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charge d'aft'airei, or other foreign minuter, who may be appointed to any port now vacant, or in which a vacancymay occur during the preaent it-Mion of Congress, unlets the appointment be made by and with the advice and content of the Senate. * This whs carried 76 to (T7. HThe bill was then reported to the House. G?An attempt was then made to read the above message from the President, but the House was hungry and so adjourned. W. H. A. From Campeachy.?By the schooner Two Brothers, Captain Boylan, we have received Campeachy papers to the 6th inst. Up to that date theseige was continued, and there had been quite active operations for a few days previous to that date. Desertions from the Mexicans continued daily, and it is stated tliat 02 came into uampeacny irom ine ar- i my in one day, besides several who escaped from i tlievessel. News had been received by the block- j ading squadron, that Coin. Moore might be hourly expected, and the vessels were immediatety brought into close order, where they coutinued when our | informant leit. Letters received at Merida state that the camp of the Mexicans is in a state of disorganization, and that at a councilor officers convened by Gen. Minon, for the purpose of swearing them to conform to the new order of things in Mexico, General Morales and Commissary Molina refused to sign, and were suspended from command. It was also known that Gen. Minun himself had thrown up his command, in consequence of some insulting orders from the Secretary of War. So thegeneralcommand now devolveson Col. Baragan. There was a skirmish on the evening of the 1st, in which thirty-five Mexicans were killed and eighteen wounded, among whom, two Captains, one Lieutenant and one Sargeant. A writer says the reinforcement amounted to only 700, which was of no consqeuence, inasmuch as 10,000 at least would be necessary to capture the place On the night of the 2d, an affair took place near St. Roman, in which the Yucatecos were rather worsted, the Mexicans having driven them from their position?in consequence, ihs merchants, clerks, and other business men, to the number of about 150, volunteered on the night of the 3d, attacked the enemy in the village of China, and drove them out at the point of the bayonet. This village iss.tuated at the foot of the eminence occupied by the Mexicans, and the volunteers being reinforced by a strongjcolumn of the Yucatan troops, stormed the heights and drove the Mexicans ofl. In this night's work, our informant assures us the AVastiinnnirnAa snflforoH In fhf amount of 300 slain t among them Gen. Andrade. The Yucateco loss was considerable, amounting to 40 or 50 killed and 70 wounded. The young republicans were in the best spirits and full hope.?AT. O. Com. Bulletin, Feb. 18. Soles of Stocks ot Philadelphia Yesterday. $965 Lehigh Mortgage Loan 46, 9030 Cincinnati Water Work* Bonds 81; 1000 Tennessee 6 per cent bonds 68}; 9000 State A's 1864 or '66, 40 ; 860 County 6's 1860, 90; 1 slir Farms & Mech's Bank 26$; 20 do do 25). Arm Board ?3 Manu & Mech Bauk 11$; SOdo do 11; $1000 Kentucky 6'sS4{. LATEST SOUTHERN SHIP NEWS. Philadelphia, Feb 28?Arr Hope, Short, NOrl?-an?; Saline, Kales, do; Washington, Bialiop, Matauzaa. Cld Gen Warren, Oxle, Havana. Baltimore, Feb 27?Arr Erin, Gardner, New Bedford. Cld Delia, Files, Sid Abby Baker, Pratt, Mobile; Adeline & Eliza, Hopkins, NOrleans; Northumberland,; Valhalla, Havnrs. do; Z*-nobia, Owens, Porto Rico. Charleston, Feb 24?Arr Meichant. Leslie, Matanzas ? Cld Louisa, Burnharn, Rotterdam: Champion, Warren, Havre; Jas Caskic, Pilabnry, Liverpool; Caroline, Sherwood, NYork; Lloyd, Moore, Havana. Arr 23d, Lord Paimerston. (Br) Rattray, Liverpool; Hayne, Trescott, Havana; Orray Taft, Alers, Providence; Harraseeket, Hopkins, Attakapis; Diomng Maria, (Dan) Kruse, Guernsey. Savannah, Feb 21?Arr Wm Henry, Norns, New Orleans. Cld Oxford. (Br) Burnes, London. Cld 23d, Howard, Callan, Liverpool; Clinton. Lyon, NYork. Sid John Hancock, Kem|>ton, Boston. Cld 22d, Alexander Edmund, ( Br) Strang, Liverpool: Ocean Queen, (Br) Wilson, do; Excel, Sherwood, do.? Sid Wilson Fuller. Cobb, NYork. Jacrsonville, Fla. Feb 21?Arr Eagle, Moore, NYork; 2Jd, Virginia, Bethel), do New Orleans. Feb 17?Arr Oakland, Barry, Liverpool; Isaac Allerton, Terry, do; Sweden, lloman. do; Geo Stevens, Cuiliing. Loudon; Rubicon, Tompson, Havre; Austerlitz, Brown, no; St Leon. Whiting, do; Gronus, Sean. Charleston; Saxon, Mauatield, Havana; Huotsville, Munson. NYork; Nnhant, Winaor, do; Adna. Sherman, do; Eliza, Talbot, do;(Sahine, Blarkington, do; Damascus, Chase,sSt Thomas; Jaoet, l.auvier, do;Concusaion, Snrague, Barbadnes; Two Brother*, Buwlin, Campeachv. Cld Hindoo, Peter, Liverpool; Henry Bliss, Smith, do; Suwarrow, Slctper. Marseilles: Nevis. Kinney, Richmond; Vigilant, Barber, Belize, Hond; Doric, Rautiford. do. Q&- MOTHERS AND NURSES ARE ADVISED to uxe Field's Anodyne Cream if they wish their infants to have tine aoft skms free from all excoriation*. Where this substitute (or soap has been user!, alt of the powerful alkaline soaps have been immediately abolished from the nursery. It is also used for the toilet, for shaving, and surgical purposes. A single trial will convince the most scrupulous ot its superiority over all other preperations for the above purposes. Sold at 71 Maiden Lane. (tn- LOOK OUT NOW FOR WORMS IN YOUR children.?Many children are troubled with worms when their parents think it something else. Now, try Kolm tock'ii Vermifuge?it will do them no harm at any rate, and if it is worms, will surely eradicate them immediately. To be had of Comstock and Ross 25 Magazine street. Also Dr. Sphon'- valuable remedy for Disnepsia and Headache can be had geuuine at the same place ; and also at ComstocK and Co. 71 Maiden Lane, this city. HONEY MARKET Tuesday, Feb. !4N?O P. M. In the stock market to-day, there was a very general disposition to sell, and prices fell in some cases largely. New York State 6's, of 1961, fell l| percent; 5j's, I960, J, 6's, 1869, i; Kentucky 6's, 1871, New York City 5*S, 1868, Paterson, J; Auburn and Rochester Railroad rose 1 per cent. At the new Stock Board, there was less doing, and the features of the transactions corresponded with those oi the other Board. The new Ohio domestic scrips were offered at 60, seller 00?no buyers. There is no material change in the features of the bill market for this packet. The rates have improved in a small degree under the late operations for the import of specie, for which purpose there is still some demand as well as some small improvement for spring remittances. The rates are as follows Ratf.s of Foreioi* Bills ij* New York. Sept. 28. Dec. 31 Jan.31. Fth. 2a. l,nndon, R a 8*6 5V?1 66 5H a '>% 106 a 106*4 France, 5 3046 31*4 513 a5 <5 5 16 af> 46'J 512*4*511 Amstord ? a39V 38K*38& 38*4 4 18*, 3?% a 38V Hamburg, 35Xa36*4 31)* a 31H 31* a ? Bremen, 76 a 76*4 ? a 75*J 75 a 75X 75*4* 75X The rates at the southern ports at the latest dates were as follows Ste. Bills. N. V. Sight. Specie. N. Orleans, Feb. 17, l\?* l>* lHa 3 mac. l>ar Mobile " 17, 21 a25 pm 25 |>er ct. pm. 32 pm Charleston, " 17, 1*4 1* * disc. par Savannah, " ? a 1 X " " The rate on New York at Cinsinnati and throughout the West varies little from | a j per cent, showing a uniformity seldom experienced. There is no demand for specie except lor a certain description of Mexican dollars for coinage. Money continues very plenty, and has evinced itself recently in its employment by the Banks in loans on Stocks, which have sent prices up rapidly, until they |have got too high to be safe, and the Banks have checked the movement. The spring business paper is also beginning to make, giving more legitimate employment to the funds OC me lliciliuwuua. u ?Pi; p*iurui, uvwgipi, iuui la given amount of business will afford far leaf employment to banking capital than formerly, it being conducted more on a (imple caah basis. The grocery business has already started and been fairly active ; dry goods have as yet however shown but little inareaseof animation. The stock'market, for the reasons above indicated, has been animated, and the advance prices have undergone in the last sixty days, is indicated in the following table:? Pricks or Stocks ix ths Nkw York Markkt Jax 1,1S43 arp Fr.a 21. RedeemRate. ahle. Dec. 15. Feh. 28. United 8'ates, 5* 1844 97 ? 91 100 *lon* 6 1841 99 slnn 101 slot ? 1862 ion aiOl 104 Sins New York, 7 1848-49 103*8,01 105**105* 6 1850-54-60 96** 99 102 *102* 6 1861-62-67 96\s 98 191 *106* 5* '860-41-65 88 s 90 96** 97 4 1815 92 s 93* 95 s 97 ? 5 1846-7-8-9 86 s 90 91 s 95 5 1850-1-3 85 86 92 * 93 5 1855-58 84*a 86 9l*a 92 ? ? 4 1859-60-61 85 a 86 92 a 92* 1819-58 79 a 81 84 a 81 Ohio. ? 1850 7l*a 75 71 a 75 , 4 18545-56 60 s 65 60 a 65 Kentucky 6 7i a 71* 83*a 83V 4 62 a 69 71 a 74 Illinois, 6 187# IR a 18* 10 a 22 Indians, 5 25 yean 20 a 21V 23 s 2i Arkansas, 6 21 * 30 28 s 30 Ahbsma. 6 65 n 80 60 a 65 4 ~~ *4 6 75 55 s 60 Prnrsylvani* 5 38 a 39 * 40* all N. Y. City 7 1857 106*sl08 107 aim 7 1852 I?5 aim ? ? 5 1840 85 a 87 92 a 93 " " 5 1858-70 81 *a 85 91 * 91* Bk of Otn. N. Y.full 82*a *3 I'Ha ll* Do scrip 9l*a 92* 96*a 97 N. Y. L'fe Ins. It Trust Co. ? a ? ? * Farmers* I <** > 8c Trust Co. 13 a 15 ? * |j Ohio Life la*. 4c Trust Co. 60 * 65 54** 55 R-nk of U H in Pennsylvania, 2*2* 2*2* Boston It Providence R.R. 87** 99 87** 94 New Jersev H.H. 8c Trans Co. 66 * 68 68 a 70 Mohawk 8c Hudson K. K. 30** II* 3fl*a ? Utiea 8c Sehenectady 117 *120 115 *I|6 Syracuse I* Utica It.K 9B*al00 100 *100* Auburn tc "yracuie R R. 81 * 83 * 90 a 91 Auhnrn 8c Rocberjsr H.R. '.0 a 9? 95 a 95* N. Y. Ha* Light Co. 99 ?ino 100 a ? !M? rch*n'?'Exchange Co. ? a 10 ? a ? The treasury notes of the federal government are in demand at 11 per cent premiu.n. being the investment which is moat readily available, with the leaat risk, to the hanka. The atock debt haa also rapidly advanced un ler theapecu lative feeling created by the rrronroaa movement of the hanka. The finances of the government are in no wise improved aince the atock was refused on all handa. On the contrary, they are daily becoming worse. Tho Secretary, Mr. Forward, who has sent in his resignation, estimates the deficit for the coming year at >3,000,000, and the Committre of Wat a and Mi ens have reported against a dnty on cofli" i '' 1 i h on Id j ield 3 to >8,000,000. I A fresh issue oi treasury notes will be made, which will J readily l>e absorbed liy the bankx, and affect the prices oI other stocks. John Ward It Co. did not obtain all tka stock they contracted tor, ai it was otherwise disposed of. The various State Legislatures have, as usual, been disgracing themselves by their miserable attempts at imitating the English paper juggling system. At the date ol the last packet, we mentioned the failure of the State ot Louisiana on its bonds issued to two banks in liquidation, as follows:? Inttrrst dut and . , not jtald. Citiseos's Bank bonds, $7,188,888 179,727 Cubsolida'td do 2,380,000 71,400 Total, $9,368,800 231,127 Tk- -1 It 1J.S! - r tk-l, 1. ? 4k A enenlil/sa 1/\f 1 UK BIUW iiquiuuuuu VI lUV UVWl ? luu ?d?v?iv? -v. thi* money, principal and internet. When that i* exhausted, the State is liable for the balance. In Alabama, the banks are in liquidation, and for future payments of interest, a tax law is before the Legislature, which may or may not be available. For the present year, the specie in the banks, amounting to over $1,000,000, is applicable, but this is regarded by the holders of the circulation as a great injustice. The Legislature ol Kentucky have been playing strange tricks, arising from the desire of all those hitherto dependent on bank facilities for " relief," by stay " laws," increased bank loans, reduced taxation, &C. The two former were rejected, but a bill to create a now State Bunk to " give relief," was renewed, and may or may not be passed. The interest on the State debt, amounting to $-237,340 per annum, is chargeable upon the sinking fund, which was composed of the following revenues in 1842:? Tax on bank stock $44,176 Bank dividends 43,160 Turnpikes, fcc '28/200 Tax of 6 cents on every $100 120,000 $235,826 The Bank of Kentucky has renewed its dividends, but the State owes it $125,000 for interest on $1,000,000, held by the bank during the sus|>ension of the bank in consequence of the Schuylkill frauds. The 5 cent tax has ex. pired by limitation, and the Finance Committee have reported the deficit for the coming year|at $129,000, to provide far which, a tax bill has been reported but not acted upon. The Virginia Legislature adjourns on tho 6th of March, but the tax bill has not yet been reported, inasmuch as the bill reported appropriating a specific sum to the establishment of a sinking fund, pledged to the payment of the interest, and the redemption of the principal of the State debt has not been acted upon in the House. The State of Ohio has passed a bill issuing $2,000,000 oi script, bearing interest to pay its domestic debts and ex. tend the Miami canal. The deficit in the State interest is about ?337.000. The State of Pennsylvania in the plenitude of its wisdom have, instead of passing a tax law (which could not befcollected,) issued to the claimants of interest on theState debt, certificates bearing 6 per cent interest, redeemable in 1944 !! Indiana it will be remembered did the same thing, but very few of its creditors accepted of them. Illinois has not attempted to play any rogues' tricks, but has done all in its power to compromise and settle. Indiana has done something, but the disposition of the people is evinced in a stay law, the first section of whioh will explain its nature. See. 1. Be it enacted by the Oeneral Assembly of the State of Indina, That no property of any description whatever, either real or personal, shall be sold on execution,or by virtue of any other process issued by any officer of this State, for a less sum than its fair value at the time of such sale, alter deducting all incumbrances thereon, except as herein after provided. Illinois has such a law, which has been decided illegal in the Supreme Court of the United States, Judge M'Lean dissenting. Michigan says she will pay what money she has received promptly, but not those bonds out ol which she has been cheated. Arkansas saysthesamething. Florida redicules the idea because she never got any money. Sales at tke Stock Exchange. $5000 NY 6's, 1802 101 25 shu Bk Com. fall 93 1000 do 5%'?, I860 97 10 shas Bk Com. scrip 96% 10000 do 5's, 1855 92 42 Farmers's Trust 12 3000 Ohio 6's, 1860 69% 80 do 11% 7000 do 69 20 Equitable Ins Co 73 8000 do 68% 50 Uticalt Syr 116 5000 do b60 69 60 Aub & Rochester 96 1000 do 68% 5 Mohaw* 30 1090 Kentucky 6'?, 187 1 84 25 d> 29% lOffl do 83% 25 Harlem 17 1000 do s30 83 % 25 New Jersey s60 69 5000 do 83% 50 do 69 4500 City 5's, 1858 91% 50 Paterson b30 43% Second Bossrd. $1000 Ohio 68% $1000 Ohio s3 6 2750 do 69 1000 do b3 69% 1000 do s3 6 9 5750 do 69% Commerclssl Stock Exchange?18 Wall at. $30 0 NY 6's, 1862 h20 103 $5000 Minnis 6's, 1870 sl5 21 1000 Ohio 6's, I860 tw 69% 2000 do cash 70% 3080 do cash 69% 1000 do cash 21 100) do rw 69% 50 >h*s Harlem RR b30 17% 1000 do tw 69 25 Long island s3 48% 1000 do rw 69 25 Mohawk slO 30 1000 do tw 68% 10 Stunington cash 18% 10000 Kentucky 6's tw 81 Stat* of Trad*. Sales of real estate have been made with the follawing results 4 story brick store No. 64 Broad street; lot 32 feet 7J inches mint and rear, by 109 feet 2 inches deep; store covers nearly the whole lot, $14,000. 4 story brick store 66 Broad street; lot -22 feet 7J inches front and rear, 107 feet 6J inches deep; store covers nearly the whole lot, $13,000. 3 story attic house 92 University place, 26 feet 10inches by 106 feet, bonght in for $9,776. 3 story brick house and lot 126 Oreenwich street, 18 feet 10 inches on Oreenwich, and 72 feet 8 inchei on Liberty street, $10,050. Lot and buildings thereon No. 292 Broadway, 26 feet ironi ana rear, isu feci ueep, $i4,uuu. 8 story house and let 88 White street; let 33 by 135 feet, bought in for $8,000. 4 story store No. 6 Cedar street, 31 feet 10 by 45} feet, bought in for $15,000. 2 story house 27 Christopher street, 20 feet by 70, bought in for $3,475. All that parcel of ground in the 0th ward, beginning on he northwesterly corner of Bleecker and Charles streets, thence running westerly on Charles street 110 feet, thence northerly and parallel to Bleecker street 190 feet to Terry street, thence easterly on Perry street, 110 feet, to Bleecker street, 100 feet, to the place of beginning, sold for $20,400. Two story brick front house 11 Mulberry street, frame building and stable also on lot; lot 35 by 103 feet, $5,250. Two story brick front house 143 Reade street; house 38 by 40; lot 75 feet deep, $4,700. Two story brick house and lease of lot 250 Bowery, bought in for $1,000. wishes?Tots 5,50; Pearls $0,60. Flour? Sales of Genesee are at 4,75; Michigan, $4,03, and Ohio round hoops $4,50; New Orleans, $4,31} a 4,37}. Nochange in Southern; Baltimore and Richmond Country, $4; Georgetown, $4,12}Spicti?Some sales of Sumatra pepper at 8} cents. Rice?Prices were never lower. Sales at 1 81} a 2,76. Fruit?The sales of Malaga are steady at 1,66. Oils?Sales of linseed at 77 a78c. Provirion*?Beef is in good renuest at 0,60 a 6,75 for mess, and 4,12} for prime; mess pork 8,37} a 9,50. Cotton Trade. The crop of Cotton, it is now generally allowed, will eiceed that of any former year. It is estimated as follows :? Receipts at N. Orleans, 1,000,000 bales. On the Atlantic bordar, 700,000 At Mobile, 600,000 Florida, 100,000 a 160,000 Total. 3,350,000 In the face of this large crop, the news by the Acadia has caused a general downward tendency in prices.? Sales, however, continue to a fair extent. " The receipts, exports and stocks ore as lollows in the U. States Hrcxirn, ExroaTi and Stocxs or Cotton, raoii SarT I to datb. 1841-2. 1812-3. Tncrtnie. Receipts, 981 848 1,418,9 3 437.215 Exports toO Britain, 348,733 044 877 295915 rranoe, us,urn i,(wi " other ports, 47,999 71,210 23,211 Stocks, 408,061 48,751 10,CO The transaction* at the loading point*, for the week pre vious to date, have been as follows :? Slock. Sale*. Price*. Remark*. N. York, Feb.28, 20.(Hifl 9 MM) *% a 9 decline Vafc N.Orleans, 13, 179 29.7 39,80.1 4 HS< decline Ka)* Mobile, 13, 87,731 10,000 3*4 a 7 il.clme k*\ SUrsnnsh, 17, 31,475 5,596 4\l a 7^ firm Charleston, 17 , 20 594 10,825 4N a fl declininc The rates in the New York Market are classed a* follows Upland, very ordinary to middling, are tsken at 4| to 5j cents per lb ; lair to good fair and good, dj a 74 and 7 4 cent* ; Tennc*?ees and Alabama* 4| a 8 cent* ; Mobile*, Louisiana*, fcc. ordinary to middling, ft a 6$ cents , fair to good fair ttf a 74 cents ; good and fine 8 a 84 and 9 cents per lb. Corn Trade. There i* not much doing in this market. Sales of Ocnnesee are at $4 7ft, Michigan $1 ftO, Ohio $4 SO, New Orleans $4 3|| a $4 37J, Georgetown 94 13J, and Baltimore and Richmond County $4 00. There is no buckwheat in market. Wheat is held at Sftc, rye at 84 a 88c, and New Orleans com at 47c. In Baltimore, for the week ending 'iftth instant:?Howan) Street Flour was steady until Wednesday at 93 684; ?lnr.e, sale* have been made at Ji3 82j; '2000 bbls City Mills sold for expert at $3 76 full. Grain?1900 bushel* Virginia Wheat, not prime, sold at 78c. Corn?Sales of Maryland white at 43c afloat, and 4? in store; Pennsylvania yellow, received via railroad, 46c. At Boston for the week closing with the Iftth, the speculative movements in New York produced quite an excitement among the dealers, causing prices to go up 9ft to 87c. per bl; nearly all the late arrivals of Onio, amounting to 10 a 11,000 bis, have changed hands, principally at 4 1ft, 4 81 a 94 37. Home parcels in bad order, were sold nt 84 a l ijc per bid less; extra brands 4 44 a 4 ftO, and handsome lint hoop do 94 68 a 4 614; some lots superior, including 1200 brls Union steam Mills, were taken at higher rates, exact price not public. There are no good brands of Oefierce obtainable for less than $4 7ft; most holders ask $4 97J, and for fancy, 96. Hales southern confined to a few hundred brh for ex|K>rtation. Fredericksburg 300 brls, $4 26, 4 mo?; 200 do Howard street at the same.'and Richmond 94 19 a 4 2ft, 4 mos. cr. Died. On Monday, 97th Inst. William Datisois, In the Mth vear of hi* arc. The friend* of the family are inrited to attend the itinera), from hi* late residence, 461 Broome itreet, at three o'clock this aiternoon. At Brooklyn, on Tuesday, 08th iuat. Aiw. twMe of Owen the 3.1th yearot tier age. The friends of the family, and of her brother* in law, James B. Nicholson, Dommick Philip, and John Colgan, are requested to attend her funeral, from her late residence, No. 29 James street, to-morrow afternoon, at three o'clock. On Wednesday evening, 29th inst. after a lingering illness, James Keihnais, in the 37th year of his age. His friends and acquaintances, and those of Constantine Donoho, are requested to attend his funeral, this afternoon at 4 o'clock, from 17 Orange street, without further invitation. Passenger* Arrived. LlvmrooL?Packet thin Hottinmier?John P Martinot. W Ward, of New York; Prof J Tatlock. William's Colleae, Mass; Cant Lloy d Johnson, New Brunswick ',7 in ih? tit-crane. Havre? Packet ship Hratici is lit?John A Bachelor, A Jonaimie. Kontjin Importation*. Liven pool?Ship Hotliiigo.r?23 pkgs Smith. Thurgar & co ?21 GiMlfrey, Paituon k . o?16 Prabodv, Riggs k co?2 Cameron k Brand?5 J Lee k co-!) Richard*, Basset! k A born?5 S J Jones k co?I Sands, Fos k co?19 J McCall?2 W Wltilewright k CO?25 Took, r. Mead k ro?25 Thompsen k co?26 Garner kco?1 H Tobias?i () B Blake k co, Boaton?2 Hugh Aiirhmclots k son?2 Shar|., Lindsay k Harm. Philadelphia? 16 McKee kco?3 W Haycock?in Bird, Gillilan fc co?I J Owen?I J Lefferts?7 pkgs 2700 sks salt '00 tons coal 2 anchota 1 chains 1 Ixll chain h.mks 1 box Woodhull k Minturn?2 pkgs D Haddcn k son?2 While k Sheffit Id?1 T Hunt?4 Patton k Stewart?21 C Adshrad k c.i?3 R C Blatkburn?4 Butterlield k Fisher?2 Corli>s k Haydoek?1 Oakey k son?12 J Meyer? 3 J R Waller?1 Sill k Thompson?7 F T '-uquere k son?2 A R Van Neat?12 R Ilrslop k son?8 Wood k Taylor?1 J A Newbold?1 Horner, McGowen k Hayes?10 A k 8 Willed*? I DW Graves?1 Mstks k Church?1 A W Spies kco?1 Ek C Robins k co?26 Sheldon k Phelps?I Wolf k Gillespie?5 T Mort'mft k son?1 Townseud, Sayre k co?2 J T Dilan k son ?30 J Macy k son?23 Davis k Brooks?300 G B MorewooJ k co?869 Phelps, Dodge k co?5083 bars 55 lidls iron W Mead? 130 bills do Stokes, Gilbert k co?1 pkg C Miln?20 Bryant k Maitlaud?4 casks E Hunt?239 crates 81 cases 2 bales 13 casks to order. LiVKRrooL?Shin Europe?60 tons iron D Hodden k son?100 pkga Hendricks k Brothers?10 Barber Bros?3 J Henry k co?3 Hall Bros?9 Inglis k Scott?45 J Gihon k co?31 A McFarlan ?5 J P Hadden?3 E Blsinforili?14 A Mitchell k co?2 W H Horstman?6 Crippi k co?8 Tliomiison k co?l S Rosevelt?1 Young, Smith k co?2 Wood k Folger?3 Halstead, Haines k co?1 J Warren?I K J Laughlin k son?I G Stady?2 K Paycn ?7 J Lefferts?2 Richardson k Watson?2 F Tomes k son?1 W B Crowthera?1 Van Wagner k son?IS W Whitewright? 38 J Ferguson?l2McKeekco?100 Jas Lee k co?7 Green k Creever. Trov?16 Bird, Gillilau kco?5B F Wheelwright?10 Rkll Height k co? II Webb k Douglass. Albany?1 W Jackson?42 anvils 5 cks Sheldon k I'h Ips?1 pkg Lewis k Fairmsn ?3 C W Churchman?2 Woodk Taylot?1 D 8 Kennedy?26 8 Brooin k co?It Jones k co?9 Paton k Stewart?3 Hughes, Ward k co?1 J Waring?12 H Farnum k c?30 Tooker.Mead kco?4 O Brand?8 L fleiburv?9 D Bush, Boston?4 J Rees k son, Philad?I K K (.lark?3 R Hyslnp k son?I Cornell Brothrs ?96 Sands. Fo* k co?4 Townseud k Sayre?2 J Patton?1 C Baistow?6 C Adshead k co?6 A W Spies k co?20 Smith Thuruar k co?2 W B Bend?1 Wight, St urges k Shaw?6 L J Wveth?3 R Ewing?29 IVabody, Riggs k co?32Garnerk co? 3 Bolton k Stewart?R R Ilyslop k son?3 A Van Nest?4 Cofliuk Bradley?7 J Lefferts?II J R Worrell fcson, Philadel?2 J M Strata?12 Fisher k to?2 Haydoek k co?10 D Oakey k sons?11 Dorr k Allen?1 J Hunt k co?19 W Whitewright?1 Fellows, Read k Scudder?19 8 leloon k Phelps?53 Godfrey, Pattisoiikco?54 G Harden?18 J W Harris?15,000 sovereigns 8 R Withers?800 do F G Thurston?11 el J McCall k co?1884 oars iron 60 tons coal 2 anchors 30 bales 56 casks 15 boxes mdae to order. Havre? Ship Franeis 1st?I pkg F Cottinet?1 H Henneqnin?3R Prime 1 M Mauti- 2 Hnruham k Baldwin 1 Towniend, Sharp'ess k Sou?IE * Wilks?5 H D irmat, court 1 Brustein Koopkco?I Boltan Fox k Livingston?4 T Pint?nl? 1 E B-rgonzie? 1 8 A Bret?7 L'hoinme?9 H Baker?2 Derairmej k Boizird?1 Caroline Schwartz?I E Bo sange?1 Wiley k Putnam?1 H Wiener?28 J A Voisin k co? 2 A Casellt?1 Moran k Iselin?2 J Mortimer, jr k co?1 Cailleux k Fils?2 Berri k Kcese?I A F Ott Monrose?1 J H Rogers?9 Beiri k Kees??11 M Caffe k C Melbers?3 UDderwood Teteiell k Blaic?3 T Denny?8 Nevins k co?9 j R St Felix ?11 H Chevrolet kco?5 Grave k Livermorc?7 J A Voisin k co?1 Boieeau k Rusch? 1 Ahles k Sutler?5 8 A B'eithaupi k Chun?1 Heilbnrth k Schultz?1 J M Oepenheim k ro?1 ?? muuig d. uiuur?a ik. nicix-ncr?? j o at n iviainer?a a u Imniii-2 Malezieux, Gourd 8c co?1 C C Bechet?1 J Jnental 6 llorr Si Allen?16 Lane, Laminn & co?2 Henry Tolias?1 Head A Taylor?3 F Cot'enet?11 Loeschigk A Wiseudnnck? 20 Lachairlk Fouche?2 A Cassedi?3 Spies, Christ Ik co?1 F Umbei A Deinbmaon?13 order?1 Shilinpe & Sneyer?j Delmonies Uerea?2* Brnault St co?50 F W Schmini St co? 4 pkgs md/.c order?2 Kcnard 8t co?11 Benka'd 8t Hntton?7 John Napier?I John Napier?lWetzteim?1 F Cotlenet?2G Heiaenburv A co?2 Moran St Tselin?5 Nicolas, LennigAco ?5 Renard Stoo?1 John Magnin St co?1 Stephen C Williams ?3 Benkard St Hultou?4 O Gignoux?1 Aflame, Pclric St co? 1 Collector ol Customs?1 F Tomer St Sons?2 bkts M Mantis 12 pkgs ATS ewart St co?8 order?2 Ballin St Sander?3 T C Martin?5 A Barber?10 E M Davis?6 bags mdze A H Ward St ce?5 C Lay on St co?1 Sonteyran & Perret?1 D C Porter?2 A Caselli?2 L B Binrse St co?1 Cerlber 8t May?1 Beylard, Jr? 2 Win Brewer?1 Plainder?I J. Toquet?6 KosengartenSt'Jenii 15 Shell on St co?1 D O St D Haviland?1 parcel Harndeii St co ?1 pkg Nevins St coy-24 Engler A Folev?2 Joly?1 Laweon St co?1 Adams, Letrie A co?2 cs Ang Belmont?1 RosengaJten A Denis?1 Boicean A Kusch?10 F X Meyer? 1J Bishop? 3 Morlet A Scheffei?1 Orlston, Ladd A co?1 d |A Deraimes ?2lF Cottniet?I Moran A Iselin?6 E Fahrequette tils A Morra?2 Boicean A Rusch?1 Young Smith A co?9 Collomb?35 bkts wine Delaunay A co?sundrv pkgs to order. Buenos Arats?Shin Henry Kneeland?2000qlls jerked beef 5 bales mdse W W DeForest?5000 horns 1 bale skius 4 do wool Samrson A Lane?500 hides 6 biles indse J Rodman?50 bales wool 2012 hides N Frazier?4 hales sk'na W P Thomas?2 do W C Pickering?1959 hides B Adams?329 bales wool 4 do hides 3 do skins 2005 hides to order. Bbemrn?Brig Ocean?12 pkgsG A F Schumacher?27 F W Reimer? 1 Eidethal A Beniharn?49 Schlesinger A Henschen, Philadelphia?23 Mecke, Plate A co?97 Henschen St Unkart?I C Jranke?I F Froitag, Baltimore?2 H Simon?1 Oelrirhs St Kroger?2 Lefrage, Koop Aco?12 II Si8 Kohnatamm?I B Lan der?8 J Napier?1 H Ducking?I C Mayer?399 F. A T Poppe ?26 Klencke?9 J W Holberton?1 J O Kruger?3 O H Kiegmburv?3 C L Blanckenheim?I F Thorspeclted, Philadel?2 E Lndevicus?1 Brmtleiu.Koop Aco?I D Appleton?1 J D Rayter?5 TAJ Brockeltnann?22 to order. Belize, Hond?Brig Patsey B Blount?42 tons logwood $3710 anecie B Blanco?6 ceroous indigo 8 bales sarsaparilla 1 case 1 bid J J Labouisse. St Johns, PR?Brig Sophia?(R< ported yesterday)?229 hds near III il.t mnlaca. ? I R l.n.aL Hi M,l. 11 P Hurt ?2 do soger 3 do molasses 6000 oranges 8 Kenney. Domestic Importations. New Orleans?Brig Susan Spofford?986 bbli floor Dwight k Johnson?150 do Wilton k Butler?242 do pork 116 do lard 11 do hams 14 do shoulders O Doughty?43 do pork 27 do lard P I NeviosS son. New Orleans?Brig Historian?120 hhds sugar Roberts St Williams?50 Wm Barnsrell?106 Bogart It Kneeland?41 Hicks St co?09 Maillaiid, Kennedy It co?45 hhds molasses Havens St co. MARITIM E"HERA L D. Ship Masters and Agents. We shall esteem it a favor, if Captains of Vessels will give to Commodore Robert Silvkv, of our News Fleet, a Report of the Shipping left at the rort whence they sailed, the Vessels Spoken on their Passage, a List of their Cargo, and anv Foreign Newspapers or News they may have. He will board them immediately on their arrival. Agents and Correspondents, at home or abroad, will also confer a favor by sending to this Office all the Marine intelligence they cao obtain. Nautical Information of any kind will be thankfully received. PORT OF1 NEW YORK, MARCH 1, sun risks 6 37 I new moon I 19 sun SETS 5 49 | HIGH WATER 9 38 Cleared. Ships Oxford, Rathbone, Liver|>ool,C H Marshall; Oneida, Fanck. Havre, Boyd St Hiuck. n; Union, Knssell. Nt W Orleans, Johnson It Lowden.?Barque Smyrna, Champion, Amsterdam. Bouchaud kThrlnud.?Briga Delta, Hinckley, West Indies, O P Mills; Jefferson, Dyer, La Fayette, La. Nesmith, Leeds & Co.?Schr Lodi, Sproul, New Orleans, Brett k Vose Jirnria. racket ?hip Francois l?f, Atnswortli,from Havre, J m. 3, ami Plymouth 23th, with mdse, to C. Bolton, Fox 8t Livingston.? 17th Feb. lat 40 37, Ion 58 13, spoke ship Hettdrick Hudson, from London for N Vork. Packet ship Enrope, Ftiiber, fiom Liverpool, Jan, 19, with tndse, to C, H. Marshall?10 steersKe |>as#eugera. The E. has experienced severe Kales on the passtge. Packet ship Hottiogoer. BurxIey, from Liverpool. Jan. 17, with mdse, to Woodhnll St Miuturn. 13th nisi, fat 43, lot) 54, spoke ship Klortdian, 7 days hence for Rotterdam. Ship Henry Ktteeland, Lock, from Buenos Ayres, and Montevideo Dec. 28, with holes end wool, to HoKan fli Milu. Left at B. A. 27th Dec ship Lydia, Herron, of Salem, disg; barques King Philip, Ellis, ol and for Salein, 20 days; Three Biothers, Welsh, disc; btigs Persia, Diinkwater, of North Yarmouth, fot Boston, 19 days; Commissary, Smith, of Boston, disg; Arcturus, Bullen, do; Kranklin, Walker, of I'ortlanil, parted her chains on the night of the 25th, in a Kale, and went on shore: Edw Blake, Adams, for Boston, 15 days;schrs Sarah, Chase, of Gloucester, for Santos, 10; ViKilaDt. for Montevideo, in a few days. Bvqne Mason, just arrived from Montevideo. At M. KistiJI wnaler) of Bristol, nut in 27lh with f> feet water in hei hold; Brutns, Adams; Herald, Rowland; I/.stte, Frameck; TlaHoyt, disg; Globe, Lowrv, do; Sardius, Lindsay, Kio Janeiro; Chalcedony, Todd; Rosabella, Lamb, uitg; St Helens, Hill: Tweed, Hardy, for Rio; Ann, Haniia. disg; America, Treadwell, do; Syren, Canfteld; Arirali, Brown,sold; Augusta, Leach, Idg; Swallow, Williams; Mack, Brown, sold. Delight, Wotten. for New York, sailed 26th, Jan. 14, lat 21 25 S, Ion 34 16 S, spoke brig Protus, Leigltfron, of Copenhagen, for Havre?desired to be repotted;, lat 19 6 S, Ion 28 16. exchanged signals with Fren-It strnm Irigste Goma; Feb. 19, lat 32 40 N, Ion 70 32, passed tchr Challenger, ol Prospect, steering NE. On Saturuty, saw a ship with all her head sails in, probably repairing or shifting, as all her yards and masts were standing The westward Ship Emily, Crane, 18 days from New Orleans, with mdse, to C. Morgan. Brig Sea Bird, Bearse, 35 days from Oporto, with wine, lie. to order. The S. B. is lying at Biker's Island. Bremen hug Ocean, Sturge, 54 days from Sremrn.with mdse, to J. C Muller. Brig Parser B. Blount, Howe, from Belize, Hond. with logwood, Str to B. Blanco. Left no American vessels. frig Mary, York, 20 days from Trinidad da Cuba,with sugar, knrto master. Brig Caroline E. Piatt, Rice,20 days from Apalachicola, with cotton, to Tost k Phillips. Biig Susan Bpofford, SpofTord. lfl days from New Orleans, wilh flour, kc. to Nesmith, Leeds V Co. Brig Historian, Dodge, <(l diys from New Orleans, with molasses and sugar, to Nesmith, Leeds k Co. Hrig George, Hull, 5 dajs from Charleston, with cotton, to J. Bulkley, Brig I'rter Demill, Lewis, |0 days from Darien.with eotton, to R. M. Deinill. Brig A'lsnta, Brown, from Philadelphia, and 3 days from (he Capn, wilh (lour, kc. to order. Sehr Wolcott, Owens, fi nays from Newbern, NC. with naval stores, to J'e Pevster & Whitmaiih Schr Delaware, Corson, 11 days from Newbern, NC with naval stores, to master. S"hr Wm. Thompson. Biker, 8 days from Nnwbrrn, NC. wilh naval stores, to master. Sclir Hudson, Cooley, f> days from Baltimore, wilh mdse. to Sturges k Cle.srman. Pilot boat Charlotte Add, from the ship Hottingner, with dry goods and iiassengers. Below. Packet ship Hemlrirk Hudson, Stark, from London and Portsmouth, Jan. 20, with mdse, to J. Morgan Sailed. Barque Anahuac, W ilson, Vera Cruz, and others. General Hecord. FongiriM Lr.ttkr Orricr.?The letter hags of the Oifardj llatlibone, for Liverpool,'rlosr at Oilpin's, in the Merchanta Kicbaiige, at hslfqiaat II o'elock this morning. The Philadelphia, for London, and Oneida, for Havre, will be detained until Saturday neat. Whalemen, Arrat New Bedford 2.'?th ult. Braganza, Waterman, N \V Coast t > ia Oahu snd Penmrnhuco^witli 1000 l?blaoij^4W *p, and 12,000 11" none. iw?pwn?, icn ?i wim.m Tower, NB 3000 bbt* wh oil, hound 8 in 10 days, all well, (reii ?rted at do 28th, 2700 wh 2(H) sp); Abigail, Cos, do, tailed I of home 22d Sept, returned 28th, leaking, and would have to dis charge part of her c., IWH) hblfl ?|??all well on hoard; New K? glind. How land, Poughkeepaie, 1200 ap tiOO wh, bound home aoou. Spoke Oct 18, Ut 5 53 N, Ion 153 50 W, Thames,Hedges, 3H.31C0 bbl? wh.and saw her take a imall spin whale; Dec 10, Iat56 42 8, Ion 67 48 W, Or?,B wtlett, NB 3200 wh 180 id; Dec 13, off Staten Land, nchanged nignah with N P Tallmadge, of Poughkeepaie; Dec 10, spoke Magnet. Chami?lin, Warren, 12t0 tp 1600 wh, all well, bound home, taw her take a r^il I!1*'' ?Cant Champlin reported Dec 16, Maly Mitchell. N?nt, 150 ?Pl hnumi 8. i*^ ? \ Arr 28th, Oen Pike, Tohev. Indian Ocean, wits 900 l>HU wh and liOOapoil?try iHXiall broken. Spoke Not 7, Int55 8, jon 71 tf pof'lna, Stewart, NB. 2 whla; Dec 1, lat 74 8, Ion 79 r,, Hibernia, Sanford, do, 11 rt w"l? and 60 bbla ap; Dec 17, latti 10 8, Ion 60 40 K, Palla-*idm, NL. 1150 wh, brnind toCrozette lalanda. At Cape Ritch Oct 6. Win Baker. OilTord. Warrrn, 400 wli 100 Hp; Balance, Providence, fKM) whi CheUea, NL. I** wh. At King (horrea Sound Oct 1, Eliubath. V.astham, NB. lij wh 290ap; Phoeioe, Corey, do, 1000 wh; Columbas Hi?h. FH. 1600 wh; Harvest, Hale, do. 600 wh; Hamilton, of Bndgepait, 1160 wh; Sabina, NYork, 1600 wh. Caat awav at h 1 wo Prople'a Bay, Any 29ih, haviuie h?en driven aahore from her anchorage, shin A?n, Pendleton, Nl. 600 wh on hoard.? h Spoken by the Palladium, off Coast of New Holland, Lagoda. Maxtield, NB, 9V) wh 250 ap; Hope, Holtinaon, do. 150 wh 270 an", 18th, Kutusoff, Gov, do. ISO humpback ISO aperm; Huulicaa, Taber, do, tot) ap; 19th, Julian. Mayhrw. do, 450 wh ISO a;>enn. Heard from, no date. 6tc. Peri. Kuaanll, NB, 600 ap. Came naaaenger in the Oen Pike. Capt N Middlelon. jr. late of slap Ann s Maria, of NL, which ship was run into and cot down to the water a edge on the night of the 30th August last, off the lalaud ^ of Amsterdam, by the French ship Ajai.who took off the ship s company, and landed them at King Oeorgeh* Sound, New Hoi- p land. The Ann Maria had on hoard 1700 wh and 250 sp i Arr at 8 ilem 26th ult. Kmerahl, Stafford, Pacific Ocean,with IS00 bbla oil, 400 ap. Spoken. Nancy W Stevens, from NYork for NOrleani, bo date, let r i/, iuu 71 33. A ship showing a blue signal wilh innate in the centre, no J date, lat 24, Ion 81. ' Foreign Porta. St John, NB. Feb22?Atr M&ri, Beck with, Bermuda; Frederick, Fleming, Liverpool VUta??i, Feb to?In port, Riga, William*. out of quar; Isidore. Springer, for Boiton, neil day; Ontario, Hamilton, for ? Portland, do; Kngle, Fiillrrtoa, for Boiton, do; Janr, Drink- | water. New York, fi:Clin, Marwick, for Cardenas, 4; Oaleu, | Hweetser.disg, for Boiton; Bordeaux, Smith, wt* frt; Swiss , Bov, Blaisdell. do do; New Knglaod, Granger. disg; Motto, WiBslow, from Portland, arr 9th: Alcenua, Skofield, Havana, r (to; Granite, Hodgdon, from Charleston, arr 8th; Lafayette, of j Boston, ld|( lor . St Johns, PH. Feb II?In port. Triumph, Hauling, for Bea- f ton, 5 ;'Francis Jane,; Water Witch. Fry, do; Sarah Jane, Gill, unc; Ve?|>er. Loll and, for Philadelphia. 5 da; Osceola, Williams, to sail for Gnnyama in 2 days; Gen Bolivar, Thomns.disg; Frances Avery, Atwood, just arr with a company of equestrians; Eagle,Turned, for Baltimore, ldg;'Lochiel, Lufkin.for New York, soon; Helen Fraser, Fish, wti{; Susan Taylor, Randall, diss; Peru, Allen, do. IT 8 brig Baifibridge, Johnson, 15 days from Uostoa, just arrived?efficers and crew , all well. ' Prrn smbico, Jan 22? In port, Brandy wine, for Philadelphia, Ids; H F Loper, do do: Sterlinr, from Boston, arr 19th; Globe, ' Ksling, from Phil idelphia, arr 21st; Osciola.from do,nrr2()th. 1 Home Porte. Portland, Feb 25?Arr Gness, Wainwright, Fredericks- ' burg. Halkm, Feb 26?Arr Star, Smith. Zanr.ihar. . Boston, keb 27?Arr Henrietta, M'Lellan, Matanxas; Mon- ' roe, Founrain, NOrhans; Pelon, Hatch, Port Leon; Brainerd, Shepherd, Wilininjc tin, NC; Amelia, Frisbie, Richmond; I Wolga, Stoddard, k ledericktburg. Telegraphed, Birmingham, Hatch, from Livcrpjol. Cld New Knit land, (of this |>ort, lite ; of Bath) McCuidy, Batbarloes; Atlantic, Cook, Gonaives; Zu- ' Itt'e, (tie *, of this |>ort. 198 tons) Killey, Pensacola; Philena, J Buster, Philadelphia, to load (or London; America, Pomeroy, NOrleaus; Ciduinhia, Kent, Alexandria; James. Hall, Bilti- [ more. Air 28th, Baltimore, T.ldridge, Philadelphia; Alpine, J Foster, Gloucestei; Mary Ann, Eaton, NYork. . Ns.w Bkdkori), Feb 27?Sid Ellen Hodman, Shepherd, New ' York; Pomona,do. ' Tarpaulin Covs:, Feb 22? 8ld all the vessel* before reptd. except Mirror, from Boiton for New York, and Leo, Simmons, Thomasiou for do. Edaartown, Feb 24?In poit, Laurana, Wilson, from Nor- ' folk for Portsmouth, had been ashore on the (lata, bat got off after disg a sloop load of com, with loss nl cable, anchor and hawser. Spoketi in Skill's Island Channel, Lorinda, of Portland, from Poitsmouth for Baltimore; 21st, Geo Thomas, from I Provincetown for Baltimore, took a pilot through Skiff's Island I Channel. 1 Provincrtown, Feb 24?Schr Reetide, Langley, Irom Boston for NYork, with an assoited cargo, came in on Wednesday I blowing a gale from the westward, anchored off Long Point, and dragged with anchors ashore at Trnro, where she now lies in the ice. When the wind changes, she will probably come off without much trouble. Schrs Oilman, Zone, and Wave, that were ashore near Race Point, are ill port, without much damage. They are waiting for moderate weather and wind off shore, to take on board their cargoes and proceed on their voyages. Other accounts state that the Rceside slipped hoi autimms iiuu wrui nanore; llim Koine moiAnci upon accs was move or thrown uvethoard, nail that a >chr proceeded from I'rnviocelown to her auiitnncr. Phovidkisck Feb 20?Arr Potomac, Duncan, Georgetown, SO, Victory, French, NYork. Below, Casiltla, Goodell, from Charleston; Jas Lanplieer, Kenny, N York; Moses Eddy, Bliven, do; Yautic, Stuart, do. Bid Reaper, Crowell, for Baltimore. Waangrt, HI. Feb 26?Air New Columbia, Martin, Matanaaa. Philadelphia, Feb 28?Cld New Jersey, Bell, NYork. THE NEW MIRROR. ~~ TpVEPY Number Embellished with an Original and exquisite Design on Steel. Edited by George r. Morris. Illustrated by J. G. Chapman,who is engaged eiclnsiyely for the work. Terms?$3 per annem?Single numbers, 6)? cen's. In the cour?e of a few weeks, the undersigned will commence, on his own account, the publ'cation of a new aeries of i the Mew York Mirror, in the octavo form, on an entirely novel and original plan, with a ateel engraving in every number, and at the reduced price of three dollars per annnm, or six and a quarter cents per copy. , The New Mirror will appear with many strik'ngard attractive features, distinguishing it from every o her periodical. It will be published with new type, on line iwper, and each number will contain a beautiful original engraving on steel,designed and etched by Chapman, illust ntiag tne letter-press which it accompanies, and which it w'll invest with peculiar interest. Besides the etntribationa of ad our extensive corps of correspondents?which embraces most of the talent of this country? we have made arrangements for fresh and early translations ftom some of the best writers of France, and for proof-sheets from several ol the p ipnlar authors of England. With such materials, and with such able fellow-lahonrers in the literary vineyard, we hopelto present to the American reader a weekly iournal ofgrvat value and nniitual excellence. The parade of mere i am*s, will be sedulously a> oided. Tbe Mirror will be remarkable, we hope, rather for good articles without names, than for poor articles with distinguished nam's. It will embrace in its scope every department of elegant literature, comprising tales of romauce, sketches of society and manners, senli mrnt, and cvery-day life, piquant essays, d mrstic and foreign correspondence, literary intelligence, wit aud humor, fashion and gossip, poetry, the fine arts, snd liteiay.musical aud dramatic critrcismi. Its reviews of uew works will careful, discriminating, aed impartial It will aim to foster a literature suited to the taste'and dtsires of the age and connlry. Its tendency will be cht-erfnl and enlivening, as well as improving. It will seek to gratify every rehued taste, but never to offend the I most fastidious; and it will everieel its duty to be, to "turn the aunny aide of things to human eyes." . Tbe work will be published every Saturday, in numbers of sixteen large octavo super-royal pages, with double columns, and enclosed in a neat ornamental cover. It will form, at the end of the year, two snp-rb volumes, each of fonr hundred and sixteen nazes, filled with the cems of literatnte and the fine arts. The very low price at which it will be issued, render* it the cheepeit |>rriodical iu thia or anv other conntiry, considering the coat and beauty of iti Fifty-Two Engravings, and the Intrinsic value of its literary content i. Those desirous ef receivinK 'he pa|>er from the commencement, will hare it punctually sent to their address upon their forwarding to the undersigned, at No. 4 Ann-street, three dollars, free of expense. Letters, enclosing the amount of subscription, may be franked by all postmakt r*. Agents, carriers, and newsmen, will be supplied on the usual terms. O'The Cash System will be rigidly adhered to, without any deviatiou whatever.^U Such Editors as copy the above, will oblige me by forwardi ing a maiket paperand by resuming the exchange, which was interrupted, much 10 my regret, by over which I had no control. GEORGE P. MORK18, . Editor and Proprietor, ml Jwis^jr No. 4 A"n street, near Broadway. GRAND CONCERT. MR. E. R. HANSEN, will have the honor ofgiring a grand Concert, at the Apollo Rooms, on Wednesday evening, March 1st. In addition to his own isiformaiices on the violin and tlute, the following most eminent talent have volunteered in the kindest and most liberal manner;?Madame Otto, Messrs U. C.Hill, Ernst Lehmanu, Hegeland.Otto, Kossowski.Grooevelt, and Hosier. He will take the liberty of introducing (his daoghteTr and pupil in singing and on the piano forte,) Miss laidora *.. Hansen, IS years of age. Mr. Kossowski will preside at the pianoforte. Paar I. I.?Quintet to?2 violins, 2 tenors and violoncello. 2 ? (irand Aria.fiom the opera of Belmont and Constanza, ny Mozart?Ach ich liebte war so glucklich. Mad. Otto 3 ? Fantasy for the violin, with accompauiment of the piano?Mr. Hansen and daughter, (his own comiioairinu,) 4 ?Q-iartelto lor 4 llut???Messrs. Ernst, Lehmann, ' Groneveltand Hem-land?composed by Kuhlan 5.?My Ocean Home?Miss Hansen, violin obligato Mr. Hansen, his own Composition. ' 6.?Concertanle for 2 llntes, with accompaniments ?Messrs. Lehmano and Hansen, Berbignier 7.?Storui Rondo lor the piano forte?Miss Hansen Sleibelt Paht II. 1.?Brilliant Concertante for two Violins, with ac compamment' Meter*. Hi'l and Huisen Kalliwoda 2.?National 8wi*s Air?"My Father Land"?Ma1 dame Odo Blnm 3.?Introduction end Grand Variations for the Violin, on Home, sweet Hon. deseriptive of the various emotions connected with a separation from "Home"?Mr. Hansen and daughter, t (his own composition.) 4.?Cavatina from the opera of Tancredi.?"Come dolce all almamia" Madame Otto 5.?Grand Holo for the Piano Vorie Mr. Kossowski fi.?Farewell Snmr_Mi?. H?? ?n /her f.lh.r'. composition.) 7?Grind Aria Irom the "Exiled Mountain Maid" unit hy Mtdame Otto, anil eipressly compoard for her by Reiff ' 8.?An Old Tunr, with new variations for the Violin i." which are introduced Pii/.icato,FI*?eolet, Tremolo, and a rsnetv ol Bowing not in general use, composed and performed by* Mr. Hansen Tickets, Fifty crnli each. The concert will commence at 1 7>t o'clock. Mr. HANSEN takes this opportunity to offer himself as a Teacher of the Violin, Flute, Piano, Singing, kc. ml lt*m REPORT OK THK NEW YORK MEDICAL k 8UHOICAL INSTITUTE No. 75 Chambers street. ESTABLISHED to render s"uml and scientific medical and D surgical aid to the afflicted, lu order to Rive some little idea ol the succrss and nselulness of tint Institution since its commencement, we Rive publicity to the followinR cases that have been received an I treated?datitiR from the 3rd day of AnRust, 1813. CASES CURED. 34 Amenorrhea 9 Fever Scarlet. f> Apjpleiy. G Gastritis, acute. 9 Arachimtis. 13 Giastritis, chronic. 4 Asthma, 1 Goat. 19 Inflammation ol bladder. lu Disease of the Heart. 6 Bronchitis, acute. 31 Pries. 18 llnbo. 3 Hyateria. 5 Cholera. 6 Diaeaae of the liver 49 Oonorrtma. 3 Mcasrles. 7 Colic, bilioua. 7 Menorrhagia. 16 Constipation. 4 tjuiusy sore throat. 13 Croap. 5 Ketention of urine. 4 4'yetitis. 33 Rheumatism. 3 Delirinm Tremens. 3 Syphilitic Iritna. 5 Erysipelas. .',9 Syphilis. 14 Freer Intermitting. 13 Enlarged tonsils. 4 Freer Continued. lpfl Vaccination. 3 Small Png. SURGICAL. OPERATIONS SUCCESSFUL. 6 Operations ler Squinting. 13 Operations for hemorrhoial 3 Operations lor Cancer. minors 5 Tumors remored from the 4 Operations for Fistulas. e,e lids. 6 Operations for Hydrocele. 4 Large adifose tumors re- 39 Mty.rtnrea ofti.e Ursthra. moved. 43 Dislocations reduced. 3 Cases aneurism. 5 rases of Burns 7 Psoas Abscesses. 5 Cases ofOpthalrny. DR. HOMKR BOSTWICK, Attending Physician and Sunteon. . Apothecary and Recording Secretary, JAMES 4'OLLISSON. ml if r , Mlt. OU8TAV E MELTON, a consignee by shinUties, | from Hsrrr, in April last, is requested to call at the umre i of BOYD A HINCKEN, mI 9 Tontine Buriding Packet ship hottingukr? From liim?o?hW 4 kianees t>V tilts shin Will nleaaj. aen.l lh?i? i?imiU on hoard. at West aide Burlu* Slip, or to the office of thr aohscribera, 1 without deley. All irnods not permitted in IWe daya, will ho ?ent to the pub- J lie (tore. WOODHULL A MINTURN, | mlr (17 South street. ' rpi) WaT( HMAKKR8 AND JKWKLKHB?A food | I- stand lor bitsine??, with a irood run ofcuatomere. stock and fiiturea amount to about $600. The proa* in proprietor > i ire, and wiahes to ; o into the country. Addreaa a note to N. M. at thi? office ml Iw*r I.KAKV .V t (>., i WILL introduce tkr Sprinit k'aahion for (UenllemenH Mate. Kriday, March lu. Ufiattr NO. * k i A8TOR HOU8K AUCTION SAT.RS " THOMAR Bhl.l.. Auctioneer. BY BKLL ft HOWAHI). iMitrtt Nhm. M jfn* and US Fniton rlrra'..) tPKUNKBDAY, At 10K o'clock at the aalea room. Lar^e and aplemlid aalc of firet rat* furniture of all deaeripona. .rom funiliea removing, be.;aleo, firil rate city made r* do. <lo. Cotnpriaing rug*. carpet*, matting, oil clothe, herla, bedateda, adding, aofaa. cTuire, Ublee, bureau*, looking gl taaea, ward>hea, aidrhoarda, elegant aofaa, courliea, marble top dreaaing ureaua. ditto pier and centre Ublee, a auperb pianoforte, II kinda of bed room furniture, kitchen titenaila. be. Alao, a large additional lot of elegant eeeond hand furniture, amoved from Brooklyn for convent) nee of aale. mio, in.nwi im curled nair lor apnotitsri. Alto, utcrtl valuable counters, counting boute furniture, te. Alto, II mahogany boards, tuitable for piano forte or cabinet (taken. Alto, immediately after the tale in the auction room, the renaiuder of die splendid stuck of cabinet furniture at No. 113 |-n|ton at. neat door tu the inlet 100 nt, from Monday's tale. THURSDAY. At hall |iett '0 o'clock in tho talea room Sale of Valuitile Tainting!, superior Piano Fortes and nrit ate Cabinet Furniture. Consisting of 28 superb original pointings, variout mbjects, nrich gilt frames; g iplendi I rote wood and mahogany piano dries, by celebrate. inakert;a quantity of lieantifill city cakilet furniture, warranted woikinanthip. Alto, a tplemlid consignment of (lattware. FRIDAY. At 103^ o'clock in the tale roomt. Stock of Dry Goods, Ac.?An entire ttock of elegant seasouble and well assorted dry goods. compriting Knttia theetingi, rith lineiit calicos, mualini, ginghamt, de laiuet. cambrics, acet, ahawla, tatiua, collar!, capet, yeilt, hotirry, gloves military Alto, Loudon rlotht, cattimeret, vetting* and atinett; a vaiety of elegant clothing, fiucy and pledged article*, jewelry, kc , in lott toiuit purch'tert, without reserve. Alto, an attortment of fine clothing, compriting over, Irock ind drett, pauti, vetlt, Ac. HKSRY K. HIKLL.Aucti. BY RIELL k ARCULARIUB. Store 301 Broadway, corner of Duane street*. THIS DAY At 10X o'clock, at the auction room. Avtrietyof new and second hand furniture, from a family rreaking up houtekeepiug. Contitling of marble top dretsing and plain bureaut, toilet itandt, bedsteads, bcddii g, tablet, chairs, wardrobes, Boston ockcrs, looking glassee, clocks, kc R. k A. are now ready to made advances to any amount on tonsigninents, Returns prompt. Sales of real estate and out loor talet of household furniture attended to in person. Regular talet of Liquors. Segara. kc., every Tuesday; Furlitife. Pianos, kc., everv Wednesday and Hnrnrdav R. H TIMPSON, Auctioneer A UCTION NOT1CK?LARGE HARDWARE SALE tV ?JACOB 8. PLATT will tell this day, at 1(1 o'clock, at !l Piatt tt, 380 casks, cues and lott English, Oermsn and American hardware and cutlery, comprising all the scarce and Irs'rablc staple goods in ihe line, vie: IS catkt sad irons, 10 tasks hooks end liiuges, 10 casks trace chains, 300 dnx Carolina toes, 40 doz frying p?ns, smith's vices, log and halter civ ins, iho. thread, Spear, JacUsou St Co.'s saws, Hebettsou's filrs, 100 dor. American shovels and spades, aud au extensive assortnentof tlielf hardware, locks, butts, icrewa, curry combs, canllcsticks, kc , kc. Also, 8 esses brushes, assorted. N. B. The sale being peiemptorv and without reserve, the tountry, as well as the city trade, will liud it to their loterest to mend. ml Itin* A UCTION NOTlCE-^Ch)iee Flowering,T'arlor Piauts? " A. LKVV will sell this mo.mng. at 12 o'clock, in the large room , 141 Broadway, a beautiful assortment of choice parlor plault, in bloom, comprising the usual varieties of flue roses, eansrltas, kc. Also, several standard flowering almonds, six feet high, a aew and beautiful article. Ladies'Hat Boxes and Travelling Trunks?Alto, 13 ladies' hat boxes and gentlemen's travelling tiuuki, iron bound and brass rivelted?an excellent article. in I lt*m LOOK AT THIS.?Just from Auction, a lot of line Calicos at I ecu's tier yaid; lot fine Broad Cloths at 7s 6dt lot tine Satinets at 2? 8d; lot double milled I'aasimeres at 6h (id; lot fine Shirting at 4 cents per yard! lr t Moleskin at Is; lot best black and blue Silks at only 3s6d per yard) lot good Boots at lis (id; lot Geutlemen's silk Cravats at Is fid; lot good tewing Silk, at two cents. For ta'e at WILLET HAWKINS' Store, 401 Greenwich street, 3th store below Spring it- f2i 3t i?*r CITY CASH TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, 202 BROADWAY. AWING to facilities afforded ihe subscriber in purchasing " from first hands, and ths liberal encouragement bestowed |ion his Emporium of Fashion bv gentlemen of taste,he would inform his fiieuds and the public that he is enabled to sell the ost fashionable garments at mnch reduced rates from former rices, without any diminution in quality, style and finish, hich lias won the enconiums of the fashionable woild. C e wonld direct attention to his superior style of cutting, having employed one of the best cntters in the country, and will warrant to fit the most difficult form The subscriber wonld take this opportunity to correct the erroneous impression that "perchasers in Broadway are obliged to pay more for an article of dress than elsewhere;'' a call upon the subscriber and his statement of prices will convince the most sceptical that any article of clothing can be obtained at this establishment as cheap and as fashionable as any other house in this city. A splendid assortment of Ready Made Clothing, superbly made, for sale very cheap for cash. A full suit made up at a few hoars' notice. ISf lmis*m EDW'D. FOX. AMERICAN AND FOREIGN NEWSPAPER AND A PERIODICAL. AGENCY, No. 4 Ann street, N. Y. i, The subscriber having completed his arrangements,is enabled to furnish to order, to ace its or individuals, any paper printed in the Slates or England. Illustrated London News, Punch Bell's Li'e; Weekly Dispatch Sunday Times; Satirist WillmerSc Smith's European Times. Chas. Wilmer's American Nswa Letter And a variety of others are received by express on the arrival of each steamer. Any paper or woik desired may he had by the next return steamer. The Boston Notion, f3 per year, 6licents single Also, all the publications of the day. E. B. TUTTLE. N. B ?The subscribers will pick bundles and parcels fir newsmen of all the pnbh.'ationa an I newspapers of Philadelphia, Boston, and New Vork, at publishers' prices, for a small charge for services rendered. Any other Agency business will be attended to with the same promptness as if the pet son were here hiuiself REFERENCES. Messrs. Greeley lt McElrath, New York Tribune Messrs. Wilson K i;o.. Brother Jonathan Messrs. Burgess kZeiber, Philadelphia Ueorge Koberti, Esq., Boston Times Messrs. Bradlev It Co. Boston Mail Adams It Co. Bosioo Mr. George Jones, Albany Mr. Charles Wilmer, Liverpool. C. S. West, Ksq. Havana. J. A. TUTTLE, 28feodlm E. B. TUTTLE. COV PmMENTARY (INVITATION) BALL to Mr. A. P. Lafurge, on Thursday evening. March id, at the Tivoli Saloon. Dodworth's celebrated Band is engaged, and no pains will be spared to make as agreeable a Ball as has nren this season. Tickets to be had at Ji? Sslnon; at Collier's, Merchants' Exchange; Wm. Le'urge, 179 West Broadway; R. Bnnn, 189 Washington street; J Carr, Terapin Lunch; Chickeriug"s, 74 Chambers street; Propers, 17J Hudson street; and at A. P. LePurge's, 186 Canal street. Dancing to commence at 8 o'clock precisely. fj8 3t* ins r M TO LET?Or to Lease, for a term ol years, a large iTjB two story building. 34 by 34 leet, -nitable for a inanufaeJ^JU^tory, within two blocks of the Fulton Ferry, formerly occupied by Joseph Ives as a clock manufactory, and late by H. T. Franklin as an iron manufactory. Also, a convenient two ttorv dwelling house, adjoining the above. For information enquire of ANDREW DEMERK8T, JHflt'r No. 80 Poplar st. Brooklyn. GRAND ACTION Harp atop Piano Forte*, Grecian Scrolls extra race metalic plate?all the modern improvements, warranted to be of the beat materials and workmanship. Those wishing to purchase are inrited to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. Old Pianos taken in eichange, and repaired at the factory, 36 White Street. fin 3li?*r pHKONOMETEH FOR SALE?An eight day Liverpool v Chronometer for sale low Is in charge of Mr. Stewart, Merch mis' Exchange, who will show it to pnschasers. Ix7r DLEACHJNU POWDjlRS?180 casks, now laud ipk from I -? nip Hoiciufl, aud for sale by PEH88K & BROOKS, ?1 Liberty >t* W"A{CHX8, CLOCKS, AND JKWELftY, repaired in tne best manner And warranted, much lower than at any other place in the city, at O. C. ALLEN'S, Importer of Watehea aud Jewely, wholes* e and retail, 26flm*r 30 Wall street, up fairs. XJKf- HAVRE PACKET SHIP ONEIDA, of the 1st March, is provided with " Francis' Paten Life JaaafcBoat " ait toi Mr ShlP ATALANTA carries the "Frsncis'Patent IqEtkVW.Life Boat" that saved the officers and crew from the jaaSbwreck of tin) ste unship Clarion. 34f 6tr SS9- ALL THE KEUULAR PACKETS?Steam ahipa, hTfSV stram boats, nnd other itassenger vessels, carrying M* " Hrancia' Pateut Life Boats," have the word ' Patent" plainly stamped or painted on the aide. f 10-tfr HAVTTEFACkK.T SHIP IOWA, of the J4th, MHfV provided with " Francis* Patent Life Boats." JBIliC. f 19-atr idy- FOR LIVERPOOL?Regular Packet 16th Marcn. MKftjfWThe superior. New York omit, fast sailing packet JSGfiaSs'hip HOTTINOUEK, Ira Bursley, master, I0J0 tuns bu'then, will tail as above,her legular day. For freight or passage, having elegant and commodious accommodations, spply to WOODHULL k MINTURN, 87 9nath strict. The fine packet ship Liverpool, Jno Kldndge, master, 1U0 tons, will succeed the Hottinguer. and sail on her regnlar day, 16th of Arril. IT r NKW LINE L1VEKPOOL PACKETS? racket WHteWl'iih Marrh?The splendid, well known, fast sailing JlMMlfwpackrt ship HOTTTNOl/ER.CaptBoraley. will sail positively as regular day. The slii|>s of this line are all 1000 tons bnrthen and nnwards and it is well known that iheir accommodations lor canin, second cabin anil steerage passengers, are superior to sny other line ol packets. kor passage, early application should be made on hoard foot Barling Slip, or to W. It J. T. TAPSCOTT, 43 Peck Slip cor South it. The Hottinguer will sail from Liverpool on 3th May, affording to persons wishing to send lor their friends a lavorable oppormmfy ofharing them hronsht ant in her, or aay of the regal rr line on favorable terms; and those denroa* of remitting monrv can have drafts for any amount, iwtyable on demand without discount, in nil the principal towns of Grant Brit no and !rrl?ud. Apply as above. The Itoscins wifl succeed the Hottinguer, and sail on the 23lli March. mlr XAf- PASSAGE rOH LIVERPOOL?Packet of 1st mrlHfW M arch?The splendid last tailing |>aeket ship OAMKV'OHD, Capt Kathbone, will sail positivaiy as above, her tegular day, and can yet accommodate a few more cabin, second cabin, and steerage passengers, i! early appliestion is made on, or to ^ ^ y TApjM;OTTi fff r S3 Peck slip, corner Smith street. . j-p. PAI KKTS KOlt HA VKE?Second Line?t'h J4fV shi,iONE DIAJamrsVunk, master, will sail on the MLMLI?? Man*. Boyp fc hINCKEN, Agents j7t,r No t Tontine Buildings. . ^ L(i|< .NKVV () KLEANS?LOl) 191 ANA AND JfMfc II II VOKK LINE?Positively First Regular ^SKsi'ickrt?To receive freight till I P. M. and sail at 3 , P The"fa*t tailing packet ship OCONEE, Captain Jackson, will positively sail as above. Iter tegular day. For freight or wssage. having handsome turnishvd accommodations, apply j >u board, at Orleans wharf, foot of Wall it. or to K. K COl.LINS It CO. M Sooth sC Shippers will please send in their bills of latum this day. Passengers will pleaHi bo on board, at Oileans wharf, foot of iVall street, this afternoon, the 1st March, at 3 o'clock, at ehich lime the ship will sail. Shippers msyre'y upon having their goods correctly maaserid.and that the ships of this hue will sail punctnally as adveriaad. Any guaiausee to that effect will be given and fulfilled hat may be reunited. Agents in N. Orleans, Hulhn h Woodruff, who will prompt y Inrwartl all gr.nd* to th-ir address The packet ship Onsl<>n, Captain O k.ldrtdge, will sacceed he Oeonee. ?ml i?il the 10th March, her reirnfar dav 231 KRKIUHT KOK1 PKNoACOLA. b'A.?The ll](^ hnlk of About 500 bhla will bo ahiprrd on or about iHr MHKmIVIi 'Ii't, to I" ?\rtl \t ib?- Br?n?a l\n N??v YardauTt.Miveretl at 0 * Navv Yard. fVmacola. Apply to. $ KOBT. C. WKTMORK. Navy A*tnt. m| r 57 Water atreoU ^ AMUSEMENTS. waoSy = OLTHP tc circci. at tm PARK THEATRE. t BENEFIT fc I.AKT APPEARANCE OF THE VIRGINIA MINSTEI.8. By k> ne.?l draire thr ii.loniM ?nii f ipet??l?e COMIC PANTOMIME. will ho re?i?ed Tor A few eTeninci. IT^Verv Particular Notice? Place* anl be aeearad in (he the'pan^omimc*'prr"uC ' ' ippoint"?"*' '*nDl the mo o I ^W10" Mawr, H ft CndwalUder CTown. 10 the Circle Oomin ft WVlU PrrforrnanMyoeomnwnee^et 7 o'clock. The performance will commence with the Grand National C. Mead* of CHILDKJCN OF THfc BURNING OLIMK. La Rmolrtitaa by m,u Well* Maatar GJf ttroy m M? Act of The Perfection of HorteMoahip. Le Monatre will exhibit fe-ti ofpertonal ?treu*th with Real Cannon B ills. 0,VTWCKDBl{,u7AbrfD'S D'EPftr Br Mr Roirrra. ARer which, DAN TUCKKR ON HORSEBACK. Dan Tncker, B Carrol flraarm Swiralwhip, R Pelliam Merry man, F Brower Mnuyo, W Whitloeli Canadian Honter, on hu war ateed, by O K Btooe. Negro Lectara on Locomotives, by W Whillock. K Brower will (in a delinitir n or tha Binkr pt Law.. A Brief Battering at the B'nra, by H Pelham. Conundrum, by D Emmit Alter which, by particular desire, THE SPRITE OF THE MORNING, PLEA8INO,^rEA3fNO CUPIDS!' By Mr Cadwallader and the throe Mieee. Wells. O" At this period of the Ermine an intermiaaion|of 11 minute, will enane. THE SECOND PART will commence with A Norrl and Original CONCERT, By the raoit celebrated Black Voeali.u of the present day,who will introduce several of the most pleasing SOUTHERN NEGRO MELODIES. The Performers are of the lushest grad- in their art, being. W Whillock, in the firit rank of banjo players and comic vocalists. W Pelham, the great original dancer. D Ewmit, a superior characteristic singer and musician. Frank Brower, of Bone Celebrity, rieing even with Ellsle herself in castagnrt imitations The whole to conclude with A Grand Romantic Legend and Fierie Folic, appointed wim New Sccues, Dresses, Decorations, Mechanical Effects, and Oniric Circnm.tanres and Situation., entitled the DEVOURING OGRE; THE TERROR OF THE FROZEN REGIONS! HARLEQUIN AND TliE THUMB FAMILT. The New Bcenery by-Messrs Smith, J Wiser, B Grain, Wheatley and numerous Assistants. The Machinery by Mr Spears and his Various Machinists TheDretses of all Nationa by Mr Lewis and Assistants. Thn Superb Female Costumes, by Mrs Hemminga The Accessories and Decorations, by Messrs Henry Palmer and George Hilaey. The Kolie invented, writteu and produced nnder the direction o( Mr J H Amherst Boats, 50; Pit, IS; Gallery 12X cents.-Oi ITT* Beats can be secured at the Box Office, from 10 till 3 o'cIocW. ii tHAfllAin THKATRft. IVbUUly 1 IUtN or I'KltED. Drew Circle, 85 cents; Pit 6? cents; Upper Tier UK cests THIS ItV*.NINO. JOAN OF ARC. After which. LOST k WON. To conclude with THK UEV1L TO PAY. , Doors open at 6M o'clock and the psrlermanco will com mence at 7 precise!* HUTVIIMLIi'll OLYMPIC THBAXtUb. 444 Broadway, New York. THIS KVBNINO. will he performed GRANDFATHER WHITEHEAD. To he lol lowed bv the ANTHONY AND CLEOPATRA. After which, BOOTS AT THE SWAN. To conclnde with BATHING. O" The TJoort will he opened at half-past I, and the nr tormcnccs commence at 7. ever* evening BOWERY AMPH1THKATRB, OPEN FOR A SHORT SEASON, Under the Diiection of MESSRS. N. B. fc T. V. TURNER. The public is resprctfnily informed that this favorite esta bliihrrcnt is oowoiicn, with an Eqneitriao Compeuy unsurpassed in this country. The performance each evening will be of a varied and talented description. MONDAY EVENING. Feb. *7th, GRAND ENTREE. Unequalled Equestrianism hy Mr. T. V. Turner, who will uirow two somersets while hi* horae i* ill fall speed, ( feat never performed by aov other man. Messrs. N. B. Turner, Whitiaker, kr. fcc. Great Banjo Mclodists.Meaar* Carter,fce. ?tf lWr Boxes ttcta.?Pit ii)j. AfflKltlCAN I'llKATHK?WALA (IMT. PHILADELPHIA, UNDER THE DIRECTION OP MISS C. CUSHMAN THIS EVENING. March I, will ba performed M MARRIED LIFE. Mn. Coddle, Min Cushman. To be followed by BLACK RAVEN OF THE TOMBI. K. A. MARSHALL. Lee?? a AJtlKHICAN JHBBECn, Marble Building, Broadway, oppos'te St. Paul's Church T BAHNUM, Manager. COMBINATION* OF UNEQUALLED AND UNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTIONS. Day Performance at i o'clock?Erenintt Performance at hall.. put 7 o'clock. Mail Frank Diamond, Mr H Mestayar. T GBoath, and Richarpaon, in an Ethiopcau Eitravapaasa. The Manager hna, with great eipenae nod d.Aculty, procnr ed ihe stay for one week longer, THE INDIAN CHIEFS, WARRIORS APJD SQUAWS. Never have we been viaiteri by an large and distinguished a party, and however high carioaity may De raiaad, the anticipa tion cannot come up to the reality. Theae are no miserable, degraded half breeds, bat the Wild Warr ora of the Far Weat, "tj/ble in war, in peace fall of kindnei* and hoapirality. The company eonaiata of IS Indiana and Sqnawa; Mac*. Foi ea and Iowu. They will appear in their WHITE BEAR DANCE. Showing iheir mode of setting ont on Hunting Expeditious panning the While Grialy Bear of the Rocky Moaataina. OSAGE WAR DANCE. Aa danced bv the Ouge* on their reiarn from Battle. To be accompanied by their own Mnaic. The dance* will be changed nightly. They will appear dreaaed in their pecaliar and aaiqae Native Coitnme! A variety of Songs by Me*an.8HERMANand BOOTH .and dancing by LA PETITE CELESTE. ANIMATED TABLEAUX. The murnificeit Dioramie Scene of the DEPARTURE OE THH ISRAELITES To cenrlade with the CONFLAGRATION OF MOSCOW Signor Vivaldi's decwhrdlj ^imraMed Mechanical Figarea An Eminent Professor will make Practical Examination* of visitor*. n~J~ No Free List daring the engagement of the Indiana. Dav Performance* on Wednesday and Saturday afternoon, at 1)4 o'clock. Evening performances at 7. Admission to all ?S cent*?Children half priee. ee PBAJLK'8 NEW YORK RBIEBR NATIONAL PORTRAIT AND PICTURE GALLERY. IS NOW RE-OPENED ! C. H. DEVOE, Manager. Thn establishment contains an almost endless number of RAKE AND CURIOUS WORKS OF NATURE AND ART! Neatly and tastefully displayed in three spacious halls, and w<> v a. v. ?n, VVOAU ?% &14AUA11 1 UAJUlibR I UF run t AAI 1 i Exceeding in extent and raJue any other in America. The manager has engaged, for a ahort time only, the eaMime and beautiful exhibition of THE TRIAL Of CHRIST! Thia imposing arene is not repiescnted by a painting but by a OROUF OK TWENTY-THREE FIGURES, _ IN STATUARY, THE SIZE OK LIKE. This solemn and inapreaaisa scene represents Our Saviour arraigned as a Prisoner, with a Crowa of Thorns upon HiaHead. before Calphas, the High Priest, and dm Court ofFootiu Pilate. In addition to the above, the Manager haa engaged the MYSTERIOUS AND ASTONISHING GIPSY WOMAN. Krom England. She wishes not to impose npon the pubEm by making them believe her g Witch. < r FORTUNE TELLER! Poaaeaeed with supernatural power?bat on the contrary. claims publicly to be able to instruct others el) Stood intellect and mention their leading tra' sections o( PAST TIMES. AlffWfWlfkS. She will tell persons whether they are married or net, and what kind of hsubar.d or wife they will get,describe their og a characters and give a hoat of farts and correct conclusions founded on her knowledge of the immutable aciencau of phrenology, phyaiognomy.neurology. philosophy, he. As proof of the eorrectneaa of her aseertions. she is at liberty to refer to hundred# of our drat eitixena, including clergymen, jndgm, attorneys^ phyuieiaas, and many of the moat enlightened ladies in the city. UT* Admission to the Museum, 13cents; Children hall price An extra charge of ItH cents to those who consult the Oinsy Woman. * ' SCOTTISH MUSICAL" SofTERTAJNM ENT. APOLLo'cONCERT ROOMS, On Tuesday Ereniug, 7th March., Concert to commence at I o cilock, nreeisoly. TicketsMcento eseh, to be had at ail the Music Stoics, and of Mr. C. ?5 Broadway. * lw*r J\/f UblCAL INSTRUCTION .?Mrs. MeDOUALL begs lVl ,0 inform her friends and the nublie, that the continues to girc instruction* on the Pianoforte at her own residence or that of her iwiiils. Terms moderate. 31 West Broadway. fit 1st GKAND CON.CKRT.-Mr. E. K HANSEN will hsre the honor of firm* n Orana Concert at the APOlLO ItOOMS, on Wednesday evening, the let of March. In addition to hi* own performance on the Violin <uid Flute, the foh lowing mo?t eminent talent hare rolunteered in the kindest P?"?"- Madame Otto, Mr. Otto, Messrs. lT. Hill, Knxowaki, Ernst, Lehman, Orenevelt, Hegelund and Rosier. He will take the liberty of introducing his daughter and pupil in aiuging and on the piano forts. Miss Isidore K. Hsnsrn, 12 year* of age. Tickets 39 cents each. Concert to commence at 1% o'clock. JJ.Z" Particulars in ?mall bills. (T1 It*ne QINOINO AT SIGHT?HULL AH'!1 method.?A new ^ class will be formed by Mr. LEACH, at his rooms. No. Mi Broadway, on Thnraday evening at 7 o'olock. Terms in advance. II per quarter. Mr. Lcsch gives private lessons and instruction^ to schools. Perms liberal. An afternoon class for children 7 years of Ms indupwards. <fT St*re TU ti.U II.sih e- .j. nf f, r this should meet his eye orfthat of any person who can gtso informaticnof his residence, they will confer a great favor oa a is brother, by addressing PKH8BK k BROOKS, ft Imia ec No. ?1 Liberty street f~f NUORRk.ftT' Monk* ol all kinde purchass j st tbe vs" y v' beat teims. Nsw bury port sad Lambersatn's Bank Notes bought tnd sold at J. O. SYLVESTER'S, I I lee w Wall at and lit Brnadwav. ?JHOK TifitKAl>?20 bales patent Shoe Thread, while sad O green, in 1 and 2 ox balls, tor sals by E? K. COLLINS It CO.. TflfV Vt Snulb atreet PVrall. trom ii. to ?ny amount, i?,\y <bir ou tit-mum. without ?Y<ti.c iunt, on *11 part* of Kn?(au<l. Ireland. Scotland, and tV*U?. for .ale by W V J. T. 'rAPSCOTT, <T! r 41 Peoh *lip. corner Sonth ? POKTUOU K?K PEMALK PiLLfi. T?HK8K faHamed and celebrated Pill., from Por?n?ml. . * * perceive, to be obuined in thi. conatrr. ? ? idT.rnee Ht ?> the laat wIim. foerth pace.