Newspaper Page Text
! I TH .Jiv Vol. IX.?-No. 175?Wkol* No. 3387. To til* Public. THE NEW YORK HERALD?dailvnewn>8P?r?pub. lishnd every day of the year except New Year'* dey and Fourth of July. Price 3 cunts per copy?or f7 36 per annum?postage* paid?cash in nd ranee. THE WEEKLY HERALD?published every Saturday morning?price 6} cents per copy, or g3 13 por annum postage* paid?cash in advance. ADVERTISERS aro informed that the circulation ol the Herald is over THIRTY THOUSAND, and increasing ant. It has the largett circulation of any paper in (hit city, or the world, and it therefore, the belt channel for busmen ^ wen in the city or country Pncea moderate?cash in advance. PRINTING of all kinds, executed at the most moderate rices, and in the most elegant style. JAMES GORDON BENNETT, PannusTon or the Hk.hald Estsblishmknt, Northwest corner of Fulton and Nassau streets. FOR HAL^uPi^Pl^ERPOOL. The R?\al Mail Mram Ship OOLU viblA, N.Shannon,Esq Commander,will leave Boston for the above ports,on 8a urday, 1st of Julv. Passage to Livrrpool 3120, Passage to Halifax, 20, Apjlvto D BRIOHAM, Jr.. Agent. j2tr No. 3 Vail street. ~ DRAFTS ON IRELAND, Sic. which y^pO/tSSK9 can b? arm oy tiie Hoyal Mail steim ahip COLUMBIA. sailing from Boston on the lit July- Persons sending money to the-r n-U i>ca residing iu the old country, can ai all times obtain from th* anbicrihrra Drifts at s ght for any amount, on the Royal Bank oi Ireland, also on tli' old ritabluhed banking Iriuse of Messrs. Prescot , Orote, Ames St Co. of London, which are paid free of discount, or anv eli irge whatever, iu every town throughout England, Ireland, Scotland and Walts, thereby answering the same purpose as Bank of England aud Ireland notes. Apply to, or address, if by letter, post paid. IIOCHE, BROTHERS St CO. 35 Fulton street, j':7 r nest door to the Fulton Bank. - ?. DRAFTS ON ENGLAND, IRK, ,jfc4"x28?sV LAND, Sic?Persons about remitting inouey to their friends in the '"old country," c*.u be inpplied with Drafts, in sums of 1, 2 ?3, 5, 10,20 St ?50, i r any amont, payable ou demand, without discount or any other cha<ge, at the National Bauk of lrelaud, Provincial Biulr, do., Messrs. James Bnlr, Son St Co.. Bankers, London, 1. Barned St Co., Eichauge and Discuni Buik, Liverpool, Ka.tein Bank of Scotland, Greenock Binkiog Compiuy, Sir Wm. Fo-bes Hunter St Co., Hcot* l?nd, and the branches in every post town throughout England, Ireland, Seot'aud St Wales, which drafts will be forwarded by the "S'.ramer Caledonia," tliat leaves Boston the IstJnlv, by W. St J. T. TAPSCOTT, At their General Passage Office, 43 Peck Slip, cor. South st. N. 11.?A'l letters from the country must come post paid. je 22r NEW LINE OF LIVERPOOL PACKETS. To tilfrom New York on the 25th and Liverpool ou the ISth of each mtnth. M. m M Ml From Nv:w York. Ship UAKRICK, (iipiaiu Wm. 8feid.<ly, 20lh February. Ship KOSCIU8. Captain Johu Collins, 2Jth March. Ship 8IDDON8, Captain E. B. Gobh, 26th April. Ship SHERIDAN, Captain F. A. Depeyster, 25lh May. From I.rrvRpooi.. Ship 8IDUON8, Captain E. B. Cobb, ISth February. Ship SHERIDAN, Captain F. A. Deiieystrr, 13th Starch. Ship fJARllICK, Captain Wm. skidily, 13th April. Ship ROSCIUS Cijitain John Collins, 13th May. Theie* hips are all ot the class, upwards of ION lens, ouilt snthc city of New York, with snch improvements ascombine Kreat sa>eeii with unusual comfort for passengers. Every care as been taken in the arrangement of their accommodation. The price of passage hence is $100, for which ample stores will be provided. These ships are commanded by experienced masters, who will make every exertion to give general a (Olfaction Neither the captains or owners of th Csk. .pawill be responsible for at.y letters, parcels or package ssen by tnein, unless regular bi tip of lading are signed therefor. For 1 wight or pas&agfc, apply to E. K. COLLINS It CO., 56 Sonthst., New York, or to WM. 8t JA8. BROWN fc CO., Li?erpool. Letters by (he packets will be charged 13>4 cents per single iho?C50 eents per onnce, and newsi-aperx I cent each. f3 r FOK Oil ItLtANS. LOUISIANA AND NEW \ >HK LINE OF PACKETS Mkjj& M. For the better accommodation of shipi>ers, it is intended to despatch a ship from this port ou the 1st, 5tli, 10th, IStli, 30th, and 35th ol each month, com.i curing the 10th October and continuing until May, when regular days will be tpiHiiuted fer the remainder of the year, whereby great delays and disapiaiintnietits will be ) revt iited during the rummer months. The following ships will commence (his arrangement : r-iup i vdiiram lyomfii. Ship OCON*?k, Captaiu Jackson. fth-j. MISSISSIPPI, Captaiu Hi I Hard. Slup LOUISVILLE, Cyrum Hunt Ship 8HA KSPEARE, Cap'ain Miner. Ship (IA8TON1 Captain Latham. Ship HUNTSVILLE, Captain Mumfoid. Snip OCMULtJKE, Captain Leavitt. Ship NASHVILLE, Captain Dickinson. Ship MEMPHIS, Captain Knight. Ship LOUISA, Captain Mulford. Thcie ahips wtic all built in ch? city of New Yj>rk, expren for packets, are of light draft of water, hare recently beet I ,'wly coppered and |mt in splendid order.with acroinmodatiot tor paaaeUKera unequalled lor comfort. They are comnundi d by experienced masters, who will make rrcry exertion to sire SenerLl saHnfaction. They will at all timn be towed up and own the Miaaiuippi by ateamboata. Neither the owu.-ra <v captaiua of theae ahipt will be responiible for jewelry, bullion, prceions atouea, lilver or plated ware, or for r.ny letters, parcel or tiackage, aent by o rpnt on hoard of Ihem, unless regular bills of lading are takeu foi the i&rue .acd the value thcteon expressed. for freight or passage, apply E. K. COLLINS 81 CO.. 56 South at, or HULLIN fc WOODRUFF, Agent in New Orleans, who will promptly forward all goods to their addreu. The snips of this line are warranted to sail punctually as advertised, ami great care will be taken to have the goods correet1 y measured. rnt iffly iHfo iHfc fA8SAOE FROM GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND BY THE BLACK BALL OR OLD LINE OF LIVERPOOL PACKETS. | Sailing from Liverpool ou the 7th and 19th of every month.] P. r??ini wiahing to ?eud to the Old Country for their friends mii make the accessary arrangements with the subscribers, and hare them come out in this superior L.ilie of Packets, sailing from L ivcrpeol punctually on the 7th and 19th of every month, i't.ey will also have a first rate class of American trading shi|?, sailing every six days, thereby affording weekly communication from that port. One of the firm (Mr. James D. Roche) is then, la tee that they shall be forwarded with care and det' Should the parties agreed for not come int, the money will be returned to those who paid it here, without any rednc tion. The Black Bill, or Old Line of Liverpool Pa:kets, comprise the following magnificent Ships, via The OXFORD, The NEW YORK, CAMBRIDGE. COLUMBUS, EUROPE. SOUTH AMERICA, ENGLAND, NORTH AMERICA. With such superior and unequalled ai range meals, the subscribers confidently look forward for a continuance of that support which luis been extended to them so many years, fur which ihey are grateful. .... Those proceeding, or remitting money to their relatives, can e.tall times ohtuni Drafts at tight for any amount, drawn direct ou the Royal Bank of Ireland, Dublin, alto on Messrs. PRESCOTT, OROTE, AMES k CO. Bankers, Loudon, which will be paid on demand at any of the Banks, or their Blanches, in all the principal towns throughout England, Ire lana, ocouann unci waie?. . A,p1y.oraddr,M.(lfbIilet^Btfi?.yH & 15 KnltoD ?treet, New York, urn door to the Kulton Hank. N. B.?The Old Line of Liverpool Packet* tail from thu port fbf Liverpool on (he lit and 19th of each month. Partie* returning to the old country will find it to their comfort and advantage to *clect 'hi* favorite Line for their conveyance, 111 preference to auy other. d27 r i>'HE MlW LINK OK LlVKlirOOL PACKETS. m M. m M To tail Irom New York 10th, and from'Liverpool 5th of each month. Ship HOTTINUI'EK, 1050 ton*, J Ira Unraelv, t,6Ul New ,hip Wt1,50 ton"- | '"h Angtut NeW ? * September. Shir ROCHESTER, (59 ton., I ? , . Jeh BriHon p6tli October. "he?e *ob*tantial, laal ??ilinT, ftnit claa* *l)ip*.all built in the cii of New T ork, are c? minanded by inrn of e*i?erienf e and abioty, ana will be devratched pa net tally on the leth of e ach month. Their cabins are e'eyait ami'Iion*, and are fonnthed with whaterc- cancondttce totlie ease and comfort of paueuNeithert' e eapte'na or owner* of the-e ship* will be retpon I sib'e for any i trr.ela orpackie.., ?en*. !>y them, nnlr?* rcgi-Jar bill* lading are eiKn-d ll?eefor. Kor freight or paa?age apply to l"?.>ODniJLL It M1NTUBN9, *7 South afreet. New York, ot to FIKLDEN, DROTI1KR8 It CO., jell t Liverpool. m,' m. YORK ANT) HAV..E rACKKTS?Hecouj l.ior ?The ahipaof Ihi* line will herealter '*aro New York on the lit andlWvie on the IBth of each mon'h. a* foll?w?, *> /.:? From ATri" York From Um rt. New ship ONEIDA, t l?t Maren. t lain April. Captain <t?tJuly. < Iblh Augu?t. Jaine* Kotclr.f lat. November.? IS'ii Dec. Ship UALTIMOHE, { 1*1 April. $ Ifith May. ^ n /t uk'iii \ ioni ori?i. Kdward Fanck. ( 1st December ( 16th Januaiy. Ship UTICA, C ut May. ( '6th June. Captain < 1st Septembers 16th October. Frederick Hewitt ( let Jaunary. , ( !6th February. New shin ST. N ICriOL AS, ( lit Jane. I 16th July. Caption < 1st October. < l?th Nov J. B. Pell.f Ut Febraery. ( i6th Much. Tliesciomninilatiniis of these thipe are not suriiaased, con'lining ell that mav be required for comfort The price of ceilil passage is t HI Passengers will b-snp|>lied with every inisite with the c sccptiou of wines aud liquors. O oils intended for these retse s will be forw.uiled dy the uhseiibeis, free fro a an7 other, thrin the eipe uses actually inline J on them. For fieisht or r usage, apply to UOVn St HINCkKN, Agents plitc No.9 Tonnni Building, cor Wall aid Water its. k<Mt FOB I IVKHI'OOL?The New Line-lleitnlar if Jf*V Packet 16th July?The new, si lrn lid New Toik packet Ship HOTTINQtJKK, I.a Bursley, .aster, 1050 tons, will sail as uhove, her regular day. For freight or pa-sags, having laige and commodious state Oi'.s. apply to the t.nplain on board, arcsl side Bailing Slip, WOOD HULL it MINTUBNS, . , 81 South street ,or>,,1 '" new Paeket ship Liverpool, Captain John Cliiiidgs, ILO tons, will succeed il.r llotlingiier, and sail on or regular day, 16th August. jt4i E NE NE\ {"OK LI VKHPOOL.?Reirolar pacael of the 7th MOHV/"'T-r-T he "ere r'ltwriov, rati enilinK picket ahip AT KICK H&NUY, l/ip.aiu Delano, will poitively tail at aboyr. flavin* very ?up<nor accommodation* for cabin,tecum! cabin uu .irci.i?c iMun^rn, persons wishing to embark should mais early application on board, foot <>f Maideo lane, or to JOHKPH McMU nrt A V, 100 Pine at., cor. Sooth. The above will be sncce.-d <1 by the splerdil picket (hip Virgimaii,|Capt Allen, and ?.il on the 13th Jnly. Persons wishing to send lor their Iriends in tha old conutry, can have them brought out by the above ship, ot any ol the regular packeta, by applying aa above ; if by letter post paid. j2'r REMITTANCES TO IltKLAM), St.: ?Tim inbicriber continuea to 'rammit money iuautnv 'aiga JMMMKaaur small. to periona rending in any part of Ireland in the tame manner at he, end hie predecessor in hueineee have done for th? lait thirty years and more;alao,to auy part of Euglainl, or Scotlnud. Money remitted by letter (post paid) to the luhscriber, or personally deposited with him. witn the came of tbe peison or pereone in Ireland, England or Scotland, to whom it is to be sent, aid ueareal post town, will be immediately transmitted and paid accordingly, and a receipt to that effect given, or lorwarded to the sen ler. In like manner money, or claims on persons in any part of Ireland, Ensland or Scotland,cm be collected hy the subscriber for persons residing in any pan of the United Bute* or Canada, and will be paid to the m accordingly. )|7 lin'r UEORUK McBRIDE. Jr , 82 t -edar st. BLACK BALL OK OLI) LINK OF LIVERhWWyPOOL PACKETS?FOR LIVERPOOL?Regular jaRMKBliaekei.aiid sails on Haiurdav. the 1st Jnly. The remarkable last railing packet ship OXFORD, John U-thbouc, commander, will positively sail asabovc, her regular day.. The accommodations ofti is superb packet, lor cabin, 2d cabin and steerage passengers are unsurpassed by any other ship atloat. Those reluming to the old country will fluu it to their interest to select this conveyance in preference to any other. For passage, apply on botrd, foot of Beekinin street, or to the subscribers ROCHE, BROTHERS ft I/O., 35 Pulton at. Next door t? the Fulton Bmk P. 8. The new aid mtgnilicfi.t packet ship MONTEZllMA, hut the u 1150 tona, will succeed llio Oxford and sail lor from Liverpool on the 19th Julv, her regular dry I'rraona sending for their friend* can have them brought out in her or any < ( the packet* of inn line, which tail fiom that port on the 7th and l'J.h of every mouth. Draft* at sight tor euv amount, on the Roy .1 Bink of Ireland and ou Mesrn Preacotl, Orote, Anna at Co., Bankera, London, which wili be paid tree of diacount or nuy ch*ruc, in every town throughout England, Ireland,Scotland and Walua. For passage, apply aa above j'M J HhtfJt- rjit ITTvr.Kl'UOl.?.N KW LIM K?.Regale r hjnMVPacket o( 2ith July.?The Splendid Packet Ship XWM^K08l'IU8, Captain John Collins, of 1103 tuus, will positively tail aa above, her regular day. For freight or passage, having aecormnodatioua uuerioaired for splendor or comfort, apply on board, at Orleans wharf, foot of Wall street, or to E. K. COLLIN8 ti CO. 56 South strsn. Price of passage S1C0, 1 ne Packet Snip Sidd ins, Captain E.B.Cobb, of hOO tons, will succeed the Koscius, aud sail the 25th of Aug. her re.-ular day. Passengers may rely ou the ships ol this tine ssfiiag pai-etval lyaa advertised. je26r *4*- FOR LOI"'DONf.?Regular Packet ol the 1st Jol'v". MfJjfVThe spleadid picket ship VICTORIA, Capt. MorJnUuiBgaii, w ill sail as above, her regular day. llavrug very superior accomfioJatious for cabin, 2nd cabin, aud steerage passengers, perrons wishing to emb'rk should Bake early application to JOSEPH McMURKAY, ivu i itic ?itrci, corner < i oouui. l'vrsons wishing to send for their friends, cau have them brought out by the above ?hip, or auy of the regular packer*, by applying a? above, (if by letter, poat paid ) jJJ^r FOU GLASGOW ? Packet of 2nd July.?The fWy first class, last sr.iling packet ship WARSAW, Capt MMlkfiaHawkiui, ?ill tail punctually as above, nud has ver? ciuiiioiii-iile accorainoditious fm a limited number el passengers, if early application be made on hoard foot i f Dover street, or to W. <k J. T. TAPSCOTT, 43 Peck slip, cor. south st. Persons wishing to send for their friends to come direct from Glasgow, hare now an opportunity of deitg so?such ?i may not again "ccurthis season. Drsfts can also oe obtained for auy amonn1, payable without discount iu every post town in Scotland. Applv as above. I27 Itr .affile- b'Oft -NLW OilLKANB-LUtUfflANA AMI bgWWNKW YORK LINK?Regular Packet?To suesKWufctcecd the vicasburg?The fast sailing packet ship OCONEK, Opt Jackson, wilt have immediate dispatch. Kor freight or pasaage, nanug haudsome tnrnished accommodations, apply on boerd, at Orlraris wharf, foot of Wall St. orto K. K. COLLIN# U CO. South tl. Shippers mayrely npou having their goods correctly measur ad, and that the ships ol this line will sail punctually at advertised. Any guarantee to that effect will be given and fulfilled tbefmay be requued. Agents iu N. Orleans, Hullin fe Woodruff, who will prorapv ly innverd all goods to their addictsThe packet ship Louitvilln, Capt. M. Hunt, will succeed 'he Oeon-e. j 22 NEW JERSEY RAILROAD AND TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Ksrs red need to 115 cinti. Kromtne foot ol Ceunlaudt street, New York. (Bveir day?Sundays eV epted.) Leaves New York Leavrt Newark At 8 A. Nl. At 2 P. M. At 7 A. M. At IX P. M. 9 do. 1 do. 2 do. 4 do. 11 do. 4 do 8 do. SX do. 5X do. 10X 7X do. 6X do. 9V Jn. do. ON SUNDAYS. From the loot ol Ufttrtlandt street. Leave New York, Leave Newark. At 9 A. M. and 4K P. M. At HHP- M. nod 9* P. M. NEW YORK, ELIZABETH TOWN, Leave New York J.eavs Elizabeth Tows At 8 A. M. At 3 P. M. At 7X A. M. 3* P M. 9 do. 4 do. 8X do. 7 do. 11 do. 4X 'O. 10 do. ?X do. 5X do. 12 do. The tMim for Wenfield, Plaicftelo, Bodndbrook.Somervillr, kc., counect with the ,9 A M, and, 4Js P M trains Iron New York, daily, buiylayi etcepted. Fare between New York and Elizabeth Town 25 cents, k'are betweru do and Somerville, 75 cents, wrv YORK. AND RAHWAY. Leave New York. Leave Railway. At 8 A.M. At 3 P M. At 7 A. M, At 3 P.M. 9 do 4 do 8 do 6% do 11 do 4S? do 9X do 9 do J2 do llX do NEW YORK AND NEW bRI/N?WIOK. From foot of Courtland street, New York, daily. Leare New York. Leave New Bruutwise. At 9 A. M. At 4 P M. At 6 A M. At llX A. M 5X do 7? do 8X P- M. ON SUNDAYS Leave New York. Leave New Brnnswick. At 9 A M and 4$ P M. At 10* A.M., and 8X P M. Fare, exchpt iu the Philadelphia trains between New Yo-k and New Brunswick, 50 cents Between New York and Haliway 25 cents. Passeniters who procure their tickets at the ticket othce, rc ceive a ferry ticket gratis. Tickets are reoeived by the cou Jnctor odIt on the dav when purchased mil 3in*r KOR BUFFALO AND ALL PARTS OF THE WEST ASSOCIATION I^hSAU^OFliluCTRALBAN^ Uttca, $2 00 Rochester, $3 00 Syracuse, 2 25 Buffalo, 3 50 Otweao. 2 25 IT.. *. I f'...j.s aa For passage apply to M. L. KAY, mM 1m 93 Barclay street. New York. NKWyriRK HCHOOLEY'S MOUNTAIN AND EAS-SEsES-Vie K. and 8omemlle R Road.B?J052??iE95 Por Schooler's Maintain, leave pier No. I thortli river, at n(S o clock A M. daily (Sundays excepted) by ateainboat to Klizabrthiiort; or leave the foot of (JonrtUhd atreet at 9 o'clock A M. by N J Railroad ro Klixxbethtown, thence connect with tlie cart for Soinernlle coarhea, thence. 20 milet to the Mountain?srriviugeaily in the afcrrnoou For Fait on lea?e at above proceed by railroad to Somer Title, coachei from thence (only 34 milei,) arriving in Eaaton at6 o'clock. Thji mute, on account of the abort diitarce by coachei. ma king it by far the m lit pleaiant and expedition!, commeudi it ell to publicipatrouage. Mr Sandmen, the proprietor at 8o mervil'e, has provided himself wi'h carriage! aid horiei to ac commodate private parties with extras at the iliortcit uotice, and on reasonable terms For leati apply to H D. Hope, Merchants' Hotel, 41 Courtlimit st. FaiieiiKere from Philad-'phia to Schooley'a Mountain will leave rliiladelphi i at 7 o'clock, A M., by New York railroad ItM to New Brnmwirk. Splendid coaches frcm t h e n e,grriviug at toe mountain early ?ame afternoon. j23 2m*r I NEW YORK, ?"irwM "Y? s.-ifc, ljp|> MOUNTAIN It EA9TON. Leave t" e foot of Courtland itree', daily (Snnd.iya eierptrd) at 8 o clock, A.M., by railroad foin Jersey city to Morriitown, thence by Poet coachei through Mendham,Chester. Schooler's Mountain, Andenon Town, I'ort Colden, Washington. to Kaiton. At Washington, a daily line intersects to and from i Belvidere For seats apply to J. Hill, nt J. rat ton's, Commer- i rial Hotel,73Covrtlandstreet, I N.B ? Extras furnished at the shortest notice by applying to N. B Lose. I'niird Slates Hotel. MorrlstOWB. mvll 3m ec HOCKAWAT TAVILLION-LONO ISLAND RAILRO\D. as saw Trains upon this ro?d leare Brooklyn, Sonth Kerf, for .'?maira, where coaches are in reedi JHH nets tor that deliRh'fnl retort, (he Msrine Tavillion, at the following horns, vir.Half put 9 A. "\T., t o'cli' k and half put 6 f. M. Returning, leave Ja'naica at ft A. Mi, 12 M. an?l 5 F. M. for New Y.Ilk. rare to >unaica.Is.: through from Brooklyn to in# raviiioti.Ti cents. _ r"*?I? \rw ARRANGEMENT. TAKE AND C 1<ElORT IIEDUCED. i d^i^VlDKM^ANU BOHTONjr.a "T.'IV , 3E^i?3CSE-INut()N AMI NEWPOut?Composed i of the follow inn superior steamers, ronnine inconneetiouwith , the 8toiniiirtou auil Boston and Providence Railroads:? i MASSACHUSETTS, Crpt Comstock. ? IIHOIIK ISLAND, Capt J'<-?? t PROVIDENCE. I NARKAOANSETT. c MOHKOAN. k One of which will tease New York daily (Sundays eicept- { ed)from 1'ier No. 1, Battery Place, N. Hirer, at i T. M ARRANGEMENTS. ? The RHODE ISLAND,-Captain Thayer, on Monday, an I , Wednesday for Stonington and NeAporr, and Kiiday f"' i StoninK'ou. . _ I The MA88ACHU SETTS,Captain Comstock, on Tuesday , and Thurseay for Htoningtan, and Hatnrday for HtoniuRtoli, Newport ami Proeideuce. , Passengers, on the arrival of the steamers at Htotiingtoti, wall be immediately forwarded in the aplendid and commo Can of the Railroad to Proyidenee and Boaton, and if for Newport will praceed in the (teamen oil Monday, Wedneid.iy and Hatnrday, aud on the tntervenniK da|(, proceed yia Stoning ton Railroad to Proyidenee. and (mm thence in the ' steamer lolai. wilhont an* additional rhaeM Ticket* for the rout* mid ?teaiuer*'bertTi* can be iecurad on j board, o* *t the office of , HAHNDKN It CO, No I Wall itreet [T/"On auil after the 10th lutt, freight will not be received aniT forwarded after half-p*?t4P M m9i>m* m _* 1 ,7i NKWAKK AND NKW YOHK-ffeie i only II,H t ent* '.?The lemlid ?teimrr I PAH8AIC. Captain John Oaffy. On ar.d I after Monday, June'.th, will tun a* follow* i Leave* ilie foot oi Bvelay itrert, New York, at It A M , < nULeave?the foot of Centre ttreet, Newark, at 7X A.M., atnl I I', I M 1 r reight carried at very low raw*. aMtmi W C V YORK, WEDNESDAY NEW VOKK AND KING STON STEAM FREIGHT AND PASSAGE I.TJK. Kor Kingilon, and IMaware and Hndaon tK)nt' EMERALD and NCR The EMERALD, Captain Johu, will Icaye New Pork fool of Murray ilrret, every Monday and i'lmndayatl o'clock P. M. Will lenvr Kingston (Rondr nt lauding) c?eiy Wednriday and Saturday at J o'clock, P. M Tho NORWICH, Captain Johu Sawucla, will kaye New *oru, loot ui warren street, every Wednesday and Saturday at i o'clock, P. M W.II leave Kingston (Roudout landing) every Tue ay aud Friday at* o'clock. P. M. EXTRA TRIPS. The EMERALD will leave the foM of Murray atreet every Sandy morning at 7 o'clock. UeturuiuR learei Kingston at 4 o'clock For freight or pasiaee apply on hoard, or to WILLIAMSON, BARLOW It CO , ail 3m*r 164 Weat street. jMf) 0* HUMMER ARHANUEMENT FOR SHREWSBURY?Lima Branch, Ocean j**eJK^eL.Hnu8e, Black Point, Kumsou, aud Eatonlowa Landing, through the inner passage. The new Steamboat SHREWSBURY, Captain Jonu P. Corliea, will leave Eatontown Lauding on Suud.iy, the 4th of Juue in*t., and run aa fol Iowa, to wit: leaving New Yolk, from the fool of Robinson a'reet, eveiy Monday, Tuerdiy, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, at 7 o'clock, A. M. Returning, will loave Kaioutown Landing on each of the above davs, at 1 o'clock, P. M. On Saturdays will leave New Yoik at 2Wj o'clock, P. M., and Kstonterva Landing on Sundays at 3 o'clock, P. M . aud Ocean House at 4 o'clock. The SHREWSBURY will ruu as above (weather pcrmit'ii.g) until l'utlher notice. All baggage at Lite risk of the owners N. tt ?Stages will he in attendance to convey passengers f'oin the aforesaid lauding places to any part of the country reOtureil jr 13 _.?gra -> a* s ('* TEN ISLAND FKKKYTFOOT WHITEHALL ST.-The rt-amboats !?: ?aaii JLitTATe,N ISLANDER and SA.MSON will run av l.dlow:. nutil further notice:? Le.vr, |rw Yo k 8, 9, 10, II, 1,3, 3^,5,6 7. L'Uve Statcu Island 8,9, 10. II. 1. 2, 4,5,6 7. Le- vc New York ai.d Statrn Island everv hour on Sunday. P. S ? Kirnisiou to Fort Hamiltcn. Sundays cecerded. Le?rc Fort Hamilton 7H A. M., returning irem new Yorlt J>t P M ill r .Man HAMILTON HOUSE. FORT HAMILTO.N, The steamboats 8TATEN iff IW I-' vl' -n ' S 9 '1"rv will ruuevery day (Sundays axcrntrd) during the season, as follows:? L'are Fort Hamilton ?t 7R A M. and 4 a P. M. Ne.v York, Whitehall Dock, at 3)i P. M. This arrangement may bs relied on as permanent, aa its eonlii uauce will not d?nenil on any contingency. jl5 3mr MAYOR'S OFFICE, > f isahlkstois, H. C , Joce >0, 1843 J TO RENT FOR A TEHM OF YEARB, O h'lllt HAI.k' mTInt Urge and commodious establishment known aa theChailesfm Hotel,situate i paceutral part of the city, fronting ><n Meeting stieei, truth on Playue atrcet, ahd adjoining the extensive r tune of wholesale stores; east on Hotel street; north on PircHney street The hotel it about 1)0 feet by about 17) fe.-t deep, lour stories high. containing about 112 parlors anilchambers, besides the dunt'g rooms for ladies and ri. nlletiien; a so, bar room, reading room, oilier*, store r?cms aud kircticu; also, five stores and a bather's room, in basement, and fronting ou Havne s'r'rt?a luge cistern, containing ?u>-ut lli.OOO gnllcut, aud a foica piling, in case el tire, attached thereto, also two wells ou the premises. The whole front oft he Hotel is embellished with a spacious two story coiluoade. Tetmi of sale will b*, a cred t exteuJiug over a period of at least 8 years, and cotif iruisb'.y to the provisions of the lite "State birr Loan Act,'secured by mortgage of premises; approved security will be't quired on lease or sale. Proposals addrt sitd to the Mayor of Charleston, will bo itceived until the Dili July next. J. 8CHML"RLE, Msyor. N. B.?The following newspapers: the_ Mew York Herald and Courier It (Inquirer; the Boston Cornier; the Philadelphia United States Gazette ; the Baltimore American; the New Orleans Bee; the Mobile Register and Journal will insert the above in a conspicuous place once a week until the ))th proximo, and lot ward their accounts for payment to Courier office. j21 to jyl)r Ami' lO PHYSICIANS?FAR VI FOR BALE.-A phipsjW aician living near a very olccaut village about thirty J^tfLuiites from the city, aud who is eitensivelv engaged iu hit profession, wt uId of his entire establishment. An imiueiliate practice through a most beautirnl country, and daily access to the city, render this an opportnnity tor a physician ra-ely to be met with. The farm consists of about fifty acres of yooo laud, iu a high state of cultivation. On the premisea are a good hcuse, carriage house, uaru, ice house, lie , as well as almost evert variety of fmit trees. Address W K S, at the office of the Commercial Advertiser, or apply at No )3 Pine street, where more minute particulars will be given. j2t lw*m MFOH SALE?On reasonable and accommodating terms, a new house and lot, pleasantly situated in Nassau street at the head ol Stanton street, Brooklyn, luquire of 8. K. JOHNSON, Couiuellor, Ike. No 1 Front street.or of D. A. KOBB1.N8, Mason,280 Pearl at., Brooklyn. )2i Gt*r JaA TO LET.? I he modern built tliree story Drick ndwellim. No IS Greeu street, finished with silver tuiui f if Ifi marble mantles an I grates throughout. A fine lar^r yard, with m v- r failing cistern. Will be let low. For further particulars apply to A1TKEN, BROTHERS, _je2-lm?ec Mo. 122 Fulton street. jrym KLOKICliL l UR?.?For s?l?, the large Coriserr..(tfq?tory, with all the extensive apparatus attached thereto, -eJLwal the garden, (late .Mr. Perry's,) Henry St, Urei-klyn *or liwmer pamcn'ars apply to W. RUSSKLL, Floritt, on the premises. W. Hnssell has a'so for sate n( low ptices, a superb col'eetion of I'm* healttiT Plants iu bloom and in pott, cl geraniums, rotea, verbenai, violaa, dahlias, (.ztlias, rhododendrons,salvias, poUnillta, rUllltrtttt CUtlMli maguoliis. honeysuckles, ami other desirable itrcriihoaiu and garden planta nnd roses. Bouquets beautifully mide up to order. All ordera for the ci let of New Vork and Brooklyn, delivered free of charge, turd puuciualiT attended to. ill2w*r ~if7| THK KOUR'I H OK JULY! ^ l pTf BOOTS AND SHOES. Cheap Hoot and Shoe Market, No 109 Greenwich street.? Ladies and gentlemen a-e advised to cnii at the above atom and provide tliernaelTea with leasouable aumiuer ooota, slippers, itaiiera, fee . made op iu the neatest and most fashionable style, and sold as cheap if n?: a liit.e cheaper lhau elsew here. Heads ol hanUi will save money by calling here, at the cheap depot- l)i n't forget ihe numi-er, Clinton Cheap Boot and Shoe M rket, N?. 189 Greenwich street, corner Spring at. je8 lm"r IsOOK AT THIS! Boots, of best quality, $4 to $4 10 French, do do J to 3 10 Fine sewed Butts, 2 10 to 3 00 Pegged do 2 10 Morocco do 2 21 Seal Skin and Grain do 1 71 to 2 00 Cloih button Gaiters, 221 Prunella do 2 00 Fine Calf Shoes, stitched,- 2 ISO Calf' hoes. 1 25 to 1 75 Boy's hne'sewed boots, 2 25 " pegged boats, exit, I 10 I " S-alskin and Grain, 1 12>g " I1 ine Calf Shoes, 1 25 " Kip Shoes, 1 TO Youth's Sewed Boots, 1 00 to 1 50 LADIES' BOOTS & SHOES.? Ladies, in these s ores you will find the greatest assir.iueut of G&iler Bo. us, Slippers, Buskins, Tiev, Prunella Buskins, lislit aud dark colored half Oiiters, House Slippers, white and black satin slippers, satin trailers. Misses and Children' gaiters, buskin, slippers, tits, snd all other kinds of boots and shoes, of our own inaunfactnri Dg with ihe best of Freneh goods.and warranted to be the best and as cheap as the cheapest, at 3U7 B-oadway and 92 Canal St. j3 'inr* GKKGOHs fc CAH1LL. PA HI 8 HftllTH AM) I. A HTM MAIIV. 'I'll (IKIVk'H By E. SUSJER, 175 Broadway, (Batemtni,) One Door from Couulandt atreet. K SUSEK, Bootmaker, and maker of Lasts, an of Olerce of Tarii, begs leave to inform hii friends end all the amateur* of a gnaiilemmlv "ehaussure," that he can now make, iu New York, with the best Freuch mateiials, all that i* 10perfectly made, in I Hns. by tin inutrr the celebrated bootmiker Clerce, whoie numerous cuitomcii ou this aide of the Atlantic, are reap, ctfully invited to try HUSKK'S book and laat* before they despair of being "chausaea" iu New York, after the ulceat, latest Pans fashion. Alao, the genuine Parii Jet Black Vanish sold, rn 10 7w*r BOOT AND SHOK 8TOKB. JOHN HEADY respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he haa commenced bnsiuess iu the above No. 99 Nataan atreet, where he will thankfully receive aud faithfully eieeate, all orders he may be favored with ou he moat reaaonable term* lor rash. ?Kr j&mri TO THB LADIES.?200 pair prime Gaiter boots of all colors and sizes of the lateat fashion. Misses and children's Gaiter boots and Buskins, Ladies Bus kins, Ties, and Slippers, a rood article, from 4 Ml shilling*). Also, a good assortment o( Gentlemen's prime call stitch boots, city made, front 2 7i to I dollars, vya-rauted ; good fine pegged boots, from 12 to IR (lut ings. Also, Boy's hoots, 8 to 12a.; Gent*, (alters, quarter boots and shoes of all descriptions in great abiiudauce, at Walker's cheap store, <19 Broadway, corner Csnal atreet, m24 lm*ec UEN1N y VAN VKANKEN'S VENTILATING GOSSAMER HAT, FOB OKNTLE.VTE.N, WEIGHING ONLY DUNNES-PRICE $1 50. |Y THE, 8ul?seri!)er* have introduced the above named J^k hit for sninmei wear. Bv asMUias the naialH ofthia uticle with the average w?i?ht of the folio wing haw, the mpe ior aavamnKea it r>o?re"ei over them lor 'miner wear may M readily ire". 1 he af-race v.tpht of the ordinary for hat ia attf unreel, t'o do Panama S)i " do do Leahont t " tie in* folly emiTinred that no ?ty!e of "iimnier hat heretofore worn, hie met with the yiiTal approbation which a hat toaiea on* all tha onahtiea, tit- liRhtnraa, benny. dirabihty and :heapneta. woohl be *nre t" reeeire, we hare devoted much ateution to tlie manotartnre and fmiahtu* of the n-w ityle now inroihtced by n?. From the warm approbation eipreaard by tentlemeu who hire erinum-d them, we feel aal-afled that they leed onlv to *? - [! to he fnlly appieeiited. URN I.N h VAN VKANKKN, m!M lm*ee Ht nroadwav, oppoaite lit. Paul'i Church. IT! LK.iHT! ! ^ RlULLIANT AMP BK AUTIFUL LIGHT FOR HALF A CKNT AN HOUR. SUHKLY, no MM need walk in ItdtDtM, when the "learert li*ht innv be had at a merely nominal evprnae. Terry'? WW Patent Larnpa, In- h"r tin* anv kiurl of Inrd, tallow, or oil, wilhont preTioni preparation, inconycnienca or liability to net nil ol order, la rleatiued to *hed a moit brneliceut light over h,i da-k planet. Kiiierpriae ami ewptOM h ue broti*ht the ipht ol icieuee and letter! into literal eontact with the mindi if ell our impnla'ion Yet, how ahall the* pereeire it, and iti leanugv, utile" dniin* the only hourt of laianre which Co it if onr cilitenn poaren, the abteuce of the on he applied by time other Inininary, whoae ny? ahall be free ro all I A ne ir ipprotunation to thia great rleaideratum Inn pi it been eFcctrJ 11 the invention of Teiry'a Lard Lamp, a airntle our of which n iv k> made to li*hl a parlor, without tmoke or imell, M irilliantly aa the beat aatral lamp, at ao cipenie ol but half a :e?l an hour. All loiera nf I'ght or economy, or loth, are invited to call ind witueaa their operation, ac K. H A H Klsf IN'* aii ivaii ?trprt, ri. v. IN 11 l.i <nral tetma will he .'HVrr.l to dealera |etlin*rrr A N ACHT FOK 8ALIS, OK ii'Tcn toua hurllieu, nine monthi < Id, and m perfect anilir.? order, well found in every rcapect, inch aa awning lot sock pit, anchor, itrarlinn, cablet, patent aheave bloeka, aaiia in i riming "I the very !> ?t raateri.ila, a complete aeti of flap i, leata anil nitirr head of braaa, hn? a beautiful oabin, fm< ly Sttetl up with lo Itrri, ruahioua and looking xlaaara, ipy (lata, ind otliei luturei appertaining to the tame ; haa a large reinrelator under the cockp.t. that will hold 100 lha. ICR, ale p lltlted, carrica aijuare t"i>aail?, Iftulh 24 Icet ou deck, 9 fret Venn, iron keel, li ineliet d.-ep, J* wide midahipt, bolt d on telaton weighing 1000 lha.. and thine know the advanta e I lererage power, will at once tee that ahe cannot be knock d lown in a aquall. and in ca?e tirr bottom ia arnve ahe canuu unk, aa ahe hat the buoyancy af ioOO weight of cork hatwri n icraidea and telling, and taa very teat aailt r. 9 or particular!, inquire <>f J. JfcNNlNUS, ">J0 tm em 192 Broadway, cor John at, up itaira, liont room IRK I MORNING, JUNE 28, If LUCINA CORDIAL, OR TI1R ELIXIR OF LOVE: In olden tune, mnnDB the Jews, That in <11 a eeeatid wile ini|(hi chooee? Whim- lint, b> Kate's unkindly doom, No childrru bore lo bless nil home. Afflicted thai, the Roman matron P'ayed to Luci'je, the midwife's [>atron ; kjavptian wives, in such nciiait, ('alien to their aid the Priests oflms ; A id even no?. the meek Hindoo? Warm ai her eiime.nnd tender too? II chi dine twelve months I mm her bridal Khei we.-piuir to her senseless idol. Ami with railed hand*, id accent* wild, r?titiou? Urwmah for a child : Knr well she know*, Lore *haa* to blei* The Hindoo bed u| barrenness. 80 much for lore in day'* by gone. Ami lavage customs 10 your own; But *ty. ecen now, don Lore'*communion Bleu 111 our land, a aterile uuiwu I No ortmnc* conjugal felicity, I* Hid a disturbed?ay, e'en iu Chi* city. Yet may the bnrreu, if they try The means, "incrc ne 11 ml multiply," With 'Love1* tChxir" for herfrieuJ, The cliildlc** wile'* repuiiugt end. But not the prucreative pow*r Aloue, i* tht* Klixir'adower. Consumption's ill* it will prercnt, With riao? clothe the un;iotent; Suppress a gleet, whate'er it* date, And all lile'a functions renovate. Krnptioii* fr?m t e akin it chai-*. Ana brings back beauty and the grace* : Ti* woman'* trust?and ne'er deceire* her Kroin Kluor Albu* it relicre* her ; And erch disease. (with proper care, too,) Her fair and Irigile Ibrm ia heir to. Thcie are but truth*, who call* them fiction H hall hare stem proof in contradiction. Letter*?all forma ol attestation? h'rom the * avium of every no.ion ; Witn grateful missives 'roin all ijuarteri, reuned by Ouiur aud Quackery'* martyr*, Thousand* who lay, with fluttering breath, Almoit within thejaws of Death; Now in their nightly prayer*repeat Thank* to Life'* friend, iu Naaaau street. An (omtlune* name (lie very number? "Ninety-two Nassau,"?eaeii iu their aluinber; Or, dreaming of Disrate'* ordeal. Cry out for the "Lnciua Cordial." Person* ordering this medicine from the country, by lending a remittance, can nave it boxed up and sent to any part of the Union. Price S3 (>er bottle, or S2I It ix alio for sale iu Philadelphia, at 90 North 811th itrcet. mil ltn'ec DAGUERREOTYPE. JOHN ROACH, OPTICIAN, 72 NASSAU ST Nb.VT TO li DM ST rPHK subscriber d voted tii* attention 10 grinding and arratig-1 ing Lenses, prrv ous to Daguerrc's discoveries, siuce th 11 the grcnt demand lor Cameras mo given linn cimuut einidoy mem, and with such practice he frrli warranted in aayiuK that instruments cnnstriK ted by him, hi>e all the improvements thatrnab'e niieratois to ob'aiu success. Photographs generally mm: Im held in a c- i,uu pimti >11 to api>ear distinct, those ia ken with my appaiattu arc ln-e fron> this delect. Thorough in atructions given if rsqui/ed. Ordrrs accorroauied with cnh, pro ?ptly attended to. js2Hm*i PHILADELPHIA U AGUE It REOTYPE ESTABLISHMENT. KXCHANC1E BUILDING. ROOMS J6 It CT. T?HK Subscribers, having procured the Ageiicvfor the sata nl I VOIOTANDEHU DAGUERREOTYPE APPARATUS, constructed according 10 Profeaaor Petzval'a calculation, have ou hand a large iisaortmeut of these Apparatus, and artiili aa well a? amatrura of their art, wishing to procure a good anparatua, will liud it to their advautag e to procure instruments of thia construction. The* alao hare lately imported a large quantity of German aud French platea, and all the cheruicala used ait thrir a.t, winch they warnut in every reaped, aa they are made to their order. Polishing aubataucea, and morocco coses, god all necessary materials, are sold on the moat reasonable terms The following gentlemen bare agreed to act as their agents, viz.:? K. White, Esq , 17J Broadway, N.Y. P. llaas, Esq., Washington, D.C. Dr. A. Caspari, Richmond. Va. P. Laurens. Esq., Savannah, Ga. William West, Esq , Cincinnati, Ohio. All communications (post pud) and orders,accompanied with remittances, will be promptly attended to, and should be directed to Wit if. LANGENHKIM, jel3mr Exchange Building, Phi la. TO COPPER-PLATE <te MUSIC PRINTERS^ AND PUBLISHERS, &c. UOU SALE, a first-rate Iron Copper-plate or Mnsie Print" nig Press, (twemy sight and a hall inch rollers). Has been in use but a short time?is in perfect order. Also, one o! iwruiy six lueiiea, and a wongleu oue ot iweuly fou' do. They will tar so'd at a pries worth a purchasers prompt atuntioa. Apply to R. W. TONE, mil I its * r 16 Cortlandt street, New York. BOOK-KEEPING. MR. W. K BARLOW respectfully announces that he has succeeded MR. C. C. MAJfBII, in his business aa an Accountant and Teneher of Book keeping iu thia city,at Ins room 68 Cedar street, where he will couIiluh the same thorough course of lustrictioti and praetiee, so successfully f lloss *d by h.s predecessor. Mr B. solicits the ms tronaye of the ruerrantFe romn, unity,and respectiully ask tlicrr artentron to the following card "C. C. MARSH, AecoBmailt, returns his giatelul ackuow [I'uKriurmi i" mi* iiuiii ri'm menus lor meir 10 g counuueu puroMtp. Hi* has now discontinued his business in this ciiy. and it succeeded in the s M by Mr. W. K. B trlow, whom he confidently coinuieuds to the iavnr of the mercantile comintuity as. gentleman of excellent character, tlioioughly arnosinted vi itli I he science of Book-keeping auil eminently qualified to mi; art mstruction. lie respectfully bespeaks for hit successor the pnmic favor to which he himsell hai been ao largely indebted. "C. C. MARSH. Hia terma are reduced to amt the timei to SlO, wnich Will entitle the pupil receive initiuctionuutil he ia thoroughly qual.fied for the counting room. W. K. BAHLOW, Aceonntant, i 10 lin*r 81 (Vdar atreet. CK.OTON WATKR. THE Tinned Lend Fi.ea ioveDted hy Mr. Ewbank. are, in the apjkloa of a very large nixnb'r of the heat cltemui, phya'ciatra anil most scientific men of the age, the only lead nipia that can be used wi'.h sifety in conducting this water. Very great dauger ol n it lucurred by the nse ol any othtr. I'hyticiaua ami other scientific men tetcr to numerous caaea where ?ickn*ra and death has ac nail/ rcrnlted irom the nae ol the common lead pipes. The subscriber has made arrangemer.ts to keep on hand a lull nnd constant aupplv of the tinned lead pipes, which lie Wilt a< .I to p nmberaaud others on the most favorable terma. JOHN C. CAS8, jel8 lm*m _ 71 Broad arret. C KOTO ^WATER-DAY'S K1KHT I'HEVHUM IN" D1A RUBBER HOSE is confidently recommended for any puiposes for which leather u used, and is warranted to possess the following pr perries 1st. It is perfectly tight under pressure of the Croton. 2d It is made of the strongest fabrics, and will not mildew to injure in the least, and requires no attention. 3rd. It is not destroyed by coming in contact with oil *r grease, nor tuff led hy e-'ld weather, nor can the rubber decumpuf, s.s imeri- r articles are in no case nsed. Should 'he least complaint be made of the Hose, not possessing the above, it will be taken back, at any time iuside oi s i Mouths ham its purchase, -ud otner given in eichange without charge. 4th. Coupling and jet pipes will be attached without charge. Buyers wnl note that we ate dearly satisfied that this hose (the process ot making -vhirh it unknown to any other in the trade) is just the article long wanted lor leading water and many other liquid.. HORACE H. OAY, j!7lm*r Successor to RoshnrT I. It. C.4fi Maine.I.ane. fAMl-LL K HUUHI.9, Numbers, nl ln? corner of Jen W ami .Nsssau streets, New Y?irli.?Hons- s fitted upon the m<?*t app'orcd plan. Willi Crutou Waltr, Watar Closers anil Hydrants ol all deser'iuinus. Balls fitted up with Builers for Hot and Cold water, Lend and Iron Tipes of the best quality} Sheet Lead, Fo-ce and List I'umpa, and all articles in Iheir line of business , lo be h>d on reasonable ti ran. Orders received fir Fire and Oarden Hose. The inbtcriberi Hatter themselves from the long experience they have bad in the above brsiness in I'hdadelphia, to itiie universal satisfaction lo all who favor thein w th their pationage. RKrRHRtfCCS. Samuel Rash, Esq , Rsgisler ot Watermic Committee,'Phil \ drlphia Jose|>h I Uncock, Bailder, ditto George Er'inan, Assistant ,o( the llla-r isbtirg Water Works, d.tto J O. timing, Plnmber, ditto A. L. b.isenhul, No. 2?H Ur-enwich street, NewJYork A. T. i.oehraae, ditto, ditto, ditto J. Kabiueau, 45 Charlton street, ditto John L. Welkins, 11? Fulton street, ditto lei lm *i "LAMPS!'. HORN'S LAMPS." " riORN's PATENT SOLID BOTTOM GLASS IT FOUNTAIN LAMPS."?For chemical oil or cam phtne?These Lamps now become celebrated, and esten tit rly used .and are,in fact,the admiration and wonder of allwbo see them ; the m >st spleudid in appearance, the i.-tit economi- ' cal end give a liaht unrquall.-d in brilliancy and durability; and none are so perfectly sate,simple and ersy to maiuige and trim ; one lamp will give more lulu than sis sperm candles,at an expense of lis Ihsn half a i ent [*r hour. All who rxamiueaiid , see them iu use, adinire them for their bnautiful neat appearance, s mplieity, satety and economy, aud above all, for tne an- ' peiior splendor of their l*stht. And, i.< lact, it would seem ili-y are de'tined to become the universal light, to great has beci me I their demand Sh nld there he eny who yet prefer the I g'r, | let them look as they pass Messrs. Sands Si t'o's D.iig Store, corner of brOadway aud Cliamner at , and hundred* of other i places where ihev have the true light. For farther paruculais 1 e ill at No. HI Fulton at., (new bnildng) tke only place in Mew 1 York, where they are lor sa c wholesale an I retail hv J. O. Kay U Co. Beit chttn cal oil S2 -a eents.and eamphine 50 cen s | t?er gallon. A lilieial deduction hp ihe barren to sell agviL? also mi lamrs to agents or others, to sell rgain. , je lm*ee. P. A. EACOSTL, MANUFACTURER AND IMPORTER, , T I Afl ilie httiior to inform the unblir. n*rtiml?Ylv lasts** n ,,f New Vork and it* vicinity, that he haa jmt opened \ tore No. 319 Broadway, where they can find a large ana apleudid rainrtment ol KRINOK8, OIMP.J. CORPS, TASSELS AND TRlMMiNUS Al?i), Military garmenu, inch ai Kpaulettei, Belta, kc , ereiy arlicl ot the above linn mar he made to order at a veiy hurt notice. je20 3w*m CHAMPAGNE, CLARK T, PORT, SHERRY WINES, kC. litn BASKETS Champagne Wine, firit anility, in quart IvU and piut botllea. B take > me 'iuin and low priced Champagne of diffe.rnt br.iuda. in perfect order. 30 Caaka B.irdeaut Claret, of very good anility, AI?o. Cluet 111 can of every wr*dr Sherry Winea, aultable for aherry Cob.erj. Port Wine, of every variety. .Mao, tiorkne nner, and other Hlienuh and liybt Summer Wio?a Kor aale at fair prices hy P. W. ends fc SON. jeJJStar 91 Krout at, cor Qoveri enr'a Laue 79, SHIRTS. 79, WILLIAM STREET, 'phird basement below maiden lane, n. >. 1 ? li undoubtedly the cheapeat Shirt Mannfactory in ti.e ntv. Wholeaaledealer! will And thia aaaertion to be union, Irii than ft punitive fuet. It u out the lutrutiou of the auhirriher to make iliii ndverliaement appear ft( ft puff, hot he mtrel H wiihcl 10 niniiiiKiur- to hi* frirwti ami titilimeri, that k I < t opened (liea'-ove eatftbliihment to inpiilf them with Shirtr, l.ulltrt ftuddmmma nt n much lower rate than tlwry hare hither to been in tiie hftbit of paying tliewhere H. AKONHON, Senior pn tnrr of the late firm of n AHOlNHON K WILSON. ' J77" B' particular in the number, 79 William street, ihi : bft'e nent below Maiden Lane, >. V P M.?Vftttienlar attentlou paid to private or.le 1. j| |,ae, ( HILLKCllO.NH made oa all pare ol the United h- it, , V/ Canada Mid Kuroee br S J R\L V f.S 1 & It 1MH1 a Wall M.aud IW Broil way. 11 I ERA *43. Bangor, Me. [('orrnpondence of the Herald.] I Banoor, June 22, I?l3. Democratic Convention in Maine?Nomination of a Gubernatorial Candidate?Calliounitm in Bangor ? The National Convention. James Gordon Bennett, Esq.? Dear Sir? Your humble correB|?ondent has this day attended tne uemocraiic rnate Convention, a9?emi)led in thin 11 city', and listened (as a gallery man) to a display of " talent never, since the Congress ot *7t?, equalled, and t which the actors imagine history's pen will place a side by side with that. Well may they do so. It ^ was in very truth a glorious spectacle. All the oratorv, imagination, poetry, and wit that a Statu rich in them could furnish, was there. Men, burning % with ardor and enthusiasm in u holy cause, and rea- ' dy to unburthcn ike treasures ol their varied intel- 1 lect in the expression of the spontaneous will ot u A free, learned, and virtuous democracy. Preble was r there, with the wisdom ot years; Chase had left c the magnificent Saco, to attend this outpouring of the soul; Applelonhad brought from the stilly walks (l of Cape Cottage hispoefy and imagination to this j> their titling arena; Humphreys, worthy rival ot '< Jackson's military fame, hud forgotten lor a time f the piney groves of Hrunswick; Palmer came, tl proud to represent (who better"!) the intelligence ol tl virtuous Waldo, and bearing with him the odorous mantle of the gifted Anderson ; Albert, who in Ills zeal for Drin, has won the proud name ot Mac tl O'Jewett, was there ready to outpore a soul swel ti ling with the praises of the statesman of Kinder- I1 hook ; the retiring and unobtrusive True had left t the haunts ot business to serve with a sell forgetting ' zeal the proud cause. Hut why should 1 point to I1 names that were as random stars in a galaxy where " all was bright and glorious. ? After some out-door debate, in reference to the choice between the warehouse ot J. tfc J. True,and the llearlow St. Church us a nlnce of meeting, the r latter was selected ; and let me pause to congratu- '' late that religious society upon the high honor that j) has fallen to them. It cannot have a parallel in this I' generation. 'J he delegates tilled the hody of the A house?a place was appointed tor the reporters?the 1 spectators thronged the gallery, aad the leaders ot a the convention were j>ermitted the cellar below Here a loafer in the gallery insinuated thai this was 1 right; as it gave an ideu ot their probable relative pu- 1 siuons ufter death. As you may imagine, the bias- 1 phemer was at once kicked out. v The meeting was organized by the selection of ^ the high minded Glitlord, M. C., for President, two ' Vice Presidents, und True, ol Bangor, and Apple- j ton, ol Portland, as Secretaries. Hamlin, the flan- ' nibal of Humpden, alike in fame and hue to him ot < Carthage, was placed at the head of the Committee ' on Vote.-, and Jewett, the daring explorator (greater 1 than Captain Parry,) ol those Blue Beard regions, ( yclipt the cabbage-gardens ot Van Buren, or, as fie * elegantly pronounced it, Vin Boorin, was made f I Chairman of the Committee on Resolutions The meeting then adjourned for dinner- Here allow me to observe, alas! how the mightiest projects, the holiest causes must await the motions, and obey 8 the caprices of this tabernacle of clay, lfowfrrvently 1 then wished that those struggling spirits <3 might be suffered to leave their narrow cells; that, 11 apart from all the wants and infirmities of our baser ! nature, they, in seraph guise, might float around in j, the pure ether, and thus in fitting tones, from fitting | shapes, tiie words of their holy mission be breathed , forth. But how vaiu human aspirations! Even v democrats must dine! t Returning lor the alternoon session, they at once ? proceeded to the choice of a candidate for Gover- ' nor, when the first balloting show :? Whole number of votet '299 , Nucemary lor a choice ISO , Hugh J. Anderson had 1H2 I hid ward Kavanugh 124 e Scattering 13 0 And so Jfugli J. (all thanks to Palmer,) was t ejected their nominee. tl A tat mail from somewhere, then introduced a resolution that "this Convention unanimously ap- v prove the nomination of Mr. Anderson." Mr. c Ktivanufih's friends thought this too much. "Are w ye not satisfied," said the man of Augusta, "that * ye have nominated your candidate, that ye would ? hive 137 votes resolved into nonentity 1 Would n ye vote nine-seventeenths of the ballots a unanimous u choice 1 Oh you are blinded by the mists of Wal- h do. It is Hugh liiinself that twice came out 1< against Gen. Marshall, the regular nominee. It P is not mvself that goes with ye!" And snre enough O'Reilly and others went against the w unanimous resolution. It is a custom in demo- ip crane conventions in this State for the minority, however large it may be, and however close the m ballotings, to join in a resolution declaring their ni i? ?| i. ; ? ,i.? r iiwiiiiii^o uimiuuiuumf t'liuccu. 11 ia ujn/u mc w 8|H*cial pleading rule of nunc pro time, which hl might be Ireely translated?"if we were against {" yon live month-'ago, we are for you now." The 0 opinion at such times is?it is so decreed in the pj council of the gods?let it be done. One could q dream that the spirit of Andersontsm was ready to Bt quote the address of lone to the deities as their Si godships at the juncture might be compared to the at IriendH ot Kuvanagh:? o( Cel-stiul statusimmortal gods [moaning the mem- ai hern of the Convention] give ear, bl Hear our decree, and reverence what ye hear ! The fixed decree, which men nor gods can move, w Ye Fate tulAl it, and ye Poweis approve! $ What god bat enters yon forbidden field, [meaning op. m position to Anderson,] *' Who yields assistance, or hut wills to yield, w Bark to the shades [meaning the "Feds"] he shall be driven, P< Gashed with dishonest wounds, the scorn of heaven. Oh tar '. Oh tar ! from steep Olympus [meaning the ag Democratic party] thrown w Low in the dark Tartarean gulf, [meaning tho ranks th of Federalism] shall groan, Let him who tempts me, dread those dire abodes, And know the Almighty, [meaning the Anderson ro?t.??l i> >1... aI HAiI. I '"'"""J Ul (!?. < . For such I reign unbounded and above, And such are men and godi, [meaning small cliques] compared with Jove !" N However, the resolution passed, amended by the Is omission of the "unanimous." O'Jewett then brought in the resolutions digested ill the cellar :? 1st. That the U. S. Bank was desperately injurious to ' " the morals at the community,and was the great first cause ofMormonism. co *1. That the Sub-Treasury was a great invention. ei 3d. That the distribution of the public lands w as a who; measure, ol consummate tolly, thuttho rascals wanted the State debts paid, and thatit showed their entire incapacity for the management of public affairs. 4ia. i uhih uiicrimiiiduiig mini wu* wuun'u. Ath.. Corporations wa reconsigned to the " Tartarean golf." Oth. II the State debts were paid, the Union was a gone snrker. 7th. On the Oregon Territory. Maine would not per* Tl mit any lurther sacrifice. The8tli settled the Rightof Search question [much Oi better than a Congress ot nations.] rei !?th. Rhode Island.?John Tyler's arbitrary, oppro-siv i', u" uncalled for, unwarranted, unjustified, tyrannical inti r rerence. 10th. The administration of Van Buren was a bright , and shining light for the latest posterity, " lor forty years .. 0 come." 11th. The opposition to Jackson and Van Buren. The Roman factions ofCatalinn and Marius werernmposed "f p*i ingels in comparison. l Jth, Hth and 14th. General Jackson's flno, andjudr" Rail. (I 15th. The feds had got in i partizan once in forty years, y| nit probably would not again for forty years to comu ? "J,* (Enthusiastic chears) lu !8th. Tyler's administration. Hoped that no democrat tfould prostitute his name, pen, or influence to support i? 1 jot. (II they do take offices, as they only do it to weaken he Tvlerites tiy drawing from their power the money of he salaries, it is perfectly justifiable) I7tli. Justice to the cause?justice to the man, as well is retribution to the wings, required the re election of Kartin Van Buren to tho Pre-idencyj and, therefore, we ecommend him to the National Convention in behalf of ho democracy of Maine, lie. Then whs the spirit of the convention aroused f Humphreys, hero of Brunswick, opened the null by noving that the name ol Calhoun be placed, side >y side, with that of Van Buren, and that all parts o, >1 the resolution inconsistent therewith, be struck en >ut. William f'itt Treble spoke on the amendment -expressed his preference for Calhoun?said he was ~[j lot in favor of acting at that time on the question? of I hat the Convention seemed afraid to trust the to eople?that he wanted their (the peonies') tree and f"' air expression?that the resolution looked like a 'l ui ana ary measure?uiai meir opponent** were the ,on arty lor file leaders and whippera m?tliat the demo- ?"j ratio party, great and little men, scorned anything Chit the kind?that it always had been, and always * hould he, free from it, Jtc. See. What a sublime I>ectacle to see thia old man oi white hairs telling gu*i hese searching truths. . D, Hamlin, the Carthagenian, poured forth his soul- K tirring eloquence. I1" We heard a whisper to another, new ?t ' tnin uotiug Horace .? ;?er HanoihKMin , (Juot libra* in <utnmo iluce invenias 7" f n Hannibal, my J ear nr. weigh That mighty chieftain's pounds?haw many 7 say I t " Two hundred," answered the other, " ju*t a< t r' uany as in a barrel ut beet." this 1 LD. Mm Tw? C?nU, Headman echoed ihe voice of ?ld Lincoln? a ond one it wtti. McJewett spoke; but your reiorter could not gather whether or not he observed hat he had lately visited Mr. Van Burea; that he put it to" Mr. van Buren, "what was the news'!" hat Mr. Van Buren thereupon proceeded to escort lini through Ins cabbage garden. Your humble eporter stales that he might have said all this, but be applause that followed every word of ibis iJenostlienea of Penobscot prevented him from disinctly hearing. But whether lie said it or no), lis speech was replete with burning, Whig-demolshing eloquence. "Old men" as Macauly, on a imilar subiect, observes, "Old men who had heard he eloquence of Adams and Otis in its meridian, nd that oi "Clay and Webster" in its splendid lawn, murmured thai they bad heard nothing like he speeches of Jewett and Hamlin at the State Convention. Then came Chase, he of the banks of Loneveil's Pond,seene of a mighty struggle between our orefathers and the red man. His tones came upon be ears ot his auditory like a slide of the White ilountams on the dry tirs beneath?crackling, ushing, bearing all along with it in its headlong ourse. t But, my dear Mr. Bennett, the ve>y recollection f such a scene overggwers me. 1 can only use my en to add the statiglicd. The amendment was 'VMt lii tn79 ThmWuO'O vintnru ~ -1 ? .????, 'ivw.j, iu miuuiiiy. t showed a Calhoun strtmgth in tiic State, which tiey hardly believed exiMed. Nearly one third of lie members did not Wpte. Had they, it would ave made the result noatar from a tie. A few more resolutions were passed?one atpong lie rest, recommending that the Manorial Convenion be held at Baltimore in May next. Hon. Stehen Emery, oi Paris, and Chas. Stetson, Esq , of laugor, were chosen delegates aU large. Poor ewett was sadly disappointed in this. But tie bore t like a man; il a stray tear did roll down his cheek, t was only proof that the strength ol the strongest atures may be broken by adequate causes. t The afternoon session lasted about six hours. 1 notice the federal organ here, the Wlii? <Se Couier, intimates that these are the^ame string of resolutions winch have been bandieatobout in the'locooco conventions these five years.XNow this is all a ederal lie?an entire slander. ^ie resolutions liemselves relute it Tliey are onginal, unique, nimitable, in a word such as Jewett, and Jewetl loge could produce. All in all, ttiis assemblage was a magnificent specacle. Whether we consider the gorgeous array of alent?the lofty emotions with which they mettle oratory which was displayed?the measures vhich they adopted?whether we survey its irunieliate consequences, or look into the remote future or its ultimate results, it is alike grand, imposing uid sublime. It is an occurrence which happens nil once in a generation. For the old, it is a source ?f congratulation that they lived to see it; for the young it will be the landmark of their youth and the theme of the tales of their age. But it is useless to Jilate upon itsbeuuties. It is one of those sneaking iiiiiK.i muni f-nnjurm, iihki'u Hnn imdiiorma. 1QO trrdeiu has seen it, und the iulurc ttliail learn it. Bhadesof Junius. Destructive Configuration in Boston.?W? ;ive the following account Irom a Boston paper :? A portion of our city has again been attacked by tha ievouring element ! On Saturday, P. M. about 10 oiuutcs past five, the steam pipe, connec'ing two boilers n the engine room of the Messrs. Washburus' steam plan* ng mill, at the northern corner of Causeway and Lanaster streets, buratwd, and Idew out the embers upon a arse pile ot shavings aud chips, which were instantly gnited, and in less time than it lakes to record it, tha vhele building, which was of wood, was enveloped in hellames. The wind was blowing very fresh trom tha outh west at the time, and the adjoining buildings, which were ef most combustible material, were soon seized by he raging element. The engines were quickly on tha ipot, una by the miraculous efforts of our unrivalled firelepurtment, the flames were confined to a space almost ncredihly small. Fortunately the tide was high, as tha Ire plug on Causeway street, near the scene, was of no ivail on account of the severe heat of tho flames wafted >n it. .Shortly alter the assembly of the Are department, he boiler in the mill eiploded, causing a general flight of he spectators. As engine company No fi, was passing through Causeray street,between the mill and a^iile ol lumber, the heat v.n|/.:ucM UUUI LU IM'HI Ull IUWHTUH lUC IIUltT, WDKII tUO ,heels ol th< ir engine, by mme mean*, became entailled in the lumber, from which it waa impound.le to ex-icateit through the ilenio flnme* blown over, and the lember* were forced to abandon " Old Hero" to her itc, where she yielded up her epuit, end nought letnain* > remind her memhenol the sei rice she has rendered but er blackened skeleton. A new cart and a truck, beinginglo Mr. Andrews, were also consumed in her coinany . The following buildings on Causeway street to the orth ol Lancaster struct, were entirely burnt. One in rhich the fire originated, occupied by Messrs. Washburn i the first story,and by Curtis A Littlefleld, looking glass lanulacturrrs, and two young men, carpenters, recently loved in ; the blacksmith shop of Bryant & Welch, ill over it, the cnrpentcr's shop of Adams A ittIt-field ; Andrews' counting-room and carriageoiise, and store house over it ; E. W. Tike, cart-nter's shop, on the corner of Portland street, where is fire was stayed in its northerly direction.? ii Causeway street, South, Pearson's Grocery, occtlled in second story by Remick A Nichols, carpenters ; ak's stable, and Bobbins' stable. On Lancaster straat, tuth corner, two wooden dwelling houses, owned by K. mith, and occupied by Irish families ; also, one brick id one wooden dwelling house, belonging to the estate Hosea Marble. On Portland street, Young's stable, id building formerly occupied as a stable by Andrews, it at the time untenanted. The loss by this fire must be considerable, very little of 'hich it covered iliy insurance. K. W. Pikes loss i .ioeo.not insured. Peorson lost every thing, even the loney in his drawer. The brick buildings on the oppoito side of Causeway street, together with th" church, ere in imminent danger, and only saved by the cxerons of the firemen. They truly achieved wonders and ?n can do no justice to their indomitable effort*. 1 he firemen were detained there till 10 P. M.?called fain at 1 A. M., and subsequently at 0 o'clock yesterday, hen the smothered flames hurst out again. They had e most fatiguing work of the season. mauBAOft) OBNSRAl PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, . W. CORNKK OK KULTON AND NASSAU 8T8. supplied with every* material necessary for the prompt, neat, and economical ciecutiou of every description ul 3m iblir attention is re>|ues(rd to this establishment, in Live ? ranee that ample satisfaction will be wveo?as regards typoaphy, press work, aod clurscs?to those who require fsnry or ininnn, large or small work cheaply and expeditiously ecmed. LABKL8, CHECKS. WAYBILLS,^ _ CIRCULARS,, 'linn U!L.L.n, IIALL IILKhlX. STEAMBOAT BILLS. BILLS OK LADING. HAILKOAD BILLS, BUSINESS CARDS, STAGE BILLS, CATALOGUES, PAMPHLETS, BILL HEADS, HA.NDBIL'S, NOTES. m m-mmim mm" uks^i^N) FOB HEATRE8. CIRCUSES, CONCERTS, MUSEUMS. LECTURES, PUBLIC MEETINGS, any othrr placet where the largest description of printing itiued The facilities for tin* work are not equalled bv any ice m thu city, for, besides the large laaortment of S>LAJX AJIJS) wrj, This establiahment has the liAllUKMT PKKNSK5 IN THE CITY. ratpaiua have been taken in provide eteiy material that i pnaaibty be ofaersice and therefore persons having oec?n fm Show bills, will nod it greatly to .heir .advantage to irnniie this eatah(ishfr?n'. ?7*Any arse or for? ol I1'! eao ho fnroishej At eery short MS. If ,R Kjc;K p? jkeeekpcN insOmance COM PA Sr-OScs Pi V."al! a'r--t. I h-s Company contiuaa ir bnseaess of inv?r?e. ee?inst l"?s or damage hy fire, goo*1", w*re? en l mer-hard re and e'a?, en renew v! theit goes rr.'i*.?t L esI r r 'and naeiy?t:-n. , tv< ?ns. Thomas W Thorn- Elieha Higga ThomasT Wood?" h-njarrm R Ronton John R Davtaoe Tranns P Saga J'ho-naon I'riee, Joseph Allen ohn II Lee John P Moore Meses Tnrker James E Holmes' Caleb CTnn't Jerne? R Whitiuf Anton Baker Wm K Tharu Joserh Omit? Irvl ilawley John C Merrill Thomas Morreil THOMAS W, THORNK, Prr.idatf. IEO. T. ROPE. Seererarv mlty isk CASH TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. 1'mi.UirS, Merchant Tailor, (late ol 7 A?l or nonae, Broadway,) impretard with ihe Dercitity of "'"tin* the gency ol the lime* bv the reduction of hit price*, nod tiuding inpoiaible to do to while mluect to the enorraon* outlay* j-dway locttiou iie?e*tarilr incur*, hut determined on the ywav to effect thi?? without dupirageineui to the inality hi* garment*; he ht?. therefore, removed hi* establishment 13# iNASSAl) HI KEET, corner of Beebnuni, where itlemeu can now be supplied at a deduction of ten per cent rn hn former low price*. Phe following i? tubmitted inertly tt a ipecitnen of the pnoujtf uMrtion ? erriue Coata, made in the beitiatyle, Irom ft to fit tra do, of the fine*; quality, 13 to 22 illie Veati, j if . P. heat Irare.iti conclnaion, to observe, the abo?e article* be relied pu. in all respect*, to b* of the mot! ireuoiae -riptiou.end lower than any other houae furnishing the saiae Illy oi arlielea. j| imr iMOVAl,?P. MAE#, Hair Ureaaer and Wig Maker, haa removed from 162 to 133 Broadway, a few doort below the jklm H ute, and opposite John atreet. Han g lilted up a room in tlie moit fashionable ttyle, he will concmne the e buiiueit. and will be pleated to tee hit old fiienda and ont. and Other* who nay lavor aim with a call. He hte pritate Mom* for Ladie*' twit drea*iug and jauumoin*. ? powerfnl Extracto jamponoy it considered by thoutntHM |?ew Vor'ic fd tiriiiners a* oar o' toe healthiett article* hn cure ol dtudrolf end strengthening th? hair. ia appro**4 he Kv it 11 y ot Medicine in Pant, aid patented at W nhmgNothl i it no ," pic mailt aud dellyhlful than t?f go through operation in the baud* of P. MAES) in} 2m*i