Newspaper Page Text
O.i all points whore unci') I* prid, the price: a e low, steady, and uniform. KATES or Demesne KXCHANUK in N>:g VOHI, JUKE, 18li AI*D MAT 20, 1813. Junr, 1811. May 20, 1KB. Boston, par a H par a Hdm I'liiUdi-ljiliia, I iO| ? a H Baltimore, 4 Ha o5 -ah, H.elimoiid, 1^,6 1 a IV North Carolina, 5 a ? 1H* 'X Savannah, 3 a 3 Ha X A.guata, 15 a- Ha 3 tharleatoB. I,'4'a IH I era H Aiwlachirola, 30 a - lHa 2 Mobile, ln at0 IIHaM New Orleans, 7 a 7 i??ir a Louisville, g , 9 1H? IX NaahvilU, 12>^a ? 2 a 2H Natchei, ? a ? 3 a 3H St. Lou ia, 8 a 8 lHa 2 Cincinnati, ? a 8 1H? 2 u han a, 7 a 7 - a Illinois, a. | M ? a ? Detroit. <Ha ? ? a ? There ratea for bill* are, with tho exception of Mobile) more moderate and uniform than at any time lor a long period ol yuan. They are more uniform than at any time under the administration or a national bank, notwithstanding that such an inititution haa been, and ii, by xome persons, considered indispensable to a uniformity ol rales. That illusion is, hewever, fast passing from the public mind. A lall or rite in exchange is either real or uriiAriai it ie rn.i of tiurchases at unv oae point have exhausted the produce of its industry us a means ol payment, and it becomes necessary to have resort to its stock of specie to discharge the balance. In that case the exchange rises sufficiently to cover the cost of transporting the specie, which moves forward until the debt is paid. The exchange then falls back generally below par. Exchanges are artificial, when excess of purchases having caused a demand for specie at any point; the banks there looated, instead of paying the specie, suspend their payments. The irresistible law of trade then requires their bills to be sfild to brokers, or others, who have spe cie, in order that it may be remitted. The bills thus sold' immediately depreciate, according to the quantity of them that the bank has put afloat, and the extent of the demand for specie for shipment. This rate of depreciation,which is absurdly called the rate of exchange, may reach any price. At Mobile it has been as low as 40 per cent discount. It has been alleged that the national bank, by control ing the lccal banks through its branches, checks their proneneas to over action, and thereby to induce over pur. chases. The regulator itself was subject to no control but its will suid pleasure, and the foreign exchange. The high tariff of 18-18 first stopped that demand, by prohibit, ing imports. The United States Bonk being thus relieved of all control, doubled its discounts in two years, or raised them from 31 to $61,000,000. This in the same degree relaxed its control over all the local banks, which increased their loans $1-16,000,000 in the same time. This raised prices to such a degree as to nullify the high duties, and increase imports, reproducing a demand for coin, and lead, ing to the revulsion of 1836. At that period credits were obtained abroad from London houses, which postponed the specie demand until 1837, when its accumulation was so great as to break down every thing. After that, State stocks became the medium of foreign credit, which be* coming dishonored, have now left the country without foreign credit in any shape. Now, however, a new pro* hibitive tariff has been created, and were the banks now in the same position as formerly, would bring about the tame effect. Dot the hanking system has been partially crushed. The expansive power has been so crippledt that it is beyond the power of the tariff ogain to put it in action; and the disastrous effects of a prohibitive tariff will weigh upon commerce with its fnll force, destroying trade, and depriving the government of its revenue. The accumulation of money stimulates nothing but stock gam' bling. K.vcn capitalists are backward in undertaking enterprizes necessary for the future welfare of the city. They are content with loaning money from day to day to stock gamblers, while Bostonians are pushing every great avenue of trade. This is a singular fact, and one worthy of investigation. The cause of the difference may be traced to the different positions of the two cities at present. Boston, in proportion to its inhabitants, has a greater number of wealthy and independent men than New York, In the former city each man acts upon his own judgment. He is not controlled, politically or financially, by any clique of brokers, either of foreign or domestic growth. In the latter city there is less independent wealth, because the capitalists are more of a paper origin, and there* fore more dependent upon corporate institutions. Hence it is that when the controllers of those institutions choose to put up or put down any particular stock, the broker houses who depend upon the banks for their means, and use mrn uiiiurutc mvu vu^u bunuinoia ami l uin'Pjiyuuents to the prejudice -or in favor of the particular stock. This influence in New York haa of late year* bet n direct , el to the support of the Erie Railroad, and in opposition t > the direct route to Albany. The consequence has been, that after obtaining $3,000,000 from the State, and thereby nearly mining its credit, the project has fallen through, and New York is almost without a hold on the trade of tho interior. At the samo time the clear headed and independent merchants of Boston have peifected their roilroad, and are now in the fruition of their most sanguine hopes. With a good business before them, and every prospect of a rapid and large increase in it, they invest their surplus funds freely in their own stocks. New York, on the other hand, is without business, her merchants are cramped, remittanc<s from the interior are very small, the reeeipta of produce light, and her foreign trade is paralyzed by the action of the Federal Government. Unless a large outlay of capital is made to attract business to the city, the cream of the Western business must inevitably go to Boston and Albany, and the Western part of New York State will derive a great benefit from the opened intercourse with Massachusetts Bay. What is it to them if New York choose to exclude herself from the trade of the Great West? The manufactures, the wealth, the trade, and enterprise of Boston is open to them over the Western road, and the noble line of Cunard steamers places them in prompt communication with Europe; and New York city, with its English stock agents and political stock brokers, is no longer necessary to their pros polity- New York city is indeed " going into her shell," and losing ? rank and caste." Sales stt the Stock F.xchangs. $ WOO NY State 5'i, (855 98V 00 'Ins Ohio L & Tr* 87X : oo<l do 1858 saw 118 Faruie s' Trust Co 27X MOO do do 98)4 do 27'a 6000 Ohio6'j, 1856 92>a 28 Illinois Bk 1(1 now do I860 92X li fttereh's Fire las 9? ;|i>no do tiw nk 38 Contribntionsliip F I 99 Mofl do bl5 92'? M Howard Fire Ids 11.0 IOOA do 9214 20 NY Ids 95 M00 do 91 30 Firemen's ire los 101 looo Kentucky S'i S8'e 25 Utici k Scheu KR II9X 1000 do b30 98X li do 119** 12000 Indiana bonds 37 20 do 119 MOO do 37X 35 N O Canal 20 70 0 do ,? 38 700 L Island KR 5'! MOO do #60 37 X 50 do s20 53 MOO do ?60 50 _ do 53X MOO di 37 70 Norwich k Wote 22 1000 Illinois spel bJs b90 37 X 5 do 2 V 7000 do 190 37 H 25 do 22X :iooo do 190 37?4 120 Boston k Pror 101 3000 do 36* 50 Harlem KK bli 33V fix.00 do 30 100 do bli 33X M0 h's f'hjinicsl Bk 9?X H0 do bJO 33X 25 *k State NY 90 X 75 do 33% 50 B i Com. *cr<p 10?X 35 Canton Co opg 2cV 25 Ain Kxc Bk 78 10 do ?l* 26?4 24 "*Y I itr k Trust llfi 35 do OIU 2bK 60 Pairriou UK 56 Second Oottrd, 5> si,as L Iilai-il HR s30 52)4 125 shas Harlan RK 33?4 150 do 1210 K?n?e;s' Losn 27X 21 Harlem RK i3 33 New York Public Stock Kxckcnftc. I'lWN YMVIHI 103 3000 Kentucky CT 98X 11100 Oilldfi'., 1660 30.1 9?i; 32 Ui Mr. It's Bk 001% lono d . 30.1 12.S, 7c Bk 93 2*00 di bnw MX 10 farmer.'Li) k Tr 27X Iooo do a 0 92j% 121 L Island RK 12 1000 do 0 .'4 10 do no 52 X ,'iodo do Wdntdy 92,'4 10 do buw 1 1009 liinois 0'?, 1870 31H 3"'u .1) 12jj 11000 do. Six 100 do 1214 2ih.ii do bit S6>4 10 do b60 33 M100 do 33X 310 do buvr 52X 3000 do 36 10 do b20 j2>% 1(00 do 36X 50 Palerton RK ?w 36 .1. (HI do ?I0 36 10 do snw kjSJ lfl?0 do nw 3614 21 do IfiJJ fimn do bll 36?% 30 Harlom KR 33* %. 2000 Kentucky 6's 98)4 Second Board. *1000 Ohio 6's, 1(60 9.X 21 shai L Island RK 52X 3000 do alO 92 21 do Monday 12,X KiUO do 92 X State of Trade. The tide of western wealth is pouring into the city, and prices ore well maintained, but do not display so much disposition to rise as is desirable. t'offrt? Rales, 2000 bags Bm/.il,7 a 8; 1300 Laguirn, 7Ja 7 J; .WOCatitt, 7J-, 1000 8t. Domingo, 6^. Cation?'The market has been tirm and active. Sales, 30(91 hales Uplands, 64 a H|; 2600 Mobile, 0$ a RJ; 600 New Orleans, ftj a 81. Sii/tan? In New Orleans there has been a speculative demand a? full prices. Rules, 1600 hhds New Orleans, 4J a it;.100 Porto Rico, 0 *7|; MM) boxes brown Havana, 7} n 7J. Tallow?Sales, inferior Western at 01 a 0$, and gojd, a 7. Toharm?40 hhds Kentucky sold from 4 a 4'c. Il'halrbone?Sales, South Sea at 30 cents. IK?o/-Of fleece,? bsles of Merino and Saxony have bet u sol.) at 32|c cash. ProvUlon Market. Our markets and meat shops are well filled with all kinds of provisions. The present hot weather compels the butchers to regulate tho supply by the demand. As meat Is not so much used during ths extreme beat of the summer, prices must go down. We notice some very excellent veal at the corner of Hudson and Hammerslcy streets, which must suit ill lovers of lot musts. Vegetables are very abundant, particularly radishes and sallad. New turnips have made their appearance. Teas are getting plenty, at Is. 0.1. a half peck. Strawberries are lor sale at Is. a hall piut basket ; in Baltimore they are selling for 3 ornts a quart; gooseberries SJ. a quart, anil currants 4d. The fish markets are well supplied, there being more demand for this article whilo the weather is hot. The Washington market is kept in a very filthy condition ; it is not fit for a lady to go into. If there is any one to regulate that place, we hope he will attend to his business. The quotations given below do not vary materiully from pres?nt prices ; we therefore give them without ul teration Pricks or Provisions. Apples, bbl-- SO a 2 73 Lobsters, a ? Asparagus, Miuch- -18 a\25 Mutton a 8 Beef,|?rlb a 9 Oniims, per bush 40 a SO Beet, per c?t---$4.50 a IS Parsnips, perdu*. , -37>x4? Beef, corned 6 a 8 Porter House Breaks 0 a 10 Blacfcfuli," ? a 10 Pork, per lb 3 a ? Beets, 1 a? I'iss, roasters ? a ft Butter, fresh, per lb is a is ; Potatoes, hush 31a ? Butter, firkin, per lb 9 a 10 Potatoes, Swt.hf pk.? a 31 Crabs, dot ? liadishes, bunch ? a l>? Chickens 75 al 0(1 Rhubarb, per bunch, 5 a S Clam, 100--. 23 a 37>J Sirloin.'lb to a 12 Dried Apples, bbl a$l)< Salmon, ? a 2> Lels 8 a III Shad, each 31 a ? Kicks, 15 for ? a 12* Striped Bass, lb- -10 a ? L.f? j 3 a 4 Sausages ? a 8 Flounders, ? a 5 Turnips,per bushel,-25 a ? Jowls 2 a 3 Trine,lb ? a 14 Lettuce, do/. Br a Tnrkies 1,00?$1.50 Lamb, per lb 8 a 10 Veal 5 a 6 Philadelphia Cattle Market. June 8?Beeves?1050 beeves ottered ; 102 of which were Pennsylvania cattle, the balance from Ohio, Kenlucky, and In .iana; 400 western went to New York. Sales were made at a 6}; extra 0 a 6}; 50 left over. Cows and Calves?300 in market. Salt s from $13 to 24; extra $30. Springers $11 a 19. Dry cows $6 a 9. Calves?Sales at $1 a 1 60; extra $-2 50; by live weight '2 a '2{ cents. Hogs?208in market?sales from 4?a4}; extra 4]. A iotof 176 went to New York. Sheen?About 1350 in market?salon from *1 50 to 44. extra 4*a 4J. Foreign AlnrkuU, [Correspondence of the Herald.] Hataxa. May *8, 1843. Our market during the past few days has exhibited a downward tendency, and prices ol produce have given way. We quote Sugars 4.] a 8] to 6J a 10J rs Stocks large, principally in the hands of speculators, who give way with rather a bad grace. Coffee continues without animation, and prices have not varied. Molasses has advanced to I rl. par keg. There is very little in the city, and the same rate has been paid, to be re arrived at some of the nearest out ports. Freights continue dull, because of the large amount oi disengaged shipping, and ?2 6s is the highest ofter Many vessels will no doubt leave in ballast, us our crop is short of last year's, and a larger portion will no doubt bo left lor shipment during the summer and (all. Exchange, London, St a !> per cent prem.; New York 1 a2 percent premium, heavy; Boston, par a 1 per cent premium. Married, At Brooklyn, on the morning of Thursday, 8th inst. by the Rev. Dr. J Brodhead, Mr. Harrison Olmstfad, of thecitvof New York, to Sarah Jans: Luff, only .laughter of Martin Luff, Esq of the former place. On Weduesday evening,7th inst. by the Rev. Mr. McLean, Mr- Jas. H. Ki'ttkr, to Miss Cornelia 8. Eijkrton, youngest daughter of the late Abraham 8. Egerton, all of this city. llled. On Friday evening, 9th inst. at 9}- o'clock, Mr. T. S. Clink, late a member of the Chatham Theatre, aged 30 yea is and ft months The friends of the deceased, end the profession generally, are invited to attend his funeral, to-morrow afternoon, at 4o'clock, lrom 78 Bayard street. On Friday, 9th inst. o: consumption, William II. Liohtbodv, son of James Lightbody, in the '26th year of Uis nge. The friends of the family, an.l those of his father-in* law, Joseph K. Meeks, are invited to attend his funeral, on Sunday morning, at 9o'clock, from his late residence, 164 Laurens street, corner of Houston. On Friday morning, 9th inst. in the 70th year ot his age, Theodohk Mahshhausen, a nativo of Oermany, for 36 years a resident of this city. His friends are requested to attend his funeral, this afternoon at 4 o'clock, from his late residence, 66 Centre street, without further invitation. On Tuesday, 6th inst. Mr. Wm. Burliisson, painter, of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England, aged 39 years. On the 31st ult. on hoard the barque Eugenia, six days from VrraCruz, Mr. Joseph Faure, a native of France, aged 50 Latest Advices V.ECE1VKD AT T1IR NEW YORK HERAI.D OPFTCK Antwerp Mat 13 Macao Much 1 Africa April 9 Madras Dec. 21 AnxCayet Feb. II Manilla- Feb 1 Antiirua-**** April 23 Maiaca April 27 Bombay March 21 Montevideo Apiil 8 Batavia-..** Jan. 15 Maranham Mav 1 Bermuda May 3 Matanzis May 24 Bonaire April 9 Mayaguez May 12 Buenos Ayres April M Maracailro March 9 Bahia March 31 Matainoras May "0 Belize, Hond.-?? May 22 Mexico May 1 Barbniloes May 4 Neuvitas May 4 Bogota Dec. 24 Nassau, N. P. May 17 Berbicc Feb. 20 Oporto April 21 Cape Town, C. G. H - March 24 Oahn, 3.1. March 12 Canton Feb 26 Paris May 14 CienfucRot May 6 Port au Prince May 15 Carthagena Sept. 15 fence, T. K. May 29 Chagres July 1 Tara Mav 7 Callao Sept. 7 Peruambuco April 2 Calcutta Mwch 12 Kirde Janeiro April 27 Cadiz May 1 Singapore Dec. 9 Deuierara May 12 Syiinev, N. S. W. Jan 26 Fayal March27 St. Helena April 15 Gibraltar May 5 St. Thoinas May 21 Guayaquil Oct. 16 St. Barts Jan. 3 Guayaina, P. R.< Mav 18 St. Jago de Cuba- April 2 Gonaives April 1 St. Johns, P. May 23 Galveston Mav 16 St. Crois May 23 Havre Msy 15 St. Martha Dec. 2 Hamburg May 12 St. Domingo April 4 Havana May 28 St. John, N. B. Juue 4 Hayri March 12 Surinam May 4 Holifa* .lone I Tamni..n A?r,l 16 Jereinie March 3 Tobacco .luril 8 Jacmel April 25 Tnniilad ile Cuba- May 51 Kingston, Ja. May 20 Talcahnnna Feb. 15 Loutloo May 18 Valparaiso Feb. 20 Liverrarol May ,1!) VeraCmz May 15 La Guayra May 10 Yucatan April 21 Lima Feb. 10 Zanzibar Jan. 21 FUMngeri Arrived. Hatama?Barque Rapid?(Reported yesterday)?Mr Fran" cisco Cespedes, latly.son ai.d ten ant,of Havana; Mr* Joser tune Mel-Ida Scmrnons, of do; Mrs Clara Kevelev, or France; Mr? Caroline Dod ard .Vliss Eleanor Hod. of NYork; Mrs Esabel Serraldo, and Miss Josephine SerraMo.of Havana; Mrs Elizi Elexmd-r and daughter, of Phdadelphia; Mr Francis Giugi and lady, of NYork; Jose de la Leuz, Jose Pidrazai and servant, of Havana; Win Savage, of Boston; J Goodwin, of N York; J Creiner, of England: Antonio Kesinrz, of NYcrk; M'ssrs U Sellrck. Wot Mar, Danl Downing. OC N Y.'ik. Vkr a Gkuz?Barque Eugenia? 1'he family o( the Hon. J N Almonte, Minnt-r Pleuipoteticia y to this government; Lady A^non-.e and daughter; l)a Gnada'upe Qrcsada, (LadyAlinon te's mother); Major Autou o Almuiite.Att chc to the Mexican Legation and one female se v*n(; Dr Jose Hurrig-ry, Dr Vicente Hurrigsry.Dr Manuel Htrrigaray, and D Raima Fernaudez.from Mexico; r'arlainW W Wes (be. rer ol despatches Irom Mexico to the U s Government)lady and two children; MonsrChtrles Dubois, bearer of despatches (mm Mexico to lie French gorerumeD'; Messrs Cliailrs Peck, Tins Knbinson Boors, and J Kearney Warren, from Guaynias, Gulf of Califor um; J Simpson, Francis Ream, and K Aramhura from Mtxi o; Mr Willum B"hop, trim Yiicitau, .Mi s Irene Nichols, froui Darango, Mr Iliram Clark, from AlvnaJo, Mr Joseph Faure, sister, end two children, Irom, and MrAutonio Batti and wife, from Vera Cruz. Matanzai?Brig Newcastle?Robeit Bell, J Haudly, David Craig. Arilachicola?Brig Enegy?N E Rollins, Y N Cumwing. T A Dorrr. Mobilf?Brig Wetumpka?Mrs E A Welinc, Miss A Mrlonv, Messrs Wm Crampy, H L Smith. J A tlitchccck, Win Mania. _ Foreign Importations. Havana?Baik Rapid?[Rcporied yesterday]?800 bxs sngar Moses Taylor?1 cs si gars Jahu P Brstiville?1500 segars I ruest Fiedler?150 M segars John Cornja?2 pkgs mdz.e Aguirre St Gal way?1 cs mdse Wra K-unie?30 bbts tobacco leal Logan & F.iguetof Plnlad?3 rkgt mdze Joseph Stum-nee?8 bhls tobacco Joseph Antonio Pedon?2 bxi wdse B ?urv d'lyernois k cn?8 bbli tobic o J O Beauyille?1 bbls do J F Rndriquiz? 190 Msegars Lillie Ik Ratines?120 do Jose Manzauedo?ion do F Mathews & ro?119 do B Blanco ; 50 do B M 1'icahia?81 do I bhl mdse fc Gsulard? 50 M segars John Wallrs?25 do S U Stuigei?20 do Jose Donice?i5do Win H Thomas?10 do S A Houghton?0 do Louis BrMnsrr.?2 do Zachi'Saon St co. Mai an/as?Brig Newcastle?126 hogsli tails rnolas es Spofford 1'ilesiou St co?12000 ora. gts, 55 d< z pine apples to master. (Jouisstlc Importsstlons. Nf.w Orleans?Brig El zx? 50 hhds sugar M Clarktcn St co ?161 O Mi rle?l?5cks hams25 bbls biiides F 8 Fishel?35 bis beef 192 htil* do ?i kegs Van Briinl &c >?llbxr obicco Staffer I St Allei.?Kidil tuihelicoru 108 bales cotton, to order Nxw u rleans?Brig Bet i amin?:76 sacks whest T II Mr Kay?2666 pigs lead A Aveiill St co?153 biles cotton i? Irviu St co?i bxs To rev St Allen?78 Wis 3 trunks 1 ck Atwatrr St cn ?42 balls c, tton Masters, Maikne St cc?516 slicks logwood Gilchrist * cr?732 Phillips It Evtinge?15 talis cotton Sheldon h Phelps?27 c- s J Macy St Son?1 libit iiams 91 bill, oil 1 do snake ri ot 8 do 11 xserd 1 ba e buffalo robes W E Law leuce-292 pigs lead J Lee St co?37u bids ttuu- 1139 bushe's wheat 468 s ckscoin o order. sy.w Orleans?Bug Ptconie?20 bales cotti n Hart 8t Hunt ?to a > lu mp i r n tc? rite 11 .naiD.-i?i una n bacc i IF2 bids perk 3W tes do 350 kegs lard 3:) f d 1 Snydam, Sngc lkco-64 tihds sugar Masters Ik Markor ?It this leeswrt 3 cis do 1 IB bbla finned ftnydam, Sige Ik to?20 bis tobacco 2 cits best was to order. Monn.K?Bric VVetumpka?175 bales old Bock si cp?13 riieli'S & 10?It J no J Phslpt?31 lt? hart L MatlUuil?65 Tiumas St Aduns?13 Abm Bloo Igued?155 do to ider.'hk 01 a?Brig Knergy?200 balea cot.ou 11'Jot'.?3!) Ceuter a c tuou slavei to m istrr MARIT1 ME HERALD. Balling Days of the Sleam Mlilpa. prom Livmroot.. him ikrain, Ae*di?, Ryrie June 16 Britannia, Hewitt June < July I G. Western, Hoskeu June 17 July 1.1 lliberuia, Judkins Jims Id Joy 16 Caledonia, Lott July t Any 1 Pack eta to Arrlvs, I'ai krti to Hail. y*oa t.iVK.arooL. roa i.iTK.arooL. Sheffield, Allen, .M\y I Rochester. Br tton, Juno '6 Hottingii-r, Donley, Mays bin* land, B irtlelt. June I'l Koacins,Collins, M.iy M Oarrick, Skuldy, June 25 s'rom portsmouth. yilr poktimoih h. Toroi to, GrUwold, May 10 Welluiaiou.Cliadwick, JnnelO Outair', Biadish, May 17 Quebec, Ilebard, June 20 fbom hat kb. fob hatrk Aigo, Anthony. Aim 131 Sully, Thompson, June 16 ( Morons 1st. Ainiworth.May 3 Iowa, Pell, June 31 Burgundy, Liner, May 10 Hltlp Raeteri anst Agents, We shall esteem it a faror, if Captains of Vessels will kitto Commodore horkmt sh.tkt. of our News Kleet a He port of the Shipping left at the Port whence they anilcd thr Vessels Spoken on their Passaire, a List of then Cargo nud ati? Foreign Newspapers or News they niuy hare, lie'will board ihrui immediately on their srriral. Agents and Correspondents, at home or abroad, will also confer a by sending to this Othre all the Marine Intelligence thry ran obtain. Nantieal Information of any aind will he thankfully lyirsd. PHUT OK BMW VilK.ll, .lUBlclo^ sum risks* ? 30 I kO.ll 3 41 st'rs 7 23 I mi?h Witts 36 CltRrtd* Ship Sir Kdward Himiltio, f Ur| Ltods, St Johns, NB Woo llmll & M111111 ru?Barl s Maud'rhi, Collev, NHcdford.J Kl Tell U co; O c ir, Kvrc, Canton. W S Wennore?Brit(? Aniliusu, [ BiJ Card, Trinity, M, U L Kouih; Commerce. [Pru1 Borrk Ghent; I, Baldwin. Thompson, Savannah, Dunham & Dimon?Mchrs J srpli St Elleu, HiJer, Provine.ctown, Mm, Diet! St Vine; Free Trailer, Hailett. Portland, Badger k Peck; Amelia, 8 rong, WiluuugtuD, NC, J Ogdeu. Arrives!. Swedish ahip Charlotte, Adi non, 47 day* frotn Bcugsr, Norwm , in ballait, to Boonnan. Jonniton kCO. B mine Kugenia. 3iscoe,2t days from Vera Crux, with specie, k., to Hargoua, Brothers k co. Bngs Petertbnrg, Carkm arid ktairrao, Branson,both air on the lllh Mar and were disg Left no Ams. Bari|u<: Sillius, Sherwood, IB days from New Orleans, with rndse to the master. U in Bai ji'iun, Treat, 19 da s fioin New Orleans, with mdss to K P Back. Brig Dircgo, McNaar, Irmn Bnenos Ayres Ap.'il 10,and Mot tevideo. the Hth.with m>!st, to the master. Brig Florida Blanco, Kid rdgc, H d?y? from Belize, Hocdnras. with specie to B Blanco. Brig Sesi|Urhaiiaa, Tatrm, from Port Leon, via Charleston, where she | ut in to repair damages received in lal IB 21, Ion 79 12, with cotton, to ihe master Brig Eliza, Kenny, 22 days Irom New Orleans, with cotton, to the master Brig Alderhvriau, Couery. 12 davs from Havana, with sugar, he, to K Desaldo. Bid in co brig Palestine, lor Gloucester. Brig YVetutnpks, Fowle, 11 days from Mobile, w ith cotton to Slurg-?sk< Icarman. B'lg Newcastle, Adams. II davs from Matanzas, with mdse. to Bpotfoid h Ti'estnn. Vrssels left before reported. Capt A repair's Lit'ie Egg Harbor hearing W.N W, IS miles, saw two melts and one yard of a vessel, one mist jnit below the cheeks, and the end sticking upwnrd; the other mast heel upwards and the M d of thr y arsi just sticking out o' the water; the top cod ot the masts were both downward as if they were attached to the wreck ot a visid. They appeared as though they belonged to a vessel ab tit. 200 tors or upwards, according to the spin, HIiB Energy, Sjlew, 16 days liom Apalachicoia. with cotton to the master. Brig Peconie, W ilber, 20 days from New Orleans, with cotton to Dunham k Dimon. Schr Chnct1 w, Thomas, 16 days ,'rom Mobile, with cotton bouad to Hartford. Schr Artnline. Linscott, 12 days from Havana, with sugar lo 8| offord, Tilestnn 8c co. Schr Hudson, Cole, i days from Baltimore, wi'.h indse tSturgtsi Si Clearman Sell' Kegisler, Hatriek, f'om Newbein, ISC, and 3 days fm Ocracock, with cotton to Milolirll Si co. Schr Constitution, Towtiseud. 7 days from Wllmit gtou,NC, with naml stores and cotton to .1 Ond-n. Schr Consul, Penny, Ocracock, with uoval stores. SchrJofjph >n>uh, Mills, 4 days from Wilmington, NC, with naval stores to J Oxdeu. Schr Myers, Fowler. 3 days from Washington, NC.witli naval stor's, to Mitchel Si co Schr Ellen, II iw land. Philadelphia, eoal. Schr Nrster, Ludlam. I'kilade'phia, coal. Schr Chicoreia, Smith,Cape Henry, wood. Schf Amily. Castolf, Phitadel|ihia coal. Schr Orcar, Baker, from Boston, with muse to S W Lewis. Schr Grecian, Chase, Boitou, milae ta J Atkius. Schr Baltic, , Boston, bound to Albany. BslOW. A ship supposed to be the Hottinguer, Bursley, from Liverpool, May 8. with mdse to Woodhu I Ik Minturii, Also, 1 brix and 1 schooner unknown. llcralil Blarlna Correspondence. Office or thk Rhode Islander,) Newport, June 8, 1843. I Arr 6 h, Wm Kustell, Keene, fm NBedford far NYoik; Avon, CLrke, Providence for Albany. Arr aud aid, Eveline, Sears, fm NBedford for Philad. Arr Till, Joliu W Smith. Jams, fin If irxinia; Caroline, Pratt, Bay Kiver, NC; Nantucket, <4ifford, Nantucket for NYork; Orator, Davis, S unerier for Ptlilsu; Mercy, Smith, NBedford lor Virginia; Sachem, Hunt, do for NYork; He ccca U Aliagail, Kocap, Phil d; hleleu, Gardner, and Albany, Providence tor All" tin ; Madison, Matnrr, fm NLoudon lor NBedfotd. Sid Hi s se II, NYork; Helen, and Avon, Albauy. Usncral Kseord. The packet ship Wellington, Captain Chadwick, saiis for London t'.ii morning. Her letter bags close at Gilpin's, in the Kichange, at 19}? o'clock. Launch.?The schoon- r Panda, s5 tons, was launched 20th nit.. Loin the yard of Mr. Thomas Hardy in Ems, Mis.s. Also, a tine brig, nearly 20J tons, was launched a lew weeks ?in-?, from the yard of Mr. Abel 8'orey The schr Frances Kennedy of Newbern, George O. Smith, m sti r, from St Thom*s, bound to < liarleston, spiiiug a leak aDd Went down, between 4 hi d A M. 3d "Dst. The crew w-1 s ved bv aHsisiaucc lioin br g I'cconee of NewY?tk Knbert | A vv UDir, mas-er, irom la Orleans lioutnl to INi w York, 'i he Kennedy wan m 'miles', auil had ou board betw-eu twema -four I a id five I iindred dolla * in i|>ecie. All thai was saved was nuietv-jne Uollaraand the lives of thcciew. We had sorceiy lelt ilit vessel when she went down. Kortuuately Captain Wilbur was a skilful hand to manage a bo it, and but few meu wou'd have ventured in a heavy sea, but Capiaiu Wilbur is a man of a large heart and noble son', and I am indebted to hiin for saving my life; it was in 1st 32 (on 78 10 Myself and crew li ve received every mark of kindness from Capt Withurand his officers. Tim re a was h gh and cross. As (he vess. I keeled over we saw ilia cause of tils treacherous leak, the but started on the larboard s ee about 4 inches off Whalemen. New Bkdfoxd, June 7?Cld Trident, Black, Pac fic Ocean. A letter from Capt Barker of ship Lancaster, of NB?dford, rrporls her r lf Crozcties, March 5, 8 roos out, with MOO bbli, (255 sp) ml, ell well; had been in contact in a thick fcg with slup Stonington, of NLondon. The S struck the L near the fore chains, staving in her rail and cam ing away soine of her fore tigging, bui did no other damage. The Sioningtons cutwater was wrench'd one side and her martingale and lie.d rigging c irried away. Mexico, Smith, of Westport, spoken May 29, Iat27 15, Ion 88, witn 200 bbls oil. Spoken* Comaquid, from Cienfeugos lor Boston, June C, .'at 71 33, Ion 73?by the this poit. Olympic, from New Orleans for Liverpool, June fi, lat 28, loll 70 28?by the sarre. Belle, M? ers, bene for Wi'minctoD, NC, Oil" Hallrras. Passed a large ?hip with letter K in her fore topsail, steering west. May 30. ?ff lortugas?by the Kucrgy, *t this port Hindoo, of Boston, froin Liverpool for NOrleans, Juue 3, Tortneaa bearing WN W, 12 miies?oy the same. Sinus. Irom Texas. 35 days cnt. with loss of head of mast, June 6, lat 31 15 loo 711?by the Wetumpka, at this poit. A brig from New York for Torto Hico, May 22, 10 diys out, lat 23. lou 65 30 Br k'ast Indian shin Veron. Oimble, 90 days from Calcutta lor London, with 180 Br Troops, wounded in tile laic eiuagemeals with the Chinees; and supplied her Trith provision-?try the Howard , at Savannah. Forelxn Parts. Mai so, MmcIi 1?In poll, Navigator, Graves, Cor Whainpoa to load lor NYork. Havana, May 23?In port, Agnes, Cimeron, Im Anrlerd.m (or Cows* and a market, to sail on the titli June; Camera, Whitney, I'm Havre, unc, wig frl; Flora, Smith, Ini Antwerp, do do; Weisacumsrn fin L'pool, dodo; Cyclups, Rodger*, fin Antw;rp, do do; Conway, Cam, fm Boat <Bt do do; Trenton, I'ltKitiu, fin NOrlesni, do, disg; Forma, Mandnau, f n Boston,do, Wig frl; Partridge, Merry man, fui Boston, do. do; Hontieas, (JiifTin, (m do, no, do; Sultan, Brunville, I'm L'pool, do, do; Vernon dobbins, fm Bordeaux for Hamburgh, to .ait Wth.Cherokee, Long, fm L'pcol, une, wtg frl; Chandler Piice, Duolare lin Antwerp for Russia, ldg; Minerva. Nowles, tin Havre, one, wig I'rtj Mary Brcughton, chase, fm do for Hamburgh, ldg; Ge neva, Collin, fm do, unc, wtg frl; Briimey, Tliomaa, fin L'pool unc. arr on 26lh; J W Huniirgtou, Kiusbury, I in Marseilles for Ltirope, ldg. St. Thomas. May !tih?In port, ("era, Warner, for Mararaibo, to sail n-?t day; Lewis, Baker, from Krauce, one; M< ntilla, Birllett, from Best hi. vii Ouadaloupc, nuc; 7b' Ins, Adley, (rom New York, for I'orto Rico; Neuviias, Mctf .rliu, lor New Yoik, in 3ur 3 Jays; Vesper, Loll and, from Philadelphia, just arrived; Tuscan, iGoggins, from Boston, do; Marsh II, Masters for Porto Rito, to s ol saine day; Glo'oe, Grickell, for Washington, NC., to sail ami* day; Augusta, Ho'mra, for Boat)?. oiig; Cosmopolite, Murg-n, ! > >m Baltimore, arrived 23,d. Sviled 20.h, Baosor, Odom of Baltimnrr,lot Havre; Freighter, BUnrhard, for leeward; Othello, Ryan, unc; Tamtndien, Spron.e. for Wilmingmn, NC; .Maiia, Summers, for El r.ahetli City, ^C; S ihi?a I R Paylcr. Holland, from Actigus. une. The Biack Hawk, Dans, (ram Gnidvlonp', bound in Portsmouth. NH, sailed IS'h n|t. Job blether, of Belfast, Maiue. mile, ami Hanson Adnns, conk, both of the Black Hawk, died at St. Thnmas. with fever coulracttd while ai GuapaLune. Broke 22d, la' i3, Ion 65 30, brig , of North Yarmouth, 10 d.iys from New York, bound to Porto Rico ArsnikR, March 3?Arr Sumatra, Silver, from Salem for Batavia M stanzas, May 23?Arr Augusta, Leech, Boston. Montkkai., June 1?C d Avon, Roniosou, L'poi I. Kinkston, J i, May 20?In port, Salem, (rom NUrleans for N York, only Ain vesacl in port. St J /His, MB, May 31?I a port, Matilda. Spates, Philad; Tea zer, Greenlaw, NYork; 2d insi, Lucy B'ake, flosmar, Philid, 10; S;>arta, Brown, Co, Lake Ports. Buffalo, June 6?Arr Detroit, Eagleston, Sindnsky; Pacific Konl do; Cambiia, Moore, l)et oi ; Wot.dbridge, MonroivHu Cisco, hml W hig, Persons, Cleveland; St Lotus, Kyle, Stmt Josflh; M-iaachusetts, Kelly, Chicago; United States, Trarers, Monroe. Milwaukif, May 20?Arr VugiuM, D.tHL'laM, Buffalo; 27th Columh ?, Tyler, da; Chicatini, Oawego; 20th, Supeiior.Muuron, Buffalo; Krontier, do. Home Porte. Bapioor, June 5?Ar' Brilliant, Gilkev, n'Orlrans. Bath, .VI ay II ? Sid .1 tinea M'Cobb, Batcheldet, West Indi s Oloucfstkb, June <?Arr Caledonia, Kennehte far N Vork; Slh. Siena. (>i nit, Toitamoiilh lor fkUM) New Z-aland, Po laud, Lubec lordo. Boston, June 8?Arr Renown, Lovell. NYork: Malta, Tiarey, I'ira; Lacy, Bings, NYork;, Oliver, K'eutheri;AI>kot Lawrence, Meeker, NYora. Old, Itirn-i, lIau:o;k, St. Thomas; Caroline and M rv, H'Zgius. P.etou. Kali, Bitkr Junt-i?SI J Mams unit, Albany; 7th, Meridian, NY-.rk Protidknck, June 7?Arr Rowse. A lieu, Cardenas and lisvina; Ariirne, M'Cliutock, Apalacnicola; Mircare: Ana,Godfrey, Virginia; LI ziheth Ik Rebecca, Or-en, But; Minerva, Burnett, t'nilad; Oiegon, Corir-p, do; A W Lenta, Kndir.or do II mum a, Perry. Wasnington, NC; Merrhant, I rwi,; Kr<>pant, Taylor; Capitol, South; J Oorham, Vail; Clio, Darling; Van Burvn, Corwin; Anroia, Suidi.atu, and Miami, Tucker, Hoiu'otii; Willird. Miller; Vigilant, Hesih, and Arum, H< ath, N York. H srtford, June 7?Sid S'.oal Water, Johnson, Philad; Kanny. < unley, do. Alba>t, June 8?Arr Banner, Lewis, Bost an; W Peun.Sar.d ford, NBi-dford; Howard, N York; Saratoga, Hunt, do; 'l'ra-sf irt. Sleteu laland. 8ld Stranger, Bearse, Boston; Outvie, Marst-.ii B stou; H M Ridgeley , Piindle, Bridgeport; M con, (Jo d, NYork. Phii,suklphia, June 9?Arr Lt Plata, Miehielt, Bite ms Ayres; J n-phioe, J. hnsou, NO leans; Betsey St Jane, Thomas, Kingston, Jam; Ab'gtii, Grant, Boa'nt ; Angola, Bell, NYoik; Ccmct, Vine, Truidul. Port Sp-ic; \t!?n-ic, Montagu-. Port 8paiu, Triunlad; J K Cro-ich, TomLn, Norwich. I'.nlliant. Redmond, New Yi rk; John L Whrte, Kgiri. Kail River; John Handil.'h.Mfrc hunt, Albany; New Jcrsev, bell, do; Lucietia. Wsdr, Lasiiior;. Old, ludepmdetce, fiiiketl, R< tierilani; Delia, kales, Wry-month, Mats; Oak, Hydrr, Bos (on; rat lieorre, Lcing, do; r uni, im<r, ui; o.ary nno, an out lin, 1'ori Trinidad; Uiilinnurr, Uickinore, 8t John, NF; Maine, Block, Butt in; November, Icllii. do. Haitimhih:, Jnne !>? Arr Meriannr, Werting, Bremen; JoI din net. Drriki. do: Chick itaw, Krndr>rk, Botloo; John B?i-r, It illji gain ad, Jet Thomat; Priteverance, Sterling, do, liabeltg Clark, Motion; t'bebe, NYork Richmond. Juue *?S.d Orandee, Oiloh'iat, Fall Liver Nohkoi.k June 7?Arr Commerce, Piukbuin, York; Pretidcrn. Willr, J?rw v i try. Wii.MiaoTow, Nil, June 6?Arr Thorn, Williamt, Samerie t Matt: Mu ier, Keller, Thoinattou, Mr; Hudson, Martin,' u aCo,. 8ipi>hire. Cook, Antign ; Cent'iintiou, (Jonlo, NYork ( Id. Hellespont, I'artout, Hadina; J L Uamie, NYork; Conitellation, do Mmajiiii, Juue N? Arr Howard Callan, I,'pool; G B La 10 ir, Sanu man, NYork; Onekn, Kelly.Boiton. Cld, Clinton Lyon, NYork; Co(("n I'laut, Bollrt, I'roi ideate; Congresi, laiti'l, Monn.r, Jone 2?Arr Lneratia. Bae Harre. C'd, Henrr Duncan, Hall, L'pool; Liveipiol, Utdley, do; Oruanieui, Sm tu. N Yoik. Nrw Oki.Ktlit, June I?Arr Newuk, Mararin, NYoik; Ty ron-, Spe-r, Havre; Valnalle, Thatcher, do; Tropic, [B'] Ho- | hrriion, London; H irritou, [ Br] Cli i >u, d i; Buliliau, (. UremJ 1 II , kt, Bienan; ButMfh Beeell, Bo racing, Jaaat, Suunei, Uibraliar. Old, Ontario, Barstnw, Havre; Deuj Morgan, Juliet, N York; Mount Vernon, McMaiint, Rotterdam; llighlaniler, Maibtiry. Provtuence; J W Taylor, Bach, Ckr.rleiton. CllaAl' DOI'BlK. DAHLIAS,?The iit'o cr.berg will eeM ihe balance tf iheir D nble Dihiu, at 18 centt each, if cillrd for the eunniug wrrk. fit It* r MBl.ll k IH N LAP, 57s Brnadavav. AbPLH.NDII) PLANT of Nis'it Blooming Cereue, to be cii ,.t the Contervatory of ' ib'o Ik Dunlap, on Monday Kveiling uett Our friem't and the oublie arc re pectfnlly mvltid to call and tee true gorgcoiu ll ?wer. j 10 lt*r NIBL'i k DUNLAP. 576 Broadway. 'PO SriRIT DKALF.H8?For tale, the rce? of Liquor* 1 nnicntdi and fix uret of a More doing a firal rale I n met , 'n the v.ll g?. To any pera n ham g a capital of from (lull to SUM It w,II, on enquiry, be found to he an eligiblt iuvettmont. Now Without the cttli need apply. Further particular* e'ay be learned by addreatiug a note to Mr. WOTI FKllSPOON, at the Herald Office. jelO lt*in rl'0 TAILORS? Wanted iinme.lia'rly, ? first r?te cutter.oue ^ who can render Im services wotlh irorn $llKK) (o $1280 i* r annum. Address J C. office Herald. l? 3t*r BOAROI.NO?A few Mingle (fent'einen, or Gentlemen ami their Wives, can be accommodate.1 w ith | leasanl rooms and board, by *|n lying ai 51 Veeay street^ in30 lin* r BOAKOINU-A ' unit or iwo can ba handsomely aecom- I mcdated with board at Ntwsrb, N.J. The situation it one of Uie most delightful iu the place, ami buta few atepa from the stopping place of the rail can Forturther information apply at Nj. 27 Maiden Lane, mil lm"r U AN4>8UMK AI'AkI^TknTs iu Houitoa street. cite A A to Broadway.?To |rl, to gentlemen, with breaklatt and tea Reference! re<)uirr<l. Ailitreu, boa 209 I'arlt l'o?t office in!2 Im rod'ee rP0 LET.?8pUtialtil lar?-e rooms, well furnished t>t Simile A Grot'cint ii. wnli b.taUf.iat ani tea. Enquire at 1! Wal her attest, near Broadway. Ie4 lm*rc AKE\V (iK \TI * \ . ^ s, ()| HU h tbita can Pe accoinmn dated with good board and |>lcataut rooms in a private lamp ly, at 2tH Kulton itreet. Alio, a lew day boaden can be accont modated ou the moat reasonable term. A parlor r.ud bedroom t? let. vs 111, 01 wit hoot ' ...I'll a 5 re tTMLBl,' H Y KOR 8 A LK..?A anp 'tior Lon ion made TilhuA rr, Im* run but two years, ami is new painted this spuuy, for sale cheap. Apply to MESMENGKll'H Hlable. mill Wee 51 Lnmber a tree t, RlOH/*HD DAW, otherwise DAWEd, foimerly of Saint Helen's, in the Isle of Wntbr, (Jtea*. Britain, who was born about the year 17t6, nud is ,u.ip)jed to haye beco me an Ainetican cit/.eu about the year 1812, is requested ta apply, post paid, to Messrs. Bewail ami Anderson. 2 Adrlphi Terrace, London, Great Britain, without delay, as fie will hear some thing grrctly to Ins ndvsntsg-. He is supposed to hive entered toe AinerWn n ,vv Appli-ation may also be made to Messrs. George end John Laurie, New Yoik. jl lOl'r C~ HKAP STRAW BONN hi r? AND KM BROIDERIES ?I'l Conseqnei'Ca oi~ th-inclemency of the weather during the last week, ivtiss F. Uodnfroy's sale of goods, below cost, will be contiuufd uutil Saturday neit, the lOih iust. Ladies are invited to call at 719 Brotdwatv pposl'e the Carlton House, and judirc for the inselvet jet lw*ec rI>HE HOT Ik C0l?FSALT WATER BATHS, at the A foot of Ucshrorscs street. N. R third pier toad ot Canal street, are cow ?|>mi fur liie accommodation ol both ladies and gentlemen, from sunrise utiti III o'clock at niitht. Five Tickets to Warm Bitli, $1 ; 8iugle Bath, 25 rents; CoId_Blth, 12j? cents ^ jeO lin*r_ CMtKNUH CARCEL LAviPS, Candelabra*, Lustres, 8tc. ' ?Ti e subscribers have just opened a splendid assortm-tit of these liooos, together with a variety of other a tirl?? in the line, of i litirelv m-w Stylet. An inspection >1 them is invited. Depot ol Mechanical Lamps, JO John street, A. DIACON St E. D. 8AXTON, m23 Im'rc Aucnts. APPEAL?The subscriber belt* to luforui his friends and the pnblic, ill it hi* benefit will take place at Piiestlj's Loi.k Room. 53 Bnwrrv. nil Mull.Ill- I. uln wkaii an ?1..~ Kshibition of the scitnce of Se(f Dt-lcnee will be given. lie hn|>es that after his loui; suffering iu'an uijuat iicarperaliuu, his fritDds will not be backward in coming lorward. Will all the scientific men volunteer on this occasion I jlOlttr O. KEN8ETT, a Victim. ~ VOLUNTEER CORPS OK LIGHT INFANTRY. DIVISION ORDERS. New York. June 9th, ISO. [N rursuance of an invitation from the J nut Committee, the Houorat l>, the Common Council, to unite with tkew in teceiviiiK, with honor and dis.inctinu, the Chief Magistrate of the United States?This Corps will p trade ou Moud.iy, the 1 !lh inst. The Division will be formed in Weit Br'-adwsy, the right ->n alreet. It will be reviewed lie the Commandant auu iminediUtlv thereafter march to the Battery, where it will await lh? arrival ol tin: P esideut. The following will he ilia ordet of organization and parade. FIRST BRJUADE-GKN. Will. L. MORRIS. FIRST BATTALION-COL. EWKN Eighth Rrgiuieutol Light Infantry, (President Ouarda.) Tompkins' B ues, Captain Mayher, Krnnalin Blues, Captain Smith. SECOND BATTALION-MAJOR ROE. Second Regiment if Light lutamry, (Washing!jn Guards ) Livingstt n Gu*id<, Captain Roane. SECOND BRIGADE-GEN. MAYTHER. Kirst Battalion?Colonel Hare. Light Uu iriN. Captain Viuceur. Independence Guirds, CaptsiuCairus. Mo t ornery Guards. Captain Mayher. Union HiRemeu, Captain Paikrr. SECOND BATTALION?COLONEL BENSON. City Guards, Captain Maiou. Monroe Blues, Captain I'm 'homtne. Benson Cadets, Captain Betts Temrerance Guards, Captain Lee. The Division will be under the immediate command of MejorUenrrat L'oyd. to \ihotn officers of the curps will report for duty. By order ol Major General O. 8. DOUGHTY. CHAS. E. BUTLER J. A. and Acting Aid DeCamr. THIRTY-FIRST DIVISION OF INFANTRY. New York, June 9th, 1813. The Officers of this Division, off duty, are invited to assemble at the City HiWl oa Monday the I ith instant, at 12 o'clock M , in full uuilorm (theOenersI, Field and Staff will if convenient, be mounted) to unite with the Houorahle.the Corporation. in the reception of the Tresidrut of the United States. llyoderof Major General GEO. 8 DOUGHTY. CHA8 K. BUTLER J. A., and Acting Aid De Camp. jiO eo'Sfr BUNKER I11LL. ALL Soiii of New E: g'and desirous lo join in the Delegation to be present at the Uelebra inn on Banker Hill on the 17tb imi-nr. are rnim sled ro nicer at the Aitor House on MOND.iY EVENING II o'clock, for the purpose of taking such action in reference thereto as may be deemed necessary. By order of llm Committee of Arrangements. M. II. GKINNELL, Chai mm. G W. Betts, Secretary. j 10 8t REPEALERS ATTEND!! rPHE m mbers of the Uuiied Irish Repeal Association ofth's -L city are notified that, by a resolution pissed on the evening of the 7(h mst , it was Resolved?Tint the friends of Ireland, and those in f ivor of restoring to her people the righ- of sell IcRislat.on, will take (nart m tins arratgemeu's mode in heha'f ot our city, for the reception o( the President of the United Slatra. They are. therefore, desired to assemble at tlia hour and place which the Graud Marshal tnav designate fur them. The Repealers of the neighboring cities are invited to unite with our association. It is hoped that terry fr iend of Irish libeity and the inalienable lights of mm will be fouud amoug us. Badges far the oc 'ation may be procn cd from Mr. Harrison, engraver, corner of Broadwsv and Libe.ty street. By* the assveistinii. EDMUND 8. DKHIIY, 1 EUGENE A CASSEULY.J J. B. NICHOLSON, (Committee. B. O'CONNtlM, iHl*k L. LANHTOM. J jvffcDB AL AID. ?UK. GLOVER, arptisw those who de i'A nite to e luult a phvsicisu of regular medical icqnire| mi nts and practical experience, thai he will br found at bis of lici s at suy hour iu the day i r evening The Doctor lias been engaged in an office practice for the last 14 years in this city; nil I is th ainhor of several ires ises U^on those ciseases that have engaged his attention during that time. The recent dis coveiirs in chemisiiy his rut m'o his hands some new remedies, which aie veiy quick in P'rimming cuies His medicines are i ut up in psrcels at (I, witn all i eccssaiy direciion*. and a small bo k giving symptoms, treatment, and eare. Offices in No. 2 Ann siree ? piivate enttauce 4tl> door l.-oin the Museum ?Isinp at inn-r door. jlO If r MEDICAL. DK J. EVANS has removed his Old Gen's Head Dis reu.ary to 100 Ch-tham, near Pearl stree', when he continues his safe, i| eedy, and effectual treatment nuil r u e of r It delicate diseases, and where the real old Dr. Evans will br found by his nameroni injuiriug friends. II age, science, and forty years' experience entitle a I ractilinner to n rference. thru Dr. K. "nuldd reel the attention of a discerning public to an investigation of lis cianni. He wishes the ruhlic to know that he hit nothing to do with ?uy office in Peek Slip. Hu charges ere moderate. His consultations ere confidential. Dr. E. pnts up pare-Is of medicine fnrthr cure of one tpeciet ofdisias- forfl, and particu'ariy attends to gleet and strictures. Dr. K. kteps for sale Dr Hunter's genuine Hed Drops, in 5) rents and one dollar bullies?(excellent.) jtO lt*r Lead Picks at 41-2 cen i s i*kk pound?iim best and cheapest ever made. It is made by compression, in snch a manner as to give it greater strength in proportion to its w?uht, than it can hare hv any o'her mode of manufacture? The prtce it 4 1-2 ctspvr pound, casii, payable invariably on delivery. Pure black tin pipe, the best and safest article for Proton Water, aid wholly free from all thr poisonous qualities of Irad, proportionality low. Ordeia received for palling up the Croton Water futures. In<ju*re a*, the (actorr, southwest corner of Canal aid Elm slrteu, New York, of j, i: i, ?iM JAMES E. EERRELL. FANCY DRY GOODS. rpHE Subsciiber his just op-ned a s.ucli of Dry O iods, eonA sitting of Gloves. Hosiery, Lscis. ICbbjns, Kmbroderies, Mniliu*. ite. at 16t< Greenwich street above Courtlandt street. They have been purchased nnuciptlly at auction and during the present spring, and a? the season is late, will he sold at reduced price. Good b >nnet ribbons at It; b? st do at Is 6d; 4 bores new style striped aud shaded gin/.e Ribbons A few rich tl .ck wIk ior.g Shawls, and a toisll lot of h'rei eh Muslins, from auction this day?200 new style sniped silk Poust at la 6d: cheap hosieiy and glnves H C. MOORE. TO LET AS ABOVE?A laigs well lighted Basement nuder the same place, and lour new furnished rooms, suit ble for one or two small la uilics. Thr situ ition it ? iod for au ealina house, and the basement is well snited to that business. jr.lO lw?f _ VONDERSMITH'S INDIAN COUGH HALM. H'HE only true remedy for consumption of the Im gi, coughs, A cu'dt. bronch tis. dilficuliy r f breathing, pain in the side or eh st, arising Iromc Ids, hoirseness, profuse erprcoranru, uiglit sweats, &c This mediciue is rrcomineuded aud uied by the most intelligent persons in the II ii ted States, hv numerous pnfesto-t and presidents of colleges, physicians of ths army. navy. mi nnapitala. who c mn iter it t ? l> at and moat t xtraordinaiy mnliciue fur coukIii md eolda thry have ever naed. Thr ioIIiiwiur certilieatea are trom tin* moat reapvetable phyai ci?na ill tile enrol'Philadelphia : Dkiii bin: We feel aiiiipiiv*' al pleaaure in the opportunity now offend ui i f etpreaaiua < ur appro'./itory opinion of yenr 111-1 a'i < ?o?a lia'm, anil >>e aocteai we hire ever obtained from ita ailinmialration. We liavo iiietl youi ineilieine in upwrdioffi tr ciit'i, computing all aUge' of diaeaxe*, from inci| lent coldt auil cmigtii to idranoed i>h>luaia. ami have inv n-hly fi.u id irninedia'e relief. We recommend it elieerlnlly in all cuci wtiere ilie oh' it ami lunga ie afflicted, particularly m corantnplioo, w th dn him. Knr chronic couithx pain in the cheat, (pitting < f blood, he., we have no heaitition hi premium iuk iour niodiciae unrivalled. Your* moat rraoeciful|y, WABHINiaTON ATTEN, M D. Atch it. Wllil.lAM BIKD. M. D , II Kaitmtttit at. LEVI LEON AH D M.D , t.oata at , Hiilad. Iliiudreill of other cerlili -atex may b: namtoed at the atore ol the |>ro|iiietnr. Caotioi ?Nona are grannie without the ?igU'fure of tne promietor written upon the libel of bottle. Prcpimd an I told only hy E. W. VONDKKSMITH, So:e Proprietor, jelO 8w?nif*m No. Iiil (ireenw rh afreet, N Y. urmufc Jt in*. rrr.av iuhk miiu ablk inSl/KANcK COktPANk. June ith, I'll. AT the annualelection held this d iy, the following gentlemen were chosen Directors (or the ensuing Tear:? llenrv Vales, Liinhert Fuvdam, AluiiO Thompson, Shepherd Kuipp, Sil u Holmes. John P Nssinith, lleorge Hipelre, John Q J ion, Harvey Weed. Paul, Joaepli W Duryea, R'bert L Smith, llrtwv Rowland, Christian H Sand, Jatnes O Ward, I'etet A Hargous, June! Oillespie, Junes K Couley. Oardoer A Sage, Joseph Bmchaud. And at a subsequent meeting of the Board LAMBKKT SI'V I) AM, K?q., wai unanimously eleeted Presiuenc. JOSKPH 8TKONU, Sreretrry. This Coin unity continues to insure eg*l ist lots mid damage by Kite, and also aguust burglary or housebreaking. ?n toe moat favurabls terms. r 10 4t? r u 13 H Hll.IS ()K K.\( on all pans of K.i gUnJ. Ireland, and botland, in sums of/), ?10, ?U, ?>n, to any aui uut, for sale at S. J. 8 YL V ICSTK il'S, Ilta r ay sV .11 street ?nd 1K? Broadway CllLLKt'J IONS on all parts of the United States, mule ou the most lasotable terms by 8. J. BYLVK8TKR, j ID Air 12,Wall street and 130 Broadway. UMCDRHkNT MONKY nl all kinds, purchased at ihe loseesi marketra'es. BANK OK KNOl.ANI) N0TK9, Sovereigns, and Knglisli Silver, bought and sold at 8. J HYLVKSTKR'S, Ito tar 22 Wall street, and 130 Broadway. HAMS-BJ hlnls r ieklrd Ha'ns.iu fine order, for sale by jllr _IL K fOLLINs at CO . M South street. LA 'D?I'i'I in I'ii ,.e Leal Lard, for s\le by I in r K X COLLI N8 St ' O )? South street LARD?2) bhds 2d quality Latii, in fins order, tor sale by _ j n_r_ r.. X. COLLINS It CO . S6 Senthstreet L\ R0 ?1 ill bar ell I' ime I .t il I aril, tor sale by illr K. K, COLLINS h CO., M Son'listreet. WHT. AI'?1500 bnshtls Pi line 1111 ri is Wheat, fir vile ii I nor K. K COLLINS It CO., " ih street. AUCTION SACKS. WM'1' Ifji.tiJlnn iwrf lit fiulivn rts ??! ; 8ATUKDAY, At o'chick, at the ssl? room* Large fale of o'egaot new auii second hand furniture of all classes and descriptions Also, splendid invoice of English oil elothi, carpets, rugs, matting, &c, ? ... Also, a Urge additional assortment ol truly valnable'second hand funmarr, together wiili the s'nek iu trade of a liral tale c ibinet maker Alao. by eider of the ihrnff, M French bedateadi, made ovrr 11 years. MONDAY, At 1?X o'clock, at tli* aale rooms. Large aale of the atock ol a w trrhtnaker and jeweller?comprising a goiiernl assortment ol aittelca >n the line, wrtchea, ( its, titigi, cliaira, trinkets silver ware. 8tc. Alio, a laige and splendid lot of valuable gnoda.wilh watch' a and jewi liy, some pledgr,! for aver twelve inuullis. TUESDAY, At l?H o'clock, in the sale rooms, Large aalea of e'eamt acaio, able dry goods of all descriptions in continuation. Also, the atock ol a large wholesale and retail dry goods ate re ?hosiery, gloves, clothing, shirts, suspenders, triinin-iigs, F.euch aud English cloths, cassiineres. veal nga, summer cloths, single milled. Stc. Also, fresh iinpor.ed calicoes, iniislius, linens, laces, rniliuenery, Ac. Also, 2 trunks elegant clothing, suitable for the seasou WEDNESDAY. At )0X o'clock, in theaalesroom. The usual extensive assortment of new aud second hand cab> nebt aud household furuiinrr of all descrip'ioua. '1 HUHSDAY. At 10H o'clock, in the sales room, r ...... ...,.i, . .7. ,,r ..... .. i, . ,1.. ...i.v,..,...i inakeis nut! choice old painting. A'so, a private liorary o' 500 volumes ch'iee books. FRIDAY, At 10 o'clock, at (tie alee io< m Large aale ol platform aud olliersovles, with weights form 25to2500 It's, worthy theatteutiou of toe trade. " BENJAMIN MOONEY, Auctioned. AUCTION O OTK K.?Hardware, Faney Oooila, &c?B. MOONtY 5c CO. will sell, this day, at 10o'clock, at 91 Mai ten lane, a general arson me at ol hard w ire and lancy good, to close coiingnm-iils, vi/ Fine pea a id pocket knives, stag guard carvers, tiles, brvas siair rods, tea spoons, fishing, sun JT boxes, silvered so <rd chains, rr/.-ua, scissois, tic. Also, a number ol Bibles, handsomely b,uud. Catalogues are now ready. j 10 11 r W. A. C'ARTtH, Auctioneer. pATALOCUB BALK OK FASHIONABLE KIJRNIv-' TU KE, Cutlery, <'rockery and OUsvware:' byCartrrand Co. at the store, No. 316 Broadway, Gothic Hill, Tsesday, 11th Jane, at hall |nat 10 o'clock, couststiuir of every article of furniture, made in the best aiauner and latest fashion, viz:? sofas, sofa beds, m'liogany chairs of all patterns, hair seat end velvet rockers, ? wing chairs, nurse and sewing rockers, ottomans, divans, dressing bureaus, card and inaible lop centre tables, plain 3 aud i drawer bureau*, breakfast tables, inshcg.iuy French bedsteads, marble top wailtstauds. wardrobes, bookcases, desks, Sic. Also, Blue dinner and toilet sets, ivory hand c cutlery, cut aud pressed tumblers, glass di'lics, Sic Ssle without reserve to repay advances. Thecttalognes will be ready on Monday, when the furniture may^e ?xamined._ j'0 3t r AUCTION NOTICE? English Engravings ?E. W. HNOW will sell at auction This Evening, "t 8 o'clock in his Gallery, 3225( Broadway, bv catalogue, a valuable collection of the choicest in idem Engravings, colored and plain, comprising a beautiful variety. They are now ou Ibe wall for examination. Dealers will da well to attend, g lie without reserve. Artists' Bale will tako placo in Snow's Gallery, on Thursdiy June 15. jlO lt?m AUCTION NOTICE nl Oil (:h>;t S. I'trpets,MV and second band Fnrniture,Sec?TROWBRIDGE St CO. will sell, this inorniuir, at ibeir auction rooms, 301 Uroadvvav, at 10 o'clock, a desirable assorimeut of el'gant city made furui'.ure, among which are chairs, softs, dressing bureaus, maple, patMit and m ihogauy bedstr?di,oil raiutings. bedding, matraises, Sic. Also, an invoice ol chins, glassai.d eariben ware. 8tc. jlO H*r am MORNING LINE -FOB ALBA NT, TROY, ami Intcrmediaie Landings ?Fa:e The Low-Pressure Steamboat 'i'KOY, Capt. A. Uorham, on this Saturday morning, at 7 o'c'ock Tlie Low- rrxnre Steamboat K.MTI HE, (-ait. S. H. Hoc, on Motili ty Morning, at 7 o'clock. Notre.?All (foods. Freight, Baggage. Bank Bills, Specie, or any otuer kind <T Property, taken, snipped, or pat i o board the boats ot this Line, must be at the litk of Uie owners of mi ll Goods. Freight, Baggage. fete j lOr FOR ALBANY. TKOY, and Intermediate ^v^Mns*Places ?The splendid low pressure steamboat S^EZsikCSbbWALLOW, Captain McLean, will leave the loot ol Courtlandt street, tint Saturday afternoon, June 13th, at 5 o'clock. The above is a substantial boat, fitted up with elegant State itooms. and Tor accommodation is unrivalled on the Hudson. jlO llr . art) PHb'BIDKNT TYLKR-A GRAND C??Uti " ? EXCURSION for the reception of the Presi3Ea?HuE_dr>it.?Tin Tut inline steamboat WAVn, Capt Vanderbilt.will in ike au escu'sion to Ainboy on Monday nut, June escort the President to New Vork. The Wave will leave Staten Island at 7. Catharine Kerry, Brooklyn 7,-?, au<l Pier No. 1 North River, Battery Place, at 8 o'clock, A. M. Kare for thu Kic-irsoin, 57 cenu. The Wave will be decorated in a manner suitable for the occasion. with colors, fete N B.?A Cold Collation will be provided on board, j 10 2t is' r TdMft jgM PEOPLE'S LINK OK STEAMBOATS fiaeS?j?S*FOA ALBAN V?Daily at 7 o'c'ock, P. M. 3CsJK9ibThrocyh Liirect (Sunday's excepted) from I. e Meauiboat Pier nttrren C i'irtlandl and Liberty street! Steamboat UOChKsTKR, Capt A Houghton, will lesvn Tuesday, Thursday nml Hatnrdav evenings, at 7 o'c'ock. hteiunb >at SOUTH AMERICA, Captain L W Braioard, will have .Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, at 7 o'clock. Steamboat NORTH A MK.IUCA. Captain M H Truer dell, lauding at intermediate placet, will leave Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons,at 5 o'clock. Passengers railing tins Line of Boats will invarabiy a'rive in I Alhauv 111 ami'le (line to lake the Morning Train of Cars for I (lie rati or treat. tCr"The above boata are new and substantial, are furnished Willi new and el'gnnt (tale rooms, and fur rived and accomtnoditious are unrivalled ou llie Hudson Kur passage or freight, apply on board, or to P. C. Hehultx at the office on the whirl". Je 5 ec NEWARK AND Ni!Wi YORK?fare fXi ^*,y J* only 12H Cents!?The a| leiulid steamer PASSAIC (Captain John Gatfy. On and afier Monday .June Wli, will iu? ns follows Leaves the loot of Buclajr atrect. Mew York, at 10 A.M., and 4 P. M. Leavea the foot o( Centre street, Newark, at 7X A. M., and m p.m. e'reifht carried at very low ra'es. al6 tiin r NEW YOllK fjjjlV h BOSTON sounotTLot. OWKN PRE9COTT. Pilot, or take! charge iaa master and pile! of reaaela bounil to New Bedlord, Nanturket Slioala, Boatou. Portsmouth, rortlaod.Kciint lieck.andOTH Ell PORTS eaat ol New Vork. Office at Krye Ik Shnw'a, Hi Water street, corner Beek nan. Reference to a uurnber of Merchants, and I the several Insurance Centuauiei ;iu this cur, Boston, and Portland. ml! Imisr EXCURSION TO BOSTON. BUNKER HILL CELEBRATION. ACT- The gentlemen who have engaged pataaite in the sMftriloi Bi at THOMAS H. SMITH, to leave en Tneijlllhiliy nth, are requested to call ?t Bayard's Bitter y House No II State s reet, on Moi d iy the I2:h, at 10 o'cl ck, A M. Three or I ur more can be accommnd-te I. jioifr If OH NEW ORLEANS?LOUISIANA AMD iflPWNEW YORK LI NK?Positively Kirtt Regular SPfiBfal'arke!?Tne fastsarliug packet ship OCMULOEK. Captain Tret. having iwo thirds of her cargo engaged wi'.l have immediate drspatch. Kur freight or passage, having handsome furnish* d rtcenin modatiom, apply < ? hoard, at Orleans svharl, foot ol Wall st-nrto K. K COLLIN* V CO. to South it Shippers rniyreiy up >n hiring their uooda correctly meant: ed. and that the slurs of tliia liar will sail puarlually aa It!refilled. Adt eoaratiiec to that effect will br civer. and fnId that may he required . Agents in O.-le-na, Hullin <k Woodruff, who will proma: ly forward all itoodi to their addreu. The racket shir Ooonee, Csptain Jackion, will succeed ih* Ocmul<-r. je 10 r l^EvV LINK UVKKI'OOL, I'ACKa.TS ?I'jckn!99V "> h luoc? The aplendiil, ftat i tiling I'acki t HI i| Ufa KOCH KSTKK, Copt Biiuou, will aail positirely .u above, her regular day. The alnpa of tliia line are all UKiO torn burthen and upwarda, and their Accommodation! lor cabiu, ?Bond cabi and Hectare fO?< |im, it in well known ire auperior to any other line nf packets. Thoie wishing to at-cure bertha ahould not fail to make e irlv application on hoard, foot of Bur ing Slir, or to W. & J. TAP4COTT, 41 I'eek flip, corner South at. The Rochester laila from Liverpool on the 5tli August ? I'eraont wiahn g to tend for their frieuda can hare U.t m [nought out in her, or othrr firstclaaapacket ahipi,sailing fiotn Li??rpnol weekly, on favorable terms Drafts for l.irue or amall tutna payable on demand, without discount or any other chirge, id all the post towur of England, Ireland, Scotland ol Wales, can alio be obtained on applicant n aa kbore. j in r TOR RIO DC JANMRO?To ?il Nihil?iH^'l Ih> taat allium cornered nnd copper fattened tlup ?iHML* ASTON, Capt O. K.ldridgt , will poutirely tail aa auore. Kor pvstge only. hiving rlegmt faruiahed accomraodatioiis. apply on bond at Jndi'i wharf orti K. K. COLLINS h CO , JJIr _ at; Sooth ?trcei. J BEACON COURSE-TROTTING. THUHSDAV, June ISih-Por.e *.',0, Two Mile Heats in harness; Tree for all horses never trotted for a puna. Entries to he ma leal tt. Smith's, 31 Park Mow, Monday, Jane l2th,by 9 o'e'ock. P. M , three or more to make a race. Immediately ?'ter ?p>ke *100 tub, h ft H W'orlmff n?me? hr rn Dutchess. Win Wheeler names br it Hector. W S Meed i,aiiir>KrK Snaffle. Sweepstake No. I, two mile heal* in harness, Tee for hones neser won a purse oeer 130 Sub lion, h ft. Stake No 2? S'me as No. I under the saddle. Stake No. 3?Mile heats, heat three 'n live, to wagous, with drirer to weigh 3001 bs, f ee fo? horses uever won a nurse orer * 10. Sub f.V), h ft these stakes to rh se the 1'ith June, by 9 o'clock, P. M. at K Hmi'h's, three or more to make a race, to be trotted last week in June. J 11ar lOth? Purse *100. tlree mile heats in harness, free Coy all $100 to go to the 2nd best, three or more to make a race Kntiies for this purse to be mule a' M. Smith's, by 9 o'clock, P >1. lime iTfti. J1U at*r TO LK T?lu Jam tie i. L,. J , a modern boil cthree atoiv hrtne, in first rale order. Pma*?#ion given immcI'J Apply to JAMES II". Hit IM A.N, j lu ti're In the Vilia.;* o( J^niici MS. ItKWAH I)? Htraynl or atolrn, fr?ni the Clint' n H"tel <1 TOXIIK Newfoundland Hlut; Mark with tfhi'e ('own th? bre?*t. I'he anrv# rew aro will b? |Mt'd at iif th* aforeaaul hotel without any ideation* bei. k aaked on delivery of th* and aim. j 10 2ti**r noi iTTkeepino. Mil. \V\ K. BAHLOvV reaptctlnlly .mnonneea that h* haa iMMeleil mr. c. c. marsh, in hi* hnainr'a it no Accountant and T*ach*r of Book keening iu tin* liia ioom 18 sdar atrrct, whrrr he will runtime the tame thorough comae if inttriir'inn and praeti'e, to an'reaafnllv followed by hi* , redeoeaaor. Mr. B. anlicita the p?tionair* of the mercantile community,and teat act ully aak ih-ir aitrution to th* following curd i? C. MAHNH, Accountant, retnrn* hit (fateful ackuo'vledgement* to hi* r.tim-rm Irirnda for their lo g continued patmnaic. He hat now d 'Continued hi* huaineat in thia city, end it anroeeded in the a-nie by Mr. W. K B irlnw, whom h* confidently commend# to the lavnr of th* mrrcainilr rominanr ty a* a gentleman of excellent character, thoiriigily *c'r'?in11'" with th* aelerir.e of Bnok-t.e*i ing ami einiaenily qualified in \ imparl infraction. He reai'rrtfulTr b-apcaka fer hi# mccei# >r , the public faror to which he hiaaeffh ' h'"1 "''uiTi'' v' drbted C ' > AKSH." Ilia trrma are redored to ?eit the tun*# to $i?. w oc i ?j entitle tiie pupil to racei?e io#tin?ii"iuntil he ta ihertngf ^ qaalded for the corn. in( room Accoantant. J10 lm*r M Cedar atrecl i \ M ! s'!.I NIHIi'i'l UAR.DE v. OPENED POM THE SKABON. Direetor, Mr. JOHN SIPTON. HATUKDAY. Jane lO'.h. BKNKKI 1' <>Y v I.SH, TKOOCHT. fin Nmlr iii N>w York of KOBEKT MAi AIRE ! By the fi' Ccmiany. Th? perforinine* to commence at half-Mat 7 o'clock primely, ?II i the Oveituie in ' pohiu ilea Bon" Web?r. r 'i* . rlure, will be pteien'ed, lor th? firit mi in New York, a liew con i. i1 r ma, m lout acli and in tableaux, called KOBCRT MA" AIRE QS Tilit cram* ii iuH"'I\ 1 tf ii-ui 11<re to the Eng'nh ple? of the >me name. Knbert Micaire, M.Leeonrt Bertram!. M DeuoneilU. Klra, M.ulnae Bicker MONDAY? . . ? The New Opera, in which Al'LLE. '-ALVK. will appear. Tueid iy?Third appearance of Mr BUKTON. Nighti of ihe Kiench romiwny?vondaj?, Wedaeidayi, KritUnaii'l Katirdayi N igh:? of the KukIiiIi Company?'Tnetdaya and Thnridayi, ou which oetaiion Air W K Buiton will appear. BP" A i'riet I'olice will be in . attendant* and great car* taken to prevent the adiniaiion of improper prnona. Ticket! Fifty CtuU. May he had at the Garden dunoK the Hay. vy A limited number of Season Tickets will bo dis. pO??d o'. _ Ftlllt lllb.tisin., Mr D. Marh'e's Benefit THIS EVENING, June intli, will be performed, SAM PATCH IN FRANCE?Saui Pitch. Mr U Marble. After which YANKEE IN TIME?Jicob Jewsharp, n Marble. Tobelol ow-.l by JONATHAN IN ENGLAND?Snloniou Swop, I) Murine. To conclude with BLACK EY'D SUSAN?William, U M-ibU JO cu; fit, 2j cti; Hallcry, ItX ct? Doo.-? open at 7 perfo tnancea commence at ball past 7. ~~ CHATHAM rHKAlttE. REDUCTION OK PRICES Kir?r, fWoun and I bird Tiers 2V. Pit I'Xcrats THIS EVENING, wi'l be perli rmed. KALSECOLOH8? P 'Ul, VV G J .ue?. Alter twlurh IYA NKK.K LAN I)?Lot Hiu". J 8 Wilsb'e A'ter which Kentucky Minstrels. To rnuclude wiili NATURE St PHILOSOPH? Co in. Mm Thorn". Doors 0|>?n X before 7?curtain rites at 7X o'clock pre cisely. AM Kit KM N ~ THKATKK, WALMJ 1' ST., PIIIL.ADKL.PI1IA. UNDER THE DIRECTION OK MISS CU8IIMAN. Mr. Forrest's Benefit THIS EVENING. June Mb. will he oerf'rmed. LADY OF LYO nS. To conclude with PIZAKHO?Elf ira, Mna C ufhinaa. m'lr E. A. MARSHALL Lesaee. AAU2J1ICAN iflltJSlCUA, AND GARDEN. GRAND GALA WEEK ! Opening of the Garden on ihs llnof ?l the Museum BALLOON ASCENSIONS will take place every evening Admissioni (o the Garden Free to Museum visiters. Engaged lor Three Nights only, the celebrated ETHIOPIAN HKKENADEHS 1 Or, Boiton Mirs'rels ! Consisting ol Si* Perlornie-*, eaeh one of whom i? a Professor of Mnsic 1 MK, M. O. STANWOOD, Professor of ih? Accordion, list no eti'ia' mine *nna; Mr. H. G. SHERMAN and Mm ADELAIDE 1'lilLL.II'M are engagi d Posi'ively the tail week ollhe Model of THE GREAT CITV OK PARIS! Mysterious Gipsey Girl, Phrenological Examinations, and 5110,1100 i uriotltles. Admission to the whole, 25 ceuts. Children under ten, half price i>/~ Thursday nest, nay andevetiinu. Benefit anil Last Ap |iearance of Ilia Elninpiaii Serenade r? j4ec_ A*AJLK'S KKW TURK iTIllSElin Broadway, opposite the City Hall. Mr. H. BENNETT. Manager. LAST DAY?BENEFIT OF THE GIANT GIRL. Saturday, June 10th, she leaving lor Boston on Monday. Three Performances at 11 o clock, 3 and 8 P. M Tht Giant (in I presents her lamest compl ments to the ladies and gentlemen ol New York, and r-si ccllullv announces that her Benefit will take place this day, * lien site hopes to meet with that support which her nbundance of llesh renders requisite. She tl titers herself this appeal from Pesle's will be promptly responded to, and trutis, tint coming front her will It ee It great weight?need the tny sue shall feel gratslnl That she isa curiosity she has no hesitation in assrrtui', and when it is stated that she weiths HO lbs,, the thinks it will be sulA cient heavydruee. The two Would Cms have kindly offered their services, and probably esrect to have a slice, but the Giant Qirl says they wi'l disncoverlhiir mistake. That strange as it raayappear, she is of the masculine gender?that is, a Fat her: shr it ludefaligable in her efforts to please the public ; her gratitude is fathomless?that at often as the has introduced the word Fat she is uot a Fatalist and the sincerely hopes|heiti?trons will not think her ii'fatuated. ITT" ADMISSION ONE SHILLING, C1KCU8?VAUXHAIsL. GARDEN"! " Under the Management of MESSRS. BANCKKR. G HWK KT, k D. GARDNER. GARDEN FREE. ADMISSION TO 1 HE CIRCUS 25 CENTS On SATURDAY EVENING, June 10, I lie pirlonnance will commence with A Grand Entree, by Eight Ladies and gentlemen. Mr Johnson will introduce the little Pouy Eanpy Mauler, ouly forty inci.ei high, who will perform a variety of domestic tricks Princi; al Act ef Horsemanship by Alerter Alexander.? Keats of Deiteiity, or t Leann g. by the Company. 11*0 rinr*r Act, 07 me ctifnruieu i> arron, woo win,alter nuioernui Uiw. wiBcltdf by carrying toe gncefaland plca*Hiil little Mi?? Moh'ai lanH, n in 11. y pt aitinni, Ikc. Swinging Wire, by Mr Gardner. Iutcrmiuion of 30 ininn'M, for promenade ?rd it-fmlnnent*. Mr (I Sweet, the tccnmiilished Tight Ko|ie performer, will appear upon liis Coble Elastique, and ealubii a variety of unapproachable ami Uiilhaut Keala.ol grate and dexterity. Boundink, leaning, lialanci k and snincrjrtting up m the rope, with almost mperhuniau akill. '1 lie i?'forinance? of Mr Sweet h tve been r vcrvwhere prouounced to be the ue plui ultra of Courage slid aililrei. Mra Gardner will apieir in her celebrated Act of Horsemanship, and conclude with a duplay of the American Flags. I nunc Surg, liv Mr Uiimui A Splendid Allciiiside, by Mrs Gardner,acd Mr* Sweet, on two hone*. Grana and unrivalled Vaulting by the whole Company, aaliitrd bv MrKamlid, ill Man ol 8i*ty Somertet'*. A Itreat Art of Equestrianism^ by Mr G Sweet, in which lie will iwnnunie Seveu Different Charac er*?tit.: the American Tsr, Panl Pry, Flying Dutchman, Brooin Girl, Jim Browo. A'rirau Sal, concluding with Fame bearing the Portrait or Wa-liiiigtoii around the world. The whole to conclude with the grand arena ballet entitled LUBIN AND ANWETTE; Or, rhe Wandering Pedlar. Luhin, Mr* Gardner I Anuette, Mrs Sweet Dame Acorn, Mr Oaidner | Fanner Acora, MrJohneon lT7"Boor* cp-n at7K o'cloce?Pcrlormauce comturates at I o'clock. Wo Indict 0"*ttr nded by geullemen will he admitted. A Inline,1 number of Heaiou Ticket* will be *old at SI each The Car* and Broadway Omuibu**'* ran to anil Irom tnc Vanshall ('irriu innil 12 o'clock in the eveunig. JB 3ti?*r CAMTLKGARDEN 13 NOW OPEN KOH THE SEASON. THE Proprietor* of thin well known reiort beg leave to 111 fo:m the pub.ic that in addition to its former attraction*, ther have erected 4 splendid fountain, supplied by the Croton, with different variation* every week throughout the ?en*ou?tigether with a large ?al'?oii for promenade and refreihmeuta. Also, ,:u eitcnsive Prom-nade nutiide the wal'* of the Ca< tie, commanding a view of the whole ilav, the Nagrows, Ac. Price of ulmissioli I2M cents, for which refrMhinenia wiII b- furnished. mil 4mr APOLLO SALOON-BROADWAY. TUBVDAY, I1TI1. JUNK, iH<3 Mil. W. V. WALtACK, at the tMnril with eiprrssed on his last Concert, bees to anm uuce that he wi'l hats the liouor of giving ANOTHER AND LAST CONCERT, HKKOKK HIS DEPARTURE, On TUESDAY, il>t 13(A Imtant, AT THI APOLLO SALOON. Assisted by M ADAMB SUTTON. MADAM MAKONCKLLI, And other euiinen' talen', which will be duly annnuiic.d. Leader o( the Quintette, Mr. U. C 11.11. nrr"Kor Programme, see small hills. Tickets 60 cents each?to be lia.1 at the Music Stores an d H itels, and at the doors Concert to commence at 8 o'clock. ji MOUNT CHOTON OAUDBN, near the Distributing 1*1. Reservoir, stl'h street?The subscriber rest ctfully informs his iriends and the public in ireneral, that he has opened the above Garden, and la i ow ready to furnish them with the best of Liquors. Mines. Senses, aLd oihcr refreshments. Bououets beautifully made up at low prices p8 Ifr NOAH TUOWELL. FIRE WO.IKS ISAAC EDGE, JR., PYROTECHNIST. '"PHK most csiensive. varied, and brilliant sshibitional Eire 8. Works ever manufactured ?> R,u or any other ceuntry, are now ready lor delivery on the lowest terms, in lots to snit committees ami parties I'ur the celebration ol Kuurlh of July, at the United Mutes Laboratory, Jersey City. Orders left with J. W Holberten, 76 Maiden Lane, or at Niblo's Garden, will reeri?e immediate alteotiou. Goods delivered to auy part ol ihe city free of es|ienss. my 81 UiJulO is*rc SINGING. 1UAUAM SUTTON, having airanged to i etnrn to Italy thn i"A buglnmMof August, pnrpowsroceir ng pupils until ihsA give finishing irssous in the Italian, 11 m h, and English ?tvie "I Un guis llrr method la r?i<it pursued l.y Bordngni KB* VliMi, the tirst masters in Europe, increasing the strength ?M cnmpiii with astonishing rapidity Her Ptt| lis will hare tlw advantage of Iter singing with them, which can he named by masters clou*, who lnvc been eminent snn.ers. Ladies * siroasof STAillM (hemtelvea of Madam Suic.tTi hraiteo stav. may aserrtain terms, lie., by application M 77 Chambers street, fiom u oVInrU till J sail bn*r !7iANKI,IN SALT WATER BATHS. CASTLE t OAHUKN ?The propiierors, hating availed themselves <f the tsperieuc of the put year, and rnoformrd to iheitiggrsltona of roanv of ihmr subscriber*, h t leave now to pre sent to 1' em. and the public 111 geuersl, the most complete arrangements lor t>ublie and private bathing. Shower baths upon an unpfoved principle, acd boys' swimining school, that aver was offered lu public patronage. Having established a constant and thorough succession of salt water, all surface matter is completely eic'uJed. Trie Franklin lJith is now ready at i's usual station, the north side oil astle Harden Bridge. Books are open fur the season subscription, and the inspection of cittzeca and strange rs is respeetfallv si licited. j.< iwec f 7 ASH sdvattces on all descnption of.Honsehuld Ftir iture, A-' Andy at the new Aacti<-u and Commission Store. 139 |Tniton sC j7lw*r ~ ' IIAK IIY'8 Wir.S AND SCALPS AC BARRY, ARTIST IN HAIR FROM LONDON. ?The real Heads of Hair sill siaud pre-eminent above all otlirrt. Their peenliar light, uowtnufr and ventilation character? their being lactl/ ? th* natural hair grown ? their ehtticity mid thei* Mi|*rior malarial ta?l workmanship, at well at their ol* fiuifh and lurmurmeM, a I combine to form ia ch perfect heada ol lutir, that (hey must be lero to bo fnlty am.r-oni'ed. u . . ? . A new system of th- art of ? V Making'aught in tire leasons Ss? a specimen of B irry s Wigs and Scahw. which will satis"r the m.wt fastidious that he is the l>e.?t and che 'peat maker in the city?''M Btoadwsy, comer of Liberty street. Bp stairs. jl fwis*in NOTICE-To thore who seek health comfort co o red wi'h rasury?fVice teduced?Old Established Medicated V-norUttlis 2i','onlandt street. Mrs (' acc trdance with the et' of tha times, h'S r'tluced the price at her baths,and solic ts a cominnati'-eofihe p "ron?? or the Faculty in part'culkr and the public in general. Colds, sore throats, swelling of the alauds, rlieuin Iti'in, stiffness of the joints, ague and ferer, be kc. are minedia' ly reliaTcd. IV liable batuasent to any t ar'of the ritv i f Brooklyn. Open f-om sis in the innrtung till nina tt'clor k at night. Sulphur Bathe reiinire one huui's notice. mJT^wisr POKTl Ol K8E KKMAl.h FHIEa. PHKSE fa. ( .el and rrle'-f'd f ' from I'ortagkl, sru A w?, to be n'paioed ia ' rieaatryg Hsewlrs i s# seat ia * e.ian- ,-* ' ?.'