Newspaper Page Text
TH ) V * or. IX.?Ho. IS* ?wool* It, S3 OH. BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN ROVAL MAIL STEAM SHIPS, Of ISIO tons xnd 440 horse power each.. Apponted by the Admiralty to sail between Lirerpool and Boston, calliug at Halifax to land and receive Passensengers and Ht Majesty's Mail*. HlBERNLA, Caita.u Oail.a H. * JudkiM. CALEDONIA, fc.piain Edward O. Lop. istgfoa, SKSSftr'-aSa^**1* BRITANNIA Cipcaia J?hn Hewitt. Will tail for uaton. ?u Halifax. keom LiraarooL. r??M aoiTo*. Acadia, Hrne. l?'h May 16lh June Columbia* eJth&nuon ?tb June ltt Ju'y Hiberaia, Jndkins, 19 h Ja?e 16 h July Cil^doii*. Lott, 4ihJaly 1stAug These shirscairy experience i surgeons, anl Frances' Petcut 1 lie Boars. No berths secured until paid fo*. Apply to I O. BRIO HAM. JR Agent, je6r No t Wat' street, New York. ffjklflflB NEW YORK, SCHOOLEY'S?t? 4E9mPF-MOUNTAIN k EASTUN LrltD mr loot of Conrtland (tree', daily (Suld.iv e?. i",uej al 80' :,rek, A M., bv lailroad f om J-r?ey city to Mnrrisiown. thence by Pott coaches tlir. ugh Mcudhain,Chester Schonley's Mountain, Aiidenoa 'IVnj, Port Coldrn. Washington. to Easton. At WMhiujrton. a daily line intersects to and from Bcl?idcre For seats apply to J. Hill, at J. Patton's, Commercial Hole'. 71C' urtlandstreet. N.B.?Ettns furnished i t the shortest notice by applying to N. B l.u e. United Slates Hotel Mo>ristown. noil Jin ec NEW YORK AND KING Si U> 8 > BAM FREIGHT AND PASSAGE I.'NE. MM For Kingston, and Delaware and Hudson ?**?^PCanal?steamboats EMERALD and NOR 3Ewli9C3ib w ic H ^Thelo7^^?LD, Captain John Ketcham, Will lease New Tork foot of Murray street, every Monday and I unrsday at 5 o'clock P. M. Will leave Kingston (Rondont landing) e?eiy Wednesday and Saturday at 3 'clock. P. M. The NORWICH, Captain John "amueli, will leave New York, fooi of Mor ay street, every Wednesday and Saturday at 6 o'clock, P. M. W.I 11 ave Kingston (Rondont landing) every Tae> ay and Friday at S o'clock, P. M EXTRA TRIPS. The EMERALD will leave the foot of Murray street every Pundy morning at T o'el ck. Returning leaves Kingston at 4 o'< lock same day. For freight or passage apply on board, or to WILLIAMSON, BARLOW k CO, aJl Jm*r 164 West street. NEW JERSEY RAILROAD AND TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. NEW YORK AND NEWARK. Fare reduced to 30 cents. Fremtnr toot of Ceurtlaadt street, New York. (Everr day?Sunday e*iepted.) Leaves New Yoik Leaves Newark At 8 A. M. At ? P. M. At T A. M. At IX P. M. 9 do. J do. 3 do. 4 do. It do. H do 5 do. St< do. 9* do. 10X 7 X do. ?X do. 9?4 do. ' ON?8 UNDA YS. From the foot ot Cvurtlandt street. t 1.??W,.Vn,b I N. isrark At I A. M. and <W P M. At H* P. M. and 934 P. M. NEW YOKK, ELIZABETH TOW I?, Leave New York I ""* Kliriheth Town , At A. M. Ail P.M. At 7 <i A. M. 34 P.M. I 9 do. 4 do. R)4 do. 7 do. . U do <Y *0. 10 1o. 934 do. 5)4 do. It do. The trains Tor W esmrid, Plainfielo, Boaodhrook, Somerville, ' fcc., connect with the ,3 A M, and 434 PM trains from Now * York, daily, Sundays excepted. ' Fore bee ween New York and Elizabeth Town 95 cents. Fare between do and Somervjlle. 75 cents. J YORK. AND RAHiPAY. ' l.earc New York. Leate Railway. ? At a A.M. At i P M. At 7 AM, At 3 P.M. ' 9 do 4 do s do 634 do 11 do 4)4 do 9'< do 9 do . % do 1IJ4 <1, I NEW YOFK AND NEW nRlfvUWirn. 5 From loot of ConrtUnd street. New York, daily, hw New Pun. h?ne Ne* Bmn??" " At 9 A. M. At 4 P M. A' 6 A M. At 11)4 A M 5'4 do T< do 8)4 r.M. i ON 8UNDAY8 L*?ve New York. Leave New Brunswick. At 9 AM and 4J4PM At 11)4 A.M., and a* P M. . Fare, exchp in ike Philadelphia train between Icew Yo*k tad Mew Hmrnwir1-.. 50 cents Between New York and HahWay 15 cents, i Pasecupers wno procure their ricsets at the ticket oince, re J eeive a ferry ticket gratis. Tickets are received by the con doc tor only on'be at.v when purchased nH13n*r * svMWEk jimunrBEWEKf 3 NEW YORK AND Pc.lLo DELPHIA RAILROAD LlNF. , D RM'.T, b Via Nkwaxx, N?w B' unswick, PameETOtv, Txchtois1 BoanEISTOWIS a!4D OL'HLIMGTOIV. f fflgSEi gBa ajft Lroving New Yn-k d ily itctn Hie lo tot Cnu tlandt at Alo.iiit a Line ai 9 A- M.? Mail Pilot Line at 4)4 '* M. The Mori'ini; Li .t proceed, to Bnideutown, from thence by at> amb'ia' to I'hi'adel, hia. . The Evening Line proceeds direct to Camdeu (opposite to / Ph l.detphis) wii i .u' chance of care. Pissin^rrs will procure their ticke's at the oflfi-e 1 ot of Courtlaiidt street, where a ccmxodio"! steamboat w ill he in , re.diness Willi hacK'Re crares un board. * , ? 1' i.rdel; hia baggige ciatcs are conveyid from city to city, a w. hurt br iiia opened by ihe way Each tr io is provi'ed wi h j aca ni which are a,srimen s and dressing roems cipretalylor J the I diet' u e I. Returning, .he lines leave Philadelphia from the foot of Wal- q nu Peei, By s'e.rmbnat to Bo dent., wo ar 7 o'clock, A.M. a and by railroad from Camden, at 5 o'clock, P M h The line* fir Baltimore leave Phliade phia at 7)4 A. M., and K 4 P M. bei-g a rontinns'ion of the lines from New York je4 r FOk BUFKAUO AND ALL PARTS OF THE VVebT tl A+ZS1L?L 2fiSc=2iE5!!es* I ASSOCIATION PA-iSAOi OFMCE TO ALBANY. | Uties, $2 00 Rochet ter, ft 00 1 2 25 Hnffalo, 3 Ml I Oswego, 2 25 Up It Lower Canad;5 50- j For passage apply to VI. L. RAY. 1 re25 1m 92 Barc'ae st'fct New York. / STATEN ISLAND FERRY { Toot op White hall street. Mil slid after Thorsday, Jane the 1st, lue steamboats BTA'IKN ISLAND)-It and SAMSON, will make >he fol- ( lowing nips, unlil forth' r notice LLAVK a 8TATEN ISLAND. LEAVES NEW YORK At t,9 10,12,9 M, At ?,?.?, 'I, A. M 1,2, 4, 5,!, 7 P. M. 1,2, JH.5 6 7 P. M. On Snndays, leaves every h ur, from I A. M, to7 P. M. ? tp26 r PASSAGE FROM GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND c Ml M. M. M. 1 'HaVI.nQ eompfet. <1 extensive sou imporuut nrrnngemeuts fbr bringiug not passengers from the old country, the sub- i scrihers Can w Ith confidence luform thoie who may wish to settle for friends to rmigtate the inrceent season (1M3) that they ] will find it their lute e.t t > mnke the necessary arrang-manta , with this li e; being the oldest or long* at established out of , this port, it is well ki own that (hat the arranguin-ata are com- , plete?the ships of the tint class suliog weekly, and the ac- , commodations fitted op expresaly for the comfort and couvehi- , eticc .if passengers. < Should those settled for decline coming out, the passage , asoney will, aa usual, be refutided to the party from whom it | was received, without deduction. A free passage per steamer from the various ports of Ireland and Scotland, to Liver|>oot, can be secured if desired. Apply to SAMUEL THOMPSON. Old Established Passage Office. 272 Pearl St., Or to C. GRIM SHAW A CO. 10 Goiee Piazxas, Liverpool. Drafts on Londoa, Liverpool thr National Bank of Ireland Northern Co. nd National nana of Scotiauo, as | sigln, mid lor any amonnt. Apply as above. n 2 lm*r aft- kOH ' 1V EMl'UOL?Kegolar Packet Ifclh June |?lwv?The elegitnt. fast sailing New Yo,k packet ship ^HflbKOCHE~TER, John Br.ttou, master, will sail on htr lesular aay, 18 h Jon-. Toi frngh or pastssie, having very splendid a* ccmraodations apply to ihe Captain on board, west side Unliijg slip, or to WOODHULL it MINTURNB, 87 flonth etre?t. The fine new packet skip Hottingner, '0 0 lous, Bursley, master, will an ceed the Rochester, sndaail ou herregnlsrday, 1 10 h J Iv. j6 r PU? I OP IH1W.-Hmulir Pxcktt >?' June the HmV ;0i1i-1 h? fplea. id P.cket 81 tu WELLINGTON, JtMkfa l>. Chad wick, master, will nil XI above, bar regular Uay. Having very ""permr aeenaNawdaions for cabin, Jnd cabin, aud Mccr/ge prfaengrre, oera on wixhine 10 etnb.rk ahouid make early application on boaid fool of Maid, n L-ne, orto JOSILPH McMUMlAY, V 0 Pin* atrret, c oner r f 8.,nth. Partooi Iwieh'Bg to fend for their frienoa, ran have there brut ghl oat by the above ship, or but ot the regalar packets. by applt tag ?t a*? vr, (i* by letter, raid ) mJO r ?OH LIVKHPOOL?NEW LINK?.Megnla 1 Parkei ol till- June.?The Splendid Packet Shir Jw&gnRfa.OAHI'lCK, Captain V'm Mautdy, of 1#M tuna wilt |M,anively tail aa above, her rrgnlar day. K"! freight ? pa.iaye, hsring aocommodattona nneoiia.ied for splendor oi comfort, apply on board, at Orleans wtiarf. foot of Wall street, jUm.o K COLLINS fit CO. M Sonth street. i'nV ftickai^hi'p0HoeiBa, Capt. John C dlini, ot Hi* fcna. will anccaod the ?nriiflh, rml sail the i.ltli of July, l er "1" tterffor the fluff ot thia lino will only ha ree?i?eJ at Gilpin sod Hale's Newt Room. ..... Patttniterf may r?ly on fir fhipe oflliia line eanme ranetu I 1? ?a xdfwrtifeil. reWr xdJ- >BW LINE LIVERPOOL PACK Trt? l*cke rfWy IS'h Jo e?The filendid, fait failing Packet Ship jHIb HOLMES rKK. Capt Hiittou, will fall positively as ain.v, , hrr reenter day. The ship* of ihii Una are all IfKiO tuna burth'B and, and their accommodations fur cabin, ar oi d cxbi., and ateerate paxtengert, it if well known ate superior to auv other line of packets Tnoar w jilting to tecara be.ihafhoald not fail to reakaaarlv application on board, foot of Bar nut Slip, or to W. 8c J. TAPdCOTT, ??ec 43 Tet k f'ii.. cor er Hontk ft. " " Wm " " *OM Ntl* OULEA Ntx?LOUISIANA AMU dSFWNtW YORK LINK?Prahieely Vir.t Kegnl.i IfOLp^rkftt-'Tht fftit Mil n{ pocket ship OCMULOtCK. uptiiQ rent, hiiint thirds of h?r cargo entftged will hnve immediate df?i?itch. K(<r Ireuni 01 p?st?Krt having hsndaomo fatnitlied itcommod?Dapjl* o* nr.srd. tt OHontia wharf, foot ol Wtii It OIW -J- " J* .TWIU1 ?? Hhirpera may re'y "P"? hirms their itoodi correctly me.iiut J,*M(I that the "I ''Of will mil i-nnciaiHy ** ailaer tiled. Auy itnuMuife t? IMt f flaet will be kitdp and frmllM that way br rf]tiirt-l . _ . _ Ag?nu in N. OrlcMiHnllin & Woodrnff, who will proa* ly l>'iwiTil <*n i[0?-<W U theil r.dilreta. Tile nacltat aliin Ocotiea, Captain JaeU inn, will ncoeed Mir Octnnli _ _______ i?? r MPOH rkKlOHr OH CHAKTKR-lh, r,? fa*t sailing, coppered, Ne* York built, ihip Yitoo, C*n. TmiIi. 700 ,ou? _ Ai-piy to K. K. COLLINS It CO., m'll ie M Sonth itiaat. E NE NE LIANDJOME APARTMENTS, in Houston street, near ix Broadway to let, to gevtleineu, with breskfast and tea, nr lull board if required Kefe>etieet r< quired. Ei qnire at the . Niblo * iMfdtit, or at the houatt, 411 Houston mwl. mll-lm'rc f WRIGHT A UO will open an office of discount ?nd de ' l>'?ite at O.wtgo, N. Y., on tlie 1st oi May ne*t, aud will make collection. and rem.trances at rensntiab'e raiea- He fat to D. Ebbef. Jr - sg , cashier. New York Suy<.a'n, It Co., Nrw Yo-k. Wtew, Robin-ou it Co. New Yoik. A. It. Patchiu, Esq., casnier, Alhanv, Oswego Arril 21) 1841 .A? dw? HAItl CUT UNO! HAIH CUTTINo! HAlKCU i TiNU Llll. L. the iiiimi/able Hair Cutter, takes this method of in11 'oriitiue bis friends and the public in general, that he has removed from the Toutme Building to hit Old Stanc. No. M ["earl ttrrer, upstairs, immediately adjoining the Pearl Street House, where he will he pl ated to operate on all who mav Payor him with a call, in hit truly inimitable ttyle of Hair tootling, which, lor elegaureof deaign aud beauty of execution, lU'pasaet hut '.hmr of ttte kiud hcrtofore iatrnduced into the United State*. The variou* branches of woilt done at the Allowing moderate price* Illimitable Hair Cutting, UK cents. Do do Curling,! lix " S pernor Shaving, 6Ag " n?9 lm?r rPO KAKMK.HB. URA.ZIEUB, si AUHlo u L 1 11 It IB I S I ? bU I'TERMERE, DrMKum and Chemist, from Eng and, 68 Essex street, New York, would esruettly I'iiect the itiouiioe u all concerned in the welfare of horara and cattle a the ioUswiu invduable mill lie II tnptrtd lOHidlii lo lie formula of one oi the moat eminent veterinary *urgtous raw pnciisiug in the south of England, and procured by the ireirut pronnetorat considerable coat DIURETIC HORSE BALLS?these balls are a radical emcdy for all disoidtnin horses, arising from impurity of the jlood, gross humors, and obstructed perspiration, ruch as preasn tu the heels, swelled li st, strangury, gravel, eruptions in the skin Ac Thee m.v he e.lmini.l.r.H el enu lime ne CAioD, without change of diet, or iuterfe rence with usual la x>r. At the fall of the year, when horse* generally undergo a thangr ofhtbtt, the regular use of these hells will p ove high y beneficul, and even a preventive of mauy oiseases to which, it this season, horsrs are i>eculiarly lieble. Sold in packages tontaining six halls 3s , with ample directions. CORDIAL FELON DRINK?Decidedly the best meditine that cau Ire adin.uistered, for all disorders in honed catle, arising from cold, sock as hidebound, fevers, less of anpeate, shivering, coughs, housing, loss of milk, ?tc. Sold in Mckages, wirh directions, 3s 6d each CLEANSING DKINfc for new Calved Cows?Is of infilate service and should never be omitted, in all cases where he placenta, secuudims, or chousing, is obstructed. It uot >nl. forwards ths diechsrge, nut most admirably affords nature imely assistance, in excelling that extraneous matter, wh'ch mpsdea the course o( th- alimentary canal,presenting th- Allilmrut of its proper function. This drink also counteracts a ranety of complaints to which die animal is afterwards liable, ahi'sttlie flow of milk is woudtrfully promoted. In psckIg's, with directions. 3s Gd each. RED FESTER BOTTLE?For subduing inflammation md morbid swellings in horses, also au excellent cooling I otloa. for relaxed sinews, bruises, sp-aius, galled hacks, srounds, lie lu bottles, with dire ctions, 3s 6d each. No itahle shouM be withnni it. vulnerary balsam?For eradicating warbles in sorses, healing cms aud wounds, however deep or asgravated; tlso an application to cankers in dre hoof and quick probes, leciddly the best remedy that can be used. Should be iu svsry stable. Bold iu bottles, with directions, Is Gd each. Cordial. lumoino, and worm balls, liquid BLIeTr.K be. be. At this establishment, the utmost caution is invariably observed, in the selection of genaiue 'amilv medicines. PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS -J B. fully impressed with a sense of their vital importance, shall invatHbly^obs-rre jic mum scrupuiuus accuracy 111 uie preparation ih pny Lilian's prescriptions. The above medicines are prepared and aold exclusively at he Wdisal Hall, <<S Essex itreet, three doors from Grand, opxoaire the Market, New York. Orders from the c outrv promptly executed all 3m?r dlLUAKD SALOON. lO. 5 BARCLAY STREET, THREE DOORS BELOW THE AMERICAN HOTEL. DRICE REDUCED to One Shilling per Hundred, from 8 t A. M. to 1 P M.?The anhtcriber informs his friends anil ha public in general, that ne has Five New Billiard Tablea, in epurate apartment*?two in the upper front aaloon?two in the ear aaloon, and one in the front room?all in tint rate order. Each gei t eman visiting the establishment will be famished vitha private Cue, for bis especial use?the tablet being in dilerentapa mints, the proprietor thinks it will render it more elect and a lecable to gentlemen visiting his house. kLSO. TWO FINE BOWLING ALLEY S IN THE BASEMENT. Ilia Bar will always be stocked with the choicest Wines and liquors aud the best Srg&is to be had?also Sherry Cobblers, dint Juleps, Punches; made in a manner not to be surpassed. N B.?The apartments hate undergone a thorough refuting 1 -new paper, painting. Sic. (L?_Oeutlemen will please to communicate any neglect of 1 Intr of the attendants, at the bar. FRANCI8 MONTEVERDE. inch 16 tm*r 5 Barclay street. NEW FIREWORKS LABURA10K?: BY JOHN TRAOARDH, PYROTECHNIST, FROM SWEDEN. 1 VAE88R8. KOLLBEHO A TRAOARDH have the honor 'J. to inform the American public that they have an extenive and varied assortment or Fire Works, of all and ev-ry ;iud. it their establishment, at ilarsimus Long Dock in New Jersey. a half m le from Jersey City, opposite New York, vhich they offer to Committees and others, at tbe most fav?ra>le prices in the market. Bel evmg iu the new trade principle of a moderate cash price or a good article, they request the favors of the public at the bore place, or >t the store of Robert Johnston. No. 51 Conrtandt street. All oider*, on any scale o' size or variety,prompty at tended to, by addressing the subscribers at either ol the hove pi teea. NICHOLAS A, KOLLBEKGbJ TKAGAFDH, my 7-2ni*r Lone D"ck, New Jersey. FluEWORKS, CRACKERS, &c. FOURTH JULY, iWJ. "^OT. ."'TRY and tity dealers in nr.-works, will Gnd it to ! ' their advantage to ca I a id examine au ex cusive auori- I ,.t t.f ihe nest qualitr, at it. AYL'lFKE'S oldest*'li hment, i i hatham stiert. A large qnantity ol lire crackers just re- | < i?ed. Remember the sign u| the two mammoth skv rockets i ud gold key. n>30o 4jy*r ' JIRF.WOhKS BY THE MANUFACTURERS. D ? MOttAN k CO Pyrotei h osts, 78''hauiaip street, offers o the putlic a splendid assoitineut ol Fircwn ks, superior in lality and naimss to any iu this or any other country. The ' oove have been inanufactuied by them exptessly for thi> mar 1 el; also csn sell m ich chvaprr tnsn any vender in trwn.a d uaranieealt g ods tlieir store. No peddlioir from this ilare? Nn. 78 I liataam str* et. Goods delivered to an* tuirt nf he ci'y free of e it peine. ' N. B.?cihibit on Fireworks ef snper'or quality, wiihcrim- , on, red, purple, green, yellow and blue firea. A'vo, oloied , >re, by the pound. jl lm?rc , treasury notes lost. i r OUT, by the subacri'er, bet ween the cities of New York Lj an < Philadelphia, a pocket memorandum book, containing he following Treasury Noteer? k No 19JM 10 Jane, 1812, 6 per cent, to 9yl. Brown Ijj eu.-or.-d 26 lane, 312 I ? ~ 100 1 J I9.'iJ6 10 ? 6 2b ? lM2loS.H0 \ '9J6.1 10 ? 6 ? 20 ? 842 f-S 100 1 k 3400U 10 ? 6 ? 26 ? 18-/ S - 50 1 1 3<i01 10 ? 6 ? 26 t, I844J 5J 00 j 34 02 0 6 ? 11 ? J8l2 toB. Ranitin and K. L. Myer>, 00 1 112>S I Mar.. 1842, a 8yi.Brown, endorsed 14 -'ar-h, 1112, to B. Roman and K. L. Myers, SO s 20860 20 Apnl, 1842, G. Lojall, endorsed April, 1843, to K. L.Myers, 00 >000 All persons are I ore warned against the payment of tire abuve rates. A liberal reward will be psid for the retnru of the book aod loaieuts, to the 70 loath Front street, or, Mlibine 8t ?. 8 South Wharves, Philadelphia, er to Mcs<rs. Brya-i St Maitmnd, 170 Front street, New Fork. Philadelphia, 27tn May, 1143 m30 lm*r (Signed) 1. L. MYKRH. TOO CONTRACTORS ? Proposal! will be received by the 2- sobtciiher (or re?ui ding the east abutme .t of Mamar >nick Bridge, according to s. ecilictiiout wh ch will he fa.nisnrd, lud ?l?o for the repairs of the former Bridge The p oposals nay he for bo'h the abutment and repairs ofihe b i lge.tog- th'r >r srpuate Pers-ns -i. hing to c .ntract, will plea** hand in heir estimates to the tnb-c i irrs on or urtviuUs ro >he I2'h It,ittni, if convenient attei d at hon.e of Epemta. Hid.loo, Hye, in that day, between the hours of one and three o clock r M , when the Propoeals will he ope. ed Bp- eitvc .tinus can also be band at Lh J store i f M L><vi. V an ee.rthr Undue. P' ll. MO HALS IBu,of Rye. U F \HPE* I ER, 73 William st. N. Y. Mama-nnick, J a o 1. '843 je2 give MONTHLY REPORT OF THE NEW YORK MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE, {NO. 7i CHAMBERS STREET. CASKS CVttD. 14 lullammation of the eje- 4 Diseases oflhe liver. lids 3 n.flam'n of the howtla 3 Syphilitic Iritis 3 Vomiti'.g. Gastntis 2 Amaurosis, three under N Diseases of the Womb treatn.ei.t?doing well ll nyphtlis 6 of the cornea, 6 anspepsia slight 12 Wrmes, or Fluor Albus i 8 Styes, by an operation 21 Gonorrheal s Onannm 4 haver 3 Eiysiprlas 7 Secondary Syphilis 7 lllcRiated sore throat 5 Piles 12 Gleet?cured by new 6 Bubo, by a new method of remedies treatment 3 Disease, nf the heart 4 Sore Nipple. 2 Dysentery 3 Operatiora lor hire up 21 in Urethra by 5 Operations lor iq.iinting an improved method ol 3 Operations (or Hydrocele cure . 12 HemonhoiJal Tumors re- 1 Operations for fitlnle in moved Ano. 2 Club Foot? enred 2 Polypus in the note 3 kneysted Tumors 4 Adi, ose In mors removed 5 Ulctrs on tne logs cured ll-irge piece of tone re- i r 2 I hymosis moved from the arm io Abcesses opened 1 Amputation of Anger 2 'I'O mi s r< uiovid 1 CsnceT Breast 1 Gravel cured 1 Uvula removed 2 Retention of Urins _ .. DR. 11 BOSTWICK, Attending Physician and Surgeon. C. McMANUS, Apothecary and Secretary i1 lm ec philadelphia dvguekreotype est a blinh m lnt. EICHaNuE BUiLDI.NO, ROOMS r?8t 17 I Hf; S"hs. ribeis, hav.i.g 111 ,?ured -h- .age' c I..- the sale of 4.VO O PANDER 8 DAOUEKREOT ? PK APPARAi lO'.isnneMd uc ordiug io Trofrss r Penr.i's cucuIstl u. have on baud a Inge ass. run nt of these Aipiratu., s-.d 'tti. is as wall a< smateurs of their art, wi>hi> k to pic.cure a gocd appt'iins, will fi id ii to their advantage to roc.lie iu.'rumcnte of this construction. The- also have latelr Id port to h mve quantity of Ormiti nod FretcH plates, and tl? iKe cheiricali u.?4 tu tH?ir n.whirH ihef stir*K in every ?eipect, aa ihcy are made to tneir order. I'oli?hiog uhitaucea out morocco erne*, nod alj necessary mat* rials, are told on the moit reasonable terms The following gentleman lure agreed to act as their >gtut>, vis K aVh tr, * ?.| . 17) Bond way, N.T. P. Hast, Esq , Washington, Li.C. I)r. A. Caspar), Kicnmond. Va. P. LaU'tut Esq.. raraunan, tie. Al! commnnica-ions (p >st pud) and ortlrrs,accompanied with remittances, will be promptly attended io, and houlo be dire, ted to Wkr. LAhGEfthMM, je!3mr k-rchauge Bailding, Phils. DAGUERREOTYPE APPARATUS? JOHN ROACH, OPTICIAN. 71 Naasan, near John street, N. Y. LJAVINOthe Lens gronnd under his own inspection,and n arranging ihcm in the can.era nhscnra himtell, ha feels warranted in sating tnat operators using his apparatus hare oh taint d more success th?a tho.s naing cameras with foreign l-us lor the tutor arc ofiau linperfec,, and still oficuer imp operlt adinsied. The ad'srtiset requests a trial lor his cameras. Bit teen ytais practice ae Optician enables him to grind and risings Lens to enit the pnrpoee for whieh they are wanted. ? lm*ee W YO * mi W YORK. WEDNESDAY a TO LET ?Tha modern bnilt three etory brick d-ellu It, No 16 Green street, liaiihed with ailrer filrnitare, maible ma'itlee and grater througnont A line yard, with id v r tailing ciatcni. Will be let low. For furtherpart culiraapply to aitkkn, brothers, . jeMm*ee o. i?2 F'ilt..??ir>et a TO-LET in Williamahurg? t he whole or |u i 01 a neat three ?4ory brick Dwiltitiy Hi in' n rSnulh 7tli at p Mr 4 th at., rent very low Ap.lytoW m J T l'apicntt, 41 Peek alip. in 7-rc MBAiti'LAv BTHEE 1'?TO LET?The elegant and Ci m odiom thr' e miry brick house. No 5?B,rclay airrrl, hue tend ncrnpicd b? ivii. 'I prima Br ok> urr.l i a. nt titu.'. lu eiollenl Older ?u:l li led with ereiy convenience fur alarge ('roily, and .irq t'"1 dm cly :u 'ront of Co'Pite I'lace. Ko; t?nn? apply at No. 110 Water xtrcet. m?5 lin*r GRN1N ite VAN VRANKEN'S VENTILATING GOSSAMER HAT, FOH GENTLE vIEN, aWfc'IO'HNO o> LY VA OUN E 9?MICE $J M. THE ttu'-acribera hi?e introduced the abo*e united a hat lor anininn weir. Bv comparing ihe weigh'or thia artic'e with thr average weigh' of the following hati. ihe .-uperior anrautagi a it poiaratra over them lor turnutrr wear may be rrrd Iv aeon. 1 he average weight of the ord.nary fnr hat ia 6V? ouncra. do do Panama " do do Lrghorn 4 " rteinr f .11 y cosvincrd that no atyle of atiniin?r hat herrtofore wo n has mei with the general approbation whi'h a hat | oaaea lug all the qui'ili a, viz* I gn'msa, beauty, durability and eheapneaa, Would b? au'e to ree've, we hare derated much attei.t on to th' manufacture and fiuithiug of the new atyle now in rodnced hy na. Km*. the warm approba ion ezpreaa d by gentle men who hare mmim-d them, we feel s lU-.Iiid , h't they need only to he aeeu to ha fu Iv app-rci .ted. OENIN U VAN V KANKKN, mit Im *ec 214 wr ndway. iipprsjte St Paul's Church. 1-OOK AT THIS! ^jSj Bouts, of l)f?t quality, $4 to $1 SO Kretch, do do 3 to 3 50 Fins sewed Biets, 3 59 to 3 0J Pegged do 2 51 Moro co do 2 25 Seal Bkiu and Grain do 1 75 to 2 on <'16 h button Gairrrs, 2 25 PrU,,<-ila do 3 CO Fine Calf Plioes, atitched, 2 00 Calf hoes, 1 2) to 175 Boy's fins sewed boots, 2 25 " peg. ed boou, c If, I 10 " H-aLkin m i (, 1 12X " b ias Calf Shots I 25 " Kip Shoes, J '0 Youth's Sewe Bo t., 1 00 to 1 50 LAP IKS' BOOTS It SHOES.?Ladies, in'hese s'oresyon will flint ttie g'eatesf. ?u r meat of O.iiler B >< (?, Slinners, Buski>.s, Tie , Poiuellt Buskins, Inht and ilarlt colored half O titers, Hcuae hlipp-rs, ?hi ? and b'ack latibatipperi. aarin gaiteis, Mi??. ? and Chlli'rei a' gancrs, bmtii a, slippers, lira, >nd all other ki d; nl' boots and shots of our own maunf iciuring with the bese of French gooda ai d wi rantcd lo he ihs btat and as cheap na the cheapest, at 307 B oul way and 92 ('anal at. jJmr UREliORs St AH ILL. PARK BOuIN AND I. AH 1'S M ADE I'll OH UK R By E. SUSER, 175 fir (Midway, (Bustmcnt,) i.-U^ D or from Courilauill siwt. 1 >|iH K H'JSLK, Bootmaker, ituJ maker oI " Kl v?'" of Clcrpo of Pairis. be?? le^ve to inform hi* fruinhainl r It the a'nutrnn o( n Keiuleimitlv * Vh?u* ?uie," 1 that he c in now inuke, iu New York^ with the best Krriich ma'eiiaN all that is so perf'fctly made, in t aiis. by his master the celebrated hoO!in*ker Clerce, whose numerous customers or this aide of the \ilauti are resp-ctfally iuy?ted t*? try Si/SJ&K '8 boots and lasia helor they dt.spair ol beiun "chant- I act" in New Y"tlc, after the nicest. latest Paris fuhiou. Also.the genuine Paris Jot Black Varnish sold. _m]0 7w*r " 'AJ BOOT AMI SHOE STORE. KWWl JOHN READY respectfully informs hit friends ai d the i nblic, that he has commenced business in the above line,at No. 99 Nassaustreet, where lie will thankfully receive and faithfully cieeute, all orders lie may bo favored with on lie m"st reason b'e terns lor cash s22r 90 BROAD iVA V. 8. HOBIDER, FRENCH BOOT MAKKH, from Paris, has an assortment of ready-made Boots and Shoes,of the best calfskin for Five Dollars, superior to auy other lion maker iu Hie eity in In im ?ec JirMmeA TO THE LADIKSI ?200 pair prime O.itcr bonis of all colors and sizes 'if the lstest fashi n, 1 m sirs ana ciinurcii'i u met ooo-s ana DulKins. Lvl?'l oas kins, Ties and 81 Piters, a good article, from 4 to 8 shillingG. I A'so, a good assortment ci Gentlemen's prime ctll sliich I boota, city made, fro i 2 75 to 4 d illars, vya:ranted ; good fiue pegged boots, from 12 i > 18 shil ing*. A so, Biy'sbrots. 8 to I 12* ; "euts gaiters, quuter boots and shoes of all descriptiona ( iu great aboudance, at Walker's cheap store, 419 Broa Iway, coriifr C?ml stieet, ro24 lm*ec TO BOOT-MAKERS. (J. MORG 1 TJA9 REMOVED from 132 to 13t Leonard street, where he continues to cut Kit. On hand icady cut kit, French and English. ml lm*ec OTICE AND REMOVAL.?K. A AKTAUL P, lately IfiaX Fulton at. having dissolved by mutual consent hia copartnership, for giving all hia attention to the Daguerreotype bos-nets, respectfully informs hia frieuda and the public that he haa removed his old Daguerreotype atand from 168X Fulton at. to 235 Broadway, 2d atorv, where he haa juat opeueu several Bickages received by the last arris ala, containing 1000 French aguerreotype Flalra. No. 30 and 40 warranted French Acronialic Lenses, aud all thechemicala necessary?complete appa ratua He will be very glad to see all hia old cualomeis visiting his uesv place. Please to give a call?235 Bro*Jw?T.?g stonr. Minn Noe. a siil a. ___ tnl lm*r I 1 MA DA M FLOKI LKKKVRE?Removed Irom 78 Franklin street 'o 70 Waifcgf nig lin'r ( ptMOVAle-f MAt?, Han Dr saer aud Wig Maker, has I R" removed fom 162 t" 189 U nndway, a lew (lours he low the i Franklin H me, and opposite John street. Hivi gti tednpa I new r o>n in the most fashionable at) le, Ik wiil c iiitinue ihe < ame business, and will be pleased to ate his o'd Mends and i patrons, and others who . ay lavor him with a Cell. H- haa i ilao private rooms foi Ladies' hair dressing and jainp oing This powerful Extractor Jampo my ia considered hy liiou-an a of New Yorkers aid strainers as one o Lie health'eat a-licles < for the cure of dmdruff and strengthening ihe ban, is approved by the Faculty of Medicine iu Fans, ? ?! pate >ted at Wn?hin?rton. Nothing is more pleas'.nt aud delightful than lo go through this operation in the hands ?-f P. MAK8. i-l'in*- j REMOVAL Mrs. G. NKWCOMBE, TOBACCONIST, retuos her ' sincere acknowledgements for the very liberal patronage > extended to her f?r the last IS years, and wonld beg leave to 1 inform her patrons and the public generally that she haa re- ' meved her old established snuff and tobacco w irehouse to the spacious store No 4 Wall atreet, Morimer building*. where I she wonld invite ihe al'entiou p( connoia<euia to her large and well selected stock of Foreign and datr.esti snuffs. I Just received from Hamburgh a large supply of Varina'a Kanaater (1st, 2nd rod 3rd quality,) old aud verv superior Turkish Spanish, Seafs'lalti aud I'orto Rico, smok ngdobscco; cavendish ( various kind-,) ind line cut chewing ditto. < A choice assortment of the beat brands of Havana and Prin- > cipe cigars, constantly on hsDd. Fancy pipes, cigar cases. < muff boxes, pocket lights. Chinese tinder Sic See All of which lor side uu the most liberal terms, wholesale or rstsil. Strangers aud country dealers are inri.ed to call previous to making their purchases elsewhere in4 im*ec PATENT PRESERVED HIGHLY FLAVOKEU I't'RTable MKAT8 AND SOUIS 'or ship stores, war ranted to aeei> ror rtiv ivngin 01 nine, ana id any cnmaie, man nractared and lot sale, wholesale and retail, by WILLIAM MULLAve, ml 5w*r 104 \Vilham etreeL HULL'S TRUSSES. NOTI''* TO RUPTURED PEHRON8. PERSONS afflicted with raptures may relv uj>on the best t insi'nmeu al aid ihe world affords, oo spp.uatinn at lh? offic-, No. 4 Ve?ey e'reet, or to erher of ihe agent* ntl>c principal towns id ihe United States Be carrfui to eg ro>jne ih- back pad ol Hull'* trasses, to see if they sie endorsed by i Or.Hull, iu wriing None are genuine, or tobe relied upon as good, without his sicn-tnre Many persons have undertaken'o vend imitations ol Hull's celebrattd rnsses, and thousands are imposed upon in consequence lluse nniiati ns can cot be relied upon; they are road - by uusknful ine en antes, and are no belter than ti e o diuary busses R oots hsse been fitted up at No. 4 Vesey street ?xclusively for la'tr* a sentrate entrance from the business d-Dait mem, sshrrr a ferrule is iu constant attendsncc to wait upon fero-le .alients. mid 'tn m fkR JAMES W. ATTRIOGE'S TINCTURE FO < INJ-e digestion, r Dyspepsia.?1 his invaluable remedy, which during th last fifty years hts saved thousands from the ja?s of death, both in Lurope and America, it now introduced publicly to th? many victims who are suffering from the a "rove named distressing disease The proprietor wishes it decidedly o be undeittood, -llhouah he tikes ihit method of m king ibe remrdy public, that Ihe Tincture ta net cilculated to core all the diseases incident to the human frame, but merely those induced by a disordered state of the alimen ary canal, and known as Indigestion or Dup reia. The tri .1 of a single bottle will ptose to the most sceptical that, by f Blowing the directions which accomi any it, thai terrible disease imy be entirely eradicated Numerous testimonials in -v be seen by app ying to Messrs. Carte A Nephew, corner ol Water strert and vliiden lane, For sale, who esale and retail, at the above named store, and at III Bowery. m* lm*r TO PERSONS FROM THE COUNTRY.?Now that the < season has atrited iu which the diseases of the skin are brought to maturity and ac. most violently on v e sys'em and thereby imp!ic'ring the lint.g merrbr ties of th- snmichand n'.estieos foiming the gsims and su>e'itdunng (esi?cialyin | ' htldrcn) all ihose tri.ualeaoms and fetal affections of the stu'itch and bowels that help so terr.bly to fill op the bills of , lortality _ Dr. W HEELER, $1 Greenwich street, with mnch satisfae- , lion, has it ia his power to r|Frt a rrmedv, the superior estsnts , tifiracyof which, twenty years nperience has stampeil as be- , iny certain. This Hslsaip of Moscatello ia composed of vege- , table medicines of the most healing ualtire. harm niting in tlierapegtical combination,?o ?s ta overcome the diseasesofthe bowels, vit. Diariliom. Dytenleiy, Ch lera Morhns, Pnrnmir , Complaint, Spasmodic Cssllfl, anil inflammation of ihe ma- \ cons Ac Dr. Wheelrr has published a p-m- | phlet lor ihe benefit ol strangers, eiplana nry of the pr miliar Tirtnes tha' hie B tl.i-m of Vlorcttello possesses as a restofaiive, a eopy ol which he will he hippy to fnriush gratnitonsl, to any i Lady or Dr Wheeler's B ilsaoi hi s the peculiar feature as a medicine tha'it is t*Ciedi.ig y ideasaut to tli- ra- i late, thatcIlMAnii will rsg-rlv take it, wlnr'i to iti si gotar i r ftieaey r-M'ler? it at a f. nol. medicine iiivaosble. Dr. W lie!er presents t o Id low! .q . uiioent g utlt men ts references re- i latire to tit.- high stniidi' g ami of the iii*-n?td? success ol h.s B Isair. of Mo-c .teliti?uen. Ward, M C. IVi nChester t Goii i tj. P. "orris, >1 ij C. Mares, U. !d Army; W p Mallet. E> ; John Griswoid. k.sq t Capt. UePcvster o't ie park't Sheridan; harles Bntiei, k sq ; J. U timid, Esq.; J ines A ttnydam, Esq ; Charles t?. Ketchum, Esq.. and many others of iqu l st i/ding. . m T lm*ec J'O THE LADIES?STR.KER'S S iLUTION -There the hair. Ladle* are often trouble>1 wi ha pain or dieeaae in the h ad, occasioned by 'be proline of the falie hair. Lariira can hare fiay nai- changed to look a* well aa erer itdid.wihonl injury. Mr. 9. htao rontn eapr-aaly to be tended by a lady, at 1 nu residence. AI*o,Mr 9. will change gentlemen1* hair to I any ihade or color Prnggiiti wmld do well to keep it to'sale i in other citiea, aa luimbog dvra arc going ont of dale Whole i rale and retail, at No. 1. t.i.aiham ah, oppoaiie the regntei'a i ftlce. u,? itair*. in 21?im*r I GUTTAHS7 WHOLK?ALK AND HKTAIL.?3*3 SroTn wry. nerr Wa her treel?ViKHSKS PH. BK.NsT SCHMIDT k MAUL, Oniinr manufacture.a, won'd respecttally call the attention of the public to their eatabliahmeut, No. 39S B loan way, where they keep rouit-miy on hand an ritenaiVK aaaor stent of Ane-toued gnitori, tinnhed in the beat "an I atrumenia from thi* mannfartory, long favorably known in 'he United St, tea, where it recetred the flr?t premium awarded hy the America- Inrrnnte. for the b at Unit u. ire nade of inch uiateiiala *hd in inch a inper.or m nner, ai enab'ea the makrr to warrant litem t > Hand any r. m >le. Suangea before puiehviug elsewhere, are rrquetud to eall and eaamine ihe spleo tad workinanahip of thei imiiuntrnia, | and aa, rrtan t*e pit ft. 1 hey will oe found low?r ban ,.t any ether Imnie in the city. Mr. Ph. Krtia', Profeiaor of the Flute and Unitar, begi leave to anoonnre that the above airangriaenta do not interfere in the leeet with hia other engagements: he still continues to gn e leaaona ea ninal, at MM Broadway, near Walker at. ii.M lm*r >RK I ' MORNING, JUNE 7, U *VONSPHING?. LIVINGSTON COUNTY, NEW VORK. rTHlK P.oprietnra would nolhy out public that Uir ?ea?ntr lor J- the annual viaitniui ..f ihrse fountain" of health ha* arrived, an.i tint there a'e fife hole11 and tour hetlnn*establishments Pady I rr the re* ?|tio>i p( cotnnanv. For edrlee ia regard to the probable ilTrct of 'ii. ai wafr ra iu their it dividual casea, a?ul lor aiialrtit . f the dilf.r nf( prions, |l ey are i ermitted to refer to lir J W Francis, Na, I Rood afreet; t > Or H D. Bulklry, Leeiurer on diseases of the (Inn, No 83 Hlerckrr atree t or to l)r. ttiidtury, at the Hprroj*. it 27 8m* r S'RED EAULKHuTEL. 4k Whitehai! a. reef, opposite the Flattery Ga'den. fTMHB house having undergone many allrr-t t noaod repairs? l l aving tet-n newly I'um shed?foe present proprietor re spect'uliy announce* i-hn I'rieoda of the old c untry an*' travilling i ub'ic generally, that it ii now open lor the reception of pennant at and cn iit tioardera The position cf .Ins hotel -equi ts but litt e detail of ita ad mm ages, being situated fat ing the Battery Oar>'en and c? mmandii(r 111 .icw oi th B<y; wiiinn one ininulaa' w?lk of lh? I hi Velphia, Bos'oucn I Albany ste-mboatt. The proprietor intends that care aud indu <try,and moderation in eharfi a, ahall not be wanting to merit the patronage ol the pnblie. Homo-brewed ale, wme?, apiriri. lie, of the best quality, three eeuts n glass, HENRY B GRIFFITH*, m'3 lm"r Late of Bath England I'AViLION?FORT LEE THE above eatab'iditnent l aving been refilled in the moat fashionab'e and mod-ru stye, w>iopened ou the lint of May lorthv receptio t oi viaitori and permanent ho"dert. No Iccatiau can surpass this for a?lubrity aud convenience beit g limited witltiu nine unlet ol the city at the commencement of the Palitadoai, on the west hank of the Hud* n. For invalids, or thoae wishing retirement aud mcieatiou, thia ratabltahm'Ul present* nuny advantages, having extensive llOVfidc wpromenade, where visi eis are sheltered from the aummerann; with convc inucea for bathing-such as to please the in*>st fast dh us. The extensive proapect from he Pavilion and adjoiuiug heighta are tmsarpasred for its beau y. Military eompuniea on encampment or tarketexen a iocs, will fiud every contcniauce ea the gn.nutls have been laid tat exprettly for tnoee mrposea. (T7"TI?eateamboat B' Hon, Captain Bahcock, will ply regulauy. gitivK lacuitiex to thoae having buaineaa in the city, to visit daify. For tertni or F*ftica)ara enquire at Jol'te's Mn?'C Rtore, 383 B oadwav. JOHN A. WHITFIELD, mlSlm'r Proprietor. CORBYN'S COTTAGE^ STK.YKER'S BAY, 18 NOW OPEN, and iu lull operation, for the Spring and Sumin r aenona. During the winter, many alterations and improvement* have been made which i* believed .and niateriallv to tlie com fort of visitors A SALOON for'y-iive feet in length has been erected for the accommodation of large parties at dinners, suppers, conCer's, nr cotillons. A separate entrance has been opened for the bar, rendering the ladies'parlors unlet end selected. Of the Wines, Liqunns, CoisrrcTinwaaiES, Crksms, Stc., fcc , it is only aen-.sary to ssy they will be, as heretofore. Ok THE VERY FIRST QUaLII Y. Civil and obliging attendants are engaged, and every effort will he used u sustain the reputation this house has already acquired, and to render a visit to COttBYN'S COTTAGE desirable and satisfactory. An Ordinary every holiday at 3 o'clock. Tickets})) cents. |?T?" Stniker'u Bay i? s'tnated on the nanks of the Hudson, ia miles from tin City Hull,by the Bloomiiigdale road. Stages shut every hour from the corner ol Ttyoii I'lace and Chatham street. Fare 12)4 cents. raljlmr T~Al)nTN(jE iLACE-BULL'SFERRY?Tots delightIa fM| tamuirr resort, lotinerly kept by Mr John Pni s- n, his since h:a decease been ennttuntd hv Mrs Poti.on and Mr Stephen M. Annett, who are now lehdy for 'he reception of boarde s and visitors. A splendid steamboat runs regularly (see advertisement! to the ferry, making it at aq-eeab ? a place lor rrcre.aiion at can be found. The bar is stocked with the bert ol wine) and liquois. A splendid ta get ground at the place, and companies on target excursions cannot be better nrcommo''atcd tlsewheie. ELIZABETH FONSON. mJC Ira'r STEPHEN M, ANNETT. PLANTERS' HOUSE. St. Louis,-Mo. DEDUCTION OF THE FARE!?Id consideration of the iv pressnre ?f the times the nnderigneu has reduced the prices of Boarding and Lodging to $1 60 per day. and the r?te of Wines from to 100 per c?nt. His tables will c ntinne as heretofore to be supplied with rvery lusniy the market anotds. The lu Idtng is the largest, most airy, and combines mnrecomrorrs ihan any in the city, and is nut surpassed by any Hotel in the West. Evcrv attention will be given hy the undersigned, his agents, sod servants, to uecumnKuate those who may faro him with a call. BENJ. 8TICKNEY May 5.1X3. in 16 6wr PLEASANT BOARDING?Several families ran tre sc commadated at Stratton's Point, oae mile from Che village of F'ushing; to aud from which a steambnat runs twice a day. b'thing on a sann-beach within forty rodstwiih dressing house, rural walks, and a prospect unsurpassed, b" l?nd and water Apply to P. STRAT TON. m 10 lm*r I'AL.VIO'S ARCAI E 8/?TH, 39 CHAMBe R tTKF.ET rpHE GENTLEMEN'S SALOON NOW OPEN ? Oraat I Ileduc'ion. Baku ? cents. B iths with robes or sheets .37)4 " 2} 'irke s for $5. The snbscrilierh.vtDK leased the above establishment, for a I term of years, his commeDc d improvements on a scale which is he n rnmnl.-teil will. ti. flirrem himsall vie in faste inener. 1 ly .uF.?? ?i.K ?,miUi establishment in ihe wo. lc; hevng visited the best cnnoDcteu ou-ns in Anrooe, he fee ! n? hrsitatiou iu assuring his fellow citiz~ns that he spirit which has for Ihe p*,' thirty rears actuntrd ' im in provi ling (no matter "i w'-nt cost.) the moat aplohdi m-ti-ions lor their incitl turrhirl and c<> nee, hall out, on the prei litccc-sion he hot aiitht of, and ttint to the iiripr-<v, men a nil eleg-nciea ef th* Kuroi tau Bit: a, he wi I tike the I beiiy A adding r < m t einvmtive r?ao" era of hit own cultivated and well known 'astr.all that he ha* observed wanting to ret:ler the enjoyment of ahatht^e "ne pins n tia" of p-rf? cin.n. The Ladies Mai on will be in readiness in a few days. A 0 I deaermtion of'he varied impr vua-oj wil be given when :ompl*ted, atd the wi.ole thrown open f' r public ina ?etion. m H 3mec k KRDlNAND PA LMO f.viPtiK A.VT TO TRAVELLERS AMD HOUHfc 1 K* E^KttM?Lite and rronerty Preservers?Parent H<lf Locking HevolviDg Ptato'a. wnich can be doehisged an time*' mum ny aeconda. m?r?ly by (nl|in? the tnggrr. The ch-in her and n?rrel are in ona rneee, and th-tefore cauoot be blown ipart. like some repeang ptitola. Tile cuustrn' tioa is very umple? hey eau oe drawn tiom 'he pocket and used with one hand, without the loaa of a moment For tmv? Hera, houre and store keeper*, eaptama, pLntera, public officers, sod others, tn.-y are au r,dispensable article, as they tan protect their live* and property ifatUcsed by maty pert on*. If t lanter* won'd arm inemselvea with this weapon, they would have no earner-' fear the insurrection of their alavea. .The public are invited in eiamme the tame, as the r simplicity, beit't warranted not to get out of order, and the.r perfect imfety, will certainly recommend them over all others. Wholetale and retail J. O. flOLEN, 1(4 Broidway, inM I in cod ia*ec between Wall *i d Pine ate, UNITED STATESTEA EMPORIUM, J91, late 129 Chatham itrrrt. New York And 116 Fulton Street, Brooklyn. Ana* n 3<1 Bi.kkckfh sthket. WHt. LESALK AND RETAIL. T'HE CANTON TEA COMPANY continue to offer for h eale new end Ingram Teas of C7ery variety and etyle, Pheir oaaortmea' specially includes the moat delicious and sotr trful grades j I Ureen and Black E?ery package bear* the t:autpcf tie?tn#a rand elegance, end the Teas therein ar* so hormnjhiy secuied from light and air that thjir quality and power will ism in nnimpaired in any climate Their system if oroeecuting i-r.sineas is perhaps scarcely to be excelled. It ia founded upon the utmost regard to the rights of h* customer, rapeeiilly with respect to weight and quality, cod un. r railed cheapness. All.pnrchason are called upon to return an* irtir.le* whirh lail to give lliern the fullest satisfaction, which ne money will bo cheerfully end promptly tafnnded Ooontni merchants, public e?t. blishmenta, heads of families, and ahipinasicrt will find it a decided advantage to atnply thee)selves from this establishment Uewuiwf. Java Copntx rosated eyery day. Orders from all parts of the. 'Jelled fltuica oxeexted with gromptitnde and despatch. !T?* The onlr warehouse in Araeries far the eale of F #?ana's celcbrved Trs mil lm?.t TDO THE LOVERS OF SUPERIOR BLAC* TEA1 Howqua'a Miatnre?This estrerae'.y and unparalleled 'Pea, so highly celebrated iu China and Europe, jnet imnii.-tsi' is now for sale at the Canton Tea Cnmrmnv's (ieneral Tea Establishment, 131 ChatMmai New Yo?f, and lit Fu 1 (on afreet, Brooklyn?in ?>ek.-.g*a. Ptica M acnu and ? each m'l m TO. HOTEL KEMEKS, STEAMBO4T PHOPRIE I TORS and Places of Public Amnscmenr Ac.?J A ME* G. M'>FFKT, 12' Prine- street. New York, m-Du'aetures asuperior ameleot Sheet Braaa, mrable for It ine atair.i, which he off*r? fur a ile cheap He also Amthe* and puts them on in a anpariur ?ryle, at the ahorteat n lice, ind on the moat raaannih'r t> rm?. mJJ lei*r CBOTOV WATEK-DAY'S HIK8T PKEvHUM INDIA RUBBER HOIK la confidently recommended for any rurpnara for which leather la nacd, and la warranted to potie?a the foil -wing p'Ooertiea r? lat. It ia perfec ly tiahl under preaanre of the Croton. 2-1 It ia made of the a' rnogest fabrics, and will not mildew to injure in the least. and requirri no at'entiou. 3rd. It ia not dratroyed by coming in contact with oil or freaae, nor stiffened by cold weather, nor can the rebber de* mpoae, aa mleri. r artielea are in no caic naed. Khould ihe leaet complaint be made of tha Hoae, not posaesling ihc above propertiec, it will be taken back, at any time inlide o1 a x months from its purchase, uud olner firm m exchange withont charge. 4th Coupling and jet pipes will he attached withont charge. Buyera will not* that we a-e clearly satisfied that thia hoae (the firoceaeol malting which ia tlnknown to any other I i the trade) is jont the article top? wanted for leading water rnd many other liquids. HORACE H. DAY, in IS lm*r Succeasnrto fli.shury I. R (1.41 VlaiueaLane. CROTON WATER FOR SHIPPING?The nnderaigned reapectully inform trie owners and masters ol rets!a in ;hr r,?t of New York, that (th' Hydrants being now laid at each pier for the i xcluaive nan of anptd ing then with f'roton Wati rl they are no* prepared to give many q.i -ntity, it tim ahoricat notice We would a are for general iofnrmatioo.that no othir pcaona ire authoritrd (under p'tialtvl to faruiah ill pping with Croion Water except the Undersigned BROWN k ORMOND. General Depot, Sou h Side Fnlion Ferry, w ' Im'rc South sgsft, New York. A GOOD SH -iVlNf^SUAFAT L A S 1, TO make a good and lasting lather 'prjE SOA'Dhia i? eonipoaed of is the old Naples Bo?|?i 1 is kept l i shire >( and 20 ycra before it le import! d.? T'loae who b ire nacd it wi II huow i - a worth, and that i is the rer'hcit soap ever mule lor ah-ving?it mien a thick rich iMting easy lather, soiteuiug to the beard and licali ,g 'o the ikia ?i. i? n ,v purified, hraoiifnlly icented and pn' in nra having jin for use, at 3, 4 k i amUiuga each, by T. JONES li his Perfumery Estcb'iahm-ut, sign of (he American Fagl-, It (Jliatnunsir- et, N Y. aud by these agents in? a Ibmy, ai 17 Stale at; in Pliilade'phia, at Z*ihei'a, corner ol 3d and Dock it ; in Bnstrn, I State at ; in Brooklyn, III Fulton street, ml ' m * m UOC'fUK I3LLL. I \OCTOff UKLl. drvotea hi* peranual attention (duly, an L/ til 9 I'. M.I to llie removal of private di*e**ea in ever) itaxe All lulfrritis under protracted case*, aasr ivated nr un mcreer'nllr treated by ineiperienccd or ptetentied [raeiitiou,n? . '.aboriM nnder til* de*tro?tive effect* of mi renry ni inlica 110*1 r?III*, and ail who *u*prct the icinnin* of di eaa* nrltins ill the ?y?iem, may coneall Dr. B. alivay* with a ijuarantee of a ear*. i'rnon* cnnteniplatin* marriaae. who have been the *obtcl* ef delicate diaeaae*, may cuiiault Dr. Bell with honorable ontideuee. P<*i |*id letter*, determine th* CMe of petioiu t \ Ji*ranpi, have hi* prompt attention Jr. B.'? ireatment atn r itpnn t? inspieicn, and i? well known to L* **le and perm*87"Prir?* OffieeefT CKDAR BTRICICT, two deoraftom B*oaaway. ml lm*i IERA 343. UUHT! LIGHT!! A BKII.LI \NT A.ND B"' \U'I'IKIJI. I.IOHT FOR Sum.. ? ,1ALK A cunt AN HOUR i i n!' ''i* need w ilk in dukness, when the clearest light may be had at a merely nominal riprme. Teriy'? ne w I strut L-trips. fur barning any kiml of lara. tal'ow, or oil, without previous irreparatiou iacouvrureoce or liaotl1 V to get *i?' ?' is d?stiaed to >h<d a in hi h?ueftceut li .lit oyer in ? da k planer. Enterprise and cmnncii ion has nroagh. the linn*, o' science and letters tuto lit* ral c.'nTart with the mi da of oil our population Ve', how sh?ll t -y perceive it, slid i s blessings, unless Ju-iog he culy hours of leisure wli cli most of oar ritir.-ns p is'ess, the ahsence of die inn W a- |.,,ieo by ome other uminsry, w-use rtvs hal b fieri . | I A rear a.ipmum uioa to ihis gr-at drsnl-ra'tut h ? ju > b e.o Ifeeted in he inveuiion of Tetry's Lard L, inp -ai-g-io e of which ' mi' be made to light e parlor with u' vi.r< nr uiirl'.m brilliant! as the best astral If tnp, at au es,?eme ol but half a cent nhoar. A I lo ers of I ght o. economy, or I oth, sie incited to call and witness their operation, at E. HARKHON'H. til I'earl st'eet, N. Y. N.B. Liberal terms will be offered to dealers. j?4 iin'r-c QOLVIA.N'B LONDON MI/BTAHD, par snip Phtiaael200 kegs second aad fine 20 i pigs Lend 50 Ibis Alim Also on hai d? Printing Pai cry?28Xt2 26XJT 21X36 HXM 21X31 22* XJ2 Together wiih a geuetal assortment of w. iting ami wrapping pap ra. for sale by 8. KlNtiHLEY, in23 lm*r ' I"* Ms'drti Lane ru rut ladies. 1>K. rlULL'M UTKKO ABDOMINAL SUPPORTED. 'PtllS new Instrument for the radical cure of Prolapsus Uieti A or Kalling of the Womb, by external application, superseding the ase of the obieetioDel Pessary, is copfidently recommended to the afflicted as the means of perfect restoration to health, it never having failed of performing s en?e, e- en under the most aggravated circumstances. The Supporter has attained a rery high character in Knroyv as well as in this country. It is sdopted to the entire disuse ol pessaries.aird all other painful surgical expedients,in ths Lyingin-HospitsIs of London and Paris, and is universally recommended su Europe by medical men of the highest rank In this country i trs sustained by the leading members of the faculties oT Colleges euu Hospitals, tor! by all tits eminent private pre* tl tinners. Rooms have baen famished exclusively for ladies, at No. 4 Vesey street, having a separate entrance from the business department, where a lady rain constant attendance, to appl< Triases sort Honpnr-tert to famale t clients ml'mr At;*ltU? HO> Alt HO tl Klt'1'3 * Co, D uggi.-s aud Medicine Vendert,of Crane Court, Loud-m, Market r lace, M inches rr, ai d 304 Broadway, New York, rr-pe tlully anil u ce to the public that having -u -.resiled in c riling att.nti -u to their inv rluabie Mociciue, "l'l.r's Life Fills,'*ana i rfli ?cy beine no v fully tasted, ai.d i's success ?s acuralive eitaelished, beg to atate that no med cine ever offered to mankind hu so rapidly ohtainad such distinguished c.lebrity, fid .t i. quoting bin if ilier-is any |iir, of -ha civilisid wend where iti-Xtnoruiriaiy healing v uueshsvu not b'.eu rxnibitrd. The proprietors arc therefore doubly aminos to reenmm-rd the Pills to those whose loss o( health by d>spepiiaor ilieunttic-ffeciinns req irn a rpeedy aud certain rencvation.. The opinions of its valne by some of the b -st medical men ef ha day is aiure foniid-it'ou th it i's success d ret not depend upon auy system of advertising or mentrci us puffing, bnt up n it own virtu"t amongrt ih >se ?h -selex ensivc medical stouiiemcnts sud hi, h char- ctcr for iuteyiiry, piece 'h -m out ol the posiibiiitv of aiding quackery. Thomas Ho bars St < 'o h ive the m-imissiou of Dr Eitler, of P iUdolphtt, fir stati g his strong rccomnieudatiou of the use ofih-se Pills in d<rarured brliarv cninirl i-its. and Avion-lietinislie st mntoms By such u. doubted leslimony us hit ihe i ublic are begic- I nine to uuderM'iid andap ecitte ihe sunrrior efficacy if this milil mrdiri ue to the poweiful > u guivrs ihil hare beeu hiih-rio old them in the ill ine id Pi 1>. which mm i(ive relief far a short space of time. but always at ih* e?p"iisu ot tlie?ystemv by enferb'ing it and rendering it more liable to receive agon oihet ceniplait t'. The tame high medical authority, in describing th? aimple virtue* of this mediciir, sacs: ''As It differs in Many reipe'ts very sse liallvfrom ill - pills th t have hiih'tto been brought b "ere the i uh ic, it is advisable to make the public acquaint'd with the general properties they pomcss _ Par.'a Life Tills, as a i nrgetivr, are found to act very gtntly?indeed when they do purge frrely. It is owing less t> their purgative qualities than ine very bad condition of the system they are acting upon. The vrgatable ing-eoients of which hey are strictly competed, will in all instances chemically decompose the deleterious matter that is ge.nera'ed by vari ;iis causes, and impedes ife vital and organic operations oI natnre in the human frame. Their action is principally by decomposition?invigorating b7 increasing the tone and quality if the blood?strr ngiheniiw all the organ< ef feduallv wi'hout any of that stimulating effect so injurious in purgatives generally." ^ I Ik y are sold retail at most of (he respectable druggists in New l'oik. and by duly appointed agent, in every city and town from Ma ne to l.ouisiana, Canada, the British provinces, Havana, ihe vVrst Iudii islands, rod South America, in boxes, 5# and '5 cents r ML. Testimonials of lire from person wlies# diseases were of tna most invi-ierate kind and ol long standing, miy be ?eeu nt the offiiv of I'. Huberts He Co., Clarendon House, 304 Broadway, ofli ? 1st floor. Country Agents will please addreis let ?r box MT, post office. m3Mnt THs. i >. I V A'i'h. 1 HKAl'lBC,.?1 nu is a iKie ??i.un?c 00 certain Ju'ases, in which the most convenient anJ ptivale eeeaiui of ?U1 I are svvted in the plainest possible ruauuvi. And to: only vie I' ections Mren for the more simple end recent cases, out those which have fallen into improper hands, and aoutin-ja on ficni month to month, are particularly dwelt on.? ueh feiseM will see immediately the difficulties which impede thtir cure, whatever they may be, as well as the pi?a to nenursnad in each particular cars, ft is obtained only of the author, L'r. lUlpli, SS Crneuwieh si. IVice SI. Dr. ilalp.'i also lakes this opportuitT of saying shsi l,s may be consulted on the peculiar duets"* above referred |n, n |his I prlrarn re_-;'?u,:r. at snr, hoar. * *urr., h-vevar, of the de tip and jast solieituce wmcn many feel to ar.rnuii a ,n,soo of iniecTity as well as experience ir tnese i.c uihr rcuu-,plaints, the author deems it pi?#i er (o giye the ful!;>w;r..- short >L?,.h "f the opporfni:it;ns he Pas ' ad to fit hkuseii i I truso And this heist!* more incliueo toes laaay ' :t "ir-d h'ia fast, for want ol tnfo-xaitiou of tf is kind , the; tiarc se'octr.d irom e list of drer.'isirg people ths oo.i w'"i had bcasiaj tiost ?.T v. onderful eurej?hut not without the b-t.iires: rcpeuiaoee. hlo therefore bei's to state (list, beside his irpk at graduate of KJiphnrgli, &c. t(.:. kc. be has been wttrhiiix these divraaas both in hospital and eity prsr.tiie for mo o iban thirty yews, t)id has pchl-sbed tw.i es'.u-tn of s vrnrk a-.: r i?Iy t'J thani. .Also that ti I a > letttn neat ia America?as 3w Astir* Cw.ti to lir. hint: N.K and Dr Phytic* of Philadelphia, nod ethers- acd fhrlhru, that he hra the privilege of laferriusi r atinn, -r??y physi U Of e-ninroe; in this eir*. Net!"- t I i? conceives, at better gri.ond of ror/Viatja b-r ?rho e? :tm gars to his. Consultation* ma* tietrvla ky pest, an- or tueh ha hit a little; ivtte o ,cat, eonvnitte every thirg ' c.c.,.ry ror ? " ood- "A privy!* In* forwSTtled se tiey l>?i rtirrted Fries *t i n?5 lrr?r QUACKERY USED UP'!! rPHK d.ijtol th- moiist*' Qmckery ore iinmS-red;hi* reign wi'.l toon b ore', and the thousands and Una of thonsinUi who at* suffering uud*t ttcr t ciscasrs. ?pd th- equally intnlera-le impoiiiio n of uupriuciplrd mercenary quarka. may now irj< ic?at tlinr approaching diliverante. The dark red ol myt>ry wl?ch lia* hitherto enahrondrd the tre itmeut ut these one tea. ia removed, and the'mean* lor obtaining r? lief ta piv ril wuhin tie re-ci ol a I. Let thorn- who are wiae avail ttiemaelvea ol the oppo-tuni-* with at delay, a'<1 proenre at once a copy o> the Medical Gae'e f >r the trea'ment of s-erel titrates. by thejuatly celebrated l)r VAUWHht, for many yea*a the princi|<al phyneiao cf the Dnblia Lock Hotptiil ? This treatise contains a clear aud ihor ugh caamiuMion of Veneteal diseases, in all their various firm*, with uielul aud effectual mnd-s ! treatment, which all may tnideratand and prac ice without the aid of a physician, or riak of discovery ? This work cannot (?il to prove inrainable to travellers, seafaring men ana other*, who are nf,en placed in aitaationa where they cannot obtain medical advice. It may be obtained at toe Book aland, 92 Nassau at. corner of Fulton at. Price 15 eta. Any person sending tl, by poa', will have one copy f.inhfully'orwaid-d to them. * ml'nm'r CASirTAILORING ESTAUL1SHMEN I . SPH LLII8, Merchant Tailor, (late of 7 Aator llonae, Broadway.) imnrraa-d with he ueceauty ol meetin, the exigency ol ihettuteaby the recuctioa o( hisp icta, ami fiudmg if im| oaaible to do so while subject to the enormous outlay a a Bro ilway Itdtin uc-esianlv n.cnra, >>u houly w* to effect this?without dLpiragemeut to the luility of hi* garmeuia; he hs?, therefore, remove''In* eatablishineut to 116 .NA'-SaU 81 HEKT, corner of Beck man, where gentlemen can now be supplied ut a dt ductton of ten |er cent from hit former low prices. The following ia submitted merely as a iprcimen of the foregoing assertion Sup* nine Coats, made in rite htat style, from $ 6 to ft Lntra do, of the Ancat qttalny, IS to tl Challe Ves a, 2 75 8. P heg, corclnaioa, to obterv*, the above artier* may be iflicd on. in >11 teipeeta, to be c.f the most genuine description,yd lower than any other honae furnishing the same qn lny of artie'ea. illmr FFICK OF JKKKF.K80N 1N8UKANCIL COM PA NY?Office 36 Wall atreet. This Cotnpauy connnoe their buaaaesa of inanranca against Inas or damag* by (Ira, on goods, wares aud merchandize aud also, on esxels and their eargnea against Iota by inland navralioo. DIRKCTOB8. Thomas W Thorne b.liaha Higga ThomysT Woodruff Benjamin ft Kobaoa Jrh* It Dnvitnn t'ranria P Pag* Thomson Price. Joseph Allen John II Lee John P Moore Moees Tucker James K Hoimei* CalebCTnni* Junes K Whiting Anson Baketl Wm K Them J'.seph Drake Iiawley John C Thomas Morrell THOMAS W, THORNE, Ptesidenc tirn T HOPE Meereiarv. mllvirh W1KR1, BRANDIES, kt. m U V ...KawtiK. * ..lUi. r.allnwi.n. Uf aflwa fcp fnaaaLai AH 1 l i e ilten, corner of William. Madeira in pipes, hhda, quarter catka, demijohns and bottles, a pari very old and h'gh coat, direct ana via India. Sherries, in pi pea. hhda, quarter caaaa and inal-ae, of variina Kradea?Amontillado in quarter eaaks. Tort?Imported eipressly for family ure, in rrood and in tllM. Clarete?Chatenn Margeanr, Latottre, St. Relay he, f.aroM, St. Jnlien?alao iu cuke. Hoclte?Joliaonetberg Caatlr,Mureobrunn*r Cab net.Chartiberger. BroncOer*, Asain*n?hatisen, Orer.haoaon. Hmtertianren, Hu.lerh-iloer, Hattenheim, Peieporttr, L-tbfeanmllch, (iie enheimer Hoehhenner.fcc. Ite Jte. Samerne, Baraac, Mos-at, Chablia. Birriinml ei?Clca da Voueent, 'hambcrtin, Romanes. V*ry r.ld Coy c ue Bt^ndy, vintage nil: evprevily for rummer aaq. Kme Holland din. Tho ab-ve articles are reeornroended lo the infirm as'* sovereign remedy for their maladies. OILBKRT DAYIS. rnS lm _ THK ASCIICbF AbD WOM)K.HKi;i. KM PI lik OK CHINA?Deeer'bcd, lllnrr.rri'ed and Katniliaru.-d.?K. MAd I I.N a '-(> have jnit received Irom London a rmitr.ificeut illustrated work on China, which they in'end to ia*ne in monthly parts, with all the aids of engravi jg end printina cembineii. to present a beaut tnl and iurtructive ?ceount o< th taatouiahing a> d in'ereatiov c 'Uutry. Th* antiquity, the grandear, and the exclusive ehaiaeter of the instiiuti ins of China, rinderiocban 'coiunlat he ireaent time, peenl'trly appropriate nn I desirable, eoiiaideriux the interest which ta now felt !u the United St iter, in coaneetmu with u e fact of oar eom me re al operations beingso mucn extend d with that ainitnlar iiid woi dertul n tion. The with will be iaaued in numbers oontMiuinc three ateel engnviags ,u each, Price bo cents M. MAH+1N h CO.. intT.lm^r 2ft Jnkii MrOHTANl TO OLD COUNTKVMKN.?MKBAKR > H AHNDKN * CO. will draw at their Eipreae end Korniri I."tier Olfcre. No. I Wall street,email billa of eichaujre from ft? to ?100,in sums to nit, payable at light, foi the accommolatioa of t?nou wiihing to remit t?. their trienila in Bngiand, Ireland, or ricotlai'd. The fetter haga for the Mryal Mail Steamer* forl>i? epaol ?le ?l?o irtude ap a< their ofline. Ear iii/thar inf.v amino apply to HAHNORM it CO.. j Wallrna a Icaprnq liondou? MACLEAN. MAffHIft It CO " Liaerpool~M'H.VKW fc ?MITt| | ( 1 ( cateft r ng'ith Ah afti 'iit < ?p,*r, t >e.y >u perior aritele, Com the heal i re, end with he mw at caie, rnmpriamn a fall BMorlnil m It >?? to i It oi, for tale by E K COI.LIN8 k CO Ilea 54 b. athiueet. ' LD. Mm Two Conta. I The YtiCATion (tijn Hoat*.?Pome of the letter writers on board the Texiun squadron assert that Commodore Roylan and the crewwof the Yucateco gun boats behaved very badly in the action of the 17th. We Hre awured, however, that anch is not the case; that they did the heat ? rvice pr.tanble under the circumstance*. and conducted themaelvee with ureal bravery. It is not by undervaluing their allirw? and particularly the gallant little fleet of gunboats, which kept the Mexicans at bay for a long time, when not a Texian vessel was in the gulf? that the Texian squadron can hope to win laurels or extend tneir tame. Their glory is enough to warrant them in sharing a little of it with the Yucatecoa, in the achievement of capturing the Mexican vessels or driving them from the Gulf.?N. O. ByJlttin. The following extract of a letter from Col Morgan. the Texiun Commissioner, to a gentleman in this city, was handed to us:? j Camvsaont, May 90,1941. Commodore Moore fought hi* ibip well, and but for s shot linking tbeAiiftin between wind and water, would have raptured the lamotia atramer Ouadaloupe beyond a uoubt! The damage done the latter ia almoat irreparable, withouth abe if of iron, ahe ia nearly torn to piecea! Thia Guadeloupe 11 the Asg ahi,i, and now commanded by Don Themis Marine, who u nt Commodore Moore a challenge to come out and tight him in "three fathama water." The challenge waa in print, aud in rather a vulgar, braggadocio atyle, dated on the 16th,but not received in Campeachy tinil lute in the day of lbs 10th. Com. Moore never *aw it until after the action, ner heard of it, but Don Thomai muat have thought him vary prompt in accepting it, for, at daylight on tbs 16th, he wua under u eigh, going out to light the fleet! So you will ace the Commodore not only gave Don Thomas battle in three fat ho A* water, but chaaed him off into twenty lathoma, and to windward out ot reach! Don Thomai wanted to do something handsome, and to make the capture of the Austin certain, he took on board 3i';0 additional men, for the purpose of boarding; but finding it rather warm work at long shot, ha gave up the contaat. Gen. Ampudia, who has command of the heights that overlook the town, and who has neariy S,0o0 men, on the night of the idth took a position in the village of San Roman, outside the walla, and about 000 yard* distant. As soon as he was discovered, on the morning of Uta 17th,entrenching his troops in the houses, churches, Ac., all of which ore of atone, tha Campeacheanos opened a brisk Are upon him trom the forts, walls and small redoubt! just outside of the walls. The Mexicans very promptly returned the Are, and saon the rattling af musketry, at tillnry and bombs became geneial. The musketry com menced at daylight?the artillery soon followed auit, and next came Au'pudia'a beautiful bombs amongst us This was kept up during the whole of the 17th and 18th, day uiil night, when AmpUilta's troops were so cut up they nau 10 qun san uoman una lane to me neignit again !? San Romun now presents a scene of watte and desolation which would almost make one weep, particularly those who had their all in that place It was hastily abandoned by the ii habitants at the commencement or the difficulties between Mexico and Yucatan, and most ol them had taken rafuge within the walls of Campeachy. When it was discovered that the enemy had taken possession oi this beautiful village, and that he was to be dislodged only by knocking the houses down, not a murmur was heard. The artillery from th< forts wero turned loose upon it; added to which some ofour officers who ara fond ol such sport, asked permission of the authorities to taka charge of one of the gun boats, and bear a hand in tho tight; which heiug granted, they hauled her close in, and the way they knocked down houses was not slow, I assure you. In fact, the ruthorities had to countermand the order, or they would not have left one stone upon another. The slaughter among Ampuuia's troops must liuve been great indeed ; there were discovered in on* place, in a church, thirty-live dead,*an officer amongst them. Many of them had been buried before the Mexican* retreated to the heights. Ampudia was taken by surprise; he had no idea of such a reception; all of which is laid to charge of the " Tehaito devils," (Texian de vila) On the 19th, yesterday. Gen. Ampudia tent in a document to the citizens, saying he han posted hit troops in Han Roman, for the purpose oi ottering a fair fight to the Campeacheanot, in the plain near by ! that he had no idea ol seeing so beautiful a village ruined, and consequently to save the houses he had concluded to retire to the heights '. We understand that when the Rosario was twenty milta out at sea, after her departure from Campeachy, the ganaofthe fleets were lisard, is If in anathsr engagement?AT. O. Bulletin. The Coast Survey?Its Brilliant Reenlts. ? Can knowledge have no bound, but must advance 8a far, to make us wish for ignorance 7"? Dssmam. Mr. EniTnR:? The illustrious sage, whose profound wisdom and vast learning have been applied for a long aerie* of years to the direction and progress of our greatest national work, the Coast Survey, at length opens to the public gaze a portion of his labor*, and bid* ua make what use we may of them. Alter ten years of anxious expectat'on we are permitted this glimpse, this loretasle of what is to follow? perhaps, during the present century We are presented by Mr. Hassler a catalogue of the exact geogra; hical positions of forty lighthouses, with "directions lor use," in the "language of the sciences," for the immediate use and benefit of onr navigators Three-fourths of the names in the catalogue are those ol that important class of beacons, kn.iwn among seamen as "side lights," or those < ccupytng opposite shores of inland waters, like the lamp pests on each side of Broadway. The greatest accuracy was undoubtedly required, besides a vast amount of laborious calculation, to eliminate the few figures given as results?eifted like grains of gold dust from a mountain of sand and rubhi?h hv minimiLhAno on/4 "J - * ollU Hlfc CWIUW gratitude of t'?e nation at large is due to the immortal Hassler tor bo useful a bequest, the more particularly when we consider how insignificant baa been the coat. The ak<pper of Long Inland Sound will no longer have any doubts about the accuracy of his observations sfter working up a lunar or a meridian altitude ; because the figures in the catalogue will always serve as a check to prove his calculations No more need the ballast-monger of Delaware Bay feel any uneasiness in taking a departure from Mahon'a Ditch to Mispillion Creek, lor the elements of the actual distance are here laid down. The canal boats from the Susquehanna to the Patapsco may now paddle in safety, since the position of Havre de Grace lighthouse is shown to seconds of latitude and longitude. The positions of seven lighthouses on the ocean coast are given, aryl by comparisdP with the same as given in the American Coast Pilot of Messrs Blunt, we find in the latter such horrid errors as 30 seconds of lattlude, or half a mile of linear distance. Navigators should be cautious bow they use this book, for we regret to see even in the latest edition, that no mention is made therein of "the meridian ol the island of Ferro, accepted tor the common maps, as dividing meridian between the two pUni-globes," so carefully noted by Mr. Hassler in his " directions for use, and which the real navigator will appreciate, when jammed between the prt and gritiron of Hell-Gate. There are some few errata in Mr. Haaaler'a list which were probably caused by the " short time" allowed for its preparation and the want of " suitable assistants," this country being utterly barren of the peculi-ir intellects required for such purposes, thus throwing the whole amount of labor upon the illusirinos chief, now at the green old age of 73? Cape May lighthouse, at the entrance of Delaware Bay, (though quite unimportant when compared with the one at Million's Pilch, or that at Havre de Grace) is laid down one degree, or sixty geographical miles north of its true position, "omitting decimals." It should also have been stated that longitudes are always calculated from Greenwich by English and American Navigators, instead of the expression, "as from the latter (Greenwich) longitudes are generally calculated by English navigators " There are some small errors in the chaoging of the "time column" into "arc" the moat important of which is the position of Throgs Neck.? However, as our coasters who navigate the Sonnd can check the rates of their timekeepers between the City Hall and Hands' Point, the latter error will not perna|>s cause any disasters As the survey is now progressing south word we shall expect inlHfiSto receive from Mr. Hassler the ge<?Tupntcal positions of the lamp posts on the Dismal Swamp Canal and the Lazaretto Beacon at the head of the Patapsco,. with others of equal importance. It is much to be lamented that the penurious feelings of our legisla turn fiiiuiiiu (>rrvr in. mure uurrm appropriations lor carrying on ihe Coaat Surrey. For three years past only #100,000 per year have been allowed to Mr. Hasnler, yet tf the brilliant resultsenumersred above are properly estimated, the economy of the work in proportion to its value, will astonish all the world. We trust our next Congress will look at this matter and show a more liberal temper. Stkbeiko Paddu. WATCHES ANU lEWKLLEHY lower tnu ever.?/.a the inbacr.ber eoDttaali* receiving all dewnptHW el told and rilver waichta. of the n'woat nylee, direct from the muiafaetirer*, in England. Fiance, and Bwitaeriaad, he ia nebled to offer a larger assortment, and at much leas pnees, at tail, than any other hnotr in the eitv. Qold watehea as lew ullinrh. Watches and Jewellery eneheaeed or boashi. All watcher warranted lo heap good time, or the money roamed. Wetchos, clocki and jewotlerv repaired in the Vet iianner, mil warranted lower than at any other place in the :irA 0. 0. Al'cii. im|x>rtot of watehor aaa jewejlcrv. whole, *n ' retail. *1 Wnll ?Wt. qp fitra m7?n im-ee VMTIwOlFDr.UOHrPUtU* AL?, KX- UH-IO.nS. * ? A. Mil Mr^ii th- Hit Uon River to Hoboten. aud than a walV -othe W)%?>*an Fi-I ? noay ihe ti'-tn iNj-ntirjii nd pfatar"*<i?? of ha pi*'*?, will prove ;h? mot e??tJy \c?o*)pl?h- a and atinctiTaot all ih* rural 't< ursioiw that caa b? mail- ft m the tit/. The trcsn.ds irm pr saiit tape ct. th? tra?. bnnw mo* ly iu leal and thai*' covert* #itn a neh turf. Th* walks arm in atatllaat ordar, h ?*} onnaidarahly amballtahad tha praaaat spring ?! ^ M