Newspaper Page Text
' THE PARISIAN ALTERATIVE MIXTURE, for the cure of primary or secondary syphilis. This powerful alterative is composed of a combination of botanical remedial agents, which ezcrciae a apecilic effect on theae terrible maladies. Bold in large bottlea $3 each; in email do-$1 each} in caaee containing half a dozen, $6?care. ** fully packed and sent to all parts of the Union. W. 8. RICHARDSON, Agent. (Office and Consulting Rooms of the College of Medicine and Pharmacy, 97 Nassau street. UNRIVALLED TONIC MIXTURE lor the cure of all the protean forms of dyspepsia, loss of appe. H*?' t?w 'P*"1'' lassitude, debility, brought on by secret indulgence or a sinking of the constitution. The College of Medicine and Pharmacy confidently recommend this most grateful mixture as tne greatest invigorator of the system at present known to the medical world. Bold in large bottles $3 each: small do. 91; in cases containing half a dozen, $6, carefully packed and lent to all parts ol the Union. W. 8. RICHARDSON, Agent. Office and Consulting Rooms of the College'97 Nassau street. 0U- PROFESSOR IVELPEAU'B CELEBRATED 8p cure Tills, for the cure of Gonorrhoea, Gleet, and all unpleasant discharges from the urethra. These pills are guaranteed to cure those distressing complaints in one lourth of the time occupied by the old ana now obsolete treatment,(without tainting the breath, disagreeing with the stomach, or confinement from business. Sold in boxes - ontaining one hundred pills, at $1 each. W.8 RICHARDSON, Ageut. Office and Consulting Rooms of the College of Medicine and Phlrraaey, 97 Nassau street. N. B - Persons afflicted with the above complaints, reaiding at a distance, can obtain a chest containing a sufficient quantity of Professor Velpeau's celebrated remedy, J guaranteed to cure, by addressing the ugent of the Colcge, (post paid) stating paiticulars of case, and enclosing nOBET MARKET. Tuesday, June 0?0 p. m, The stock market was very heavy to-day. The excite ment and rapid riM of last week filled weak men with took* at high prices, and they are of necessity realizing, preparatory to new movement*. The result is a (all of pri. ^ ces, of which capitalists and strong operators are availing themselves, lormiog a basis for greater excitement and higher prices. Money is, if possible, more plenty than ever. Large loans have been made as low as e| per ccnt> and in three weeks large sums will be thrown upon the market from the July dividends. It is singular that while money is so low, stocks like Kentucky, on which a dividend is due July 1st, are selling at 97 per cent. At the new board this morning Ohio O's fell 1 per cent; Kentucky 1}; Illinois per cent; Delaware and Hudson 3 per cent; Long Island 1 per cent; Peterson 3 per cent; Harlem I per cant; Stonington 1 per cent. At the new board the sales were small, but prices were more firm. Real estate is rapidly working into lavor. Large sales at good prices were made to-day. The great question of reciprocal commercial treeties between the United States and foreign countries, more particularly Oreat Britain, is daily assuming a more interesting character. The recent] remarks of Sir Francis Baring and Sir Robert Peel on the duties on certain articles, in the course of the late debate on the budget, clearly indicate that views were entertained there coincident with those expressed by the Hon. Daniel Webster, in bis late Baltimore speech. 1 he announcement of the latter gentleman that he had aot heard of any intention of the * British Government to modily the corn laws, was probably based on a knowledge to the contrary; but that some articles of great national interchange could be relieved from their present burdens to mutual advantage, appears bath in his speech and those of the British Ministers, both in and out of power. The present rates of duties paid in England on American goods, with tho exception of the article of tobacco, amount to an average of little more than 13 percent ad valorem; while the average here on British goods imported into the United.Btatcs is nearly 35 per cent ad valorem all round. The following table from Treasury returns will show the amount of American produce imported into Great Britain for the year 194'), with tho amount of duties paid : Imposts or U. 8 Produce into Great Britain for l?40. Under th' art of 3 Vic., ran 17. I Man 15. IRin. /li-? *,?r rmnt must be added to the amount of duties in Ibis table, on impnrts'ion into Great Britain, except on corn, (under which head il included alt sortsof grain, flour, meal, <J-c .) and on spirits ai.d wood. The articles in the following table, exempt from this additional duty, are thus (*) designated. The manner of computing this duly is illustrated at the end of the table. ? Br.Tar Du's. ,1m't of Merchandize. Quantities. Value, on imports fm duties for. notions. paid. Apples, bb's 6,395 $20,560 5 ler i t. J,079 40 _ Ashes, ? ? $1 44 per cwt. Bur, porter,and ci >er, dozen, 8 $70 $ 5 81 ? Biscuit ond other ah p bread, bbli. 2j 100 ? ? Books and maps, ? 2,117 ? ? Brushes, ? 5 20 per cent. Butter, lbs 183.5(9 13,674 SI 80 per cwt. 8,257 90 Candlts,spm.,lbs, 350 140 60 eta per lb. 220 50 Coaches aud other carriat.ce, ? ? 30 percent. ? ( orr, bush. 104,841 61,569 ? ? Copper and brats manufactures, ? ? 30 percent, ? Cotton, lbs. 491.915,091 41,945,134 7fl cts.per cwt. 3 24?,860 29 lotion maul". ? 586 10 per cent. 58 60 Earthenware, ? 2 15perceut. ? Sir newarr, ? 3 20 per cent. ? Fish, quintals. 25 30 Prohibited. ? r faz, in'ttf. ol, ? 50 20 per ce. t. ? Klrs erd. hatli. 76 961 119,988 21 cents qr. 2,424 27 la. 320.919 3,387,(43 ? 1,003,874 75 Cinteng, lbs. 12.275 5,569 96cts.per cwt. 110 48 Olaaamanf. ? ? 20 per cent. ? Gold and siCr coin,? 1,905 957 tree. ? Gold and sil'r leal, ? ? 72 cu par 100 Irs, ? Hams & bacon, lbs. 1,161 115 $6 72 per cwt. 7,25 Hlta, ? 1.095 $2 52 each, 1,447 36 H'dea, 3,817 11,966 $112 per c ?t. 1,7(2 35 Hoi?, ? ? $41 04 rer cwt, ? H'sli'ld furniture, ? 1.319 ? ? Iron, pig. ? $140 per ten, ? Iron catlings, ? 350 10 per ccut. 35 7 5 Iron maul. ? 73,226 20 per cent. 15.377 46 Lead, pig, Iks. 24,381 975 $9 60 per ton, 109 70 Lumber, ? 8,661 ? ? Marlsand spars, ? ? ? ? Mvble and stone manufactures, ? ? 20 per el sd. val. ? Medicinal drugs, ? 2,652 48 cts per cwt. ? Music 11 insi's, ? ? 20 per cent. ? Oak baik aud ctherdve, ? 72,311 16 era perewt. 21.717 30 O'l, fi-h. B"lie. 409,028 330.037 t 27 68 ion, 270 560 60 I'ani s & varnish, ? 2,026 5 pot cent. 319 tO Paper and other stationery, ? 470 18 cents lb. ? Potk ? ? $2 88 per cwt. ? Potato, s, bath. 10 I0 48 c nti, ? Hire, liercts 17.732 288,439 $1 60 per cwt. 251,251 00 Kye, oits, (ko'her grain It palse, ? 14,042 ? ? Pa dfarr, ? ? 30 per cent. ? Skins aid furs, ? 1,117,374 ? ? Hoa . lbs, 906 '5 $21 60 per cwt. 173 57 b pints from grain, gills, 910 900 9 5 48 per gal. 4,986 80 spirts from molasses, galls. 3,122 1,049 $5 48 per gal. 17,108 56 Stives and heeding, 72 000 ? $5 50 p:r 120 , 3.477 60 "pctullldh, ix'.1u?, anjplatk, 78.000 21,510 ? ? *Timber,hewn,tons.3 399 ? ? ? T-l'ow. lbs, 29 580 2,958 76 c's per cwt. 210 70 Tar, bbl?. 9,300 ? $3 60 ?,9t9 50 Pit li, h'li. 4,650 ? 20 c * pcrcwl. 2,746 38 Hosin bbls. 41,374 470,450 $1 14 per cwt. 149 366 80 133,124 ? $1 01 |*r iwt. 408.857 08 do spirits of, ? * ? 32 ct*. cer lt>. ? Tobacco, maiiaftclured, lbs. 891,7(6 152,929 $2 1G per lb. 2 022,389 21 Tobacco, uktnaiiafectored, hhda. 27,136 3 227,880 72cttper Ib.lO,511,816 00 Wax, Iba. 28 2.15 7.559 $4 40 par cwi. 605 03 WluJebtue, lbs. 29 320 6,781 $4 50 perl.n, 6 267 11 Wt anna apparel, ? 25 20 je'Ccnt. ? Wheal, bush. 615.97] (60,559 ? 400,26 1 80 Wood, mannficturesof, ? 11,909 20 per crut ? Tot .1. $54, 05,790 $28,360,153 23 Note ?The mI :iti tnnl duty of five per cant, payable ou impoituioii iitoOre 1 Bill in, Wis not legally in lo c 1 during the en ire year of 18I6, bu fro 1 and i* paii'ipr, (15.It May <fe il sot beiuc able to di criminUe be ween th t amount or iiu-iitity of the ilotnra'ic exports of the United Ma'ei to U;e >t Britain pucr or subsequent to the optrilioaof this act, it 1 a-It rri tali mated ou all articles in 'he above tab! for 1840, li ilile to the smnr. The percent. ?d litiantl duty is taken on the total am.uut of the entri, (ard not adled t j the rate, I being thus coin ued ? 60 ce. ts |? r pound.duty on 350 rounds spertnacity can lies. SO Amount of rated doty, $210 00 S pet cent. . 10 50 Total, 220 50 Here it appears that on a value of tobacco equal to $3,380,809 tho dutiea were $22,637,305. Deducting those aums from the totals we find that on $50,624,991 the duties amounted to $3,823,948, or scarcely an avrrngoof8 per c? ni on uifm'x|x>u >unit> uiti:. vremaynowi &? a snne. w hat similar table ol Britl'h imports into the U- States for the same yeor Imposts of Esglish Mapiufactusfs into the Urited States, with the Dott levied vrow ihem here. 1840. 7>?/y. Silks, 1,343,818 none. Do aad Worsted, 341,361 Linens, 3,891,361 < Woollens, 6,633 374 1,089,000 * Worsted, 1,336,619 167,100 Cottons, 4,76.1909 3,333,000 Hardware, 9,443,819 671,000 Earthenware, 1,811,811 460,000 iron and Steel, 9.667,966 1,636,000 tHber articles, 9,647,936 1,861,000 Total, 83,679,603 9,787,000 This gives An average of nearly 30 per cent, anil under the compromise act, hud it continued in force, the average duty would have been 30 per cent, while the new tariff bus raised it to an average ol 36 per cent. Krom these facts it is seen that, with the exception of tobacco, the Kngliah tariff is really far more liberal than our own, and a spirit of conciliation requires to be shown on this side of the water, not out of regard to British interests, but to relieve cur citlreDS from oppression. New York Pnbllc Stock Kxehsnge. ?20(HVOh OS's, '60, , 92k in N Y Life & Trnst Co, R7 nana do do nw QVi mo FArme?*' Tiest, 2<>k 11(10 do do 91 25 do 2Ck 1000 Co do 91V 100 do ?10 2??4 lonn do do 91k ?5 do ZO'* 130il Water Loe.n, *58 98 175 ... do 2? 50011 do 1870, 911 .17 Ohio Life 8i Trnst, f6k kZOOfl IndisiiA Bonds, 34 k 10 Mareb*ou K*4h? 3>4 2000 do 33k 10 UtieskHc v KR, 120 MM do 31 3# do b'O 120 JMloo llliroi?Pp!b 's 190 33. 10 do II9X 40(0 do 30k 57 Aub fc Hi ch RR 92 IOOO do 31 85 do k?0 02k do .1(1 \ 10(1 Boston U Trov Hit, 100 'dill di 3tk 15 111 State B?nh, 10 2000 ?'o 98 201 do 32S 2000 do b30 SOW 1(0 Stcuiugtcn KB, 32% 1000 do 97K 75 do ?30 32 5000 do 97M 50 do ?30 MS 10(0 do b20 97l? 125 do 33 5000 do 97 75 Long UUtid BR, 52* 10 thai Del h Hadson, 1*4 50 do 52 30 Mechanics'Bank, 90 50 do blO 52 10 Bink of America, 90 200 do 51% la do %lK 40 ,la bio 51% '00Mer.KichaBoeBank.li0 10 NJeiaey UR, 81% 50 Bk Bommerced lull.) 101% 50 do 81 5? Leather Man. Bk, 107 25 Patteison HR, 54 150 Seven'h Ward Bk, 88 100 do 53 20 Am;r Et Bank, 7?% 50 do 52% Second Board, 50 Lena Island. 51>? 2000 Illinois Bonds, 3'% 100 do b60 .52 2500 Ohio 6 *. >10 OIK 50 Auh k H"Chester, 92 25 Mohawk. b30 31 13000 Indiana Bonds, 33% 25 do 38% 10002ft* <lo 31 >?lel at the Stock Kicbance, 81000 N V 5%'s, 11160, 103 50 Harlem UK. 33% 7500 N Y 4%'j, '59 b45 %% 5 Long Island i.R, 52 4000 Kentucky 6'?, 08'4 150 do blO 61% 9000 do bis 'III 50 do 30 51% ll'OO do yg% 2 0 do thw 51 5009 III laoit 6's, 1870, 32% >00 do 51% lOO'l <o ;till 150 do b30 51% !i?u do si% 75 do 52% 000 do 31% 50 Farmers' L"nn, 26% 1000 de- 3 % 75 do 26 2009 do 31 fO do thw 26 1000 la bonds, 25 Vtari, 32% 40 do bi.w 27 1100 Ohio 6's. I860, b:hw 92% Second Board. 300 shas LIslaud RH, 51% 10(0 do blO 53 25 do 52 State of Trade. Real Estate ii making a strong attack upon the capital lying idle Messrs. A- J. Bleecker k Co. had a large sale to day at tho Exchange, whichavas well attended. The bidders were ol the best descrijmon and the rssults as follows :? Saleaat the Exchange, Junedth, by Anthony J. Bleecker & Co. 1 Lot on Mth street (Union square) 26 3 by ICS 6, $5960 1 " ? " " ' 5500 1 " " " " 6460 1 " " " " 6500 1 " " " " 6600 1 ?' " " ? 6600 1 " 13th st, in rear, " 25 9 by 100 2600 1 '? ? " " 16 6 by 190 2260 I " " " " " 2250 1 " " " " " 2278 1 " 11th st. near 6th avenue, 26.5 by 103 2600 Store and lot No. 42 Beaver street, 14,500 13 years' lease of lot S. E cor 5th avenue and 14th street, 460 13 " " " 14th street, adjoining, 100 $60,325 There were sales of Coffee at auctian, as follows : Cotfte?88 bags Rio, 7J cents ; 47 do 7} -, 121 bags La. guayra,7f. The tea sale advertised for the day went off with the following results Terms?Notes at six months, payable in the city of N. York, to be made satisfactory to the sellei s. Hyson?20 half chests at 48} cts per lb, 60 (withdrawn) 20 201b boxes 64. Z/s.o,... Cl-.'a >7 etiecfa dd young Hyson?13 hf chests 51; 50 do 40; 148 do 43}. oOdo 43; 65 do 41; 138 do 40; 46 do and 35 chests 39; 66 halt do 361; 87 do 35); 13 do 33; 34 do 33}; 75 do and 108 chests 31 j. Gunpowder?9 hf chests 69; 34 do 67; 6 do 64; 10 do 60} 10 do 60; 10 do 69}; 13do 53; 6 do 56}; 35 do 49; 17 do 48; 34 do 44}; 80 do 44;30 do43Imperial?8 hf ches's 73}; 6 do do 70, 9 do do 69, 13 do do 67}. 34 do do 67, 6 do do 64,10 do do 60}, 15 do do 60,10 do do 69}, 10 do do 69, 33 do do 59, 11 do do 66}, 33 do do 49, 63 do do 49, 6 do do 47 , 39 do do 45, 34 do do 41}, 64 do do 44, 67 4e do 43. Peeco?14 chests 65, 10 do 47} (246 withdrawn). Peuchong?20 hf chests 38, 79 do do 37}, 10 do do 3D}, 290 do do 29, 193 do do 26}. Souchong?6A hfchests 33}, 33 do do 26, 203 do do 25, 25 16lb boxes 37 (276 do and 691 hf shests withdrawn.) Mohea?i-J 'chests 31}, Kokeu,50201bboxes39}. Caper?20 201b boxes31} (154 do do withdrawn). Cassia? 66 cases, 16 J cts per lb. Flour and Meal?The market is active. Sales Genessre at (5 31}; Ohio sold at $5 26; Michigan at $5 12} a 5 18}; New Orleans at $5; Georgetown at $5 25 a 6 37}; Brandywine at (5 50; Alexandria at $6 12}. Rye Flour at $3 12} a S 25; Corn Meal, $2 87} a 3 00 for Jersey; $3 12} a 3 25 for Brandywine. Grain?Wheat, via. New Orleans, is held at $1 15 Corn, New Orleans at 67c, weight; Delaware at 67}, Northern and Jersey 53c. Rye is at 69c, delivered; Oats, 29 a 30c. Whiskey?State Prison at 24c. Sales Drudge at 23c. Foreign Markets. Pernamsuco, April 30.?Flour is 15(|00 a 10 50 per hbl for ordinary brands, and 17 a 18|| tor extra. The stock in first hands is light. Bahia, April 20.?On the 20th ol April, the stock of Flour was 80 bbls ; last sales were at 14|| a 14||.".0. Havana Market, May 23, 1843.?Sugar?The market has been rather calm this week, without, however, any alteration in prices, although buyers are showing an un willingness to meet the views ot the planters' agents.? We quote superior tloretes 6} a 10}, and7andll a?, at which figures some transactions have taken place; common floretes6} a 10}, and but little doing. White Sugar 10} a 10}, and dull; Quebrados, 7 a 7} do; do ordinary, 5} a 6}; Cucurrucho, 4} a 5, in bri'k demand. CofTee?An advance of from a } to } per quintal has taken place over last week's rates. Rice?The cargo of the Prince of Joinville, from Savannah, brought 10 rials, that by the Arabian, fiom the same port, consisting of 430 tierces, has been stored, hut it will probably realise the same price, or at least 9}.? A lot of 800 tierces inferior quality, is held at 8} and 9 tills. Hams?Some lots of hams from New York, were sold this weak at $11 per quintal. Tho stock of hams on hand is lair. Flour?Our stock of Flour is large, wnich is (lull of sale?Santander is held at $10 per barrel; New Orleans at $14 SO. Lard.?That brought by the Alabama has been sold at 11 a 11} in bbls and $13 in kegs, tho stock in s'oreis considerable. Freights.?The intelligence from your port has had an unfavorable influence on freights; indeed it is not probable that they will advance any more this season. An American ship has been engaged at ?2 7s 6d to load at Cienfurgos, another of the same class has been taken at ?2 2s 6d. Freights for tho United States have also suffered a decline. Sugar is taken at 1} a 1} per box; Coltee at 37}c. to 4 bitts. Freights. Charleston?Cotton?Liverpool, 5-16th? a j)l for Cot. ton; Havre, in square bass }c. We quote to New York, Cotton in square bags, 62} a 75, Rice 62} a 75 ; to Bostbn 75c. a $1. Died. On Tuesday morning, the 6th inst., altera long and se vere illness, Mr. Johr L. Bincham, aged 83. Hit friends, and those of his brothers in-law, Capt. John T. Ogden and George W. Kvans, and the members of the Firo Department, are requested to attend his funeral this afternoon at 4 o'cloek, at No. 19 Chestnut street. On Monday morning, ftth inst., Mr. Johr Hutchiri, after a short but painful illness, aged 44 years. Tho friends of the family, and the members and congre gation of the Madison Street Church, are particulailv requested to attend his funeral, at half past four o'clock this (Wednesday) afternoon, from his late residence, No. 193 Henry stpeet.y | On the 6th June, Patrick McMarur, aged 46. His friends and acquaintances are respectfully requesK ed to attend the funeral on Thursday, at 3 o'clock, P. M. from 15} Thames street. Passengers Arrived< Tost Lfor Fla?B>in St Mirks?Mrs P H Swain and chi'd Mm F. Birnard and chi'd, Mist M Bnridv, Dr J C Hauson, Cut D B Fisher, W Warnock, iiiq; Gea F Hvhaway, Captain M Swain Foreign Importations. St Johrs, PR?Brig Larch?160 1 lids sngar 76 do molss;s to Thomoro.. It Adams. St Croix?Schr Hovvena?99 hhdt siig?r 28 do mm 49 do molasses Arm r ft co?41 d.s sugar 20 do mm 57 do i olassrs DrKorest k c >. Domestic Importations Tort Lf.or, F's ? Brig Si Marks?48 hulas cotton Perkins k Hopkins?20 do R S Maitland k co?100 do 3 bxt tclncco I trnk ir.dre Holhjcok, Na'son k ei?1# bis co'fon Bmwa, Brothers k C ?45 do Melons k Anderson?51 do J Mel?76 d r Center k co ?'8 do Sjieai k Psiten?14 do Bol on Fox k LiviugstoR? ? do Smith, Mills ken?4 trks H Stair?1 bo* Smith kco?I do P A Hay wan'?3238 oak states W Wright k co?9 bli cotton W C Maitlmd M A R 1 T i M E "HIR A~Lj'~ Ship initiators sstul AKtnlii ?Ve. shall rstaem it n favor, if Captains of Vessels will giye to Coinmodoie Kobfrt Su.vrv, of our News Fleer, a Ue port of the Shipping left at the Port whence they saiied, the Vet-els Spoken on their P.ias-uib, a List of their Cargo, and my Foreign Newspapers or News they mix hare, lie will Sioird them immediately on their arrival. Agents and Coo respondents, ,:t home or abroad, will also confer a favor by sending to this Office all the Marine Intelligence they can ah'iin. Nautical lnfcrmation of nny kind will he llnnkinlly Desired. POliT OF Iir.W YOUR, .U N K 7 i :t aur.i 4 311 Moon 13 50 II w SFT? 7 20 I winH wtTKO 3 17 Cl?*re(t> 8hip? Geo Wnahington, Burrowa, Liverpool, Urinnell, Miritn n Sc c<>; Flriidiai), Pratt, Aleiaudrii. K D Hiiilbtut k ro; Florida, Uerriea, Antwerp, Oerdtng & Ktmpletmi.?Baks Tamo, a, i'lithium, Ainattrtlam, Bhitdrcck St Fsvre; Jacob 8 Wain. Howlaod, Trieste. 8 W l.mir, Oin-n. (Nmwl Uttlc o% rimhir/, Mot 7.1k Poll*1Bri;? b nine, (Br) Weill, Bat* b doea.Ok J Lsurcc; N Hirmvrr, O rrin, Cad 7, Neainith, Leeda k co; Milela, .Jacobaon, Antwerp, fsemanpat Ik Batchen; Old Colony, Chaae, Ctenf'ago*. F (J Tnoraton k eo; ,? or roe, P. i'ad Iphia, Bidder & Perk; Mo.m, llayei, Charlotoa, k Llimou. Arrivail, Brig Larch, Abbott, 11 ilijafrnin St Johua, PI', with sugar to J Oram. Brig Carih, Portcrfi-hl, igdaya from New Orleana, with corn to Churchman k It-biusoM?2 pessriigera Brig M .Marks, William*, 17 days from Tcrt Li on, with cotton to the meati r. Br bug Agitator. Damon. |J day? from Wuilior, N8, with planet to 8on|c & Whitney. Srh'Catherine Amanda, Te-1,3 day* froin llichmand, with in' an to A Broome. Traiispori, Nicker?->n, f, dayi from Button, wi:h mdae bound to Albany. Hchr Ohio, Fuller, 4 dtya from Button, with mdtn. b ur.d to Atlirny. 8nbr Augusta, Nickeraon, 4 day, from Boatou, Willi mdae Irt.und to Albany. t ciir Victor, Hal.'ett, 4 day* from Boaton, with mdae to 8 W Lew ia. 8chr Page, Niche ton, I deya fiom Boaton, with mdae to 8 W Lewis. Sclir Mail, Nifker?on,4 iUya from L'oatoii, with mdae to 8 W l.fwta. Srltr Marietta. Crowell, 4 day* from Boaton, with mdae to 8 W Lewia. Srbr Palace, Nickerson, 4 day* from Boitoo, with rr.dae, bud to Albany. 8obr Kowena, William*, 14 dirt from 8-. Cro:t, with angar to the m**rer. Br arhr Constant, Ono, 10 daya from Anligoa, in ballaat to A Hubbard k co. Left no Am vraael* tu port. 8chr Marr, Bia?ett,4 daya from Newborn, NC, with natal store* to Mitchell h co. Left at thi bar, brig Kimberly, for St Pierea, Mart, ready. Schr D M Mesterole, Youug, 1 daya from Braudywiue, c m meal to Allen k Paisou. Schr Trimmer, Lines, J<mn Hirer, wood. Sthr Revenue, Darnels, Virginia, wood Schr Chief, Van Name, Virginia, wood. At Hurlgate, a Br brig, with plaster. Below. 0:e brig?Wind 8 W MM Ship Akbar, Hallett, Liverpool aud Canton. llermld |tlartn? Correepontlence, Office ?f the Rhode Iilawdee, 1 Newport, Julie 5, 1843. i ArrSJ, Pilot boat Vininta, of a:d from NYoili; Nimrod, Sledmsn, Albany via Wickfnrd. Arr 4 h, Heralu, Scudder, fm B treatable for Alhauy;,K'wcin?, and Henry, Allen, Im Taunton for NYotk: r.rie.Oibbs NHedlord. Sid. Industry, Albt-rimss, Trader, and Kliaabelh, NYork; Jane, Peru, and Ann Flizabelh, Plulsd; Ihtrles, N York; Three Brothers, Albany. General Record. Captain Soule.of the brig Frances,at Philadelphia from New Orleans, repent having seen on the zjih May, a luge ha'cpij ashore with all sail set inside the Florida Reef, about 10 miles o Ilia westward of K?y W? ?t. The schooner Jtnso, of Belfast, Me., hence bound East, struck ou HUletl's Point, on Sunday night last, Slid immediately sunk. She waa laden with corn and tlour. Spoken. New Jersey, fm NYork to Darien, June 3,5 ds cut, 80 miles S Cate Haiteras?by the St Marks, at ilni port Amazon, from Button for Vera Cruz, May 20,lat 28 19, len 70 ?bv the Carib, at ttis poit. Wariaw, Ko pman, hence f.r Mr.tanzts, lit inst.Lt 52 28,Ion 71 20? y the same. Whalemen, Bbistol, Juse 2?Arr Gov Hopkins. Morris, Bay of Mesico, 70 hbls ?p oil. spoke May 29. America, of Warehim, 6 rnos out, clean; 12'h off Toriugas, Phi niz. of Pr vinrrtowu, 220 Ids; 20(h. Joshua Brown, do, It mos out. 200 bhl?; April I, Theop Chaae, Brker, Wesl|rort, 5 trios, 50 bids; Dr Krnuklin, do, 8 rims, 103 bbls. Heard (in April 15, Unit J, Chase, of SiJ| icau, 80 hbls Flora, from New London for Pacific, rpoke May 31, lat 10 30, Ion 60 10. . A lertsr from shin Robt Bonne, of London, reporla her Nny. 13, 38 ds our, 100 hbls sp oil, (since heard from in Dec lou 65 E. Agate, Cornell, from Atlantic witn 300 bb's sp au I 10 blk lish oil, arr at >N 13 1th inst. Foreign Porta. PorrcK, P R, May 23?In port. Condor, Wise, NYork. 3 ds; T O Brows, Hooding, wg frt; Oriole, Pepper, for Bait, 3 ds; Signal, Walton ior B stou.nur. Sr. Johns, P K, May ?3?In port, Alolns,Crowel, of Boston di.g; Francis Jane, for Bait, 3 ds; Abigail, of Philad*. St He'e 'a, lor Boston, 3 ds; Nonpariel, of I'hiltd, f< r Arecibn. ?t Croix, P K, May 23?In port, Rosevelt, Hill, of aid for rhi'ad, unc; Pauthea, of .md for N Haven, pat dy; Harriet,Pete for NYork, same day; Hyde Ali, lor NYork, nuc. Matanzas, May 21?In tyrrt, Newcastle, Adams,for NYork, Idg; Juan J d? Cartagena. K-ller. one. Moktrral, June 2?( Id, Jtne Brown, Wyllic, Gli?gow. Quantc, Inn. 1?Arr P<.rthshin., Char'eaton, 8(J; Sipphire, Hail. Newcastle: Calyrsn. Olaar, L'pool Kitgstnu, Siorrer, S iutnamptoir Lord Oakley, Crow, London; Glide, H'ulsou, r mawortn; Hannah Coduer, Terdre, Gibraltar. Lake Porta. Bitrkalo, June 3?Arr Burlii gton, Sime, Chicago; Rocky Mountains, Cn tiss; A Wilcoz, Herd; Atalanta, Gret-B; Mornuiia. Pease; Victory,Cook; Baltimore, Hpraeue; Ainsworth, Phea'.i, Scioto, Ouvles; Cleveland, S'a'wrd; Leander, Fields; Buffalo, Tyler: Webster, Sweell md: Huron, t'ouorv; Waid, L'rowl; Baltic, Pegroot; Harrison, Adrox; Lndor<, Cobb; Lynns, Drake; Uuldle, Norman; C-r.stitution, Waite: Fezis.McKuight; Alps, Owen; Michigan, Browning; N?w York. Butterfield; Benton, Perkins, end Grsn*. Mallon. Cleat-eland; Men rice. Bred ey, Huron. Cld. OwMNHNM. Montgomery; Mis sonii, Jenners; F Trader, F.arl: San u?ky, Daviaon; Argylc, Hi d and Adelaide, Mitchell, Cleveland, Home J-ortt. Banuor. May 31?Arr Horhanabean, MeO'lvery, NYork. C'd, M <rs II II. McGilrcry, 'jandaloupe. Arr Juae 3, M.srcellu?.Given. NYork. HAnrawKLL, June 1?Arr Saunders. Merrynian, NYork. Portland, June 2?Arr Voltaire, Sleeper, n York; Chariot tc, McLetlau, <lo. Cld, Orb, Caleb, Matanzu; Centurion.Noiris, Wl diet; Little Mary, Trot , NYork. Arr 3d, Samuel, mom, 'iimhui, nvi s - tuns, is rorK; i i.nt, i niaiiil, ri?.vana; Prion. Hatch, aud Drlawere, Weite, Philad. NKWBi'Hiroir, Juue 3?Arr Pearl, Conic, Georgetown. Pcston. Juno 6?Arr Ware, Su'ton, N Orleans; Srr .li Ann Bates, M >hile; Bunker Hill, .Varmri. Norfolk; > dw Fra iklir, Cnsliing: Frunt-in, Yo.k.and Vati BureD, Leighton, Pliilad; H" mer, Kent; ReesiJe, La "g'ev; A M Hale, Ch-te.and Hore I iu B oom. '"rowel. NYork; Baltimore, Parker, Bait; Knit, Hamilton, Milford. Del; Splendid, Crnwell, NYork; Frances Louisa, Webbj Havana; Choctaw, Viller, N Orleans, B .stou, Haurilten, NYork; Alabama, Kinrrsburv, NOrl?ans; Wyoming, Nicker" n, anil Susan, Brav, I'hila.; Antilles, Stanley, and Wave, H tlbmok, NYork Sid, Jano tk Barbara. Sttasn Jane, Cader, Jacob Story, (Chilian. Wm Boothbe, Kos?to,Chusin, Anna Hoy no d, Sun, Kiln, B Franklin. Cld, Santos,Deed Got'enburg: Chnsn.n, Callrgui, Bio Janeiro: Anna Re; nilils. Ta?ltr, Pliilad; Urecian, Chase, and Cornelia, Davis, Near York Nkw Bedford, June 3?Arr Gournet, Barter. Charleston, S C: PotnoDa, Shearman, NYork. Sid 4th, Coiintliiau, Slupard, NYork. NatsTucKRT. June 2?Arr J Brick, Reeves, Pliilad; Gen Bat tey,Coleman, Albany. tDOAFTotvrv, Jane I?ArrStatira, Beetle, Bostoi for Philad; 2d, Biuins, Hobhrns, N Fork for Harwich; Statira, for Pliilad. In rort, Brutoi and Holla. Hartford, Jnne J?Arr Mary Elizabeth, Smi h; Encore, Brush; Keg e, Francis; Emily, Southwerf : 8;>e ker. Tucker; Leaeder,,and Olid?, Smith, NYn'ht Fanny. Conlv, Phi ad; Protperity Sheets, do; Mary Elizabeth, Strickland, Alba ny S d Swan, Mills; Encore, "rush; P.mily, Sonthwortb, and Speaker, Tucker. NYor>. Providence, June 3?Ar.-F*!co,Carter, Mobile; Columbia, Phil-d; Indiana, Corson, do; A B Ed went*. Sinters, do: Daul Webster, Olovrr, Konndout; Juno, SturKers. NYoik S'd Peru. West, and Patriot, Eldridge, Philad; Sirih Brewster,Bebec NYoik. Air June 1, S; P-trick, Dvtr. Mataazts; K:*r, Kirwin. B*lt. S'd, Dulcimer, Pliilad; Empire, Dayton; Proof G1 < *, Bh denhurg; Hamlet. Turtle, nnd Danl WeDster, Glover, NYork. Bristol. June 2?Arr Excel, Dunning, end Meridian, Lewis, NYork. Sid, Thiee Brother*, Albany. New HavKN, June 6?Sid S Tanpan, Philad; Moselle, A bauv: S 11 Smith, do; Presideut, NYork. A i nsrtv, Jsue 5?Arr Vermont. Ames, Boston; Stranger, Lewis, do; Florence,; Fraukhog, Gumey, do; Pilot Hard?, Bo?ton; Caledonia. Specimen. Providence; Revenue, Komlcnt. S d, lltica, Boston; Louis*; do; John Kandoth, Pui'nd; T 1'eterkin, NLunlon; Andreyv Jacksou, Norvricti; J hn. Providence; Gem, do. Philadelphia Jute 6? ArrNnv r.e, Cole, Porntnnbu" ; Frances, Suit e. N Odvaus; Porto Rico, Coltiell, Ponc?, PR Cld, Rowens, La:uaflk; Defiance, Bofon; Elizabeth R juru Nantucket, D -.til Parlcr, Troy, NY". G'ioe. Piovid>-nce. Baltimore Jnne 3?Arr Isoac V nrklin ? ?? . Mxyagnrr ^W'orfolk.O'n'i '"3?A*, Mary F Saunders, N York, hound to E'izaaeth I ity. nut >n wi h lost rf anrhor; More*, fm Kitlimoed, ho"Kd to Boston, put in Unky; s d,.Lnnita, Nsn'ucket. The Washington, Benson, fm Liverpool vi t N Ycrk, ha? g' n? np J imes River. FicHMOtsn, Jane 5? *r, Fbzy Ellen. Po*tl?nd; Tellm.Hn ton; W ive. do. Ann Eliz^N Yntk; Fra"cis F. S- w ird. Troy; ueoor, n mm jnm'ri, is i vik; s.n ar at uny ruins i/aii&o, Hayncs, Marseilles. Washihotois, N. C., May 31.?Arr Two Hmshers, NYork. Cl<i, Caroline, engrave, W India*; Star, Willi rms. N York; Consul, Penny, do; Billow, Curtii. Bostuii ; Myers. Krwler, NYork ; H?u"-s>, Perry, Providenc.e. At Ocraeoke bir.Miy 27, Elizabeth B-ad ey, Jones, W I idies ; 1 w i Brothers, Pols' n. N York: Judge. Hi-'chcoek, do; Jam's O is, Cunii, Boston. Sid, Kosnokr, Palmer, W Iidies ; M P Watson, White, do ; Huron, Dim. Boston. Charlksto:*, Jure 3?Arr O'rty Taft, Lovett. Providence; Malaga, Ripley, Kail Hirer; K b-it and Kola'd, Gilchrist, do. CI'd Br Conqueror, McAnlry, Liverpool; Moscow, Cirter, Harre; Warsaw, Khoades, If Y; Christiana, Siinpsou, Liver pool. Savannah, Jnne 2?Cld Thames. Pierce, Providrnoe. Air 3, Savannah, Hswtcv. NYork. Old, Merry, (Br) Rerd, L'pool. Sid, WreT|in!r| Saunders, L'pool. RECEPTION OK PRESIDENT TYLER IN NEW YOHa ? Alt meeting of the Delegates from the several Wards, parsuent to a call, at Sbakspcare Hotel, Tuesday evening, Juue 6 h, James Conner, Esq., was appointed Chapman, and E. O. Stacy, Secretary After oiginir.iLg, they ai'j >urred to meet again on Thursday evening n>xt, (8 h mat ) at 8 o'clock, at Dunn's 14;h Ward Democratic lita.l quarters, corner of Grind and Eliz.bcth streets. Punctual attendance ofDelegatrs is reqneited. JAMES CONNER, Chairman. K. G. Stacy. Secretsry. j7 2t*r GllAND VO.Al. CONCEIT P?The KAlNKRS or Tyrolese Mi . .Irels, have Ilia honor to annonure to iheir friends and the public in general, that they have returned from the South aud will give one grand Vocal Concert at the Society Library ou Weduesdiy rvei iug, June 7lh. 1843, before iheir depar nre for Europe nnJ iheir native land. They will appear in their native costume and sirg all their most popular Alnine melodies Tickets 58 cr tits, to be had ; t the Murie Stores m l ?t the door. Concert lo commence at 8 o'clock. j7 Ifet Dissolution ok par i neh-hip?the partnershin heretofore existing hitwe?u JOHN FLORENCE, Jn anil KANTON SHERWOOD, is this day dissolved by mutna! consent. All persons liavitu claims against the late firm of Florence lit Sherwood, will please present them for payment, and those indebted will have the kindness to call, wnnout delay, UN John Florence, Jr., who is iliAy authorized to settle the eccounti of the firm. The business will be henceforth conducted by JOHN FLORENCE, JR.,who will with increased efforts endeavor to merit a can'iNUance of that natronar* so libvr illy extended h m. JOHN FLORENCE. JR . KANTON SHERWOOD New York. 5'h Jnne, 1843. j7 3i*r lAYNE'S HAI tt tONICwi.l rv-producs hai: whereveiu I y hat blore cciwn, revivifying tho decayed rove arid cantin* them to send forth a new .and vitorout growth of N.ttur** in at gl -rima ornament. If yonr heal tecom ? b.iM from disease never retort to ' wig to I ids the blemiio; that will effect-ally pr vent the litir from growing, by Keeping ilu acalp constantly hot, and obstructing the perspiratnn hint try Javuea vlair Tonic, end if it doea not teatoie the (lowing honori of yonr caput, tt e will content to par the wit; maker for roofing it with an artificial matt rill. Sold by-A B.fc D Sands Uriigg'tlt, No. 71 Knltnn atreet, corner of uolil; 273 Broadway; 77 hatt Bro dwav. I*n c II. j 7_5t *ec CCAKPA'S OIL ?The deaf ere all tec -veiing th? ir hearing O ny the n-e m t1 ia medicine?there can be no ilonht of it, proofs are coining from everv quarter of tiie cooairv, n -t only in tl c loimof 'cUert, certificates aad oral teitimonica, bat ia the shape nfgood bank notea or harJ cat ? itidred, an iininenae amount hna brro told, *nd the ailea are daily increasing Tlmae wliiaell rat-iron p> ta, have d-clared war again ttrl.l Scarpa? lilt it ia of no me, those who have bet u cured by his ()d? a host, are all on Ilia aide. Pit) aidant ami Surg-ous highly recommend its n-e. So d by A B.8cD Sands, Druggist!, No. 70 Folton atreet; 77 Htat Br.mloay; 271 Broadway. |7 5t*ee DR. J. FRANCIS, OCULIST, G3S BROADWAY. HIS Celt brataa preptrilioiia for Diieas-a of the B et, have pro red to be one ol the gea ert d icryeriet that b's ever been mad*. They are perfect en ra for all iall-moratory di-eaaer of the eyes, for weakiieai of tight, and ophthalmia, and MTITfttlMi ? moi e l ebu'aa ot the lot-grM standing with ot any surgical opriaiion: their ?flicacy in rnring cms naia and lemor iug cataract haa net n truly astonial-i g, when hope ha I lied an i inciiea believed to lis ineurab'e'hy min? of the facu'ty. The norr.errur eeitificuea to bs teen at the office,will attest the 'ru h of tho?e abaerval-on'. We, li? irdeiaigned.hayiig witnessed aitomahingcores p.-r(oimt-d by Dr. J Kraccii on the h'rnd, ana in can-i helierrd to he incurable when r>II hope had lled.uoheai'aiingiy recommend bimaaat f? and al.ilfnl or.tlisc, and believe hit preparations are o e ol the gnatrtt discoyeriea e?er mace for Diseases of uif Pjvr*:? Duncnu Doiilur, Paatorifthe MeDouimlit Churih. S II. Cua?, Paatoiol lli' Kurt Baptirt Church. John Prcr. Agent of the Home Mirsionary Society, Jacob Brouui r. I'diter < I the No;lh b iptnl CI uroi. A. Wheel, ck . r.otor < f the 'nh tint tin Chinch. Joieph Andnde, Homan Catholic Print, St P,ltt'i ( hutch, Birc'ay at Jimea Mili.or, Hector of Stint tleorge'a Church, Beeknun it cat. 'J-orge (I ennv, M. I). Member of the Royal College of Enrgrona. Le>tdon, and ol'tl.e Medicrl Society ol .New Voik. I' .t.etur attended to at the office o? >e nomh a tsrma. it ntrr of at'eDdinee from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. I it: c ouiideratio 1 frr the |t tor. 'Iheae ptc|ttrti'ona can only be had at D It J. Fll.VNCIS', 639 htc&dway. .... ... ifT'Auificiil ICyea marled, which cannot ludi.tinmlshed from natural, w.lhout giving the alighteat pa n. jt7 Iiniylkwy r KAL UK b Lb.I H D'ottANUK * via dm it a Wh>hKo tale hv It. k. QUIDOHT, No. 59 Clinton it eer, at low mice# tet Im'e A KK.tV ItKNTLK.VI BN ol neatly habit* can be a ecu mm i V. dated with good board and plesiant room* in a private family, at ?>4 bolt, nitrect. Also, alew day boaderv can he acrom modaied on the inert reasonable term. A paalor nod bedroom tojet, with or without board a1) er Lfk.VIt'?13 bale* Dew rotted Mnaonri Hemp, landing from * 1 ship H Allen, from New Orlearr, and lor rale by K K COLLINS fc CO. Ja 1 r 56 South rtreet. ^"OTICE TO PUDDLKHB?Thr*? or forCrit rate Tut ^ dtera (with their uudrrhandi) can have iteady employment at Boontou. New Jemcy. b^i'NE^'rMURDOCK. >7 sodH+r Corner of Bushman md Peer) strtti advances on all dcscii prion" of Rouse hol^Vum it are, v> tireeeiiea, fcc. in Apply at the new Auction and Commission Store. 130 Fnlton ?t- jT lm?t cpHE (Vlebrar, J MAIN Kit- FAMILY give their fir?t ConA cart this eteuiui at the Society Library unre their return Irom a very auieruful tour ihrough ell the prii cipal mulhern cine. j7 Itr t>Ot; HEW AMD?CHILI) LOST?On Mettoar. 5'.n met, p^y a IIttle b IT uamert Oel-ui firower, nevlf three year* ?ld, light hair, is very thin and delieate. and light completion Had on when he left a f'r.'ch with wrmM red end white alvipea. and pantalettes of the fame; led tl luuel petticoat, and brown linen apron ai d blue it ck gs, no lie'.. The above reward will be paid to euv person who will bring him linme.or leaae, directio >a where lie iniy be found, by IAME9 M BROWKU. j7St?r Coiu?rof Bedford ami Downing atreeta. F~M^tT D()t.LAKhiuh A~ltD ? Loit ou the 5 h iriatiut, between Fou teeipli ami Wall speuts, a pacaage dtreeted to Messrs Writ? h Co. it, Wall at eet, containing eerlihc itta of stock of the Salt I of New York and Ohio, in the nameo( Wm Sidney S" ith, end Power* of Att troey fur the tr pater of the snn?. They cau he of in value to the finder ; but the above rew ml will be t ou returning *a d rnch?ge am' con teuta to WKKKS it CO 46 Wall at. j7 ntwic WTAST.d?A situation hi poitrr, or any other wotk. b7 a "v yi ung man, in hiiv mini i.f store where he v ill devote hie whole time to the hem fi' o' ha employer. His no objection to go to the country. The h"s? of r?F re cea given. Likewise a in*n, a waiter lha' ia perfectly nctpttinted with hi- business,' ri.her i rivato n- public A; plv at :,8 Itidge, or 117 No'lolk at, to I K_TKK P IIONI.IIH. will be attended to. j6 3t*r NUHaR W A N i'KD?Warned, a genteel respectable yruog woman, w* o can do pi tin s-wing and take caie ol a chi'u. (Joed City rotcrcncs rt 'pnred. Apply at this office. j6 3t*r A XT A '1 hi A bl PUATlUN?Aa asaiatant in a reapecnble " academy, or t a governess u a private family;, by a lady who has hid stverul yearsciperieccj in theeducition of youth. She is fully rmnpettul to teach the o'dinary trances of a polite Kugliah education, together with French end Musie ; ?lto, Drawing, Sp'uish and Italian. She has n.i < Suction to go Southor We't, or to accompany a tainily to Europe. Salary is not 10 much an obj-rt as a tesiiectable home Satisfactory refererces ran becireu. Address 11. C. at this office. j6 8 It 114t?r rjso BaKKKS?For sale, ttie atoci and llituree, and to let, a- nu old estahliahrd B?krry, with a permanent set ofrmromera, and now doing a good buiioeaa; situated east of the B iwery near Kivitgton rtrcet 1 lie aituatiou is >ery desirable and will be let low to a good cuatomrr, by applying to LANK It MANUAM, jSSt^m 121 Brosil'atreef. BOARD IN BROOKLYN?Two or three verv pleasant rooms.with hoird.m ly now he had at No. R'j Clark it, where the combined advantage* of litiiirion. living, and sccon-midi tioirt, are rnprrior t r any thing in Brooklyn. id Ifr AUENf'Y WANTED.?A gentleman occupying a stive (open to the street) In the upper part of Wall street, uear Broadway, la desirous to u' der. nke the agency of some manufacturing, mercantile, pU'-ut.or any other rea.tecuhle binh neia. Apply to bos No 191 Upper Poit Office. in5 lm*eodr BOA RUlNU ?A few Single Ueutlcmen, or Gentlemen aud their Wives, can be acrnmmodatrd with pleasant rooms an I hoanl, by applying at SI Veier street- m30 la??r BOARDfNU?A family or two ran be handsomely accommodated with hoard at Newark, N.J. The sitnation it one of th- most delightful in the place, and but a few steps Irom the stop ring pli'e of the rait cri. For tnrther information apply at No. '27 Maiden Lane. m27 Itn* r tJANDbUME APAKTMEN'iS in Houston street, close 11 to Broadway.?To let, to gentlemen, with hreakiast and tea References reiintrrd. Address, bo* 203 Park Post office. in 12 tin rnd*ec 'ylLBUKY FOR SALE.?A superior London made Tijbn ? it, iiruu I'm iww jean, en" is 'lew piioirn inm ppriUKt for sale cheap. Apply l> MESSENGER'S Stable. n?3fl 2w?rc 58 Lnmher street, rPO I.KT?Splendid rooms well furnished, for Si-gle A Genl'cmen. witli h.en uu-1 tea. Enquire at Hi Walker str-et, near Broad w ?v jel lm^ic THE HOT"fe COLD SAL'T~WATB"K BATHST at the loot of Desbrosses street. N. R third pier souto ol Canal street, rre noar open for the accommodation of both la bel am1 gentlemen, from sunrise tinti' in r.'cloek at tiighf. Five Tickets to Wutni B;tb, $1; irinrls Bath, 25 rents; Cold B?lh, cents. _ jefi lm*r HAMS til SHOULDERS?87 crsks pickled Hami and shoulders, eg ship H Al'eu, from New Orirsnr, fir?lie by j7 Itr E. It. COLLINS, It CO., 56 So -th atrcct. BACON?2 KM*, 1 bm B'con laiidieg from ahip H Ai'en, (rom New O'earn, for tale by j7 Itr K. K. COLLI MS 8c CO.. 56 Burlmreet. Bl' L8 OF EXCHANGE, pavable at sight on ?ll parts of Eutlaud, Ireland and Scotland, in lumi of ?5. ?10, ?15, ?30, to any amount, for tale at a J SYSVESTiCKS j7 fitr 22 Wall I'rectand 130 Broadway "IlfHEAT?181 barreli Prime Illinois Wheat,ei sh-p H Allen Irem New Orleans, for sale bv j6 Itr K. K. COLLINS St CO,. 5S South irtreet. ULOUH?f>00 b rreli 8. F, F ou'. superior brands, rr ships -C Louisrille and H Allen, from New Oleaiis.for sale bv j7ec E 11. COLLINS. & CO., .'6 South street. DUKK.?100 Birrels Mess Poik ? 15(1 do Prime Pork If0 doj Clear Poik E* ships Louisville and H Allen, from New Orleans. For sale by E. K. COLLINS & CO. j7 rc if, gon h street. LAfU-n barrels, <75 kegs Pii ne Leaf Lard, e? ships Louisvi'le aud H Allen.for sale by j7 ec E K. COLLINS lit CO 56 8onth streer. LARD?21 hhDs 2tl quality Lard, in superior order, e* ship H Allen, from New Orlrans, for sale by 17 ec E. K. COLLINS at CO . b6 8 nth street. WHEAT?5000 huthels Prime Illinois Wheat, e* ships Lou sville anil H Atl?n, f >r sale by J>e K. K COLLINS St CO.,51 South street BACON?27 hhds Paeon Haas, e* ships Lou sville nud II Allen, for sale by It r K. K COLLINS ?t CO.. 56 Bonth stmet. HAMS ?120 FhTs t ickled Hams end Shoulders, tx tliifs Louisville and II Al'- n for sale by i ec K K. COLLINS u. CO . 50 Smith street. i}LKA('HIMI POWDER u d Soda Ash, tu lots fosuit ?? I urcli f >r sale bv J7ec PKHS-iK St B7QQK8. No. 61 Liberty st. SI RAW WRAPPI a O PAPER?Iu lots ts niit purchasers, for tale by P' ASAENOEKS" p?F"nRlTfSTTQUICKN, fer London, will please b-on board at 12 o'clock, this day, at which time the shin will sail. A few cabin passengers can yet be ac cemmodatea at^low rates, hv i-oak'tig im nrdiate application, to JT Itr w. It J T. TAPSHOT r. i:i Peck slip. piCHARI) DAW, otherwise DAWES, formerly ol Saint R Helen's, in the Isle of Wight, Great Britain, who was born about lira year 17.n. and it su.opmed to have become an American cit r.-n about the year 1812, is requested to apply, rest paid, to Messrs. Cevsnand Anler?on,2 Adelphi Terrace, London, Great Britiin, without delay, as he will hear something greatly tohia advantage. He is supposed to have entered t?e Amerimr. nivy. Application may also be made to Messrs. George n I John Laurie. N?sv York. ' jl Iflfr CHEAP STRAW BONNETS AND EMBROIDERIES. ?lo cnmequeL.ce of tbe inclemency of the weather during the last week, Miss F. Godetroy's sale of goods, below cost, will be continued uotil Saturday nest, the 0;h inM. Ladies are invited to call at 319 Br nd wav.opposl ? the Carlton House. and judge for thrmaelvea. jel lw*ec E. WHITE, VTOS. I75lt J81 Broadway, respectfullv invites the citizens kx of New Yvk, and wno' i from tbr-iad who may be sojourning in 'he city. In call at hia room anil tannine the auperiorarecimenr of Daguerreotype Pnrtraiti, groupa, and sketches which he ia nowexhibiting iiriluitr.u>ly. .dr. White ia the matiUUi tu-er of a new, auperb, atd eoatly epparatas, by which he ia enaMrd to tike the likenrat of a whole family, or group of eig'it or irn persona at onetieie, and in a manner ao perfect, graphic, and diatiuct aa to eijnal in appearance the moat beaniifal and finished copp-r.ilate, ateel, or rnrr.7. irint i ngraving. Withon* dr lirinr to d'royate from lha pretensions of o:her Pr iteaaora of (he Photographic frt, he fearltaaly chillt inr-a ihe whole world 10 produce portraits of the aize,accuracy,or intriuaic value of thoae in hia ethihinon. aa there i no olh rappar:tna in uae in any pari of the jlob# ei'hn in ex'ent, capacity or coat ?i| eal to h'a. Mr. Whit'' brga to add, that notwithstanding the infinite anperiority of hia portrait!, and he being ill- only peraon capihi* of pr during, on a dingle plate, in a few areonda, correct and beam i In 1 I ikenraaca of groapa of Com ail to tenperaona, III! chargea are ao eat emely moderate aa to place wo bin the reach ol individual! of the mint limited meana, ihe ahilitv to procure a truly aplendid ft c simile rf thimaelva and friiuds. *? Inatiueiloi.i giaen in the Drgnerotype fcirnce, and ull ihe nrc tsaary npnwntna anpp'ied, on re aooable leint*. FRANKLIN HALT WATER BATHS, CASTLE GAR Dlf'.N,?Tne propiietora, haaing availed theinaelvea of the experiene of the vt-ar. and confnrrard to thi tnggeationa of mmv of their aubicribera, beg leave now to pre acnt to thrm. and the public in gennral. the moat complete arrangements for public and i rivne bathing. Shower hatha ap.m an improved principle, and lioyt'awimining achool, that ever wia iiff?red to iniblic patrotiag*. Having catahlnhed a conatant and thorough aiiceraainn of salt water, all eurface matter ii completely nc'iided. The Franklin B. ih 11 now rerdr at i'a naval atatinn, the north aide of I'aatle Ginlrn Bulge. Books are open f r the a-aaun aubsciintion, and the impaction of citizens and strang?r< ia reapectiblly ?ilicited. ji t 'wee HARRY'S WIGS AND SCALPS. AC. BARRY, ARTIST I N HAIR, FROM LONDON. ?Tlie r-il Made "f Han a ill atend preeminent above all othari. Their peruliar light, goaaamer and ventilating character? thair being aliaped exactly aa the natural hair grows - their elaiuruy and their superior material end wo.kmanahip, aa well aa theiratyle of dni?h and airangement, all combine to form a ich pe-tret heads of hair, that they most be ae*n to be fully appreciated. A new svatcm of the art of Wig Making taught in five leaanni See a M*'iai'n of B irry'a Wigs and Scalps, which will aana V the moat far idioiia thai he ia the t>e?t anil cheapest maker in the city?146 Broadway, corner of Liberty atreet. up etaira. jJ >wie*m NOTICE? ro thoie who seek health and comfort co c i eil wiih luxury?Tr ee reduced?O.'d Established Medicated Vapor Piths Vt Cor latidt atreot. Mrs CARROLL, in aocrdatiT with the exigencies of tlia times, hia rrduced ilie price of her bat'.a.and aolic ta a coulinuaneeiiflhe poronaga of tlie F.culty in particular aud the public in general. Colda. aore throita, awclliug of the glands, rheiimatiam, stiffens of the joints, ago- and fever, Ac ke. are immrdia'fly relieved. P.rt.ible bat'narnt to auy i ar' of the city of Brooklyn. O >en Dora an in the morning till nine o'clock at ipght. H rphur Baths rcjnire one hcui's notice. m?7 2w is r rnHtt UNDERSIGN ED, W. A. SMET8, being about to I leave for Eu-ope. on or ah int tin- 8th mat (or the |tir poee nl iransacttuu bnaruete for the fall mil Fining trade, on rem niaviou or otherwier, and iD'endiug to give lire parhr nlar attt-u' ion to the pnrchnae of Paria facey qooda e mbroitleiira, Kreneh and ll?lgiuin la. ee,(aa he wil tii it both France amlilolland.) r??t*Ttrully rrqitratr the patronage of thoae pereona who in ly -r i,h to ruder am-h artic'ea, muring them thai lucli O'dera w ill be promptly attended to, and inoit pariiru'aily Iu.H'!<-<t; fl uteiing hunaelf that Lorn hia known oppirf unities of being i .mpetei t to Inlfi I auch demand*, peranna who may enrrnit 1,1 in with eorn ni ainna wi'l (eel no heaita ion on the aubjret. W. A. S 11 turn* tl auka 11 hia frienda and the public for the ??ry liberal pa'tonage beatowed upon him for a number of, and reaiieetftlUy requests a rontinnance of it for hia auecraaor h. Scbcltema. who will receive a'l billt due to him, and w ho u |l| ae'ile any cluma that may be r.ntaianding against him at 25B Broadway. W. A. HMETS. jo 3-lw ?rrc _____ GA8K.II. h HUOHK*. Plnm'-e a a-, toe comer of John and Nae?an atrrel', N-w York.?liana*! fitted upon the n ort approaed idan. w nh Cr toa Watar, Water Cloee a and Hvdraule o' all dercrp iona. Batna litteo up with Buileia for Hot and Cold water, Lead ami Iron Pipes of the teat quality | Sheet Leed Ko re gat Li t i'limpa. and al' artic.t* :u ihair lire of lusiccts, to tie hid ou reaaonah e t: rma. Order* rere red f. r Hire and Harden Hoae. The rtihrribi ra llitle* themselves from the long expe'ien'e they hive bed in the abore biaiieia in Pntladelphia, to giae unireraal satisfaction to all who favor tliem W'lli llieit patrctiije raaaitcKt. Samuel Kuab. Etq., Register of Wa'ering Committer, Thilad'lpbia Joseph Haaeock, Boil ler, ditto .... . (Jro'ge Krfimn, Aaautint Jof the Ha*r latnrj Water Worka, ditto J. O. Kwinc, Plumber, di to A. L. Eiaer.hat, No. SB# Uraenw eh afreet,New Yotk A T. Otlmar. ditto, dt to, J. Itahinean, t'i Charlton afreet, ditto 1,1 I, I, Watkias, II i Kulton a'tee', dttto jri ln?*t MASK OK K.NOLANI) NOTKH. Oouliiooue. .Napoleons, Kngliah Silver., and all k inde of foreign gold rud eilrer, bought an Md at g. j. gfuVKBTICR'S. 3 f t rt'all etreet and llo Broadway. AUUTiurs ; >x\ l, t-r . r bv'Vki,L k' u5 I starts Mot. IS Jinn tnd US Fulton jira WEDNESDAY. Alio, a lot of milinary,childrtuseinbroidtr?d dresses, aprons, kc. At 10X o'clock, in the sale rooms, LaiKe.rntriit.vo and elegant, at well atvaluable tala of toptrior second band and new ferniture, of a'l descriptions. Alto, a la'ge additioual lot of elegant second haud fnrn lute, tog# ther with ihe remainder of tha hotel fnrnitnre,a great Dombrr of i|uiltt, cunterpains, bed linen, table clotbt, bedroom furniluie, and table cutlery. Alto,an mvoiet of English oil cloiht, and carpels, rugs, kc, kc. THURSDAY, At IOS o'clock, at the sale rooms. Positive sale of splendid and ealnahlr new and treond hand piauo fortes. via: 12 fnit rate rote uoo end mahogany pHt;o lortet, by the intkert ill the world no w aud nearly new. all in fine order, lunch and tunc, several with a warrantee. Most of the above ate sold ot.dei t ,e direction ol a receiver, and by orderbf the thrnlf Alto, 24 valuable paiutii k< and other valnablt. Calalogiiesnn Wednesday. Private Librart?Alko, immediately alter the piano f rtra and raii.llpift, a very select emulating library, comprising upward* of lot vnluinra telrci works and all cainplete, in lott to suitor >11 lone lier. Cataloging on Weduesdav FRIDAY, At IOX o'elrck. in the talrt toom. Larva Sale of It legaut Hccaonable Dry Ooodt, o( all ilescriptioue, iu continuation. Also, the atock ofa laige wholesale and letail diy goods a'ore ? hosiery, gloves, rlolhinir, abirta, loipeudrr-, biWHKI, French and E glish cl tin, cetiunerca, vcsiuiks, tntnmer cloiht, single milled do, kc. A'tn, frcth imported cilicoet, innslitis, linens, lacet,iniliaery. kc. SATURDAY, At 10% o'c'ock, at the tale rooms Large tale of eleeaut new cud second htnd furniture cf all (lartea aud descriptions Also,splendid invoice of English oil cloths, carpets, rags, nittting. kc, AUCTION NOTICE? Dahlias and Fine I'lanu?A. Levy will sell on Friday morning at 10 o'clock, ?t 1SI Broadway. 700 choice double Dahlias, from the collection of Niblo and DaiiUp Also a line collection of Hose hushes, consisting of Ten, Bourbon, Noisette, Most. of sorts, Meccapliylla, of sorts. A line collection ol Monthly Carnaiions of upwards of twei^ty varieties, aud a large collection of Orange Trees, with various other plant*, worihy < f particular at en'.inu. jT*r Auction notice.?oeo. f. mann kco. wm.eil this morning at half p?st 10 o'clock, at 333 Broadway, corner of Anthony street, a large assortment of new and second hand Furniture, consisting of ottomans, divans, troucbea, French aud high post mahogany bedsleada, sofa, do do; sofas, rockers, centre, dining and breakfast tablet. Als\ to close sales, gi'is ware, centre, astral and solar lamps, girandolea, china, tea setts, common, do do; also, inattrasara, palliaaters, kc. kc. jT u*r ' BENJAMIN MOONKY. Auctioneer, A UCTIDN NOTICE? II.ass anil Wood Mpsical Instru-f* ments? B MOONEV k Co.,will sell this d?T at 10 o'clock, at 91 Miiden lane, a superior assortment of Music il imtrumcuts, viz trombone, c'unet-a-pistoii, bugles, concert horns, post horns, serients, tiuinpeta, ophglidet, clarionets, tlutea. fifes, llageolels, violins, guitais, bowa, stritg holders, violin fcrews, he Cstslngueaara now ready. j7ll*rc A UCTION NOTICE?A rare collection of i'lauia?A R LEVY will te'l on Thursday morning at II o'clock, at ''it Broadway, ara-e collection of Greenhouse and Gtrden I'I'nts and Roots, consisting iu part of Geraninms, Calccolareaa, Roses,(_ hints Day Lilys,Spiraeas ucw I'aiia-ys (or henrta ease) vers) splendid pants of Hardy Magnolias and Dahlias, iu pots, viz?Conqueror of the Wo-ld, eonata, La Grand, Maid of Bath.kc from Mr Wm Russell's collection,3rooklyu,a|l war rail ed 11 names iS3.*a> Bh. k. HiKLL, AuetioDe-i. EDDINO AT AUCTION?II F.Rcill will sell onThurtdny in it, June 8'.h, at 10 o'clock, at 136 and 138 Ureeuw ich st. one of the Ingest a'sorttneuia ef beds. hair, tnoss, and palinleaf mattre-ses, paillisters, holsters, nitlows, bedsteads, wardrobe beds'eads, that has ever been offered to the public; together * itIi a variety of other articles. Catalogues will be ready the day i retions to ike sale. The goods can oe etamiited at any time. .16 St*r W A. ( A4TKK, Auctioneer. RY CARTER A CO . a' their sales mm, No. 311 Broadway, O.Khic II ill Wednesday, 7th June, at I0)k o'clock. ?Ca alugne Rile of Cabinet Fnrmture ?The mo it salens ve sale ol spleudi city made Gibinc Kurt i are will be mid ou thuab v? day, to rriuf advince?. 'Jha aitic'es are all of the best m terials, anil superior wnrkm anship, ami every article W'll positively be sold to the highest bidd-r. It cnla li e?ery articlrii the line, viz.?sofas, %, ami French chairs, , aviug chairs with castors. 11 r*e lockers, Kr.tcli hetstcaAi pml'i rockers, o tomans, divans, cud an-. ceutrr tab es, breakltsi and iliiing ublea. wa droti s,, tlaiu amldnsii's bureaus, piano stools, ma u'e. top washs ouds, 8tc. Alio, 1 lk?ge desks, with booh cases, by mder of the Bheritf A imall assortment of She h? Id cutlerv, die her and toilet sets. sic. The otalogues will be r .ml / on Tuesday, v,h it tlie liirui tuf may be examinsil. j5 3f is r UCTION INOTICK.-l (UNA, GLASS fc EARTH KNWAltK. TABLK CUTLKHY. Ike.?On Tuesday next, Juue 6th, will bs sold by eurtion, the large and fashionable stock contained in the store 8 Astor house, comprising a full assortment of every description of Dinner, Tea, and Toilet Bets, Cut and Moulded G'ass of all kinds. Also, a quantity of p'ime table cutlery, together with a splen did aasorln ent of fine cutlery, cousiatirg ol razors,scissors, penknives,dressing cases, he. a quantity ol Ivory Combs, Clothes and Hair b'mhes. Sale to commence at II o'clock. Goods ou view on Satuiday mid Monday. P ivare sales very low. N B. The store to let. R. SIMPSON, may lt-lm*r for halll^^p!^^k.rpool The Rayal Mail Steam Hlip ACAUIa, Air under Ryree, Commander, will leave Boston for the ab >ve ports, on Fuday 1G h June Passage to Liverpool $12(1, Passage to Halifax 10, Apply to D BHIUHAM, Jt;, Agent, j7ec No. 3 rail street. AtWWjl jgm MORNING LINK ?Ft'Il ALB * NY, RyenrgjasaB* TllOY, aid Intermediate L'ndings--Faie 3WLwi?Wl!ii rr,, Jo cu Is?F.cin thr loot of Barchv s"eet.? The Low-Pressure Steamboat EMPIRE, Cart. (J. K. Hoc, thir.We 'neiday, morning, June 7th, at 7 o'clock P Tee Low-Pressnre Si.smunst TUOV, C>r?- A. a -ihsm, on TW,JW^,;^5Hrt3Sod;' Freight, Baggage. Bank Bills, Specie, or any ot ' cfl Property, taken, snirps d, or p it r ii board th* Boats ol tnis Liiw must be at the risk of tne owners of sncli Onods, Freight. Baggage, Ite j7r kvkninu link at 7 o'clock. -iWHlyial for albany and thoy-Withont & ' * Li."'ling?If requested, passengers will be landed at the Western Depot, Albany, always 10 time for tic Morning Train. The splendid steamer diamond, Ca(t a. Flower, will leave the new Steamboat Pier at the foot of Barclay street on This (Tuesday) Af.rinoon, June 6, at 7 o clock. _ For Pas:age or Freight, apply to Thos. J. Hall, at the Office on the Steamboat Pier, or to ihe Captain on hoard. jfi Itr FOB ALBANY. TROY, and Intermediate Clwi i. s id* Places ?The splendid low pressure steamboat SCwJULliWALLOW, Captain McLean, will leave the foot ol Courtlandt street Tuesday afternoon, June Gih at J o'cloek. The above is a snbitantial bost, fitted np with elegant State Hooins. and for accommodation is unrivalled on the Hudson. j?r MM ra.uri.e,'3 Li >r, uj n i e./vainuA i ? h O * ALBANY?Daily at 7 oVock, P. M. ZnCu9CaK.Throni;li Direct (Snnday't excepted) (torn t ? Steamboat Pier rrtwrcn f'ourtlnnilt and Liberty sheet*. Steamboat ROC k ESTER, Ctpl A Houghton, will leave Tuesdav, Thursday and Samrdav eveuiues, at 7 o'r'ork. Steamboat SOUTH AMERICA, Captain L W Bminard, will Lave Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, at 7 o'clock. Steamboat NORTH AMERICA, Captain M H Tiueidell, landing at intermediate tdacea, will leave Mmnlay, Wednaaday and Friday afterooom, at 5 o'cUck. Passengers faking thia Line of Boat! will invariably arrive in Albany in amrle titne to lake the Morning Tiain of Cart foi the ea?tor west. jT7~The above boats are new and substantial, are famished with new and elegant state rooms, and for speed and accommo' dalious are unrivalled on the Hudson. Korpassage or freight,apply on board, or to P. C. Rebuilt at the office on the whrrf. Je 5 ec .MM am NEWARK AND NKWj YORK?Fare LJHm# only 12K Lents !?The S| lendid steamer t ?ffr PASSAIC, Captain John tfaffy. Oi and after Monday, June Vli, will rna as follows ? . Leaves the foot of Bue'ay street. New York, at 10 A.M., and \ P.M. Leavesthe foot of Centie street, Newark, at 7)? A.M., and IK P. M. f'reurlit crried at very low rates. *16 6 m r NEW YORK k BOSTONJ ?ounuptL( >T. AWKN PRESCOTT. Pilot, or takes charge las master and vJ pilot of vessels bound to New Bedford, Nautncket Shoals, Boston.Portsmouth,Portland,Kennebeck.audOTHER PORTS east of New York. Office at Frye St Shaw's, 221 Water street, corner Bcekman. Reference to a number of Mesehaut", and the several Insurance Cemraniet 'in this city,; Boston, and Portland. mil Imiar MP FOR LIV ERFOOL.?Regular packet of the 11th mBsvW Jntie ?The vers tnpenor, fast sailing packet ahic 4KS*Bfc?i!NITK.1) STATES. Laptein Btitton, will moat pvaitively sail as above. Having very superior accommodations for cabin,second cabin and steerage passengers, persons wishing to embark should make early application to JOSEPH MeMUKKAY. 100 Pine St., cor. Sonth. The above will he siicce?d>d br the sp'cndi I psekrtship Our'ck, Capt Skiddr. and fail on the 25th June. Persons wi- hing to send lor thri: fnends in ih* old conntiy, can have them brought out by the above sltip, or any of r'ltrrgclar packets, by applying at above ; if by fetter postpaid. jr r l*g- FOR FHRIOHT OR ( HARTEH -Ths very (APfyfatt tailing, entprrvd, New York built, slop MissisJBMmB?ifpi, Capt. Hilliard, 650 'one. Apply ro E. K. COLLINS & CO . mil ec 56 South st cct, M3F OLD BLACK BALL LINE Ob PACKETS kMfVFOK LIVERPOOL-rocket of the ij h June?The JahMMfc'W' II known first class i >ekct ship KNOLAND, iii o.mri', ?im iw ii< in i* . novo, tie r regular aay Her accommodation* for r bin, 21 cebiri a/id *te*r?i{i; t.u eogrra, are umnrnaaaed by any oiher ahip.?thorn wiilnn^to eecure berthaahonl J inak ee ly apt liration on board or to JOHN HEHD.MAN. 6' South atrert, urn W ill at. N B?Paiaage from EnglanIreland, Scotland and Walea, can be encaged with the tnhaviber by aplrndid firat claaa racket ahipa tailing weekly from Livrrpoi I, and Drafta can avnanal be fmtualiid l--i any ainonr.t, payable withou'di>connt throughout the United Kingdom. Apply aa ako?-e. Jtfte 'm> PA^KK." FOR HAVRE?Second Lint?The fjnVWahip ONEIDA, J imc- Fnnk, mavfer, w-ll tail 011 the JBalLutorjuly. BOVP it If I Nf KEN |j3 r . 9 Touti'ie Podding. Wall at. COLLKCTIO.kH on all pariaof the United Htatea, made on the moat Invorable terror by 8. J. SYLVESTER, J3 at'r SiWallalrcet and HO Broadway. John hknley, BANK AGENCY AND EXCHANGE OFFICE, FOR THE COLLECTION OF BILLS, NOTES. DRAFTS, lie. fce. MONTGOMERY. ALA. REFERENCE :? Mrnrl. Maiwcll It r?. | " Pertae (k Brooke, ' Jacob l.iltle A Co- New York. " Pcikine fc liopkiua, " Ahrah'm Brit k Co. ' St. John Towera 81C0. ... " Whitaker k Hampton, Mobile, Ala. John Whiting, Ka/j., Caahier ol ' Braueh Bank, Jack Thirrington, Erq., Montgomery, Ala. P D. S-yer, Phillipa k Mnmford, ml Imia* ee LEARY CO. riKNOA HATS ?A for fibiic < fancrrfino teitnre and leliaJ rate hue, rapreaMv adapted to grnt'rtn-n'a anminrr w?ar, by iravon ol riceeding lighmeae, bexity, e'aat city auddnrabi litv, now ready and feriale by LEAHY It CO., No. i k"i Aator llriw. A'ao, a choice aelection o| the elegant Rock* M tin Bearer Hale, fortuimer uee. lltuea'r AMDS E M EN'l'S. RIBIi i'l OARDE1 The public am retp- e fully informed thai Ilia Garden ia opened for the tereon Director, Mr. JOHN BE ETON. WEDNF.HDAY. Jnne 7th. . M'LLE CAI.VK, . Having rw.ivfiril from her aditooeilion, will positively appear Thil Kr?u ng,*? Acgrlc in lb* op'raof tBa HI, ACK DOMINO. I*1* P?'f'>rm?nr? to comamcr ?' h-lf pnt 7 o'clock. With tW Origin i! Over me to -,Le Doirrnu Noir," Aobar. To be lollow.l by, lit lime in New York, the caw Brand L'ASBXHSiKK|?!^ ibr' Mu"'byAn FRA DIAVOLO LfcS uIAMANH DC LA COURONNE. aiVD At; I ?ON Willi liaw acrnery, by M- m Orv. lie Drroratrnr to the Kreach t'r.mi any. Mutunrry by Mr. H<t?hio?s All the original Muaic of the Oy?m prudureo uuderithejdircction of M'? a. Pr-vori, .-nil led LE DOMINO N6lR '. \ (The Black Domino '.) riaaoaNAUBa. acTcuas Auitele, (ti e Black Domiuo.) M'lle Calve l Hrigitte, her confidante, Madame Lecoart I Jacinthe, Mathlen Urtule. Robilion Lt Tunriere, M'lle Lagier Horace de Maaatrera, Mooa M Richer Jultauo. Lecoart Lr nl Klfort, Dee#' nville Oil Pert*, Barnard Meinour Butcher Lnrda, Nulla, Novieiatae, Di rneali.|ara, Re. To give ad litioual eBecl to Aub-r's Comnoaitiooa in the ?rl act, a Omul Organ baa been erected on the stage, and will accompany the caupleta of the Convent Mnarc Engliili and krench Booka of LE DO.MiNO NOIR, , _ , May be obtained togeth-r or rep irately at the French Book Sore i.fK. O, Be trna, No. 315 Broadway, at, the Garden, and in the Haloini ou the ereuing of iictlorinauce THURSDAY EVENING? The Englirh Company will appear. Nighta of the French Company?Vondaja, Wednesdays, Fridaya an ' Hatardaya Nights of the Eugliah Company?'Tneidaye and Than daya, on which occaaion Mr W E Burton will appaar. In Rehearsal? ROBERTf MAC AIRE ! Robert Macairr, M. Lecoart Bertram!. M. Deaaonvillc. C7* A a'ri'tiPolice will be in Oatlendanre and great care taken 'o prevent the ndmiaeion of improper penone. T"?"Ticketa Fifty Ceuta. May be had at the Garden daring the day. 1 O** A limited number of Seaaon Ticketa will be dia poaed o'. PAHH THKA l'HK. Mr. D. Marble engaged for Five Nigh'i, hia 3rd appearance at than Theatre in live years. Likewise Mr. B.ougha* and Mre Bio-ghrin engaged for Seven Nighta only. THIS EVENING. June 7th, will be paHormed. WOOL DEALER?Deuteronomy Dutiful, D Marble. Alter which the IKI?H LION?Tom More, Mr Hrongham; Mrs Ceruli.i Fittgig, Mre Brougham, To conclude with YANKEE LAND?Lot Sap Sego, Mr D Marble. Buaea, 50 cts; Pit, 25 cts; Gallery. GX eta. Doora open at 7 perfo maure* commence at ball paat 7. CHATHAM THBA'l'ltn.. THIS EVENING, wi l lie perlormed. JACK BHEPPARD ?Jack Hheppad, Mia Thoane. T? conclude with FALL OF ALG.EK8?Harry Helm, W O Jones. Prices oi Adimaainti?Dress Circle 50 c-nts; Second an I Third Tiers 25', Fit 25; Gallery I2X cent*. Doors open X DeioreT?curtain rises at 7>% o'ciocx precisaiy. ANRIUOA5 THKATKB, WALNVf ST., PI1IL.ADKL.PIIIA. UNDER THE DIRECTION OF MISS CUBHMAN- . Mr Format axil Miaa Clifton. THI 4 EVEN! NO, Jnm- 7th. will be performed, OTHELLO ?To conclude witn VALa.T DK bHAM. in.6 r K. A. MARSHALL. Lessee.. AHIXUICAII A vj) f JARDEN ORAND OALA WEEK ! Oiiecinu of the tJer 'en on ths 11 iof ol the Muieum ; BALLOON ASCENSIONS will take place every eveniug Admission io the Garden < >,,. to Muaenm visiti rs. , Entailed for Three Nights only, the celebrated 1 ETHIOPIAN SKRKNADKR8 ! Or. Boaton Minstrels ! Coustsring of Six Performers, each one of whom it a Profesaar of Music ' MH. M. O. STANWOOD. r I'roferaor ofihe Arcoruinn, net on ni'ii! mine wont! Mr. H. O. SHERMAN and Miaa ADELAIDE PHILLIPS l . are engaged. Positively I he last week of the Modal of I THE GREAT CITY OF PARIS ! Mysterious Gipsey Oirl, Phrenological Eliminations, and 500,000 CuriositiesAdmission to the whole, 25 cents. Children nndar ten, half price 11^" Thursday next, day and evening, Benefit anolLaat A |? penrance of the Ethiopian nerenadera. Jtec PRALE'8 IfKW YORK DIUSEOH ATTRACTIONS NEVER EQUALLED! IN EUROPE OR AMERICA ! AND ADMISSION ONLY ONE SHILLING r The wonder of the World, the GIANT GIRL, six years old, 4 feet 7 inrlies high, and weighs 2!u lbs 8he is deeidetly the greatest curiosity ever exhib ted iu America, and it is na|K>ssiDl?t'i form a correct conception oi her immense sixe. Broadway, opp site the City Hall. Mr. H. feltNNETT, Manager. * Haa the plee.-irelto announce that he has engaged the follow ing eminent artists:? MINSTRELS OF THE RHINE : Miss KATERINA HADF.Rv CHT. Mr. JOSE haBKHNICHT. and Mr. ANbON WARNER. , Mr 8 DUOUWER, rhe celebrated comic singer. Miss BLAaCHABD, ilia Grecian Juggleress, and splendid perfumer on the musical glosses. Miss 8 ADAIR, the much admt ed Songstress. LA PETITE Cb RETO, the Dauaeuse. A i.*?rf,? ,e,li ?a?r place every ?fiernoon at 3 o'clock. Evening f erforninncra .a ,he Lecture Room to ? .mmrDre t| ? o'clock. j1( ^ PALMO'S ORIENTAL SALOON. GRAND CONCERT" A LA MUSARD. T he Proprietor bees to i-form his Friends and the Public, ihsi lis wt l rive a ORAND VOCAL k INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT. At ill-above S,loou,tl Chambers street. On MONDAY, T'lEBDAY, k WEDNF.BDaV EVENl.sGS, the 5lh, 6th, and 7th inst., (hi which occasion will he |r>formed choice selections ol Music frcin Anber, Bellini, Rossini, Hayden, Beethoven, Kaaass, Mvssmer, ttslle, Bishop, Musard, lie. Itc. tic. THE BOLOBESKI FAMILY, From Poland, will a,>|iear for the lirst rime, and bits thair extrsordiua.y Vocal entertainment. and will be assisted by the following Ladies and Gentlemen of well-known talent b? I VOCALISTS. : Miss im. k. Adair Mr Kneutt I Mr* Sharp Mr Cramier 1 Madlle Bruce Mr Becdall Mis* S. T. Adair INITaUMtNTAt.iaTI. " Mr Knr.AU, Piano Mr Wrench, Trombone Mr Rockwell, Boa Mr Pastord, Flat* Mr James Farrrll. lit Violin Mr Meurmsr, Cornet I IVir Jecbtou, 2nd Violin Vocal Tart led by Mr Kneaea, I utrumental by Mr Meaeemer. PROOR AMME. . I'eRT I Orand Overture?' I,a Dame Blanche" Boldian O and C' urn'?By the while company Hone? 'Hurrah for the Emeral i lale" Mra Bharpe Bom?1"Light of other daya" t Balfe) Mm K. Adair wuh Comet acctmpa itn'nr by Mona Mrmmcr Cluartrtre Tyrolean? Br the Boloaeaki Family Bong?'Lone, lone am" Madlle Brnee Hone- "Safely follow him" Mr Cramer <du utette Tyrole .n?By thelBolmeaki Family Paut II. Overture?"De Barbiere di Bmglia" Roaaini Orand Chorna?By the whole company S me?"Heiaho ! 'or a hnaband" Miaa K. Adair Dnrtio Comiiiuc? Miaaea Boloaeaki Bone?"My Pretty O'leile" Madlle Brnre Ccmic Bong?"The Mil'e'itra" (in cha-ecter) Mr Beodall Medl-y?Comet and Violin Solo M' Mcaaemer Mr Fttre'l introdiirine the celehratrd Negro Aire f'UMto?'Tea an i Tain on:'" Mra Bhaire and Mr Kneaas 11 lartctto Tyro'eac?By ihe Boloaeaki Family PA*T III Overtnre?"Frn Diavnlo" A'iber Orand Overture?By the whole company Hong?"1 he lri?h Schoolmaster" Mr Bendall Iluetto?"The Kcho" ( Biahop) Miaa Adair aifd Mra Sharp* Bone?"S >me love to roam" Meaara Bniraeski Chorua?"The kackce Schoolmaster" MrCramer and Pnpil I'aBT IV. Medley?"Old Dan Tucker"(by particular rerjnest) Song?"Six'y two" (i? character) Mra Bharpe Comic Song?"Calal* l'acket" (by rrqneat) Mr Beodall Comic Bong? Madlle Brace Bone-"Lila on tha Ocean Wave" MrCiamtr D letto?' Miller of Michigan" Mra Sharpe and Mr Knraaa Org'id Finale?By the whole ecmnany Mr Kneaai will preside at the Piano. Performance to commence at eight o'eloek preciaely. Adn.itaion PS cenu, for which rcfreahmcnta will be given. I CASTL.K GAHDRN ? IB NOW OPEN FOR THE SEASON. THE rroprietora of tliia well known reaort beg leave to in form ihe public that in addition to itc former attraction*, the y | have erected a apler>did lonntain. anpplied by the Crolon, with different variations every week ihronghont 'he araaon?t wether with a large saloon for promenade ami acfreshraenle. mi nirnaiv" i rfin <taus orrsiue ma waraoi ma Lll lie, commending a riew of tha whole Bar, the Narrow*, fce. Price of ailmisaion UX cent*, lor which refreshments wi II be fnrnished. mH Imr " FIRE WORKS. ISAAC EDOE, JR , PYROTECHNIST. rPHE mvt cirei sire, T-.iie?i, and hriIiisi.t :r*hiliu>>nal Fire * Woi'u arrr manniactureil fiin, or any other country, are imw raauy lor t'elirery o<. the lowest te-rr.?, in 111* to anil coeainiitcea ami psriii for the celebration ol Fourth of July, U the United Stn'ea l.abomtory, Jeraey City. Older* le't with '. VV Holberfu, 75'.Vvden Lane,'or at Niblo's 0 ideD, will receire immediate attention. Ctotils Ue'iaered to any part ot the city Iter of espente. i?v 21 toJuIO ia'ec _PORTUGUESE FEMALE PILLS. 7PHK9F far-Iemed rud celebrated Pill*, from PnrMgal, are 1 we rereai**. to be obtained in tl-ia eoetiirr| Neeiadvart ie -*ef flat |h* f??t *Pl?PlC. f*??" * SINGING. VfADAM SUTTON, bar id* arranged to i atnrn to Italy the i'-l beginning of August. purposes receiti ng pupils nn'il thai time,to aire finishing leaaons in the Italian, Ki nch.and l.jglisb style of Singing Her method is that pursued by Bordogm red Vaecni, the tint masters in Europe, increasing (he strength nee compass with astonishing rapidity. Her pu| tit wilt hare tn? adrautage ol her tinging with them, which can be pnrsoee by masters alone, who h.ire been eminent s.i?. era l. niies .1 irons of availing themselves of Madam Bolhm's limited ?u?, may gicertaiu terns, Ike., by ipplication .at 77 Cbambera street', from 4 o'clock till 2. ml* Ira*; MEDICAL. DK. J. EVAN* has r??ovtd his OH O 'ra'i Head Ditren.ary to 100 CS-tham, uear Tearl slieel, ishsrs ha mutinies hiss fa, speeds,ami effectual treatment and cu-n of 'II delicate disease*. and wheie the real old Dr. Krans will be found by h's nume rem ii qmrin; frierds. 'I axe, sciatic >, and forty ytari' fiper'enee sn'filt a practitioner to p efertace, then Dr. K. aould d rect tha attention of a discerning pnblie to an investiga'nn of lit eiaims. He wishes the pnblie to k-..,w that he lu< rothiug to Jo wiih r uy office in Peek Slip. His charges are moderate. His consultations ate confidential. IS r. K. puts n ;> paresis of sedicine for the care of one species ofdts sss lor II, and partienlarly sttends to gleet and strieturrs 11 er r* EN T f. E >1 EN AND LADIES' LEFT Ofr WA11D'? ROBE?Gentlemen or families desirmis of converting their left off wearing apparal into eanh, can obtain for the same th? luetics cash price.' To families at.d gentlemen quitting the city or ehangiag residence, having any anpetflnona effects to diapose of, will find it mnch to their advantage to send for the subscriber, wbo will attend them at theit real fence by appointment. HT LEVKTTI No 6 John tt. and 144 Va iek rtreet, New Tork. A lina through tha Poat OSes, or otherwise, will receive prompt attention. ?w