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graded by the low Billingsgate alang we heard yesterday, we had better ceaae legislation. McCeaecLL?1 rise to order, air, ao far aa the majority is concerned; we've acted in more than a respectful mani ner toward* the minority?(Laughter.) Stcw*kt?Sir, I am not to be put down by any vulgar interruptions. Met merrtLL?Then you shunt assail the conduct of the majority oti this floor?(Laughter.) Sri-UiR r ?Sir. I repeat, that so long OS this course of vulgar interruption is pursued?of abuse?low slang? c lie* of "Liar, liar, villain," and so on; the rights of the minority are most grossly tratnplrd on. But. sir, 1 am not to he diiveu from my course?from my high duty as a representative?by this vulgar conduct I shall not descend hereafter to notice such things. I can- I liot stoop to settle important i shuts of legislation by u fist fight, or u brawl in the streets, : thut would render a national legislator liable to be | taken up by a watchman. 1 shall not notice hereafter ; any such low attacks in this House, any moro than I would it any blackguard friend of Mr. Van Buren's was I to assuil me with vulgar epithets as 1 passed through the streets. Sir, I lio|ie there will be a reformation in this House iu regard to this matter, or the lust vestige of civil liberty and parliatnentarydecorum will soon be destroyed, llut w hether there is a reformation or not, I tell them that I shall adhere to my principles, and to my position. 1 will on till proper occasions hereafter, as 1 have tlonu be- ' lore, attack the conduct of that administration, because I believe, so help me God, that the policy of that man and lii. a (ministration has broken down commerce, prostrated agriculture, manufactures, and everything else, and almost rained the co mtry. And 1 now leave it to this House to say whether anything which I uttered could justify the gross, the vulgar, assaults that have been made upon me and the party to which 1 belong f Sir, I shall not notice these low assaults by a resort to fisticuffs, or u tight in any other wav. And if I were a fighting man, sir, which I am not, I could not fight all who nave assailed me, sir. 1 shall not notice them in any other way thuu I have already done. The oulyerrorwhii.h I committed was in permitting myself to notice them at all ; arid that error I promise the House shall never be repeated Mr. Holsiks, (rising with gravity)?Sir, under the peculiar circumstances of this case. I wish to offer a resolution. (He sent it to the Clerk's desk.) Spkakkr?It can only be done by general consent. Cries ol "read?read?read-", (reading,) Hnalceit, that the Committee on the Judiciary be instructed toennuire into the expediency of repealing the law in this District against dueling. Screnins of laughter followed the reading Speaker?Can only he received by unanimous consent. Several Members?No objection?no objection to that, now. Mr. M'Connki.i.?'There is no objection, sir, unless the member from Pennsylvania, himself, (Stewart) objects. Hoars of laughter followed, and the House broke up at 4 o'clock in the greatest excitement and confusion. From St. Lucie.?An extract of n letter, to a commercial house in this city, from St. Lucie, under date of the 3d instant, says?"Fort Pierce was consumed hy fire immediately after my arrival here. Many lost their all. I suffered as much as any one. The srhr. General Wm. Washington, from your port, was wrecked on the bar going out, and was sold for $130. She has since beuu got off and sent to Key West for sale by the purchasers.?Savannuh Gton-ian, Jan, 17. Supreme Court United States, Jan. 20.?Present as yesterday. On motion of Mr. Webster, Edgar 8. Van Winkle, Esq., of New York, and, on motion of Mr. Hallet, Charles G. Havens, Esq., of New Voi k, were admitted Attorneys and Counsellors of this Court.?No. i7. John Randel, Jr., appellant, vs. William L. Ciown. The argument of this cause was commenced by Mr. J. It. Ingersoil for the appellant. Adjourned till Monday, XI o'clock, A. M. LATEST SUUTHKK1I SHIP NEWS Richmond, Jau 19? Art Jabez L White, Corsou, New Bedford. NoBFOi.K. Jau 18?Cld Mary Chilton. Roaers, Writ Indies Sid A' u I), Bedell, NYo'k. Arr 19'h. Virginia, Jordan, New Orleans; Louisiana. Marsh, New Sin) ma. EK. Charleston Jau 18?Arr Ouly Son, Moore, Att kapas. In the olihiK, a barque nod 2 arlirs. Savannah. Jan 17?Sid Ex ict, Johnson. NYork. Attakapas, Jan 4?Sid Abby Amelia, Colburn, Richmond; John Kendall, Robertson, NYork. (ft?- ANYTHING DONE TO SATISFY THE ENDS of a good aim should meet with the decided approbation of every good philanthropist We attended, per receipt of a flattering invitation, tho Fair in the church in Madison street corner Catharine street, and we must express ourHelves decidedly in fnvor of any such movement as this The lathes deserve a high encomium for the spirited manner they have got up this innocent mode of raising a fund for church nurnnaeu Vnii ,?ill n.H'sliin ..,,1 in a stylo of profusion, the richest confectionery; added to this are neat articled of wearing apparel, made by the iair hands of our best daughters, and so on; we might recapitulate a host of other articles. It will be open to-day, tomorrow, and Wednesday commencing, at 2 o'clock P. M., and closing at 10 P. M. {SJ- PRIVATE MEDICAL AID.?The members of the New York College of Medicine and Pharmacy, in rereturning the public thanks for the liberal support the) have received m their efforts to " suppress quackery," beg leave to state that their particular attention continues to he directeil to nil diseases of a private nature, and from the great improvements lately made in the principal hospitals of Europe in the treatment of those diseases, thei can confidently otfer to persons requiring medical aid a.l vantages not to be met with in any institution in this country, either public or private. The treatment of the College i? such as to insure success in ever v case, and i= totally different from that >Hiru r cits practice of ruining the constitution with mercury, an 1 in most cases leaving u disease inuch worse than the original. One of the members ol the < allege ,tor many years connected with thu principal hospital* of r urope, attend* daily lor a consultation from 9 A.1I. to S P.M. Terms?Advice and medicine, $."> A cure guaranteed Impost ant to Cocntrv Invalids.?Persons living in the country and not finding it convenient to attend per tonally, can have forwarded to them a chest containing all medicines requisite to perform a perfect cure by stating their ca-? e.vplintl), together with all symptoms, time ol contraction and treatment received elsewhere, if any and enclosing ?3, post paid, addressed to W. 8 ItK IIAKDSON, Agent. Office and Consulting rooms of the College, 93 Nassau stieot fX?- BOUR.ARD'S HA 111 UPROOTING POWDERS. Ladies A:i?l others can have this tested before they purchase, or w, agiee to retuni tke money unless it removes ever) particle of hair wherever it is applied; and in order that poor or rich may rise it, we have reduced its price to only tilty cents a bottle. She was red haired, end Iter face disgusting with eruptions and freckles. We need tiot tell those who knew her that her skin is now beautifully clear, ami that she has tine dark hair. Well, well, there's fifty others that were like her, but have altered by using the Italian f'hemical Soap tor the skin, and Jones' Coral Hair Restorative for the hair. Now, these two articles, old by Jones of 8) Chatham street, are the most excellent things we ever knew. There is a man living in Motl street, whose face was like small pox, with pimples, freckles, lie , and this soapcleared it; also chapped flesh The oil we need not speak of?it is the bcRt thing ever made tor the hair. They are both sold very reasonable, indeed cheap. But mind, the soap is sold no whore genuinein this city but at the sign of the American Eagle, 89 Chatham street; if you get it anv where else, it is a counterfeit, quite useless. Kohl in Boston, 8 State street; 3 Ledger Buildings, Philadelphia; 139 Kulton street, Brooklyn 0rj~ CONSTITUTIONAL DEBILITY CURED ?The Tonic Mixture, prepared by the College of Medicine and I'tinrmacy of the city of New York, is now confidentjv recommended and prescribed by the first medical practi tioners of the city, lor ail cases of debility produced either by secret indulgence or excess oi any kind detrimental to the constitution. It is an invaluable remedy for impotence, sti-nlity, or barrenness (unless depending on malformation) and will be found highly beneficial in all complaint* arising fiom a debilitated state of the constitution. Hold in single tiottles $1 each; in cases of half a d07.en $ft; oan-fully packed ami sent to ail parts of the Union. Ottice and Consulting Rooms of the College, 97 Nussau street. W. ri. RICHARDSON, Agent. (W- OR. TAYLOR'S BALSAM OK LIVERWORT, 375ibowcry, for the cure of consumption and liver complaint, coughs, colds, spitting of blood,{catarrh, asthma, difficulty at breathing, pain in the side, palpitation of the heart, oppression and soreness of the chest, pleurisy, hee tic IfVtr, 111gtit sweats, difficult and profuse expectoration and all art'ections of the chests and lung*. ?The public am cautioned not to place too much confidence in the many certificate* which arc published by the venders of spurious and pretended cough remedies, n* they are in many instances fal?e, and have names attached to them of persons who have never existed: therefore we ray. do not lie satisfied with a certificate unless you ran see the original. The genuine Taylor's Bals-im of Liverwort is prepared nnd sold at 373 Bowery ? also lor sale down town only by O. J. Leeds, wholesale druggist, I J't Maiden lane. If you are troubled with a rough 01 cold, or any disrate approximating to consumption, or if you have consumption itself, (i( not past all hope) i< soit immediately to this remedy, and do not be pot atf wjth any other medicine, as it not only relieves the cold or cough, but makes an effectual cure N. B 1'iice reduced?largo bottles $1 fiO; small bottles pleach. Op- PROFESSOR VELPEAU'8 CELEBRATED PILLS, for the cure of Oonorrhoea, Gleet, Fluor Albus, and all mucopurulent discharges from the Urethra. These Pills arc warranted to elfeet a cure in half the time taken by the old treatment, without tainting the brent h, disagreeing with the stomach, or confinement from business Price $1 per box. Office and consulting rooms of the College of Medicine and Pharmacy, 07 Nassau street W. 8. RICHARDSON, Agent. OTP- REV. MR. 8PAimV, OF THIS CITV, HAS used Dr. Sherman's celebrated Wotm Lozenge* in his family with the most decided benefit. His children were troubled with worms, and a few do?et of the Lozenge* brought them away in large quantities, and restored the children to the enjoyment o( perfect health, lie recommends thtin in preference to any vermifuge known, as being altogether the safest, most expeditious and certain in their effects. Dr. Sherman's warehouse is 106 Nassau Agent" ?-J'?" 11<1 '1?on st, Its Bowery, 77 E??t Broadway, SO William ?t Im Fulton street, Brooklyn, and ;i Ledger Building", Philadelphia. (h7- H [CORK'S PARISIAN ALTERATIVE MIXTl RE. for the permanent cure of primary or aecondnry Syphilis, and *11 complaint* arising lrom tno n?e of Mercury?guaranteed to euro. Hold in single Imttles f I each, in ram - of half dorcn Aft, carefully packed and rent to all par'" nltl o onion. Oltice and consulting room* of the ( oll'a'e of M"di 'inc anil Pharmacy, 97 Narsnu street. W. H, RICHARDSON, Agent. ftj. CONSTITUTIONAL DEBILITY CURED.?The I Tonic Ml* ore prepared by the College of Medicine and ! Pharmacy of the city ol New Vork i? confidently recom i mended lor all cases of debility produced hy mrret indul genre or t xcrss of any kind. It is an invaluable renvdy or impotence, sterility, or harrrnnesi (unless depending on mal-loiraatloti) Single tiottles $\ each; casesot halt I do/en f-V packer] and ?ent to all part* of the Union. Off.ce of the of Medicine and Pharmacy, #6 , Natiuu (I W Rll HARK90N, Agent J PREMIUM RAZOR STROPS.?Tho ftrst i m|t tn> ?t t he Fein of the American Inetltute hu bi 4W, eiled. year after year, to O. Sounder*, for the in* tion o * "le Metallic Tablet, with four sides?No. I I having 'Iheeft'ect of a hone, without using oil or we The oth r ?'<le* are for keeping the razor with a ti irnooth e. "lgu. ?o that razor* can be kept in perfect or without h *ri"g reeeune to a cutler or barber. It ie ti and reconii seeded by the <lr*t cutlers in Kngland, i certitied by ^ n,*rt ,clentlfi " gentlemen in this couiti it* ereat cole brity lia* caused counterfeit and imita i innumerable, iVhich can easily bo detected by the eoa and imperfect srfaeeof what is called the tatilet side, originaTheing t mooth and polished. Manufactory, J 103 Broadway, P?'ew York. JBA1MEV DIARKKT. Sunday, Jan. 31?O P. At The Money Markift of this latitude presents uo now 1 tures. The rate of haterost has adruueed to seven | cent. The stock mo vements being dependent on i course pursued by the speculation regulators,-' have come very irregular lat sly, and the brokers are shaki in the breeze. The Ban ks will ultimately fall back theii old friends again, tiu't the capital devoted to gs til i 111* in ...ill >... ?in. II t.. I" b ? ??/ mu "" " " i lately. Other speculations have come up, which v 'Iraw in another direction soone of the abundant reaour of our city Banking institutiona. The expected Ku pean advices may create a very extemive movement cotton, which will draw on the basks, und we shall ex rience another round of high price* and ruined ?pec tor*. Theio occurrence* will continually take place long a* we have ao much capital employed by incor rated institution* that cannot find regular and legitim business, and that muat lay idle, unless uied to inil bubble*, that soon explode and acatter bankruptcy t desolation through the community in which they exist. Bricks ok Stocks in the New York Market. Sat. Man. Tu'y fVr'y. Th'y Fr'y S I Island, . 70X 70 71 71 72 OB ti Mohawk, 51 52K ? 51 50t< 50 i Harlem, 43* 43W 42 * 42* 43* 4 IS 4 Pabrsou, 7o 77* 70S 70 70 87 6! Farmers' Loan, 32* 32* 32 3IS 30* 23 2 Canton, 31* 31* 29* 30 29* 27 2 Norwich, 34* 33* 33* 33S 34 31* 3 Ohio b's, 99 97S 97 96>* 9ii* 94* 9 Illinois, 4 IS 34 42S 41 42 39* 4 Indiana. 4 IS 4 IS 40 V. is * 38* 30 3 Kentucky, 112* 102 101* <0i>S 101S 100 10 This shows the usual fluctuations, and that prices he reached a pretty low point. Tito best of State stocks the list, Kentucky and.Ohio,have varied as much as th< possessing less value. With one exception, they urc t only dividend paying stocks above quoted. Ohio reach' ! at one time during the past week, five and a half perCi below par, and Kentucky reached par, a very unusi thing for stock more valuable and sounder than any oti State stock in the Union, except Massachusetts. I.o Island keeps up wonderfully. Nothing but the shre mnnocriimAiit nf its Hnlrloru onoioiw it ?.!*ui?. per cent its present quotations. The movements of trade within the week just cloi have been very limited, and prices for most of c staple production s remain without the slightest teration. Cotton is very inactive. The late advii from Kurope have acted as a damper on the marli and retarded operations to any extent until the counts are received by the steamer. Very little Cotl is going forward from this port. The Queen of the Wi the Liverpool packet ol the 'ilst, is detained till Wedn day, waiting the arrival of the Britannia, with the h< of filling up with Cotton. The some inactivity previ in this staple at the South. The debate en the tariff has been fairly opened by ! McDuffie, from South Carolina, and we may now exp tome movement that will enable us to judge what pi pect thtft-e is of modifications and alterations in the ex ing tariff act. The Senator from South Carolina argi for on ad valorem revenue duty of twenty per cent.on gross amount of importations. This is a very so< standard to adopt?it is a policy that will grant all reasonable sectional interests the protection that they require. It will create a revenue sufficient answer all the just purposes of government. It will p duce a unanimity in different sections of the Union, t have loug required some soothing antidote. It v in fact, answer all the purposes the constitution tended should be derived from this power vested in t bands of the General Government. Mr. McDuffie argi that his policy is to reduce taxation. To show that principle is in truth more favorable than that now ex. | ing, we give lrom official reports the Imooiits or THS Unitko States isd the Gross DfTi ox the Same. I'r cent Pr ci Dutiable _ Total Grots on duty on to imports. imports. duties imports, imp' 1813, $7l,670, 01 $llltt 118.311 $34.17 ..178 33 23), 1811, 58 128.132 128 .721 332 18,9 (1,7110 33 14 1835, 71 015.349 l?9,89i.7l2 25.890.726 32 17 18.6. 97,923.>5t 189.980(135 3n,8l*,3 8 29 17 1837, 71,719.186 140,989,217 18,134,131 2i 12 1838, 57.8.V7 399 113,717,404 19.702,825 32 17 1839, 85.690,310 162,692,132 25,551.534 29 15) 1810, 49.915.315 107,141,519 15,104.760 33K 11 1811, 61926,140 127 918,177 19919.491 3:i>? 15) 1812 , 69,531,601 100 164,097 16,622 747 25>i 17 1843 , 48,709,934 an.seo.sua .... ? ? This presents very curious results. It exhibits the f. that the average duties on the total importation do i reach twenty percent, the lowest average the Sena from South Carolina contends for. The above table a shows that the proportion of duty, paying imports to t total value,does not reach one half in many instances?t consequence of which is that the imports paying duties a' rage a per cent not far from thirty-three. A tarili found on the equalization of duties, on a fair distribution ol percent, through the whole table of imports, without a more protection than that scale would produce, with gradual approximation to that point on the principle the compromise act, with a settled and unwavering I lierence to that standard when adopted, all the trouh some details of this Important act will be at rest, the si plicity of our revenue laws created, the expense ol colli tiun greatly reduced, and the people in every section the country relieved from the constant anxiety and dang they have existed under so long. The people petition u pic adfor u permanent |>o)icy on the part ol the general g vernment. They have the resources and ubility to tliri under any settled commercial laws. There is not a sint interest in this country that actually requires protectu Protection to various departments of trade and manuft tinea is often demanded, and strong and influential mi teres adopted to favor particular articles ; hut these mot nents come from parties who are especially interested I the moment in that item, for which thev want exrlusi privileges, and the instant they succeed in obta: iug the end desired, the increased value of the property enables them to take immediate benefit ol t result of their grrat and din'iUenited dibi ts for the good 'he country. The foundation of many protective clans 'hat have graced our past tariff ucts has been individt interest disguised under the name of the country go< No one can deny but that, in the infancy of our mm manufactures, protection was their mnin stay, witho which they would never have been created. On t 'hrcshhold of their advent into the world, the fosterii hand of government was all important, and it w as liber ly extended; it continued its uid until they increased strength and power, and even up to the present mome they lean to a certain extent on its powerful arm for prol not tu/i/iort. The favors and facilities that were <: tended in chanty arc now demanded as due. The tir has passed by when the government can in justice to i sections of the Union, any longer show particular a exclusive partiality to particular interests. The good the mass does not demand or require it. The rnannfr taring bran-h ol industry will advance and increase, u der n revenue scale of duty, as rapidly nx safety and pro require. The eastern manufacturers, during the cxisten of the bubble, made the most expensive and extravago extensions of their manufactories. They laid out schedule of movements?which, to acertnin extent, we carried through?that was inevitable ruin. The exp sion came and such was the result. Articles of manufi tnre, that a few years previous required the greatest pi teetion, could, as soon as the value of property and t line of expenses reached a legitimate level, he produc with moro profit at the lowest per cent under the coi promise act. This is the present position of thecountr uid ho long as the value of produce, real estate, and lab mains at the level now In existence, the cost of prodii ion and manufacture will become sufficiently rcdur.i to enable u* to compete with any other nation und the aun. Our operative* are better paid than those of any natic in Europe. The female operative* of l,owe!l have mo: than $'j00,000 in the Savings Bank. Sixty thousand dt lar* of the capital atock of the Middlesex Mills, is otvni by operative* who daily labor in the establishment. Tli shows the advancement of our manufacturing interei. and a more lavorable Itato could hardly be imagino Senator Me.Dulfle'* proposition is more of a protect!t "haracler than the political principle* of the par*y I represents will warrant. He advocates discrimination t far as it can lie applied to those luxuries, the consutnptic if which i* confined to the wealthy classes. This shou in inconsistency fhnt is not general, or advocated by tl friends of a revenue tariff. A twenty per cent ad valore: arifl admit* of no discimination?it should fall with cqui vetghl on every article of foreign manufacture, nnd onl by this just di?fributJon ran the p licy ever ho]wj to t established The legislature of Indiana bat elected Jas Morri?oi ajbe President of the State Bank of Indiann for five ycai from the expiration of the time of the present inenmben who is Samuel Merrill, who ha* k' en prendent of the ii dilution since it* creation A letter to a mercantile home in Baltimore, data ire- Guayaquil, Oct 'ii, 1843, state* that a duty of Id cent* per ?*n yard on brown cottous ha* been imposed, which, in eil'ect, ll(|j amount* to a prohibition. ter The following articles were free of duty at Oonaivea, Ht. Domingo, alter the 1st instant ieil Fish, of all description* ; salt pork and beef, in brls ; ln | nails, board* and planks, *"antling *hingle?. empty hogs,r. heads, and nest casks ; box and hog head shook*, hoops, oil* ''"'fa" hags, ropes, engines, and piece* of machinery for sugar estates ; sugar kettles, iron and copper tanks, sugar the f?n* and bricks. ?g0 All vessels intending to discharge and load entirely at iui*l>ur[ mum consequently firing uo oilier articles but s=a tho?e enumerated above. State of Trade. StTi'lsiT, January 'JO. "ea- Cotton.?The market continue! inactive, a few huudred bale! only changing haiuli, at the prices of yestenlay?no disiiosition being shown_by either buyers or the lellers to operate at present. be- Flour and Grain.?Articles under this head are in good : demand Sales of Geneseo liave been made at 1>4 7ft, and K a very few at a sixpence more, on ? Baltimore Cattle Alnrket. on Jan. IS.?About 000 head of heel cattle were offered at trill the scales on Monday, and upwards of 4.10 sold to the butchers and packers, at prices ranging from $1 ift for inos fertor to%i 40 perlOO lbs. lor prime on the hoof, equal lo $2, ro- $Jft0a$4 SO net. About one hundred were taken North. On 1 ju Thursday 134 were ottered and 100 sold, at prices ranging from $1 40 to $2 37} per 100 pounds, on the hoof, netting J'"" $2 80 a 4 7ft. The remainder were left over. In the early uia part of the week the sales of livu hogs were small, at pri, go res ranging from $4 33 to 4 SO? on Thursday, however, prices were drooping, and sales were made at $4 a 4 37J. P?" There is a fair supply ol killed hogs, which we quote at ate a 4'2ft per 100 lbs. ate iuj bateit Advices rkceivru at the new york herald office. Africa Oct. 21 Malaga Nov. 2'.? Autigua Lire. 22 Madeira Nov. I Arecibo Dec. 26 Mauritius Oct. 5 s" AuiCaye* Dec. 19 Montevideo Nov. 7 Bttavia Oct. 21 Maracaibo Sept. 26 Hay of Islands, n./-June 20 Mansaiiitla Dec. 2ft J Bermuda Dec. 21 Mutants* Jan. 5 ?w Buenos Ayres Nor. 7 May ague* Dec. 23 j'* Belize, Hon. Dec. 19 Matanuira* Dec. 26 Uarbailoes Dec. 18 Monterey Oct. 16 it* Bonaire Dec. ft Nassau, n. p. Jan. 1 ill* Bombay Nov. 1 Neurits* Dec. 10 c iiie Town, c. o. h-Oet. 27 Oahu, 3. i. Aug 9 . Calcutta Oct. 21 Para Dec. 1 Cadiz Nov. 19 Paris* Dec. m lVe Chagre* June 20 Port an Prince j)ec. 10 Cieufuegos Dec. 2ft Porto Kico Dec. >2 in Cat** Hayfien Dec. 4 Porto Cabello Dec. 24 >s?i 1-artliaKev Oct. 28 Point Petre, Guad. Dec. 2" Cainpeac! / Nov. 2i Peruainhuco Dec. 2 .Us July 18 Payt* Oct. 23 ?, Callao Aug. 29 Rio Janeiro Nov. 21 ' Demerara Dec. li St. Helena Nov. 1ft fmt Elsinor* Nov 21 St. 'Thoinas Dec. 2* b'ayal Nor. 25 St. Jago de Cuba- Dec. 10 i ial Gibraltar Dec a Sr P It I>? in I Ouayama, P. R. Nov. ID 8t.Oioii %(. 22 lialvestou Dec. 31 Ht. Unmingo Dec. 19 llg IJonftivrs Dec. 14 St. l)b?" Sept. 29 , Havre. Dec. 10 Surinam Nov. 29 W<1 Havana Ian. 7 Singapore Sept. 16 Ity Halifax Jan. 12 Sydney, N. S. W. July 27 letemie--- Nov. E Trinidad de Cuba Dec. 25 Kingston, Ja. Dec. 28 Talcahuana Aug. 21 led London Dec 16 Tampico Dec. 23 Liverpool* Dec. 18 Tobasco Nov. 25 dir La Ouayra Dec. 22 Turks Island Dec. 29 ai. Laguua Oct. 31 Trieste Nov. 29 Lima Aug. 29 Valparaiso Sept. 26 ees Macao Aug 28 VeraCruz Dec. 15 1(Jj Manilla July 30 Zanzibar Oct. 12 ac" Paaaencers Arrived, ton Havre?Packet ship Sully?James K Pell, (Jeo W Pell, set, New Y ork; A llochereau. New Orleans; Henry Thayer, Providence; P ? atillon, k ranee?5 in the steerage ie*> . _ _ ________ H"' Kuielfcii importation* lils Havre?Ship Sul'v?37 pkgt F Cotten't?3 A Seignettc?I E Bostange?1 De la Forest?I Little it Brown? 1 E S Isaacs?I Wiley Ik I'uliiani?2i Lachaise it F uche?8 .Malezieux. (Jour I Mr it co?1 Osir A Hohert?I July F'errs?1 J C Allispich?1 E Beithoud?32 Mor.ui it Inclin?II Fabre<|uette's lils St Morra?I Boiceau it Kuseli?1 K X Meyer?22 Peukard it 11 ui Tori?I O 08- Dord?9 B 1' Wainwriglit?I Brown Br thers it Co? I Wrn . Brewer?9 I F Ellis?7 Malm zet it Smith?I John''ltice?I I Martini Stco?I Jos Miche'?1 k Lever?8 Oav, Lura c it lies Nr e'?8 kdwsrdr St Stoddard?I M Brsga'rli?6 Becar. Be- j , _ min it ro? 4 L I Cohen?5 L Pnlmieri? I F K.lfray?3 11 llei.iieapun? I C H Swordi?1 Mor'imerSt Livi.igaton?3 C Aire ind f"lut?4 Jas M Opte .heiin Ik co?7 A Legonx?8 Scluch-rdl. Favieiico?6 P Schmidt it Andrea?1 Bailey it K tchen?2 the Colvillit Fleming?I Richd Kipling?2 Derosmev St llnizard? i.p 2 "scar Veret?3 E Uaheiu?2 OilKert Frtres?I L I'lllevuyt? I F B Rhodes it co?I V Bishop?9 'I hos Hunt It Co?1 Townto send, S'erpless it son?5 ' liarr'ud, Si hlumpi it Si her?3 Adams, Homer it co?2 Little. Aldeu Ik co?16 Wight, S urges IX ?* shaw?5 Felix Colliard?8 H Chevro'at ir co?3 Siter, Pure it hat co?14 K Kau(ie?9 L it B Curtis?8 He aril Stco?1 II Babail? , I 4'endersoii?2 Tlios Denny?5 A F Ott Mourose?8 Tetcrel it Bliin?3 Spies. Christ it co?4 V CailUux it ftls?6 .1 K St in- Felix?II EM Davis?I Savoje. Crosby St Co?I A Meyer?6 Bou ry d'lvernois St co? 4 J Dnranil St co?1 E Dechaux?7 J the Laumuiper St no?3 A II Ward St co?IU A Soleliac?17 Chan les ''ay en itro?18 L It (luiDaume it co?21 Becar, (Jtron it co?1 lofiu Lowitz?2 A P Montant?I F Toires it sou?I IVier A his Mesi-r- 1 K Lipiold?I D M Peyser it co?5 A E Wattiug?19 , vVa-burg St Danne?2 L Ooldscninidt it co?33 J A Voisin it o?I Clias Veziu? 8 Loesrliiglt it W isendonck?1 C lle:nrichs ?7 11 Hessenberg it en?I Header it co?4 F Pborspeckeu it co ? I Hy i scher?14 8 St F Dorr?1 Zachrisnon itro-9 Tlios S " Oinhs? II Prave St < o? 3 A Uiningrr it co? It A K Thompson ?7 R St H II ig1 t It co?I Wen A ""mets 19 Coffin it BrailfrV ?1 R K Montgomery?5 J Bunker St co? Alex llaimltnu?7 "" ' "uinmiiix it Riarli?28 F Sheldon it co?9 II C Corl'it?I E '? Baker dim-1 W S Phipps it c i-"- O B St I B English-2 S .task |i?I Ilarnden it en?I A St (J A If end ill St co ?I Storm, Dubois Stco? A T Stewart?1 F W Moore?'3 llali St Todd ?(2 F Umber it Dan Innaii ?2 Martin it Lawsou?I Mitcheil. 3rng ardit m-1 Hrnrioii StChauvcaux?I Damlelet ?51 1'kgs o mder. ^ BoNaiRv?Schr Southerner? lOtlO bbls Salt C H Ctrfe..ter. - Doiiicftlc linporiatlnim Mobil*:? Ship IIii on?117 li ili a cotton Bonrman, Johnaton it co-o71 li Coil 8t cu?318 Hulbrook at Nelson let . MARITIME HERALD. tor l'? .'Mtltiijj Unyt of the Steitm Hhl|n lie FROM LIVrteOOL. FitO * AMKRICA. . 'ritannia Hewitt Jan. 4 Feb. 1 ne Caledonia, Lott Feb. S March I ! ?. Veailia, Shannon Mar. 4 April I ? SSESSSSSEwm?? - ~ Packets to Arrive. I Packets to Sail. PROM I.IVKnrnOL. I FOI I.IVK.aroOL nv I )*ford, llathbone. Dec 19 | 4J. of West.Woodhmue. Jan.21 Patrick I'enry, Delanr. Dec 211 Sheridan. L'e 1'eyiter, Jan 26 ? FBOM rnBTBMOUtH. I KOK VuRTSMlutTH 0f Victoria, Morgan, Dec. 20 I Mediator, Chadwick, Feb I Quebec, I ebard, Jan. 1 Wellington, Chadwick, Feo.10 ad- rBOM hayhv.. | rat HiiKt, . tneida, Funck, Dec. 16 I St. Nicola*. Pell, Feb I ".merald, Howe, Dec. 24 Ducheaae d'Orlean*, Feb. B m- I Sully. Burrow*, Feb. N "Cj Ship masters and Agents. We mail eateem it a favor, if Captains u(' Ves?el* will rue ;er ;o Commodore Korkrt Silvkt, ol onr New* Fl?et. a lieI ,io?l ol' the Shipping left at the Port whence they toiled, the Vessi'l* Spoken on their Paisi'i^e, a l.iat ol their Cargo, and -o- ".y Foreign Newipapera or Newa they may have, lie will ' oard them immediately on their arrival. Agent* and CorV? vapnudenta, at home or abroad, will al*o cooler a favor by rjo ending to thi* Office all the Marine Intelligence they can bum. Nautical Information of any kind will be thankful! r til. -ceived ia- POKT OK NKW YORK, JANUARY re or - C h RISK* ? II I MOOR 32 L'l* 3 I niriH 10 19 ve in- Arrived. ,ir Packet ahip Sally, Burrow*, from Havre, Dec. 3, and from Vlount'a Bay 10th with mdie, to Fox (k Livingston Saw a he .hip ou Heorgr*' Bank with a rroa* in her fure tnpsail. Lit 41 ,1 l'i. Ion 4B 40. saw an iceberg The Sully hove to on Tuesday morning. 16th, fn the weatwardof Fire laland Inlet; on Welles ie?Uy tin- wind shifted to the N W; and on (he follow tug day, . made Mnn'aok Point. 1111 Ship Huron, Painr, 17 day* Irom Mobile, witli cotton, to the nd ni'aier. (!.ui|iie Ligouia, Hamilton, (of PuitUiid) 20 day* from Mo7J' bile, with co ton, to ma*'er. Schr Southerner, Crowell, 21 day* from Bonaire, with ?alt, 'o F'o*ter k Nickerion. I eft no Auirr'cau ve*?el. he Schr Commerce, Burnhain, 4 dan froin,'Suffolk, with shin<le?, to master. " Schr Constellation, F'.ngli*h, 2 day* from Kichmond, with al- mil?, c> tnuirr S hr Wood Dock, Baker, 21 hour* from Virginia, with oyi,n in ina.ler. nt Hchr Li'tle Mary, 4 days from Portland, with milv, to the p. master. " Hchr Mary Frances, Tarr, 3 days from H.ilvtn. with nidse, to X- MM, Hchr J. Oonl"y Si Co, I'ldndgr.t days from Boston, with n<1 nydse. to A B Cooky &. I o l|| Srhr Complian e, N.ckt-rson, 4 day* from Boston, with indsc. to master no Hchr Jasper, Howes, 4 days from Boston, with rnd.e, to the ?( mast r. Hchr W. H. Harrison, Corson, with hides from th? wreck of It. ,rhr Alabama, from Tamrico, ashore at Morton's Inlet, New Imsr, Hchr Kirelsinr, Bill with cotton froin the blift J. Wilson, ifit l-t?lv arhoreat Ssndy Hook Hchr Walter R. Jones, Brown, with mclse fiom the brig Jas CR Wilson. Mlscrllanrnns. a Rain JaMrs Wit.sort, Peckner heme f rMarseilles,recently ire hnre at Hindy Hook, was yot off last evening, and towed u]> i_ to the city by s'eamer Fliohing Baio Maav hiwnai.i . 1111, fn in Boston, of and for ThoIC. maston, arrived within 20 miles of her port, when she war 'Mined to put ??ay for a harbor,and anchored iff Rye, N". " morn of !6?h inst when the crew left and went ashore. Hhe hp rode safely by ber anchors n til the night of ITth, when the wind changoig, she b okc adrift and went to tsa with u > person 1 "o ,n boord. On the mommy of the tilth she was not to he en. I apt lones, of Ihe Acidise at Dos'on froo: Halilas. st tea that on the ITth inst Portland l.ight N W 2(1 miles, saw a t'ull rigyd y> b'ig wiih loss of main yard and topgallant yard sen' down, supposed her to be abandoned?(no d' utit (he .Vary K imb ill ) The I Port am uth Journal says thai one or two vessels sailed from C- 'hat port on 19th in search of her. wi Sp?k?n. (<l Wood Hop?, of and from Newport for Trinidad de Cuba, Jan II tat 26 If, lonfffsV?by the Southerner at this port. Foreign Ports. >n u. Jan 7? Arr Napoleon, ('alef, MatM<7.a?; *'hri?tiana, rr fl'in r, Baltimore: |,ord Lovert, C'ronan. New York. Iii[oit Ulh, Token, L'jfeUuH, ror N l oik,nrit day. lloma Ports (1 Ki:rvf Jan If?Wld Overman, Pavii, Ponre. : I'orti awn. Jan If?Arr T O Brown, Wooding* Turki ??! i itid f'ltl UHn, Jaa Frnncia. Paine, Porto Rico. I it,, J an 10?Slil Wen Brook*. PeWo, St Jago. I . Bosto**, J ii 20?l id Mmitoon, Paine, N Orleans , Oluucvu" ler. (of Marblelnad lata of this port) Proctor, Mobile; Mjt- t re v>nri. Manna, do; Waatoti, Norton, et Johns, PR: Augu*t<, I eerh, Vlar*?i7.a.H; Ven roia, Davis, < aruenas; tnoepe den<e, M low, Jarmel; Rddirj on, ' filion, < ion fines 9; Olendower, lo Reetl.M Johna. PR; Harriet Fuller, Fuller. Haeani; Z'idi, 1 ii>., Wiacnaaet; Puritan, Ulmer, *'Oi leant; Havre, >t. irpenie/. Sivann^h; A'dermtii, Kelly, Wilmington, N< ; ] I Horn* Hull fh?l uM.'hw 1 N*w Butrono, J?n 19?'\r Functa, Burt, Norfolk. 1 i*? ! f'aoriurncr, len 19? Below. Z^nohm, K-miiiHtoii. Mobile. * Mid Omv Tuft, Lovatt, Minrlntoo; Charlenon I ackrt, Crow ' ! .II. I'hiluMphw. | Brih (>l, Jnn 19?Hple did, Pitman. Havana- J I. LEGS, HANDtJ, ft U >?s Sr? ! 'PHR LOSS of Feet, and Lege, ao hindrance ?c tka if ef ' * nvilking-iOHN V. TIluMAS, Cork !?*? \inker, k<* , ? uprcif 11 v inform* the public that lu? h % returned from Phi- ' tdalphia to 471 Water ?treet. corner of Pike, New Vork City, r? 1 men ha continue* to manufacture t, ARTIFICIAL LIMBS, n a plan the moat correct and le*?t complicated,having,through ft, 1* ("entity* invented, made, and woto nn artificial leg i ?r Inrty e r?, nun been \ timnufaefnrer for th?rfy-4ve . feefa conh- r j of ol .nvinff action to ill who call on lor L* g\, J I tiandi, ArtiH, of the i .iimnuu Wooden Lea 4!'? ho* u* TITANTKD?A youM end mu-rtiMt tMoamM?irl, u ? " ourte.Wl O i> clever at Itrr . -rdle? no objection i o h'reach or Ue'man. Apply at 111 Cliamber* ?t. yil it* ic TITANTED?A jouua man who underiianda the Diugfiat '* buainejt, apaak* &e ' rrnrh and Hpaoiah I uiguaar, and can 'renelata both Tim bnt ?l' rerommrndaiioue required Apply at MLSO.N It TUTTLE'd A?rnryOffit. J18 I w*m IJI Naaaau atreet Wt'V H . \\T ANTED?Kipniincrd Hair t loth Wea?e-?; on th* Hand *? Loom. Apply at 42 Naaeau etrea or Sit Ki?iu|tou ?l. jl< 10' *m PAKTNKK WANTED?I" the un kiug and Pr?*iaton huiii.eaa, ?ith a lai iuloft) OP?a rare rh.nee f r one or It.Mid b' ennui ha ita A |.n- addr ared to H W. Herald oin -e, ? ' ? le au inleteiew cau be had, will be coueidertll etrio'ly ?oufid-eual j22 3t*rc D IRTNFiR WANTED.?A gentleman, who occupier one ol the lie t l"ca*ioiH a> nil auction and cooimieaion atore in |l e lowe i art of the city, wish io Conine t III mm! I' w i h a pei o", on the fimt of February, who >.. .it comma d from 2 to UXIO dollar* in cath, a d i ilcul led to a'tend n) the I door huaineaa?' lie will |*y well. and cm be made out of ? uir 1 umiii y .mloULl 01 menus. till* I i> a good o|<poriuiiity. A note addri-i-ed 10 J M. A, and let j it (Idoffice' f ihil P>|rr, stating vtli-re un interview ran be | li.itl, will meet will immediate at'eminu jMSt'ec dROn ?""'? VVANTED?To inv??t i i an establ ?lmd POv/v/ and (rife tly m(e I unneat, of* I gin and a; ee.ible nam p. An; |m rjnn having the amount to invest tan bwovf upartnrr, or ha ea rl rbihip wor.h $iO(l leranuum Addrtsa I' .?i at this oCTkp ata'iug real n'cne. and the eariie't opportunity for an iule view A vo ng inau would te preferred, arid, to iucIi, iiiiiivunI i rivilegea, ei jo>rd oury by pertoua ui thia buain-ei, w ill be nlf rid None need apply who hive not the t'.e fundi at immediate c iinrnaiul. jll 2t?re Altr.N" WMf.J) A it'11ST and (.'omiawer in I'iai o, lately arrived from <iermaiiy, wivhei to give les<otis in tome rmpectali'e honeea. Terms uiodrra'e I'leia-eniiuire. between 10 oM.| la A M. at LEOPOLD Kt.ti'S J 21 31 * en (serman Aeeur.y Office H Plan street. FAREWELL AND LAST CONCERT or THE HUGHES FAMILY, llROIOR to iheir uepartuieiou li, at ihe Shakipeare Alien-t bly Hni,mi, corner William anil Dua< e a tfvts, on Tue?. d.iv i (enii K January 23d at ( o'cl'-ck un wlihh occasion (he I*,I ow n g diatii'guubed artists have k udly volu iuered tli-ir valuab'e rvicra. Mra PA< I f. n e ndmiied vocaliat (baii)R her last appearance but one.) .... Siig, or III>2 the eminent and uurivallad 'uitariit, and alio n vi iinioi' ma win ni>|icar aii'i iirriurra irvrni Quir'rttri, ulnc? &.C. Thn v*Atten 1). and K. ID'OHF.B (the juvrnilp musician.) W'll appear on thrir respective instruments viz (be Harp, Vi- li a> <1 Concetti, a Mis. HUGHES their iuf-nt sis'er, |i*ar yean of age, will perform ou the Harp -tn ! sing mo oflier moat intrreslir g U ! lair. Mr. CH \8. M. KIVCJ, will preside at the Piano Forte, liaviug kindly temleietl liia services PROGRAMME. P ART (trand Duo?Htrpaud Piauo, Mr King and Master Hughe* Nicolaon Glee?(f r three voices) Oentl'incii Ain<teurs" Bolo? At livd y noa, with variations, (Harp, Meat Hunheal Mast Hughes Ballad?Oh promise me 10 sing, love; MrsP"graa Oiover Bnlo?Cariiav Dove. Onltsr, HamoaU. Big tiki. Air?Jenny Jones, with valiitions vioiiu. Master K. Hughes. Rallad - Happy Land Mrs''age A See Bong?Uuder the ttose Miss Hughes 1 avy Cuckoo Silo?Vioiiu, Master Hughes Hughes PamTTI. By Desire?H? rp and '"once (ma? K Barred FuneihI Theme >u whuh Mast llurhes will imitate the Murtl-d Diums on the Ha'p, and the to'enimty "I a Military Funeral Song?The Angel's Whisper, (b> rrqurst) Maa Page Lover Song?Inss Snlu, Oenl'em.n Amateur Kuas?'l Bolo? Ur-coviea e Harp Miss Hughes French Air Bong?p avnrite ir, Signer Bins. talfe'?' he llralih Mrs Page. Solo?M.tlibrau's favi-ri e sir, Coi certiua. Master Dllughesaa DeBeriot Bong?Uuy a Broom in eharar.ter Miss Hushes Swiss Air Glee?For three voic's Goutle nau Ameteuis Fi"a'e?Vlid -y Harp, Vi, 11n ike , Hug'e Tickets iu ce t??may be obtained at the principal music Itoras ami at th'''oor j2! 2I*.C tilt AND VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT. MISS SOFHIF. OJ'e'.llTZ, from No'way, FianLt to the flaval c "ttiilv of Dei'mark. Ins tie honor of an no tin till/, | tint sir intend* itivii g a Grind Vocal and ImtriroeLtal Uon. cert, at Wathiiitx'on Hull on Monday evening m*t, the29 h Jartiwy* She w ill lie a* this occasion, by the Di nt ap j11 t p rformtr* now in tha o ty. j$l li*ro CITY G V A R I) SOIR K E , N'BLO'8, 24TH INSTANT XTOT.OK?The owners of enactes am cabs are requested, Ln wi.en I aviiiK their company to head tlmi* hois** up Broadway and uro uepariur* to take ti e ?* p hi revetted manner. By order of PFTKR BROWN, j?2 :iti ,*r Sii|K?riiiteiideiit of Loaches and ''ah* TT .N Hi VA L L K D ATTR \CTH>N AT CKOTON HALL! ^ comer of Bowery and Hiyuiou ?t,?A Or?nJ Vocal aud Inbtrii M??iit.\l Corcertwill he given by Mr. Low-rre, at the Urotoo 1I?II, on Wednesday Kvcjing, J.i .u?ry 21th, t> commence a- a qnarlei hrfore 8 o'clock. The iuvalu ible services of the ftllowi g iajetitMd Ladies and (ivutleinen are secured, and they will positively appear and si-? many new *nd beautiful sent menial and comic tonga : Misses M. A. and H T Adair ; Meiisra. li n.thllius. Mtiri liv, McK iunev, Olilti-ld and other*. Mr Oldfield wi'l preside at the Piano Koite A celebrat-d Bra*a Baud is alioentiKed, Dorrs open at 1>. St* com vo ir iiM-s. m:t m p RO Ftiso R B RON SON'8 LAST LtCTURt B U T I nN.*:?This eve ing in the Society Library, at. 7}+ o'clock wubje ts?C? ntinii itiou'of Physio ?gyx Law i of Lite, Klocution, Music, and illUkt'iiiio'is of Wntril ?quism, showing how any oneeaoacgairo -n J pmcticn tho rt %m ng ion nottp ti-'iis are the \Vh<?ker.t and Pa'rhas<us, aud the Captive ? S ngs as usuil by Mr Na h. Admittance f!i cen's N. 13.?To-morrow evening inex'ra Lecure Hutger^s Institute, on Body and Mind.w ith < issectio i of the Ma akin, and I every one v |,u pays 2'j cents for admittance w ill receive a co py j of the P ysiology, illustrateu by nearly 100 engravings. j*i tt*rr I ' CHURCH AND STATE," OR BISHOP HUGHES REVIEWED. A L FX TURK w ill b dePvared in the Broadwav Talwrn rle. th s eve iii ic. at haT n.tst 7 o'clock, on the "Mi*lure ! 'f '*iviI n-?d F'.cclesMttic 1 Power in the Middle Ane.t,v~ by H v Pieorye B L'he?ver. Tickets of admission,25 c.nts?the avails ?> be <! * '*d t<? ihe cause of Mi-sio's I icke to he o ?rai'el at iIn* Bookstores of M. II N?'Wivt , I'j'J Mr ? dvv ^ ; B mti?u & Milea, ''(i.i un; u prfl?AW,pirtij >?. w t'nrk How, an' at t do ?r on tl e ?! *?? ? ir of tn* l^rran*. Thi? Lcrt *r H-eng d in re(* fnceto th?. ingenious ectuie of Biji.op Hughe* on the name subject. j22 tt*ir TWELFTH WARD (JRAN'D AMERICAN REP BL'CAN BAI.L, A T AND UK W HOWE'S R il IJoad H .u.e II rletn, 2Jih A January. 1811. The undersigned re.ieclfu'lv gitre uotl e, that the ett?nsirc arraugrmeriti for the above U01 are now roin'leled 'I h? room is Itrg", comfortable and commodious, ami will be tlecora'etl 111 a'superior tV1 e Wa'.ltce't tnlruiiil < ultimo Band -ngued for the orciiioo. The Muiic will be select mil of til-highest orib r. Krery altei dance ueceuarv will be l>rn. idt d for th 'Ir utiii-. I-I idiiiiu. lie The floor t< ill be nuil. r t'ie in ntgetr.eiit of 0. W. Schlim, nil the ManilM I SoauiliCM MM UMM pledge tliein-el vet to make lliu Ball one of the innat splendid and teapecCbl that hat erer t tken | l ire in this ward Tiekett may be oh,nined of ether of the following gentlemeu, or -t Mr. Ilowe'i?I'ricegl eicli CO.fiMIT I KK. C II Hall. A. McOowan, Jhihn Reed. A. A. Alvi rd h U Moukou, Thot. Pinckney, lame I o*ier, John Mesgt. John Wt'te, Doct W..Million, John B. Morrell, Win. Baker, W till tin K Dana MANAGERa II. B. MeOowan, William A. Dooley, Hiram Cable, William liolden, Wil iam Kulnter, O W. H orgeat, Jtmea K Buuliatn, K. U. Peel James H. Cutler. G. A Palmer, Philip Hnrdenb'ook. P. 8.?Conveyances will be in attendance. j22 Itit *rc NEWS! NEWS!! ARRIVAL OK THE STEAMER UKITANNIA. fPflt MmHMI will mraite full files < t English Pa| ert. for L aale, among whieh are the lol ?wing. via : ? B" EL'S 1.1Kb . ILLUSTRATED NKWS, PIC KH'.IAI. Tl >1E8, PUNCH, CHA8. WIL MER'8 AM Kit H AN NKWS LETTER. h ATI RUT. KX\MINKR, Ike , Ac. With a variety of others, at tin old establishment. No. 4 Aun street, has orient r 41 DOKL N. *L?Agents'perils of New York Newspupers, Prriodicall Ike, parked and forwardel to nil | arti of the limed States, in a'>r*?ceof ihe mail. j?2 Iwdy Itwy fc nm KOR HALK,?A Valuable Kann called Spring field, ypjgofiiited in the comity of lslc-of Wight, a mile and .1 hall lir^Jrom the month ?f Nangem >nd Hirer, eontaining about 'ire hundred acre*, hounded on two aide* by creeks (navig \hle lot iirnall ve*?elt) running into the mouth of NaiisernondRiver. There is on the farm a large and well finished brick dwelling house, with evsry other nec*s?ary out hont". in good ret air \ra?lv ore half of the lard is well timbced with large tall pine, tud oaks; i* e pine of the fir?t gu il ty, for steamboat wood. 1 he 1 lenred land \% of a good quality and well *d<pted to the *u t'ration of wheat, corn, sweet potato*? and water ft el ?n* If baa it'ached to it .1 fine oys'er landing fi?r planting oysters, snd n one ot the *p?t V. ?ch farm* of its site in lower Virginia ?> sous wishing to purchase, by applying early, will meet with agrcat bargain. If net sold pnvat ly before, it will lie offered at public auction on the iiremiaeson the ' 5th' ay of January, mil. Terms will he made knosn and fort her information given by Mr Jos. B. Whitehead of Hinithfi*-ld Isle of Wight county, or he subscriber WILLIAM lllNKR. d'ift Ifaw tojyfS rc Cotirs - i ham khm ill'h, NUKSl*, sKA VIi sill K 88F 8, 11 -I Ciii la fof booawwor . Akw, MMlniii, gr<?u.a, waitrri porters, irrchano s, and men fnr any employment, with uiitKCeptionable recommendations lor honesty, industry, briety.&c , ^ ML.nuMi.i (iriainnl Tfm:*r?ncrflier, 77 NiM?n airwt, nrar John ?irrrt. Itetfn nrm?Hon M. Van ilium, llou. B. K Hutirr, Ilrtr. K. M.Johnton Kretof. N B ?1 rrmi?Annual aubacnbrra nor dollar, qua' trrlv fifty emu. jj dwrud^rc SEGAKS!SEUAJ18! 8EGAR8! 'PIIF. f ll<"? inn eho'ii- fir -a i arr contain I y on hand for aalr, I v hnlrtalr audratail, at D. M HE!HHIHJKi,N?. 51 Wit. I lain attrrt Hrfaliil. of the (liirat and br*t quality. I'mirvTit, " " " " La Noima. Li Cabana La Klnrinda, a naw brand. La "alma, " " Nnnnitat. l)r Moya. Ynurnuulad, a nrw brand, (iaraiitiiad,, I'fineit**, t f lh? C.rn, Krndon and Sin hranda. In adilirinn lo ihr *borr. thai* arr a rniirty nfothn brandi, ill ol whirl) eoiinoiairura and thr tradr grin rally wriiId to aril to loot) at I'trvuni to furrhauiiK rlnvvhrra, a* all Sou tri | iun haarj fmni this ntab'iihinrnt will be taken back at any iiorifthey do not nit'' iti'hrtion. N. B?Order* (mm the oo'iuirv rarefully and I'rornptjy at- | ell Uf 11 (O 111 'MH MIIM A CARP. PHENIX KXCIfANOE. HNKDECOR AND THOMPSON, ' [NFORM rh^ir bumr rout Tripoda, ihat th?y h ve And L rfliMi th0 poiu'ar K?frcio^ on (he S V. corner of Pin* f lid Vaiiuu tcrrBti, known at tli<* " r'll l?'SflX ICXLfl A NOK, nil nr- d??t?? minml lo k ??|? th#eHoicr<t liqnor* *?<! ?ffc* a to bp . on i| in rnp cilv, ThoiP whi ai'piPcint* |",rior i<Iaa? I * imly ? r <?in, ire rr?jup?t#u to c*l nnd try * % ry fiup artick j*r itc i%rtl ? i'IIK D'NIVH DRPART.VU NT iiPornrl-Hv r or*nnrpcI. ai,(I fhn*pwho wi? n rood dirtier, wpII irrvnl cab now ^ iCC'iM ?t mob tap rhurifi At lb* proprietor* \te r * <oiVt*d o k p t fir?t nf hnnee they ten. ret fully r?qn?r the *ir ?iia*p of iheir frir-da and h ? pontic, Hi long at thrv sli II j e I'o.mtl to d tt rve it I* \ M S wNKflM )". \VS IN I) '1 (I* PSOV. N B.?Thp LUNCH At tht Hv wi'l fop ?* ?e<l up** err i t> berw**o 0 Hud II o'clock, A. M. Oyttnt iu *t?rv ? > I ? I l til hit ii i tl i i '' 1 " PALLOW?II hnrrplt TaII?*w, a prim# rtipr , fortal# l?v l; ' t. K < OLLINH b ' O, AC N>I?Pi ?i AUCTION SALES. ~i liUiiAb iKLL. A?cti?wr/ (Stirt No. SA -Inn otroot.) TUESDAY. ? At loK 'clo> k, at tb? aalaa roo?. r T'j S*1* choice iraaonab'a fancy and itapla dry fo?< ol all aracriinidiu, |q lota to mil poichaa'ri, fce-eotnpnaiu C loth? HI ia I L....4- 1 H .? m hosiery, mns' calico, shirto gs, sheetinsx t?Wc l.nnie di r/T" i ^vu. l^e.p. 3 uuuks clothing, qusoij ? t I d* j*w ,r> aid *uhi, 2 spl u'id Watches, X ijuar 11 y < a\.o' Vft'V' *'{"' "il" ' o ooa saxars lie Alio. 10<i hue ihirti. ftunK.,1 a anliuithcd?very fin* As ,niy V'OSKHDAY. a . . j , dock, thf lain rooa. r niy#r *1- *??ortmpot of ?proud h*ud farritui of am d*?cripnoui from a family leafing th<* city, ibcludiu a aupeib pianoforte. THURSDAY, At 10* o'clock, Will be sold the entire valuaol- luroiturr eoiitni-ed in th hm?e No 251 Spring street nnr Hudson, *l| nearly new an of ihe brit drierrptiii'i, cumin isiu* the iVnituie af |W,,r? lori. 1 I) ilroomi, > oem-it. Ac., vx Bt uthaek". double an ungir p lent bsdateads, eds, n mf iters maltraoes. icnlna, oy and nl'er ,U 'itl d>, loilit hii. bine,us insplerhai i looking nit *e , rle ant b ok cu> splendid piano I it fun rate man ually ch-ua. filln and daw iei end diu i, t iM numerous can els, tugs, oil until, lamps, bar.uivt siine-i leee, lie. A lint rate cook in* xtove ard kitchen ute si, AT PRIVATE SALK. A splendid set of Circular Kitensiou Uimng Table., cc $180. N. B.?Kvery facility will be afforded for the disposal merchandise of all desetiptions Busiuesa will be carried oi a buviuena lil'e inauuer. Sales will be regular, ?ud rerui prompt, iu this eelablishineut. no* under the charge solely Oi THOMAS BeLL. 36 A uu street ari-"1i 8 I'KAVBOAT KOIl SALR.?Kor sa fl. ^Aat nublic auc'iou, by Wm. H. kranklin, Ai uCI*yftCi3E.tiaueer. at the Merchants' fcxehdugf. on Wi in *day. llie 2tlli instant, at 1" o'clock noon, the ue and vph d d fist sailing steamer NKW JICR9KY. together wi'h I furniture ai d tackle, ns she uow lies at foot of Barclay stir The .New Jersey w.-.s huilt at i reuton, N. J., iu Ihe year 18 her leugtn on deck i> 217 feel, her hreuuth ol beam is 26 fee', I depth 7 feet; her timb' ri anu plank are all ol the b-st Je a oak; she is cnri|ieml and cornier fistemd iu the best innnii she was completely overhauled last spriug, and lit rd up a night boat lo ruu on the North river. She has 280 sleepi lierihs, besides 2 spacious state rooms ou her promenad* net Her mattraaaea and lunuture are all ue*. and part < f Iter fur tore has u-ver been m use, (Itavuig a larger ijusntity than w required for her use. ) Her luveulery is most ample aud rvi article selected with the utmost care. Her boilers are l.m new, having been in use but a short 'ime. Her eugiue it i e and of the most modern construct in, havirg breu tested every possible inamie , which tests piove it to be second none, llr! ave age draft ol' water being about three feet ei| uu lies, w' icli ft t aloue makes ker doubly valuable, as it able* her to cross the bir at tne lowest tides. Her speed is g i her cabins aiiy and sfiacious Her furniture being all ue nukes the New Jrsey, as a passage boat, oue of the most i siranlenu the Hudsou. Teims cash, in city funds. It is 1 leauuied iieraoiis wishing to purchase will examine I the nst Ives previous Co day of sale. j 11 toil re PUBLISH K L> THIS HAY, Price l'JA Lents, NEW MIRROR?EXTRA, NUMBER 4, contain!*"! the SONGS ANI) BALLADS or G E O R G E V . MORRIS. The Main Truck, or a Le?p Tor Life Snnu by Russell Lanil-H " l<u,s*ll Tl e Land of VVaaiimgt jd " Hutrhinsom Life in the Wen " Kusseil The Got near the wnod " Kutrrniana '1 he Sword and Staff " Hu'chiuaoiia We were Bo\? loyether " llussvll Where Huil,on'a Wave " Mra Suttou ; Mv* Mother'a Bihle " Hu.se11 The Ball ronni Uelle " Mr? Strong Ma R&irlla " Mia Bailey Love Thee, Deatea' " Mra l'ave Til Colonel " Mra L. tier The May Oaten " Mia Loiter Westward rl " Hutchinson* J?net Vic Ilea " Hu'r ri?v., The Suitora " Miss Lewis "peuthy Lauice, Love " Mautera lloaa'iel " Mauveia Wearies uiv Love of uiy Letters?..... " Madame Marouche Whfu otlier e ricuila are round thee... " M sa Shirreff I he r xil? to his Sister " Miss Heynolds She lov.d him " Mad'lle MelnUe The 8w. ep'a Carol " Mra Iloru Site't Grief ' Mra Wood vly Woodland Bride-. " Br?h in The llet"rt " Mis Lnder The liock of the i itrnns " Mrs K Str-iuR 1 h Ua.smoi. haste " Mn Seguin Woodman snare that tree-... " Kussrll I love the Nigh' " Mi a SliiW The Pastor's Dang ter " Mn Seau n The Ministuie " Brali on G'erthe Vtouulains " Mrs Seguio Near the Lak< " !>.'* Horn The Seaaons of Love " M't Kniiht Oh. Thick of Vie " Miss Taylor The 8 sr of Love " Schnval Oh, would thai she were here- " Horn The Croton Ode " N York S M Sock Imverhive heeti fils- to thee " Mi's Lewis Aly hark is out upon ihe 8ea- " Brahain National " Bnhsm Love, s*onor and O iey " IVIiss Pairaon Well-.-D-iy " Miss Keynolda I'he L'li.e inn's Dinuh " llussell Win t au Sereoadi " Mrs Austin Will Nobody Marry Mt? " Miss Taylor a any ?t ' lair " i>ir? lioru Au K-fOir 11 Mi * ?iu*he* The Carrier Dove 11 Mr? Auatiu Not Married Vet *' Mi?b I'oole The liratn of D?votion " Brabant Lady ol England* u B ahtm Twenty Year* Ago M Mrs Matthews The Evergr eu " Mit Maitin The Day is now Dawn ng 41 Miaa Toole and O Love bi'ti Star-L?gh| Recollection* " Miw diireeJT Oh This Love %* Dempster Inriitn Hongs, Note*. Many of these 8o"g* and Ba*la'* are now published for 1 firet time. MORltlS, WILLloli CO , Publishers. ii?l #rc No 4 A no reet INVALIDS REJOICE! IN DR. PETERS' VEGETABLE PILLS VOL' HA v y ASURMiUARANTEL >b RKTUKNl? H ALT I. TN the v uih. where h'lioua dmo t'em are so prevalvu', th ' I ?*>)? ?un*-ftl y tuTf ih us.iuus of liven. Thvy niekno wber.ver 'be medical ? t is p. actised-* abroad an we I a uncie-but th? noyh e<i>;r.ia ly has t ee? the rand fie?t ieir ?!. p?d thoogh frequn mad? supercede them, by je iun wlio-e ir-exjMiii" e should bav if t and th-'in from tampernitf ^ tit lium m Iif?, P*t>ra'Pi r main. ** he.etoforr thr. povulak ?i?:uiciv?: or thu sor AND wkjt It seems, indeed at ii every attempt at only served to enhance their reput ition, to iric e at* t * \ demand for them?a demand which In. compel!* to -prop toy to doublg lha oapaaity of hn aalabltahui tit, in order 11 loH tot r?i|ui*.te ap. lv. TflPnlWW b)1f?r guortl ind eaptdity may amd 11? lativtioN, w II always carry dty at las'; and lor this re.uon th* medicines ol I) IVti baiog tht malt of hilosophieal tesaar h and aaifsrsaJli kuowlsdgtd mactteal *k*)J, will muur uu the r poaitioo in public tat oi as long as disease exist* and health is couside, a blessing. In all d'jeavp* of liver, stomach and intestines, Peters Pi art the ouh reliable preparation. rhoy flnwi the ivsl m its imptt ities, gives rengfh and tone to all the m^chii.ey of i gestiou, promote he 1th v secretion*, cure dys)>ep*ia&ud billiu omi I nuts of wery form ami character, ami, as a m Id ] ^earthing cathartic, are admitted by th* profession to have I Coin pet/tors in the whole range of medic*! science. The action of Pe ers' ''ills is not alone upon a certain s|?eci org n; butupou thellmd* of he hodv which sustain life. T white palpv Ii?itiid technically callel chyle, which i* form fro <i the food in the l&st process of digestion, is iheelernr from which the blood deriv; s its origin. Punt chyle makes pi blood, and with purs blood the system must lie hevlthy. Tl is universally a -nutted How then is the blood to be pnrilie 1 his graud desideratum can only be effected by some rredici that acu directly aud powerfully up m tht chyle. Here is t grett ecrer of the extraordinary. the almost iucreililde cui wrought by Peters' Pills. The veg*tnb'e cornpi uod of whi they a?e composed, and which cannot be analy ted acts i me "ia'e'y upon the chyle, and, however full of acrid or otk unhealthy rn tier it may be cleanse* t thorougly. ami renders inc. p*b!e o' prodnrjig corrunt blot d. The \ untie at ton of i f iiiutain head disinfects nil 'he streams that flow from it. a rrength, toue and vigor is coixini mic ifd, as if by magic,to i the 1 auction* of life. Ho intt' h for the modus operandi of Peters' Pills. They ha .em te 'ed In the exp-rieuce of 'eu year*, and th? ir eitraordii r pr rertir* are now umlisyu'ed wen by the most *k? ptir ' Ho d fast to that which is good " say* the sabred proveb,a w repei it liefr , as a rantio i to those who are given to m mr g after every m-w uosttum offered by ignoraiifpretende Th* v irc??* h of ihi? conqueror of iiseas** are knuwn?m<J th( who re*ort to the "niitiirH Mp^rininti" of unscrupulous m< a bo a ? only ambus to put mouey hi their purser, and ct nothing f? r the valuable lives they m*y sacriti in th* W"k* ill assuredly r p'nt.p- rbai when too Lie, their foo isli ere ! lity The genu i e e*'i?t otiiaL of cur?* in the hands of the pi prietir, would fi'l volumes; but at a time whan spurious cer t'estea are so rife in the puMi: prints, lie d ems it u?e|esi? publish th*m. 't hey can Ie seen, h iwevrr, by those who d?*t fo i tpeet them 1 Krr is bo' an agent for thh medicine in t M ni ted States who does nit posset* piles of such certificates fr the moat rva tectable sources, toluiirarily end gratefully giv PKTKRrF CATHARTIC LOZENGES POSSESS all the <|n.?)|r ie? of the I'll's, *nu HTe dfsigl fd for th' invalid* w hose stnnuch* are too dedicate to rttittn medicine pill f ?rm These Lor.-i ges are es;*ci<dl y adapted fvrcl ilon who r?ve generally a horr r of evejy thiug th;it has the ah? and appearance of inedo ine PETERS' COUGH LOZENGES. One bog of these Lmpu^s will often do more got ti in cases iro ip pnt ct iromp iou ihao ca?i be rca)ii*<t by a change clmite No 'on li. Iiowi r deeply seated, en resist ih tranqniRising in/!u nee, tud all dts***e* t)f t i: I i'oit.n otner o.gans of re?p ration, if not ntterly beyr nd thepow?r ine? icuie re.ii ily y le'd to these invaln ?ble Lore .ges. PETERS' WORM LOZENGES. The noiyersil ?erdict of ih '?e who hop hof occas'on to use n rniii s rr tl e?? Lo7.?ng*s establishes the:r infallibility core lor wot mi PETERS' PLASTER is the most efficacious t* inedy for w?aHue<? of the |>arlt. Inni ind loins ? for all nffrcti^ni ??f the inutrular ayat? in, and ette nal snffeiiug arising fr?>rn rold, sorb *.? iheuuuUtm, lueib.ig< Stc ?which science*h*s yet discovered In c nclusion it may he well t > obaeisre, that all 'he me,J cines iu vented by iJr. PeC*rs ar* composed solely of veget.ih abstancet?that they m*\ he liken with a* much iiltP by if infant as the adult.and tint they comprehend nam"-is for uen ly every cnranU orm of di??a?* to which hommity is liahli These p-open e i h ive, of couia", -'fought a s *arin of imitatoi in*o the field atfwi <sl them Beware, ihere'r<re. of e Uitfr'eiti v d of new ire lictnei which rh. concorters may boas' poi sess miraculous virtues; k"t which, h ii emsmheo d. h ive n< been proved by ten >ears e?t?ei|r|ire, like IV far*' Pills-and at hot sealed with the approval o?'? , albs preparation' Onre more we %*v, he < are of untried en arinjent* ?"iiold fai toth*t which i* g'?o I " Princif al Office ;25 Fulton, corner of Nassau st, New York j22 Iter W A Ten KS?CL( )CKS?LA M PS. CHANGE OF KESfDENf K. \TICTOR OIROUD. Watch and Clo. h Mar.ufictttm, I * V the honor of apprising his friend* and the public 'bat b las estsblished bis show rnomi and work shops at So. I.) Broadway. He w I have constantly ror sale a most s-lect assortment o heidneand patent Lcyer Watches, and a i os# splendid v.irirt' if Clock*. For rg rellence the onali tics of both will be unsut assed. The models will bv of the most rare, rich, and moden lescription. His attention will, as heretofore, be directed to 'he repair nr> eirni anon 01 i loclift iiid Watches. and also or Mechanics ?.<rri>?. Mr ron'innes to rec ire from I'arts the most b-anttl'ii! and i n ret Mechanical Lamps, to*eiher with ererv eeceaiary ec e-s v. Tl e b-stt'y and <|n-lily of his asaortmei r of tlna apl.ndi inp leases nolhinf to ill* rnoat laatidoma las'e to * e- i.e. h'or ti c repair of the Veehinienl C mp, he hat e lahli'h'd, a bore, separate end dlstin t workshop* AM woik C'.nflilei) t< oin, ii the various i)epqrtm*nt? of his business, will tie esecu e l in the most anterior manner, and at the meat mv ileral meet jit |tnen(i*er Kll K. I) ( ill I I i \ .1 hales, | er hriif 11 r froi x c * i Means, anil for sale hy rc.bSSK It BKOftk P(, Jf2 "If No 61 l.ib' r f Itfeli 1 * 1 Ol< OIL? i barrels .0 I, int>n?OTc|?r l?e ? l b L' i. K. C iLLl k i n., )Hn _____ *k a'r?e". I'flMII f.:< i Hhls Bref'l iiijki*, a s.ii-rior arij'le I o III* Iroo ahi|. Ilissiasuii ,.m New Orient !.. s,|. h, I hi si . K COL iNS It CO , A Booth sires.i AMUSEMENTS. ajTCHKL.L> (II.% ni'ic tjiiathb. BKNKMT ~(W~\V. roriarw. MONDAY EVEN IN JiiiU.ry u-I'h* pwfenMMW WUl cnmiii&uc* -with ? ABON AABSAN. A VOCAL AND IN W'KU MENTAL CONCERT. ?' Af*?r which. >f WAN DVH IN (I MISbTREL. To conclude with SPOILw I) t'HUD. w CHATHAM TIIKATilK K BENEiTi OiTMMB. PKK8TON. MONDAY EVENING. M?will be p afcraaA 1*UK IKWKSH. m ^irm w'licn, d PHILADELPHIA BKRENAOF.HS CONCERT. r- To conclude wiih d KING OF THE MI3T. |. Brlrr Block, Mr Hi*ld *' TRtUN'B INUKPKMIKRIT AMJSU1CAI ~ g CIIICI'K, BOWERY AMPHITHEATRE Bun- IS cenu; Pit 1'W centt. RK.NV FlTCT ..lh. UtAR KLIN. MONDAY EVENING?'i'Tie rfuruuuiMn will roaxanncn with ol rovy HA?"E8. A Meat variety of t quejiri u/Feat* of Streuglfc, Song* f 0.oi*??, Ur. A(W wluen 1_ THE CAROLINA MINSTRELS. Je Ti> e< o'iude with it* THE TWO OL 'W.N'H. , *u* AMKIUCAN nirSBVJn, *t AND PERPETUAL FAIR Every day anl evening hi* week Day ini.wa admitted thn " same eiening frae The Mwirrr 11 hipp> toanuouuc* m it-.ti|eiiiflt wiA the '>' eccentric and uuiquc "I DR. VALKNTINK, ' who*endd>tie?, bita, icraii*; Ac , liave >o oft-o Lept lb* entii# "< aud ei.ce there one continue 1 roar of laugh'ar. ? Alio engaged, Mr. M. G. Hhermui, the popular ballad liifv, ul" La Petite Cento the clnrming dtuttute; Moui. and Made ? '** Checkeni the celebrated pantomimi?t?; Gieat W?.tcra, the ?'V irgiar ritravaganxi*! and locomotive; T. I* booth, the comin r'V linger; La Petite Kliee, the d.iuteute, only three yearn of age, * together with two m ALBINO OR SNOW WHITE NEGRES, t'? with all the lea'tire* ami pecu'i iritiei of the African tact, eon* (lit atiftiug ihe-ji the greatest curiosity of the age, and ilia erowur " J" ing wn.idet of tin* world "I. Anew Pantomimic Ballet, entitled the w. FOUR LUVEKi, interrupted with dance*, incite, comic change*, fee. he. For rharncPri, ilaucea, It"., tee the bill*. The Gipev Family, an iu number, can be earn at all Iwut, lor dre**ed in th*ir Native < oatume. The GIPSY QUEEN can lie privately conanltad Mgardlag ? Paat. Preeeut and 'Future event*. Perforiiutnce* every evening at T o'clock, and Wedoeaday add Saturday afternoon* at 3 o'clock [T^ Adtnis*ion to the whole 23 cent*?children alder tea yenre, half price. 25 ceuta eitra for private cooenltationi with thi Oipny Qneen. jU ra PBALE'B SKW YOllK NUBKVB AND PICTURE GALLERY. (Broiuhmv, ovvotitt the Citv Hall.) [P^ ADMISSION ONLY 12* CKNTB.-QI The Manager i* happy to eiinoouce an engagement with Minn LOUISE DOROTHEA WAUNE.i, the Kortnne Tailing Gipsy uirl aiater to I THE CELEBRATED UIP8Y QUEEN, ..fill- American Muirnm. .She can be aeeti fr?m o'clock in che morning til) 5 o'cock in the afternoon, diesse ' in her u.tivs costume, and can be privately consulted regarding PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE EVENTS. She cannot be seen in the evening. National Portrait I Jail cry?Grand Cosmo* rutin, and inn,(no urioaitns Admission one shilling?12^ cents extra to those who eon* salt the U||>?y Oirl. it rc MILITARY BALL. THE THIR.D COMPANY NATIONAL OUARD BALL * will t ike pl .ee at iaiinuauy Hall, on Wednesday Evrnr iiig, Eeh, 7, IK I f. Tickets $2, m.?v be obtained nfjnhu Carues, tl John street; K. 11. Daly, Si Broad >t., W. 11 Dotninick, 40 deruwich s' ; A. M. Shi.-rs, llUi Kulton E Wainright, 28i Spring St.; C. < oles, VOi Canal St.; S. K. Eewler, 90>4 Bowery, slid J. H. Lowimhery, 412 Pea'I at d30 tK7*ee MITCHELL'S OLVMP1C THEATRE. TREASURER'S BENKKJT-W. CORBYN respeetMhr 1 aniouu'es his Beuelil on Monday Evening, Jan. 22d, 1(44. on whirn occasion will be produced the celebrated musical dr,ma of ABON HASSAN. With the Mu<tc by I arl M. Von Weber. The highly popular liuce called THE SPOILED tHILU. In which Mr Mitchell will appear as Tag. Mr. Holla'd John. Miss Clark" as Liitle Pickle. Ann lhece|ebr?t d farce of the WA \ Dh HINO MINSTKKL. In which Mr. Mitchell will resn me Ins original part of Jem Ba(s, a> wr tten espresily lor, and played by him upwards of sty one handled consecutive nights in Condon. To ?Inch will he added a unr Al s sin I A1 u Til 1! M l A"r> a , ensievna. Under the direction of W A. Kin* E n|, the ctlrbrat d Pianial, who rat kindly volunteeredon tin* uecaaiou ITT-Bo* Brok uow P|?n. jlO ItM HAmDWaKK, PER' I r-SION CAPS, Stc.? 2f> Caaks Bright Tree* Ch'ioa. t> do Braaa l'h?mbrr Can >lwirda aaaoited, ID do "Peilta" Hi,Ilk. and Ilium,aaaoited. 5 Cud Pi-rcua.i")' Caps i.atorud. 10 C.i?l a ifiiuinr Sheffield A??'U, aaaorted. ANn Cu aud VVi< ugh' N.-i'a, Kilea, Toola, BedBcrawa, Carolina lion Sic Stc., for aal* by JON. A. NBWBOUilD. _j22 3t%l WSt^ec _ MJohnatnart^ ni- pACKET Slllr UARHICK * RUM LIVKHPUOI?Coaf aigBrmi by thia ?hi|> will p'raw; eeud mar |ermita on board, at Orb-ana wharf, font of at. All go nla not pcrn.iurd tu fur daya, will unavoidably bd a?M in tin- public gtorr jli itrt h, fPHIKSXE KAOh?3U0 balea S * K K T-ir.te t'aca?for aajf 1 bv PERsBK at BHUOK9, jj1 3trr. Nn ?l Ubetty atra?t. QUI)A ASH BLEA< mNti~POWOh-K-lo IloU to aaftt ^ I tircH s*rs for sale b? jll rc _ PKHH-K RliOnKS. No. 61 Libetygt 40 MYSTERIES OF NEW YORK. 1BOSTON: 7" PUBLISHED EY EDWARD P. WILLIAMS, ? COI?* i'* ORES* BT&KCT. MI for SALE AT ALL TjiBIODICAL DEPOTS. ?" 2116 m' rc "Jr. AI)V- r.TI rFAlb NT. ,,,* MKT A L L I O I' K N 8 . tl'?" DY recen? inpr >' e l'u-a in on, 'he Mrel, and in olher ra, D pirta oftho r ic?ia 'fern rir-ing it in'o bare Lmi ?c- rmb e I to a in a vrn l un-a- va'irl>?fi> flir aiao'tmaiil hrr toihe lor inamficlu e.l br u?; ami cur lut uuw -tnbracaa Pan* red ' unable I"ir every kiud of wr ti. g. fr in the moat delicatr luli t i hind It tin- broad round t< \t of Irdvrr loading. A *ut of 11. llmbiliiy. an amerraU c<nn|.Uiut aitaiaat SPel I'rai at an early of |>rr od ol tli*ir manufacture, i.ud itll'djrd juaily agaiii.taoae li inadrrvrii at tin. diy, wr do norh-.iLUr to aay oar Peue aia >n> entirely rieinut Ir in, .uid the ae.ertiou, i* wTI befound, ia trt hone nut by traiimomait fi.nn tin- inu.i r-orni e.riu judgee. no Soma of the brat wri'iug ma<|rra iu thia city have adopted 11 IP m iu preference to ilir quill.aud wbru it ia rveollec'ad that ia fir nruntmuul w rit ug it ia eouiei.mra neeeeaary to make a aiugle lir daah a liu? a l-lt to an % f an inch in wiuth ihia aiirat ed irihuir in their nceilence become. the In, beat compliment that nt can br oflrrrd^ irr IVraone in king chnicr of our Pen* ahnuld br Particular ia een. lecliug ti e kiud brat auifrd lo Ihrir hand a* ?fr have iu mora d f than one intUuce auTared injury from a bialy daeiaiou baaed or nntin a tiial ol a an gl? Pro, of tha kind perhips tlia Tory ophr jui.itr iu uli ita proper toe to that rhicb ahould bara baau aar-a irrtrj. <-h Thrr arr put up in (br nratraf atylr. on carda and io bom, in- and ?nld by the Suumoe.a Daalen aupplird by oar irr ugn-ia, BAKNET it CO., 167 Broidwav. near t'oart'iuidi it .l?rt, C. C. WHIOHT St CO. New Vorb. br I'baae charrrr that rach Pea ia atainped in fi.ll C. C. Wright nil Y Co , New York. jl1 ttie eod'ee |Ylt. MUW'fKR'S KM) L)KnP |.uta all competuioa at ?r ? ' drfimcr. Tli i|Ua'ili?a rf ilna arnele are ditfirent front l# all othar medicin'a uaril for dr'ic.iir diamaei Tlir proof of 4| iia baring cared in iboaaarda of ra ra in thr city of Nrw l|(j York Uirc it audi aiicc th?t we aland now on a" eminence Iioin nil ..there Wr einti in the public to tie careful rf uoa ri truma, got no every day for he purpoae of gn ung them, and of tppnatrbinba tatting duir noa-Y vltbtn dotal ib.m any aerfirP. II tlir e air any p li > doubt i f 'hp ifliparr "I llila lt(I muiIiciiip l*t thpin pall a'tl n Il?ni?ri?n Diairnaary, at J Ui. tl viaim) atrprt. wh*rp caritlitatfa of rur?a pan bp w?, ?om? of iu' 18 v< ir? standing, and ilia iro?t nat niiihir* on ie < ri. Trie*. fl mir dollar |i-r tial with full direp'iona, and warraiil'd to run Of ii t rli v .' Jti It'fC STKANliiillS llliWAKE lit thi* a?p of Utiaphery and Humbug it i? moat important M piioinf an paiwrirncrd I'hyiit 1111. lift. J KVAN'M. baa reniorert lil? < >1.1 OaW. Head Diapauanry to .In !M Prul -In t, fiiiivt of (> ?(.inI. i'n?l, where Iip rnntinur* hi* moat etlrwrdinary curra of ill delic Up ill-enae*, LO luNrr lioaa comhp plipatpd; hp apprise* iheci'iarna and atraitgarn Inst lharp Ian* in l)r. in hi. nl<l atan.l. and 'hat hp hat no eoniipclioa .ii, whatpvrr wiih any othpr nlRca. Ilia chugpa are mudivat*; hi* i|?- consult Uinna airirflv fifivitp. N B -fill prrp tlr- mini'er; mistake*-up oftpn dangerous? :'88 IVnrlalrii-t. nf (I'y-MpiIh iu.i ami Jirpptiona apnt to any part of the Union, 0) In inrli' nl irlv " Umit thp Caaa, and enclosing fi?P Jul lara. p,r jlllf ?e TATK.N I ALAN I) 9KKRT, FOOT 'I 2t ^-C-JaOK WIItT'- MALI. ST.-Thp stanmboat X? ..;a-./-STATKN IHI.ANDKR wiIIIp*?pNnw Vork ail i, on ar,J alter October id, aa follow*, until or 'arthi" unicp l.e-ur? Si i|p.| I |.?a ?> 8'd. 10, a. St., 2, t, r. M. Ip ivp Now \ rk at 9. II?H, |ft nun. past 3.4if N. B ?On Sundays th* boat will Ipbvp at II instead of lt){. All Iroytit tl.ipfieil is reunited 1.1 b* par'irtihrlr u.srted and f s at the risk of the owner, .Pltfr NtW i IN '. I \< K?l |'OK LIVfcHfOOL. l(3fW-l'.i k t ihili lanu.r.?TIip splendid and faroriN " mpHBBi'.cl'i' i hi" HI If. HI 11 \ N, lik t<n a bsi then, f'aptain * K. A. Dp|>pyati'r, will aail nu K fiday. Iilh January, i?ga* * larday. Thp thipt of th ia Imp arp all lhi>0 tons l ur.h-n and npward*. r rpiamia ab iui to piuImiIi ior the old , unuiiy, will not fait to * >'? thp adtanbiKP* t?? Iip di-rifrd from seleeiiog t*ia Imp in pr?. h rpnto lo anv i-ili. r. aa if. .r ureal ranapiiv render. ih*n .wo ' way moif omf iPilIr niid ronienient than alnti ol a entailer ' claaa a~d their accom moda'iona, ir la well known, are anpertor '' o any othera 1 hoae wiahii K to bertha, ihotild lot ' lTil to tn ikr early appiir-lion on hoard o'to >t \V In J. T. TAPHCOTT At I he if tieneral Puu|' Ofli ee, ' t.l Peck 'lip, earner South itreet The HliTidan * i'I ?>il from I itet|innl on the IHh March ? Peraona wialonp to aenrl for tl.eir Iriende.ean hare them hrnafht out in ill ? *!? ikIiiI packet, or any ol ilio regular line anting oa tie* lat iitu, IItli, oilh, Slat and Jliith ol eveiv month. t llrifti foranv .imount payable mi ilenism) wilhont diaonat. v tnwna ol P.i viand, lie!ami, Scotland ana j VVa'ea ronataiilly for ?al? at ahoie TheiRocheaiet will an cred the Sheridan, and aail on tlal f K" rn?ry. jtt S ec f I'At KKT Mill IIAVKIt?Second Line?Tha aWP^^ahit" ST SjI'.OhAS.Wn R IM1, matter, will tall " dVMMMfar'ii the ut . f Kelno?r h r freight or for "aaaaae ap. 11, to lUii Li k lllNCKKN.V I on'iaa Bnildiug, 'j J11 rc corner Wall ane Water ata. t? Kim NKW OHhKANS? Lrmitiana and New hRMV Vork Line?Itegn'a' I'.ieket Hat Jan.?The faal mil^jpflCaiiiK P-ch r ship MISSISSIPPI, Captain C. Hillard. d mil iailaaaboTe.herreanlird.av. V'or freight or poa?age, ntring hnmlaon.e fiinnihed arcnmmaa 'ioiu, apt I y on board it (irleana wharf, foot of Wall at met, i) irto f K. COLLINS h CO. S6 ffonth atnwk atoppera hy thia lin? rray rely tipou harilg thetr gooda Mm e -eetly mrnanred. _ Agerta in New Drlteiil, l/ulli - It Woodruff, whn wffl arnmptlv forward all (pinlf. to their addieai n The par her ah IP YA/O.i ? a t r U. I. H I-ran a, will M*> [ reed rh? Miaaiaaiopi iindaail the TOtli Ki b , her leanlar day. | ilUill'c , I'OKTU*KKMALE PIU^Ph ('HK.SK fu-'aine.! anil rel-brat-d fill' from ffWfc ' Wf perctifti to b** obtain*! .n th?0 country Tt f*n 'b* ' ?* 0?n*tf? r* t '+ I 1 AUi>?71 b?mt? Pnnw 1*3 [a j<t% u 7* U K K. ( Ol LINJ9 ll CO. J M ,;C S??tfc MM