Newspaper Page Text
VwMf. Fun* Nabsai\ \. p.?By the Jane, the editors of the S?\annah Georgian havc received fil? ol the Hov -I G.igette, .tin) of the Observer, to the 25ih ult. in -lii- ve Tin Douw of Assembly commenced on tlie l i i ult On the 24th ult the Revenue Bill wa? P twee.i din) sent to rne Council On ttie 20ih the U. S5 bnganiine Boxer, Lieut Bullus commanding, arrived She is one of those which ct ii?i11uie a part o) the Home Squadron, now b?und on a short cruise; is 7 days from Norfolk, and merely called in on u visit. Complimentary salutes were passed between her and the authorities. The follow ing is a list ot the officers attached to this vessel:? Lieut Commanding, Oscar Rullus; Lieuts. John Hoii.t' rs, C. P. Patterson ; Assistant Surgeon, C. H. Broughtnn; Purser. F Stevens ; Acting Master, W. C B. S Porter; Midshipmen,Messrs. Arnold, Bercely and Hughes ; Captain's Clerk, C. J. Bullus. The brig Clytus James H. Burns Master, Ironi St. Mary's Ga., with a cargo of yellow pine lumber, l> "ind to St. J ago de Cuba, went ashore on Pensacola Keel Abaco, on the night ot the 17th ins ant. The vessel had sprung a leak at sea and was nearly half full of water when she struck. The crew remained two nghts ou board of the wreck, and were i finally obliged to tump overboard They were pro- j vtdentially picked up by the people t>n shore, wttnou' anv loss of life. Th>* wind, for the last few Hays past has been to iie N W. W., and N. N. W., which has prevented several vessels troni going over the Bar, amongst the rest the U. S. brig Boxer. Deer Shooting ?The Kingston Herald states that the Mohawk Indians in Canada have killed 700 deer during the present winter. Scvkre Retort.?"You had better ask for maniters than money," suid a finely dressed gentleman to a beggar who asked him for alms. "1 asked for what I tf ought you had the most of," was the reply of the little mendicant. Diplomatic 11 ktort ?A young American officer, a graduate of West Point, was recently iinpri-oned ht Havana for making a drawing of Moro Castle. Upon the interference of General Campbell, our Consul, the yonug man was released. The Governor General politely told Gen. Campbell, that if the American Gov rnment desired a drawing of Moro Castle, he would furnish one. "Thank you," said the General, "when the American Government needs a sketch of your castle, we shall draw it with our cannon"?-V. O. Tropic. Singula it Occurrence.?On Wednesday week two ladies belonging to the family of Mr Creighton, who reside near theCliftou House at Niagara Falls, had a narrow escape front an awful death They were in a sleigh, driving a horse belonging to Mr. Creighton, and when near the well known Table Rock, by some mismanagement on the part of the ladies, the horse backed toward the precipice, and fell in - r info llie itivnHfnl criill hel/iur PmiiJo,. tnllv tlif* ladies sprang out, before the horse made the leap. Of course the horse and sleigh were dashed to pieces, the height from which they fell beiug more than one hundred and sixty leet. The Earthquake.?The St. Louis Gazette ol the 21th alt-, savs, " It is said that since the late earthquake, the bot'om ot the river has fallen out in some places?for instance, where the Gen. Pratte's hull was sunk, she lay very near the top of water?and since the earthquake, the bottom cannot be found with a line of 130 leet in length." Southern Settlements.?We learn from the St. Augustine News, that the schooner William E. Bird lelt that place on the &$d ult., with thirty emigrants on board, men, women, and children, Irom the city of New York, for Indian River. Fire in Warren, Me.?The Thomaston Recorder states that the store and goods of the Hon. Joshua Patterson, near Oyster River, in Warren, Me., were consumed by fire on Monday night. It broke out about 11 o'clock?lots $2,600. Two thousand dollars insured. Horrible Effects of Intoxication.?Kosanna Foy, aged eight years, residing at Hester street, N. Y , was burnt to death on Thursday evening. It appras that the child went to a pot over the fire to procu-e some food; her clothes caught, and were n-arlv burnt off before her screams brought the neighbors to her relief. Her mother was lying in a bed in the same room intoxicated, and could afford no assistance. A physician was called in, who made the necessary applications, but the child died. I) sgracefll Scene in the Arkansas Legislature ?On the 7th ult., a disgraceful scene occurred iu the 11 use of Representatives at Little Rock, growing out of the following circumstances:?A Mr Mayers, alluding to the report of a certain committee, rt marked that it was " false;" whereupon a Mr. Fields, chairman of the committee, immediately arose, and with profane language declared that it was " a lie, that lie would not put his name to any thing that was talse," and drew his pistol, and advanced towards Mr. Mayers, when he was interrupted. Mr. M 6tood calmly in his place, without attemnlinir in unv uiou ?<> urt/t o.** The Holism was called lo order; an explanation was made, and both gentlemen sent in wr.tten apologies to the Sneaker, who read the same, and they were received by a majority of the House ; but it was thought that the atlair was not thus finally settled. A " meeting-' ot the parties was anticipated the next day. The prompt expulsion of such members should lollow such disgraceiul and undignified conduct Commodore Hull.?We regret to learn that Commodore Hull, now a resident in this city, has been tor some time very sick, and is now considered in a dangerous situation. We are sure the public generally will regret this state of things,for lew men are more generally or more justly esteemed. Comnio dure llall is an old as well as a good seamen, it being now about fitty-six years since he entered on Bhipboard. He ojtened the series of naval actions and naval victories ot the last war, and has every where borne his high faculties so meekly, that none could envy him the rich reward which their useful exerci-?e has secured to him.?Philadelphia (Jaz. Fib. 10. Three Children Burnt.-?-The house of Mr. Post, in the town of Nunda, was destroyed by fire on the night of the 18th inst., and three children j>eruhed in the flames?Angelica Reporter. Fr e in Baltimore ?The loss of Deffenderfler &c Carter, by the tire on Monday night, was about ?20,000, on which they had an insurance ol ?10,000 in the Franklin Fire Insurance Company of Philadelphia, and ?5000 in the Merchants' Office of this city. The loss of Messrs. Stearns fc Likken was perhaps over ? 1000?covered by a policy of .?8000 in the Franklin of Philadelphia. Another fire took place yesterday. It was a large snufl mill of Mr. Heald in Beaver street?upper story burned oil?loss not heavy. Beautiful?The intermarriage law has been repealed by the legislature of Massachusetts. Blacks and whites, who fancy, can marry together. Very Cold Weather ?The mercury in Fahrenheit, yesterday morning at six o'clock, was only ten above zero, which is one degree colder than any morning tins winter. The Delaware was yesterday frozen over, hard and tight, between the Island and New Jersey shore, except where the fenry boats had broken a passage. On the Pennsylvania side, the rhannbl tvua nititi* nrvnn f*h?/ /?ii f?e>h Q v ..UMMVI " '* VrVM' - "'T " *" Methodibt Episcopal Church-?Minutes of the several conferences just published, show that this church possesses 4.244 travelling preachers, 7.621 local preachers, 1,00* 901 communicants, a net increase of 120,123. in 1842. Bearer <>r Despatches ?Lieut Hartstene, U. S. Navy, bearer of despatches lrom Washington to Com Jones, commanding the squadron in the Pacific, arrived at Savannah, on ins way out, on the 2d instant. Crcr.mlers in January-?The editor of the New Orleans Picayune, in his paper of the 29th ult., acknowledges the receipt of fine, fresh, green cucumbers, grown in the vicinity of that city. Disgraceful Millerite Scene ?A preacher belonging to this strangely infatuated body, came to this town the early part of lust week, and held forth to an astonished audience in Smith's billiard room, g.vinir utterance to some of the wildegt rhapsodies imaginable. The burden of his song was, tiiat the -a <>rlcf was to ceme to an end some time this year. By some indue means he got possession of the Canadian Methodist chapel on Tuesday last, where he commence d what lie called a religious service.? Mmrtly .itier he m>ened the business of the evening, an attack was made on the chap 1 ley a large mob, for we cannot call them by any other more appropriate name. 1 be windows and stove w> re shamefully demolished or torn down, ladies dre-ses suffering considerably in the general melee The misgu ded preacher esca(>ed by the rear budding, and thus saved himself from further violence. We have heard thai he has since left town, to practice on the ,..,uu. ?i w.T. ntuuiuun ill inure CUIIgrnidl pldCeit. We understand that he is the same individual who prophecied the degiruction ot Bytown some year or two a go.?Hamilton (Canada IVctl) Uaztllr. Ivt^iohariov jo Canada ?The immigration ol Ins year IB42 waa distributed ae follows :? To W??te<n Canada, 26,900 To the Ottawa) country, 4,280 o Glengarry and Benuharnoif, 1,946 1 o the Ibaatarn towntbtps, '2,768 1 ' the North of Montreal, 1,176 1 > the |>ublic work*, aarvanU, he. 3 479 To the I'mted States, 1,060 42 366 Of the above number 13 (XX) were fowarded at the expense of the governim During the season 841 wre on the sick hat, uud 60 died at the ahede or .lantiea Relieving the Poor ?The net proceeds of the Hall lor the relief of ihe poor ol Baltimore, held in tile From street Theatre a few dnya since, was #812 2d Thirty counierleit f.ckets were parsed upon the door keeper, Whet heartless depravity, ( TO LET?The premises (ormtrly occupied by the i s j Jimei Dobbin, Km., between the 4lh and kth i't* Cutirs, rite tiding from tt to ?*th street, coos it ti of ol f?n<ions and convmiru' dwelliuc, with stable and liable oetliomsrt attached, with ^ardcu in perfect order, neii tilled with every variety of fVnit. and an sheuc<ipcc ol shrubbery?tl?e situatio i the most sightly on the island, com*aoeine an eiteosive view of ih** sttrrounaiug country, and the oniy oue overlooking the receiving reservoir?being a uisininle teal* | deuct for a private family ; or would be let ?? ,caft for a public noose, being about 5 minutes'walk from the itan road. . A lai, -iboui fi?e acres ol | asturc land atftoiuinf ^ premises, to let with cr without ihe ?? E^uim at ?ft w av >otie, or of " v? lit- nir?vv ft ura, j, 17 ]mwr No. 20 Chambers street. VOK SALE cheap?Two Aim bniUipgs situated m III a tloorimKiuK and healthy village IU N. JeiteV, ?ultCjgahle for m. reantile huiiu.M or residence, will be told for rath ml slore goods. AI?o, Farm of 170 ?cre?, good laud, with ill it.' ilwi-lliDc !i ouaes, bams, ?c. situated Dear Plaintield, N.J. foi $36 per acre.aud onr of li acrea good laud, at $2f per acre. Alio, 13 .in.II, a d 30 Urge farms, cheap, to mil the tiroes. Also, storr-bouses, isnuerirs, nulls, public houses, tic. Pirate rait on 3. VALE, 41 Cortlsndt street, every Satunl.iy from in to 2, or other d*y? al 174 Waahlugton street, whrrr furthrr iwrticiilari will hesiveu jli Im'i aul II' ITLL? or Sale, lease oi Irr, the'w.ll r-lahlishcd CT? Hotel.sitntu d ou the curlier ol William and Dnaur ?n, i" JUlN'rw VoiIt, know u a? tlie Shtktpearr Hotel,n now to be di.iHi.rd ol and on .ery advantageous irrma. For particulars enquire ou ihr premiers, or fo AHKAHAM A HEMBON, F.q., Wallabout. W illiatnsburg, or h? Irlle, to J. A.CHOS8, F.?q , Pos'-ofhcr, Brooklyn, or to P V. HKM^FN, No. i Wall il bitwaeu the liou s of Hand i2 o'clock. Kl?r a < OtNTKV KhSInFN E K??R SALt-luth' village of Hanover, Morris County, New Jctcy, 13 nuira from Newaik. on the turnpike leading 10 M rriatowu.a lame two atoiy r outr, containing right roorna and good rrllar. w iih good well of water nerr llir do r. Also goodco.tch liou<e Mid auble, with three arretnf rich land, all fenced ana in icood Older. II llir above la not sold at piivate will he often d Mauctiou on Wed eadav. 8th of March, at 1 o'clock, ou the tunnies. F?r further particular, erquireof JOSEPH BOOTH. Hanover N. J., or ) a,i i.t.?.,?? WILSON J HUNT, Wait corFul on, N.Y 1 Administrators. _ f8 lin-r HAVANA.?Mrs. WettS Boar ding home has beru ? purely refilled and proper. d for the recrnliou of travellers. The location ol ihis house, No. 1 Callt Sun Pedro enfrrnat dt la Mtihina, is decidedly superior to any otherpreviously rsub isiud in (his city. It is directly upon the Bay, at the tenuiuuiou of the Commercial wharf and adjoiuing the < eainboat landing, commanding an esten.ire and beautiful view ol the entire harbor, with the adjacent country, towns ami villages, and possessing the advantage of a much Ire.her ?..? ?'? ?? ?> innu iiic luicnorxrceia 01 me cuy, aitnougn ic it witkin the uml business limi's. The m jority of the apatmeiits are nuususlly lofty, spacious and airy, and it may be e mfidrntly listed that do place in this par' of the Island offers greater advantages to the traveller or invalid for a winter residence. The |iroprirtors again caution strangers destined to Havana, to briuit Willi them a iiassport, signed or verified by a Spanish Consul, which n|on arrival is taken by the Boarding Officer, aud in couforinity with wh'ch a permit to disimbark with luggage, Ike. has to be procuied by some resident of the place. The Clerk of the House will attend to this foimality, which is I is:idly enforced by the Government, and passt nifrrs desirous of going to Mrs. West's, by sendiug their uainvs up to tho House will be relieved immediately. II ihey < an advise by a previous ressrl of the.r intention to embark, ne'mits can be iirocured in antiripatiou, whicn in the event ol their arriving late in 'he day, will obviate a detention of from 2 to 24 hoars on board. Travellers may leave directions at home to have their letters addresxd to thr care ef Mr. C. S. West, (taking care to have his name distinctly written, as veiy freqnent mistakes are made with foieirn names at thr Havana |>ost office) which will ensure their ear'iest delivery tluuugh hu bo*, and their safe keeping i" care of absence. Am-rican and Ec ;lis!t coin received in payment, and letters of credit lor moderate amounts nt gotiated or received. jyl7 lvw4w# I Important to merchants and clerks. Bristow's writing, book-keeping anb SHORT-HAND ACADEMY. No. 23i Broadway, near Park Place, continues open Day and Evening, lor GentLK II v OK ALL SDKSgreat reduction, FROM TWELVE TO SIX DOLLARS! Mr. BRISTOW, of London, guarantees to reform ANY WRITING, however bad, illegible, or cramped, into a beanti- I lul, free, expeditious and finished Mercantile Stv le. as adarted to all the pursuits of life and husiuess. luTWELVEEASY LESSONS?for only Six Dollars ! Academy a'o. 235 Broadtcay, near Park Place. The L A DIES are taught an elegant, graceful aud fashionable Running Hand they assemble daily at II o'clock. 2T7" VISITORS in New York can take a coarse in Three Days'. Mr. B. u to be seen from 9 to 1 a. M., ur from 4 to r. m. <1 I a. v I a co r a a I I "> ^ I "N / I k. 1 V.. 1 I STENOGRAPHY. Or the amusing art of Short Hand Writing, taught by Mr. Briw tow iu twelve lessons, for taking down Sermons, Lectures, Trial*, Uc. kc. a.* fa?t a* auv person can speak. N. B ?A work of the author is pieseuied to every pupil. HI/"* k'OK SALE, at the Academy, up itairi, a " Ouido to dhort H nd." jv13 Im'r NEW CHEAP CASH TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. 62 JOHN STREET, NEAR WILLIAM. THE subscriber respectfully nnuouce* to bi? filend* and the 1 public gi-uerallr that he ha* opeued an r*tabli*hineut ou the Chi apCaih System, where gentlemru will alway* hod a new and fashionable assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres and V ratings, which will be made up to order in a style of fit and workinauvtiip not surpassed by any other establishment in the city at the (billowing low prices:? Fine Dress or Krock Coats, any color, from $14 to $18 Superfine do do do 18 to 2i Pants of Wool Black or Fancy Cassitneres 5 to 9 VestsofSatin, Silk, Valeulia, Velvet, lie. 3 to 6 Gentlemen furu'srnng their own goods can have them made and trimmed at the lowest possible prices for ca-h. jv2?ec JAMES LACY. ENGLISH SCHOOL. HAVANA, ISLAND OF CUBA. CHARLES DUNNE WATERLAND, PRINCIPAL. "PHIS Academy was established two years ago, under the pa* trou'ge ol Hie former lutcudeui General ot the island, and other disliucuisneU tniiiviuuals ol the nobility rod merchant* of this city. It I- nocdueled ou the plan of the Oe man ''gymnasia:" and the meinon oI tuition is the "interrogative." All the scholsr* understand CM English 'alienage, and man* of them speak it habitually and noeutiy The Principal lias th? esneneiiee of schools in France, German). England, and the United States. His chief rim is to rue the youth entrusted to his care a praclica' knowledge of those branches of a polue education, which are required in ail active careers, and are applicable to any. The course of study, therefore, comprehends tiie English, French. German and Spanish languages; History,Geographies, Nam ml Philosophy, the practical part of Mathematics, and Drawings of various kinds. Professors of divers nations and acquirements reside in the establishment! and all the classes receive, in rotation, initrnclion from the director. Such signal success has attended this plan of tuition, that BeW0 r* 1 f f tf\Sk ntsrula nsuiju. ?? -' - * * ? ? ...? ?H|n?, uuuci twvivv years 01 ncn. write auu speas two foreign languages, iu a perfectly intelligible manner, and ihoar of riper yean, correctly and easily. The acquisition. Dot only of the Spanish, bnt also of other languages, it thus placed within the reach of the youth of the United States, without its being necessary for them 10 relinquish the many advantages which accrue front auEuglish education. The object of the Priucipal iu desiring to receiee youths from the United States, it to facilitate the acouiremeut ot the Engiish accent for his Spanish pupils, which terrier would be donbly repaid them by bv the latter, and to introduce here the mauly spirit of the English schools. The yunur.eittreiis of the United States can hare nothing to fear from the climate, the house being spacious arid airy, situated ill a heal thin I spot, at a short distance from the city; and containing within its limits,* title bath and complete gymnasi im for tne preaervatiou ot the pupils' health. Two youths, lately arrived from Uermauy, hare passed the summer in the scaoofin perfect health. As the principal is a married mau, and hit wile and sister hare be' ge of the junior department: children are received at any at thatolinfancy. E very pupil enjoys his religions opinions undisturbed. I He terms are Stuo per i-.niuim, payable three months in adrant e The re are no extras except clothes and boolu. Referrucea-MKSSRS. CHA8. DRAKE Ik BROTHERS. ALEXANDER MORALES, ESQ.. nil Havana J BROWN, No. lot Chatham street, lias /or saleScissors Cotton Slide Oar Bed Lacs Thimbles lers Quality Binding Tapes Needles Bodktua Ivory Combs Elastic Uartars Shoe Ribbons Bone Eyelets Pearl Buttons Oalloous Pack Pins Lamp Wicks Horn Combs Spool Cotton Boot Cord Eyelet Machines VVrltiog Cord Knitting Cotton Ereneh Working Black Sila Cord Coat Cords Cotton Skein Sewing SilkCoreel Lacere Shear* Suxpendarx Bool Lice re Thread Braids Bone Buttons Sewing Silk Ponud Pins Knitting Pius Bobbins Hooks ai d Eyes > Button Moulds Cotton Balls Stay Binding! Oas Wicks Whalebone Black Pius Sida Combs Worsted Binding Kernta Hair Pins Stilletoa Metalic Eyeleta Wooden rocket Button Kings Comna jv2l lm*gc LOOK AT THIS. ^^^OENTLEMEN'S Cork Sole Boota.the best of quality, $3 00 do Water Prool Boot* do 4 JO do Light Krench f atfskin Boon, do S3 to 4 00 do India Ituhner Over Shoes Willi leather Sulci, 1 '0 do Plain Rubbers, 30 do Dancing Pumps, 1 00 do Daucing Otiter, I 23 do Worked Slippers I 00 And all other kiuda of Boots end Shoei in fashion; ladies gaiter boou, buakine, alippcrs, tiei, quilled ahoee, prunella elioee, white and black satin slipiwrs, button ahoea; India rubber atrap-fuued, plain and all other kinds of orer ahoea: rlogs, inoraaina and the greatral assortment of boya boots and ahoea. rniaaea and ehildreu'a, ol all kinda to be found in the world, all ol our own maaufat luring, and the beat of French gnoda, and warranted to be the beat, and aa cheap aa the cheapeal, at 367 Broadway, the comer of franklin at. and at 92 C.nal street ORfcOOHY It CAIULL, j26 Im'rc *7 Broadway. LONDON AND MANCHESTER INDIA RUBBER GOODS. AITHOLKSALK AND RETAIL, No. I Wall afreet. Th ' * subscriber has received and oilers for sale a large aaaortmrnt ol imtorted Irdia Robber Water Proof (foods, viz: < oau and Capet, of anterior Larua, Cashmere Lain a, Persian, Merino and I ottou, of all colore and aizea. Cloth?India Rubber. Water Proof, an per Lama, Lama Pef ran and Cotton, prepared fort ilora. India Rubber Webbinga for auspeuderi, corsets, fee. att 6m*r CHAW ABUAHA MBON T?0 DKf OOlHTB AND OtHEH-4 from the Booth and A Weet -T. ROBE UTS St CO ol London, proprie'ore of the ceUbraied and poiiular medicine, "Pari'a Life Hilla " having established a depot tor the sale of the tame in New fork, and being now prepared to enpplythe market to any i it-iit, would reap. C ftiily call the atienlion of druggis'g and Other* in the irtric to their popular med.crue, of which there ia now told iu fcurep- more ihan 30,060 bona weekly, and although it has been acarcely an inonlhe iu the United Biatea, the-?l, hart rcpidlv encoded through the Slates of New York, Penuaylvania, New Miglanl Hi?lea,aad C-uada. Aa a family medicine, it ia umquailed, being peifectly free from <uy lueral preparations; it ia alao eaceedinglv effective in the cure of -i iona complaints, dyspepsia, unmnpti'ms, and all dwaaeea annua from impuiiuet o| trie blo<d; being very mild in ita ' p lataoui ou the avatem, it may be taken by the moat delicate f< male and small children. Tha above may be li d wholesale at ihe office of T. Roberta ? Co.v No 304 Clarendon House, corner af Duaue k Broad??> nra flo K lm eod e _ pnl VI Bfc/8 DAGUERRIAN GALLKHJEft. Vsl 1 _'7 BKOAUWAY.con.rrol Munay st., N.Y ; 75 * '7 11a. o.iurt nO l.l W ashingt"ii st. Botloui 173 Cheauui at. ( iiiosit* ll.c Huur House) Philadelphia, and Broadway, Analog* Springs, constituting the oldest and in si eitauaive es lablishmrnt ol the kind is the world, and contatuiuf nearly a thousand Admtttauf.e tree. I'Ll.'MBfc'S Patent Ooloied I'hntographa taken every day, t?V a process eoulmeo eiclnsively in thr abov. establishment, and secured bv letters |istent, dated Oft a., igf. I''s i'eteut Daguerreotype Apparatus and instructions for the production ol coloied likenesses, and Plomhe's Patent Electro (iildlag At'tarsius, anil lustrurtiotis for gilding and plating metallic articles of every dcaeriptiuu. supplied to ordei Patent (iildiug aud Bilsermg d ne to Older in a ftvle never efnre seen in New York, tr"^ Prompt attention to a'l posl pain lettasi t In.aee tjMBKH.Vltt.M4' B*>H, Warren, Pa. rvoiUiansptuu Bank, Alleniown, Pa. Newkoiypurt, Mats . nought at H. /. HYLVKHTKH'U, r> v. nil ,i ...I I in Broad fa .IV r'i V fcltPOOL COAL?17(1 Ohauir I S Irnsl Orrvl tiwl hi "? "** ? TfcU HKBD.mN a'ssis? "LaNrATuiWi.wui?. TO EAMLLIEB UOINO SOUTH, to the Watt Indies ar J- Europe.?A respectable female, M yean of ago, wishes to obtain s permanent situation as saanatrass, in a genteel tamily. Whe woulil prrler going to Europe, yet would accept ol > good offer to go Mouth or to the West Indies. The best ol refer noces triveu. Address A. A. A. box Tti, upper Tost office, N York. rlfir MARTIN'S CASH TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. 164 is <fflam Street, Corner oj Jinn Street, IH decidedly the cheapest in the city. There is always on hand a set- lalock of seasonable goods, purchased for cash which will be made up to order iu the style of make, lit, trim mine, Ike., th a 'has giseu such general satiafaeiioa during the last Tom year s.auu eta positive saving ol JS per cent. Gentle >uen are reuuesteu to call and examine. Thoae whe furnish th'vir own gooda.caulidTe uiein MADE AND TRIMMED. Dress Ciats. made and trimmed, -$7 00 te M 5* Xrock Costs, do W IN to 9 50 Pants and Vests, I 75 to IN Oyer Coats, INloUN (TT- Terms?Cash on deliyery. _ oH 3m MICHAEL K. MARTIN MARTIN'S HfcLK PAYINU TOBACCO REPOSITORIES?By the adoption of these articles, public house I beepers are enabled to make a saving of the cost of all the tobacco heretofore given away with a p-nlit of uiaily M per ceut | u|m>d (he (piannty sold, afford tug at the same time perfect aa- ; Qafaetioa to tiie mmimi, The general approval and demand for 'hese articles has induced the undersigned to make arrangements with Mrssrs Day, .Newel bt Day, manufacturers, to suptily public house keepers generally throughout the Stales, anil also wilh John Andersou it Co., touaccouista, to supply them immediately with his superior fne cut honey dew tobacc \ iu |ienuy papers. 1 hey are highly ornamental, and are warranted to pay the ' coal iu one mouth. Urdtrs left with Mr. Jeuniton, the agent, will meet with prompt attention JOHN L. MAHTIN, jll lm*r <6? Broadway. TNRUOH, DYES. CHEMICALS. POISONS. GERMAN -a-? SILVER, lie lie. kc.?Dr. Fruchtwanger iuforius his uuiner us friends ami customers uf the neighborhood and abroad, that h- will furnish Acids of every description. Dye S'uffs, particularly the Expects < f Logwood and Quercitron Bark, lion and Rrd Liqiors. kc., Copaiva C -r jli s, l unar Causljc, Labarraque's Chloride of Soda, Aqua Amnios, Sweet Soirirt of Nit'e, Chloric and Sulphuric Ethers. Pyroligueous Acid, Aqua Fortiv, Pu e Nit'ic A id, Prusaic Acid, lorn es of Potassium, Suli hur, Dp-moud Cemcul, lion Mercury and Leadlikewise all Ihe Daguerreotype and Eleclrol>|>e Apparatus, with its appertaining chemicals; with an assortment of Diugs, are all offered on the most lea-ouable terms For sale by LR. LEWIS FEUCHXWANUER. I Wall st. N. B. Calico priuters, dyers, hnirars, wholesale and retail druggists, will police the above advertisement III particular, i Also, Pnlisliiug Putty for marble yards, Rouge far Davuerreo- J toype plates, comnouud Chemical Whale Oil Soap, Bedbug, Rat, Moth and Mosrheioe Poisons, Seed Protector, preparation for Hi'es, Ely Paper, kc kc., and all other iHilisluug mate roils f. rcleatiiug br*i not nl m r, on hand jyj#8m*ec 'I'HE EeECTRO-MAONE I IC PLATES prepared by A Lnmnurouxol Paris, and sold iu New York, 66 E'ranklin street, by Ntnuard, at the moderare price of SI 60, are acknowledged by many physicians, and alt other persons who hase tried them, to ne, and are in fact, most tlBcaciuus lor curing all nervoua affeclioua and pains, as rheumatism , uetira'gy, the gout, tic douloureux, megrims, paralysis iu the b ginning, d'st asrsof women, pale colors, ameuonhefs, suppressions, v.tpors, nervous a'tacks, kc ; tticy c om instantaueousH nervous agitation when inb?d Agents?In Boston, Messrs. R<nson & S evens; in Buffalo, Mr. C. C. Bristol; iu Charleston, Mr. I.eprinee. jyM lin*r L. EAR.NAM.g49 Water street, New k ork, mauuiac turer of every apeciea of Hydraulic apparatua. Ftre Eugiuei. of evorv aixe. for cities, villages, factories. plantations, be. Garden Engines, Fire Hooka, Fire Bucket! and Fire Cape. Hemp Hose, Leather Hose,o! any size icqaued. Suction Hoae, Cupling Screws, be. Lift and Force l umps to lift and force water any distance, from 10 to 500 gallons a minute. Wind Mills, Horse Powers, Water Wheels, be., for working nnmrs Ship and Steamboat Pump* for filling boilers, be., to be used iu rase of fire. Air Pumps for vacuum or condensation, of any required use. Lead and Iron Pipe, Brass Cocks, be. Cast Iron Fountains, of various figures and devices. N. B.?The pumps of my manufacture arc double action, of great strength, and very simple iu their construction, being particularly well cai culated for the Southern and West India markets d313in*rc. OLOTH1VU, CLOTHING. /"1HKAP for Cash at the Fash'uuable Tailoring KstablishV rneui 108 Beekmnn street. Every gaunt nt iu ine hue mule to order in the nuiBt fashionable Rhd substantial manner of the finest materials, and at the very lowest pricej. The following prices are strictly adhered to : Overcoats of superfine beaver, $30 style. $16 to 22 Dress coals of the bust West of Ei (Una cloths, 11 to 23 Pants, sup. fancy aud black cassimerea, & to 8 Vests, cashmere silk, satiu, and cloth, 2)4to 5>4 Coals made aud trimmed, $7)4 to 9 ; Pants $1)4 to 2 ; Vests 1)4 to 2 Out look at the goods will give more satisfaction than the best description, iyia lm?r JOHN MOFFAT IMPORTANT TO THE PUBLICA LAHlsE assortment of Clothing, cloths, caasimerev, settings, with a variety of linen goods, it now selling ofT at greatly reduced prices wholesale and retail, at 205 Canal street, corner of Hudson. Overcoats, also dress and frock coals, blue, black, and iavitibl e green cloth, casaimere, satunelt, molt skin pantalouns. A great variety of vests of all kinds. Itemember 205 Canal street. jylO lm*rrc lEKKEKeOfS INSURANCE COMPANY?No. 47 Wall y street, coruer of Hanover street. This Company cou tiunea to insure against loss or damage by fire on buildings, goods, wares, or merchandize generally; also, on res' Is ana cargoes agaiusl loss or damage by inland navigatio. on as favorable terms as any oiher office. DIRECTORS. Thomas W Thorue El isha Higgs Thomas T Woodruff Anson Baker! Benjamin R Robson Martin Hoffman John K Davisou Joseph Allen Johu H Lee Joseph Drake Francis P Sage Samuel Underbill Thomson Price, Jainet R Whiting Motel Tucker John P Moore John CMtrnll WniKTheiu Caleb C Tunis Jamva E Huluues THOMAS W THORNE, Pre.idenL GEO. T. HOPK. Secretary ?2S 2i .w MhiKr RMAK J IN at CO., 2b Johustieet, up alairs, unporiera and publishers. The fuilowiug works, iu point ol publication, are seldom t qual'-d and never surpassed:? UaitlettV Aineiicau Sceuery, in parts or complete. " Canadian " " " Findin's l'ableaua of National Character, Beauty and Cae> lame. Kinditri'i (l.ilUrr nf Rrititk Art Tkii work Kbi nn Miml View* in Sen;land, iu parti 01 complete. " Ireland, " ' Burnt' Poeu-s, illnttrated, in nana or complete. Fletcher's U id* to kaimly Devotion, in parts or complete. Phillips' Pilgrims Progress, ?i tteel plates *' Viewt un tiie Danube. iu pans. And *11 tlie Loudon illuttr .ted worts of superior merit A few exquisite engravings on hand, sail able tor scraps, at cents I er d?xra As these are loose ei graviugs I mm the above aud i liter works, those who are collecting a scrap book will hud l his au opport .uitv that seldom offers. Asents supplied ou liber-il 'eimt jy20 lm*r LACLEi?LACE.S?Trie cheapest and gie* est assortment of edgings aud cap lace, at LEKPER'd, 23? Uraud st. Call and see. j)20 lm*r HAKNDE. N'S, ADAMS', fc POMLHOY'S KXPttbSS ?Persons iu the htbil ol tending t" this city for my ivinedies for chronic diseases, with dir< ctious lor their use, are informed that thev will hereafter De promptly forwaided by eitiier ol these hues, according to directions, free of any other expense tbaa the quantity oidered H. H. SHERWOOD, M D. Nsw York' Jan. 10. 1843 jyll lm*r NOTICE. PROPOSALS will be received at the Purchasing Office, f Quarter Master's Del srtmen.'in Philadelphia,to furnish the following materials aud articles for the United States Army for the year 1843. *n:? Hky Hue twilled Cloth, 6-4 wide. Blnched Cotton Shirting,7-8 wide. Unbleached do 7-8 wide. Unbleached Cotton Drilling. 7-8 wide. Fl.'nnrl <>f Cot'on aud Wool, 7 8 wide. Cm ton Fl.uinel, 3-4 wide.1 Ui .lorm Caps lor Dragoons, Artillery and Infantry. pGtnpnout ( r ArtillerySlo alder Straps, biajs, for Dragoona. Bl lukrlt 6 1-2 feet long, 1 wide, weight 4 Ibe. Horse Blankets, blue, 6 feet long, 1 1-2 wide, weight 4 lbs. Drums, complete Artillery and TulantryMetal Cap Equipments lor Dragoons, Artillery and Infantry Hatcnsts. Worsted Binding and Cord ofall kinds. The quantity and number of these articles will bo detennmd hereafter. Casks lor one year from April nest. The whole are to be of domestic msnnfsctnred materials. Patterns of all the required woollen and cotton cloths and articles are deposited in the Purchasing Uffice in this city foresanimation. Samples of any of the woollen aid < otton cloths will be sent to any manufacturer, on application lo this office, by mail, and such inlotmalion gifrn as may be desired. On the samples and |>atteras ihibited, the contracts will be loan .ed and inspections made, aud no article will be received that is inferior in ihe materials or workmanship to, or that does not corresi>ond in every respect with the pattern on which a contract is lounJed. 'l he tnrphes are to be delivered at the United States Arsenal neai Philadelphia, lor inspection, id equal monthly portions, and the contract! are to be tilled on or before the 1st day ef August, 1843. The pioposals mast be iu writing.sealed, and rudorsed "Propose la, and must reach the office of the Assistant Quarter Master General on or before th- >0r|i day of February, 1843 Sicuiity will be ri quired fur the iulfilmeul of contract*. Purchasing Office, Qr. Mr'a Dept.) Phila.l . 2nth Jan 1841. j j25eod20Ff DEAUTIFUL TEKTH AND 8WKET BHkATH.?The D whole world eniinof tirodlice a Hslfar I.ranaistian fn. al-.n. ing the teeth, krcpug them Irom aching ?ud decay, harden tlie luma aid sweetening the orrath, than Sherman's Orris Tootn Paste. The on ly j*rlect aud delicious di utilticr ever offered to the public. It ii noil arid rt r, innicncb d by (he tint families lu America, and his recriitly breu introduced nil" (be latniliea ol sr vera] of the Dotility in England and b ranee. Ur.Cattle 297 B'way, one of our lust deiiutu ; Dr. Elliott, the oculist i The Hon. B. B. Beardtley, (Jin. Winchester of the New World, and nearly every physiciMi and dentist in this city .uses and recommends Sherman's Urns Tooth Paste as the best of all preparations for the teeth. Dr. Sherman's warehouse it at 106 Nassau street. Ateuts, 110, 273 and 419 Broadway : IM Bowery; 227 Hudson street; 77 Kast Broadway. 86 Wiliitin street; 10 Astor House; 139 Fulton street, Brooklyn; ti State sfeet, Boston; 4 Stanwn H ill. Alhauy ; 42 We?tin wirier St. rrovidence, 9 Ledger Buildings, Philadelphia; anJ 147 >i?in street, Cincinnati. jyl9r FOB BALK OR BXCHANUK FOB PROPERTY J^klN THE C1TT Oh NEW VORK-A va usble Farm jAk.ul about Ml acres in Scarsdale, West I hester County, IW" miles to InwWlute Plains and twenty five rum New Vork on the main road leading 10 and from said places. On the pienntea is a spacious double two stoiv dwelling house, with a kitchen attached; a bare, carriage and out houses, sll in line order; 2 hearing apple orchards, mostly itr Ited fruit peach, chcry and neai trees, a good well of water and cistern holding so hogsheads of water; about twelve acres of wood land The whole farm well fruced a< d mostly with stoue wall and in good repair. Toe B.uii Hirer crosses the rear, along which the railioad runs, now nearly completed, to White Plain*. Prisons desirous ol tiring the pie ites ' rill lind It ons of the most drs.'ahlr plac< s in Writ Chester County. Kmjuire of J. J. TRAVIS, on the premises, or D. BRUSH, ESQ. ft lm*r No #2 Kulto'i sc__ LhtCHLs! LtECIlES!! LEECH Ef- 1 AO |)()(i Large healthy Swidish and Oermau m, ,ost received per ihip Htepliaui, from Ha- 'fg, and daily rloeeird. ao.WMi Swedish and Oerman Leeches , er barb Wuhm on, Irooi Hamburg, lor sale atmodeiale prices, by O. A St H. WITTk . vll 111 wiHtaw * liaiwwlfr al l.eer ?s. COII'elt?An ah .iirtnit lit Hum ? in ,V uI nf veiy rltrn quality,iDanufaetuied from the brat ore and with great care ?Tor tale.iu lou to auit purchaser* by K. K. COLLINS k CO., i?oen 'd kiflia iliaal 'I' <M IN fc A?ZbO bale* ttridnorl inanuiaclory, comprising a L complete assortment of Seine, Heriing and Oill Nei I aiuri. irum 'i>g ui M lb. The aboee twines are all of important!), and great care lias been taken in theaeleetion ol the material and in the manufacture. ror sale in lots to suit imrchasers, by EDWII, K COLLINS St CO. 4 la r J* Month street KCON0MY jN IJKKSrt. BROADWAY, OfPO-ITK THfc FOUNTAIN. I wuulu lUgveil to ilie eomuiuuil) lhat I am furnishing eyery 1 aiiicleof clothing at pronoilioiiahly moderate prices, for ?b,eh our lira aartourt lis?r been afforded, and wuu.d aullCit a call froui lliose capsb'a ol appreciating firs.?rate wink, tout t iey may yndgs of ih? inductmeuis offeied to th,ss paying rraoy money. DfitrKn|?ri in th? tity requiring farm*nls, will pletoe letm our pnc? ^ . WM, T. JfcNNlNGi. ; i? lm*c Vrspar au^Tstiot. || MEDICAL. PARR'S LIFE PILLS. rpHIS Fine Herbal Medicine has scarcely been introduced J into the I'nitrd States sii mouths, vet in this short space of tune, w i'lioni any rttraoidinary eiercioin <>n the part of the propru tors, it sale in the Hr.ites of New York, Pennay Istuia. N> w England States and Canada, has increased with such rapidity as 10 riceed their inost sanguine ripectaii ins The public air now beginning to understand and appreciate the su prrior rffiracv of this mild rd'ciur to the powerful pur, stives thai have b en I iihrrto sold them in the shape of pills which may give relief for a short time but alwsys at the esoeu e ol the system, by enfeebling it and rendering il more liable to re teivr again other complaints. On Ih* contnry. Parr's Life Pills gently eradicate disease I y removing all obstructions in the intestinal caual, purity ipg the hlood. strengthening the system, and crea lug a natural and healthy action of the body?they also aci poweilully as a tonic, and restore to the tatien a long Inst ap|ietite and a healthi craving for lood. Aa a family medicine it it nuequallrd, and may be taken bv every member of a lami'v I om the yonngest to the oldest, being prrlec ly fres from all mineral preprint om, giving no pain, and acting sail'?!Iy as a ourg> tive. Mauy females who have lakn i this midicine apeak in the highi |i terms of the great bei efii thev h iyr had I fmm tbr use ofit, and to all friualra ofa del.rat habit of body we would pa-t cularly reeommmd this m-dicine; they will find it agreeable io lake, aooihiug 'o the aysti in, and certain in Us re mo vi' g the sour and had homer lr?m the body?iu the Sprint the lorpid tnd aeiimonious fluids that have laid dormant iu he b >d; du'iug rhs winter, but are agaiu hrong r into activity, w i|l he spredilv removed hv taklig Pari'a Life Pi I a even kiglu, b fore going to bed, for twocr three week.. The | piop ienrrs hive aire dy maiiv eicell-ut testimoniala of lha efDCa i oi Pair's Lilt Pills iu hilioua and scorbutic complaints I hioni" cases of co'di co siipatioo ol the bowels. dya|>rpaia, liv?r cninpldiuis, dt bilit" and complaints incidental <0 fan nies. The f Hewing are lie inclusive ageuts for the sale ol Parr's 1 Li e Pills, whue m<y be hail gratis the Life and Tiinvs of I Thomas Parr, with two fine eng aviugs, and much other tuter I estiu. mailer: Jainrs Asi iuwall, Druggist and Chemist, 85 Willism street; Husliton (k Co. 110 Broadway and 10 Aslor Honae ; Abraham s*ana* K i/O. uiuggivk ana cn^misj K DUIIU'UVB, nn. </ ^ Bio dway, corner Chamber street ; David Saudi Si Co No. 77 East Binadwsv ; P. Dickie, 413 Broadway, corner Lisproard meet ; John B Daud, druggist, Broadway, corner Bleeckrr meet ; N. W B ideau, Bow-ry M< diciue itore, 260 BoWrry ; Joliu C. Hart, d opant, 348 Oram), corner Norfolk itreet ; Hyrar'r Medicine nore, 63 B >w?ry, coiner Walker street ; J hn Syme, c 'inn Fulton and Water ilrerta ; Horace Everett,druggist 367 Greenwich street m at the comer of Franklin; J. ? J. I o ding'on, apothec ries, 227 Hudson, corner ol Sp ina street; E. L. Coiton, chemist and apothecary, 253 Bleecker, corner Jones street; J. Weudover, druggist and apothecary. No. 141 Eighth av nue. Brooklyn?C. W-JIs Snnons, seed, drag, and patent inedi cine war. house, 1S4H Fulton street, and wholesale at the proprietor's office T ROBKHT'S li CO, Clarendon Houae, cor. Daan> St. and Broadway. Small boxes 24 cents. Large or family boxes 40 cents. Persons desirous f obtao ing an agency for their sale in the country, will please direct their letters, post paid, to T. Hoheits St Co. letter box 907. New York. f6 lm?c Utame 1'UUIh WAOtl?Prepaieu troiu the original ie cipeatNo.l Gold street, New Yrok?The Oma Tooth Wash is purely a vegetable preparation, possessing the properties o icleamus the teeth and nonth restoring the gams to e healthy state, and preventing any unpleasant taste or odour in the mouth, whether arising from decayed teeth or from a del tanged slate of the stomach. It is designed to be used with a tooth brash, and will be found to supersede the neceaaity e fa powder .keeping the teeth clean and preveuttuR the wearing away of the gums it to the teeth. It it particularly usefnl iu cases of spungy gnma, restoring them to a healthy state, and causing them to eeutract around the teeth. In pniuful affections of the teeth and gums, arising from exposure to cold, it will be found highly beneficial. It is particularly serviceable to nse the Orris Tooth Wash at night ;ust before retiring to rest. This method is recommended by emineut dentists, as by so doing all particles of food which accumulate during the day are entirely removed, and the month kept through the night in a clean, sweet, and healthy state. Souud teeth and white teetn are the most valuable portions of poor humanity; but how many neglect tne attention ueeessary for their preservation, even when sunrounded by all the means needed. Amotia?'hete we know of none more pleasant and effectual thac the Orris Tooth Wash -it cleanses and whitens the teeth, strengthens the gums, pa fies the month, and sweetens the breath. We reenmmena it nse to all, young and Id.?[Boston Muraiug Pott. The Orris Tooth Wash is the best detergent wn ever used n? oar enamel.?I Boston Transcript. For sale bv the principal druggists in t' aeitv "4 46 DIVISION STREET. PEASE'S HOREHOUND CANDY. ALL those that are afflicted with coughs, colds and consnmption, will read the following testimonials;? We have usrd J. Pease & Sun's ,';omi onud Extract of Horehound Candy, and from experience cau recommend it to the public as a valuable remedy for Coughs, Colas, Hoarseuess, Irritation of the Throat and Consumption. Ann Godwin, 418 Cherry at. John P. Matthews, No. 1 Orchard at. Francis Hyatt. No 9 Lewis it. Ann Dnvall. No. 212 Rrnnri nf. Npwarlr N\ .1 Mr. Vaudew ter, Fire Mile llouse, 3il avenue. A. Craft, 19Christie St. Jane Meyers, No. 138 Elm st. J. Mortimer. 83 Msiii st, Brooklyn. W. Pridham, Z81 Divisions!. J. Remtugl u, IW1 Cedar St. B.Welch, lit Gold st, Brooklyn. A. B. Bloodxood, 147 York st, Brooklyn. J. Right, No. 330 Cherry st. John Eichall, No. 84 Delnncy St. T. Farritiitton, No. 31 Pitt st. Beignmin Whttehonse. No. 18 Orchard st. Mrs. Romain, No. 55 First st. J. Little, 313 Walker st. If there is one skeptical of the virtues of Pease's Hore hound after perusing the above testimonials,let them Call at our depot, 45 Division st, aud we wilt exhibit full 3000 testimonials from Clergymen, Doctors, Lawyers, Merclipnts, Mechanic i, and in fact all classes and professions, subscribe to the virtues of our Compound Extract ol Horchound Candy. J. PEASE it SON, 43 Division street THE UNDERSIGNED Have used J. Pease tt Son's Com|>ound Extract of Horehonnd Gaudy, manufactured at 43 Division street, and freely recomm - d it to those afflicted with Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness and I nsnmplive complaints, as an excellent remedy in those cases, and for the use of the voice piofessieually, nothing can equal it. We recommeud it to our brethren throughout the Uniou. Reverend 1. Lindscy, recent pastor of M. E. Church, 3d Str? et. Reverend J. Crawford, pastor of the second M. E. Church, Hudson, N. Y. Reverend Mr. Lucky, presiding elder, New York Confe re nee Reverend Mr. Whittnker, pastor of Presbyterian Cbuich, corner of Madison and Catharine sis. ReVereud W.C. HaWley. chaplain of City Hospital. Reverend Mr. Uiffin, pastor M. E Church, Bedford st. Reverend Mr. Hart, recen pastor of Baptist Church, Gold st, reside ure 331 Pearl st. Ke'ereod Mr. Gilles, 111 Third Avenue. Reverend Mr. Lyons, pastor of the German MethnHur k'. Church. Elder Knapp and Rev Mr. Maffit. Sold wholesale and retail at 45 Division st. Agents? Huililou A Axp'nwall, 10 As tor House, 110 Broadway, and K William at; Owen, 3 Sinh Avenue; lioiiwoii, cor Pulton aud William its: Church. IMS Bowery; Badeau, 260 do; E. L. Cotton, 263 Blceckcr at; M irtiue, cor 21*1 st and 9th Avenue; Pastor, 165 Greeuwich at; Lccouut, JUuClion ol Oraori and Division >ta; Sand*, cor Spring it and Bowers ; J. W. Stone , cor Hudson aud Moulgo eery els, Jersey City; I Burdelt, 19 Third Avenue: Godfrey, 31 Carmine at; Brighum, cor H uslou aud Aver Ue D; Keitled. 529 Broadwas; Kerr, 716 Broadway; M'Kuimu, cor Church and Ohambsrs st; Smith, 93 West Broadway; Hodgen, 107 West Broalway; Chilton, 8oJ4 Canal at; Th ye>,24l Sptiug a'; Hoaenmiller, <11 Bieecaer at. Green, 389 Broadway, cor Walker at; Agarw, 300 Hudson st. N. B.?Each agent who aella the genuine Horehoond Candy, hat a certificate signed J. Pease tk Son, Agents?Burgess It Zieber, No 3 Ledger Buildings, Philadelphia; Redding A I o.. No. I Slate at, Boston; Hooinaoii, No. 110 Baltimore at, Baltimore, Md.; Dealer, 57 State st, Albany; Weeds A Waters, Troy; Morgan, Eichange Place, New Orleana. jyllr DOCTOR BELL. rtOCTOR BELL devotes his personal attention (daily, uttJ-' til 9 P. M.) to the removal of private diseases in every stage All suffering under protracted cases, aggravated or unsuecras-ullv treated by iueaperieneed or pteteuUed practitioners?the* . laboring under the destructive effects of m> rcury or ?uac* oosuuuis. and all who suspect the remains of di-ease orbing in Uie system, amy consult Dr. B. g> nays with a guarantee of a cure. Persons contemplating mi lage, wl o have been the subjects ef delicate diseases, miyc?uaall Lr. Bell with honorable couhdei.ce. Past-paid letters, de? 'i mug the case of pel sons at a distance, have his prompt altcntion t r. B.'s ireatment never exposes to suspicion, and is well known tn le safe and permanent. Iiy Private office 4 Courtlandt street, two doors from Broad way. jab lm*ee COUGHS AND COLDS. DKMEMBKR. No 54 North Sixth street, one doer below TV Arch street, Philadelphia, the most certain and best Karaite Medicine, for Congha, Colds, BpitUng Blood, Throat ana Long Disease, a rising sensation like choking, tickling, or unpleasant obstructions. Kor the xbove. Dr. 8WAYNE'S Com pound Syrup of Wild Cherry will be found the great remedy. Personswho have abused themselves hy the nseol ardent spirits will hnd both their strength and resolntion much improved by leaviug off the spirits, and taking a draught occasionally of the above restorative. All preparations from this valuable tree, except the above,may be considered spurious or counterfeit. The real article may be had of the following Agenta, or at No. 54 North Sixth street, F hildelphia? AGENTS Dr. W. H. MILNOR, Druggist, No. 192 Broadway. MRS. M. HAYES, No. 139 Kulton it, Brooklyn. BENJ. OLDS. Newark. N.J. JOHN MASON, Patte son, N. J. dl 2m*r SKGARS?SEGARS. 'I'HE following choice Began arc alwaya on hand at HEN1 HIUUKS'B HAVANA AND PRINCIPE 8EOAR STORE, wholeaale and retail, baaement }1 William at. Kinudaa, in hall and quarter boiea Do. No. half and quarter bote* Noriega*. in quart*' and eighth do Para Regain#, in quarter do Regalia*, of a auperior quality, in tt, X and 1-ltth bote* Cougreaaa, in quarter boiea Traoucaa, do do La Norma, do do La Etiwranza, do do Trta Amigot, in cartona of 30 each London Regalia*, i;i carton* of 40 each La Prarla, in qnartcr boxea Mia|,'ii'a apotted, in quarter ooie* Paneiilla'a, do. of auperior qnality Vugenendad, do Denoyaa, do Maltfa, do Principe*, of the Hendon, Crux and fan*, all eat. to <l*k. Pnmareraa, m quarter bote* AI rantea do Conatantiaa, do Boatamentaa, do Eainere Heualiaa, do laniwrial do, in quart* oiei, a auperior article. N. B ? Hotel* and grocer* plied on reaaonable lerma. old PUBLIC HALE of Fiat Bar Kail road Iron?Will he aold on Friday, the 17th day ol February next, at the Harriaburg depot, at Harnaburg, Peiuia., about 2io ton* Hat bar railroad iron Bale to (MMNN at 10 o'clack, A M. Term* mad* known on day < f ?ale be UHKKN. MOORE A ROCKAFELLOW. The U Staaxeileaud Pablic Ledger, I'hiladelnni; Conner A K.nquirrr and New York Her ild, New York; Atlaa A Poaf. Boatou; American and Republican, Baltiinorr ; OairtU- anil Manufacturer. 1'itti bnrg, will luaerl ill* abofe twice a week, until tli* day of aale, ami tend their billa to the above firm. Harruhurg, Jan 2i, 1843. )W tn!7Fr tT V /i/Tt* riron jtou ri,Im v. ?. v?i i c<r.>iriiii,n ri/o J . PU8T OKKH.Il, New York, ?th July. 1(42. HOI. HS dI Drlurry each day, (Sundays ricspted) at the U nrr and Lower Past 0(fjrei>? Letters deposited before Halt i aat 8 o'clock, A M\ I " P M Will b? aeut oot for d?At all the Stations before lirery at 9 A M, and I T o clock, A M and i o'clocli, P M. II " " 1 " P Ml Let ten to be sent Free, moat have "Free Stamp" affiled to them, otherwise three eenla will be collected of the |>arty to whom the letter is addrrsse I. No money mesl be encloeed in letters unless registered at t ie I tinei|ial offices. Lisu ol tie stations (at all ol which "liee stamtis" may be purchased s I ?a,yi per 100 and erery informal ion may be obtained on a| plication at the upper or lower poet < dices. Sumps issned b\ the late City Despairli post will be reeueed. It is iuili?|>eiis*bl. that the number ol the residence annul I be stated in all letters cut throughthis Post. The Post Master solicits the earliest intormation should any irregularities occur JOHN LOHIMK-' IIRAHA.VI sua* Ic er PoS' St .. a T K this meats the rye ol Mr HLNRY F AffifcY, Cinl k.ngi 1 neer. he it earnestly roum.stad to write to hie staters, addrea, eed to tne care of M?88KB. J k J. COLMAN k CO. f4ltwy#rc l, Dowgttn Hill, London. TO THE LADIES. f h HULL'S UTEllO ABDOMINAL SUPPORTERHIS new Iruiruinrui for the radical cure of Prolapsus Uteri or Falling of the Womb, by eiterual application, superteaII* the um of the obiectional Penary, ii confidently reenm mended to the afflicted ae the mean* of perfect restoration to bealth, it never baviug failed of performing a care, even nnder the most aggravated circumstances. The Supporter ha* attained a very high character in Europe f well a* in thia country. It-is adopted re the eniire uiaute ol P*saaries,*ud all other painful turgical the Lyingm-Hospitals of London and Pari*, and i* univertally recommended in Enro|? by medical men of the highest rank In I hit c??ntryj tu sustained by the leading mernbert of the facultiet . ollfgee and Hospitals, and by all the eminent private ptacWjmn. Rooma hare been famished eiclntively for ladies, at No. 4 * ttreat, having a separata entrance from the business department, where e lady is in constant attendance, to apply r russet and Bupnoe ere to female patients. jy 11 lmr? T}R. SHERMAN^ LOZENGES.?57 tons sold last year, 'he greatest evidence that can be offered of their grest popularity end usefulness. Mr. Lrouard Hodgers, aged 98, 285 Tenth elree'. wae supi>o ju to bf at the point ofdeath, from old age and a bad cough Hiii physician advised him to try Sherman's Cough Loteuget, ir y CUred h'ulEnoch E Camp, esq , ?nr eicellent reporter, was cured of a very bad cough, by Shrrmau's Loaenget?so also was Mi. r,S^rr,An,.",.1?*"iV c.*',r de*lc. ? Chatham. ; The Catholic Orphan Asylum, lu llth street, hu ased Bhet- ' mail's Loir Ultra for ilie laui year wito great benefit. Capt Chadwick, ol ahip Wellington, aa>a Sherman's Lozenges are great thiugv?the Camphor Lozenges ar* the only aure remedy for aea-ai< kuess, head-ache, and palpitation, ever known. Mr. John Kver*, 186 13th atreet, cured hit child of wortna by nly our doae of Slier nun's worm lozengea. Ne-riy every pbyaici<u of celebrity lu tl ia city leconunrii'li Sherman's w,>r-> loxeugra in their practire.aa thry alaodo Shot man V poor mill'a plaster, which co>ts only 12X renta, and it a certain cuie for pain or weakness of the aide, bo act, back or any part of tlie booy. Alao, rh< umaliam, lumhaKO and piles fie aure von get the geouiue SHKltJlAN'8 Lozengea and Blasters. Wairhouae, 106 Nassau at. Agent*?110 ft3 and 439 Broadway; 337 Hud-ont., 188 B >werv; 77 East Broadway; lu Aator Houat; 86 Williams'; 139 Kultou at, BrooUl< n. 8 State street, Boston; 4 Stanwiz Hall, Albany: 42 Westminster st. Providence; and 3 Ledger Buildings, Philadelphia. jvl9r POSlTlVL CUKE FOR CORNS. I TT ia now positively certain that Sir Aalley Cooper'a cele' * orated Corn Salve will make a final cure of eorua, iu jtroof of which we introduce the following certificates from highly respectable gentlemen ? This may certify, that one application of Dr Cooper'a Corn Salve, haa perfectly owed my corna ; aud from iu effecla in my case, and that of mauy other* which have come within my knowledge, 1 am diapoaed to regard it aa a specific. H.H. SHLRWOOD, M. D., 826 Broadway, New York. 1 have used Dr. Cooper'a Corn Salve with perfect success.? My Corna were ot long ataudiug, aud the woral 1 ever aaw?ao bad that 1 conaidered litem incurable ; but one or two applications of the above named salve entirely removed them without pain. WV MAN 13 BRADBUltY, Pnbhaher oftlie Boslen Miscellany, Ac, 327 Naaaan atreet, N. Y. Office for wholesaling and retailing thia article, 136 Nassau street, under Clinton Hall ; also for sale by the following gentlemen James R Chilton, M D, 263 Broadway ; Messrs Sands, 273 Prroadway ; Mrs Harper's, 67k|Bowery, and 139 Kultou atreet, Brooklyn ; James H Hart, M D. coraer Chambers at and Broadway. Let every one who haa Corua make one trial ; it may be done with certainty of producing the effect. )y!3 lin*r MEDICAL AID. rPHOS? in need of medical aid of a certain description should -I- read a little trra'ise called The Rubicon. It is a book treating wholly on private maladies, written by Dr. (Jregory, of No. 11 Barclay at,and was first publisned by him in 1839; in 1841 he published a second edition, with u.auy alterations, and likewise detailing improvements in the methodw curing diseases of thia nature. Engravings are introduced with a view of giving a more correct kuowledge of the subject. The author ia now in czlensive citv practice; his having been extensively and coustantlv engaged in investigating aud cumbating diseases ol this character for many years past, enables him to tieat the subject in a manner that renders the book of practicable utility with individuals wishing to nuderiake their own cnrr privately It is worthy of remark, that many persons, instead of being promptly and speedily cured, continue on from day to day ta king medicines under circumstances where, perhaps, the best mtdiciiie in the worldalouc would not effect a rate; for be it knowu, (here are cases requiring good treatment and good management as well as good inediuiue to care successfully and permanently. It is therefore important for the patieut to understand a little of a subject which is of so much interest?this in iiltr cannot be more particularly explained tu a public print, those iuterested will tind it in detail on perusiug the book. It may be had of tl e Doctor at his resioeuce, aud a'so of the Messrs Bauds, 79 ami 100 Fulton at, aud corner 01 Broadway and Chambers at, ami in the Bowery, No. S2 and No. 198. The price is JO cents. Dr Q is prepared to administer medicated vapor baths to invalids aud others requiring them. Baths for sale or hire. C7" No. 11 Barclay stieet. jy20 lm*r PKJVA'lt MEDICAL NUTiOfc! TO A PARTICULAR CLASS OP INVALIDS. rpHJCRK is one class of invalids who merit the warmest symA pathy of all who desire to alleviate the sufferings of the af dieted. That class consists af those who are laboring under the effects of those vicious indulgences into which erring and thoughtless youth are so ofteu impelled by pillion or the contagion of evil example. What more pitiable sight can there be, than that for instance, of the father ol a family, who has long since repented of his yonthful errors, but who bears about with him in his system, and perhaps transmits to his innocent off spring, the consequences of his former indiscretions ! Delicacy prevents hiin frotp applying to a physician and he not unfreqnently falls inte the hands of uneducated pretender*. Many young men, again, are deterred from entering into matrimonial engagement* from the fear or consciousness that disease is lurk ing in their system. To all such sufferers the College of Medicine and Pharmacy of the city of New York, offer the means of security from secondary disease, and for the removal of it when ap- arm I, in their new aud celebrated "Parisitu Alterative Mixture," so extensivtly used by Mr. Hicoud in the Venereal Hospital of Paris. This medicine is put up in cases containing half a dozen bottles wuh copious directions (oi use, aud labels which c&uuot excite any uuplrasaut remarks. These cases aie guaranteed to eontain a MilScient quantity of this new remedy, to cure all syphilitic impurities ol the blood, cutaneous emotions, affections of the throat and nose, nodes, ulcers, pains in the boues, Ike. Pur chasers can at all limes corresiamd with the consulting Physician of the College. Price or the cases $5 each. Safely lor warded to all parts of the Union, Canada and the West luuies The cases ana medicine are so put up that no concealment is necessary. By order, W. 8. RICHAPDBON, Agent. Principal office of the Cot-Lvov, 97 Nassau street. New Yor'. CHI tmw rc DR. MORKUSON. NORTH HIVKH DISPENSARY.2#4k Kullonstructdssi ^ Oreenwicn.?Dr. Morrison, Member of the Royal College vi ouxRcvua, iiuuuuu, uhi lumivny oireeou iu mo orititn is at vy, cocuuues to be consulted daily on all disease- ul a delicate uature, and all those distressing aymptoma consequent on injudicious treatment, and (he imprudent oae < Iquscu medicines Or. M. haa had an eznerienee of twenty t wo yeaia n treating delicate diaeaaea in all their various nude implicated Inrma, ant eaea a mild, aafe and infallible substitute I or mercury, eradicat rag the venereal virus with certainty, w ithont aobjectinn tbr patient to auy risk or restricting him iu I iioaual dicta or por auita while nu medicines are agreeable in taste and amell rer mauenl obstructions in the urethra, inch aa atnctnrea and en tarsementof the proatale gland, acr< mpauied with much un union and doll pain about tneae parts, are mint of the coiiar quences ol uial-tieatmenl. Dr. St. tieataatricturea in a acien r.fie manner, promoting abeorption of the thickened citeulai Bemnraue without any painCONSTITUTIONAL DEBILlTY.?Thousand" of yuan* men are suffering Irom (tic of ludnlgence in a ae cret lieftructiee habit,and whoae Mrnt are further injured from the use of d pretended specifics, which <timulat< only to induce greatc r ilepreaaion. Di. M. treats auch caaeaoi purely pathological principles, and never fails in establishing a cure the strictest lioaur end confidence are observed. Letters post paid, and containing a satiable fee, will ename the correspondent full advice, and medicine to any part of the Unioa, by hit giving hietory of hia case in detail. 294X k'ul on a treat near Oreenwich. )y2l lm*i HULL'j t.usafcs. NOTICE TO ttoT L BED PERSON*. PERSONS e'dieted with rup'i ' i i may rely upon the best instrumental aid the world lit Ida, on application at the office, No. 4 Vesey street, or to a ileiol the agents in the principal towns in the United Stares, te careful to examine the back pad of Hull's trusses, to ace it : ey are endorsed by Ui Hull, iu writing. None are genuine, ar to be relied upop ss good, without hie signature Mauy persons have undertaken to vena u>iiaii .1 s of Hull's celebrated trusses, and thousands are impose *i t on in couse quence. These imitations cannot be relie 11 on ; they &rr made by unskilful mechanics, and are no bettei than the ordinary trusses. Rooms have been fitted up at No. 4 Veaey street, exclusively for ladies, having a separate entrance from lite business department, where a female is in constant attendance ro wait upon email* retients jyll licr TAKE NOTICE. "I7XTRACT OF AN ORDINANCE "E THE COMMON -Hi COUNCIL CONCERNING DEAD ANIMALs. The Map or, Aldennen aud Commonalty of the city-jf New Yoik, in Common Council convened, do ordain as follows Sec. 4. It shsll be the duty of every citizen owning anv am mal which shall die within the limits of this city, south of 5<lth street, or in the occupation of any lot of ground, dwelling house or premises of any description, upon which the body of any dead animal shall be found, and of the several Street Inspectors of the several wards ih this city, immediately after such death, or the discovery thereof, to give nonce thereof,and of the place where the lx>dy of such animal may be found, at one of the officea established as follows (Joe aithe City Inspector t Office, No. 1 City Hall. One at No. 238 Hudson(t:eet. One at Murphy's Stage House, Tompkins Market. _ One at the office of the Superintendent of Streets, rear of Essex Market. Or to transport or to cause to be transported the body of such dead animal to the De|>ot, at the foot of 41st street, North Hive r. Bee. d. The burial of say dead animal within the limits aforesaid. or the throwing of any dead animal into the water bounding the city, or in auv public street, highway or place within 'he limits afoiesaid, is hereby prohibited, under the penalty of Kive Dollars for eirh offence. See. 7 A I ordinances, or parts of ordinances, contrary to the provisions of this ordinance, are hereby repealed. Passed the Board of Assistants, Nov. 21st, 1142. Passed the B^ard of Aldrrinen, Nov. 21st. U42. Approved by tha Mayor. November lMh, 1842. JNO. 11 UKI8COM, City'inspectnr. N. B.?Those papers who are in faiorof the above, will ohhr* bv eivitn- ?f a lew ioseelioos iv?l lm*r WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. STRIKER'S solution for the hair, which will change grey hair to its original color in a few miuules. 1 Ins solution is diffceiit Irom any yet offered, vnj Caunot fail of superseding all others. It is highly efficacious, and iKissrssca the great advantage ol be-utifying the hair, without imuriiig iU growth. Those who doubt its virtues are requested to have their hair changed helwre paying iheir money. II hambugs would take this mcth >d there would be no reason to complain. One trial will prove the I act. Mold wholesale aud retail, aad applied, at No. i Chatham it, op|*>aite the Hall of Records, New York, upstairs. jy2l lm*ee UNITED STATES TEA EMPORIUM. 121, latt 129 Chatham tireet, Nexo York. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 'I'lIE CANTON TEA COMPANY continue to offer for i sale new cud fragrant Teas of every variety and style Their assortment specially includes the most delicious and powerful grades ol Ureen aud Black Kreiy package bears live stamp of neatness and elegance, and the Teas cherriu are so horoughly secured from fight and an that ih ir quality aud power will remain unimpaired in any climate. Their system is founded upon the utmost regard to the rights oI he customer especially wi<li rsspeel to weight and 'juality, and unn railed cheapness. All purchasers are called u|n>ii to return aov articlea winch Uil to give them the fullest siusfactiou, which the mouey will be cheerfully aud promptly relnudrd. Cnuntry merchants, public eatal liahumuu, beads ol families, and hipmasrers will find it a derided advantage to supply thern selves from this establishinrut. Coffee r'asted every day. Unlets Irom all parts of the United Btutas eiecoted with nrornptitnde nod despatch. O" The only warehouse in America lor the sale of HoninVi rfflch'"'' R1*'**- I i|?lrr?#r pO THh LUVtHS U|i Bl'fl&KJOH ILAtl TUp a Ilowgna'a Mislurr?Tina eitreinely delici. ua and un|?raltried Tea, so highly celebrated in China and knrnpe, just im ported, is "ow for sale at the f antou Tea Company's OSS'til res kstahlishmi ut, 121 Chatham si. New York?in Chinese naehages Price Ml eenls and (I Jit lm*i riOHI'OHATlO.N NO.k-Air pn soil- selling, I" s . N-r meats in places other thnn the public nisikeis, are hereof dneried to preaem their appliratn n in writing t? the -''a'"'' Comnnt ee on or before the lOtn day of FVNuisn'"**1. 'n'1 ihi y may he license d the ieio?, or th.y will be aubieeteil to a je?al ueearratiou f- i the penalty of h t'ty the Corporation Oidioences lor the ..ffeuoe of !* ITS, lug lor sale any Iresn meal of any description *nV ,tr"* l>lace in this city, other than tn the marbuts. 'Jur tiomi-xir-ra;.u.w,h.w ki?wt^?? "< ? ** i,?nr^ou, |,oid naw-o^. It 00 M fesUh* ON STRICTURE AND ITS CURE. PHJC FOLLOWING REMARKS WILL PI AOR BE * KOBE the public, a few m<i?. deeply into uing facts ? rtrrt, That the disease called SisicTl'aic, is at ceru ft #?uenl occurrence and often exists in tersone ich* ai t mo. in 'he leait aware of it; next that a vera erroneous nation preaails re W,/CjnS *,r,clur'j and that ignoianl advertising people ake a nail advantage of thurrrane-mi nation; then, that thei t are three particular circumstances hu which a Stricture nau re am. ay I known?and in the last place, that the curt of "trielure is certain, free from pain, and generally accompnshtd in a very little time. Willi retard lothe Am of these remarks;? It u well known that Stnr tare is the rtiult ol a budly treated Gonorrhea If, Tor instance, that disease is suffered to conUnQe od from month to mouth, n alutet into a rleet. Now, there is no rain or ipeonsenieucs in gleet, and therefore it is often suffered to remain indefinitely. Bil it should be known that gleet impliei achronie inltammation ofthe passage, which naturally terminates in thickening, and this thickening at one part or other of the pasaage is stricture ; and, furtnar, that a) thengh stricture may thus re naiu unnoticed fbr a length or time, it is far from laying dormant, but it the hidden eauae ol many teriotu maladies, not only of a aexugl. but those alas of a o?r ?ous and dyspeptic kind Bnt what especially leads then -ueiou off from this duord.f is the idea thai stricture c *nunt exist so Iocs as no impelimei t to the flow of nriue is ohaerred, which is inite a misuse A stricture often exists for years without nr.wit.tu any eery striking change in this respect; indeed a mnnoisneu o.- interI rupted stream of urine belougs only to the worst of cases, and it is to present this eery stale that these remarks are published The adeantage, however, wh'.ch ignorant tdeoitjaing people take of this erroneous uotiou it eery cruel. Erery bsdy knows how men of this disciipticu srrsrai ahont thiscit^, aad^that i uiBjr win mii ineir nostrums ss long as any one win uuy uicin. Now, it is a fact, and one which every real physician will immediately acknou ledge, that all the medicine in the world, I alone, can never csue a stricture In proof oI thia. nothing It more common thai for the writer to be consulted hr person! wh>> have been ta) .tig all manner of thiugs?aa colored drops and pille, and eordiala, and the like, for many montna together, bat whom, on seeing the real nature of the case. He r >a cared in as many days. With a view of preventing theae impoaicions. therefore, il seems desirable to lay before the public a few plain circumstances by wh-ch a Stricture may be Known, which can be easily done : fbi although the svmi toms of this disease are numerona, there aie three ol especial import, and tnese inrre mar oe 1 slated very briefly?they are the following : '1 he nrst reuues to Trie manner o/urinating.?It has been already said thes; .earn need not be much diminished or impeded. But observe attentively, after it is finished aud the clothes are readjusted, whether adrop or two will ever steal a as to wet a littlenothing is more indicative of stricture. The nest it The time a Gonorrhoea hat remained uncured.?It is difi cult to say how long a Gonorrhoea or Gleet may run and not produce a stnerure, for one is naturally more disposed to stricture than another ; but, as a general rule, if it should be suffered to go on beyond six weeks, this alone would afford sufficient ground, at least, for the suspicion of a stricture. The last is? The effect a etrictvre has upon the mind.?The effect of Stricture is to depress the spirits, and ' olesseu both bodily and menial activity. This also is one of its most common effects. Not, however, that it is seen alike inevery individual, but it is so common that the writer rarely sees a case of stricture (and he sees many every dny) in which the patient does not complain more or less, that fie is not so capable ofbusiness'u formerly. Il is gratifying also to witness the uniform return ol spints, and the disapiwaring ol other maladies as the cure progresses. With regard to the cure of St'icture.on this subject it ie sufficient to observe (and it Is stated with confidence and pleasure) that this is certain, free from pain, and gene,Tilly accomplished in a very little time. So much as this could not have heen advanced some years ago; but anch has been the im provemeal in this art, and such the practical eipericnce of the writer, that he can sow accomplish the care of stricture to as many days as formerly It demanded months. The writer also begs to state, that for those who wish to an dertake the enre themselves, he nas published a little velume< called " The Private Treatue" in which not only stricture, but the care of all those delicate diseases which reaaire especial care and privacy, is directed in the plainest manner. It is advisable, however, tkat these who suspect s stricture, if possible, should csusnlt the author personally, and nothing willsurprise them more than the ewe and certainty of his means of care. Separate rooms, also, are arranged for those who may have to wait a little. It only now remains to say a word or two on the ground on whieh the pnblie, and especially strangers coming to ttiis city, may rely with confidence on what has been advanced. With this view Dr. Ralph begs te state that, beside his rank as graduate ef Edinburgh. Sic. Sic.?he has been engaged in the enre of these disewes, both in hospital and citv practice, for more than thirty years, and has published two editions of a work rxpress! 7 on them.?Also that he has testimonial letters from ine * most eminent physicians in Europe to the most eminent in America?as sir Astley Cooper to Dr. Mott, of New York, Dr. fhysiek, of Philadelphia, and others, and that he is permit ted to refer to almost every Phvsieisn of eminence in this \5r. Ralph is consulted at his private residence. No. M Greenwich street, towards the Battery, at any hour.?He may also be eousnltsd by post The Iittls volume aoove referred to is one a?ll.. A PRE88?The public are respectfully informed that t a subscribers hale established ail Express between New Yo X and Newark, N. J., fur the tranannuion and speedy del ire f of packages, bundles, MR, kc.die.; the collection of not -a and bills, and all other business anpertainingto an Express ? Ordrra fur articlea to be returned by the Express will . delivered free of charge. Office in New York at No. 7 Wall stfeet. and ia Newark, at SMITH'S Newapaper Depot, No. 320 Droad it. Leave New York at 1114 A. M.and 4lit P. M. Leave Newark at 9 A. M. and IS P. Nl. dllcc ADAMS It CO. a'HE fltlVATh, TREATISE.?This m a little vomme on certain diaeaaea, in which the rooet convenient and private meant of cure are itated in the plaineat potsibie manner. And not only are direction! given for the more ample aud recent caaei, but thoie which have fallen into improper hamli, and eontinoe on from mouth to mouth, are particularly dwelt on.? Such peraona will see immediately the difficulties which impede their cure, whatever they may be, as well as the plan to Se pursued in each particular case. It is obtained only ol the author. Dr. Ralph, M Greenwich at. Price $1. Dr. Ralph also takes this opportuity of saying that he may be consulted on the peculiar diseases above referred lo, aifhia private residence, at any honr. Aware, however, of the deep and j oat solicitude which many feel to consult a person of integrity as well as experience in these peculiar complaints, the author deems it pie| cr to give the following short aketch of the opportunities be r<as nd to fit himself for this trust. Aud this he is the more inclineu toss many have assured him that, for arant of information of this kind , they have selected from a list of advertising people the one who had boaaie 1 most of wonderful cores?but not without the bitterest repentance. Hi therefore begs to atate that, betide his rank as graduate of Edinburgh, Ike. lie. kc. ho has been watchm* these diseases, both in hospital and city practice, for more than thirty years, and hat published two editiout of s work expreasly on them. Also that he has tesiimoninl letters from the most eminent physicians ol Europe, to the most eminent in America?at Hie Attlry Cooper to Dr. Mutt, of N. Y and Dr. Phyrick of PhiUdafphia, and ethers; and further, that he has the privilege of referring to almost every physician of eminence in this eity. Nothing can be stated, be conceives, as batter ground of eoufirteuea to ihoso who are strangers to him. Consultations may bemads by pool, sod for such he ku littler rivate chest, costuming every thing ucceoairv for ineeay nd private euro It is forwarded u may be directed. Price 91 ' jl lm*c CAUTION TO FEMALES MADAME RE8TELL. FEMALE PHYSICIAN, sow* AW inform l;idiet who with a proper deiic&ov. luvc m rmumm. I II -urr u the treatment of their complaints except by cue of than own Ml, that in all casta the attends to them ,*r?<pu*Jly ,he: ci perienee, psacriee alio knowledge enables her to do so. She deems it necessaiy to elate this, as slit does uot wish to b? classed with the preteudr r? coutiuuallv appearing and disappeai i d, advertising as "Female Physicians, who too ignorant and incompetent themselves a if obliged to act some scarcely leu ignorant guiek to exyer.meut instead. r,insulting parlors sad residence HI Greenwich street, between Courtlsndl end Li berty streets Hnnranf attendance from ? A. M.totP M. Jll I in ________ Ft MALL MONTHLY PILLS. fhWlNU to the celebrity, efficacy, and invariable success ? " ylsdame ResteH's Kemale Monthly Pills in all cues c irregularity, aupiorssion, or steppage o( those functions of na ture upon which the health of every feitsic expends, sin?< their .ntsoductiou luto the United Slates, u./i? stout lour peers cocutericits and imnacious are constantly attempted to ha d?a,ed off for the genuine Cha^p common pills a e purchase, all velve cents a box. mit up in diffrreat boxes. and called"Kemale Monthly PJl?|" with the object of sells mem, il poa..bis, at one or two dollars a box. Females -e lucre fori cautioned against these at tempts to imtasse upou them It it sufficient here to state that all Female Monthly Pills are coon terfeits, except those sold at Madame Westell's Principal Office HI Greenwich street. New York and 7 Essex street, bostot Pnce $1. Maiiame Westell's signature is written on the enre' of each box. N. B ?They can be need he married ot smgle, by IoIIowim directions enclosed inside of each box. Sold also by ty pointmrnt at Mt Grand street, corner of Allen, New York ill lm to married lalhls. MAUAMh KESTELL'S PREVENTIVE POWUEttb i-'A?1These invaluable Powders hare been universally adoptea tn Europe, but France in particular, for upwards of thirty years as well as oy thousands in this coumry, as being the only mild safe, and e'Vncious remedy foi married ladies. whose healt' forbids a tiv> rapid inereaee of family. Madame ilettell.aa is well known, ? as lor Unity years tr male Physician in ilie two principal Female Hospitals in Kx rope?those of Vieuua and Paris?where favoreu by her pres. experience and opportunities, she attained mat celebrity iv those great d'isonvtnes in medical science so specially adapt*a to the female frame, for which her medicince how stand iinr railed, as well in tins eonutry es in Eui'iie. Her ucguauitaiici with the physiology aud anatomy of iL female frame, enables her?by tracing the decline and ill health of marriad lemslea, scarce in the meridian of life, and the consequent rapid ami often apparently inexplicable causes which consign many a fond mother to a premature grave?to their true sou rye?to, at nre at a know edge of the primary cauaea ot female mdispoer tiona?especially of married females?which, in 1MB, led p the discovery o her celebrated " Preventive Powders. Their adoption naa been the means of preserving uot onithe bpalth, but even the life of many an affectionate wife tot fondlnolher. The advertiser teeling the importance of this subject, and e> 11mating the vast kenefiu resulting t*> thousands by their adot tion, would moat reanecifttlly arouse .ne attenuou of the msi ried, by all that they bold near and dear, to r.ietr consideration Is it not wise and virtuous to prevent evils to which we are sub ject, by simple and health r means within our couxrid. Every dispassionate, virtuous, and enlightened mind wtU untie vital iugly answer in the affirmative. Price five dollars a package accompanied with full aud |>artienlar directions. Tn*. can be forwarded by mail t# any nart of tha Uunsd Slavs. Al' letters man be noil naid. aud addressed to V1AD1MI.' Hirst TELL., Female Phraieian. Principal office, 148 Oreeuwiet airte:, New York. Office hoi'* from <? A.M. to I o clock P.W Bolton affie? N?. 7 Kiik ?r ID in id~A U A .VI K K K S 1 h L ... , 171MALK PHYSICIAN. Office and raudeoce, <4t <n-?, " wich meet, between Conrlandt .nil^rty atrrcta. where ahe can b? com ill led with the itricteat eonndenea oti con plninta incident to the female Ira me. Madame ne?firi?*perieneaaod knowledge in the Meatmen, of nbatinate ease* f Irinnle irrcgnl irity. jtoppage, auppreeaion he., it anch at to irqnire bnt a nw dnyt to effect a per fee i cure. Ladiea deairing propel medi *nl attendance donna con linement or othei inn upon lion, will lie neeominodatea dnriu. luchtune, with prime ind retpect.ihl? board. " Preventive rVwdera,'" ior inarwed ladiea, irnoia ,4* Iieaia orpreciiont ne<h forbuia a too mind increnae of family will be tent by mail to tuw part of the United Statai. Prici liapeekage. All Lettera < |w?d) addreated to boa tt? New York, ilot'.oii Office, No ' a.aeei itreet. N P. ?Madam. KKHTKLI. woold informi ladioa reaioii., out of the city, whote health would not admit of trayeMina.tha' he wonld detotc her perioral attendance iijiou them in r.n? part of the United rttatea within reavinable durance J10 Im POKTlRtUKSK FEMALE PILLS. MTK^TKU A.tD PKIflRltn Df SI i)& BOUUKLOQUK. M D., LIHB<UN, f KTUUAi THE Hnentific combination of ingredienti ol which then J Pi Hi are cornpoaed. I.are ihrm tire wonder and adtrij ration of the world They are known all irer Euro;..-to b? the only preparation ever ditcanererf that w*a proved mtartabU certain in urodueim: the nionthly nirna u certainty, io J en tea being inch that ther mnai not be nam] daring pretruaney for tboogb ilvraya mild. mIc, and healthy, they are certain ir produce miscarriage if uaed donna that parted. The flirrctioni nrr CraMinted intra Knglith ^uu ut > toutid with the ? *! cjf up importer, ruraped. KnchUatt. fmiM the nirDtture of Boudeloqnr. and thr &nt;liih til Sbl!r the aigoani* of Dr. F MRLVKAtl. anthoriird .pent for the continent Of America tl,, r.n i?e uaitarcwtni iv mail in an? port 01 tne Court' m>!-? directed to l?r. K. Melvrati, h>?* it, Ne? Voih will ir*n with tiumetli.u* attPtifitiii AM letfet* trni i* lino neid. 8oM l.y appuu imem at 124 Cherry. arar'iathr -!? ..?? NHM/Uiwm!? mft'i jlfllfl?d*vt J?L? J-l PUBLISHICD DAM.V BV .IAMK* <;Olt nO\ BKvnkTT, N.W OOHNKK. KUCTON AND NASSAU BTRKtTS. ThI Nr.w Vo?K 11 A rf? tl V P'P'r, I allied every morning <>l the week?inter two rent I iwr copy. Country anb cribrra Ininiatieit ?| the aatnr rale, lor any *|>ertfic iitnml, ,ni a trinilmiice II Atlvmirr. N? pai er at lit, an)** paid in ad* ner Thi Wkeblt Htca ALD?la-ne * *'V Huturdiv moiniu* et in* o'clock?price eti ami u uuurlir ttnli per copy?t .raiah. d to country au In ruber. ?i tl o p. r annum, iu adeanre,or el the aim* rat- lor any in rifinl . nud. ('oaaaaeotoiara ar? requested lo addreaa their letter* to Jufaa Uobdop Bbonktt, Propnator and Kditor aad all at im Ml baaiaaw mm ba pom patd*