Newspaper Page Text
TII Vol. I*.?No. 70.?Whole Mo. 3X01. To tlie Public. THE NEW YORK HERALD?daily newspaper?pubIWhed every day of the y ear eirttepi New Year's day and Fourth of July. Price 'J cent* per copy?or 07 90 per annum?postage* paid?rub in advanoe. THE WEEKLY HERALD?publishedevery Saturday morning?price 0| oents per copy, or 03 1U per annum? posts gee paid?cash in advance. ADVERTISERS are informed that the circulation mt the Herald is over THIRTY THOUSAND, and increasing act Ti k... ii< Inrrnt circulation of anv paver in tfkii city, or the world, and ie therefore, the beet channel for bueinen men in the city or country. Price* moderate?eaab in adran oe. PRINTING of all kind*, executed at tka moat moderate price*, and in the moat elegant ntyle. JAMES GORDON BENNETT, PaopaicTna ?p thk lira alp EiTAauiMMKrrT, Northwest rnm? of Fulton and Nassau streets TO LET?The store No. 97W Nassau arret. iu the Hrrald Building. Apply at the Herald older, eor Natl"f ,? and FulC>n streets, tellr Ami HOUS-8 To LET AT VOKKVILLE.?2 lsr*e houses on the eoruer of Slth atrret and 2d .venue; either I"Im them it calculated for n public house, (roeery or priTate residence. On the prrmisi-s la a line ttahln,' owliag al'ey, and a fine garden e insisting of II <>t?, with (rape riueaand fiuit treea thereon For terms, iikiuire nf JOHN A. MORRILL. Esq.. mt ?wr No. II Chambers at. TO LET?The upper part ol the aiore No. 7 New afreet, a f-w doora from Wall atreet; the aecond atory JlulflLhaa two oAcea, and it ia adapted for a merchant or lawyer. A lao, the three atory honae SI Walker at between Broadway and Church at, an eieellent aituation for a genteel family, occupied by Mr. Verphnck The brjclt atoie corner of Pike and Cve?ry itreeta, occupied by Meaara. Valentine It Co., aa a teed ator*, a desirable aituation. Tne convenient two atory hoas* with attic rooms, basement and counter cellar, No. 229 Nineteenth street, occupied by Mr. Weeks The two atory brick honae. No. 7S Gold atreet, one door from Bpmce at, formerly owned by Mr. Miles Hitchcock. The rents will be moderate. Appiy to MR. DELAPLAINE, M Wall street, m6 lm*r in office No. 9, cor, ef Water st. kA TO LET.?In Dean street, uear Smith stree-, ttrnokfflm lyo, the splendid three story home, finished in the best VH with two lots of xrnnnd attached. Also, coach house, stables, Ac. A variety of the most choice a rape rinrs. Also, scyeral trait treats, with a well and pump of eicel'ent priuk water on the premises This property is well calculated f or the accommodation of a respectable family, la whom it will be let for one year or more on aecommodaticg terms, bv apply' B*,? JOSEPH McMURRAT, mS r 100 Pme street. m T?)~CEr?From 1st Mayneii, two modern two story Houses, in Grand street, near Wooater. Also, the Store No. 89 Canal at., now occupied as a chair atora. H Km rnada into two tart convenient stives Apply to ? JOHN THOMPSON f l?*lmrt 60 Omnd or 37 Wooster sts. TO LET?The (?n three store brick Dwelling Houses, Noi. 33 and 31 Front street Brooklyn, not three minn'ea walk from the ferry, weM ftui.h?d in every parl icuiar. Inquire of .IOHn BRNHON, 37 Fror-tst. Biookltn, or m!7 3t*r ?"> Water ?rreet, N Y. TO LIST?From let of Mav next, the modern built ffjW two story brie* home, No. U Third at, with atlic, baseJJlLmrnt and cellar, ami marble mauilea throaxhout. For farther |tarticnlar? ingnire at 479k< Pearl at I3f I in* fed OFFICES TO LET?In a to re No. 63 Month atreet. Apply to JOSEPH McMURRAY, XJlL 140 Pine atreet. f llcc l O LET OR LEASE?Th? 3 atory brick dwelling, f!!R with store ailached, corner oi Broome and Wooater ?la ; I "-tit the above iaa gp'.d situation or a grocer, and '.7ouM be let or leaaed, at a low lent. Iuqnire of J. J. AUS1 IV 16 Srn'h at., no ataira, or mlttt*r J 8HRADY, 157 Eldr dgr at iO MANUFACTURER* ANO '?'IHEKS ?To leaae or foraale on favorable terms,or for exchange for alarm near thia city, the two five atorv buildings, 201 and at)i Chrrry atreet, near Pike. The buildings are very strong, and have deep dry cellars. Apply ai 140 Nassau, 2d story. m'i >t*r kR THE UNDERSIGNED rgvn offer for sa'e a large ttHw port', u of their Heal Estai- in the city of Brooklyn. Circumstances over which tliey coulJ exercise no com trol, pievented the sale advertised to Oe had on the iSth December last. The Estate hat been finally divided and each'party ia interest will sell separately. The nndersigned intend to build a number of buildings on the remaining part of their pm peaty ucring the enaniug anmmer and will engage with purchasers for unifoimily, against noisiness, lie. All the Lota in the vicinity ef tie East river, and on the Heights, are of great value. The Homestead' comprises u-wirds of 800 lota in the Seventh Ware, in the centre of and now becoming trie m ist important tu the city. This sale will be positive, on the days to he advertised shortly, a d w 11 commence on or about the 23th day oi April nest. htll abstracts of the Titles, with access tonrig-na! searches. w<ll be furnished 10 e;rh t-nrehasar fo- > ? -ellam ,uut. Mi, - * ? es'iobited at (be Merchant's Exchange anil at the office of t ie auctioneer*, Wilkiu* fit Koliins, auu William Dnmaut. F rtics wishing to purchase, are invited to vi?il the prrmisei; and for fnrther information are refeired to the tabecr beraat their residence. It* Columbia at, Brook ya, r.r to Maxwell fit ,Ylagh?r, Eaq-s., No. 3 Nassau sr; Clur e? A Griffin, , F? Merchants' Exchange, or to Clarence U. Sackett, Esq., No. 13 Pine street. Bbooklth, March 13th, 1843. MARIA JACKSON f ORN K.LI A A JACKSON; HAMILTON H. J ACKsO.V, WILL'A" PETEK8, m'SIteod'ec CHRISTIANA A PETERS. MFUti ?ALE?One ol nv Esiablivhmtn a, with futures complete, No. 3 Broad street or 243 Broad?ir. Ki'her of triear Inratinnt are as goad as the ritr ca p odnee. Auy perton wishing to commence bus-o-s* may avai' themselrea of dfi opportunity that aclJona preaaula I here kept the eoe in Broad a-re-1 for twenty years and the one in Broa lwa- since May la<t, whicti is new, and it fitted np in a rtyl* notto b? surpassed for m atn-ss end comfort by any in thi< city. Toe depth is Iff feet, and ia divided into three apartments? m. the bar and Oyster a'and room 3d, room b -yea carpeted and lumiahed with tables and chairs which makea it morn eomf rtable, and art more pre riable than the brack aeera * hich are rominnnlv i i me. These box rooms are on each aid' with a ha'l through the centre (hat looks into ? large aittn g ssl.K.n ba k, which is hoth ?irv and light, carrated, with ami chain and ther fn-nitn e. Afro a large and c kitcnen. with good light and olhe' advantages, a. d has large, advantageous ao tenure, imt vaults. My Broad street rsta'diaitmeni la to well known, a deaeriptio of it wonld be needless mil twre THOMAS DOWNING. a FOR SALE?A dean-able country residence at Hempstead Village. Long Island; a large well built House, ine ttaee style, with darns, Sheds, tic..and tea acres of first rate land, in luding a Oarden well stocked with shrubbery, fruit trees, Itc.. in a high state of cnltisratioo; It is locat-d on Fulton street, lets ihan a hall's mile of the New York atid Long 'aland Railroad, whi h hat a eommunie tion wilhlhi city several timet a day, and at a rate of late v ry much reduc-d from former prices, making it a most dest-aMe reai, ence for a , erson retiring from the city, or one who may wish to do business iu the city. A portnn of the m nay can remain on mortgage, >nd the balance can te paid in dry goo-a or groceries at maxket prices. For lorihe' pa-ticulars, apply to JOHN B.V00HHIE8, Book Store, No 34 Na can ?t. N. V , or JOHN J .MARSHALL. P.rstmas er. mS Jw Mamaroneck, West, hsstar o , N. Y. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR PROPERTY XC&lN THE CITY OF NEW YORK-A va uable Farm arf^af abont to anrea in Searsdale, Weat Cheater County, two mi lea belnwWhite Plains and twenty-five rom New York on the mam road leading to and from said places. On the premises is a ipaeioaa double two stery dwelling home, with a kitchen attacned; a bam, carriage and out houses, all in fine order; 2 beariug apple orchards, moatly gr-fted fruit, peach, cherry and pear treea, a good well of water and cistern holding 40 hogsheads of water; about twelve acres of wood land Tha whole farm well fenced and mostly with atone wall and in h gooa repair. X he urou nmi ?nw? un jroi, Hi wbihi the railro id runs, now nearly completed, to White Plaint. H fenoni ileairout ol irrinil the pre isea 'rill nnu it one of I the moot des.inble placra in Weal l-liralrr County, fc.nguire of J. J. TxLAVIH, on the prcmiura, ot p. BRUSH, ESQ. mlr No 98 Knlton at. tetub FOR tfALh OH EXCHANGE. lor pr- Out lite real jKTwIpr- peity in Mew lfors or ttnvoklvn, a vj'mb'e of H MJma. HI acre*, omhe h?.id of Little Ntck Mav, Town of H Fiu?nina, Long lahnd, II nnlta M New YorU. On and H farm a neat two story hoot; with fouling d 'Ort. Iti clieu, uud H wail room aitacheo, coa> h, milk, tin kehnuse, kc.; alto, a H large doable f rmhouse, birn, theda. criba. kc., in good order, H ahaudance ef fi n, wild fowl, aud oilier game; aaia ferw la iu good heart, well fenced, eaay to work, and near a I ?nd ng; eta gea |>aaa daily to and fiom itrw Turk; law far mi offer ao many H inducemeuia to geinIv men ?f leiaure. H Arnly to Jamet T. T <n Ztudt, ornerof Myrtle avenue and H Goia atraet, Brooklyn, or to It. K. Van Benrcn, on the premtH are. m!6 Iw'rc KAtt.VI AT AUCTION?Will be offered at public H (f^Bveudae, the lerm late of William Cook, iUc> aied, in tie llanorer, Morns County, N.J. root lining 129 arret touably divided in meadow, paalure and plongii land, with a H large aupply of wood and timber, a c'uvenient dwel.iug house, two barua, and other out houses. Will be offerau together or H in parta, at the hoeae of vam. McFarlan in Whiopany, on Fri day. the 24th of March, lustiul, nttocloek. P. M. Condltiona will be liberal, and attendance at the time of aale by the aub acrtbera. SILAS TUTTLK. CALVIN HOWkLL. H mlfttlt *r Eaeiulora of aaid Decerned. H "UNITED STATES HOTEL OF PHILADEL I'HI A. A l*L trarellera who hare p.taaed the lUya and mghta of their ^B x\ sojourn in Philadelphia at thia finr establishment, a|>eak iu ^B terms of unqualified praise of its accommodation*, its labia H ami management. The arrangement ot the houte are admira^B bly ayatamatie, and there ate anbatautial c mloru to be f-nnd ^B in tin* Hurl mat will be appreciated by tn iat nr r;.>n?. inch a* H a clean, quiet, and wall-lnruuheil houar, a well-aupplied read ^B ing room, and a host whoaa constant efforts are di-ecte I to renH drr this uau>ion ? highly ag'eeablr. resort lor reapeclabla iraH Teller i. Mr. Res, by hia iKilitaand affable deportment, and hie ^B non milted perso, al attention to the tables, and tha general ^B comlort ot hi* gaaala, wins fayor Irom all who frequent bia ^B honae, H Those who in the mtreinz prefer to indulge in the "sweet ^B restorer balmy sleep," Instead of attending to ihebiaakfast ^B summon*, find at to* hour wiich >mta their own convenience, ^B a table seller their rapecuj use, wnh aereial se-Vault in ai^B tcudaiice to couanlt Ihtir wiahei, and have auy drlicacv winch ^B the bou?r affords, iirrpanl wiui celenty for 'heir gratification. ^B The dnint r iaariveu iu n light, airy, and apacioua d niiig r on ^B OTvrieohing a isrdeu.and is a lepaal lhat woiald do cicdu to any li ikel lg th? < ouu i >. ^B The siinaiionul thi> house it dvaidedly the brat in I h ladcl ^B phiv b iug ou Ck"sunt at, op okile the BinLol CuileJ rtalea? ^B the very centre tl f#?hiou aud bu.iueaa ol the city. ^B mil Iw'i I \M?8 (i. MOhKEr, III friuce si,, New Vork, has ei* ^B *' way, on hand at d off*ra lor *? e by wholoaala end retail. at ^B the loweat ina>aet pric a, via ^B O'rinan Silver ofdifferrut thickmates, a very supeno. at^B ^B Sheet bras* , Plate's do; H Cooper*' Bra>a ; Pail Lira aud Rivets ; ^B Umbrella, Paiaaol ami 8ne<ie Fu-nnar*.' ^B Which he warrant! in quality egual ? any ia tb* Unlted H IlLiea, and ofku own manufacture. H ICT Gold, Mid, and all km ? of matal, ml led at ihe.ahoa*. ^B *(' notice. mil la'r E NE' N] SOU N U i'lLOT. f)WEN PRB9COTT, r.lor lor Nr? Brdlnrd, Nanlacket " tJhnals, B n'ou, P'-rtnmoaili, Portland. Keuurhcck, and o'her |n>ru. Oilier at Krye V tibaw'" Nnur c?l Siore I I Watrr,r.iruer Irak man (treat, N V ? Vicr versa Adams' Ki rr B sli>a, three days before wautej. Charge the s-me as frnru Day He<d. Qi4 'i?r NEW LINK Of LIVKKPOOL PACKt-Ts r? a'lfrom New York on the 24th and Liverpool on the ttth if *ach month. tit m & Ok From New Yore. _ , 8hif GARR1CK, Captain Wm. Skiddy, 25th Febniaiy. rifkU/IITU I sals as fVUI.r,. ?Vh March 8Kip 8lt)DON8. Captain E. B. Cobb, 26lh April. Ship SHERIDAN, Captain F. A. Dopeyster. *6th May. Fkom Livcaroet.. Ship 8IDDON8, Captain E. B. Cobb, 13th Februarv. Bbip 8HEHIDAN.Capt.aiu F. A. Brneyater, 13th March. Ship UAKItlCK, Captain Wm. okiddy, 13th April. Ship ROSClUB. Captain John Collina, 13th May. Their > hips are all ol the lint clasi, upwards ot 1M0 tow, DUilt Dlhe city ot New York, with sach improvements a seombinr treat ipeed witli uuuiual comfort for jMsieugera. Every care aai hern lakes iu the arrarutemrnl of their accommodatioiu The price of |tassage WfM Is tlttfl, for which ani|ile store* w ill tie provided. Theie ihips are commanded by eaiierienced nnslers, whe will make every eserrion to give general attsfarion Neither the captain* or ownara of tv i?L uwill be respondole for ai y letters, parcels or packaa ? i*eu I by them, nnleai re tular b' 'la of lading are sigued therefor. For freight or iioai.?gfc, apply to E. K. COLLINS Ik CO., 50 South si., New York,otto WM. k JAS. <lROWN It CO.. Liverpool. Letters by the packets will he charged I3H eeiiis per single shoe'.; 60 cents per ounce, and newspapers I cent each. ft r OLD LINE LIVERPOOL JACKETS-. of Fd^^^^Liverpo^^^^^reaRer be I- despatched in the following order, etcepting that when the lay of sailing falls on Sunday, the ships will sail on the succeedng day. For New York. For Liverpool. The SOUTH AMERICA, t June 1 July 19 616 tons. < Oct 1 Nov 19 D. U. Bailey, f Feb 1 Mar 19 The ENGLAND, (Jane It Aug 7 734 tans, < Oct U Dec 7 B. L. WaltO- f Feb It April 7 The OXFORD, (July 1 Aug It M? tons. < Nev 1 Dec 19 J. Rath bona, r March 1 April 19 The EUROPE, l July 19 Sept 7 CIO tous, tNov 19 Jen 7 E. G. Marshallf Mar It May 7 The NORTH AMERICA, I Aug 1 Sept It (II tons. < Dec 1 Jan It A. B. Lowber. r April 1 May It The NEW YORK, (Aug 19 Get 7 900 tons, < Dec 19 Feb 7 T. B. Cropper, r April 19 June 7 The CAMBRIDGE, (Sep. 1 Oct 17 060 tons, <Jau 1 Feb 17 W. C Barstowf May 1 Jnue It The COLUMBUS, (Sept lb Nov 9 700 tons, < Jan 19 Mat 9 O. A. Cole. (May 19 July 1 Punctuality, as regards the day of sailing, will be observed as heretofore. The price of passage outward is new died at One Hundred Dollars, for which ample stores of ever* description will be provided, with the exception of wines and liquors, which will be famished by the stewards. GOODHUE k CO., 64 Sooth St., C. H. MARSHALL, J8 tfurlins-slip, N. Y. ieli lvh BARING "ROTHFRS ft CO.. LSpool.'HE NEW LIN 9, OK LIVERPOOL PACKET* m. m, m. To sail trom New York J6ih, and from Liverpool ith ot each month. Ship ROCHESTER. 800 ton., |8.h F(lh^_ Philip Wood home, lBthbebTy. Ship HOTTINGUER, 1050 tens, ,6U| Muoh lra ourseir, i, New ship LIVERPOOL, 1150 tons, ' ,..l anrji John Kldrisge, 19th April. New ship , 1200 tons, ,6tij May These substantial, fast sailing, first class shins,all built in the citv of New Turk, are c mmanded by men of experience and ability, ana will be despatched punctually on the IStn of each m"nin. Their cabins are elg.iut and cominodions, anJ are furnished with whatever can couduce to the ease and comfeitof passengers. Neither t e captaius or owners of these ships will be responsib'e for any parcels or packages sent by them, unleaa bills lading are signed therefore. For freight or passage apply to WOODHULL k MINTURNS, 87 South street. New York, or*to FIELDEN, BROTHERS fc CO., f 7 y r Liverpool. FOKTUliUESE FEMALE FILLS. '"PHESE far-lamed and celebrated Pills, from Portugal, tie, 1 we perceive, to be obtained this country. See adver(i?v U'eut on.tne !? 'e"'*,**,r- lieek at WINTER ARRANGEMENT. ..mzMMA,,. DIRECT. V?a Newark, New Brunswick, Princeton, Trenton, Borden town and Burlington. THROUGH IN SIX HOURS. Leave New York,from the foot of Conrtlandt street,daily, at 9 A M and i\ P M. i ne morning Lane proceeds to tfenleutown, tram thence by steamboat to Philaileiplna. The Evening Line proceeds direct la Camden, (opposite Philadelphia) without change of cars Passengers will procure their tickets at the office foot of Conrtlandt street, where a commodious steamboat will be in read nesss, with baggage crates onboard. Pt,il..lelnkia ha.a... ...... ... .........a ..n, I. .,n without beiug opened by the way. CmcIi train 11 provided with a Ladies Lor, in which are a partmenu end dressing rooms eipressly Tor thy Ladies use. Reluming, the lines leave Philadelphia, from the foot el Chestnut street by railroad from Camden, est o'clock A M.and i o'clock, P M. The Lines for Baltimore, leave Philadelphia at I A M, being a continuation of the lines from New York. d28 tm*r MORRIS AND ESSEX KAIL KOAD, " Tjljffl fcffl New Arrangement?ThisKoad having beeu re-laid at great eipense with the most approved and heaviest II rail, to secure a sole and expeditious conveyance between New York aud Morristowa, will commeuce running two trips daily, Sundays excepted, on and after M >uday, Jon, vg. First Train from Moiristown w>ll leave at TV A M. Second Train from Morristowu will leave at IV P M. First Train from New York will leave at 9 A M?Newark at IK AM. second Train Irom New York will leave at 2K P M?New ark at SH P M. Passengrrs by the Morning Train from Mnrristown will arrive ai Newark in time for ihe 9AM Train to New Yo*k. or the mormug Train to Philapelphia; by the Aftemoou Train tliey will arrive at Newark m time for the 3H P M Tram to New York or the Evening Train to Philadejp m. Passengers by the Morning Tiai from New York will airive at Morriatowo in time to dine and take auy of the Stages running west or north from 'ha' p'ace. Jjfi lm?ec BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MAI STEAM SHIPS, Of 1200..tons and 440 horse power each. Under contract with the Lords of the-Admiralcy HlBERNIA C. H. E. Judkins, Commander. UK1TANMA, J. Hewitt, do CALEDONIA, E. O. Lott, do ACADIA, A. Kyri* do COLUMBIA, K. C. Miller, R N do Will sail from Liverpool and Boston, via Halifax as follows: ?v?oi4 Livt. apooi.. raeM aos-rax. Acadia, Hyne, Feb 4 Mar 1 Colombia, Miller, Mar 4 Ap'l 1 Briunnia, Hewitt, Apl 4 May 1 Hibernia. Judkins, Apl 19 May 10 The accommodations lor passengers are superior. The vessels are accompanied by eaperrenoed surgeons, and amply supplied with Frances' Paivnt Life Boau. Passage leiloced to $120 No Herilte secured until paid for. For further information. apply 'o D. BRIO HAM, JR., at HAKNDKN St CO'3, No. I Wall-et. j30c - "win I EK ARKS 1NOE M ENT?For Ooshen rJaSflBjQ via New York and Erie Railroad.?hare to Ore JLjUUUfm. sheii $1,W?Turner's $*.9% On aud after Monday, ZjEMdJauuery 2d, IS41, he car- of the New York md Ens Railroad * ill iuu in e. ?e'iuo with the s*e mbout, Caol A H. Schniti, ua'lv, 8u days excepted. For Passengers? Leave Duanestreet pier at 9 o'cleek, A. M ; leave Geahen ate sailer past I, A M For Freishi?Leave Lnaue slrsat pier at 9 P. M.; leave Ooahen at half-baat 9 A. M. U C SEYMOUR, and Engineer. The paaaengers train conurcu ?t To per's with Beach's Mail Stages fo: Newhurgh, New Palts Kingston, Catsklll and Albany, and at Ooahen with tne Carboudale and other Wrstero Line of Singes. II' r eVBML CHANGE <TF~8 TAR 1INO PLACfcd?Nra Arraagemeni to Alhauy nod B?at<.u, via Hoesalontc Railroad?The steamer Mniu-il ba'tty will rummd'e running Tor freight and passengers daily thi* morning it 7 o'clock, Iroin foot <>l Liberty it, near Conrtlaud', North Rifar, to Bridgeport Leaee (or New York at 2 o'clock, P. M-, or on the arrival of he cars from Albany. Thu boat ii the only one rnuoinx in connection with the Railroad. For farther inlormatieu apply at the office, foot Liberty it. New York. m2r adJ- REMITTANCES TO IRELAND, fce., ?tc. H^^The lubecriber continues to traneniit money, in mini jHlbvie or small, to pcriona motion in any part of Ireinud, in the Mine manuer u he, and hu predcceaier in bosineu, hare done for the lait thirty yeari, and more; alio, to any part of England or Scotland. Money remitted by letter (poitpaid) to the auhaeriber, or ersoaally deposited witn luui, with the name of the peraou or persons in Ireland, England or Scotland, to whom it u to be aeni, and neareit post town, will be immediately transmitted and pard accordingly, and a receipt to that ettect gireu or (or warded to the sender. In like mauuer money with or claims on persona in any part 01 iralaad, England or Scotland, can he collected hy the snbieri jar, for peraona residing in any part o( the Umtad Mutes, 01 Canada, and will be paid to them accordingly, n.lllm'r OKtlltnK M^BHIIlV Is atl.'adarsi. PAPER IJKKSSE k BROOKS, No. Si Liberty atreet, bin for aale t. the tullow ma? I 0 reams newe printing 3J by JO .. .. ???y <? ? .. . J1 bV 4? ^ > < hy )7 5J V. ; l? by 47 .. .. * <?> 38 }M II oy 33 K'O , (21 by 31 Also, book paper, 19 by 24, 24 by IS, and 21 by 3g. Thuy haveaiaoaUige ussoiimeiii oi writing aud wrappina paper, ol different sites and i|U4lniea, which tney offer at th" fowt it market pnci a. n,9 rr Dll jaVNc.'s V Kit .VI IK U On.? Ihil d.ip,?, kV nrosrv Jd, 181 J.?Ur D Jaynr?Urai Sn : I have used iu my fain 11y it>, ral b ttleaof your yaluible medicine lor the usaun lion ?l wormi. ae-i woald ircoinmeDd it lo others as being <IB, of the best and esfeet rem. dies now in a?e Yours. lespeeilelly, KM AS PREVOST, H8 Calbaitne street, riopared ot JOJ Broadway. 0117 7t*ec , IV YO EW YORK, SUNDAY M( SPRING ARRANGEMENT FOR 1843. ^jjy OLD ESTABLISHED EM Hi KANT PASSAGE (IFF ICE No. ftl SOUTH STREET, N. V. DASSAOE to and Ifnm Oieai B/itaiu \nd Ireland Of (tie rrC ,nlar line of pickets, aailiux ou t m lit, 7i??, i3lh, 19th and 35th of each month The old Btack Ball line of packets are as followav? Ship NEW YORK Captain Cropper, " CAMRRIuOE. Captain Baratow, " COLUMBUS, Captain Cole, " EC ROPE, Captain h*arber, " SOUTH AM?RIC t, Captain Bailer, " NORTH AMERICA. Captain Lowoex, " X POLAND. Captain Waile, " OXFORD, Captain Kathbima. The Commercial Line u coinpoard of forty anporior. fait ailuif ahipa, all cominauded by men of great experience. First cltta ahipa will al<o he despatched from Liverpool to Boston, New Orleans aud Mobile, three timet per uianlh; to Baltimore, Charleston and Savannah, twice a mouth, to the different ports in Bi Utah North America weekly, t he mfhnrriber, in making known hit arrangements far the year 1831, bega to call the attention of those persons residing in the Hulled "hales and Canada, woo with to send l?>r their friends to come fro ii Knnlaud, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, that ihey can always be ace nnmi dated hy ttte mil of packet ships sailing a? above; and in order to give more fae lity and qiick despatch to (he emigrant, nrst class well-known American ships, cotnpris njft mic uniniiiririu l-sllie will, III SUUHIMU lO IIIC p?CK?IS. ur despatched by his Livrri>nol aceuls, every three or four usys luriiiK the season, thereby avoiding any detention Those sending fir their frieuds may rest a*.ur--d <h?t every thing coo nected With Ins business will h uiecund witti his usual I promptness Witb these Hirangi-meiils the subscriber hopes to commend a preference for this liue, and a eontiuueiiun of the oublir pMfOMM wlnih Ins Peru so liberally hestoweo for inauy years past; and in all cases when parties decline mining the mnuev is refuuded, as customary: a free passage ran also he secured by 'trainboats from the different |M)rU ID In land and S-otltU'l to Liverpool. Remittances and Drafts?With regard to his arrange in ruts for the payment of bis drafts, tliry are such as to warrant every satisfaction, and are paid at all the banking houses ou demand, throughout Ureal Butaib and Ireland. Those persons, therefore, throughout the Uuited State, who wish to remit inouey le their Irienas residing inauy part of the United Kingdom, will ple'ae notice on the receipt of the amount here, with uame and address of the party to receive it, a dralt for the amount at he rate of (6 por pound sterling, will be forwarded per steam ships or by first picket ship, and a receipt or duplicate ef same returned through the post offic% For further particulars apply, (if by letter post paid) to JOHN HERDMAN.Sl South street, or J at W. RuBINwON. Ooiee Piawas, and Neptune at, Waterloo Dock, Liverpool. In Scotland?Messrs Darnel Wright It Co., Olasgnw. In Ireland? Dioms Dt-lauv, Buhliti; Messrs. Joseph Allen It Co., Belfast; Mr. Was. Cainu, Londonderry; A. Murray. Ev; ,Coik d?3e? 4^-.T8 MJk. bnderuif nt loued ships will be icgularly dispatched from hence and from Marseilles on the 1st of each moutli during the year, thus? From New York. Marseilles. MINERVA,Cant Brown, N >v l. Jan 1 H'RY THOMPSON, Cap Sylveoter, Dec 1. Feb 1 COUHIEH, Cant Dugan, Jan I. Marl TRESCOTT, Capt Lawrerea, Feb 1. Ap) 1 HELLESPONT, Capt Ailanm, Marl. May I COK10LANU8, Cap Hnile, Apl 1. lun I They are all cooperee and copper fastened.- e sivatleu' accommodations lor passengersThe price of cabin passage will be $1M, e isive e wiue> snd liquors. Goods addressed to BOYD It UINCKEN lie a gents. will be forwarded free of other harges than these actually paid. For Height or paasage apply to G. BROOM it CO.. or to o?2r BOYD k HINCKEN. Agents NEW JERSEY tt.AlL.ri.UAiy ANG TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. NEW YORK AND NEWARK. Krom tne loot of Cenrtlaedt meet, New York (Every day? Sunday mi?< opted.) Leave* Now York Leave* Newark At ? A. M. At * P. M At 7)4 A. M. At IK P. IV. 11)4 4? 4 do. I d? 1)4 do. 4X do 9 do. 6 do. 7 do. U 10 do. ON SUNDAYS). Kiora the !.-ot ol Cvttrllandt itreel. Leave New York, Leave Newark. At ? A. M. and ?S P. M. At 1)4 P. M. and 15 P. M. NEW YORK, ELUAtfETH TOWN, Leave New York. Leave Elixabrch Town. 9 A. M. 7 A. M. 2 P.M. IK A.M. 2J4 " 10)4 A. M. 48 P. M. lH M. I P. M. 954 " The train* for Weitneld, PtainAeld. Bouiidbrook, Sotr.errille be., connect with the 9 A M, 2 and 4l? P M train* trnm New York, daily, Sunday* excepted. Kare between New York and Elizabeth Towu25 cent*. Kare do aad Somcrnlle, 75 cent*. (*ITV YORK. RAHWAY AND NEW BRUNSWICK. Kare reduced. Srom Die foot ol Conrtlandt *trcei, daily, Lea?e New Y?fk- Leave New Bra on wick. At 9 A. M. At 5)4 A. M. ? " 9 P. M. On Sunday* the 5)4 and 7)4 A.M. trip* from New Bmnawick and 2)4 P. M. train from New Y irk, are omitted. Pare between New Yo-'.r and New Branawiek, 75 tenia Rahway, 50 cent* The fare in the 5* and 7)4 A. M. trainfrom New Brunawick, and i\ and 4V r. M. tr*:n from New York, h*a be*n re dacen. New York and New Brnmwick. to 59 ecnta. and llahway t? T7X 1'aajer.grri who procure their ticket* at the tifket, re ceite a ferry ticket gratis. Ticket* are received by the cot doctor only on the day when purchased. fll 3n * FULLEN fe COPP, S Wall street. 4^ NEWYTVRF AL&ANF TROV* Nft TlffNTCtEAL EXPRESS. Mmh. Harndeu It Co. having diapoaed of their ronte from New York to Albany and Tioy, the anbicriber*. the old conductor* of Harnden It Co'* Northern Eipreaa, from New York, will continue to ran a* heretoforejeaeinq New York, Albany and Trey, Daily .and connect at Troy with Jacob*' Moutreal Kipre**,and will for ward 8|wcie, Bank Note*. Package*. Bnudlea.Caie* of Good*, fce., to any place between N*w York and Montreal, and 'hroughout the Canaila'a. Al*n Ea*l, from Troy and Albany to Boaton.atid We?t from Albany to Bnfftlo. All baaineta entrusted to their charge will be promptly attended to. Particular attention will ba paid t" the collection of n. iea, draft*, aoceptan' e?, kc., and prompt returna made foi 'he aanie, PULL EN St COPP. Offloee Fallen It Coop. I WalUtreet, New York Thus. (Jough, lb Exchange, Aloauy. A <1. Vilknia, 238 Kiver (treet, Troy. 8. Jacob'* Eichanze Court, St Paul ?t, Monttcal REFERENCES. Nsw Yoaa. Albast. Tbot. Prime, Ward St King, E. J. Humphrey, Jno. Payne, Jacob Little, tt Co., Thoe. Oongh. P. Well*, John T. Smith, It Ce., 8 K. Stow, Penoon k Hoffman, C S. Doug la** Carpenter It Vertnuye, F. Leake Honahton It Co. Dre w, Robinaon k Co. nit STATEN ISLAND PERKY Foot of Whitehall atreet On and aftet Dee. 3d, the iteamer 8TA1 EN ISLANDEIt will ruu a* foil owe, un'il further notice LEAVE STATEN ISLAND NEW YORK. IX A.M. 9A.M. II 11 IP. M. IX P. M, ds r 3 PASSAGE FROM OREATTRTTAIN AND IRELAND. djdir k~aa> mtp H aVI >0 rompitft it Mt"nnv. a m import <ut arrangements fur bringing nut passengers from the old country, the aule scribera c .11 > ith eonhdouir i fnim those who >n u wis t > trill* for friends 10 emiit.ale ihe pr-s. ol iruiiu (18*3) that ih y w til tin I it their ml >* tti uulc 'hp neres-arv tir<c jcmvuta with hiaji e; h-iug th nicest or I,>ug at estahli lied ouf of thi- |> it well U .own thil th .t I'm irra igem utrare compeie?tin ships of th* tint class ailing ?eekly, * d ih- acloinin "fa'i >n? fr-rd op expressly f >i the comfort . ud convenience < f passengers Shin d settled for decline coming out. the passage money wi I, at usual, l>- refu ded to the p-rty from whom it wu receirrd with <ut deduction. A free outage per steamer I'rom the eanout port* of Ireland tud Scotland, to Liverpool, can be setured ii iteti e-1. Ap ply to SAMUEL THOMPSON. Old Eatabliahed Passage Office, 273 Pearl at., Or to C. OKIMSHAW V CO. 10 Ooiee Piazza*, Lieerpool. Dralta on London, l.ilerpoo', the Nation il Bank of Ireland. Northern RauEng Co. nd National Daua 01 Scotianu, at i*ln, and for any amount. Apnlv a* above. > I im'r FOR LONDON - Tik Packet (hip I'HII-ADEL TVVV PHIA basing b. en dclaiued, ' ill Or d? patch,d lor the JHMlKwabove po t on the 4th in*t- For passage, having superior avcommodationa, apply to JOHN HERDMAN, (I South street. N. B.?Pat**** f'om London or Liverpool can at urn d be secured by the regular packe ship*, -nd drafts Ion ithed for any nonot payable throughout the United Kingdom, on applicaI n a* abovr. m2ec AA- BLACK BALL, or Old Line ot LIVERPOOL VrfFV Tacket*.?Regular Packet of ifth ot Va-Ch?The MHatii'i* and superb packet th-p MONTEZUMA, burthen 1060 ton*. Captain Alfred B. Lowher, will tail positively on Monday, the 20th March, her regnlar day. The accommodations of this magnificent park*!, in C'.hin, 2d cabin and-teeragn, will on inspection he round uuetjualled by any vessel afloat. Those retnrning to the Old Country will tied it to thrir comfort and advantage to t< lect this conveyance, and as a number of her berths are already rngagad, p*rso*i wishing passage, should make early application ou board, loot ol Beekman street, or to the subscribers. ROCHE BROTHERS It CO.. IS Fulton st, nest door, to the Fulton Bank. P. 3 The Montetuma sails Irom Liverpool on the 7th of May ?those sendiug lor their frisnds, can have ihem broughi out in her, or in any of the Paeketa of this maguincrni Line, which sail from there punctu llyon the 7th and ltth ot each month. Drafts on the Royal B'nk of Ireland, and on Mrsars. Prescott Orote, Ames It Co . bankers, London, which will be paid free f discount or any rnirgr, in evary town thiuughaut England, Iivl<nd, Hcotian t and V* ales. For p ssage, flic , app v aa above. Tile park- t ship Europe, Capt Edw G Furber, will succeed the Montrantna ai.u salt lot Liveryo-?l ot ,h- 1st ol April, tud will latum again fori Ins port on 'he 19th of May, h*r reaUlar day. o !> r M OLD K?TAt?Linup.U MilWuA.v i PA Jf*3^.3A(?E OFFICE, 91 South street, New York? Keg MgMbhular Line ol Packets?Th* subscriber couliuues ! oiio. '-ui persona from any part ol Great Britain and Ireland who may he engaged oy Uieir friends hen , hy the regular 'lull packet ahips, sailing evary stz days 'rom Liverpool. Per ..ins sending lor their I'lien is, may rely that just care will b< vknu 'o hsssthem despnich-d without delay in Liverpool,aui will always endeavor to merit a coutiuiu ice ol the puhlii .ausonage whicb has been so liberally bestowed for many yean IJ*at; and remitting money cau have draft* payable at all the Winks and bruicln e thronghioUl ilia Untied Kingdom. For farther particulars, apuly Tif b) letter, post uoidllai J* JOHN UERDMjLn, ?t South ft. RK I! )RNING, MARCH 19, 184 Tilt: NLvV~MIRROR. EVKh Y Number h mhelliinrd with an Ortci**l and exquisite Design ???? S eel. K?1?ied by George P Morris M I a r *1 by J (J. it engage exc'utiyel" for the frock T rint?$1 per ?nn m?Single unmbrri CH* rra i lo (be i iii'r .1. n few we, ui, r??e u tdertigm"! wriH cms meiic*, on hit o w .crouut. lli? |>uhk4H iu of h or* ^rrhi i ! Che Y ) Vli?r r m rn>* > tir>i f-irtn, !? *i? cu'.irelv ii<>v-l m-1 or win il idftu, ith * r.M I ruw ivi?g hi f*rrv ' r. vi ittibere?! c- d pri? *. of three d .|'dr? tsr duuum, wr tx lad < m?rter c?* nnrrcunv. The New Mirror will appear with many atrik'iig wr-tl at'raetive featur-a, distiuguithiuv it from every o her periodical. I will be published with new type, o? tiur paper. and each nntutor will conr-.iu a beautUal nr'giual engraving od steel.rle aigned and arched oy < hapmao, illuit -ting me l?ltei-pre*s which it accompanies, and which it w'll tuvrat with peculiar iot-reat. Beaidea the e utribntiimi of a I our attentive corpa of corrrspoo lent*?which eiahracea moat of the talent of thia tonntry? we have mule arrangements for freah and early *ran?lationa from aonie of the teat writ-ra of France, and for proof aheeu from aeveral ol the popular nuthora of England. With such materials, and with anch able fellow labourera In the literary v neyard, we hope to i resent to ihe American reader a weekly tournal <>f (real value ami uuuiual etcelleuce. The parade of mere oatiiea, will lie aedulouOv a< oi led. The Mirror will be remurkablo, w-hope, rather for good artlclei without namea, iliau for poor art'clea with diitiuguianed uain-a. It will embrace in ile acope every depar in? m of elegant litprj'ure, i-uBipriainii taleaui romance, sk-tch-a nfsoi icry and manner*. aenti meot anil aaery-dai It?e, piuuaut raa >ya, d meat c auil f'reign correspoud-uc , literary luielligeuce, wit and humor, 'aahioo and g?s*ip. iiortrv. the hue area, and liteiav.muaical and drama tic crilrCMin . It* reviews of new wo-ka will b careful, du crimi jaling, ai-d nominal It will aiin to fnater a literature tinted 10 Ihr laate and d urea ot the age and enquiry. It* ten dency ?ill he clierrlul and enlivening aa well aa improving. Il wit seek to (ratify e*erv retiued latle, bat Mvcr to ffrud the moat Iaatldioua; and it will ever eel 11a duty to be, to "lurn the tunny aide ol thing* to hnm*u eyra " 'Ihe work will he lainliahr-l every Uaturlav, in Humbert of a it-eu lar-e ociav.i pages, with double c- lumnt, and enclosed lu a ueai oni imenlal cover. It will ferin, at ihe ud ol th- year, twe tup rh volumea, each of four haudred and aixtrvu pagaa, filled with the (fins of literature and the line arte. The very law price at which it will be iaaued, render* it the cheapeat periodical in thia or auv other country, couaidniug the coat and beauty ol it* Fifty-Two Engravings. and the lu tnnaic value ?f it* literary contents. Thine deairoua ef receiving he p I"" from Ihr commencement, will have It punctually a-ut to their addrrat upon theii forwarding to the nndrraifuea, at No. t Auu alreat, three dollara, tree of eapeuae Lene-t, euclnring the amount of aubaeriptiou. may h? franked bv all put tin >k ra. Agrnu, carriera, and uewtmeu, will be aupplivd on the utnal tertiia. O^'l'he Ca?li 8vatem will lie rigidly adhered to, without any deviation whatever. >*uch Editor* aa Copv the above will obliee me by forwarding a marks * oaper *nd by resuming the exchange, which ?? interrupted, mnch 10 my regret bv e<rcumatanc-a over which 1 had no control. UKOIKrK P. M0RK18, Editor aud Proprietor, ml Xwi**r No. 4 A"n street, near hroadway. 1 VlrORTANT TO OLD COUNTRYMEN.?MK88K8 I H AHNDEN ai CO will draw at their Express *nd Foreign Letter Office, No 3 Wall street.amall bill* of eichange from ?2 to ?HKI,in auina to anil, pavahle at tight, for the acmwnmodatio* of persona wishing to remit to their Irienila in EegLtnd, Ireland, or Scotland. The letter bags lor 1 Koyal Mail Steamer* fort/iv ryool are also made < it rhri ''ffice. For furlhet nnanouapplv to HARNUEN it CO., 3 f\u i/\v, L,r.r\ v, m Aimn a t>u. " Liven i-WILMKW It SMITH t HATS. rm SPR1NCI FASHION now READT.?The subicnber respectfully informs hit fiicuils, customers, and the public in gene al. that they can purchase at hit store a haudaonn Short Nap S Ik Hat, a neat and durable dross hat, at the lo- >t-ce of S2 50 Alto. ?ut Mole,k n Silk Hsts ?t 91; fine Notna fur H -in -equal in appearance, and bat little inferior, to tli rally sold at SI 50. al a neat of caps, of the newest patterns. iVlLLIAM BANT A, 110 Chatham street. lAVIKS <fc JON Kb, 106 W ? 1 KEBT, COKNEK OK JOHN, LI AVE ju? from recent importations, and of their 11 0wu in tou nclure, a very superior assortment of Simng Oo'ids, counting of every thing neat tasty aud fashionable in the geutleineu's furnishing line, which added to their former stock, comprises an assortmet t of goods rarely if ever before found in one store, among whicn are.-? CAP"*?In every raiiety, for gent emrn, youth and children. CRAVATS?Of plain and figured satin, gro grains,cambricks, Otc FCAHFS?Of vesting iatia, broche. OLi >Vfc8?Of kid, silk, brown and chene linen, lisle, span si k Ike, HOSIERY'?I If cotton, merino, wool span silk, 8tc. UNDER OaRMENTS?Of Shaker knit merino, woolen, silk, cotton, Ike. LINEN COLLARS?Plain and Byron, of all qualities and shapes. SHIRTS?Of linen, mnslin, French cambric, plain and with offl-s, 4tc 8USPEN DER8? Of gum elistic, silk, cotton, fcc. OILED SILKS?Of while and fancy colon, warranted not (a JKMiert it* any cimurp The above CvtnpiUet only % art cf their assortment, and purchasers will consult fheir nwu iotireK bv ek&niiniuf this splendid assortment faood* before puc basing. WHOL^AL E AN I* liETAlh, at their old established Cap, B'nck, Liu'D and Oiled Silk M mulctary. NO HK> WILLiAM 81'KEET, CORNER OF JOHN m3 Sm * m DR. GREGORY. HE has long been accustomed to prescribe for a certain cists of pat?ents, who, ?or p rticular reasons, may require the best of treatment p ivat* ly?the Doctor h<is enjoyed extended oppoitwuti ltd td'killi to* stuniing aod mio* b| the Tart* out morbid conditions of the living tissues constituting the class of m ?la lies alluded to, and bv this meant h obfaiue-J the M praeticd" as well as th< " m'-tncdicai* knowledge of this branch #f his ? rofession. The true pathological symptoms of these disorders presents thr same itiunite variety iu detail, as we find variety of form a> d feature in regard to tb? human countrntBce : thi b? iug the case how m^oO'iUlil then are the assertions at those who proclaim ?o?* remedy cap -hl? of curing all dis*?set. This theory is false if atp'ied to disrate* iu gr nere', g| d ir is ?? ?h m.?reso, it is woiked wbtu applied 10 certain i?1111 til*' nmdif To cur?* disease ?u> cvasfully tha syuiptoms r ust be inqu'red into aid cm i u! I v imcr* sled sua* to distitguiah nn???-eu cause and effect?di e?ae issciusea d yrnpoms a?e .tseff cts ? We O'lt-Ii m e |>*t ent* tbs M|S|i| ol s?in" r maiding in|it-in? a' tip* tfegj IM )'he d?t*M w.?s < U-? d O . in q inug into the hi* or? ana j rug rets of these cases il in qienliy turns oar that they have 'II the v lnle been doctoring f .r symit >nu .and totally disrrg.irdrug the Cause whi h ougnt to have b* en ih first to attach. Wher' a cure has nj* been obtained within a reasonable time ba assured (here is i reason or cause that requires sp* cial at trillion. This cause m y xui pr mai il v or by couiiuuity?th* virus may v e subdued and not extinguished? t may he owug to some #>f c u f h treatment or |?eih*ps a peculi sricy of c nstiruti n, or it m<y be gome hidd* n m. roid consecutive c*ndit on mai has heretofore be? n overlooked or mi?u deratood Per haoaif 1 h- truth were to be ticrr aiued m diciue a'otie would uever ntfeer rnr- Tl.ii Itii^r p^.iurk t?.t .-.v../.,.. , - I meu. so ii ic u < (>a th >nbj cf the tmltr u rrlcr'tu 10 h IP af'ie on prirstr maladie , mitten hv L)r it eg >-y ; the puce isMcwata?f.r?<l at nedrurst res. No#. 79 it o In*' Kul I u tttc, >t(l ii'W--ry, co ii" * < h r street, ami 1-8 B or ry, "orurr Sprtrg street ; a l>r Whi e's a ninrui Sulf it i,d OeUtiCey streets, <i.d by the au h <r. at Mi private rra deuce, 11 Ba clay atieet, uaar Hi >a '<va.. H 'is at home, and may be a nsnl'rd privately at any hoar of too da) oreTcuiug. E7" u B elsyei near Boadwty. ri-nniii at a ili lance, hy ten iig *1. poar-psid. will receive tin- l> ok hy the u at m ail. wi ich -hill al?o in pottage paid Dr. Gregory ia ihn proprietor of the " American Medi mi" tain," a very ctltbratid and speedy cure far lha pil.a? Price $1. Mr tested Vanar Bath* administered at all hoara. m ( Im'tr LONDON AND mlANt IHES I'till INDIA KlJliHER GOODS. U7HOLIC3ALK AND RKTAIL, No. I Wall ureal, l b anbscriber lia> received and offer* foi tale a large aaa?nnent of imi erted India Rubber Water Proof Good*, rii: Conusor) (mm, of aauerior Lama, Caahmera Lama. Parent.. Merino and Cottou, of all color* and aixea. Cloth?India Rubber. Water Prool, eaDer Lama, Lama Par iiib and Cotton, prepared for t- ilor* India Robber Webbing* 'or auependera, ooraeta, he iMtm'r CH A3 A BRAh AMAOf* MK8. CAKROLL 3 vied,cued Vapour Hatha, V3 C Urtlandt streetolils, rote ihrual. luushag , rheumatism, ftyr and asue, erysipelas, acarlrt fever, Ac fc\, rII.dually cured in a lew daya. The prrealrnt fetrul catching cold deles many fr m using .he vapour bath, whrreai if propsirly aUtniuistrrs d, it girea a atun ilirs to the akin which enablea it la resist cold, and peraoua who take than nee not inu.ed to he change fr m heat to cold and bid dsfitnee to our Tariable climate. Open from 6 o'clock in the morning rill I) u'i l.-ck at night. Por table Bat >i sent to any part ol ma city or Bro?kly . B<hi..g Tab*and Hij path* to. Irr-. ?? im r RKAL HAVANA SrOAtta.?The I .vers ul a genuine Haraui H.gir won d do well to Call at I oB'o.iw y, ui '*' t e Cafe rortoui, brtwani Liaeity and Cedar st'eeia a! waich placa thev eaa n i.l ihe laigrat a<a riuiebi I i tha city ol th' ah .ve named lux ry . Call aud be a* isfie.i. mis Im'rr A Ntlt I tVIEYKR. C fc.uIAIN CUKE kuk ALL deafness Ml) v?. MAI LAN?SwUNU M Ati.NI Kl k. R3-I N VI SI BLE VOICE CONDUCTOR a. ?To enable luaiaislty. at su adv sucrd sue, a idof I'orty aud lifty yeara ataodli.g. of itrerne deafness, aud ol those wi.o are only slightly dull of hearing, lojoin iu gebural conrrrsatiou aud to rstih th> sound ol a (list.lit low s|iealier at a public aatnnblv. They arr the site ot a sery am II gold seven ahillint piece, and whru in l i.e easily ill the ears thev are not in the oerrei.ti nte nor more uucoiufnrtablc than ban g a im ill pieca of" fiur wool in its place. Ami although lh?y arqmo rILIemelv small, jet they enable thosv afflicted Willi evireme deafnrai to hear, iu ever; respect. equal to those of inoal accurate hearing. To be i. "I ol Moss Maluu V laon, Surgeon Dentists, so!r agents for the patentee, No. 172 Broadway, ueit to the Union Club. 1 he above invention baa beau in nan fo Europe lar some yeaia and is strongly recommended, being one of the greatest discoveries Ol the age. Prrsons, non-residents in New York city, on the 'remittance off 10. can have a pair forwarded by- poet to any pari, rn 14 lm*'e YOU CAN BE CURED, YES, by the deepest reseaich, lone study, and natiriug perssveiauee these nas been discovered a ,pacific?a medical combi,.atioti never before attempted by any one, compose,! ol new materials aud p<?srssin< powers I'tr surpassing anyihinu hitheito employed, or that ihe imagination baa ever conceived it possible 10 employ, in the iraatment of Oonuirhma, Uleets weakness, and diseatri generally of the uteihia, in male or female. No inatt-r how long standing, complicated "r daugerous ihe ease may be, it will yirld speedily and naturally to the pleasant and certain rnrativ? powers of tins new remedy. Many persons m uh g-atitn- e have acknowledged 'bat no'hing a 11 In a their evprrienre can tqual this new arcanum, "Thomas's Specific P lis." These Thomu'i Specific Pilta are nornnpleaaant to the tsrte or naoseitiua n the a nmach, and neither di t, rvgimen or ah stine- ce from butiurssii icquir d to aid them m stalling dia ea?e irnmfnesys em Ho enntidrot it the proprietor of the surpassing rtfioary oi this ii m d, ' bat lir cball.nqet ths wnole medical lalvul hi th. wuild to produce auy thing equal to it, ann ceulidrntly assures tl suffers n ibat if tm > w ill in ike but on* 'riai of i I OflllS't I Specific Pills, they wil find speedy and sale relief let tlibircaae be r ver to compl catedsii't severe The Pulsar i u vly vigeiaple, and set aa I diuretic and aatrip grpr, a to at powerful purilieia ol trie a stem, and ny tubs itul to. Ii tl hv lor c!# a?< u C'lun in the the paiu affected, tooi rrslore ihe pa lent to thv full and happy enjoyment n ?" his health and vigor aa in i ae pristine da>? of uubieinishad yuuti. ,tiil iuuoi ence. Prict- tl per bi * Agents? 9 and IU0 pulton a'reet, 77 East 3roailway, eornai Market; I7J Bio.idway.eoruer Chamber street (Orauite B uld mgs. I M ml m'l FA'l r..s I IHAAi'nlikU I'ArEtt?M bales ol a tery au< [et.or article, much approved of an.l well adapted lor,t ot tosM of snips, nsofa of houses, lie.. f..r sde by k. k. Collins a co., cur, if Haaik Ilr-al LA Ml*? ?2 b-.reeis prims Onto Lard lor sale by fe. K. COLLINS A CO., A#ec 54 South aCsst, I [ K HA 13. Ais^a^o^^4?sias!?.vju,,r The subscriber ha*in.r Completed his enabled rofurntth id <inl r t? age ts or imtivi Iim ?, any i>?i|er printed hi the Bute. or Eutlrnd II in* ra e-l Condon N 1 w*, I'one.h Hell's LiV; VYeekly Hup,! h ** ?u?i iv i i.IUs, * . if,i WlMllfr _ Hill f,', KII r |.e*o 'I || r, I'luii. WiIidi r'? Auierietn N?w. I.erp r A'hI a variety ol others are received by etpiessou l.hs arriv il ill each steamer Aov piper or work denied mty be lied by the us it return re mer. The Boston Noton, $1 per yea., decants single Alec, ail cbe publications of the day. ? ? E B TUTTLE. N. B ?The subscribers w.d peck buddies and parcels fir newsmen of all the publications an I newspapers of Philadelphia, Boston. and New York, at publishers' pnees, for a small charge far servicer rendered. Any other Agency business will be attended n> with the samo promptness as il the peison were here himse .f REFERENCE*. Me??rs. Grrrley It McElrath, New York Tribune Messrs. Wil ion St Co.. Bro'hrr Jonathan' Messrs. Buruess StZrib-r, Phil nleiphia George Hob rla, ?.?<i , Times Messrs Brsdler A Co. Boston Mail A'lams It Co Boson Mr. George Join s \lhany Ivlr t>*rlr? '-Vilm-r, Li?rrpitol. v. a. Wen. r.?i. J. a tuttlk, 2?feo?l m F, B l l'TTI.K BRANDREffi'S PIU-S, Secured b>i loiters Patent of the Uniltd Stale* the method of preparing THE brandreTHIAN VEGETABLE EXTRACTS. Caveat entered 9th June. |H4i? Patent granted to Benjamin Ihandretk, HUh January. 184:1. rPHE attracts of w hie > Braiulrr'h'i l*-ll are comimaed are ' obiniurd b\ tlia uow nntedtMl pioct'u, wi hoot l> iIiok or | any apidi'-atiou of heai. Tin- active principle of the herb* u | thui teemed, the tune n? it is m the LIVING VEGETABLE. The public ihouli! be cauliont of mediciurt recommended n ad-rrtiiemeuli Helen fro u tue, in which the Co*TEMPTiai.K Rnaar.rt ?ie*l m > Uuuuage. merely altr ing t"e name. Time will (how the?e whn|e?ale de' ei- ert in their tiue light The vehicine of the people (T7- BRANDRETH'H PL LH are the People's Medicine, proved by mount'd. wlm dplr recommend them to the afflicted Tlia BRANDRETII PIL' "4 ?re growing every day more impnlai; their -irtuet are etrend-ng their n e'ulueai. The tick of both iciei are drily derivina heu- fit fro'n hem. No Cur or disease hut i'>ev cau he MM wl h a Ivan ate. Bl r'chel or hard lump* of the tkiu th-y speedily cure, to wlh erv?ipe I u. so with itit rheum. to wiili <i.diga- ion, ? with couvlw and eoldt, ?i with coitireaeia, to with c*uc-r. to with hr t parched lint an 1 canker io the month. Lei the afflicted me this ined clue, and chey w11 find they r- qui e < o o her. hold t 2i ceula er but with full direo ions, at 241 Roadway, 271 Bowery. IINX Hudson tlreet, and at E H TuppV 167 Division tlreet New Vorv. rev to invalids.^cd C7" How impnr'ant it itrhitrnu co wmeuce with'Ut lota ol tune with BRAND'tETH PI LS. They inild.y buttnrely r?mov? ail impurities Iroin the bmod, and no care of tickneo can ffeot the human Irame, that ihete c lehrat'd Pi'la do not relieve at much aa inedicin- can "o. Coi.O? arid CoUOM* are more b?ni(i> ted by the BRaNDRETH PILLS than by Lee t-ngeaaml Caudlaa. Very well, perhaps, at iwlli uivea, but worth nothing at gesDiciTnas ?f diaeaaea from the human tyttein The BKANDRETH Pit LS cuaa, thuv do not merely relieve?iheycuie. Ui?eas-t, whether chronic or recent, infeciona or "therwte, will certainly be cured by the uae of these all-in faciei, t Pi It. CURE OP A CANCEROUS SORE. Bins Sino, Januaiy 21, IMS. Doctob Btiuamw Brahdbetm : H onored Su ? Owing io yon a debt of sralfide that money cannot nay, I am ind ced to make a public ackiow|edgem< nt ? the ben* At my wife nu derived from your uivalu ble Pills. Aho?t thr?e year* th'i winter she waa taken with a pain in her ankle, which uu urc?"nc very into n innsmeu. iQfi iwoiifD, so rrucn to that we b*ctn>e much alarmed, and sent o*' tho doc*or Dutu g hit attendance ih' p. in aud a veiling iocrea?? d to an ahrmitig degree, and in three weeks from ira first commencing i* became a running ao/e. Sh?- ciuldget no real at night the mu was so great. Our firaf Doctor attended her for six mouh?, and the received no benefit whatever, the pain growing worae and the tore larger all the time. He said if it was he tied up it would be her death, but he ippe vm tf) be af >i Ium how to pfocetd, aud my poor wi'earill continued toruffer the most ternb'e tortures We tl ere fore song't other ad, m a Bou??ical doctor, who aaid when he first saw it that he could s-*oi cure the sore aud give hei esse ar o*?ce To nor h* give her no ielief ana acknowledged ihit if quit-* balfle ' all h a skill. Thus we felt after having tried dia/ing ou* whole year the eiperienee of two celebrnud physicians in "aiu, in absolute despair. My roorwif?'s coustitu ion rapidly f lliug in the prime of her year* from her counnuetl sufferng Uuderthete cir* urvwauce we couc'tid* d t' at we would try your Universal Vegetahle Pills determined to fairlv test their cur<oivc effect* Toinv wife*titfitca nfort the fii*t lew ?l a*>iafforded great relief of the pain. Within one w*ek *o the astonishment of ourselves and eYrrv one who knew of the case, the swelling a d th# inflimin?tiOD beg ?n to cease so 'hat she fel* quite easy, aud would ?h ep ceinfortab e, aud air, after six week** u*e?hwas able to go thr ugh the house and again *'tei>d to the managrmMnt o^ her family, which she had nor done tor nearly fourteen m in h?. Iu a little over two ruontha from the time she first commenced the use of your invaluable Pills her auUe was quite sound and her health better 'h^u it ha<f b* eu *n quite It nuinw: ol yetrs be lore. I srntl v>11 this sure tenr Mtrr Co years teal of tlir - are considering it uuly no act of justice to yoa and the nubile at I true We are, with ino<-h gratitude, V-ry respectfully, TIMOTHV It f LIZA A. LITTLE. P S?The Botaoictl 0'. r>'ioouiic-d the aore caiiren r* and finallv aaid no aond could be iloue. u .li as nil the tleah waa cut off and the bone serin, d. Thmk a ki d Providence, ihia inade ol resort to vour Pi'In, which it'eo ua from all lurlher misery, and for which we hope to be thankful. T It E. 8. Dr. BRANDKBTH'3 Principal Office, 211 Broadway, N. Retail Offices 274 Bowery, and 189H Hudson strec. Boston, 19 H'0"?er srre-r. Providence, K I., John Show. H'rtlord, I "onn., H.nrv Ben'on. .New Haven, Com.. C \V. f'rosb.. Norwich, Conn., W.-o. Faulkner. Philadelphia. 8 Norh-erehth at Maliiniorc, cr. Laights and Mercer a''eets Ki< hrnoud, Va., i9) VI n j st. Charleston B. C IttKwt Bay. Albany. ,N. k,, at S. Vci Scha k's store. It M rket a'.. I'tica. 8'' dan see sr. knclua'it. H Mer.ntom. ayrweita assk Tavern. Bufalo, W. W, iVrljus New lliuntwick, N. J , Hen y Vrooma. Pitisbuifh 116 Wool street, and by o-er 2U.0 0 age tits in the United Stales Obte ve, the Pi'ls, t> be yeouiue, muat b- Bought of a r.-KU ir Ag-ui?proved by his havii'its Certificate o ?g ncy. And fu ihrr obs v., thai the h ?ea are cov< red with labels i riut d in bmh red at.d ol .ck iuk, '."I ihat there are sit Signature* of Dr. as jatriiu Urrridreth on eacli boa, two on each lab'l, one being signed U Uraud.eth, and the other Bonjainiu Brandreth. Be Carefui mid < t the 'i rue Pills m2 une dktnwv'^c I'AKR'S LIFfc FlLLa 'PHIS Kiae Heibal Medicine has scarcely beeu introduced * into (he Uured flutes ?n mouths, yet iu dim short ijMce of titne, wrhoii jlv e\'inordinary ei?*rtiout on the part ol the proprietor*. it. sale m the lUhN of New f OfH, Peiiusv I v ?m*. N? w fcunlaad States -tud Canada, h\? increased with such rA|Mditi it 10 tustd (Hetr tonMMpdn iipntlioM The public ire o"W beginning to tiudertlaud and appreciate the su |n*nof efflfccac? of this mild . ed'Ciue to the powerful pur. Stives that have b eu hitherto sold ihrin i? (he s ape of pills which may give relief for a s'ort timr but always a! the rturn e of (be system, b) euf ebliuc t ?ud rendering n raoie Cable to re ceirr 411D o(hei corupl nuu. Ou tn cou'.r r>, I'arr's Lift fills gently eradicate di*e**- y removing all obstructions u. the intestinal Cssd, ,-uril) lew the hlo d strengthening th* s>? tern, awd crea ing d miurtl and healthy acttouo* Lhr b dy ? the, also ac powe *! u 11 > u a ("trie, mhi restore to the ia?ieu a Ion* lost appetite and a health, craving for (o.-d At a (firmly me die in*- it is auetjuall***!, arid may be tafceu bv ever, member of s tarnilr l oin (he voriMg* st to the oldest, being p~r?ec ly l>r? froui all mineral prrp-ratoui, giving uo pa?n, and-cluig ani'dly s a pure live. Many females who have raieu Chu m diciu* p-kk iu the highest ternu of th?-great beueht th??v h?eeha?l from (he use ol it, and to all females ofa delicate habit af bo<iv we would particularly INOMMM this in-dicm. , fhr\ w !i nnd it (gllllMl ?) take 00 ifhjlt 'o ttO sy?i? in. auU Mf am || Mi fVO0tiu| tfw 0OII and had hum r If ta |ho bodv? u lh? spring the torpid tint aenmosmus tluou that have I??( dorniaui id he b .dv duri< g ?h- wioter, but art tgaiu broug t iulo <c tivity, wi|l be sp?edil) removed h\ taki K Tar '? Lif P?! f rvery Might, b- lore going to bed, lor two r thre* wee* Th* ^royrie on (uo aire dy intuy etcell-nt testimonials o( th* e' !ica y ol Parr's Life Pi Is iu nitrous and scorbutic comp'aiut (JhrouK cases of co'd^ co s'ipattou of the bowels, d.>?p?peia ?i?er complaints, debilit" and complaints lucnteutal to feale* The P ll?wiu* are fh* eirituive a# ruts loi (he mIi of Pur's Lnr nlk #Mrf m?y be h id iMttt thr Life ?ud Time* oi rhohms Parr, with two hue en* annas, and much other mte estia- mailer Jame? Asi>inwatl, Druggist and ('hemist, 8b William street; Kush'oti & Co. 110 Drotdway and to A?tor Mouse ; Abraham ImAllCo druggists and chrmiu a Ulile huildimrs, No 77j Bro-dway. corner Charnner street ; David Sands k Co. No. 77 ICast Broauwsv ; P. Dickie, 413 Broadway, coruei Lispjnard stieet ; Johu o Dood, druggist, Broadway, comer B rech-? Street: N. W. B ideau, Bow-ry M.diciue store, 880 Bowery , John C. Hart, diugitist, J48 Grand, eoraer Norfo'k street; Syme's Medicine store, 63 Bowery, corner Walker street; i ho Synir, comer Fulton and Water streets; Hor?ce K?er att. druggist, 367 Green wieh s'reet neat the corner of Franklin. J. a J ' o dui^'on, apoihtc ri?s, 221 Hudsou, corn* r I Sp ins street; fc L.Co.loii, chemist and spot rciry. 213 Blm her coruer Jones street ; J W rudotel, druggist lud apixhec*ry No. 141 Kighrh *r nor. Br./WklVa?4' W ill S-ruons, seed, dru?, and leitent tried cine war. house, 184)fc h ultou n\seet, and wholesale at the pro ..rietor's stfic T KOBK.hT 4 fc CO, Clarendon Hoosi , cur. Da*n s( and Broadway Small hoses 2b cents Large or family bote rOce-b Pars -us den tons I obiai i.<a <u ifrocy for their stle iu th? covntry. will pi ease <11 r?*ci (hen letiers, t?oa( paid, to T. H<bwta It Co. Irtt^T hot 807. New York |m*e i |' r . ftU V a i nUATIilnwl aaa n i m a certain disenses, II Whilk IklOWNMflVSHiM tod piivaii neana of ecre are stated ia the plainest possible manner. Am ases, bui those which have (alien into Itnprope* hinds an, omiuoe on from mouth to month, are particularly dwelt on ? ducli uarsons will tee iirirueiilately (he difficulties which its .eje their cure, whatever they may be, a* well as the plan t< N? pursued in each particular case. It is obtained ocU ol th author. Dr. Kalph, n (Greenwich at. Price $1 Dr, Ralph alaotahei this opportuitv of saying thai ha ina ae consulted on the peculiar diseases strove reterradio, ai|hi. on eats residents, et any hour. Aware, however, of the deep and just solicitude which mani feel 10 cobalt a person of integrity as wall as eaperience ii these peculiar complaints, the author deem# it meter to giye ;he following sh<rrt ske'eh of the npportauil'ei he i.u .id to Hi himself for this trust. And this he is the more inclined to ai riany have tssnied him that, for waul of information ol thu airid .they hare selected from a list of idrartiaiu* people thr ine who had Uiaaiei moat of wonderful cures?but not without he bitterest repentance. Ha therefore heirs to state that, be ode hit rank < graduate ef Ed'okuigh, Itc. Ae. Ac. he hei tees watemne these diseases, both in hospital and city practice 'or move than thirty years, and hea published two editinue of t york erproaaly ou thrm. Also that he has testimonial Utter, "rom the most eminent physici ins ol, the most en.i leutin America?at Ww Aslley Cooper to Dr. Mott, of N V od Dr. Piiynek of Philadelphia, an<l athers; and further cat he has the privilege of relerring to almost every phvr o cf eminence in this city Noitnnp ean he stated, he Cor r.ivei, es b?tter yrooiut of eotirtdcnes to trtoe* who aw ?-.rai<ers to lum Consultai ions lA.ay ne maris by post euu for ?uch ae n.u ttle| rivals chest, c.ostain.Dtf evert th na tiecestarv for r ,.?adv , ,1 eirair cure ' is 'irarntmi ae may he direct* 1 ft! in e \j i it. > tu Ur. VLB...S \ v O.N MilcSil H" t ' 1 a >1 \OKIHA WINS.!1 ? W?.^LI N'J I O N A C'A KI KK. < ,om motion and Wine Mcichatit, No. 3 New sireri New Y rk, Sole A?rot in th UiiiieU " ts rs lor the Crlebralrd doinelino viadeata Win, a, offers lor sale, rt m .drra r pri c? n4 in qutnlit rS to (ilrist D?\*r.,hu rulue ?t r"k o' that brand. 0 i.all piie.aud aioaller tasks, (older <. nsti m II. u och ) t he SoinelttiO w.uet are f otn the Sou'h Side; they have e r>nrh and peculiarly rich fla'tr, the vuitavet ?'e (rom Hit o PM.aud be n, Jually ce eniared iu, the h. si ludtcr.aed t'niied states. Another opportunity miy uotoccoriu many yeais to obtain old wine* as verv low prices. W A. I.AUTin sol.ens ires* ih? pes?lic and his frienda s Coutiuuaiiou of Mesr TdA-is MiifCft. as ha wiues anil liquors u wo d an.I g lass, aSU siWUTB sSftSWS I Irons I be besi iu market. m 14 'snr 011 S.AIH I NO PAPluK?Jft bales ol verv superior l-aiiiy O unstable fi* tv-ols ol houses ?d sniis bottoms.'or a.ile V I mt(i JC. * COLLl>8*.duuth st. LD. *r?c? Tm Omtt. UevcUml. [('orr??in)ort?nc* of tlic HrriM | Doing* i?? Cleveland. Cleveland, (Ohio,) March 7, 1843 VIy I7e .* Heynbti : A.i > ?.j have ii<> correspond' ill in Una place, 1 will endeavor once in a while to a?-nd you accounts <>f our doings in these dig?ingM. Yesterday was the city election for Mayor and Corporation, which resulted in the election of a locofoco and temperance candidate, Mr. Hayward, by a majority of 45 otter the whig, J. L. Weathrrley. It was a matter of surprise to nearly all, as this place had been hitherto whiabv a lame maioritv We, too, have had a little critn. con. case in our neighboring city of Ohio. A learned gentleman, a solicitor of this city, having gone over to see a re?l?eetal>le married lady, was surprised by that lady'a husband about 12 o'clock same night, ana to es- ap" chastisement, leaped out of the chamber window ?nd H"d ithout clothea or cover ng. A sierti northwest* r wn< blowing and drifting the snow into every nook ami corner, us if it would seek a !-h"'tpr<u>d a warme- herth ; in ihe languag" ot tha old woman, "it wasn't fit to turn a dog out;" yet there was a dog, or worse than dog, our, and he, too, naked In this way he had to travel about a ' mile and a half, until he arrived r.t a Dutch tavern, j where lie was taken in frnzeu, exhausted, and al! most lifeless j The city marshal's report nhows a falling of! in persans apprehended tor drunkenness and rioting, irom upwards of 200 in 1*41, to 73 in 1842. Thus temperance has benefited Cleveland. MiHerism flourishes in ihe western reserve. A Mr Fitch has been lecturing to crowded houses during the last six months, publishing a newspaper as well It has a good effect on some of our tradespeople, who iiHve acted more honestly, and a watch is kept by some of them during the night to lookout for -igos iri the heavens. A daring robbery has been committed in the postoffice?the glass being knocked out of a broker's box, and a package of #1 5<KI in bank notes and bills s'olen there'rom. This was supposed to he early in the morning. AtSo'clock it was found un opened, hidden in an old siove in the hall of ihe cen tre buildings No one wan suspected until Mr. Andrews, nephew to the postmasier, absconded, yesterday, alter having tried to obtain a box of silver plate from the Cleveland Temperance House, on false pretences. However, th" Sheuffis alter htm. Flour is selling at $3 12425. Wheat 60 cts. Exchange on New York. 2 per cent premium. Yours, fee Squiaa. lallp. [CorreinoDtleiica ot the Herald.] Islip, Siifpole Station, presrnt termi- > nation op L I Kailroad, Fir. 26. J Life on Long Itland?Railroad?Singular Incident. Mr. Bennett:? Dear 3ir,? We are in the daily receipt of your " Herald," and wait with impatience the arrival of the cars to put us in possession of all the nswa from the city. The perusal of the various letter* received from your correspondents, in different parts ol the United States, are read with much interert, and as you do not appear to have a regular correspondent in this purl of the country, your numerous readers would probably hke to hear occasionally from Long Island. It is now about a yearsince this place was almost a wilderness, but the continuation of the railroad to this point has had a tendency to give a great imrulse to the improvement of this part sf the island. Comfortable and commodious singes are always in readiness, on the arrival of the cars, to convey pa?sengers to any part of the Island, and at moderate tare. The comfort of a good hotel is also found here; provisions and game in abundance, deer plenty in the immediate vicinity, and the way our triend of the "Bucks Horn"here will, at shor.notice, serve up a fine venison aleak and hot potaloe, with other appropriate trimmings, cannot be beaten, tosav nothing of the trout, partridges, quails, 3tc. Gentlemen Irom the city, on their way to " Crandall's," or " L'ffSnedtcor's," in most cases prrfer dining here en route, and have expressed themselves highly pleased with the house. I regret, Mr. Editor, that we can give you no spec'al news Irom this quarter. Things go on very quietly here, the circulation is almost entirely metallic, and a bank or bunk note, hh u ieg.i I ttldl r, in this <|uarter, would be " no go " The recent enactment of the Legislature, compelling tfie Railroad Company to burn (oseil coal, is eon-'dered by the Long Maud Company as u little oppressive, as they have for the last three or four month- collected a very large stock of seasoned pine wood ut this point, say l,5tsi cords, on which they will sustain a heavy loss. The substitution of coal tor wood, in driving their engines, it is expected will dimim h, if not entirely prevent, the Hunger of setting fire to the woods and outhouses along the line of the road. Speaking of coal, wood, dec., reminds me of a very funny affair which occurred in this vicinity a lew days since, ana fortunately terminated without accident. The Railroad Company having recently procured from Baldwin, of Philadelphia, a new and powerlul engine, called the " Fiske," con structed tor the burning of wood, hasbern altered in conformpy to the law to bum coal, and a double advantage lias been gain d by this, eecuri y from setting fire, and acc-leral?d speed in travelling; but to ihe story:?The Ktske having on at the limv a full head of steam, and a train of ^assengrr cars, with say fitly passengers attached, was watting at this station for her regular time for starting to expire, when 'he conductor of the engine and his assistant left the locomotive for a few moments, and stepped into the hotel to get some refreshment A wag of a boy, probably without intending mischief, mounted hit- f-nuniT-, nnu linii'if-nii. nanv sri me nmn in mo'inn, and she started off to suddenly that the engine rn-iri and his deputy wi p' lelr behind, and away she went li ?** seine time before it was difc??*?-r? d hv 'he ronduenr i' side the rars, thai ihe engine was running Hlone, and that it was then too late to stop her The 8|ierd shoiilv became Irightlul, and areat -lartn began m show i'self amongst ihe pas engers, and particularly ihe tadie*, when their si'uation was known Fortunately, ih- resident engineer. Mr 5* , happened to be in the cars, and assisted by the conductor, with great presence of mind, allayed the tears of the passengers, and prevented many of them from jumping out, bv an assurance thst Hn elevation in the road not very distant, would give them command ot the engine. This tortunately proved to be the case, for the engine, on the ascending grade, was, with gres- difficulty and h <z trd, brought to a eland still Had it not been for the presence of nund ot th-se gentleman, many would undotib'fdly have jumped out, *nd loss of life and limb must have followed Your readers csri judge ot thr s|>eed at which the Fiske proceeded, when, es nearly as the tunc could be ascertained, nine miles ot the road had hern gone ver in about fourteen nunutes! 'I hi.-i* the first and only instance of " running away" wuich has rvertiken place on this road Should you deem this scratch-of interest enough to print, I shall occasionally give you a detail oi some ot tne " ttch things" going on in this uuarier. Yours, vice. Bene*. Important Cask.?The Reading Democrat says: The great case ot Brobet's Administrators vs. James L. Dunn and William Silvis, was concluded on Wednesday Inst, by a verdict for the plaintiffs for 0106.000. We unders and a motion for a new trial has been made, which was argued before his Honor Judge Banks, yesterday. The Uourt granted a new r si. [ TNlTfcD HTATB8 HOTEL, NEW YOKK.-Tm. well " kUDWDMUblilliiMDI liu been lamd l?r t lrrin ol yaara y tha underpinned. who are adding 10 the already eatenarae lecomroodatir.n a large Rr tinny Kooui for gentlemen, atari hay will find all the principal nrwaiKprra of Unatomtry ??d ',unpe; it Drraai.y Hnnra and Barber'a Shop, not enrpaaaed y ruy Hotel in the country; Uathi, lie: ar.d eold; Mnori rateut V por Balr-.a alwaya io readineea, and can be yi**? on tnrea mnnlei notice. An Ordmaiy lot the accommodationM citr na and arr-ugera nor reaidiny at the rn-guihcarrl acaletand ient up from ? A, M. " "*h1J_iT The ioterier of the holding i? aoda-yorrrit ? lh-rouan r?pa? -rrflitmu and furuiahiug. cleania* and ' V i ?hrch ratedC rolon Water u lutrode.-e.l Uirmwho^"27 m?5w rndera K not oolf haakhv m tiro *?' perfectly -.(tn ',r^.?on .. tuch a* -aha. it m re onetaieu. for nera'oU laaellera .nd tmeiua.a liar, any ..ther in the . ilr, urn ;.?*<dieuut iron. ' ?? .' aaou rn. weatafn and aouthIilne inooati and <o 'ha immediate ricrniiy of all the .^rvifiir r> luJ Packet ^'"1 ? I hr tiMn *rn ii|?r,**d *,lh rhe h?#t onT 'ket affords; tue eiunn ol the c oicwi bra da. and n-lected by our beat conBor aura- the aereanta clean. orderly and acteutiee?and the public nav depend on the untiruui effnru of ib proprietor a tn make Ha Uiof d l^tatea ae eonMortnb e for them aa any other hotel n the Union. Itr'mr BR METED fc JOHNSON rtKA.NUfc ? HtAM C.\Nl)Y ? >!* ?. J P? -?r a .700, Cooler uoDers, <5 Division street, b%ve b'ought forth toother deheioas lomnoand to sruifjr the s*e??t teerb and irkle* the p*tat?s of tkoie who indulge in ouch 'sweetmeat* Hiis candy p"s-etee the tin* fl^y-ir ol thi Hrvsur <trautf*? an?J. v# think, r?UMot IaiI tn receive ins p?lr. uses ol the Isd.ussnd overt <?f confection try in itrnertl ? An" r<* OL?aThTnU I'dWDe,Ha?lay eaeaa, now ranomc Item D ilup Hokum, and lor aala bv _ .. . . Wee NtK?8IC A SHOOKS, ! Libdrt? at,