Newspaper Page Text
T H Vol. IX.?Wo. 20.?Whole No. 3H*?. EOK NKW ORLEANS. LOUISIANA AND NEW YORK LINK. OK PACKETF. Jllill Hor tn^ietler accoinmouatioi^ii ship|ieri, 'I is inlriidcd m deapa eh * >hi|i frum tltis "ort on the In, Vh, Ullli, Dili. Mth, *ud Dili ?ii t-acli mnntli, com dicing 'hi* lOlh October aud conriutiItig itnnl May, when regular days will lie appointed for the r. minder of the year, wliereby gresl delaya and disap|K)iutmen will br i revenred during the summer oiouilia. The followii ft hip? wiv cominencr this arrangement : k _Snip YAZOO, CantaM Cornell. Ship OCONEE, Captain Jackson. Slap MISSISSIPPI, Captain Hilliard. '-Ship LOUISVILLE, Catsaiu Hunt. Ifdlnp SIIAKSPK.ARE, Captain Miner. ' Ship OA STON, Captain Latham - > Ship HUNTSVILLE. Captaiu Mum ford. , Ship OCMULOEE Captain Lvavitt. Snip NASHVILLE, Captain Diclunson * f^.'Sliip MEMPHIS, Captain Knight. Slap LOUISA, Captain Mulford. These ?hi|is were all built in the city of New York, express for |>acketa, are of light draft of water, hare recently been J uly cotqiered and put in splendid order,with accommodations Mr passengers unequalled for Mimfort. They are commanded by experienced masters, who will make erery exertieu to girt 8.-iirral satisfaction. They will at all times be towed up anil jwu the Mississippi by, steamboats. Neither the owuera or captains of these ships will be responsible fur jewelry, bullion precious stones, siller or plated ware, o.- for any letters, unreel or package, sect ty o rpxt cu board ot I lera, tiulsaa regular bills :f .ailing are taken for the same ,aDJ the value theteon ex|iressed. for freight or passage, apply E. K. COLLINS Ik CO., M South St., or HULLIN k WOODKUFF, Agent in New Orleans. who will promptly forward all food* to their address. The snip* of this line are warranted to sail punctually aa advertised, and (Treat care will be taken to hare the goods correct ly measured. m4 NEW LINK OK LIVERPOOL PACKETS. To silfrcm New York oti the 26th audi Liverpool on the ISth of r.ack month. M. M. tfk ^^Fnnsi Nkw Yohk. '.f Shir GAKRICK, Captain Wm. Sk.ddy, 25th October. l^Hhin ROSCIUS, Captain John Collins, 25th November. J?4hip Kill DONS. Captain E. B. Cobb, 26lh December, ft ship SHERIDAN, Captain K. A. Depeyater, 2iUi January. / ' From Liverpool. 'rShip 8IDDONS. Captain E. B. Cobb, 19th October. F" Ship SHERIDAN, Captain F. A. Depeyater, 13th Novem'r. B Ship CJARH1CK, Captain Wm. skiddy, 13th December. Ship ROSCIUS. Captain Jolm Collins, 13th January. - These i hips arc all of the lirst class, upwards of KM tons, built inihe city of New York, with such improvctneuts ascotnhinr great speed with unusual comfort for passengers. Every care has hem taken in the arrangement of their accommodations. The (irice of passage hence is f 100, for which ample stores w ill he provided. These shi|>s are commanded by experienced masters, who will make every exertion to give general atiafac tion Neither the captains or owners of the ships will be responsible for at y letters, imrcels or packages sent by them, unless regular b 1 Is of lading are signed therefor. For freight or pasr, ege. apply to E. K. COLLINS k CO., 56 South St., New York, or to WM. & JAS. BROWN k CO., Liverpool. ' Letters by the packets will be charged 12H cents per single sheet; 50 cents per nance, and newspapers 1 cent each. ol OLD LINE LIVERPOOL PACKETS. jjjs. aftrpHE OLf^cftlE of Pacsct^or LiverpooWnMiereafter be I despatched in the following order, excepting that when the day ol" sailing falls on Sunday, the ships will sail on the succeed\un day. For New York. For Liverpool. The SOUTH AMERICA. (Juno 1 July 19 616 tnus, < Oct 1 Nov 19 D. G. Bailer, heft I iviar lt? The ENGLAND, (.June 19 Aug 7 750 loea, . Oct 19 Dec 7 B. L.Waite. I Feb 19 April 7 The OXFORD, (.July 1 Aug 19 800 tuna. '.Nov 1 Dee 19 J. Kathbone, I March 1 April 19 The EUROPE. (.July 19 Sept 7 <10 tons, .Nov 19 Jan 7 E. O. Marshallr Mar 19 May 7 The NORTH AMElflCA, h Aug 1 Sept 19 <11 tou*. 1. Dee, 1 Jan 19 A. B. Lowber.r April 1 May 19 The NEW YORK. ( Aug 19 Oct 7 900 ton*, ' Dec, 19 Feb 7 T. B. Cropper.i April 19 June 7 The CAMBRIDGE. i.Sept I Oct 17 850 tou*. '. Jan 1 Feb 17 W.CBamow.l May 1 June 19 The COLUMBUS, I, Sept 19 Nov 9 700 tons, '.Jan 19 Mar 9 O.A.Cole. May 19 Ju|y 7 Punctuality, aa tegards the day of sailing, will beobaervcd aa heretofore. The price of pauage outward ia now filed at On* Hundred Dollar*, for which ainple (tores of ever* description will he provided, with the exception ol wines and liquors, wh.'ich will be furnished hy the stewards. GOODHUE It CO.. 64 South st., C. H. MARSHALL. 38 Burliug-slip, N. Y. jc24 Ivh BARING BROTHERS it CO.. LSpnol. TAPSCOTT'S GENERAL PASSAGE OFFICE, 43 TECK SLir, NEW YORK. itfSThe subscribers beg to call the attention of their friends and the public generally, to their suiwrior arrangements fur bringing out nasat nger* f-oin, and remitting money to, any pnr' of England, Ireland, Scotland or Wales, in trie magninceut parkel ships, comprising the new Line Of Liverpool packets," viz.:Ship ROSC1 US, Capt Cullia*. Ship SIDDONS,Captain Cohb. Ship SHiLltlDAN, Captaiu Depeyster. Ship GAKIlli'K, < aptain Si idly. New shin HOT ilNUUER, Captain Bnrsley. Ship SOUTHERNER, Captain Wnodhouse. Ship ROCHESTER.Captain Palmer. New ship LIVERPOOL. Captain K'dredge. Sailing twice every month; ino with the" UNITED LINE," Cumimto 01 mjirnitr um ciui Amrnwin ini|n, sailing every ten davi, will make lire ship* >n eae.h month throughout the year, (or one every six days) thereby pieventing the poaai bilily of unnecessary detention. Passages dir<'Ct from Loudon, Bristol and Greenock to New Voik Alto f orn Liverpool to New Orleans, Mobile, 8ava? n-h, Charleston. Philadelphia, Boston aud B.urimore, and thu varto t port in British Nortli America, can at all limei r>e engaged on liberal teroit. Persona wishing to tend for ihrir friends, will not fall to aee thr advantages to be derived Uoin selecting this line iu preferenre to ant other, and they may rest assured that unusual care will be lain-u to make .he passage agreeab'e, the shipa being fitted up with au eye solelv to the com'Ortof passengers. In all casus where the parties teal for decline coming, thr money will be refuudi d without auy deduction, as usual. A free passage from the various seaport* of Ireland and Scotland can .Iso be aecured. The regular p a kets for which the subscribers are agents, sail an tollows, via i?To and Irom Loudouen the 1st, 10th, and 201 It of eacl. month. To and from Liverpool on the 1st, 7th. 13th, 18 h, and 15th of each month. New Orleans, Mobile, Savannah, an . Charleston, weekly thronghout the season. REMITTANCES. Persons in the conntrv wishing to send money to their friend", by enclosing the sum they wish sent, with the name and address of the parties to receive it, m.y rely on a draft for the amount being forwarded per lir't packet, after the receipt tnereof, and an acknowledgement for the same returned per mail. Drafts at sight, for any amount, are payable on demand, withont discount or any oth r charge, at the National and rrovin cinl B inks of Ireland anil brauches, Eastern Bank ef Scotland, Greenock, and their branches, Messrs. J unci Bu't, Son It Co., Hankers, London, Exchange and Discount Bank, Liverpoo1, and iu <very principal town of Great Br rain aud Ireland. Fnrtherpirticulars made known on application, if by letter, post paid, to d.1v r W, It J. T. TAPSCOTT. 41 Peck Slip. N. York. 4& jEt ^ TTOtTB FOT^V^HShltLta?The Undenneutioued ships will be regnlarly dispatehed from hence and Irom Marseilles on the 1st of each mouth during the year, thus? From New York. Marseillas. MINERVA.OaplBrown, N -v I. Jan 1 H'KY THOMPSON, Cap Sylvester, Dec 1. Feb 1 C'UURI ER. Capt Dugsq, Jan 1. Marl TRKSCOTT, Capl Lawreuce, Feb I. Apl 1 HELLESPONT, Capt Adams, Mar I. May I COHIOLANUS, Cap Haile, Apl I. Jun I They are ail cnpierea aud copper fastened,and have excellent accommodations tor pissengersThi price of cabiu passsge will be $100, exclusive of wines andlniuors. Goods addressed to BO YD St HINCKEN, the a gents, will be forwarded free of other harges than these actually paid. For freight or passage apply to O. BROOM It CO., or to oBr BOYD fc HINCKEN. Agents. SPRING ARRANGEMENT FOR 1843. 4& m. M OIJ^ESTABLISIG^U EJiu^^TNT PASSAGE OFFICE. No. ?l SOUTH STREET, N. Y. DASSAOE to and trout Grrat B itain and Irel ml by the reT ^i lar line of pickets, sal.lug on 1-,e lit, 7tb, 13th, 19lh aud 8'jlb o' each month. The old Black Ball line of packeta are as follows:? Ship NEW YGHK, Captain Cropper, " I A M RKIntiE, ('apt- in B nidow, " I GLU M BUS, Captain Cole, " EL IIGPE. Captain k'urher, " SI 'UTH AA'EKIC \, Captain Bailey, " NOKTH AMERICA, Captain Lowber, " E sOLAND, Captain iVaite, OXHOHD. Cai.Uiii Rnthbone. The Commercial Line is compos*d of forty superior, fast ailmg ships, all commanded by men of great experience. Fiitt cl x*a slops will al o be <le?packed Irom Liverpool to Bo*tou, New Orleans nnd Mobile, three times per month; to Balti more, Charleston ami Savannah,. twice a manth, to the different porta iu Dntish Noitn America weekly. I be subscriber, i n making known his arrangements for the year .114.1, bega to call the Attention of those persona residing iu the Uuited States ind Canada. wno wish to send tor th* ir friends to come Iro ,? tiu I.-lid, Irelau I, ScoliHUiUud Wales, that they csu al wars he acc .mm?.dated by trie Intent packet ships sailing aah* it-; aud iu -nder to give more fuC'liiy ami quick despatcn to ih?- emigrant, nrat da** wi li-kii'>Wii American ?lit|?, compruing tl.e t.i-n\rntrci.?l Lan will, in addniou to the p ckets be despatched by lueL*ftrpool scents, every ihieo or lour *1. y duniik. the season^ thereby avoiding any detention. I'hos*. sending tor their friends may rest a*sur? d h it every ihing roi lucteo wth his hnsinrsa will be eiecut'd with his usual piomptnrss With theseaiMDgt menu the subscuber hopes t?com maud a preference Ait this line, and a coutintf fiou of th public patronage which Ins been so liberally kestoweu foi I'l II ) < I .MS I ; mi I II, ,|l| . <S- * \s I , I ' 1 mil'. the inon* y is refunded, as ciuicin.try: a free passage can also be secured by itieinho.iL Loui ilu ports iu Inland Mid 9 Ulead to LlVerpt il tiei. itiauc* a and Urutis?With regard to his amngemenL for the laymtiit of his dr ifts, they are such as to warrant even aaiisfai ti?>u. aud arc paid at all the i. inking houses on d< m.mJ. throughout tin a Biitainanl Ireland, 'those peisoiia, then fu.e throughout ihe United ^t?ue, wh? W'i?htori ' it money t? th ii iiieiidi residing in try part of the United Kingdom, will i ?e i . i oc th? I ceiptol ihi imo mi icre, w ith n in a* dress ot t'ie party to wceive il, * ?lr ill for the ? mount at he r.iteoi %b iter |mttu<J sterling, will bt forwarded per sieam shipoi hi i?. cm i alnp au'l a receipt or duplicate of saine r** turned ihi - ugh the cost office Koi further particular* apply, (if by letter post paid) io jO*l"b H KB D.MAN. 61 Houth street, or J v W. It UI.N.%0?V (kiirt I'mx&as, and Neptune si. W.\t? rloo I).?ck, Liveipool. In ^rodn^d?V!r??srs Ditncl Wright (k Co.,Ologow Iu Iie'aud? Dimis lllil'liV, Itul'hii; Messis. Joseph Allen kt'O, U Hun; Mr. Win. Cairn*, Loudoi.d* iry , A. Mur ia>, hlM| , Co k ^ ______ 4i3 ec N i Wnl RkfUMi Bank Notes wanted lor a short uuie-~DmIu hi lliiladeltdtia and Bostou. lor sale at 8. J SYLVESTER'S, dili id Wail at and 190 Broadway, # E NE" HT71 jl\I Ji m PASSAGE FROM ORF.^KKTTAIN ANI) FKM^TNO BY THE BLACK RAI.L OR ul.D LINE OK LIV> R"OOL PACKETS. [Sailing from Liverpool ou the 7th and 19th nf every mnnih ] Person* wi.-hiug to send to the Old Country for their friend* can make the Mtcfiury arrangements with the subscribers, and have ihem come out i-i tnis imirri'tr LilM of Packets, sailing fr?>ni L ivernwol unclually o?t the 7th -nid 19th ofevery month Tl ev will alto have a tirst rate class of American trading >hi|?, anil rip every aii daya. thereby affording weekly comtnuuicstiou from that nort. One of the firm ( ?lr. Jamea f>- Rochel ta there, tn see that they shall he lorwarded with care and despatch. Should the parties agreed for not come out, the money will he returned to those who paid it here, wiJioul auy reduc tion. Trie Black Ball, or Old Line of Liverjiool Pad eta, comprise the following magnificent Ships, viz The OXEORLL fhe NEW YOKK, CA M B "I DUE, COLUMbUs, EUROPE. SOUTH AMERICA, ENGLAND, NORTH AMERICA. With such sujierior and unequalled at langemeats,^ihe subscribers confidently look forward for a continuance of that su|>port whirh lias been extended to them so tnauy years, for which they- are grateful. Those proceeding, or remitting money to their relatives, cau stall times obtain Drafts at sight for any amouut, diawu direct on the Royal Bank of Ireland, Dub lin, ?!sn on Messrs. PRE8COTT, OROTE AMES It CO. Bankers, London., which will be paid on demand at any of the Banks, or their Blanches, in all the principal towns throughout Eugland, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Apply,or addicts, (if by letter, pott paid.) ROCHE, BROTHERS It CO X5 Fultou stre-t, New York, next door to the Fulton Bank. N. B.?The Old Line of Liver|iool Packets sail from this port for Liveri>oul on the 1st and 19th of each mouth. Parlies returning to the old country will liud it to ih-ir comfort and advantage to select this favorite Line for their conveyance, in preference lo any other. A'l r lAg- OLD ESTABLISHED EMIGKA.N1 I'Aa SAGE OFFICE, 61 South street, New York?RegJKSBKisu'ar Line of Packets?The suhsciiber continues to Dris^ out person* irom nnv |>nrt ol ureal Britain aud Ireland, who may be engaged by their frimds here, hy (he regular liue of packet aliin*, ii11uK every ?u day* 'roiu Liver|>ooi. Per?on? sending lor theirTrieo Is, mav rely that ju<t care will be taken 'o hare them de*paii4i~d without delay in Liverpool,and will alwaya endeavor (o merit a courinua ire of the pnblic patronage which ha* been *o liberally bet lowed for inanv yeara pa*t; and tho?e remitting money c in nave draft* payable at all the^Banks and branches throughou'the Uuited Kingdom. Kor further partirulara, ap Iv [ifby teller, po.l paid] to j6r JOHN HmRDMAN. 61 S. uih *t. KOK LIVERPOOL?NEW LINE?.Regular Paclret o( 25tl Fcbruaiv.?The Splendid Packet Ship aKwBCpGARlMCK, Captain William Skiddy, of lOiK) tout, will |>o*ilively ill aa above, her regular day. For freighter passage, having accommodations unequalled for splendor or comfort, apply on boar 1, at Orleaus wharf, foot of Wall street, or to E. k. COLLINS 61 CO. 56 South street. Price of passage, <100. 1 ne Packet Sinn Koscius, Captain John Collins, ol 1100 tins, will succeed the Oarrick, ana sail the 25th of March, her regular day. L Iters for the ships of thia will only be received at Gilpin's and Hale'a News Room. Passengers may rely on the ?' ipe ol this line sailing pnnctn*llv as advertised. 'j78c XJC3P- B'.ACK BALL OR OLD LINK OF HVcRkyjMfV.PO1 >L PA' Kv.TS.?S*iU on Wednesday, Hie 1st Jlifiailfian' F'biuary?The m?gnifici lit packet shinCOLl'MUla, C<pt George A Cole, will sail positively on W<duesd.y, 1 1 Febiusty, her regular day. For imssaie in cabin, second cabin, sud steerave, and thos e Wishing to secure the best berths, will plva-e make early application on board, foot ol Be-kman si. or to >he subscribers. ROCHE. BROTHERS Si CO , SiFulmnst tint door to FuI on Bink. N 6?Persons sending to the Old Country for ibeir iriends, can have thi-m Ibrought out in lor above lavnrit'packet, or in any of the pickets comprising this old e?'abli?hnl magnificent line which sail from Liven o<J on the 7 th and 19th of every motuli For pHias .-e apply as above. j27r xjsg- PASSAGE FKOVI LIVERPOOL?Tie ve.y parket sh p MEMPHIS. Capl Knight, will JMkUlbaaail. from Liverpool early in March Pc 1 foua wishing to send for their friends can have them brought out in her or auV of the icgnlar packets bv applying personally, or if by letter, post laid 0 JOaEPH McMURRAY, 100 Pine street, corner ol South P 8?Oralis for any amount payable st sight in any rank, branch, or agency of a hank. In England, Ireland and Scotland, given hy applying as above. j\ 2lr XJKP- OLD BLACK BALL LINE OK PACKETS 9JMM1VKOR LrVERPOOL?Packet of the 1st February ? JMatMBkaThr superior well known packet shipCOLUMBhh, Capt. Cole, will positively sail as above, her regn lar day H iving unsurpassed accommodations for cabio, second eatnu aud sieerage |iassengert. Pe 011s aDout to cmbla'k should make early application on board the hip foot of Beckmau at, or to juiin m.itu'iA.1, 61 South street. N. B. Persons sending for their friends residing in Great Britain and Ireland can hase them brought out, a* usual, by any of the ship* composing this line; aud drafts furnished for any amouut, payable without discount throuithonl the united kingdom, apple a? above ftt ec saa- PACK It-T KOK HAV itE,?( Second Line >?The fWrW Ship ST. NICOLAS, John B. Pell, master, will jBHm sail un the 1st of Februarv. BOYD It HINCKEN, jy It r No 9 Tontine Huildmtr, A? PACKET FOR .iiARSEILlES?K. big ,ry ist. MflraV-The ship TRESCOTT, C in. Lawrence. Apply ??? ?.0 S BROOM <t CO. or to BOYD It HINCKEN, Aventa, jvISr 9 Toutine Building DRAFTS O.N lltELA >D, Jtc ? Th. subscribers continue to give dralts payable on demand, without jUMlfiedi-couiit, or any charge whatsoever. IN IRr-LAND?The Natioual B ink of Ireland, the Provincial Bank of Ireland, and their "ranches in evert county. IN ENGLAND AND WALES?Messrs. James Bult.Son It Co. bankers, London, the Escoange and Discount Bank, Liverpool, and their br .aches thruughnnt England and Wales INSCOTkAND?The Eas'eru Bank 01 Scotland, the Greenock Banking Company, and branches in the principal lowus ; Sir Wm. Forbes, Hunter It Co. Persons ia the country wishing to remit money to their frieuds id any part of England, Ireland, Scotland, or Wales, by enclosing the amouut they wish to remit to the subscribers with the name and address of the parties to whom it is to be *?nt. A draft for the amount will be forwarded thr first packet after the receipt thereof, aud acknowledgement of the same relumed per first post, d? W It I T TAPSrOTx. is Peeks lip. New York fAP- REMITTANCES TO IRELAND, Ike., ate.? mjMVThe subscriber coutiDues to transmit money, in sums JESMflfclargr or small to persons residing in any part of IrtSm, hi the same maimer \a ha, and hn predecessor in business. have done for the I ait hirty years, and mure; also, to any part ol Rutland or Scotland. Money remitted bv letter (postpaid) to the subscriber, or Personally deposited witn him, with the name of the person or (Persons in Ireland, England or Scotland, to whom it is to be sent, and nearest post town, will be immediately transmitted and paid accordingly, aud a receipt to that elfect given or for warded to the sender. In like manner money with or clai ms on persons in any part ol Ireland, England or Scotland, can b? collected by the subacnner, for persous residing in any part of the United States, or Canada, aud will be imid to them accordingly, ju >m?r ZiyoiKiv, m ninny, i? . <? REMITTANCES TO ENOLAND, I HE LAND SCOTLAND AND WALES.?Persons pioceed JjHhb "r rernnting mouev to any part o1 the old c >untry can at all times obtain rom the subscribers dralts at sight, for any amount ou tin Koyal Batik of Ireland and on Mrssrs. Prescort, Urolc, Ames it Co, Bankeis, London which are paid free of discount or any charge whatsoever, in nil the priucipal towns of the United Kingdom. For terms, apply or address, if by letter, host Irud, to KOCHE BK0THER9 A CO.. . 35 Fnlton at, nest door ta the Fulton Bmk. P. S ?The subscribers will as heretofore have a regular suecession of first class Amen :un ships, sailing weekly Iroin Lit pool, during the eoniioe year 1113. For passaite, apply as above dan r BKITlSn AND NURTH AM KlUCAfs KUUL MAii STEAM SHIPS, Of 1200 t?n? and 440 horae power each. Under contract with the Lords of the Admiralty. BRITANNIA, J. Hewitt, Commander, CALEDONIA. E. O. Lett, do ACADIA, A. Ryrie do COLUMBIA, E. C. Miller, R N do Will aail from Boston, via HaKfai. _ . r*OSI BOSTON FROM LIVERPOOL Britannia, Hewiu, Jan 1 Caledonia, Loci, Feb 1 Jan 4 Acadia, Ryne, Mar 1 Feb 4 Colombia. Miller, Ap'l 1 Mar 4 Passage Money?From Boston to Liverpool, SIJV-Bostou o Halifax $20. These ships carry etperienood surgeons. No Bertha secured until paid for. NoTP..-^.MerchandiT.e and Speeie (except for |>ersennl ei >ense?) shinned ouder the name ot luggage will be charged aVeignt, avid liable to Custom House Regulations Apply to _oiy r 11 BHIOHAVI IK r FOR LlVElirOOl, FKOM BOSTON. The Royal Mail Steamer OALh.DONIA, will leave Boston for Liverimol via Hilifax.on Wi duesdiy, Keb. 1st Her accommodations for passenger. aie superior, and liltid with every comfort. She also ctrries an experienced surgi on. For passage or any other informati in. apply to D BHIOHaM. Jr Agent, j2.16tr At Haroilci A (*o.'< ITi e. Mo. t Wall si. STATEN ISLAND EERKY Foot of Whitehall street On ai.d after T)ee Id the steamer ST A T F N HI.AVnVl, ?r<ll run u !ollnw?, until further notier LfcAVK STATlN ISLAND. NK.W YOHK. 8* A M, 9A.M. 1# l*H JP. M. 9H P. M, dl r ?* jMQ Jgm REGULAR OPPOSITION TO OATS KILL,and intermediate jaudiiijc*, without tow ^BM^al^MLbarkres ? R? gnlar days fioni Cattskill, Moti lays, Wednesdays and Fridays. E\om New York, Tuesday*. Thursdays and Saturdays.? Fare to or from Cattskill, 50 reuu. -Berths 25 cents?Supiwr 26 c*ills. The new sou fast steamer WAVK, Captniu V.uidcrbilt. wil ?7r L kiusnn st. pier Thursday Nov. 17th, at five o'clock. Por further particular* inquire of the cs tain on board. B\ running on the days'above named, there will b? a daily coir intiui 'stion between Cats)/ill and S? w York (and ?tiferioediati pIbch) for freight and passage at rtdnced prices. 'V ~ ~RAIL MOA I Ll>fc I'K 91AOKS .TllT? " MO * NKW YOHK TO BKIOOKDlfcjCk'T%ieS < "1 Mid eft rTurul.y, Jimmy 3d. 1843. lite suu??.ittH*r? will run a line of staue* Irom Bedford to New York three times a week, aa foliow Leaves fteelv's visnsion House, Bedford, every Monday, Weitn- sday and Fndat mommi. ai 8>% ??Vh?c. i LcawaUit Kail Hoad Motel, comer ol Bow t ry and Brooine is, .New York, # very Tuesday, VVedne.<i?y ?nd Saturday ino.nit.*, bv the 9 o clock r.? a, pmsmik Marble Hall, fca?' Chester, and through White Plains, Koiditn.i' Mills and Milt Square to Bfdlord. ..... . Hill5M DEFOREST, U. i;. Lt.Wi s Proprietors. The lied Bird Line of Stages will coutinue to run durtug the winter from White Plains every day at 8 o'clock, sod New Yoik *t 8 o'clock, P. M ErOKM, )i ltnaf Piopri,ioi, W YO :w YORK, SUNDAY MO! NEW JERSEY RAILROAD AND TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. MBW YORK AND NEWARK. ITroni tne lo?i ot C*lttl?inll (Mtl, Nr? York ( Kvery day?Sunday tih'sptrd.) Lravra Nr* Y?iy Limvh Newtuk * A. M At 1 P M il a v. at iu p Vi 11X do 4 do. ? do. 3>J do 4X do 9 do. 6 do. 7 do. II It do. O.N SUNDAYS. F.orn the foot of Cwurtlaudt street. Leave New York, Leave Newark. At 9 A. M. and (H P M. At IX P. M. and 10 P. M NKW YORK, ELIZABETH TOWN. Leave New York. Lesve Elizabeth Town 9 A. M. 7 A. M. 2 P.M. tW A.M. 2X " K>X A. M. 4$ P. M. IX M. J P. M. 9X " The trains for Wrttlield, Plainfield, Boundbrook, Srnnerviile kc., connect with the 9 A M, 2 and IX f' M train, trom New York, daily, Sundays eTi:e|>trd. Fare beiwoeu New York and Elizabeth Ti wu 24 cent*. Fare between do and Somerville, 74 cents. NFW YORK. KAHWAY AND NKW BHWNSWICF. Fare reduced. F rom the foot of Liberty street, daily. Leave New Ymk. Leave New Brunswick At 9 A. M. At )X A. M. 2X P. M. 7X " 4* " I2X " 9 P.M. On Sundays the 5X and 7X A.M. rrips from New Brunswici and 2X P. M. train from New Y >rk, are mitted. Faie betwern New Yn-'t au?J New Brunswick 7J cent/ Rahway, 40 cents The fare in the 479 and YX A. M. trainfrom New Biuiuwick, and 2X and 4lt t'. M. tniu from New York, has beeu ri faced. New York and New Brunswick, to 40 cents. " and Kahway to 37X " Passe inters wiio piocure their tickets at the ticket ntfice, rr letve a ferry ticket oralis Tickets arc received by the coi Incroronlv on the day when purchased. nil 3n>* " NKW YORK AND BOSTON k.\ ft~RT5A.D LIN e7~ Via Norwich sun WonrtsTKR Railroads. Composed of the followinit superior steamers runuing in connection with the Norwick >i Worcestei and Worcester St Boston Kail Rosas? WORCKSTKR, Capt. J H. Yanderbilt. NKW HAVEN, Capt. J. K. Dustau. CLEOPATRA, Capt . On and after Monday, Nov.21st,this line will be run tri-weekly, leaving New York, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays only, at 4 P. M. The new and splendid steamboat NEW HAVEN, Captain J. K. Dustan, will leave every Tuesday, Thursday and Satnrdav afternoon, at 4 o'clock. Passengers for Boston will be forwarded immediately on the arrival ol the above boats at Norwich, and will proceed without change of cars or baggage. For further information, enquire at the office of D. B. ALLEN, 39 Peca slip, up stairs All persons are forbid trusting any one or account of the ibove boats ornwners. nj'ir MORRIS AND ESSEX KAIL ROAD, esaffa SBSrs g ?v - -ijyir -^wp New Arrsiige.iicui?This Road having hern re-laid at great eipeiue wiih the mi't approved and heaviest H ra'l, to secure s ?sl and esp>diiious conveyance between New York anil Moristown, will commence running two trips daily, Sundays en epleil, en and after M inlay, J tu, ' 8. First Tiaiu from Mom-town wll lesve at7>ij A M. Second Tram fiom Morrislown will leave at Ik F M. First Tiaiu from New Yoik will leave at 9 A M?Newark at 9X A M. Second Train from New York will leave at 25f P M?Newaik at 3>t P.M. fastener rs hv the Morning Train from Morrislown will arrive ai N-wark in tiinn I'm ihe 9AM Train lo Nr w Yo-k, or the morning Train io I'lii apclphii; by the Afternoon Tiaiu they will strive at Newark in lime for the 3S P M Train to New York or the Eve -mg Train to Philadelp la. Passengers by the Morning Tiai Fom New York will arrive at Morrislown in lime lo tllue and take au7 of the Stages running west or north from thai plaee. j<6 Im'ec WINTER AKHA sUKMKN'l. N E 1, INK. DIRECT. Via Newark, New Brunswick Princeton, Trenton, Bordea town and Burlington. THROUGH IN SIX HOURS. Leave New York, from the loot of Liberty street, daily, at"> A M and <\ P M. Tne morning 1,'ne proceeds to Mordentown, Irom thence by steamDoal to Philadelphia. The Evening Liue proceeds direct te Camden, (opposite Philadelphia) withontcnange of cars Passeugers will procure their rickets at the office foot ol Liberty street, where a commodions steamboat will be io reatli uesss. with baggage crates on board. Philadelphia baggage crates are conveyed from citv to citv vithoul being opened by the way. Knelt train ia provided with ? Ladira Car, in which are apartmenu and dreaaiug rooma expreaalv for ihy Ladiea use. Returning, the linea leare Philadelphia from the font ol Clieatnui atreet by railroad from Camden, at 9 o'rlock A M.and i o'clock, P M. The Linea for Baltimore, leave Philadelphia at 7 A M, and 4 I M, beiDK a continuation of the linea from New York. ?28 3in * r DAILY PACKAGE EXPRESS CAR FOR ALBANY, TROY, AND BUFFALO. By ih-M^M^^^iia City to Albany in Twelve H mra. Lravra at T o'clock in the morning. The anbacrihera have made arrangement* with the Honaatom Kail Koad Company, to run au Einrtaa Car (eicluaively for ou- own parpoae) daily, over their road with the imaaenger tram, running through to Albany in twelve hniira.and are now ore (tared to receive and b rwerd at low ratea, Specie. Bank Notea, Packaeea. Balea and Caara of Qooda, lie., for any of the above uamed or intermediate placea. Wilt attend promptly to the colleoiion and payment of billa, tiotea, diafta and arcouiita, and auch other buaineaa aa may be entmated to tneircare. d2r I'OMEKOY It CO H Wallvreet. New York. PULLEN Je COPP'S NEW^Hf^l, b A ^ JE A Meaara. Harnden It Co. haviug diapoard of their rouie from New York to Albany and Troy, the aubacribera, the old conductora of Harndeu St Co'a Northeni Expreaa, from New York, will coulinue to run aa heretofore^leavintj New York, Albany aud Troy, Daily , and connect at Troy with Jacoba' Montreal Kline?, and wi'.l foiward Specie, Bank Notea, Packages Bundlea.Caiea of Goods, Ste., to any place between Nvw York and Montreal, aud throughout the Canada'a. Alao East, from Troy and Albany to Boat,,a, and Weat from Albany to Buffalo. All buaineaa entrusted to their charge will be promptly attended to. Particular attention will he paid to the collection of n- tea, drafca, acceptancea, lie., and prompt returua made for lie aatne, Pl'LLKN St COPP. Office a'?Piilioo It '"opp, 2fc Wall street, N'W York. Tnoa. Gougn, 15 F.tchauge, A li. Filkina 228 Uiver atreet, Troy. S. Jacob'a Kuchande Court, St Paul at, Montreal. HEFfe KKNCE8. N?W VoRR. Ai.Ravy. Trot. Prime, Ward St King, E. J. Humphrey, Jno. Payne, facob Little, k Co., Thoa. Gough. P. VV eifa, lohn T. Smith, St Co., 8. K. Stow, Pepoou St Hoffman, C. S. Douglaaa, (Carpenter St Vermilye, F. Leake Houvhton St Co. Drew, Robinson A Co. nil GOURAUlJ'S POUDRE SUBTILE, FOR COMPLETELY AND PERMANENTLY ERADICATING SUPERFLUOUS HAIR. '"PHE nmveraal popularity of this jaa'ly celebrated Chemical f Preparation for the deairuetion of the atrongeat and touuheal Hair IV.,,.. 1.... I I.. I... ...a k? stubborn beard of m u, need? not a word of comment in irn praise. It is sufficient to a,y that it is to be found in thi- city only at the old and original office 67 Walker at, one door from Broadway?(I per bottle. Beware of deleterioue imitations Where also may be bad OOUHAUD'A 15 A U I) E HEAUTE. unrivalled for r ltrrmin tiny Tan, Pimples Blotehee, A*11"ta n aa, 'dorea. and all cutau oua ?motions, ami elicit ng a healthy jure title hloom. V tier h title Onarsud'a Vegetable Lt<|ttid Rouge,?a aa|>erb aKicle, ai d the on'y one in me. Vaccina per bottle Onnntid'a Blanc D'Kipngui, an etcel'etit prenaiatiou lot imjarting a pure, life like whiteneaa 10 the completion, fn from the iniariotta properties aeon-ally entering intoeomhiti tiou for this purpose. Put up ill elegant botes ai 21 criut each Aoknts.?New York?Albany, Outline, 4 Maideu Lao ; Pouahkteitsie, Jarcd Gray; Utica, Wade, druggist; Haniilioi. M. I/O Great 8t (tr i ura; Louisville, Lnni* Co.; W. A. Cpaa. Gi.shen, Klliott. Ci on., ? vers. Chapel at, New Haven; W . Kotikner, Norwich; Well* Ik Humphreys, Harlford; Ctinrb Dyer. J Providence; Thomas, New|K>u; Clowes, handresser, Springfield; Greene Ik Co., Woreater; Burt, I i'll Kails; Coggeshall, South Second at, New Bedford; Jortl oi, Milk street, Boaton; Lowell, Caileton k Co.; Salem, lie-; Newburypwrt, Hodge; Portsmouth, Prest n; Poitland, P. tk t F.schange at; Bangor, Guild; Hallowrll, Hcaminou. New Jersey?Newark, I'rippe; Princeton, Dr. Pealirook. Pa.,riula. 76 Chcanut siree,, Lancaster. H? initssh, druegisi; Harrishiirgl Kobinsou periodical igent; Pittahu'gh, Tu'lle; Cincinnati, Thomas fc Co, Vlsinatrief; Va , Kienmond, Mrs Kmyter; D. C. Washiogton. Scihv P.irkrt: Aletandris C. C. Berry ; Md , Ba'iimoie A. X llmict, So . Ike App ieations lor age, t cics must be post p>i I (nptie othei" arc talii n from the po l-o Ace) and ace mpatped with a N V city reference, nneacep tiouable Wi Inn a vw years this rernaikable and useful Cln mical uiveiiiinti lor completely entdicalli t ?uih i till out Imo, Ins altaiu d the hi lie t pitch of celcbnly .rod consequently ciriteil the ettfti htj m a m t of hise cotinteifeitera, wh > at tetnpt to snatch from the inventor the jiisi recompile. for Ins labor Puiilmsers shouhl then ' e on their guard ami ai' that evety bo tie of tot Poudre Subtile it ?.|Uar- and F Kclit Giittrsud, Pond o Subtile, N. V ., cat ill e ich bottle, ami lie Doctor's fat simile enf rased on the outside wrapper. Dirertiiins, French and F'.iiglish, accompany each botile. Remember the only office in N. Y. for the above celebrated Cosmetic, is 67 Walker street, one door from Broadway. is I -r _ ?|?u I He. LU.VKHH Ob SCt'k, KIOH BLA< K TKA? I llow.jua't Miitnre ? This evtremely delicious and iiuparal leled Teu, to highly et It bratcd in China and Lumps, iu?i iin ported, is otw fot sale si the Canton Tea Company's General Tea F.stablislnnr nt, 121 ' hafhimtt Now York?in ( 'bines. packages Price Ml cents and 91, i!2 'm*r I F r Hit WORLD or li knew Insfi liw <t*t|.?t?ia MM ulrene l real disease, cuied by lire pltysician at ilie Hiintenati Dispel,j aary, 3 Division alt, el, wi b the f it farmil au I ,uailv celebrate.! Hunter's Med Drop, there would not be any other reun tly used rhin medicine hu |>rov?d i:rHI iweUr v? mh igo to he ihe >11:\ sUie Ami htrmlrM cun ?n? tMrth; ti???h?- Afflicted ire reside (ul ly invited to call and ciam utr the in.iny p'iv.\fe room* and n t handed* of certifiiMteA of iwitnii* who havr heen cured by this u edicin** ?f:ei all rite have faile I. Price $L warranted m all :ai?r*. fVranun hi Albin. .Hoc heater, and Buffalo, n.y. Bomoi , Vlata aud Chadeiton, 8.Cv., iu wan* of this rm-dirtue, cad obtai i it genuine, by remitting $1,with a description of the rase. In c other manner can they be nui off getting the true article, dlt !? ? RK H RNING, JANUARY 29, li Extract* from late TTngllah Papers. SINGULAR CASK I>F DkF I MOTION.? In the Cons-story Court, Bristol, on the 21-<t ult., the Worshiptul loseph Phtllimore, l) C. L , Chancellor of Bristol, h case ol detain ition, Payne v Rowley, was brought on, the |>ldintitl' praying lor judgment against the defendant. Mr. Hahtt.ry stated that this was u suit brought by Mrs. Prudence Payne against Mrs. Ann Rowley, the wile ol Mr. Thomas Rowley, straw-hat nitiioilacturer, of College green, anil he prayed the sentence ol the Court that Mrs. Rowley tnav be condemned in costs, and 10 do penance, for having defamed the character of his client. The facts were, that an acquaintance had subsisted for some years between Mrs. Pavne and the family of Mr. Rowley; and in the year 1841, Mrs. Rowley had suid, in the presence of credible witnesses, that Mrs. Payne had been lorthe last two months cohabiting with the defendant's husband. To this a responsive or defen sive allegation, as we understood, had been put in, as he conceived irrcgularl, together with exhibits thereto, being certain leiters; and the allegation s'ated, that Mrs. Rowley did not use the word cohabit, butsaid an im"roper correspondence had been going on,and that Mrs. Rowley had spoke undergreat excitement. The facts was, however, that ihe utter ing of the words had been clearly proved, and he now prayed the sentence of the Court upon Mrs lie > w Ir v. Mr. Bridges, fur the defendant, staled that this was an extremely hard case. His client, coming into possession of certain letters which he would presently read to the Court, felt that she was wounded in the niNsi cruel manner in which a wife could t* injured; and she felt also that she had daughters nose reputation and fair prospects in life de|?ended upon the discontinuance of a correspondence which those letters proved to exist between her husband and Mrs. Payne. She did in this case what any respectable woman, a mother, and a wife would do : she evinced even more than common self command in this case, for she went to Mr. Chidgey, who is an assistant surgeon at Keyneham, and the brother to Mrs Payne, to induce that gentleman to prevail upon his sister to discontinue the correspondence.? She requested for this purpose to have a private interview with Mr. Chidgey, which that gentleman refused; and said that, it she had anything to say, she should say it in the surgery, when there were two gentlemen present Kxcited, as may be supposed, by the letters then in her hand, still more excited at being thus treated when she came upon an errand the most judicious, the tnost temperate, and, he might say, the most kind to the plaintiff that could he conceived, Mrs. Rowley certainly did speak under the impulse of strong feelings, and said, "II I must speak out, I say your sister has been holding an improper correspondence with my husband;" hut even if she used the words staled on the other side, of which she was not aware, he conceived the Court would consider that the provocation was such as to remove the necessity of condemning her in costs .inrt enjoining penance. Whatever the words were that she then used, Mr. Chidgev was apparently not less excited, for he shook his fist at her, and said, "By God, it you were a man that said this, I would knock you down." The learned proctor having detailed f_hp tacts to the effect above stated, read the depositions of Mercy Ware, servant to Mrs. Payne; of Miss Amelia Rowley, and ot Miss Jeronomy Rowley, daughters of the defendant. The evidence of Mercy Ware stated thai a considerable number out ql fifteen or sixteen letters produced were written by her mistress to Mr. Rowley;that her mistress read over some ofthe letters to her, (Mercy Ware,) and desired tier to deliver them to Mr. Rowley, and to nobody else; some of the letters were signed "Constant4" some of them were addressed to"Forget me Not." This witness had seen nothing improper pass between her mistress and Mr Rowley, except that he once gave her a kiss. It an improper intimacy had taken place at Mrs. Payne's hou-e, it might lie without her (witness's) knowledge of it ? The evidence of the Miss Rowley's, young ladies grown up, proved the handwriting of Mrs Payne on some ot the letter*; that they had, with their mother's consent, been on visiting terms with Mrs. Payne before these letters were known of; that they had never witnessed nnv impropriety of conduct between their father and Mm. Payne; that their mother had prohibited them visiting that lady, and that they had not since visited her. Some of the letters to heir father were addressed to "Forget me Not," and a lew to Mr. "Tatton." The learned gentleman then read extracts from the original letters The letters wre about twenty in number, and were signed 44 Constant," Htid addressed to 44 Forget me Not." They were all in the same tone, oc castoially interspersed with drawings of flowers and hearts and poetry; as tor in-tance? " Forget me not.though we may part, IVrh ips, aid*', to meet no moie, Remember that there heat* a heart That loves you to it* inmost core." CON9TANT. In another pait ot the same le'ter the lady reminds the gentleman that " her love is not to be trifl 'd with." In a subsequent episil-, the platonic widow, after exhorting Mr. Rowley to burn her notes, so that they may be safe and out of danger, adds?441 would die to save you, for 1 do not blush to own I l?ve you truly, fervently, pas-ionalely, but not lustfully " (In the 1st of January, 1840. she sends him a kee|wake. accompanied by a letter, in which she admonishes liirn to "remember to follow the dictates of religion, so that at the last you may meet me in glory " In the same letter the amorous again gels the belter of the religious, and the widow thus breaks forth:?" I have kissed it (a note from Mr. Howley), not twenty times, but twenty times twenty; how much would I not rather have had them from the writer, not the writing. I hope I shall soon." The extracts having been read, Mr Bridges addressed fhe Court, saying that the tacts formed, if not a justification, such a mitigation of the words used as to exonerate his client from penance and from costs. Mr. Hartmcy, on the o'her side, pressed for sentence against the defendant. The learned Chancellor then proceeded to deliver his judgment. The learned Judge, having gone over the tacts of the case, as stated above, said that the words used were defamatory there was no doubt, bin the question was. whether there was a justification of iheru. The Chancellor then read some of the letters, commenting upon some of the impassioned expressions in thern, and said there were in all fifteen or sixteen letters in the same fervid strain; and it was impossible that anv wife could see such letters addressed to her husband without being irritated. Whether any criminal intercourse really took place between the plaintiff, and the defendant's husband, he did not know; but, looking at the letters, there was every excuse to the defendant for believing that there had. Was this, then, a case in which a court jtro tuilxUt anima, co.ild punish the defendant for having uttered the words that she did utter under the circumstances! lie certainly could not hold that it was such a rase When lie looked at a/I the lacts before him, there appeared to him to be i justification of the words used. He should, therefore, di-miss the party trout he suit, and from all lurther conseqic n :es A Gambling Hottsk in Paris ?What a contrast to the dark and gloomy streets of Paris, with their irregular pavement, was the brilliantly lighted vestibule, with its marble pillars and spacious stair rising < gracefully beyond it, which met my eyes as I entered f'rescati's. Following in the crowd of je-rsons who pressed their way along, 1 reached a large antechamber, where several servants in rich liveries received the hats and canes of the visitors w ho thronged eagerly forward, their merry voices and gny laughter resounding through the arched roof. At the wide doors were thrown open noiselessly, I was quite unprepared for the splendor of the scene Here were not only officers of rank in all the gala of their brilliant uniform, and civilians in fall drc?e, shining in stars and decorations, but ladits also, with that perfection of toilette onlv known to Pa risian women, their peaceful figures scattered thr ugh the groups, or promenading slowly up and down, converting tn n low tone ; while servants passed to and fro with champagne and fruit ices on mas-ivesilver salvers, their noiseles gesture and quiet demeanor in (R-rfect keeping with the hushe. and tranquil lookof all around. As 1 drewcloserto it,.. li.? i ......1.1 ~...l .l-. .1? it more remarkablei not u voice was heard butofthr croupier of the table, hp with ceaseless monotonv lie re|H?ated? "Failesle jeu, rne$*ieur?!?l.c jeu en hill, \oirr prrd?rt < nuleur sfnjjne Routtptrd?if It roulntr the rattle of the rake and the rhmk of tne gold followed, a low mn'tered "sarre" hein the only sound that mingled with them. But I coul' m irk that although the etiquette of ruin demanded this unbroken si ence, passion worked in every feature there. Oil one side was an old man, Ilia filmv eyes shaded by his hand front the stpong itlare ol wax lights, peering wiili eiigerne- , and tremulous from Hire anil excitement as ihe cards leli Iroin the banker's hands, his blanched lips muttering each word alter the croupier, and his wa- ted cheek quivering as tin chances inclined against him. Here was a bold and manly face, flushed and heated, wboae bloodshot eye ranged quickly over the board, while eve ry now and then some effort to seem calm and smile would cross the features, and in its working [ERA! 843. simvT wit* ureiNiuii struggle that waa maintained within And then again a beautiful girl, her da'k da eye dilated almost to a look of wild insani'y, er her lips parted, her eheek marked with as patches of white and red, and her lair hands let clench* d, while her bosom heaved and lell us though ns some pent-up agony was eating within her very heart mi At i he end of ihe table was a vacant chair, beside mi which an officer in a Prussian uniform was stand- he ing. while before him was u small brats-clasped box. as Curious to know what this meant, I turned to see tut to which of those about no* I might venture to ad- am dress a question, when suddenly my curiosity be- w? came satisfied without enquiry. A loud voice talk- an; ing German with a rough accent?the heavy tramp no ot a cavalry boot, clunking with large spurs, an no nounced the approach ol some one who cared little thi for t)te conventional silence of the rooms ; and, as ru the crowd o|ieiied, I saw an old man in b ue uni- wl form, covered with stars, elbow bis way towards the mi chair; Ins eyebrows of shaggy gray almost conceal- sti ed Ins eyes as effectually hs Iiis heavy moustache sc did his mouth. He walked lame, and leaned on a rm stick, which as he took his place in the chair, he srr placed unceremoniously on the table before hint. 8,< The box, which was opened the moment he sat va down, he now drew towards him, and, plunging his pa hand into it, drew forth a handful of" Napoleons," he which, without waiting lo count, he threw on the ah table, uttering, in a thick, guttural voice, the one rei word "rouge." The impassive coldness of ihe thi croupier, as he pronounced his habitual exordium, 8|f seemed to inove ihe old man's impatience, as he mi rallied his lineers hurriedly oniony the ynlH nuJ s'*i muttered sotiirll>rokrn|wi>rds "4 German between bin Al teeth. The enormous sum he betted drew ever)' Iht i ye towards his part of the table, of all which he <h> seemed totally regardless, as he raked in his win- I"1 rungs, or frowned with a heavy lowering look as tlx often sis fortune turned against him. Marshal '1" Blueher?for it was he?was an impassioned gamb- lh ler, and needed not the excitement of the chant- flit pagne, which he drank eagerly front time to time, |>e to stimulate hie passion lor play. lit As I turned from the rouge et noir table, I re- wt marked that every now and then sonte person left eai the toom by a small door, which, conceal d by a le) mirror, had escaped my attention when I entered he On inquiry, I found that this passage led to a secret mi part ot the establishment, which only a certain set ne of players frequented, and where tables were kept ey open the entire day and night. Curious to see the Bit interior of this den of greater iniquity, I presented W myself at it, and, on opening, found myself in a nar- tet row corridor, where a servant demanded my billet fir Having informed hi it that I was merely there from mi motives ol curiosity, 1 offered hint a Napoleon, wl which speedily satisfied his scruples. He conducted me. to the end of the gallery, where, touching a r ( spring, the door opened, and I found myself in a ' room considerably smaller than the talon, and, with a the exception of being less brilliantly lighted, equal y | splendid in its decorations. Around on all sides c were small partitions, like the cells in a London |* coffee-house, where tables were provided for parties to sup at. These were now unoccupied, the greater attraction of high play having drawtt e very one around the table where the same monotonoussounds ' of the croupier's voice, the same patter of the cards, . and the same clinking of the gold continued tin- w ceasingly. The silence of the talon was as nothing ( to the stillness that reigned here. Not a voice Have ' the banker's was ever head?each better placed his money on the red or black square of the table widtout speaking?and the massive rouleaus were passed wj backwards and forwards with no other sound save the noise of the rake.?Dublin University Maga ,l1 zine. r?( Relic op Burns.?A determined hookworm of co the antiquarian school, and a native of Ayrshire, en- |}( tered some time ago, the house, nr rather hovel of a rit Kilmarnock vender of odds and ends His errand m at the time wa-? to pick up a favorite classical vo- d0 lume; and, while engaged in inspecting ware# nearly us musty as the ca'scontbs of Egypt, his eye (Jj at length rested on a veteran volume, entitled hh "Grarttniaire Angloise Francois," which he pur th chased more for its antiquity than npparent utility, thi The boards were completely torn away, and co- cit vers appended, fir.-t of gray paper, next part of a bo manuscript which seemed a letter, and above all a co coarse strip of leather. On removing, last week, one of the pieces of paper, he recognised in it a title bit page, from which he learnt that the book had been av< mi rutted 1779 Anxious to see more of the liters- nit ry skeleton, he removed the other rude coverings, j,o and, to his ioy, discovered on one of the leaves tin an autograph clear to ins heart?"Robin Burns "? ] Thus stimulated, he proceeded to unrol far h?- r what wl to htm was a greater pnxe than an Egyptian mum |,,i my, and at length unfolded a specimen of the wares |ut in wh eh Robin dealt, even thus early. The scrap sat ran us follows:? |1ls "Friendship?how sweet thv smile ml When throned on woman's love." i And again? "A curse on yon vile despot laws, na That could, wnhsuten ony cause, an As passion turns, n^ Put pith and pity, wt' the taws, l|() In Robin Burns." c<) The two first lines look like the commencement of cln an enusion 01 some nine lengm; out, wuciner irom rer want of time, inclination, or inspiration, his tin- in fledged hardship had proceeded no farther. The an second scrap may have been written either by him- |er self or schoolfellows, as a satire on the injustice of tic the teacher. Whether the volume in ques' ton had an been his owitproperty is a matter of uncertainty; pu hut the fact is well known on the spot, that a gram R.< mar, long since antiquated, formed a text book in w the school at which he was educated.?Uumfru* w Courier. th Monument to BtntNs' Highland Mary.?This y monument, to which we have more than once alluded while in progress, has now been completed ' over the grave jf Highland Mary, in the West Churchyard, Greenock; and it will be no longer J," noticed with regret, as has often been done by . strangers, that there was not even a stone to mark the resting place of a maiden whose love inspired '.j1 some of the most impassioned lyrics which have c'' enriched our own or any other language. The au erection is mttre of the Roman than the Grecian style of architecture, is pyramidal in form, and all mav be said to be divided into two compartments, goi the cornice stones between which are beautifully am and elaborately carved The first or lower com- is t partment con'ains the inscription tablet The sc. tin C"nd bears a bas-relief of Burns and Mary Campbell, Jer representing their pariing scene, when they plighted hit troth and exchanged Bibles across the "stream HW around the Castle of Montgomery." The artist we has been peculiarly happv in depicting the position mi of the happy pair at this hallowed parting ; and few bo who have seen a correct likeness of the bard can pni fail to recognise it upon the beautiful Ayrshire na stone which has been used, although it has been ne- ly cessirv, to be in keeping with the truth, to im- tfie part to the features a more juvenile cast to those thi in which Robert Burns is usually represented The an third compartment contains a figure emblematical of Dt griet, bending over an urn wiih her arms encircled, ' and on which is carved the word "Mary " Above rhe her head, and almost at the apex of the pyramid, a j,, star with rays is cut, in rememhr inee of the beautiful invocation of "Mary in Heaven." The inscription on the monument is simply couched as follows ? "Sacred to Genius and Love? to Burns and Highland Mary." The monument stands about 17 feet high, was erected at the cost of ?100, and is bv far the most imposing object in this old churchyard. It is not a little curious that, during the last forty years,various proposals have been made (or erecting a stone to mark the grave of Highland Mary, and subscriptions have been entered into; but the spirit whit h commenced them evaporated before the I work whs done. On ihe arrival of Highland MaryY gal Bible*, however, which were transmitted from On- thn nada about two years ago by Mr. Weir, ir , of Men- pre treal, and are now deposited in Burns'Monument, I at Avr, public attention was again, and in this in- nj st ance, successfully directed to the matter; and Mr |HI1 Carruthera ot Dor moot, in Dumfrieshire, offered to erect a monument at hi* own cost. This was de- vjn clined, an a subscription had alreadv been com- jn ineoced, in which the late ('ollecfor Wharton, ??l j (|| <rre?nock. and Mr. Weir, of this city, took a most [1( active part; but at the same time Mr Cnmrher* m became the largest contributor.?Uhnguw Htviiid. Bricks ok Whbai ;nd Brkah in Paris ?Tic pit highest price of white wheat of the tirAt quality in L' Paris is :12I 60c. per lk hectolitre, which is equtva- ci. lent to 49s HJ. ;>er quarter, and the highest quota- As lion of white wheat of the lirst quality in the Loii tic don mark"t heing 58s per quarter, it follows that ( wheat is ltif per cent dearer in London than in Paris The price of flour of the first quality in Parts is f 55 ^rr |a*r 150 kilogrammes, which is equivalent to 3L tfc' ,,n |>er'280lb. English, and the price ot the finest floiu .tBI in Londo i being quoted a I5< p? r sack ol 28') In . i, . it lollows that flour is 5(IJ per cent dearer i ? Londo [f.r( than in Paris. The price ol bread of the fc*t quali ^ ly in Paris is 2!) cents per kilogramme, which i- i)r equal to nearly 5d. 4 per lb. English weight; and rh. ( charge at tfie lull priced bakers in London being 7i per 4 lb follows dial Dread is fully 50 per " '' cent dearer in London tha 1 in Pari* It the ptiC' in London is taken at 7d., which i? charged >y [>< " some bakers, tii" dillerence is still 40 per cent dearerin London than'in Parts. l" r n ==-~??, s-gag-saeM? Pi lee Two I'tvUi Thk La"e Eruption of Moijwt Etva.?-A letter ted at Catania, December 11, tliu* describes the upiion ot this celebrated volcano-.?" a? leng ago ihe 171h ult. the summit of Mount Etna 'ihibii extraordinary sviiip oiiih. Tht* amoks which ii,illy covers it and the crater b? < ante hlaekar and ire dense, and seemed to he thrown out with ich greater force than usual; hut, aa there had en some rainy days and indifferent weather, aud similar phenomena occur at changes of temnera e, litde attention was paid to existing appearces. Besides, the fog with which the almost,hare s loaded, ana the almost constant rain, prevented y distinct ohservntion ot the mountain. It was t until the 26lli of November that a subterraneans i-e was heard, which left no longer any doubt it HerioiiH commotions were going on in the intw>r Towards night we observed at intervals, ten the atmosphere was a little clear, that intense columns ot smoke and showers of sehes and >nes wore thrown up with great force. Tha nburity, too, rrndereif apparent the flames which se at intervals, always accompanied by thick joke, mingled wiih asliea and stones in a fiery ue. As the wind was N E. on the 27th, and tha pours were th.ek, we could not perceiva what was seing tin the mountain, hut towards night we hid Iter weather, and khw immense volumes of famss. ivays accompanied by ashes and stones, which fall i not. The eruptions issued alternately irons tee different craters. It was im(>ossihle not to be uck with the grandeur of the spectacle, when Mses of flame surrounded all the rratrrs and *med to flow through the gorges of the insuniaiu. lout one o'clock iu the morning the great haemal - cruier win iuii ?>i ourning lava, wtlictl overweil mid ran down the south side in a torrent ol uid tire to the place called the English House, and 5re mixed with the Ihvii of 1787. On the 28th, 5 commotions of the mountain, and the frequent ewers of ashes and stones, mingled with flame, mnished, but in the evening these threatening ?parances returned with increased force. The ra, which had ceased to flow towards the south, is now divided into two torrents towards the north st, and it rushed down in the direction of the valr ol Bronte, spreading destruction through the aiitiful forest which adorns the declivity of the nuntain on that sale. On the night of the 30th, a w and wonderful spectacle was presented to our es by the centre of the crater, which was at the ament throwing out fldines with less violence, e observed therein a new cone of burning niat , which crumbled into pieces by the action of the e in the crater, at the same time clouds ot burning lttcrwere thrown out,followed by rushing flames, lich seemed to set the heavenH on fire." Another Brutai, Phizk Fight ?Bell's Li fa of mdon of Dec. llth, gives the following account of iother Prize Fight Mr. Editor?The fight between M'Kay and Gibins, of Glasgow, as advertised lit your paper, ram* I, without let or hindrance, on Tuesday, at Duil ston Toll, five miles from Glasgow. Although e morning was unpropitious it did not preven' an lmense assemblage of people; there were at least IXH) siiectators in and Hbout the ring. At half past ne o'clock M'Kay threw tiis cap into the ring, iving tor his attendants Harney Toy M Tear, nnd as immediately followed by Gibbous, with Bobby reeme (the Slashing Butcher) and Jem M'Allister, his seconds. Gibbons is an extremely elegant little fellow, and inds beautifully on his pins. He drew 7st 121b, lile M'Kay balanced the beam rtst 41b. No time is lost in making the necessary arrangements, and ten o'clock everything was ready. Gibbons* ? was green and white, M'Kav's of a nondescript lor?something between a brick and diriy shirt, til came to the scratch smiling ; after some sparig, Gibbons let go with his Icit, which was rerned; alter some exchange M'Kay was bored lU'U (t lllhttllQ pltiarlu Lfroriiror mnn In the second round M'Kay drew the claret from bbons's nose,deciding that event. It is impossi; to detail the rounds, 9e) in number, occupying ree hours and twenty minutes M'Kay, although r weaker man, hit heavier and with far more prssion, and succeeded in planting his right on Gibus's lelt eye in almost every round,which became inpletely shut. In this way fought with alternate success, M'Kay ting heavily, with his right, and slipping down to oid, till the 96 h round, when, alter delivering other w ith his right on the old spot, he threw Gibns a tremendous full, which completely thook ' remaining fight out ol him. In the next round he came up only to he hit down, ien his seconds cried " Hohl, enough " Both ight with the most determined courage and resolon. and Gibbnns's backers should be perfectly isfied with his conduct ; M'Kay, however, is far i sii|ierior in generalship. Both men were ndmi IV seconded throughout. Yours, Jcc. P.M. Glasgow, 7th December. Newspaper Reporters.?What most extraord* ry men are these Reporters! Surely, if there W y class of individuals who are entitled to the epilation of cosmopolites, it is th'se; who | imtit tir avocation in all countries indifferently, and aemmodate themselves at will to the manners of all isses of society. Their fluency of style, as wri s, is only surpassed by their facility of langnags. conversation; and their attainments, in classical d polite literature, only by their profound knowIge ol the world, acquired bv an early introdue>n into its bustling scenes. The activity, energy, d courage which they occasionally display, in ths rsuit ol information, are truly remarkable. I saw ( porters, during the three days at Paris, minglsd itli canaille and gamins, behind the harrier*. In 1st the mitraille was Hying, in all direciions.ana e desperate cuirassiers were dashing 'heir fierss >rses against those seemingly feeble bulwarks ? here stood they, dotting down their observation* their pocket-books, as unconcernedly as it they rrc rri>uriirig uic prucecumgs ui u nnumi ur?ig iii Finsbury-square; whilst in ?pain, seve'ul of em accompanied the Carlist and Christine gueril. i in some of their most desperate raids, exposing emselves to the danger of hostile bullets, ine m riiency of tke wiiiter, and the fierce beat of the turner son.?Borrow'* Bible in Spurn. Turkish Fashion of Makino Coffee.?People of classes in Constantinople use these drinks A nd cup of strong cofiee may be had tor a farthing, d a glass of sherbet for a little more. The coffeo mide in a simple, easy manner, and most expediusly. When a single cup is called for, the atidsnt in the coffee-house pours hot water into a le copper pan, puts it over a charcoal tire for an taiittomake it boil, then adds a proportion of II ground or pounded coffee, either alone or xed with sugar; returns it again to the fire to . il for an instant, and the coffee is made. It ia ured. boiling hot, into a small porcelain cup, hoJ tided to the customer; the coarser ground* quicksubside in a few seconds, whilst cooling down to drinking point. Disagreeable at first, a taste for s strong unclarified coffee is soon acquired. It is excellent and Hafe subst tute for a dram.? l)r. ley's tVofM and Ohmrvation*. Wksmsyan Statistic* ?The following account of ' number of Members in the Wrsleynii Society (' real T'rit liu is exirocled from their Monthly tgazine for December: mbrrt (or c?m- [ncrratt dunng unrrnnft) in 1m year*. 1773 39 693 ? 17*3 16,331 14 3*4 179-J 74,343 SV.Pll Hi a, 110,614 44,319 HI9 141 134 34 470 IMl 311.393 66 99* 1*33 949,719 3?,397 1*43 336,747 77,09* from this statement it will appear that the aggri> e increase of the last ten year* has been larger in (hat of any corresponding period during the ceding seventy. Ioman Catholic Statistic*.?The total number finman vywnoiic cnnrcn^n ann cnapei* in i%ihC" d is 492; in South VVales 4; North Wales 4j ntland 71 chapels. besides 27 Uttions where diie service is performed ColleRes in England 8; Scotland 1 ; convents in KiiRland 2">; in Snotid 1; monasteries 3; missionary priests in hnRid fi!8 ; Snotldiid Hti Tot tl ot mission irv prie?rs < Britain 733 ?Co holir Dictionary for 1*13. The followiru? dav? of the w rk are set apart lor blir wore.lip in different nat rts:?Sunday, or the ird'sDay, by the Christian*; Monday by the Oreins; Tuesday by the Persians; Wednesday by the Syrians; Thur lay by the ERvpfian*; frridav by Turks; -ind S iturday bv the Jews, ireat p nine rriil distress '* 'elf at I'aris at preit In the pourse ot h?f year, there had been a >at diminution of the -x.orfs, which is mainly nbuted to the tin mpi i1 cnsui in die United States [I to the elei i .an ot th" American tarifT, which i hid the effect ;/res'rainin* 'he rorninercial inennrse bi tween France and North America. .Vit i.t Hi IjIFK - V lady, .mx'ou-to Ret the r direction to u particular p n >, ?k>-d a cabman icsiwiy, and was nn-wered, Why iiu'im, 1 in lie lieal way is lo t ike u cab." i white niirble statue of Mine. Vlalibrin has just n placed in the niaus ileum w hich .VI. de iteriot erected in the Cemetrry ol Laoken to the mem* ot the celebrated canlatrice.