Newspaper Page Text
V _ HZJ^ rwl and rMMyi I ^nzir** or av Amkkican Fishino V*??ki ?Th* Niw Tmaty ?The fishing schooner seized by the English and carried into Yarmouth, (N. S ,) is the Washington, of Ne wbury|M>rt, owned by Charles Cutler The crew have reached heme. The ves se| under th? new regulations which we mentioned in the Herald ot the 8th inat., that ot drawing ihe line of three nnles from the shore, 'vithm which the American vessels were not alio a ed to fish, from headland to headland ?and which rule, il earned out, will prevent our fishermen from occupying any ot the fishing grounds in the Bay ot Fnndv, or passing through the Gut of O-tnso. The Washington, when capiured by the British cruiser, was in the Rav ot Fundy, 10 miles troin Roller's Hole, and 15 Irom Annapolis Gut, where the Rav is 30 miles wide. The new Briiish regulaiion of drawing a line from headland to headland, will rut off the American fisnermen from nearly a'l the fishing groujds, and should not be tolerated by our government for a monieqt. T'ie three inilea interdicted were undoubtedly in tended to protect 'he shore fishery on the British coast trnm io'rtisinn, and ihis is the only construe tion which our government should allow. The I riti?h might a> well draw a line trom Cape 8ah|e to Newfoundland, as to draw it in the manner they have now adopted. Dis??ticr and r?ufpgrin? ?Caplein Blanchard of brig Turner ot Portland, betore reported lost, on her |vi age m Madeira, arrived at Huston <>n Sunday hi ting Caroline (mm Gibraltar Omhr ]6 hol Febr mrv. in lit 31 4-1, Ion. 30, during a heavy gale, a a a broke over the stern ami washed overboard the man at the wh'el, whirh caused the Vessel to broach to. and threw her on her beam ends The foremast and bowsprit went hy the board, and the mainmast w is cut awav. when she righted, lull of water ? The c'ew cmild tint gel out hut one barrel ol bread, winch was all wet, and a few,pieces of pork, which, wnh the fi-h they caught, enabled them to sustain life oa itie wr?ck forty-five days, when they were taken off by French brig La Furet, trom Senegal, and landed at Gibraltar. D iting the last eisht days that they were on the wreck they had not a drop ot water. They had saved none, hut th-y had caught (rom the rain enough to last 'hem about three weeks, Hlown g each in n a pint a day. The crew were all saved, hu' suffered severely ironi 'he cx|>osure and privations to w hich they weresubj> cud. Attempted Escape or a Convict from the State Prison on the VIonroe Ldwakos -ricii'K ? The coiivici Granvi I Ktch, ad* ertiaed i" t ie Kokton pipers ol Saturday in ruing, by the Warden ol the Ma-sachuaetts State Prison, at Chartesinwn, as having escaped Iroin said Prison on Friday morning, was taken on the same night, ab..u' 12 ''clock, in attempting to get over the wall ihat surrounds the Prison. I he c rcumstances connected wnh the attempted escape of this prison' r are curious, and the plan he adopted is a very inner oiis one. It appears thai he had cut a hole in tie fl tor ol the workshop, direcly under his work b-nch, and on Friday morning h crept into it, and s c e'ed bimselt under ihe floor in such a skiliul in inner a- to evade several close and strict searches, made during the d?y by the officers of the prison, lu the evening, abou'9 o'clock, he lrti his hiding p ace, and went to work in the shop tor three hours in the dark, preparing u pole, to be used for the pur pose ot as lending the wall. He then carne out into the yard, and placed the pole against the wall,when he was discovered by the w itchinan on duty, and sefired. He stat? d that he had endeavored toeflect Ins escape r?y the plan above mentioned, which, he siid, tie had been arranging Beveral months. Previ vtitfiy n> to-creting nimseit, tie placed a pole against ttie prison wall, thinking that would give tne officers ot the prison the impression that he had escaped, thereby expecting that no search would be made tor lum in the workshops. On Saturday morning, an officer, on going to the cell of Rich, discovered him hanging by his neck bv Ilia suspenders. He was instantly cut down, and Itle was lound not to be quite > xtinct The requisite means being applied, lie was t>r night to, aud is now considered to be out of danger. We are informed bv the Warden, Charles Lincoln, Erq , from whom we gather the above particulars, that Rich was a very trusty convict, and had uniformly conducted himselt correctly. He was employed as a cooper. Granvill Kich was convict eH of larceny and torgery, on the 2Bih ol Jauuary, 1S.1S, at Wore- ster, and was sentenced to nine days solitary, an t 11 years confinement to hard labor in the State Pri"on; and be has consequently served out five years and nearly four months of his term. Lamsk Land Claim ?No inconsiderable excitcni"u' was caused yesterday, among the lot and land holders at Greenville, in the Borough of West Philadelphia, <>ii account ol the appearance of a gentlein an, a si ranger, who wiih some pa|<ers pmporting T?? be original claims 10 all the landed profierty, ihe late tsiaie ol William Biodget We learn that tor V'ars mere ha- been some qa- siion hs to Ihe validi te ol tides lo tne ground cotnprtsiug said estate.? Wnat this claim will result in, no oue knows, but it h <- c-riaiulv ?xciied considerable feeling ?PltU. G i: , >/u y 24 Tut ail i I'm an Robbery.?The St. Louis Republican "tales mat the money and packages taken from Stiipman. by J. P Jones, Postmaster at I erre 11 iUte, Indiana, aud Mr. Brooks, at Carliuville, in ttie same state, we>e deposited by he latter in the Htnk ol Terre llauie, except the $"250 returned to Shi.mi m, lor the purpose ot delrayiug his expenses tn Pmladeiphia Tne lunds so deposited were ?7.0KI io bio-, ?15.000 in drafts and certificates of de> i-it " L-iieis and statements Irom undoubted s ior e-,"sa s the Reputilican, "besr the inosi ainp e e-timony io lie luieg'ity and ho iorable character ot Mr Jones and Ur Brooke; and the siaiernent o. tne lawyer, 0. W Barbour, proves tnal they were not actuated bi sinister or improper motives. s k Wji Lixusx iMi Srkw-ar's parly had reached Madain>- Cll uteau's Lauding, below Westport, in gonij h<-.i;ih, wnere ihey encamped, to await the a. rival ol another par y from M Louis. In the meantime, the> were nuking 11 necessary preparations tor their lung march. : i? murder of Jonn Fin-, at Camden, in ihis State, underwent the sentence ol the law on Friday last, | at tnai place Heconfessed having killed Puts, but per-i>'ed 111 saying hat ttir act was commuted in ee l deience. A large concourse ol people were jire(.-nt ?t'he execution ?ChiuUtlon Courier i hokn's Ponfemsion.? There is good reason, the Portland Advertiser aays, to doubt ihe c rrectne** oi some parts of l ie couh ssion made by l'horn Iu one uis'ance, at least, he elated what was palpably uut'ue When asked bv the jailer (to whom be tir?t ai knowledged his guin) H there was a light iu the room at the tune the tatal blow was given, he replied in the negative The question was then put to hun, " How tn?u did you see where to hi V' The reply was, in substance, that the moan shone brightly, and ubviaied all difficulty i > this particular Now upon reh rring back to the 5 h ol February, it will be Inuud that the mo?n on that day had not reached Us fiist quarter, and lhai it set by 9 o'clock iu the evening. | Fao.a California?A letter received in this city Irom San Diego, California, dated * arch 14, states that the .Mexican general in command there, bad as yet doue nothing ot consequence in relation to the recent d.tficullies He was ab> ut to make the Put blade los Angeles his head quarters, that be might be able to protect the bishop All his soldiers and most ol his larse guns had been takeu ihiiher, and those at &an Diego, (which were spiked by Capt. Phelps,) had Seen sent for. It was reported that the Mexican Government was about to give up the Missions, now in the hands ot the civil government, to the Padres, who lor many years had charge ot them. At dan Dtego there had been bu< little rain, and no grass had yet grown on (bat side ot San Luis Obispo. There bad been just sutticifui of rich Ht Sun Francisco 10 keep ihe cattle alive. At the Puebla they had begun to perish from the drought ? I'otton Adwlifer. Thk Iro* SSieam Frigate.?This noble veasel is rajn-Jly progressing to completion; and we learn from Captain llart, the constructor, will be ready tor iranstsiridlion to Erie in about an weeks. It has be u (leiermined to alter the original design ol alow pressure engine, which is now nearly huished, in a in'>si ru,ierb manner. Sne is pierced for three ruas.s, and will be completely steam ship rigged ?Pittaburgh American. I.hporiatmn?The Neptune, at New Orleans, from tialves'on, 622 bales ot cotton and three thousand dollars in specie! A new quarter whence to receive specie, ft looks a little like " resurrecting" in Texas money. aHlELD'.-y tfYLOviK. A^rtlC PK.E3S, Mo- 4."> Maiden Lane. New York. 'PHR PHOPK.truR of ,hia w. II known eatabliab1 ment, re*,s-eiluliy invpea the attention of Manufacturer*, Dai.aieia, Per umrra, (irocera, are aud Dry Ootid dealer*, and all ?lh r*. t- nio e ftt, eniri for the .irratio.. of Corpei Pl.te *ud X) lugrai hie tourer iuu *ud Pmitiaf. 'hit he ho erectly added m hi* *t<>ck ot machinery, and iuau> a, w <i,d unproved plate* far aupeiior to thoae of any otoei r,rbii hm ut id America. H autcra* haa ao farcieeeded hia expectation,** to enable iim t . c mi ens- a com|> >ruou with thoae from the t.e*i fcuru*an |irin'io( office*, and la now pr pared to execute al order* in a tlpt not to be aarpuaaed on either aide of the Ailanuc. It will he the aim of ihe proprietor to eoutmue lu* unproveowota hit he may he able to anpply all >'rd ra for ahow bill* circular*, wrapi?-ri label*, direruon*. Itc. o the beat quality at the . we*' , oea.ble price*. Oiltii'iaJ draign* and piatea ol t'e> d-acriptiou of .n .oaf crur -ra, execut* a in toe Aral atylr ol the an, aud elegantly printed in sold ?r xilrsr, krootc.oi faury c doia at ahort notice. A I rge anil * neial aaortiaeui of Drnssisra, Mai nfacturr ra, Cerium ra, lit .r?n, auu other label*, r ...aiantly i.y fce had wholeaale aud ret i', and II articiea entirel. cod.ct-d wuh ihe u*ae Joh Printum 10 every variuty ofat'ie, a tl) e*erated to ord*i, aud on the mo#I reaaonable term*, aud tire piOp leu.r aaay here uuaerer, loai the loweat poaaibie rice is cnaryed for wore done in hia eaiablirhmeut a ayaien. which did treat extent n I m* t.n.iura* , nahlra him fnllf to .rrfout llid ra will be ear rated with tnai punctuality and /ril In the wianea of hia cua,umrra, which it la hoped, >. ih ,rd the annual a -tialanion, ru.d all ordera Irom the country nor a* ly attended to, and t. r article* ordered or forward#. I. aui oarl of the United Mat * or the < auadaa. in;/ 1 i.i*r i.HtH 9 HI If LDd, Propr.etiai L'. H iaL>-A o.ghly flrlahrn Horn.oi.ul Piano, ol aha.. ' tone ad bum ui effect It wu nanutaciu.rd by an n alle.'t maker lot the perra.anent uae of a performer, and tanow au d I . < oi.aeqnen- Cof owuur'a finny to Europe Apply t" WILLIAM A KINO, ll Liapunard at, between tktkvwsvilMriiif.M. ?I??lsyd*K M REMOVAL. K8. O. NICWCOMBC, TOBACCONIST. retn.n* hat sincere ackoowlt*dirrmrni* for the very attended io her for ihe ImC IS yet", and * inform her par root and the public generally that *ne nai re 8*td hrr old eatahliahe ? ?nulf au<T tobacco w-ienouse to the paciou* store No 4 Wall stnel, Mor'imer bui'diogs, where mt wool j iiivi'r ihe at'eutroo of ?oiiuoia?eoii lo^er large and *r ll ?rl?Tti d t toe It <?f Foreign and domett i ana lit. Just received fioin Harrhur^h a large lUi ply of Vaiina^ RaUlster (In, I'r.d atul 3rd guilty.) "Id aud very sui*nor Turkish 4jmh th, Sc.fa Mitt and Porto Rico, *mok 114 tobacco; cavendish ( various kind ,) *nd line cut chewiug ditto. A eh 'icr aa.n rtmt-Bt ol the Dest brand* of Havana and Pnnrip* . igars, coostsnt'y 01. hand Kancv \ ipes, ?*igar cage*. iulf hoie?, pocket lights, Chinese ruder fee Itc All ol which lor sale ou the moat liberal terms, wholesale or retail. fliHglH IMCOUtl) deal* is are iu\ued to call previous to making ?heir pare*'?net elsewhere m4 'm#ec NO fir K ANO Rfc.MOVAL.-F. A. AHTAULT. Utely I6?H Fnllon at. having diaaolved by mutaal crneeul hit copartnership for giving ml hit attention to the Dagaerriotype bni Dt-11, rrtpec'fally inf. rwt hit friends and the public that he hat removed bit old Daguerreotype aland from I68K Fnllon at. to 235 Bioadway, Id tlorv, wheie he hat juat openeu teveral packages received by the last arrivala, containing 1000 French Daguerreotype Plana. No SO aud 40 warranted Freuch Acromatic L'lim an<t all the chnni< alt necetaary?complete ?pj" ratut. He will be very glad to tee all hit old cualomeia vlining hit new place. P rate to give a call?335 Broadway, Sd atory, room* No*. 2 ud 2. m4 Im'r -J ButVOOKT, formerly at 111 Fnlion ttr.ei, h't rt ? moved to No 6 . rn5 1oi \1 a D * .VI r Fl.ORI K LKKtVRIC?Removed Iroa 79 Fra. kite, atrrrt o20,V,iger mfi lm?r D fcMtiVAU-P MAfcr.HaTTDr taer aud Wig Mak.r, ha. , "moved f om 162 t" 189 B oadway, a lew doort below the F aukliu H u?r, and opposite street. Hivi g 6 redan a rw r om in the most fashionable sty le, Ik will c ntniue .he ame b isito as. ai d will be plrased to t?r bis old f'i n 't and patron*. ano other* who n av lavor Mm with a call. H-has | alao private rooina foi Ladies' hair dressing and jarnp oing | TM? poweitul hitracio Jampo my it c. usi.ier. d try lio n "Dat of Nr* Yorkm a. d ttrau. rit at one o toe hraMreti articles . forth* core ol dt D"rutf andstrr nglheuit g (he hair, ia pproyrd I Dv ine p aiuiry ol Mrdiciot in r.irit. a"* i ate icu ?l a?n?uytou. Noihi ft ia rr.??*e | lef.?.ujt ?nl delightful than to go through this operation in the hand*? f P. MAKH. int 'n?*i SK.LrHO'S FlflaT r*E.V1il<>i AsULKStY LEO INTRODUCED'nto thta cmurry at.d made solely by Wila li m Srl|ho, No. 80 Spiiuv sttee , near Broadway, Nt w Y -rk This de-rriptiou >f Artificial Lrg deuvea ita name fiwia 'be e-h h Mid M*ronia of Anglesey (even a' this day the first horseman in Europe) by whom it l.aa been adopted and wora e?? r iuc nalna <i>vroiiou by the laic Mr Pot is, of Loudon 'o whom the present artiat waa, for eleven yeara, a pupil aud aaaiatant. The ApgUapv Leu ia patented in England, and differa radically aud t aaeutidlly froiu all other suhs'uuir, for n am' n'at> d limh In ]tnropr it ia worn bv Prince Erueat of He ae Phillipat II, and bv o'her Continent I aa well a? Brituh N >hlt meu, I'd VaTnlaod Miliary trautlen eu who auff nd in the late ware. A l o hy many ladira of diatin tiou. It is allowed hy tha in at eunui n> European 8u geous to be the nrar< at approach to the Natural Leg huh r o pr?>< nerd, an opinion wnich, both aa to ita lorm and ac ! u. ha> teen moie recently c >nfirmrd hy m nv of the most iliatiLg' i-hed of their tvoiesnnual brethren in the United "tat a Aud dnriug the abort tune the anbacriber haa been iu ihiacountry, ita advantage" have oeeu fully teated by a iinmber of pitieuta of the h'gheai reaixcubi i'y, woo have j let ni*h him the strougeat certificates iu favor uf ia I anperi wty. | N 8 wit' out mran/ug tn ri flee upon any maker ef the old aty'eoll'g co'aide-a it hiaon'.y to caution! ? nublie againat ' In iog misled bv ntraooa i rrtrndruc to imitate or improve. upo> 1 h>- Anglesev Leg. N. * . hi? had revrulcru yeaia exprtleuce I in hia i rofeaaiob, aud the mechanical princip'e upon w ich the p-cul arity ' f this leg depends, ia known only iu the United States to nimaell N 8. may be comnltad daily at 80 Spiing street, or by letter, p at paid. [From the New World.] _ Tna Aaairatt Leo ? I hia invention and ita introduction into i' i> cou n y bt n tupil of ihe inventor, an<* an art, pi in uice mechanical kill, will be hailed with joy aud graiimde by all who need ita assi?u.ic< The workuieuanip o' toe Leg >a very bran iful. aud ia at the same tin e -irons an" arable. The joiiila arc ex c ly si olar to uature, and the moat fiuiecd acnlotor tn'ght lainlv eud?avor o fashion a more peifec model of a human li b. We couimeno to our readers eipectal notice, the praise worthy arcat. Hia adrntiaemeut may be relied oa aa telling th literal rriith. ml lm*m TYPE AT REDUCED PRICES. TYPES, AND ALL OTHER PRINTING MATERIALS MANUFACTURED AT CO N N E R'S UNITED STATES TYPE AND 8TEREOTYTE FOUNDRY, Coama op Nassau am) Ann Stfkkt?, NEW YnRK, CAN BE HAD AT EIGHTEEN PER CENT DEDUCTION FROM OLD PRICES. THK undersigned reanecttully inlorma the Old Patrons of the ' Type and Stereotype Foundry, formerlv known as Jaatna Connta'a, and more receotW aa Connvit It Cooee's, aud the public in general, that they are prepared to eaecate orders for POINTING TYPES, PRKS8F8. CHASES, CASES, IMPOSING STONES, INK, FRAMES, and every other article necrasary to form Complete Printing Establishments, on aa favorable terms, aud ol as good a ouultty us any other establishment in the United States. new micas, rr.a rounD. old rsicga.rEB rouno. Agate, 86 cants. Ante, 108 cant*. Nonpareil, 66 ? Nonpareil, 81 ,, Minion. 54 ,, Mimon, 66 ,, Brr-vier, 46 ,, Brevier, 54 ,, Bourgeois, 40 ? Bo n?oia, 46 ,, Luna Primer, 36 ? Li. a P-imer, 42 ? Small Pica, 34 ,, Small Pica, 40 ? Pica, 32 ? Pica, 38 . Borden, Cuta, Brass Role, and all other articlea manufactored at this establishment, at the same redacrd rates. New Ai tides got op to order, on being furnished with patterns. The Type cast at this establishment, is, both in the style of Kate and he material of which it is made, particularly adapted for service in Newspaper Printing. All kinds ol Steieotypiug tarnished to order. .N. B ?doch Newspapers as will Cory theakote three times, will be entitled to pay in Type,on making a bill of lour times (he amount of the thiee insertion* al 'pHk A>Clt .T A ^Id WoNUiReLL CMIlK- OK A CHINA?Desrr-bed, ll'ustrn ed and Kamilianzrd.?K. MA..4 4 IN at CO have jmi ieceiveu from Condon airi-Kinficent illus'rared work on China, which they iutrnd to issue in aiou'hl) pirts, with all the aids of engrasi g ami pristine combined to prtseni a brsul-tul and instructive -ccouut o th t astoii'stnuv and in erestiui- country. The antiquity, tliss g>audear, and the exclusive chaiacter of the iustitoti ns, r uorrsoch an ac? untat he prrseut tim-, peculiarly appropriate an-' de?irable, eonS'drnng the interest which is now fe t iu t e United Elites, in counrctu n with tl e li-ct of our cmm> rc al operations being so mucn eiteud d with that siukdIu a d wot dertu! nation. 1'he w. rk wi I oe 'ssned in numbers containing three steel engravings in each. Pn-. 50 cents B. MARTIN k CO., myllm'r 26 lohns'ret HAiR CtTMNGrHAiK CU I TlNu! HaIHcU UNO HILL, the inimnable Hair Cutlet, lakes this an thod of iuloimins his friendsand the public in general, that he has rtmovtd fn m the Tonti-e Builaiug to his Old Stai n No. 86 I arl streel. iii stair*, immediately adjoining the Pearl Street House, where he will he pleased to - per*t? on all who ntav favor bin with a call, in his truly inimitable sly leof Hair Cut ( ng, which, for elegameol design a d beauty o'rir call n, u |>aiin su* Omi? of lie kind he rtofore introduced iuio the United Aisles. Thr various branches ol wo.k done at the following moderate prices Inimitable Hair Catling, 12)6 cents. D> do Curling J 12H " i perior sharing, 6I4 " i?9 lm*t FAFLK. PKK8MK It BHfJOKS, No. (I Liberty street Jnave.loi aa t the following? 1-0 reams news printing 23 by 90 OOfl " " ? ft by 41 440 " " " ? by 46 501 M " " 7. ny V MO M " '* 20 by 42 25a * " " 24 by 36 150 " " " 22 br 32 5O0 " ' 21 by 31 Also, nook paper, 19 bv 24, 24 by 26, and 24 ny 12. They hare also a large of wrttiny andlwrappmg pa|ier, of different sites and qaalitiea, which they offer at the low*?t market pnaaa. m9 ee sWAN'b ATMnSPHF.HIC AULA FOUNTAIN, OH MIM.HAL WATICK APPARATUS?United Sutes Letts rs Patrnl, Nov. 1, 1236? Manufactured by L B. hwan, Kocnestei, N V, The artentiou of Druggists and other venders of Soda Water a solicited to this useful aud e coiimcal substitute for the ea penaise, complicated aud troublesome apparatus berrtofore in aae. I'hv adraniages of the Atmosphere Fountain oser the old mnhod, are, the economy of us apparatus, the original cost to the purchaser being less than one quarto that of the o'd foonuiu, us simplicity of construction heiug such that any one of ordinary capacity can readily nodrrstand its operation and management; the mtliiigeipeuae of materials lor sepplyiug it, together with the small amount of labor required and its compact form. It is now in nse in ranons parts of the United States, Canada, the West Indies, and South America; and, as may be seen from cerlihcitrs in the hands of the proprietor and his agents, gives sntire satisfaction. Druggists and others in the Soother* Stares and West Indies, will hud this louataiu particuly adapt-d m their rlunate, as the 11 in, will not frrmeoi or tujare in the watrnest seasons. Fall dire-tions for putting up and n<ing tlie apparatus, p re parlugthe different varieties of syrups, he .accompany each. Pale sale by the priprietoi,also hy <4eo D f'oggeshall, 411 Pearl street, New York, General Aiail p. Liw, in John >trc?t, (np stain,) L<?rriK( * Krete, 'II Maiden Liue. Hobiuaoo It Ward. OS " " Williams,Mabea ft Clapp, tt Maiden lane. Huadley Phelps It Co., I?l Water it. A. B It D. taudi, '9 fultoo at tr^CAUTIO.N-AII persons are cannoned against mann f ar run us 01 no. | an> infringement upon thie apparatus. aa 'hat Pa'eotee n detarmiuad to protect hia inteleata against the leaat ocoaehascnt. L. B. HWaN. 3 In'M _ DEAFNESS, DKS. CASTLE St EDWARDS, AURIST3, JOI BHOAUWAV.?Kitract >? " I c eeileily soar ly ? nh the reqneat of Lient Me luloati to tract! y ttiat he was invalidc 1 home, aa nnnt for daty, in roiue.) icnec ul total deafness and ntscharg a from hia can; that while m New >rb, on h a way to England, ha placed himaeif uu?l?r Uia prutaaaioaal care of Dre .aai.e and Edwaida, Auriaia. Uuder than treatment he recovered hia bearing, aed i.aa returned to Ins mtiilar dniy. 8atiied, H. MeNEVEN, M. D. Hureeoti in li B M forces, Jamaica. ACOUSTIC DKOFS, A aare care for incipient deaturaa. earache, paina, hottinga. or aiueiuo ouuda in the ear*, collections of hard wai or vitiated secretions of the organs. 1 heir Aroaalic Oil has been a popu lar remedy aa a curatie* in all diseases of the ears lor upwards ol twenty yaere. Oftcea rainoeed lo Ml Broadway, corner o Whue a'. aS Im'r L"M?H HOOKO AND f lottINO lAtKLt.-l . A J. " BAT E hare received by the late ariiTals froa 'heir nuofacl ry. Kn*laad, a general assortment olanpenor Fish Hooka sod Kiaiiu* I'.cklr, winch ihey olfer for aale en the cheapest term* ; Ma,tin Kelly'a (Dublin) Limerick Hooka; aalinoo, baaa. black.Jwrek,in at. picberil and cat Knh Hooka; paten ilk coll; hemp and ,nua l.ines; rods, reela, baak> la ; art final rliea; salmon and trout Buooda ou |imi>; doable and amalt Oatl, with a rauctt of articles. suitable far American fishing. Superior drilled eyed .Needles. a3S in'r T. It J. BATE. 70 Maiden lane. OP stain. AfflCk. or Jk.ff EKftON INBCAANCk. com pa v' N V?Office M Wall street. This Company continue then boaaueaa of insonuee against loss or damage by Are, in goods, wares and merchandize and also, OH vessels and thail cargoaa againat lom by inland navigation, -ww ~ DIRECTORS. Thomas W Thorae Eliaha Higia Thomas T Woodruf Bei.,imiu R Robeoa Joha R Daviaap frmncaa f Saga Joseph Allen vi'l'. John P Moore r!utrlckn Jatnat E Holmes' Vy b. V . ? James H WhlUnf W n> K Tharn testes. aCO TUOr. THgMS.W TllllS^gU^ Q? prirea ml liw-jw p Wl veB-^JOO hales English 0, id^ort 'I wines of supenor 1 quality .comprising a complete assortment, Iron '1)4 to 1Mb for sale at redoes d prices by E. K. COLLINS ft CO., mitr M Booth street. HAM) NO PaPEM ?Josd ihe hue wane Paper f t sals by I'EHMt ft liKOOKP, m 1 ae No k| l.lherrv siyeee cLAMIh TTOCbcOonb asmi American rhilo (of sale at the lowest market rates by 8 J. SYLVESTER, 1 > * u WaU Mtet aad iMjiaadwtr. CHEAPCASH TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, to J*k? ttremt, {near William?.) ""PHE subscriber respectfully announces to hu friend* and the * public generally, that he ha* opened an Establishment on be Cheap Caah System, where gentlemen will always find * New and Fashionable Assortment of Cloth*, Cawnaeret and V returns, which will be made np to order in style of fit and workmanship. aot surpassed by any other establishment in th? city,at the following low prices ? Pin* Dree* or Frock Coat*, any color, from $14 to $11 dnperfiue do do do It u> 2) Pant* of Wool B'ack, or Fancy Caaaimeiea 5 to t Vests of Satin, Silk, Valencia, Velvet fcr., 1 to i Just received, a (pleudid a**ortment|of Spring and Buramei .nods. at ritraordinary low prices. !!"/" Gentlemen turniallug their own good* cau have them nede and trimmed, at lh* lowest pomibl* prices far Cash mt Imec JAMES LACY. BRITISH AND ITALIAN STRAW GOODS. AM'i.NUST thi, stock, to which the attention of Straw Hit Meiehants and Dealem is rrspertfully invited, will be fennd Plain Tuscan Plait, of superior fabric Fancy do do Shell do do A'brri (orBrilliant) Rut aud P lei t S,.lit Straw Pev. u.Sit- he. Also, ltnpor'ed ttoon-isof all the above binds o1 Pint mannfactored lulu the late and tnosi fashi' ii.alr shapes ofLo> dun ?ud Paris, to v. h,c'' ill be a'eays added hy continn ui nn porta ion . ev?r> ii vt sivl of t'* av soo.ias iit'rnled.and all frtth sliai i s in bona. ts iinmrdia cly lh I they are knuwn to in et lh. 'ii irob ti >i> ol th* fashionable vror d. sDMU.ND WALLF.R, .THOMAS KEYNOLDS, LOMJO h LtTOiN. 129 Peari street, INew Yirk. . 12 lin*r MR>.N "( HELTEMA, 8METS 254 Broadway. <>i> site the Park, >es|uc'fu'l io'nrr s her the I. dies generally. 'hat she h s jus received by h lu'e a-r.vals fin Pans, a*>e ale?ea comprising a largand splend'd as sorrmeet of BP III nery. h mbmrieries, Silks, and other New 00 ds for Ureases, Laces <u.d Fancy Goods, of all descriptions N. B ?In the Dr??s Makinz Drpirtmeut all oiders promptly rteruird in the newest and most approved French style, bun/ superintended byaladv <*lwh>siu?t ernveo, and wno lied esoerf nte ii ti e mostfashionahle French houses. Wi'l o|.<n sevt r l cites .1 Fiench iVliltoery. Mo day. %.->? lit'.?Co sistino ol O p >ties, T rlaren Dr. si's aplc did tmb oidered Caps of a verv ne w style, entirely dittereul iro ' tm befoir oflfe rd; rich B .eire Dresses ' h ldrt' t' Hals, and a general storttnrut f laucy articles which will be 1 U< at a very low luiee a. u,n <1 mii Ira'ct SPRING GOODS. DOI OBNT^IMJUCI WttAR.?231 Broadway, oppoaite r lh? h nuntsiu.?Encouraged by thr extensive pat ouage elicited ti e last vest through the practice of a principle which hat .ivriled au almost Uuiv-rsal complai tthat tnr cash pu'cha?er was taieii for the delinquencies of o hers, ihr undersigned h t mail) such addition* to his corps of assistants hs will ' u. bl him inlut re to execute ail oiders with prom, t ??* Deterr, tiled 10 carry oat the system of small profits a d qoicb e urnt, he sol cits -ttrntioti to an assortmeut o' goods unsurpassed in ticho'ss aad variety, Krtuch aud English eloths. Cax-imerrs in all the new aud varions styles- Vestmas in a gn at variety of eitrrus, kc , which will be in ide up ro o.der nnd r the superintendence of efficient cotte s,a, prices which cannot ta.l to offer inducements to the eeonomirt. Particular att-u tou is called to onr style of business ltd office (.oats, also Travelling briCKi A large assortment of the same are ready tor inspection. a33 lH.?ee W T. JKNVINOS FASHIONABLE SUMMER GOODS. rPHK Huusi ribers offer to strangers ai d cit sees tne I arrest 1 aud h. > selection of new and f she nabit goods to he maud D an\ est blishmrnt in this cilv, having barn established m this eiiv liuce the year 1H24, and hn' coutlant cneapoiidc ce both iu Psris and I oudnn. Their . ssonin-nt of .the fnl lowing g lo.ts will at all times be found extensive, rich and leehiom I *? Sc ifsof rich Satin. Mohair and Si'k plan black, fgured bl-ck gold and silver fif/u-ed. f ..cyiolortd he kc. f'ra? is of ltt'i?u, Eiglsh, Geimtiia d French Silks and Sarins. plain and figurrd, hi?ck rich f ncy figur d. He kc kc Ulor s of kid coat skin, ailk, linen, Ltle tnrrad a d cotton of all qasliti, 1 aid descrip ion. 8asp,n<lera, English tlrrinar, Frenrh ard *mencan, .in great variety, f si'k, gum elastic, lu kskiu, plain and with springs, embie idcrrd, kc kc Under Gtrmenu, silk, in rno, lambswool, cotton, linen, thf d and bn kskin sl ira ano driwtrs. Shins?Linen ai d muslin shirts made iu the most faithful atdfa?hi "u b e m.111111 r Lin n Col rs and l)re*s Fonts in great variety aud forms, round aud rquare co-tiers, Byio, kc. kc F ck< t K rc ieft of all descriptions, ready hemmed for use, Sj n.Ill, 1.1 India Linen, kc. . . Dtessiug t owns. Hosiery, Pnrses, money and rid ng Be' 1, Uinbreilaa, Walking an i.and iu facial I articles upper.aiuing to a gentlemau'i wardr- be T' e subscribers w u d par icnlarlv recommend their snpenor article, the lint rovtd Mitirrva Shoulder Brace. This article is intended to brace the shou'ders aad exnaud the cheat, and will be found of immense benefit to all persons of studous habits, orperannsof either sex who hare acquired the hah it of stooping To children who htve acquired lhat habit, theywil'oe fonnd ins a liable. Tbry sli'l Cumiuue the manu acture ol their celebrated elastic Stocks, Start and flravti Stocks PAKBELL8 k AGATE. Old established Linen Drsjsert and Stock Ma u'_ctorer*. ITIM-I" T JT BiO?i1w?< Climirol r II I'HM' FK.fc.NCH MILLINERY GO"DS. OPENING OK 1 HE SrHINO FASHIONS. AT THK MA?iA2lN DES MODES, Ml CaNAL ST. MADAME U. BKHRMAN bets til inf-ira her numerous friends and the , uhlic that the hai just raccivrd fronj Franc* an en'ire new and beautiful style ol silk male-i-ls for ladies' h u an ah-ng with it mmt cares of Paris Silk Hats, which, for novel'v and elegance of style neeer yet were presented to ihe public brfore, among which is most pre-eminent a silk hat called CAPOTTE DE ELENORE, which is indeed emblematical of Parisian taste. Madame B hrs just opened several cases of Freneh imported tiuc.y Straw flics, Amaz -ur, Impnial, Brilliant, Vine Eutli.h Donsiable, Rutland, Albert. Also, s large aid varied tisjrme t of breach Lawn Ha's, from infant's <ize up to ladies', the whole of which V.adame B. has determined, in order to meet the exigency of the times, to offer at such low , r>ees as musi lusnre her the cuniiiioauee ol hot patrrrs. ? ho have honored he- with their commands, nnu trusts to Jblaiu the preference of those whose lalrouaur she now solicits An eaily call is requested at the olJ French establishment, MAOAZIN DES MODES. 60 CANAL STREET. Madame It. has alsoieeeierd au assnitoienr of Pmis flowers and ribbons, whi.h for variety and styles may oe callel c mpl'te in5 Im'r TO THE LADIfcS. C'ASHfONABLE MiLLIVEKY OOOD*.-The propriety tress Miss 8. KINO, daughter of the Celebrated art Kiug, offers f? rsale a hiosi select and choice assortment of Mill nery G >ods for the spring trade, never as yet presented to the putv lie, bv>h as regards the quality and cheapness ol the articles The asso'tmeui consists ol the following The celebrated Silk Hat, called CAPO I TE A LA RACHEL, which is indeed en blematieal of Parisian taste. SHERRED SILK, entirely new and original style, and Lawn Hats, do da An eutire new style of Hats, called "MOIHNE CAPOTTES, CHINESE COTTAGES." ? HI' OUU CiUtilltll FANCY 8TRAW8, of the finest restore, id ?rext variety. The proprietress ret tcunlly solicits the ladies to favor liei with call aud ex.oiiue her elegant and varieu stuck of Millinery foi tbeu'S-lves, before th y purchase else where, as it will be a grrat saving to ihrm lu price anoagieat adiantagesa regards (he variety and quality ol the goods. Ml aS S KINO, Mugaxi - de Modes, *23lnrir 293If Br ailway. APUBLH benkFacT UK.? 1 lie person ir.a lunhis a blade of grass trow where none grew before is reckon'd a pub ic benefa tor. On the same principle, I co elide, by furn shiDg eentlemen with lashiou ale Wearing Appai" at hall th* usual prices, I am at least duing them an exeu'ial service Who d.ubuT Let him call at 5 Wall street, opposite the Church, and examine my goods and prices? A splendid black Coat, tor S i a 20 Pants from $2,15 a 6 Vests, (mm ti.SO a 3 N. B.?A full suit made up at twenty four hnnrs' notice. All goods ma 'e up warrautrd to fit J. UtKNf.K A medal was aw.: d-d by the Americau Institute to J. (j. lor the besi ready ra-de clothing at their annual fair. a'Jlrn'ee _ SOMETHING NEW ?To all who would be -laving?C sh VJ 1'u.onug Es*bli hueol, 163 Grseuwch street, u??r the Paeiiic Hotel?Thr Cheapest iViskmg ami Tnmm ng Esiablishmrntiu the cit. ?The proprietors t-ke this method of recom mending to all grutleme wanting C.oihes, thr er n'mical s strip of i urcha<ing lher own cloi he, thereby savieg th-- marin us profits la d i>d'he na -rial by th r tailors, *udg<-iliug tnem m oe ana trimmed, lor which th . establishment otfrrsau advantage over ail other*, the propru tors having made < x'eusi arra gemeuts 10 make this the pnucipal luanch of their business, taperintending both thecullim, and sewingdepari men' personal y. They do not present te the public a Darning litt of reduced pncea as au indue m> nt, but hope that a superior style of wo ktaaushtp, a s'udioti. aur-uliou to the individual taste ol oar customers and the prevailing fashion, will a'ways be sufficient, and the best attraction we can offer loom pafrc s. in2 Im-rc I'OOLKV St tiKOWN. HART I N ' 3 CASH TAIL.UU.ING LATA OT T O 11 Rf I? \T T u o i n u u i J u in ii n i . 154 William Street, Comm of .Ian .Street, IS decidual? the cbtiuai is the citr Then u -Iw?t? on I h?od tsela ctatock orieuoiiable goodi, i>orchiisrJ for oaih, winch will be made ap to order is tnc ?tylc of make. fil, trimnitut, 4c., tli a liaa Riven anr.h geucial ibtiifaetion daring the ??i torn yeai i.and aia pctiuve ioviiik ol 10 per cent. Ueutlcnen are regaeated to call and examine. Tfcoae wh-. fiiviiib th'eir own good*, can have them MADE AND TRIMMED. Oreea Coate, made and M te M M I rock Coala, do da t 00 to 9 M ' anil and Veet?,.?? ? 1 7i to I M Over Coata. I M to 11 M S~f Terrna?Caah on deli very. ap 0 Itr MICHAEL E. MARTIN LONDON AND MANCHESTER INDIA RUBBER GOODS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, No. Wall atreat. Tb v v aabecriber liaa received and offers foi aale a large aaaurt em of imported India Robber Water Proof Uooda, vie: Coau and Capea. ofaapenor Lama, Caahmare Lama.Peraiaa. Merino and Cotton, of all eolera and lixea. . Cloth?India Robber, Water Proof, iaper Luna, Lama Pep tun tod uotton, prepared tor niinn. India Robber Webbing* for *aspenderi, roncta, he. ?M ?m*r CHASjUt HARAMHO.N JOHN M. DAV1E8 & JONE8, 1(6 WILLIAM STREET, CORNER OK JOHN, [JAVR juit received from recent importations, Mid of their n own roano snctuie, a very superior utortment of Stoma 'Joodt, coMiitiut ol every thing neet. tasty and fashionable in the geutlemrn't furnishing line, which added to their lurmer ttoca, comprises an assortment of goods rarely if ever before found in one etore, among which are.? CAPS? In every variety, for gentlemen, youth and children. CRAVATS?Of plain and figured tatin, gro grain*,cambrick*, he. SCAH KB?Of veetinv tatin, hroehe. GLOVES?Of kid, nlk, brown and ehene linen, liele, (pan ilk. he, BUSIER Y?Of cotton, merino, wool ?pun? k, he, NDKR GARMENTS?Of Shaker knit ntnao, woolen, ilk, cotton, (kc. LINEN COLLARS?Plain and Byron, of all qnalitiee and shapes. SHIRTS? Of linen, mnalin, French cambric, plain and witb SUSPENDERS? Ol gum elastic, ailk, cotton, Itc. OILED SILKS?Of white and fancy color*, warranted not te adhere in any climate. The above cumpnaea only part of lhair assortment. and pnr ihaaera will conaalt their own intereit bv eaamining uiia aplen lid aacortment of goods before purchasing. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, at their old aatabliahed Cap, Stock. Linen ?nd Oiled Silk Manufactory, NO 101 WILLIAM STREKT, CORNER OF JOHN. nhlfm'm __ TO COTi ON AND vFooLk.STmaNUK AC I UREHS AND CALICO KRlNTEHS.?For aale, an eicrllent done building, with water ?he?l, and a good stream of water, with a good h nae and oat bai'dioga, four or Ave nerra of lind. ill in good order, matted it Oodwnuvilie, foar niilea north of Patenou. N. J.,recently occupied aa a cotton factory. Any person wishing to Mart the above bnnnest, wonld do wall to call, for further particulars, rn JOHN A. VAN RIPER, Corner ef Tallman and Brid, e ?treets, mil lai'rc or 93 Qold at, B-ooklvn. N V. CnOTO.N WAl EH FOR hHIPPINO?I ha onatr.uii.ed rrsi.t rtiully inform the owneia and maatera of Teaali in the Port of New York, that (th- Hydrant* being now laid at rath pier for the ttclnt ve nta of anppl'ing them withCroton Wau-rjihey are no? prepared to gite supplies In any quantity, o IW shortest u tier Wr would mate f*r treneril inforirati in,that no other person* ?nt or a d (and r penal vl to f?,null *h i ping with t. roioo Waierei apt the aaderaigntd. . BROWN It ORMOND, . m Ocnctsl Depot, Bouh Side K a,leu retry, Svnth street, New York. | MEDICAL. ? quackery used up'!! j r"PHK dtTtoi the mouitrr Qutcke ty are numbered; hie reiru j 1 wills'* a b over, and the !b<mnudi and true of thouaahds w ho aw'ntfcriug under seer t t'iecasea. and the equally iutolera Ir imposition- of UD|in cipl'd mercenary quarks. may now rrj ice at th-tr appr-ae'uux drliveranre. The dark re11 " 0 mys'ery wh-eh hu hitherto enahr-uded (he treatment ol " (tu te dise-saf, it removed, and th> (meant lor!obta>nio( n lief it 1 p'a, ?d within t"e reac'o ot a I. Let those who are wite avail e t rmir'vetol theoppo-taui' wi h u( delay, I'd procure at once a copy o* the Glide fo the - rear me m of s-cret ' diseases, by thejustly celebrated Dr, for many ' y--s the i-nnei,al t hysicitu of tht Dublin L-ck Hospital ? 1 Ina treatise contains a clear and ih?r< ugh ciamin<riun of Venereal diseases, iuall their earn ua firms, with uielul and 0 tffec'ud m"d*a f treatment, which all mav understand and nrec ice without the ;dd of a physician, or tiak of discovery ? l' This work cannot I >il to ptove inva'uahle to travellers, sat- " firing men and olhera, whs are of.en placed in situationa ' where they cauuot obtain medical advice. J It may be obrainrd at tue Book tend, 91 Naasau st. corner of 9 KuUoust. Price IS eta. Any person tending $1, by peat, will Isnve one copy fait hlully lor waid*d to tham. m 21 St re NiTcUre no pay. DR COOPER, of It Dunne street. between William and Cha'ham streets, takes his method of inforininii the ci i- | xrns and at angers,that he still affodra reliel to he ffl-cted of | , b'.th * art, and may he alwaya cti.u ted with the utuioat confidence in the wor-t cases or deli.-ate diaearea Dr I onp-r, from a tre ideore of nixuv years iu hospit la in Korope,devoted to ihe tieatu . nr of delicite due tea, a< d from an ei'ena-ce prattler in (hit eitr, for the last t-n yea't, in thia particular bran- h o' the prole?tiou,auara..te<t a tele,speedy and ffet ius cure to inch peranu.s at put thr mselvea ouoer his trealmrntl ! llecen: caaes cured in two or three days lor. Cooper use. , up mercury or any other dangerous medicine Dr. Cooler's ratltl and judicious mode of tie ttmerit w-ll r< quire no intrrrui lion I'O u bu inest or ..Iteration in diet. rersuns am>cte<i w i<h I protracted and deplorable cases, nerd not desnair of c mplete tt< ovcry L)r Cnopfcr informs the public that he 11 ilie only regulail qual fied su'geon wh<< advertise in Duac (tract, aud j eilut ill no > ploina fiom ihe Sin vesant lusiitnte of thisctlv. procured by lalse certificates and false pittances Theinotin- ' vi lable secre-iv observed in all c iu filiations. Separate ohices so as pat ems c nt.ot coma iu cjd ?ct Lrtt-rs. postpaid at- { te 1'rd to Chaittes moderate, Wfficeopru fr.>m 7 iu the momma nntil Id o'clock at night. Offi.v 14 Duaue street. ml3 ,tn*r 'k tie t'i-. i Alt Uu nu a i niu <?ikUn o. I ceinun '(.teases .u which the uott couvenieut and-privat' .annas of care are stated in (ha plainest possible manner. Aoe act ouIt are directions siren for the mure simple and recen uses, bat those which hare fallen into improper hands, and n.outtnna on from month to month, are particularly dwelt on.duch persons will see immediately the difficulties which im .rede their care, whatever they may be, aa well as the plan t< >e pnrtned in each particular case. It is obtained onlv ol thr lUkhor, Dr. Ralph, U Greenwich si Price tl. Dr, Ralph slsc takes this opportuitT of saying thai he ma be consulted ou the peculiar diseases above referred to, adDii.orirate residence, at any hoar. Aware, however, of the deep and jnst solicitude which m?n< eel to consult a person of integrity aa well aa eiperience it ;ue$e peculiar complaints, the author deems it pr?t ei to give :h? followir,; short sketch of thr opportunities he i u ad to fit ii.nself for this trust. And this he is tb? mote inclined to *s many have gisurrd him that, for waDt of information of thi> kind .theyhave selected from a list of advertising people thr vie who had hoastc J most of wonderful cures? but uot without til a bitterest repentant e. Hs therefore begs to state 'hat, beside his mob as (ruinate of Edinburgh, he kr.. he. he hat breii Watching these diseases, both iu hospital and city practice, for more than thirty years, and has published two editions of s work eiprrssly ou them. Also that he ha* testimonial letters from the most eminent physicians of Europe, to the moat etni neat in Atactica?as Hie Aslley Cooper to Dr. Motl, of N.Y ad Dr. Physick of Philadelphia, aud ethers; ana further, -hat he has the privilege of referring to almost every phvtisun of eminence in this city. Nothing can be stated, he conceives, a* batrcr ground or confidence to those who are sttan (era to him. Consultations may be m&da by post, and for anch he has a little r nvate chest, containing every thing necessary for a rj'eedy rod private core. It is forwarded aa may be directed Price IU. inj im?r DOCTOR BELL,. IAOCTOK BELL devoirs his personal attention (daily, tutkJ trl 9 P. M.) to the removal of private diaeasea in every stage. All suffering under protracted cases, aggravated o.r unsuccessfully treated by iueiperienced ot |*eteuded practitioners?tr.os . hMm under the destructive effects of mercury or juacn nostrums, and all who suspect the icxains of di-ease lurking in tnr system, may consult Dr. B. always with a guar in lee of a cure. Tenons contemplating marriage, who have been the subjects ?f delicate diseases, may consult Dr. Bell with kouorable confide cc. Past-Olid letters, drscribiug the case of peisous at s distance, have his prnmptattentiou Jr. B.'s ireatmeni sever exposes to suspicion, and is well known to I e safe and permanent. lp" Private offices 87 CEDAR STREET, two doors from Broadway. m8 lm*r JO IHt, LAIHES. DA. HULL'S UTEKO ABDOMINAL SUPPORTER. rPHI3 new Instrument for the mdical cure orrrolapsns Uteri A or Falling of the Womb, by external application, superseding the nse of the ohjectional Pessary, is confidently recommended to the ifilicted as the means of perfect restoration to health, it never having failed of performing a cere, even under the most aggravated circumstances. The Supporter has attained a very high character in Europe as well as in this country. It is adopted to the entire disuse ill pessaries,and all other painful surgical expedients,in the Lyingtu-Hosritals of London and Paris, and is universally recommended in Europe by medical men of the highest rank In this country i tu sustained by the leading members of the faculties of Colleges and Hospitals, and by all the emineut private practitioners Rooms hare been furnished exclusively for ladies, at No. 4 Vesey street, having a separate eutrance from the business denartmeut. wnere a lady is in constant attendance, to apply Trusses and Supporters to female patients m5 Imr NEW FIREWORKS LABORATORY, BY JOHN TRAOARDH, PYROTECHNIST, t'RuM SWEDEN. MESSRS KOLLREKQA TKAOABDH have the honor to iuform the Amencau public that they have an extensive an. varied assortment of Fire Works, of all and ?vry bind at their establishu ent at Hartimus Lolr Dock in New Jersey, n half in le fr?ui Jeisey Cur, opposite New Vo l, which they offer to Cnmniiuees and others, at the most favorable price sin the market. Bel eving in tin- new trade prinriple of a moderate cash price for a good article, ihey n q,est ihc fav >rs of the | uhlic at the above place, or t the store of Robert Johnston. No. 5. Couit landt slr-tf All oider?, oy an. acaleo' siic or'a-irtv.promi tly ?tt nded to, by addressing the subscribers St tilher of the above pi sees. NICHOLAS A, KOLLBKRU& J TRAOARDH, my 7-2m*r Harsi uus Lon.' D-ck, New Jersey. XYLOG'<APHIC PRESS] AND GENERAL JOB PRINTING OFFICE, bfl GOLu STREET, NEAR FULTON. rpHK Subscribers respectfully infeun DrusgisU, Perfumers, * M-iitUhctureis, Grocers and ott ers that th-y have just completed the largest and in -at spleud'd asao tmeut e f X . lo tt hi ic i ahels ever published in to s country or Euroi>e. Deal ers can be fu uisbed with any quantity ol labels sniied to iheir ase,-t as low puc s ?s ccn fi n d New dengue and plates, "uiiabie for all kirn's of busiue"s, executed in tne firs * yle of the art, and pria ted in bronze, vangilert, plain and fancv co'ois. Conrnine ? are invited imxamine our assortment before pur chasing Extensive additions are daily makiug to our present c talogur ol la w s. jOh PRINTING?Thrir office is a'so supplied with every variety ol ti pe reevsary lor the ex C' Oon of ve.y description of F e icy Job Printing Circular", haudb lis, killh ad- bills of laft. g, aud all kinds of mercantile printing, executed on re isonab e terms. PATENT CARD PRESS?This machine is particularly ad pte l to the p idling of c trds which it execntes with sreat fa, 1'ity at d beauty; on* pe sou beius able to print a pack of the be.t rn imell- d ca ds in two m notes, with ease Superior poll ht d sarfitt e cards (mauufirtnrt d expressly (or thi- est,. I sin runt) .'nrtushed and printed at the following prices:? loo Cards for 50 rensa 5 0 Cards tot $ 25 209 do 75 cents 7<>0 do 1 63 300 do Si 00 1000 do 2 00 ip- Crmmnu Cards at less prices. Vang'ted Sh iw Cards? 380 nifTrreut kinds, suitable for all kinds m business. BHOWSON It t O . mlilw'ec 5ti Gold itre-', ne r Fu'ton. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY FLEASE?NOTICE. DK. A KIGG3, DENTIST has re o edfrom Craw b? r? st in N > 3 5 wourth st. N. Y , fou' doors we, of Broadway.?He v?i I ba h-ppy t 'serve hj? customers and Iriei d? in any required denartmeut of m-chvie-1, <p rative or surg cal dentistry, id a manner nor mi n ??ed 'or beau' y, iiur-bi iiy, and utility, and at p ices within h means of all His new offic is ?ouveuirutlv appro- ehaole fr ui every ( art of ih- city, being near the two greattht-mugplares, Br"adway?nd Bowert where stages at d cats piss eve.y >ew nnnti es Dr R's name is often mi,,?I.Mnik.,..C .1; .1., I . ...... . .. . . Ion d'ri with o'heri more common,anc ?s Bnsgt <) iggs. Drugs Ae. Thtreforr he thinks it msy not he improper to ny, h? u oot aoare (hat ny other iodivi ual ?f the tame, or a similar nni'r, ii or ( rer hat b< en a dentnt or d> nidi ndrnt in ihitcitv, Dr. R i* the ??me perron who haa ir.ipaaced hu i n< aa the last twr yea a in Chambers at (ihe latter at No. 5land ia 'he oulv inventor and manufacturer ol' "The I'rrminm and ''at"t Atmospheric Preaanra Teeth." No. 315 Four h at eel, N. Y. I . P.?3 lti.lactory rrferencea alwaya gireu.lo anch aa deaire them. m 22 rt*r CURLED HAIR, an D hair seating. GO finO POUNDS Month American Cnrled Hair, of Ar j'lv/v/ van. ua qualities. Alao, a ceueral assortment of of Hair Mea.inR.pldiu and tinU red,from 15 ro 30 inchea inclnaive. auitaule for npholaterera and c.bin--t make a?extenaivelf manufactured and alwaya oe hai'd inraalr by na, JOHNHON A UREEN, No 152 William afreet. Orders from all parfa of the United Mtatea executed promptly and with fidelity, lor cash. approved city aeceptaricea or other satisfactory paner, at fom montha. m'3 Im'nt /SlioTP WAl'EH?DAYS e IK8T FhICV!IUM IN \J Dl\ RUBBER HUME ia confidently for any pnrpoaea lor whirh leather u used, and ia wariauted to poaae?a the following p.opertiea l?t. It ia perfee ly ttaht under pressure of the f.roton. 21. It ia made of the strongest fabrics, and will not mildew to injure in the least. and reqnrrea no attention. 3rd It ia not deatroyrd by canting in contact with nil ?r grease, not stiffened hy enld weather, nor can the robber deer mpose, aa lufeh.r articlea are in no ca?e nied. Should the leaat complaint be made of the Hose, nit possessing the above propertiea. it will be taken back, at any time inaide ol g montha from ita pnrchaae, and outer given in exchange withont chart" 4th. Conplirg and jet pipea will be attached withont charge Bnyera will note that we a-e clearly aatrafied that thta hoaef'he proceaa of malting which ia nnknown to any other i > the trade) a jnat the article long wanted for leading water -nd many other ligntds. HORACE H DAY. m'k'm*r Buceesaortto Roghury I. R. C. 45 MainenLana. [MARTIN k CUUPA, Untlar Maoularturars, No. H9 (Broadway, op ataira, have constantly on hand a large assortment of Cottars, manufactured from the keat matertala ol superior tone aud perfect in every reapeet. Martin It Coupa, having made aeveral improvemeota in the mauuf-cturing branch are enabled to offer their instruments lower than any oth'-r establishment in the city. Strangers belore making their parchaaea will find it to their advantage to call and examine their uaaortmeiH which ia the largest in the United Btatea. N. B.?The Ouitara are wamnted to fatand any change of climate. Sold wholesale and retail at US Broadway, (op ataira.) No connection with the mnate atore below. Mr J. B. Conpa continues to give leaaona on the Onitar aa anal. m!2to 3lr "dr. poett's eradicator." T~\R. POElT'H Kradicalor (established for 10 years in thia J~? city) it dra'tned to anrpaas every other remedy, for the radical Cite of yonor hae, fleet, and all debilities of the urinary organs, from ita certaiu'y o1 action, pleasant taste, and na being the rean't of 20 ytars rxperirriCe of a regularly educated phyaici*u. Wheerer reriea on this medrcioe nreu never be ai pre benatve of falling into th- hstidt of unrdncated, puffing persona, aa hundreds have bee effectually cored nftcr n ?ing paid large sums to ih' ?e persona Hold wholesale and retnl a( the lollowicg ree.'rtable drug stores?earner ol Fait >n and Water, comer of Vol ton and Isold; coiner of Chnreh and Chambers! corner of Walk-rand Bowery; 9t> Bayard atreet, and 130 On) ton at Pr re gl, m!2 m*r frHOhk LADIES who are rrn.>*aliug Uietr dwrilinga, aa a I 1 coiralimrut to the season, when ail ia bnoyaot aid gay, may be famished wuh Fancy t nl Tissue Paper, for the covering ol pic are frarn a, looking glasses, candle sticks, vases, grata aprons, ha I iamp , Ac Ac , which will greatly ornament, at a very trlling expense, at 104 Canal street, 2d below Vatiek. mS lm*jgb daguerreotype apparatus. JOHN ROACH, OPTICIAN. 72 Nasaan, near John stiaet, N. Y. LI AVINU the Lena gninnd under hia own inspection,rnd I arranging ih?m in the camera ohscma btmtell, he fe. Is wsrrantrd to sating t .at operators na<na h>a appsratus have r b rained more sneer aa iheq tho.s using r-meiaa with foreign p na for the litter me ofteu i operfec , md still imp opei ly a Ijnsierl. The ad'ariser rei|uesis a trial for hia cameras, r gtsrnyoars practice ss Optician enables him to grind and M rangi' Lena in ami the purpose for which lhay are wanted. | a/7 Im'ec BOOT AND SHOE STORE. V JOHN BEADY respectfully inform, hi.friends nd tha jmblic. chat he has commenced business ini theiabove "c. ?f No. M Slut mi ttieet, where he will thankfully r? *? d<I faiflifoDy exrcnfi*. all orders he be faxorea with on * most reason*b'e terras lor rash. ***** Ladies, look aT 1"H1?! ^000 pairs ol I French Oaiter Boots, and *00 pairs of Blirpers, just eceivad, a ad (or tale wholesale anil retail, at the followioi rr low pricet JOOO purs of Fie'ck Oailer., of the belt uthty, and of; and 3000 paira of Slippers, 73 ants, at 367 Broadway and ?i (Unal street i~adies, in these fores you will find the greatest and best aa"T*meut in the world of Boots, Oliters, shoes. Slippers, kc. ud Misses and Children's do. Gen leitien, we wish ro draw your attenlion to onr splendid sortineut of Boots, Shoes and clo'h ba ton Gaiters, of ihe lew style; Fieri'h ealf.kin Boots, of the best qn-lity and made o order, $5, and French calfskin Boors on hand, from S3 to Si erp i?; cloth button Gain rs. fs,50; Prunella SI 50: the finest >l calfskin Shoes, 1,25 to SO; ooyt't Boots of rh? best qa&lily, ,25 to S2.75; Shoes, |l to 1,25; youth's Boots, Si to 1,30. Shoes 0 cems tr SI. Boots, Gaiters, Slippers. Ties, Buskins, Shoes, tc in eDdleu variety, and all warranted to he ol the best kind GREGORY * OAHILL, 387 Broadway a23 lm*r and 92 Canal street. 90 BUOAHWAY. S. ROBIDtR, FRENCH BOOT MAKER Irom Paris, has an usortment of ready made Soots and Shoes,of the best calfskin for Five Dollars, superior o any other boo maker in rh? city rnlo lm*ec TO BOOT MAKERS. O. MORG HA 8 REMOVED from 132 to 13 Leonard street, where ha | cou'iuurs to cut Kit. Ua hand ready cat kit, French i ind En ii?h ml lm*tc I A. THOMPSON'S BLACKING WAREHOUSE, ' No. 2 Cou tluiuit streetA THOMSON respectfully ii forms the merchants of 1 tins cny and the public in aeneral. ihHhe s'illcmlinnes to niannfa-lure (lis inimitable Paste 8 ark me. heiiu he sole myeulor aud manufic'ure-. Th's blackiiM is known thcuah the world, and parti nlarly the United Stares, i is L?e a> d Thorns I' ste Biaekinu. A. Thompson would I tir'hfr in'oriu h s frteud* t 'at'-e has made rt ?w?t improve- I m-uta in hit o'd mai ufip faring estab'iehtneti', Wtnc'i enables I Ivm to supply them with any quantity ?*d at tmcfd prices I i Bew ri of iiiter'opers Sr. amis " modern application, aud is sometimes resorted to wiihou. much benefit. A I h in? u has nw-r admitted ateain in a.y shape to enter hi? m nnfactory? flit workmen are not likely to make mistakes an 1 r?u-t out nlly it can be depeuden upon aa a-uuiue. A. THOMeO,'i late Lee 8t Thomson, formerly 265 Broadway, now 2 Courtlandt sireel, near Broadway. Manufacturers' agents lor the Washington Frction Matches, Shit pars and others supplied on reasonable term*, byc-seor single gross a26 I in * m FORTY YEAR*. IT IB A FACT that LEE'H He an Blacking i? universally I admiit .d to be 'he best article mrnnf ctured in the United Stat s. C. 1 ee hat maaofactur d Blacking in th s city forty years. The 'hiriren years and two ui'>n'hs by himsell? fen took iu partnersMp a. 'i homson?tweaty rears and ten month* it wa* known a* Lee li Thomson's b acki a Di solved partners! ip with said Thomson, and the last sis yeart-have made it again on ntv o-n account. I am the o deal a eking Man faciu'erio (he Uuited Mates. Have made more inquau tity and bet*er in qu <ily thauany other person in tin. country; but good ns it ilways hisbeeo. it is greatly improved of lateIt is now o'-aufic ur?d tiv steam p >wer, and known a Le ?s Improved Hie tin B'arkiug, No I John -tr et. corner of Broadway. C L looks down wit> conscious pride o all cooipeti tion, and wou'd only sav to his easterners and the pub ic that tie Mill cotp uues to manuf'Ctnre Ins l?prur?d S earn Blacking? but why enlarge? a word to the wise i< snfficent CHARLES LEE, sJO lm*r No. I John street, e ruer of Broadway. pHINA, GLASS A>D EARTHENWARE?Notice ? Li X'.e whole i f the ex eusive and fashionable sr< ck contained iu he store II tstor house, comprising everv article in the line is now offeied fur sale at aud below, cost to close the cot cerii. A'?o,? quantity of o ime table cutlery in sets an dozens to geth-r with a splmdid assort entof fine rutlerv, consislit g of razor*,s issors, pent,utves, dressiog eases, lie.. Ac. DEAF.? ESS.?The slock aud stle of the Acoustic insttu meut* usually kept in this establishment will he disposed ol a ab.rgain. R. SlMPaON, N B. The store to let. 8 Astor House. may_l Mm*rc rvOflR PLATh.8 ! DOOR PLATES !?Th-se in went of LS a handsome, chiapand durable Sitver P'sied rBrassDoor Plate, can obtain the above article at R ROBER TS* Stiver Plating, Engraving and Door Plate Estab iahm< ui 157 Bowery Also, M- ialiic >umhers, a re w and oeautiful article tor namberaig dwelling honses, church p? ws, ?' ip s'ate rooms. Ac. R ROBERT*, 157 Bowery. m6 Itn#r 4th door above Bro, meat.,ea?t sida. _ WATCH MAKERS AND WATCH JEWEL^ LERS. T S WALLIS & ro. No. 156 Bro*dwta-r. 2d floor, beJ, twee Maid-ti Lane and Liber y street, weald respectful ly acquaint their trends and the public, who wish to hive chronometers, clocks, mnsic bozes, o any description of watches, however fine or iatricate, repaired or jewelled. Also, every description of 'soptmrnts repaired or made new, ruby rollers fordup ex, pallets fur chrnncmeters, ruby cylendcrs for le.nnra. ruby pins lor levrs, diamond ca a, He.. and watches jewelled in a style not surpasaeJ hyanvin Europe Fusees and wheels cnt, aud teeth roncded; pubi c clocks and bank time pieces kept in o-der by the year as ns"a'. From their long experience in the trad-, they poss-ss the capacity and every L cility required to make enure, or anv porta ol watches, equal toany imported, and will give the best of reff. rences if required. Cha*ge? moderate. m!4 lniQr APIlw ue..> i l .r.m e..\ ol steady n-ioiu cau De accoinmo dated with good board and pleasant rooms in a private family, at 254 Kultou street. Also, a few day boadert can be accommodated on the most reasonable term. A parlor and bedroom to let, with or withoat hoard si ec UNITED STATE* TEA EMPORIUM. 121, latt 129 Chatham ttrrrt, ATeu> Ycrk. And 116 Fulton (Street, Brooklyn. Ansa ii 118 Bleeceer street. WH< 1.K8ALK AND RETAIL. fHS CANTON TEA COMrANY continue to offer for 1 sale new and iragrnut Teas of titty variety and style. Their assortment specially includes the most delicious end oowerfnl grades j 1 tireeu and Blacit E? cry paehage bear* the stamp or neatne'r and elegance, end the Teas therein art to thoroughly seen rd from light and air that th.'ir duality and power will rera in unimpaired in any climate. Their svstem or" nror-ecutlng insioess is perhaps scareely to beeicelled. It is friended upon rhe utmost rrrrard to the rights of lie customsr. especially with respect to weight ana quality, and an. /railed cheapness. All pnrchasen are called upon lo return any rticles which fail to ipier them the fullest satitfsctioc, whieli Me money will be cheerfully and promptly refunded Conn rv merchants, pnblic establishments, heads of families, and rhipnaaters will lind it a decidad advantage to snpply tneia elves from this establishment OEi*tjii*k Jays Copeec roasted tvery day. Orders irom all part* of the United fowi eiecated with sror.iplitnde and despatch. t'h. enl? war?u,.nse in Americs for ihs aale of Ho n.l. ..I.k..?..l muk T.. mil Im'.rH PLUMBIC UAUUKRKiAN GALLERY OK PATENT Colored Photographs. Broadw iy, corner of Marray ftrret. New York.? I he wile privilege of taking p tent colored D.?jtiierT otyi>e Likenesses, being confined to thi? establishment it has been reeenlly morh improved and enla Red for 'he ai? cial acco modaion of ladies, and now embraces no lewer than different auntinents. Plumbe's Patent ColorinR Daanerreotype Apparatus, and Plninoe's Patent Galvanic Gildin Apparatus, anil Instruction* and P-itaut Iti.hts for each.lorwardan to any part of the United Stales Phi tographers supplied at losset rates than at any other place in the city. Galvanic Gilding and Silvering done o order Postpaid letters only attended t* s22 lm*r PATENT PRESERVED HIGHLY FLAVORED P"R. Table MEATS AND SOUIS 'or ship sjorea, war ianfed to kceo 'or au< length of time, and m euv climate, manulactuied and for sale, wholesale ndrrtail b\ Wl. LI AM MULLANE. s?s 5w*r IM V/ illi'in street. t ATE IMPORTATION OK SEGARs AND TO "a BACI O.?Th- Subrcriher, having recently arrived rotn rlavauna,otters to the dealers and amateurs of supe ioi segars, faciei ted by himself,) the following brands. La N oma. La Empresa, Wo: d. ille, Trab cco. Caoones and Lord Byron, of vari"ns kinds Id, 2d, 3d md 4tn ijn rlitv ol Havaua, suneror St Jago and Gmsa tobacco Ow initio the drnth ol Sttphen 9'mains, the firm of Sama ios 8t tfrotll. r is di.solved On the is* of MIV| the old eslablishinenl of Cf e late firm will b> moved to No, 6 Wall str et, second d<>or below Tor agency for the Lntd By ron mannta tory in Havana, ai d for 'he Scaffarlati Tobarco, in Baltimore, are held by the Subscriber, which he offers at wholesale and retail A. A SAMANOS, a2V Im'i No 4 Wall afreet. GLASS AT N" 1 JOH n STREr. r. near Broadwa., De pot of 8TOUVENEL fc BKO I HkK'S Gl i.s dam,factory, the only pise* where people can g? t supplied, cheaper Inu m y iher place in this ciiy A fit'I a nrtment of the richest cut and plain glass, Lam|>s for hal ; Astisl and Solar Lamps, Gi modules, F ruch and Kngli'h China, Ac.Ac . all at mm,ufact oy puces. Every aiticle matched to paiicrn. Glass cu' to order. Wholrsali and retail for cify and country trade st the above, ami at thrir f-em v. No 2? Gold si it.2 'in're PIANO-FORIE9?The subscribers res act'nlly inform their Irieuds auil the public in general, that thai have rennid from th-Ir lata nlace .,f hnain... US Hr.?.U?. lis Franklin street, between Church and We i Bio.dwav, "hers hey will ntiuue to mauu'acture their Transposing Pi no Fortes. This instrument fo ma a beau'iiul, lichand new ext'rir. bo h .11 thane and nearues*, b aides a tone full, bnllimt and melodious. 1 he groat adrautige derived fioin thi- new invention is, that inuiic may be tramp s>d into any key Jeaired to suit the v cali>t, or (o an <tc m|.an ment of ana other inatruiuent, and therefore worthy the attention of the amateur, as well ?s the arnat. A large assortment of tablet Piauo Fortts. rosewood and inahogmv ,6 and 6K ocravet, with Freneh vraiid action, are also constantly kept on hand, au<i wi I bs told at a redo k<t O'd Piano Fortes taken m exchange, also Piano Fortes keptfor hire UNDELL. YVENNERSTROM It CO. m12tm*ee IIS Franklin atreet. H'O UENTLEMEN WHO In ('END TO VIFI T UMl 1 MANY?MR. IfUUHKS, P.ofeaaer in the lloyal Military Corna of Cndeta in Dresden, t at accommodations in his honse fnrgant emen as hoaidcra and l?. gets. He addii saea himself particularly to anch as, roming to Oermany for the pnriioae of learn ng tne language, wish to in.cilitate thei. advancement in it, by placing themselves in a family where it iscunatautlv spoken. Mr Hughes, though twenty-five years a resident in Oerina ny, is a native ol Kiurl uid, and thrrefore considers a residence in hit family ns particularly amiable fur young Amctic ma in their Unman a.tidies?Mliao.iliaritv with bulk langnagea enabling him to give, in the conrae of conversation, those explnnnioua whicn every one finds at first so necessary, and which he willat-ll times be must willing to offer. Toe different professors of trie Corps ol Cadets ha?e kindly promised to impact any gentlemen residing with Mr. Hn*lirs, so that every facility is offered la improve those sciences requisite for any futme profession. For terms, etc , please .to apply to Ptofetsor Hughes, Dresden. Mr. Asto-. New York, ano Mr. Th. W. Williams, Connect! cut, li ve kiridlv prom ard toanswei any en inirirs n28 Im'ec SAIL BOAT CHALLENUF.*?Whati the mat'erT Ave, thal't the inV When the smothered growls of disappointed success lurks in the bosom of man, he loses sight ot aroiatrlity, prsstratse Himself, and in 'nrbalent array dies iiuheedsd and nnknown. ?nch is the condition of a certain bo it builde of this city who seeks notoriety throngh annonymnus cotnmiimcationa The suhsenber hsa for year* stood npon the coi t> vied ground of boat bnilding, and long experience has uinght him that "Lsree barks can vsntn e more, But little barks mast keep near shore." And when men think they can cope with him in superior boat bnilding they mast nut talk in paiables, b it kolulv meet him at hit office door,ihere aiMiige lor the nneriog test of proof; his challen,es are alwavs made in good faith,his oats to cooqner. Upon this principle he f-rms his tnl wars, and now fir the hua dreth time he offers to show the stem of "Troubler" to any buet t.'rolius ever bnilt or has on hano, lor a trophy which will richly repay the exreium nt. New where is yunr boasted backers; whore's your own dannted courage?draw the veil and show yoursel to the world. P- month's notice, any distance nnder fifty miles. The Iron bier" can be seen at his baxaar. ., ? (P 8.) C. L. lNOERPOLL, ma lm*ec trw Water street A CLEAR CfJMHLEXlON KR EE FROM ERUPTION OR DISFIGUREMENT MAY BE HAD BY ALL, by using a remedy now well i 1 known to he one of the most surprising invention* of 'he ige It is made in ths shape ol a heantilnl soap, as it entirelv eradicates every eruption, such as pin ides, blotches, senrvy, salt rhrnin, tan, morphew. annbnn. or disfigurement of the skin, imparling to the lace, body, neck, or arms, a oeau tifnl hoaliny clearness No mure presentation is offered, uns trial will snifice to recommend it to all. It eh*r*esi na tort of dan, snnbnmt or yellow skin, to a toe healthy clear ness. It hat received the approval of the Medieal CouneyJ ol Paris, who asll it a ' miracle, a wouder. and a Massing- I hart- seen this cure several cases of eruption that ?* Im nt hundreds of dollars on to ears in J" * ,'Y rents a cake hy T. Jone. at his perfumery ..f th- Am?ric?n Eagle, g? rhsrfiam atreet, N-Y ; and by these agent ?in Philadelphia, by Zu ber. earner rhirdaiidD^ehsta; or next to the Ameiican Hotel. Wa^lMjon, D C., in Bwton, I fftate atref?(; in Charl??t<m.lB.G. 107 Kin* it., in Air any. 57 Platest; in Brooklyn, 139 Fulten. AgeuU wanted 'S? ClUSS. uw im doctor swayne's COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY, acknowledged to fa; eieel all other mei irioei io the ea?t, in the westt in the north, and in the south, a lrral always proves Ita virtues for con. h?, cold, spitting b'ood. uchhag or rising sensation in the throat, bronchitis, whooping cough, asthma wrakoes ot the uervoo system or itnpairrd constitution f om an* cause, and to prevent per.ons from lalliig into a decline, this medicine has no equal ; a great number of the very best testimonials ot its vi taes may be seen by calling at Dn. H Pwirsr'i Office. No j| North Suth street, Philadelphia. Cat/Tl-n ? All trrparat i us from this falnahle tr-n. eicept the above. Do to- 'WAYNE'S COMWOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHFRRY are both fictitious and counterfeit. For sale only at DR. W H. MILNOK'S Drny 8'ore 192 Broadway, corner of John ft. Also? Swayne's specific lor Oout and Rheumatism, mt im*r IMPORTANT TO FEMALES. r\R. MELVKAU. office 129 Lio ny street, near tlrsenwirh ?treet. whose ure'l iUi cess in the treatment of complaints ri ion Ir-m'he irr* gularity or'"lal suppression of the memes h*? gaiu? <t lor him to great celebnetv,nee?Pt if ou* )?i?tl e to ac*?nowedge that mich of his succe * b**lo<:gs to the fru'y wonderful effecrs of fhe Ponn*H'?*' F?oih1? Pills, or shic ho i* agrn*( and importer for the Uo?t*-d .*U'ei. Th-ir r.ertainty in all frm?!e contract out is surprising. (8ecad?erUs**m?-nt on last colomu of fourth page.) Dr Me vent; C4ii b* cn?sul'ed oo all complin's incident to '?m d n **tth ?H- ?trctp?? * ??? fi Vnre m18 m* ?<y* w r ^.LC.' (fiKH OO 000 LAROK. healthy 8 wee di-h ?nd (fenrin Leeches UUjV/V/v/ ?ju.i rreeived oer Roland, Fr inklm toil Howaid rmn% Hum ho re ind daily expected 3) 000 Sweedish and Ucruui Leeches, pet Sir Isaac NewtOu from Hamburg. For ?>le at the lowest markrt pr ce by Q. A k H WITTK, n. 9 lm*r Import- r? of Le.erhaa 44? *rar| ?t. FAh R> UFt PILLS ARE an ?xcelleut Family meuicine, and to persona of sedentary iccu'wtioni and habit.. wll be foun i invaluable, be iugof n mild nature, and very eAc-cioui in removing ihe complirated and anbtlr di-eases common to lhi> c'-aa of (he community. They are also unequalled in t> moving the uumr roui diseases incii'enul to the apring of the year, arising from im puri til* I of the blood and other eauara The follewiug are the eirluaive agents for the aale of Parr*a Lite Pills, where may be had gratia the Life and Times of Thomas Parr, with rwn fine enr-nvinsa and first American testimonials of enrea etfecteu in the United Statu:? James Aspinwali, Uruggist and Chemist, St William street; Kushton k Co. 110 Broadway and 10 Astor House; Abraham 4nuds ill Co. druggists and chr&ista, granite buildinaa, No. 173 Broadway, corner Chamber atreet; David Saudi k Co. No. 77 East Broadway ; P. Dickie, 413 Broadway, coruei Liipenard meet ; John B Dodd, druggist, Broadway, eornei Bleecker itreet;N. W B-ideau, Bowery Medicine store, 160 flowery John C. Hart, diuggist, 348 Grand, corner Norfolk atreet; Syme'a Medicine store. 63 Bowery, corner Walker street; John Syme, corner Fulton and Water streets ; Horace Everett, druggist, 81 Hudson at; J. k J. Coddiugton, apothecaries. 237 Hudson, corner u) Sprint street; E. L. Cotton, chemist and apothecary, 2S3 Bleecker, corner Jonee street; J. Wendover, druggist and apothecary. No. 141 Eighth avenue. Broeklvu?C. Wella Simons, drug, patent med cine and teed ware! use, 184% Fulton atreet, and wholesale at the pro} prietov'. -Wee. T. ROBERT'S St CO, Clarendou Home, 381 Broadwav.cor. Dnam at.,first floor. Small boxes 25 cents. Large or family boxes 56 cents. , Persons desirous of obtau in; an agency for their aale in the country, will please direct their letters, post paid, to T. Ro kerta Ik Co.letter box 907, New York. a!7 lm*m TVPOi TANT TO ALL.?UaddTfi Id, N. J., April 10. A 1843.?' ?n the 13th day of < ctober, 1841, I was attacked by a severe pain ial esd-.iuthe region of the liver, which continued some five tlava. Ti e pain was then relieved b the breaking of au abscess internally. Subseq >entv, and during the whole winter of 1641, '42, 1 suffer d .ntenaely from the same can .e?eotitit.ua1 |?m in th? side, exc- pt when temporarily relieved bv a discharge of matter from the abscess. During ail this time I was c uiliued to my house, had a violeut cough, raised much bloody matter, and was supposed by myself and others to be iu the last stages of consumption. The February following, whei'apptr u-iy my life was near its close, I procur d a bottle of w istar s Balsam of Wild Cnerry. As soon as 1 commenced the use of it 1 began to re-over. The soreu ss of my sin constantly grew less, my cough gradually left m , the profuse .xpectoretion and spiltting of Diood ceased, and mv g neral h-al'h becam-by degrei a r-sti red. 1 continued using the Balsam, aud by the latt-r part of Ma-ch I mam rd my trade, thai of a i arpenter, which my health ha ei abled I w II further remark,this remarkable cure was effect- tl by (he uie of ouly three boltleiof Wistar't Balsam of Wild Cherry. THOMAS C"ZEN8. Gloucester County, N. J., as.?Personally appeared before me. the subscriber, oue of the justices of the peace tuand for said couuty, Thomas Cozens, who bei it duly affirmed according to law, saith the above eta emeut is in all things true. Affirmed oeiore me,she 20lh aay ol AprH^Mdl.^^^ ^ ^ A. Williams, Est) , counsellor at law, No. 51 William street, was cured of sinsmudic asthma of iweuty-fou stunting, by the use of one bottle of ihe WildCh rry Balsam. Let those who donbt (his wonderful cure all at his offioe aud see him. Jas. W. Woodruff of 1< l.s bethtowu, N.J. was cured of da g' rout bleeding of the lungs by the use of only oue bo tie. Two justices of the p?ace certify to this cure. We have no room to name anv mote ol the numerous similar cases. Price SI per bottle. Sola at 125 Pulton slstei, corner of Nassau, by Isaac Butts; Duster, Albany ; (Joiham, New Haven. air lm'ec BARRY'S WIGS AND SCALPS. rPHE Importance which all ages have attached to the Head of 1 Hair,is s ciear imiei of the value set ou personal figure,and when by some c'pricious freak ot Nature the humau form is deprived oi its fair prop-rtiou. An is resorted ro, in order, by artificial means, to supply the deficiency. Hence have arisen those woudvrful discoveries which bid Nalnie defiance, Barry's Ventilating and tinasamer WIG8 AND RCALPR, . still stand pre-eminent above all others. Their peculiar light, gossamer, and ventilating character, their being shiped exactly as the hair grows; iheir elasticity, aud their superior ma-erial and workmanship, as well as their style of finish and arrangement, all combine to form such perfect heads of hair, that they must be seeuto be lully Appreciated. The complete succ-ssthat the ab >re n-uned has met with in the manufactu re o* his u riv -ll. dheaas ol hair for the last two 1 eais, far exceeds his m nt ?au ume rsj ecMtiuns. He respect* folly solicits a r.all. confident ofs.tisfyrug the mo. t fastidious that he is the best and cheapest maker in th city. They can only be at 146 Broadway, corner of Liberty St., up stairs. Priv ite rooms for fitting wigs and toupees. m2 Im'ic ARTIFICIAL TEETH. ON THE Pit IN- IPLE OF AT.MOBPHEHIC PK'.oSi HE. MI.EVETT, Dentist, the im-odu-f r into this country in the year 1235 of inseit-ng Teeti on the above scientific principle, as practiced by himself ALON E, courts the attention of t e public to hu great iinprov. ment. I he established reputuieu ol Ur Levcit, his easy, well knowu, peculia and snenti'x adaptation iusspi lying the delicienc et of ihe Teeih, and tne unvaried t'lisf?c>iou ?iven which lie fully guarantee in all c sea, warr-nis ins invit'iuc l e atteutmu of n-e ladies and g-utiemeu who h-ve had artinc tl Testh uosailinJIy s t, or who tnay require new for those oil lac d by naurr. m. LEVeTT, Dvotiat 260 Bioidway, C > ner Warren sr. o, posit' the Paik. [Copy of a Letter from M M. Noah Eq o Dr Lrveit.f ' i:w Yong, Mav 24th, 1244. Dear *i?s? It is both a inciter of du y and i leaaure to stete, that the set of irtific al tee h ou the prp-c pie of atmospheric pre?uie which you made for a 1 dy in my amily, hat succeeded in every respect, in appearance, comfort, and utility, aud has given entire satisfaci ion. I am. dear sir. your obedient acrvant, [Rigned] M M. NOAH. Dr Levetthas i mission u> refer to some of the elic. ol the rtfx< n?of New Yr in7-lm*ec 7. lacy, dentist. HAS returned to the cityaod .eauined ih? uracice of hii pro Teuton, at 79 Fiank, m at , wr?t 01 Broadway, where ha is "prepared to see liia former pa'tenis," and all olheis who need hup otessional srrvieev Z. LACKY mtle'te A BEAUTIFUL HEAD OF HAIR TO BE HAD FOR THREE SHILLINGS.?REAL), THEN JUDGE. DEAFER, if we prove aa article o be rood, will yon belVie?eii7 I aeem>ihi( yon have b en humbogg. d o efteu, that if an ai ticle ia even i?oved to oe good, you wont try it. Now read. These are t..e re U and p >aiUve qua itira of an article whose price will prove it uo n?a rum. Jou a' Coral Hair Heatoraiiva will general ; itnp ove and beauury the hair. It will Torre the hair to grow on the hea I, face and bo dy, or auy pert whe e ua ue inundwri ha r to grow, by making ihe aca:p h-althy It ataya the hair faliieg off. and tho oughly curea ail acurl and da> d uff Another 01 ita properties ia >o make the hair grow nuurn ly dark and be.v.tiful Jones' Coral H?ir Hea orative la told at the aign of the American Eagle li hith im street New York. Agenta? Ze her. Thin' aud D ck atreet, Philadelphia, and neat to the American Hotel, Washington, D C. ; OS are atreet, Boston : Cleveland King street, Charleston, 8. C. t ST State atreet. Alba y ; Mitchell, Noiwicit, Chenango, N. Y.; Martin, barber, Catakill, N. Y.t and 139 Fallon atreet, Brookl>n. lm |\yfINEltAL WATERS OF KlSSINOKN. Germany, 1'1 called tAROCZI.?The Hah. cat has au acidulous aaliaa flavor, of an agreeable t rate, at'd bring iiowerfnlly promotive of secretion and eicranoa.a puufier, a atr aa so.vent, and at the same time strengthening wnh*>nt heating, it acts as a po lent specifically ou tne l.ver,tn? systems venar. port and mei .ue syatcin, and dtwipaiing any existing used according to directions. The Hakocxi is sold at the following places, at 37X cents g quart jug, or >4,SO a dozen. Sold br Henry King ft < o. Druggists, 481 Broad war, cor. (mnd. Sou11lard, Delluc ft u. do Ml Broadway ft 2 Park row. Thre. T Ur en 399 Broadway. Thos.H. Hart, 278 Broadway Church's Dispensary, ISO Bowery. Wholesale a> d retail by FLORIAN STRAUSS, 68 Beaver street, a35 lm'r op a'airf. REWARD-CROSS' SPECIFIC MiXTUKE. <JpUVJV/ for the cu.e of (Jonoorrhma. Gleets. Striciotea and au?loguot complaints of the organs o I generation Ui. all rcme1i?s yei discovered for the above complustti, this it the must certain. It mmes a speedy and permanent cure, without the least testnction to diet, drink, eipoiure, or change in application to business. tVe sis* no long quack recommendations to deceive the pub ic If the medicine dors not sp-ak lit itseil, no one shail speak for it. Our object is to notify where it can be lied, and the pr> prietor chilleiiResa mule ease of recent Oolii. 'irhcea to be brought, in which the mixture will noteoecta rand cure, under a lorfeitore of $M0. Thii is t disrate that ui lortun tuly p-rvades all rank* <T society?high. low, rich and poor, mitriinouiai and >i?4 <" Toejr srr here presrM) d with a ran edy by which theyiMu rure ih Easel-e? without thi least exposure in the shortest timr possible. Further, ths diseas-cauno. be contracted if a dose til toe mutuie is Ukeu at night ou goirg 10 bed when espostil. It is (Mil up in ottiet with full directions sccompanyiuw If, at (I a bottle. One bottle lasts a week, which generally curesmany tre cured in two days. For sale oolT at We. H. Milnor's, lM Broadway, coreerof John stfeet, opposite Fraeklin House, New Yo-h ; J J toses, corner of Oiesinnt a .d seventh streets, I hiladelpina . n.a at J M -milh's, IM Wsshi'i-rim st-eet. Boston in? .m ?r bHONZE?ROZELT K CO. imiiort the above article anerl from their manufactory, whicn enables them to ell eery much lower ihansny other house. Dealers and cousomers snould eiamiue our lull and splendid aaaortmea ne^purchmmtels ' ^ ,,,, , ^ <t IN PURSUANCE of an order of the Surrogate of the Coun? tT ol New York, notice ia hereby given t all persona baring claims against Peter Murphy late of (he city ol New York, Sietlrmait, neerased, to present the some with the vouchers ereol, to the suosenbrra, at ihe olfiee of K.dmuod 8. Uerry, No. Jl Wall street, in the city of New York, on or before the eighteenth day of (September licit Dated New Y orl, the IStli dav of March, till. J AC Oil IIARTEY, JAMEB C. BELL, mlfl lawllm r Administrators with the w-ll anneied. PUBLISHED DAILY BY JAIKKS UUHUON BKINFTT, N. W.CORNER FULTON AND NASSAU STREKTH. Thi New You* Hkbslii? A daily paper, issued every morning of the week?priee two rrn/t per copy. Country snip Bribers luinnned al the same rate, lor any s(>e- he period, ou t remittance in advance No yapsrsent, unlet paid in advance The Werelt Hkuai.d? lasued eeefy Saturday ninrniag ) nine o'elock?price stu end aauarttT i an/11 ar ropy?(nmiaheg to country tnbsenbnrs at !.? pi r tunam, in >dsanee,or at the a ne rate for any ep-eifleJ period, CeusesroEUtRWs are rosiest'd i. ' earn their Ists-rs ?e l|V feisae P?eue*?. Pre t|. | s> dKKdl . r?trd Ittf.eil i?C Iksairees ! bttHw i