' Kf iirt and luuya, <i)at*-(ai i, piki d.? .*<? of '},? f. r trim v<4 ?ll " remote compUinti. Thm g i - < ittoi ? 1 ffiofl** r.f f f I Ifl ' ' ho??- I 'll II "i I J , \ i j |> fitf # f? 1^1 r}, t. ,? h'H l#f(?>i?dif 1.1'' r,t% Tr "ri it rri t. r- ?r,- . tf 4 ,f - , r?' r ? 1 to pi*#-* *' ! r?i -j rid* i hi? ?./!?# , tifl oil', uf /'; poti* i ? m* from ? diti DC4, If ht t.? rfoio -i <# . ir Immi im* * ffCtl> fruird, and ihoi* fi??- at?-r?- tftnirahl" I flOVfltlt BOn I W| K. M b .No 7^/^m^ri atiMt, j v IS rt?i% ?? H-rond f?o *? wnt'-fBri^lav/. N' K W B L'K V I'OH l fJ'nk N % * -f.f? i' ,t * Kt.'.t', ' :n?-? j |>r?| r * mi I'i.i . i/J^f ;.fiM i.. : fi'.i' * i - -i' ft. J 4VLVKHTMIH, Hit tt Waif It 4 110 Broadway , I A ' KH? IiACK - - J ? 4 * ! ' ? ?? ?4> * i r 1 ^ nf ?'V r /x i.d p ' ' , i l?J'KKN, 2:'? fin J i' Cell ' nd Mfr. j || r.. * r .?iAlL LINK b()H A 1*iiA n i n i (Sm ~ J*if'rin* '?.- a t'J'ir- a?Th?* ?t?ariir 1 7 !' A XmJKLJL>'''0' ? tr-a fooi ?? Loanl-todl at , Of) Tv>? ? U/ A 'arruo'-u 41 i oVlor.k, JarrCM/; 2*. I H ov ' Iw v of to F.I MfULTZ, j II >ha iifler on tha nr?vi. ifttf 1 . F OH ;! f> -' i \ \ TTL. i9? I ' I ? ? ?. ic i- .f , KLBhfr I I. T gr V I KV K N ft L* -4 R. L * *7, * Mft fh?- iio '>i dnrny ?f, tlm > r/el '<ll. W?'J:.a v ? : I F rfnriiM orp-* |aiprl7r-n #4f?l. j?U lf#? ^ I'KOf'Lf '& LINK kOH A Lb A N r AND ^s- ?^ * -T 7 ItO V, f.-j I '? '? ? ?7 Ti ' ^ ^ 'I 4H,'- ' if \ K I ? H f)\K 1 , -in I A I' ft' J ? All |^< ?? 'h r. . 4* FV' f s,' ,< > i ' U''!t itfaft, Thi? #>v?uinf, 4* 0 oV)o<k. W-dorMi*;. lit.*-', 1 Ml p or i ?'!>/* or I #-i/hc. fpj.i 7 '?' ' ' 'if*" F'. L . ftH'.'LT/ a . / FOR LIVbtRffHJL KHO J ROHTOJf' 7 -H ./4 Mail ^'aama-r LALLDO.NlA, will !??? B too for Lif'fii %i* H i f .1. * W- . ?* j%r H?t %rCoflnrnoo-Ui n-i I?r ? lAtr itn 4/?r ?n -r;>r and ' "ad w 4 s'try c ftfia- ,u< cm m to *ip*n?'.^a?l iirp /?. For pas?u(e or %a? oih?r i*>forin%M r? , v> D iHDiHAM ir A*s?.r. * ;2i (? r Ar k ' *.'? S * . 1 W?i. tc. y ALL KLliL'LAH PA^Kr 11 ' : ft -ar * ? inc. " Fr%f ? jMrnKaL ie B iii" will it j w ; PAfKNT "!iwl pltin'T (fti'fadon h? **4t. j? V. |A r y^V ^ I M[ imm if. | pMifmntf D3OTr;?t?>?'i tot comtott *a4mimii>>? ! ?p">licl!l'?o ihoaiu be raid- co fe-a d S? ii?-; I hi, john h&rdma.v jttrc it oi k. i voh livr.xrool?m* lp?^? ifervi j a mm , Jfcttt-HKKiDAV !?* ..a K. A D- -yile- rflWoM. will ;.?i-it-lv itil u %*r r?x*ia/ <i%? Ft fr*m&: n imuu'. ucmhoo mw iv ii l-c f-t i />j.r o? comf.rt. ?-it oo t* **!, at oftii.n w- irl. 'or* of w? ox'.r, t. k. COLLIN** CO ? VtU???r. I Prir? of [OlMfl, $' B. 1packet nwoirxli. Caftt. wi is o? .>44 feu*, will racctck iht 9fcerv*u>, vod act! uw Sen f-'nc; rt rtniu <ur. l ftcr* fr f t?e ip* i>/ thaa wii. ,alr k? ft<? r~4 at o^-ij * ami H iieS Si*I Ho m l unofrri out '*1* oa Lac * :? of lot* lis* aa.1 .a* jueniF If ualiiiowil <7* r rs~i k ?.t *hip * h; hidav for ltvehpo'' l? >> a* waiac to a*c?i* awr-aa ife Hblfc mi**4 taku Midi rac* of tfec (at*<: aai; Jktn daaTTap- D?fw* lar ar* :t ;a*fej to ? m laaa^iti *(!?<*tiofe. u a Ubi'?4 hbsi joJt tn b? ji. j > w k j t t\r?corr U F?a $>i;. cor feaa ac. OLD BL.A' K BALL LINK OB P K' C?tT |h^ - r livlkplli'l?pwi'1 Li' >o* "7 -a. Bl. c ?p<- cole. will pomti**ir " m ? ??* oct "ft nr Bit- 1 J Hitrc inaarpMai 4 acWMinhiwai to* ana. *. W| oaoia uaB i its** iamK>i Pawn* afe-a- w ' "** ifeaM uli tart, afflcaoca ? Vard i/io imp fwt * *-? butlnta ? JOHN HERD MAN t <t fe wr?t. V B Pt-i-w it t- , ilw -icido 'H'liw { Orot Britain u4 r*!ia4 rai Li" :?? *r-mr*c nL a* *.*?!. kr aat oftNe ihipa tM* hw*; lad amy to-a??cB tor no acaoout. payable a uJfewt Bacon* Lva?a?l da* WM l * fern, arfav a* ibm ** ** I *v F1>M N .*? UM.' * ANA AND \ JllL N'i.W YORK Ll\?.-*u?ii' t F "? Ruri a.3?|fe .tt?To *m! ika twN Ja m i r-i- -m! tailiac r?r**? aair HI"N TSY1 LLli ' Ywawol, , w >ai' I M l. its ?r ? M i U ~?N M , ;iu?h<> nan* u*4mwi mnmibow, ho *a kMM a: Oitoua *-.,r ' > ? * ' ? ' ? . i t k col L1N? ico * aiwcj *. i P-aioialr taj-vB i*?iiW iAr SawBw final R-i w , 4* ,?>a aaaf r* ? -i/t-n an t< a*? - <>-Oa "wwttii fe?Mir I *4. im fax 'at* ; rt iw ?? w 1* ?*i -wMrfeoWr M *4*" , *-T m'lir kl . .1: 'n<i * a? ? urj imo? ^ <1 MT X W|* rr *. _ , > OttaM,Bifii I VmM. ?w?iil .nan ? -, 4 -? ' r- -jfcit: iiar Of%u, C ?w r???. nil mbmw At A A^r- fA*- * > ? w_ lb 1 < M hg Hn -* r'??'W *?# *'?? . kowi ?>< > <w N-W ?mw < r? for . m.?m mti utrv r ?*.. ? ? ?. ?tv> w *j r rAr*-i>rr IXj; k vy. - % \ ? jUib^U Om. .1 I BTTiTT*.- r *r-# < < 1 ar'tia w *?r * *>?. *? c \ A > ? A V ?wt| 1 a% ?i?t .?Y I ;h I'M -*4*4. *p AMUNKMRNTN. VVI M II'H III. V M 4 (I I N (I H H , Af TMI fAMK t nr.atiir < "M-'lli fi i| |?V Mi. (IllftM Wrli It, win- .1 H.H !? (iiaKmI ?Ugr?* l?f ?! r??triirii anil ?ir" ' ! il i|?? 1' ?i?il I>% 111 hi .?< ???? rif\ ' mil* fuMiiwinff w uri.KNIim MIK H ' JIM fel|l 11| |l?t, Mh?I| II III w W # I A ' 4llw?|l|lli| 11. I ltd. I I,. I, . M? ?!? (1.11.1(1 h W l>|l< I iter * in rn"1 ml IW'? "?l >?*? ?? N II? N?. |/, y V1II Mill M Wff |.|<t I* 'I?M aI.UM |) ' i i i of flti* ul\ NI|||< 1 inm rum i vj-.niNi#. I li* ??i H i intm ?|I|I i VAIIMHi^Nl Klimv MOVr.Mr.NT III tlfil I ||l> Ml>\ I.t , t n I MTV kluaf M m. Mlr|.l,ni | I \1 H ^.ll wlll Ah ?nf mi'IIMM NiiiimmI 11||il< I?. ' . In ill. II I I. V M.|| .I.H.I n??i IT hiv ii i"" .i i \<. m . i. M ii . ,n i,ia n?( i|.|?. a. <11. < '1 ?ltl. rii.m.. In it,, ,.| ,,f m \ nov iamvu Mm VV .11. *?ll il m . I A ? At III i HA 'm|Im W0.I h , I I Mog. n m ?mi?I?M i?w 1 ofi?U.I Nf.ii ohl <ii i?li# room Mi ! 'r It I ? Mil fh? I II ?? 'III ' ml iVl Nnf|i.?n mi In* ?.o|n rli ? ' "H I..'if hit/taa l| v" At I III* | * Mini ill lli* K, vi iiii'i. <mi nilminiulnii of Ian tllliifaa will riiom Till-; HKI (IN|I I'AII I HI io.fimi.nrv wnk i C f I 11? AND / I'll vn llv Mr I ailw .lUfit r if. I Mi . M, I *rl ml I mm III*' 'I'1 * Mill mi. I 'w? l-M I- i-int' l?y II rufililiii (J . Ill I.J Uiioll, I V Oar ar N on*. 'n i|i|iriiii<-li'ilJ*i (JywiiaafH? mi fI i/ioiii.iI I*v llir lamoiif 71). I.i I'roia I Ji'MuUa liy I' "I will fl/r. Nathan* <nnl < arrol I,ii m9fi>i|fii?'' . Mia* l?oiiDi VV#ili An Ait without ?a<till/ or In itlli>, liy II Kranblin To roMrlinU with, A at nra of V,,/,,, Hniitfi, IhlM io *i , / n'if M'l ? OMH, Mil l NOT I OMMONI'I.A# ft., IiV MaaUr lohu Dimionrl, whn??< ii Uloily la kimv Whir* ' booWM>fltf#rl. Vmi?'? <1 hy If vI, ii.. N? ki'11 o'lirfllan, tii'l W I Imalittif tha 11? .it M injo rinyi'r. NiTfiTiT TO rAlir.NTH ANI) ' Iff A IIDIA NN. for ?||?* f Oiivr nirio?. of Iowi.iU I'artDa thara will Ijf a Jraml Div 1'frln/m tnt . . vu/y n .r..f?1,y A f rminon, trflf'hif *t *4' Ylorli I trrtfti |y, Mtihr" itifc nil tha .hoiaa wo. I anaI a|.|. titli-l MjtJf.HTM IA N AND OVMNAHTir Af I'M If lh#? Hi-.iaon, for inrfi? ?ilnr ? ? ImioIIiiIU at ?K? llov ? ii*. whii'li on Hufiiioiy Will n?<i?ly for i|i>|iv?m y Irom If ' lor b A M until llm iinm of rtfi. rung, |f /' (Intra. 1IU I'M, f.'r. OaH'-rV. '",'lf? -J 7 roaf* rail I " am tiff-<1 a( fh* |lo? OffW a, in nn la / 'lilnfk j i* I IMl Ilrt/O H Hi A | M lba VIKlit/I I ION Of I'llH'M Drail I Itrli*, 2'i rafitai r amaf l/|ij??r TUr IV^ria l llm K.VK.W|NO. Ik l i H TK K O Oil OK. All*/ wliitli Nagrn Maoring < oii'-linU will. Tlllt OOIJIKN DMK.AM Do it niiaii a| .4 o'olorb ami tartarraarta* will worn i?iif 0 at / |>rr/ law I y KfiTMiicM/M of*ir/ni'f?; tiikatkil. Ml Mroarlway, Naw V? r* THIN NVKNINO. Will t.0 f*''n.m*4 uKAl/TV a I MK. MK.ANT fUr win/ Ii JOHN OK I'A ION 'I n rtintliirlo with NINK. TAI.OMH VI A K K A MAN ft /* 'I h* lloriri will t.a o|.aii??i| at haltfiwat a, a ??l (Ha war 1/in no* 0 w/it/irri* of * nt /, I'orv *? nir ,y KIUNai.lft TllkATMfc. Mr' V? f?r?ta Mob. a 19H r* |'afi|i|aftr ? # / *"" r.H I'rivniw Ilov0? 11 'I'llIH K V f NI.NO, I l?" i rrfoM/iam 0 |/. ".mmanra wnh joi? Hit.akom K.M OIJT AIki th" followitig |?/ r aof/a I*nb?/?a, wr'o hia / r i? 111 /1 r 1' 1. 4 nirl roioi/aiogi/ig-*-l)if'rn, with hi a 10a? loaali* . with h' t on h tilling warhlirig Ao/r/.l ml f 0/if/t,with ii0ir # a/ ifim/ A'.iUI fligh'a fin ioinirf thi. I.oam/vwr, withhia mil vrnlihwriarna O'f oofirll, flm T i't/ionl Mail, With htaai ngi* (/vwoka mil witita fhitiga ?|a? than / an f?0 rro w4a/| into a mall ?|H?/ for |.arf 1/ olart, h i- arnall I ill* Thr hoi oflir r now Of* fl oml/f thr rll/0'f |/?f? of f\ 1. I'nl n*r II h DINNK.KOnf). Manage/ i,' HIM (JM. I IVl V'lllT9!! K ATI! K OK Til A. UlClO III.M <17 fUrwfTu N A VfMWK.N. MANAfO.H Inafitnta't in IMM. '#> M * / inrt/, Vital, AngavinalCa, I'oai'iv^ly 1110 I.A ?T NlOM'l hnt tt./a^, ON WK.MNK.NDA K K.VKN NO. Orao/I Mnai/al K? 'iv.l -rol k'i'i'f/00 VIKNKKIT of th0 111 0% n -??/?/ I /* | (?/ . ?. AtW'tm I ha r<*/aori? *lr* ?/! / volunfr arr#|, m n/Mitmri In lb* ,M r lt?t hanan, V1??? Barton, Mim I'bihf*, 4 A rn*t?fir?, O'f'Orn.all. vi, A Mr? Brown*. 'I b* MfOt'h n4ff{rfp Mina'rnl, Ifour Axiii*1'!/ Mom lb* Waahinglnn, |f niton, Oram I, ?ii/t balh?rir?i> Marfcafa I u AfMraaa to lb* A aao< nr ion, ar?4 l,?f tor* ?b* A/ i?nt? of ^Ktrni rum. with ih? citil ?>irrift| ^ffiiMi of Tb* Krr?rn*n'a / II, by lb? f?r at n*n ?r?/1 Malo/lia', O W fin on K i>r4V*i{ in/.-ia '?.<! Virginia ar?rl Long JiNn/l Hr?afc/iown? fb*r* i? to * Ooi? f)i?pb / of loon* sir I**, I kymnmif anA If.tfr* r*g4r?/? fVrformanr??, by tf.r o/?? f.on.j ?#?7 in fha f/mon Prima of A'lrmaaioff? Hon ? Jfirar or fir* a* J/trftla . mat*. 'hibfran half trrif.? BaaonA I ?*r, lf% "At#. rit, I2H on(j l*a#/|?i I, or family Boiaa $1 VV?aaafa for atv parsona Plam? ? ?? baan a*t af?nft for f/ilorarl j<*raofMi fioora opari at halff/*at A?-Omrt*/* by t.h* Band at % u> 7? fforr>rruina'irp f./? rummrnrr *f 7. , li' A y% K lllf; A * T11 K A T IIK? VV AbB (/t-A I ~ I'llfbADKMMIfA. ;HDIB niK r>ffiKf/noN ok viiha f; cubh/a* THIM KVKMVb. Jan will b* ^rforrna4 Lvi.kv htahb. ' '/i.'ITU Wi'b MC KPT MfMK K A VMH?MAI.LU?M. A5IKMM A1 t|( AKlfl, Marbla Bail'linr, Br ?* ;*?/, of/fronr# At Panl't f,r>%r+n. f,onmritrar#on anA totrr. ..* > .n J ,**!'?*? a ?{r*rallafl*A 'f / " In v rorri^ \m ?r of nr?? i / of'i?* fin* Sr* i?* rn t>M* arit*p an/1 for ?ba / *-.i. . '?on of *r?# pnM*. tha Ma i v r r?jc*H * m of 'li? ffofy < ' t^r.v *r?#nfinC ar/i*, baa r* ?r*^ii"l f ?r a bo'Tti.nn I >ML*t OK.^K.f Al. TO Ml' b /t'VfOK IV ar.> *nt fi a I '/- , 'I ' ? *r1?n t-K* * m?% of r?*n, on tft* u.t *r t.rr .mrAof ' <a ^ u* ? '1*7 i/t4 r o ?n?( ni VI j> , . ..oil - Ufa rnaJXa a .1 r*?'t olA. r ir.< b# K />?. t*?.<r#HA ONLlr OT- r.N K#>I Hril? r^a (// ? ? ! / Iim a?./* r a- m nnttlii ?U? Pit 0?tarii n /' / < ' !z * rn'?? ;^?rf?r* fi ^ irf Ti rba a ! <- na//?t Mrpm<Af inn# ">/i ?it? tbat avar n'',.,nfa4 ' ft r%t w*>*k of "" VJ*/r?irV? ' ./ ,< f>?oraaM of Tff'. DKPAt?Tr IIK Or THK. HRAULl THi I f/)f. n 4' I S * ' 'a ff- r >, ^? proa#? iot?? Al/ of c i , / ? ; ? ' <? ' ' -A * 0 ?fy Laaa. a/^ / ' A' P?'A a ' ? n POK'/f O .-r. .'.A .fi- P>. %fcAH LinUS* * 1 .? ib\ ? -iOM *H:rwK%s.K ' 7'LK fiifi - * If / ?? ' I J T/I Mf H. It * / '4 V -vi. 4 nr??' ; f? ;?r l> .? * - '? M.* H.^.: ? v? -? .< '<|U' -A r '? ' - .-. ? - t Mv. <i<. r Vi?. . V 4? / 4 '/{ v.tjrtWi Fi> !?/?? TS? ?I? <>?/,?? ?V ?.t?. THE OOSFLAUBATIos OF WOIM.OW P'rf'i/? n?i cniif?f? <i 7 tWA. D ir p?-itmukiy ??4 War-U/ ii' ?rvA? u >V|?| A ? ' * ?' - f ? n FF.U.F. < KW YMHfC nriKrir " national p?,ktra:! A?.r>PTTi ftr. OM.L??r '"/"I - ? ?'.1 >?! > i: ' ? ? I ,?<1 . - *' 1. - i t id*rfOK ? f. naiffal r I A VOW KE-OFENF.D A.vl *1 / u </>?? ? oc F V ?n?n*ui > 0?m <wa rr. iKthina iFmJI V I'Acw v w it a ;? *? !"?? - a< l#? r*??Wf i!''?? )???' ? fMuiwtw ,f :? 'h.1 ' > TV act*< ?aat<rac rnalMi la tl aa?t i?k?f iP KARf. AV Ci.KIOf. - WORK* OF SAT i. HP. ASU A 4 T V?%(i7 Uat?f? . ?.?; i -fM nnriii lull 4 u 1 COSTLV A>D E L E O A ST' fVTX' B E OALLEBT IieNMf n ??>ii u<l ? i? v, .'liar % Amrvi E'?r7 Div , ?.t ,4 --? - nmt+vr..14 vx VOSDAT itaitry IM. '.Ml. 11 ?.-* '? V) ? Ma>r Wr.truMA 'jmoimI .a M Mi ? .-r .- ? W? -i,-.' .4 ?HP7 ?a-i ?u? '? <aa ? - ivii-.?r-t f.4,11 7 t**or?i?4 MAI AW?. AEX5LFH. F -? F ut? WV? ? vw .1. -1 ?.iit in ion at V? Tr? <??-?*- t*-tf < ??> , ac(T4iw.-*?' aadarfal ? . PH1LOPO HE3 l)l .?* ni7 '%? ' - w 1 ?, Am? a m '? >n;oac a;?5? :?? pm k p.- aun) 'Jura tar 1 ? rc*. FOBT'NE TELLER P'?? ** : n.? ; ? ?,'i. -.a -u~ ncHari ;?Wu- ? M tr wm - -a a '-? . /V* 1 af |i?l rxr'i* U4 v.', 1 ?? - -?. 4 -? xeoioa W PA*T r:^?* TH< ?IJ.A?.>T A>'D TH?. rrrvi*. MAOAHi AXr'Lrra Cm 3- '.um.' : a i ?r-* 11/ uf n-*u m n* Vi w - tn *k .S '..I* ?ir ;3g 14SU j? -Da "'luj A P?1 :t?n w ? J! *?!S ! " pAme* K 1 actAtet >?c?n T UM Mu?x?. ? ifia. -..i-P-a u -rw? ~ /*" A a ?T"-n rUnrr* "f nrr - war- f*? ;raa j y>"?" ?"> ink M-uai* AMipt. . >m ""Wxu-elL- pvrsvr 'E -5 l: rHT^ NO ? A?to* HOC*#.. t^riLvra i>*rRi?T .7- -? TfTSS* C HVUDKil A RA.a n "?m< ? * ? ?.? --1 w a >mI >? '- a buw * ??~? Afprr V) r D- mv ? 3a?aiT. tr Nt. M C mto? ? n V(AS n> A CO ? .- in ?m?. 19 taro mmrm% m 4 rv. *? . *. Tj? ?<(>)? i>? v rm. a *HUL >? Kiaucicim i~ t*Mam t jtu w ia.i a** a* ai ?:nm ; ? J ar-;?t:A Aa?-an* at ^ra ?r riaotabtaw * 7?> 11 M Nac. Ma 3~?j - tod tt r?? * ?A?A Oii'?rr :?* 3 --?tn AM. TW ?mi >aa ? *;*?.. V *mt a cTj.taa. a jar* ir s anaui fc-*< Okl *7 t' Hm0Mk4. n -?rs ir tnajta-t r<'x5?-i G: ! y . xm* - Om*at?a. a :M ir m?jm> rNtihp*' ntfpan '-tf-m. S auw < .?? ' ? ' 'a -at-Liny a ;ars. ? W 1 C??l o ' mc- c*t wtrtt m ??rur Marat. A ? ?*ja ?. ? a-laf-a aara n? no*. ? aUM aw aertaW. 1 ~3Ci *r I *- j Vi jHr?r tin >ama -mi n?- ?? ? 4<i '.wr wrrtj. TNatr ?tu it- tt..'? aoao *?? 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