Newspaper Page Text
LATEST SOUTHERN SHIP NEWS | Phii.auilLphi4, M uch ?8?A'r Caroline, Gikev. NOrh am; Lady Clinton, Crsuiaer, NYnrk; A Y Johnson, Taylor, do; Two Brothers. M <y. do Rebt Pultau, ?od Tecutiuih, itiit below. Cld Makiio'is. Seaman, 8r John, NB. ai.tiMohk. Mvreh 27?Air Meridian. White.Portsmouth ? Cld Orb, W itts. Kiuiuton, Jt; Miry, Llui'rio. Kio Janeiro. Alkxandbia, Match 25?Arr Lacmi, I Br) I) inerara. Richmond, M urb M?Arr Bichelor, NOrleaiii; Lynchburg, N York bid Zealand, Coorrbs, Now Orleans; Win Wallace, Boston. 15?Cld Lvpwing, Losada, Liverpool: Thames, Sawyer W??t lodies. Arr 2-ttli, Clio, (Br) Lockliart, lla ifax; llayne Treacott, H. van*. Savannah. March 21?' Id Woodstock, Tucker.'Trinidad; la odor a, Tillinghast, I'rovidelice; Democrat, llowai, Apilachicola. Nicw Onlkans, March 18? Arr Adeliue k Eliza, B*llimore: Osceola. 8f Thoinvs; ChspiiiAii, Charleston; Afruaria, Sivau V. , ^ Unicorn, Boaton; Adri <n, Liver|>ool; Eliza, NYork; We^ boater, doj Georges, Hoaton; S.lly Ann. Montegn Bay; Porto Rico, Philadelphia; Dai id; Anna Maria, La nuua; William, do; Kanuy, Vera Cruz. Genera! Kacnrtl. Kr.v WriT, March 18? Barque Kverton ha* diichsiged, and will heave out. Brig Drbnrah haa discharged, and is repairing Ship Marion. Weeks. of Portsmouth, from Boatou for AjwIdchicold. Went aahorn ou 'he American thoal, and bilged. The vessel will be stripped and her materials brought to this place. Chatham Theatre.?Thome, the prince of theatrical managers, is striving to revive the legitimate drama, and will commence a brilliant campaign on Monday evening next, with Mr. Forrest in a new and sublime tragedy. Several important additions have been made to the company, the house is being ornamented and improved in many respects, and we have no doubt but that a career of unrivalled brilliancy is awaiting the re-opening of this favorite establishment. (ttj- NOTICE.?The person who received a letter sign, ed " Justice," desires a strictly confidential interview with the author. 3t {*>- FROM AMONG THE THOUSANDS OF LET" TERS which the proprietor is daily receiving from vari" oui parts of the Union, in commendation of the virtues of the true article of Sarsoparilla, the following highly flattering and certainly disinterested, testimony from Messrs. 9aRds,ot New York, is a ide''; and although these gentlemen are now vending an article which they themselves manufacture, as a substitute for the true Sarsapariila, yet it will be seen that they are constrained to admit the "virtues" of that prepared by tho original proprietor, C. C. BRISTOL, and which has already gained such wide oelcbrity wherever it has been introduced. titreat caution should be observed in the purchase of this article, to see that the written signature of C. C. Bristol is across the cork ol the bottle. fCOPYd New Yore, April 20,1842. Mr.C- C- Bristol,Buffalo, N. Y:? Dear Sir?We have been selling (luring the past year considerable quantities of your Extract of Sarsaparilla, and think frotn the account we hear of its vi.'tues from those who have used it, that the sale in this city may be much increased by paying it more attention in advertising. Our arrangements are such with the different papers that we can have advertisements insmed on much better terms than most others pay, \nd more conspicuously. If you would like to make an arrangement with us for selling it more oxtensirely, we think it could be made of much advantage to tis both. We have now four different stores, threeofthem in the best location in the city for retailing, and one for wholesaling, and our facilities are such as will enable us to dispone of more of it, perhaps, than any other house. We shall be much pleased to hear from you ou this subject, or if you visit New York in the course of a month or so, to see you at our store, 79 Fulton st. Yours, very respectfully, A. B. & D. SANDS. Sold wholesale and rutail by Wm. Burger, druggist, SO Courilandt street. {&?- CITIZENS, READ THE FOLLOWING From an Extensive Builder.?Read hia testimony?Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, cures coughs, asthma, &c. after physicians can do no more. If any one doubts its virtues let them ask those who have used it. Mr. Brown, til Ann street ; A. Williams, 63 William atreet, and a host of others. Nf.w York, March 10,1843. I was last fall attacked with a pain and severe soreness of the chest, which continued for a number of weeks, 1 had previously tor several years been subject to a permanent weakness of the chest, earned by a strain. Tills Inst attack gave me much apprehension, as I found It was the commencement of a fatal disease. About the middle of December 1 began to take Dr. Wistar's Balaam of Wild Cherry, a single bottle of which soon removed all sors ess from the chest, added strength and vigor to the lungs, and 1 now regard myself as perfectly sound and well. JOHN BROWN, 61 Ann street fVTk. Cell Anl? A* 14ft Ct.Uen V,.. fBnne D..t4e M Th . Mrs. Hays, Brooklyn ; Badger, Newark ; Dexter, Albany ; Gotin, New Haven. OCT* OLPRIDGE'S BALM OF COLUMBIA ?All tiiosu who would prefer a handsome head or hair, tree ti m scurf or dandruff, we would recommend to use the above preparation as a strengthener, preserver and re. Morer o( the hair ; it is not equalled by any other preparation. It will positively prevent the hair from falling oft, and is a rare perfume, which every person ought to keep on their toilet. The genuine may be found only at 71 Maiden lane. du- A CLEAR, HEALTHY AN? BEAUTIFUL complexion may be had by all. The amiable Mrs. C?1, of P?e place, who for years had her face and neck covered with pimples and freckles, has lately had the most beautiful complexion given her by using the Italian Chemical Soap. This is one of the greatest discoveries fin modern science ; it changes the coior of dark, yellow, or nuhum skin.-to a li? aithv rhsm??? i ????? ?n -.??.piiuns, such as salt i neum, scurvy, erysipelas ; IT is an infallible remedy for the bites of insects, inusquitoes, galinippers, Ac., and for curing tender or chapped flesh, makiDg the sk in soft aud smooth. It has received the approval ol the medical council of Paris, who call it a miracle to cure any eruption or disfigurements of the skin ; it is sold by Joms, sign of the American Eagle, 82 Chatham street, New York. Jones' Coral Hair Restorative is jierhaps the only real medic <1 restorative sold. These are its positive qualities, as many testify who have used it. It makes and forees the hair to grow, stops it falling, cures scurf or dandruff, and mokes light, red, or grey hair grow until'ally dark. Sold quite reasonable, at the sumo place, and by these agents Zniber, Third and Dock street, Philadelphia, or next to the American Hotel, Washington, D. C.; 57 State street, Albany ; and 130 Fulton street, Brooklyn, 017- THE BREAKING UP OF WINTER WILL BE the setting in o! innumerable cases of colds and coughs, which neglected lead to consumption. Our readers who are exposed should be careful of the means they seek for a cure. There are a multitude of remedies so called? pulled tip in flaming advertisements, that are woise than worth Irs* The only pleasant, safe, and efficacious medi* cine i= Dr. Sherman'* Cough Lozenge*; they cure in a few hour*, and no mistake. We have known so many that have hern rured by them, that we have no hesitation in recommending them aa the very be*t meana that can he n'*orteJ to. Dr. Sherman's warehouse is at IW Nassau street Agents, 727 Hudson street; 77 East Broadway; 110,'27.1,and459Broadway; and 130 Fulton street, Brooklyn; and 3 Ledger Building, Philadelphia. CLIREHUOH'S WIG* AND SCALPS?The splendor of Clirehngh's Grand Saloon,is only excelled by the elegance of hi* style of cutting and arranging the hair, and both are surpassed by his inimitable gossamer and perpetual fitting Wigs and Scalps. By a method only known to himsell, the hair cannot no disarranged?they are warranted never to shrink?they are made to fit exactly as the natural hair grows, and accommodate them selves to the he,id as a silk Mocking to the limb. The hair is singly inserted, and appears to issue from each follicle of the skin. They arc strong without thickness or weight, light aad elastic without being loose, and having no metallic spring, all diaagredahle pressure is obviated. All that can exhance a beautiful head of hair, are concentrated in theae beautiful work* of art. An assortment of several hundreds always on hand, and prices lower than any house in the city. Private room* for fitting wigs, -703 Broadway, up stairs. DISEASE CHECKMATED. The Comet's tail's all made of gas. And though we can't gage it with meters, We know there's more gas in > ome puffs Designed to eclipse Doctor Peters, But to Fulton street one twenty five, For his lozenge*, pills, aud his plaster, The sick, heirg determined to live, Keep Hocking in, faster and faster. Despite all the envy of quacks, YVith bit medicine! all are cot,tented. And swear pill* and lozenges too, Arc the best science ever invented. Then hurrah for the temple that Health Ifor her special abode has sclectud, By her agent, at one twenty five, All diaease from the system's ejected! These valuable medicines can he had at 126Fulton, corner Nassau street. 00-READER, DORS YOUR FACE SMART AND burn when you shave, nod Is it constantly covered witli an eruption 1 Oo to 71 Maiden Lane and get a pot of Field's Anodyne Shaving Cream, and you will find hi it one of the greatest luxuries that ever lound its way to your toilet and one of the cheapest too. (W- AN ARTICLE CALLED HEWES' NERVE nndBone Liniment and Indian Vegetable Elixir, for the rheumatism and gout, has frequently come under our notice, which wo, like the common herd of mankind, havo considered one of the many catch-penny affair* got opto extort money Irom the suffering jiuhlic, and should, for aught wo ktiow, still continue to think so, ha I not aur antipathy to all patent medicaments been removed by seeing the above article applied to a triend who had been for years n cripple, and who now walks orect. When such a truly valuable article comes before our notice, we deem it our duty to acquaint the public of the facts. We refer them for partlcul irs fo Comstor.k St Co., 71 Maiden Lane, where the remedies may he had. 00- THE VERNAL EQUINOX, WITH ITS FOGS, and galea, and capricioua changes of weather, is a trying time for persons whose lungs ace delicate. Coughs and colds, the avant couriers ot consumption, are extremely prevalent, and the foundation of many a fatal case of inflammation of the lungs, bronchitis, rheumatic fever, pleurisy, Ike., is now being laid. Yet why should the*, destructive diseases be allowed to gather lien.l, when they can lie subdued in their inoipiency, (or rather whan the affections of the respiratory organs which lead to thi m, be subdued,) bv Iho use of .fayno's Expectorant 7 "We pause (or a reply." Crept red by Dr. D. Jayne, at 20 South Third street, rhiladulphia, and 30ft Broadway, Now York. 00- ONLY GIVE IT A FAIR TRIAL-If people would take this aiethod there would he no tenson to complain ol humbug. A. Orandjean's Celebrated Consultations for tho human hsir, No t Barclay street. A. Gran.1J.-an appreci'.* nn l .nthlncs withcircum spent ion, ..lithe pr .-.ipiions given In the boat author. Sving no prefer? ? |,j> ,.wi r< n.<-dies, except where e case requires it, an I sli. mot rover, experience for o many years oonkrms its elUcacy. mojvhy makkkt. Tucclajrtlbrali ilA? 6 P. 91 Thf steck market was very heavy to-day. Bales at * both boards very slow, generally atdecliniag rates. Ohio ^ fell J percent; Kentucky irm. B At the new board, the transactions were the same ? The inclemency of the weather operated to prevent much ? out-door business. An Illinois editor, and member of the Assembly, states U that an extrn session of the Legislature will be convened p to repeal all laws for the collection of debts in that State, j." in consequence of the late decision oi the Supreme Court r in regard todhe valuation luw. J! Many of the Western and Southern States are now (' without banks, after having experienced a surfeit of paper { loans. To show the extent of the revolution which has C rolled over the credit system, we have compiled the fob jr lowing table of the States which are now comparatively without hanks, and the nmount of capital and loans in (i each in 1839, which was the year when banking in the J! interior had swollen to its greatest hoighth:? j j bansi*(] in thk South swd wht.^^ p ... Capital. /.<)?? u. Capital. Loans. J'1"". 10 54)7.521 IS ore,540 2,150.000 2,919,433 ^ lyiMll, 5,4 35. "55 6,010,615 ? ? I Mirliiuan, 3,018,701 2,885,364 240,000 340,000 [" Missouri, 1,112,433 2 320,667 1,500,000 626.973 J" Mississippi, 30,379,403 48,337,728 ? ? i Arkansas, 3,495 857 3,956,636 ? ' ? Louisiana, 41,736,768 56,856,610 12.932,820 31,987,280 Alaksina, 11,996 332 25,842,884 1,500,000 1 560,000 Florid i, 4,582,236 5,236 293 ? ? Total. 112,244,306 167,507.377 18.322,820 37,433,686 Reduction, 149,184,557 129,073 691 v Those ffgures for 1843 present the bank's which yet continue to do business. The others have failed, and been placed in liquidation by legislative enactments. Now, hi according to the advocates of bank credits, the people of the States here enumerated must be irretrievably ruined by thus being deprived of bank loans. One of the most ^ seductive arguments put forth in favor of banks, is that 35 " they afford capital to those who have none, and thereby put the poor upon a level with the rich." If we go back m to that period of our country when there were no banks, , we shall And the reverse of the position proved. The first I bank, the Bank of North America, was established in 1780, as an imtrumtnt of taxation. In that year, the con tinental army was in an exceedingly suffering condition C for want of pay, munitions, clothes and food. A rumor {j came to Philadelphia that Charleston had fallen into the H hands of the British, an event which would have released ~ a large portion of the invading troops, to strengthen sufAciently the New York forces, to enable them to take the 8 offensive, in which case it became indispensable to put & the army in a condition to beat them back. For this pur- s pose a subscription of ?300.04)0, Pennsylvania currency V was rnised in Philadelphia to form a bank, which was car- s ried into effect, and answered every expectation based V upon it. The government incorporated it Dec. 1781, and ^ the Pennsylvania Assembly, April, 1783. The issues of -paper by this institution were highly beneficial to the army; but after that necessity ceased, its baneful efiects became very apparent among people to whom its opera. tl tions was new. In March, 178ft, when the concern had V been in operation five years, nn immense number of the * inhabitants of Chester county, Pa., addressed the assembly n a memorial which was entered on the minutes, and the * following is an extract:? " Memorial to Repeal the Baxk of North America, " March 31, 1786. " Representing that the bank established at Philadel- " phia has fatal effects u]>on the community ; that whilst s men are enabled, by means of the bank, to receive near three times the rate of common interest, and at the same time to receive their money at very short warning,whenever they have occasion for will be impossible for the husbandman ar the mechanic to borrow on the former f terms of legal interest, and distant payments of the prin- V cipal; that the best security will not enable the person to t, borrow; that expeiience clearly demonstrates the mischievous consequences of this institution to the fair trader ; that importers have been enabled to support themselves on a fictitious credit, by means of temporary punc- f, tuality at the oanK, until they have drawn in their honest r neighbors to trust them with their property, or to pledge e credit as sureties, and have finally been involved in ruin *' and distress ; that they have repeatedly seen the stopping " of discounts at the hank operate upon the trading part of * the community with a degree of violence scarcely inferior to that of a stagnation of blood in the human body, * hurrying the wretched merchant who hath debts to pay, fi into the hands of griping usurers ; Hint the directors of b banks may give such preferences in trade, by advances in * money, to their particular favorites, as to destroy that p equality which ought to prevail in n commercial country. ( Therefore, in order to restore public confidence and private security, they pray that a bill may be brought in and passed into a law, for repealing the law for incorporating the bank." The committee to whom was referred this petition reported strongly in its favor, remarking " That the great profits of the bank, which will daily in- j, creai' as money grows scarcer, and which already far exceed the profits of Ruropean banks, have tempted fo- ^ reigners to vest their money in this banK, and thus draw j, from in large sums of money for interest." v All tk- orih, it appeal ?, which hare overwhelmed the ' whole country since 1836, growing out of banking,clear- >1 ly presented themselves to the sagacity of our fathers, j* The effect, they saw clearly, was to destroy the credit of C the industrious and frugal ; because speculators and traders absorbed all the money of capitalists, by being en- p abled to pay a higher rate of interest than the results of ^ labor could afford. How truly has this been fulfilled in our day, when all capital has ruu through banks iDto the hands of speculators, and production decreased, while p consumption increased, until tho whole country was im- ^ poverished ! The r< suit of the above diminution of bank- K ing in the States enumerated will be to make money cheap ( and easily attainable by the husbandman a ad mechanic. The speculator's turn has now come to be excluded. There are very few persons who make the distinction V between that apparent prosperity arising from spending J.J money borrowed, and the real distress occasioned by re- 1! paying that mon*y. From 1797 to 1815, the English gov- n eminent borrowed from its rich citizens, and spent among 8 .... . tno laboring and trading classes, $jj,iks),uuu,uuu, or near $ 200,000,000 per annum- This was apent for arms, muni '' lions, clothes pay, soldiers, Sic. It was distributing ?' money taken from the rich among thu industrious. The j, result, of course, was great popular prosperity. The ? instant the war ceased, that enormous expenditure not only stopped, hut $180,000,000 per annum was taken from ' the working classes in the shape of taxes, and given back to the rich for the interest on the money previously bor- J rowed. Since 1818, $4,000,000,000 have been taken from (i the luborers and given to the rich. The result is incon- < eeivable distress. So in this country?from 1830 to 1839, e in the above nine States, $167,667,000 was loaned among the people, producing great apparent prosperity. Those loans have not been productive, hut are now to he paid back again. The evil is net in paying back, bat in per mitting the loans in the first instance. ^ Bale* at the Stock Rxchange, ti 1000 Ohio 6's,I860 b7 69V 1000 Kentucky fi's ti " 500 oo 60S V00 do b3 t'i 7011 do 69,S TOCO Ohio 6's 68%i 1080 do h30 09V 1800 Kentucky5's 70 4000 do 09V 5 shas Dk Kentucky 18V 5000 do s3 69V 18 Nrptnne Ins 1000 do 69.V 100 Lodr Iilund 18V () 10000 do s30 69 Second Board. si $'000 Corpo'n 5's, 1858 9I\ 100 shas Harlem h3 16J.' 6000 Ohio 6'S, I860 ?3fl 69 75 do ?30 If.S* Commercial Stock Kichangr?18 Wall at, u, 1000 N Yfi's, 1061 Vr'y Ifllji :)000 6's buw 85V l'l 2000 Oh> 6's, 1061 btw 69V 1000 do b3 85 V cl C,0i 0 do sl5 69 1000 Illinois 6'?, 1870 22V 1000 do tw 69V 1000 do 12 V pi 1000 do 691, JIIOO do blw 21V 160(0 do 69 Vi 2000 do s30 22 2000 do hnw 69V 1000 Water Loan. 1858 92 2100 do blO 69V 12 ?lia? F L, & T Co It 2000 do M< n'y 69 i:i do n V 7000 Krnlncky 6's 85 25 do 13?w 5000 do b?w 85 50 Ilirlem Railroad 16V 1(00 do tw 85 25 Canton Co b30 20 V lono uo >3 to>t :?? Ijouk mi'h ? n viu ih>, Sfronrt Hon riI $1000 Illinois 6's. 1870 >3 22% 273 slias Canton Co h20 10 1000 Ohio 6's, I860 ?I3 00 123 do bfiO 20 V lOOfl Oov'l 6'?, 1862 l>30 108% 23 do lw 20 * 2000 do bl3 1117% >3 do lit i(< 300 Hirlem K R 63 16% 100 L Island K R *13 18% m d M*te;of Trail*. ? The weather ho* teen very incldment, and but little A out door business hat hern done. The following tale of jJJ Heal Estate ho* been made :? cj 111] acre* of land, with tlio buildings and improvements M thereon, situated on the west bank of the Genes e river, janil intersected by the Genesee Valley canal, about (l.J I inili-t from Rochester, in the town of Chili, Monroe conn- 3,1 ty, New York, at $1(1 per acre $1,803 78 el *hhtn?Pots are dull at $5,12$. Tearls $fl,73 a $7. 'o Cotton?The market has been active. Trices are wall Tj sustained, nnd range from 4J to 0|; Mobiles, 8 n 7}rts; |, Orleans, 3 a 78. I? Flour?Holders ntk $8 for Genesee, 'and $4,87 for Ohio w nud Michigan ; common brands. New Orleans, are quiet at at $4 63$ 11 $4,78 ; Georgetown, Howard street, Richmond country at >4,28 The common qualities Ad. under h Richmond city $6,38. Rye Flour $-1,874 a $3 , Shorts 9 ; Whip Stuffs la. /Vori'jiont?Old l'rime Pork at $3,78 a $6,87$ Sal, s ol Lard at 8$ a 6] c. Butter from flto 14 eta. Cheese w 4j a 8J C. t< Grain? Sales of Wheat at 90 cent* ; Com at 81 to S3 eta. si Mnrrlail, ^ On Monday, 37th inst., hy ihe Rev. Mr. Foster, Mr. Si John B. Aiuivk* to Miss Lucv Do*, both of this city. 1,1 On Saturday March 26th, by the Rev. Mr. Andradc, at *! St rotors church,Ml. Or.o. L*vik to Miss Ann* Martin, j, both of this city. m Olcd. ( On Tuesday, March 29th, after a short illnass, Jvliit, ij, the Wile of Mr. Edward Rouson, aged 23 years and 3 months. The relatives and fr " ' .-f the himih ni 11 i fully , i vitu.l to attend the 11 i -1 Item h?i lute ri .?idem e, No J |g7 Orchard street, this alternoou at 8 o'clock a Latctt Advice* KKUKIVKI) AT TIIK NKW YORK HERALD OFFICE. , frica Jau. 7 Macao C*r* ;? uxCayei D. c. to Madiaa D,cntiirna Jan. 2:i VI nulla nmbay Jan. 2 Montevideo !rC* : itavia Oct. 7 Marsnliam ?.?? i srninda Feb. 25 Matanxaa !? naire April 9 Mayattnex r, ? nenos Ayrca Jau. 10 Maracaibo Dec. 7 ahia J1U, 7 Matamoiaa-s ?. !S dice. Hond. Feb. 18 Mexico X , irhadoea Feb. It Neuvitas ??"* ' Ore. 84 Vim.111, N. P. S. ' rrbirc... Feb. 20 II dm, S. I. D*"41* ' ape Haytini March 5 Paris March 2 ape Town, C.U.I I Jan. 1 Port an Prince March 10 nracoa Feb. 2:1 Ponce, P. H. Feb. _J ieiiluryos Feb. 16 Para J,B' ~ .iiLhaun.a Sept 15 Pernaiiihuco Feb. 9 May 17 I .mama Sept. 23 Inures July I lit 1 ile Janeiro Jau. 29 ailao Sept. 7 Singapore Oct. 17 alcutta Dec. 22 Sydney, N. 8. W. Wept. 7 emerura Jan. 70 tit. Iieiena Jan. 27 ay*! Jan. 29 tit. Thomaa Feb. 21 ibraltar Jan. 9 St. Jaw- 3 uayaouil Oct. 16 St. Jauo de Cuba March 1 innynma, P. Feb. 13 St. Johns, P. K. Feb 19 fonaivea Jau. 17 St. Croix March I alveston March 4 tit. Martha Dec. 2 March 1 St. John. N. B. March 17 [avana Ma'ch 15 Surinam Feb 10 iulifax March 16 Tainpicn Feb. 23 sremit March 3 Tohasco Jan. 20 icmel Feb. 17 'Porks Island Feb. 8 uiKston, Ja. Feb. 24 Trinidad de Cuba- March 1 pud on March I Talcabnaua Oct. 27 tverpool Ma r 1 11 Valparaiso Dec. 15 a iiuAvra* a iTwK 07 v**<* ???.. ?M-e^k 0 ima Nor. Ij Ziiij,ib?r Nov. 25 I'MMngcra Arrived. St Thomas?Brig Aunawan?K Brvant. Nkw 1 'fleam? Biiif Brazilian?II Speaiu, J Bown, M /alker, F Favour. Vur?l|(n Imports!Ions. Mavagufz?Briic Old Colony?( Reported on Motiday)?288 tidi molasres 27 hags 1800 oraugcs K U Tliurston. Domestic Importations. New Orleans?Brig Br-iiian?16 bids (allow D L Havre?3 <lvs deer skins J Smith?200 bbls molasses J Taylor?17 bales I ncs guuny cloth Martin It co?325 hides '>380 horns O Miln? i hales hemp Wilson, Bulletin Baldwin?479 bbls pork 1 do How 175 do 14 ktgslard 5 bbls hams (r Douglass. A ARI TIM E HE R A LP. Sailing Bays of the Steam Ships. from england. prom america iduinbia, Judkins April I ritannia, Hewitt April 4 May 1 i. Western, Hoskeu April IS May II libernia, Judkins April 19 May 16 Packets to Arrive. Packets to Sail. prom liverpool. for liverpool, iddons. Cobb, Feb. 14 Hoscius, Collins, Mai. 28 ambriuite, Bustow, Feb. IT Kurope, Furber, April I .shburton, Huttlesou, Feb. 26 Independence, Nye, April 7 from portsmouth. por portsmouth. witzerlaud,4ihadwick. Jati.20 Ontario, Bradish, April I /estmiuster. Alwood, Feb. 12 Toronto, Oiiswold, April 10 t Jaines. Sebor, Feb. 24 Switzeiland.Chadwick, Apr 20 prom havre. por havre. 'ille de Lyon,3toddard,Feb 12 Burgundy, Wotten, Mar.28 hica, Hewitt, Feb. 16 Baltimore, Fuurk, April 1 .Ibauy, Watson, Feb. 21 Cincrnld, Howe, April 8 Ship Masters and Agents. We shall esteem it a favor, if Captains of Vessels will give ) Commodore Kobkkt Siltkv, of our News Fleet, a Reort of the Shipping left at the Port whence they suled, the 'esscls Spoken on their Passage, a List of their Cargo, ami nv Foreign Newspapers or News they inuy hare. He will o.ird them immediately on their arrival. Agents and Corespondents, at home or abroad, will also roufer a favor by ending to this Office all the Marine Intelligence they can blain. Nautical Information of any kind will be thankfully seeived. PORT OF !*F,W YORK, MARCH 510. e ai | mouhi h is KB 4 31 HI* 6 20 | HlfiH 8 37 Cleared. Barque Richmond, Gihbs, Havana, H Haviland.?Brigs Sea lird, Bcarse, Lisbon, Hsrbrrk & Co; John toilers, Mason, St latharines and a market, Johu Ogden.?Schrs Maurhe?ter, Vorth. Richmond, Allen & Panon; Dove Tail, Sliaver.Georgeawn, SC. Smith & Co.?Sloop Rienzi, Durfre, Providence Arrived. Brig Cocheco, McCrillis, 23 days from Mayaguex, PR. with JO lihds sngar to B. Ayrnar lie Co. Left br:g Adamant, Leland, vr N York, 2 days- sclir Robin Hood. Brrrv, do, 1. Sailed in 0 witn brig Wm H. Talinan, for Norfolk. The C eucounteid westerly gales for ll e last 12 dayi? lost main yard, main tonsil and jib. Came to anchor last night off the Hook, and it lowing hard from ?<l?. parted chains and lost best bower nchor. Brig Oneco, Bat'er. 15 days from New Orleaus, with 337 lids agar 70 hbls molasses to Ho'erts St Williams. Sailed in co. rith brigs Amanda, Lermond, for NYork, and Carib, Portereld, for Philadelphia. 17tli lost, lit 20 10, Ion 79 25, spoke arotie Alabamian, of Boston, fr< in New Orleans for Mareilles. Brig Brsrilian, Hichbom, 14 days from New Orleans, with O'k.bc. to R. P. Buck. Sailed in co. with schr Pomfret, Wigins, of B<<ston, for NYork. Below. One ship, two brig*, aukunwn. General Record. Foagmi* Letter Bags ?The packet shii>s Roscins, Colins, for Liverpool, and Burgundy, Wntton, for Havre, will ail to-day. Their letter bags are at Gilpin's, in tile Merchants' Exchange. Bum Ki-na. Pntkis, reported yestcrdsy as having been fallen 1 with by the Clarissa, Lunt, at this port, had suffered severely i the gsle of the Ifith inst; having shipped a tremendous sea, rhich swept the decks, stove bulwarks, broke the lie id of t e Jill I ..od css.od Other anDSIdersble damage?set the D, ig leak ig ale ut 580 strokes per hour. After sta> ilig by tile brig tw o nya, Murium thr l?.ik gaining, an i the weather being ver\ teinrstuous, deemed it prudent to abandon her, anil were kindly ikeunti board the Clarissa, and treated with every attention by 0 I it Lout. Spoken, H?iht Fulton, McMiehaels, from Minilla via Balavia, for hiladrlphia, March 2t, off Little Kgg Harbor. A large bright aided ahip, with one row of painted I oris, 10th larch, on 3alt Key Banks. Foreign Ports. MataiJOF.x, March 9? In port, Knssell. Jenkins, of Ptii'mlr ihia, wtg cargo; Oirade, Kally, of ami for N York, Ida; Tanier, Park, do <l?; Sidney, B ruirri, for Bdentoti, NO. line; .lew ll\u. Card, uuc; Sarah Cattl, Grlnntrick, wig ft; John airfield. Leland. do. Sid 8th, Seboois, Hopkins, Cowes. Tampico, Feb 8}?In port, Brassos, Lincoln, lor NOrleans, it March. 8t John, NB. March 15?Arr Uen Stark, Lanathoni, Aim jdria. Home Ports. iPHn.aDKi.FHiA, March 2??Below, Robert Fulton, MeMilaeli. Cairon via Batavia; Caroline, Oi'kev, NOrleans; Te mseh, Reals, Havana. Lid Alcenns, Skcldeld, NOrleans; (J [ t field, Ingersoll, NYork. Montr.k, M?rch 17?Old Klir.a Keith, (Br) Liverpool: Robin [ood, Kisk, Glasgow. Arr Dibden, (ID) Haggan, Quebec; enator. Pepper, Providence; Huntress, King, Philadelphia. PYI.KK MF.K'IINO. Pbe Democratic Republican 1 Klectnrs o( the Seventh Ward, who are in favor of the lection of Jolrr, Tyler, as Presid-nt of the United States in SII, are rrqu-sted to attend a Public Meeting, to be held at lo Ml Kr?t Broadway, (oetween Pike and Kutceis streets,) u Thursday evening, the 30th irstint, and half past seven 'clock. Addresses from several dis.ini tiiahed indiu'iduala may be xpected. By order ot the W? r.l Comm ttee, m28n*r AARON SWARTZ. Chairman. ffBW YORK LAW SCHOOL?The remainder,of the a Ses-i in after the 5th of April nest, will be occupied with HACTICK. The first <x initiation, on this aub.ect will nmmrnce on Monday, the 17th of April, and will be coinplet(1 on the.'Oih of June. A Moot l ?u t w,ll t e K*r uinations on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, comleucine at 5 o'clock, P. M. Fees of iusrrn"t on I'en Dollars, payable in advance. THOMAS W. CLKKKK,, m27eu<l3t I Wall street \ MKRICAN AND FORfilON NKWSPAPLK AND *- I'KKIUUICAL AOSWliY, No. 4 Ann ?treet, N. Y. The *nhscrii>er having completed hia arrangement*,11 enabled I furniah to order, to age .U or individual*, nny paper printed i the Siate* or England. ILua'rated London News, Ranch Beli'i bile; Weekly Di*pntch Holiday Tim<?; flalir'it Willmer * Smith'* European Time*. Clu*. Wiliner'* American N*w? Letter And a variety of oilier* are received by expreuon the arrival f each ?tena?er. Any paiieror work deaired may be had by the next return earner. The Boatou Notion, fi per year, decent* tintle Also, all the publication* of the day. K. B. TUTTLK. N. B ?The ?nv??criber* w ,1 pack liundlr* and parcel* f >r rrvxnieii of all the publication* and newipaper* of PhitadelIna, boston. aud New York, at publisher*' price*, for a *tnall large for ?ervice? rendered. Any other Agency bufinex* will be attended to with the *ame [ornplueii a* if the peiton were here himse'f REKEKKNCES. Mtnri. Greeley It McElrath, New York Trtbuna Me*?r*. Wilton Ik Co.; Brothr r Jonathan' Me?*r*. Bnrgei* kZeibrr, Philadelphia George Kobrrt*, Kvj , Ko*ton Time* Mrnrt Bradler It Co. Ba*ton Mail Adams & Co. Boaiou Mr.Georgv J one*, Albany Mr. Cbarle* Wilmer, Liverpool. C. 8. Wext, Esq. Havana. J. A TUTTLK, ??f.od ni K. B TUTTLK. VATUHKS AND JEWELLERY lower than ever-a* the ?trh?cribtr it constantly receiving all de*riipt ion* of dil and silver watche*. of the uewe*t styles, direct from the aiiutactorerv, in England. France, and Switzerland, he i* i tabled to offer a larger assortment, nnd at much lr<* price*, at 1 tail, than AliT other liru*r in the city. Gold Watrhe* a* low 1 Biff each. Watch,* and lewiilery excliaugcd or bought. II watchea warranted to krep good time, or the inonry re- ' med. Watche*, clock* and jewellery repaired in the be*t *rin?r, and warran'i d lower thin at any other place in (he ly. (I, C. Allen, importer of watche* and jewellery, whole Ir and retail. 30 Wall atrert. up *t*ir? mS-lm in**ec UttK AT THIS?Juat received lot tine hdkis, at only 4 -r r-iit*. lot flue double wi ith changeable Pnriiine* at only 3* I; lot tabic linen*, J yd* wide, at only 4* Sd; lot fine broadorb* at onlv 7* (id; lot line d able milled Ceaiimere* at 8* 8d; T beat sattiilelx nt oulv V* bd; flirting iniulin* at 4 crtil* prr ird; lot tine book inmlin* at la; lot cambric muslins at'd per ird; lot aii|ierflne double aidtli alaparca Imtrra, cheap; lot die*' collar* a' 6d; lot men** line orange cane* at only 8 t*; t line new dc lame*, cheap; good ?rlk at * cent* ner ?h?,n It ill pav any one (o come 20 miles to WlLLKT HAWKINS' ois, Ml Greenwich street, 5?t store below Spring street. min lniis*m ' It KM' II ARTIFICIAL KI.OWKIIH-illU'.N AT'OT m William street, former!\ Brsw, Lsrossere Jt Oo.,hsve re* I ived by the H??re pscke'i Ktnetsld, Rhone and Baltimore, nl nrn now i pening * 'nil nnrl elegant assortment of the newt and most leshio'aide French Aitificial Flowers, ?r|?tel<--4 ith ihe gleet'?t csrrby their own houae in Paris, which will infinite to forward ta them by ev?rv packet the newest vies as they apt ear in thia centre of fashion. Drains will find it to their ailvan'vjo to call nod examine e Stock h t ,re pur li ting. HI 17 2ir*m ?C nnn rc<? RIO.OOO may be invested in a permanent WjVJvJVJ lid perfectly sale n h hmtness in the city, and a line of n fair profit at th- eoaimi ne< ment, ar.d a snilii al in ease to a large nmotint of ,|warterly income The business i? a pleas nil kind .,nd it is iVairsble that the |ieison fiimsli It the esah should devote his rerronal attention to it discoti- j tried with .a?y otoe. occui itioti. Address Iron,at the llerald Mt. _____ ? 15 eo.lJt* i )KFIO. tOA'.'S, THAVKLLlVo FHCK'KS, ' Iti .V). A eonvenii'iit gnttner.t for business men. For a I W. T. JKNN1NOS, 229 Broadway. m?8 Im'ec Opposite the Fenatsin PORT I TvUKSK FKiMAt.K PlU.rT ~ IMIKRK far feme.l and ^eUhniti d Pills, from Povtsnral, are. 1 is* r'reeirs, to be ol'taoied in this rnuiitrv. SUm.adt -nm M on.tho last eolsini,, loortti page. < WANTk I) hv a competent person, rmploviiifn* to bolt- Circulars, Handbills, fc'. A note adares'cd to L M., _ I t' i . flic. , *? ,|l I . ; i tnptlT attended to. WW Rt _ """ WKT NtinSE-W I i. .1 . th ) niti! Ill trrti'il WH'* nun, who has rut lout h-rehild. ? situation in the ahovr rapacity. Oo d retrrrnrrt tin n. Address bos 110Upper Post Offir m2?Jtr BOARD WAVTKD?I'wo Kenllenten and their wives, and L k I U'<v, * i,i, I., o i . k? ,, .in maul , ird in * respvcl tun: ?Hi; flfily Terina nuistbe easmnhle. A urt -. stating location. terms, (k , addre??ed lo W. K. S., and left at the H'iiH offbe, wll mw' wi h immediate attention* tn*7 K PO*T OS Fit ( pf< w Voih Mareh Wk. IB43 -COLUM- J?r' BIA S'l'KAM K.K?l.etl'rt fur the Columbia Steamer, ji" which will sail from Do ton on Saturday ntst, the 1st Apii', ' ' will In- r.-rrmu at the Unier and Lower Post , AWs in '' " citv until 45 mii ntt s past four o'clock. P. M., on K'liUy, III* 31st iualant. All letters so despatched will be under the j, charge of the Postoiestrr at B, sinu, who wi I ace them duly forward, d '**, iiMJ'r JOHN I.OKIMBK UKAHAM P. M. PA( KE i >1111' ItOX'll S H OIt L'lVKMPOOL.-Pass rrr.(ters he if in ship will please be on hoard the steamboat I Hercules, at Whitehall, THIS MORNING, at teu o'clock, ami ar which tune the ship will -ail. Letter Uatrt will ch se at Gilpin's and Hale's News Rooms at ?H o'clock, at which o'acrs only letters will be received. ( ""29 r V P~" ACKKT H'lIP VOUTHKRNKH. PROM LIVERPOOL '? ?Consignees per thjt ship will please 'alte notice Uiat the / IS now mscnarging under rcnrrnl onl?r, west ride llnrtiug , * Slip. All good* ""I |i'""iii?il mint hf si'iitto the Public state. m'*ir WOODHULL&yiNTJJRN, ?7 Sooth ?t QCHOONK.K WALDO, ii"in New OHwni is diiehtrfini ? I'at American Wli'rf. North Kivir Consignees will | lease YA attrrd t> the receipt of their good* luiiiiedisteiy. III28 r K._ K. COLLINS it CO. 56 South ?t at fT1!!'1 ii mil-'s11; in.* I, Pa-a-tiger* on hoard tli itcsm bint ? I MUTUAL SAKKTY. Captain Davis, plying between the city of New Yi rk an I Bridge ort, in connection with the ?< Housatnliic Hail lined, take pie sure in b'ariug testimony to | the uniform kin ho si ami itentl'tnanly il?|iortment of all the j, officers and bauds on suit hint, during 'one of the m>st stormy passages i ver eipeiienreil hv us on theSmml. They tecum- ji ineiul Jier te the travelling | ublic as an escellent stauui h sea ? hoa'.and her officers as men who can be relied on in the hour if danger.?Died March28, IMS. A Luther Btatliih Alber. A Gallup , G W Clinton .1 A Hi i kins J Joins Mumford HenryOole K'!1 B Will* Jared A Post 1 lb. A Messer I C Howard ' Solomon Hayes Hitam Eegleston *n' KnUeit G Wyukoop A Peaice I""'! this F Hunter S-muel Newbry ' Kdward Walcoft W'llinin II Davis ri" L H Allen S G Hins Isle JL D D S|iencer H Dwight Edmund Badger Marlin Piming f) Alesauder H ISewbohl John Allen JJ Chsrlrs Jaquet William T Griuuell ilai Win VI Kasson D Kowlw wi 8 W Ha'ch Samuel H Lee cot ' Higgins Fo M Knight inn Ollher 9 Clark N W Welch cln L W Hall Merit! K Green ers P S Mabie Wil is Houghton I as A Noidh-imer John Y Pi tty tin J A t'rtun Joseph Rothschild ste Bamhart Dit'enhoper Jo eph W Wi bli lea Harvey Dilbo Win C Cogswell flo Leon Stains Reedolph Wvtnau eel Sitnond Rothschild BiniuiT Churchill 1 Andrew C Hull T J Meaiclt cit Jetxies Derby L J Allen. t P Winsluw in29 It* m da' THE UNDEKMGNKD again off. r for sale a large ~A portion of heir tteal Ks'ate iu the city of Brooklyn. Ciicuingtaiices ovo which they could exercise no C01I- cb trol. prevented the sale advertised to be had on the 15th Decen hn her last . ga The Estate has been filially di"idtd, and each patty in inte- an rest will sell separately w_i The undersigned intend to build a number ol buildings on di the remaining part of their rro|>erty during th? ensuing sum- S:ii imr and will .'n.mei' will, mi rr Inner* for niiifoimil ir aim,I ?! ?n. nuisances, Ike ? All the Lou in the vicinity of the East river, and on the .. Heights, are of great value. J The " Homestead" comprises upwards of 800 lots in the Seventh Ward, iu the centre ol, end now becoming the must *. tap irtart ill the e.ity. This ra'e will be positive, on the days to he advertised short- j ly.and will commente on or about the 25th dry of April " next. ' * Full abstracts of the Titles, with access >o original searches, ,i, will be furnished to each purchaser for a small amount Mans are now exhibited at tie- Merchai ts'Exchange, snd at =. the office of the auctioneers, VVilkius it Rollins, and William L Dutnout. *Parties wishing to purchase, are invited to visit the premises; JJ ar d for further information are referred to the luhscribeis at " their residerc*, 125 Columbia st, Uronkhn, or to Maxwell Sk Msgher, Esqrt , Mo. 3 Nassau at; Charles A. Griffin, Esq., f8 H Mcrcli iuts' Exchange, or to Clarence D. Sacltett, Esq., Mo. 12 I Pine street. di Brooklyn, March 15th, 1813. tt M ARIA JACKSON. CORNELIA A. JACKSON. HAMILTON 11. JACKSON. * WILLIAM PETERS. ? _m29 end 3t*r CHRISTIANA A. PETERS. ? djtjA COUNTRY (SEAT TO LET OR LKaSE^-Oii th MPS the Blooiniuda'e road, between 75 h and 76th streets, |i L ifil ?i posite the Ontliic Asylum. The dwelling is a double o' house, well calculated for the pcrniancut residence of a genteel bo fam lv. The grounds consist of a flower and kitchen garden, s ocked with gM|>e vines, fimr, and ornament il trees?in all N about three acres. At*om> distance fiom the dwellin? there ia a large building, well adipted to any kind of mantifactnte. eJ Water excellent. Hourly conveyance to ar.d from tke place fij through I he day To a ra?|Kiusible tenant the rent will be vnderate. Apply to ? in29 3: is?r ' JOHN M1LHAU 183 Broadway. J MTO LET?The store No. 97S Nassau street, in the I| Herald Building. Api>l, at tile Herald office, cor Nas- J!) sets aud Fulton strer is, mllr OYSTER BAY. !.. I. !l! As* VILLAGE HOTEL TO LET, for one or more m |-"W years. The premises of die late Towuseud Parish, " tfl two buildings, each two s!or<es high, one Ju ny 38 feet, the other 33 by 15 feet, and connected together by apii/zt. Also turns, c <rri ige house and horse sheds, a Urge and very superior kitchen garden, and orchard, and twelve acres of escelliut land. The steamboat American Eagle runs to the village three times per week; stages twicepcr dny to J Hickvilte, the railroad depot. The roads in the vicinity ere J5| gnou ana scenery * usurp. ssinglr romantic. The pay n a nomo w o?e in every particular. Any further information cau he <>b- p, timed by applying "> to S. II TOVVN8END, near the rremises, or rn? eod??r or..fE LI I'LAM. >2 Suffolk .f V V ] PHILADELPHIA UO PANIC GARDEN TO JjWCjLKT?well hmiwn an the Me Aiauu (ranleu, situited on ? Jlw A rrh h'llln rt Schuylkill and Sixth streets, iu the city \ oP Philadelphia, containing about four acres of ground, with dwelling home, bar, summer house, extensive greeu and hot j hnuies, small theatre, scenery, transparencies, illuminating |_ lamjis 8te. The Oaideii is t rstefully laid out i : gravel w alks _ shrubbery, and ornarneiitil shade trees. J To a g nil .1111 suitable tenant, the premise- would be let on M r souable terms. Possenion may be had immediately. Ap- Ai p'.yto JOHN W. FRALER. . El No. "9 North Tenth street, Philadelphia. ' mil ins 6tr ?> ? ?? w? WRITING SLATES?A lot of English made double mi Wi itii g Slates, ot differ. lit six's. for i ale b> rt< m?9 3:r JOHN HERDMAN. 61 Hornlis'. I TO THE PUBLIC. 'h! WHKRKASmy ii^itw bn* b? i-ii isiiblishril to the world, an api heitiu; cureu by 8A.NDS' SAtiSAPAKILl -A, and I on whereat the statement as published Ov Mr. Sands is not my I statement, but one of his own, and t ntirely different fiwm the or one he ohtatu'd from me, I feel it my duty to state in a plain manu r,how the statement of my case by Mr Sands, was brought belore the public, also to Mat- by whtu means so Te great a curt as miue was effected 1 was taken .ick in Sep. on tember, 1811, Willi thst (flirting disease. Scrofula; I was at- te tended bv medical gentlemen, who treated my cas- i< the usual way wiili various [reparations of mercury, until my co system w s filled with it, and Chronic Rheumatism ill its lai most aggravated fbrm set in. I then had recourse to va rious rimedies recommended by physicians and others, an but with little or uo benefit to ine in effecting a cure. In Ins ? situation, 1 rommenct d using Mr. Sand,' Sirtapxrilla in Ah- J gnat, 1812. I had taken five bottles of it. The operation of JS which was ai follows HJ Soon ntler I roniinsnced taking it, my whole system became , benumbed and stupified, leaviug ine cold ami my llesb deprived " of ell ii '111141 feeling. In this condition I was enabled to leave J, Ill) III II III! nil III I. Jill* mange, niin i ii k 11 in i mi'in hi y , w*s Very pleasing to me, anil Mr. Bain's immediately applied to uie for a certificate of cure, which I <1?-o'in**J giving, as I did not ni, consider myself cured; but Mr. Bands continued him a|ip!ications to me for a certificate, and would give me 110 rest until ( gave him one about,one-quarter or one-third the letntth of the one J published by him, the whole of which I iliil not then understand fully, nut being myself in feeling, for allhongh my pains were (really benumbed, I was still suffering tnmli from my efflic- ? lions it times. After a few days this numbness left me, an I my J distress became more srvrre than before, and. if possible, I M worse than ever I Ii id been. I was aeaiu confined to the bed, from which I never e(peeled to rise, for I wis fas'. sinking ? wi My w bote system seemed to give way; I bad taken ill all eight I bottles ol Sands' Barsaparilla. In tins condition, a friend called ecu in to see me, and advised me to cominne the Sarsapat ilia I bad Bn been taking, hut aa I was fast failing under the use of it, I deter- _r mined not to use aay more of it, as it bad done me no good . whatever. My friend then stated lliat if 1 was determined not J to Bsc Sands' article anv more. In- would give me a prcpiration .cjj| of Sarsaparilla th t. he knew won d cure me. 1 then enquired (1 what it was?lie tolu me it was BRISTOL'S SAIlSArARILLA. I then renumbered hearing of 8RISTOL before,and of ca| the great eures it bad performed. I then said I would tie glad to an hare it. My friend stated that he did not wish to interfere with Mr. Bauds iu aay way whatever; hut as I had previous am to this determiaeiBtint to use any more of Mr. Sands' article, wt my friend ? furnished ine with a bottle of Bristol's Bar- 0j sxparillj; this was about the third week in September, 1812 I routtnuvd the use of it, until 1 was satisfied it hid produced a thorough cure in me, and now I um able ro perform as much | liborin a day, as I ever did in inany years. Inn free from _t Scrofula, Rhriiinatisin, as also a most afflicting complaint, ihe l'ilrsl with which I was long afflicted, anil a severe cough Lii of eight years standing. 1, ihvrefore, declare to the ell world, ami in the presence of him, who shall 1 judge the w orld.t'iat my cure, great ss it has been, wav elf cv Or ed by Bristol's Ssrxsnaril'a alone, nuder the blessings of God, ()(, 'lid not by Band's SarxttMialla. aa has tieen published The |rc tatemeir with the Rev. Mr. Van i In sen's name attache,! In it ( as being conversant with iny case, is not true ; that geiitlemm b never saw th< I'ticle published until he saw it in priut with Co his it' me attached to the same. Also the tuine of Mr. |~jtl Brown was used without his consent; also Mr. Purity ? and others; the wiole statunent was un'rue, lav,eg X never received the sanction of the persons whose ( names are attached to the same as published by Mi. 4H Bands, tel'.ive to me I make thii stste.ticiil without the know ledge of Mr. Bristol or his agents, or fro n any requeit n from litem. I do it because I ti'lieve it to be iny duly. I tnere ? lore * lieerlu'ly stale whet is tru?, neither courting the favours J nor fearing lbfrowus of any, and in doing this, I do no more lull what last ce drin'ndt of me But lor me to attenu t :o JB cite Bristol's Barsaptrilla the praitc it deserves, would be lomelhinir more than I could accomplish i co iclude by say- " i- g, that if anyone desires ro know more of Bristol's Sarsapanlla, I will be ple'sed, at any time, to give all the infnrina- J lion | am able, rt my residence, No. 41 Anthony street, New 3 Vol! ni29 lm?m 1HO.MA8 TURNEII. 1 THE o*l New York on College of .Vledicine and Pharmacy, direct lb? attention of the public to their .J new aud highly concentrated Extract of V: bAkHAPAHILI.A, ?h' which has been prepared at great eg- .s M yet attempted in this tl*< connuy.and which they hare effected by . *. an amwrtue from .. 1 PAHU. th' Da. BaaSDK, the editor of one of the moat valuable Dictieu x ain-a of the Materia Medica, apcake of Una article in JT the moat iri,|U ilili'd ternia of approbation. He ? - tt rla that in the ire alrnent of rliriminiini, wil duraaee of the akm. dyaoe|sia, drbiliiy, aplr arrnfula, avphilia. and all derange- .,?*< inrtita of the aystem, t da re- K medy poaaeiera virtue* uot obae reed m in any other A article of the Materia Medica. The aalc of it dum g the laat year r.aa been immenae. Corea jy of a (very retoaikible rlnracter have heen effected by it* lam uae. and aoiac of the caaet have been pahliahed in the medical ne? oninaia. It ia guaranteed to he |mvde from ihe choiceat fouth pari American HaraapaiilU, and free from all mineral prepartiooa. ,\ One bottle eontaitia -eT erven timra the oiiantity of the active principle .. r contained in a pint ol any of the frn ordinary preparatione. .Wold in aingle bottle' at 7J cehta each. .vg i.nae* of hall'-a doten, $3 50. I atrial one dtxeu. th 00. i? W H. RirHAWDSON, Agent he, Office Ik Conaulting Hooma of the College, n Naaam at,, U* mM I rata r AUCTION SALES l'HOMAS lit i l . Ancuonecr. BY Rr.LL * HOWARD. ferae Sot. Jl Ann and I") Ful/on ilr n\ ' WEDNESDAY. At 10^ o'clocH in the aa'earnoie. ari^a aaln of now ami "acond hand furniture of all dcacripi?. in rnntinu ition from Nitti'day'a aale. THURSDAY, At l(>K o'clock at Vo ? at I'raaale of Pima Enr'ea, Sofaa, Chnr?, Sic St*.?ia pernvwoml pi.>n > forlei, II spring and tufted aofaa. Krencb oil Kr, in h malinRaiiv chair* polished .mil plain Klenoh lat" Jl 1 1 1 III. r.,,1 an.I plain drissiuR bureaus, bookcases, Ac. To l><- aolil without rraervr, by orlrr ef an ?as trnte. i KHIOAY. At lti)< oYlork in the salea room. .sranaive * tie ,,f *, lonalil*' dry'goods, London clotha and iineres, fancy and pledged articles, Runs, cutlery, jewelry, tcliea, Ac. SATURDAY. A' loYi o'clock in the aalea room. .arye rale of eley ml I'ur nitre of all description!, both new I arcond l ane MONDAY, Arril 3 AI W 1-2 o'< lock in the tali s room. .lira anlp ol fancy ir oda?1 trnnki clnthmir d'V snnda a y valuable assortment of article . from pawnbrokers, cloths, e us,nilkt, trinkets, Stc TUKSDaY. April 4. leuteel Furniture?At 40 o'clock will he ?nh| the entire ids ine furnirurc c> ntauied iu the house No T Chamber it, n Chatham. riNF.H, BRANOIF.H. O'N, i'KAN SKiiAHS.fc. ' A. B TROWBRIDOK St CO. will -oil this ino-nnnt |0H o'clock, rai l or inine, in tlir store 301 Bioidw ly. corner ine street?100 demijohn* old Coy line .li d Chimpaitne indv, Hwnn and Pino apple Oin. Madeira, pure juice Port, I Sherry'W nrt, Jama<ca Kuin, 50 casea old Madeira 50 do Ancliot i?s, < laprra anil Olives, 20 bores prepared I lulk, balls, 10 13 lb chr its Gunpowder Ti", Sic. Sic. leirars.? A 'so 35 000 Havana, La Norma ?nd Principe .ars, to whichth? attenlion of ilia trade is invited. la'e absolute, iii29 It*in l<K>JA*'IN MOONFY,Auctioneer. UCTION NOTICF-Ours, Rifles, Pistols, Cn lery. Stc. ? B. MOONKV St CO. will sell ou Thursday, 30th ins'.. 10 o'clock, at the store 59 Maiden Laue, a fin s atsortmr tit of is, rill'a and pistols; together with an invoice > f superior le and desacri knives ninl fork', staj guard cart era, Stc. 100 crose, a supei <or niticle of lorehu"k hi ives I f' rks. Also 200 dozen pocket and pen ktnvi s, carded cuty. Sic. Ll?o, an iuvoice'nf swords, ri/lelirrus, powder flasks, per ion opt, St fcc. I 'nta'oiues a-e now ready. m*^ 2t*m I W A. ? AltTEM, Auctioneer. Y CATALOOUK?F.rtensive Sale of Furniture, to psy ai4vauens?cARTEK Sc CO. will sell on Thurs', 30th inst-, at 10 I-' o'c'oek. at tli-ir store, No. lot Broada large and clcmnt assortment of city made Kurtiiiure. laistinu of 14 cushioned, tufted and sprite; seat sofas, 15 dot hogany and rose rood Kail, thrre-fo' rths, and fnl I French lirs.'ol very elegant patterns; 16 tufted and spring se it rock, 2 nurse chairs, 0 ottomans, ) divans, 4 work rabies, i Irrr ikt tables, 6 double and single enclosed w <sh stands. 3 nnita m rosewood French bedsteads, 6 mahogany French bedads, 3 marble top centre tables, I elegant work table witli i vrs, 3 rnalioitany bnrems, 4 elegant dressing bureaus, 2 j wer stands, I book case, 4 elegant card tables; I rosewood itie table, Stc. Pbe style and finish of the articles are equal to any in the v. Hale positive, and without reserve. Jatalognes rsndy, and the furniture can bt esamiuetl on the r prevous to the sale. m28 3 i?*r UCTION NOTICK?By Fleet and Connor, Auctioneers1 j s store No. 277 PHpriiur street?Wednesday, 29th, at III o"" | >cli,Ht N(1. 181 Hudson street the Furniture of a family caking up housekeeping, consisting of ingrain carpet, uishony and curled maple chairs, looking glasses, bureau, pillar il claw table; mahogany rocker, card lahie, mantel clo"k, irk tables, bedsteads, bi ds, crockery, fkc. Also otic splen i Kreuchl grand actum Tiano Forte, (Trovoost maker) cost DO, neirly new; together with gliss cases, counters, and lit res of the store. Stale positive. m27 3tis*m ~ AT WHOLESALE PRICES ! VDIA RUBBER SHOES. 53 Maiden Salting oiTal wholesale prMM, KDuemik Over Shors, with leather Irs,both sheet ami cloth ruhb-r, are uow selling at the unpar slled low price of S1.50. Ladies over shoes oT every variety d kiud er e<|ually low prices. Thrse goods ere the more rable ami elegant articles to be found, and m all cases wartited. Those who have not seen our goods are particularly vtted to call and examine before purchasing Don't forget ie number, 53 Maidea Lane. in3 lmis?ec HUTCHINSON Ik KUNYON IOYAL VIaTL FOR LIVERPOOL?L. tier Bags for I" Europe, to go from Boston per steamer Columbia. wi'l ose at Haruden (k Co.'i Foreign Letter Office, on Friday, st, at a quarter to 3 o'clcck. P M. m2H tit t HARNDKN it CO 3 W U -t. nyiFlNES-'/oO bales Knglisb Brulport Hail, Seine, Herring L and Uill Net l'wines, comprising a full assortment of liferent siaai, and sit of verysunerior quality and late imporon. For sale by trfWD. K COLLINS & CO. mio "if. South Steeei' di CIIANUE OF STAR UNO I'LAt EU . , J^New Arrangement to Albany and Boston, via LaJBUE. Hon salon tc Railroad?The steamer Alufilil I'ety will rottimea'-e running for freight and passengers daily is morning at 7 o'clock, from foot of Liberty st, near Courtwd'. North Kivur, to Bridgetiort Leave for New York at 2 clock, I'. Ma or n the arrival of he oars from Albany. This ?t is tlic only one running in connection with the Railroad. For further information apply at the office, foot Liberty St. ew Yo'k. m2r ALL I HE KEUULAKPAt KET8?Steam snips si> am boats, and otner naiieugei vessels, carrying Utk iug " f rancis' Patent Life Boats," have the word I'alont" plainly stamped or painted on the side. f 19-ifr tjffi- FOR LONDON?RegulLr Packet of the 1st of |yfy.Aniil.?The very superior fast sailing packet slop Having very superior accommodations for < abin. second ca n,'and steerage p, ssengers, p< rsntis wishing to embark should aie early apidtcation. JOSEPH McMUHRAY, 10(1 Tine street, corner of South street. Persons wishing to send lor their friends, can have them ought out by the above ship, or auy of the packet", by iply iug as above, if by letter, post-paid. in24 S4t?- KOK LIVERPOOL?NEW LINK? Regular fjfV ttth April.?The Spleudid Packet Ship WEfcfc,S|DDONS. Capt-nn K. B. Cobb, of '010 tons, ill positively sail as nbove, her regular da v. Kor freighter ssaye, having a*< oimnodaltons unniualled for splendor or mfort, apply on board, at Orluatn wharf, foot of Wall street, to E. K. COLLINP St CO. '16 South it' el. P?lua?i .i. ?l?.i. I ,e i'sckrt Ship Sheridan, CaiU. A. Depeyster, t nOU is. will succeed the Siddous, and s' il the kith of May, car talar day. Letters for the slops of mis line w ill only b? received ?t OilPi and Hale's News Hooir.. Passengers may rely on the shiit ol this line tail tug ponr.nulss advertised. in26 c NEW LINE PACKETS KOK LIVERPOOL? HffW Packet 16th April?The splendid, new jacket slop mmL LIVERPOOL. t?(0 tons burthen, Captaiu John diidtte, will be d-snatched on lftli April, In r regular day l'his msRiiihcenl ship is the largest ever built in this ciiy? - cabin is e csantly fimiish-d?ner between d cks -re lofty, 'II lighted throughout, and with several other imerovenu :ns Pes lier I e most desirable conveyance for secoud cabin and icraite passengers of any other ship. FVr-ons about to visit the old country, are particn'arlr mvitto esaminc the iccommoditioni cl this supeib ship, and ise wishing to secuie berths should not fail to make early plication to prevent disappointments, as a limited number ly will be tskru Kor passage, a plyou board foot Barling Slip, (west side ) to W. St J. T. TAP8COTT, 43 Peck Slip cor South st. Tite Liverpool will ssil from Liverpool ou lb- 5lh June, rsons wishing to send for their friends can hi vc th-in brought i in her, or oilier Ant class ships sailing weekly, on lavomble 'ilia. Drafts for any amount, payable on demand without disunt, in all the principal towm of England, Ireland, 9c lad or W;iles constantly lor sale ?s above. The Packet ship Siddons will ancceed the Liverpool, I it I on the :5tn April. mi <j |,tfg < I.D BLACK BALL LINE OK PACKET HwWSHlI'S?Preset of the l*t of April?The well known MMfafirst class packet snip EUROPE, ('apt Kurher, will despatched aa above, her rcgnlar day. Jhe ha> eicellent nucoininod itions for cabin and (terrain* II ngers?th iae wiihiou to secure lierthn will require to make ly application to JOHN HERU.V1AN, 61 South Hir-r t. x. B.?Those renting for their frien '? moling in fin at ilain or Irrland, eaa arrange for their pi?i ige by the regular :kct ships tailing weekly from Liverpool, at lh? lotttst Jrafts finnisheil as nsnii I (or any nmonat. payable in all the ucipal towns throughout the United Kingdom. Apply aa i?e. uijlr ~ThK NEW LINK KOR LIVERPOOL? Keen n^ltr Psefce' lotti Apnl. I hr new splendid packet MMfa'hip LI VERPOOL. John Kldridge Master, 1IJ0 tons, II sail as above, on Iter regular day. for freight or |>ass<ge, having elegant and unsurraased ariimodntions, apply to the ouster on board, wrtt tide iilias Slip, or to WOODHULL Sc MINTURN, ntQec tl Sonlhstreet. BLACK BALL, or Old Line olLI V KKI'OOL Packets.?Ke| Packet of Jst ol April.?The MMKslite fist sailing packet slop EUHOPE, O ipt Edward Km her, ?i I sail positively as shone, h'r rrvular day. I'he accommodations of this magnificent packet, in cabin, 2d >in and steerage, will on inspection be found unequalled by y vessel afloat. Those retamnig to the Old Cnuutry will d it to their comfort and advantage to select this conveyance, lata number of her berths are already engaged, iiersoas shing passage, should make early application on board, foot Beekinau street, or to the subscribers. HOC HE BROTHERS St CO., i'j b niton st, next door, to tin- Kulton Bank. '.8 The Europe sails frnm Liverpool on the 19th of Mav, hose sending for their friends, ran have them brou .-lit t in her. or in .'.ny of the Packets of this magnificent lie, wliicn sail from there punctu ally on the 7th and 19th of :h month. Jrafiun til Koyal B?nk of Ireland, and on Messrs. Presroit Die, ^nei ft Co . bank* r?, London, which will he p ud I I c discount or any clnrge, in every town throughout England, land, Scotoma and Wales. i'or p ssage, <kc , apply as above. ^^The packet sl ip New York, burthen 1000 'ons, Captain pier, will succci d the Enrope, an sa 1 for Liverpool on the fi of April, her regular day. m2dr dOP- PACKET b i) l< 11A V IfE,?(Second Line )?The Ship UALTI'vtOH E, Edward Kutik, master, will fa sail on the 1st of April. BOYD ft HINCKEN, i23ec No. 0 Tontine Building, KOH MARSEILLES?Pack* t 1st April-The ship IjjyCOKIOLANUS.Capt Made. Apply to jfilfa S. BUOOM It CO. or to BOYD St MINI KEN. ill t Tontine BuiMing. _ j KOK NKW ll lLKANH-LOUISIAiNA AMI WiNMV YOKK I.IN K?I'osiliTely Kirat Hegnhsr iwKar.ickrt??11) Mil Thursday, J8lh fiilMI nilinc i*ckei slop LOU1SVILLK, Capt M Hunt, II positively tail as above.her regular day. Kit frei.hi passage, having handsome lumislird ae. ominodations, apcy board. at Orient* wharf, fiml Wall it. or to K. H COLLINS fc < <>. '*.Smith ?l. 'Iiipl ris will plesac send in iheirbills of lading tIlia liar. 'asse tigers will please be on bonnl at Orleans whatl, root nl all at. tm morrow aftemoon at 3 o'clock, at winch tunc tlio P will sail. . . , . htippcrt mayrely upon hseinc their good* correctly nieasnr nud that the ships of this line will sail punctually as ad*. tnl. Any guarantee to that effect will be given and fulfilled Ig'tnh m .v'tVr'leiin, Hulhu h Woodruff, who will prompt orwaril all goods to their address "b.. par he t ship Cincinnati, Captain Bar?tow, will sacceed I nnisril'e, and nil 1 In l"th April, her reenter ,|a- tngQr SS- I'ASSAOK Ik'IIK N K W V^WRegular Line?Packet Jl*t March?The splendid ftti MwL ai'iiia packet ship LOUIHVILLK, Capu n Hun', I sail ixisitiTely a* abort', her regular ilav, has ir.ii mini arrninuioJatiuns for csbiu, seceud cabin anil steerage lengers. or passage, early application sh nhl he made on bosril.or to W.k i. T. TAP8COTT, Mr 43 Terk slip, corner H.niio Mr, i t. M- HKMITTANCKS TO IIKKLAND, Ac., fcc.V^VTlie subscriber continues to transirfit money, ia sums large or sioall, topcnosi residing in any part of Ire1, in the same manner ss he, and his predecessor in busis. hare done for the last Ihirtv years, and more; alio, to ins t ol Kngland or Heotland. toney remitted bv leiier (post raid) to the subscriber, or snnally deposited witts him, with the name of the person or sons in Ireland, Kngland or Heotland, to whom It is to he '.and nearest post town, will he imnirdiately transmitted I peid aorordingly, and s 'eceipt ' ' 'hat i fr"ct given r f >r rsli.d to the sender. n like nnruuer rnnpey withor i' * i- , tI sad, Kim land or Hcotlaml, c.n (or persons residing in utile, and will be paid to them aecprilirnsl) all la*r OftOAUk. McBHlDE. Jr., M Ledar st. AMUSEMENTS. 1*4 |?K TOUATKC. THIS EVENING. will h. rrfurmid. PAHIS ANT) LONDON. Vnrnounr Volntil, Mr Htrrr | Lidv V'datil. Mr? II Hunt Mm Julia To-nlinll >ik| Vi?i w.ifcn will ippeu in TDK I'AH HTTRIKN. Tm annc'iide with, u ? COUSIN LAMBKIN. Sqiire Mnlberry, Mr Puller I Koir Miyaird, MnLovill Bom.Mem in, r,. .. . Oilkry. I?Heta. uHA'IHAN TlbATKkt Will (,l'?n on lay. ill* 'd of Arril with n nrw puce. nt'icnti.L.i.'M DLvni'icthkathk. *** New Vorl THIS V vK N|N. I ..,,,m(.., PET (IK THK. PETTICOATS. Al'rr whirl', WHITK.' At. Jingo, Mitehill | Count Coincide, Oraham T coiii IIUIb will. THK. BED MAN ITT" Th? Do'-fi will bi opened at i.aif ..n ? >ri ih? *ormanre eornrneuce a: 7. eyerv eve. ><< AM KHJCAN Til K A T1I K ? VVAI, S Irr-SI . 1*11 II. A OK 1.1*111 A, I'NDKR THK DIRECT1C* <?K 1IH.-1 i r.UHHMA* MR. BOOTH. WEDNESDAY E VKNI'<<* March !?, will be periwa ? BRl/TUH. Tollii, Mill Catbinan. After which INCliCAPE BKLU. K. _A MAK8HAI.I I no AHKRICAS mUNKGIR. Marble I ml iiMt, coruer of Broadway and Ann afreet, V I' tl A H NUM. Manner. The Di'hnt on Monday oiirht of Mary dar'jng, The hcamiful nut chain inir Queen of Magie, was marked with tin- most triumphant aucceaa. Vlist Dirlmg it a pupil of ? HKRR BEFRONU, The (treat Magician. The celebrity of (his Young Lady inronKimiit Europe it known to ill iravrlleraand the fkvorawe notices of her performance* which have appeared in the London Timet and other Knti "h P.i, crt of high standing. No adequate description can he given of her wonderful Magical I erformances; they mom lie wen to he appreciated Alao eugagrd fnr mo- wick only. the vieentiie OR. VALENTINE. The highly popular Comedian and delineator of Kicentric I haractera, will appear in hit parlor entertainments and table conversations. CHANG-kONU. The celebrated f'.hitieie Jinigl-r. ! La Petite Celeste will dance the La Bayadere and Highland Fling. The MELORJAN, an immense and magnificent Muaical Instrument, play* itself the finest Overtures, Fantasies and Watties. and REPRESENTS A FULL ORCHESTRA. PHRENOLOGY. An Eminent Professor attends daily and gives practical Ks animations arid Charts, Developments and Cnaracwr at a triflinu extra charge. Just added to the Museum TWO SUITS OF ANCIENT ARMOUR, made and worn JCMl years ago ELECTRO GALVANISM. Just added to the Museum two powerful Electro Galvanic B utt r ei. GRAND COSMORAMA-ALBINO LADY. FaiiryiOlass Blowing. AN EXPERIENCED TAXVDERM 1ST is engaged, and persons having pet birds or qnaurnpeds they wish preserved, can have them mounted in the best style. Day visitors admi'ted same evening FREE. Evening performances at a qncrter before R o'clock. Day Performances every Wednesday and Saturday afternoon at \ o'clock. Admission to all 3C cents?Children half pri- c m>? PKALE'S VKW YOKK RHJUEIIM NATIONAf, PORTRAIT AND PICTURE GALLERY IS NOW HK-OPKNKD ! C. H. DEVOE, Manager. Ths establishment contains an almost endless number of RAKE AND CURIOUS WORKS OF NATURE AND ART'. Nra'ly and tastefully displayed in three ipacimrs halls, aud boasts of a veiv COSTLY kELEGANT GALLERY OF PORTRAITS Kuceeding in extent and valu- any other ID America. The manager bat engaged, for r short time only, tl e sublime and beautiful exhibition of THE TRIAL OF CHRIST! Thia imposing tcrne is not repiesented bv a oaiutingbut ty a GROUP OF TWENTY-THKK.E FIGURES, IN STATUARY, THE SIZE OF LIFE. This solemn and impressive scene represents Oar Savioursr raigned as a Prisoner, widi a Crown of Thorns npon His Head before Caiphas, the High Priest, and the Court of Pontin Pilate. In addition to the above, the Manager heseugaged the .MYSTERIOUS AND ASTONISHING GIPSY WOMAN, JFrom England. She wishes not to impose apon the pubSc, by making them | belisvt her a Witch <1 FORTUNE TEUGK! Possessed with supernatural |>ov?rr?but on the contrary, claims publicly tn he able 'o instruct others ef lire,J intellect and mention their leading trai sections of CAST TIMES, TiHF. PRESENT. AND THE KUTURE. She will tell persons whether they are married or not, an what kind of husband or wile they will art, describe their own characters and itive a host of .acts and correct conclusions founded on her knowledge of the immutable sciences of nhreno lotry, physiognomy,r enrnlogy. philosophy, Ike A* proof of the correctness of'ner assertions, she is at liberty to refer to hundreds of our I'rst citizens, ineludinu clergymen, judges, attorneys.physicisna, and manv of the most mltgli teued ladies i the city If.7~Admission to the Museum, Zioenta: Children hall price An esira chcrge of cents to those who co< an It the Gipsy Woman. MfV CLIREHUGH'S THIRD AND LAST Sf OTTISH MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT MR. CLlRKHUtiH and the Misses CUMMINO re'pectully intini >tc that iliey will nice another Scottish Mns i* cal Entertainment at the APt'LLO CONCERT ROOMS, on Wednesday, 29th of M'rcli. The Cr, ki unmes eon'ain a new and choice selection of HONGS. BALLADS. DUETS A.Nl) ULEES, froin the encient end M dern Melodic* of Scotland. rRoOHAviME. I AH r I Dm t?Htlf'l y 'he Bsypipe, Mine*Ciitnmiui; Souk?Conn under my pladdi?, Mr CliieliUKiI S.uui?Jessie,the (lower of Dutnblaee, MissM A Cuinmitiir 11 tllatl?Jean I.inu, Mr Clirehugn D?e(?Bonny Doon, M>i?es OummioK Son*?O, why left! rav liaine ! Miis B O Cumminr tioiiK?Wh n the kye com*hame, Mr C'ireliiiKh Duet?The L sso'Oewrie, Misses Cuniminit Paut II. Duet?Weel inaythn Kerl Pew, Mii'es Camming B ill?d?Mnry ?'Castle Cary, MrClirehntb Ballad?Jock o' Hazedeen, Miss B (JCu liming "or it?Draw the sword, Srot'and, Mr Clirehtub Duet?How weel, mv brother, row weel. Misses Camming Ballad?Tak ver au d cloak about ye, Mr Clirehngb (llee?There's L">e 'nek a hoot the hnuie, Misses Cumuiing and Mr Clirehuith Tickets pn J Progr"mines to be had at the Music Stores, and at Mr. CiirehtiKh's, 2D'? Breed way T~e" A limited number "ftickets will he iaiued, owing to the unci tnfottable crush w'.ieh attended ;he list eutrrtaintnent. Doors ojieu at 7? Rntertali.met to cc.mmeoce at 8. m27 3t it r MK. W VI. SCHAllFK' BE ItO beas lease to inform his friends an1' the pubS . tnit he will itivr a Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music at the Apollo Booms, on Fri day Kvt tunc, April 7th on whi-h orcasir.n he will be assisted by reruml eminent Artie s, mid by ?n Orrhsstraof upwards < fifty performers, composed principally of ihe members of the New York Philharmonic Society, under the direction of U. C. Hill, K nr. Part cnlars in future Bills. Tickets One Dnllar each, to be had ?t the principal Music Stores. in28 31*r SINGING. AAADAME MUTTON, pm II of the late Adolnh Nourrit nun auarco tjorargiu, pegs to . puiut me uiuetiauti ol Nrw V ork, thai during her may in (ho city, she purposes giving limsliMii; lessons in the Italian, F rrneh, nnil English style of Singing, at her residence. Her fu-iliod of increasing the strength and compass of the voire anil re parting the style and linifh ol the modem l*aliai>a il French rhoola, is precisely si. mil'r to lhat piiran-d by Uonlogrii and Vaecai. the first masters in Ktirope, securing to lit r pupils I he like rapid progress that attended her own studies Tne iraticcs fir the pupils, unlike the common Molfragios, ir- numerous ire arrmged from the most favorite Its m i" < ti making (he study a pleasure as well as imporemcol ; and thereby facilitating llie singing from ojhtss. Her pupils will hare the advantage ol her singing with them, which cm be successfully pursued alone by masters who have been eminent s.ngers, a great assistance in imrrot ing 'he voice a- d attaining quicklr the style and finish. Ladies will be received sepiritrly or in classes. Trims may be ascertained by apply hg at Madame Mutton's residence, No. 77 Chambers street, between the hours of and 2. m2S lm?ria PI A N O F O R T E S AND NEW MUSIC. rPHR Musical Worl t is iuvited to rfamine the new and ele a. i;-nt issortno ut of superior toned Piano Fortes now for sale at the Music Main u, 201 Bro-dway, below St Paul's Chuich,sign of the Golden Lyre Among the Pianos for sale are many with elegant mahogany and rosewood, sous ? and tablet corners, hs'p stop, grand sctiou, eitra keys, Ac. kc. Prices very low for cash. New and Popular Mongs, Duetts, Marches, Waltzes, and pieces ; dailj publishing and receiving from every slor- i" the country. Among the last publications are?The Slou on Fire, composed and snog by Russell : Indian Hunter, Old Clock, Tase your tune Miss Lory O, Hlit d Boy, O sail with me. The bee and the 111<v, Laud of the Moo tain. Slate Street Quick Step, Church Brl s, Chi'd and th- dew tin s. Spirit of beauty, F.vcrlsn, Bygone yen. Gentle Queen of flowers, I aei a poor Hhcjdierd ma d. Poor mail's fnend, N Y. City Guards' March, N. Y, Quadnllrs, Review quick atep. kc. he. Guitars, Flutes. Strings, kc. constantly us hand. Music SaIuoii 201 Broadway, sigu ol the Golden Lyre. ml* 2taw linr IN pUHSUANCK of an rder ofthe Surrogate of the I'oun? IV ol New Vork, noiire is hereoy giren t > all persons having claims against Peter Murphy, late of the city ol New York, gentleman, deceased, to present the same with the vouchers thereof to the subscribers, at 'he office I Edmund 8. Derry, No. 31 Wall street, in the c tT of New York, on or before the eighteenth day of September nest Dated New York, .he i.Vh 'j^'ci> j}' HAKVE Y, JAMES C BELL, ml? lawfirn r Adinn.istrslors with the will aunezed. NKW YORK MEDICAL \ND SURGICAL INSTITUTE, No 75 Chambers itreet, established to render to the ttTIicmi aoiirxi iu,l i-cieiWlie il .?nl. All kind of diae/ui-a will he t" 'I'll, m<l .urgiral operationsof every descrip. I lien performed iu the moat careful and acinniAc manner. One of the tirat liars in the city will attend to the treatment of all diieaai-a ?l" the eye nd ear. Particnla- attention i< paid to the fretrmenl ol all female complaints. Vere (real ancceae haa attended the treatment of duraaea ol the akin. Patients who th aiie it will he viaited at their houaea. Those whose inrans are limited will only be required to |?y for their medicines. Three or four rooms are protrided for prieate conanlta tinn. The diuk department is attended by ao apothecary of great i,and a.I oar medicines mny be rel ed on is i me and Renuine. Cupping and leeching will be done at the shortest notice. Open day and night DK HOMER BOSTWICK, Attending Physician and Snrgeou, 75 Chambers at. >d house weal of Broadway. Thia institution is under the patronage and commendation of the following geutloinenj? REV. DR. ED.Y. HKJBEE. REV. UK. VV. C. BROWNLE*. RKV. DR. GEO. POTT?, REV. l)K. O SPRING, _ REV. DK. aCIIROEDER; mU Iiid* 'h1 TO 0RU?tU??'l'? A.NU UTMfch^ horn th? jmmiii. -xi??i l West?T. ROBERTS k CO. of London proprietors 0| the celahrairil md populai m-dieine, "Part'i Life Mia, "Imy nig catihlished a depot lor the sale of the same in New nd being now prepared to supply the market to so / would respectfully call the attciuionof druggists and t . the trade to then popular medicine, of which there- is now sold in Knnspst more than JO,IKMl hoars weekly, ami aitnomh it hat been scarcely tit months in the United States, the sale* hire rapidly elleiided through ihr-Stales of New York, I'enn sv11 uiia, New Kugtand States,aud Canada. Aaa lamily medi I- - sr. it ii unequalled, beiug prifer.tly free from any " inaral preparations; it is also exceedingly effective in the cure of hilinns complaints, dyspepsia. couantnptiona, and all diseases ttiaing from imparities oT tne Mood; being'erv mild m its -prntiOM on tne ayatem, it may he token by the meet Je icate female and smsR children. _ , _ u-. I ,.,v h had wholes- a tt the dice of T K^heris I K~ Wbamls" - ? ' '^"y E K ' i^doath atreai.