Newspaper Page Text
P?H*NC1.ET ft ALE of Volatile Hont- and Lot iu ^ J*h* street ? Wilkms A Rot'ins will tell ut union it Merchants* CtoHongi. uixl^r the direction of Jatnes H. Marvin* *.oq . oo Vrfdiy. January T'h, at II nVlock 01 n??oii. II thit ' *in ?hU. four story modern house *nd lot oUniunn. Vo ^ I hn vt The house is 15 feet fro ! aud "J fret aptv.ind i? finished in the he*? m v?n? r with m rhla chimney piec?* tf*ti rrste*. fciah roilinfi. ?l?di C dooit, corniced and pain'ed vrallt, QttiNT granite froot, I ante store with hsck room on ?he first story?fry '*rr* bmem'-oi rooms, well lighted cellar nnd*r the w hole *ud aifehen. The lot ?* t5 feet front and rear and I v reet de? o. The situation for hardware, dry goods,o> iqt <?th?" husioes* is not surpassed, or as a rasperr sole hotel and hoirdinc house.being ? sh >*t dast>H"e from the Kvchaofe, msrkera, uid the no rt he re and eastern s'earahoats. T'tle a netce .'i. | nMn j23 5t#HI PtOKET MH1P ftHKHIDAN for Liverpool.? Pas engen hy this ship will please be on bond the kte*inb Mt H'reuLs nt W ir**h*l| th?s d V. the 27th lull. st 2 P \1 ?t wl.ich um.* the ship will sail. Lftit r ***? will clo e at Hales It Gilpin's News Rooms, at halTpatt I oVI^cW. j27 ltr TFRfSiniO"ftE SOC1RT Y~A*8E M*Ll7T|u-TFf 8 ith Ball of tnia Rofietv will lw given on Tnursuax Kveainit, F-hfl, 'Mi Prreou? wishiu. Ticket* for the Bid, w<ll |>leu? inv ? applicaM >n to the Nhnwi-r at the Apolio Kn<?mt, on Ss n-'tay evei.iug,ktth ii*a or Wedne-d ?v evening. Feb 1st. j*7 tt#r By order of the Board of t TJM**T PREMIUM HOSE PlP--l.,d.i Rubber H se Pipe, rt-i b'e and p-tlec l v '? h', suitable for ?he Cmrou w?trr. 1 bis article ? perhaps the best I'm h* purpose of irr'gat on. washing windows f'X?'Viit wafer to the roT, St* iuc??eof fire of any D lug of the k o d x*t l< trodai*rd h it qui e clean end hat receive*' the pr* ference of some of the Jar* est Ho.elt, P'lo ine abl?s?'D??.kv- tnd oth* n since 'he introduction <1 th** C rot >11 W ,ie* ?u t -1 city. It is mide o' a pre aradou of Dock with In is Rubber Hv the aid of powerful Hoxbury rr achinerv in a mMim r def\in? -II competition ami furnished in anv d- sinihte length o calibre, with jet pip* s ?? d couplings att ?ched Oures aulishroent hat alto the New Yoik Agency lor the nelv iuveuted Hemp Hose, and will esecute orders with promp'oes* P umners and the trade are i xiied to liberal terms. W?rehouse of the Roxbury India Rubber Est blis. meat, 45 Maiden Laus. HORACE H. DAY, dao tm r Successor to Raihwry India Robber Co PAt KET ?hip7URR'CK from Liv. rpool i- di charkiug 11 tid' r gene sl o?d* r,?t Orleans wharf, toot of Wall st. Consignee* will pi*-we atti nd to tlie receipt of good* immeditely, j26 ?tec A COMPLIMENT T > MR. HORN The Public TV end profession are respectfully invit? d to unite in giving Mr HOli N, who wilt sail for England on the first prexi mo, A GRAND CONCERT OfYocsl and Instrumental Music on Tuesday Evening, January Slst, at Niblo's Saloon, wh*n, in ad li ion to favorite Song*. Duett s, Trios, Itc. perforated by the following <<i?titi(|uisted artists, who have already volauleereJ 'heir vdu ble serv.cts:? Mr U C Hill, Mi W A King Madame Marouelli, her Mrs Loder, first a pn? a ranee since her Mr* F rguson, return from Europe. Mr Mas?eu, Mis?Lew*a, Mr 1 umer, Mr 'hillips, Mr * her the 11 burg, Mr Eiti-nue, An Amateur r iiend. Mr a**d Mrs II ?p? will apr?ear. A s*lectiou will he given from the four new work* composed by Vt Horn in t is c uutrv, vix?"The IV tirmsiouol Si ,w 'Ahmed I H rntl," " 1 h- Maid of Saxony,*' aud "The Chris mas Bells " F??i particulars see small bills. Tickets O.i* Dollar each, to he had at the principal Music ....... - nuu ? uir UIHI1 on me rvruillg ill prn-rmsuce. Dnori open at hill-past 6, the Concert to commence at hal f past 7. j26 3t*isr L~AFITTE BOAT < LCB BALL wnl t?ke place at the Apollo Salonu, on Moadav rvnntut. Jan. 30, 1813. Tickets to he procured at Levi Heyer's, <89 au at ert, or of the inembrra of the Club, and at ihe door on the eeeuiuic of the Hall. Boat Clubs are invited to artend in their respective dresses. COMMITTEE. Walter H'yer, William Sharpe, Thorns* Valentine, Levi Heyer, Michael Roberts. CLINTON 8ROWNELL, President. THEODORE NEVILLE. Hecertarv. j?6 3'*r BALL?The Highland Society ot New Yoik will c vr their Bvll o i Tuesdvy Evening, Jan 3'st, 1813, at Tamminy Hall. The B'.ll will be opened by the mrmb-rs in lull Hullland cos'time. The proceeds of the bail are applied for charitable purposes. Tic-ets one dollar, to be had at Tammany Hall and of Roderick Mcl end 7 Lourtlandt street. Joseph Ct?ig Ml Pearl street. Thomas W. McLeav, 116 Bleecker street. Andrew Drysdale, 139 Cedar street. S<mu-I J tckson, Tenih Avenue aud 16th street. William Armstrong, T?nth Avenue and 19t' street. Alexander ttohertson, 174 Fnltou street David Dunn, 4 <'ourilaniit stieeL John Forrest. 120 ' enrre street. James Peacock 8 Clarkson street. William Wilson, 37 Mott street. Thomas McDougill, 37 Dry street. Kjhert Drysdale, 18 Kifih siree'. HODEHICK McLEOD, Chief. JOHN E. CLEMENT. Secretary. }*i lw?re pAKOLI.NA HOES. TRACE CHAINS, Nails, Anvils, ^ bic ? 20 casks >?eavy full size hoes, iNo.000 to 4. i >5 casks bright trace chains. '000 I ess *uj>e'ior cm n tils, ail sizes, luo bnin fin- wrousht do. 6 I to l^d J5 cakUs H*d(i Id's w rraiitro Sheffield anvils. TO ton* be { O steel; broad ha i, warranted. 8 casks hand, panne I and back <?wj. 1 cask best Sheffield braces *nd bitts, assorted. ;3 do 6 aud 8 brad curry rombs. James Lat cock's superior air seating, sofa and chair web, sofa spriugs, curled hair, always ou band aud for *ale low bv J. A. NEWBOULD, j23 6tips?r 90 Johu ?treat. POUTUGUESE F E M A LLP 1LLb. THESE f*r lamed and c-lebraled Pills, from Portugal, are wr perceive, to be obtaiued in this country. See advertise rneut ou tiie I war column fourth iiave, HIS LOOK AT THUS. ^^^OENTLEMEN'S Cork Sole Boots.thebest of ->ntquality, $6 (in do Wsterj'rool Boots _ _ do 4 5P oo Loght b Tench Calfskin S3 to 4 DC do ]'?l'a Rub er Oyer Short with leather soles, 1 to do Piain Rubbers, SO do Dauciug Pumps, 1 to do Pauctug Waiter, t zt do Wor-ed Slipper*, 1 00 Ami all other kinds of boon and Short in fashion; ladits gaiter boots, busktna, slippirs, tiet, quiltrd short, prunella shoes, white and black sitiu slippers, burton short; India rubbet ttrao-lurrrd, plain and all other kinds of oirrshoes: clogs inoasin* aud the greateat assortment of boy.s boots ar d shoes, misses aud chrldrrn'a, ol all kinds to be finiud in the vsorld, all ol u?i own manufacturing, and the b? st of Freuch p- ods, and warranted t" be the best, and as cheap as the clie*i>eat, at 361 Broadway, the corner of Franklin st and at 92 C.Da' street. OREOORY st CAHILL, j?6 liti'rc 3b7 Broadway. POR DH.. FEUCHTWANGER'S Price Current of Cop1 ria, Capsulea, Atds, Dyeivoods, Lunar Cuuanc,D acntr rc rrpe '-benitoi*. tJermar fcc. Sir Sic. SeefourP r new. ^ ? MORRIS AND ESSEX RAIL KOAU, Cb?a saga ?ul New Airinyruisui^lbn Road havmg Peru r?-'aid at great eipmae wi h the most approved and heaa eat H ra I, to aecure a ?af and eip-dnioua conveyance between N-w York and Mor istowu. w ill commeuct running two trips daily, Sundays earepteil, on aud after M udap, Jtn >8. k irst Train from Morn-tow n w II leave at 7 '4 A M. Second Tram ftom Morriatowti w i'i lerve at lis P VI. First Ttatu from New York will leave at 9 A M?Newark at SHAM. >eco..d Train lrom New Yotk will leave at SX P M?Newark at 8* P.M. I astrum rs by the Morning Train from Morriatown will a N- wark in tune for he 9 A M Train to N< w Vo-k. < ? the moruiot Train to Phi'apelphia; hv the A'tertioon Train they will arrive at Newark in time for the 3S P M Train to New York or the E>e>tng Train to I'hi'adelp ra. Passengers by the Mornmt Tiai f'om New York will arrive at Morrittown in t ma to dine and take auy of the Statet running wcatot north from tha' place. }'.b ln*W FOR LIVERPOOL FROM BOSTON. The Royal Mail Steamer (A I. k DO VIA, will leave Rniton for Liv>ri>no| via Htlifat.on W. dursday, ^eh. 1st Her secommodanont for puasengrr. are superior and fitted with every comfort. She alao curies an etpvrienced surgron. For passage or any other informati in. appl> to D BKJfiHAM, Jr Agent. jP 6'r At Harnde 1 Si Co.'r . (fi e. No 1 W?!l st. -c.1 FOR HL'DSO N?And mteraird "ei lac't L- Nvj.'. J>?Th? |..w pressure steamboat ROBER1 L fjlTi er U-1 EVENS, Captain R. L. -V'ahcy. wi I Irsve the ,ier loot of Murray at, this aiteiuoon, at i o'clock, Ftida<\ J >n. 27. F >rfteitht or pateage apply n? board. jy27 lt*m 'wn oa people-sTink for alban. and U.?hT3* TWO Y. and lulcrineiliate Place".?The aplr nJC_?iajLwfLhi.l steamboat CHARTER OAK. Captain A I'St Jolin, will leave the Steamboat Pier foot of Cou tlandt sueet. this evruing. at 5 o'clock, rriday, January JTth. kor pasaage or freight, apply on board, er to P. C. 8HULTZ at ihe office on the wharf. The hue steamboat Unea will leaee la abwve, to-morrow afternoou at > o'clock. j27r ALL HEGULAR PACKETS end Steamer* and wMM^Loiher pasaenger vraiels carrying, " Franri.' Patent JIMUNfaLirr Boats" will in luture have the word PATENT sum ? it and plainly painted on the aide. ja23 lwi?r lAf FOR LONDON?Packet of the iVk.Votary? aTwVy The anpert' rwell known packet ship vIEDlATOH, sUmmm1 apt Cha'wice, wtllaail ? above, her r> gti Ian day Her accommodmtiona for cabin, second cabin andateeiage pas " tit *r? *.-? unsurpassed lor com'ort and convenience K*rly application thoalu be tnade ou boa d 'he ati p fool of Pine at, on. JOHN Hr.KD.MAN. j24cc _ 61 South at. f OH LI VKHPOO L? NIf.W LIN K?Kegula. Pecker ol 2ytl February.?The Splendid Packet Ship .SfcpBfcOARKICIC. Captain William Skiddv, of l?Kl tnna, will positively ami aa above, her regular day. ror freight or pass*jge, haviri(t aeeommodalionv uneqnailed for aiiUiidnr or comfort, apply on boarl, at Orlaana wharf, foot of Wall street, or to K. K. COLLINS k i.O. it South ttreet. Price of p?aaa*e. $1(0. 1 ne Packet Ship Rntciut, Captain John Colhni, ol 1100 tons. will aueceed the (iarrick, aud anil the ZSth of March,her regular day. L- ttera lor the ahipa of llna will only be received at Otlpm'a and HaleN Newa Room. I'aaaenarra may rely on the ahipa of thia line aiding punctualI" ii advertiaed. jltc fga- "b' ack ball or old link or liv?.rJft'TJ^LPOOL PA' K".T8?8?ila on Wednesday, Hie lat JkbsdlBha " P. binary ?T he ro>aniftc< nt ;wcket thin IJOLl'MhL.t i , t tieorge A Cole, will tail (maturely ou W? dnrad .y, l?i Ft Uiuaiy, her r. (ulai day. f i paaaair iu cabin, aecoud cabin, and areeraee, and thoae t'i aecure ih* be-i bertha, will plea-e make early appliration ou board, footoi Be.kmai. at. or to >he aub rub-n. K'X UK, HttO I Hr.K* k CO . li e utiou at neat door to Ful ou Bmk N B?Persona lending to (he t>id I nuutry h r h. ir iriendt can .a?e them hrouaht out mine above lavorite parket or ui any I the packets comi ruiug thit old embluhv.! "...ulticent line a Inch tail Iroui Liverpool on the 7th and Ikth of > very month Pnr |Ma*>ye apply aa above. }Ylt ^ Hi# NLW UKLLA > l.O (J I ">l A \A" A VD Wffy NEW VOKK LIN K?Poai'iv;ly Kiral Keaula, JNMb Packet?To tail the kith Ja nan . I laai aailiu* packet thi| HUNTSVI LLK.Capt Mumford, will {Hiailivelr tail a> above, tin regular uay. hoi tmght oi passage, having haudaome luruiahed accoimnodatioua, apply ou board, at Orleana wharf, foot ol Wall at. or to K K C< M.LIN* h CI I 06 Sonrhat. Poaitively no (ooda received after Saturday evening, 22 h mat Shippers may .e'y uyatu Saving uic-it goods cwrrectiy ureaaui ad. and thai ne ol thia Ime will tail punctually aa adver Uted. Any guarimee 10 that effect will be given and fulfilled thai may be r<*|a.fe0. Agents in N Orleans, Hallin It Woodruff, who will promptly forward ill good*to their addreta. The packet imp Ocmulgee, Captain Pect, will anceeed the Hnu'erAte. era p... Feb. if rmiltt dtv |2j r M)K Ni.W OHI.KAV --Fir.r Packet Shit ? reMV be packer, hip V AIR VIKLD, Cap! Wilaoe, will he JMUKa ispa aneu lui Ihr above |ioil on the lei Feb?Ckbm anoiu-ak* peaat ngert cen be handsomely accommodated ata mo o r It late. Apply on hoard the ai Murray** wharf, foot of Wall ?f. JOHN HfchOVIAN 6i nouth airteL pA?sA'sk fur ng.w ttHLKANS?o,.iy R| jJV ' *";' Limp? I h? ?>'?' cJ$ i fd?t i i mw i>a. k * > h'l HllT HIN I b VIlLL,Capt Mulfoid, will ? 7*otrtiv^lj no a i m, he. r guiar day. Having apltarlm a umaodatiOM for cabin,second tabin and w erage paav ngere, Ihoee w.thing 10 tecuie twi.oa thould not leil kn male eariy t,,pli< ? - n , h ard. of to w k j T TAPPCOTT, ' ?? Pv? e blip ei r South at. i 4 mekican land and "loan otfick?wiiii?m , L. aimrr* having above thirty yetn evpertegee in the nanagament of Reel Estate, and poas*asiBf a large landed pro| *erty hi mat* If. at <> feeling great confidence from the liberal ^ r^nage he hat heretofore enjoyed, respectfully solicit* the i tteotion i f the public m the *i*oial advantage* of the Am-i? m? i,.?! I *iid Loan (>ffi< it No. h W til ' ret, iu the 1 ,l> * Yorli, for'he purchase, sale or eichmige of Hoaaes id L-ts. Fantrsaad BBCBltiva'ed Lands either it pnvsts 01 d littiof of Howti, bwwi ihs.ui . i?,r col'fctinK tlf ! 'its .okI lot faking the t'f'ti I V aud Ml pen ( IL || [?u . ilso I of u.e lopeimKMdai cr of electing sod repairing Budding*. . I'- psoas haying propert. r<> sell, ei? hang* or I-:, vsui nnd u , i thai tnM 0 M | Hheriu the city, h?th in p nil of economy end deft|?aiCt?. *il i r| . m *ill .i .. ,-n-. d. he ad ' :i'< 'i i.i twooi gtovdol the got! widsij oifGttwkfd jotuwala, ; <1 ? \honorabli esartiou made t?? duposo ol the uim, dhoti Id tAt pTOM Ity not Dt? told at private sale, it Will, il de: tired, he offt red jr public auctn U, thus giving to owu?r? of like proix'riy douhle dkaiitagr. H? v\. 11 Uao itteodto effecting Insu ance ou property, obtluiqg and l^mt oi fgnggy ou boud and mortgage, or other lecgriaea, tasmg apectal COI to receive ample security fur gooi loaned; and to bare ml- s to property riaminerl hy gen':lernen of the l*?iral nrnf. irm nf - > ihl..k^.l - / ' curacy. j Holders of vacant gTOurd lhat requires improving, a*ill find it | . greatly to their *d\*iitage to apply to him, as hit knowledge of , the km-J of buildimts which are most productive for t?e different localities, it of the greatest im|>ort vii? t-: and hi* long ac|.i"aintance ^Jitn the building of houses will enable hiui to get ihem elected ou die inoat rea-ouablt lerina at a fai leas expeust than ta usual. He will alio u?Ue charge cf real estate intended for pub'ic Me*, as his Unowlelge from iiparitDtc in MtOngttp s<tles, * ill be o| great value to th?se intending U) dig|?oac of then * property, he will prepare the advertisements, ace mat tney are I prop* ilv distributed and superintended, and direct the sale;and IttlH he iouud to be .1 gml *a\ ing from the feet that prop; ?ty lor the last three or four years has beeu frequently aacnficed fiom the want of pro|*r attention and skillful management. Individuals or c m panics that require an agent to take charge of th. ir real estate, tniy depend on having it faithfully and economically mm ged?and all moneys ieceive-1, promptly paid over. Persons w ishing to lure or pmt hase propertv , ot invest money, can most geuerafry be accommodated free of expeuse?-Niuu imtsou* residing at a distance desirous to sell or purchase real istate by seudiu a description of the property, will receive immediate attention. All I* ftera for the purchase, sale or exchange of real estate, or for the loaning or putting out of money, must be directed to WILLIAM L. American Laud and Loan office. No. 14 Wall street, New V01 k,.iud the postage invanably paid N B. Contracts and other papers prepared at this office. ? I !?*? ? ? MfcDl^ATED V 4 !' Mi BA i Hd, 2? Com1 Unui stiec , established 18 6 ?8ca?l f 'ever, colds, inflammatory and mruuic meummiftui,?c curt ?l in a Tew day? by the u?u 01 J. P. Carr? ll*? Mrd ctieif Vrpor Buhn. j Open from 6 o c'ock m the moniin* till nine o'clock at night Sulphur Bitiha iiquir* one hour'* previous notice. Portah e b* h ??m to noy parf. oi the city or Brooklyn. Ba'hi* k tub* ami hip h?th? f ?r tore. j2V |v?f MEDICAL NOTICE DR HOMER BO^TWICK. Prufea*or of Surgery and Surgeou/o the Nc# York vI?m1*caI mid Surreal Imri'ufr, pays particular at tut ion to the treatment ol diseases of the he %rt and lu in. a, dyspepsia, pile* diseases ot' the rectum ami all iemale coinplaii ta. The gr at mc vn that has attended his mode of trea iuc tho*e paiulul oid so frequently fatal diseases, has brought oatu nU from the moat remote p?r*?of ihe country to place themselves under his caic, and out of 23' patieuta that c me from a distance, ml: hu' five retained to their homes p?f l'ectly cured, aud those five were incnrthl* HOMER BOSTW1CK, M. D. No. 75 Chamhera street, jvl8'mi?*m Second house west of Broadway. GOU HAUL'S POUDRE SUBTILE, FOR COMPLETELY AM) PERMANENTLY ERADICATING SUPERFLUOUS HAIR. 'T'HE nnivrrsil |?>t'ula n> ol IHis jus Iy celebrated Chemical I Preparation fur lli< destruction of the strongest and t< ugliest Hair, fmin the soft down on lem lies upper lip and arini to the stubborn beard of w n, nerd. not ,< word of corcniei t in its I'rai.e. It is suf'cit nt to a .y that it i. 'o be found in ihi* city only at the old and original office 61 Waiker at, one door from Broadway?$1 per bottle. Beware of deleterious imitations. Where also mai be had OOUHAUD*S EAU DE BEAUTE. unrivalled for rstermin ling Tan, Pimples, Blotches, Hallow neat, Stores, and all enran-oua eigplious, ana elicit-ug a healthy javenile bloom. V per bottle. Gouraod's Vegeuole Liquid Rouge,?a anperb article, and the only oue in use. Ml cruta [a r bottle. Gouraud'a Blanc D'E.pagne, an eicrllent preparation for imiartina a pare, life like whiteness to the complexion, free from the iujU'ious properties generally entering iuIocombination for thi. purpose. Put ui> in eli gaul boxes al 26 centa each. Aarsii.-Ntw York?Albany, Guthrie, 4 Maidru Lane; Poughkt epsie, J .'ed Gray; Utica, Wade, druggist; Hamilton, M. Co. Gregg St Grants; Louisville, Louis Co.; W. A. Cha.e; Goshen, Elliott. C< on., Myers, Chapel st, New Haeen; W. j Kau'kner, Norwich; Well. St Humphreys, H .rifod; Charl Dyer, J ., Providence; Thoinas, New|<irt; CI wes, hairdresser, Spriugileld; Greene St Co., Wore, ster; Burt, Li'lle Kails; Coggeshall, South Second at, New Bedford; Jordan, 2 Milk street, Boston; Lowell. Carle'ou ll Co.; Salem, lve>; New bury port. Hodge; Portsmouth, Prest n; I'o Hand, Paiker, I-schan.e st; B.iugor, Guild; Hallow, II. Scamuioa. New Jersey ? Newark, I'rippe; P.nceton, Dr. Peabrook. Pa., Plnla , 16 I heanut atree,, Laue ister. Heiuilr.h, druvgiai; HarniburghHobiusou periouical agent; P tubu-gh, Tu'lle; Cincinnati, Thomas it Co., Main street; Va , Ricnmoud, Mrs Krayter; D. C. Washington, Seihy Parker; Alezaudria. C. C. Berry; Md., Baliimoie S. S II a net, 4ti. itc Applications lor agent ries must be post paid (none other- are taken from the po.l-oifict) and acc nnpauied with a N relerence, unescep tiouable. Wi hiuI few ysaisOut remaikuble and useful Che inical invention lor completely eradicating vuperlluous hair, hat attain d the hi-he-t pilch of celebrity and consequently escited the cupidity oi a nest of base counterfeiters, wh at tempt to snatch f'om tht inventor the jusi recompeus for h't labor Pun haters shou'il then foe be on then guard aud a> r that every bo tie of tin I'oudre Subtile is square, aud K Eelis I jniir ud, I'oud c Subtile, IM. V., cast iu each bottle, end (he Uncioi'i fac simile engia>ed on the outside wrap|ier. Directions, French auil English, accompany each hotile. Ilemembrr llie only office in N. Y. for the above celebrated Costnel c, 11 67 Watkrr atrrel,one door from Broadway, ir. I 'or no rTcli PPOPOSM.S Will be rec'ived at the Purchasing Office, Q arr> r M isfer s D | anno u,-iti P!iiia?telphi-<ti? fur Mali the | following material-and arjcles for the United States Aimy for the year 1813 via ? HUy blue twilled C| itli,(4 wide. Bleached Cotton Storting. "-8 wide. Unbleached do 7-8 wide. Uubieached Cotton Dulling, 7-8 wide. Kl .noel f Cot on and Wool, 7 8 wide. Canton Flannel, i-l wide. Uniform Caps lor Dragoons, Aililtery and Infantry. Pompnou* I r Artillery. Shoulder Str?p., b ass, for Dragoons. Blanket* 6 1-2 feet long. 3 wide, weight 4 lbs. H >r*e Blanker*. bine, i feel long, J 1-2 wide, weight 4 lbs. Drams com lele Artillery and Inlaotry. Meial Cjji fc^uu meets lor Dragoons, Artillery and Infantry Hatchets. w orsied Binding and C>rd of all kinda. The quantity and number of three articles will be determined herea ter Ca.k* 'or one year from Anil neit. The whole are io be of domestic manufactured materials Patrerns of all the reqnird woollen and cotton cloths anl articles are deposited in the Purcha-nug Ofli e in thi? city for esamiualion. S mploafauy of the w o illeu aid otton c'oths wo! be sent to any inluufacturer, on apt licatinu to tins offtre, I by uiail, and su?h iqloimitiou given as may be desired. Ou the samples and i atterus eahihited, the coinr.ecta will be louu ed and inspections m-de, and no article will be received that is inferior in the materials or workmauihip to, or that does nor correspond in every respect with the pattern on whicha coutract is loiin.led. The supplies are to be delivered atth- United States Arsenal near Phila elphia, lor i. sp Ciioil, Iu tquvl monthly portions, i d the coulracta are to be filled on or belore the la day of Augual. 18t3. The piopotalt muat be iu writing sealed, and endorsed "Proposals, ' ?u't inuat retch l^e offi e - f the Assi tan' Qiarter Master General on or before in- Oth day of February, 1V13 Security will b-riquirtd for the fulfilment of Coulracta. Purchasing Office. Qr. .Vtr'a Dept i Pj.ilail ,2 'th J or ISO. S j2ieod 20Fr 1b I Hh VVUKLU only kuew hall the desperate cssea ol true real diaeaae, cured by the physician at the Hunterian Dispell sary, 3 Division street, wi h the far famed and lustlv celebrated Hunter's Ked Drop, there would not be any olhrr remedy used tins medicine has proved itself twelve yrars ago to be the only tare arid harmless cure on earth; those afflicted are reg| ?cfully tin itcd to call and riam ne the many privatr rooms and read hundreds ol certificates of persons who have been cured hv tins medicine aftei all else have failed. Price f I, warranted mall MM. PcfCOMS m AlwllTiBodwHf,Ittd Bifllo, VY. Bontoi , Maw and Charleston, S.C., in vran' of this medicine, can obtain i( tft'iiuiue, by remitting $ I, with a description of the case In n other ma uer can they be tare of celling the true article. dlftlw'm IMPORTANT TO MERCHANTS AND CLERK3. RRISTOW'S WRITING, BOOK-K EEPING AND SHORT-HAND ACADEMY, No. Ml Broadway, near Pork Place, continues o|>eu Day and Eveuiug, lor Gentle?lr Of all ages. GREAT REDUCTION, FROM TWELVE TO SIX DOLLARS'. Mr BHI^TOW, of L >ndon, guarantees m reform any W BITING, however hod, illegible, or cramped, into o bcantiml, free, ei|>editi?as and fun,hid .Mercantile Snle. o? adapted to all the pursuits of lif* and business. In TWELVE easy LESSONS?(or only Six Dollar! Academy .V? 245 Broadway, near Park Place. Th- LADlE I ore laught on elrg?ut, graceful ond laohionatile Running Hand ' ilirv assemble daily et II o'clock. T?1 visitors id New York con take a onr-e in Three Doyx'. Mr. B. li to be xeen from 9 to 1 A M., or from 4 to r. M. 1 ^ \ h n c i (? i STENOGRAPHY. Or the amnsin* art of Short Hand Writing, taught by Mr. Briatow in twelve leiiom, for taking down Srin.ns, Lectures, Trials, &tr. he a, fast as any |>rroou con ?|ieok. .N. B ?A work of the author n p'eienird to every pupil. FOR SALE, at the Academy, up stairs, a " Guide to ibort-H nd." jy 13 lm*r ' I'O LAND OWNEKS? Wauled to purcha e lor the pur? (Hixe of forming a settli rnetit lor a number of families now preparing in move to the rnunrry, a quantify of land, tay 'rom I0< 0 to 2000 aciei?it mutt be of good quality,in a ih rlecily h-allocation and r outnuinu to a navigable rivi r, railroad or canal, a ddreai, (e.vt paid, stating quantity ol land, loweat pi ice. |irog imiiy to Calho ie and other churches achoola he. anil lull particulars t>> " Agrrcultore," at ihc olfice of the Irtih Emigrant Society, 62 Gold ft NB?Any reat-ertable person'withing to join the above soctctv may apply ai above. jia tt*r /">ITY liOTsL, NEW > ORK ?The ?uh<rriber has again vy uk< u the above hoOM .which hai been >e fitter) and furnished in innerinr sty |e, atirt will be opened ou the it of February next. Tn? whole egreri'r and interior have been painted throughout. The ladle.' apartments are materially improved, by widening the staira and p.s>>ge?t inirr'iug closets, having ihr hells w armed by rnruaces, and the assembl v rdo m C'D'Sr led lu'o several suns of rutins I r tsinilies, and a spacious ladies' diuu g room. The puMp d uing room is girally on,ore red, by a domedisi.ui d to iu rc<&?e IikId <tud vcuiildtMii, hi.d iflm DCS IM tltrfllicMi M miv Ol the walls and criiitifca haft been nurwed, and ihe Cr ion wuer n iut nduced ou every flo.r of tbe * iMD1 ishroent. Ih* house will br* mnplv, provided w iih pvr. y r*<ju sue, ihe business will be conducted iu he ino?t lih? r <1 manner, &ud the sub enber. Mud sVjr. Wi>* lard, who will be -asociaieiJ wuh him, n ?p? c fiully solicit lue p* roua?e of ihcirold fneuds aud tht publi . CHfcSifcK JKN1?U8. New Yorb, J ?n. 1X1 j 9 Iwrrr D fcA U 1 ll> VJ Z TH A*D AC fe.J& J IKIAI tt-l'H wh ir* wold cauuot produce a better pre pa ration for c'e*uiuk tiie teeth, ke? \m k the in Iro ii ai hniK aud decay, h r it n (i.e lj"m' Al.d line Ihe breath- than hlir-rmais'B (Iriia Tooln raa'e. I MMlJTMlicet lM Mici< ! 4iMlliM to ihe tubiic. It i* u??d nud ref, mmeudid by the firat lamilita iu Amt-iiea, and hat rrceiitly btru introduced lutn ife 'arn lira ')! ? * trial ol ihe ily in Luciano ;,nd V r-rne Dr. Cattle tfl B'way. one ol 11ui tii m i?u , L)r. Klliott the oculiat , I hfi H'lu B B Bean'airv, On. W iiicl.ea rr of ll.e New World, and nt t y m ty I hy?n ran and d. nnat m rbia ily ,n?e? and n cnnimt nda Mhrrman'a O'ria Tooth I'nate at the Oral of all jireearaliona for ihe it r;h. Ur. H i imtiu wartOu uae la a' lie, Nona trreit. Aamlt, 110. 273 and ?:, ) Br .-dvt .y IB* Bi,?ir); lr" Hndanti >l"tt. '' haat Bmadway: W, William ?trtrt; IV Anh r Hunt i 139 h u I U>n street, H o, k ,y i , ft at ttt aueet, Boatou; 4 B'eowii Hill Alnauy , 12 Weimiiiateral. fniv dew e, 3 I.idytr Buildinva, I'lnUdi l|hia. anil 117 Main ?rtet 1.1 __ jyi-W I u I II lb LOVtKIS Ol SLIMtlUK BL. At. K I (.A- ' I Hnw.jna'a Vlntuu -Ti n rtiinurl) a?lici?aa and ungual lelrd 1 ?a au nighty crltntaltd in Cli ua and turn,... ,u.i tin lairtn!. >a na loi eal? at tba t a.itnu I'ea Coiit|i* ? i Oeut rai la* fc.lailiatinn ut, 121 Lkl'iniait N?w Voth?in Chiuea. piakuia I nM h caul* and $| Jll lia't \TKwBt'HYI'0H7 Jiuii~75olaa wintad for ahorl him? I' Drafjen Pfciladalnhia and ?0*jjaA'"J t d,,t It. Wail ai and 1* Broadway. a TO LET?Thf preiniara (ormrrly occupied by rha l?tc Jimri Dobbin, Kao betwneo the 4th ami 4th ?*#nura rxteudiog from ?1 to J4ih atrrai. committing of a <i<actona aud convent--nt dwrlline, Willi atablv and auttab'e o'lhoaira ailachrd. with a large xarUeo in perfect order, well iillrd with carry variety of fruit, and an aheuaancc ol alirubbery?ih* tituatin i thr moat rigbliv on the talaud, commiLiiiiiu II < IlriiMVc view of lb- arrouiidiui c uutry.aud the only UOotei looking the receiving leacrvolr-?being a di-i'*ble ' truer for a private 'amilv t or would t>- let .o a car* I'ul maul Ira public livtiac. bnu>; aoout S t.nnuiea' walk froa (br i- a.l road. A lao, about five aerra o! paaluro land adioiiu g the ?! >" U' ooi.ofo"* " W VL k'NTWI ON^' j , 17 2w*r No. 20 Ch<mber? a trett a OKOfKBY AND FFKD STcTlfE^TO LET?At ? har^ai -A two st -ry frame hotue in the v.Have of MinliitU * lie, corner ol ManhaUiD *t. loottt 7 mil s !ioin ihit city* Them ere connected with the hoove ?hrre loii ol ground with a v*-ry large ahed, hay loft and at ble, our of the beat atanla oh (hit ml tud, and ha* hern occa.ued tor a gro. ctr| and feed store for man? reara. Tut atafiea leave the vil I ge e\ery hour, nud sloop* can dtsrhanfe ileir ca^oev within two hnodrvd yards of iIm hoaat, whott there it a tmedocu Ai*|dy to Johu McAuhur, Dry UooOa Htore, neit adjoining ihr pi* in lira, or to Sauii Osgood, at the County Cicrk'a office, 20 ( u\ Hall* _ j2i <t*l KOu SO.K CHEAP?Tw ) fine building* aituated I W >m in a flout ikhinu *i d healthy tiPagriu N. Je aev, auilfcH able formr-rcantilt botiutiior residence, will l>? told for cash and sion goods* Alto, t Farm ol IH act#*, aood and, v\ tk thfte dwtlltag ? aasa,hary fitc. airuat?d near Plainftold, N'. J. fo $J6 ptr ten > OM of to acres gi>od land, a? $2< |?ri aero, Also, Mull, a ? 30 InMt fauna, cWttp. lo au i bit times. Alto, aloifhwuara, tannema, mills, pubnc houses, fitc Please call on 8. VALK, 41 t'oitlaudt street, el try 8aiu*di> from in to 2, or oth i day s at 171 Washlugton aired, where further narf cula a *ill he.iven il^ lm*r agt WA.MfciJ TU PL KLriA.*?k-?A couiurs reuuuuu ^ mil*. ?>i v.? k r? *... |Li& acrool land,near Lour Isl-uid Hound, preferred. Ad!rc?? with full particulars, boi7, jut Office, Pou. hkeepsis, N V. nil HAVANA ?Mm. West's Roaidii'g lmu?e has been entirely refilled -ml |ir- p?r d for t^e reception oft ovrHprn The inru'iou <0 hi? house, No I Calle San Pedro mfrmat dt I a Maihina is dec d,dly sup- i r 10 *uy other p ev-uusly esiab im, d i.i 'his city. I( i? tlir city Upon the 13 y, at iliirriiiiu mo i of ine Commercial wharf aud adjoining (lie ? earn boat landing, cnmmai-mi g in elten-ive and neautifui Tit-w o| 'he entire li.nbor, woh the adja-ml country, town, and vi'lages. and possessing the idrtD'ue of a much fresher and pU'er air than 'he intn or -tree's of the city, although I" is within ihr u-u-ii busim?< limi ?. The in jnnty of the apa tmetitsare unii ually lolly, ?| a' i u < and airy, and it may he c ufidrmly sVttcu thai no place in this par of ihr Island ofle ? gie-ler advautag-> to the traveller or invalid for a wmier residence. The prop ietor* agtin caul inn stranger! de tilled to Havana, to hiinv ?i h them a pi?-port, sigm d or v.-nfi. rl by a Spoiun Consu , ?h ch n| on arrival is taken hv th<- Boarding t ffi e , aud inconformi<\ wnh wh ch a permit :o ds mha.k with luggive, he hit Mi h> pniru ed try Minn resident f ti e place Th I'lol, oi ihi Hon e w ill aiieiid 11 tliia f < m city, which is . igtdly rt f ne' h the (J iietnmeut. and pasa-tig-is ilv-siInus I a lut to Mu West's, hv *eti 'tllg t' ett imiiits up to the H-use v?i| lie re lend imm-'lately. 'f In y an adviae tiy a previous vets- of t e.r in eutmu io rnv'sili, i>- inns c-n he procuird in aiitic:pat|on, whicn <n the eveut of their striving late in 'he day, w ill obviat a de lent ion of from 2 to 24 boms on board. Trevellers may leave directions at home to have the r letters adilirs-1 d to the c.ire , f Mr. C. S West, (sking eare to have hi? name distinctly wrirtrD. as veiy ft- quen' n istakea are made with roie<gu names at the Havana (mat office) ?h ch will ensure th ir rsrlieai delivery th.ough hit bo*, and tneir safe keeping in ca(e of sb ence. American and Knglith coin tece'ved in payment, aud letters of c ' ill for moderate am uuta urgoiiatrd oi leceived jyIT lawtw* El VIOKKI !>0 N. NOK'IH KIVF.H DI8PF.NSARY.204K Fulton street ueai (Jreenwicn.?Dr. Morrison, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, aud formerly Surgeon in the British Nsl vy, continues to be cousulted daily ou ill disease- Ol? delicate nature, and all those distressing symptoms consequent op injudicious treatment, and the imprudent use ? (quack medicines Dr. M. has had an eiperieuce of twenty t wo yeais it- treating delicate diseases in all their various antic implicated lorma, aud sses a mild, safe and iufallible substitute lor mercury, eradicating the veuereal virus with certainty, w ithout subjecting the patieut to any risk or restricting him in I isusual diets or pur suits while his medicines are agreeahli-id taste and smell Per maiient obstructions in the urethra, inch as strictnres aud enlarsementof the prostate gland, accrmoanied with much ini tarioD and dull pain about these parts, are some of the conse quenceaol Dial-treatment. Dr jvj. treats strictures in a scien uftc manner, promoting absorption of the thickened circulai membraur without any pain. CONSTITUTIONAL DEBILITY.?'Thousand!of yonng men are anftering trom die consequences of indulgence in a se eret destructive habil.aiid whose nervti are further injured from the use of d pretended specifics, which stimulati only to induce greater depression. Dr. M treats such cases oi. purely pathological principles, and never fails in establishing a core?the strictest honor and confidence are observed. Letters post paid, and coutaininga suitable fee, will ensuie (be correspondent full advice, and medicine to anv part of the Union, by his giving a historv of his casein detail. *14)4 Futon street near Ureenwich j 2i'm*' PPPn-Thf Kaw York Hie. r ..I l-li .-J r S. nth street-, offers f-r sale, at the ettra low price 01 12>? dollais per ton. Rice Meal equal to Indiau for hogs, cow*, hor-es or poultry. Also, head, pr'ine, bioken and ground rice .and South Caro* lina com grilts or houimony ou lernia to au<c me >im a. A, ply as above. THOMAS BEILBV, jilt Iw'rr Agent. NEW CHEAP CASH TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. 62 JOHN STREET. NEAR WILLIAM. tyHE >ub?c iber reapectiully nnnoucra to hi lii-nda and the * public arnei'llv. that he las opeued au establishment uu the Cheap! ash Sytem. w'-eie gentlemen will -tlwaya find a new a d f'?h ouable aa orltrieni of Clotha, l'?s<iin.res and V.Mi gs, which rv.ll be mad- up 10 ordir in a aiyle of fit and workman-.* tp lint aun aaaed by nuy other eatabluhuirnt in the city a! the following InW irieilk* Eilie Diriaoi Krock C ata. any color, from $M to $18 "uperfiue do do do 18 to 21 riniaol Wool ill *ck or Eancy I .aatiinrrea 5 to 9 V**UofSalio, Silk, V IraUl, Velvet, Jcc. 3 to 6 Gentlemen fur in.ling iheir own> can have them mide and ininined at the luwral poaaib e prices for cv h. | jv2<ec JAMES LA' Y. WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. OTRIKER'S'in .ii lor the nan, which will grey s I air in ita original coloi in a few mmutaa "1 hia aolution i* d.ff. rent from auy yet oflrrtd and Cannot fail of ?uperaiding all othrra. Itislughlc ?tTn- ci 'us, and pos?etaea the great an<aiitage ol be u ifyiuy the Pair, with* at injuiiug its growth. Thoae who douht lia virtues aie rt qnesced to hare their hair chauged hef'ere pas lug ihnr money. II humbugs would take III a metli id there wuu d be no ret on to Complain. Due 11 111 wil prose ,he fact hold wholesale aud retail md ayplud, at No. 1 Chatham at, oppoaite thr Htilol Records New Vork, up alaira. J V 21 im'ec ENGLISH SCHOOL. HAVANA ISLAND OF CUBA. CHARLES DUNNE W A I ERLAND, PRINCIPAL. THIS Academy was established two years agu, under ihe panouwc ol Hie lormer luteodeui Oeueral <>< inn island, and other oisliucn is'ied tiidivionala ol the nobilitv tad mrrrhnbii ol tntscitv. Ill nncduced on the plan of the Oemau 'gxmuasia;" and the melooe tuition it the "interrogative." All ih* trhoUrt iiuder>taud tin Kutlish language, and mauy of them HMh it hthitually Uld rtiiently The Principal haa the experience of achoolt in Franca, Germany, England, aud the United States. Hit chief aim it to give the youth eulruitril to hit care a practice knowledge ol thote brauchesofa poll a education, which are required in all active careert, and are applicable to any. The conrar of atudy, the-efore, comprehends the English, French. Cierman and Spanish languages; History,Geogrix phiet. Natural Philosophy, the practical part of Mathematics, and Drawiuasof various kinds. Professors of divers nations and acquirements reside id the establishment; and all the classes receive, in rotation, instruction from the director. Such tiitusl success has attended this plan of tuition, that several of the pupils, uuder te elve years ol aces, write and speak two foreign languages, id a perfectly intelligible manner, and those of riper years, correctly aud easily. The acquisition, nor only ol the Spanish, but also of othei languages, is thus placed wilhin the reach of the youth of the United Slates, without its being neceaeary fot the m to relinquish the many advantages winch accrue from anEuglish education. The object of the Prtnci|ial in desiring to receive youths from the United Slates, is to facilitate the acquirement ol ihe English acreni for his Spanish pupils, which service would be doubly repaid (hem by by the latter, aud to introduce bee the manly spirit of the English schools. The young, citizeus of the United Steles can nave nothing to fear Irom the climate, the house being spacious and airy, situated id a healihful Spo , at a shoit dis-ance from the -ity; and coui-uning wilhin its limits, a fine bath aud complete gymnasium for tne preservation ol the pupils' health. Two voulbs, lately arrived from (senna uy, have passed the summer in the school in perlect health. As the priuri|>al is a married man, and his wile and sister hare b?' vt of the jumordepairmenl ; children are received at any a'teat of infancy, h very pupi'l enjoys hit religious opinions undisturbed. 1 ne terms are taOO per annum, payable three months in advante There are no extras escept clothes aud books References?MESSRS. CHAS. DRAKE It BROTHERS. ALEXANDEu MORALES, ESQ., nil Havana -T'O THE LADIES.?M. LA HUE It SISTER taae leave 1 to inform th ii friends and the public, that they continue their Uutl Eaiaolithineul, 162 I anal street, corner of Vanck.? They also embrace this opportunity to return their sincere thanks for the liberal support ihey reccivad during their leu year's residence iu that street ; alto the pleasure thry feel at the satisfaction their Iro ndsand customers have unr ersal y express. d at the quality aud t isle of iheir goods; at much lauoi and great ei|<euse ihev have diaroveied a me hod of dressing the nair Which imparts to ll a be .utilnl rich lu.tre and durability that will ch dense compe'itio , n> means the curl wi'l laal for one year, and ?re coufuleut Dial uo pains shall be t|>ared to desipve iheir luiure patronage. Their stock it laite and splendid consisting of fine and other Curls, oratdt, Frizeltet, wire' urls, Hiugl-it. Head Dresses, ami net Caps, shell ami other Comua, with other articles appertaining to the bttsiuest. Old Curls dressed in the first style for 2J cents, made to look like new. M LA HUE * SIHI EK, d3Q Im'r 162 Canal street, roiner of Vanck BEEF, PORK. AND MUTTON, at the store comer-of West and Warren-atreets.? Familtea, Shopkeepers, and Orocera, who wish to purch.tsr ihr shove articles by the guar irr. are reijuesreu 10 rail at ine above place, wheie they will find a fresh supply r?ery morning of a sti|>erior unality, and at prices suited to the time*. A? economy the older of the day, purchasers will liud it to their lotereal to call aa above. I>. -<inh?r, 1812. d3l lni*r J BROWN, No. lot Chatham atreat, haa for aale? He nana Cotton Slide Oar B-d Lace Ti.imblea lera Qu.lity Binding Ta|*t Needlea bodkins I'ory t'orrha Elasti' Outers Hlce Itibbona Bone E.ehts Pearl Bu tons O.lloons Pack I ma L?iri|i W cka Horn Combs Hnool Co'ton Boot Coid Eyelet Mar h inns We mug Coid homing Cotton K.etirn Working Black Sila C rd Co it C oda Collon nkein Mewiug BilkCorset l.acera Hheari Suspeijdeit Boot L Cera Thread Biaida Bone Bn'lonf hewing Silk I'onnd Pins Knitting Plus Bobbii.s Hookia d Evil Button Moulds Co'lon Bill* Htay Bindings U aWiika Whalebone Black P.nt Hide Combs Worsted Binding Keirns Hair Pins Btilletoa Vleun.'Eyeleta Won leu Pocket Bn tmi K'lisi C mi* j 21 l in gc F'llK SA I.V ? A lol ol Stale ' inula, in intr naic value will be cschangeii for goods. AdJreaa J V. C., at ih.a olhi e. jy2 H ?r LONDl>N AND .dlANCHESTKR INDIA HUHBKK GOODS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, No. I Wall atreat. Th auhacribei haa received and offer* foi aale a large asaon inent ol uniairied India Kubhel Watei Proof floods, ?I7.: Coats and Capes, of auiwrioi Lama, Cashn.ere Lama, Peraian Merino and f imon, of all color* and aii.ei. Cloth?India Kohber, Water Proof, super Lama, Lama Pel ian and Cnttou, ore in-red for t ilors. India Rubber Webbtug* for suaioiidrrf, eoraeta, fce. | *38 sm'r CHAS ABRAHAMSON Liverpool coal ? 17(1 (Jh*l.iroin [mi Orrvl CoaI id i yard. for tale in luU lo bu it |iurch<uc 9i, liy I ivlt . J'lhN HEHDVdN . AL I ? 27gg*.iCka Aalitwn's Hill, factory tilled now landing Iroin shin Bheridan, aod for salt try iw, , k M l l ill fvn fi prt * Sa.ilh <1 'I' WIN E a?tug bale* nridyort mauui ctory, comprising ? 1 te rasoitmeol of tieine, Herring and (Jill Ne l ame, iMini y>t to * lb 'I'he aboe. are all of r< ftn import <u< u, and araat care ha* been taken lu ihe telec n .u ol the material and ,B Hit uuu.ulac"ur*. k or sale in Iota t. salt imrehaaera, by ELI WD K l.f)LLIN? k CO. dl4 r M Sonth street WSsSHB,tf? j ^ Wall straat and 1W Broadway, pOAL ! COAL! COAL!?The ufax-.nfcer having taken ilie yard lounwti! comer of King end Greenwich (treat, iinow receiving afall (apply of Schuylkill end Peeeh Orchard ~~ Coal, (elected Iron the heel veiaa, which he offer* at the fol- ( ' wing reducedpncea, via >? u Krom the yard, ffnt quality, broken and (creeiied.SS.M per ton r - " Km tine. " 5.J0 " " ? Store, ? i.ti " V " " Nut, " J,0# " ' Delivered free of cartage. dl2 3m*er POWSKY 'PO KAA1ILIKS iMMNO SOUTH, to the Weil liutie? 01 ,, a Kurope.?A re(|?ect*ble female, 24 yeari of age, w.*he* n t| I bt.viu i pertnauiMi (itnation a* (eaintlre**, iu a geuleel latntly Hlie would prefergniug to Kuroiw, vet would accept ol goo. offer to go South ot to the Weit Intlie*. The beet o! relet . uceieiveu Addreet A. A. A. boa 164. upper Poet office, N . Vork. ^ r|. \T7XkHKS LOWtH THAN EVER. ? 111 eousetjueiice I -y * * of the reducriou of duties by the late tariff, the subscribe" ? n selling In* stork of Gold and Silvet Lever*, Anchor Kt- < rapement Lepne, and other W a tehee, ol or* and tpleudid patterns, and Jewelry, at re toil, at a considerable redu. tiou >! from former prices, being much lower than they can be bought "j lor at any other place in the city. Gold Watches at low aa 21' u to 25 dollars each. Watches and Jewelry exchanged or bought ai All Watches warranted to keep good time or the money re (< arned. Watches and Clocks repaired in the best manner and ' warranted,at much lets lhau the usual prices. G. C. ALLEN, Importer of Witches and Jewelry, d27 Inn* Whnlrtale and Hetail. M Wall St.. optuirs. VI A K TIN'S C A S H T AI LORINfi I 8TABLISHMENT. 164 >r iUimm Street, Corner of Jinn Street, (8 decidedly the cheajwtt in the city There it always ?t l hand a tel < itlock of seasonable goods, purchased for cash which will b.: made np to order in the style of make, fit, trim < ining, ke., th . hat given such general taosfaciioa daring thr " last four yoat i.auu at a positive si, v log ot W nor cunt. ' Geullc'iirti are requested to call and examine. Those wh< I' famish th'ein wu goods, can have tnent MADE AND TRIMMED. * Dress C au, made and trimmed, $? 00 to tt M Frock Costs, do do 8 00 to 50 ' Pants and Vests, I 76 to J 00 Over Coats, 9 00 to 11 fO fj Termt?Cash on delivery. fl olbim MICHAEL K. MARTIN I - Bl JW'8 HIDING SCHOOL, 40| Bowery.?W. J \ PAV18.tMOW Europe) Professor. I Ev. uuie class for geutlemen will commtuce on Monday ? evening, 12th instant, and continue each Monday and Friday evening, during the season. Select par'ies of lailies aud gentlemen, can be aceommoda- f led with lu.tructinu on Tneaday and Thursday eveniuga ol n eacn wrrl. I , A Military class for the instruction of geutlrmen in military I ? horsemanship to commence on Wedursaay arming, Mill in- j r| taut, auil continue earh Wednesday eveuing during the sea J r; ton Gentlemen wishing to subscribe in either of the above t| classrs, will please call at hen earlieat convenience Daily [ instruction as usual, f>r ladies. from II A. M to 3 P.M.; I'm [ gentlemen, froui 8 to 10 A. M and 3H to OH P M. E vr H i rig ? school to commence ai 7 o'clock. o25 3o?*ft rj DLUMBE'S UAWUKRHIAN GALLERIES 25IH BTiTad v ? way, corner of Moray street, New York; 7aCourt and I 3 I Washington ?ire> l. Bunion; 173 Chraiml atreet (oni osite thv I Slate llouae) Philadelphia, and Broadway, Saiatoga Seringa. constituting (he oldes and m steateusive establishment ol the 'i kind in the world, and coulaiuing nearly a thouaaud pictures.? I Admittance free ? PLUM BE'S Patent Colored Phoiographa taken every day. i bv a proreaa confitieo eicluatvely to the above ealabliahmeut, and aecured bv letter* patent, dated Oct. 2tt, IS4L t lu nbe'a Patent Daguerreotype Apparatua and inatrnciona f?r the production of colot ad likenesses, and Plum he'a Patent t C'ectro Gilding Apt ar ltua, and instructions for gtluing and p plating metallic artic'eaof every deacri|itioo, aupplied to order Patent Oi'diuK and Silvering done to order in a atyle nevet _ efore aeen in New York. 'J Prompt attentiou to all poat paid letter*. d27 lm*r J MARTIN'S SELF PAYING TOBACCO REPOS1- , TORIES? By the adopt.ou of theae articlea, public hou-e c keepers are enabled to make a aaviug of thecont ot all the to- 'I bacco herelofoie given away with a p'otit of marly 50 per ceut d >i|Min the quantity aold, affording at the aame lime perfect *a- f tisfaction to the cousuiner. a The general approval and demand for hene artie'ea haa in- J duced the nnderaigued to make arraugrmeut* with Messrs I Day, Newel A Day manu>acturera, to supply public houae n kee.cra generally throughout the States, and also wiih John Anderson & Co., touacouiata, to supply them immediately ti with hta anperior line cut houey dew tobacc , iu penny papera k They are lustily ontamental. and are warranted to pay the J coat in one month. Ordtra left with Mr. Jenntaon, the agent, I will meet with prompt attention JOHN L. MARTI 1, 111 lm*r IM Bro'dwav BO vltUI.NO.- 1'be original Walton House, 38t> I'earl atreet , Franklin Square?kept by Jaa. howler, from London, Fug land, permanent boa'drra $2,50 per week, tranaient hoarders Jf . cents.per day Kamiliea can be accommodated with private ' rooma on reaaonable lerma. Wtnea and spirits, 3 ceuta pet P .{lass?home hrew'd ale 4 cents per piut?line Welsh rarebits 4 " cents each?cold cuti equally cheap. N. B. Hot coffee 3 ceuu per pint?stakes and muttoD chops can be had at all hours. _ J. F. particularly requests any oue who is iu want of a com fortable home to call and inspect his establishment, and indge lor themselves. Persons travelling lor England would ind it to their advantage to call. The houae beiug convenient to Loudon and Liverpool ships, J F. being appointea agent, hr can give naaaseugera every information. New York mil Old Country papers taken in. nSJm'r DL. FAK.\AM,849 Water street, New > ork, mantuac hirer of every species of Hydraulic aiqtaratus. Fire Engiuea, of every size, for cities, villages, factories, plantations, Ike. Gudeu Eueines, Fire Hooks, F'ire Buckets and Fire Cap*. Hemp Close, Leather Hose,of any size reqaired. Suciou Hose, Cut liug Screws, Ac. Lilt and Force I'umpa to lift and force water any distance, from 10 to boo gallons a minute. Wind Mills, Horse Powers, Water Wheels, Ac., for work- al tug pomps. Ship and Steamboat Pumps for filling boilers, Ac., to be used tj in vase of fire. fa Air Pumps for vacuum or condensation, of any required use. 0 Lead and Irou Pipe, Brats Cocka, Ac. Cat' Irou Fountains, of various figures and devices. N. B.?The pninpa ol my manufacture are double aefreu, of great strength, and very simple in their construction, being par si trcularly well ca culated for the Southern and West India ! no ' e^s d3l 3m*rc. Jj" CLOTHING, CJaOTHlNG. ? f MlKAP for C t?h at the Fa*h t liable Tailoiing Kstiblinh- f< metil 108 Brpkimn street. rvrry if* m- u'm ihe line m <!?- (j to ?der in rne most f?Nhi< nahle and suostintial OMiiuer of the finest materials. And at the fery lowest prices. The foilotviug 8t puces are stiictl/adhered to : (Overcoats of sui>erliue beaver, $30 style. * $16 to 22 11 Dress coats of the b? si West of iLudeAthj, It to 12 Pants, sup. fancy ami b'aek cashmeres, y 5 to 8 ? Vests, cashmere silk, satin, au l cloth, 2 y, t o 4H Coats m.ide amJ t'linincd. S7I? to 9 ; Pints tl>? to 2 ; Vr?u Cl I,Si in 2 One I'ok at the goods will (ire mure satisfaction tiiau the b**st description. ivl? I'"*' JOHN MOPFAT IMPORTANT TO THE PUBLIC " A LARlsE aasmtuient of Clothing, cloths casaiiuarss'. ??stllss. with a variety of linen nods, l. now se'liug off at f (re illy ledurnl price. wholesale p d irui', et HOi Canal street corner ot Hudson Overcoats, also dress ami frock c als, blue bl *ck, and invtsinl e sreeu c oih. c tssimt re, ssmuetl, inuls sy in paumlotii.s. A grrat variety of vests uf nil kinds, hrmrnilin w OA t.Snal street. jvIO Im * rrc ci U. S. CITY DESPATCH POST. 'A Pt 1ST OFFICE, New York, 2Jth July, 1842. (! HOURS of Delivery each day, (Sundays excepted) at the V U net and Lower PgM Offircs:? B Letters ncnoaited before n Hali aal 8 o'clock, AMI B U " " I hi ] " P \1 Will be sent oat for de- 8 At all the Stations before > livery at 9 A .VI, and 1 er 7 o clock, A M j and 4 o'eloek, P VI. si II " 8 " P M] hi Letters robe sent Free, must have "Free Stamp" affiled t?. them, otherwise three cents will be collected of the party to i't whom the letter is addresse 1. No money innst be enclosed in N inters unless rei istered at t ic irmcipal offices. Lists ol tin hi stations (at all of which "free stamps" may be purchased at N 82,40 per 100. and every information may bs obtained on application at the upper or lower post? tfices Stampa issued by the late CityDespatch Post will be received. It is inilistaMisablt j that the uuinber of the resideuce ahout 1 be stated id all letters sent throuith this Post. ' The Post Master solicits the earliest information should any 11 irregularities occur. JOHN LOKi.ME ? GRAHAM " aul8 Iv ee ""? e <p JEFFERSON INSURANCE COMPANY?No. 47 Wall al J street, comer of Hanover street. This Cuinptnv con tinues to tusure acaiiiat loss or damage by fire on buildings je goods, warei, or merchandise generally; also, ou vessels au J c< cargoes against lots oi damage by inland navigation, on as a favorable terms as any o her orace e: DIRECTORS. u. Thomas W Thorn* Elisha Higga Thomas T Woodruff Anson Baiter w Benjamin R Kubson Martin Huffman John H Davison Joseph Allen John H Lee Joseph Drake S Kiancit P Sage Runnel Undrrhill Thomson Price, James K Whititig Jf Moses Tucker John P Moure " John C Merritt Wui K Thorn *' Caleb C Tunis James E Hulmei " THOMAS W THORNE, President GEO. T. HOrF.. Secretary. t28 21 sw MStEr | OKOAR DIVAN, J04R Bruadwav.-JAS. R, DEL VEC V m CHIO (t CO, haveconitaatiy ou hand degan of the ehri- I. ceil brands *'* P La Normal. La Conslanrta, p ra'amo Regalia, Canonca, P C Isadora, Com|iauieros. M mar. Manilla Cheroots, li rymail Yara. Steamboat Principal, el De la Crux I'rincipei, Light Habana, ei Cigvritos, lie. n 8? go Cases, Snuff Botes, Matches, Romau Lights, Snuff, V Chewing Tobacco and tne Smyrniana Smoking Tobacco. The rxqiiiMte and iieruliar mild flavor of Una Tobacco, cannot fa. I to give great notoriety anviia smokers. The public are ir?,>eelttillv uform'd that all segait sold at this establishment are warraute > imported. A "hooking Room in the rear supplied with the American and English pajiere. J. R. D. V It Co. retnrn sincere thanks to their friends and the public ler the liberal ua-ronage esti tided towaids them. J JAMES R. DEL VECCHIO 8 n'4 9tswSm?. gorii IIT iiiiivmMn RM A H I I N It CO , 28 John street, up st ore, importers and putilishris I he following works, in point ol publication, are seldom iijual ed aud never snr|>ai?edj? Baithti's Amci iciu Scenery, in parts ur cotnple'e. " Canadian " " Find n's Tableaux of National Charactri, Beauty and CostVSiM Fii rlen's O llery of British Art. This work has no equal. Vo wa in Scotlanil, i- parts or complete. I.eland, B inis' Pire s, illu<tr<ted, in pans or comp'efe. Fletrhe.'. (J id to Family Reeo'ion, iu parts or complete. Pnilipi' Pilgrims Progress, <4 steel '* Views ou the D inuh , in par a. i no ii uir l. nil >11 ie<i w<?r? s superior merit A few ei^uxire eugmvimc* on h ud, suitable fo<* icr<*p?, at cants i er d z-n Vs tin- ear loose r gravities from the above aid other works, those who are col ectiug a scrap book will find ihi* an opport nity rt>a' seldom offers. A.mi* snpi'lird ou liber -I 'cimt jy20 Iwi*t MUSIC?Parlies ijh balls attended with music?S Simpsou otters to the citizens of New York and its vicinity, fashionable qn idiillet wait set, lie., rltftd by goad meieiaoe, from thre^ to sn in nomber, a- may n<? drsirtd. Old rs left at 2i K-ade s'rerr punctually ait tnird to. jvifl i2t*m IACkS? LACH.S?Tin cheapest ai.d k m til .wortineiit I -* of edgii>a? cap lace, at LKfcPlbKM, IP Grand st. * Call nd ?rr. jv 20 Itn* r 'I rake chance-for sale. v T^t stock and ftstutea oi * grocery store, siluited 183 Soo'h nr st The al'tiio is unrivalled for -.ituatiou f ?r snip s ores and it genera* busine-a The present occup nt wi?h n< to leave the h nusitirss, wo! , impose ot the nmeou reas rnable terms. Koi s luithtr par'irular-. nupim as n'-uvr l\2l6#r * Harnden's, ada ?|8', * po.vle roy's fcxpttlbss ?> ?prr.iin* in the titbit ui tending tn tin, city fm my irme- * jir, fur chr mic ilitoc, wiih ilii'ctinn, lor iht-ir u?e, are id- 0 formed thit th-v will heietlter |irnm|.(ly forwtide 1 by ?iihei of tin ,r linen, (crnrdm* <o direction*, fi?e of ?d) olhar eipeiue thaii itir .luantity 01 jeitil h. h. sherwood. m d new york' jtn. 10, im? jyll lin-r ' leeches! LEECHES ! ! LEECHES!! ! * AO (l?tge licellhy 8w.di?h ?nd herman li-rehe*, v -rci,. vjv/ jnti received per (hip 8lc|,h?ni, fiom hauibuig, and daily ri|ieciei|, (ti.ilni swedioi and onmin leechc, bark wuhinaion, '! iroin 11 lliliuig , loi (ale at mochfew piic > by u a h ii. witte, * v11 l.i?. hi willi .... . i.e.-. ..i i ...n.-, ( Spanish doubloons?knrmi, by __ o?#hj wm. a jno_o'brun. hwill a ^ dlouh-m bbl* wtierilnc llmi. landing itwa (hip dwu r . ot, liom ndw'otluu. for ml* by da *e *ni coljulmb s co- m snnih >1 *| MEDICAL. "\KRIB TOOTH WASH?Prepared from the orgmjfi re ' cipeatNo.l < told street, New Yrok?The Orru Toot) rash it partly t vegetable preparation, possessing the proper et o (cleaning the teeth end month restoring the gum* 10 " ralthy state, and preventing any unpleasant taste or odonr it. le month, whether amine from decayed teeth or from a de iaged ttare of the twniacn. It it detiirned to he died with a tooth broth, and will be found i tnpefsede the aeReuityc fa powder Ir.erine the teeth cleat id prereutuie the wearing away of the gums Tr 10 the teetl. ' '* ?**V?*'*r'* "> r*ses of tpuinrv gnuis, lettorinrt theii 1 a healthy state, and caotinu tliern to contract arouud thr elh In painful affection, of the teeth and irotnt, writing froi-i tposure to cold, it will be found highly beneficial. It 11 )<a< cularly serviceable to ate the Orrit Tooth Wath at night jut fore retiring to rest Tint method it recommended by em' nit dentists, at by to doing all particlet of food which aeeu tulate during the day are entirely removed, and the moat* ent through the nrgnt in 1 cleau, twr.t, and healthy state. Souud teeth and white teetn are tile most trainable |?rtion> I pour numauiiT; qui now many neglect the attention or rssary for their preservation, even when snvounded bv all th> lean* needed Among these we know of emir more pleaaan d effectual than the Orris Tooth Wish "it cleanses sdcJ whi ?n? the teeth, strengthens the it mils, dq fies the mouth, no* weetens the breath We recommend it uae to all, yonng an Id.?(Boston Morning Poet. The Orris Tooth w**h it the best detergent we ever wed o* nr enamel.?[ Boaton Transoriot. "o'*?'e hv the r>rine>r>*l in t' vvity ?< ? GUIDE TO SOUND TEfcTH a A DESlDEHATUM IN DKNTI8TKY. "~\R. A.C. CA?TLE, 297 Bmidwav, ha* a Paste for filling ile-? caved hollow teeth. ll can be pat into the moat tetidrr leelh rilhnmauy pain or inconvenience, and with which it nrcomn unacted into ONK haril anlid body,'has restoring an preacrvjg (hitherto nainlul and useless teeth) artificially sound, and erfect in ail their respective uae? for life? preventing IN ALL ' ASKS, the necessity of extraction. Ladies the most distinniahed in society, oiler their tratimonial* in the moat vivid mm, a* to i'a efficacy. The Kditor of the Evening Post, ay* " It it idmirably adapted for leuder teeth and ner oua persona, and Dr. Caatle operate* on the teeth wi'h great ara auil ability." 1 he New Yo'k Aurora, aaya " It. make* he'eeth in all respect* perfect for life." The Sun, say*:? Di. Caatle has ob ailied muck celebrity fo- hisexeellent mode f nlling the teeth." The most emmeut gentlemen of thi dedteal Kaculty, have personally tried and recommend 0' 'aatle'a Paate for filling the teeth. Tooth-ache Pilla, one ol thick put in the aching tooth, will effect a permanent enre. {From the Imirnal of Commerce 1 DELICATE AND SUCCESSFUL OPERATION.?Dr. i . C. Cattle has replaced by a moat ingenions piece of dental lechanism. the lost portions of the uppcand lower jaw bours. hot away in the case of Lieut S . of the U. 8. N., who let with tint terrible and severe casualty, while in pursuit or lr Indian, in Florida. We have MM letters fioin Lieut. S. onlirmatory of this extraordiuarv enre and iu entire aucceas hat the lost of these imiartant organs so skillfully replaced b\ )r Caatle it now no more a a mice of regret to the Lieutenant )r. C. insert* artificial teeth on the principle of adhesion by atansphcric pressure, which he first introduced to the notice of he public inI8?8. Dr A C. Castle refer* t? rh~ Spviish-Freticl nd English Ambassadors, Mr Stoughtou the Spanish Consul tear Admiral Waltou, Loid Morpeth, Ocu Mc'artv. Di F. /. iohuaou, Preside tof the Medical Society, 8. N. Y.; Mrs Jen (iainea, J. B. oerk, M. I). Dr. J. A. Smith, Dr. E Dels icld, Dr. Beadle, Dr. B >yd, Dr. Buger, Dr J C. Cheesinan >x. A. H. Stevens. Dr J. Torrev. Dr. Baylies, Dr W.n. Omv on. fee. fee Ike Office 297 Broadway. j* Im'r 1'Hh. < 0\1PLKXI'?N AND ERUPTIONS OF THE FACE, BODY, OR SKIN, CHAPT OR TENDER FLESH, fee A MIRACLE, a Wouilet, and a Blearing?To care anv [t Eruption or Disfigurement of the Skin, anil Under or chapt flesh, is the Italian Chemical Soap ?The effect of this on the kin is almost superhuman. It ha* received the highest enco niuins from the medical socieiy of Pans, and is warrant! d a ever failing remedy for pimples, freckles, blotches, scurvy, i lt rhenin, tan. siinnuri), mmiihrw, chapt or tender flc h, fee t will change the color of dark, yellow, or discolored skin to youthful, healthy clearness. This has often effected a cure ic ares of ernrrioo when every other means failed. 11 makes he skin sin v h soft and white, in fact, it is one of the gealesi iscoveries in science, and i> a never failing remedy, of which act one 'rial will satisfy ill. it it the invention of VI Vesprii, nu I la liau physician, and it told, wholesale and retail, by T ones, sign of the Aineriran Eagle, 82 Chathinn-strnet, New fork. Price 50 cents a cake? tie cake it olten enough tn cure a mot' cases. Appointed agents?Zeiber, Third or Docktreet. Philadelphia; or ncit to the Ame ican Hotel, Warning an, D. C.; 8 Slate street, Boston: 57 State-street, Albany. 2C". ling street, Charlestown, S. C.; L. F Bailey, Morristown, N. .; E C. Ferre, Main street, Middletown, Ct.; oi Mr*. Hayes, 39 Fultou-.treet, Brooklyn. d3l lin*ec 45 DIVISION STREET. PEASE'S HOREHOUND CANDY. A LL those that are afflicted wi'h roughs, colds and consutnpf*. tion, will read the following testimonials:? We hare used J. Cease & Sun's -lorn outid Extract of Horeound Candy, and from experience can recommend it to the uhlic asa valuable rem-dy lor Coughs, Colas, Hoarseness, Iritation of the Throat and Consumption. Anu Godwiu, 18 Cherry St. lohn P. Matthews, No. I Orchard st. Fr Deis Hvait, No 9 LiWint Ann Duvall, No. 232 B oid *', Newark, N. J. Mr. Vainlew ter. Five Mile House, 3davenuu. A. Crairf 19Christie st. Jane Meiers. No 138 Elm St. J. Morimer. 83 Main st. Brooklya. W. Piioham, 281 Dims on i. J Pern.ugt ii, 1011 Cedar it. S. Welch, 144 Gold st, Biooklyn. A. B Bio' dgo'Hl, 147 Vorkst, Brooklyn. J. Might, No. 220 Cherry st. John Eichall, No. 84 Delaney st. T. Fa'ringtonv No. 31 Pitt st. Beiyamiu Whirehoese. No. 18 Orchard St. Mrs. Homain, No. 55 t irst st. J. Little, 21} Walker it. _!f there none skeptic >1 of the rimiei of Pease'*. Horehonnd "ter perusing the above testimonials,let them cellat our de,*>t. > Division st, ,>nd we will exhibit fu I 3t>00 rrs'imnnials f-iun ergt men. Doctors. Lawyers, Merchan's Mechanic , and in ict ell cUftea iiid pi!ife>?i<iti<, subscribe to the virtuei of it Compound Extract ol Horehonnd Candy. J. Pit ASK It SON, 44 DiTiitno itieet THE UNDERPINNED Iff nird J Pram* k Son's Compound Extract of Horehoaud ondy, mMiu'ac'ured at 4} Division street, unu freely re com if jd it in thoae afflicted wnh Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness and stisumptive coin|ila>uti, as an egr?lli nl remed* iu th at s, and 'or tlie use ol' the voice inol'essionally, nothing can jaal it. We recoutinetid it to our breihieu tnroushou. .he UUII. Reverend I. Liu Isey, recent pastor of M. E. Cliu-ch, 2d :teet Reverend J. Crawford, pastor of the second M. E. Chnrch, uisnu, N. V. Reverend Mr. Locky, presiding elder, New York Confe nee Heverend Mr. Whitt?ker, pastor of Presbyterian Chnrch, rtrner of Madison and Catharine its. Reverend w. C. Hawlsy. cli-plain of City Hospital. Reverend Mr 41 'ffin, pas,or M. E, Bedford at. Reverend Mr. Han, rrcen pastor of Baptist Church, Gold , residence 621 Pearl st. Reverend Mr. (lilies, 111 Third ??*?. ..... Heverend Mr. Lyoi s, pastor ot the German Methodist E. harth. Elder Knapp and Rea. Mr. Mailt. Sold w hole a tie and rt t nl at 4} Division st. Axents? Ku-hton It Asp nwall, 10 Astor Hooae, 110 Broadat ano gu William si; Owen, 3 Sitih Avenue; 1 itnpson, n Pol on and Wil ism at*: Church, 81 Bowery ; Bade *u 260 ?; E. L. Oiton, 2<3 Bteeckrr st; M mine, cor 21st st and'un .vei u?; PaUor, 161 Greenwich si; Lecouut, juurtion oi Irau*' auii Divitioti -1*; Sand , cor Spring st and BuWir ; J. V. Stoue, cor Muds* ii aii'i Moiitgo . ery sts, Jersey City; uid'ir, 19 Third Avenue; Godfrey, Jt Carmine ?t; Rr'gham, ir H us'i.n an At i u - D; Kei-nd 523 Biosdwa. ; K- rr, 7 6 roadwat; M'Kuui n, <or Cl.u cli and Giainhvrs st; Sach, I West Brnadw a); Roilgeis. 107 West Rioa I way; Chilton, S Canal s'; I'n y c, 241 spnng ; It. srumiller, si: B eecssi; Grten, 399 Broadway, cor Walkers'; Agu. w, 300 Hnd>n st. N. B ?Each agent who sells the genome Hurehonnd Candy, is a certificate signed J Peaae k Son, Aarnis? Bmvesa k Ziebt r. No 3 Ledger Buildings, Philailpnia; R-tiding St I o , No. 8 S ate st, Boston; Rohinsun, o. 110 Baltimore ai, Baltimore, Md ; Dexter 47 State it. Aliny; Weeds k Waters, Troy; Morgan, Exchange Pl*ce, tew Or'eana. |v 18 r DOCTOR BELL. \OCTOR BELL devotes his iwtsnnal attention (daily, nnJ til 9 P. M.I to the removal of private disrases in eveiy age All suffering under protracted cases, aggravated or uniccess'iillv treated by iuesiarrirueed or pieteiiued prac ition s?*.'.? . laboring under tlie destructive effects of m retry or jack nostrums and all who siis|h*ci the n u aitu of di ease irkiug in tlie system, may consult Dr B a* y.ays with a gn ritee of a cure. Perso?s couteinplalini ma lage. wi o have been the snivels nf delicate diseases, m ycuokH't t-1. Bell wilh honorable infide ce. P-ial-naid letters, des *-i nwig the e se of pe'sonsat distance, hive In. prniupt arte "lion >r. B.'s 'real mem m ver sposes to suspicion, and la wrll known tv ! ' safe and ptrinaent. (1Private office 4 Cou/tlsndt street, two doon from Broad sv. jad ltn*ec THE GERMAN SURGEON. JOLOMON HINE, M. D., No. 47 Reade street, New York 7 In scrolola and chronic dieases no charge made till the slieut ia saliatied?medicine delivered gratis. Alt persons dpirmed, under twenty-one years, can have their bones iraightned. References given as to uumerous patients who have en cured in this city. n"n tm*r UOUGHs AND CuLLto RKfc Vra KA Mftwh a.-.u J L ? ? , .W kivivu uiklii (UCOl, VIIC UOWt UCIOW * Arch street, Philadelphia, ihe rnoit certain and Wfit Family tedicine, for Coughs, Cold*. Snitiiug Blood, Throat and uug Biteaae, a rising lensation line choking, tickling, or uuleasaul obstructions. For the above, Dr. 9W A YNfc.'8 Corn ouud Syrup of Wild Cherry will be found the itreat remedy mom who have anuaed Ihemielvea by the naeol ardent spiriti ill' lind both thrir strength and reaolotiou much improved by aviug otf the spirits. and taking a draught occasionally of the Jove reatorative. All preparation! from thia valuable tree,ei apt the abote.maybe eonatdered apurioni or eonulerfeit Th al arnrle inav be had of the followiug Agents, or at No. 4a lorth rtitth street, F luldelphia? AOKNT8 Dr. W. H. MIL,NOR, Druggist, No. IN Broadway. MRS. M. FFAVK8, No. IT* Fulton at, Brooklyn. BKNJ. OLDS, Newark. N.J. JOHN VI AHoN, I'atte aou. N. J. da tm'l dtciAR^?atGAtta. rHK following choire Segara are always on hand atHRNKIQUKS'S HAVANA AND PHINCIPK 8ICOAB TOKK. wholesale and retail, baaernent Jl William St. Kiondas, in hall and quarter boaes Do. No. -, hall and quarter boles Noriegas, in quarter and eighth do P&ra Kegaloa, in quarter do Regalias, ol a luperior quality, in M. % and l-IOth hove* Congresaa, in quarter hoses Trabueas, do do La Norma, do do La Kineranu, do do Trea Aniigot, in cartons of M each London Regalias, ip cartons of ? each La Pruela, in quarter botes >1 lagan's spotted, in quarter noses Pauetilla't, do. of superior quality I iigeuendad, do Deftnyaa. .lo Mateua, do Prmcipet, of tht Kendon, Crur and Bans, all ent. to deb. Primaveint, in qnsrter botes Alransas do Constantiag, do Buttamentas, do Ksinero Regalias, do Imperial do, inqnsrte oies, a superior article. N. B.?Hotels and grocers plied ou reasonable terms, olt TAKK NO i 1(/E EXTRACT Ok AN (iKl)IN \Nt>; ' F THK COMMON V COUN'IL ' IIMMOIM) I> K A I) AMvlAL? 'he Mai or, Ald-nnrn and f'omiu' na'ty of ihe city of Nr 'ork, in CtHi dm Co i' ci1 esaveuH,do ordaia a< folnvi mc t. n *o"i or inr nuiy ol rrrry rinrrn nwiiinu an a i <al which ?ImII il < within lh- luni'a of thin coy aouih of inh Orel, or in ihr ?c a nation of iny lot ol ground. dwrllin mil' or prrniMra of any rtracription, noon which inr body o' ny d* n> animal thatl hr lounil, and of ihr arveral Airrii In rlor* ol chr a. tt.iI warda ih thia cilv, iminnniiiely all. i arh dr . lb 0' ihr diicornv I' rrrol, to givr hOIICr tM'aof.aml I' thr p ac?- where thr liodv >,1 anrn animal may he fuiiutl, ai nr ol thr officer ratnbliahed a? fnllnwa : ? hue a-thr Cirv Iii.ih rior'a Olficr, No. i City Hall. Our at No 2'li llnd'On atieet. Our nl \1ur|.l \'a Ma?r Hoiiar, Tom'ikin* Markrt. One at thr office ol the 9U|>eiinli ndt lit of Htrrrta, irar of '. art Mi'lirt. Or lo iraii't*i?torlo canae to he tranaportrd the body of aoch rad aiomalto thr D-pot, at thr foot of fl.t atrerl. North Ki" r Are li. The burial of ?nv dead animal wirhm thr Inwi'a aforr nd. or the throwing of any dr d auimal into thr wa'rr bound <( ihr city, or in hii< public atrrrt, hghwav or olacr taifnu if limit* afotraaid, la harrby prohibited, under the |>rnaliy o' ivr Dollar* fir ro h offeuce. brr 7 A I r?l nmcra. or irirfa of ordinance*. eon rury i< ir provuioin ol thia ordinance, are h reby rei?filtQ. Paaerd the Board ol Aaa aiants, Nof. Ilat, IMf retted the B .aid of Aldt rnaeu, Nor. flat. Ie*2Appmrail by the Mayor. Noreoiber liih. lKl. JNfJ- H URIBCO.*!. City inapeetor. N Tboae paper* who ara in faror of tho abort, will li?alay airiac ilalaw ItaaRw*- irtl ON STRICTURE AND ITS CURE. PR* rOL^OWINO REMARKS WIKL rl ACE BE' "ORE thepvhlir. a few mot. deeply intf* uing ' . lw the disease called Sibictvik. it ' terV p eguent currenet and often existt In vritiu vkt ?i? i? m I fit leaet were of it; next that a very em was notion prevail* re :rcltng Stricture, and that ignorant advertising people eke iaa advantage of this erroneous notion; then, that there are i ee part irular circumstances hy whit h a Stricture may W untyi known?and in the last place, that the cure of Strietre it certain, free from pain, and generally utcomrmlad t ei ?*ru Itl fit hint. With regard to thr tint of these remarks:? It it well llfiown that Htm lure is the result jf s badly treated louorrhea If, for instance, 'hat lisease issntfrrsd to connue on from rnouiti to month, h slides into s sleet. Now, .ere is uo (min or iucpuveuienee in gleet, and therefore it m teu suffered to irmain indefinitely. But it should be known hat sleet implies achronic inflammation ofthe passage, which nturally terminatei in thtckennie, and this thickening at one .>rt or other of the passage is atrictnre : and. fnr'ner, that al hough stricture may tliut re nain uunoticed thr a length of lima, it is far from laying dormant, but is tha hidden cause ol many -rious maladies, not only of a aeiual. but those also ol a oer ons and dyspeptic kind. .... 'dl But what especially leads the at cotton off from this disoroet s the idea that stricture c annot enst so lopg as no inipoiimerf 'O the flow of urine is ohserred, which is 'iuile n misuse. A rictare often exists for years without any rery [rikjng change in this respect ; indeed a ninnuisneu o.- interupted stream of urine belongs ouly to the worst of cases, and t is to prevent this very state that these remarks are published. The advantase, however, which ignorant advertising people pf'hie errcueons notion is very cruel. Kvery b?ey knows ow men of this disriipiion s-.vsrm ?hoot this city. and that hoy will sell their nostrums as long as any one will buy them, slow, it is a fact, and one which every real ptiysieun will imnediatel; acknr.u ledge, that all the tnedicrn- in the world, rlone, can urver cure a stricture. In proof of this, nothing is nore common tha for the writer tc be consulted hv persona who have been tal Jig all manner of things?aa colored dro.ia, tud pilla, and cordial*, and the like, for many monlns together, out whom, on teeing the real nature of the caae, he r *s curod in is many days. With a view of preventing these impontioua. therefore, if eeius desirable to lay before the public a few rdam cirrumiUu<-s by wh?eh a Stricture may be known, which can be easily donv : for although the svmi romaofthi* disease are numer ua, there are three ol especial import, anu tnese uiree uiav oe lated very briefly?they are the following : t ne nrtt rciaies to Tne manner a/urtnuftng.?It has beeualready taid the atreaia iced not be much diminished or impeded. But observe attentively, after it it finished and the clothes are readinsted, whether a drop or two will ever steal away, so as to wet a little?nothing is more indicative of stricture. The next is The lime a Gonorrhoea hae remained uncured.?lt is difB cull to say how long a Gonorrhoea or Oleet may run and not pgoduce a stricture, for oue is naturally more disposed to stricture thau another ; but, as a general rnle.ifit should be suffered to go on beyoud six weeks, this alone would afford sufficient ground, at least, for thr suspicion of a stricture. The last is? T?ie effect a stricture hae upon the mind.?The effect of Stricture is to depress the spirits, sod ? oletseii both bodily and aenul activity. This alto is our of iu most rommou effects. yoi, nowever, mat it is seen .nine 10 every individual, hut it is 10 common that the writer rarely sees a case of stricture (and or tees many every day) in which the patient dnesuot complain a ore or leas, that he ia not ao capable "fhusiu-Js'.'.s formerly It sgraufyimt also to wilucsa the uniform return ol spirits, and he disappearing ol other maladies ,j uit cure progresses. With regard to the cure of St icture, on this subject it is aufkirut to observe (and it is stared with confidence and pleasure) that this is certain, free from pain, aud generally accomplislied'in a very little time. 80 much aa this could uol have been advanced some rears ago ; but such has bees the im movement in this art, and such the practical experience of the writer, that he can now accomplish the care of stricture to a* many days as formerly it demanded months. The writer also begs to state, that for those who with to an dert&kr the core themselves, he hat published a little relume, called The Private Treatue," in which not only atrietare, jut the care of all thoae delicate diseasea which require especial carc and privacy, ia directed in the plainest manner. It is tdvisable, howevet, that thoae who suspect a stricture, if nosaiolr, should consult the author personally, and nothing wfllsurphit them more than the rate and certainty of hit meant ol ure. Separate rooms, also, are arranged for thoaa whn may iave to wait a little. It only uow retnaius to ?ay a word or two on the ground on which the public, and especially atraugeta coming to t!*is city, nay rely with confidence on what l.aa been advanced. With his view Dr. Ralph begs to state that, beside his rank as graduate ( Edinburgh. Sic. to.?he lias beeu rutMged in the eura if these diseases, both in hospital and city practice, for more than thirty years, and has published two editions af a work exmeasly on tnem.?Also that he has testimonial letters from tk? moat eminent physicians in Europe to the most eminent in America?as Sir Astley Cooper to Dr. Mott.of New Tor A, Dr. fhysick, ol Philadelphia, apd others, and that he ia permit ted to relar to almost evsrv Physician of eminence ta this iJr. Ralph iaeonaoltad at his private residence. No. It (Jreanwich street, towards t(ie Battery, at any hour.?He may also be consulted by post The little volume aaove referred to is one Joll*r i I 'n?*e DAMS it CO.'S NEW YORK AND NEWARK EX"' PH ESS?Tnr public are res|icctful1y informed that the subscribers have established an Express hetweeu New York slid Newark, >. J., for "lie trvusmission and speedy delivery of packages, bundles, mouey, Sic. (k..-..; the collection of notes sua bills, and oil other busiuis* appertaining to an Express.? Orders for articles to be returned by the Express will be delivered free of charge. Office m (Vew York at No. 7 Wall street, and in Newark, at SMITH'S Newapa|irr Depot, No. 320 Broad st. I ...... V.. I, ., lit. A \1 ...111/ D vs Leave Newark at 9 A. M. ami l)d P M. dive ADAMH It CO, 'Put. litlVAIr. 1 iir,A 1 trit,.? J tits is 4 tuuc vuiuiue on ' certain disraiea, io which the rnoat convenient and private neans of cure are stated in the piaineat possible manner. And not only are directions given for the more simple aud recent cases, but those which nave fallen into improper hands, end continue on from mouth to month, are particularly dwelt on.? Such persons will see immediately the difficulties which imj>ede their cnre, whatever they may be, as well as the plan to >e pursued in each particular case. It is obtained onlv ol tne author, Di. Kalph. H8 Greenwich st. Price tl. Dr. Halph also takes this opportnity of saying that he may be consulted on the peculiar diseases above referred to, atfhis private residence, rt any hoot. Aware, however, of the deep and jost solicitude which many fepl to consult a person of lu'egrtty is well as et|<erience in these peculiar complaints, the author deems it proi er to give the following short sketch of the opportunities he as ad to fit himself for this trust. Aud this he is tk? more inclined to ss many have assured him that, for want of information of this kind , they have selected from a list ol advertising people the one whu had boasie J inns' of wonderful cures?but uot withont '.he bitterest repentauce Ht therefore begs to state 'hat, betide his rank as graduate of (Edinburgh, fcc. 4ce. kc ht has oeeu watching these diseases, la'th in hospital and city yiraetiee, for more than thine years, and h.u puhl.shrd two editions of ,i workItpfsnly svmn Alan that he h>? tcanmomul I' ters from thb most eminent physician* of Europe, to the most in America?as Sie Astiey Cooper to Dr Mutt, of N. Y. snd Dr. Phj sick ol Phil idelphia, and others; auu furtlier, that he has the privilege of referring to almost every phvsieitin of eminence in this city. Nothing can be stated, he conceives. si better ground of confidence to those who are strangers i<> him. f Consultations may be made by poll, and for sneh he has tittlei rivals chest, containing every thing necessary for yeeov ud private cure it:* forwarded ns may be directed. v i jl Im'c CAUTION TO F &iV1 A Chits Madame restell. female physician, wonid inform ladies who with s proper dnicaey, have a renusnance Is tin treatment of their comi>laiut? eicept by one of their own lex, that m nil rases she att< uJs ro them personally,her ei petieuee, psaeriee .tud knowledec enables her to do so. She oeems it necessary to atare this, ss she doer not wish to be classed with the pretenders eoorittnaTly nop*artu* ml disappear i ig, advertisiug as "Feimlr Physicians, who too ignorant and incompetent themselves ire obliged to get tome scarcely less Ui-orant quack to ri| erimeul instead. Consulting pari 'a and residence Ml Greenwich street, oeiwecu CoitrtTaninl acd Li b?rty streets Hours of ittend'-'icr from I A. .VI. ill lm FbWLALb MONTHLY PILLS. /VWl.NO to the celebrity, efficacy, aud invariable aaceem SI Madarnr Restell's Female Monthly Pills >u all cases 01 irregnlartty, suppression, or stoppage ol those functions of na lure upon which the health of everv IrunaJe uro. ttieir .niroductum ialu thi- United 3lates, now ibout loot years coaiaterieiu mil imitations art rouatantly attempted to bs palmed off for the genuine. Ch? p common pilta a ? purchased at twelve cents a box, pat op iu different boxes, and called? "Female Monthly Pills," with the ohieel of aelltua them, if poaiible, at oue or two dollars a box. Females are therefore cautioned against these attrmpta to inutxr upou ttiem It u sufficient here loalate that all Female vluulhly' Pills are coon terfeita, except thoae aold at Madame Keatell'a Principal Otfice 141 Greenwich aired, New York and 7 Ettei atreet, kostoc Price $1. Matiaine Keatell'a signature ia written ou the eet?' of eat h box N. B ?They can be need by married or tingle, by followtiw the directions enclosed inside of each box. Sold also by ar pointment at 2*4 Grand atreet. corner of Allen, New York j 0 Im TO NlAliKlfcL) LAOltiS Vd ADAMK KE3TELL 3 PREVENTIVE POWUtHs i-'A?These invaluable Powders hare been nniveiaally adopts in Europe, bat France in particular, for upwards of thirty yean aa well aa oy thousands in this country, as b?u-g the only mild safe, and efficacious remedy tor married ladies, whose haaltf forbids a too raptd tucreaae of family Madame Restcll, aa it well know it, was lor thirty yean >> male Phyticau m the two priuci|ial Female Hospitals in Kn rope?those of Vienna and Paris? whete faroreu r> tier great eipeneuce and oppoitamues, the attained that celebrity in those great dlscortriet iu mcdicnt science to specially adapted to the female frame, for which her medicines bow stand nnn railed, aa well in this country aa in Entope. Her acquaintance with the physiology and auatomy of ths female frame, enabled her?by tracing the decline and ill health of married females. ' scarce in the meridian of life, and the consequent rapid and often appaicnlly inexplicable tausea which consign many a fond mother to a premature grave?to their trns source?to,ar rive at a know .edge of the primary causes ot female inditpoei uons?especially of married females?which, in I SOS, led tr the discovery c her celrhraled " Preventive Powders.' Then adoption nas been the means of preserving not only the ,~a!th, but evau the life of many an alfectiouate wife an# fnna'uoiher The advcitiser leelinp (he importance ol this subject, aim e> ..mating 'he vasi beurfUa retniUhv l* thousands by their adoj tiou, would most rrsiec'tullv arouse ,.ie attention of the maf red, oy all that they hold uenr ami dear, to their consideration Is it uol wise and virtuous to prevent evils 11 which we are snb leel, by simple and health y meant within our rontroi. Evert*, nrtoon*. and enlightened mind wtvl uom tnat ugly aaawet in the affirmative. Prie* lire JplUit a packaga accompanied with fall and particulai dioecious Tint can be forwarded b? mail ca any i?rtol the ITwiad Stue? Al letter* must be | I lid, aud amlreaaed to MADAM IC Hb8 TKLL, Female riiyaieian. Principal office, it* Uraenwiet treet, New York Office honr* from 0 A.M. to <1 nclock P.M Bo*ton office N.. 1 Kaaci ?t '0 Im ivi A D A M K KESTKLL, K't&MALK niYHILIA.N. Office and ,e*idence, Ml Urwi I wicli atraet, bttrreeu Conrtlaudl .uil Liberty atreeta. where he can be consulted with the atric.ei confidence on com lilainta incident to the female Irumc. Madame Reaiell'aerperieuea and knowledge in the treatmeiai of ebatinate caaeaof female irretol jity. stoppage, anppreaaion he., I* aneh aa to require but a lew daya to effect a perfec core L"die* deainna proper medical attendance dnnua eon uement or othet indisposition, will h< accommodated darin. i tch lime, Willi private uiJ reapecubl board. "Preventive Powders," for marked ladiea, wnoae d* licate or precanona nealth forbida a tot. rapid increase of family will be sent by mail to mv pa/i of the United Stale*. Prio SS a package All Letters I c?l paid) addressed to ' htn tU Naw York. Boston Office, No i ksse? street " N. i).?Madame KKHTKLL would inform ladiet residin# ill of the city, whose health would uol sdmw of iravellinit.lhal he wonld devote her personal attendance ajiou them to any . art of the f Tailed State* within re amiahl- dmance jiOirn POK.ruuut.afc Kfc.iVLtYL.fc piuioc?. irttiTKU NiiranriHtua* 4. UE. BOUDKLOML'K. M. D., LISBON, r ' ttTUOAL IM1K. Scieut'fic combinauon oI ingredients nl wimi, I Pilla are composed, have made them the wonder and adn U itic.n ol the world They are known ail -iter Kurope in o* he only prepariitiou ever ifiscovered thai ha* proved invaritblv crtaiu in producing the monthly turns rheii certainty, ia all eaaea be lint ?uch that the* mail not be used during pregnam * for though alwaya mild, safe, ami healthy, they are certain M croduee miscarriage if naed diirimi that period. I'he direction* are traualared into Kuglish ,anu are enveloped Minna with the *eal of the im|iorter, atainped ICaeh bos ..una the aitfuatore of Bnud.lootir, and the English dil reeuoiB have the signature of Dr. K NdhLVICAlI. snthoviseff ?gent far the continent of AiurhcaThey can lie tranainitteo hy mail w, any part of the Uniiait atatca Letter* directed to Dr. t. McLean, oo? 34, New fork, will P'ci with immediii* attention. All letteta r.oiar be pott paid. Sold by appointment at 110 CheTj, near Cithw me street Prma ZS. Half bore? (1 No half times sent ky nail j 10 Im dfcw PUBLISHED DAILY BY JAMK* liOIL OY ||K vN ETT, \ W COKNKR, HILTON AND NASSAU STREETS. Title Nr.w Y onn Hi hslo-A fa ly p P r, naiie.i evcy n .'nMM "I ih. w,, h?,mic iico rtnll per copy. ( uu try tub " * ' .vr "> ?rc-iiir pernio, ou * i? tnifijiic" II *dr nCr. \,. . || rrirut, ?nl?? (>< <! i i ad* tic*. ? , *LT la-lie -v iacuiJ >y muiniuK ( mar I clock?ill icc rj and a yuarter cent* i*r copj ? i.riiitMi J i0 roaDlry alMcnbrra n $1 li p. r bulUui, ia adtiUiao, or it ike ??tne r?tr for any at tciflnl period. < okktarencixTf irr requeued to kdtliaaa their Utter* to i?w" ?-0*no" 'n1"ln<r*W?"?f Md3 td,,"r-*B<1 ? ?*