Newspaper Page Text
y B m . ri-.-. T H Vol., X. No. H ?Whole No. 357$. OA WINTER M AIL LINE FOR ALBAN CV *T*jer-?|*iii]U the iuterrneil rte places Fare ihriiogh Alb-ii v Si?Th- ) en JI tl ?te?mboat L TIC. C?|>t Joseph Scott, will lure the fuot of Cortlsndt street, ere afteiuonu ai 5 o'clock. N. It ?Passengers by this line will arrive ill Albany at tw o'clock next Jay after leaving New York. For passage or freigt t, apply on board, or to P. L. Schu't at the nflie? no the wnarf JB NAVIGATION OK THK HUUSON OPEN TO~~ ALUAN V. _ai_l L 0* WINTER MAIL LINE FOR ALB> fl "".CJ'NV ' Intel mediate paces The a tear SE^MBEeboat ROBERT L. STEVENS, Carta R. L. Mabey. wi I lear# the foot ofCourtlandt at. Wedue day. Fridav and Sunday afratrnoona, at A o'clock. I '1 |ie Slean er COLUMBIA. A. Stnqghton, will leave i ehnv". Thtirdtv,Saturday e.?d Monday a"trmvuis, at S e'clol r or passage or Ireif ht, apply to P. C. Schultz at the office, i on board. N. H. All kinda of properly taken only at the riak of tl owners thereof. d28 re "im- passage for London?Packet ot th; 101 MfyyV The superior lost sailing packrt shi JnGh^s^ONTHEAL, Captain Tinker, will tail ai sbov hoi 'egntar day. tan accommodate cabin, ae?ond cabin, and steerage postal gert. if imined ate application ia made on b.ard "r to . john flEHOMAN, lit e. Ill Siklh street. NEW LINE OF PACKETS hOR LlVEl WcjjwVl'OOL?Packet of 21st January?The new. pbnaii IT ' favorite packet .hin QUEEN OF THE WE SI 1'f.if) lona barmen, Cart P Woodhouae, will tail en Mouda; 22d January. her reaular day. Th' se wishing to aeeare bertha ahould not fail to make earl Ul'l'licatiou on board, foot of Burling blip, or to W. * J. T. TAPSCOTTj at their Gcuaral range Office, 13 l'eck slip, ' jj ec corner of South street. f OR LI V e RPOOL?Sails p aitively en Jan. lOtl HtVW- The aul-ndid, fast sailing, and favuiile bark IR01 JKalbfaUUEEN, Captain O'Dryau, will sail positively r She has splendid accommodations f<r cabin paiseegnrt, wh will be taken at a very low rata. Tnose wiahiug to aecm be.'llii ahould make tally application to W. *. J. T TAPSCOTT. j7 43 Peek Slip, corn*r South. For liverpool?Wi h Uiyiitch-^Aespli WfVVWdid, well known, last sailing and favorite packet shi pjyi&OLIO. i apt Pntinan, will meet with quick despatc for the a note port. For cabin p-sseng rs she haa spacion* state rooms, anil ever other acci mmodation necessary for their comfort. A lunik number of second cabin passengers can he accommodated in lirai rate manner in houi- on deck. Thote wiahiug to secui herths sl'oitM make caily application on boa'd. foot of Wa street, east side, or to W. k J. T. TAPSCOTT, d23rc 43 Peck Slip, corner South street. " aii^ FOR LI VERPOOL?NEW LINE.?Kegnl. Packet of:26rh January.?The splendid packet ahi XSSaLt SHERIDAN, F. A. Dcpy.ter, of 1000 toua, wi sail aa above,her regular day. For freight or passage, having a commodations unequalled for splendor or comfort, apply c board at Orleans wlioif, foot of Wall atreet, or to E. K. COLLINS ?t CO. Price of passage, $100. 56 South street. The racket ship Garrick, Capt. Skiddy, of 1000 ton will aucceed the Siddous and sail the 2> th February herreguh I^usensers may rely upon the ships of this line sailing pum tnally as ndvertned. d27rc JtdM?- L<)NDON LINE PACKETn?Packet Kith J.11 WKBsV?1 he sp'e did, well known fast sailing racket ahi JhShKuMONTRE VL Captain Tinker, will sail positive! ai above. lie' regular nay, Having splendid accommodations for cabin, >tcond crbin an ateeiage passengere, for paii've early application shnu'd I mode on board or to W. It J. T. TAPSCOTT, 43 Peck slip. N. B.?Persons desiious of sending fo' their friend* can ht< them brought out in the above magnificent packet ahip, or i any of the regular 'ine, on reasonable terina. Tlioe wishing I remit m< ney, em have drafts far any amonnt. payable On d inand, in al the principal towns ol Great Biitain. Applv i abuve. jSrc Agg- FOR HAVRE-Tlie French brig ALKRTI NTjMfVCaotain Heoae. For treieht apply to MStmL A. C ROSSIfiK It CO. 47 Broad at. or tc dltir HOVD It HINCKEN. S Tontine Buildini MTO LET?The atnre No 97 Naaaau stree', in tl Herald Biuldiuga, from the tirat of February. Apply this office dltr impl TO LET?'1 he plot of ground witn the buildiui t!t!W erected thereon, situate on the north side of 18th st e* between the 7th avenue and Fi'urov road, now occupii bytiiian Canipoi 11. Apply at No. 33 Laight street, jj iw*rc mM NiBLO'S CONSERVATORY, GREEN-HOUSE VSMand Sard Establishment, 376 Broadway, adjoining ll SauT Gardens. 'I he public is respec'fully informed that at the above egta liahment will be found now on hand one of the most exlensiv choice and viri*d collections of Ornauient'l P.ants in Klowr suitable for Holiday Presents, Parlors, Conservatories, It' consisting of Camel ias, Roses, Azalias and Geraniums, of tl finest known varietirs, Rhododendronrs, Orsnge and Lemi i'.ets in beariuit. Daphneas, Ike. he. A snjierb assortment Dutch Bulbs, viz : Hyacinths, Tulips, lie , in pots and glastt which aie alre.ily in a flowerings'ate Bouquet* can ne procured at any time, made ol the moat el Rant ami fragrant Bower*, grown in the Conservatories, and a arranged i- u-ique and varied styles to suit a'l tastes, by i espe: leuceil artist. Choice Klnwer Seeds wi'l be receivej from Europe early Janua'V. inauv varistie* of w-ieh will he entirely new on ih aide of the Atlantic?also, a complete assortment of Vege'.abl Herb, Gnus and oih?r Se its. All the above 8iills will be tested as to their growing qual ties, befcre off-red for sa'e, to ensure not the least diaappoic m-ut to the patrons of this estahlishoriit Orn. meu ..I Klower Stands, Gold Kish and Glass Globe Hyacinth Glasses, lie. Itc ,always on band All the above articles *ill be disposed of on the most re souabl-terms, for cash only. All orde s thankfully received and executed with promt nets. WILLIAM NIBLO, Proprietor, N. B. The entire Stock of Seeds belonging to the late fir of Niblo 8t Dim lap, will be sold at Wm. H. e ran lin, at Ins Illinois, 13 Broad street, at II o'clock, ou Wrduesd heit, the 27th December, wi li ut any reserve, dt4 2? 'C Jfytg EUR SALE?A Valuable Farm called Springfiel rat'itu ired in the county of lsle-of- Wight, a mile and a hi . dhaj'rom the mouth of Nanseinond River, containing abfl five huuilred acres, bounded on two sides by creeks (navigal for small vessels) running into the mouth of NansemondRiv There it on the farm a large a. d well finished brick dwelli house, with every other necessary out house, in good repa Neailv one half of the lat d is well timbered with large tall pi and oaks; the pine of the first quality, fur steamboat wot '1 he cleared land is of a good quality and well idapted to t cu'tivaiion of wheat, coru, sweet potatoes and water melons It has attached to it a fine oyster landing for planting oyste and is one of the best stock farms of its size in lower Virgin Persons wishing to purchase, by applying early, will mi with agreat bargain. Ifuetsold privately before, it will be offered at public at lion on the preiniseson the25th day of January, 1844. Terms will he made known and farther information given Mr Jos. B. Whitehead of Smithfield, Isle of Wight connty, the subscriber. WILLIAM H1NE8. <120 3taw tojy35 re f"M BROWN tk CO.'S One Price Hat Store. 178 Chuhi Square, corner of Mott street, where f-shion, beaul durability and economy are combined to adorn the head 1 proprietors have the pleasure to offer a new style of hat,the in t*tion of beaver, which cl sely reasmhU those formerly sold I S3 and $6. at the low lived price of S3. 1 hose, who from luc nation or necessity are in luccd to study economy in that ind reusable article of dreis, htve now au opportunity of doing i and still keep up the appearance of the most I'lthmnahle. Broi M s., iu presenting this hat to the public, think they ha nearly retched the ultim'tnm of beauty, chrapuess. neatiit durability and comfori of the weuer. All sales are for Cm therefore no good customer pays for Inssei incurred <>y the Im BROVVN it CO., 178 Chatham Square, jl lm^m Corner of Molt street , BOOTS?WATER PROOF Double and Cork Sol E rench and native call'and patent screw taps; warrant good fine calf boots for men; boy's and children's t ceacse water hoots and shoes of a|lsarts and sizes N. B.?Lidies, Mures,ind Children's gaiter boots, shoes a hnskius, double and single sole*, aud ol every color and thai I .ml,-* Gent*. M i?*e? and Children's water nroof India Hub! overshoes of I lit- latest style, all of which will he. (old chea| than at any other itorc in thi? city Napoleon up booti S3 pair. J. S. WALKKK, 419 Broadway, jj Im'ec Corner of (anal at ~ <;t) 14 K SOLK WATKK PROOF AND DRK! /WBOOTS.?The aubacriber makea to order Boots of I / .above deacriptiona, of tha lineat quality of French Ca akin, in the lateat atyle, and at aery naeonable pricaa. (Ji , tie men who have been in the habit of iwynK extravagant prii for mlerior articles, are requested to call and b? convinced their interest, in purchasing at this store Drawings being takeu of the feet, and a pair of Lasts kept I each customer, there is na difficulty in getting a handsome a ?&jy tit. Constantly on hand, a large assortment of ready made Dri Boots, latest styles, at (3 and$3 50 tier pair; Double Soles,fri S4 to $6 per pair. Over Shoes, Half Boota, Dancing |Pum Slippers. Xc at e inallv low prices. " JOHN L. WATK1NS, 114 Fulton street, dl lm*ee between Nassau and Dntcb streets MOOT AND BHOK STORK. ripBrfy.lOHN KKADY respectfully mlorms his frier aud~ihe public that he has commenced business ill the abo line at No !>9 Na'sau street, where he will thankfully recei and'faithfnlly etecute, all orders he may be favored with, the moat reasonable tsrmsjor jiash j23i TO TDK LADIKS ?If yon have hairy excreacencea, ca renting a broad and elevated forehead?if you have|the u sightly appendage of a beard on your npper lipa?it you ha superfluous hair disfiguring any part of vonr otherwise beau ful fares, the I'on d re Subtile, invented by Dr. Felix (ion rati will quickly and forever eradiente it, withant the slightest i jury or discoloration to your skins?this you ean be satisfied by taring the pre Titration tested at the Doctor's olnee; all donl Sir theartrcle hein, a humbng will quickly vanish. For si only at 67 Walker street, one door from the earner of Bro? way-titer bottle?where may be had the folio ?ing arncl nil warranted?The celebrated Italian Medicated Soap, for ci ing all blotches, pimples frerkl -s. tan, morphew, scurvy, it. redness, ssllowncss, or roughness or the skin; for chapo hands, r.ce, or mosquito biles its effects are immediate; in t wasting of children, in allnying all irritation and chafing, properties arc really aatonishing so soften in g and healing tli no mother should lie wilhpnt a cake. One cake, 50ceuts, sufficient, and we warrant it or return the money if not sti ccsslul. Be on your guard against a bold imiution, and bi no where else h..t as aliove. Ooeraud's de Beanie, or True Water of Beauty, is well kuown and approved cosmetic for slransing healing, pu fying and heautifving the complexion, au.l by itx dilating pi Ijcrtics preventing the formation ol wrinkles, and bauishii Ihein when present. Si per bottle. Gouraud's Vegetable Liinid Honge imparts a delicate bins ing tinge to the complesion, immovable by rubbing with handkerchief or linen cloth. For dyeing ladies' stockings loves, this preparation, diluted with water, is inimitable, cents per bottle (Jonr?ud's Hair Dye will change red or gray hair to a bean ful dark brown or black, wi'hontstaining the skin. SI perb< tie. Whi'her and Kva-brow Dye 35 ceirsj>er bottle. 5^"Jrnr,'l '. '',nc * r.stwgne, or Spanish White, gives a pu life 'ike alabaster white .ess and smoothness to the skin?ft from all injurious ingredients and is entirely annihilating coi mon chalk and Bake whits. Put up in elegant boxes, ?5 en each ' Vs. w'.th other of l)r (i. preparations, is imitate Bn y no whe e el,e hut at 67 Walker street, jiut one door fro i IT corner of Broadway, where will l? found an assortment ih? most dilicste and choice rerfumery, imported irom t 'Vents-Jordan .2 Milk street, Bo, ton; 76 Chesnnt sire. Philadelphia ; Hobinson, llarrisborgh ; ile.nitch, Lanca'st, Seibrook, Princeton; Trippe, Newark i Tousey. Korheat, (larswsll, Lockrairt; Smith, Palmyra; Grigs, Hamilton con ty; Guthrie, Albany; Gray, Poughkeepsiei Klliott. o'n.i.e Myers, New Haven t Dyer, Providence : Taylor. NeVwoi Csrirlon, Low.II lives, Hilein; H xlge, Newburvport; Pr? Ion, Portsmouth ; Patten, Portland ; Guild, Bangor; Lnth White, Calais; Seth 8. Hanee, Baltimore; Helby Parks Wishing- in Mrs Fraaer, Kiehmonds Mathewson, Norwir Conn ; Wells fit Humphreys, Haitford; K. C. Ferre, Middl * town i d 11' m r WIIK \'l ?l inn hushels prime llliuois Wii'st. lor sale by K. K. i OLI INS It CO., |6'A South street, E NE NE * UNITED STATES HOTEL, NEW YORK. A, TN KKTUHNINO OUH THANKS to the travelling r?i(n; ry a mumty for the very liberal patronage bettowed on our houM during the last year, we beg leave to inform I lie in that 'he alte ro ratioue ami improvemeuU contemplated are low completed,and we are prepared to arrninmn date our friendi and trivellera ge x, aerally in a atyle uot siirjwaaed by any other e?tabli?hinert? our furniture nud bedding bring new, the building thoroughly ? renovated and newly minted throughout, the Croton water it lurrmluced in every department, and the terina one dollar and riftv eent. ,?r H,r V J9 lm*r BRAI9TED t JOHNSON. Proprietors. f* LOBE HOTEL?The subscriber lias the honor to argu-int vJ his friends and the public, that he has lately added to his eatabliihj.rul a Table d'il te, at i o'clock, at which a limited u number of respectable gentlrmeu uiay eujoy the luxuries of a " diu?rr tible. t.i a egvleof neatness end elegance not surpassed ,r by .my establishment in th.s city t which, with the largest a?sortmeut of the best Wmeg of ail couuinas, will be furnished ie at i educed prices. '1 he subscriber has lately made important changes and im? provemeuts in his establishment, for the belter accommodation h of families ?nd p 010111 desirous of more private rendence and ip board, and is now prepare I with a vari-ty of ro- ms and suits ol e, apartments, that cannot fail to suit the taste and convenience ol all persons who may do him 1 lie lavor to c ?'l. 1" 1 lis Kestaurant will be continued as usual for parties who desire to dine separately. K DLANCARD. Dinner and snpp.-r parties.may be accommoda>ed at tke shortest notice. jl 2wdykuwv*m HAVANA-MANSION HOUSE HOTEL ! rpHK undersigned takes occasion to inform his fricnda and ' A the public, that the Mansion lionse is now located in In"? qnisidor street, No. 67. in the nciuiti ef th? steamboat landing and vegetable market, having eommodions family apartments ? a'ranged in the neatest order. A person is employsd to procure permita to land pasiengers, baggage, tic. who will board vessels immediately after the visit of the revenue officers. _ N. B.?Visitors to this Island should procure a passport from 7 the .Spanish Consul, at tne port of embarkation, to obviate difu ficulties and inconvenience. ? a31 6mec* WILLIAM YULTON. ? ENGLISH ADVERTISEMENT. ? T ONDON-Ht KATHARINE'S HOTEL, opposite the L Sr.. Katharine's Dork Gates, and ne-.r the Koval Mint. THOMAS LENNEY, late Chief Steward of the British Queen Steamship, respectfully informs hisfriends in the United - states, that he has the management of the above new and elen gant es'ahlish 'ent, which is built and furnished regaidless of P expense, and is in e*?ry rrsjiect adapted for the rccept on of fall miliea and gentlemen visitiug England, as the hotel fronts that pat of the dork in which the liners and most of ike oiher A me V ricin vessels lay, and is within lire initiates v.alk of lh? Bank d and Royal Exchange. The house will be conducted on liberal a and economical principles The Coffee Room is supplied with c the London, Amerioan. East Indian and Colonial papers, 1 he 11 Viands, Wmee, fkc are of the first qusli y A good Billiard Room and Warm Baths will b- found 111 the house Gentle men may contract by the woek or month fur board, sc. uu the j~ (nine terms as in America. " T LKNNEY ben to assure those who may honor hiin with fi their patronage that nothing aha'l be wsntiag to render tham comfortable, and by attention t" the wishes of hit guests, hopea to merit that coulideiice and good will au liberally Destowrd on him when ateward of the British Queen. dUr a suitable holiday present! . YTALENT1NK haa removed hit Engraving and Printing Ks' ? tabliahment Iron John street to No. I Bcekmau street, (Lovejoy's Hotel,) opposite the Brick Church. NeTr York ? , Wedding, Visiting, invitation and Professional Cards, executed in the A rat atyle of tho art, aa regards the auperiority of the -. Engraving, neatneaa of the Printing, and the whiteness nn<< bril !> liancy of the cards. Persona furnishing their own Card Plates can have them printed on the most approved and fashionable y style of Cards, at reduced prices. dfllm'r ,d DLUMBK DAOUKRllIAN OM.hKHY OF PATENT ,e " PREMIUM COLORED PHOTOCJRAPH8, No. 251 Broadway, (over Mr. Tenney'a Jewelry store, abora Murray street, and next door to Peale's Museum ) New York. These re pictures having been awarded the First Premiums and Highest in Honor, by the Ameri an and Franklin Institutes, as the most to beautiful colored Dag-erreutypea aver exhibited, and theestae blishment having h>-en greatly eu'arged and improved, por is trai'a will hereafter be taken here (in any weather 1 at the reduced prices charged for ordinanr work at other places?con aeiiueotly uo one noed now ait for an inferior likeness, on the '- > score of economy. " A Photograph of a lady, by Professor Plnmbe, ia the finest > thing of the kind we ever witnessed."? Ledger, Oct. I, 1*43. f Plumbe's Premium snd German Cameras, Instructions, . Plates, Caaes, iltc fkc. forwarded to any desired point, at lower , rates than by any other manufactory. dl2 lm*in<| _ fire-proof book safes. rs THE Subscriber has oti hand an assortment of C. J. Gat ler's i J- Warranted Fire Proof Doub'e Sales During the past ten ni years several thousands ofthese Safes have been in use; neirly one hundred have, at different times, keen thoroughly tested by fire, and NOT ONE, has a'.any time, failed to pieserve its con? tents iff Gayler's Double Safe is a combination of two entire Safes ue erected one within the other Each Ssfe is madr exclusively of iron, and the best nun conducting materials, 110 wod being b- used in their construction. The composition with which eicli *, Safe is lined is perf-ctly lire-proof and the Patentee with full ir, confidence offers them, as superior to any others vet invented. *., The inner and outer doors of each Safe are secuied by tlieinihe proved rateut dettctor locks, which cannot be picked or opened >n with false keys. of Also, aa assortment of Single Safes and Specie Cheats, for is, sale at prices from 125 to *75 each. All kinds 01 Book Safes and 8|>ecie Chests made to order, le- S. ELY, re j5 lm*c 71 Fulton street near (fold street. "" wm read & co. in MAivurarTUgvas or ? brass faucets, '? And all the varinni articles used in tlM PLUMBING BUSINESS,! ... No. 250 IVaitr itreet, NEW YORK, a, Constantly <>u hand, ao assortment of T. I. DYKE, Jr., Jc CO.'S a. Justly celebrated BLACK LEAD ROTS OR CRUCIBLES, '' For sale, wholesale and retail, at Manufacturer's prices. N. B.?A Silvsr Medal was awarded Wm Head Ik Co. for their manufacture of Faucets, by the American Institute, at 1,1 their last Eshinition, held October, 1813. *" WANTED?Three or four Journeymen, to manufacture Faucets. None but first rate mechanics need apply. dH lin'rc MU8IC ilf TOSErH KAMMERER, Professor of Music, respectfully u[ ? announces to his Patrons and the puolic iu general, that hr ,|e has removed from 59 Crosby street t > 139 Laurens street .where rr all orders for his Cotillion Baud, topaiform on parties, lite, in ml or out of town, will be received and promptly atleudnd to. j* Orders for J. K. will alio be received at Mrs. W. Dubois ?f Music Store, No. 285 Broadway. <120 lm*re ?d. FRENCH CHINA he No. 4 SOUTH WILLIAM STREET, Up Stairs rs, A DALE8ME, Importer and Agent for Manufacturers, has ia, it. always on hand a large assortment for dinner and tea sets ret in plain white and gilt Freuch Porcelain, as well as dinner am! dessert plates,of all sizes, assorted dishes, soup tureens, covered ic- dishes, salad bowls, frait baskets, custards and stands. Also, Tea and Chocolate Ware, Orrek, French and Amtriby ean shape. or All the articles are warranted of the beet quality, and to be old on liberal terras.and in lots to snit purchaser! <57 Sm*er (!N1 f\A REWARD?The jewelry store No. 18 Bowery. im SP-t tJW was entered on the night of the 17th inst, and robbed :y. of jewelry, consisting of gold and silver guard and fob chains, lie gold seals and keys, and ladies' and gentle.nep's broaches asni sorted, gold ear rings, lockets, finger rings silver spoons, specks for and numerous oilier articles, which are sold in jewelry shops, li The above reward will be given for the recovery of the property is- oy JOHN LOCKWOOD, io, dW lm*re 18 Bowery. ve \X7ATCHES.?The largest and most splendid assortment of vv Watches in the city, is to be found at the subscriber's.i ' As he is constantly receiving all descriptions of Oold and Sil 'V ver Watches, of the newest Styles, direct from the mannfieturers, in England, France, anil Switzerland, he is enabled tc offer a larger assortment, and at ranch lest prices, at retail, thai !_ any other house in the city. Oold watches as low as (70 to $21 cs each Watches and jewellery exchanged or bought. All pd watches warranted to keep good time, or the money returned. |o Watches, clocks and jewellery repaired in the beat in-inner, tad warranted lower than at any other place in the city nj (J. C. ALLEN, importer of watches and jewellery, j?. d7 lm*r Wholesale and retail. 10 Wall street, up stairs Z'r TO THE PUBLIC. ' AATOSUIM M, k,,...... U 1'n.n.n 1ST...I, M.k.. ? i>iyu 248 Grand street, tags to inlorm bis frieuds and thr public, that indeiwudent of the Watch business, he 11 prepared : (o make advances in oaah on gold and silver watches,diamonds, SS elver tea tela, apoona. forka, and every description of gold or :he tiiaer iu any aha|ie, intended for immediate aale. Cash to any If- amonnt paid for old gold and silver. Watches of every de m- acription repaired and warranted. 141 Grand street. :ea d21 lm*vc A LYON?Cheapest Jewelry Store in the city?A. L |-ur A. would call the attention of the public to his store No. 80 j,,] Chatham at, where ttiey will lind the best, cheapest, and newest style of jewelry, of the latest fashion, both foreign and AmeriM1 can manufacture, suitable for Christmas and New Year's prem, s-uts,all of whicli he is determined to sell avmcli prices as can Pl not fail 'o give sstisf-ic.ion. Ladies and ge tlemen about pur ' chasing jewelry, will save 21 per cent by calling at the cheap jewelry store 80 Chatham ?treet. L)o not hornet the number?80 Chatham street. Old golilur silver bought or taken in exchange. ? The utmost value givea for diamonds and other precious ^ stones. d23 lm*ec 've WATCHES AND JEWELRY v? VAOKLICH AND PACHTMANN, Watchmakers and on ivl Manufacturing Jewellers, 90 (-anal street, have on hands t laige assortment of fashionable Jewelry of all deacri itable lor the HOLIDAYS, at prices which cannot fail to suit. Jewelry of every description made to order, and Watches, Jewve . y ,??, .Wf'"1 repaired in a workmanlike manner, equally (j. low- Old OoJdjind Silver taken in errhange. dlB lm*m id, 'Pllh. MJBSCill BKItS are now prepared to sell Walrhea in- 8. and Jewelry as low, if not lower, than any other house in ?l the C'ty, to witt-Gold Walch.-s from ft 11 to ft I (Hi each: sil1U ver do, from #1 to $10 each. All w?*ch?s warranted to keep lie good lime or the money returned Watches, I lacks, and >luid cal Boxes repaired and warru ted, lower than any other house PS, IU the city, second hand watches soil old gold and siver lair ken in exchange, or bought for cash THOMPSON k KIHHh. Kit, Importers of Watches and Jmmlry, wholesale and reuii, ed No. 331 Broadway, New York he AMOS D. THOMPSON, iu si 10 Im'ec KICIIAltD I'lHIIKK. iat ? is VTINTH WAHD CHEAP GROCERY AND PROVI ic- I a SIGN STORE ?Families i tithe neighboihood of Sisth ly avenue and Greenwich lane, about laying in th ir winter stack of Orocer ea and I'roa isions. will do nett"t by a large |mr cent> ige iu buying in st the cheap Provision Store No 9 Greenwich ti- lane, where all articles in the Grocery and Provision line can ? he purchased as cheap, il not chra|i?r, than any other establishig inent in that vicinity. Goods warranted to suit; if not, llie money will be returned. Goods sent to any part of tne city, h- free of expense. MICHAEL KIEL LEY. a dlS lm*ec 9 Greenwich lane. o, LUCINA CORDIAL, t> TK a sovereign snd >peedy cure for incipient consumption, bar>t l renness, in |>oten< y, lucoilia- or wnites, obstructed, difficult of piiaful ineustiuatuni, inconstineuce of urine or involiiutary discharge thereof, snd for the general prostrst on of the system, " whether the result of inherent canses or rroduced by iirrgu11 - lardy, illness or accident. It is pleasant to the taste and posi>'* lively snre in iU operations. Iu unrivallril repntat on in both d- henuspheres is the result of i's almost supernatural virtues. "> LET NO ONE DEHi'AIR. <>j Nothing can be mote surprising tlun iu invigorating effects oil the human frame. Persons afflicted with weakness and lassitude before taking it, at once become robnst and full of energy under ita influence. It immediately counteracts ike nerve!rl lestnets ?r loseness of ttw letnale frame, which i> the nuly ri cause of bartenness: and which, priol to Dr. Maguin's disco11 very was considered to be incurable. Language, indeed, can "I not do jnstice to the merits oflhe I,iieina Conlial, which is reU a-tilled h-/ tne lie.di of the faculty in all pirti of the world, as one of the most impo'taiir medical diicovenrs ol sny age. " Hold, wholesale ar.d reksil, in tais eity, at 121 Enlton street, comer Nassau. Price $3 |ier bottle, $21 per doziii. j i Im'i .rT,llE Subscribers have associated with them JOHN OO A DEN WOODRUFF , EDWARD K. COLLINS fc CO. New i orb, January 1st, 1341 d3l rc A < i ? 1 ggg W 1(1 W YORK, TUESDAY MO Ilepcal Banquet In Limerick. Limerick, Monday Nigt t. To-day Mr. Smilli O'Brien was entertained at a _ public dinner by the Repealers of Limerick, to {| celebrate his accession to f'reir cause. The pro- ^ feedings excited considerable interest, i' being understood that Mr. O'Connell would preside on *' the Occasion; and at linearly hour the streets were t! crowded by the trades and other inhabitants ot the si county and city, for the purpose ot forming in pro- j cession to meet Mr. O'Brien on his \vuy into town ti from Cahermoyle, his country residence. The . trades moved in "military order and array," with ' their respective banners und bands, and at two " o'clock accompanied Mr. O'Brien through the city fi to lbtnk-place, wltere the hon. gentleman address- ji ed them at considerable length; but we see no rea- '! son to inflict two speeches on our readers?and, us the one spoken after dinner may be supposed, in ac- tl cordance with the old proverb, to have conveyed v what Mr. O'Brien really meant to say, we shall u content ourselves with giving that only. a The meeting then dispersed. ... d Mr. O'Connell, who was accompanied in his car- ? riage by Mr. D. O'Connell, Junr., the Rev. Mr. J| Doyle, and Mrs. Ffrench. his daughter, arrived at | Prince's Hotel at ftrc o'clock, and was greeted by j the people withjloud cheers. <; Mr. W. S. O'Brien rose, and, having returned thanks, ? proceeded to enlarge on the necessity of a repeal ol the ,, Union. 1 give you, " Daniel O'Connell, the Liberator of Ireland." This toast was received with the greatest enthusiasm. Mi. O'UosskLL rose und said?This is a great day for J Ireland?(Laughter and cheers ) It literally is a great ' day for Ireland?one of the demonstrative proofs of the J wisdom of ttie prosecution?(Luugliter.) ilow certainly ' Ireland is cowed by the Attorney Uenerul?(renewed laughter.) How frightened the men of Limerick are ut 1 the Altoruey tiencial and his devil Brewster?(Hoars of ! laughter.) Yes, it shows that Ireland has materials to j work with; and if there be found in this country any one vain enough to imagine that the liberties of Ireland are not j fast approaching, this day has proved the futility of such 11 ' notion, anil has gratified the heart of the oldest agitator amongst von?(Cheers and laughter). Yea, it is a day ot ' hope for Ireland; and when I came here to pay a tribute ' of respect, as you have done, to the estimable gentleman ' who has made such an honest, right thinking speech, as you have heard, 1 did suppose that eyes, if not tongues. ' would interrogate me as to what is the state ofthe Repeal ' cause/ What are its prospects, and what do I suggest as its future conduct! 1 am forced, I am aide, to answer those questions?(Bear, hear). The state of the Repeal f cause is this?At present three-fourths of the Irish people have unanimously declared in favor of it. A portion of the remaining fourth-the Catholic portion of the north " at least?aru also for the Repeal? (Bear, hear, hear). An immense number of the honest-hearted Presbyterians of f Ulster are for the Repeal, and several enlightened mem- r bers of the (Established Church are for it; in short, no * cause nau ever no poweriui a support?(near, near ; ,1 nai i is one fact. What is the next I Why, thirty-seven mon ' ster meetings were held, not including the monster meet- a ing of this day?(Cheers and laughter). That more human beings weru congregated for peaceable, aye, or even ( for warlike purposes, than ever assembled in any conn- ,] try before?(Hear.) That there were 0,400,000, us men- (] tioued in the bill of indictment. But what isthcfact, t. as was alluded to by Mr. O'Brien; not one breach ji of the peace was committed at uny of the monster f meetings?(Hear). Nuy, it is a wonderful fact that not y even an accident happened in a throng of so many thou- ( sands ?(Hear.) Six millions four hundred thousand met i together, and observed even the politeness of refined so- j ciety in their behavior towards each other, demonstrating their right to go\ crn their country by the complete manner in which they govern themselves. In our agitation ' we wero offered assistance from America ; that is, we were proffered the aid of arms, but we refused it ; and why I Because ours is a peaceable struggle?a struggle which would be useless if accompanied by force of uny ! description whatsoever (hear, hear, hear.) ' We are offer- J ed French Sympathy : that we did not desire ; we disdain- ' oil accepting the assistance of tiiu pro-slave parly in A me- ' rica ; and thus was our agitation proceeding, without a j ruffle on its peaceful current, when out came the proclu- ' mation forbidding the meeting of Clontarf. It might have ' been out the day before, but that would have been to have 1 warned u*. There was a friend of mine who used to say, ' " If 1 want to conceal anything I put it in the ' Dublin 1 Gazette'" (laughter.) Nobody read it?hugger-mugger us it is; but I happened to get a copy of the proclamation j before it was placarded, and I took care that no blood was shed at any rate (hear.) Did we miscalculate when we : said the people would obey our advice ? No ; we said what was literully true?they obeyed it as a command, ' and at the very latest moment the spirit of obedience was at work, and the strand of Clontarf was freed from the blood of the Irish people. But then came thundering out the prosecution. The attorney-general has been blamed for showing considerable ill-temper. No, 1 am not at all surprised at it, indeed, 1 think him in a great measure excusable (laughter;) for recollect, he had amongst the traversers persons ugainst whom he entertained the bitterest animosity, it was I who, in the House of Commons, moved for an inquiry into the conduct of his father. The house did not comply with that motion ; hut it was not my fault. I was as hostile when defeated as I was before; ami considering what a virtue tilial affection is, it is not to he wondered at that he should he hostile to me (laughter.) Then, agnin, my son John suceeoded at the Yonghall election, and Smith was defeated, notwithstanding that he petitioned ugainst my son's return ; and no wonder he should not he overpleased at that defeat (laughter.) ? He had also two priests in his net (laughter)?three writers for the press and a secretary (laughter)?that is the active hatch ef conspirators ; and they took?only imagine it?nine mouths to make up this conspiracy (laughter ) The indictment specifies proceedings which took place during no less than nine months, and then the bill of particulars in addition, dr omnibus qui hutdam alt is (great laughter.) A man might laugh till lie was sick, and not he half through the indictment (renewed laughter.) Now we are to be tried and this I will say, that an iudictmcnt mure falsely charging individuals was never yet framed (cheers.) They charge us witli sedition anil dislovaltv. Oh. thev are dislovul who would turn tin; hearts of the IriHh people from the Queen. (Loud cricn of "hear, hear ") I nay, I utterly deny the charge, and hurl the untruth in the teeth of anybody hut a Queen'* Counsel, or an Attorney General (laughter). I am asked what is to become of the indictment 1 My answer is, that depends upon the jury (hear, hear). It may take some time at trial, hut the result must be an inevitable triumph to Repeal if we get a fair jury (hear, hear); It is a goo-1 deal upon the dice -we may throw, and be tri-" umphant, or we may be defeated (hear, hear). I have always taken nn active part in putting down bigotry ami fanaticism. If the jury hfi fomjiosnd of that faction, and take notice that, during the revision of the grand jury list, the Orange party had their usual electioneering agents present, there is little hope for us (hear, hear, hear). I am asked how they can tlnd a verdict on that indictment I They may convict me for being a Popish agitator (laughter); hut as to conspiracy, 1 loathe the word?the idea of conspiracy never entered my mind. No; I belong to a great national combination ; and I am proud to belong to it ; ami whilst I repudiate the foulness ot conspiracy .come weal or woe. I am wedded to that national combination (cheers.) But Iwish to tell the people again how they should lie prepared for coming events?if thejury should lie unhappily misinformed, and a verdict be found ngainst us, I am not afraid of any disturbance (hear.) I am not afraid of any disturbance from this to that period, nor of any disturbance even then ; but there is no harm in repealing tny caution to the people. It would, indeed, break my heart to think'.that there should be any disturbance. I would abandon the Repeal cause if there was any outbreak. Pon't the people see that their enemies are perfectly prepared with troops, artillery and ammuni lion ' Let the people recollect that it was the fomented rebellion of 17911 that carried the Union (hear.) Give me but that noble tranquillity which I conjured you to observe, and the Repeal is certain (cheers.) The present stall' of armv cannot last here two vears. At me. sent every warlike preparation is marie The UhadnmanttnH (laughter,) the Cerbcrui, and the Proserpine, and I don't know how many other ancient nnme* (laughter.) are ready to convey troop* everywhere through Ireland ; hut I remind the people that the Kmperor of Iluaaia in threatening hngland there are marchings int f recce -and they an- fomenting disturhaneea in Servia (hear, henr,) nnrl r.nglnnd cannot pass two venrs without wanting Ireland ; and military force could never rontrivg to put down a people, provided they kapt themselves always in the right (cheers.) What Is very estraordinnry is, that in that voluminous indictment there is not a single count for a'tcrding an unlaw ful meeting?not ane. They admit that the Repeal Association is a legal hody. We arc now preparing our petitions to Parliament, and wo shall have ?'gnat ,rea equal in number to the six millions four littnred thousand rprriflrd In the hill of indictment- (laughter ami cheer* ) Ireland need have no (car, unless from crimo and violence. With that sentiment on my lips ? with that conviction on my judgment?with that anxiety in my heart?1 rail upon you all to ohide the coming trials with patience and tranquility?(eheera.) hot us look forward to pence during the coming crisis. Pet no man pity me, nor feci that I was a w ronged man?that 1 was an object of compassion after that trial. ' C'cst In crime quo fait la honto, ct non la guillotine.'1 It is the nin e that is disgraceful nnd not the scnfTolil (loud cheers) I have struggled for Ireland- my first speech was against the I Jnion -I have made more speeches since then than nny other mnn, and my private life and public character have been villifb-d beyond measure ; hut while I have the confidence of my countrymen, I rare not for it all?(applause ) It has been suggested to me that if I r on sen tad to abandon the Repeal, the prosecutions would be given up ; or, rven if convicted, the sentence would not ho enforced?that offer was made to mc. I said at once there shall lie no compromise of the Repeal ? I would rot in a dungeon first -(loud nnd enthusiastic cheering ! No, not w hile I have breath will I make a compromise. The Repeal '?(renewed applause )? While I live I shall continue to argue Ireland's right to a domestic parliament; and if f he incarcerated, my pen will enable me to teach my countrymen my sentiments?(cheers.) I rejoice, then, my friends, that we have made this demonstration. Your monster meetings went on until, at the close of them all, they were interrupted by the government, and it was said that that which was pence before would, on the suppression ol those meetings, he rebellion immediately. It was no such thing. Now we can contradict them. They Interfered, lie prevented. There was peace still. I'eace still, is my command peace still, is my entreaty?peace still, and Ireland shall he free?(loud cheering ) Court Calenslar. ' isr.fiT I orHT 33, > }, ")>, .'a;, ,?0, 01,6.) 1,> JO 1.1 17 II, 60, 67, tirt, 70, 31, 6... 3, 40, 47. t owns Pi.kss-44, 10. 4S, 40. It IRK ] RNING, JANUARY 9, 18 City Intelligence. Police. ?Jan.n.?A r?ri!?o Chavisebmaid in Trouble. -About day light on Monday morning, the wife of John 8. rile* of 30 Kli/aboth street, hearing an unusual noise tai ! er room, awoke her husband, who immediately rose and j ommenced searching about the room. Hearing someling mo-R under the bed ho stepped round to the opposite ide and,to his astonishment,found his servant girl, named auc Burton, ciawling from underneath. A light was ohlined, and on searching his pockets, he found that fitW in ank notes had been taken from them, which w ere found ' 1 her possession, in the |>ocket book that she had stolen om bis clothes. Mr. (iiles brought her to the lower po" i ice, w hero she stated, on her examination, that she went i xto the room to get a light, and not to steal. The ovience against her being conclusive, she was fully comlifted to answer the oftence, and will receive two years in lie State prison, at least, as a caution to other servants .'ho may have pilfering notions. She has lived in the irnily of Mr. Giles nearly two years, and, although many i rt icier of jewelry, Ac. have bean missed, yet, until this i iscovery, she has avoided detection. Many ol the burgluies committed in this city may be traced to the participaion of servants, who, by connivance and agreement with l hose rogues, purposely unfasten the doors for their eurance. and give information ol the location of silver pluto n the house, and other valuable property. TheJCourt of lessious have always punished dishonest servuuts with ;reat severity, which should warn those w ho have yet Reaped detection. Coroner's Olllce.?Mosinr, Jan. 8.?The coroner vas culled on Sunday to hold an inquest on board the tcamboat Saratoga, on the body of a man named I'eter ichermerhorii. lie came oil tHiard of that lioat on Monday 1 ast, in a very feeble state of health, and took passage up he river as tar as the boat could proceed, stating that he tad a brother residing about eight miles hark of Kislikill, whom he desired to visit. Thetiont piuceeded upas far is Verplanck's l'oint, and then was compelled to return o this city, owing to the ice. They endeavored to land lim at that place, hut his sickly condition prevented it.? \ physician was called to see him while the boat was at Sing Sing, but lie said he was so far gone with consumn;iou that there wus no use of giving him any more nieilisine. On the return of the boat to this city lie became worse, and died on the evening afterwards. In his (lockets were found fri 63 in small change, and the following note: "Brother Mix?Please see this poor man has lodging hie night ; lie says he is a member of our church ; he is invveir, making his way to hi* father near Witkesbarre. "Yours, L. FULLER." Dr McCorab was called in to examine the body and rave as his opinion that he had died from consumption.? ['he jury returned a verdict to that effect. Cmi.o Si i ioi ated.?A male infant child of George W. tnd Olivia Play lout, aged about two munths, was found lead in bed. He hud been utflicted with acough for sevealduya past, and ditliculty of tireuthiug The mother lurscd him as usual in the evening and laid him in bed, vhere she found his corpse in the morning. Dr. Fredrick Miller examined the boil v and gave an opinion that ledied from " tranchitii.*1 Tne jury returned a verdict iccordingly. Diitheisikii Deatii.?An inquest was held at S67 Greenwich street, to investigate into the causes of the lecease of a German woman named Turtier Lutine, wife if Peter I.utine, The body was the most emaciated we vcr saw, and the cause oi death appeared to have heeu p adiiul, proceeding from a cancer near the left eye, of rightful appearance. Dr. Lewis A. Suyre examined the >odv, and gave as his opinion thut she had died from a :arcinoniatuus uflectiou of the left eye, which had assuned so malignant a character as to cause death. The uiy concurred iu thin opinion. Oeneral Mrulom. lefore Recorder Tallinadge and Aldcimou Vandcrvoort DM rurdy. Iav. 8.?Jonah D. ruin irs,Es<| .Acting District Attorney. Trial Jar Grand Larceny,?F.lias Muxticld, a colored nan, wan tried on an indictment lor grand larceny, aiming on the 15th of .last month from thu store of Mr. Wil. iam T. Church, No. 198 William at reel, a coat worth $40, ind Nome hroad cloth worth $1(1 more. On his arrest he remised to Mr. Church to restore the property, and took rim into Orange street for that purpose ; liut instead of 10 doing, lie leaped from a second story window and lemporarily escaped. Verdict guilty, and the Court senenced him to the State prison for three years and three months. .Inother.? William R. Hunt alius Heppart, was next tried also for a grand larceny, in stealing on the lhtli of September last, a gold watch worth $140 from Mr. Robert Sowers one of the boarders at that time at the franklin House in Broadway. The watch was traced to his poslessioii, and also to that of June Montgomery with whom he cohabited, and pawned hv her. Verdict guilty, and the Court remanded him to be tried on a second indictmain ft.. . like qUince. *1nother.?CJotHrcy Crawbuck was tried for stealing a carcass of beef .Vc. worth $40, on the night of the 14th of Dec. last from roe slaughter house of William Biiggs, 186 Ninth st. He acknowledged his guilt ami the jury lound hiin guilty. The Court sentenced Crawbuck, as he w as an old offender and hail been twice before in the state prison, to a further incarceration tor 4 years und H months. .Inotlin-.? Isaac Bcudder, a colored man, was then tried lor stealing on the ISth of Dec. last, a black horse, valued at $400, the property of Mr. Stephen H. t lark, 148 Greenwich street. He was arrested with the animal in his pox session as he was proceeding to Harlem with it. Verdict guilty, and the < ourt sentenced him to the state prisou for 4 years and 6 months. Hurglaru in the third degree.? William Kennedy alia* James Williams alias John A. Williams, was then tried for a burglary in breaking open the loft of Messrs. \V. Mackay St Co., {corner of Cherry und Corlies street, on 45th Nor., and stealing therefrom 1500 lbs. of hemp rigging woftli $1(10. The property was lound in the jtinkstore of a female named Hanneit, 1191 Cherry street, where he had dis)iosed of it at various times. The jury lound the prisoner guilty, and the Court sentenced him to he confined in the state prison for 4 years and nine months. Hail Forfeited.?Joseph Oulick, the military tine collector. from New Jersey, was called to trial for an assault J ami battery on Fraud's Phillips ; he'lid not appearand hi* bail, Horace K. Clark, in $30M, wan about to be forfeited, when Mr. Clark appeared and the forfeiture wai waved, and the trial set down for Wednesday. Also, the trial lor an assault committed by him on Mr*. Catherine M. reck, I'elrg Wansley and John Young severally indicted lor a?sault and bntterv. not appearing, their bail was lorfeited. Adjourned to Tuesday at 11 o'clock. Court of Oyer unit Terminer. Before Judge Kent and Aldermen Woodhull and F.mmans. Jan. 8?Winder 7'ria/l f'hA/ponrd.?Willium l.eut/.a, who stands indicted Ibr murder and arson, appeared in Court attended by his counsel, Mr. Thomas Warner, but. at the suggestion of the I burt, the trial was jiostponcd for one week. The fourth Ward Murder.?William Jones, who stands indicted for the murder of James Doyle at a political row in the Fourth Ward, in the month of October last, wa? placed at the bar and arraigned. James M. Smith, junr., appeared axJJones's counsel, and, owing to the peculiar circumstances attending the arrest of Jones at New Orleans, the learned counsel asked the Court to give him a week for consultation w ith the prisoner and his friends, before fixing the day for trial to he taken. The Court assented to this proposition and the prisoner will lie brought up again on Monday next. The new panel of Jutors were then called and sworn, after which the < burt adjourned. Circuit Court. Before Judge Kent. Jan. R.?.1 Chancery Defalcator?Hiram Walwoilh VI Henry Waring. ? In this rase the plaintiff was one of the clerk's of the Court of Chancery, and the defendant resident of the city of Brooklyn, and the action Was brought on a bond which the delendunt had given to secure tl.e payment of certain defalcations which the Court of Chancery had Kuliered at the hands of Nathaniel K. Waring, oiico a Master and Receiver in Chancery. It appeared that, in the year 18311 or iai7, Mr. Nathaniel K Waring wns appointed a Master in Chancery by |?litical influence, and that bis father the defendant became hi* surety to the t burt. In the course ol those speculative times, the Master in t|iiestion turd certain monies w hich bail come into his bands in bis official capacity, to further some speculations in real estate ami stocks, whirh speculations failing, the < ourt of which lie wus an othcer was compelled to tall back on bis surety, in order to save tlic 1 property of certain orphan children, \l ho otherwise would he destitute. Mr Waring, the defendant In this suit, proposed that certain bonds and mortgages held by him from citl/.ens in nnd around Brooklyn, should be placed in the custody of the Court, and that he w ould give a new bond in rase the securities thus ottered should not he sufficient to rover the defalcation. This oltor was accepted, and in due course of law, thu bonds were enforced, and they failing to produce the needful, the mortgages Were foreclosed, but owing to the depreciation in real estate since the speculative mania, the ( ourt renlir.ed only the sum of ten dollars towards tho defalcation. I'ndet these cirenni stances the ( ourt had recourse to the bond of the defendant, and hence the present action. Kor the defence it was set up that due diligence was not used by the Court in enforcing payment ol the lands, nnd of foreclosing the mortgages, or much more might have been realUcdtowards.thc claim which was hanging over the head of tho delendont, Several witnesses were examined to sustain thu allegation,lint they tailed to convince either the Court oi|ltiry. Verdict for the plaintiff, damages *1,S3S l?. Court of Common Hltas. Before .fudge Ulshoeffer. Jsx. H.?IIme ' John Smith" had hit Cloak taken la I'oy hin Hoard Hilt Halheir fK. Ilaldirin vs. John Tracy and Charlotte Thrall. In this case one of the defendants is an officer of the Marine Court, and (he other a lady well known In this community as the keeper of a very fashionable boarding house. Some time last summer the lady took in John Smith to board, and after atimeJohn Smith took her in by marching oil without paying his bill,which amounted to near fiSO. The lady sued John in the Marine Court, and got a judgment which the lady assigned to some one else,and the assignee put it in the bands of Tracy to collect. Tracy went to John's office, and found there n handsome ormolu clock and ease, which were worth about filfNt and these the officer made free to carry off,and John Smith's board bill was paid. This, however, did not end the trouble, for Mr Baldwin, the pUlntiffin this suit, stepped in and claimed to be tho owner of the ormolu clock, which lie said he bought by public auction, and afterwards placed again in the office of John Smith for sale on commission, and thereupon he tiled out a w rit of replevin, and henre the present notion. To sustain theease John Smith himself was placed upon tho stand, and he swore that the clock was the hona fide property ol the plaintiff, who had bought it in gwnd faith. The rase went to the jury under the charge ol fudge Ulshoeffcr, and after a short consultation a verdict waa ound for the delendnnts. HERA 44. Common Council. BotRD or Aldkhmkn?Monday, Jan. h?Aid. Purdjr, President, in Uw chair. . Public liallmj of Fiur ?A petition from J. Herrick Fisher and others, asking for the submission of tho ijueslle.. ?f ..eee,;,,., ., nuhlie v-illrrv .if fine lirf? fri the eh tiz.ens of our city. The petition is numerously signed, t [iml was referred to tlie I 'onunittce on Arts and Sciences. ) Ijtatt of Pier foot of Ihiane street.?An application of j the trustees of the Ne w 1 oik and hrie ltailroad, for lease . of wharf foot of Duane street, was referred. Increase of Pay of Keeper oj Halls oj Justice?A petition of Stephen Heustis, lor increase of pay, was referred to Committee on Salaries. faying Butcher Premiums?'Tho Committee on Markets and Finance re|>orlcd in favor of returning to the butchers a jmrtion ot the money paid by them for premium of purchase of market stalls, and also recommend the sale of certain portions of the several markets to meat this expense, ciz :?Clinton Market; seven lots on West street, $9 1,600; vi\ on llohoken street, $15,300; one on t anal street, $1,800. Monroe Market, four lota on Monroe street, $5,600; four lots on (irand street, $8,600. F.ssrx Market?175 feet on <irami street, 50 feet deep, 5>3tl.900. The whule of Greenwich Market, $-1,000. Total estimate of sales, $86,600. hxpeuse of altering Kssex Market, $0,000. The claim of the butchers, it is said by the Committee, will not exceed $40,000 Tho premium paid was $77, >80 76. The report was ordered to be printsd, and will he acted upon at the next meeting. Repairing Pier No. 30 Kant Hirer.?A report from the Hoard ol Assistants non-concurring with this hoard in rebuilding pier No. 36, but recommending the repair of the western side at an expense not exceeding $1000, which 1 was concurred in. lhain in lOlh street.?A report from the Committee on ] Roads and Canals, in favor of building a drain in 10th < street, between 6th and 7th avenues, and in the 7th avenue | from 19th to 'JOtli streets?was adopted. j Paying Francis hlair?The Committee oil Streets re- i ported in favor of puv ing Kruncis Blair a portion of the de- , inund claimed by him for extra lalior in constructing a sewer in 7th street. The sum agreed upon in the Board ' of Assistants was $707 73 for extra timber, $4 to 70 for extra labor, anil $93 for additional work This Board re- i ported in favor of granting $1,163 73 to Mr. Blair, and to Montgomery and Kennedy $93 74 for extra work done by , them on this sewer Oil Contract?The Camp and Gas Committee reported that they had contracted with A. & I). Kingsland for 10,000 gallons of w inter strained sperm oil at 86} cents per gallon. C. V. B. Ostrander ottered proposals at 91 cents per gallon, and Samuel Judd it Sons at 90 cents. Alderman Nash said he understood that the oil now used was believed to be adulterated, as he had been so informed by an oil dealer as well as the lamp-lighters, lie was anxious to know;whether the Committee had tested the oil under their own observation, or whether they trusted to others to judge fur them. AJdermnn Bninos said that they trusted to the 9uperin tendent of I,amps nnd Gas, who tested the oil in various ways. Alderman Nasii was anxious to have the subject referred back or to a Special Committee, but the Chairman of the Committee stating that the contract had been made and part of the oil delivered?he withdrew it for another opportunity. The report whs then ordered on file. 1'ayinf Mr. Prick Jnr Pip*.?The Croton Aqueduct Com- | mittee presented a rejxrrt in fuvor of pay ing J. W. Drick, being the balanceof his contract for supply ing wa- , ter pipe, the Comptroller refusing to pay the demand be- , cause Mr. Morris, the Superintendent of the Croton Watir ] Works, refuses to sign the bill. Alderman Watermax moved to lay on the table, in | order to give the Superintendent an opportunity to stule the reasons w hy he refuses to sign said bill. ] Alderman Li e responded, and said that it was personal prejudice alone that caused the Superintendent to refuse ; ( that the pipes of Mr. Brick had been tested in the usual manner ami found to be full proof, and that the pipes had j been used by the Corporation. Alderman Tti.i.otr advocated lay ing an the table to give < the superintendent an opportunity to explain. Alderman Nash said lie thought the money should be paid, us they had been tested and used, Tlio resolution to lny on the table was lost, and the original resolution to pay the balance due w as adopted. Injury by Croton It'atrr.?Severul applications for payment for injuiies received by overflow of Croton w Hter that were referred) to the CrotonW ater Committee, were re|Kirtcd against. I'ottrri' h'itld Fence.?Aldermnn Hswsnx offered a resolution calling upon the suporinte'ndiint of repairs toremove the south fence of Potter's Field. It,,,...,, ?A lili'muiii WnvDMis nreselited it resolution enquiring Into tlie expediency of establishing an Insurance Bureau. SuveriiUmdent of Repniri-?Alderman Scores intro,lured a resolution enquiring into the oftleinl ccnduct of the Superintendent of Repairs The Hoard then adjourned till the '.''id instant. In Chanrtry, Before the Vice-Chancellor. Jax. H.- Dei isiox? Benjamin V. lYhrtlwright vs. Oti? Isttmtr, et all.- In this case his Honor issued the following decree :?That the lot of laud, which was the subject of the cross suit, be discharged from any further lien or incumbrance of Mr. Wheelwright's mortgage, leaving it to be sold for the jiny merit of Mr. Depuy star's mortgage in the suit under the cross-bill; and that a decree be entered to compute the sum due him, that the master do proceed to sell the lot. and pay Detmysler the amount of his mortgage as also the costs of the cross-suits, heyond what would have been incurred hy any ordinnry proceedure under a bill and (orccInsure. Tiie Sri'heme Court.?Tlie January term of the Supreme Court commenced itsseaeion at the Capitol in this city, on Monday the 1st day of January inst . w ith an unusual large calendar, being over 370 causes. Jvs.'i.?Present- Mr. I Mef Justice Nelson. Mr. Justice Bronsou mid Mr. Justice Cow-en. This being nonenumerated day, the Court proceeded with that business. The People vs. Parker, Sheriff ol Oneida. 1st call on attachment and default entered. The people ex. rel. Mechanics ' and Farmers' Bank, Albany, vs. .strj ker Sheriff of Kings. The like. The People ex. rel. the Hudson h ire Insurance Company, vs Pardee, Sheriff of Monroe The like. The People ex. rel. Lamb, vs. Miller, KheritF of Columbia. The like The People ex rel. Cong worth, vs. Mart, late Sheriff of New York. Ordered, thiit the default of Cornelius II. Archer, late Coroner of New York, he entered, and that an attachment issue against him. Wells, sheriff of Washington, ads the People, ex. rel. Kly. Order for the appearance of defendant on attachment.? The People ex rel. Andrews, vs. Hmd, late Sheriff of New York. Order for the default of Cornelius B. Archer, late coroner of New \ ork and that an attachment non-bailable issue against him ?The People ex. rel Htillvvell, vs. Ilart, late Sheriff of New York. The like order.?The People ex. rel. Tompkins county Bank, vs. Same. The like order.? Barhyte vs. Barhyte and al Petition for division of certain premises, and that defendants appear and show title, ana answer said petition in twenty days or judgment. ?Porter and wife and al. vs. Dutcher and a'. Order forappointment of guardian for minors?in order to proceedings for partition of certain promises. -Sanders vs Scott. Judgment for plaintilfon demurrer us frivolous.?Hill and al. vs. Thompson. Ditto.?White vs. Vail. Ditto.?Kirkham and al. vs Bull. Oilld.-?Peck and al. versus Van Wj ck ami nl. Ditto. -Hopkins vs. Brock and al Ditto ? Waldo vs. Disosway, Impleaded, kc , do. HtrcflS and al, vs. and al., do. Oneida Bank vs Hcovil ami al . do Stockton vs. Marchisc, do. Biddleman vs. Ilaight and al , do. Albany City Bank vs. Heed and al , impleaded, kc , do. Same vs. same, do. Van Rensselaer vs. Peck, do. Montoyne vs. Carr and al., do. Clark mid al. vs. Lockwood, do. Broom vs. Cornwall and al , do. Conovcr vs. Tillotson. <) Bridges vs. Colbnrn, do. Keep vs. Woodford and a!., do. Wulbridge vs. Rowley, motion for new trial denied. I'eck and al vs. Vnn Wyck; order to put cause on calendar. The People vs. Costello; order to put cause on calendar. Kill vs. 1st Methodist Protestant Society in Lenox, Madison county; order to confirm service of Summons. The Court then took up the calendar, and beard the argument of the Pillowing causes : No. 9- The People ex. id. Kiting niul at. vs. the Common Council o( Hudson, M T. Reynolds forplaintiftM, K Miller fofdefen dants. No. Jlt?Paschall arid al. v*. Miller ; A. (iibb* lor plaintiffs, I). B. Noxon for defendants. Jan. .1?TIi* People vs. I.ittcll. Judgment for People against defendant oii (hfi indictment in thi* cans*?no oppetition The People v?. JohiikCn same. Ilonier and al. v*. Wood, impleaded, Jcc. Motion tor net trinl denied no opposition. The Merchants'and Mechanics' PsnU *s. Colborn, impleaded. Sic. Judgment (or plaintiff*, on frivolous demurrer. The Merchants' and Mechanics' Hank is l.ivingslon, impleaded, tkr. Judgment for plaintiff", on frivolous demurrer. The Merchants' and Mechanics' Bank vs. Reed and al. Judgment for plaintiffs, on frivolous demurrer. Hathaway vs Cower Motion for new trial granted?no opposition. The Court then heard argument on the following Calendar cause* : No. 16? Overseers of Poor ol Hebron vs. Mr. Kalrchild and lolin ( rnry fbr plaintiff*. < I,. Allen and B I). .Noxon tor defendant. No. JN Bennett ads. Me- cli and others. No. 30?Brown ami al. ad* Paddock. Jin I. This tiring iioii i :i*?n ei to I lay. Hie t our'. pro r.-cited to that business, ( lark ind til. vs. Corkwood? Motion to st i ike cause Irom calendar- granted, with costs; no opposition. Morgan v?. Thomas mid al.-- Motion to siiikc cause from calendar, and judgment for plaint in' granted, with costs. Thomas anil al. ml*. Morgan?Motion to strike cause from calcndat -denied, with cost*. Smith arid al. v? ( rocker Motion to strike came from calendar granted ? itli cost*, end juegment for plaintiff; no op|io*itlon. Hall and al vs l.amard?.Motion to strike cause froin calendar? granted, with costs. Woodruff ads. ( raft and al Motion to stuke cause from calendar, and judgment for defendant?granted, with costs. The People ex. rel. Mechanics' ami Farmers' Bank of Albany vs. Sinker, sheiitf, second call on attachment?Order for default, and that relator have leave to prosecute bond, or issue non-bailable attachment The People ex rel. I amh vs. Miller, vhrrilf Second call on attachment ? Order for default, and that relator have leave ta prosecute hond, or issue tion-baiI?ble attachment The People ex rel. the Hudson I-ire and Insurance' ompsny vs. Pardee, Hheritl. (iriler, for default, and that n latni have leave to prosecute hond, or issue non-bailatde at tachment?The Peoplcex. rel ( orlies arid si vs. Parker, Hherilf?2d call on attachment. Order for default, ami that attachment bond be delivered to relators for prosecution ? Wells, Sheriff of Washington county, ads. the Pen pie OX rel. f ly Oi ler for appearance of defendant, and that relator ami people In c ill. ,1 to prosecote the abaci, ment agairrst ileferidiurt; and on being called, did riot appear; it was turther ordered that defendant be discharged, and that ho cover costs to Is' taxed The Court then pro reeded to hear argument* ef calendar rairsen n? follows No 31 Nichols vs An tMe and al K. Miller for plaintiff, and II. Ilogclroom for defendant. New trial denied N'o 31, Wagner ads House II Adams and N. Hill, Jr. for defendant. an ) Daniel < ady for plnintifl. January* The follow ing calendar causes were argilnd No IT, Dygert ads Austin Judd ami Holmes for plaintiff and Kirltlnml and Bacon for defendant No 41). ( astir- and wife vs. Mathews snd al A. Schuyler tor plaintiffs, and Humphreys and ( liahing for defendants 11 1 LD. Prtc? Two Coots. Fashionable Bwari wonting at Solrooo. Waveri.y Place, Jan. fi, 1844. ,\mes (lorbon bennett, Ksq.t? Dear Sir :? Am 1 am ii stranger in your city, perhaps you A'ill have the kindness to enlighten me with regard :o h custom 1 have witnessed at all the parties 1 nave attended this season?1 mean the practice of purloining the (lowers and ornaments from the auppcr table ; and even the tables in the withdrawing rooms 1 have seen riffled of their sweets before halt the company had assembled. A tew nights since nt a fashionable house where the bouijuet in the centre of the table cost the master of the mansion fifty dollars, I saw a dozen fair hands demolish it before thirty persons had entered the sapper rooms or had a view of it ; but this was not all; in a few minutes 1 perceived the beautiful bon-bons and other decorations, which could nrif luiuwililt' liuVn Kuuit uotut. ... L. a .. s.w? j/vnniu.j ...??* uytH aratCII III 3U felHUl il ry?*VC VI time, had all likewise disappeared. This wemrd to me like magic, and while I wan peering around resolved to fathom the mystery, 1 heard a mild, interesting looking lady say, .Do give me borne more of those mottoes, (if you can tind any) for bob ; these are all for sissy, holding up her cambric thrust full of sweets. Now, this may be considered veiy genteel in New York ; but in London, or Paris, we should call it real, right down pilfering; and any male or female guilty of such conduct, would be excluded from society. Perhaps your Gothamites may excuse themselves on the plea of following the Koniuii custom, that each guest might despatch to Ins own residence the dish which most pleased urn ; hut they did not do this until the feast was iiushed ; for they would have thought it sacrilege 0 mutilate what was intended to beautify. Perhaps it is a habit derived from tbeir Dutch im pstors. 1 Not at all?it is only modern ttwartwouting.] At all events, my curiosity is very great un the subject. I have some idea of giving a parly, myself; but, then, your citizens may take a fancy to my silver forks and spoons, wlucn, by-the-by, 1 think they would be quite as justifiable in appropriating In themselves as flowers and bon-bons. Yours, very respectfully^ A Traveller. Very Late ikom Texas.?We have received advices from Galveston to the 27th ult. by an arri val at New Orleans. The Texan Congreiw assembled on the 11th and the President sent in his message. We make a few extracts therefrom :? Relative to England lie cay* : The uniformly active and friendly which iler Britannic Majesty 's government has, at the earnest request of thla, interposed |between Texas and Mexico, cannot fail to he regarded as highly gratifying evidence of ju generous ana friandly Jisposition, and of a disinterested desire to produce results, is far as may be compatible with the relations subsisting between tire at Britain and Mexico, in complete accorJance w ith the assurances w hich have been given. Nor lias the Executive any distrust that all professions on the part of Iler Britannic Majesty's government will not be efficiently fulfilled. France continues to manifest the most friendly disposition towards Texas, as a proof of which that government has proposed the establishment of a line of steamships between the two countries, which the President considers a very important desideratum, for its tendency to increase commerce, and afford facilities lor the transmission of intelligence and fur emigration A Charge d'AH'aircs to the Netherlands hasbeen appointed siiicc the adjournment of the last Congress, and empowered to form commercial treaties wills Belgium and the lianse 1 owns. Commerce with these latter had already opened, and it increasing. The Bremun States have communicated a resolution declaring that, upon the adoption of a similar resolution by the Texan Government, commercial relations shall lie established between both, upon a reciprocal footing. This subject claims the early attention of Congress. The Texan Minister at l'nris has 'been empowered to open relations with the Spanish Government, provided he can give it his attention. The importance of a commercial treaty with Spain, on account of the contiguity to Cuba, which would aflonl a market for many of the products of Texas, the President says would seem to demand early exertions to open the intercourse. lie recommends the appointment of a diplomatic agent at the Court of Spam, if the means of the nation willjnatily it. On the subject oi the relations existing between Texas and the United States, he says? hrum the communcen ent of our national existence until within the last spring and summer, no circumstance of an unpleasant character had occurred between tba United States and Texas. It is true, that the treaty of amity, navigation and commerce, concluded at Washington in July, lHl'j, for causes unknown to the Executive, was not atified bv the Government ol the former ; but it is possible that tlit- action necessary to its ratification will yet be taken. It may, how ever, admit of a doubt, If the rejection of that treaty may not prove signally advantageous in the end, to our own citizens, for it will be recollected that, by a comparatively small expenditure, the course of trade may he turned from th? Red River into our own |iorts and commercial tow ns, through the medium ol a turnpike or railroad and the Ichannels of our own rivers. Indeed, it is natural always to prefer the least obstructed and most ad\ untagroiis way to market. And the time may not be far distant when a rich commerce, which has hitherto lound its way to the ocean through the rivers and jajrts of other countries, will be poured into our own, and materially assist in building up and supporting our institutions. It is with sincere regret that I feel called upon to lay before the Honorable ( ungress, the fact of an infraction of iiiir r?*Vf*ntii* Ijiivm lit (lip t'llifittn nf Mw? StatM mi. tended witli ciministances of u very unpleasant character. .... Tlic characteristic magnanimity of the U. Htates, their immediate nrightiorhood to this country, and all the circumstance* connected therewith, induce Out ladief that speedy an<l ample justice will he accorded to Texas and all cause of complaint cease to exist. On the aubiectof the currency, the President refers to the fact that there was no currency and no credit when he came into oftice, and no prospect of obtaining the means of conducting the affairs ul government, and that < otigress had found it necessary to declare their Inability to redeem the tiaper which had been issued, estimated at $l!l,1)00,000 i that lie had recommended a plan for a currency to Congress, which was partly adopted, some of the guarantees, essential in his opinion, to restore confidence and ensure the redemption of the new currency being withheld i that notwithstanding the wants and difficul ties of the government, the taxes were greatly reduced ami their collection postponed, and the government left to rely solely on the im)>ort duties, which, from the unsettled state of the country, were very limited, and that un der these cireumstances the experiment of creating and sustaining the new currency was made, the conseauenre of which was that the value of exchequer bills fell to 24 on the dollar. The President says that it is necessary the country should he supplied with a circulating medium,which may he effected by issuing no more exchequers at any!one time than the government can redeem ill gold and silver. Ho estimates the amount of lulls now in circulation at about $13,000, and says there is no reason to anticipate any emergency to require any larger issue than the government can control or rcdrem. The President recommends the exclusion of all foreign bank paper, from which the chixens have auatelned great losses by its depreciation end being so much counterfeited. lie further recommends the prohibition and suppression of all hank pt]ier issued within the republic and intended to circulate as a currency, and thinks that it w until go Isr to sustain the national currency end enable the government to furnish a circulating medium. lie then goes on te show that Texas has done all in her power, consistent with a dun regard to self-existence, to preserve, under adverse circumstances, the national faith, and says that Texas litis never mtertained the design of repudiation. The President recommend* the repeal of all lews authorizing foreign loans, for the reason thst the action unde.rthem has hitheito been attended with serious Injury , and lie considers the resources of the country amply sufficient nqt only to sustain the government, but to discharge all its liabilities. The revenue has been commensurate to the support of the government for the last six years, end there is now a small surplus in the Trrasury. It i* said that the Tsxan ' ommissioners for concluding an armistice between Texas and Mexico have written from Monterey, that prace can be maintained by nothing short of the submission of Texas to Mexico. It is estimated that the quantity of Texas cotton which will pass through New Orlesni this year, will reach from HO to 100,000 bales. , ?- .i cnnOdentlv stated, had already taken ' "'iR.' "< ' ? the subject nl the annexation of Ttaaa to the United States into i"imcit consideration) ami it waa rnmoreil at (hilvi Ktcn that that body had determined upon again applying f'ir the admission of Texas into onr Union. At n meeting reeently held In Colorndo raiinty, Colonel Kiiwrard Borleion m nominated for the I'reaidency. The heavy rain* and high waters throughout the country are a aid materially to have injured the crop*. A new iort of government eurreney, it la aaid, baa appeared in the llalvewtnn market It la' atylnl eaah drafti, and ia reeeivable for government dnee.but without authority, it ia believed, of law. Qcj- A young American in Ktuwua thus writes about the American-built steamers Kamaehatka and tlie Kmperor "St f'eterabilig, !<ept 10, I MM I told von in my laat that the Kmperor had gone to Berlin. Ha went away in the Kamaehatka. Aa uanal with him, h? w.ia caught in a aevereatorm, and I felt anxious to learn how our American rralt behaved on the Baltic in auck elrcumatincei, with ao precious a freight. To my sorrow 1 heard from nil quarters, a few days after, that the steamer was really good for nothing. The partlrnlar* wero given with no much cirriimatance that I really thought they were coneet. when, yeaterday, from an undoubted loittee. I heard that his Majesty waa delighted, and j.n-aenled tharaptain with IMH) silver rouldea (about xW dollari). and made other handsome present* to all on board So much for tlie slanders on otir artisans Wn earry the day in spite of all opposition, and cant and won t be beat, but ran jand will beat all aur enemies tn iny way tbey wish to try us."