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(ft/- LITERATURE.?Just issued from the press, and for mle at this other, the new Historical Novel, Bianca t'aiiello, by toe popular authoress, Lady Bulwer. Price IB) cents per copy. Also. Blackwood's Magazine. |IB{ cents, and the recently published novels of Scott, Bulwer, D'lsraeli, Dickens James, Smollet ami Miss Landon, all ol which muy bp had at this ottico. Also Standard Literary Works, embracing Allison's History of Europe, Cooley's Egypt, Sparks' Washington, and Thiers'French Revolution. VTt- liUKKNS ! I.EVEil! A1NSWORTH AND. LOVER 1-FOH TWELVE AND A HALF CENTS !New ready nt the otliee, 30 Attn street. No *2 of the New World Supplement, containing the February Parts Complete, ( eceived by the English steamer yesterday,) of five of the mo-t popular Tales of the day, as follows :? I. MARTIN t'tll'Z/LEWIT?By Charles Dickens. II. TOM BURKE OF OURS?By Charles Lever, Esq., author of Charles O'Mallev. Harry Lorrequer Ac. III. WINDSOR CASTLE -By W. H. Ainsworth, Esq , author ol the Miser's Daughter, Ac.. 'IV. LOlTEltlNGS OF ARTHUR O'LEARY?By Chaa. ret, Esq., author of Tom Burke, Our Mess, Ac. V. L. S. D , OR ACCOUNTS OF IRISH HEIRS?By ' S. Lover, author of Handy Andy, Sic. (ttAll for only 12} cents?just the yriceofeach work separately at the Bookstores. Economy is wealth ! Make haste to 30 Ann street, the fountain head of Cheap Literature, and buy a copy. QtJ-" FOREST DAYS"?The new novel of James, can he purchased at No. 30 Ann street, in a treble extra New World. This is the only edition that can be sent by mail at newspaper postage. Trice 1-2} cents?$8 per hundred. Also, "THE LAST OF THE BARONS,"?By Bulwer, in the same form?and a great variety of " Books for the People," issued in extras (octavo form) at 12} to -23 cents per copy. Call at 30 Ann st. and examine the list. JAMES WINCHESTER, Publisher. ftCf- BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURO MAGAZINE FOR FEBRUARY A capital number is published in a double extra New World, at SO Ann street, This Morning?Price 18} cents?$-2 a year(It?-BRISTOL'S S A IIS APAR1LL A.?This prepare tmn ol sursapanlla surpasses any thing' heretofore offered to the public as a renovator of the human system. Its recommendation by the medical faculty it such thoae afflicted with diseases of the blood or nervea cannot fail to he fully convinced that it will perform all that ia claimed tor it. Th? numcroua teatimony of thoae who have succesifully tried this article, placea it beyond a doubt, that Bristol'a Snrsaparilln ia a aafe, sure and effectual remedy forall diaeaaea of the liver, cancer, acrofula, aalt rheum, indigestion, and the various nervous affections, which is the unhappy lot of many to be heir to. There has not appeared hrfnrethe puhlie, in our estimation, an article so well calculated to purify the system as Bristol's Sarsaparilln. The experit nee and standing of Mr. Bristol is a sufficient guaranty to all disposed to try this efficacious remedy. Sold wholesale and retail by Wm Burger, 50 Courtlandt street, and at retail by Rushtnn & Aspinwall; Milhau?'Pharmacy; 8vm?, Bowery; Tripp's, 16S Division St. and 211 Fulton at'. Of?- VF.LPRAU'9 LECTURES-The following Ih the manner in which the celebrated Velpeau, of the hos pital of La Charitie, "peaks of his unrivalled remedies for thp cure ol gonorrhm.?" In this way 1 have used an immense number ot cares, in whom every other species of treatment had been tried without success." Velpean's Pills are now sold exclusively in this country, by authority sf the Collwge of Medicine and Pharmacyof the city of New York, at their principal office and consulting rooms, 97 Nassau street. Price One Dollar per box. W. 8. RICHARDSON, Agent. (it?- HEAR! HEAR! HEAR!?DE AFNE9S CURED. The following extract from a letter written by Mr. John. *uu ui uiimoii, 10 a menu in mis cut, is important:? " The bottle of Scarpa's Oil. for Deafness, that you ?ent me, with the with that my daughter would try it, has been used, and in its effects has astonished all; you know how yerv deaf she has been since she was three years old ? she now hears quite well, but as the medicine has all been used, 1 wish you to send me another bottle, which I hare every reason to believe will cure her entirely." Wholesale and retail, by Dr. Jayne, 30ft Broaidway? Price $ } or $18 a dozen. (&- JA.YNE'9 EXPECTORANT?This Medicine has already proved itself to be all that it has been recommended, hy those who have given it n fair test in this country, and the demand for it increases daily. We have just heard of an important cure of Asthma, which lias been effected br the tree of it, in a neighboringtown?the case was that of a female who hod for a long time been under the care of a physician, hut had received no relief, and her case was considered hopeless. As a last resort she purchased a bottle of Dr. J.oyne's Expectorant, which caused her to expectorate'freely, gradually ceased to cough, and is rapidly restoring her to health. We have no hesitation in saying that this preparation of Dr. Jayne, for the cure of coughs, col Is, influenza, asthma, consumptions, Ac., is the most valuable medicine ever off>TPd to the American public. There is no quackery about it?Dr.'Javne is one of the most skilful practising physicians in Pennsylvania; aud wherever his various preparations have been thoroughly tested,'he is looked u|>on as a great public benefactor?[Somerset (Me.) Journal. Prepared only by Dr. Jayne, No. 305 Broadway, N. Y. QtJ- COUGH OF THIRTEEN YEARS STANDING cur?d by Pease's Horehound Candy. Nitw York, Feb. 15, 1843. Messrs. John Pease A Son, 4ft Division st. Gi'tiMemen : It is with unfeigned pleasure 1 can inform you. that your Compound Extract of Horehound Candy has cured me of a cough of thirteen years standing I had tried almost every remedy calculated to cure it. I could find no relief; it is now two and a half years since the cure pet I'ormfd, and I have had no return since. Although ( am entirely opposed to give my name in reference to advertised medicine, stilt I cannot conscientiously wi'hhold this faint testimonial of the invaluable qualities ?f your cnnilv, hoping it will cause many to use it, thereby savi.rgthem from the grave. My riddance of the vexatious cough I attribute solely to the use of the candy, and I can recommend all my friends to use it: and I am sure thcr will join with me in saying that it is a blessing to mankind. I am, g?ntleman. your friend, OWEV PHELAN, 3? Chatham st. Agents ? Riding, S State street, Boston ; Burgess k Zieber, 3 Ledger Buildings, Philadelphia ; Robinson, 110 Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md. ; Wadsworth, Providence, R. 1.1 Wr^l k Waters, Troy, N. T. ; Deater, 75 State street, Albany ; Hal.lennan,-Louisville, Ky. (KJ- COUGHS AND COLDS CAN EASILY BE got rid of without trouble by the use of Sherman's Cough I.orengea. They should be constantly kept in every la. mily, especially at this most trying portion at the year, when a slight cold quickly deepens into consumption, and brings upon the unhappy sufferer months of sickness, if it does not hurry him to a premature grave. The concurring tertimony of thousands is evidence enough that all these evils may be averted by a timely use of Sherman's unequalled Cough Lozenges. Warehouse KM Nassau St. AgrntS, 110, 373 and 459 Broadway; 77 East Broadway; 18S Bowery;337 Hudson st; h0 William; 139 Fulton st. Brooklyn, and 3 Ledger Buildings, Philadelphia. Hi?" THE PILES?All those who are afflicted with this distressing complaint, may rely with perfect safety on being cured, if they will call on Comstock k Ross. 35 Magazine street, and procur a bottle of the genuine Hays' Liidment. Hundreds ot persons have used this article and been cured. We leave it for those suffering to choose, whether they will continue to suffer, or procure the Liniment and find relief. Soil also in this ntv ot 71 Maiden lane. (K7- THE PARISIAN ALTERATIVE MIXTURE, i* guaranteed to cure all forma of aocondary syphilis. Pa ticnta effected with paina in the hones, cutrnroua erup. tions.aore throat, and every other symptom indicative of the existence of venereal taint, sheald use this specific without delav. Sold in bottles at $1 each, in cases of half a doxen bottles, $6, (forwarded to any address.) W. S. RICHARDSON, Agent, Principal Office of the College 07 Nassau street. MOKRV DIAItKRT. Wednesday, Feb. i?-0 P. Iff. The feeling in the Stock Market seemed to be good,prices (enerolly were better. Ohio fl's rose j per cent; New Vork State fl's, };City 7's, Delaware Sc Hudson, Q perct.; farmers Loan, Kentucky fl's fell 1J per cent. There was a strong disposition to " hammer" this stock. Harlem Tall i. The bill before the Ohio Legislature, to proTide for the extension ef the Miami Canal, nnd pay the contractors by :he issue of gl,600,000, in $100 bonds, was recommitted to the finance committee,by a vote of S5 to 3*. and re-reported with some amendments. The issue of this paper will no anyimng nm restore connuence in that State, which Issued last year $1 stock for $000,000 in money, for imilar purposes. When will Mnity return to State Legisature*. A report of the condition of the Bank of Mineral Point las made its appearance, and presents rather an unlavorible account. The Committee lay that the auppoaed imount of billi in circulation i? about $130,000, and the Ither liabilities are auppoaed to be about $4,000 ; making he bank'a indebtedneia $140,000. All they can rake and icrapo to liquidate thia, amounts to only|$lla,00Q; leaving l deficit of $41,000; which of course the hill holders of :he bank must lose. It also appears that the Bank,through ts cashier, has been doing <i large business in the buying ind selling of lead. At Mobile, on the 11th, there was more doing in exchange. New York bills at 60 days have sold for 17, 16 ind 16 per cent, and sight 10 a -40 Specie opened at -40, but was afterwards rather stiller, and sold in small sums it 01 a 0-4. The accounts from Tuscaloosa were considered favors miik to redeem a part of their billi in specie. Such a hill j trai introduced on the 9th, by Mr. McCoy, of Mobile?prodding tliat theStsteBank and Branches redeem a portion If their notns in specie, and issue new notes of the State lank and Branches for the balance, which notes may lie imchanged lor State Bonds, bearing interest at 6 per cent, Mysbls in Bee years. The House refused to give this nil a reading. On the Ttls,a bill to raise a revenue to redeem the circutgJeasardpay rise Mate interest, was brought in, provi^"Of per cent on all the articles taxed in the general revenue hill. J. Of one fifth one per cent upon the gross amount of the Income hi prreona in inr mmi.tith irnnrp, prfMe??ton? nti.l mrMiits In this Mate, over $.VH), 3. A la* on incorporated companies. A motion to poMpona thit bill wat loat?00 to tw. Tho stay Bill introducedby Williams, of Jackson coun ty, requiring where plaintiff* in execution decline to take Alabama currency, that defendant* shall have a stay o( twelve months, waa on motion of Mr. Erwin of Mobile, laid on the table by a vote of 40 to <7. It would thus appear there is sound principle at the bottom of the incomprehensible antics exhibited in that State. The productive wealth of Alabama thi? yenr ia enormoua. The receipt* of cottou thia year at Mobile are 35,-140 halea, against 176,761 bales at the same time last year, ami as the banks are now deprived of all power tti gamble in cotton with their broken promises, except to diaburae them for bills to pay the State interest, the proceeds of the cotton will be applied to their legitimate ob ject. Th# Western Territories seem to be dabbling in debts already. The following was the total amount of indebtedness of Lee, Des Moiues and Mucatlne counties, Iowa, on the first of January, 1943 Lee $3,859 P# Des Moines 18,344 66 Muscatine 1,089 35 The news by the steamer is of a very gloomy description. The great fall in cotton, involving a loss of to $7,000,000 on the crop yet unsold, cannot but severely shake the Liverpool houses. The stock ot cotton in Great Britain and Europe on the 1st of Jan., were as follows:? iMroaTs am> Stocks <-r Cottob in Erarrr, Jan. 1. Import?. Slock'.? 1MI. I??- ,8's- , urni oriuin. 1,342,930 i.xw.ioo on.ito oo*,oai oaici. Oihrr ports of Europe, 633,367 720,334 229,332 257,614 Total, 1,996,317 2,118,481 769,032 822,144 bale* Since this report wa? made up, tbere has been shipped from the United States to Great Britain 404,181 bales, against 217,066 bales in the same period last year. The stock on hand in the United States is now 41S.781 bales, against 408,061 last year. After this period last year, about 600,000 bales were received, and the receipts this year will be 000,000 bales, making the crop 2,020,000 bales, at a low estimate. This in the face of a reduction in the English consumption of cotton goods of 26 per cent, as compared with 1830, and a perfect glut in the markets of the world ! The result must be a still further (all in prices. The stock of American cotton in Liverpool on the 3d inst. was 290, 900 bales ; the quantity shipped since is 230,190 bales, and the stock on hand here is 418,761 bales, which, with 000,000 bales te come forward, is 1,639,747 bales affected by the fall in price of Jd. per lb. since Januarv 1st. In the uros pect that pricei will not recover under the large supply of cotton and diminished consumption of goods, Jd. per lb. ii equal to $3,60 cents per hale, or an aggregate of $3,643 139 loss to thb planters, factors and shippers. The amouut of hills to be drawn, and specie to he brought into the country is reduced by that ?um, and it is highly probable that still lower rates will have to be submitted to for the balance of the crop. The position ot the market is quite as bad as in the sum. merof 1840, when so many Liverpool houses went down, involving their correspondents here. It is true that money is now exceedingly abundant in Europe ; bet there, as here, the apparent abundance is owing morn to the al most total want of demand through those channels which command confidence. Those connected with American trade are not now of that description^ the disastrous losses in stocks which attach to the leading cotton houses, as well as those growing immediately out of that article, have rudely shaken the "merchant princes." The currents of exchange movements run in different hands from those which they formerly did. In the spring of 183S, Baring, Brothers, sent to this country $3,000,000 of specie through the hands of Prime, Ward k King, to assist the United States Bank to resume. It was a forced importation, and the metals of course speedily found their way back again. The laws of trade now draw specie in a legitimate manner, and the invoice as published yesterday, gives ?5,000 to Prime, Ward & King, and ?100,000, or $490,000, to Brown, Brothers. Theie revolutions are con. stantly going on, and the position of American credit will iiievuauiy crusa mosc bousps wnicti nave Deen most deeply implicated in them, and the sound business will find its way into the hands of those houses which are least affected by those circumstances. This is strongly indicated in the already changing current. galea at the Stock Kxrhanga. $1000 Ohio 6's, 1856 69 *7000 Kentucky 6'i, 1871 82V 5000 do 1860 69V 5000 do n* 82 V 29000 do 69 V HO shas Mechanics' Blc G6 3000 do 69 75 Am Esc Bk 70 S00 NYork 7's, 1849 104V 5 Del k Hud 85 5000 do b60 105 10 v York L k T 55 2000 do 1818 1"4V 100 Farmers' Loan 14 '000 do 6's, 1851 103 30 Manhattan Ins 95 7000 do 5's, 1855 92 20 Manhattan 0?s 95 8000 do 5's, 1858 92 35 Utica k Scheoect 115V 1000 do City 7'?, 1852 106V 25 Auburn k Rocli 93 5500 do da 5's, 1838 91V 10 Mohawk 30 2000 do do do blO 91V 50 do s3d 30 5000 do do 5's, 1870 91 50 Harlem 16V 1000 Kentucky 6's, 1871 83V >5 do 16V 9000 do 81S 150 Long Island b60 49 2000 d> 83V 75 New Jersey 66V IOOO do 83 25 Paterson b60 45 1000 do s3 83V Second Board. *1000 Kcntncky bond 83 $tooo Ohio6'.t, 1860 alO 69 1000 __ do 83V 4000 do h3 69 10000 Uhl0 6's, 1860 68V 6000 do ?15 68V 2000 do 69 50 shis Harlem 16% Hales at tkt New Stock Exchange. $1000 NYk ti's, 1862 >30 103% $'000 Krntucky 6'? 83% 10000 do 103% 7000 do 81% 2000 do 4%'s, 1864 110 81% 1000 do b30 84 10(10 Ohio 6%, 1860 68% 1000 do 81% 1000 do 69 1"00 Illinois6*4, 1870 b30 21% 3000 do b30 70 26 sh?< I.IiUnd RR b20 49 2000 . do 69% 12 NJersey RR 66 6000 do 69% 10 Crnton Co 19% 2000 do fw 69% State of Trade. Sales of real eatate to-day hare been, as follow* : ? No. 103 St. Mark's IMace $13,000 No. 44, 7th street, with 4 lotion 6th street 12,395 No. 70,7th street, with 2 lots in the rear 12,310 No 110, 1st avenue 4,110 No. 110J, 1st avenue 3,791 No. 74, 7th street 3,941 No. 89, 7th street, 4,920 Eight lots on 2d avenue, between 105th and 106th its., with the house known aa the Red Houae,.. 1,800 1Q Ints in the rear paeh ort 16 lot* on id avenue, between 105th and 106th sts., each 36 li do, at 17 11 do. at 16 Houae and lot cornei of lat avenue and 7th at 3,701 Coffie ?A Moderate demand without change in price. Brazil at 61 a 8| cents; Laguayra, 7] a 8] ; green Java, 8} ; Cuba, 74 a8j; Sumatra, 7J, 4 moa.; St Domingo, 6f a 6 eta, cash. Cotton?The reception yesterday of unfavorable advice* from abroad rendered prices unaettled, huyera for export requiring considerable concessions?lot of 4 a 600 bales Liverpool middling, at 6] centa, which shows a decline ot ] a f of a cent per lb. The sale* ior the three days include 1100 bales Upland and Florida, at 6 a 7 cent*; 360 Mobile, 6] a 7] a 8; and 160 New Orleans, A] a 8; together 1700 bales. Corn Trade. Holders of Western in this market have miide a alight advance, which buyers do not submit to; consequently not ing is doing in Western lands. Prices are firm at $4 61] for Michigan good; $4 76 for Canal; and $4 60 for flat hoop, Ohio. Operations in Southern are active, which wennote at $4 16, and for be?t brands, $6 31], At Philadelphia, the market continues depressed, but holders are Arm, anticipating an Pricea ranged at $3 SI a (3 87] for good shipping brands At Cincinnati, operations to some extent have been made at $2 6.s. At Alexandria, lalea were made from range* at J.3 30 per barrel. At Montreal choice brand* of Ohio command 22* a 22* 8d. The stock on hand is estimtted at 40,000 brls, and will no doubt be increased on the opening oftho navigation. The duty of 47 cent* per barrel of imports into the Canada* from the United State*, goe* into force on the ftth of July, there'ore it i* of great importance to the exporters to lorward as large a quantity as possible before that time. The inducements extended to the producers of the west to ship their wheat to Canada instead ol our seaports, only benefit the producer and transporter. The expenses created before Hour reaches a seaport in Canada, added to the first cost here, raise* its cost morethan to send itdi. rectly to our own ports. Tho west is benefited by finding a near market, and the transporter* by their charge* for freight. The duty spoken of above, at once stop* all shipments from this country, and unless the present parliament should mtke some favorable change, the produce of the Great West will find a market at our own seaports. The establishment of a free trade between Canada and Great Britain, and a nominal duty on flour imported from this country into Canada, would enable the Canadian merchants to land flour in England for less than we could, to make direct shipment* from this country .with the proicnt corn laws in force. The Western farmers are anxiouslv looking for some favorable and permanent duty on bread stutl's between this country and the Canada*, lor almost their salvation depends upon It. Should the crop now growing in this country, turn out even lair, and no foreign demand arise, flour must reach a price lower than was anticipated. Uled. On Tuesday, 21st inst. of dropsy on the brain, Ass Eli7.SHKTH, youngest daughter of Thomas and Henrietta Gardner, ajed one year and one month. The Irienda and acquaintance* of the family ore respectfully invitod te attend the Itinera), this afternoon at ;l o'clock, from 18 Clark itreet. On Wednesday, 5id inat. Louis. Rbnnt, ftged ft months, daughter of Petar Rnnny and Mary Magtilie, of this city. Hi* friend* are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from 97 Puane street, this afternoon, at 3 o'clock precisely. foreign Importations. Kio D* Jsurtao?Barque Led*?J6S0 hsa? coffee J L Phipp* StT?aiai?*D D* Cues?Biig Science?194 lihds 36 tas molasses Aiuine It Gall iway UuinMtle Importation*. Ar?'.i?'Hicoi.*?Barou? Triton?158 b*lr? J H Taiwan? yt ft c ?lltB H roil ft no?701*low ft I'ooo. Naw Oai.aam?Hrhf Killn?50U bblt Boar B H KielH?888 (J Onnitlua?40 do mnlaura Da Payatar It Whitmarah?171 kara I'rH Dawa fc f'aary?69 aacka com Soydam, Saga It co?85 bbla mnlaa<ra to nrilrr. MARITIME HKRA LP. Ship Maiteri and Agents. We shall fitrrm if a favor. if Captain* of Veaa?U will fire to C mraod n !{< si st Silts t of oar News h'leef. a K**port of the siiippuit.' Iit >f tso Pott whenea th< \ aalNi the VmmIi SpoMi "u their P tangs i Li I >1 theii ( irvOi aiH ? v Foreign Nivnmpavt or N#wa ihet "i y hart. He will board them niMi.-iti.4f41on theii ivtl Agents sod Coe ret ondesta, home or abroad, wil alto confer s fhvor bj wndina this Office ths M rinc Intel) ease they - n fai* N 'utiral Inform ition of snv kind will he th^nkfullY r ceiveil POHT OK SICW V'WK, FKIIRITARV 93 tim RISKS 46 I SSOON RISKS 3 P St'lS 5 42 I HIGH WATFR 3 S3 Cleared. Hhiji Achnrn, Durfev, New Oil-m. Hianton k Frost.? B?'qnes OrMta (Sardinian) Vlirhelini. Qihr tllar and Genoa. L Palmieri; California. Wilson, Neuvitas B-ett k Vnse ? Brigs Florida Blancn, Eldridsa, Belitr, Hond. M Blanco; Geo lleurv, Pisco, St Thomas, \V W Pratt.?9ch*s October. Crowell, La Gnayrs and I'orto Cabello. Rowland k A'pinwall: Sag.idahork. Sampson, and Charles L Vos . Gould, New Orleans, Brail k Vosa; Richmond, Chaster, Richmond, Allan k Paxson; 8terImir, Taylor, Wilmington, NO. E S Powell. krrlTsil, Barque Led*. Phillips, (of Rdtimnre) 62 days from Rio lie Janeiro. wi?h coffee, to J I,. Pliipps k Co. Vessels left before reported. Dec. 31, lar 22 30 S, Ion 35 32. exchanged signals with n whale ship, showing a htue signal, white diamond and letter M. in if. steering SW Willi nit lar IT 56 V, Ion 55 21. spoke ship Maasasoit, from the Bra*>| Banks for Boston, wiih Ann hhls iwrm nil. 1?! inat lat ">l 33 Ion SI 52, spoke brie Rival, fr >m Wilmington, NC. for Onadalnupe. out 15 days; 3d, lat 23 36, 'on 62 55 spoke barque Neptune, Tay, of Boston, Irom London lor Havana. Batque Triton, Carr,(of T ovid'tiee) l6d'v?from Amilarhieola with cotto-', to th-master. 6th insf. off Key West, spoke barque Elits Anil. 9 days hence Cor New Orleans B irque Marv Chilton, Benedict, 2 days from Philadelphia, in ballast, to Howland St Aspinwall. Baiqite Hercules, Skaats, 2 days from Philadelphia,' in ballast, to D H. Rohinton. 6'ig Seimce, Ha dine, 35 davs from Trinidad de Cnha. with mo|a??e?, to rna ter 12th inst lat 35. Ion 67. spoke brie Othello, from Boston; '6'h. lat 37, Ion 3', 'on 71, sooke brig Packet, of Kennebnnk, from Wilmo glon. NO. for Boston. Bchr Estio, Robinson. (of Thomaslnn) 2ft davs (mm New Orleans, with dour, to master. 5fh inst. lat 27 22 Ion Rl. spoke br'g New Columbia. 2 days from M itanzas for Rhode Island; 9'h, In 30 II. Ion 77 20, spi ke schr Madawaska, from Wilm'iigton, NC. The K. has experienced severe weather on i he passage?lost flving jihhoo'r, gaff. split s'ila, sprung a leak. Sic tschr Al-bama, Casev, 8 days from Newhcru, NC. with naval stores, to Blossom St Co. S? hr Cornelia, Davis, 3 days from Boston, with mdse, to Jao Stevens. Hehr Aurora, Thompson, York River. Lighters Angola, Jackson; Hiram Diion, Slilwsll; Wm L ncn, tvuirrav, ana uopneron, HarUharn, from the North America, with aalt. Below. Two brigs, unknown. Herald Marine Correspondence. Office er thf. Khode liiiama,) Newport, Feh. 20, IIH3. 3 Are 11th, J Rnsling, Dill, Philadelphia for Fall Hirer. 81d I H Boolen, NYoik. S Arr'9'h, Almena, Dill. Biliimore for B'>?fnn: Mary El'tvbnh. App'"E?fe. do for Proriilenc"; Fori Hill, Simmons, Wilmington. Del for Boston; Grand Island, Hill, Boston for Virginia; L?nwine McLond. d ? for Norfolk. 20th?Win I light from N W, and thick fog. Generis I Record. Ship North America?Several lighters arrived yesterday from the wreck of this vessel, with salt Sic. Most of her caigo it our. She is nearly full of water, and the tide ebbs and flows in h?r. Schr Ashore.?A fore and aft schr is ashore on the West Bank. Brio Martha, Howes, sailed from Baltimore 21st inst for Boston, and went ashore to the eastward of the Seven Foot Knoll. Evpected to be got off at high tide. Barque Peru, at Boston from New Orleans, reports seeing a thin o- barque ashore on the south aide of Reding rocks, on tha Bahamas, 1st inst ; apparently had just gone on Saw several wreckers near her; it blowing a gale at the time, could not le?m particulars. Shif Victoria.?There is ahont Sinn,000 insurance in the Boston offices on the Vic'oria an i cargo, from OroRstadt for Boston. She was at Stromness Jan. 13?having been ashore in Widewell Bay?repairing. Liverpool -Thirty-one ships were at Liverpool on the 5th inst. for the United States, wind hound. From the 12th Jan. to the 4th inat. ei^fv-ihree ships arrived from and fifty-three ships sailed for the United States. NrtrI. U. S. brig Rnxer, bound on a cruise, was spoken off Stirrup Key on the 2d inst. all well. Spoken. Sea Bird, from Bordeaux for New York, (so reported) Feb 8, off East edge Grand Bank. P,|?f fmm v..?. ?. i-i?P L -- - _ ? .... .. v.ikWM ivi ...- nuiiu, iiu, rcu iv, miles E of Cape Cod. Charlotte, from New Orleans for Liverpool, Feb 4, lat 27, Ion 79 39. t'a'ro, from Boston for New Orleans, Feb 12th, lat 29 10, Ion 73 38. John Crosbr. Wheeler, from Boston for New Orleans, Feb 19 (,are Cod WSW tj miles. Kilby.Bsrs'ow,from New Orleans for Liverpool, no date, off Cape Flor'ila. 'Lecrys.' (Fr) from New Orleans for Bordeaux, Feb 14, lat 26 2.7, Ion 70 40. Manco, from Mobile for Liverpool, Feb 4. Foreign Port*. Havana, Feb 6?In port, York, Momll, nnc; Hudson, Bu.-knam. from Portland, disx; Norma, Barton, far New York, lily; Clin'on, Mason, from Bath.disy; /aide. Hondlette. do; Dianthe, Shorey. wig canto; Wildes P Walker, do: Ceylon. Trott, fr >m B 'th for Cardenas to load for Poril nil ;Pensacola,Kilzore, from Portland, diss; Charlotte, McLellan, do, wt? frt; Lima, Nason, unsold MaTanzas, Feb 7?Bid New Colnmbia. Martin, Warren ? In port. R'ja,Williams, in quar: Ontario Hamilton, disx; Henrietta, McL?ll?n for Portland, todays; President. Ssrrent, for Boston, 8; Bordeanx. Smith wtx frt; Swiss Boy, Blaisdell, do; Oalen. Bweetser, unsold; Clio, Mirwick. disR. Maranucz, fan 77?Sid *ile. Shaw, Genoa; Panchita.Oray, Coweaand a mkt; Hsma, (Brl Jones, Cosies. Tuhks IsLarsn. Feb 8?At Salt Key, Hartley, of Alexandria, lily; at Grand K-y, Caroline, of Philadelphia, do Sid 7ih. cn-ries, uttiord, Elitabeth City; 8th, Henry, of NYarmouth, for Havana. Home Porta. E*stpo*t, Feb 8?Arr Olive, Jeffrey, Hew York; Kmeline, Mar Mil, Bo-ton CuiHino, Me. Feb 17?Arr in George's River, Avola, from NOrleaoa for Boston. The A. had a heavy snow storm in the bav. and when the wind thiOed at the west, it came on so cold that she was obliged to head to the northward, *nd just fetched in here, so completely iced up that they could not work ship.? The A. had very heavy weather the whole passage. but the careo is believed to be safe She will proceed to Boston as Boston ? soon as the wind will permit. Poutlaisd, Feb 19?Cld Har.ard, Drinkwater, Havana; Magnolia, Delano, Guadeloupe: Abbv M. Hardy, Mobile. Saltm. Feb 20?Sid Sapphire, Stacey, Mobile. Arr Herald, Howe, Acra. W Coast Africa. Boston, Feb 21?Arr Angelo, Clarkson. Cronstadt?in a gale, spruoK foremast. Itr: Dalmatia, Howes, Greenock, Mary Frances, Farnh m. NOrleans; Galileo, Lombard, do; Avola. Davis, do; Peru, Bailey, do; Claremont. Trussed, do; Mary Ballard, Paikiasoo, do: Cotnmaquid, Sprairue. Palermo; Ventrosa, Davis, Hull: America, Pomeroy, NOrleans- Taranto, Kales, do? B-low Hamiltoa, Johnson, NOrleans. Cld Susan, Pittee, do; New England, W- leh, Mobile. Paovnscr.Towa. Feb 17?Schrs Wave. Rogers, from Boston for Richmond; Gi'tnan, Halstrum, end Zone, CroweP. from do for New York, mistook Race Point light for Highland light, and came ou shore abonr 9 o'clock last evening, near Hace Point ? | Thev are making effort to get them off this morning, and are discharging them. If the weather should continue moderate, th-v probably will come off soon?they are iced up very much., Feb 18?Arr Wm Henry, Cole. Philad*lvhia, Feb 27?Arr Jaber L White, Rogers, New Yoik Below, North Bend, Sptrks, NOrleans; Saline, Fales, do; New Hanover, Carty, Savannah; Washington, Bishop. Mataniaa; Purveyor, Treworgy, do; Cnrrencv. 8i>arp. Turks Island: IVm A Caldwell. Horner \lavaoneT Cld Ohio H.r, h NItrie ana; J Wainwright Batemm, NYork NltwCiiTLC. Del. Feb 21?The following veaaela, .hound 'own,lell here lhi? morning, with a fine wind from NW:? Hercules. Mary Chilton. Navarre Btckua, Baltimore, M ine, Elizabeth. and Father it K ir.a. The Cheater, and P T Junea, pa-aed down. Baltimohr. Feh 21?Cld Snaan, Landerman, Rio Grande and < mkt; Emilv EHicetf. Landerman, La Q'layra and Porto Cahello. Sid Marv Augusta, Kirwan, Port au Prince; Architect, Gray, INOrleana; Slartha, Howea, Boaton. The Architect, Mary Anguata, and Hudaon, g I aa far aa Hawkina' Point, when the ic? cloaed and they con'd get no farther. The bay ia rrrv much ohatrncted with floating tee Richmond. Feb 19?Arr Parthian, Allen, NewOrleana SIJ Commerce, Savannah; Deborah Ann Somen, NYork; Amelia, Bo?ton. Ga.oaor.towta, SC. Feb IJ?Arr Leonora, Collina, NYork: Cvrline, Beunet, Naaaan, NP. Charleston, Feb 18?In the offing, a ship. Below. Carolina, and a brig unknown. Cld Levant, Whittleaev, Liverpool; Harriet it leaaie, Connor, do; Lord Sandon, (Br) Frnneron, do; Lewia. Barker, Nantes; Coloaaua. Lennox, Glaagow; Effort, Huaaey, Boaton; Creolon, ( Dan) Miller, Denmark. Sid Howell, Morria, Havana. Arr 17th. J W Page, Eldridge, Savannah; Ellen, KitcliflV, Apaltchicola. Clef Olympia, Hclberton, Hivre; A'kmar, Enatia. Liverpool; Veapaaian, Cnlter, New Or'ean ; F-me, vVehb, West Indira. Monn r Feb II?Air Palm. Howea. Boaron: Mail, Norria, N York Chi E igle. Bryaou, Liverimol; Jeaaie, Baker,do; Lightfoot, Ulmer, Boaton. \tw OtLtiat Feb 10?Arr Middlraei, Groxier, Boaton: E D Wolf. Haie-ia; Coliimhn. Cuttrell, Savannah; Juli? It Helen, Barilrlt. Charleston; Virginia, Jordan, Port Spain; L'Orient Rogers, St Thomas; John S(Hifford, Spofford, Monti go Bay; Bohemia, Naaon, . Below, coming up. John Bolton,! Br) Liverpool; Hero.Sabate, Havana. Cld United States, Swanton. I,iv*r|H>ol; M <rv Kingrlai d, Weare, Havre; Edmund IVrkina, lugeraoll, do; J Einllti, Wilcox, Philadelphia; Maria, (Sp) Batreno, Gibraltar; Ceylon, Smith, Belize. Hond and a tnkt. Air 9'h, Dumbarton, Pendleton, Boatoti; Suffolk,; Uncaa, Thompson, Hav na; Gaiinirleffi Hinbury, Bordenni; Emily, Smith, Apalachicola; Gizelle, Glover, do; Gen Cobb, Hammond. Savannah. Cld Commerce, Blam.hard, Demerara; Mary Bruughton,Chase, Boaton; Kuby, MtKenzie, do: Waaliingtou, Thomnaon, Philadelphia; P Street, McCounr II. Havana '. Washington, Stevens, Maraeillea: Saldana. Sriihha, Baltimore. Arrlllh, Kentucky, Somrn, Boston; John Bollon, (Br) Tiulon, Liverpool; Ktrunan, Branscnm, NYnrk: Choctuw, Miller, do; Caroline, Gilkey, Baltimore; l.ilherine. Vespers, do. Cld Milo, Thompson, Liverpool; Ohio, Lyon*, do; iCdinhiirc,Crocker, Marseille*. QOUND PILOT?OWEN PRKSCOTT. Pilot for New k-r Bedford, Nantucket Sliouls, Hoston. Portsmouth, Portland, Kenneheck, and other port*. Office at Frye Si Shaw's Nantie*l Store, 2X1 Water, corner Beekinan ?treet, N. Y.?Vice Teraa Ailams' Ktpress, Boston, three day* before wanted. Chanr? the ?aine as from Pay Head- _ ]B lmi?r_ INFORMATION WANTED of Philip Bray, ?n EnglishI man, who csme to this ronmry two years ntlt May. If sorh a Penan will send information to A. Jenkins, CI lam?s street, he wdl hear of onto1 hint to his advantage 2tf 2 dk It w/*r Mit. GILES, at lha request of ?e>eral triends, will rep at his le. lure on ' The Spirit if Irish His'ory under English dominion," in Clinton Hall, on Sttnrday Kvrmn? at hall-past 7 o'clock Admission 25 cent*, | aid at the door. Gentlemen of the press need merely prevent the ir tarda. I)' }ila*rc AH 1 THE REQUEST of lmmerom fiiindi, 9ignnr Hapet II hi? horn i.ooii' teed by the brilliant aorceaa of hn rrceotf-oncert at Nitdo'a 9 loon, to organize another Mniiral eut? rtiinment for evening, the Mth mat. On th a orcaaion, redoubted effort* will be mule to gratify the I vera of mitmo, and two new Trt' will be iwrformed. Alao, Benedict and D< Brnoi'a famntta Trio, npon aira Irom ihe 9o namhnla. Inad.litit.n to the diatitigiaiahrd artiata who kindly It ni their aid hat Wedneadav evening. Signor Rape til wi.l be aaa atrd on ihia neeaamn by NI r e reilei ir Itek. man. 21f 1 r I NDIA RUBBER SHOES, 5J Maiden Lane?Seling . if at 1 wholetale prtrea, genilenien'a Over 9hoea, with leather aolea.both aheet and rlmh robber, are no w ??lling at the nnpor nlelled low price o' $1.10 Ladiaa over ahoea of eaerr variety and k<nd at equally low prieea TKeae gooda are the moat .1 VI. 1 .1 ..i,,l.. In I n fnnnil v.wl In >11 Milted. Those who hare not ecn our good* arr particularly invited to call and esaminr before purchasing. Don't lortet the number, 53 MaiJei LaT e 211 1 *it? in lUTCMINSON k KUNVON ^ AftAR(j CRCAM CANDV ?Vlessra. J. Peaae k son, vr Confectioners, 45 Dteiif u street, have brought fortti another ttelicious compound to gritily the tweet teeth and lishlct the palate* of those who indulge in such "sweettnrau " This candy powsos the fine tlasor ol the Harana orange, anJ , we think, < annot fail to receive the patr >oa*e of the ladies and lovers ol'confectionary iu general.?Aurora. 23fr _ PAllTIKH supplied with Ice Cicaoi and Jelly, in lorme, at r sis shillings |?r quart,by ??> J. I'KAMfc'. fc HON, 44 Diviaioust MASON'S KAC SIMILE EDITION OF WOOD'S MAGAZINE, ffot Febroary, u thu day . pwbliihed. CONTENTS. 1 Anjold'i L'etnrea on Ht?mry. 2 Pnem? and BalUili ofSehi'ler, No. S. J R?yt>old'? Difourae* mrt2. 4 The Yonnif Orev Head . , ??,. 3 Imaginary ""'n??r??iinn, by W?lt?r Batage Lander, u.iver Cromwe'l. ai d 8>r Oliver Cromwell. 1 fi Caleb Smlt?|v p?ri XI 7 Tbe W..rl<l "f Londuu, recoud acrifi- Part 1. 8 Evre'iCibul. r 9 TwKtMn'Miof 9<T./haoui >o. 1 10 De?tb of Thnmai H imillno, K q. I'ric-$i ;>er Huuum Sahteri|>ti?na unr.rn *, V R TU r. wi ,, Pnhti.hrr, .01 B'o-Hwir ... B ? rh- Dubii:i ' ' ivrriiiv M v <zi >.,? nil itir fh |? i?n , 'm! ? u*rv w " rnhli Hnlo" Sitnrchv th?- ?V tusf The Ldmbu irb a- d Wet(m;nit.r R vi-w. lor fa>*?i'iy are m nrfM ?? d wil he pnb'i?h*?t in i few dsvs 21flr* P"V"-'^s V.IK I !'l V (J ? I.< ir~. *t Wr.r.Mi liini! ?? Panacea It ap owed rn hr the in >*t ' fee nal aveut for purifying th? bio id, and ririug the asthma, dysp- ptia, file., yef discovered. Head th* following certificate from Dr. Kldridge, a di?Physir/an, formerly a s'ud?nt of Dr. Molt, of fhia city. end new of Rr'gh.impioD, N Y CtLOMi Lomiirj" Si ?I have tested the merits of the Great Western Indian Panacea iti my practice, and I donor h-sitat* to sav that it is the moat palatable, a?,| af time the most effective ca thartic I have e v?r used For c?*ausi g the stoma* h and bowe s. and purifying 'he blond, and a? a remedy for the asthma, file., your panacea is Mie h?st ? >mp nind extent. You need not entertain any f?*ar? of itsIQCCtss?its merit* will ensure for it a rery extensive use. I d > earnestly recommend this panacea to the p-ibhc parrrnage, and especially the patrouage of the medical profession c EDWIN KLDRIDGR. M. D. For sale at 305 Broadway and corner of Grand and Mnlbury St 23' 2**t jb* FOR BALE OH TO LET?Aud possession given I ( ?Jt %Jrc v f;nr be ongin^ to the heirs of wiic imc iu!if|iii wonqiira, tiiuuecl liear the jun<*i?on 01 the Wj||'am*Su'g and Newtown turnpike ronds in Newtown, L, I, about one mils fr m the village of Williamabnrih, containing about 40 arrei The toil and 'oration are not mrpassad b am in Ih- neighborhood of Wiiliauiahurgh or elsewhere. The house i* large and comm sdioos, and the outbuildings eery et'enaive. and ir n cilcnl ted for h ireut'emau a reiiden ?, or an ei'enaivn milk es'ahishment. It alao t> sseses man advanta g?s of water commuipcati' us,ha* iug two dockann th- premiaea Alio, one lot of about nine acrea amtab'e for a garduer, adjoining which a i umber of firat M'e gar lnt r* f:oin York lalaod ha?a recently located. Terma moderate. For further particular! applvto J. J. A. EBBET8, fll lweod*rc No. '46 Wall it. np ataira. Dr. w ark ol disease, be ware the power Which laya the mortal body low? Life aaka no day, nor e'en the hour, To b'd i ur inorta'ove throw. ALL ahonld rejoice wheu a discovery ia effected which aida the body in iti recoyery fwin sickness. Pease fc Son's Compound Kit'nct of HoarhouDd ia now acknowledged to he the first meclicin- eitaut to reitore a'l those afflicted with Coughs, Colds and Pnlmotiary Complainta, which terminate in Comumption Those who read cannot be too strongly impressed with this adv i?e. Sold by J. Pease k Don, 4S Diyiaion at; 10 Astor, 110 and 5'9 Broadway READ THE FOLLOWING CERTIFICATE FROM REV. JOHN C. LYON. Dcar Sirs Though I hare not the pleasure ol a personal acquaintance witn you, yet a sense of duty ro yourselves, and to the pnhli i genera'l . constrains bear inv teaiimony, unsolicited by any one,in favor ef your C'arified Hosrhnnnd Candy Having, some time ago, been seriously affl cted with cold on mv breast, the aymptomi of which were becoming alarming, I accidentillv came A'roii your C.indv, and alt-r bat a partial, ami irregular u?e of it (or a few dayi, found, qnit? unexpectedly, the difflcnlties ou my brent and in mv throat giv- way. The free and easy mucous discharge, together with other mint desirable eff-cta, which our Candf pr nluced, aavi d in- moat probably from 4' naumption, which ?eemed to lay fast h Id upon inr lungs, aud enabled me to purine my ardnnus duties, witbonr serious embarrassment, while at the snine tune 1 recovered my i.?,i.i. With the sincerest respect, I am gentlemen, yours, lie. JOHN C LYON, Pastor of the Methodist E. Church, York, Pa. January 4, 184 2. To Messrs. J. Pease It Son, 45 Division street. N. B?We wonld here state that the above gentleman is now Pastor of the Oermnn Mission Church, in Second street, near Avenue C: au > all who are sceptical will please call on him and he will dispel thvir doubts. J. PHASE It SON, 45 Division street Agents?llushton It Aspinwall, 10 Astor House, 110 Broadway. and 06 William st; Timpson, cor Fulton and William sts; Ba'rson, No 1 Park Row. cor A?n st; Keer, 746 Broadwav: Driggs, 681 Broadwav; Church's Dispensary,'88 Bowery, cor SoiiiK a1: Badean, 260 Bowery ; Dr. Legget. N". 17 Avenue D.; Dr Harslow, No. 17 Stanton st; Dr Halt, 348 Urnnd st; Marline, cor 21st st and 9th Avenue: Smith 232 Greenwich st; Dr Hill, 208 i Ireenwich st; J Fenkes, 161 Greenwich street; Washburn, 285X Bleecker st. Arents out ol the Citv?Mrs. Hays, 139 Fulton st, Brooklyn; Mr Handley's, 15 High st, do; Mrs Smith. 17 Fulton street, do; Mrs Stiles, 153 Fulton st, do: Mr. Crocker, cor Atlantic and Henrv sts, do; Burgess It Ziebei. No. 3 Ledger Buildings, Philadelphia; Redding It I o.. No. 8 Slate street, Boston; Deiter, 57 State st, Albany; Robinson, No. 110 Baltimore st, Baltimore, Md. N. B.?Each agent who sells the genuine Horehound Candy, " liciimtnic ui iikciicy siriicu uy a ru, jiuiu x case a ouu. 23fr TF MR. CHARLES STUART, who lelt Hull, Englsnd.or ' uciglibnrh 'od, in September last, will call at the office of James Lee & Co , No. 31 Broadway, he will hear of something to hiaMVantai*. 2M3t*r EFFECT* OF T'lECKOTON lMTNDATION.-M. re than 71100 ya< dv of list and rag carpeting, damaged by the Crolon water, will be sold lens than tbe co?t of manulaet uring. Also 10,100 yanls not damaged will be sold at induced inices bv JAM KB GALLAGHER, fJ2 3t*ec 55 Bowery, opp nite the Theatre. 1DOW WELCH'S FEMALE PILLS.-This oedUne. so celebnted in Engiand, and otrer the whole continent of K.urope, has for the first time been introduced into the United Stiles Its great ?irtues in removing obstructions and other disordera more especially incidental t > the female sex, are well known to all foreigners; and as soon at they are as well known here as thev ate in Europe, n < female will be without them. To prevent their being counterfeited but one agent has been appointed, a'd onlyoiie place where they ran be obtained. If, therefore. Widow Welch's Pills are ever offered for sate at any other idace in this eountry, they will be counterfeited. The gnat fame of these Pi'la will no doubt induce many to ecunterfeit them, and this precaution to the public is to put them on tlieii guard. All letters mutt be paid. Price St per box. Apply at the Drug Store, 75 Chambers itreet, 2d house west of Broadway fII Imiaec American land and loan office.?wiiuam L. Sinters basing above thirty yeart; esperience in the management of Real Estate, and posseaaing a large landed property himself. al.o feeling great confidence from the liberal patronage he has heretofore enjoyed, respectfully solicits the attention of the public to the special advantages of the American Land and Loan Office, at No. 14 Wall street, in the city of New York, for the purchase, sale or exchange of Houses and Lota, Farms and uncultivated Lands, either at private or pnblic sale, and for the hiring and letting of Honsea, Stores, Farms, Ac.;for collecting the rents, and lor taking the general agency and superriiion of Real Estate, also for the tuperiu teMdance of erecting and repairing Buildings. Tenons having property to sell, exchange or let, will find it to their advantage to apply at this office rather than ".o any other in the city, both in point of economy and des|*tcii. All property registered in this office, will, if required, be ad vertited in twoor more of the mos: widely circulated journals, and every honorable exertion made to dispose of the same. Should the property not be sold at private sale, it will, if desired, be offered at public auction, thus giving to owners of the property double sdiantage. He wiH also attend to effecting Insurance on property, obtaining and louiing ol money on bond and mortgage, or other securities, taking special care to receive ample aecunty for money loaned ; and to have titles to property examined by gentlemen of the leral profession of established character lb accuracy and reputation. Holders of vacant grourd that requires improving, will fi? J it ?' im.i .u.^mur HI appiy 10 nun. u nil Know lease 01 the kin.I of buildings which are most productive for Ike different localities, is of the greatest importance; ami hit long ac* quaiuunre witn the buildiiuc ofhouaea will enable him in gel tn.-rn erected on the moit reasonable terms at a far leu expense than is nana). He will also take charge of real estate intended for public sales, as his knowledge from experience in getting np sales, will he ol great Tains to those intending to dispose of their property, he will prepare the advertisements, tee that they are properly distributed and superintended, aud direct the sale land it will he found to be a great saving from the fact that property for the last three or four years has been frequently sacrificed from the want of proper attention and skilllal management. Individuals or Companies that require ap agent to take charge of their real estate, may depend on having it faithfully and economically mantged?and all moneys received, promptly paid over. Persons wishing to hire or purchase property, or invest money, can most generally be accommodated tree of expense?and persons rending at a distance dnirons to sell or purchase real estate by sendin a description of the properry, will receive immediate attention. Persons having country seats, (arms, or houses for *alc, and with to havs them surveyed and drawings taken, can have it done in the most elegant manner by applying at this office. Also, Contracts and other papers prepared. All letters for the purchase, sale or exchange of real estate, or for the loaning or putting oat of money, mast be directed to WILLIAM L. 81MICRS, American Land and Loan office, No. 14 Wall street, New York;and the pottage invariably paid. Those havi-g money to loan can have it invested, free of filM-iiie, by Cllll'g si this office 16f Imts'r rPO'DKLirP!GliT>rA.ND OTHERS from the South and 1 West?T ROBEIiTSJiCO of London, proprietors of the celebrated ami pupula medicine, rarr s Life l ills " having established a depot >or the sa'e ol" the tame in New York, and being now pre|wrcd to supply the market to auy citcnt, would rcsprc fully call (he at ent on of drugsis'a and others iu t^e Ir'de to their po|>ulir mrd.cine, of which I lie re is now told in Europe more >han 30 000 b..??a weekly, and although it has been scarcely til months in 'he United States, the sales hara r'pidlv en enrled through the Sl-trs of New York, U-. sylvauia, New Englind States, and C <n*d a. Asa lamily mediciue. it is uueipi illed. beim peifectlv free from any literal Creparations; it is also eseer diiiglv effective in the core of iliotis complaints, dytpi psta, cuusnmeti ns, and all diseases arising from impurities 01 tou bloed; being eery mild in its op-iationt on the system, it may be taken by the meat delicate female and small children. The above may be had wholesale at the office of T. Roberta kOo.. No. 304 Clarendon 1 loose, corner ef Duane 8t Broadway, lira! floor. 19 Im eod ta ec NEWYORK VOCAL INSTITUTE, VTORTH East corner of Boadwsy and Grand atreet. J-v Terms pet quarter in advance. At the abovu School the uselul and rleaaitg art of Suioitsn ai Sight. I* tanght npou the must iirop'e and popular plan, COMMON Srisie Bring t's foundation, and utiliti us superstructure. THE ABSURD TECHNICALITIES ol the OLD SYSTEMS are renounced ard all s umming blocks in the way of the rapid adrancrment of th-pupil" remsred The subscribers earnestly invite the head! of families autt princpals of schools to those facts, being peisaadrd tnat nothing tends more certainly to restrain the bid.and dwelope the goodqualifies of the human mind than a taate lor the delightlul art of mn<ic. Or lit Is men", class Tuesday and Fiidey at half past 7 P. M. Y nug gentlemen's class Tnesday and Friday at half pant 3 P. M. Attendance at the rooms from 11A.M. on class dryr. GEORGE LODER. ) p,,.,,; ! JOSEPH 8. MA88kTT,Jr"nc,palfll 3rtod*ui CITY CASH TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, 202 BROADWAY. OWlNtJ to facilities afforded the anhtcrihrr in purchaaiiie from firat hamla, anil th? liberal encouragement heatowrd nj>on hi* Kmporium ol Ftahion hv gentlemen of would inform hie friend* and the public that ho it enabled to iell the mn?C fa*hionable garment* at much redncrd rate* from former prior*, without *nv diminution in quality, atyle and ftniah, which ha* won the eneoninm* of the faihionable woild. lie would direct attention to hi* superior atyle of rutting, h.avit g employed one of tho but cutter* in the country, ana ( will warrant to fit the mmt difficult form The subscriber would take thia opportunity to correct the t erroneous imprcs?ion that "perchaaera in Broadway are obliged ( lo pay more for an artitle of dresa than el ie where;' call upon c the aiih*criber and hia atatement of pricra will coueince the moat ertictl that any artirlu of elotninq can be obtained at thia eitabluhment aa cheap and aa faahionable aa any other i houae in thia city. t A tplendid aaaortment of Keady Made Cloihinc, auperbly t made, lor aale Terr Coeap for raah. A full auit made up at a few houra' notice. I I I mis* m EPW^P. FOX. I QOI.DS HCAHLKT KEVKR. *C,-Th? faculty ... I < t.cuUrwdlh' public in e?o?i*I, arc reminded of the aoc I r??a attend n* the oaeof the M-dm ted Vapor Hatha it. .7, I 4b?T'c;,m"l?""?l 'h of wt,.r|, ?r. I., prom..^ ,oVr. I I ratabti-h inifuibl* p?r?Mi anon, aid thereby rvii- vr all ,,?J I tom* 01 1QII immmi ?U. ?? imui o u oiuri I | mi th?? mornintf till 9 o clook nt uisht. at I 4 IJ H rARHC)I,L S Old tt.ubh?l?m?nt, I ftl lwin ? Coiirtlwnlt (. I AUCTION SALES. ? THOMAS BKL I. .Auctioneer. BY BULL <i HbWARD. # Hitrtr Snt. tt .fin tnr* t H Fultim itrii' THURSDAY. At '*H eVInek in the aalea room. Large Sale of Piano Fortea, Paiutmga, Book*. Furnitur , aorka of Art, fcr. Alan a variety of erorPent fnrtiitnre.jireeent'd from 'orn UK nir naimnav* ??'< or me severity o' in" "rmmi, ?' em.tinder i f the ui'hfl,?t'T?r,? itnrk lofu, cluirt. rocker*, m ds malrtsses Ac , hv nrderof a receiver Alio, a piano fo-te, hv o drr o( the sheriff? :ome paintings tnd other valuable goods, Ac FRIDAY. A' low o'c nrk i" the sale proms. Kltensive sale of fnit-ign >nd domestic dry roods, in Ion to iu t; clothing, Loudon and French cloths, caaatuierea, gratings n any lengths Also, pln'gcd srtirl.s, fancy goods, jewelry, fans, cutlery, tome wsrches, t'inke s, kr Also, hook* and stationers*, groceries, Ac. Also, ahout 6(1(1 yards r'.ngltsli and French superfine broad and leaver c'oths and cassitnerrs in lots to still', 130 vest patterns, tlovev, stockings, under shirts, furs, (kc. A'so 5 valuable watches, 1 London guns, 3 trunks, secand taud clothing, 2do. merino, silk and cashmere shawls, scarts uid handkerchiefs, and numerous nthet choice goods. SATURDAY. At I0W o'clock at the sales room. Large and splendid sale of first rate furniture of all descrire ;ious, from families removing, Ac ; also, first rate city made lew do. do. lomnriaing rug*, carpet*, matting, oil elotha, bed*. beda'eda, nodding, aofi*. chain, tablet, bureau*, looking glaaaea. wardrobet, tiilrboardt, elegant aofaa, couchet, marble top dreaaing nnreaua ditto pier and centre tablet, ? tunerb pianoforte, ill kindt of b?d room furniture, kitchen utenaif*. kc Also, a large addifienal >ot of elgant tecond hand furniture, removed from Brook'vn for convene nee of tale. Alto, 10 000 Ibt curled hair for upholiteri. Alto, teveral valuable counten, couuting houie furniture, kc. HENRY E. HIELL, Aucfr. BY HI ELL k ARCULARIITS, Store 301 Broadway, comer of Dunne atraeta. R. k A. are now ready to made advance! tc any amount on contignmeutt, Keturna prompt. Sale* of real ettate and out door a ilea of honaehold furniture attended to in peraon. Regular at let of Liquor*. Segart, kc., everv Tueaday; Furniture. Pianot, kc., everv Wedneadav and Saturday. FRIDAY. At 10S o'clock, at the aalei room, A large stock of fancy and it pie dry gooda, viz?merinot, flannel*, ahawla, blanket*, linent, biown and bleached mualint, ailka calico*, wadding, halting fancy handkerchieft, ribbon*, glovet, tcarft and habherdaabe y. All the gnodt are deairahlv and deaeive the attentio* of dealer* and familiea. SATURDAY, At 10V< o'clock in the talet room, New and accoud hand furniture ol rvery dcacription, from good familiea. SATURDAY EVENING, At 6X o'clock at the talea roomA large collection of superior Oil Painting*, by old and distinguished maitert?Maybe examined on Wednetday P. M.? Sale rotitive. BY F. J. BEARN8, Auct.. 139 Fulton at. Thi* Day. Thnraday. OPLENDID Hotuehold Furniture, at 10 o'clock, at No.43 kJ A mot *t, the tp'endid Furniture, contained on the premit?a ?rnmiating ot mahoganv aofat. chain, tahlea b' reant, tideboard*, p>tr, centre, dining and tea tablet, mirron, looking glaaaes, pier glasses, wilton and brutarla carti'tt, nil clotht, nit?iH<na, mantel, aatr-1 and hall lamp*, apleudid clock*, ruga, fovea, beds, bedstead* aud bidding, and kitchen furniture. Alto, a splendid asio'tment of oil the fi rat maatera. With a apleudid lainily library 23f lt*in "benjamin" moonf.y. Anctionrsr. AUCTION NOTICE?Brmin?h?m, Sh< ffinlrt and Amrri can H irdware. Pistols, Sic.?B MOONEY & CO will ell this d iv at 111 o'clock at h? auction room, No.J9 Maiden lane, a grneial assortment of fl irdware?oonsi tluig of fine Cut lery. Pen anil Pociet Knives. H'T. in, Norfolk Latches, Tea Tim, Brciddi>; Britannia Ware, Sic. Alio. hOO pair superior 1'iitoli, assorted patterni Aim, 6 aaaka Mnrnisn Alio, 2cases Peictusinn Caps, tibbed and plain, together wiih an invoice of Fancy Got da. Catalogues are ready and the Goods can be examined to the hour of sale. f231t*m MEDICAL NOTICE. TNR. HOMER BOSTWICK. Professor of Surgery and Bar Cr aeon to the New York Medical and Surgical Institute, pays particular atteution to the treatment of diseases of the heart aud lungs, dyspepsia, piles, diseases of the reatum, and al female complaints. The great success that has attended his mode of treating those painful aud so frequently fatal diseases, has brought patient* from the most remote parts of the counter to place themselres under his care, and out of 231 patients that cr me from a distance, all bu? five returned to their homes per fectly enred, and those fire were incurable. HOMER BOSTWICK, M. D. No. 73 Chambers street, Jyll 'mis*m Second house west of Broadway NEW GRAHAM HOUSE?The new and splendid House No. 42 Vesey street, a few doors from the Astor, has just been newly fitted np in the most amrle and convenient manner, regardless of expense, fbr c tizer* and strangers who may prefer to test the advantages of the Graham {System of Vegetable, to the exclusion of Animal Food. The choicest fruits and reget?bl, s the market inay afford, with the rich milk and butter of Orange County, will be at all time* on the table, and every effort made to demonstrate the truth that a Vegetable Diet is most conducive to happiness as well as health. The location is central, pleasant, and convenient to all the steamboat bindings. Tetrns moderate. Gentlemen visiting the city for a few days are invited to give this svslem a trial The bpartnnnta are large and airy. Shower Batbs, with frolon water, for the acr mmoda'mnof Boarders. No efforta will be snared to nleas? and accommod ite those who mav fa?or th>s Hoose wi'h th?jr ps'ronage fl8 grins* HA ilUWAKh.?20 casks bright Trace Chains 12 do full size heavy Csroltua Hoes 20 do geuuine Sheffi Id Anvils, well assorted 8 do low priced hand, pa1 el and back 9aws 4 do Carpenter's Knob Locks and Carry Combs 1,000 kegs superior Cut Nails 75 bags fine Wrought do. 20 t' ns warran'ed (i) Steel, broad bars All sizes of Hair heating, Sofa S rings. Chair Web, Carted Hair, Sic. for sale at low prices, bv JOHN A. NKWBOULD. 90 John street. (21 I w is* r aMQ 0tk NOTICK?The steamboat ROCKLAND ^* will leave the fool of Robiuson strest for Key ort'his day ar 12 o'clock, aud every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday until further notice. '21 lw*re FOR HALIFAX AND LIVERPOOL. The Royal Mail Steamer aCADIA, will leave Boston f*' 'ha above pons on Wednesday, 1st of March. Her accommodations for paste tigers are ve'y superior, and she is accompanied by an eiperierieed surgeon. She is also well supplied with Francis' Patent Life Boats. Passage to Liverpool $120 Passage to Halifaz 20 For further information, apply to D. BRIUHAM. Jr. f2*r 3 Wall street. HAVUK I AI KM BIIIP IU?A,H ine 24111, II >J9MPV provided with " Krancia' I'a eiit Life Boats ' f!9-6ir Afff- ALL I'HK HEOULAR PA( KK I g?8'eam shine. wIJrJV (team boaU, and other passenger vessels, carrying ins " h rands' Patent Life Boats," hare the word ' fan ul" plainly stamped or ininted on the sole f 19-1 fr XJKg- PASSAGE FOR LONDON?Farket 1st Msreh. WMMPV?The si'hndii fast sailing packet ship PHILAAM^UnDKl.PHIA, Captain Hovey, will sail positirely as above her regnlar day. Having splendid accommodations for cabin, second cabin and s errage passengers, for passage early application should be mads on board or to W. It J. T. TAP8COTT, 43 Peck Slip co' South st. The Philadelphia sails from London on the Plh April, affording to persons wishing to send for their friends a favorable opportunity of having them brought out in her or any of the regular line on liberal terms, and i> ose wishing to remit money ran have drafts on London for any amount, pat able on demand, without discount, in all the principal towns of Great Briiain. 211 r ???> KOR LIVERPOOL?NEW LINE?-Regular lifVW Packet of IStf February.?The Splendid Packet Ship jfipM^GARRICK, Captain William Skiddy, of 1000 tons, will positively sail ns above, her regular day. For freight or passage, having accommodations unequalled for splendor or eomfort, apply on board, at Orleans wharf, foot of Wall street, or to E. k. COLLINS k CO. St South street. Price of passage, tlOfl. 1 lie Packet Ship Roscius, Captain John Collins, of 1100 Cons, will succeed the Garrick, and sail the 26th of March,her regular day. L. tten for the ahips of this will only be received at Oilpin's ad Male's News Room. Passengers may rely oa the ships of this line sailing pnnctually as advertised. f9 r FOR LIVERPOOL?Heitulsr Packet I6ih Marcn. The (superior, New York built, fast sailing packet jGCkBfaship HOTTINGUEH, Ira Bursley, master, 1010 tons burthen, will sail as above,her regular day For freiaht or passage, having elegant and commodious accommodations, apply ro WOODHULL k MINTURN, 17 South street. The fine packet ship Liverpool, Jno Eldndge, master, 1150 to ,s. will succeed the Hottinguer, and sail on her regnlsrday, 16th of Arril. rfr XdKP- BLACK BALL, or Old Line of LIVERPOOL Packets.?Rrgular Packet of 1st of March?The ^ BgOnmcelebrated last sailing favorite packet sh't OX KORD, I sprain J thu Rathboue, will sail positively as above, her regular day. Persons reluming to the Old Country will lied it to their comfort anl adv ntage tos-leci this conveyance in preference to any other. For passage, and to secure the best berths, early application should be made on board, foot 01 Beekmau street, or to the subscribers, ROCHE BROTHER* k CO., 33 Fulton at, best door, pi the Fulton B tuk. P. 8. The Osford will sill from Liverpool on the I9tn of April ?those seudiug for their friends, can have i lie in brought out in her, or in auy of the Tuckets of this magnificent Line, which sail from thereon the 7th and Mth of each Month. Drafts on the Royal B?uk of Ireland, and on Messrs. Prescott Orote, Amesk I o . hankers, London, winch will be paid free of discount or any charge, in every Piwn throughout England, Ireland, Scotland and Mr ales. For p 'ssage, kc , app'y as above. 'L^Thenewand uiirrb park-1ship Monte soma, burthen 10>0 tons, Capt AI fieri B L'wbrr. will auceead the Olford.and aail for Liverpool ot. the loth of M trcb, and will raturn again for this |>ort on the 7th of May, t er regular day. Mfr R- I. k CO. FOR LI VER POOL?Packet of ih- lit of March. ld>(OIJ Black Boll Line)?The tuprrior 'a?t tailing JBmKb l?rk'l (hip Oiford, Copt. Rathbone, will tail aa abote, her regular day, hating eicellent accommodationa, apply to JOHN HERD MAN, At Month (traet. N B?Patience rt from England Ire'and. Scotland and Walra, ran be engaged with the tuktcriber bv tplendtd firtt lata packet ahira.aoninc weekly from Liternooi to New Vork Boaton, hia, New Orleaut and Mobile, thereby affording to thoae tent for, a pottage to the nearett port in the United St,tea, to iheir intended ertlement Drain can, at nmtl, be Itorwarded for any amonnt, payable in II the principal tnwnt ihrought u* the United Kingdom. For further pann ul tra opily (if by letter i nit pnnl) to the old rttabliahed Kmig'ant Paxage < mre, at ahpye. 2Jfr 1*^ PACKET" FOR HaVh?. ?Met oud Line? 1'h |oPR^V>hi,> ONtOIA, Jainea h unk, matter, will muI on the flUKltl Match. BOYD It HINCKEN, Anenu. (Ike No 9 Tontine Ruildingt. KOH NEW OKLKAMH?LOUISIANA AND allKNKW YORK LINK?Regular Packet of the ltt Pdb"1 March. The fut tailiun packet ihip OCONtE, Captain Jackaon, irill poiitively nil aa above, her regular day. If or freight or laaaagr. having handaome farnivhed aceommodationa, apply in board, at Orleans wharf, foot of Wall it. or to E. K COl.LI.NS It CO. M Henth at. Shippers may rely upon having their gooda correctly neaanr >d. and thai *ne shipa of this line will aail |>anctnally aa advet bed. Any raarauiee to that effect will be given and fulfillc hat may be required. Agenta in N. Orleans, Hnllin It Woodrnff, wno will prompt y forward all gooda to their MIM The packet (hip Oaaton. Cantam O If.IHridge, will aneceed the Oconee, end eail the to h March, her regnlar dav IPASHAOK FOR NEW ORLKAN*--f>u'v iMfh Regular Line?The pi end id faat leiluig packet ahi| SWULt LABAMA. Cnpt Bunaer, will tail positively on ftth Ken , ker regular day. Having splendid aceommodationa 'or cabin, second cabin and atecragr paaaengara, for pasaaga arly application ahoeld be b^"Jf ^rpgtoxT, ttfr tl.Peck Blip, eorner Boeih street. AMUSEMENTS. RIBLO'si " " " CONCERTS DlirVER, A LA MUBARD.' ^ !? **0 haa the honor to inform the ladies and sratloU ?l ik.'T h" has merle err-nsements to ?l?? ? h"seeond *'U>h<'n} K""in? Kmeruio?ota. VIIins ?, "? > ?n Tho IoIIowmIP " "VINO, r-b.flh, IMS. VKS aV'TTnv" Wl" "'"pw on t,,', oee*???"i SKinmr r?V rh'ovm i and Mr. MANMNt,p;_ _ T,? r if "MATK.n (IKRMAN BAND, COrnp oed ..r the f. Mow inv itititnguiahed |?t'nrmm V kV ' Vffyrrtr, Koehler. Frirl, F.mmerer, S5 ?"^'Tr,t' i'c,hV. Let-mann. h. Wi??, Starr. E.Wieee Schohrr, Heuel?ue, Boite " R'ark, Ku-ahel. V"lte* Woeter, Popicnberg. Kridench, "rnin, and other*. Programme of the Concert in 'urn e hill* and idnttivmittta. Between the Firat end Seen,id Part* the Band, who will perform for half an hoar in the Grand Promenade, which will be thrown open and brilh mly lighted for the uceaaion, new quadrille*, wa'rze* and gall'ip*. !C7~1 ieketa 3# cent*. Door* open at h&lf-paat 6. Concert to commence -it half pa?t 7 preci?ely. Ml 3tr WELCH'S OLTJHPIO CIRCUS. AT THI PARK THEATRK. CLOWN'S BENEFIT. GREAT NIGHT OF MIRTH Firat appearance of the moat elevaot Mr. E. WOODS, Irom th* Southern Arena*. (T^ Very Particular Notice?Place* moat he aeon red in th* morning, in order to prevent diaappointmeuta daring the nut of the Pantomime. Kqueatrian Director*-.* Meaar*. H. Ro?kwell k Cadwallader. Clown* to the Circle Meaar*. Go a* in It Well*. Performance* to commence at T o'clock. JOHN GOSSIN, the C.lown of the Arena announce* hi* Betn fit for THIS EVENING. The performance will commence with the Grand National Cavahade of BANNF.KS OF LIBERTY. Pa* de Dan**, by Mi?a Weill Mr Jenning* wi I pre*?nt the feat* of T?i Mahal. Equeatrian Al'rotande by Mr E Word* ana Mr* Uoaain. O. Stone *a the Chief of the Fl'theada. Flying Corde Et-reiaea by Mr. Haggle*. The Maid and h.r Koaea for .ale. by Mr* Goaain.^ Tramformation., en it'ed Seven In One. hy C J Roger*. To be followed hy the Comic Bal'etof LITTLE RED RIDINO HOOD. Pauvra Oraudniam^nau Mi*a Mary Ann Well*, aged 3 y'r* 1.1 rutin nun U'AWIIlt,' VIIU Lnum well*, aged I " Pierrot Pnurqtaoi Master W Ktaeade, aged I " Le I.imp Bandit Terrible Mm let gnrpiot, tied 7X " Villager* Muter* Chanet, King-, Stephana; MM A Well*, Kin*. Cm. Bunlitii Muter* E. Cincado, Olenrey, King. O" At thi* period of the Evening *u interaieeionjof IS miBDtu will euioe. THE SECOND PAKT will commence with A Novel and Original CONCERT, By the moat celebrated Black Voc*li>t* of the present day,who wi'l introduce several ?f the tnoat pleating SOUTHERN NKORO MELODIES. The prrformtra arc i f the hi heat grade in their art, being W w hillock, i 1 the Grst rank of banjo playet* and comia vocaliata. W Pelham, the great original dancer. I) E" in it, a auperior characieiiatic ai tiger and muaician. Frank Srower. ol Bone Celtbuty, rieing even with Ellalar nrr?i if in caatagnet imitationaA Grand Etiuealrian Ettravaganzi by J J Nathan*, aatitUd O. K NEGRO DOINGS By the moat neat and acti?e Hoyt.the weet banjo playtgg boy Cheatnul, ami the dingy John Diamond. Muter Qtenroy in hit Act of The Perfection of Horaemanahip. Mr Hatch, will preaent hit aatoniahing act entitlad THE IRON AGE OF 1843. Three Athletae bv Natliana, Cadwallader and Carrol. To conclude with MEDICAL PROFEsSORS. Doctor Br'nder'eiu, Huntington. Doctor Uottier'em, Gouin. ITT"Boiea, SO; Pit, 2S; Gallery 1JX eanta.-CA ITT" Seata can be secured at the Boi Office, fronts all O'clock. <1? CHATHAM Tift Mi ATllfet REDUCTION OF PRICKS. Dreu Circle, 3} cente;Pii ?K cental Upper Tier 11X mm. Benefit of Mr. Moeaop. THIS EVENlyu. l.OfK ALA MODIC. After whi-h, ROB ROV! Tn conclude with _ w THE REVIEW. Door* open at 6K o clock and th? performance will con ineoce at T preclude illATIIAM THEATRE" " BENEFIT OF MR. MOSSOP. On which occasion th*? following p*rmou? will appear. Mr.J.WALLA<KndlyT0l0,,teered:Mr. SHERMAN. Mr. SHAW, THURSDAY EVENING, K?*IjJ,1will b. enacted ?i i ii h f ^ R jR O Y Diua Veruou,a,laCk ' FranC, ^KiZho.oL?"*" . Jfe!'0"1 fo which, i. LOVE A LA-MODE. 8u Colahan O Briiahau. Mr. Moeaop. be whole to conclude with the WAO OF WINDSOR. > ,, _ Aet Fir.r. Loeney McTwnnlter, Mr. Shaw, t ? _ . Act Second, tff??? McTwo",?*r. Mr. Moeaop. ni'1'CMM.L.L.'M ULITfflPIC TMRATlU.. JA*_ Broadway, New Yori. 1HIR fVK.xi'MH. will he GRANDFATHER WHITEHEAD. Attrr which CAPTAIN OK THE WATCH. To h follow* I hy BLUE BEAHD. 1'" conclude with GIOVANNI IN GOTHAM. II r The Dcora will tw opened at haii-pasi (. and the act fonn?u>-< commence ar 7. everv evening A ?1 KiltlCAN '1'IIKAl Hh-W ALUCTH?'T. IMIILAUKLFtllA. UNDER THE DIRECTION OR MISS C. CU8HMAN _ Mr. Henkin's Benefit THIS EVEMNU F?h 23, will be performed MAHRIED LIRE. Mrs Coddle, Mm Cothmaa. To he followed by OLIVER TWIST. Nancy B-, kes, Miss Cashman. E. A. >i A MUHAlii. Lean. a AiKEKltAA tlUHKlin, Marble Building, Broadway, oppoaite St. Panl's Church P T BARNUM. Manscer. THE INDIAN CHIEFS. WARRIORS AND SQUAWS, Will appear ihronah the d>y. iu the Halls of the Museum, and at land half-past7, mtneir Grant and Picturesque cersmo Dies, The intense cold of the past week, haying disappointed thousand* of citizens, the Manacer has, with great expanse and d.lJScnlty, procured their stay for one week longer. Never have we been visited by sa large and distinguished a party, and however high curiosity may be raised, the anticipu tion cannot come up to the reality. These are no misarabla, degraded half breeds, bat the Wnd Wsrr ors of the Far West, terrible in war, in peace full of kinduesa and hospitality. The comi<aay consists of I) Indians and Sqnawi; Sacs, Tones and Iowaa. They will appear in their WHITE BEAR DANCE. Showing their mode of lening not op Hun'ing Expeditions panning the Who. ( Besrof t'r Rocky Mountains. OSAGE WAR DANCE As danced by the Oiaget on their i"o n from Battle. To bo accompanied by their own Music The dances will be changed nightly. They will appear dressed in their pecnliar and nniqne Native Costnme! Thonuh lhe-e lili'ns were taken only Ihree months lines, PERFECTLY WILD, f nm their Native Forests. and though they cauuot understand a word of English, except through their Interpreter, yet they are perfectly docile, friendly and harm less, and are tempeiste io their habits. They are large, wall formed,fall blooded,and as ooble looking a company of Indiana as was ever seen. Last week of the universally admired i? * J * U Jl? ini;muiuK ' nuuvinu I HP. ALT? : J flJk ^TW3tfSCToa;5SORM ind "HIPWRECK;^ conflagration of moscow A variety nf Hong, by MISS hood. Maaar*. SHERMAN and booth, and (latin ng by la petite CELESTE. PHRENOLOOY. i*" Eminent Profeaaor will make Practical Examination* *( eiaitnr*. t7* no Free i.iat during the engagement of the Indiana. Day Performance* on Weoneiday and Saturday afternoon, at IK o'clock. Evening performance* at 7. Admnsmn to all to rent*?< hildren "alf price ee PEALK'9 > EW VOHK MUBiCtlJi national portrait and picture OALLKRT* is now re-opened: C. H. DEVOE, Manager. The eatabliahmrnt cnniaim an almost codicil namber of RARE AND CIJRIOU9 WORKS OF NATURE AND AHT: Neatly and tastefully duplavcd in riiree ipacioni halla.and boasts of a eery costly k elegant gallery OF PORTRAITS h'eeaarlinu in oVlotif IrxA vmlaim antr nfkae in A merica The muwirt has eng.iged, for a abort turn only, the eebliine and heantifal ribihition of THE TRIAL OF CHRIST! This imposing scene is not repirsrntrd br a paintina bat by GROUP OF TWENTY-THREE FIGURES. IN STATUARY, THE SIZE OF LIFE. Thia solemn and impreaaif e acene represents Onr Saviour arraigned as a Priaoner, with a Crown of Thorns upon His Head, before Caiphas, the High Print, and the Court of Poo tins In addition to the above, the Manager has engaged the MYSTERIOUS A^ ASTONISHING From England. She wishes not to impose apon the public, by asakiag them belicTi her a Witch. < r FORTUNE TELLER! roeeessed with supernatural power?bat on the eowrrsry, claims publicly to be able to inttrnct others tit keod .?H mention their leedine rm eaerinn. of " PAST TfVlES. THE PRK8EN t. AND THE FUTUilE. She will tell persons whether thee ere married or net end what kind of hatband or w ile they will get, describe their o 4 characters and pee a host of lacts and correct conclusions [handed on her knowledge of the immutable scieoces of phrenology, physiognomy, neurology. philosophy, he. A? proof of the conectness of her assertions, tha is at liberty to refer to hundreds of our first citirens, including clergymen, judges,sttornsTt^physicians, and many of the most enlightened ladies in the city. Admission to the Museum, Moents; Children hsJf pries. A^n ettra charge of UK cents to those who consult the Oi^pty BERLIN IKON CASTINGS. I7RAMES and Fenders, Mercury patterns! Summer Orue" meats, Ac forsslr low to closs * consignment, fm ln,sr OKI. It It MS V KHI OKH. U Broad st. \7ICTOH UAHCIA Zl/LETA. formerly of Bogou-lf ? this should meet his eye or thst of any person who can gns information of his residence, they will confer s great favor eg his brother, by addressing ? ???.,. PEK9SE k BROOKS, H iiwis ec No. >1 Liberty smut OA' KKT SHIP OASTHN FROM NEW ORLEANS. i > iliarh truintf al? i? r |l, K R ('ODiifMca Will pI#a?? at* u n<| to the receipt of iheir good* immi dlMely. Wlr a VI UHHK.NT MONKV ol *11 kind* purchased ?t the ??ry t*nttriui?. Nowbnrypo.t tod Lnmherme u'? Bank Nmm Nwmht Mid .old at J O. SYLVKWTt*'?, fll? M Wdl ?t mi I* >w?<wa POktlJOUESK FfiMALE FILLS. 'PHKHK far-lamed uid celebrated Pill*, from Porta*oJ. are. * w* perceie#, to bo obtained in thi* oouutry. See ?do?f?t*n MOM INI the 10*4 co In mil. fonrth pa*n ?