OCR Interpretation

The New York herald. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1840-1920, January 28, 1843, Image 1

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T ii;
Vol. IX.?Ifo. SI.?lVhole Wo. 3??.
rfS i0k
[Sailing from Liverpool on the 7th and I9ili of every month ]
Persons wishing to send to the Olil Country for their friend*
em make thr necessary arriuifcements with the subscribers, and
have them come ont in thia snnerior Line of Packets, sailing
from L ivi-mnol mutually on Air 7th ?ud 19th of every month
Tlr-v will also have a tint rale claasnf American trading shipe,
aaihtig evrry ill days, thereby affording weekly communication
from that port. One of the fiira ( nr. James D. Hoche) i>
there, re ire lint they shall be for warded with care and des
Should I he parties agreed for not come out. the money will
be returned to those who paid it heie, wi.kuut any rednc
Tee Black Ball, or Old Lino of Liverpool Packets, comprise
the fot'owimr magnificent Ships, viz
rTusuirt/ie rm iitisn.
With such superior and unequalled anangemcats, the subscribers
eontid, ally look forward for a continuance of that tupport
w hich has bean extended to them to many years, for which
they are grateful.
Those proceeding, or remitting money to their relatives, can
atall times obtain Drafts at tight for any amount, drawn direct
on the Royal Batik of Ireland, Duh tin, also oa
Bankers, London,
which will be paid on demand at any of the Banks, or their
Bi inches, in all the principal towns throughout England, Ireland,
Scotland and Wales.
Apply,or add.ess, (if by letter postpaid 1
si Fulton street. New York,
next door to the Fulton Bank.
N. B.?The O'd Line of Liverpool Packets sail irons this
pott for Liverpool mi the Ut and 19th of each mouth. Parlies
r> ' >i ing to tlie old country will lind it to their comfort and
adesutagit to select this favorite Luic for their conveyance, in
preference to <nr other. d'7 r
MrffW SAGE OKKI 'E,Si South street, New York?Rettinfl'fciTw
i'si l.me of Packets?The subscriber continues to
bt.sK i ut pstsous Torn any twit of Great Britain and Ireland
who may he i ngared oy their friends he r-, hy the regular Hue
of packet shins, a-ilmg every six daya 'torn Livertsool. Persens
sending lor their frieu la, may rely that just care will be
taken *o hasethem despateli-d without delay in Liverpool.and
will always endeavor to merit a contmua ire of the public
patronage which has been so liber tllv bestowed for many years
past; aud thu e remitting money can have drafts payable at all
Ike Bancs and branches througnou' the United Kingdom.
For further particulars,ap Tv [if by letter, po.t paid] to
j?r JilHN HNROMAN, <1 Sou'h tt.
tfTtV Packet of till Kebrnaiv.?The Splendid Packet Ship
JPAm(>GaKRICK, Captaia William Skiddy, of 1*00 tons,
will positively sail as above, her regular day. For freight or
passage, having accommodations unequalled for splendor oi
comfort, apply on boari. at Orleans wharf foot of Wall alreet,
or to E. K. COLLINS A CO. 56 South street.
Price of passage, $100.
loe Packet Stun Roscius, Captain John Collins, ol 1 loo
tons, will succeed the Uarrtck, and sail the 25th of March, her
tegular day.
L tiers for the thipe of this will only be received at Gilpin's
and Hale's Newt Roem.
Pasc-ugert may rely oa the s'sipe of this Hue veiling punetn ilIv
a* advertised. j28 c
PA' KETS? 8'ils on Wednesday, ton 1st
HMbboi Frb'unry?The np-ginficrutpacktt shipCOLUMBC>,
Cqit Heorge A Cole, will sail positively on Wtdnesd ,y,
1 t Febiuaiy, her irgulai day.
F r paasa,!-in cabin, second cabin, and stecrave, and those
wi hiur t < secore the be?t berths, will pUa*e m ike early application
oa board, foot 01 Be kman tt. or to 'he tub'cribert.
35 FmIiou tt iint door to Ful oa U ink
N B?Persons tending to the O'd Country for iheir friends,
rinhifp the in liriiuclit nnt in tup ahnv* favor it#* ixrkipt nr in
soy of the pickets comprising tliw old establish" J m-unificcnt
I<i>* which ?til from Liremcd on the 7th and J9lh of rvery
mo?ih For pstssee apply as above. j27r
WfVsonerwr packet th p MEMPHIS. Capt KuLht, will
from Liverpool early in March.
Pcrou* wishing to Mad for their friends can have them
brought out in her or any of the leanlar packets by applying
personally, or if by letter, post laid t
ICO Pine street, corner ol Sooth.
P 9? Drafts for any amount payable at sight in any i-ank,
branch, or agency of a hank, in England, Ireland and Scotland,
given by apply inn as above. j>23r
MjfW KOH Li VElt POOL?Packet of the 1st FebruaryjpukllEaThe
superior well known packet ship COLUMBUS,
capt. Cole, will positively sail as above, her regn
Inr day
H virg unsurpassed accommodations for cabin, second
cabin ami star-rage passengers. Pe>ous anout to emhba'k
sh ...1<1 mabe early application on board the ihip foot of Seekman
at, or to
CI Sonth street.
N. R. Persona sending for their friends residing in Ureal
Bruin and Ireland can hare thrtn brought out, as usual, by any
of the ships cotn|N>aing tliis line; and drafts furnished for any
aii.oaut, payable without discount throughout the united king*
dom. ai.plv s? abyve. >24 ec
E.mV Ship ST. NICOLAS, John B. Pell, master, will
JBiuttm sail on the 1st of Febraarr.
jyll r No 9 Tontine Buildinr,
"ift FACttT FOR MARSEILLES?Kebru.rv 1st.
hennip TRESCOTT, C-i>i. Lawrence. Apply
or to BOYD It HINCKEN, Aseuta,
lylir 9 Tontine Building.
JMSi. DRAFTS.ON 1KELA ?D, Ac.?The subscribers I
n^2?tuuuuua iu |it? araili |?ynoic uu uciu?uu( wiuiuai
jUtgMsB'iitroaer, <>r any charge whatsoever.
IN 111 r. LAND?The National Bank of Ireland, the Prorincial
Bank of Ir.laud, and their tranches in every comity.
IN ENGLAND AND WALE8?Messrs. James Bait, Sen
It Co.. bankers. Loodon, the Excnange and Discount Bonk,
Liverpool,end their brmches throughout England and Wales
IN SCOTLAND?The Ess'eru Bank 01 Scotland, the
Ooenoek Banking Company, and branckes in the principal
towns; Sir Win. Forbes. Hunter k Co.
Persons ia ;he country wishing to remit money to their
friends in any part of England, Ireland, Scotland, or Wales, by
enclosing ike amoniit they wish to remit 10 the subscribers
witi, the i sine and address of the parties to whom it is to be
rut. A draft for the amonnt will be forwarded the fi st packet
after the receipt thereof, and acknowledgement of the sam< returned
per f rst ixist.
,|s r W 4 1 T. TArSC.ftfT. 41 Perk.lin, New York.
hJHM^The sukscriber continues to transmit money, in snmi
BMHklarge or small to persona residing in any pert of Irelaud,
in the same manner is he, and his predecester in business
bars done for the last hirtir years, end more; also, to soy
port o( Engl md er Scotland.
Money r?*iitted bv letter (postpaid) to the subscriber, or
wrsoually d.rmsited with him, with the name of the person or
persons u Ireland, England or Scotland, to whem it is to be
sen'.aud nearest post town, will be immediately transmitted
slid paid accordingly, and a receipt to that effect given or for
warded to the sender.
In like manner money with or claima on persons in any pertoi
Irelind, England or Scotland, can be collected by the subecri
per, for persons residiug in any part of the United States, or
Cnnada. aod will be pain to them accordingly.
fl?le?Wr OFOtWIk. MWHinv. Ir.. kt f' pdar at
njK^Sl'OTLAND AND WALES.?Person* proceed
JMilflhs ur or irini'ting money Many pail o1'the old country
ban ar all tines obtain torn the eubeeribers ,1 raits at sight, for
snv ?m nut on the Royal Bank of Irr'and and on Merer*
Tiesce'l, tjrntc, Ann k on, Banket, Loudon which are paid
i'rer el lUscou'it or .nv ' har/e ? li'lsoctei, ie all the priucipa
. toe neof ibe United R.ugdom. Kor terms, apply or address, i<
by Is tier, host kud, la
Ji Knlton ?t, nest doer re the Fulto, B ink
P 8 ?The subscribers will ss hi relofore have a regular anc
ceesioa of ftr.( c'ass Amen an ships, >sil>ng weekly from Liv
pool, t aring the eonuv* yetr Illy. Kor oessage, apply a,
above din r
British and north American kuyal wm
Of IHSi less sod 441 horse power each.
Under eenlrect with the Lords of the Admiralty.
? BIT ANVIA, J Hewitt. Cwmmsnder.
CALEDONIA. E. O. Lott, do
ACADIA. A Ryne do
COLUMBIA. B.C. Miller, RN do
Will sail from Boston, via Halifax.
raon sntToiv. rmoxi LrvgarooL.
Sritanms, Hewiu, Jsn 1
Caledonia, Lott, Krb 1 Jan 4
Acadia, Ryne, Mar I Feb 4
Columbia. Miller, Ai?l I Mar 4
Passage Money?From Beaton to Liverpool, $13}?Bastoi
to Halifax $ta.
These ships carry experienced surgeons. No Berths secure'
until paid for.
Note.?Merchandise and Speeje (exsept for personal at
recces) shinned under the nam# of luggage will be charged a>
frelgnt, a?d liable to Custom House Regulations. Apply to
nay r 1>. BKtUHAM JR.. No. 3 Will-at
r r Hi
r.JurTnli'l will Itar. Bo.fon
for Lit ri???#l via Htlfst.oa Wrdursrtiy, V eb. i?r Her aroff
E *re anterior, and fitted with erer*
comfort. t*h* aleo earrtea an iiwrirnced turf. on.
tor p?M?Kf or toy other n formuti n. apply*.
. j?*r A, Hamde" ?.
root of mit?h?iuti7?t
On Hi.rt alter Dec. Id, the ateamer STATION lSLAVnffr
will rim m lollowa, until further aotice :?
IS< A. M, ?A.M
< itH
d,e 2PMalWl
I?^ ftfcotflMR opposT'I'IiJN Td LA'I's
C" h ILL, and interircdiale laudiuca, wnhont toe
mitt-hame* ?11. nuler d?v? fmm ( titthill. Mm.
v"'lne?ila?a and Knflrya. f\om New Vorh. Tim adaya
n"***",rday?.? h ore to or from LutUkill, JO cent*
?Berth* V> cent*?3ti|.nei M reuta,
1 Th-""X1 *? met WAVE, Captain Yanderhilt, will
"J* at pi,r Thursday No*. 17tli, at tire nVlncfc.
fir turfirr particular* injniri' of the ca tain on board. B\
ntni.niK AO the daya abort* named, there will hie daily rom
ii.ioi.-e!,. ? bet writ. itakill .,,..1 Nr w York (and 1 termed, if
pier,,) lorfrelfhtendi aaaare -r r..l?eeit nei,., -a.
/.* " h AIL ttO.Ar |.| s K 111, . , aur *
d fE^,' VOItK TO Btf'.UkOHl) ?
w.-.'. ' _ T .11 and * ft. r T neadny, Jinuaiv Id III it the
Wo?d H?r..| eort..-, of Bowery and Broome
r, ' V O < I T"'"''y- w,.,||,e.,tay and Siturdai
P. ' "V the 9 o clock ci n% p>is?ini/ ?rt>l?* Hill
ftiiare'to BedforS'1' W'"t* r' 'iu* ^^in.1 Mill. ?nd'Mile
The lied Biol Line of Stwar will oontinue toVnndtmu* the
VM.e: iVhitr I'laiiM erery day at I n'cSoch iurlMw
Yoikat jo'elooh, P. M . Bundaya cxoentetl *?
J i'roprieior,
I Correspondence of the Herald.]
Albany, Jan- 22,1843.
Highly important from Albany-Office-holder* alarmed?
The Devil to pay there?Slumm, Bangv and
CrotweU.? Senator Hunter, the Millionaire?Hit
Paradise upon Eaith?Bouck't Potiiion?'Ifie end
of the World.
With all your character for astuteness and keen
perception, Master Bennett, you have done at least
one negative wrong to yourself and the public. As
how 1 Why, you have no regular reporter at the
capital of the State, at this moment one of the most
interesting points of attraction in the universe.?
Why, sir, the very " devil is to pay" here?(I write
from Albany, you will perceive)?and, sooth to say,
" there is no pitch hot." Not a soul here, among
all the wise ones, can tell you any thing ahout the
position of affairs, except myself. You shall hear.
But, first of all, let ine dip a little into the fun of this
dull, stupid place.
You know John Van Buren 1 I mean Prince
John, by way of excellence, (I hate French words,
and that is the reaton I do not wri'e "par excellence
") Well, John is a great quiz in his way, and
iu fact I do not know a man more prone to mischief,
ti ijuici traj, lunu uiai same junii?uui <H llllll
more anon.
I mast begin with the Governor. Mr. Bnuck,you
know, brands six feet in his stockings, and is otherwise
well proportioned. The cast of his countenance
is benevolent, and the office seekers say he
is courteous in the extreme. Not a soul of that vast
army say a word against him upon any point or etiquette
; but they go the entire animil in cursing
him for not opening his mouth on the subject of appointments.
He receives them all in the blandest
manner; and as each new com-r presents himself
from your city, (and their name is " legion,") he is
received in a kind and fatherly manner, and made
forthwith at home. If any candidate, however, begins
to press his claims, you will see his Schoharie
Excellency undergoing a change from the mavitor
in modo to the reserved. He seems at a loss for
words to meet the numerous demands upon his official
favor, and not nnfreqruently waives the applicant
ofl with the consoling observation, that he is delighted
with the uncommon respectability of the |
gentlemen from New York, and wishes he had an
office for every one of tliem He then gives the
ca*?te by a mystic signal, which all seem to under- '
stand, and room is made for a recurrence of the infliction.
In good truth, old Lafayette never had his
right arm nearer dislocation than the Governor's,
from 11 A. M. till 2 P. M., when, as you know, the
dinner bell rings in all the hotels, and committees
rise and report progress, and ask leave to sit again ;
and Senators and Assemblymen come to a dead
halt in their speeches, and move for an adjournment.
1 remember the other day of being in the Senate
chamber, when a debate sprung up on that portion
of the Governor's message which recommends a repetition
of the instructions given last year to our representatives
in Congress to vote for refunding the
fine of one thousand dollars to General Jackson?a
fine you may remember imposed by Judge Hall
upon the old war horse for disobedience to Ins official
mandate. Mr. Senator Root opened in opposition.
In fact, he does three-quarters of the talk in
the Senate. The Slate is, and ought to be greatly
indebted to him for talking against time. It is a
m/iuf nffjnfllo I ot.tnnA* lo?iolo?i??? tk^.
uvov \uwiuui oiuj'1'^i uj'wu ic?iainuuu j ?uu mc
country at large- is bound to honor his nine**, if tor
no other reason than his persevering cacatlii? upon
every question that comes up. 1 love that old man
eloquent. He reminds me of that truly poetical pas
sage in the bible, which speaks of Moses dying in
his one hundred and twentieth year, and yet possessing
all tho faculties ot mind and body in their full
vigor at tl?e time. 44 His eye was not dim, uor his
natural iorce abated." He (1 mean Hoot, not
Moses,) is the last of the 44 cock ed hats;" and,
therefore, I love his antiquity, and look upon him
withth? veneration of a child. But I am grieved
and sad when I hear him speak upon questions like
the foregoing, where every word he utters sounds
like thf hated hissing of a traitor- Where was
there a bolder or more consistent democrat than
Senatarr lloot in his palmy day 1 Where was there
an abler defender of the last war, or a warmer
admirer of General Jackson for his most glorious
defence ot New Orleans'? No where,
by G d. And, yet, in his old age, while
44 his eye is not aim, nor his natural force
abated,*' the sensation of depression and utter
sadness came over me while I witnessed the melancholy
prostitution of his fine talents and mature intellect
in his uniform opposition to every measure
emanating from the dominant partv. There would
be greatjoy in heaven over the reformation oi such
a man.
Speaking of politics reminds me of the existence
of the firm of Slamm, Bang dc Co., a combination
that you have rendered immortal. It was in your
own matchless Herald that I first saw that name,
style and firm given to that extraordinary party
which I opine is some time or other to give law to
this land of ours. I think you yourself are more
than halt a locofoco, and I'm sure that the clever
writer of your money articles is an entire animal.?
He voted the democratic ticket, I'll take my oath
of it. Go you and do likewise, and train up4'/<
jeun edittur" in the way he should go politically, as
well as in the fear and admonition of tne Lord, and
the admiration of the Virgin Mary. Go all this with
unlimited looseness I
Speaking of Slamm reminds me of Croswell and
Bryant. There's a juxta-posirion for you ! Cros
well, the conservative?Brvant tne cooling personification
of ice-water and Van Burenism, including
noetry without any soul in it. and the satunic Levi
I) Slamm, the red hot locofoco, radical, out andouter,
who lacks only a forked tail to entitle him to
take rank of the very devil himself. And yet Levi
is not a bad looking man, and I learn he has good
parts withal. But more of him hereafter. Don't
>U ICII JMUI iraurr-, especially ine IHIlies, ^Ciod
films *em) that he has a Grecian profile, Rood
leeth, a loveable mouth, and, like Prince Albert,
iandy hair. The ladies, you know, love sandy
haired men, and lor that reason lall in love with ju-t
such men as Slamm and yoursell?the former having
the requisite anent the hair, and the latter ha
ving the true gimlet of the eyes, like (he celebrated
John Wilkes, whose determined squint made him
ihe favorite of all 'he women You know it was
said of him that with all his ugliness and obliquity ol
vision, he could awpplant any man in the affections
?sf any lady in an interview of half an hour's duration.
His squint carried it all hollow. And ao of
the red hair?vide the pole of Martin Van Buren,
and Hume's History of England, title George the
Third, item, the North Briton, number 46 There
tore, long life to Bennett, with h's interes'ing iquinl
long live Levi D. Slanim, and besides, vivent bagand
tails !
The subject of the public printing is yet aII the
rage. I'm sick of hearing it discussed. Several times
have 1 been obliged to depart trom my otherwise
uniform habit of total abstinence, and take an antiemetic
in consequence. By the way, an article ol
yours has almost ruined all the tavern keepers in
Albany- Nobody drinks wine at the table any more;
it least the office seekers do not All the rum facts
have become diaphorou* All right, as long as ii
lasts?but the moment Jim Conner is nominated
for potash, Harry Riell for tobncco, Swackhammer
for flour, Vache for health olficer, Montgomery
Rank in tor inspector ol hides, Paul Groin for mens
nrer general, aud some twenty others for beef and
O'irk?I say when all thisisdoae, as surely it will he,
T his Excellency knows beans, the devil take the
hindmost of the disappoin'ed, and let all tavern
keepers and steam boats between this and New
York thereupon, lay in an extra quantity of stimulus
(' randy will rise in the market 60 per cent , while
flour and the solids will depreciate for lack of con
As I said before, or meant,t<l*sy.r'he public print
ing is the engrossing theme. Crosweli's election
as State printer is the subject of much conversation.
Mo set of ihe majori'y could be more calculated to
disturb the unity of the locofoco party throughout
ihe State. For many years past the recipient of the
public patronage, and to an amount almost 4<jiiul to
haff a million of dollars, regarded as the clnei in
instrument ot the defeat of his parly in 1837, unpopular
in his manners and intercourse with the |*-ople.
grasping and aelfi-h in h is disposition?Croswi II, yon
will of course infer, is the successful man after all
obnoxious ns he is to the very men who appointed
him. Well, yon will ask, how was it tint under
such circumstances he distanced Bryant in the com
petition 1 I know a thing or two about this affair,
and will tell you the story. Bryant was not popular
with the minority ot the caucus, and the strong vote
he polled is only an evidence of the fuller Ittliny
which existed and still exists against Croswell,
the old enemy, ns you know, of the Uemii
of Tennessee?1 mean General Jaoksen ? i
Connected with this, the entire moral force of th? 1
Mew York delegation went in favor of the appoint- 1
rnent ofSlamm as printer to the House, which it was I
well known could not be effected if Bryant had ?
hern elected State printer- The neutraliaition of r
this influence ensured from Crosweli's sucfeas, for t
notwithstanding the hearty dislike of the city mem- i
bersto him, their warm, and I must nay deserved
feeling, for the editor of the Plebtian, (the man <
with the sandy hair [ mean), dictated the course
hey pursued. Slainrn, in fact, would have made a 1
....... . f I..V...I.IVV n^ni IIOl ?>rUBWn:,yUUI]j|$ i I ^ II"
(lie H only llnriy?quite an interesting ug(\ l>ui ??t<1 '
enough lor a oeard), than Bryant, had he Ml dts.N>aed
to euter the course. Of the twenty-live in a ori i
tv received by Crnswell in caucus ten came from
the first Senate District T .is vote in opposition,
with the influence which it would certainly have
exercised, would have laid the "Prince ol the three
wall palace" most efl' clually on the shelf. 1 am
satisfied that the defection in "the party" is serious, i
and will result 111 making this State, in 1814, at
least debateable ground. There is great coldness
between the heads ot the departments and the "Old
White Horse;" and it will require more tact in Gov.
Bouck to ride the storm than people give him
credit for. In the Senate the division is palpable,
and the factions nearlv balanced. Foster, the con
servative, member of Congress in 1837, who made
Thomas Allen, (printer, and who .opposed Van Buren's
system of finance, a man, by the bv, of considerable
talent, but wanting in personal popularity,
is the leading man of the majority faction. Senators
Varian and Scott have, until this present writing,
acted with him. How long they will remain,
being shrewd politicians, I w. II not undertake to say.
Then are tmidtntly alarmed Their desertion to the
more popular side, the minority, would change the
whole aspect of things.
Of the twenty-two loenfoeo Senators, twelve have
thus far identified their fate with Croswell'a. Unenviable
position! Senator Hunter, one of the most
able and cautious of our legislators, is at the head
of the opposition. I must digress from ihe politician
to speak of the m in. Did you ever take a
quiet drive on the Pelham road in Westchester
county, say from Harlent or thereabouts to New
Flochellel No! Well, my dear fellow, mount
your tilbury and chuck Mrs. B. under ihe chin, and
say, " Duckv, let's go and see Senator Hunter."?
Thereupon Mrs. B. puts on her shawl and says,
" my dear, I'm ready," and then in two hours, by
Shrewsbury clock, von fin?f vn?r.?ir !.?. m..........
of Senator Hunter, on the in are in of the Soun?1,
surrounded by shrubbery and accessiories worthy
of a terrestrial paradise. Yet, surrounded as he is
by all that weulth can command, including paintings
of the old master* in his gallery thai a million
cannot buy, 1 find him a pure, single minded democrat,
a perfect locofoco, a triend ot the people, an
honest man, and a glorious specimen of humanity.
Associated with this distinguished gentleman are
the talent, honesty and enthusiasm of the Senate,?
the men, who, when they speak, awake the popu
lar impulse,? I mean such men as Sherwood, and
Denniston, and linger, and Scott, Htid Strong and
the bke?the very soul of the democracy. It will
be seen from this that with such material agiinst
him, Governor Bouck could not remain over two
years a stranger to the county oi Schoharie.?
The secret of this early opposition to the n*w
Executive, is the suspicion that he will place
himself under the influence of that old, corrupt,
bank speculating, demoralizing, contemptible
clique of managers, who, if permiited to direct,
would involve the State in ruinous debt, and revive
and give vitality to that infamous system of legisla
tion which for so many years disgraced the Democratic
ascendancy, and caused the sacred name of
Democracy to stink?ay, stink in the v^-ry nostrils
of the honest portion of the people. Nothing has
yet. however, fallen from ihe Governor to justify the
suspicion, and it hasHrisen, probably, from the fact
that the men composing the old regime, proverbial
as they are fortht-ir impudence and inuu?trv, inirude
themselves, atall times, in the Governor's presence
His very bed room is not sacred, and "Sunday
shines no Sabbaih day " to him. The most modem
men here are members of the firm of Slamin, Bang
and Co.?or the ultra locofocos. It would be unfortunate
for the old farmer, should he throw himself
into the embraces of improper men. 1 know that
they will break down his administration in three
months, snd make him the most unpopulai Governor
New York ever had -always saving and excepting
that first executive from the agricultural community,
Goveinor Yates?him that used to refer all
applicantrf'o the one Democratic representative from
New York city, with the words?" Well, den, what
does lorn Hyatt say 1** [Speaking of Tom Hyatt,
did you ever know that he was a better man than
his Vice President, in that old Lombard which was
the cause ol Hyatt's persecution 1 Query, which of
the two deserved the incarceration? More anon.]
I have no more space remaining to advise you of
the fashions, fee , but in my next you will please to
look out lor luu. and no politics Ariel.
P.S.?Tom Carr, the Consul, is here in white
gloves. He is a devilish clever fellow. To have
seen Tom, in his drab upper Benjamin, walking
wing and wing with Col J. C Hart, and that sandy
whiskered individual, Levi D. Sltimm, one would
have supposed that aconseir-cy was on foot, or that
the Millenium was on their shoulders. Aim la
dainiyl Ariel.
P S. No. 2.?I shall speak more at large about
Prince John in my next.
St Ijoala.
rConvsnomleDcc of the Herald.]
Saint Loots, January 14, 1843.
IVintrr t'n St. Ismia?Horrible Street Fight and
Death?Assassination?Faeh ion and Ball*?Prices
of Pro luce?Exchange- Legislation.
Ma. Bennett :?
We are now in the middle of winter, the weather
intensely cold. The thermometer for one 'or two
da>s was from five to ten degrees below r.ero, which
in unusual for this place. We have had beautiful
sleighing for the past ten days, which is uncommon
for our city?seldom is the earth covered with snow
for more than two or three days at a time. Our
young men have embraced the opportunity of givinc
sleigh rides to their favorites, the ladies; some of
them,I grieve to say, found it much more convenieni
to pay the livery stable keeper for his sleigh and
one horse, at the rate of one dollar per hour,
than th-ir bills contracted for the necessaries of life,
such as bo rd bills, tailor's bill, and washe.rwoinan'bill;
all those must be deferred, postponed and put ofl
to a more ' convenient season," to give young men
an opportunity of appearing well and highly born to
the fair creatures, who are duped and misled by
these would like-to-be considered wealihy men, and
honorable without tne stamp of merit. Many of
the young ladies are taught to believe all is "gold
that glitters," and if they can succeed in gaining
the hand of a young man of this class, their voyage
down the stream of life will be attended with all
the pleasure their imagination portrays to them
" Who chooscth from among that class shall get as
much as she deserves." The young man. who acts
n >bly and manly, and make known to them, whom
their fancies choose, that " all ihe wealth hey possess
runs in their veins," are hooted from the
presence of their admirers by maiden aunts, who i
set themselves up to choose for others, possessing i
diff*rentfeeling and disposition i
All was Itle and animation on New Year's day
Weather beautiful. Here we have adopted your (
beautiful enntom of interchanging visits, and the i
annual renewal of social communion. It Was truly 1
a festival day. The ladies bedecked lhemae|ve>
with joyous countenance*, and received their vim
lom in a becoming manner; misunderstanding and i
ill-feeling were surtereil to nana min ,,ki:_:? .....u
the old year. Nothing occurred to mar ibr s
pleasures o| the day. One yung man, who min- I
g'ed with the throng and acted hi" part in the first <
scene of ihe first act ot the Nrw Year's drama, and
was in the enjoyment of good health, scarce had
the -cene changed, ere ha received a wound, which I
has hurried him " to that bourne from whence no ;
traveller returns." i
The oristin of the affray was this. At a public ball i
;iven at Concert Hall, Mr B. 9. Farr, Attorney at
t.aw, accompanied by a lady, to whom he * ?> I
betrothed, was refused admission by Mr. I- B '
Walker, merchant, formerly Walker Rennet, I
who acted as one otlhe manager* the following c
day it was the topic of conversation among ihe ac- 1
plain'ances of the parties. About two o', lock, the p
parties met opposite the post office, an explanation v
wus asked for. which was returned by the latter tl
tutting a ball through the former; he purvtved si* it
days, upon hisdes h being made known to the Judges t
hey adjourned the respective courts; the members v
f the Bar met and passed resolutions expressive ol c
their berievement, and that "they would wear <
crape upon the lett arm for thirty da).-.." A vert
,irgeconcourse attended hisfuneral, as the affianced i
lady followed the remains, bedecked in the weed- tl
of mourning, teats triakling down her lovely face, n H
murmur deep but not loud, ran through the multi- tr
tide, expressive of their regret thai one so young I
diould have met with an untimely end. Mr W :i
was immediately arrested and held to hail in the gi
nun of 920,01X1, which was given. Unon ihe de- c<
nise of Mr. F. he was again arrested, and after pi
wading through the testimony, the Justice brfort ct
whom he waa examined, said " his case was not e
reliable." He wasconunitted to priis-n. The sam N
svemng he waa brought before their Honors, Man- te
ling and Mullamphy, who reversed the decision ol th
he Justice. Mr. w. is related to familief in our in
iiiit. JL -i i i Ji ill RK
\nxTT*r/^ x * -ivttt a ntr r*o
jmxinit, j ainu an i xo,
;ity of much wraith, who exercise great influence.
The members of the bnr, resolved, " That in the
death of Mr Farr, we feel that the community has
lost a man, who in the flower of youth (25 years
old) and comparatively u stranger, had already hy
ins -1 nti tble depor rnent and generous feeling,gained
the frieudshri of all who knew him."
Tuts m l nicholv affair lias cast a gloom ever our
city, and caused the parties, which were well attended
before this occurred, to be but poorly at
tended At tbe next party in order of the e<-ries,
but six ladies were p.eseut; it waspostponed to last
evening when but twenty ladies attended, notwithstanding
the additional attraction of Frank Jolin on
ic Cn.'s band.
The severity of the season has put a check to all
kinds of business, except at retail to supply the city
consumption. All the rtveis above are closed, with
the exception of the Missouri, which is open some
few miles above Sr. Charles. The ice is running so
rapidly below onr city, as to forbid boats ascending.
The sieamer " Vlary Tompkins," was sunk u few
days ago near the mouth of the Missouri river?she
was descending with the ice from St. Charles?she
had on board 600 barrels flour The best price for
flour offered is #2 75; wheat 45 cents a bushel; corn.
22 to 25 cents; Fork, on foot, $150 to 175: beei"
C illle, best quality, $1 74 perewt.; Lard 5 cents;
lead #2 75; tobacco, first quality, #1 75 to $5; second,
$356 to 3 85 Our city warranto are selling
tor 76cents on the dollar, county warrants 68 cts
State Bank, Illinois, paper 42 on the dollar; Bank of
Illinois 40; Virginia paper, 2& dis.; Indiana, 1.^; Kentucky,
litis; Eastern Bank bills, 1 10 2 dis ; K.xchange
on the Eastern cities 1 per cent premium.
fV. Vf.. 11 .1. I I j i . . s .?
V'U .'HJVHIUI l u.lllli. IIH.M urciHTfl] 11 111V I (lrri'l I >1 .1
percent on the capital stock paid in, for the six
months proHt, ending 31st ulr. Its stock isnotverv
desireab'e, it having been offered tor less than 60
cents, without finding purchasers. The following
I noticed in the " Express" of your citv, of a late
date:?" Thedilficulty of transmitting funds to distal
t points is as great as ever. A gentleman a ew
days since had occasion to pay five thousand dollars
in Iowa; after making every enquiry, and re-orting
to every expedient, lie was compelled to transmit
the gold, and to pay a very considerable sum to an
individual to lake it on. ThiH inconvenience was
unknown when the United States Hank was in existence.
Then it W48 only neccpaary to enclose a
post note payable to order, and pay twenty-five
cents postage, and in due course ot mail it would be
placecl at any p unt without loss or inconvenience
The difference between now and then can hardly
he ca'cuNud.'* i
Now Mr Bennett I have never read as stupid an
article as the one I have just quoted, and to come
from Mr. Brooks, who makes pretensions to financial
knowledge, it is outrageous. If he is so tar
frotn the truth in the above article, which 1 know
is not so, what confidence, I ask, can I place in
those articles which I am unacquainted with 1 A
boy 15 years old would know better than to bring
gold or eastern funds to the west. Now I will inform
the editor of the " Express," thai he may no
tall into a similar error, that had the said five thousand
dollars been deposited in one of your banking
institution*, a certificate of ifsiuuiic r.muuhto m or.
tier,) for the same which had been seut to the person
in leva by mail, it would have been received
by him in due time without any inconvenience, and
the said certificate would command a premium of
one percent in specie over the amount deposited in
the institution, which would have been a saving of
the two bits, or twenty-five cents, and enough besides
to have bought he or she a new suit of cloihes.
I had always thought you had done h.m great injustice
in giving him ihe name of "booby Brooks," but
the article I have taken from his paper, confirms me
in the justness of the appellation, and I might add
with propriety " silly."
Our Legi lature is in session, doing nothing but
expending the public money?quarrelling among
themselvesas to whe her the Fayette clique or the St.
Louis, are the best democrats. The Illinois Legislature
is still fighting with the banks. The Governor
sent a mesH.tg- to the (lift-rent houses that something
must be done, as he is out of money, not having
enough specie to p iy the postage on official letters
We occasionally have offered to us some Beach
leaves. We follow your advice?touch not, handle
not We have seen other leaves, bearing ih>- name
of a place in honor of a revolutionary battle having
been (ought there. " Reason" not having been answered
satisfactorily, we have determined to touch
not, handle not. Roderick.
[Corraipondence of the Herald.)
Macon, Jam 21, 1843Slate
of things in Georgia?Natural-born Financiers
? '//it Slate Currency? Trade? Business in Georgia
? Politics.
My Dear Sik?
This is a great State, and conspicuous amongst
nil the rest for otir great financiers You talk of
Wall street; why, sir, Wall street is not a begin
ning to us. We can make und unmake banks taster,
we can swindle by them, and still be noticed ill
the community; we can build large houses, hold possession
of them, and take the benefit of the bankrupt
law, and live in them, perchance be the owner
after we get through; we can move banks from one
part of the State to the other, one day paying specie
and 'he next refusing; all th's can we do in the
way of banks, and be sustained by the community.
We are natural born financiers; half a dozen ot
our merchants are hankers. They have a large circulation
of their own, what you call shinp'ast'r*.? J
To be sure this is a penitiarv offence, but we are so
fond of paper, if it has the least semblance of money,
that it is tolerated ; besides, paper is so much
.nore sightly than coin, a quarter printed like a bank
note on a large piece of paper, signed by half a dozen
of res|>ect ihle men, ol financial talents, is more
respectable It has not a locofocoish look?nothing
vulgar. Our legislature, thinking they could legislate
to please Us, passed a law piohihiting the i-une
of small notes, and made it a penal 'flence The
law is a dead letter, and although "he circulating
notea of all the banks that are doing business are
redeemed in specie, si ill the State is over run with
small hills and very little specie of course in circulation
Specie is very troublesome.
The head of financiers now is John O Winter, a
very worthy, clever, talented man. He is at the
head of the St. Mary's Hank, and has a large amount
of small notes in circulation drawn in Florida us
cheeks, from six cents to one dollar, payable in Columbus,
Augusta und Charleston, less two per cent.
He has sii agent in every town in the Stnte, and his
business is to travel from one end of the State to the
other with his bag full of notes, to keep every place
supplied with the amall notes, as he finds it quite
embarrassing when Hny considerable amount n returned
upon nim T)r Collins is our next distinguished
financier, and a good man he is in everv
-ruse. He has been at the he d of several banks,
ill of which apivared to thrive from his prescriplions,
hut believing he has nad a good deal of experience,
he will understand the systoms even better
in future; at any rate he has confidence in himself
snd purchased the Hawkrnsville Bank. The docors
that had charge of it before he purchased, had
hvsieked it to such an extent that it will require,
vilh all ?? T? * ' - J
.... ..... .n citin.. i" 111c i ">cmr s juogmeni, |
ievere tonics in shspe of silver pills, In resuscitate it J
ind make the community believe it is not in a hasty
Gen. McDougsld. of Columbus, is also distintuished,
more particularly in a late affair with Col
i'lephurn. hv shooting linn in hisbank. We have
tot the particulars here, but uuderstand he has heen
irquitted. The General is at the head of the Inurance
Hank,wh<ch he purchased from the Rank of
Jnited Stales?but poor fellow ! I will not any any
hing about htm; he iadown at heel and everybody
s giving him a kick as he goes, and as he can not do
my more mischief. I will pass to a distinguished
inancier?Col Nathan McUee, a very amiable, tainted
and accomplished man, who headed the
'henix Bank lie studied under vour grear Gamalel,
and this Bank was raised on the ruins of an old
inner rn, and received its alasstcal name thereby.?
This financier figured for a year as banker and sniper
of cot'on. anil received a credit from one of
our French bouses to buy cotton, lie drew for
hiriy-five thonsnnd dollars and shipi>ed tliem as
lucb as he could?settling all up very honorably
ml lairly. Tlie Bank is now owned by a house in 1
our city, and they promise they will import some i
apital trom France to sustain it. Thia will be "art \
>asis ill the desert." 1
O r tatc owes to your i ajier a good deal for yotir t
dmirahle strictures on banking, and sou e ot us i
link thai we can sec daylight in managing our '
atika for the tutiire. Your merchants will have no '
ade from this State for two years to oome Those *
lit have bought goods regret doing so, and all that ,
trnes from the :Si lie should be looked upon wnh a >
tod deal of suspicion, it itiey nsk 'or credit. Our p
ttoii in the interior (loes not net four cents to the
an er; to be sure the croit is I rge, but so innrh is
tnsimied in bagging, rope. Ate., that nothing is c
arcelv left to pay debts with 1 see some of your II
ew York merchants here, and they complain bit- p
rly of the had faith of the merchants in not paying a
em. It is not bad faith?it is inability; andif your tl
erchants continue to loster the credit system by n
selling goods under the present embarrassment of
the South, tliey pK|, not expect any other result
than ruin. The Southern States, Georgia
ami AiHOtuna, including South Carolina, are badly
oH, and on y ih>- severest economy can bring them
oat. Hundreds ot our best citizens are relieving
themselves by the Bankrupt Imw, and not one tnerCliaiil
in leu meets bis engagements.
We are much divided ia political sentiment?Clay,
(Jalhouu and Van Bureu, all have their friends ?
Tile late election tor member ?I Congress to fill a
vacancy would justify the conclusion tnal the iStale
was whig, but i doubt the conecine.s ol it.?
McDougald, the democratic caduidale, was a member
of the State Senate last winter, and advanced
doctrines ot repudiation that were so obnoxious thai
bis party would n->l vole lor him. Calhou.i has the
strength of the democratic party, uud my impression
is if he is not nominated the State will go lor Cl.iv.
We are a strange people, and adversity, financiering
and roguery has driven us from our nigh state.
But sir, we will come out; there are some spirits in
the - outh ouud and uncoutainiuaied, and they ure
just moving to the front, and will correct the inon
sirou* abuses that have been heaped upon us by the
inosi infamous men that ever had an existence.
We have l.iiely made an estimate that the State
has lost about seven millions of dollars by Banks
since the year 1S3<>.
A Great Admirer of Your Paper.
City Intelligence.
Hoihislr Attimpt to Pouo* a Wirs.?Timothy
Mount, boiler maker, of 71 Cannon street, wax arretted oil
riiurNday evening by uthcer Ki lyeu,on a charge ol attempting
to poitoii hit wile Mury Mount, to whom he
ba. boon manit>d but about two mouth*. Mouut it u man
worth tit teal ettdtu and other uroueilv. above SlA.Uup,
and hi* wife, who wiui a widow when he married her, was
also possessed ol several houses, in one of which they
now reside. Previous to the marriage, Mount agreed to
: settle her own property upon her, but has since rvluaed to
perloim his promise >n any maimer whatever, 'i he consequence
has been a continued disagreement between
them, and on or rboutihe doth ol last month she was conlined
to her bed from illness, arising from this dispute and
other causes. The testimony a* presented beiore the police
yesterday by Mary Curliu, who was a servant in the
lamiiy, and Mrs. Pritchard and Mrs. Ca . y, neighbors,
who were assisting Mrs. Mount during her illness, was to
the loilowiug vtfect:?That about one o'clock oil the alternoon
ol the -lOih ol December, Mount cume home,
oringlng with lum tome biscuits, su?ur, Sic. and a small
piper containing some powdered substance ol a dark yellow
color, which he laid upon the table. The* ivant
girl placed the powder on Hie mantel piece, and Mount,
who had stepped out in the meaulime, letumed and put it
in his pocket. Tu-t about seven o'clock in the eveniug,
Mre. Mount desired some toast water, which was pre.
pared ; but beiere given to her, Mount reiuuikud to the
seivaut girl thai it wanted some sugai iu 11, and he Iheii
took the cup containing the water, and put a laige tea
spooulul ol white sugar and some milk iu it. lit- then
naiided it to Mr*. Pr.ichard w ho w as in the room, wiio
gave it to Mrs. Mount to drink. As soon us sue Uud lusted
o! it, she NuJd " O la, I can't drink this, lasle it .VI is Casey,
it is So bitter 1 Can't drink it?what haa Ueeii put in it I"
The servant girl tasted of it, and it was then put on the
table, when Mount immediately took the cup and removing
the lire board threw its content* on the hearth.
Mrs Mount heiseil testifies that when she charged her
huthani with the attempt to poison iter, he did not deny
it, but cried, and asked her lo loigive bun. There cir.
cumstancuf, together with his lutuiecouducl, in Viced her
to send lor Ur. Jamas R l mlton, to examine iliH naturu ol
the contents ot tue cup, that still adhered to the bricks
ol the hearth where Mount had throw u it The analization
showed that it had contained a large quantity ol powdeieit
opium, more than sutliclent to destioy the lite ot one
person. He was theretore ai ra ted 011 the cuarge as beiore
Hllcged, the punishment ol which is 1101 less than ten
year* iu the state prison. On his examination last evening,
he denied having purchased or biougut uny opium
into i he house, and thui ttie paper that the Servant girl saw
contained nnutl tuat he ha> purchased lor his own use.
Alter a toil tuvestigaiiuu ol the case beiore Justice Merrill,
he was held lo bail iu the sum ot $1000, w hich w as
entered by bis brutlier, who resides on Long island
mvui ? a iimn ui uooui lurty ytars ot age, and is rxtremely
penurious in tiucuaractei, us well a* rough ami
tiithy in uia person. Hi* wile ig a very lady like woman,
of about thirty years, ind lot ms a striking contrast iu bei
appearauce to the partner 01 ber Choice, who now stand"
cuerged witb an inieiiipt to take ber lile with poisou.
She states 111 at be said he would sootier awing tba. give
ber a marriage srttleaieut of the |>ro|erty thai she owned
Oelore iboy were united. He baa absented the premises
since the discovery of the poison, and taken other quarters
lor lodgings.
A MnniTts't Diced.?On Thursday evening about
du?k, while several small children were playing liear a
woo l pile at the loot ol Oliver street, some inhuman mons
ter, belonging to the schooner Wm. B Marsh, who had
probably supposed that they were endeavoring to steal a
lew sticks ol pine wood that hail been unloaded from the
vessel,fired n gun loaded with durk shot, which took etfeet
upon the persons of taur ol them, one ol whom lays
dangerously ill. John Qiiin, aged li years, who resides
at ISOiK street, was shot in the light side, above thehi,>,
and also on lha knee. John Faile, aged lit year*, of !>">
Cherry street, was seven ly njuted in the breast. Tliey
were taken to the City Hospital, but are not dangerously
hurt. Another hoy notned Colgal, of H Jacob ttiei t, was
most severely shot, but is considered out ol" danger of
death Irom the injuries. A little girl, who resides iu O
street, was also partially injured, fhe mate and hand' of
the vessel have been nrrestid as witnesses, audit is sup
posed that the captain of the vessel, who hHs not boen seen
since the tr inaction, was the author of the crime. Capt
Charlea S. Bostwick was arrested on suspicion on Thursday
evening, hut upon examination yesterday was discharged.
The vessel had recently brought a load ol pine
wood from Absecum beach, and had landed part of it
u|>on the wharf The children deny that they were attempting
to steal the wood, but that they were play ing
upon the wharf, and picking up the chips that luid scattered
Died is* Paison?John O'Brien, a convict sent from this
! city, confined in the Sing Sing State Prison, was found
dead in bis cell on Tuesday lust. A coroner's inquest was
heiil upon the body by the coroner of Westche.ter coun.
'v, the jury of which returned a verdict of "Died in a At.''
He had been subject to them lor several years past.
The Poor Ma* Rich?John B Carter, the ownerof
'he North American Hotel, corner ol Bowery sad B yard
street, whose statue as " 'ho poor hoy " stands prominent
on its north west cornor, appeared yesterday at the lower
police ottice and entered complaint against a poor distressed
negro named William Scott, who had stolen n pailful!
of anthracite coal from his cellar, rained at 11^ cents
Peor Scott was commi ted to prison, and will probably
Arid quarters at Bluckwell's Island, if John B. Carter appears
against him.
Caa Dritr* Km.i ed bt a Kali..? Francis Cmnery,
who has resi led in Reude street, was accidentally thrown
from his cab a few weeks since while engaged in conveying
some passengers up Broadway, and Olio of his legs re- I
ceived n compound fracture. H- was taken to the hospital,
where he lingered until Thursday night, when mortification
ensued and caused his death.
The Last Rsea. -The allrg. d rape on a Mrs. Johnson
that took place on Thursday evening, appears to have
been a-sort-of-shslf willing affair on her part to commence
with, but terminated rather differently than she had
anticipated. No complaint has been made at the police,
uui nil an; inm idKfll place.
Moat CouisTraFtira.?A new emission of counterfeit
fs no'ed, purporting to be of the BI art-ton renal Bank, of
Providence, K. I . have been put in circulation within n
lew days. Yesterday a IVIlow named John Rhode*
arrested lor pa-sing one on L C. Heath, of v(>7 Orand at ,
and Jarob O'Brien, who says he keeps a porter house in
Madison street, near Grand, waa also committed tor at
tempting to pass a itro-lar note upon B G. Kidder and
Adolphua Andrews, of 4.19 Greenwich street.
Kitstoaorvsar Rirnr Smjotivk.?Three matches, |
with rifles, came otf at Hnhoken this week between Mr.
Dunham, of Troy, and Mr. Fish, gunsmith, of this city.
The piecea used were of newconatrnctinn.aiid the balls And
of the sugar loaf formation. Dunham's gun weighed 10
pounds, and Arerl 65 bails totke pound. Fish 11| pounds, ,
and BJ balls to the pound. Tha Arst match was'or $100, i
ten shots, at 360 yards, on the rest, and to he decided by j
string measure. 'Dunham's tan shots measured 31) inches
from the centreol the target, and Fish 37 the lormer win 1
ning hy A) inches. Tha second was for the sama amount,
13 shots at JMt pard?. Duni am's shots measured A3 tt t) !
inches; Fish Aujj the former wmmag by 0} inches The (
third was tor t he same amount, 1A shots at 400 y aids, and
resulted at follows:?Fish 87) Inches; Dunham 01)? Fish '
winning hy 4) iohcet. In this match the must distent shot
hy Dunham w as 14 inches from the centre of the target; j
by Fiah 10inches. This shooting is su|>eriorto any thing ;
on record. j
Btinocsi Dictiir..-.Mr. Williai t'unningham, iron !
me'chant, who has been engaged in that hrsiness in this
rity for twenty years, died suddenly ) esterday n.orni g ]
irom apoplexy. lie had risen from hit bed hut n few momi
nt before death overtook him while he was Asaaariiw ;
to leave hi* house for his place of tuisitina*. ' ' )
llankrupt Gist.
Willsrd Ide, New York, grocer; Benliinm H O'Niel, t
thandaken, Ulster Co , farm? r; Alexander, McC' tter, N n
lurk, merchant; A If rid Livings'on, N. V., gentl'-man
lYillinm B' vm, M tmnkatiii'r, Sullivan To., milln and
nrmer; Willinm V. Millapattith, Mnmukating, Sullivan
o.,tHV?rn keeper; Wtll;u:n p.iwrn, N?w York, rmith;
Pheodore L Prermt, Ormnvillo.Ore no Count)-. H nry
(airttlgton, New York; John H Dtiryea. N. York, h?.iIi 1
uakor; William Mollneiix. N. Y., printer; Gideon Peck, 1
Y , carman; Sim on P. Hide, N. Y., merchant: Charles
J. Mllla, Brooklyn, N. Y , merchant; Thomas shtipherJ,
li Y., blacksmith.
Kiiopk Ist.axn.?Governor Kins ismed hia pro
In Illation on Monday, declaring that the eoneiifuion
Irttmetl by the convention assembled at New | 1
ort on the second Monday <>t September, haa bet I
doptrd by a minority ol the .j talihed electors in i
le 3tate ; and that on the Host Tuesday ol May I
cxt it will become the ftipreme l?w of the hvxid. 4;
f x;;OY :.a/.
1 . T"k
PvlM Two
Literary NotUea.
Lifk and Advknti kks or Martin Cncuwrr.
By Charles Dickenn, Ltq.?The first part of this
new work by Boz, hasjus' been issued by Winchester,
of the " New World." A? it costs about three
cents, and will be in every body'* hand, we need
not trouble ourselves by giving sny outlina of the
character and plot of Martin's Adventures, so tar **
developed in these introductory chapter*. W? do
not think, however, from the specimen before us,
that this work will add much to Mr. Dickens' repu
tdtion. There are occasional flaahes of that quaiat
humor which so highly characterized some of hia
former productions, but the style is generally laboured,
and in often very pointless and very dull.
Tom Hdrkr of " Orns " By Charlen Ijtvtr, Etq.
?This work will form the second volume of "Our
Mew," and front the style and character of tha first
part, which has been published in an extra " New
World," we have no hesitation in forming the opinion
that " Tom Bukkk " will prove himself entirely
worthy of companionship with hm accomplished and
agreeable predecessor " Jack Ihnton, who met
such a fl t'UrinK reception from 'he public. Dr. Lever
is, we consider, in many points I*r superior to
Mr. Dickens. In humor, pathos, snd t-kill in the delineation
of character, Lever ia fully equal to Boi,
whilst lie far excels him in his descriptions of natural
scenery, and vigorous developm*nt of incidents.
"Tom Burke " will, of course, be universally read,
L. S. D., or Accounts of Irish Hants. By
Samuel Liner.?Mr. Lover is another Irieh wriierof
great power. lie is, indeed, a man ol extraordinary
genius and versatility of talent. He writea all sorts
of humorous stories?sketches and etches all sorts
of funny illustrations?and composes all sorts sf exquisite
songs, which he seta to music, known and
.ulmired all the world over. The new story which
Mr. Lover has commenced under the rather singular
title of "L S. D "promises to lie exceedingly
interest ng, and though much of it will obviously be
more instructive on the other aide of the water, yet,
we will venture to say, that it will not be read uaprofitably
Windsor Casti.r?By W. H. jlinswarth ? A
very excellent and interesting hiatorical romance,
lull ot love and murder, and atnilhng incidents.
The Loitkrinos of Arthur O'Leary?By Cfuu.
Isvtr.?This is another of Mr. Lever's admirable
works, nnd is characterised by nil the well known
senilis of the auihor
[Mr Winchester has commenced the publication
oi hII these works in a supplementary number ol th*
" New World." and announces bis in'ention of issuing
the succeeding parts, conjointly in that Inrm,
as he receives them from England.]
Select Library or Religious Literature, Part
2? D'Aubigne's History ol the Reformation?Saxton
Mitea ?We have already expressed a favorable
opinion ol this excellent work.
Urande's Cyclopedia, Part 3 ?Harjur tr Brmhtrt
?This admirable book is meeting a most extensive
sale, and deservedly so
Address [delivered ?] before the New England
SoCiKT Y? By Jitv. Uto B Chrtver.?'I his olla
' yadndu of sense and folly, pit ly and bigotry, has
been published in pamphlet form.
The New York Legal Observer No. 16.?Thin
number contains a number ot use ml and important
American and English decisions. The work is improving
and becoming popular.
The Ladies'Companion? for Feb.?This is rather
nn interesting number, continuing a number of
good original articles, and some very tine engravings
? particularly of Die Vernon oil horseback.
A MJ&klCAN LA.Nl) ANU LOAN OH-'Cr. ?W,; i.?
<a L. BlUirrm h tviuj above thirty year eiperi+nce 10 the
management of Ke*l fCatate, and pou'Ming a large Indrl |>r >perty
himself. al o feeling great eunAilet.ee truin the lib. ml
.a ronage he has heretofore enjoyed, ir>|>rciiultv lieu, the
mention ofthr pablie to the special *dv linages of he Atneric
at Ltu I on J Loan Olfic , it No. 14 Wall arret, m th? city
if New York, for ilit" purchase, 'ale or nchsng- of Hones
rntl Lota, Farina and uucuitiva'rd Linda either it private or
public avie, ind lor the hiring anil letting of ilonaea, Stinea,
Kirmr, Ac.; for eol'rctiug the rent', and lor ttking Hie go rril
tgrucy ind an,a rviaion of Ketl Estate, nlau lor the superintend
u cr nl erecting utd rcpairiuK Uu.ld tut.
PrnoD* li t?nig property to sell, eichange or let, will find it
'O the ir advantage to apply at Una other rather than to any
rther in the city, troth in point of economy ant] deapatc...
All property tegutered in thia office, will, if .t|uirf.1, he ad
vertiaed in twoor moie of the int it*, widely circulated jouraala,
tnd evrrv honorable exertion made to di*|iote of tie- same.
Should the property hot be sold at private tale, it will, if dattired,
be offered at public auction, thus giving to owner* of the
property double -diaotagr.
H> will alio attend to effecting I nan 'lire n property, obtaining
and loaning ol inouev ouboud and mortgage, or "Uivr
tecniitica, taking t|>ecial ceo to receive ample aecurity for
money loaned; and to have title* to property raamined by (eu'lemi
n of tha legal profusion of established character loraccuracy.
Holder* of vacant ground that require* improving, will find it
(truly to their advantage to apply to him as hia liuowledge of
the kin I of builduyta which are moat productive for tke different
localities, la ofithe greatest importance: aud his ling ae1'iaintanre
witn tfle building of hmiara will amble him to get
hern erected on the uiotl rrn-onable terms at a far leas ei|*-tur
than is uinal.
Hi'vill also take char*r r f real otata intended (or , ub'irsajce.aahis
knowlr ige from exptiituee in ititiM u|i unit*,
will be of greet rnlnv to th ar intending tooiipns* of their
l*f>perty, In- will pr*| are the idvertlseinelils, awe u,.il tney arw
|iro|H rly oWtrihnted en! au|>eriiitended, ami direct the sale-in '
it will be loaml to be s great from the f?et th.it property
t .rtlu lui lh'"e'if fi.ar yev? inu beiti fiaquently sarrificrel
from the want of proper attention ami skillful mmsgrn. IIL
Individuals or c m,iaui? tint require an agent to take charge
of th if real estate, may dinetidon hiving i' faithltiliy an.'
economically man (nil?him) all miners ircviitl, promptly
p'idover Persona wishing l? lure or purchuee property, <rr
nvest money can most generally be acrnnimod tl-il tree of
expellee?ami persons residing at a liiglnoce ib-airnua to an I or
inirchaar real catntr by ssodiii a description of the pioperry,
will leceive immediate attention.
All lettrra for the purcbaae, sde or etchange of real state,
or for'he loeuiux or pnrting out of moot y, uinrrt be dirertt'l 'O
WILLIAM L. alVlKltS, American Land ami L ?i. office.
No. it Wall alreet, New York;aml the pust.ge insawai.lt ; aid
N B. < ?uirari? and oth-v papr.a prepaied at th'? office
Is I l? ?'r
r AF1TTK BOAT ' LUB BALL will take piac. at thw
La Aiaillo Sa" nn, on Monday erelong, Jan 90, IDA#. Ticketa
to be procured at l.evi Heyef'a. 489 W?ahing an ?' e?t. or off
the memh-ra of the Club, ami at the door on i tie ere mug ot ilea
Boat Cluba are inv.led to a'lend in tl sir respective Hiraaer
Walter H-r?William Vharpr,
'Uwmae Valentin", Leyi Hep i,
viicha?l Boharfa.
U hXTOiN BKOWNKI.L. Prrs.deu'
THEODORE NIcViLLK. Oiirrbrr, j"g3t*r
RAoLfr'l r,^Hl*!,,ar2 8o<:i?^0.r fork will g ih*.r
bTi. ?ri? ' tl ,1f i/k fc^ninir Jiu J.,ct JtlJt it
Hall, rh- B II wilt he opetttj by the enrrnb* rs in mil HitbI
nd cotiump. Th? ?>rocrr<Ji ofth? buil art apf>Jr?d for chant abit
i or pose ?.
Tie rts one dollar, to be hid at Tammany Halt and of
Modem k Mel end 7 t.ouril.mdt atreei.
Jos.'ih C'"ig, 941 Pearl street.
Th"iiu> W, McLrav, 116 Rltrcker street.
Andrew llrysdale, l}n < edar street.
H-mn I Jicksou, l>?ih Avenue and 16th street.
William Armstrong, Tr nth Avenue and mh stisoL
Alexander ifoberUon, 174 Fulton street
David Dunn, 4 Court land I street.
John Forrest. 120 i rarer street.
James Peacock. ( Clarkaoo atreat.
William Wilson, 37 Molt sin et.
Thomas Me Doug II, 77 D?y sir set.
Hobart Dryadale, 18 K'lih armer.
11111v l' rr for,, HODKKICK McLKOD, Chisf
JOHN F.. CLEMEN f, We. retsrv, _ i2i lw're
?OK coMtLr TiiLVi>a?irtK>ls.yl,aTLr
T ML nmvpra I tuumU'.tn wi* sk:- .? ?? . -
.. w... ju. iy rienni-'i cnemical
1 preparation ( r the de.i rartioti ofthe atrnnrret *nd t<n?hr?t
H tit. from the fit ilowu ou iptn It a J|n?-r lit' and trto t<> th
itu^hora b-.ifJ nf m n, nerda ii'?t mraofterniMtln ita
want. km .n'trirnt t . a y i' ai it > 'o b. (hand In rhi rity
wily at ihr nld and iraamal cITh ? $7 Wi kn ?t, ou? doi-r fr ia
BroaInay?41 perbnttl". Ptmrt IdeWtern.tu .init-iti m
Wlw,ru nlau mi In had
E A U L> K H E A U T E .
inrfralled for eiterBiu tin* Tan. Pnaplea. Blotehaa. ftafUw
?u Borra awl all en'aa-oM rai'lmna, and elicit of a healthy
renile hlenm %' per bottle.
(>< mrapd'a f eeeuhlr Lmoid nperh aaticle ami
he Only otia iu as*. "win pel boule
Goaraud'a Blanc D'tape^ne, an tacel'eal pret>*retion lot
uvartiugn pare, life like whiteoean to tV roMpleiH.a. ft
"fin the Injnii.ma | niwttkca *?n?rally entrrtait into eombmatnn
for thla pitrptaee Put up in el>*?ni hmpa at ?5 eenta rach,
A?*i?Tl.?Neat York?Albany, Ouihrte, 4 Maiden Late;
'.inglikrapeir, J 'fd 'ifiv; Utin, Wade, d'uiruial. Hamilton,
it. Co. Urea* It (jMiitt; Loo'tviHe. Lout* Co.; w. A. C*h#?r;
liiftHtn, Kiliott. t riu., Mvt rii, Ch>i(R;i ?t. Nca H ?trr?;W.
!*k?'Wner, Norw ch; VV?.;|s|i PnmphrfyB, H rf -?l; Cn .-<? ?
)V?r. J ., Vrovidenc#*; Tbo . r??. N?? v*i?ori; 'T >v#?, b*?r
lr**BAf?r, Spnni<ti?l?l; UrnMt- at i W?r?B?rt, I.i tl*
Vb?H'.; 4/OL.Kevitall, Soirn St roud tl, N>w
Vti'U 'trvet, Bofttitii; I, ( irl? * >n It C ? , 5Ml?*rn, !v-y,
N?*whury|x?rt. Hcxli(t ; I ?rt ;.rv?nth, f%r?-sr *?; lo fluid, J''*''*
^ xcllAl.A;,* it; 'f, OutM; ii li<?* ?ie ?u. >m Nr*t
[llirV-NftVi'l M . P * Mf:, Pf J "V. i " '
f, ( |,f V, Qf H . ha . II w*'i ?
H.?hio*mi ! > ' PM't I'icn. Tir* ;? ormn?ti,
r??o.miA tt i,f %hinttnrt; Vh . Kir oi? *.i. Mr. ?-J ter;
i.e. U aahiny I'll', A-.bv Parke.-?AJe??. ?.. U ? Betty;
' d? Bnltiin.i >. H II ,<" . fcf.K it* .cat 'iua lor ay. oi
Vmt hr rn,' , -id (none ottifi ueMk'.i fro* the po-tnafir?)
1>T,d.er .w,.a"."ln,'.'a V V elf ^reiM*. ..ncamp
ntiahla. W, h.n t <. f - '/ " 'T'"-1 " "-M cl r
. ,1 n.rem "I. ' r i itnph el) ? <dic*U < (anrtflu'ina halt,
' ' " '1 , , , i f ci Irltiiiy awl fOwwq.ientiv
' . , cu ,, . "f banr etinutr fritrra, win I
' i( , viit'ir 'he jaat rrCoaMw-na- or' .
P? i. 'd tli ft r ' a on theirgBaril and aee
lat raetv h" He ' I*' ' "|0'f, ibJ K Yelit
k ,11, a,| 11"id e eahf. . id V . r. at I" ."h hntllr, and the
, ,",,ih ic ai"iile e . mi i e nn'.i-i" wraina r Oirro...
i,incli ani Km;ti.li,.cuit"|elt'?aaeh holli*.
i , .1 ' C r iu N V f r the .ihora celebrated
, .a?T VY'.k-. ... ivor f. ? B I .'wa .
id ' .
I) nil". M?VK.'ia t?* BL.t k.WIOH CIA( K TMII.
a .naV Jiliut,:.? IV ta rati.. 'v u. . ; *? aud Wraral
' '" ' ,< 'V < > 1? r ' Ij I M III r c,urti|n , Iil?t 111!
J * rjlw **'*" 'f l^i '*??? ii l< . Cuftlf \ - i .1 n-ril
? (<? bliiliPlnt, l)i (.nl.in-L N?? Vmk- " hiKii
? ?*<* Frie. 'ilmiiMnild. jit ?r
tWBBRVPOH r Bin* Sum *?r n itioi iTrnV?
Drift. on Philadelphia too Button. |ci iaJr at
1U wVall K?*4iR BrM4wn.

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