Newspaper Page Text
TafMf. Ftff, and Shocking Loss of Lint.?The last Republican contains the following melant'v'v catastrophe, which should he a warning to all | parents against entrusting their dwellings to the care of childrenThe dwelling house of Mr Cvru? MdUrd, in the north part of R uaeell Township. in this roun'V, near J ud son's mill, was entir-ly c >noumed hv tire late in the evening of the 7th tns'ant, in the dh-ence ot Mr and Mrs Millard; and horri ble to re ale. th^ir four youngest children and a relative, (a lad ot 14) were burnt in the building. Nothing saved. Thr Pkpot of the Saratoga and Schenectady Railroad, at the Saratoga Springs, has been destroyed by fire, with 11 passenger ears and 12 freight cars Loss 811,000; insurance 819,000. The Wrath Kit at NkwOrleans ?The New Or leans Tropic ot the 11 h says; ?" It is rather seldom that we descant upon the weather, but such a day as yesterday deserves a notice But for the absence of singing birds, the dreamer might have supped himself in midsummer. The grass was growirg, trees w ere blooming, and buds bursting, to an extent not conceivable by such as dwell in colder dimes. In a few days we mav expect asparagus and green peas. The 'lambs' are all in readiness " RK.AL HAVANA SMJAIts?Tl?- I ><r< <.| . lo-nuinr H tv*n? Seuar would do well to call it 130 Broadway, I T oft on i, hftwcrii Lifcfrty nDti L-rdfir iifffi*, a! Which pi AC? they ri* find the largest awrrtment iu the city of th* aHnvf named Iniury. Call and he _ ml*? lm#ec A NOL 1 KMKYKR. t~oan On ftfn o*'Mi FOH THK PAYMENT OF TONIj 'IKACTORS AND OTHKRB ON THK PUB1 1C WOHKS?f he * ommissionr r? I the Caral Fuutl, by vi?tue ol rh* act ? nff'^-d " A arf to ; rovide lor the pAYui?n of Con* rr <c and others on th* Public Wo-kg," |?a??t*d Marc 6 1811. h rrby give no'i e, that gealed propo?ala will he received uiril MoimH*. the thi <1 civ of A|?n iv i*, a? 4 o'clock in 'he altern '^n ofthat -Iv, for ? I'an ?f Th ee Hundre ' and Twenty Th 'Uftiud Dollar, for which tran IVirhie certificates of ?t<>ck w tt iMiie.l, i the name of The People of the M te of New V'.?rk, heirug interest at the rate ot g?i per cent per a nun in, p?y !> ? quarterly, and the principle reimbursable at the plea* ore of iKe Commissioners of the Canal Fund aft-t the >ear T R61 It is to be underat oil, that the Com mitt toner* are to be at liberty to take a lets mm, if the off ri are not ?*teh at ia their opinion ate advantageous to the inte*eHtg of the State. The pro. <*al* may br lor the whole or ?nv part of Mid loan not legs ih m $10 ouo; all n'o|?o*al? to be gt aled tip and endorsed Loanfo the Pay m? nt or Contractor and nthem on the Pub'ic | Worka.1' an I enclosed in an euvrlope directed to UieCompt oiler at Albany. The tnop v will be r? quired to tie paid on or before the 6fh dav of At Til n? it, iu *urh Bmk in New Y orb or A?bmya? shall be designated by the C uniriigainii-ra of the C ?n-I Fu d Htockhol ler? residing iu flu* 1st and 2nd Seua.e Di#t?ict?,and those regidi .g out of the state, wi'l receive the 'Uteres! on tt?e lock hrld bv them, qu irterlv, ai the Hank of iheM?uhattan < Oir?pan\ in the city id New York; all other stockholder, at the Sew York S t? Bank ??? thecitvof A bo.y ' Dited Canal Departin* u A'ba??v. Mafh Ifith, I84J. A. C FL*U(?, Comptroller < S. YOl N .* Sec# try of St te. (iKO. P BAKKKK Attorney General. I N \TH'L IONK-. Sinev rti-ne al. | THOMAS FA ^ HI NO TON Treasurer.! rr21 l a 3r D. 8. I>1 Kt I lent. Governor. I ?PH\M'IS' PATENT LlFK BOAT,' urhce No. 7 ' T Wit I afreet n?2i J noo HMORAMIK hiving tak> n ihu Va-thall Hou.r, corner of B oaJwvy and R' ed ifre?I, and fitted i: u. connnodiontv for th. r-crp inn orh >?r.lrrv would ino-t respectfully i c to thi Iinrliiiw in the United Btetas, that he his atnpl vofO'oinodattoo for a lar.'-* nnin rr ol gentle urn, with or witl out thei- rivci, during the Pi'inim H > ida)s. Persons! eel me desirous ol in .king th- Mnmh.ll H "i.e iheirhotne for .ny period, will tint th-t no alt'U'i 'n or expense shal be 5|? r- d to rmdtr them comfortable, and the pricei in derale 10 init th. tnnr. in21 2w*r JOHN M. DAVIh> At JON KM, tn6 WILLIAM STKKtCT, CORNKK OK JOHN, HAVE iut MMiwd fioairMMi lapoitati u. tad ol their own miuu'nctn-e, a verv aapermr aaaortincut of 9oiiiii! (ioods. cnu?i?tiui{ ol every thiug tieat ta^ty and faahiouable in the geniUmeu'a fnrniahiiiK line, which add?d to iheir lormer ?ti?oli c kv,Tines an aa*ortm"i t of K"?di rarely it evet bolore found in one store, sniauu which are:? CAPH? In every variety, for geui emeu, youth and childr-u. CRAVATS?Of plain and Bgnred astin, gro grains,camhricim, 4ic 8CA H KS?Of ve.tinr latin, broche. (jL< t V t.S?Of Kid, silk, brown and cheue linen, lisle, spun ?i k, itc, HOSIERV?Of corton. meriuo, wool spun silk, Itc, l).\l)e.K GARMENTS?Of nhsker knit sneriuo, woolen, silk, cotton, Ike. LINEN C'OLLA RS? Plain and Byron, of all qualities and shapes. SHIRTS?Of linen, musiin, French cambric, plain and with rt lfl s, Stc. SU3TEN U KR8?Of gum el '..tie silk, cotton, Sic. OILED SILKS?Of white and fancy colors, warranted not to adhei in any climate The above couipiives only part of their assortment, and parchaser. w ill consult their owu i itere-1 by esainiuiug this splendid assortment - fgood* before j>u chasing. wnuLf.^ALt \ " hm Ai1., at tneu oiu cttaDUBhid Cap, Stock, Linen aud Oiled Silk M nu^actorv, NO 106 \V|LLiA>l STREET, CORNER OF JOHN ml1m ?m HATS. SPRING FASHION NOW READY.?The subacribrr re?pe<nfullv inform, hi* friend,, customers, and the public hi iti-iif al, that they can purchase at hi, ,toie a handsome Short NapS Ik Hit, a neat and durable dres, hat, at ihr low pr ce of $2 50 Also, ele*aut Molesku sillt Hat, et $1; fine Noma For H tt, ai S3 yi?equ* in appe nance, and but little inferior, to those ueti"r?l I ) ,old at S3 SO Alto, a general assortment of cap,, of the newrat patterns. WILLI A vi BAN 1A, MiS1m*r I'lO Chatham street. n K > LS?T< K > LS? Tl>( >LS ALBERTSON'S, Coog-r's, Hor ou'taud Gilford's warranted t'a,t Steel,, Carpenters aud Ship Carpenter* Edge Tool,, can he had at wholesale and retail,of OsBOKN te LITT L.E, :,3 Fulton street. New oik, (It per cent allowed to merchant*) aud who keep on hand a lull assortment of Confirm' Tool,, Iron Rivets, Truss Hoops, Stare Jointers, Stock Howells and Also, Importer* and iteiieral U-alers iu English. German and Amencaa Hardware, < utlcy, Nails, 8t<- Bte CHARLES OSBOHN, f 11 am ee? CHARLES s LITTLE W? iRAM \- HEATHKK, No A77 BROADWAY, UPHOLSTER tKS. UJ kk H. Te?|fc.f(jllv infiifin kit- r friend* au ' the public, th i tr.Pa* attend t t r nb?? e bumm t iu ?il iu h- aches, and ni tke up cariM u i the Lea ixt auu best sh le on inn erne tt rins I* aiimateR and cou'ract* riven at lb- honest notice. N. H ? All kinds of old work a, tended to with punctuality mlj lm*r V < ?Ti< h i () DEBTORS.?The late tan of JOHN t DKLAf'LAl.NK At CO of the city of New York, merchants, to cli>f the various debts, bonds, notes, judgments, b.c* due them, will Kindly receive lull payment, and iu rn my cases t om,ir tnise lot tnucli less than actually due, and they i .vite | their debtors kindly to attend to this notice, as many may not | <:-?11? publicity; as ii i* itirir iHtesiton to dispose al public auction,at the Merchants' tirhiunt^f all debts, Stc not settled by :?ymeut or couipronuae previous to the firal day of May neit. A Iist of thoae that do not settle will be published, bat as far at convenient, notice will h" aeut to th- fc tlttnrii d-htort. Apt ly to JOHN b . DKLAI'LAINK, Wtilst. \t? York. 1 Ith March, 1843. tnU lm*gc '\MI 111? Y. I I A b Al't I nlAL-Wi ask ut> in rr of any one than to give Dr. Javue's Kipector int a lair trial, id if it does not cme the varmui d teases for ? bich it it it commended, sootier and more effv tot'ly than any other meotcine ib-r has ever been offered to the public, the proprietor is willing to nude-go any penalty, however sevirr. the public may see i r ipt-r to impose np< d him It h-s, it ?ill, it can cuie Coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, bleeding Irom the lungs or t'.roat, whooping Cough, croup,and a very I trge trialorit) 01 the i. i si ho|ielrss < ,tes of co: sumption, wto n physicians an I the-1r preten tious fail to do any sO id Agnn we sav tty it. It will n it barm you hut must ant! w ill do too good, It is prepared only bv Dt D JAY \ K No M eolith T'lrd s'reet.f hiUdelpuia.aud .No M.J B o-idway. New Vurk. Price SI per bottle W 'm*r UL ^AKNAMids Water street, .New Y org. immune lurer ol every species of Hydraulic a|i|>aralut. H re Kngiues. of every site, for cities, villages, factories, plantations Ike. Garden Kngmes, Kire Hooks, Ktre Buckets and Kire flaps Hemp Hose, Leather Hose,of any site regnred. Suction Hose, Cupliug Screws, ke. Lift and Force l umps to lift ansl force water auy distance, from 10 to yoo gal ions a minute. Wind Mills Horse Powers, Watsr Wheels, he., for work ing pumps Biol -nd Steamboat Pumps for filling bwtlsrs. Arc., to be used in rase of fire, A r l amps for vacuum or condensation, of any reunited use Lead ana Iron Pipe, Brass Cocks, lie ' ast Iron kountaiut. of various figures and devices. V B ?Tbt pumps >( lav manufacture are double acttsn, ol great strength, and very simple in their construction, beitig particularly well cifcolated fbt the Southern and West India m-rteti djllm're United STATES TEA EMPORIUM. 121, laii T29 Ckattuim itrret, Xetr York. Arjgivcv JIB Ulcecskh IV Hth.frALr, a >1) Kr.lAlL. I'HK CANTON I K.A (. OMI ANV continue to offer for -1 sale new nod fragrant Teas of every variety and style Their issor'inent specially includes the most delicious ,tud powerful grades of Green and Black Kve,D' package heart the stamp of neHue?t and elegance, and the Teas therein are so thoroughly secured from light and air that quality and power will remain unimpaired in any climate Their system ol prosecuting bntiness is perhaps scarcely to be rieelled. It er 'ti-eciaily with respect to Wright U(T inlity, and nnri n > cheapness All ptircnaaers are called upon to return any r.rtices which lail toyiretheui the fallen satisfaction, which the money wil! he cheerfully aud proni|>Cly refunded Couo try ii' i-ants, public establishments, head* of families, aud -mil find it a decided advantage to supply them selves from this establishment. -Ifee routed every day. >rdere Irene all porta of the United States derated With promptitude and despatch. I h# ..uly warehouse in America, for the sat' of lioaI ? * Tes in 7 ina*r L J A KM)i;n II O 'h LXPRESn-On and a ter Thors , tt" Haiiulrii V I o will iun their fclprees to Boston. v ? Ht on melon . Daily . . "ll72w,_. HAHNDBN k < '? dWallsi. 1"Vamm\\\I.,.7'1 " EN.-Mfc8*lfS . r .* v VoT."1 *' Kspress and Foreign VrM"c ,? J "" stri-i-t,small hills of eiehange Irom ?i to ? lOo, lu sums to suit, payable si staht, lot the ne.'.iriin ie d lion ol persons wishing to limit to then (rieuds in Kacland Ireland, or Scotland. ' The letter hags tor the Moyai Mail Steamers forLtv re eol re also made op at then ofnce for turUiei information apply to HARNDEN k CO.. J e Aesilts in London? MAI LEAN, MAKRIH a CO. Clver|H>,.|-WIl.tIKH Si SMITH . 'I'rih CARD. SAL Pol SI UK i i) a I It- VkiT-v~. > leer u iht I hurt h ol H me and no I'lotesUutHish( hurru ti h-iday moru ng in si, will be puolislod ' An Inquiry into ' . Mi nt of tile Reformed |)->*ir'ue rd Imp11 tallou, a* ont'-in! ? no those of I aiholie iinpu ation St- , In , <i h Mis I ell O.eous K.s.ays UB < atfiulic Keith: by Va^-upi LmiijoIiiIi Esq , latently a me in her of the Protestant Km copal Church, tie-"i ilb) u intrude u n wnttKu t. ressly for the work, y tin ltiahi He*. Bishop Huahrs. CAS8EKLV Si SONS. ray Wee l?S -v.. .? .treat. U" v 1 hMr.A'l i - ! A : f ft?stl bales ol a Ver) su pettor an ifle ran h spiouvil of u,d well adapted totaa of Shiie. ra-.t of houses, he lor salt by E k. COLLINS h CO.. '*> Hdtitfh srr?#t lit tAIII I Su I O W 11 r H - ?1(1- cuss, now laming ftou. ' a|i*p- Koscnis. aud lor sal* by It!" HEWwAE It HSt>f)K*S,s| l.iherry st. j, AIM Ir.S supplied with lee l.a,.,, ,j j.,,, I it shil isc net quart, r y fry riraiir a rtv i TO TMfc>UBLlcT ~ td KS H.. fust arrived lr*mi Paris, wishes to euc ctin seme ?' I lailvt understands ironing aud plamua la i?rlrcti ami an (trellcat seamstress A note left st ti.ia nltce an do ?ssd as above, will meet with dus.stlaawon 1TI iu*a -Ukf >ICAL. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE! Thr C 'hfafftl und Rmt Mnhrine Ever Arttwti. DK RUSH'S . . ? INFALLIBLE HEALTH PILLS, HA VIC -train, d t celebrity tuperior to that of *uy other me.linn. Ill lh. I'nil.d St,tin. They have b?r " konwu a, the POOM M W'S FKIK \'D, *ml will hem rlorth he hetiei entiled than ever rothat appellation; since, id tooaequeuce o? a w'reo improvement in the mirhi?rry by wnicn they are made, nurb Ir%% mat ual I bor is r. iU'red. aud Ibe Pill* are produced in a purrr. bet<? r ,md more em etis? slate. Lfiry will hcre*!l 1 > sold u '?.? Principal OSrr. MM it ul th?- affMM llironuhou' th* I'nitnl Srares. i the egceedii.glv low .ale of TWELVE AVfj A HALE CENTS PER BOX, and thev or warrau'ed to be hettt r ill all rc?|iecti than auy other Pill ill ilie market, whatever may be their price. Thi- redoetiou i, n adr to milt ihe timet, tod the meant of a later po'ti f the pnpulati u, who cannot iff inl to wraite moot v noon " Doctor'- Sniff.'* but want a good, genuine medicine, aie-di iiid ce'tain ill .la t-ffecta, and one which will uot keep piem ai home, bir al ow them to go about their butin-at at utual. Tie proprietor, grati ful for llie imineiite tuccett which liat atiended t it in* ilu <bl* r- medv, THE INESTIMABLE LEGACY of the createst physician this country ?vr produced, testifies hi? trafitodt bv this step, which, though it may diminish hit profits, will Inertly increase his means o? imparfitiir a hUssing to the public?his chief object from the first in offering these pills for sale. Af the present season of the year, more than at auy Oiher.the human frame is sut\jt-ct to those complaint*. which, though I' in the beuinmni:. mav prove fatal in the end. and tor which these Pill* art' a sure arid sovereign remedy. Our, taken ran niuiti. im a >" ug laM, for a month, will cure im mimi inveterate ca*rsol dyspepsia; nud doses of two or llirrr, ac'Cop ding to the age and hahila of the patient, will t radicate from the ayatem all hiliou* liumora, purify the blood, cleanse the stomach, and in a word perfectly rntore lo?t health aud spintv, and one thing i< mml certain, they mint alway* do aonie benehi and can never do ant harm, They may be adiniuintered | with the most perfect safely to ainall children. bung utterly free from anv d-leterioua substance. In consequence ol the EXCEEDINGLY LOW PRICE at which they are i lfered?jusi one half what r* naked for other Pill* "f a Trri interior character?they c n be tried by all, aud the utmost ro tideuce ma be felt iu their giving entire ?iti?factiou THE INFALLIBLE HEALTH PILLS ate a remedy lor Dyspepsia, Heolache, all |5i i ns and Liy< r coin i pl'iut*. eutamnn* eruotioas and humors, female w .iltnrss, coins. incipient conavnip'ioa, general debility, pilts, Ulta*, heartburn, al' complaints of old stiudtug and in (vet every disease not coming wiiluu the province of the surgeon. ??" I yon re in | ti si sautn of belter means, t'sod illy inform me : if not. make use of these."?Horace. " Dr Ki'an'v Pills?It is tint our cus oat to epsak ol quack tin dicines; b it these Pills are the result of the eitierience of i lung lie spent ill the study the h nniau frune itid ilsdi itaes, and by a mm wi n added to bis great arqttir- d knowleil e a superior understanding. We have ourselves teat ed their effieaev, and cau the re fore, in a m nut r, endorse the numerous rec mtnrndntioiis by which th?y re attended; and thet are of such a clnrscter thar it is evident'hat the medicine lionesses ill the virtue il professes."?New World of November 11 S,,ld al he Principal office, 30 Ann street, wholesale and retail, Dy H (1 |l\(ilihlis, General Agent for the United S alts to vslioin P order* should be address-d. post paid. Also, el Wadh ith's. 4S9 Broadway. PRICE 12* CENTS A BOX. fl a Dock*?$10 a (Jkocic?CASH. LIST OF AGENTS. Icitv aarNTs. Albany?A Ouihrie, 4 StauJ C., 4.'i9 Broadway ?i* Hall cornei G. ind Schenectady?D. H.Suell, 143 J K-11 \. 3?>7 Broadway Sate street J. AI I'oid, I'jH Bowery Hartford?J. W Jndd, Newa D:ui St re, 7J Ch.nP'ers st. Agent, IJ Central row A. Rogers & Co. Iti7 Wcat Troy?Young & Hart I B nadaray Mew H * it?Thos, H. Peaie, H Green, t.9R Fulton afreet, Peril dica1 Agent B.< oklvu Norwich?W. Faulkner, Daily Thomas Dalton, 169 Yorkst. News Brooklyn. New irk?D.Smith, 320 Broad aiitSTIOV'T ofthkcitt. street Boston?Keddii g (k Co. No 8 Syraeiive?J.H.Hopkins, bookis .< -. il _ Baltimore?Dr. Heed, corner Poughkeepsie?Levi rimith, Oay and Saratoga street* News Agent Putf l< ?Thnt. L. Hiwks MorrnJowH, N.J?Nevius, ColumHui, U.i.??t aiter and New Jersey Storktnu Providence, R I.?Uhas Dyer, Philadelphia?"urges* 8i Zie- 4? Westminster street ber, 3 Ledger Buildings Pi'tsfield, Mass ? J. H. Brew*ter. Persons throughout the United State*. wishing the An- ticy of this Popular Medicine, will address (post paid.I as above. Agents are wanted in every city and town in the United States <iud LUu-da. in 12 I in L U C I N A CORDIAL; oh the ELIXIR OF LOVE. 1 er olden time, among the lew>, 'l hai man a second wile might choose? Who e first, by Kale's unkindly doom, Noc ildn-u bore to hlrss his home. Afflict d thus, the Knman matron Prayed to Luciue, the inid wife's patron; bet |4i in wives, in such a crisis. Called to their aid the Priests o< Isis; And even now, the meek Hudoo? Warm as her cliine, and tender too? If childless twelve mourns trom her bridal Kliea weeding to her senseless Idol, And with raised hands, in accen's wild, Petitions Br'inah for a child; Kor well she knows Love shuns to bleu The Hiu oo bed of barrenness. So much for love iu day's by-gone, A'id savage customs in ourowu; Put say, even now, Joes Love's communion Bless in our la'd, a sterile union I No! oft'tiuies eoti'ugnl frlicits, Is tt us disturbed?ay, e'en in this city. Yet, tnsy the barren, it they tr? The ineaus, **n crease an1' multiply," With "Love's Elisir" for her Iriend, tl.. .i..i.ii... ... i.. . .. ....i But not the prnereafive power Aloue, it this Eliiir's iiowtr. Consumption's illt it will prevent-* With vigor clothe the impotent; Suppress a gleet whate'er its date, And all life's Inuctlont 'ruovate. Eruptions from the skin it chases. Anil brings back brguiy ami the graces: 'Tis woman's trmt?and ne'er deceives her; Krom hlnorAlhns it relieves her; And each disease, (with proper care, too,) Her fair ud fragile form is heirto. These are nut truths; who calls ih m fiction Shall hav* stern proof ill contradiction. I.etters?all formsot attestation? Krom ihesavnus of every nation, W ith at tefu1 missives from all tiuarters, Penued by Disea-e aud (Quackery ' matters; Thousand* wlm lav wit tlutteting breath, Almost w ithin the laws of Death, Now in (heir nightly pravrrs repeal Tha k? to I lie's frieud, in Nassau street, Ami s ttietim s n itn? the verv nnmhet? " Ninety two N**sau"?e>en in their slumber; O , drrain ng fDi ease's ordeal, Cry out lot e "Lue uaCordial " I em.ins ordering this me licine Irom the country, try sending a r. mi i nee, an h tve it boved np and sent to any p-rt of the Union. Prion tS per bottle,srB2d psrdsiei. Mr 'm'rc V()U CAN Bl CL'KKD. \r K S, by the deepest research, lone study, and untiring nerrevrriuce ihese tias been discovered a specific?a medical combo at mi never before attempted by any one, composed of new materials and possessing powers INr snrpissing anything hitherto employed, or (hat the imagination hat ever conceived it possible to employ, in the tr*atmentof Goumrhcaa, (jleets, weakness, and diseases generally of the urellua, in male or female. No matter how long standing, complicated or dangerous the case may he, it will yield speedily and naturally to the pleasant and certain curative (towers of this new remedy. Many persons with g-atitui e have acknowledged that nothing wiihis their i \|ierience can equal this new arcanuin, " Thomas s 8|iecific IMIi." These Thoma-'t 8(iecific Pills are not unpleasant to the taste or Lauseaiing o the stomach, and neither diet, regimen or abstinence from business is required to aid them in ei|>elling disI ease from rhe tys ein. 80 confident is the proprietor of the surpassing efficacy of lJ^ s remedy that he chall nges the whole medical laleul 111 the hi to produce any thing equal to it, and confidently assures aBfuffereri that if they w ill make but on? trial of I homas's fir Pills, they will find speedy and sale relief let their case crnj-i cneo ?H'i severe ^^h?i l?ar? i u ely v*ge(utile aid art as t diuretic and astrin KM) as powerful i urtfiers ol the s\ stem, aid by nibs itut" tu* h^^hv for diseased teflon in the the parts affected, soon restor^^pc i a lent t" the full ai d bippj ? njoymrut o all his health V* viKor *? in the pristine da>sof unblemished youth and mil"- enee. Price $1 per box. Agents?'9and 100 button s'reet, 77 East 3 roadway, corner Market; 27J Broadway,corner Chamber street (Grauitc Buildings. ) iuIi im#r Ll MBE U MjI EHH1 A > O ALL EKY UK PA 1 K.N I' COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS, coruer of Bro* way and Mur.av street, (ne it door to IV tie's Museum.)?PI am be Patent Colo led Dagueireotv P* Likeuetses t\k?*a daily, in a tut* nor style to a*y tin k ever teeu iu New York, at $'J each, and a duplicate gratia. Pile lit Coloring Daguerreotype Apparatus, and Plum he Patent E edro GiMiuk Apparatus, witn iustructioua aud Patent Rights, supplied to order. Also, plates, caaes, lie., vm t?'W. Cauiiou?The vast minority of the Patent Colored Photographs, having thr >wn the old kind entirely into the shade, several ol the Photographers in New York are attempting to impose upo the puolic hy advertising their productions as 4 patent.* whereas the only patent ever grauted by the United S'ates for an improvement n D iguer *<>r< pe Portruts, is | "Plumbe's,"?-dated October 22, 1112?and the only place in New York where the patent one can be obtained, is the above r | 111 meot m3 I in* m MA Kl 1 N 'S CASH Tailukino ESTABLISHMENT. )M I*" iliiam Street, Corner ?f Jinn Strut, 18 decidedl? the chea. r,i in (he city. There i. twayi so hand . ?ele i ittock of i?ju'iu?l)lf goods, parchaned Tor essh, which will b made up to order in the stfle of make, fit, trimming. tti . til i hat irieeu tuch genera! satiafaetioa daring the lot if oar yew i.auu <u a posinte Hiring ol 1(1 oar cent. (Jculle'ucB are re,(tiett?o to call end *i irnios. Thoas who foBith th'eir own meaia, can l.avr tnern Mailt A?;i> THiMMirn IJreti Cull, made and trimmed, -|7 N t? || M brock Coeu, do do S 00 to 9 SO Paul* and V#?u, 1 7S to 200 Over Coata, , oo to 11 fO TT" Tarma?I'aah on delivery. it 16 3m MM'HAKI. It. MAHTIN Do no i dkspair.-aii who hate been so unfortunate a* I < -in 4 r i \ < r # dimm, mhI hifi become j wfiry with auccuinx efforts to restore themselves to health tn<] mj i u<m? bet bed ?r.# t with bi lev disappointment ine?ery mfdiiitie that ? vomited the denrcd effect, can now take cour ag* and look forward w th confidence to a perfeciatid speedy restoration of all their energies Dr. Thomas' UprciAc Pills have never yet (ailed to ure the moat ait avated and i rotracted cases of Oonoirhoea. (Jleet.or Stricture, and they will certainly cure a recent case of a mild kind in thirty-mi hours. These pills are equally beneficial for either st-K, mild and certain in their effects, removing like- a charm all the germ of disease f - rn the system an I leaving the constitution in all trie strength and vigor of unblemished youth, fricefl i?er bos. Agents at T* Kilt Broad w |> , 7'? and 100 Kultoii st.t aud 27 .1 B>oadway, corner C amb i? ?' 1118 2* *r \TOTIC* It) DfcALKMS AND oONNOloilLUKS IN MADKlKA WIN ILS ?WELLINGTON A. CAKTKit, Commission and Wine Alerchauf, No. 5 New street. New Y??ik, Sole A?ei.t in th? IJnUed Sla es (or the celebrated Soutelino viad**sr? Winn, ??ffers for sale, at moderate pri es and in in ant it et to please buyers,his entne stock oMhat brand. I'O half i and su.slier casks, futder Custom House lock ) I hi floviitliDO Wiuet tr# I ?,iii tb?- South Side; they have a high and peculiarly rich the viulages ale from I?l2'0 , ? ? 11 ' i in I ui pa (Mr t, st Indies,end i nited lUUu AnotherOMortuit) my not occur in many Y'ik/* 1a Al I 'w prices. W A, ' A It I Iu mI ei t irum it?w p? die and his friends a 1I Ifreur | H r- ^ ,1|# wines aud liijUors IB WOI d KM ll.? besi in BUukct in H mr rO 1 MK LOVh.K- ()V r?T ci.KlUK tlLATk" I KA, V'" ?liyurr? I In. extra inaly d*lici..u, nni^rnl . led I*., t.iKtal) celebrated lu Mug, .ml Kami*, mat mi nlcd II I.w lot a.ile .1 ili( < auloii r.% (joiiiiabv i (rrii<-ie iV, hiatMiliahni...,, 121 ' twhanit Nr. Y, ..rk-v.i IWett ernta and tl milieu*SHANQ?T" ' HKAM C A N U Y.?Mesara. J. Praae ft Hon ./ ( null 'mm a, If. Dmal n ?trr:et, li.n. brought firth uioiher delirious i iiroiMiuiirt to niinly tti. a*n< tro th ami itklei th. palates of iho.c w ho itiiiu<k* in sueh "awevtmeata " Thu cattily |hrsarsra ilic lim flavor ol tlie Havaua "ran.., r think, cannot tail to rci nvr the |>?tr ma^c ot the laaica ami kr?*rt of conf.ciionari in vcncr il ? Aurr ra ?1lr O K< lAKH.-l , Ui.ll I.a IttflM , IMid W.m.T7,Tlc :d).(*-(i Almcnil.raa t|,M ifn Rrittiia a6,i(M)Moro 3" (inn ' anonra 2*i,ii0? Victoria MI.0U6 Harriot I'nneipc ' Miaad by hn.t.iTal Colon and He Irapuut. Iron llarao t oanutlad to dokannu*. I< r aala br rki i?*n joflni Ht rAim. s,w i BRISTOL'S SAR8 APARILLA.?Head the following letter from one of our moil resectable wholesale imi>?rtiu( houses, which was given un olieitaieil, but from ? conviction the' tie whole human family would be benefitted by it?then r?ail the other from a highly respectable ''rug hou-r ru lhi? i eiiy, ?td then, no' only tier, but '-commend this highly and imi>oriaiit meiliciue to " ALL THK WORLD." New Yoga, Match 13, 1843. Mr. Wm. Bi roi r j? D-ai8i?heeling it a duty, which I owe Mr. C.C. Bristol ltd the whole hutnvn familv, 1 'ake th liberty to add'* him ihinugb you. to make my raw known, Mid the benefit I nave d rived from the uae of his Compound Eilract of 8ar?>partlk In Sentember, 1*36, I was taken sick, and bad the beat medical advice from 'ha' time until November, I8t2 ill th- course ?f which dag I have b en under t e cr e of twelve d IT Ml physicians, anil all to no effect, until I was indue d to try hi Si tap rills. Wlien I cotninenceii the use f It, (which was about lh- lirst of D? c-mbet fast) I had a lever sn-e of them ?t malignant kind, and al-o a sevi re cough, attended Willi a pain iu th-S'ds and si ittmg of blood, and the chmuic th- uinatis'n, so thar I con'd not sic 11 ni htor d>y,atd me suffering" were be yon Iron eptiou. Mr friend* h ol all given me up as being b voini fin in u assist nee and said I could live bu' a short Mine, when I W " onlnc d to iry tils (iintMjund, and 1 D*W ' " jov better health than I nave for seven yar>, and alt through toe u e of it atnl th- help of Divine P ovidence ; and my improvement h o beru so ia|nd that I am loo-ed noon as on tt aguve As an ius Slice, since <h inldill ol cen bvr, I av. incri asi d in W' ight to the est- ot I tl irty-f ur poind- which is gaining veiy igpidly for three mnutlia You m-y i?fet ?i y pcrs-n? to me, who may have any scruples, in d.abeIn v- ill above, aud I think I can soon couviuee thein ol iu qualities. I leiuaiu j Y'ur nbrdient s-'vant. I WILLIAM S HOLBNRTON, | < No. 68 Maiden laue, up stairs, New Yolk. J ? P2Is.T/?k\s. .SARSAPAHILLA. VKR8UB SAND'S | SAB3/irAKILLA-THII aitlclr which has wrOO hi inch signal cu-?s within '.lie State and Citv of (New York, has brought from A. B It D. Sands, the lull owing certificate of in stipe nor i fficary. of Hi unequalled virtue! in eradicating all , direaiei for wh'ch it ii sold. New York, April 20, 1812. , Mr. C. C Bristol, Buffalo, N.Y i Dear **ir?W: hive hern aeIII g Pnriiig the year put con , lidrrahle qnantiti s of your Extract of Strsaparilla, and think j from'he recount w- hrrof iti virtues from thoie who have | used it, thit the sale in'his city may be much increased by , paying i. more atrnntfoa iu adve tiling Our arrangements , are such with the differ* nt papc rs iliitwe can have advertise* meiits insert'd ontnu'h belter terms than moil olh-rs pay, nadmore eonsndctsons If you would like to Make annrmugn* , inent with us Sir filing it m rt ci'rnsivel), we think it could , he ina' "f drantlgl to is both. Wn luve now four different , sto-es, three of ih. in in belt locations iu the city for relit i"K, j and one f >r v holesalnng, a doui faclities are such as will . enable us to dispose more of it. ih rhsps than any other house We shall h much pleai?d to heai Irom your on this subj ect or if yon visit New York in th course of a month or so, to see \ you at our store, 79 Kultuti street. j Yours verr respectfully, I A. B. St D. SANDS. CERTIFICATE. j TESTIMONY OK I'HYSICIANS. (Krom the en iie Medical Faculty o| Buffalo.) We are acquainted with the preparation ol Sirs lparilla, manufactured by C. C. Bristol, and basing made ass of ft more or le a in our practice, believing ii to rnnt ill an ac'iv- principle of Saisapai ill r. in a highly concentrated form, ai d as a pre- ] paratiou. we estrnn it the best wr hive ever met with J. Trowiuidge, M. D. f'h rl's Winne, M D. ' J rsi-h Ba-nrs. M. D. J E. Hawlry, >1 D A. Miller. M. D yrenius Chap n, M D. Mo?e? B is ol, M D. J K. Marshall, M D. ' A. S. fpr gue, M. D K. L. Harris, M D. i >f. R. S'agg. M. O. i GROSVENOR 4t CH A SE, General Agents for the State I of Rhode Island. 1 Fr stla, - h.leaale-nd retail, by WILLI AM BURGER, i Wh'il sale Driievit. 50 aml52 Conrtlandi street.and 18a Gen- i wirli'treet, wholesale agrii! and by all the respectable drug- t gists in 'he citv m!6 r i drT Gregory. I HE Iim louc brni Accustomed to prescribe (or A certain cl*i? i of patient*, who. for n rtienlar rf-awns. miv renuire the Writ of treatment P Doctor has *-d riteniled oppnrtuniti s of eri icalh inerstttratiDg and stud iiigtheviri- ( out morbid conditions of the living tissues constituting the | class of m da ties al'adrd to, an 1 by this meant h's nhtaiued the j " practic d" as well as the " methodical" knowledge ot thi? brauch ?f t'is rolestion. The true pathological lym"turns of these disorders p o?-nts ihr ssnie inliiyt" voietyii , *i find varietv of form aid 'eatnre in regard to the humau i enun'entnee ; thi- being the cise how inconsistent then are the | assertions ?l tho?e who proclaim ?ne remedy cap<ble of curing all dise ties. This theory is false if applied to diseases in getierel, and it is still more so, it is wicked when applied to acertain i paiti ulardisorder , To cure ditease successfully the symptoms must be irqnired , into and carefnlly investigated so as to distinguish belweeu cause and effect?<li-case is a cause a d sympioms are .ts effects ?we olleu mi e patients who complain ot some r tnaiuing sa inptoms alterfas they-uptio-e')ihe d'sease was cured. On in qi mug into the his'ori and i regress of these c isea it frequently turns out that Ihey hate >11 the while been doctoring for symi t'ltns ind totally disreRtrdiuR the came whi h ought to hive been th flrst to attach. Wlier" a cure has no' been obtained withiu a retsonablefime b? assur-d there is i reason or cause ihst requires sp- cial atti ution. This cause may nisi pritnaiilv or by continuity?the virus may he subdued and not eitineuished?it mar be owing to some defrC1 ill th- treatment or perhaiw a peculiirlty of cuisti- , tun n, or it iniy be some hlddtn mi rhtd consecutive condition ; thai has hereioiore he> u overlooked or miMinderstood Per j ha'is it ihc truth were to be ascertaiui d rn diciue s'one would never effect a cure. This latter remark will especial'y apply | iocasiso st ictu-e On th s subject the reader is referred to ill treatise ou private miladie .written by Dr O rRo-y ; the price is SO cents?forsal-at he drug it res. Ntw. 79 and [no ful- t I 01 s'reet, at 61 B 'Wery, co net - -Ik r street, and I?R B >We- j ry, corner Spring street ; a Dr Whi'e's coiner ol Suff Ik and Oelaucey streets, and by the au hor. at his private res deuce, II i c 'molted privately at auy hour of the daj or eyeuiug. t O" II B.relay ?t. uear Broadway. < IVrinn at ? di lane, hy Hn 'ii tll, post-paid, will receive j tin- b ok h, the n it m til, wi ich Hi ill also to- postage paid r rCT- Dr G eB"ry i? ihe proprietor of the " American Medictmr turn," a very celebrated and speedy care for the pil s? ( ft et H Me iealed Vapor Batbs administered at all hours, in 4 I m" ec winow WELCH'S FEMALE MONTHLY PILLS. rPHIS MEDIOI^E, ro celebrate-' in England and over a fcoroite, has for ihe first time been inlroduc'd i-to the U ited States Its wonder'nl virtues ill curing female rom plaints and retrioviug ohst-unions an) d solders more specially luiid-uialto the leinale set are well known to all lor iguers; and ass" >r as h? y become as well known here as they are in Europe, DO frmale will be without them. To pre veu'. I heir heii g coni'leift ited, the owners, who irside iu Loud m. hare seoct-d but one place in ihis country win re the genuine pills can be obtained. Price $1 pei b'H. All letters must be tost p?id. Kors*le at The Ne?" York Medical and Surgical Inti nte, mltlinec 75 < sl.til In no- '?ualo' Boiailway BEWARE OF COUNTER Fhl Y FEMALE M..ONTHLY PILLS. CAUTION TO KEM el ES?The pitiful and contemptin|e atieirp ? ma .e by some diu Bists to imt me it. on unsusprCtii-K or en dulona females, bv imiratinK and r outer'cit-ig 'Ken-ale .Monthly Pills" must convince the public thai sucii dru.B sis w ill not ecru pie t attempt any iinimsitinn, tl the eby a tea > a try dollars .an be mule. It is well known that the E. male Mouth1} Pills were fi st into duced in'o this c untry about seven years ago by Madune Res'e'l^and ill cms qui nee ol their B'ea- rei utati n fi'r t rtieacy at d mi duess in "II c isee of menstrual ob-t ucti n c irregularity r very conceivable quack nos.rum h?s b-eu sty I'd *'Krma'e Monthly P jig," and the bet tex to c ver the impnsi iou, assumed to be :m orted Such trickery is roo comemi tib e. To guird egaii-t impos'tiou fern lesaie cutimn d 'o purcha-c only at V1a-r*mt R-sfell'i Prii cipal office, HA Greenwich st. and agents by aupointm-iit, 12(1 C errv st, near Catbanue and ?3l GrandJf, corur r of Allen, N Y.?Bost >n office No. 7 Essex st. Kernde Monthly Pills adsertt s? d elsewhere are counterfeit. See that Madame Restell's signature it wri.ten on the cover. ni20 Im'-nsr DEAFNESS. DRS CASTLE Ac EDWARDS, AURISTS, OQ7 BROADWAY, hiv* for many ye? i attended tn tlit ***1 *^Cure ?jf Drafuess, and e*'ery ?flection incident 11 to tlie^ ^ c?i". a urn iici'inruf miru iiu in- rsuu"ai pr ucipies "l l science and practical knowledge. The New V<?rk Sun. in i 11 eakiug of dne-ises of the ear mention (hit Or C title St. K.d- [ waidi have obtained a Inch a'endii e ?? ace- ibpliaheil AurutsACOUSTIC DROPS, A sure care for incipient deafness, earache, paina, bailings, or singing sounds III tin- ears, collection* of haid wai or vitiated a-cr> I'ona of (ha org ?t a. "I heir Acoustic Oil haa been a popular rrmed aa a cursive in all disr a-ea of ihe eara lor npwarda of twenty years Offices 29? Broadway, ( Dr.Caatle Ik tdwaida iutend removing t . .fri Bmadway, the eu?u iig brat of May. J in 19 lm*r ' WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. STKIKKK'M solution for the hair, which will change grey j hair to I la .iris 111 tl color in a few miuutra. Thia aolu lion a diffi irut from any set offered, and cannot fail of supcrsrtditia all others. It la highly efficacious, and possesses the great ' an vantage of heautif> ing the hair, without iniuring ita growth. ( Those whodonhtna virrnea are reigneated to have their hsir ' changed hefere paying their money. If hambugs would take 1 llua method there would be no reason to complain. One tnal will prove the fact. Sold wholeaale and retail, and at plied, at No. 5 Chatham it, 1 opinaite ihe Hall of Kecorda, New York, up atairs. 12a Im'r ] MADAME COSTELLO. CICMALIC PKRIODICAL PILLS?Guaranteed is every " case where '.he inoulhly pen. ma have become irregular from colds or other causes Their certainty of acuon has loug been acknowleuged by the medicr.l profession, and hundreds that have uselessly tried various boasted lemediea?indeed, so sure are these Fills id therr effects, thatcare ia sometimes necessary to their use; though they contain no medicine detrimental to the constitution. Advise given gratia to all those who use the Pills, hy Madame Costeilo, 34 Lit penard at, where the Pills are sold genuine. Price fl per hoi mid lm*M "CERTAIN CURE FUR ALL DK A FN ESS. ! MOSS. MAI. LAN-SOL'VU M VJNIKIKRS-INVI8I: BLK VOICC CONDUCTORS ?To en.hie paiMM insraiilly, at an advanced age, and of forty and fifty years stand- i Ing.of ?itreme ,!r iliii ss. and of those who are only slightly i dull of hearing, to join in geaeral conversation and to eaten the sound nl a distant low s|ieakrr at a public assembly. Tliey are i the sue of a very small gold seven shilling piere. and when in | toe cavity of the * ti they are not in the le ist perceptiole, nor | more uncomfortable than hav nig a small piece of fine wool in i its place. And althougli they are so estremely small, yet they | enable those afflicted with eilreine de.ifneaa to hear, in ever; lueuecusqgsl to those of must accurate hearing. To be had of Musi Maliau .V Finn, Surgeon Dentists, sole agents fot the patentee, No. 172 Broadway, neit to the Union rinh i hp above invention Iim been in dip tn Knrope lor ioiim years and it atrongly recommended, being one of the greatest discoveries 01 the age. lYranut, Rou-rvaideuts in New York city, on the 'remittance ran have ? pair forwarded by poet U> Hoy parti m'4 C Ada vim * co.-H nicw yokk~anu nlwakk il i PRESS.?The public are rrtpcctfully informed that ll r ubeerihert hate ettahlitned an Kipreas between New Yo < and Newark, N. J., far the trammittion and ipeedy drlive r of packages, bondlrt, money, fce. ke ; the collection of not it ma bille, and all other hntineti itperlHiuiug to an Kiprita Ordert for article! to be returned by th* Kipreu will ?e dehrercd free of charge. Office in New York at No. 7 Wall etreet, and in Newark, [at SMITH'S Newtpaper Depot, No. JOT Broad tt. Leare New York at UK A. M. tod (V P. M. Leare Newark at J A. M. end IK P \T. dlk-e a l)A MM tr CO. I AYNK'S fcArPri(^TOHA NT.?Tins n undoubp dlv v the moat Valuanle, (/a it it decidedly the moit p pnla ) medirn.e ol ita kind ?v?r introduced into (hit Hate. Tried.maud far t hat heeu coiulaut and increasing, uoio th' tune it tt at lint olfeied tor tale here, (latt J?u'y) io the pieeeut tim, ; liorten Hi tettlinoi.ialt of i t leal ttorlb and iltelulnr t Imm very masy ol ur citizens might he pndiiced, tint am I will satisfy all that il it a speedy cute for coitght, eoldt, induct za i thoia, I ' aieenett. end all kiudt of pu.inousry nfrcliont? Bangorf Me) J aily Wing liitpr . nr-douly by Dr. D. JAYNK, No 20 South Third tt. Philadelphia, a id USBr adwa>, New York. Price, fl per It tile m?1 Jtee ATCHt-8 t'?WelT '1 ha , tVICJL? i'kunieua 4, bitlin, 3JI Broadway, formerly .f7l Pearl aticet, ari wiling waiclnt and jrwi Iry I wtr iban any other place in tin city?(told Vtatchrt at low at from Sib lo$2i rai h. All vvalctn . k> i i e '.'d little, or Ibe money r. lun led. Watch- t clockt, n line to let an., jewc 11y, in the heat manner; tecum! hand watches and old gold and tilver lakeu tucicliaute, or bought for cash. AMIIH H. THOMPSON, intilm-m IO' HAKD HSHKK, J. I WU hi Ii, KXTHA ITALIAN WASH?This.eitrao,,l *-J nary discovery hi the nitof chemistry, for the itnrnediatraitictmin of dt, driff, with-iut the ai-l -if the comti, it lor til Jv Hie inventor P. r uateddu, 17 Park Mow. ulcfncacy -in tnytermn y hsa been letted by thoutandt. Itt application im mediately destroy* daudriff, and cultivates the hair. ..'J"5* psr h uttle or It cents fori Sinsle w the t'oip, 17 P?k Row. New York P. rulJSXDDU I ml) l?*r 1 I I GUIDE TO SOUND TEETH. A DESIDERATUM IN D K N T I B T R Y. pvR. A.C. CATTLE, l?7 Broadway.Dr A C. C will remove \J in mi Brotdway ihe sntuug 1st ot May,lies a Paste for filing UcvMied hot lOV ieeth. It cau he pnt mto the most tender |-P(I without an* I'tiuor laCouvrBiriicc,Willi whicn it become, imparted nils ONE hard solid hody.'hus restoring an preterv u? (Inlherto naiulol aud useless teeth) artificially sound am: erfert iu -.ll their respective uses lot life?prrvrutiuu IN ALL ASKS, llie uccessity of extraction. Ladies the most distip :m shed in society. oBer their tesliinouials in the most si fid eiius, as :o Ms efficacy. The Editor of the Keening Post .ays ?1" It is admirably adapted for lender teeth aud urr -out persons, and Dr. Cattle operates on the teeth with great :arc and ability." The New York Aurora, says-?" It makes lie teeth iu all ret|>ecU perfect for life." The Sun, says:? ' Or. Castle hasol?.iined much celebrity for hisescclleut mode if til I iliac tho tenth." The most emnieut gentlemen of the Medical Faculty, have |iersoually tried and reconiiueud Or stile's Paste "or filling the teeth, l ooth-ache Pills, one ol a Inch |Ut in the aclnue tooth, will effect a permauenl cure. [From the Journal of Commerce 1 DELICATE AND SUCCESSFUL OPERATION.?Dr A. C. Castle has replaced by a most ingenious piece of dental itcchanism. the lost portions of the uppe-and lower jaw bones, diot away in the case of Lieut. & , of the U. S N.. who net with this terrible and severe casualty, while iniairsnito' he Indians in Florida. We have seen letters Iroin L.eut. S onlirinatory of tins extraordinary cure and its entire siicresa hat the loss of these important organs to skillfullv renlscrd hv Or I,'asth is now no more a tnuice ol regret to the Laenuinant Or C inserts artifiou1 teeth on the principle of adhesion liv at* uoipneiicpressure. 0- A. C. Cattle refers toth? Spviuh. kremh and English Aiuhatsadors, Mr. Stoughtou ttie Spauitn Consul,Rear Admiral Waltou, Lord Morpeth,Ueu. Mr. Carey, Uov Mason, l'r. F U. Johnson, Prrsiih-ut of Die Medical Society St. N. v.; Mrs tlen. Oaiurt, J. B. neck. M. 0. Dr. J. A. Smith Or. K. Drl?.teld, Dr. Beadle, Dr. B lyu, Dr Buger. Dr. 1. C. Cheetmaii Dr. A. H. ' treye'it. Or. J Torrey, tOr. BavItee, Dr. W,n. isiayti n. Dr. Dening, Ac. Ac, Office 297 Broadway. _____ in'7 linr PHUPTION8 ON THE PACK OR SKIN, or i l.-.t ? d Lj Tend r Flesh Cured hv the Iulivi Ctf i.ical 9oap ?To judie of the wonderful qualities of this rend the opinion of the Medical Council of Pahs, by whoin it was tested 41 We consider Mr Vv prini a* the greatest philanthropist or the age. Hid his chemical goap as a inir cle, a wonder and a b'essiiig to cut a y eruption or disfigurement. and tochpffe darn or yellow >k-n to i fine heathy clearness; it will prove a Messing [o fu Mie ages." Thin from a ?e e ntific ai d enlig ttened bode at men, proves w ore its qn ilii-s thiu at1 wo esa say?give it nue tria1, thcu judge in pimp'es, Ireekles, >alt rhoum, sctuvp, tW, c.ifhniic eruptions In fact there are many ph sicians who now prescribe this in cases that have baffled their skill. I myself have seen it care rrnptions alier p rsnus have tried inward and outward rrinrJirs in vain, ami certainly it sites discolored skin a drlicinns leal'hy, clear look. Itissfid at SO cuts a c ike by the proprietor, at the sigu of the American Eagle, S3 Chatham street, New York. Anpointrd Agents?Zieber, Sd and Dock sts. Phils, or uext to the Auieriesn Hotel,Washington, D C; g State si. B<>stou; i7 Suite St. Albany; Ug Fulton st. Brooklyn; 207 King street, Charleston. S C.; C. F. Bail*. Mortistown, N.J; bVrr", Mam st., Middletown, Ct. Agents winted in all othercilies. m l6 I a*ec TO THK LADIES. INTELLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT AND PERSON1 Ah BEAUTY, considered in cwtiut ction with DR. KELlX OOUHAUD'S POUDKES SUBTILES. The sculptor whose study is to imitate the exquisite workmanship of nature, portrai s iu his inndel ot the huuiau form, a bmailand elevated foielnsd. This develo ineiit is wot only conson ut with, but sometimes necessary to the possession of a high order of mi utal faculty. If a line forehead is a mark of intellect, it ia no lewairtssuatiai element of pereonel beamy, Slid it is of importance to those, anil tle re are many sm li.pnsusird of this prominent feature, tkaggk obenoieo l>y the en croachuients of a too luxuriant growth ol hair,to rein ve hat run i ion ol an excrescence which tei ds, in their case, ouly to deform. This can he done safely, speedily, effectually, aud, if n?ed iu m cordance with cirerlious, without the least lucotiveuieuce, hy Dr. Felix Uouraud's Pondre Subtile. The lurxe ol he lip, when annoying, tr the short liair on the hack of a lames' neck, when too apparent?the hair of a mole, or the oeard.when nigh upon the cheek, may all be removed, and eveutually the roots destroyed, by the use of this preparation. UOURAUD'S EAU DK BEAUTE, OK TRUE WATER OF BEAUTY! For removing freckles, tan, pimples, blotches, sores, hums, and a I cutaneous eruptions, realixiug delicate white hauilt, neek snd arms, and elicitiug a healthy juvenile appearance.? J37" $ per bottle. OOURAyD'S VEGETABLE ROUGE.! C-omposeil materially Iron (lowers aud similes, imparts delicate carnailou tinge to the cheek, immovable by perspira 'ion or rubbing with a handkerchiefor a linen clorh. 60 cents per bottle. OOUHAUD'S BLANC D'ESPAGNE! An excellent prepiratinn lor imparting a pure, life-like whiteness to the complexion, free from the houinuis properties generally entering into combination lor this purpose. Put up 111 elegant boxes, at 2b cents each. Aokixts.?A. S. Jordan, 2 Milk street, Boston : New Vork?Albany, Guthrie, 4 Maiden Lane; t'oughlreepsie, Jared Gray; (Jtica, Wade, druggist: Hamilton, M. Co. Gregg Ik Grants; Louis*life, Lonis County: W. A.Chase; Goshen, Klliott. Conn., Myers, Chapel st, New Hareu; W. Faulkner, Norwich; Wells & Humphreys, Hartford; Charles Dyer. Jr., Providence; Them,is, Newport; Clowea, hairdresser, wpringfield; Greene St Co., Worcester; Burt, Little Kails; Coggeshall, South Second st. New Bedford; Jordan, 2 Milk street, Boston; Lowell. Carletou l( Co.; Salem, Ives; Newburyport, Hodge; Portsmouth, Preston; Purtlaud, Parker, Exchange st; Bangor, Guild; Hallowell, Bcantnioa. New Jersey?Newark, I'rippe; Princeton, Dr. Peabrook. Pa., Pliila., 16 Cheanut streer, Lancister, Heiuitesh, druggist; Harrisburgh, Rnbmson pertodieal igeut; Pittsburgh, Turtle; Cincinnati, riiomas St Co.. Main street; Va., Richmoud, Mrx. Frayxer; 0. C. Washington, Belby Tarker; Alexandria. C. C. Berry; V1d.. Baltimore S. S. Hauce, lie. kc. Wiiliin a lew ygars this remarkable and niefnl chenical iuventiou for completely eradicating superfluous hair, ins attanp'd the highest pitch of celebrity ana consequently xcited the cupidity of a nest of base coniiteileiters, who ateinpt to snatch from the inventor the just recompense for his abor. Purchasers should therefore 'e on their guard and see hat every bo'tle of the Poudre Subtile is sqnarr. and F Felix Jouraud, Poudre Subtile, N. Y., cast iu each bo t.e, and the Doctor's fac simile engraved on the outside wrapper. Direcions, French and English, accompany each bottle. Remember, the only office in N. Y. for the above celebrated "osmetic, is 67 Walki rstreet, one door from Broadway mB I in m JONfcS' CORAL HA1K. RESTORATIVE ALL who wonld have a good head of hair, may hv trying the a ticle here adseitised;? 4 beautiful Head of Hair. Old sr young, bald and grey heads and all with had hair read 'his uatcmenl. You perhaps hink, is impossible to reslora the human hair,hot here are the oames of a few whose l ap hrs been restored after evrv other remedy failed. Withoul puffing o, inih11 |Tt*Bfurn11 , i iiTP siair uirsr an uic |nwiiTr mm real palitics of Jones' ("oral Hair Restorative?il will act thai ou ill, old or young?force the hur to grow, stay it falling ofT care autl remove "JI scurf or dandruff .tail link- light red or grey hair crow naturally nark from the root*. This is told to reasonable that all may try it; for proof ol its lifllcy| these resi>ectable persons have ved it and critify t,e shove are its quali'its in all rases, mf?Mr. W. Hopkins, 92 King it, NV; Mr Phillips, <98 Broome it cor of Woostrr; Hon fudge Kdwtrds. of Pnilads; Mr Pearson, .Navy Yard, Charlesowa.Dear Boston, J Power,grocery .Fulton it Brooklyn. The ihove must satisfy all.but her are further Drools: thrre citizens vf UUter County, N Y, certify the same, viz:?John K Dglei, meieliaut tai'or, John Heudersou, builder, Hugh W French, "anner The above persons appeared before me and swore that the above is a perfectly true statement?L P-ckover, Commts liousr of This is sold very leasonable, oufv S, 5 or 8 Hillings a hot tie, by fones, sign of the American Kagie, 82 Chatham it. Api>oiuled Agrots?Zieber, 3d and Dock sis Plula, ir nest to the American Hole1, Washington. D 8 ktit-it Boston; j? Atatr st, Alhiuy; I3*> Fultojst, Brooklyn; 287 King It. < harlvstou. S Cj 0 F Baily, Mornatown, N J; Ferrt. Main si, Middlctowu, Ct. Agents wanted id all other cities. f P Irn'm HALDNKSS AND LOSS OF HAIK-lscanted by a want of he althv action of the vessels v? inch tl row off the perspiration from the head When these vessels are weak or diseased he perspiration ,t ihiek and cl.miny .ami adher-i to the inouths li the poes and c! gs'hem up, and dries and f.nins scurf or landrnff Lest blood is then carried to the roots of the hair, tnd for want oi which the hair has not sufficient nourishment, tud coniiyuenlly bico , esrtrv and harsh, and hi gins insensibly o fall on winch continuing to increase, eventually produces laldaess. Hestore the capillary vessels ol the head to their oiiaer healthy circulation, aud a file silky new hair will make tsappearance which will increase in quantity and volume null the hair becomes thick and healthy. Jayne's HairTouscis t lie on I v preparation that has ever been mown to produce new Hair on Bild Heads, which it has done a innumerable instances, and will seldom fail, if pioperly and lerseveriugly used. Prepared only by DR. JAYNE, 24f Iro't No. 3 i Broadway. LUC1NA CORDIAij, ELIXIR OF* LOVE. AOMN'S LUCINA t'OKDIAL. for the sure anil speeIvA dy cure of incipient consumption, barrenness, impoteucv, ucorloa or whites, gleet, obs'rncted, difficult or psinful menitrnratioD, incontinence of urine, or involuntary discharge hereof, and for the general prostration of the svstrm, no mater whether the result of inherent causes,or of causes produced >y iiregularity, illness. oi accidrut. The wide-spread celebrity of this wonderful and inestimable -null 'I in both hemispheres is a snilicieni guaiaulue for its juick and positive success in curing all the above affections and tomplaiuts. Nothing can De more surprising than its invigorating effects on the human frame. Persons all weakness and latitude before taking >t, at once become robust and full of energy ntuler its influence. It immediately counteracts the lervelessuessov looseness of the female I r t me, which is I he ouly causa of barrenness; tad which, prior to'Dr. Magnin's discovery was considered to be incurable. And it speedily removes rhp iinn?*?lima*i ' nvodarrJ hv riivuml nrn?t r a t inn wturhfr** ignrntly deter men from getting married. I.alienage, indeed, eaiiooi dojuitice to the menu of the Lnciua Cordial, which 11 N|rM hy the headt of the faculty in all parti of the world aa one ol the inott mp rtam medical diicoreriei of any age. Sold at 92 Nasaau itreet, and No. 90 North Suth itree , Philadelphia. Persona ordering thia medicine from the country, by tending a remittance, can hare it boted u|i and tent to any part of the Union. I'i ire S t i cr bottle, or 124 |>er dozen. 24f im'er. 31 LISPENARL) STRKfcT. MADAMK COSTKLLO, Female Phyaiciau and (fradnate .11 Midwife, offrra her profeaaion il-erTicrt to thaladiei jf trna city and eonnfy. The anatomical and phyaiological [leruliariiiea wlne.h diatinemah the female from the male, imaMipnhn diseasea and fiii.niona altogether hei own ? iiiy o . these diar ases in eieeeil.ngly romjdic iti d and ohicnre, requiring an accurate knowledge of the female ayilein to treat thein with suceeaa Madame Coat* llo having had long experience and aurprning lucceaa in the treatment ?f tliavaaea incidental to her aex, aporiaei ladiea on the jsiint of ronlinemeut, or those infTeritig ii|i|>ii-kiiuii, irregularity, uiium urns, k. wa;. vim matter fuiin whatever fiiuel thai she will tie haf py to afford a cnmlnrtahle temporary home at her resilience. where they can always have the beat ineilical treatment and the must, matronly care and nursing, or if preferred, will wait on Mid attend thein at their own houses uutil ja-rfectly recovered Madame C. |>t ticularly bens to imoresa on the ininda of the delicate, that ahe officiates personally in every caae, ao that lies it iiiou or dri ad need nevnr he apprehended. N. B.?Madame' nstrllo would uilorm ladies residing out of the city, whose health would not admit of travelling, that ahe wonld devote her jiersonal attendance ii|hiii them iu any part of the United States within rea-unsole distance. Madame C can be cousin-ed at her rvaulence, 3d Lis|ienaril street, at all times and wnh toe strictest regard to secrecy A I rommiiniralioosand letters nmsl he iwaal rusnl rnl6 lm*er I A Y N K'S e.X PKCTOHA N 1'?This Medicine has already " [iroved itaell to be all ih it it has been recommended, y those who have giveu it a fair test in this country, soil the lie. ritand for it increases daily. We have mat heard nl ail inipot(ant rure of Asthma, which has been effected by the use of it, iu a in-uhhorins town?(he case was !i at of a female who had lor a long nine been under the care ol a physician, but had received no relief, and her Case was considered hopeless. As a lasl resort she purch isrd a hottlc of Dr. Jivue's Kipectoraut, which isuseil her to egpechrate freely, gradually <?aaed to cough, and is rapidly restoring her 10 health. We have no hesitation hi saying that this pieparaiion of Dr. Javne fur the cure of coughs, elds, influenza,asthma, consumptions, Blc , is ,he most valuable medicine ever uttered to the American pub >ic There is no ijmcaery shoot it?Dr Jayiie is one of the anst akilinl practising physicians in I'ennsv Ivania; mid whrr ver Ills vanous pie|iar-tions have been thsmugh ly tested, he ? looked upon as a great public benefactor.?Snmeiset, Me., I- triial. "rrirared only by Dr. JAYNK, No. M6 Broadway, New Verb. 25f lin*m OKKI'Tfc (if JKb k'KH-a(T> I.NSli HAM/b l o.vil AN V?office 3?? VV II street. This Company continue heir business ol insurance against loss or damage by fin , hi goods, waies anil nierchaudiee and also, on vessels and their ..irgoes against loss bv nland navigation. DlKttl.Tftlt.-s Thomas W Thurne Kltsha Riggs Thomas T Woodruff Reiijsiiiiu R Robson John H Davison Krancis I' Sage Thomsou Price Joseph Alleu John II Lee John P .Moore Mwsi-s Tucker James K Holme* Caleb i: Tunis Jarnes K Whiting Alison Bakeif Win K Thern Joseph Drake Irad II iwley John C Meruit Thomas M i rail THOMAS W THttHNK, President flKO. T. HOPK., Heerelsrv irilty jgh 1 00 SPANISH DOl'BCOONS. for sale?Also, Agio Bank I \J\J i,l Kngltud Notes, Itralts on fliiladeljihia and It iston, ror sal* at 8 J. SYLVttSTKK'S, mil lwr It Wall gtrtnt and in Broadway, FRANKLIN HOI THK PKOPHIETORH beg leave to anuonnce to th< dtU, mloNd to (iue Dollar aud Kiftj Cnnu per day, in t* For the bnttcr accommodation >1 many of their i>atron?, tin m.aj.:- dim Gentlemen's Ordinary, Ladies' I* rom the locality of the honar, being situated iu the nioet e ne?i |>"11 ion oftne eitv, the proptieior* uu>l. that e ith rciiewei teutiouand facility required for the comfort and convenience ol New Vonit, March 11. 1843. A G G R A V AT A SK~OF SCROFU LA. Wl N''NK- LARGE UL< KKS OTHK LEO EN *' TIRKLY CUHED?after being gireu upas incuralle ty the Physician*, cuied by Brutol'a Saisai^rilla ? Another proof of the virtue* of Diiatol* Sars ipar-lla The following ts one of the many htindreda who are daily teitilyilig of the iu perioiity of Bristol's Karsaparilla over the many nostrums puff ed iu'O the uotuse of the commnuity?whereas Briatol'i 8ar*atwrilla i>erforiui all it purport* to do, aud givel uutversal satisfiction to those who have had the article and given it a fail trial. New Yore, Feb 4th. IH3 ) 307 Maiustreet, Buffalo, y Mr. C. C. Brutol? | Sir:?There have been bnf few eveuu in my life more plra?iuc to me. th->u the one that form* the ha?i* of the ?t>ite">rut > am ah?ot to inakc relative to 'he astouisbiuu curv perform) d by \ our *iar?a|iarill t on my *on, ('harles, aged |7 \ eat*. Charles from nfancy wa* afflicted with Scmfuia, liowiug at differeut period* evident mark* of the e>*tenceof that "lire di*ea?e, on the gland* of the ueck and variou* part* of hi* bmly, whenever he had t.iUeu a cold. There watt n 'thing, howevrt, of a very alarming character visible upon him until the (Spring of 1833. when the Scrofula made it* ai pearsnce about hi* eyi *, which *o affected them a* co cause aevcre diitre** aud inflammation, seriously affecting his sight. vt- ....a ? n,. I..O I.. BHnminv a verv daugerotts and fraiful lorin. Spreading mpUlly front his knee to his ancles. And there was but lilt's hope ofhis being saved without the ln?? of the leu by amputation, or the dreadful and horrid'ate of being ealeu ut> alive by his distressing inalany. the scrofula. lu vain was the skill and taleu'of the medical profession brought into requisition m order 10 arrest this f srlu' and wastiug disease. All the various ieinedies prescribed by physicians, as well as the numerous nostrums ?? nded as cure lis were resorted l > without any benefit whatever to my son. who was f st wasting away to a mere skeleton. In this dreadfhl condition, with lnue running and eating nlcers on the leu, the most of them resembling eatiuc caucers.We concluded that there weie no medicines or applications that could possibly have auy agency in subduitiy this distressing aud painful disease, the scrofula. At this crisis, a fiiend | rovideutially recommended Bristol's Sarsaparilla, and at the same time referred to persons who had been cured by it. who were afflicted with scrofula iu its word possible form. As a last re sort, with a faint Inspe that my sou might yet be saved uudri the blessing of the greatDiapcnser of every blessing to uiaukind I commenced administering to my sou Bristol's Sarsapar.lla, ill July I8U After using it a short time,we discovered a change for the better, and in a few munths his leg was nearly well, leaving only the scars to tell where the ulcerations had been. He had varn ous other afflictions,all of which,I ain happy to say,with a heau filled with j y and gratitude, are now removal aud Charlei perfectly cured by Bristol's Sarsaparilla. I sl ould fail iu the attempt to speak of your Sarsaparilla as it deserves Language is too faint, and my abilities too feeb'e to express tne high estimation in which 1'hold your imalu ble preparation nl K irsanarilla. It will be a piea ur? to ine to satisfy any one wh< may desire to see my sou, at No llt(> Hester si. JOHN MONTAYNE, Cedar Cooper. Wm. C Carl, Esq., of 214 Broadway, has been grievousK afflicted for nearly twenty years with rheumatism, affection of the nerves, and an almost total low of atqietiie from dyspepsia He was itidu>ed to trv this remedv on the recommendation of a friend, who had tested its merits; he did so with litl'e fsith, hilt scarcely had he useii five bottlvs b (ore his appetite Was completely restored, and fiorn buiug a crippled iuval d, h< is now ah-mt his business neatly restored to health, and this by Bristol's Sarsaparilla alone. He says, " I would on no cousi deration he without it?it is invaluable." jTf*'City Agents for the sale oi Bristol's Sarsaparilla. William Bnrger, wholesale arent, SO Courtlaudt st, and 181 Ureeuwich el; an i at retail at the following places?Milhau'i Pharmacy, 183 Broadway. Hnshton & As-iiuwall, 110 Broad way, 86 William st, and 10 Astor House James Syme, M. D. 63 Bowery, and John 8vme, 30 Fulton cot Wnter street; Ro vrt Leggetl, M. D. I'i Avenue D: B Quackenbush, 109 Oreeu wich street; A Hill, 297 Gieeuwich at: I. G Reed 14S k'ultoi st, aud Mrs Hays, 139 button st. Brooklyn; J Ik J ('(aldington corner of Spring and Hudson sts; D H Burti ett, Third Avenur corner cf Eight st ; Philip -Vlerldc. 381 Grand st; Daniel B Tucker, 360 Grand at: E H- Tripp, 167 Division st and 211 Kul ton street. Boston?Maynard & Noyes. Persons residing iu Brooklyon, L I., are tespectfully rei|uest ed to c ill on Mr. I. O Reed, 143 Kultvu st who will b-pleasec to gi?e a statement of facts in iclauou to the effect* of Bristol i Sarsapar lla in his family. 201 lin'ec UK. MOUR180*. vrtiRTH RIVER DISPENSARY.204? rulton street nea - " iTrreuwirn.?i/r. inorriiua, uicuiucf wi uic vwL"rf of Surgeons, Loudon, xnd forro-rly Surgeon iu the British vy, coniiuues to be consulted daily ou all disease ofa delicat. imure, and all thoae distressing symptoms consequent ou mju litious treatment, and the imprudent use < fquack medicines Or. M. has had an experience of twenty t wo yeais in treatini delicate diseases in all their various audc implicated forms, am jses a mild, sale ami infallible substitute I or inercurjr. iug the venereal virus with certainty, without subjecting the patient to any risk or restricting him iu I isnsnal diets or pur suits while his medicines are agreeable in taste and smell. Per maueutobstructions in tlie urethra, such as strictures and en STKementof the prostate gland, accompanied with much itii uttion and dull paiu about these parts, are some of the conse tueDces of mal-treatroeut. Dr. M. treats strictures in a scien uflc manner, promoting absorption of the thickened xuicala membrane without any pain. CONSTITUTIONAL DKBILITY.?Thousands of younj men are suffering irom hie couseqneDces of iudulgeuce in a se cret destructive habit,and whose nerves are further injured fron thenseol d pretended specifics, which stimulati inly lo induce greater depression. Dr. M. treats such cases or urely pathological principles, tud never fails in establishing! are?the strictest honor and confidence are observed. Letters post paid, and containing a suitable fee, will ensuri ihe correspondent full advice, and medicine to any |wrt of thi Union, by his giving a history of his casein detail. 204)4 Kit) .nstreet nea? ttreeuwicb mi lin'r Bewshe ol disease,beware the power Which lays the mortal body lowLife asks no day, nor e'en (he Inms, To bid . ui mortal ove throw. ALL should rejoice whin a discovery is efTectrd which aidi the body iu iis recovery from sickmss Prase 8t Son'i Compound Kxt'act of Hoarhouud is now acknowledged to bt the first medicine extaut to resrore a'l those .ifffineg with Coughs, Colds and Pulmonary Complaints, which terminate it Consumption Those who read cannot be toostrougly impressed with this advice. Sold by J. Pease K Sou, 45 Division si 10 Aslor, 110 and 529 Broadway KKAD THE FOLLOWING CKKTIFICATE FROM REV. JOHN C. LYON. Dear Sirs Though I nave uot the pleasure of a perinevl acquaint*nee witn you, yet a sense of duty fo yourselves aad lo the pohli' . constrains rn- to hear mv testimony, unsolicited by any oi>e,iu f.tvor *f your Clarified flo iiImxiqu Candy Haviutr. some time dKO, bet n seriouslv afflicted Hiliicold ou iny breast, the symptoms of whi h Here becomuiu alarmum, I accidentally came across your Candy, and. after bat a partial, and ir rtrular use ?>f it 'or a few day?, found, ijuit* unexpectedly, the difficulties on rny breast and iu inv throat *iv- way. The tree m4itsy ana^oti diioluiff, together Willi other noct desirable effects, which your Caudv pr duced, s*vrd ?ne most probably from Consumption, which seemed to lay fast hold upon in? Iuuks. and euatded me to pursue my arduous duties, without serious embarrassment, wi lie at the tdiue tirau I recovered m\ health With the sincerest respect, I am gentlemen. voori, Ice. JOHN C LYON, Pastor of the Methodist K. Church, York, Ta. January 4, 184 2 To Messrs. J. Tease It Son, 15 Division street. N. B.-ffe would here state that the above gentleman is now Pastof of'he (Jrruiau Mission I hnrch, in Second street near Avenue C; an all who are sceptical will* call on .inn and he will dispel th?ir doubts. J. PP.A9E fit SON. 45 Division street Agenta? Hushtom It Aspinwall, 10 Astor House, 110 llroad way. and 16 William st; Timpson, cor Pulton and Wlliair u; Bateson, No I Park Rnw. corAnBit; Keer, 746 llroad way: Driggs, 681 Broadway; Church's Dispensary,Igf) Bowery cor Sprint s': Badeau, 260 Bowery; Dr. Legget No. I? A*euue D.; Dr Harsluw, No. 17 Stanton si; Dr Hail, Ml Uraud st Martine, cor 21st st and bth Avenue: Smith 232 Greenwii li st Dr Hill, 201 i treeswich st; J Fenkea, 161 (Jreeuwich street Wasl burn, 2151k Bleecker st. Agents out oi the Citv?Mrs Hays, 130 Pulton st, Brooklyn klr Hundley's, 15 High st, do; Mis Smith. 17 Pulron street, n Vlrs Stiles, 153 PuTion st, do; Mr. Crocker,cor Atlantic and denry sts, do; Burgess It Zieber, No. 3 Ledgrr Buildings "piladelphia; Redding A ( o., No. 8 Slate street, Boston doner, 57 State st, Albany; Robinson, No. 110 Baltimore st eultiinore. Md. N. B ? Each agent who sells the genuine Horchound C. inly certificate ol agency sigued by a pen, John Peaae It Son 23fr OMK1M J'OOTH W ASH?Prepared Iroui tlir original rs c,|*elNo.l 'fold street, New Yrok?The Urns l oot) Wash is purely a vegetable preparation, possessing the proper ties o (cleaning the teeth and mouth restoring the gums to I nealthy state, and preventing any unpleasant taste or odour in the mouth, whether anting lrora decayed teetn or from a de, 'iinged state of the stomach. It is designed to be used with atooth brush, aud will be fonnc lo supersede the uecessity e fa powder .keeping tbe teeth clean ind preventing the wearing away of the guras Ir m the teeth It ia particularly useful in rases of spungy gums, restoriug them to a healthy state, and causing them to contract around the teeth. In painful affections of the teeth aud guins, arising from egpooure to cold, it Will be found highly beneficial. It is pMocularly serviceable to use the Urns Tooth Wash atiiighi.'osi before retiring to rest. This method is recommended by eminent dentists, as by so doing all particles of food which accu (Halite daring the dif are entirely removed, ind the uroath tent through the night in I clean, aweet, and healthy atate. Sound teeth and white teetn are the moat valuable i-ortions of poor humanity; lint how many neglect the attention ne teaaary for their preaervation, even when aunrouuded by all the neans needed Among theae we know of none more pleasant and effectual than the Orris Tooth Waah -it cUnnaea and wnitena the teeth, atrengtheua the gnraa, pa liea the month, and aweetana the breath. We recommend it. uae to all, young and Id.?[Boaton Morning foti. The Orria Tooth Wash ia the beat detergent we ever ued oi o?r enamel.?(Boatou Trauaoript. for aale by the principal druggists in tf 8 city ad I r;.NULISll SCHOOL. HAVANA, ISLAND OK CUBA. CHARLKS DlINNK WATKRLAND. PRINCIPAL. THIS Academy waa eatabliahed two yeara ago. under the patronage ol tne former Inteudeni (Jeneral ol the Island, and other dialing n laoed iniliridunla of the nobility mi d merc hants ol ttnacity. It it oocductedou the planof the Oerman ' gvinuaaia;" and the metnoo ol tmtiou ia the "iaterrogntire." All the acholara nnderatand toe English language, and many of them apeak it habitually and fluently The Principal haa th* exnerirnce of achoola in France, Oer nauy, England, and the Uuited Htatca. Hia chief aim ia to rive the youth entrnatrd to hta rare a practical knowledge ol those branches of a poliuv education, which are required in ail active careers, and are applicable to any. The conrae of study, therefore, comprehends the English French. Oerman and Spanish languages; History,(ieogra .dues, Natural Philosophy, the practical rart of Mathematics, and Drawinganf cartons kinds. Professors of divers nations and acquirements reside in the establishment; and all the classes receive, in rotation, instruction from tin-director. Such sigual success haa attended thia plan of tniiion, that * veral of the pupils, under twelve years of ages, write and speak iwo foreign languages, in a perfectly intelligible manner, and ,hose of riper years, correctly and easily. The acq u i si lion, not only of the Spanish, bnt also of othe languages, is thns placed within the reach of the youth of the tailed States, without its being necessary for them to relinquish the many advantages which accrue from anKnglish ed acaliou. The object of the Priucipal in desiring to receive youths from the United States, is to facilitate the arqmrrineui rl the English accent for hit Spanish pupils, which tervie. would lie doubly repaid them by liv the latter, and to mtrodnci Here the manly spirit of the English schools. The yoiius, citi tent ol the Uuitrd Slates ran have nothing to fear the cli nnte, the house being spacious and airy, situated ih a lire libit, poi, at a short distance from the city; and containing w.inin itunits, a line hath and coiaplr te gyinuaai im for the preservuliui it lhe pupils' health. Two youths, lately arrived from tierinc iy, have pasted the summer ill the tc.mol in perfect health. A(lie priaripal is a married man, and hit wife and sister liavr uat ge of the junior department; children are reeeiveda ant inttoal of infancy. E very pupfl enjoys hit reliuiiuit opitiiont undisturbed. T ne terms are fttno per annum, payable three mouths ram e. The re are no rstrns esrept rlolhes am) books, deference*?MKSSKS CIIAS. L)KAKK k BROTHER*. ALEXANDER MORALES, ESQ.. all Havana LONDON AND MANCHESTER INDIA RUBBKK GOODS. UMIOLICHALK AND HKTAIL, No.t Wall street. Ih f" subscriber has received and oners for sale a Isffe M?n*t n%nt of imi cried India Rubber Water Proof Oooda, vi*: Coats and ofsnitrrmr Lama, Cashmere Lama,? eniw M-rino and (lotion, of all colors and sizesClotli?India Robber, Water Proof, super Lama, Lain? ref* %u and Cotton, prepared ferlaiiors.. ^ . *? 'TffikV.'X'SffikkAllrtON. JrfE, NEW YORK. tir filends and the public, that thetf price lor board is, from litis >lh Ladie* aud t fe utfrmrn'a Ordinary ry have also .made the following alteration in their hours f#l INEB. * o'clock Slid 3H nVlnrk. 3K o'cl >ck. rntral aud pleasant partofltroadwsy aud contiguous to the bustlesert ons Ml their part, they will W enabled to afford e??ry attheir |{U Mts, and merit a rontii.muee of r.?mer patronage. HAYES ti THEADWELL. mis r PARR'S LIFE PILLS 'PHIS Pipe Herbal Medicine has scarcely heeu introduced into the United states sis months, vet m this short space of time, without any extraordinary esertiona ou the i?rt otthe proprietors, it. sale in the States of New Yorh, Pennsylvania New England States aud Canada, has increased with such rapidity as to esceed their most sanguine expectations The public are now beginning to understand and appreciate the sa> lienor efficacy of this mild ftlicine to the powerful pnrgatives that have been hitherto sold them is the shape of pills which may give telle! for a short time but al wsys at the etneme of the system, by enfeebling it aud rendering it more liable to receivr again othei complaints. On th" contrary. Parr's Life Pills gently eradicate disease by removina all obstructions in the iutestuial canal, purifying the blood strengthening the system, and t rea iug a natural and healthv action of the b"dy?they thin act powerfully ns a tonic, and restore to the patieu a long lost appetite aud a health craving for ftx-d As a family inedicinc it is uni'tiualleil, aud may be tnkeu he every member ef a family horn tne yonugest to the oldest, being iierfec Iy free from all mineral preparations, giving an pam, aud acting mildly as a ntirg <iive. Many lemalrs who have taken this medicine peak iu the highest terms of the great benefit they have had from the use of it, aud to all females ofa delicate habit of body we would particularly recommend this medicine; they will find it agreeable to take, soothing to the system, and certain in its removing the soar and bad humor front the body?in the Spring the torpid and acrimonious fluids that have laid dormant in he body during the winter, hut are again brought into activity, wi|l be speedily removed by taking Parr's Life Pil'g every night, before going to bed, for two or three weeks. The proprietors have aire tly many excellent testimonials of the efficacy of Parr's Life Pills in bilious and scorhnttc complaints, Chronic cases of colds coustiiiation of the bowels, dyspepsia, liv?*r complaints, drbilit" ana complaints incidental ro females. The foliswiug are the exclusive agents for the xale of Parr's Ltir Pills, where miy be had irratis the Life and Timet of Thomas Parr, with two fine engravings, and much other inter estin* matter James A spin wall. Druggist and Chetnist, 86 William street; Rosin o ) & Co. 110 Brunaway and 10 Asfor House ; Abraham Sands Ik Co. druggists and chemists, granite hnildinvs, No. 273 Broadway, corner Chamber street ; David Sands It Co No. 77 East Broadway ; P. Dickie, 413 Broadway, corner Lispcnard stieet ; John B Doud, druggist, Broadway, corner Bleecker street ;N. W. Badeau, Bowery Medicine atore, 260 Bowery ; John C. Hart, druggist, 340 Grand, comer Norfolk atreet ; ! Symr's Medicine atore, 63 Bowery, corner Walker itreet ; John Syme, corner Fulton and Water itrreti ; Horace Everett. druggist, 367 Greenwich street, ueil the corner of Franklin; J. it J. Coddiogton, apothecaries, 227 Hudson, corner of Spring itreet; E. L. Cotton, chemist and aiaitoecary, 2)3 Bleecker, i eoruer Jones street; J. Weudover, druggist and ai>olhecary, , No. Ill Eighth avenue. Brooklyn?C. Wells Simons, seed, draft, and patent medi erne warehouse, 184>k Fulton sheet, and wholesale at the proprietor's office T ROBERT'S h CO, f Clarendon House, cor. Da an- st. anJ Broadway. Small boxes 25 cents. Large or family boxes 50 cents. Persona desirous of obtaii ing an agency for their sale in the country, will ple,ise direct their letters, post paid, to T. Roberts Ik Co. letter box 907, New York. ml3 1m?e 'I'HE NOKII I IT OF C.NUI,\ND USE SHEU MAN'S 1 TOOTH PASTE?Over 2500 pots are sold eveiy month. The Uoctordefies the whole world to make so g?od a dentifrice. It cleans and whitens the teeth ; keeps them from tching auri decay, h irdeua the gums and sweetens the breath. The Sultan of Muscat has recommen 'ed Shermau's Lozenges to his subjects as the pleasantest and best medicine in use. The Rev. Mr Dunbar, of the .MrDougall street Church, recommended them to his congregation. The Cough Lozenges cur*d him of a very had cough in a few honrs. ? Mr. Edw rd Pha'on. the celebrated hair rfrssser, 211 Broad1 way, has known She rman's Camphor Lozenges cure dozens of persona of sea sickness in a few minutes. '1 hey are e per fee preventive and remedy for head ache, palpitation, lowness of spirits, di-snouaeney, 8tc. Daniel M. kr> e, Esq., Clerk in the nrijer Police Office, has ' us-d S e'in u's Lozenges in his family for four years, with the greates'benefit ; never failing to cure the worst cases of ccnghs, colds, hea l ache, worms. Ike. Jim Grant, State ba'ber No 4 Ann street, has fouud more benefit froin Sherman's Lozeng-s than any thiug else. Ha has known more than fifty of his friends who have been cored | of coughs or head aches by thein. He thinks they are tlx ' greatest medicines In the world. ' The Rev. Mr Dow, Jr., savs Sh-rman's Worm Lnzenges are a wonderful meiliciiis. They have saved the lives of several of his children, wh?n all other means felled. They are iu fact the universal Worm Octroying medicine of the age. He has also found Sh r nan's Papillary Oil a sovereign remedv. Anv ladv can he cured hv it. no matter how s.rre her ' ipppln art', without liking 11 >e child from the breait. Warehome, lOti Nassau street Agents, IIS. 273 n>l i9 Broadway; 227 Hudson street ; 1M Bowerv; 77 East Broadway; 10 Astor Houss; 86 William at; 1 139 Kill ton 1st, Brooklyn; 4 Hfanwis Hall, Albany; ( State s'reet, Beaton; 3 Ledger Rnildiiurs. Philadelphia m!2 r Drugs, dyes, chemicals, poisons, german SILVER, &c Sit. Sic.?Dr. Kr-nchtwatiKer informs hrs uuinerous friends ami custoiuers of (he neighborhood and abroad, that he will furnish Acids of every description, Dye Staffs, Rrticularlv the Eitiacts ?f Logwood auJ Quercitrou Bark, >u and Red Liquors. Ike., Copaiva C .r ales, l.uuor Caustic, Labarraijne's Chloride of Soda, Aqua Amonia, Sweet Spirits of Nitre, Chloric and Suliiliurie Ethers. Pvroli^ueoui Acid, Aqua Kortis, Pu e Nitric A' id, Prosaic Acid, Iodines of PotsaI sium. Sulphur, Diamond Cement, lion Mercury and Leadlikewise all the paHeimtm and IleetTOtype Apparatus, i with its appertaining chemicals; with an assortment of Diugx, are all offered oh the inos; <ea?on.ibie terms. Kor i DR. LEWIS KEUCHTWANUER. 1 Wafl st. I N. B. Calico printrrs, dyers, butters, wholesale and retail druggists, will notice the aoove advertisement in parriculil, I Also, Polishing Putty for marble yards, RouCr fer D&vuerreo toy|ie plates, compound Chemical Whale Oil Soap, Bedbug, Rat, Moth and Moschetoe Poisons, Seed Piotector, prepara tion for Hi 'es, Ely Paper, lie ttr., and all other polishing 'naterials for cleaning brass sud silver,onhaud jy3tl ImVee HEADS OF HAIR. AC. BAHKY. artist in Hair, from London.?The import ?nce which all ages have to the head ?f hair, is a clear i index of the value set upon personal figure and when by some , capricious freak of Nature, the human form is deprived ol its fair proportion, art is esnrtcd to in order,by artificial means. , to supply (he .'elicii'iicy. Hence hive anseu'hose wonderful discovenes which bid Nature detiiiice B irry's VeuiiUtiug and Gossamer Wigs and Scalps still it ud pre-eminent above ' e.M otheri. Th> ir peculiar light gossamer and veutilatiug chv racter, their being ihaiied exactly as the natural hsi grows ? their elasticity aud tlieir snperiur n,atenal and wu'kin.iuship, as well as cheii style ol fiuis'i and arrangement all combine to form sneh perleet heads of hair, thai they must be seen to he 1 fully sppr. ciatrd Au inspection of Barry'* r.-al hands of hair will satisfy the moil fastidious thai they are lh- beat and cheapest in the city, which only can b? had at 146 Broadway, corner of Lioenv street, np stair*. fSl lm*rc OAUTION TO FEMAF-E1S Madamic kkste-ll, female physician, wooid inform ladies who with a proper dencacy, hare a repugnance ts the treatmeut of their complaints except by one of theif own set, that is all rases she Mteuds to them personally,her ei, rerience, practice and know led?.- enables hur to do so Sho l deems it neressary to state this, as site does not wish to ba el us?d with the preti nders continually appearing and disappear ing, advertising as "Female Physicians, who too ignorant and incompetent themselves are obliged to get son e scarcely laas iguorant qnack to experiment instead. Consoling parlors and residence 141 Ureenwich street, between Conrllanidt and I.' terry streets Hone* of attendance from A. V. to a P M in 0 lrr FEMALE MONTHLY PILLs. OtVI.Mr to the celebrity, efficacy, and invariable success ol iladame Rcstell's Female Monthly Pills to all cases ol ' irregularity, suprressiou, or stoppage ot those functions of ra tore upon which the healih of svery la r. air ucpends, since their .ntrodnction into the United Slates, nutr about foor years, eoroiarieits and imitations are constantly attempted to he aleied off ior the gruuine Ch?-p common pills are purchased ' at twelve cents a hoi, rait np in different boxes, and called? "Female Monthly Pills." with the object of selli uj iiism, if ?ot?.ble, at one or two dollars a box. Females are toe reft re cautioned against these attempts to impose ui-oumem. It is sufficient here '.o slate that ell Female MoulhlvPills are coon; terfeits, except those sold at Madame KestelPs Principal 'Jffica ; 141 Greenwich street, New York and 7 Essex street, boston. Prioe $1. Msdame Rested'! signature is wncien on the csvet of each box. ; N. B ?They caD be used hv married or single, by | the directions enclosed inside of each box. Sold also by sy (ointment at M4 Grand street, corner of Allen, New York. ; m 0 'n* , TO iVlAllKlEL) LALUKS. VIADAMR RESTELL'9 PREVENTIVE POWDERS b~A?These invaluable Powdersha?e been nnivers-fly adopted in Knrore, bat France in particular, for op wards of thirty yean, as well as by thousands in this conntiy, as being the only mild, safe, and efficacious remedy for married ladies, w lose hteltk forbids a too rapid increase of family. Madame Rested as is we.'j know o; was for thirty years Ve ! nu< i iifBicmu 111 mr iwu urm:.i|?i pemaia Moipiuili in P * I rope?those rf Vien.i? and Paris?where favored ry her greta eneneuce and opportunities, the attained (hat celebrity ia great discoveries in medical science ao specialty adapted to the female frame, for which Iter medicines now stand ami , railed, as well in this country as in Europe. H".r acquaintance with the physiology and anatomy of the female frame, enabled her?by tracing the decline and ill health of married lemelas. scarce in the meridian nf lite, and the consequent rapid and often apparently inexplicable causes which cocsiirn many s fond mother to a premature grave?to their tree source?to ar nre at a kuow>dgc of the primary causes of feme!* indisposi tious?especially of married females?which, in ISM, led to ihe discorery o her celebrated " Preventive Powdeis.1' Their adoption has been the means of preserving uot omy the health, but eren the life of many an affectionata wife a:d fond'nother The adrertiear feeling the importtuee of this subject, and es timatiDR the rast keneuts retuiiinH M thousands by their adop lion, would inost respectfully arouse ,ne attention of the mer tied, by ail that they nold near and dear, to riirir consideration. Is it not wise and rirtuous to prevent evils to which we are subject, by simple and health v means within on' control. Krery disnsssiouate, virtuous, and enlightened mind wrll unhesitatingly answer in the affirmative. Price fire dollars a package accompanied with full aad particular directions. Tnsy can be forwarded by mail ta any part of the United Htates. All letters most ne post paid, and addressed to MADAME KK8TELL. Female Physician. Principal office, lag Greenwich street, New York. Office hoars from } A.M. to t o clock P.M. Boston office No. 7 Esses st. in 10 lm* MADAME 11 E S T b L ii , FEMALE PHYSICIAN, Office and residence, lag Orean wich street, betweca CourtDndt -ud Lilerty streets, where she can be consulted with the strictest confidence on torn plaints incident to the female frame. Madame Restcll'seiperienca and knowledge id the treatmeBt if obstinate cases of female irregularity, stoiquigt, suppression, le., is such as to require but a few Japs to effect a pe'feci eure. Ladies drsirinir nroner uw<li.?l .ti....!.,,,.. dn.inv eon linement or other imfi.position, will he accommodiiedluriag i.ich time, with unvote and respectable board. " PreTentiro Powders," for married ladies, who** da licate or precarious health forbidi a too rapid increase of famih , will be ?eot by mail to any part of the United Statee. Pries tS a package. All Letters (post paid) addressed to boi Ml New York. Boston Olfisf, No i Kurt itreet. N. B-Madam. KKSTKLL would inform, ladies residu,a out of the city, whoae health would cot admK of travelling,that ha would devote her personal aJtondnuee uj>on them in auv part of the United Htitrs within raaaiMiahle durance. m'O Im PORTUGUESE FEMALE PILLS. M. UK BOUDKLO?lMC,*M. I).. LISBON r? KTUOAL THK Scientific combination of ingydienti of which Niea? I IMI? ere coini>p?ed. have made the.., the wonder and .idmi atioti-of the world ther are known aU oner Kurope to re the only preparation ever dieeorarad that has |>ro*ed uiramHy certain in producing the monthly turn. 1 oeir certainty, in afl -MM being .uch that the* mmt uot 1* used during pregnancy, for though ilw?y* inild, safe, and healthy, they ere certain to yrodaae mi.carr.age if used during that parted. The direction' are translated into kngltsh .and are enveloi ed round with thecal of he importer, damped kaeh hot . ontenia the aignature ol M. de Boudeloone. an,' th- Km? lit! di U?ione ha"a the of Dr. V. NIKLVKAU. .uthori.rd agent for the contiu.nt of America. They can be transmute# by mail to auy part of the United antes. Lettera directed to I)r. K. Mel.ean, ho* 14, New fork, will ir"*t Willi miocdnie attention. All letter, mm! m post paid. Bold by apnoiutmeul at IM Cherry, near ('sth.v ,oe etrect. Ptieo t* ''elf boxes II No half bote. ?ent ky ami I nvio Im dNw PUBLISHED DAILY BY J Alt Ks (iOHllOV IIKNNK'IT, N.W.COHNKH FULTON AND NASSAU BTRCKT8. Thi Np.w YoBB llga.LP? A daitv paper, issued carry morning n( the week? pnee two rente iwrcopy. Country at.b.criher* Imni.ned at the same r.le, lor any ap? fr prn..d, on r remittance in advance No naper ?eut, nnie. raid in advance Thu Wrrti.i Hrnai.n?lnnneri ercry Saturday morning at nine o'clock?price tin unrf a quarter rente p?r ccpy? furnished to country anNrribcri at ti 2"> per annum, in advance, ar at til* ?ame rate for any aiierifiea period, CoaacirnnuKBTi are rauureted to addrsaa their latter* la Jams Uogaa* Baaaayy, Pionlam aad Kditor?aad all av Ma baauaaa mam ka aaa, wd