Newspaper Page Text
o! a foreign vent lor ?ji{cultural produce sunk price* ?e low ai to destroy the domestic trade on the other. The progress of events is n*w producing different re- | cult*. The tariff indeed remain* ai it war, but the plente- J ou*nes* of moDey lightens the burden of it* cash features. . The *ame cause produces an increased activity in dome*- ^ tic trade, and a rise in prices at the west; consequently ? the number of buyers coming forward to tnako real pur- J chases, cash in hand, is rapidly increasing. At the same b time the number of individual houses of respectability " and wealth, that spring up lor the transaction of exchange and collection business, at those leading points where t banks have ceased to exist, is a guarantee that a new ma. ? chinery is rapidly organising and keping pace with the i The tariff will not be changed during the present year, h and ahould money become icarce, ita cash proviaiona will " be aeverly fait. Upon the whole, there ia no reaaon to c anticipate other than an improring regular buaineaa r Sales at the Stock Kxchanga. b >000 NV 5's, 1843 96 J9.haall 8 B*tk 4 V e 10(10 do 1(48 95V 9 krankliu Bk. Cidu 60 I 9000 III in,ii> bonda 29 4# Manhattan Oai 78 h 12000 Ken uckj 6'a 94V 150 Harlem RR 20V 4000 do 94V 50 do 2 n 5000 do DW 95 25 do 26V a 40000 Ohio 6'a, i860 85 100 do 20v 7000 do 84V 100 Mohawk RR btw 31 A WHO do 84H 50 do 3I.V 2000 do 85 V 150 Pateraon 46V & 5000 do 84V 100 do bio I6l, h 50 al.aa Union Bk 108V 50 Look Island 49V 10 Leather Man Bk 101 500 do 49 ni 5 -tale Bk of N Y 88 150 do 4!lV H 50 Farmers'Tiuit 20 V 10 Stnnington 28 100 do 2<>V 15 Auburn & Rochester 95V " Second Board, 01 $1000 Kenmckr 94V >6000 Ohio, 1850 86 V 6000 do 95 lllOahaa Long Island 49V st 6800 Ohio, 1850 85 V 25 do 49V New York Public Stock Exchange. 84 $1000 NY IV'a, 1851 101V $2000 Ohio6'?, I860 85V ? loon do 101V lnoo Illinois 6 s, 1870 b3i iOV |\ 500J do 101V 1000 do b30 31 ^ 1000 do 101V 1000 do 29V = 3000 do KIOV 1000 do 10 D'ficld bd 2 % 1000 Ohio 6's, 1860 tw 85V 1000 do blO 23 1000 do 86V 1000 do blO 24 7000 do 8tV looo do bio 23V to 1000 do btw 84V 1000 do blfl 23V K 10"0 do 84V 1000 Kentncky 6'a sl5 94V V <800 do stw 85 2080 do 94lS ? 6000 do 85 5 shas Canton Co 23V 1000 do 85V 190 L Island HR 49V " 1600 do 85V 90 do blO 49V ,c, Second Board. Jj >3000 Ohio 6's, I860 CO V >3000 Kentucky 6's bnw 95V ? 2 kio do 86V 25 shas Stoninrtou R R ~ 2000 do b3 86V blO 29 >5000 Kentncky 6'a c.ah 95 _ State of Trade. ? There ia a fair degree of animation in trade g. nerally. " Jlshta?Arrive Ireely, and sell rapidly. Sales of Pots at ~ $4 7.5; of Pearls at $5 AO, but some at $5 02}. littswax?Free, at 20Ae per lb. B Fish?Dry Codfish sold at $2 A3a2 75; held at (2 75; deal f era offer $2 62. No. 1 Mackerel at $876a$9; No. 3 $6 50 a m $0 75; 3'a $5 2685 60, with a demand; scaled Herrings sold N ut 40c. m Hides?Sales Buenos Avres and Rio Orande. at 19alolc 6 mo?, and II Jail jc, cash"; Matamora*., and Santa Martha at9}c, 0 moi, Southern 9Jc. Florida at 9|c; Calcutta at SOaBAc lor green, and 70a72c lor dry; large Jjj Mock. P Hemp?Manilla at $12.5, Sir.oi; Am dew rotted at $ 100a $105. 20 s? Cotton Trade. At the extreme South the news by the Britannia to the 21 4th April had produced a better feeling, and tome advance . in pricea. In thia market the advicea by the Great West- J,' era caused a fall of Ja} per lb. The quotations are aa follows * If. Orleans. Mobile. Xew York. May 51 A. May 6th. May 15th. w Inferior, 4} a ? a ? (ail Ordinary, 6? a 6j- ? a Si bh a 5} Middling, 61 a 5 -a6| ?; a 6* ? Middling Fair, 61 a 6 6} a 7 6| a 7 Fair, 7J a 7) 7} a 8 7} a 7J id Good Fair, 8} a 8 ? a? . Geod and Fine, 9 a 9.} ? a ? ? a ? The receipta, exports, and itocka oi cotton are aa fol m lows RECEirTt, Exports and Stocks of Co$ton in the Unit- f0 ed States. le 1812 1811. Incr. Deer. Receipts, 1,582.913 2,103,175 608,262 W Eiports to G. Britain, 703,654 1,186.124 492,470 Do France, 295,593 271.387 ? 24,206 to Do other ports, 73 591 128,197 51,606 Stock, 266,056 319,187 53,131 hi The receipts are falling off, ao aa to cause a diminution P? in the stocks, but the crop is likely to reach the highest figures that hav e been estimated. 01 no Foreign Markets. Matanxas, May 9?Ale, light and brisk.dozen, 2 4 a f3; w Beef, prime & No. 2, bbl, 8 a 9: do Jerked, S A, qql, 9} a 9} rs; do, U 8,7} a8; Bread, Pilot, bbl. $5; Butter, yellow, 10a 16; Candles, mould, 15a 15 4 ra; do Sperm, 30; Cheese cc Am. 114 a 12 rs, Cider, dazen, 24 a a 7; Codfish, 3 4 a 3 fl; Flour, Am. 12 4 a $13; Hoopa, M. 34; Hama, Am. 10 a 1,1 12; Lard, 13 a 13 4 rs; Lumber, W P, M. 17 a $18: do P P, 12 a 17; Nails,cut, 6; Oil, whale, gallon, 5}r?; do sperm, 7}; Onions, 100 bundle, $7; Potatoes, bbl, 1 1 a 1 2; Porter A London, 2 4 a $3 Pork, mesa, 12 a 15; do prime, 10 a 10 4 ra; Rico, qql, 8); Sheetings, Russia, pec., 9 4 a $9; Soap & yellow, 9 a 8 4rs; do marble, 9 4; Shooka, hhd, 1 1 a 1 2; " do box, 6 a 7 ra; Spirits, brandy, Cognac, gallon, $1; wine, & Bordeaux. none. Cattle Market. c< The market wai well Ailed to-day with cattle, most of n> which were sold at prices showing a decline from our 1 St quotations. The quantity of href that comes in at 73 Present is far from being first rats; it is mostly stall fed. rices ranged from $5 to (7 lor beeves. There was sold at the lower market the'finest lamb we c? ever saw; it was only nine weeks old .was raised by hand, and brought six dollars on the foot. Most oi the mutton to driven to market is poor. There were 336 sheep in the stand to-day, all but fit) of which were sold, at prices ranging from $1 to $3,50 a $4. to Died, On Sunday evening, 14th inst. at 10 o'clock, after a 5 short illness, ALritrn Booth, Printer, aged SI years. The relatives and friends of the deceased, and those of his father, Jonas Booth, are respectfully invited to attend to bis funeral, this morning at 9 o'clock, from his late residence, 1S6 Keade street. m On Monday morning, 15th inst. after a few hours illness, liiic Hesst Wilson, in the 41st year of his age, late K< Searcher in the Register's office. m His friends are requested to attend his funeral, this afternoon at 4 o'clock, from No. 8 Dominion street. m On Sunday, May 14th, Jamri Auocstus, son of Joseph P. snd Harriett Chambers, of West Point, In the 6th year w of his age. The friends of the (amilv are invited to attend his funeral, from the residence of kis aunt, Sarah Magee, 3 King atreet, this afternoon at 4 o'clock. dr On Sunday, 14th inst. Elizabkth A., daughter of Wm. and Sarah Deere. The friends and acquaintances of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence " of her lather, at the Williamsburg and Bushwick Cross lc Roads, L. I. r. s ? carritgea will bo in waiting 8t the foot of Grand " street, Williamsburg. t( g?*?w Paiiengtri Arrived. ' LiteRR.iol?Packer shin Oarrick? lohn Campbell, Mrs J N Campbell. J Campbell J B Wileon, Wm 8 Wilton, Joe Mr- ft Krnzie, John Frazier, W D Kly, H 8 8aliford, Wm Macln- !! toth, John Collini?341 in the steerage. V Haras?Packet ship Snllv?Jean J Leger, L GiUeronde, .[ iMri A Muzart, A Mozart, T Mozart, Mm T Mozart, Mitt j " Muzart?172 io the steerage. rJ Talisman?Barque Madeline? Rofut Palen, lady and aerrt, r! N York. CaaTHaorna?Bar.ioe Martin W Brett?Augnstin I.eland, ' Valentine Ferro, Aiinilino Gitijano, Antonio Parit, C imilit ,l Batnirii'a, Kucibna IJmaoa, Fernando Nietn. Nicholas Ginja " nn, Or E Goodot and rhild, Bogo'a; John E Kendall, James F. Brett, NYork; Bertrind Fnnget, Patit. ni Port an Platt?8rhr Patriot?P Van Derhnrit, M E Connell, T Cornell, M J Truman. rl 8t Caoit?Brhr Alb-rt Vin?l?C Danielt, B L Shntea. t1 MaTaiszas?Brig Angora?RGilloway. 8t Thomas?Brig Steadfast?Mr Sheriff and two children. p Moan.s?Hchr Lightloot?O Thomas, J Blackimton. ^ Foreign Importations. Lirr.arooi.?8hip Ostrich?250 tons tall E K Collins k co? at 30 pigs Woodbull k Minturn?5 J J Stewart It en?i Watt St m Hoseacrantz?9 Gamer it eo? 6 Brown Broakco?4? W Chiton- ,fl cey It eo? 1 H Baylia?I Yoong, Smith St cn?2 O Stacy?1 ct 3 Wood It Fo ge ?3 A 11 Van Neat?7 C Kellogg It eo?1 Thompson A co?6 Peter Morion?1 Joseph Wileon?2 Berkley It Liriugiton?I1 W B Torry?I J L Plutl?7 Richardson k ro? t package C Coogdon?A Joseph Connat?1 Hobt H estop it co W ?2 Hall Brolhera?4 J Hnna k co?3111 b m iron J H Abel k co?3 H Jeaaop?10 H Anchculaster?3 D Haddon k co?3 Ad'ma Honeat?5 M Armstrong?fi R 8 ButterfieM?J Khndes t? It ro?670 hoira tin Phelpa, Dodse It co?300 O B Mooiwoot.? II Sands, Fez k c r?92 Wood. J ihnaon It co?5 J A Ret. -2 Moulds, 8toba and co?8 H P Cooper?2 J Reynolds?39 to order. Hivaa?Shin Bully?50 March k Sehermeihoro?50 Bunker i k re?I PAH Renault k co?1 T H fttohe?i W Brewer?2 J Hagerty k Son?1 Becar Bepjsmii ?3 B-iley Kitchin?3 La- ir cen Pilbrngh?1 C Vb-de?2 F Ilannier?I A 8 Perect?I Morlot k Sh'ffer?8 D G D Hajriland?I T C Howe k co?It) >, Hessenherg k co?I Ba liu k Binder?I O B Erglirh? t E M Davis? 1 w B Drape?t C Leurp. ?I J?hn E Hyder k co?I ? Harden k co?15 IV Pell?I H L W7i|'i?ms? 4 C Reran?I 8 Haaks?5 E B' asarg*?I C I> ay?I R k II Hugl.t?I Mon'i?I .. W Langilon?2 T 8 Oibbi?lLnne, Samson k I T Bonrn?I '1 Du eol?7 Joh i tl Coll?1 E Thayer?4 KKinppe ? i .1 H H 2 Henry B b d?1 Stone It o? 1 J H Roiti?7 ^ Linnet . Lotrdeaul Si Moreti?1 Stni'h St Hnmniei ?1 J New- ?, ark?1 John D Wend II?2 E H'bennrite?3 P dmitklcAidrewi?I Boiceen end Hump?1 Merien Benard?5 De Rham St Moon?l Win Vy?<?4 Pablo, Pon St c j?2 Wiley St I'at arm? t Teter H intone-3 A Ceaelb?2 Cerfbeir fc Mey?I T Mely St th CO?I Anthony Mell\?I Meiiin Beraid?I F reneie Conner St Soil?2 A H Ward St co? 1 T Boeatt fcce ?. L B Binei St cc? 1 W M HoutmiL?I John Mmuin? 3 t (J gionn?9 Beok ird St rc Hatton?6 foly Prerea I D M I'et rer A en?2 Knitter St Toley ?I J M J R St II Mehler?I Bella, Brothera St ro ?3 Bourv d'lT-ruoia?6 'J' A Voiain St CO?2 1 H Sand?15 Brona, klin, K op St oo?1 A Fchermerhi rn?1 T Bi hop? l n( Hobert Oro daude? I Pillot le Barbi r?S Haul" Geit/.?I L rilliemth?6 Loeechyk A Werendonck?7 C T Kuppel St Son ? I M Cnffe C Melbei?2 Dtmgme Bnigard?1 ropelin?6 I.intr k'rerea?1 Poirier Krerea?1 John T Teriih?2 A Bel- _ mont?I E Baker?I 8 K St Kelts?1 t> M IVyret?I Prim". Ward St King?I Vert7.?I Joi n D .Milhau?1 A K ^ Tho r pton?40 to order. CeRTHeourr*?Barrine Merlin W Brett?$5671 apecie 6400 |C Iba irou I libl bell metal I canoe Ererelt It Batlelle?$1941 apt 2026 hidea 400 caatlllanoa of void 44 01 ailrer SI halea wool (, M ban coffee 7 bdla goat akina Murray St Lenman?1216 htdea 209 I aticha fuatic 3019 do harhe wood 6 ca aegani De Pevaler St a Wk. eul If111 e ?. I' r. h u... " .. - -7T-" ? -?r.Mi?w.un IffO 1, uc o u y ?$102 It Jarroway?$100 P k? Banker?(240 Jaa K Lawrence? vj I6"i hiilea 1 Moaea?422 <1? 70 haga cocoa Itaar T Smith?941 hidea/arhTiBann A co. |. TaimtiAD?Baroue Madeline?314 hhda 67 tea 24 bbla mnlaa- p tea 131 hhda angar Chaatelain St Pontrert?27 baaaugar H P Ilia- u tinea. ........... . a P. in *u Tlatt?Bchr Patriot?US hidea 124 baga coffee 1(6 ceroona <lo 26 cocoa 333 do tohac.e A L Hoaalere It co?13 biga coffee J H Larnont?100 balea tobacco 24 cka molaaaoa Aymar A co. ii OlTATAiii?Bug Wallace?1.42 hhda augar Meyer A Blacken j, ?21 Duuacomb A Bcckwith?180 liaga coffee S baiidt A co. _ 8x Cam*? Albert Viual?144 hhda 100 bblaaugar 30 cka f, torn 23 do moLaaea W C Wetmore. ,i 8t Caoia?8chr Kawu?78 hhda augar 14 do mm 3# do mnlaa- ? ac i Ay mar A co. f, IIataxa?8chr Oentnrion?261 hhda 21 tiercea molaarea k <1 \ Thuraton?1 do hooey to maater. ( Domestic Importations. New Oxlears?Ship Oaitoo?113 bbU pork Chat Milra?400 lo lard 818 do noik 5 do castor oil 263 do 8IZ7 aka whrat 484 pius ad A Arenll It co? 82 baloi cotton Nowbnld It Crn't?45 d? iianton k Fisher?44 do mnaa A Raveden k co?8 bbl> wheat 3r?y k Crosby?5 do lard J H Brower?13 bit Burnett k Eatou -17 balea 20 loose hides 11 P Back?I trunk do Janver fc cu?3 lo I box do J B Elliin<tii?4 bis do W C Atwater. Nrw On-xairn?Skip Union?755 b'ra iron Boorman, John<ou kco? 524 Irla pork 40 half do HRhhds bacnu 261 k*K> lard <uvdam, 8a?e k co-21 kens lard 72 brls do Howes, (J "Ifrey t ltobioaoo?886 aaci-a whest 47 brla beans Churchman k Rewrts?27 hrls< astor oil 31 !>a<s hemp seed Krereit and Rattrlle -252 brla lard and pork 14 hhda pica'ed hum 7 do dry do 8 brla rasa ae> d i70 k e? lard S R Becbe k co-'j cka bristles K k T om.r-47 half brla piKs tank net C V B I attaMlci?700 beef i dea bpoar k Patten-18 hhda tobacco O >"dhue k co?41 do 50 lalra ronton Molbrook. Nelaon k co?67 bilea eotion Hicks k < ?45 Martin k Fishe?20 N'ewb>!4 k VI,.i.,. Urkoeftcc?'.6 bales d'er ikius A Paliullo?2*2 do hemp T i' Young At co?23 do ilo K IJ Moigm ft ro?'99 bile ll ittr (rush &. po?JO do J h: ?-in St Lnwilpi ?tifui do f uv din. Hagr i : o? I b-les deer skiui A ii I ft *ott?1 do fur? 57 be-f ilea (7 B Fosdicl? 2 biIs h"nil II -rper St c ? I trunk A Palms -I d > l boi St urn-it ? c ?2(1 D*lei cotton Suydain. Sage tit co -li! cks bacon C At K \V'?l,ii ? I eam 2 b.i mdxs 1 truuk and ?m?i bag | tierce 1 nta I brl I (rank mdx. to order. New Orleans?Barque Mandarin?ill hh 'nugar J P Lcre' 'l?"uch ft eo?led bbl* nmlissrs J Harm's. .New Orleans?Brig Commerce?|ifl empty I it r era, RoV mi ft Bnljiiea?; 8 b? ra deer akim. 2il hide a, P Bnck?1*4 balee otton, H Colt ft co?19 cki high wines. 561 bbls Hour. Dows At hhds 'obacc j, W C Law c?, E W Flak?72 bla 'allow D D aper. New Orleans?Barque Rio OrrnJe?2759 ibis flour, 91 do rrk, Suydirn, Sage ft co?130 bales cottcn, 11 1 .Mil ank 1 eo New Orleans?Brig Diploma?250 hhda sugar How lane ft ispinwall?to lona lead to order. "tw Orleans?Brig Cliaa Hammoud?65 bilea cocton Br?tt Vox?230 lihds 6 bbla sugar iii hhda I Ire 5 bhla molasses Roens ft Wil|<ami?71 B H Firld?84 cka Read ft Broa Mobile?Brig Portland?272 balea cotton Thom|>aon ft Adns?156 do Smith, Milla ft cc?7 do F Uriffio?5225 atavca 11 [ogan Mobile?8chr Liglitloot?120 balea eo'ten Holbrook ft Nel>11?36CWilliama. Mobile?Brig Solon?57 balea cotton H:cka ft CO?135 do to rder. Apalachicola?Brig Kllen?158 bla cotton BoormaD, Jointon ft co?192 aticka cedar 7 tona irou to order. Charleston?Hell' Edw Franklia?197 bales cotton Vielot Duckwitx?40 H 8 Leyerich? 6 Smith, Mills ft co. 4 A R I T I ME" HERALD. Ship Muter* and Agent*. Wo shall esteem it a favor, if Captain* of Veuela will rive Commodore Robert Silvev. of our News Fleet, a He>rt of the Shipping left at the Port whence they sailed, the eaaels 8poken on their Passage, a List of their Cargo, and it Foaeign Newspapers or News they may have, lie will wrd tlsem immedialcly on their arrival. Agents and Corspoudents, at home or abroad, will also coufrr a favor bv tiding to this Office all the Marine Intelligence they can itain. Nantical Information of any kind will lie thankfully eeived. PORT OK DEW YORK, MAY 16 'It RISKS 4 44 | MOON RISKS 25 tit SKTS 7 8 I Hlfltf WATER 10 20 Clwaretl. Ships Sfphen'Whiti oy.Thompson. Liverpool, R Kemiit; lvie tie Grasse, Thoimuon, Havre, C It niton, Fox & Livingon; Memphis, Allen, Now Orlesns, ? K Collins A Co.?Brigs inerva, Bnngay, St Ki ts, J H Braine; Androscoggin, Davis, srfnlk. B'dger A Peck.?Sch-a Elizabeth, Beaatoii, Richond, A B Cnoley A Co; Lynchburg, Matnias, do, Allen A ixson ?Steatnvr Boston, Holmos, Norfolk, Wm Tucker. Arrived. Packet ship Ganrick, Skiddy, from Liverpool, April 15, with die, to ? K. Collins A Co. |Packet ship Sully, Burrows, 32 days from Havre, with rndsc, i C. B-lton, Fox A Livingston. Ship Outon, Eldridge. from New Orleans, 8. W. Pass April I, with cotton, Ac. to E. K. Collins A Co?30 steerage pasngers. 81 ip Union, Russell, from New Orleans, left the Bar Apiil I, with coiton, Ac. to Johnsoa A Lowden. Barque Madeline. Shanklautl, (ol Philadelphia) from Triniid da Cuba, April 21. with sugar and molasses, to Chastelain A [invert. Barque Martin W. Brett, Avery, 28 days from C&rthagena, uh hides. Ac. to Brett A Vote. Parotic Rio Grande, Cozzei a. 20 days from New Orleans, illi flour to Nesinith, Leeds A Co. Ba>que Mandarin, Colley, 27 days from New Orleans, with igsr, to master. Piussian brig Commerce, Bnrick, 42 dayslfrom Newcastle, ng. with 101 tons coal to C. H F. Moiing. British brig Steadfast, Kirkpatrick, II days from St. Thomas, i ballast, to A. J. Penniston. Bng Wallace, Berrv, 18 days from Guayami, PR.with sugar, c. to Nesmitk, Leeds A Co. Brie Angora. Meaoa. 13 dava from Maranraa. with sen hk.i. o'asses lo Spofford, Tileston lk Co. Brig Commerce, Read, (of Providence) 23 day? (rom New rl'ans, with cotton, to master. Sailed in co. with brig Srluta, r Portsmouth, NH.and saw heron the 9th inst. off Cape Hitras. Brig Charles Hammond, Talbot, 18 days (rom New Orleans, itli cotton, to Brett & Vose. Brig Diploma, Flye, 23 days from New Orleans, with sugar, master. Brig Statiia. Babbidge. tl days from New Orleans, with 741 lis tlour to Roberts 8t Williams; 493 do Dow & Cary. 3d inst. issed a barque on shore near Carysford reef., Biig Portland, dough, 18 days from Mobile, with cetton, to der. Brig Solon. Ball, 15 days from Mobile, with cotton, to Nesi'h, l.eedi It Co. Brig fcllen, RadcliflT, (of Portland) 20 days fm Apalachicola, iih cotton, to order. Brig Brlle, Myers, 0 days from Wilmington, NC. with naval are* and rice, to E. 8 Powell?5 passengers. Brig Forester, Berry, 8 days Irom Harre de Grssse, Md. with lal^to Cromwell k Eaton. British schr Admiral Colpoys, Smith, 22 days from Demerara, ballast, to Middle ton 8t Co. Schr Albert Vinal, Nichols, 18diysfrom St. Croix, with suir. kc. to R. P. Bock. Schr Fawn, Brewster, 14 days from St. Croix, with sngar, to vmar St Co. Schr Patriot, Smith, 14 days from Port an Piatt, with tobacco, c. to H. Underwood. Ou the 1st inst. when off Port an I'latt, iperienced the shock of an earthquake. Schr Centurion,Curtis, 15 days from Havana, with molasses, c to master. 8chrCnr\o, Crockett, 2fl days from Pcninc li. with 177 bales ttou to Roberts St Williams. Schr Ligbtfoot, Ulmer, 28 days from Mobile, with cotton, to aster. Schr Wm. Henry, Norris. 22 davs from New Orleans, with .000 gallons molasses lo Alsop k Channcey. Schr Fruitful Vine. Nye. 7 days from Charleston, with 200 ilea corton to Vietor & Duckwitz, Fitch It Co, and to order. Schr Edw. Franklin, liray, 6 days fram Charleston, with .tton, to master Schr Shetland. iDgraham, 4 days from Richmond, with mdse, D C.lngersoll. _ ?chr Mechanic, Sawyer, 2 Hay* from Norfolk, with timber, Benson & Co. Sehr Commerce, Tecani, 2 day* from Norfolk, with timber, Benion It Co. ?chr Catharine Amanda, Tea), 2 day* from Philadelphia,with die, to A. B. Cooley St Co. Schr Frank, Bntlon, lOdaya from Aleiandna, with tlo nr. turges It Clearman. Behr Roe, Snedicor, 4 day* from Baltimore, with, iour, &c. i order Schr Lodi, Sproul, 4 days from Baltimore, with iron?bound Albmy. Schr Joseph Brown, May, from Baltimore, with flour, Ac. to aster. Bohr Virginian, Walpole, from Norfolk, with mdie, to Stur s St (barman Schr (Jenl Harrison, Oilman, from Snowhill, with stares, to aster. Sehr Mirror, Chapman, 2 days from Virginia, with wood, to aster. Schr Thilip De TersCer, Wainwright, Irom Virginia, with ood, to master. tfchr Florida, Mott, 36 hours from Virginia, with oysters, to astir Schr A'iel, Lumber, Virginia. Smack Bur, Denuison, from Key West, via Charleston S tys, to mss'er. General Record. Forkhin Letter Office?The Stephen Whitney, for Liirpool, and Silvie de Orasse, (or Havre, sail to-dar. Their iter bags are at Gilpin's, in the Exchange. Brio Baltic, from Point Petre, Guad. for Wilmington, NC. aa apekee, no date. 1st 30. Ion 72, by the Angora, Mean>, at is port Had buiied the captain thedaybrlorc?at that time re m-te was very s ck below?the vessel in charge of the crew; anted to be supplied with a navigator, but Gapt M. could nut iniily them. Marine DihsTess?Ship Lncy (of Kcnnabuuk) Little, few (Jrleana, bound to Antwerp, put into Savannah on the th inat., for repairs, having been run into on the night of the h mat, 1st 24 30, Ion 79 30, by a British ship, reporting beisslf le Elizabeth, which carried away foreyard, rail aud plank* tear, bit wren the main and fore rigging, started main channel, ilit foresail and topsail badly, and almost entirely destroyed e m tin sail, with other damage The Lucy was on the star>ard tack, and the Elizabeth on the other. No effort seemed be used by the sbova ship to avoid the collision, which ight h've been done had she been dtawn aback or brought to le wind, or even kept away, which the Lucy could not do to > clear he hrlm having been put hard a lee. Fast Sailinu ?The Grecian, Benedict, arrived at Philadellia on Saturday forenoon, from N York, makiug the passage in ie unprecedented short ran of 14 hours and 4i minutes from rer to rirer. This we believe is the ahorteal passage lhat has r.r been made between the two citica. Forfeitkii?The biig Nimrod. Lyiug at New Smyrna, lurmn, wav rimii ai iviarsnai ? laie on mc ZBl'i n't lor J',815, lie wax bought by Me tan. Palmer 8t Feirit, and ku to leave a few d?y. for Oosport Navy Vtrd 8chh. Oarrct, Lint. Baxter, lying at Charlealou, W" ruck by liali'ningnn t'e 12 li nit., aud tlie msiotopmast ml ainmaat ao aerercly injured aa to rr<|iiire new onea. No , or >n if jore1*. Mi itunmtrka of he 1'ghining are viaib'e r.n :lw imbiug of the nwiohatch. S< hh. C stun inr, ar Savannah, frrm Ma Un 7. la. had a vety lister ni passage. She ercouuterrd a aucceaai in of galea, i nig one of wh en her deck load of forty thousand oranges as swept away, betides some oth*r fruit. WtiRleincn. F.dward, of Mattapoiaett, spoken 10th inat. lat 37, Ion 74, with 4) bbla oil?by the Commerce, at this port. Spoken* A ship showing a signal with a red border and a white annate i the centre, was seen 4th inat. lat 4C, Ion 41?by the Sally, at ii* port. Rota, (fishu g tehr) bound to Banks of Newfonndland, 10th ist. lat 42 70, Ion 62?by the Garrick, at this port. Casilda, Hall, of Wiacasset, Triuid id for Uantxic, 2d inat. lat 14], loti 71 12?by the Commerce, (Prua) at this port. Ontario, Liverpool for NOrleana. Ist mat. 30 miles W of D H hot Keys?by the Mandarin, at thia |*irt. Herculean, NOrleana for Liverpool, May 1, lat 21 18, Ion 79 I?by the Qaaton at thia port. Ruaaell Glover, and Kben Pteble, both from NewOilraaa for iverpool, May 6, lat 26 37, Ion 79 41?bv the aatti Erhpae.of Salem, 1 daya from Hayaiia'l'or St Petersburg, h teat, lat 32 20, len 78 40?by the same. St Lawrence, of Providence, NO leans for Liverpool, 9th lat 33 40, lou 7110?by the same. Two Marys, Mobile for Philadelphia, lO'.h inat. no lat?by e aame. Solon, of Hancock, passed 6'h inat ?by the aame. Mogul, Salabary, NOrleana for NYoik, no date, off Caryafd?by the Rio Grande, at thia poit. Bowdi'ch, of Boitoa, Liverpool for NOrleana, no date, lat 22 J no #0 < ?by the M irtin W Brett, at this port. Ville de Paris, of Bath, Liverpool lor NOrleana, 41 daya out, > date , lat 24 30, Ion 81?by the Augora, at thia i>ort. Granville, Halifax for Neuvitaa, no date, lat 24 30, Ion ? 30? ; the Wallace, at thia port. Mary Kimball, Mobile for Boston, 3d inat. off Cape Florida by the Chaa Hammond, at thia port. Gleaner, NOileant for NewYork, April 21. lat 27, Ion 86?by e Diploma, at tint port. New Kugland, 10 daya from Mobile for Ghent, April 29. lat 24 I, Ion82?by the lUlrii, at thia port. .. >.?). .ivu. iiivunc ior Liirerponl, lit lut. lit 75 50? j the aame. ( haa William, from Boitin, 12 imt. lu 17, Ion 74 JO?by the diniral Co'poyi. at thia port. A iclir anppnied to be the Concord, from N Voik for Jackicnil'e, war tmaaed bth 9t Jolini Bar. Krnit (Juatar, atid Urea, Bremen for Baltimore; Abbathni, rortlarul for Hichmond; Warrior, Boiton for Aleiandiia; hrbe Elixa, NYork for do, and a acnr belonging to Milford, lei. from NYoik, diameated, intending to put into Norfolk? II apoken lull m-.t. off Cape Hen-y. forelcn Ports* Mataht.4?, May 1?In |>ort, Ontario, Hamilton, I.I*; War ?w Koopman, for N Yorli, 4th ina<; l.hailotre. Met lellan, dm 1; Cocheco, McCrillia, do, 7th; Wililra P Walker, for Carde ,a, lame day; Leraut, Aleiander,; Alpine, of and ir do arr29lliull. Samuel, Tollord, lag. At do 2d. Confi ence, Bailey, for rrieate,2da; ICmpreta, Pitman Havana for 1 York, Idit; Condor, Mayo, for Hamburg, aud Oanray, Kipley, ?r Condon ready; Merchant, froin Charleaton; Henry Chaae, Vilminaton, and Neptnne, Bnltol, HI. atr ?th. Uoing in, Drodon,'of NYork. ? | 0 1 K % 1 r ? ? RiTiVl, April 21? In DOtt. AlffliM. Birnet, for Boa'on, III d*v; Korharnb'au, do, lag; Grnnd Turk, Loud, .'or Newport, and others bcf ?rr. Trinipad dk Cuba. April 11?ii port, Waahiogtoo, shmikland, of Philadelphia. from N York, jutt arr; Franklin, Gib a, from Boston, disg; Constellation. /nekton, from Havana, for Cowea, Idg; B'oirae, Bradley, of Philadelphia, for Loiidon, do: Americau, Adir. for Portland,6; Neptune, Foster, from Boatou, di?or. Mary Pe ?e, Sh;eld?, c( and from Portland 24 dayt, St Thomih, May 3?In r*"L. John W Cater, lo tail in J da; K-dand juit ?rr from Philadelphia. (itiitiMt, PH. A|>ril 28?In port, Metio, Forbes,for NYotk, 10 or 12; Stri lieu Bniney, (Br) Bell, Halifax, Id*. Pout au Platt, Miy I?In port, Cnracos, (lark. of Bath, for Hamburg, 10 days: Clara, Dunham, for NYorlt, 8?ouly Am vessels. Msm ri:ii? May 10?Arr Favorite, Greenhorn, G.aagow; I lib, Avon, Robinson. Liverpool; Souler Johnny, Lit'; Roht Watson. Keid. Newcastle; Imogene, Foreman, Sunderland; Qaeen Victoiia, Back house, do. . . I Quebec, May 8?Arr Zephyr, Young, Sund, rlgnil; Wil'iam Hawson, Beverage, Alloa; 9th, Brown, John, Sunderland; Thomas. Price, do; Snarun, Everett. do; Admiral. Steer, do; Maimer's Hone, Hudson, do; Bolivar. Karau, Waterford; I Dochfour, Wakemati, Bristol; Mabel Audart, Ayr; Idi.Robui on, Newca tie; Prince George, McFarlane, Alloa; Portia, Chapman. Hartlepool; Latoua Denraon, Hull. Kut for Idg8th, City of Waterford, Liverpool; Sir John Falttaff, Portsmouth; 9;h, Falcon, Liverpool; Mail, do; Percy, Sunderland. Home Porta. Hartford, May 13?Arr Cabot, Smart, NYoik. Sid Amanda, (Inborn, do. Put lad f.lphia, May 13?ArrPertt, Snow, Messina; Wm M Ilogrra, Harding, Boston; Monsoon, Hallett, bt Jago de Cnba; Congress. Brown. Lubec; Walte*. Millis. Lewes, Del. having iu tow Licellenr, which w >s stranded nn Cape lleulopeu beach some 12 months since; Hornet, Paddlrford, Taunton, Ms; Annabella, Tatlor, NYoik; Helle-nont, Woodbury. Newbiirvport; Achsah D, Douglass, Capo May; Fulcrum, Narris, "andwirh. Cld Virginia, White. James Hirer, Va; Armer I'atton, Thompaon, Wilmington, I)'l; F D Dekker, Smith, Savannah; Volta, Tuttle, Boston; Therou, Willed, Brooklyn; I idiana, Corson, N York Nobfolr, Mar 12?Arr Saganaw, Loring, Trinidad de Cnba ?pot in with loss of anchor and part of the chain, and for provisions and wood, having lost the latter article oil deck. Below. Aunawan, Swasey, Hichmond for Fall Hirer. Bachelor, Horton, for Havre, went lolaea on Sunday; and John Caskie, Young, for Cowes yesterday?hoth from James River. Charleston. May 12?Arr Brothers, Mavhew. NOrleans; Merchant, Leslie,; Cordelia. Pendleton .Camden. Me. Old Forest Kii g, K?lly, Matanzas. Hid PeithiMre, (British) Simpson, Quebec; Col T Sheppard, Azwnrihy, Cuba. Savavivah. May II?Arr Lucv, Little, NOrleans, put in to repair, having been in con'act with the Elizabeth; Souther, Lombard, Port Leon; Caroline, Swaaey, Maunzai Old Olive Branch, English, A|ialachic>>la; Zenobia, K-oiirctoii, St Petersburg; Gr?er, (Br) Scorgie. and Ellen, (Br) White, LivciI>o");Jas St Samuel, Homers. Boston. j HAMS ?41 barrels pickled Hams landimc Imm thip Oconee. For tale by K. K. COLLINS fc CO., ml6 M South atrett. PACKb-T SHIP OAS'l'O N, fiom New Orleans, is disctisrei f at Judd'a whaif, Toot of Market street. Consignees will please aitenrt to lha rrccipt of their goods immediately. m!6 PACKET SHIP UAHHICK. from Liverpool. Consignees by this ship will ineaie send their permits on board at Orleans wharf, footol Wal' street, without <ielay. All goods not permitted in five days will be sent to the Pnblie Store. mlS PSOker SHIP OCONEE, from New Orleens, is discharging at Orleans wharf, foot of Wall street. Consignees will please a'tend to the receipt of their goods immediately, mlb NOTICE. A LL business connection between the Subscribers having aV cssed, notice is h rebv giveu that the Subscriber, David H. Gould, it the sole proprietor of the Refectory and Eating Eatablishin- nt, No. 10 Knltou street (Copy) DAVID H. GOULD, DAVID rEARsALL. New Yotk, May 1st, 1843. A CARD. All business connection having ceased on the 1st of May, 1843, between David Pearaall and David H.Gonld. at in the above noiice atated,the Subscriber will continue nt the snle Proprietor of the Refectory and Eating Establishment, No, 10 Fulton street, (oprosit* Fulton market,) where he will be happy to ace his former custnmrrs. The establishment since the 1st May inst. bacbeea handsomely painted and refuted, and renovated throughout with every convenience necessary to comfort and cle&nliuers. The bill of fare will be found in every respect equal to any in the city for varie'y. sicelleuce and cheapness. The dining rooin ia spacious and aiiy with reading fad sitting rooms attached where wi'l be found the different newspapers of the day. Attached to the cooking depart- ! me nt are some of the best cooks that the city can produce, and with attentive and obliging waiters the abote establishment will vie with any other in the Union No pains shall be spared to suit esch visitor, and by strict attention to business the Subscriber hopes to merit a share of the public patronage. New York May 13. 1843 m!6 3t*m CltOTON WATER KOK SHIPPING?Tlie undersigned respectfully inform the owners and matters of vessls in the Tort ofiNcw York, that (the Hydrants being now laid at each pier for the exclusive use of snpplring them with Croton Water) they are now prtpared to give supplies inany quantity, at the shortest notice We would state far general information,that no other persons are authorized (under penalty) to furnish shipping with Croton Water eicept the andersigeed. BROWN It ORMOND, General Depot, South Side Knltou Ferry, rolG Im'rc South street, New York. CROTON WATER?DAY'S h IR8T PKEV1IUM IN DIA RUBBER HOSE is confidently recommended for any purposes for which leather is used, and is warranted to possess the following p op Tties : ? 1st. It is perfectly tight under pressure of the Croton. 2d. It is made of the strongest fabrics, and will not mildew to injure id the least, and requires no attention. jra. ic it not destroyed by commit id contact with oiler grease, nor stiffened by cold weather. Dor can the rubber decompose, at inferior article! ara in no care uted. Nhould the least comiilaiut be made of the Hote, not possessing the abort properties, it will be taken back, at any time inside of sis months from its pnrchase, and otner given in ex change without charite. 9|4th.'Coupling and jet pipes will be attached without charge uyert will note that we are clearly satisfied that this hote (the proc it of making ta hich is unknown to any other in the trade) it just the article long wanted for leading water and many other liquids. HORACE H. DAY, in'6lm*r Successor^ Rosbury I. R C.43 MainenLane. EDlCAL?DR J. EVANS has removed hit Old Ualeu't Head Dupen?ary to 100 Chatham near Pearl street, where he eominaet hit safe, speedy aud effectual treatment and cure of ell delicate diseases, and where|the real old Dr. Evans will be found by his n-imerous enquiring friends If age, science and forty yean experience entitle a practitioner to preference, theu Dr. K would direc: the attention of discerning |nib'ic to an investigation of hit claime He Wlthei the public 10 know ihet be has nothing to do with aDy office in Peck Slip. Hit charges are moderate. Ilia consultations confldentia .1 m!6 ll*rc lyO CHARCOAL DEALERS?13 000 bushels Charcoall if -I- good quality aud sire,burnt the past fall; deliverable alongside of veeiels at Cold Spring Landing. Putnam Couuty, which will be gold low, in lots not lete than a'00 bushels. Apply at No. 396 Broome st, at any time before ID o'clock in the morning. ml6 3 irt PATENT PRESERVED HIGHLY FLAVOHKD PORTABLE MEATS AND SOUPS, for ship stores, warranted to keen for anv length of time, and in auy climate, manufactured aud for sale, wholesale and retail, bv WILLIAM MULLANE. mt 5 "*r 104 William street. PLANTERS' HOUSE. St. Lot'ts, Mo. DEDUCTION OF THE FARE !?In consideration of the XV pressure of the times, the undersigned has reducsd the prices of Boarding and Lodging to SI M per day. and the rate of Wines from 3!'* to 100 per cent. His tables will continue as heretolore to be supplied with every luxury the market affords The I u Iding Is the largest, most airy, aud combines more comforts than any in the city, aud it not surpassed by any Hotel in the West. Everr attention will be given by the undersigned, his agents, and servants, to aecommidate those who may favor him with a call. BENJ. 8TICKNEY. May i, 1043. m!6 5wr ARE YOU troubled with a feeling oppression alter eating I Do you experience a faint aud dizxy sensation after taking strong ei'rcite 7 Are von afflicted with griping or ipasmndie paint in the stomach and bowels! Ate you annoyed with some cruuiauuus nun uiri'r symptoms 01 impenvct ingestion [ n??r you a dull t ut eonitaiit pain in your right tide, or between your shoulders 1 Ho you experience uneasiness in the region of the kiduey, accompanied by shooting pains of the back/ In one word, have you any of tne symptoms which denote a disordered slate of the stomach, the bowels, or the uerres ? If the answer is affirmative, and you wish to change'it t? a hearty ami joyous negative, try a bottle or two of JAYNE'S TONIC VlCKMlKUUE, and, unless there is a malformation in your organic structure, we guarantee a cure. Sold by A B. A D. sands, druggists, No. 79 Fultonstreet; A. B. Bands A Co., No. 273 Broadway; D. Sands kto No. 77 East Broadway. rnfi 6tinsr PRINTERS' AND BINDERS' WARE ROOMS, Nos. 29 and 31 Gold street, N. York, April, 1*13. TRICES GREATLY REDUCED. THE HOE PRINTING PRESS MACHINE AND SAW MANUFACTORY, in couseiiueuce of the additieu of new and improved mai hinery to their works, and [he reduction in the cost ol materials and labor, are euatled greatly to reduce thelpriees ol their Presses, and ol Printers' and Binders' materials generally, as will be seen by their newly prtuled circular, to which tney beg leave to reler. This establishment is still under the personal superintendence of Kit. hard M. Hoe and lioUERT Hoe, aud they assure their friends that, notwithstanding the great reduction in prices, all articles maunfactured by this establishment shall retain the high leputation which they have hitherto anataiued. It will a'ao be their couataut endeavor to improve the quality of Ihrm in every particular. They flatter thrmaelvea alao that their old frienda will not only continue their favo a, but that Printera generally will appreciate their endeavora to lurniah the very beat articles at barely remunerating prices. Ordets from any pait of the coentry lor all articles nsed by Printers or Binders, including Types, Ink, Paper, Ac-, will be executed with the greatest care and promptitude, and on the best terms. Jobbing work and repairing will be done at the lowest pos Bible prices, with every attention and exiiediticn. N. B.?All articles manufactured by tins establishment will be stamped R. HOE A CO ,so that persons from abroad may not b? imposed upon with spurious articles, made in imitation of iheus. Printers of n< Wipapers who publish this advertisement, with this note, three times before the first of July ueit, and send one of tfieir papers to ns, will be entitled to payment of their bill on buying four times the amount of it. splbis r NO. in# CHATHAM STREET, THE OLD GALEN'S HEAD. DR. EVANS respectfully informs the public that he has had more than forty years experience in Europe aud America, 111 extensive hospitals an I iu'pnvate practice?has devoted many years to the treatment ol particular diseases, also debilities, old ulcers, obstructions, men urial diseases, t'enule complaints, Ac. Perseus afflicted with ileploraule cases, patched up by ignorant pretenders, are advised to call. A residence of mor< than twenty years iu the city of New York lias established his character for respectability and superior skill in the trs.itinent of those diseases. Consnltatioas perfectly private aud confidential. IL^ Make no mistake, find ths Old Galen's Head, No. ICO Chatham steeet. No connection with any other office. m 13 eodistt'r THE NEW YOKE MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE, No. 75 Chainbera alreet, tj"STABLI8HED TO RENDER TO THK AEKL1CTI " ED aotiud and Scientific Medical Aid. All kind of diieaaea will be treated, and aurKicnl operation of every dearriptioo performed in the moat carefnl and acienrilic manner. One of the lint oconliata in the city will attend to the treatment of all diaeaaeaof the eye and ear. Particular attention ta paid to the treatment ol all female enmplainta. Patienta who deaire it will be viaiteil at their honaea. Thoae whoae meane are limited will only be reqniml to pay for their medi> cinea. Three or fonr rooma are provided for private conenlta lion. The drug department ie attended by an apothecary of great eiperience, and ail mediciueadiapenaed may be relied on aa pure aud genuine. Capping and leeching will be done'at the ahorteat uotiae. Open day aud night. ralienta from the conntry wiahing to avail themaelvea of the great .ldvantagea thia luatitntion pmaeaaea in the treatment af acrofuloua alfeciioaa, cuuneoua diaeaaea. and anrgical operanona, can he accommodated with board and rooma in ita imme| dlate vicinity. dk ?omer boSTWICK, At'ruding Phyaician and Surgeon, 75 Ehambeia at. 3d honae weal ol Broadway Tina inatitntion ia nailer the patronage aud cominendatiou of the following gentlemen REV. DR. ED.Y. HIOBEK. REV. DR. W. c. BROWNLKE, REV. DR. geo. POTTS, HEV. DR. G. SPRING, amimiaee IIEV.IDH. 8CHROKDBR SHEATHlNO PAPER?5 0 halea anterior aheathing iwper, an excellent articleffor anip'a boitotna and roola of lionaea, for aale by E. K. collins k co , li t 5ti Wontii atveet. HANtJINil Pa PER.?50.0 i ha. line white Hinging Paper for aala by PKR8SK h BROOKS, ?c No. CI Liberty atreet. TIT ANTED?A situation by a profraaed Ggrdeoer, who un" drrstauds thu business in all i?? branches. Apply to N iblo 4 DiiyU|i, dsmen and tl rut? 570 Broadway mlStfr BOAKDINO WANTED?For gentleman, hi* wife and child. Loc-ti m ilowu town. Pli iue address "P." at this office, st-ting t? rms, 4c ml' ltp PSlTTOYtfEVr wanted by a smart active own, wlio write* tJ a free bunness hand and has been naed to active emp'oy, and can aire vood refrreDCra. A note addreited " Employniect," left at (lie Office ol this papet will receite immediate attention. ral6 2t*r Tl> JOURNEYMEN HOUSE PAINTF.RB.-Four or five ti rat rate workmen iu the above line will m*et with immediate employment, by mnlriav to CHAKLK.a WOOD, Painter. No. 7 Hic'aa atreet, btooklyn. V. B None elae need apply. tnlC 2t*r AN I ED?CHEAP II MMY, No. rjl OranJ at, wanta t<> inform country merchants, city retailiera. pedlera, and all peraeni requiring hrg? .pi in'itiri oftlir-ad and needle nrliclea, apnoli cotton, combs,, knitting cotton, abce and cored lacea, hoait'v, gh.vea, rdg.ngs, lacra, ai It and cotton fancy nolle, lie, with a great variety of itttiio, Lhat lie la selling by wholei'le or rotai'.cheai er than auv other atore in the eity.auJ no advent ,?c taken ol persona commencing a retail business,or not acquainted with the value of articles. N. B ? All articles wuieuted n re?pre?ented or the money returned. JAM Kit 8UYDAM, ml 5 6t^r 271 Grand at, cor Forayth. LO'T-A Due Bill for $153 59, payable to Kobiuaon k Ward, aud'aigned by Comstock h Co. AH peraona are lorbid taking it; it ia of no use to the finder, aud he would confer a favor by tending it to HI Maiden lane or 21 Courtland atreet in 16 jtr LOST?On Friday, ISth instant, a ladies' gold lever watch, No. 123', made by T F Cooprr, London, and mirkrd A. K. D 1827 Also, attached therein a watch key and gold pencilcaae. The fioder will be sniiahlv rewarded by leaving the same at 26 Waverley Pl ice or7< H iuth at. ni!5 6t*r df?1C KKWA u D? Loat. last night, a silvrr lever watch, iJpieJ silver dial aud cold figures. No 9351, with gold guarJcnain attached. The above u-W,1K| will be paid by leaving the same at Kobert ltaitv, No. 262 Broadway. m'4 3t*ec BOARDING? Uood bo-rd, with very desirable rooms, either single or with parlora, on the lirsl and aecouil floors, of a modern house in a pleasant neighboih'iod, where every thing will be done to make the bonid-r* comfortable. Terms moderate, and made known ou application at No. 535 11 'U-ton at m!5 2t*r ?! j.uug urrrunouK iiaiiu will lie aolil cheap lor rath by Mw|the subscribe',a' Mo 313 Broadway, corner of Anlhony wjkw.ic. In this ftnI- co lection will b? fonuil, among other rare plants, a yery fine asior'ment of monthly and annual roses; such as white and red most. Yellow Harritoii.Co'.lage.Oreville, Mul.illora, YtllowTea, Yellow Noiaette. Triumiihof Lrstnbu'g, Tea Bougerc, viadame Heraan'e, Heine Itlede Boar | boo,and a great y.-.riaiy of o her rosea; Geraniums, Azaleas, Cape Jessamines,Callaa Cactuses, l'itto?n irums.Passion Vines, Corbeas, Tuchsias, Heliotropes, Camellias. Heaihs, Daphnes, Carmat ous, and a great venety of other plants, all ol which will be found in a most healthy and thrifty conditiou. Also, a line lot of i'1'ube Hoses, Malabar Vines, Slid Garden Pinks. Person! purchasing at wholesale will he liber ill y dealt with. The ladies in pariicu'ar ami amateurs in general are invited to call and examine this collection, of which there will be daily received a fresh supply. Bonqncts will be made on, on notice being given a day previous. H. M. LEVENOSTON, m!56t?m 98'h street, Tlihd Arenue. on THIRTY DOLLAR8 RKWABS^Huipossdto f Ml. st"len, a sorrel mare about 1} hands high, both f J hind feet white, whi'e strip in the forehead, a small wart on ihe right side near where the girt goes round, a square tail and about nine yea's old. Also a leather top iron aitl wagon, with drah cushions, blue he-.d lining $10 will be for the horse and wagon, and $11) for ihe thief, by CONKLIN CARLL, m'5 3t*rc St Fulton street. Bronklyn XYLOGHAPHIC PRESS, AND GENERAL JOB PRINTING OFFICE, 68 GOLD STREET, NEAR FULTON. HMIF. Subscribers respectfully inform Druggists, Perfumers, A Manufacturers, Grocers and others, that th?y have just completed the largest and mast splendid assottment of Xylo graphic Labels everpnhtiihed in this country or Europe. Deal? ert can be furnished with any quantity ot labels suited to their use at as low piics as can found. New designs and plates, suitable for all kiuc's of bntitieis, executed in the first style of the art, and pri i ted in bronze, Tangated, plain and fancy colors. Consumers are invited tnrxamine our assortment before pur chasing Extensive additions are daily maki.ig to our present catalogue of lane s. jOB PRINTING?Their office u a'so supplied with every variety of tvpr necesaary for the est cntion of every desciiption of Faucy Job Printing. Circulars, handbill, billheads, bills of lading, and all kinds of mercantile printing, execnted on reasonable terma. PATENT CARD PRESS?This machine is particularly adapted to the printing of cards, which it executes with great facility and beauty; one person being able to print a pack of the best en amelled catds in two minutes, with ease. Superior polished surface carda (tnauufactured expressly for this establishment) famished and printed at the following prices:? 100 Cards for 50 renss 500 Cards for $1 25 200 do 75 cents 700 do I 03 300 do $1 00 1000 do 2 00 Common Cards at less prices. V aiigated Show Cards? 380 different kinds, suitable for all kinds of business BROWSON It CO, _ro 15 lw*ec 50 Gold street, near Fulton. WHAT CAN BE MORE trying to the feelings ofa mother, thau to behold her iDtant writhing in the agonies of eholic, or wasting away under that t-rrihle scourge of infancy, cholera infantum, or summer complaint I And yet a radical cure can be rfficted with sperd and certainty, hy administering ? <n. -..<r .i... : ? li. - i.iv.c uiicici mm lumiiiMUl' lire |iar.llKill?jav n? ? Carminative Ralinm. No home should be without this indispeusablc family medicine.which ii adapted to all crmplaiuta of llieimmsch, bowels, liver < r nervous system Id 'he south, it occupies a prominent place in nearly every domestic medicine chest. Sold by A. B It D. Sands . Diugcists, No. 71 Fulton streetcorner of Gold, 273 Broadway, 77 East Broadway. Bjagg MBS. N. SCHELTEMA, 8METH.253 Broadway, opposite the Park, resprctrullr informs her customers and the ladies generally, that she has just received by the lare arrivals fro <1 Paris, seve-al cases, compriiing a larxe and splendid assortment of Millinery." Embroideries, Silks, and other New Goods for Dresses, Laces and Fancy Goods, of all descriptions N. B ?In the Dress Making Department all orders promptly executed in the newest and most approved French style, being superintended by a lady who his just arrived, and who has had exoeri-nte it the most fnshiooable French houses. Will open severs! cases of French Milmery. Monday, May >Stt?Consisting of Cspottes, Tarlatan Dresses, splendid embroidered Caps for ladies, of a verv new style, entirely different from say before offered; rich Barege Dresses, t'hildrens' Hals, and a general assortment of fancy articles, which will be put at a very low price as usual. mil lm*rc WATCHES, DIAMONDS, Sec. THE Subscriber having retired from the late firm of Gel* *ton, Ladd h Co. has commenced bnsiness at the comer of Broad and Wall streets, opposite the Custom House, for tne sale of hue Watches, Diamonds and Gentlemen's Jewelry,at prices in accordance with the time*. AH Diamond Jewelry bought of the subscriber will be re I urehased by him after deducting 7 per cent; tnereby offering to purchasers an opportunity to convert their diamonds into money at any time they may pleaae. Fine Duplex, Lever and Lentne Watches, which he 'can recomineud and warrant as good time keepers?also,Gold Chain, Peueil Cases, Watch Keys, Sic. Silver Farks, Spoons, and Tea Sets, of the newest patterns, and very best i|ua(ity snd workmanship at J per cent advance on the manufacturer's prices. All the above articles shall be equal to the b?st made iu New York. Watches and Clocks repaired under his personal snpeiintendance, with the assistance of the best workmen. Diamonds, Pearls snd other tprecioff* Stones and Silver bought or exchanged, WM. F. LADD, 12 Wall street, opposite the Custom .House. a20 I an is*m BARRY'S WIGS AND SCALPS. AC. BARKY, Artist in Hair, Irom London.?The real Heads of Hair still stand pre-eminent above all others. Their peculiar light, gossamer auil ventilatiug character?their being shaped exactly as the ualural hair grows?their elaslici ty and their superior material and wo'kmanship, as well as their style of finish and airangemrnt, all combine to form such perfect heads of hair, that they must be seen to be fully appreciated. A new system of the art of Wig Making taught in five lew sons. See a specimen of Barry's Wigs and Scalps, which will satisfy the most fastidious that he is tne fe-t and cheapest maker in the city?146 Broadway, coiner of Liberty street, up f stairs. m 12 2w ins?ec 1 BELMONT HOUSE, NEW BRIGHTON. fPHE subscriber begs leave to inform hit friends and the pub ' A lie, that he hat taken the abort- wrII known houte, which ? hai been thoroughly repaired and painted in the belt manner, newly furnished thioughout, and will be open d on the first of May ueit. ' The house is delightfnlly situtted immediately opposite the ' steamboat landing, and from its piar.-as commands a view attending up Ike Kills and nvorthe bay and harbour of New York. To those desirous ef a pleasant residence during the summer months, possessing the advantages of fine salt water bathing, together with beautiful drives and walks, and conve meut accrss to the city every two hoars by steam, the Belmont m Houte offers inducements unsurpassed by any other on the Island, and the subscriber trusts that his former efforts to give I satisfaction as proprietor of the Pavilion, with his renewed de- a termination to spare no |>ains to render hit house agreeable, t will ensure him the continuation of a partion of the patronage ? he hsa heretofore been favored with. t GEORGE P1ER1S, ] New Briohtoiv. April 12, IHI. ap Hiitfr r JOHN HENLEY, 1 BANK AGENCY AND EXCHANGE OFFICE, FOR THK | COLLECTION OK BILLS, NOTES. DRAFTS, *c. he. MONTGOMERY. ALA. 1 REFERENCE I Messrs. Matwell It Co. 1 , " Persse k Brooks, J a Jacob Little It Co. I New York. t " Perkins It Hopkins, I " Abraham B-ll k Co. J t *" St John Powers fcCo.iu..kii. si. ' " Whitaker k Sampson, 1 v John Whiting, Etr] , Cashier ol 1 , Branch Bank, I Jack Thirnogton, Esq., > Montgomery, Ala. , P. D. Sever, Esq. j ( Phillips It Mntnford, J . ml 1ms* ec e GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE THE LARGEST, THE CHEAPEST, AND BEST ' ASSORTMENT OF 1 WIGS AND SCALPS, k ARE TO BE FOUNDAT CLIKEHUGH'S, 207 BROADWAY, ENTRANCE IN FULTON ST. ? THE manv attempts that arc daily making to imitste these celebrated W igt and Scalpa, are just ao many proofs of the high character thei have attained, and the estimation they are d held in by the trade But the public will observe that C. is the * original maker (in this conntry I of ? THE VENTILATING AND GOSSAMER , WIGS AND SCALPS, (WITHOUT MKTALIC SPRINGS,) I (Iimi |||?1 nil "Uirim uuiicruil a 11 run a* m imitation, wanting tin- genius to divine or <tircct the principle on which tbey arc made to At, and the thill and practice to eiecnte. J All wearer* and connoit*etira are incited to inspect hit * II10ADS Or HA1K, j which, for elegance. I'ghtue.s, and durability, may be classed among the first productions of modern times. In their menu l lecture they diner from all others made her*. The hair is . sicifty inserted, and so rqnally distriouted as to appear jnst issuing from the skin; they cover no more ol the brow than the k natural hair does, asd having no metallic spring,all disagreeable pressure it obviated. For a southern climate, they are inestimable, being only one ot. Weight. i, Senators, Members of Congress, and gentlemen Tom every h' quarter of the country, who are now wearing C.*t wigs, can be referred to. The pricea will be found to suit the circumstances of all ] classes ml0is6t*r * iJAVUSOMK AI'AKTMKN'llt in Houstoa street, clet* Dj I. to Broadway.?To let, to gentleman, with breakfast and f? tea. References required. Address, boi 70J Park Post office. in12 Im eod*ec ANCHOR?I Torler'e Patent Anohor, with moveable shank, wethgs 4000 pounds?for eale by 111 K. K. COLLINS It CO., lh Ml South street. ^ \l/ATt,HKS AND JKWKLLICRY lower than ever.?As VV |i,e suUcnber it eorrtantly receiving all descriptions of O aolil and silver watches, of the newest stvles. direct from the manolartorere, in England. Fiance, and Switzerland, hen enabled to offer a larger aaaortment, and at mach lett pricei, at E letrnl, than any other honae in the city. Gold watchea at low ai S15 each. Watehea and jewellery eichanxed or bonght. All watchea warranted to keep good time, or the money re- _ turned. Walehea, clocka and jewellery repaired in tke beM manner, and warranted lower than at any other place in the n city. <J. C. Allen, importer of watehea and jewellery, whole | a tie and retail, JO Wall atrcat, up ataira. alft-lm ina*m AUCTION SALES. THOMAS BK.I.I..AIW >o?er. RY BKL.L * HOWAH1). iBUru WU Jinn and IIS Pulltn r?r??'. TUESDAY, Ar 10H o'clock, in the aalea room, la -cr aale of dry goode, an in me r rloth?, vraiiuga, London ank Krencli clotla, naaimerea, aheetinita, ahirtimra, Iinepa Cilieoti, mm in?, challya, ailba do lainea, and a general variety nl aeaniaMe dry foods, clothing. fcr Alio, fancy and plrdirrd (nodi, koI-J and ailver wntchea, jewelry, iniiai<-a I instruments, &C. Alio, 36 travelling tiunka, WEDNESDAY. At o'clo-k, at the sales room, Kitfniitf Ani)flf8Mi> n!e of choice ctbioet ibiI hoaKRold fu-ui'it'e of all descriptions, ?.n?l every variety of hourekeeplng articles, THURSDAY, At 10X o'cock in the sales room. Large sa e nfaofae, chairs, Fteneh and other bedsteads, upholifcrers stock rrnrrullv. BY CAR'l EH ,V i.O. WEDNESDAY'. Mav 17 At half plat 10 o'clock at the store No. 316 Broadway, Gothic Hdl. Cabinet Fsrniturr?The most at lendid assortment ofsuperb city made Cahitwt Furniture, without reserve?consisting,of every article in fne line?1of*s, chair , dtvana. rockrri. E ench bedstead' 'ottomans, sewingehair*.wardrobe, drear ing bureaus, waahatanda, cird^centra, and hrealifaat tahlra, washMands. St-. Alan, n smill invoice of choice ivory handle t'uttlery, 5 large bine Dinner Beta, and 2u toilet aeta. The articlea ere uot to be anrpeaied in beauty, atyle and futiah. The catalogues will be ready o 1Tuesday, when Ithe Kuriltore mav be examined. m'fl It ia*r R. If. TIM5BON?Auctioneer. BIRMINGHAM & Sheffield Partertia and PatternCarda ol Hardware, Cnt'ery, Jipanry, Fine/ Uooda, Sportamen's Aprara'tta, Itc lie. I AC OB 8 PLATTwIII ae'l Thia 10 o'clock, at No. 21 PjMlsireet, an en'ire atock, embracing 2.0 lota of the above description of Oooda. among which ia every variety ol Birmingham and Sheffield manufactured articlaa itc Ala ?plated and ailver ware. viz.: Candleatieka do and Branchea. h-ead and rake Baskets, Caatnra, 8 uffera and Traya, Tnait Hack <able and tea Spoons, Bnrter Koivea. Nut Cracltcra. Cheeae Kniver, Deaaert Knivra and Forkr, lie. Itc. A'an?at 12 o cl ek, 11 cases Needlea. consisting of genuine Hemming & Bona and Bartletl's, of the following k iotls, viz : aharpv and blunts, b lokbinde; a, taneafry, Saddles Harness and darning Needlea. to which the attention of purchaae-a iv rrquca'cd. Citaloeues aro ready. mill ll*r | U H. 1 IMPBOV?Auctioneer. NEEDLES.-JACOB 8. PLATT will aell Thia Dav, ?( I o'clock, II caaea genuine Hemming It Bona an-' Bart letl'a Needlea, c>naiating of aharpv and b nnta, borkhi deri tapeatry, saddlers' hanieaa and darning need'es, to which 'he attention r.fdealt rs ia directed. ml? |t*f B. P. INORAHAhf. Auctioneer, AUCTION NOTICE?Stock Cabinet Furniture?At 10 o'clock, Wedneaday, 17th inat., the atock of new furniture in the ware rooma 256 Brotdwav, by order of a receiver, co*. listing ofaofns of superior workmanahip. soft hediteada, bnreaur, withstands renrre trhlea with and without marble tops, marble top work tablei, bre -kf'st, tea and dining tahlea, couches, divans, ottomnna, aecretary and book cases, French aecretary, mahogauv hair seat rocking chairs, sewing antique sweep back chairs, French 1-? an i 3 l_ chairs, caul tahlea, French bedsteads, ended maple Grecian chairs, sideboard, Egyptian and white marhle top centre p'er tahlea, ward obea, lie Ike Alio, i aeta eiteusion dining tables. Ca'alogea the day previous. _m!6 2t?r BENJAMIN MOON*' Y. Auctioneer. AUCTION NOTICE?Heavy Hardware ami Phelf Goods. B. MOO NKY & CO. will sell thia day at 10 o'clock at 91 iviMflrn Lane, a sunertor assortment nl neavy aeu Mieii Hardsi are, viz. 3 casks honUs and himris, I do snrp'ice pin*, hay and manure forks, C. 8. shovels, rim lorka, bed keys. sickles, padlocks, j tppaned bread baskets and tan t ays, hoes, hardware and letter puoer, grass seyihes, plate locks. iron t?b!e spoons, braces and bitts, old English razors, 400 dor tabic cutlery, 100 do/ pocks'do . scissors, ca'iled cutlery, &c, Alse, an invoice ofbraaa goods. Also. closets lor pattern cards. countcra, desks, atoola, Itc., arirli which the aalu will commence. Catalogues are now ready m!6 lt*r W. (). CARTER Auctioneer. SPLENDID WINKS, BKANDV, WIN AND SEGARS. Thursdav, at half past 10 o'clock, at the store No. 316 Bread way Orthic Hall, by CAKTF.R It CO?consisting of '50 demijohns and 50 dozen old Sonihaide Madeira, Blackburn, Pale, Gold and Brown Sherry: Otaid and Hennesev Brands; ture Swanfiin; old l.imaici and St. C-nix Rum; 50 baakcta anpenor Lansenv ; t'omsnee and Anchor Champagne. in iinarti and pin's and It M Principe Begars, entitled to debenture. These Winei are all of the beat vintages, and of very superior pn-lity, worthy of the attteution ol commit/urs. m'6 It ia*r A ITCTlON NOTICE?GEO. L. MANN & CO. will aetl eV i h ia day at 10 o'cleck, in thrir store, by rat?logiir, Brandy, rum aud gin, warranted pure; hock, claret, Muscat, sherry, Madeira, port, champagne in wood and glass; alio a lot of 15 d"7.'n superior Stein wine; 10,000 warranted imported segars, 20 000 American do. Every aitie'e offered will be aold without reaerve in quantities to auit purchasers. Dealers will tiud it to their iutereat to attend this sale. rnlS lt*r UCTION NOTICK-POSTPONKMENT -T. esleof Green Home Plants advertised bv Oeorge C Thorhnrn to take place vesierday,ia ppstpon-d to Tuesdiy (this dav,)l 16th inaf., at 10 o'clock, and will take place in front ol the Exchange, in Wall street. The postponement and ch-nge of place is made in consequence of two large adjoining buildings in John street, being toru down; the cl uds of lime and dnat rendering it impossible for gentlemen to atnnd among it live minutes. In the meantime the plants a-e taken good care of. and syringed with the Croton, mornins and evening. Some larther additions will be made to quite the fineat collection ever offered at rnb'ic sale in this ci'v. The? tare all plainly labelled witli their generic names The specimens of Rhododendrons, Lemon and Orange Trees, Camilliaa, Magnolias, and other valuable exotica, are superb, as five minutes walk thetn will testify. They will be all id view in Well strict. early on the morning of sale. J. B. GLOVER, mlfi lt*r Auctioneer. A UCTION NOTICE?WliMES LIQUORS AND SEA GARS, lie?TROWBRIDGE & CO. will sell this morning, Mtj 16th, at their au't'on room, 304 Broadway, at half-past 10 o'clock, 300,000 segars, among which a-e some of the best segars, or as good as aver have been offered ar auction, viz: La Normal, imported wsrranted or no sale, do Principe, Re/alias, La Moras, Ice. Also, 150.00" American Principal, do. La Nonnai; also >00.000 common; also, by order of Land lord's warrant, 15.000 Havapnahs, 5 years old. Also, a fine a-gortinenr of Madeira, Sherry and Port Wines; also, 150 demijohns Urand r and Gin. ml6jlfr E H. LUDLOW, Auctioneer. AUCTION NOTICE-Oil Paintings? E. H.LUDLOW It CO. will sell at auction on Thnrsrfav Maw I ail. ,, n o'clock, at 175 Broadway, 2d atory, a private collection of about t(l oil paintings, in very good preservation, and framed, being the property of a connoisseur. The aale wi'l be without reterve, and thoae wishing to acquire good paintings of original masters, are requested to call and examiue for themselves on the day of aale. or on the day previous after ' o'clock, P.M. Among this collection are some very fine cabinet picnres of aigh cost, and also a pair of large gallery paintings of scriptural luhjecta, suitable for a church or exhibition. Catalogues now ready m 16 Stis'm A U' TION NOTICE-OIL rAINTLNOS-A. LEVY it will sell on Tuesday morning, at llo'clock,at 151 Broadway. an excellent collection of Oil Paintiagt, all framed, part >f which is the private selection of a gentleman haviug broken ip housekeeping, amongst them are paintings by Kirhardson, Birch, fee, with others by old masters. Please call and tee hem. ml5 2t"r J A UCTION NOTICE?A CARD?Bell It Howard, anc- , ft- lioneers, No. 12 Ann and 115 Pnlton street, give notice to heir friends an 1 the public that their regular sales will be as bllows :? Every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY-Furniture and Housekeeping articles in general. On TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS?Sales of Dry Goods of til descriptions, Fancy Articles, Clothing, Cutlery, Jewelry, kc.; what we term, Variety Bale. I We have now made arrangements in the different departments, so as to give satisfaction to consignees and purchasers. Ssles regular, rain or shine ; payments prompt ; and fair adrancea mede on goods sent in for sale. BELL k HOWARD. ml!5t*ec THOMAS BELL, Auctioneer. ; I SPKEaD EAGLK HOTEL. fll 45 Whitehall street, opposite the Battery Garden. Pf IS honse having undergone many alterations and repairs? laving been newly fnrniehed?the present proprietor repectfully announces le his friends of the old country and trsriling public grnerally, that it is now open lor the reception if permanent and transeient boarders The poiition of this hotel require* but little detail of it* ad antagea, being situated facing the Battery Garden, and ci m- ( sanding a full view of the Bay; within one minutes' welk of he Philadelphia, Boston and Albany steamboats. The proprietor intends tfiat care and indaslry.and moderation n charges, shall not be wanting to merit the patronage of the I nblic. I Home-brewed ale, wine?, spirits, kc, of the best quality, i hree cents a glass, HENRY B GRIFFITHS, , ml5 lin*r Lste of Bath. England NEW YORK, BCHOOLEY'S HHP MOUNTAIN k EA8TON . .e.ive the foot of Coortland street,'daily (Sundays exeepled) [ l B o'clock. A. M., by railroad f om Jersey city to Mnrristowu. , hence by Tost coaches through Mendham,Chester. Schooley's .' fountain. Andenou Town, Tort Colden, Washington, to '' faston. At Washington, a daily line intersact* to and from 1 l?l?idere For seats apply to J. Hill, at J. Patton'a, Commer- V ial Hotel. 73 Courtland street. " N.B ?Extras furnished at the shortest notice by applying to S. B Lu?e, United Slates Hotel Mo-ristown. rnvll 7m ec ' ^ REGULAR OPPOSI flO.N TO ALBA Ni dirt rt, wnb Tow boats? The ue ? | 3E?1M3E- and fait sailing steamboat WAVE, Captain | Ya' derhilt, will commence iu ning on Mo sisr, >he I5lh mat., [ ly leaving the foot of Hobinsou street, at 5 o'clock, P M p a e?Cabi i passengers $1 ; d'Ck 50 ceot* ; berths ftee. Suie >er VH cents. The Wave I as been filled up in fitsl-rate order, ind passenger* in iv rest assured th?t they will be in time for , he r'i road, ard that everything will be dons 'or their comfort. N.B.?This boat has no connection with any other boat on he river, and Caotain Vanderbilt being sole owner would he ' hank'ill to all those th it will patronise his boat. Light freight < rill be taken at low rrires. All persons are forbid trusting any one rn account of the : a at or owner rnih 2t*r ! FOR ALBANY AND TROY?Withoul , ^ ll7ai J*' " r $1.50, h-rths 50 cents The i K^>.iih.l ,l?m.. Ill A VI M V IS C a - ? -- -.... v. ??.*?..? w, v?|'i /V. PIOW- 1 r.iwill leive New York for Albany And Troy, from the foot of laiclay street. norlli side, Tuesday afternoon. at 7 o'clock. The steamboat MARIA, < apt. Blasts, will leave on the atrial ot the DIAMOND at Albany Tor Troy, latidinK at the Besnn'Rai'road Depot, and Writ Troy, each way All baggage. freight, sin ne, bank billa, ot othrr property ta- i CD, or shipped, on thia Boat, mull be at the liak of the ownera hereor I The Diamond leaves New fork on Tuesdays. Thnrtdaya, i nd Saturdays. Leaves Albany on Mondays, Wednesdays, nd Fiidavs, at ? o'clock. ml* Itr t aim yOM AleBAN Y, TWOV. and Intermediate 1 LxMpolP Placet ?The splendid low pressure steamboat ItaZusll^SK-SWALLOW, Captain McLean, will leav- ] e Toot ot Courtlandt street this Turaday afternoon. May I6th * t 5 o'clock. The above is a substantial boat, fitted up with e'evant State looms, and for.'aecoinmodatiou is unrivalled ou the Hudson. b m!6 " aimi KOR ALBANY AND TTt^afUupnlv at Newburgh. Pnughkeepsie, Cutskill and Hudson, from the steamboat pier, (net ol (, larclay street?Kate $I M). ? ? si The new low pressure steamer * MPIBK, Captain 8. R. loe, will make her first passage on Wednesday Morning, May Mi, at 7 o'clock. I Kor passage apply at the olllce, foot of Barclay street, or on J ?Notiee?All goods, freight, bsggsge, bank bills, srecie, *r * 11V other kind of p-opertv, taken, shipped, or put ou board this oat, most lie at tlie risk of the owners of smh goods, freight, iggage, kc. as 18 >t r - Mill NK.W OHI.KANH?i (llnui i-Ki - -- HD-NEW VORK LINK?Poeitively Kimt' * MW?racket?The faat aailug packet ehip OCMCLOKK " apuin Peet. For freight or puwce, having handaome fori alied accommodation*, apply on board, at OrloaM wharf * iot ol Wall at. or to , K. K. COLLINS & CO. 3d ftonth at. Shipper* mayraly npon having their good* correctly raeaanr l.aed that the ahip* of thia hne will aail paoelnally aa advee I 10 lh*t *ffe" w,u * ??d felSUed J At maf be required, u Agent* in N. Orleana, Hnllin fc Woodruff, who will prompt 11 forward all good* to their addreea. < The packet akin Ooonee, Captain! Jackaon, will aneeeed t e ?" _____ ml* r b< HAVRK?The enpertor French keruit* aJKVAlOLK,coppered and oopiwr faatenrd, will be die- ?MBKePat, bed immediately for Havre. J for freight apply to A. 8F.IGNF.TTK. M ra6 St"m 17 Waieratroot PORTUGUESE FEMALE FILLS. ' PHKSC far-lamed c-d mlabrated rille, from Portngaf. an, t?l I we perceive, to be obtained in Ihie coeatrr* Sooladro.oae, | | am onatho l*Jt oolnmii bant pnte. 1 AMUSEMENTS. Tu,? FAKK TUKATKK. KOH wi." b" f.'form.rf, THIS SCHOOL L?k- T \ND*L!-< ?.4rU? 8?rf*". Mr. O. V.nrfmho*! will .111* 1' 7; An*r wh?*h Min W*lr**, 7,OWWrtrv / ?,in' To conrlirf. with HIGH. PI col'.. K ANU ' Hlt "AMK-TI,. Kidk of Cl?ta. Mr. B 'W, 50 rt.; Pif, *% rt?; Gallery. I?H cti. Door. open at7; p*rto wwnrM oonunen^e nr l*lt putt 7. < HATHA.51 lllKVlnr.. Mn\TAiNNl.??,1^lJ h' informed, THE OH KEN MOUNTAIN BOY'.-lelednh Homebred, Mr Hill; Mi* H.iueami.h. Mr. Jod.h. To be followed bv BETH SLOPE ?Beth Slei-e, >1 lldl; Sally Piowee, Mr* H<utoii?'lle To f,?,!"',1*M,lh^)HK8 t?,J /.M')THKK KNOW YOU'RE OU 1 I?Mr. Cott ?d, Mr. Ooideuow; Mia. Cwtlon. Mi* Bedford Price, of Admiuion?Ore.. Circle 50 e nt?i Second u* Third Tier. 25; Pit 25; thllrrv 125f rent.. Door, open if be'ore 7?curtain riwa ?t 75< o'' lock preei.ely, " HITI'I' ^ i.l,**. of, * HIPIC fti ? ? i M.M. BENEFIT OF MR BF.NGOtJOH. THIS EVEN I NO, will be performed the open or ERA |)|. AV"LO?Fia Diaroln, \1ra. T mm; Bepiei, Mr. Milchetl. After which, MtiNS. J ACQUE 8?Mon. J triple., Mr. J ?m? ia. After which the YOUNG WIDOW?Anreli*, Mr*. Motion. To e include with COUSIN PETER?Nicholas Bonne. Mr Ura'itm. d ^ The Do it. will beop<n.d ?t 7, ??< '? ?? ?'? < ANRUIC A IV THEATHR, WAIaNUT IT, HHILADRtiPHIA. UNDER THE DIRECTION OF MISS CUBHMAN. THIS EVKNINO. Mny 16. will he performed, LADIES' MAN A tier which THE MUMMY. To conclude with PETER WILKINS. _jn 6 r E. A. MARSHALL. Lcceec. AlttKKlt AN IHISIKI A. In arcord.noe with the leqae.t of ui.ny of onr But fami'iet, the initnnuer hu le-Mm-in d for one week more th. mayoincent MODEL OK rAHIS, ALL IN CARVED WOOD, covering .o tree or 25# feci, >nd representing eery portion of that .rent city with .urn perfect accuracy that penoM who hire b<ru in Pari. < an poiul out the very hou.e in whir h rh?v h*e.t PROFESSOR J OARVEY k ?ON, wtll perform their Won derlnl Equilibrium.and < ntnuaaiira Mr HHK.KMaN, tiie beautiful 11,Had Singer, Mi.. ADELAIDE PHILLIPS th. ben Dtntraw in A mane. A LIVING SKA DOU.Iroin New EoeudUod. D.y yi.iter* admitted .ame eveuing tree. Admiaeim to Muienm and entertainment. 25 renu?children' .If pn??. fKAIiKS ?1C\V YOH.K REDUCED PRI'E-ADMIflftlON ONE SHILLINO. INCREASED ATTRACTIONS. COMPETITION FAIHLY VANQUISHED. Broadway. opposite the City Hull. Mr. H. BENNETT. Manager. Afternoon entertainment* on Saturday at 3 o'clock. Day vi itera admitted the same cvcuibk Irce of chante. Performances in the Lcctnre Kooin to commence at o'clockCASTLE OAKDKN ~ 18 NOW OPEN FOR THE 8EA8ON. THE Proprietor! of thia well known reaort beg tyre to in form the public that in addition to it* former attric'inns, they have erected a plendid fonutaiu. mpplied bjr the Croton, with ditrerent variation! every week throughout the eeaaoo?t >fether Willi a large MOM for promenade an.i rrrreahmenta. AI?o, an eetrmive Promenade ou'side the wal'a of the Cas tie. commanding a view of the whole Bar, the Narrow*, ke. I'rire of adiniaiiou 1' >? cent*, for which refreshments will be ftirnivhed. mil ?mr NTBLO'S OPERATIC SALOON. 8IO. NAUEL'rt FINAL ORAND CONCERT, United with MON8. NOURHIT, The celebrated Tenor Vocalist and Proreaaor at the Conaerrotorio of Piriv. On TUESDAY EVENING, MAY l?lh. AT NIBLO'S OPERATIC SALOON. Assisted by MRS. EDWARD LODER, The fave'ite of the season. 8IU PAGGI, rrofei'or of the Oboe anil French Horn, Mamber of different Philharmonics in Italy and Academies of Rome. MK. W. AL?ER8, ami MR TIMM. Who will preside at tht Piano Porte. PROGRAMME. Past I Overture?"Cheval de Bronze," Meurs Timm It Alpers Recitative and Grand Aiia?Irom the Opera of 7, impa, by Herold, Mona Nourrit Ballad?"The Mother and the Child," Mr* Edw Lodcr Concerto?for the Violin, I Allegro Brillian'e, I Andaniino Flekile, ( Rot do t/herrando, composed byKtlliwoda, and performed by Big Nag* I Barcarole?from the Opera "La Mnette de Pottict. by Anoer. by Mona Nonrric Duo from the Opera Lncia? 8nl la lomba, Doniaetti Mrs Loder and Mnna Nourrit. Grand Vanaliwllt a la Pairanini nn a favorite Italian air, composed and performed by Big Nagel Part II. Song?"Farewell, dearest," Mn Loder Are Mailt?(The celebrated Prayer, by Schubert) Mom Nournt La M?ucanza DelleCorde?Bourlevque Maaicale, f lut rodoctiouaad The ma, on K? ur Strings, I Variationi " on Three Scringe, 1 Polacco " on Two String*, (.Adagio " on only One String, compoied and performed by Sig Nagel Celcbiated Siriliana?from the Opera of Robert le Diable, Meyetbe?r Mom Nonrrit Sonveuir de Bellini?Grand Fantasia for the Oboe, on a favorite Air, from II Pirate, coinpoecd and performed by Sig Paggi Aria from Lucia. Mr* Edw Loder Meledia Sentimrntale?"Langnia d'Amnre," fyr Tenor and Vislin obllgato, ni performed to Europe by de Beriot and Rubini, coorpo ed by Bay, performed by Mom Nonrrit It Sig Negri Tickets at 50 cms each, to be had at the principal ramie tores, ami at the door on the err rung Doors open at 7 o'clock; Concert to commence at I o'clock. ml6 Itr TABERNACLE, WEDNESDAY, 17TH. INSTANT, MADAM SUTTON'S FAREWELL BENEFIT AND POSITIVELY LAST CONCERT, Before leaving fur Italv, and MONS. BLEY'S Laat appearance in New York, ON WEDNESDAY, THE 17TH INST. Assisted bv the following eminent talent? MONS. SCHARFENBERO. MONS. MAHTIM. MONS. TIMM, MONS. BOUCHER, MONS. AUPIffK, It MR. BROWN. _ Bvfore leaving for Italy. AND A QUARTETTE, Conducted hv Mr. MAKKS. And hvparticular deairc. MISS KMMELINA SUTTON Will aiug for the last time, in eoatnme, THE ORACOVEAN MAID. IL/~For Programme see small bills. Tickets 50 cents?to be hail immediately at Madam Sutton's 'evidence, 77 Chambers street, at the Music Stares and Hotels, rail at the door. m His to GRAND CONCERT, EVERY EVENING?ADMISSION FREE! ITOCAL It INSTRUMENTAL Parformancea ny Miss v Huntley, Messrs Macks and Wilhelm and the celebrated Tyroleae Minstrels, in National Costume. Also Billiards, Refreshments, Ac., at " Weidemeyer^s Sa oon." corner ot I'earl and Cestre streets. mlilfec PARK THEATRE. MR PLACIDE'S BENEFIT. VfR- PLAUIDE nas the honor of informing his friends and 1,1 the public in general, that his first benefit in eighteen months, will take place at the abova Theatre, on Monday even. itiK ncit, Mr* lith, when wilt be presented for the first time in twenty montlia, the eomedy of WEST END. the irish'heiress, Written bytD. L. Baurricanle, Esq.,author of " London Ann nnce," "Aim* Mater," he. he. Aft?r which, GRANDFATHER WHITEHEAD, For the Iait time) with other enterummanu, Ac. mil li'w MITCHELL'S OLYMPIC. MR BKNUnUGH {esneetfally inform* hi* friend* and the public that hi* BENEFIT lake, place ou TUESDAY EVENING. May ldth, on ehicb occasion a variety of popular entertainment* will be irodured, and several pnblie favorities will appear. Boi Bonk now open. nil It r UNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION. great novelty. At the corner of Broadway and Thirteenth street, tytKSSRS RAYMOND. WEEKS k CO. will continue "-1 toethibit their menaaerie, being coapoaed of the New fork and fhiladelphia Cnravtn., together with Hen Dtieaich's groups ef Lion*. Tigers, Leopards Tanthers, lie.. under large, airy and spacious Pavilion, capable of can taming ten hoasand person*, on Monday,, Wednesday and I'htirtdty. the lith, Itth, 17th, and Iglh mat. Open from 9 to 13 o'clock A m , from 1 to 6, and Lorn 7)6 to 0 o'clock p. m Admittance 26 cants: children ander 10 reara'HK cents The performance ofHerr Driesbach in tne enconnter witli a irge Brazilian Tiger, the harne.siug and driving ol a majestic .ion, and hi* entering the den of the Liou*. Tigers, Leopards, 'anther*, kc , congregated together, subduing and controlling h m, .rand* unrivalled. m!4 6tec SINGING. " Of ADAM SlITTON, having arranged to 1 etarn to Italy the "A beginning of August, purposes receiving pupils until that give finishing lesson* in the Italian, Fr ncn, and English tyla of Singing Her method is that panned by Bordogni and faeeai, the firat master* in Europe, increasing the strength snd ompass with astonishing rapidity. Her puiila will hare the id vantage of her singing with them, which can be muMed ly masten alone, who have been eminent singers. Ladies aeuroua of availing themselves oftMadam Bolton's limited atay, nay ascertain terms, fcc., by application at 77 Chambers strset. 'rom 9 o'clock till 3. "* ^*r ?& SOUND PILOT. OWEN PRESCOTT, Pilot, takes charge as masUr of vee11 sals bound to New Bedford, Nantucket Shoals, Boston, Portsmouth, Portlsud, Keuriebeck, and OTHER ports east >f New Vork. OIBce at Frye k Shaw's, 333 Water street, corner Beck man. Reference to a number ol Menghaatt, and ha several Insurance Companies in this city, Beaton, and 'ortland. a 14 Imiar FOR LONDON?Regular Packet of the Mth of ifli^^May?The very superior last sailing paekat ship HBbGLADIATOR, Captain Britton, will sail as bovehar regular day. Having very superior accommodations fbr cabin, second ea inJand steerage passenger*; persona wishing to embark should lake early application on board foot of Maldan lane, or to JOSEPH McMURRAY, 1M Pine street, corner of South street. Persons wishing to tend lor their; friends, can have them ronght out by the above ship, or any of tha regular packets, by iM'lviug ?* above, il by letter, poet-paid. mllr . '.v" uif anruuirf? wni-Jwnm WBVfMket o( J50- May.?The Splendid PaekalBluy MB^SHKRIDAN, Captain 8. Depeysur, of teee tons rill positively *4i I m a bore, her regular day. For freight or issue, haying aacommodaliou* nne<ioaiied for splcpdet or omfort, apply on hoarO. at Orlaan* wharf, fool of Wall *treal, t to K. k. COLLINS * COL J# Soath street. Price of tMiaici, ftlto The Packet derrick, Capt. Wm Sliddr, of IN Ma^will anccead tha Shendan, and aaii tha Nth of June, her lettaraYor tha skips of thia line will only be received at Oilip'a auJ Hale'* Now* Room. Passenger* nay raly on the ships of thia Una sailing pnnatnal r aaadverfcaad. mTr Ifip iskWTINK UVKHfOOL PACKa.*8 -Faekat MHk ?rh May ?The splendid, faat sailing Packet Shin SB SHERIDAN, Capt. Depcyscer, will sail positiraly i abers, her regular day. rhe ships of Ihia llaa are all IN 0 ma burthen ami upwards. and their accommodations for cabas ,eoml cabin, and itecrare passengers, it is well known are perior to any other line of packets. Those wishing us secar# rcha should not Tail to make early application on board, or to W. St / T. TAPdCOTV. 43 Peck Plip, corner floath tfr?t. LIVERPOOL (British rswel)?Sails oa Thursday,, the ttth of Msy. Tha famrita well IBpfchnowri eery faat railing British ship CHESTER, (>t*in John Doyle, will sail potitisely sa shore or freight apply op board at Pier IJ East Rner, or to tha wenbers? ROCHE. BROTHERS k Co.. ? Fulton at. n IOt neat door to the h niton Bask.