Newspaper Page Text
TH Vol. UK.?Wo. 140 ?Whole No. KS01. jjT TO LET in Willimnibnrr-Tha whol? or pnrt or a V ; a neat three ?4ory 'urick Dwelling Hoiiw in South 7th "VS " u?nr 4 th ?t., rent rerr low Apply tow.kJ.TlapICQtt, 43 Perh ilip. m 7-eo MmL BARCLAv STKEKT-TO LET?Th? elegant ( and c? in odious thr^e story brick house, No 5* Barclay jyyOeitreel, built and occupied by Mr. Thomu ur?oks until the t?re?Mit nuic. Ill cicellent order and fitted with every convenience for a larj;e f roily, aud ai'Uited directly iu trout of Coii-ite I'lacd. For terms apply at No. 110 Water street. mV!> lm*r _____ . _ GEN1N & VAN VRANKEN'S VENTILATING GOSSAMER HAT, FOR GENTLEMEN, ... V Its nil .it*4 pmrir ?i *n v> r JI f 11?17 w - u i ?xs , , 7 . ^ r? THR Subscribers have introduced the abo?e named hat 'or summei wear. Bv comparing ilia weight of this article with the average weight of the following hata. the ,-uperior anvautagra it poaaeaa??.over them for summer wear may ba mad Iv teen. .... . , . . ,. '1 be average weight of the oidmary for hat la 6 V ounces, do do Panama iSfc " do do Leghorn 4 " Beinv fully convinced that no alyle of mmnor hat hera tofore wo u hai met with the general approbation whi'h a hat |o?iei tug all the qna'itiis, viz* I gn mm, beauty, durability and cheapness, would be sure to rec?ive, we have devoted inuch attent ou to th manufacture an t fi.ii-hi,.g of the new style now in ro'lueed by u?. Fro "the warm approbation express d by gentlemen who have xamiued them, we feel satisfied ih?t they uetd only to be seen to be fu I v app-?eUted. GEMh) (? VAN VRA^KEN, rr ?6lm*ec 21-1 Mr adway, opposite St Paul's Church. PARI 4 BO 'l"4 AND LABI'S MADE VIt OltUblT" By E. SUSER, 175 Broadway, (Basement,) One D'or ftom Cottrtlandt street. E SUSEK, Bootmaker, and maker ol Lasts, an ati#'''*; "Rive" ol (Jlerre of Paris, beys leave to inform his friends iud all the a mateurs of a gentlemanly "eh?us?nie " that he citi now make, in New York, with the beat French ma'eiiiN all thai fgao perfectly made, in I arts, by his inast< r th'Celebrated booint-ker Cleree, whose nnmeroos customers on this sule of the Vllantl". are resp ctfully invited f> try BUHKH'9 boots and befor* they despair of being "chaos c?" in New V- rg, af'er the nicest, latest Pans fashion. Ala-, f' e genuine Paris Jrt Black Var Jab sold, m 0 7w'r 4*?1. BOOT AND SHOE STOKE. miVr- ''iS JOHN PEADY respectfully infirmi his friends ml the i nblic.that he has commenced hutiuesi in the above line, si No. 09 Naxsiu slrret, where he will thankfully receive and faithfully execute, all orders he may be favored with on he in"at reason' b'r term tor cash "22r 90 BROAD 'VA Y. 8. ROBIDER, FRENCH BOOT MAKER -il^M from Paris, h-i an assortment of ready made Boots and Shoes,of the best c&lfshin.for Five Dollars, supetiot t" any other l>oo maker in the ciry in It* !m*ec TO 'I HE LADIES?200 pair prime Outer boots of all colon and sizes "f the latest fashi n, M'tses and children's (J liter hno's and Buskins, f, d es Bus Inns, Ti-s and 81 pp-is, a rood article, from 4 to8 shillingO A so, a good assoitmeot if Gentlemen's p irne call siitclt boots, c ty made, f o- 2 75 to4 d-IUrs, sya'ranted : good fine pecged boots from 12 t '8 sM iugs. A'so, B'v's busts, 8t 12s; '4(iiu gaiters, qu irter b jots and shoes of all descriptions ij great ahuiidiucr, at Walker's cheap store, 419 Br oa i way corner Canal t eet, tn24 lm*ec TREASURY NOTES LOST. f 08T. by the suhseri >er. bet wren the cities of N-w York an Philadelphia, a oockc t memorandum book, coutai>.ing th"following Treasure Notes:? A No 19455 10 Ju?e, 1812, 6 per cent, to Syl. Brown I . em'ors.d 20 June, 8?2 I t 100 B 19556 10 ? 6 ? 26 ? 1842 1 o X |C0 A '9/58 10 ? 6 ? 20 ? 842 f ; ? Inn A 34';(l I 10 ? 6 ? 26 ? 18.V * \k B 30 01 10 ? 6 ? 2S ? 1342 J 8"^ C 34' 02 10 ., 6 ? 11 ? >8U toB. Rnng in and K. L. Myers, 50 B 1'245 8 Mar . 1842, 8 n?r cent, t" Syl.Brown, endorsed 12 ?r h 1812, to tl. H 11, van and It L Myers, 50 C 10265 25 April, 1812, G. L rya'l, endorsed April, 84', to K. L. Myers, 50 $550 All renoni are forewarned against the payment of the above notes. A liberal reward will be paid for the re'urt. of ihr book and contents, to the subscriber, ar 75 Sooth Front street, or Messrs. AllibJne fk . 8 South Wnarves, Philadelphia, er to Messrs. Brrau k Mait'and. 17a krone street. New Voik. Pliil?(lel| hia, 27th May, if43 m30 lm?r (Signed) w. L. MYEHB. SAIL BOAT f'HALLENOE?Whati the matter! A\e. (hal*!'hf rub' When the smothered grow la of disappointe'l aacce** lurks in the lasnni of man, he Tears sight of ami.-ibilitT, pr??trati a himself, and in 'urbnfeut array dies n?h? rd*d and unknown. Such is the condition of a certain boat buildr ofrhia city who aeeki uotonety through nnnanvmnus conimuL'cationa The auKsrriher haa for ye in atom! m>on the conteated ground ol boat building, and long experience haa laoght htin that "Larue b"rka enn aentu e more. But little harka moat keep near shore." And when men think they can coiie with him in anperinr boat buildior t ey mutt not t ilk in paiables, but b'ddlv meet him at hisofllee door.ihere airamte for the nneritig teat of proof; hia rhallen.ea are alwara madr -u rood faith,hia oat' to cor qiier Upon thi principle he f trot hia t ulwrS, and now for the bun An th Mine he offer* to show the atern of "Troublrr 'to any h at t rolioa erer I uilt or haa on hano, for a trophy which will richly repay the exrenm. u'? Nuw where ii yont h?>nated back-ra; wl'r.r'i *i'Ur own daunted courage?draw the veil aud alio ? you rue I to the world. P. S ?One muritl.ta notice, nnr diatance under fifiy milea. Thfc "TV.ubler" can be aean at hia bazaar. (P 8.) C. L. lNQV.RSOLL, jnS^'m^ee 406 Waterstreet. THINK FORTTTtntgET VEITBEVORK ITTS TOO LATH. 'PHOMAS WILLIAM HARPER'* COUUH MKDI* ( I > ".?Thi i medecine haa been be for. the pnhl c for 12 yeara, v hirh ia proof of ita being a good mrdiciue. Ii H*a cored c ae'o' Asthma 30 yeats auoding, liaa never breu known to fail iu one care of the Whooping Cough. It can be given to b?bi?> 3 days old with t erfect s-frly F-tr eougha aud co'dr th-re <? not a betfr m dicine. Put up in bot'lea at ' X, 25 and 50 cen a each. Mold who'ea le 'ud retail at the effice 255 William 'trert, three doo a aoo h ol Berkm-n atreer. Remoreci fr m'7 I 2 Bowery. Bold at 63 Bowery, comer Walker at. my 6 Im ec TO BOOT-MAKERS. C. MORO HAS REMOVED from IJlto lis Leonard street, where he con'muci to cat Kit Ou hand ready cut kit, French and K.nulish. ml lm"ee PALMO'S ARCAPE B/?TH, 39 < HAMBaR STREET. fPHU GENTLEMEN'S SALOON NOW OPEN.-Oreat J- Kcdncion. B ilha 25 can's. B tha with robea or aheeta .37X " 25 ttcke a for $5. The aubactiher h.vmg leased the above eatablishmen', for a term ol years, hu r.nuMncd njprevt mrnts on * teale which when completed, vll, he flatters himself, vie in laste. in cos:ly elegsnce ?iw m guiticeucr, with any similar establishment iD the world; having visited the beat conducted bn'hs in Knmre, he feels no haaitaiion in assuring hi* fellow cttir-ns that ibe inrit which ha* for ihe past thirty year* actuated him in tirovi line (no matter ' t what coat.) the moat splendij mansions ior t! eir social comfort aud couretit'cce, hall not, on the present occiinn be loat tight of, and ttiat to the improveinen a and eltg ncte* of the Ku'Oiean Bttha.hewil take the I'beity of adding fn m t' e inriDtive rttonicea of hi* own cnltiv ted atd well knewti taste,all that he haa ohaerved wanting to rendei the enjoy ment of a bath the "ue pins ti tra" of p-rfeetioti. The Lanic* rial on will he in readiness in a frw day*. A n'l description of he van-d impr vementa wil1 be given when completed, md the whole thiown open fAr public ina ect;on. ml53me" hV. ItDlNANl) PALMO. C~ FaWPI" uatly Celebrate d Water roo Composition, _ tor Harnett at'd ''nrpaee Heads, Self Shining Harness , Liquid, Polishiu. Paste. It kc we, the ondfiatgnetl, htn g sufficiently tested Chatlee r.vry ? Waterpioi f Cnmp it'lim f? Harness nud Carriage I leads, also Sel' Shining Harness Liqui ', consider ihrm to be the bes' arti. es for beautifying a d preserving Harness ew into duced in th * iiy, and which ha* g r n ihe utmost sa iifactiou to those who ha*i used them. C. l'?Tey also m nulactures an article sup< rior t? any Tet offcietl to tlia public, for cleansti g fie mountings of harness, and ma- be n*?d fur silver aud stiver plated *oo-a. (irrmsn stiver, brass, ere. kc , W'thout th- se deslruclive effects so generally pn duc?d hy eorosive art cles?Juo. B k 'n?. Bull,feaddier*. 2U6 BroadwsT ; Wood Ulhvon, baildler.'tvO Kultuti *1, one door from Broadway; Hatnl. L. P' do, cor Broad vay end Mnrrav sis John H Kyersou, do, 3 wcry: Hver k Hughe*, do. CIS Broadway; Ino. H. Mardmald. do, 603 Bioadway ; Juo O Imora, do, 9 Sigth Avcune, la* Curr.d* l93Cau*lst; O Derrick, do, 4t6 Broad way; C. Francis, do. 3d Buweiy; Thos Wi Ike, do, 14 Broadway ; Wm Keily, do, 5 0 Brondway ; Hoheet K Story, do, 25 Fulton at, Brooklyn; Juo Better, do, I 8 High *t, do; Jas L Moore, do, 33 i>ultou at, do; Thos liolltns, do, Fultou street '? do, C. r*v*v the above testimony of no many competent judges to be (jure sufficient to cnn.ince the pnttlte that the above oem d aitieles are truly ralnable aud deserving of their ?' patronage Sold by all the principal Haddlen and Tlvmrss Makers ? , Hvness Liquid, iu stone nnttles, 25 cents each; Wnterprvf ( nn'i o? lion 25 cru n v I 'flCr-' I* j er hot; Polishing Pssm I2)k / . and tj cents e eh | t,e Poiishm-i lusste lo? rlioiin o (ieunsn i>i ? ! Dm ii , Dun ke k-, way *t|.> be obtained at theprincipal t-mily greet ea a? a hardware atwiet yjM*balM'of) 47 I najl . reti, near Chatham, where all orden Will I r pr? mi ll* ait aded to N 0 " ? ft . i tiinilir efC. Payey'r lienature, attached tof" 1 ' I. ?M h unnr irr (inQinc in2? 2 ? re CUTLERY \\J M v II.D, Mtrnf. cturcr and Imrn-terof Cutlery, No. ?* III) Di> laion alter I, offer. to the trnie. th?ap lot cath. a brain ul anotire I of onr, two, thiee nad four blade kntvci, Willi a y'riety of other goodi. A?Mr W anreniitrods the manufacturing of hia go"di, ha ran r?cowmend them t? be equal to the beat mai nfaelured goeda ill the eltr The maiiiry dealer. would do well to call previoui to purchraing elaewhrre mS7 lm*i FIREWORKS, CRACKERS ~iVc" FOURTH JULY, mo. /COUNTRY m d city JeMer. id firework., will find itta VV ilieii advantage to ea I end evamine an et enaive aaanrmeni < f the ?ie?t qttality. at H. A YL'lFKit'S li hmtn', Hf. h*ih"tn atirr t. A In Re quantity ol fire rrackera iuat rtcri-eri Remember thcaignol the two mammoth tit? rockcu nudroldkrt. n,90ti ^jy'r A YACHT FOHTBALE, t^\K an en tona hor lian, nine nmn'tia Id. and in perfect ?>ila-J ing order, we I lonnd in rveiy reapei I, arch a* awiong lor coek pi' alienor, srapling, cabiee, "airnt ahe ive block*, aaila nn 1 riag i r o' the very brat material*, a compute a It of rt?u? cleat. nil rudder head of, lina a hcnittfn cab n, fi.irly fiord it i wiih lOeVeri, cushion* a d looking glaaaea, ?py gi *?, nud n he* fiitnrea a penaining to'h-mm- ; naaalirye rrl.iBern'or nnder the crctp t. ihit will hold 1A0 Ihi ICE alo >o rigged. Ctrriea .quart tnpaailt, len th ?4 lect on deck, 9 tret lie m, trnh keel, II inc'iea d rp, lly wid- midahina bolt don b' Jet oft WiiglnlW If00 ba.. aLU ihoae thai know the adtanrtte of |. verege power, Will at once are ihat ahe cannot he knot k- d down m a aqn .11. and in ceae her hott< m i? atorr rh* CJniiot iiuh, at tb' h.n Che buoyancy #1 2B0O Wright cf cork hetwren her a du a'd ai ilmg, and la a very taat aailer. hor further parti, u'ar*. inquire of J. JENNlNUS, mSfl tni#m IM Broadway cor John ?t, up ?t?ira. front room. vt r. w ToS'n M rSTTTATT ok hoDa WXTEIT^i hi. T> new rttcle put to lial-i t it bottl-a, with tlyrapa of many different kindi, it particularly i darted to hotela, ateainboata, packet*, and I .mil. a It. ntlonli immediately a cool, ralreahing and healthy autniner bever-ge. tlrderr left nt Mr ?ton'* Mieeral Water Depot, No is Berk man erreet or with lie dritet of the wngon, will be puiicte*llf .p end -d t ar d aeut 10 toy part of thecity, Harlem Brnnkl' n, Hohnkrn kr m a 3'?m IJOWA' I) i l.l t; \MV t (lUK ?NirTICIC ?1 he IT rnr iiibrra o i|ie Ifowa d Cluh ?r? hereby notified, that, pur*u?u to Article 2, Beclioii *, of the revited rnlrt, the unmet! election lo' i ffirrraoi the Club, 'or the vear eon m-ncing on th. lat TYnridtvof Auguit negl, will be held at the C: u"> llooina on Tt.nrad y, the l?t dey of June nut. 'Ihe g. nil toeomminre at half-pnat? o'clock, P. M,, uctn.ll attend nice if the mrtnneri ia reanertfully rto ? -WM UICHAKU8. , I *m fficetary. u *. t Uh AC rUHr HB' bA.NK ol Be l7? lic let, LU in, Lumbtrmeiii' B.iuk Note? wantrdLior a ahjit tuna t 8 J. SY8VK8TEK H L, mV ' 2J Wall atreetand 130 Broadway Y| E NE N. M Wk t& jST OCw^STAnUSH^D PASSAGE OWTCE. No. 8l dOUTH 8TRKKT, N. Y. PASS AUK to and from Groat tud irelaud,vi* Liv?r po-I *u! L ?i d )u hy tliM ir i ?cW? i , a Id k 'vteU\ to and from Lut'iH ol, ??jd rouud fr> ui Loud n ou ??.?. v, 10 h and 20th <>.' each innnth. 'Ut'swiber iiia made ? x cmive atmoffincnt' to i rinv outMflvr tnt?, and cam, with gi> At cnnfi Jenc-, aj are those pertou* sending 'or the r ri-nl'.fhat e?t:ry due ard it gent xtteurioii wi'l be? n'pwn them mid nliw^o einb .rk with th? ?n. h* ant* cm r?Lo In* i fro n I ivcr pool 11 fct to Vfw Oru*-u?, v"o ile, 8a*umiati. Ph fJitioro, r'hi'adi Iphi i, B ? too, and to t:,e t IT-rent |ior * or tie British Province*. "^ith thane arrangements, together with the advantage whicli his sivarp ol c rrtsp ni?t*:iir.H possess, b' lUK la ge *hi??o\vnert and exte>?ivel eegatf'd in the r? >khttuy: ulioeii?hiving 1 it ytwt despatched apwarda ? f loo firvtelan heps to the various porta uf the Uuited States. with freight and passengers. The facility offered by this stablnlum' t u ??usarpassed, and from the large number of first class ships employed in the liue there can bo no d teu ion whatever, which "Ill ur Kininui"fu I lie < ! passage y?iii uc ni I n? i.iwesi rates, au should any of tho*e sent lor ecliue c.nii.g, I he pas isi;rmon?y wnl Da rammed ?s emtomsiy. The s'e-mboat fare 'rum the diffVre t ports to Liverpool van,as usual, be secured. Those lemittiug inon-y to their frieurts cau hare drafts o a?y Bum ur, avable iu a'l the pone pal t wo.., witt.out discou t, t'uouehont Orea' Britam and Ireland, au arrangement which has given the greatest sa'isfactiou.. The subscribe' botes tor reive a com inn it on of the public pationage, which h s ?en so liberally bestowed for many years i ast. For further particulars apply, (if by It iter tiosi paid) to JOHN H K, It DM AN, HI South st.N Y, or J. b W. ROBINSON No 16 Uoree Piazzas, Ueotge's Dock, and 1 Neptune et, Waterloo JJock, Lnerpool. A i, E \ is Thcs J Timmins, It's , No. I6J South Front st, Diilsda. Patric1 M lton, Esq Buff io.N Y. J s? h Kir p.ttriet, Pitts burun, Pa. Mil l I McQ ade, Utica, N Y. J A Noomaa, Milweukic, Wisconsin, Ty. Chs. McCorkey, Dubuque, low l Ty. J It Elliott, Detroit, Michigan. Coreelius Calinl, Peru, Illiunis. J ihn K guy, Roches er, N. Y. N. B?The subscriber is also a cut fo' first < lass packet ships mill it every few d ty divs fr on New York lo N' w Orlean i, Mobile, t'harleston. and Savannah, by which passage ra . i.e secured at thejowrst rale. m2<r PA^^^TTROM GHKA^^^tain A BY THE BLACK BALL OR OLD LINE OF LIVERPOOL PACKETS. [Sailing from Liverpool ou the 7th aud 19th of every month.] Persons wishing to send to the Old Country for their friends can make the necessary arrangements with the subscribers, and have them come out in this superior L.ine of Packets, sailing from L iverneol unrtually ou the 7th aud 19th of every month. T| ev will also have a first rate class of American trading ship*, lailinp every su days, thereby affording weekly enmmumraliou from that port. One of the firm (Mr. James D. Roche) is there, te see that they shall be forwarded with care and ties patch. Should the parties agreed for not come , ut, the money will De returned to those who paid it here, a ithout anv reduc tion. The Black Ball, or Old Line of Liverpool Pa >ets, comprise the following magiiificeut Shins, viz:? The OXFORD, The NEW YORK, CAMBRIDGE, COLUMBUS. EUROPE, SOUTH AMERICA, ENGLAND, NORTH AMERICA. With such superior and unequalled arrangemeats, ill* subscribers confidently look forward for a continuance of that support which Ims been extended to them so many years, tor which they are giateful. Those proceeding, or remitting inoncy to their relatives, can stall tunes obtain Drafts at sight for any amount, drawn direct on the Royal Bank of Ireland, Dublin, also on Messrs. PRESCOTT. OROTK, AME8 & CO. Bankers, London,. wmcn win oe pain ou oernand at any 01 tne nanus, or weir Branches, in all the principal towns throughout England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. ApP.y.or.ddre...(ifb!il5u?vpo.Bt^d+,HER8 & 15 Fultou street, New York, next door to the Fultou Bank.' N. B.?The Old Line of Li?er|>ool Packets sail Irom this port for Liverpool on the 1st and 19th of each month. Tartirs returning to the old country will find it to their comfort and ideantage to select this favorite Line for their conveyance, in preference to any other. d27 r NEW~ LINK Oh LIVEKITHJL 1'ACKM'S. '"o ailfrom New York ou the 26th nud Liverpool on tlie 11th tI cacli in-nth. m Mr M m t?qM(iSBBsd ?HO.TOmni JRkHk' FRVM NKW YOHK. Ship GAHRICK, Captain Wm. Skiddy, 25th February. Ship KOSC1U8, Captain Johu Collins, 25th March Ship S1DDON8. Captain E. B. Cobb, 25lh April. Ship SHERIDAN, Captain F. A. Depeyster, 25tii May. Fbom Liwrpo?i.. Ship 81DDON8, Captain E. B. Cobb, lJth February. Ship SHERIDAN, Captain F. A. Driieyster, 12th March. Ship UARRICK, Captain Wm. iskiduy, 13th April. Ship R08CIIJS. Captain John Collins, 13th May. Thesei hips are all ofthe first class, upwards of ISM lens, ouilt iStbs city of New York, with each improvements sseOMMM fTC4t r.jieed with unusual comfort lor jiasaciigcrs Every caie i.u inrru uun iu uir arrangement 01 uieir accommodation*. The puce of passage hence ii $100, for which ample stores will oe provided. There ship* ore commanded bp eaperiruced auieten, who will make every eiertiou to gisu Rene rid atiafactiou Neither the captains or owner* of~il nwill be responst* ble for ai y letter*, parcel* or package ??en by thera, unless rt' gular hi lis of lading are (igned therefor. For Height or pas* eg!*, apply to K. K. COLLINS fc CO., 56 South it.. New York, or to WM. It JA8. BROWN k CO., Liverpool. Let -i hy the packet* will be charged I2K cents yier aincle he* t I) cent* per ounce, and newipaper* 1 cent each. f3 r - A FOR LONDON?r/MM ofta* i.tof Jana?Tht 4fy Tie! did Us- sailing packet alnp MEDIATOR, ' npt edM&Cha-wich, will be despatched fjr London a* above, n* r regu'n day Those wishing to secure bcrlhi will rrqaire to make early ayplicatiooto JOHN HEUDMAN61 South at, near Wall at. N. B ?Passaee can alio be secured to and fn m London by anv of Ihe trRular line ot packet ahipa, tailing on tne In, 16>h and 20ih of each innn'h. and 'o and from Liverpool on the lit. 7ih, i3 h, 19th and 35 h of each mouth, at he lovreat rati a, a d drafia furniahrd for aoy amount, "ay .ble iD all 'he principal lo? n* throughout the United K ngdom, on application as above. m3lec iia>- passage eok Liverpool?Sail* on nlfV Thnnday the fi'it oi Jane.?The favorite, very BMb1"!! seiliov ship CHESTER, John Doyle, cotnmaj.d cr, will sail as above The Chester i* we'l known to he one of tha fastest ihipa in t' e Liverrool trade, makinR her las' passage to that pott in 19 days. A few more cabeu. *eeond cibii and ste*rago |>asie"Rer* can be yrtli ioi d.ii immediate application ismide on board, at Pier 17 East Hirer, m to ihe subscribers, ROCHE BROTHERS k CO., m3l ec 35 Fulton st. nest door to the Fulto'.i B nk b'OK LI VERPOOL.? Regular packet of the 7tn ?9Hb.liitir.-Tlir very superior, fast (Ailina packet ?hit SiEeJ&GEOROE WASHINGTON, Capt Barrows, wi I positively sail as above. ilaring very superior accommodations for cabin .second cabin -Ml steerage passengers, per-, mi wishing to embark should make early application to JOSEPH memukkav. 100 Pine ?t., cor. South. _Tie above wi'l be encce'd'd bv the aplei di 1 p eket ship Uti ted S'ates, '"apt Biiiton, and *ail on the 13 h June. Persons wishing to send tn> tneir IrieuOs in the old cnnnlrv, can have them brought ont by the above ehip, or any of ilia regular packets, bv applyinR as above : if by letter eoat pant roS'r NEW LINK LIVERPOOL PACK TS-Parket nffV H'h Jii. e?Tli- splendid, fait ssiliug Packet Ship JlJyUkb ROCHES TKR, Capt ittos, will sail positively as aii iv, , her regular day. Th- ships of 'his line vie all 190# t in* bur'hru aDd upwards, and their aecoinm >dstiop? for cabin, second cibii, and steertve paiaeugeia, it ii w-ll known are superior to nnv other line of y,acke't Tlnsc wishing to lecnie be 11 hi should not fail to makeearlv application no board, or to W. fc J. T. TAPaCOTP 43 Pe*k s io.ccr-er Soipb ?t. 1 he Gar'ick will iticcerd the Rochester, and eail I5ih Jn mr8 r KOH FREIGHT OU CHARTER ?The eery kfjRVWfa<[ miling. coppered, New Vork Iuilt, rltip Yazoo, JMMKeCapl. Traak, 1V9 ion* Anpylo K. K. COLLINS !c CO.. mil re 56 South itnt. FOR VRK'OHT OR CHARTER -The rery kft?9k.fa>'inline. coppered, New York built, ship MisauJBSAtatil pi, Capl. Billiard, 6,0 'o , Ai ply to E. K COLLINS & CO , m3l ec 56 South tt get. NORTHERN AND WESTERN EMIGRANT passage office. Thy Subarriber* havina completed th'ir ar ane, m'HH, are n?w prepared to forward paue ger* o ,11 th? Northern and Wriir n dtatea and Canada, he daily lin'? of towhoa'a. rai r< ad< anil ?'e imboa'*, via ih< North riytrand E re Canal, upper Lakea, I'l.'ladelphia auJ I'ittatmigh. Ohio river and < anil ronte*. The following are a lew of the trott important V'i t? la Uli -a, Buffalo, PoHivrlla, Oalena, S.rarnta, Cleveland, Pittabnrgh, Toronto, Or* ego, Detroit, Cincinnati!, Kingttnn, Rochester, Milwaultie, St. Loul*, St. John*, Ltckpor', Chicago, Loniiville, Montreal. Alio to any part of . , Ohio, Illinois, Miatonri, Indiana, Mirhipan, Tenut??ee, Ke..tncky, Wne?ti?tn, Iowa, I !nn*r an,I Cower Canada. Having given inch'un'i?f i?o in their London and Liretpool linn of uackcta, the i.birrilirr* will . ' i? mike the prearnt nndertakttig equally teaerviiig of pnbli fa tot. Peraona about to emigrate to any of the a ve place* wa rcqueated to call on the aubaeribera before tl .Jin* I be It at range "'COta, tu they cotifidei tly beliere the icdticc menta they can offer are aneh a< cannot fail to prove highly aOT'titagropa, and they pledge them?elve? th it every attention i.iall be pntn to it nre comfort eti? deapnti h Kor further pattien'ara ?i pi" to . , W. k J. T TAI'srOTT, at their O.-neral tn4 t Parnate Office. 43 Peek ?hp cur Pouth ?t._ m&mi& fULLF.v h ron"g txruKBB, 3 WALL HTKK.ET Tha anbacriher*. thr old ron''n-lor? of Harnden h Co.'a Fi pfii from New Yo;k, will continue to tnn ra heretofore.leavtog New York, Aleaay and Troy daily, and wi'l forward B|ierie. Bink Notea, P.iek*vea, Bnndlea, C*<eanf Oooda. he . in connection with Mraar . Bailey k HwirdH 'Ote?t Weafem Pip eta," to and fr..m the tollown g placet i* Utiea, BrtaC'iae, Oawego.Anburn, HeuecaFdla, O neva, Canadaigna, Itocbea er, Batavia Leek port, Beffalo, Detroit. Clravelaud aid' lvcag?: Ritigiion.Toron o nnd H unilton in Canada Weal By Jacob*' North* in Ktp-eea, to White hall. Darlington, Champlain and Plattahurgh; lau to Br J hot, Montreal and Otarec, in Canada rait They will ala conmct with Haicn h Co'a Bontkern Kiireaa at New York, and forward .itti'lea of everv detpription to Philadelphia Baltimore and W.aahington. P'Hien'ar atlen'ion will be paid to the collection of Notre, Urafta. he and prompt rt tntnt mad* b? fi-et Kep'ru. r.ach meaeeiigrr will he provided with one of Wilder'a Patent Pain minder Bofre, therrby affo ding greater accnrity ia the trsnamitaion of valuable papera ho OFFICES. PUI.LF.N h CO PP. No. 1 Wall atreet, New York. THO.MAH UOUOll, No 15 k'arhange, Albany. A. O FILKINH, iff Hirer atreet, Trna. H JALPBf, Kachanae Comt, Ht. Paul, Montreal. Reference? Mews Prime, War.) h Kiog Jaei b Litlle h Co., John T Bnwh h Co., Papoon h H ffman, Ca pen er h Veiniilye, Honghton k Co . Drew, Uobinaon k < *., N. Toik, K.J. Humphrey. k'.aq , "1 hornet (Jongh, , Alnanv' John Tame. Eeq , cashier, P. Welle, do. , K. Btow.d >.,C. 9. Ucnglaa, do, V. Leake, do, Troy. mfleod 1; /' w vo EW YORK. THURSDAY M EXCHANGE HOTEL, BALTIMORE^ Till * home having uud. rg mr many itnpe rtaul alterations ami thor uvli repair* having been in pari refurnished with r,., elegant furniture. U attain open for the reception of compart)-. Iraj Tlir position o( tliia Hotel ia ion well known to reonire a <letai'. of if* advanta fa. ll ia cocfessed in lie, lor pent le of busiuess or pleasure, on*of llie most Itvorable of any II the iry Rr<' The present proprietor intern's that c ire and industry shall jog not b' warning to im.rove it* natural . dvautages, uiulrr his *uprrintend nice, and he respectfully solicits the patronage of his friends ami Hie public. KKAST'TS COLKVAN. / Baltimore. April 20. I81d. a?3 odtmr g|a WADAWANUGK HOUSE, an' 8TO ^INQTON, CONN wu 'PHK nbovr Hotel, erecte-1 at a c st of between sixty and I ?ev< nty'housou! dollars, a .d lurulsh d in asti le n t sur- lot t esird by any stutilai es'ablnlimeut m this country,is nuwr|ien nor for >h* r< caption of company. The hou e is'ocaled a-tne extreme end of the vi'Iiage, over- . lot kniir lite MOM, ami from its splendid p aj7. s ami olis rvate- "p re, c <u lie had a beautiful view ol the Sound, us ahtpmag and trib numerous islands; as also a vie w of the oceaa, from w hich can j() j be enj yed its bracing ar and sea breese. Tins rst.'.bltkhmeut enjoys sii|ier or advantages for bathing, Pr0 having in the home ho' anil c Id sal' ami I'reslt water haihs, ami ill I at a few rod* distance, belonging to the hotel there is a balling ho-si for lee bathing, With i large swimming h th for gentlein n anil one lor lalirs, with dressing loom, attached, ?s well 111V as rivate baths. Atticle.1 to the hotel thr-? is a Bil lard <i Id Room and dowling Saloon, and fur the secommod ition of gen- W|C i llem-u and parties whi are loud #f fishing, there are a number orsale hi,d ei uinandiuUi sailing hosts, with careful men to take ''f' cliaige u them, w )io uiplerst u d the locality of the various lish- cot ing grouti'1*. for wh'ch this place is so celebrated. tUf, In consequence of tne depressed mate ol the times,the cltarge for ooa d is i>< to'he following rstes:? a3' Transcic i Boaid per day. SI SO / Persons remaining six weeks, in the moa hi ol tj-a July aud August, per week, 7 00 . For six weks, or louge , i? the months of a" May. Juue, September, or October, per tlOl week, 5 00 tjal Children aud servants, half price. r The object of the aohscriber will e to render his house a x quirt Reuleel hotel, and at the same time lie wishes t'l study TCC the comfort of hi guests more llian the establishing ofarbilta- rife ry rule. HOKATlO BLAKK.. . fup honnerly of the frm of Blake & Heed, of the Marine Pavilion, Rock away, and Waserlv Moose, N-w York. n>5 eod I w lies SHARON SPRI N(I8, PAVILION, HCOHAlllE COUN Th' TV, N. V.?This side did aud commodious Hotel havu g bon J beeunihrgi l, T 'liaioted an < r?furnished in the most ele-ant i manner lliruti rhout. iluriDg ih? |> st winter, will he opened lor l"d' tha rece|iliou of visiters by tlit subscribers on the 25th of May ant ensuing. Re The alterations and additions to the interior will enable them ,:0| to'accommodaV.' a in cli grea'ei numb' rof visiters thanlorinerly J ! and in a manner ailorilnig eveiy cornfoi t and convenience The Iff prnineu de gtoinds will b' hiudsoroel. relnlri out ? iill a view gra id alio il th- most advaniagenns prospect of the turrcnnd nit .u? ccun'ry. The roads to and about the Spring* a-e being im ! proved and low ones (HUM for c rea'c r aC' onimod ifion o' tlO equestriao*. The grounds and water course! in the vanity of byl the Balli H"use hnve alto been tmtefully laid out. Th- B 'th Hon e it being enlarged Mid much i proved and will accniumo dateaM who msv dcs're to bathe. There art four new and sptci- Silt mm BallAlleys which have la'elv hern erected The inteti' r nr- I raurements of the PafillOB are sin h its to afford every attention unj to the comfort and withes of visiters wi'li a well organized corptof servants; and in thort toe sobaciihert will be ptepared wa to receive their visiters in a manner not to he surpassed by an offi establishment iu the conn'n'. dpi Of the White Sulphur Water of h'haron St r;ngi it can be .. a-tid it it not turpastrd by iiny thing ol the hind iu th' litiown ."If world for ths enre f rhnirentic, cutaueous.biliou and dytpep- inc lie complaints, and lor the onrr of erysepi'as, Kit rhenm, aero fula, li'er complaint, and general d-bility, at h's been Certified by tome ofihe moat emiueot mn icol protestors Bv a recast ana'ysis made for the proprietors of the Springs, of bv one o' the m >at einineut chemius in this country (Dr Chil- ton ol New York) th' following results have been obtaiued from one gallon of water? l;e' Or lins* dut Snltihate of Magnesia 12.10 ' Bull hve of Lime 11162 j ('.Vl'miil. ,.t I'll eel Chloride of Magnesium 2 40 of Hydr tulphuret ol Col mm ) , [[ j Veg- table extiaclire matter J wl 16" .91 W Pulrh'tretted Hydrogen On 18 cubic inches. ljn T- ese 8pr'Dgt ere within a few hour*' ride of Albany, Tr?y Rniatoga, Schenectady, U ira, &<: ; ai d are accessible either "J.' from Cauajoharie, on the Albany nud U ica Railroad, where Of post coaches daiiV await the arrival of the morning eara Irom , Schenectady and Ulica, to coutey y.sitors to the Rpiings. a . dialaece of about eig t miles, arriving in time for dinner; or br ' the turnp ke from Albany to Ch-rry Vsllev, bv d tily * itie?, |>?l nsing ab ut forty five miles west of nr citv of Albany. PersoDs tril leaving New I ork in the evening boat- for Albany, arrive at the Bhsron Springs the n?f Jav in lime for dinner. , C..AKK, GARDNER & HASKELL. the April 2A, 1S4S. alO eml3m*r ||,e AVON SPRINGS, sut , LIVINGSTON COIJ >TV, NEW YORK. i,e, THE Proprietors would notify the puhlic that tne season for the am ual visit >iion of these fountains of health has arrived, and ihst there are fivr hotels and 'our bathinv establish- fill meuu ready for the reception of company. For adrice in regard to the probable rfT-ci of ihese waters iu their individual , cases, anil for anal vais . f the differ lit spriugs, they are lermit- ''It ted to refer to llr. J W. Francis, No. I Bond street; i > Dr H. the P Bnlkley, f.erinrer on diseases of the skin, No. 43 P.lercker ev. street or to Dr Salisbury, at the Springs. ro?7 2nVr EX? HANGE HOTEL. POTTSVlLLK, Pcnu. J SEI PZINOER, respectfuMv ni.nonnces to the travelling htJS community, that he keeps that larg and splrudid estabi'ish ol ment th-; Exchange H. tel, situate at the corner of Cent e and ' Callownill streets, nearly opposite Town Hall, in the Bor p oath ef l'otuville, which has been thoiuglily repaired and in iterially imrroved for ihe sccornmo ntion of visitor*. The ho- ar tel is forty fret fri ut on Centre strert and one hundrrd and ce!j thirty eight feet front on Cnllowliill, time stories nigh; it is ' sdmirably piovided with pariors, sitting rooms, rending room. and large airy chambers?the most i|>acious, pleasant sad con- lie veincnt dining room iu the country?s new and sufierr r bathing ya| establishment?aud esery convenience and comfort to reuder it in all respects a most desirable hotel. n'c 'Die stablniB attached, is lute and well const'acted,and en, superintended by experienced and attentive hostlers. Horses pie and carriages may be liad at any time to convey persons to any on. part ot thr co utry. An omnibus tur from thii hotel d*ily, to and f orn the depot Sltf to meet the car?. for the accommodation of peraom As ou the Hailr .a.l No cha (te for omnibus fare to thia hotel. .... fottaville. May I. i>4S ml ltn*?c ' BELMONT HOUShi, NKW BltlGli TON. THE subscriber begs leave to inform hi? friends a?d the nab lie, that he lias taken the above well known house, winch mlit baa been thoroughly repaired and painted in the beat manner, a h newly furnished throughout, and will be opeu-d ou the first of May ueit. The I onae is delightfully situated immediately opposite the tesinboat landing, ami from its tnaz^ta commands a view ei r tendiuit up the Kills and ovor the bay and harbour of \>w York. To those desirous of a plcaianl reaidriicr during the summer months, possessing the advantages of fine salt wate> bathing, together with beautiful drives and walks.and conve ||n ment access re the citv every two hours by steam, the Brlmoni House oilers inducements unsurpassed by any other on the Is tilt land, and the subscriber trusts that his forme'efforts to give . satisfaction ns proprietor of the Tisiltou, with his rent1 wed determination to sp-re no panta to retnler his house agreeable, _ will ensure him the con'inuatmn of a particn of the ptlronage 1 he h?s heretofore been favored with. Br GEORGE PIERIS, Nsw BaioHTort, April U. 1IM3 ar '3i?tfr 81'RK sD EAGLE HOTEL, [J1' 44 Whitehall street, opposite the Battery Garden. THI8 house having undergone many alteration' and repairs? As having been newly furu'shed?trie present proprietor re speetfully announces te his friends of the old e .untry and tra- . veiling ruhlic gei.era'ly, that it is now open lor the reception t'? of permanent and trmi'cunt boarders gin Thr position of ibis hotel requires but litt'e detail of its ad r)., vantages, being situaied facing the Battery Garden,and ei m- , mandii'ga full tiew of the Bay; within one minutes'walk of " ? the I hi'.adelphia, Bosronand Albinr ste?mbo*ts. La The proprietor intends tliat care and industry,and moderation id charges, shall not be wanting to merit the patronage of the pnbiie. ^ Home-brewed ale, wines, spirits, 8ic, of the best quality, C. three rents a glais, HENRY H dHIEKITHS, Bn mt5 lm*r Late of Bath England j()j * I'AV L ON-KtlKT LEE L-, THE above estahli huieut r aving been refit'ed in the tnos' . .. fashioi.ahr and mod-m styie, wss o| ene d On the lirst of * ' May lor thv reception ot vintnrs and nerinxuen' bo"ders. vet No Icealisn ran surpass tl is for sluhrity and convenience beii g litMIOd within nine miles of the city at ihe commence mi-niui uic i n iino'f i, iiu ins wru i.iiih 01 mr nuut u. ror M'y invalida, or thoae wishing retirement and recieation, ihia Mil ratabliahmem prevents muny adviintagea, having rtliDiirt Si>> grwads lor praiMB*dtt wb*ro raum inikiiiiiMdnM im ummermn; with conve ienres for bathing, inch aa to pirate *J'>( the mntt faetidinaa. The exteneive pr.iepect from 'he Pavilion Th and adjoining height#. are i>ntnr|>aaietJ for i -a bean y. Milittry Ja, companies on encampment or tarketexcn ion#, will find every * convenience. at the grcnnda hare been laid ont exprtaaly for &lr tlioae piirpoaea. ITT"! he areamho.1t Beaton, Captain Bihcwck, will ply tegn- r letTy, giviag laciliiiea to thoai-having hnaine?a in the city, to viait daily. OIH Kor tcrmi or pertienlata enqnire at Jollies Mnaic Store, 3*5 Co' B-oadway. JOHN A. WHITFIELD, minim*r Proprietor. r BATTF.HY AND PHILADELPHIA HOTEL, I,',!! BATTKRY ' LArE, MW VOhR "PHIS eateblishment having nndeignne thor ugh retail# the rnhacriher bega to announce to her fiirndr. and the tr v-lling Nil pnhlie, that itii now in comilete order lor the rece ition if Jim atrangera. 'I he h ti?e ii rfeligh fu'ly aiitited, fronting the c bratuiful Bay and Battery of Nriv York, ami in the immediate , mcidi yif the ateamho t land'iigi for Bo ton. Alba>-?, and Cd>i I'hitadelihilt. The mb erihrr Ina reduced toe taie of tire to ei accord with the tim1 a, andtma'i by nret attention t i the comfort of thoae who honor her w.ilh their farora, to inrnt a 'ur ahaie of nnhlic patronage. |on P B.?Meala are aerted at any honr o( the day wi'l ont eny v eitraiharge. and partiea leaving by the c.-rly hoata, may rely on b ing called ia proper time. lo I m?it*i MARY PRTKTK. |jb< CORRYNV COTTAGE, lor STRYKETI's RAY, 1 T9 NOW OPKN.andtn lull operation, lor the Splits* end ^Ta 1 Sntnmr r tciaena. During the winter many alteration! and improvement# hire |,C< beeu mule which ia believed,and materially to the corn . fort of viaitnri IIN A SALOON forty-five feet in length haa been rrected for _ the acromirodniiou of large partita at diuneri, anppera,concer a, or Cotilloni ( A separate entrance hu hern opened for the bar, renderiug R,, the tadiee'jKrlort otiipt end arl? eted. pai Of the Wimci, Liqitona, Cotnrt riaiaim CaveMi.kc, c , it ia only uere-aarv to ?nv, thev will be, aa hetetolote, *, r Oh THE Vh.HY KIHST qU.fiLn Y No Civil and obliging attendant* are enRaged, and every efTort me will he need t? uii'iiin the 'cpntatiou tl ia liviae h?a already B\ acquired, and to render a vivit to \t COrtBYN'd COTTAGE deairahle and aatiafaci rv. mo An (?rdina?T every 'umlar at I o'clock. Ti kets 5* < enta. "'niter* Bay ia aitnatrd on the nana a of the Hud ton i W i tlx imlra (rom tin City Hall,by the Dloomingdale tOvd. Htinr> 8?i fait evi iy honr from the corner ol T.yon 1 lace and I 'hiiham i ?"*' hare IIHeenta. miliar , liULell h OP I. S< A P PARTS-? tOCO I iw priced Tv ruled foolaeap, for rale by PKRBat . 'tHOOKS, mf-ltl No. l. L wrty atriet. 1 WV RK I [0RN1NG, JUNE 1, 184 Albany. [Correipomlence of tin- H< rulil.] Aljumy, May 30, 1843. \ttanand 'Jhin^t in Albany?Medical?Political ?He/if iout and Financial. 11 a... i." KJ. DAnNKTI, : VhiDt your correspor dents in every other sec1 of the country are diligent in their contrihuls to the Herald, we here in Albany, who read ir pu|>er with as much gratification as any other pie, either in Europe, China or Texas, are at Bent entirely destitute of that pleasure which we lerienced, during the recent session of the Legistre, when the graphic pen of " Joe Smith," ported the incidents of the city?of the cupitol.? s were much delighted with his writings, and retted the announcement which he made of leavU9 Poor fellow! I wonder it he was so fortu e as to find sufficient favor with His Excellency to obtain his office 1 in occasional leisure hour, from the study oi ckstone, Chitty, Cowan and Kent, will afford me opportunity of sending to you a few puragraghs. ich 1 havcthp egotism and vanity to believe will injure the patronage of the Herald in this city, dilute the interest which is now manifested in perusal of its columns. And it the editor should bo unfortunate as to he brought before a legal unalforany libellous matter which may happen low from my pen, he may rest assured of being tected and defended, unless the venue be laid he Montgomery or Saratoga Circuit ; in such e, then the safest method would be to ' retract," ' costs, and promise to behave better in future? Weed ! 1 shall, however, endeavor to avoid h an unpleasant dilemma. It the editor of the raid was on the eve ol u departure for a foreign inlry, perhaps then a little notoriety of this na u, by way of public introduction, might be useful i kind of odd-fellowship during the excursion. lb I am not much of a politician, neither very ulin my views of sectarian religion, 1 feel persuaIthat my essays will he taken as candid exlubiis of things, as they are without nny bias or parities in favor of, or against any person 'ublic men, who arrogate to themselvee the dition and control of matters, both secular and spilal, ought always to be judged and spoken ol by indulgt nt people with a spirit and degree of hoty, commensurate with their ostward actions, ere is no city or town in the country which can ist of a greater variety of talent, comprising cleri, legal, medical, political, mercantile, temper:e and banking. At the head of the former, the v. l)r. Sprague. occupies the most elevated posin. hnttl h? A miliiil Herlmmer unrt pvnnir?ti?ul wri His wonderful curiosity for obtaining " autoipha," led him into a controversy wi'h Delavan, temperance apostle, which required all the caun, prudence and sagacity of the pillars of the Pres terian Church (both ol whom are members) tc sh up, and arrest, rather than expose facts which puld absolutely be kept " from the public eye." It the head of the bar, Samuel Stevens, Esq., by versal consent, most prominently stands. He s but once in his whole life a candidate lor public ice?that was for Attorney General?hut hp was eated byThurlow Weed's associate, Willis Hall. . Stevens' practice is worth $15,000 a year, and reusing continually. He is an ornament to his Cession, a candid counsellor and a sale advocate, moves only in the highest circle of our courts equity and law, traversing the State in every dilion, while his industrious and indefatigable puttr, Mr. Cagger, performs all the immense office :ies, at the head of about a dozen efficient clerks rhe medical faculty have very deservedly award to Alden March, M. D. the distinguished honoi occupying the most elevated rank among them is an honor which any living man might envy, fo len such competent practitioners as M'Naughton endell, Eights, Wing, Bay and Townsend, re quish the palm of merit to any one, that one mus feed be highly elevated above the ordinary walk; the profession. Asa political tactician Mr. Edwin Croswell sfil ains the acknowledged pre-eminence. His ex lence of twenty years lmt? amply qualified him tc n his sails with the popular breeze. His ready 11 has introduced hitn into the highest circles ol nation, and consequently rendered hirr. one ol ! most conspicuous tacticians of the age. His :eess has been unprectdented. Ilis fortunes have mi somewhat precarious At the commencement the great speculating mania of 1836 he invested y thousand dollars, the ottent of his wealth, in junction with Coming, Olcott.Townsend, Reneit and a few others, in the purchase of city lots in wilds of Milwaukte. It that property should ;r become "available," his great, great, great ind Croswells nuy derive some benefit from the ;hcious speculations ol their celebrated ancestoi the nineteenth century! riie mercantile community have placed Erastiu rning in their front rank, and well they may. At n?rchant, liberal, enterprising, shrpwd and sue islul, he suffers no rivalship here. From an ordi y counting house clerk, at a three hundred salary has in a few years amasseda fortune of iinmenst ue. Ab a merchant of strict integrity and th< est sense of honor, Mr Cornings'andsunstirpnss and it he has elevated himself to the pinnacle o rcantile lame, it has not been at the exnense o / of his lellow dealers, or at the sacrifice of k gle principle ol high and honorable competition a hanker he is liberal, accommodating and geneis, but he was never intended for a politician, hit :ure is too godlike. 1 hope to see hi in abandon t arena and leave politics to the narrow nnndt f the polluted men ol the times, lie is fitted foi ligher and more honorable sphere ol action. With profound respect, yours, tec. Jeremiah. The New York Annual Methodist Confe nck?The Conference has been in session ir s city for the past two weeks, and assembled fo : last time in the Mulberry street church on Tues y evening The Bishop read the following ap intments for the ensuing year for tins city anc ooklyn only:? New York District?Phineas Rice, P. E ; C Pit. in, Corresponding Secretary of the Missionary ciety of the M E. Church ; George Lane, Book rent; Peter P Sandford, Assistant Book Agent urge Peck, Editor of the Quarterly Review, and oks of the general catalogue; George Coles, Aslant Editor of the Christian Advocate and Jour I; New York city?John street, Valentine Ruck rsyth street, Heman Bangs; Duanr street, Joseph VI/ A 11n Ufrppf li nhprf Spnpv tfruof han C. Cheney; Seventh street, A. M. Osbon ; illettstreet. Peter C. Oakley; Gieene street, John Greene, B. Ilowe, sup.; Second street, Nathan ngs; Vestry street, to he supplied; Mulberry street tn Dempster, Geortre G Sutton, sup.; Eighteenth et, Davis Stocking; Mariners' Church, Henry ase; Sullivan street. Gad N Smith; Twentv-seith street and Forty first street. Jarvis Z. Nichols; rlein and Yorkville, Hichard Seaman, sup, Sael A. Seaman; Asbury, l'"/.ra Withey; German ssion, John C. Lvon. Long hi ami Dintrut? phen Martindale, P. E.; Brooklyn, First church, onard M. Vincent; Second church, John Poisal; ird church, Jamea Svwell; Centenary church, nrs Youngs, Raphael Gilbert, sup; William K. tpford, Agent for the Wesleyan University. J. S Commissioners' Court?George T. Curtis, ; of the Commissioners of the United States urts, was engaged on Saturdny in investigating tain complaintn for an assault by the mnte, Benlin C. Eldridge, and a cruel and unusual punishnt by the master, Wm. H. Gardiner, inflicted on of the crew of ihe ship Richard Mitchell of ntuckct, a wha'ing vessel, on a voyage in the lth Pacific. They were ordered to recognize their appearance at the next term of the District art.? Ho*ton Courier. Piie Dunham Divorce Cask Decided.?On Saday, Chief Justice Shaw delivered at Boston a g and elaborate opinion, in which he carefully lewed the whole evidence in the case, and came ihe result that the husband had not sustained his *1. lie ordered it to be dismissed, with costs the wife. <Javal ?List of officers of the U. S sloop of war irion, at Norfolk from St Thomas. The M. has n absent from the United States seven months, in West Indies and on the Coast of Central Amea. tommander Wm. M. Armstromg ; Lieut*. Thomas W. 'nt, Oliver A. Olisson, Carter D Poindexter ; Surgeon nlel C. MrLeod; Assistant Surgeon J. W. Taylor; PurWm A. Christian; Acting Master Callondor St George, Acting Prof Walter W Delncy ; Passed Mldshi|in Madison Rush. K. 8 Winder ; Mr'?hlpmen A. t reus, Washington P Bockner, Wm. 9. Cushman, Geo Dihhle, Krcderirh M. Humphry, John P. Hall, Philen H H it wood, Andrew W. Johnson, R D Minor, Jefion McRoherta, Joseph Seawall; Boatswain, George Imutli; Gunner R 8 King; f'arponter, John Overman I maker, John Joint. Ikmoved ?Thos. J. Marvin has been appointed tuiastrr at .Saratoga Spring*, vice Judiah Ellarth, rnioved. I ERA 13. Literary Copyright. Mr. Editor :? It whs with the greatest indignation that ] read in the Courier and Enquirer, the fol lowing remarks on the appearance of the new nuntber^rf Allison's Europe, published by the Harpers:? " The present number contains 160 pages and is sole as usual at 25 cents. The entire work will occupy 16 numbers, the price of the whole being 4 dollars How dillerent fhi > from the English system of pub I bulling !" fc".,(Ssc (See Courier and Enquirer, Ma) 5th.) This ia adding insult to injury; this editor not content with taking the property <>t annthei man's lirain, must make it the subject lor an mime riled encomium on the publishers of this country and an unjust reflection on those it Great Britain. "He says the same work can be obtained ii Great Britain for not lees than If? times ttie sum but dues he not know the reason whv the i rice i higher in the one country than in the other'! If hi does not, I will tell him. In the one country the ar tide of merchandise (which is tht man's book' has been paid for, in this country it has not ? The English publisher and public liave |iu:d Mr Allison for his property (ilus emanation ot tin brain) ?they have paid him lor Ilia eight years lu hour; Messrs. Harpers have not done so, and ther? is the reason why the book is cheaper in one coun try than in the other. Because there is no law against the right to seiz? another man's literary work, is there no feelim mightier than any law on the statute book, tha tells us that when we take the result of anolhei man's labor without paying him for it, we are roll bing him! Are Messrs. Harpers, sneaking consci entionsly, less culpable, because the written lav does not protect the poor author! The right to that property?the undivided, the ah solute right?is as strong, and ought to be held ai acred, as hII other kinds of property. But hear Mr Webb a little further?He is pleased to say, tha this work can he read only by the aristocracy o Great Britain, the price precluding the masses Iron reading it; which is lalse. But allowing it to In true, is it not better that the arisiocracy of Europi should have the benefit of it, rather than the work should not possess it at all, which they certain!; would not, had the author not been protected by i copyright ; for what man is there so insane as P spend eight years of his life in laborious research if he is not to have the benefit of it afterwards What nmn is there that would labor to aulas wealth, il lie knew that nt its expiration, the tirt robber might legally step in and take it from him? It has been asserted by pome miserable sophist? that 11 man of genius does not require protectionist lie would write whether protected or not? thi he cares not for money?and that consequently copyright can only be a benefit to publishers. Thi |S an argument, if argument it can be called, whic is often advanced, and which I have no doubt M | Webb is fully versed in. But did it never occur t these gentlemen, that a man of genius must live 1 ] , lie any the less human, because he is a genius ! ] 1 there is a difference, do you not think that his fee inga will be more acute than those of ordinary men and will he not therefore feel the more poignantl the abject situation 1 When robbed ol his property he has no other means of living, but in getting lb ! aid ol others. Are his children to be robbed c their pitrimony, because their father was a man c genius 1 I)o you think that it will be no consolatioi to such a man on his death bed, that htslumily ar provided fori Can it be possible that in this, th ! nineteenth century, there nre men to be found s vile as to advocate this injustice to poor author? aclnssof in^n to whom the world owes so mucl a class which requires more the nurturing care of government than any other, from its proverbit i want of knowledge ol the world, mixing more wit r hooks than with men. French authors labor under the same disadvai J, tage as those of England. Their works, within fortnight of their appearance in Paris, are republisl 1 ed by those Continental pirates, (I.ts braves IM%n t for one fourth of the French price, and is it not s most monstrous thing that sucn injustice should b I to the forbearance of the French arms T As melancholy example of this injustice, there i | the case of A. Thierry, who spent fourteen years o his life in compiling his work on Normandy. Befor f he had finished it he became blind, irretrievabl o. What then can support this victim of genius i Why, by giving him throughout the world a propei ty in Ins works. But no?the first part of his wor no sooner api>ear, than it is published in Belgium at a ruinous price, and for which Thierry gets not cent. French Post Office Laws ?The first litre, c | chapter, establishes towns of fie two con a tries, froi ' whit h letters for one another are to be despatched The French towns are?Pans, Calais, Boulogne Diepiie, Havre, Cherbourg, Granville, St. Malo, i the Channel The English towns are?London Dover, Brighton, Southampton, Jersey and Guern * sey. For the Mediterranean: the French post l>u * rtaux of transmission are?Paris. Marseilles, tfi office at Alexandria, Smyrna, the Dardanelles, ani Constantinople The English are?Alexandria, Gi * braltar and Malta. The principal transmission of lettprs between th 5 countries takes place between Dover.anrl Calais,si days a week; the French Govern: v u w M end o * ttie seventh day, wnther permuting. ' By the eighth article, the pod- on ? w ill c<>ntinu 1 their servicB without interruption, < ven in ime i war, until one of the Governments shall 1 ave P'gn fied its wish that the service should cense. 1 In ports where regular government steamers d 1 not exitd, private vessels and steamers may be err 1 ployed to carry hags. For this purpose a post-bo shall be |ut upon hoard the packet for the reeeptio of letters. There is nothing new in the regulation of the Le vant correspondence, which continues to be trans mitted three times a month. Letters may be franked or not; and lettrr* charpn 1 or panicularlv recommended, rimy be sent in hot r countries. The English post-office is to puy to th French two francs for every thirty grammes of lei ters not franked; and in the same OHse the p'renc post-office will pav the English a shilling an ounce I Letters from France to England, franked, wi pay in France by the amount levied on French lei ters by the law of 1827. The letters from Paris ' however, will pay but the tariff < f Boulogne Lei ters franked from England to France will pay five i pence per single letter, weighing half an ounce j ( I'ltis, in addition to the tarill of Boulogne mrntior ed above, will make ten pence postage betwee England and Paris ) There are especial charges for letters exchange ' with St. Malo, Cherbourg and Granville. Journals of t ither country are to be delivered t the port of the country to which they are addrcase exempt from duty. Mortality Tablks.?The quarterly table of th mortality in 114 of the principal town and city dii trtcte of England has just issued from the Geners Register office. The return is derived from 11 districts, of which comprise the metro|>oli8, am the remaining 81 districts comprise the princips towns and cities of England. At the last censu (June 6, 1841) the enumerated population of the 11 districts was (>,534,5:15, or nearly four-tenths of tli total population. The average annual number n I deaths registered in the 111 districts was 168,193, o I 47 per cent of the to tal deaths registered annually 11 I England. The population in these town district increased from 1831 to 1811 at the rate ot abou 1.74 per cent annually; and, assuming that th< population increased uniformly, the rate of inortali ty, deduced from a comparison of the deaths and po pulatton, was as Follows Yeart I'ogmlalion Death! Jlnnual Mortality 0rimated, registry rd. per cent. nearly 1833, 6,313,660 16 )1)19 3 6ti8 1 in % 1839, 6,3)0,667 161 946 3 661 1 In 3 1840, 6.430,637 170,915 3 658 1 in 3i IH41, 6 61) 530 159,94? 3.445 1 in 4 1643 , 6,656,369 161,106 3.430 1 in 4 Mean, 6,437,551 163,193 '3,630 1 in 3 The mortality attained its maximum in the yea ISM), and was the lowest in the year 1842 Out e 100,000 persons living in the towns and cities o England, about 2.<>58 died in the year 1810, and onl 2 420 in th" year 1842 The reduction was 238 i 2,658, or 9 per cent on the rate of mortality. Upo aii-averag'-2 61 in 100 (or I m 38) living, died ar nually in three years 1818, 1838, and 1810; and 2 1 in 100living (or 1 in 41) died annally in two yeat 1841 and 1812 The average number of deaths re gi-teredin the five winters?18:18,18:19,1810,1841,an 1842, was 45,144 After a correction for the in creese of popalation, the winter average aiflicabl i to 1813 becomes 47,542. The number ot death which occurred in the winter quarter 1813 wa 43,466 In the metropolis th" mortality is s'i/l lea thao the average ; and the deaths in the quarter bv epidemic diseases (2,071) were 363 less than the average of the five preceding winters, the rni demic diseases most frequently mentioned by (be registrars in the country are typhus, scHrletins, ana , whooping cough. ' A OmtosiTV ? In tearing down the walla of" the I Old American Tavern, near Trenton, a three pound cannon ball was found imbedded in ihe in >rtar?a missile from one of the contending parties in the battle of Trenton. LD. Prieo Two C?nU. Supreme Court. M*r 31.?Some k>1 the paper* have been publishing for r several day* past that fhi* Court had Rejourned. It did not Hdjourn tint die until to-dlft.when it did thus adjourn All the regular caie* on the calendar were heard,and >omi|that were subsequently put on Th" celebrated Mandamus j rase will not be decided until July. Circuit Court. Ilefore Judge Kent. r Mir 31.?jHat'e ton J- Smith vs. The. Mayor and Co po ration of the City at Hrooklvn.?This caae m (till in pro * gres*. We give the following r BlI.L 91 PlCTICUUHl OK DtMiOCI CltlMID. 1317?June. Mar lo worked and dtlivered, a* par , amount* renderded Cor basement (34 370 ; Principal story 7 975 (41,449 6# [i Which has been mini lor?To K?ii. Si Morgan, (i7,97h Mastcrton Si Smith, ('14 387 47,44900 s Juno?Amount of marbl. worked, hut ?ot delivered, in consequence of stopping the work by defemlanta (3 030 41 Kain & Morgan to plmntitt. It 3303.7 3.160 70 ) Amount ol claim u! Kain 3c Morgan an Maaterton It Smith, in consequence of atoppirig the work, and of Maaterton It Smith on this account u* follow* -.?Whola s quantity of muble to he furnished tiy Kain It Morgan lor (111809 l# wa??ft 96,330 ; quantity delivered and , aent to Brooklyn, 14,779; on hand, ready for delivery, 3,103 7 , quarried and reudy for delivery, 6,441 0 ; leaving to he quarried and delivered, 71,309 8 Thu, at 374 centa per loot, is (37.119 37 * Expense to deliver thu two last quantities, 8,308 7 ? ami 6,441 9, at 13 cents per foot 1.799 06 r 98 870 93 Add cash lor amount delivered 17,978 00 Amount? 46,448 93 ' To be deducted from total contract 111,396 30 Kain St Morgan's damage* 69,946 89 l Mastcrton It Smith's damage* in their own work, in addition to the above? t Tutsi amount, contract price, for their wont not | yet delivered, is the sum of 130,397 90 Difference between the contract price and what m it would have coat, 39 percent at least, la. . . 33 939 39 Interest on (6,149 67, Irons June, 1838, until date of J judgement. Alio, such other interest aa may be Juatly * charged. ' The Messrs. Kain It Morgan referred to are the peraona * numeil in the contract with Maaterton It Smith. They ? have a marble quarry in Westcheater, from which, aa the , plaintiffs nnd the Judge also construe the contract, the 7 City of tfroaklyn required Maaterton It Smith to obtain g the marble for the City Hall. After the plaintiff* had |t submitted their evidence in proof of the above bill of partic a lara, they reated. mr. Duutr,uu tun jitn ui tu? unmuce, mm muveu mil ' the Court exclude sll that evidence which pertained to damages alleged to have been sustained by Messrs Kain it Si Morgan. This was argued, and the Judge decided that a the evidence was admissible- Mr. Butler then moved lor 18 a nonsuit, on the ground that by a proper construction of h the original contract, it had not been broken by the City r of Brooklyn. 0 The case is still on. j* Court or Common Pleaa. i. Before Judge Ingraham. Mat 31 ?Chat- H Roach vs. the Mayor and Corporation ? / New York ?Thiscase was resumed to day. In the inV traduction of the Crotin water into the city, south of '? Fortieth street,on the 4th of July last, the Croton Water e Committee agreed with the Water Commissioners (who if hud been appointed by the State, but paid by the Corporaif lion) to take charge ol such until a Croton Water Board n cculdhe appointed. The Commissioners agreed to do so e without additional compensation. Mr. Roach, plaintiff in present suit, u as a olerk tu the Water Commissioners, and e enjoying a sulnry ol $1 Win per annum. The Commissionn ers deputed him to the duty of registrar ol Croton rents? that is, to keep the tiooks and collect the rents for water. I, On the 7th September a regular board was appointed, and n Mr. K. continued to perform the duties lor some time afteri| wards. He now claims $400 extra for such. On the part ,, ?. ... IU.I UJ ?1W>U paid to Mr. It. wan amply sufficient, and he had been told by the Committee that he need expect no more. The plaintiff contends that extra duty had been imposed * upon him, and Mr. Ward, one ol' the Commissioners, tea. >- tilled that be considered the extra duty worth the amount l) charged. a The Jury were out some lime, and could not agree.? e They came into Court for instructions, and went out n again with directions to bring in a sealed verdict to-mora row morning. s For plaintifl Mr. Dana ; for defendants Mr. D. Graham. Later from Harbadoes. ? By brig Fame, Capt. y Webb, we have received datea up to the 9th ult The continued irregularities of the steam packets in the transmission el the mails to this and the neighboring lsl> k ands, have excited the just censure of all interested parI ties, and must, we should hope, soon lead to the adoption ol some more efficient means of communication between these Isles and the mother country, by Government. It is impossible for her Majesty's Ministers, after the loud ,r and reiterated complaints of the Island Press, to tolerate much longer, the unpromptitude ol tbe Company "a ves, sols, which has destroyed the punctuality of communication so essential to advantageous commerce, and to civ'< il and social arrangements. n The weather tor the past fortnight has been exceedingi, ly sultry?both the animal and vegetable creation exi hibil proofs of its debilitating effects ; among the latter p the stmde plant especially. We are happy, however, to r statu that this is not universally the case, there being some (| parts ol the Island where the young cones exhibit a very favorable appmraoce. But the sultry weather, although, ss wo hnve said, to a great extent, prejudicial to the rising crop, has, nevertheless, been advantageous to the one p which is being reaped, in having accelerated its matnriX ty. The manufacture of sugar continues with unahatad II activity, and large quantities are brought daily into town. Tweaty-seven vessels have already been despatched with ie cargoes ol this commodity, and others neaily completed ,1 their loading. Notwithstanding the state of the weather aforesaid, wa have not heard of any caaei of fever or other aickneas ? His Excellency the Governor and his family continue,so " lar aa wn ara aware of, in the enjoyment ol good health. >" The venerable Arhhilaacon Lawson and family arrived .1 here (hit morning, after a tedious passage of 47 daya, In ii the hark Jamea Cruikahank, Bayers, ranter, from London, bound to fct. Vincent. j. Naval Orders?Opticum.?Lieut. J. T. McDonnugh, detached from the New York yard, and , lenve two months; Lieut. H. T. Wingate, from the iJ Rendezvous, Charleston, S. C.t to the Boston yard; ,, Assistant Surgeon J Wilson, to the Levant; Passed t, Vlidshipman F Lowry, to the Rendezvous at New h York; Midshipman A. Mackae, to the Coast Survey; Midshipman W. B. Brown, leave renewed two |j months [. Appointments ?Thomas McDonough, and Saml. Archbold, to be 8d Assistant Engineers. L Benjamin Raihdiin.?The people will recollect that thtsextmordin try individual,who wascousider,1 ed the millionaire of Buffalo, made all the improven ments there, and sought to monopolize most of the business of that place. His operations extended so j far that at last he resorted to iorgery to keep up hia sinking fortunes, and was sent to the state prison for lt seven yeais. His time in the prison will be out in j September next, and some of the Buffalo papers, wc perceive, are already making calculations about the benefits that will result from his return lo the scene of former operations, when they think he , will, notwithstanding his past disgrace, give anew 1 impulse to I he improvements and prosperity of the ^ place.?J'ough. Eagle'! Fatal Accident on Chelsea Bxinox.?Yesterday l' afternoon as Mr. Joshua TebceUs, teamster lor Mr. J i Newcoiih, of ihe Lynn Baggage line, was crossing . Chelsea Bridge, he was thrown from his seat, and ? the lore wheel ol the waggon passed directly over I his head. The team went on, and as it was without a driver, wbh stopped at the toll house. Mr. Tebliens lay for some minutes before he was discovered, i When taken up he bled Ireely from his mouth, nose, . nnd ears, hut life was not yet extinct. He was taken immediately to the toll house, and the physi* cian ol the Marine Hospital was called ; life nad so far ebbed, that he declared human skill could not avail, and the unfortunate sufferer died almost in'* afnnflv ? Wntfrm /)smrrr/if SxllURr or THR fHHIRU ScHOOISt* Wsihi-soto* A * I fitter IroTn the American Conanlar Agent at Yarmouth,N. 8., tays he hai forwarded the protest of the master of the ! achooner Washington, to Halifax, to he laid before the ' Lieut. Uovemorto aupportan application for the release " ot the achaoner. Heaaya, " I do not think the maatcrof the Washington r at all to blame ; he was taken became it i? alleged, that it he waa engaged in taking fish within the limita prescribed ,j between tne government ol (irent Britain anil the United ,, Btntea, by the convention ef |8M The construction put on the terma of that convention wl'h regard to that part of " which relRtea to the taking of fl'h by the people of the n United 8tate?, on theae roaata, ia now dillerent irom what I- ,t used to be. So leng a? American fishermen kept beyond 3 three marine mile* of the coaat oi the Bay of Kundy.on f thia side, they w ere prevloua to the conatruction of thia >. year, not molested ; but now they are prohibited from i flailing at all, withia the outermost headlanda of the bay, in places where they have been heretofore accustomed to pursue the fishery. Captain Cheney did not know of r this new conatruction oi tb? terma of the convention, nor s was he told of it by the officer who seized his vessel, or a warned of his Janger. and on this ground principally, S lias been laid the ,ip|Jication for the restoration of the vessel, ldonot, however, much think the application will succeed, hut nothing will be lilt undone to procure a restoration of her." The lotter further state* that Capt. Cheney hod in previous years Ashed without molestation, in the same place where he w a, taken, and that he had not in any manner infringed the convention as heretofore generally under* stood?Nrwhuryport HtrnH. Army ? Gen- Woo! has jual concluded a tour ot' mapc'itou ot the United States works and troopa in New York harbor, and returned to his head quarter! in Una city.?ZVojr Budgtt.