Newspaper Page Text
AMUSEMENTS. ITOIUCLt l OLYMPIC THJCATKK. THIS EVENING, Juwof <1?Th?pwf>i?nw wgl CO"1 UHNtC With AflO.N HASSAN. Altar which, WANDEHlNO MINSTREL, hollowed SFOiL'D CHtLD. Jo conclude with E KING COLE. Old King Cola. Mr Nicfcicaon CHATHAM TIIKATRK. BENEhli Ur MMo. HfcKRINO. THIS EVENING. J.aaary W-wUl be parfomrJ DOUULA"-. AIM* which. VIROIN'A SEReNADEBS. T o conclude with _ PHETTT OloLS uF ? I'll.LBURQ. THtUN'H1 UDEPENUKMT AAEIUCAA CIHCCE BOWERY AMPHITHEATRE Bote V> ceuu. Pit UK centa. THIS EVENING?ill. iwiloruuucM wiU eommeoca Willi DIE 8IEBEN MAEDCHEN IN UNIFORM. By the Gem>tu I*. former*. A t?r which, ... Ul.._ln h.W fna.*. A pat variety ol equestrian Asia, K?u ul Strength, Songs Unices, tee After which THE CAROLINA MINSTRELS. To conclude with COLONEL TILTON. ~BHIOAH nuitcuin," AND PERPETUAL FAIR Every <liy sal evening this week Day visttets admitted the same exvuing free The Manager is happy to announce an engagement with the eccentric and unique DK. VALENTINE, whose odduies, bits, scmpa; tec., hate to often kept the satire sud *> ca there in one coutiouei ronror laugh nr. Also engjuel, Mr. n. U Shrimtn. the popular ballad singer. La Petite Cento the chtrmiog dauieose; M"ns and Matla e Ch'ckeni the ci-lebr.iied iiantomiinisis; (Teat We tern, the nigsar extravug u.xn>l and locomotive; T. O booth, the couuc aiuger; La Petite fc.lisc, the dansottse, only three years of age lOgeil er with two ALBINOEb OR. SNOW WHITE NEfft OES, with all the leaiures ?nd |>ecu i -rities of ihe Alrtcan rice, eon stunting (he-n the gieitest cariosity ol' the age, .and tlie crowning wonder of the nuild. A new I'antoiniinic lis Hit, entitled the KOUK LuVEKS. iuteripersed with dances, tricks, comic changes, tec. tec. Err ch tract* r?, Ounces, tec., see the bills. The Gipst Kaintly, six in number, can be seen at all hour*, dressed in th-ir Nstue Costume. The GIPSY QUEEN can be privately consulted regnrdins Past. Preaent and Future ereuU ... . , Perioruiance every evening ?t 7 o c'oclt, and Wednesday and team-day afternoons at 3 o'clock. Admission to the whole 21 cents?children under trs years, half price. V> tents extra for privat* consultations with the Gipsy Queen j 13 rc PBAUli'S raw YORK JllISKUfl AND PICTURE QALLKKY. <Broodu>av,ovpimte the Citv Hall.) ADMISSION ONLY 12* CENTte.^p iTiouMcr ii nitjiiiy 10 announce mi d)(;n?lli i Wltn .viiji LOUISE D >ROTHEA WAUNEx, the Fortune Tilling Gipsy Uirl sister io THE CELEBRATED GIPSY QUEEN, of the Amencnn Museiun. She can be seen fr.ui 9 o'clock in the morn Ilia till 6 o'rock in t'ie afternoon, dresse in her n live dutume, and can be privately ronmlfd rrgardiug PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE EVENTS. She cannot be aeen in the evening. National Portrait Gallery?Grand Coiino rain*, and 600.U 0 curiosities Admission one 'hilling?12X cents extra to those who eon snltthe Giptv Oi?l. j6 rc MILITARY BALL. The third company national guard ball will tike pi ice at J'animaiiy Hall, on Wednesday Evening. Feb, T, 1844. J ickets 12, mw be obtained of John Carnes, 61 Jo'-n street; K. B Dalv, 94 Broad it., W. H Dominick, 40 G eenwich st ; A. M. Shiers, 180 Fulton in! E. Waiuright, 885 Spring si.; C. Colea, 106 CsuhI St.; 8. R. Fowler, 00>jj Bower.-, aud J. H. Lownsbery, 4M Peail sr. d30 tF7*ec MITCHELL'S OLYMPIC THEATRE. nnr.EASUitEK'8 BENEFIT-W. LOKBYN reareetlaily A annouu'es his Benefit on Moi d.y Evening, Jan. 22d, 1814, on whim occasion will bo [induced the celebrated musical Ursula of ABON HASSAN. With the Mane by Carl M. Von Weber. The highly popular fate called THE SPOILED clllLD. In which Mr Mitchell will appea> at Tag. Mr Hella d as John. Miss Clark' as Li'tle Pickle. Vim thecalrbnt-d farc< ol'the WANDERING MINSTREL. In which Mr. Mitchell wi'l resume hi? original part of Jem Bays, a wr tten tsprrssly lor, and plaird by iiiiu upwards of one bundled consecutive nights in Loudon. I o which will be added a VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT, Under the direction of W A. King Esq.,the ceiebral d Pianist, who ens kindly volunteered on this occasion [t"7"Bus Br ok now o|>en. j20 Jtre FAREWELL AND LAST CONCERT or THr. TdTTCiVI FS VAVIIT.V PK'COFl to their uep?rinre?ou.|i, at the Slwkspcare Asifmbly H?i? mi corner William aa<l Dun e a reels, on Tur*. ilav . V - ilk January 23d at 8 o'clock ou win. h occasion the IU 0" ; k d.sticguuhod artists have kiudly volnneeird their Valnnb v -?vic>s. Mr* PAGt. u e udmned vocalist (being her last appearance but one.) Ml or Bl^I the eminent "lid unrival'sd "uiiaiisl, aud alio rartv >-1 tin t'lDieu Amateur:, will appearand perform terera) Quar cites ?l?r* Sic. Th? ait l>. snd 1C. H'|GHE A (th-j ivenle musician") w II apiwar or their respective instruments viz the Harp Vi li a> d ooceiii a Mis* HU'iHKS their iufmt sis'er, faur yrars of ace, will trrf.nm ou the llarp and sing two of her most int>-iestirg H.l Mr CH \ty. M. KlvO, will preside at the Tiano Forte, hav ing kindly tendered his s-rvurs programme. Past '. Grand Ouo?Harp and Pi ino, Mr King and Mastrr Htigbei Nicolson Glee?(f r three voices 1 Gentlemen Am'teors" 8olo?V hvd V nt.s, with variations, (Hsrp. Mest Huahes.--* Mast Hughes lisllsd? Oti 11 mui! me to sing, love; Mrs Glover 801j? Carrier Dove( Guitir, Harmonie. Sia Bini. Air?Jerirv with vaiiatious violin. Master fc. Hughri. Ballad - Happy Lind Mrs Page A Bse Song?Coder the tlose Miss Hughes I'avy Cuckoo Solo?Violin, Master Hughes lint lies PaaTTl By Desire?Vis ip and Conce tint?A Sacred 1 uneml Theme >n whii h Mall Hushes will imitate lha Muffl'd Diumt.ou the Harp, and the rniemnity "< a Military Funeral Song?The Angel's Wniaprr, (by rrqueat) Mrs Pace Lover Bong? last Solo, Gent'em-n Amateur Russ'll Solo-Cr-covien e Hsrp Misi Hughes French Air Song?bavnrite * ir, Siguor Bini. Ballad?1 lie Healih Mrs Page. Solo? Maliuran's favorii# air, Concertina, Mastrr D Hughes De Beriot Song?Buy a Broom, in character Miss Hushes Swiss Air Glee?Fur three voices Gentle nan Ameteuts* Fi"a'??Mtil ey Harp, Vi. 1m kc , Hughe . Tickets 30 ceuti?may be obtained at lha principal music atoies and at the door j'2! Ji'rc UNRIVALLED ATTR ACTION AT liKOTON HALL! corner of Bowery and Mirisiou st,?A Or.nd Voeal aud In stru nentai Concert will be given by Mr. Low. rre, at 1 lie Cro10.1 Hill, on Wednesday Evening, Ja uiry 24th, t* commenci a ,i ijuartet before 8 o'cloek. 'i h? mvalutble aervicea of the f llowi g talented Ladiea and Oenllemen are secured, and tin y will positively ?pi>ear and 11 g many uew and lieniilihil ?p t mental and comic aonga : Miasrs \1. A. and S. '1' Adair; M vara fc n. Collins, Mar, hv, McKinuev, Oldfirld audi I inert. Mr Oldfield wi'l preside at the Piano Koite A CiVhrat- d Brats Baud it ala'i engaged. Div ra open at 6. Hr cur \0'H tea's. J22 3t rrc MEDICAL NOTICE. TUST PUBLISHED, (tbi, .lav) by DR KAWCETT. 196 J Kultou a'reel, a i.ew and original work on Matrimony. Im pnt-uce, and Sterility, auat imically *sd medically ctplsiaeo: wi h a compeheusite r*p??itiin of the or got, na ure and modaru treatment ol a) philit, a-cot dary aymptorna of our, Ihcea glret strictures, whites, seminal we iVnrss, not.ruroil Mlnioiii and ail lh- const-qneuces a iaing from a secret destructive habit of inconsiderate y .ill, tic., ltc '1 hit work c mlaina 180 pur' oi new m*tt*r, and the great opportunity which the Ac' -r tiat liad for the laat tweuly years loth in tltia country and Enrol e, in in v. a igatioa all di e tars ol thag nital " .ana,will render thiabook invalutble both to uonmrdie^l aiders and those physicians who tuppesr the dijpases me-- _,ned mcurabl* without mercury They will he a find . .icucal atateinenta deinonatr.vieg the absurdity of the old mercurial treatment, and the entire aucceaa ol' the author'a plain and rati oial me'lioi of cure.avoidiug thoae dingerona and de leteiioua compound. called inercurv, arsenic, sulphate ol copper, Ike., ltc 1 h? author at ill confines hit practice ti tli ?an n'lections of the generative organa which areao mlly diacloaed ard dracribad in hu work, aud he can tie conanlted cnnlidrntially at 10> Kultoo a'reet. New Vork,where hia Iteatiae ctu be obtained fur SI. Peracn- rending at a (Iinance can have the work aeut by mail, b> eneloaingSI tree of postage. j21 lm"m NEWS! NEWS!! ARRIVAL OF THE STEAMER BRITANNIA. THK SobiCiiOer will receive fall lilea ol' English Payers. for A sale, among which are the following, via BELL'S LIKE. ILLUSTRATED NEWB, PICTORIAL TIMES,, I , PiiNClI, CHA8. WILMER'S AMERICAN NEWB LETTER. SATIRIST. EXAMINER, tic.. he With a variety of othera, at the old establishment. No. 4 Ana ! street, baa'meut. ti DOEL. N. 'I.?Agents' parcela of New York Newspnpr.s, Periodicala, he . imiked and lorwardel to all carta or the I'nited Blatea. in adv?nre ol ihr mail. j22 I wdy Itwy rc TWELFTH WARD HU A V r I iVIFUlC AW OL'l? It I U'Aki n A I i AT ANVlVh.wVl'mvk's lH?T RomTK mm HhImI JJth January, 1144. The underaigoed reapKllully gire uu(i<e, thai the ertennre arrautementa for the above Dill *r? now corn vlated. I he room i* large, comfortable and romrnodioni, and will l? decorated in a 'auperior itvle Wallace'# aidemlid Cotillon B.uid la engage I lor ill* occaaion. The Muaic will beveled and of th? higheat order. Krery attend.?nce neceaaarv will lie provided for lb* drmaing, bat roomi, fcc. The floor will be und. r toe m igr'r.e it of C. W. Hchlim, and the uuderugned Commute! aud Mail igerr pledge them aelrea to make thi. Ball one of the moat apl*-iidiil aud reapeetv ble (hat hat ever t tken ( lace hi thin ward. ITichetainav be obuiiued of either of the folio wing gen tiemen, or ?t Mr. Howe't?Pric-Sl eich. COMMIT IKE. C. H. Hall. A. McOowan, John Iteed, A. A. Alrord, H L) Moulloo, Thnv. 1'inrkney, Jama It-oner, John Merer, John Waif*, Doct. W.Mulinot. John tt Morrell, Wm. Baker, William K. Dana. MANAGER* B. B. MefJowan. William A. Doolay, Hiram Cable. William Holden, Wil iamFalmer, O. W. Mturgeaa. Jatnea G Baruham. K. 0. Peer, I intra H Cutler, C. A. Palmer, Philip Hardenbrook. P. S.?Conveyaneea will be in attendance. jtt 4tia re HARDWARE PERCUSSION CAPS, Cask, bright Trace Chaine. 6 do Bou? '"h-mber Caualeeticde aieorted. 10 do ''Perke" liooki and, aeeorteil. J Caen Percin.inn Cape, aaaorud. 10 Caeke genuine Sheffield Aarile, aaenrted. Aleo. Co<. and Woualu Nai e, Kiln, Toole, Bed Herewe, Hon ke. ke., for eile hv _ . . , JO.V. A, NKwnouui). j2J ItNI Wk re >1 John etreri. pai.Kr.i 8il I r- OA ItH l< K e ItUM LI VKRPOOl.-i.on a eignrei hv ihie ?hi(. will plraee nend thai' [crmite na boird, at > "leain wharf, loot of Wnil ?t. All ?o >de not |iermitted in fire daye, will nnavonlibly he eat to lhe public etnre jjj jter AUCTION SALES. IHOaiAB UlLLL. Auctioneer. (Sim So. sa Jinn tlrotl.) TL'LSDAY. Ac 1'^ 9'clock, at tkfl iiIh roooi, Hauler Sale oi choice eaaeouable Taney and etapla dry gocd. of all deacripuona. in loli 10 aait puichaeere, fce?eomtriaini clothe ol a I kiii<ie. Carta cord caae acre, readme, tUn> a a hoeirry. timeline, calico, elurtiLSa, eheetiare tabic hueue da laiaee. 'rii oee, woolen cape. 3 linnaeclothinc. a qoami v o pledged jewelry aid puna. 2 aphndtd watchee, aqnaatity o grocrrne. 'eae, wince, liquora,: 0 000 eagare. Ac. Alio, 10? ftua ihirti, finished nnd unfinished?very fine. Wy.DNKSOAY. . . A' \ r? O e'ocb. at t'leealee room. ?*>?**"< aaeortment of eeco-d hand furettun ?.uJeth 11 f om * Uatly leaving the city, iucludini THURSDAY, ur-il V u A1 1UH o'clock. Will be told tli* entire valuaol* furniture contained in th ?*!* i O- ^ Spring tlreet near Hudaon, all nearly new am ofth* beet deacnptiou, cuiupruiua tlie (Vuituieof two far Ion, i bedroom*, baerment. He., vi* Suthack's doable ani aidgie j>*lent budateada, i edt, romf>it*ra mattra?a?a, umlruga ny and Ut'ier w as' ataidr, toilet aets, buimua, maple chaia ai'faa, looking gla. ee1, ale ant book cava apleudid piano I'rt liiat rate mahogany chcirt. pilar and claw tea and diuini table* nnmeroua carpeta, tuga, oil cioth, lamp*, barooute lure-piece, lac. A liiat rate cooking atove a"d kitchen u te all*. AT PRIVATE SALE A tplendid aet of Circular Eiteuaiou Dining Tablrt, coa 1110. N. B.?Kv?ry facility will be afforded for the diapotal o inerchaudiae of all daaeriplioua. Bnaineaa will be carried on u INNMN like winner. S.lea will be regular, and return prompt, iu lliia eatabliahmuut. now under the charge aolely of THOMAS BeLL. 36 Ann atreet. pAMELIAS AT AUCTION?LEYi hSPHONERwil L* tell on Wodiiraday morning, at 11 o'clock, at 161 Broadway a very aplendn! collection of Cameliaa, in bud and bl'taum apo Jaaenitni: Ho??>, nl fine aorta; Orange Titea, and the line plana Were ei.'eied for last week, but poatponed on ac count i f the weather. Sale of imported Painlinga on Saturday eveniug. aa tutul. j'3 at* in MM SIEAVB"AT M1K SALE.?Kor rale fly?dPat public auc'ion, by Wm. H. Krankliu, Auc JLaJKJE.ti ,i.e-r at the Merchants' Exchange, on Wed n>adn . lite 24th iiu.Uni. at 1' o'clock, t oon, thene m and tplen dd laat aailing aieainer ibEW JERSEY, together wi n he furniture a* d tackle, ?s she now lie* at foot of Barclay atieet The >ear Jeraey w. a built at I renton. N. J? iu the year 181 her length on deck it 217 feet, her breadth ol beam it 26 fie', he depth 7 leet; her timb iu ana plank are all ol the l?al Je ae) oak; she is c. Marred and copper f>slratd iu the beat manuer are waa completely overhauled laat spring. and fit ed up at night boat to tun ou the >orth river. She hat 260 sleeping heitba, besides 2 apaci .ua aLaie rooma on her promenad- neck Her mattraaaea and lunnture are all new and pait f lor funic tnrehaa n ver been in u?e, (having a larger quantity than waa required for her use.) Her itivrniury u mo. I amp e and eve y arricle .elected with ilia utmost r are. Her hotlera are nearly new, havmg been iu uae out n abort <ime. Her engine ia ew, and of the moat modern conatructii n, havi g breu teat-d in every imacible mauiie , which teaia prove it to be aecond to ..on. IU, .Ir.l'l ?l'a..l., I l\.,_ (?-l .,,.t,l imhev wr-icli fa t aloue makes her doubiy valuator. at it em blrs her to cross the bu at lue lowest tides. Her speed it ( od bar cabins aiiy and spacious Her furniture being all new makes the New J-raey, ,it a passage boat, one of the most de tira de on the Hudtou. Terms cash, in city fundi. It it' lemumed pert out wishing to porchate will examine foi themttlvrs previous to day of sa c. jtltu2i*rc INVALIDS REJOICE! IN DR. PETERS' VEGETABLE PILLS you HAVE A SUKE GUARANTEE ol RETURNING HEALTH. TN the south, where b'liout disorders are to prevalent, these pills annually save thousands of lives. They are known wherever 'he medical ait it piactned?abroad at we'l aval home-but the seuih expects ly hat I ecu the eraud lieid ol their triumph, avd though frc.iu- nt a I tempts have been made to supercede them, by pe'sout whose tnexpeiiei c-thonld have re strutted them from tampering with hum in life, Pet?rs' Pills remain, as hrietofore thr fofular medicine of the south and west. It seems, indeed, as il every attempt at livalship ouly served to enhance their reputation, to inc erte tne vast demand for them-a demand which hat compelleJ trie proprietor to duub'e the capacity of his establishment, in order ti afiord the requisite supply. True science however gnorauce and cupidity may assail its inventions, w II alwsyt carry the day at last; and for this reason the medicines ol D . Peters, being the result of philosophical tesearch a'.d universally acknowledged medical sk'll, w ill maintain the-r position in thr public tavor as long at dtseute exists and Health is considered a blessing. In all disease! of liver, stomach and intestines, Peters Pills are the oolv reliable preparation. They elieuite the svsfin of its impn ities, give a rength and tone to all the inschiceiy of di iirUiou, promote hexlthv- secretions,leure dys|iepsiaand btllious lOuiphunls of every , form and.character, aud, as a tn Id yet searching cathartic, are admitted by lh? profession to have no competitors in the w hole range of medical science. The action of Paters' ''ills is not alone upon a certain specific org n; but upon tbellnids of din bode which sustain life. The white pulpy liquid technically called chyle, which is formed I'ro n the food iu the last process of digestion, is theeleineut from which ilie blood derives its origin. Purechyle makes pure blood, and with pure blood the system must be healthy. This is universally a initted. How then is the blood to be purified! I his grand desideratum can only be effected by tome medicine that eels dirictly aud powerfully up iu the chyle. Here is the greatseciei of the extraordinary, the almost incredible cur?s w rought by Peters' Pills. The vegetab'e compound of which they are composed, and which cannot be acalyxed acts inline 'iate'y upon the chyle, and, however full of acrid or other unhealthy in - Iter it may be cleanses t tboruugly, and renders it inc pable 01 producing corrupt blood. The purification of the fountain head disinfects ail the streams that flow from it, and strength, tone and vigor it communicated, as if by ntagic.lo all the I unctions of life. 80 much lor the modus operand, of Peters' Till*. They have been te. led by the experience of ten years, and their extraordina ry properties are now nudisputed eveu by the most skeptical, "floid last to that nhiclt is good." says the sacred proverb,and ?r t<h*i u uere, as a caution to inoar who an- given to running after every new uostium offered by ignorant preteuders. 1 lid i i rem-> oftliM conqueror of ln.ase are known?and thore wlio retort to the "untried e?i>ennoiits" ol uoacrupuloua men, who arp only anxious to put money in their purses, and care nothing lor the valu iUIp livpa they in ly aacriti e in the process, ill assuredly relent,pi iImps whru too lalo, llit-ir Too iali credu hly The genu lue testimonials of cun a io the haiida ofllieprr prietir, would till volumes; but at a lime when spurious certicutes are ao rile in the I u'die Prints, he d tin* it usrlrsis to publish th-in. '1 has can bi seiu, however. by those who iletirv II 5! ret them '1 I'l n- is no- IUI a|teul lor tin i medicine in the Wiii.edhl<awlio does U'lL possess pi lea of auch oertilicuUa fro Ml the moat rpspeci&blp tourcra, loluutarily aud Kratpfally given. PETERS' CATHARtlC LOZENGES poss?a? all the qualitiei of the I il'a, anu are ursigi.ed for thoae uivalida whose stomal ha are too de'irateto retain medicine in pill f>rm Ttieie Lox-i yea are "-specially ailap.ed for ehiltlien, " ho nave gem-rally a i.orr r of evmy thing :hat has the alia;* and apiiearanep ol iredn iue. PETERS' COUGH LOZENGES. One boa of thrae Leiieny is will oflpu do more good ill cases o' inciiiirnt coniump iou than can bi- realixpil by a change ol climate No cough, howrvrr dearly seated, c in resist iheu tranquillizing iiitlu-nce, and all dis-ases of t e lungs,ttiroat.anc utner uigans ol map raioo, if not utterly beyond the powrr ol medicine, readily >ield to thes- invaluable Loze.igrs. PETERS' WORM LOZENGES. The universal verdict of those who have had occasion to use oi hi. minister these Lozenges establishes their infallibility as I cure lor worms. PETERS' PLASTER is the most efficaciont remedy for weakness of the back, lutira -ud loins?lor all affections of the muscular system, and ester, nal sniffling arising from cold, such as theuiniliam, lumbago, ate ?which scieticeahut yet In crnclusiou it may be well to nhseive, that all the tnedi in?s ineruted by Itr. P'ters ar? composed solely of vegetab e ubslaiicei?that they may be taken with at much safrtv t>y tie infant ts the adult,and that they comprehend panaceas lor uearly every cursole ortn of disease to which humanity it liable These pmperuei hue, of couise, brought a gwarm ol imitators in'o the field against them. Lie ware, tkerefrnr, of rom.t-r'eits, and of uew which ih- concocters may boast possess miraculous virtues; but which, b > it remembered, h ive not lieeu proved by tea years expeii-nce, like Peters' I'llls-aud nie not sealed with the approval of'e ail h.t preparations. Once more we say. he ware of untried eiperiments?"Mold fast to that which it good." Principal Office 123 Knlton, coruer of Nassau it, New York, jM 2tec GENUINE TEAS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. THE CANTON TEA COMPANY, Principal Store, 131 Chatham itreet, New York. Branch Store, 318 Bleecktr it, N. Y. l^ency at llti Fulton itreet, Brookyn. Jtho, corner of Main and Pan Houtnn it, Puterson, S. J. TNVITE THE ATTENTION OK CITY AND COUN '1 KV families and purchasers to their several c.itabliihin?nta, wher? tliey think will be fouud by fa tlie best selection of pure and uuadulterated in the United States. The an ivertal popularity and renown ol their house, with rele. rence to high qu 'lilies low prices and upright dealing, is loo well understood to render furtheT conimrut necessary. Original and ouly warehouse h r the soleof Howqua's Black T?a Obieive-Str.ngi rswill be particular to teinruiber the nam IV r| lull ftoosevelt streets. The public will also b* pleased to takn notice, that llin Canlou Tea Company have nothing to do vmh any tlher atorei whatever, eicept those described at the top of this advertise ment. dls lmec WANTt 0?A youoir alio resprtably lecomoiended 11rl, as iiorar.wbn is clever at her needle?no objection to rencli rUeman Apply at lit Chambers at. jS2Jt*re WAhThU-A v < iiiij III n who understands the Druggist business. speak- the e rencli an J H punish luiguogc- aud can translate both The beat of recommendanous reuuired Apply at M \80N k TUTTLE'd Agency Olfi.e, jiH lw*m It# .Nassau street W E A V He. " \\T ANTED?Kiperieneed Hair Cloth Weavem, on th* 11.hi J v V Loom. Apply it >2 Nassau street or 311 Hiviiiglon at. j14 10a* in DAKTNEH WANTED?In the auinking and Pro vision a business, with a capital of %i '0??a rare chance fur one ol good beainesa ha its A I<u- addr sted to H W. Herald office, where an interview can be had, will lie cont.idrred strictly ?onfidenlial. J22 3t*re PARTNER WANTED.?A gentleman, who ocrupiei onr I ol the lie t locations is an auction and comtnisaion store in he lower rart of the city, wish's to connect himself wiili a l>rr>on, on the lirst of February, who hus -at comma..d from 2 tc ishhi dollars hi cash, and ralculttrd to attend to the. icrioor bitiniess?I he husin-ss w ill pay well, and cm lie made one ol profit. To thoM having the necessary amount of means, this is a good opiMiruimty. A note addri -<ed to J M. A, and Ml at the olfice f this p iper. stating where an interview can Im had, will meet wi'h immediate attention j22 3t*ee dtUi U I hit fintiti WANTED?'To iuveet hi au -h-d dpvJV/VJ lu?| jwriectly sale business, ofa light aud agieeuhlr natn e. Any person hiving the amount to invest, can neco-nc a partner, or lis a cl -rkslup worth $100 per annum Addrvsi I* >1., at this "lin e staling rest n sine, and the earliest opi-ortu uitv for an iutevirw. A young maa would be preferred, and, to sueh, luminal privileges, eejoyed MM) by persons in tliu l-utun ss. will tie offered None need apply who have not the the fundi at immediate command. , ,, TO THE PUBLIC. 1s1 (if) mnc" 14 Crump, Watch Maker, vr li? 0 rand street, begs to inform his friends and the public, that independent of the Watch business, he ia prepared to m ike advances in cosh on gold .-nd aifver watehea.diamoudi, silver tea seta, spoons, links, aud every description of gold or Silver in any shape, iuienue.1 for immediate sale. I aah to auy amount paid lor old gold aud silver. Watehea of every do aaription n i-sired and warranted. 2U Urjid street d!4 lm*rr(. AMIIV LUCINA CORDIAL, IB a aorereign and ipeedy cure for incipient couiutnption, barrenness, impotency, lurorlm- or wnitet, obstructed, difficult of painful menstruation, inconstiueuce of urine or involuntary discharge thereof, and for the general prostration of the syst? in, whether tbo result ol inherent causes or produced by Itregular-ty, tllne.s oraceideiu. Unpleasant to th taste and positively sure iu its'prrations. Its uuriv'lied repot ,t , , ,n u-<r 1, hemtapheres ia llm result of its iiltnoal aoperiiitural virtues. LVjT !N(> UHE PBSrAIH , Nothing can ha a-irpriaing limn ita invigorating alTarta on tha hntnan frimn Parnooa amirtnd with w iknrav and Inailtuda bat'or> i itung it. II one* bnnumn robuit and lull of f ,rrfy undar its intlnanna. It immndmtnly countari In tli- n-rvn stnMt ?r lot-mama of ihr I-main frn?<*, wluc i 11 tha only cnnia < fharitnnaaa: and whn-h prioi to Dr. VlagatnS dun vary WU MmMmd to tn ionttHr. I,?:iguara, i(M, Mn not do jaatir to tha mr'iu of Jin Lucin i (Cardial, whi?-h u r ? gardad in Ina lv%da of tha Inanity in all pirti of tha world, ni on?ol tha moat impo'tant maiti nl rfimovariaa ot any ag?. Hold, wholnaa'a and ratal!, in thia eitv, at It) Kulton atrwt, ooru r Naaaau; and Smith Ik Towlr, Waahingt .n at, Uoaton. Prica $3 par bottla, >24 par dotnn )i lm*tc PACIFIC HOTEL. 18* GREENWICH, NU> COjJJJTLANDT STREET, rPHE above wall known Hotel having meratly undergone as * teuaive repair* and Nftlu(, ii opened for tho recaption ol permanent and tnuiaeimt boarder*. Tha aahacribera having laaaad tha aamaflar a Warn of year*. I . will andearor to merit tM par "nag* of it* former goeat* and , the nublic. OrELD. \ dn Im'ac q. FAKNHAM. ; LI A VAN A AOENCY.?The inbacribats, agent* for Mr*. J. 11 Weal'* B< anting Penan, will be happy to gie* information 1 to traveller* bouud to tlie Havana Order* for aaaara.Weat India fraita, Ac.. a"rnded lu; accouuu collected, diaft* bought and old, at their Oeue.-al Agency Office, UM Naaaau atreet New York. N U?Letter* and parcel* la I warden by every packet. r jlO lin*.c MASON It TUTTLE. ' i HAVANA MANSION HOUSE HOTEL. MPIIki undersigned takes occasion to infant his friends sad k the public, that the Mansion House is now located in Ini quisidor street. No. g7. io ths viciniti of the steamboat landing 1 and vegetable market, having commodious family apartments * arranged in the neatest order* ' A peraoa ia em ploy ad to procure permit* to, land paaaengrra, baggage, Ac. who will board veaacla immediately after the viait of the revenue officer*. N II.?Viaitor* to thi* laland ahonld procure a paaaport from the Spaniah Comal, at trie port of embarkation, to obviate dlfficnltiea and inconvenience aaidmetC WILLIAM YULTON. AMERICAN HOTEL, 1 PHILADELPHIA. Til 18 new hou?e is situated on Chestnut street, opposite the State II. u e (Indepeudence Squar**,) and in the immediate J vicinity of the faahonsbl# pieces of amosMneut a??d i*#ort B It has been built in th? ijk st thorough manner, by J? hu J. Kid^wny, ??q.,"nd contains upwaiiis of one liubdieu rooms, muny ot which ait i^rlof-v wi?n bedrooms adjoining, suitable , tor ramifies, and i * rties ? f ladies and eeutlemen I It Mill b>- furnished throashout, (without regard fo espense) , with new ami slrgsut lurnituie ol ih>- mo?l appmud style, and ; opened Tor P.* reception ol the travelling pubiic,ou tlx lint day r ol .March rax'. Th? proprietors flatter themselves, that their long experience in the huiiiiMa. will . n? b e them to conduct tlx Auiencan Ho tel. in all ita departments, in s"ch a msuner aa will please the moat I a'idiuua, and gua an'eu to thair gaesfa every coml'ott and luxury, that can be found in any HoUl in the United . Mans N B ?Ba'hirg t too ma am attached to thn Hotel, where warm aiid cold watar hatha will at all 'imaa be in readiness. HENKY A CHAH'I EH. Ip??n,i.t~, r JAMES MAC LELLAN. i ?*?pn*n?a. January lith. H44 Jl.'i imre ; enctlish advertisement. r r ONDON?ST KATHAKINE'S HOTEL, opposite the : Lr M'. Katharine's Uork dates, and near the Koyal Mint t THOMArl LKMNtY, 1 <le Chief Steward of the British [ Queen Stomahip, respectfully informs his friends ill toe United Miatea, that tie has the management of the abev* new and elegant establish tut, which is mull and furnished rcgarolraa ol i exjienie, and is in e??ry rea|irct adapted for tlie rccept on of faimIlea and gentlemen visiting England, as the Intel fronts that pa t of the do- k in wh cb the liners and most of ihe other Ame tic <n vessels lay, and is wiihig five unnuies v.alk of the Bank and Hoyal Kxclnuige. The house will be eondacted on liberal > -nd economical principles The Colfee Boom lasuppliet witb the London, American East Indian and Colonial papers. The - Viands, Wines, Ike are of the fir-t quali y A good Billiard , lloom ind Warm Baths will b* found in the house Gentle, men tnav contract by the week or mouth for board, (lie on the same terms ss in America. T LENNKY beta to aaanre those who may honor him with their pat onage that nothing sha'l be wanting to render theui r comfortable, and hy attention t thn wishes of nix guests, hopes to merit that confidence and good will so liberally oestowid on him when steward of the Ornish Queen. dMr to amateurs on the flute. |UK. BAIITON, (pupil of tlie iste C Nicholson,) rearedI fv-x is his intention to give 111structi n on Hie hints. Mr. Barton professes to teach accor di g to the nutnod pursued by the celebrated master, Chailes Nicholson. Por terms and particulars application may be made at Sicnor - (Jodoue. iviusic Store, Broadway, and i\lr. Btodart's I'iai ol'oitr mau'ifacrory. j'7 Im'rc music for parties). VfEKHRS G. WEISS (It KR. GKAMBSA, Professors of tvL Music, lespectfullv announce to th'ir patrons, lha ladies and gentlemen ol New Yo k and its vicinity, tha' ineir Uotil'on Band is prepared to play the most adorned and fashionil music lor rrivate rarttes, wouees, sic. Ordvrs received and punctually attended to at 26 Delancy it j 4 lm*m I music. 1 JOSEPH KAMMERER, Professor of Miuic, respectfully ? announces to hi* patron* and the pudic in general, tiiat hi' ha* removed from 59 Crosby itreel t 138 Lauren* street,where all orders for his Cotillion Hand, to psifnrm on parties, Ac, in or ont of town, will be received and promptly attended to. Orders for J. K. will alto be received at Mrs. W. Dubois | Music Store, No. 285 Broadway. d2ll lia'rc to tailors! " STINEMETT'8 new tutd complete work on the subject, of Ctl'tinK Garments of every description, in a stvle of elegance t ot to be surpassed, is,with the utmost coulidcuce, offer- 1 ed to the t tide, as being a work wholly superior to anything of the kind heretofoia introduced! by the aid of which a person ol moderate capieity ma' obtain a better practical knowledge of catting in one week, than eunld, by the old method, be obtained in yeara ; and he who wishes to keep pace with the moid improvements of his art, caanot do better than avail hunsrlf of the possession of the work. It has already received the approbation of tlw first of the profession, and cannot fail to give satisfaction to all who use it. 'i he above can be obtained of the author, No. 93 Cedar street, New York. Also, complete sets of patterns, of all the various styles of garments, as cow worn, embracing all the different sizes, from 30 inches beast to 44, or upwards. d21 Im'ec CHEAP CAS11 TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT 304 PEARL STREET, LA'i'E 103 BEEKMAN. Tilt Suhiciiber, well known lor the clieapuess mid durehilj- , A ty of his work, desires to inform his patrous anil the public, , that he is now, to suit the economical irudeucvof trie tunes, j making garuuuts of ihe very best quality at a reduction of 20 per ceut from lormer prices, and leas it is believed, by 20 per j , cent, thau garment* of the same quality are made by the cheap | houses in this city. lu order that gentlemen may uuderstaud I what is ii rant by chcapne's, the following bill wf prices is sub- | init'ed to their consideration, with a guarantee that the goods shall be of the first rate quality, arid tlie fit unexceptionable:? j | cii| rrior West ol Kiigla d t linh Coats $12 to 16 ! I'ants, of black or double milled casstmerc 5 to 7 Vssli, ofsilll, s'till, Stc 2S to 4 | Making aud trinmiug. iu the m-si style, tt lie- follow ins j price*I *" tatM to rants and V lX to IX Superior Benver Overcoats, from til to t20. j 6 lm?fC JOHN MOFFAT. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. HHKSS LOATH MADE to OllDMl Foil ?M -No. 90 IJ KIII: on street ?The sub criber, having olenitis Oeu'ral Clothing Store, at No 90 Fulton street, .New kork, ia now ptf oared lo furnish all who inav favor him Willi a call, with every f description of gentlemen's Weniing Apteral, on the mot' rraf .unable terms. Ho offers for their consideration the folioWlug . lut of moused price*:? I Superfine Ureas Coats, from $10 10 16 i I Oassiinere Pants, ".... 4 to 6 JO : Fancy Vesta, 2 to J JO Ovetroala, 10 to 18 S*??s, (to J N. 6.?Clothing made for the Hejthern market with neat- 1 i uess mid despatch Persons will find it lo llieii advantage to call ami eiamiue tne at. rk and prices, at N<>. 90 Fulton street, before purchasing etsew heie. A share of the nob ic |?trona(? l is solicited. VVM. Ph'lTbT. j 12 Imrc GENTLEMEN'S LKKT OKF WARUROBE?Oentlemen or families desirous of cnuvtrting their left olf Wear io|[ Apparel into cash, cau obtain for the same the highest cash nrice To families and gentlrmen quitting the city,or changing residence having anv superfluous effects to disPuse of. will tisjd it much to their advantage to send for the subscriber, who will attend tin m at their residence by aapaiPtment. J.LEVFNSTYN, 466 Broadway, up stairs. A line througlt tlie Post O.f.ce, or otherwise, will recrirt rompt attention dtt I in* re FANCY BALL DRESSES TO LET, JN. PINTEUX, CAFE DE8 MILLE COLONNE8, d23 Im'ec 307 BR >aDWAY. C'ANCY HALL DRESSES, of every descriptiou. to let 8 ami made to order. Manager* of Balls and Parties will fiud a large stock of fancy "rnami'iits, if they should require Maloous handsoinely decorated, liy J OtJONllE, 66 Warren street, corner of West Broadwy, jt lm*rc Lleroritor unil Costumer to the Park Thea'ra. ADVERTISING AND PUBLISHING-i lie subscribers Inn- i i". their interest ia the Publisliiiig ami Periodical tiusiuess. and are prepared to couple and iuieil ad vert'semen ts in the city and country papers on very fav< rjbls Semis. All the cheap public*!lOnt for sale, and foiw rd. d to all ptrts o' the couutiy in advan:oof the mail. Subscriber* received for ! the proof copies ol llarrers' Illuminated aid Pictorial Bible. JIO Im'ec \l A WON 6i TUTTI.K 138 Nassau st. D19BR0WS RIDING SCHOOL, 1 4(18 BOWEUY. I?UH LADIEH from 9 A. M, to 3 P M daily. 1 " For Oentlemen " 3 to J and 7 to 9K P. M. daily. Lrltuhr Lr.ssows. i Eitnci'i: Ripine. (Evening Class.) i 13 Lessons 69 DO 1 20 Kidee "tit Of i Single do I 00 | Single do 7J The Dressing and Drawing Kooma am wll warmed, and every attention devoted to the -omfort ol titan* w..o may honor 1 us witk their patronage. Gentlemen keening tli'tr horses on livery at this esublishment, will liavr the privilege of riding liiam in lha School. ., is . BROADWAY TEA STORE, AJORTHKAHT comer of Prince end Broadway, adjoining iNihlo'a Mower Repository. Thesubscriliers inform their friends and the public, in at they hare tqeued the above Store, r with a new and earenslye assoitmem ol Groceries- the stock rousisting principally of Teas of the finest i|ualilieg, selected 1 with ths greatest care from the last Cargoes. TEAS. Yonng Ilvson .from to M ! Old Hyson " is to la Imperial " is to Is Gunpowder " is u> Is , Ponchong " is to Is Honchonjg " l? lis p Orange frees " lis , As respects ilie above Teas, we defy coinpet'tiomu freshness, Quality or price, and stale thai thev era selections made by ute of the most competent joilye, in the c,ty. COKKKK. Old Java, burnt and ground, Is 4d per pound. I Also, a general assortment oft'oHee, Kraita for ?he holidays, I ill kinds of sugars. very low?and in fact every thing appertaining to a grocery, all of which is wsrriuted In fie of first Qiislity. I 111 Im'ca G. HA It It I HON It CO pAMPIIKNK, OR CHEMICAL OIL.-" Hors's Pstent .Solid bottom Glass Koniiiain Lamps" for chemic il oil end cainphenr, manufactured and sold wholesale slid retail by J. O. Kay, ft No. lib h niton street (bun buildings,) Nee York. These lamps are admitted by all who see them in use, to lie nnequalled hy any lump ever oll'eietl to the public, lot 'heir splendid light, their economy for use, and th-irpr feci simplicity to manage and trim. One lamp tvul give a light eqttal toils sperm candles, at an eipenceof lass than La 11 a , i oent |wr honr Thojr are in fact the cheapest in proportion lo Quality, and the best lamp ever offered to the public Tor stores churches, hotels, and dwellings. Also, agord assortment of I Solar and Oil Lamps for tablrs, stores or douches, MM*riot Quality. Also, a general d> pot for IMP nt inediciaes?such as fir. William Kvsns' Camomile end Tonic I'illv lor nervous I ufferrions debility, riyspeiwin, Ac.; and Krans' Doothiul Syrup, for thildren teething; Dr. Cherry's Astringent Pills, fnt gleet, gravel. Ac.; Dr. Poelt's Kradicator, lor deliratr com plaints: Dr. Halsted's Brisk Pills; the Persian Pills ?co liehraw Plaster, for rheumatism and pains of nil kindv, ?V..>y'? Balsamic Pills, for sy philis. ttc ; Wyelh's Cream nl l.ilin | to bwanrifr and promote die growth of the hair dig lo.'lie DHI ITH, GlinCKHIK.s, TKAH. WINKS, Ac -GASB 1 C NK.f! U FOU.Ntr, IJI Chatham itre?t, oiler at wholesale end retail, to dealers and families? Krrnh k or>icn I* raits, s general assortment. Soger, snlCollee of aM Binds and qualities. Teas, Green mid Black, oferery description. no lienor <ild Winraaud Lignorg,<, r,"n, irsdft. Siiiierior liMp'nerry midGhrrry Brandy. . French and Amarii-Au OordinW, on araljand 1BJJ'**' ,,, . London, Hmieh mid American Porter, Brown Stout and|"i ? Ale. La Norma, llcaili*, Nona** mid othor brnndf mmt<. I- ikl and Weil iiiilm auJ \nwnran Pffaoryes i"id Jolli-t. Money, ill moaU l>n?ea, from Ohio. Jujube Pane, in 12 . .mil Ji lb boian. | Hull He-J.Bpi?rt, '.'uoi and Chocolate, Sperm Oil nod Cnndtea, Soar Ac. bvotnoi Pavilion Water, in gnart nd pint IbiiUlr*. Oooda I deiwrsd to nay part of the city tree ol nptnM. ^ dSl lm*rc I OF. NEW YORK * <* BOSTON: JJ PUBLISHED BY EDWARD P. WILLIAMS, M CON- 3| OKESS STREET. ?; KOR SALE AT ALL PERIODICAL DEPOTS. ~ 'M ttia'rc flflO REWARD-Stoleu lion."tagle Hall, No, Moenralt F JpJ.L? itiM, .n luTi.ible gieeu h RU< K COAT. The ? toat i( aujipoaed to tint, bcru brte<tu an l 11 o'clock ou *a?u'day bight. Tbrrr were a lew coppe.a in the pocket* and wo ailk haudkrrchier*. '1 he above reward will be paid ?u the Jt coat being returned to Uie above rlacr. j?l >t ? *100 REWARD?Tk. Jewelry alore No. II Bowery, "J #> * "D waa euterrd on the uight of the 17th iuat, and robbed r* if jewelry, ruueialiug of gold aud ailvrr guard and fob chaiui, j?1 [old aeala and keya, and ladiae' aud gentlemen'* broachea a?lorted, gold ear nnga, lockeu, finger nuge ailver apooua, attack* ind uumeroua other article*, which areaoldin jewelry alioi*. _ Tko Uv.r.aunl will k. iriven for the recwerv of the nrotiertV try JOHN LOCKWOOD. * ?1M lm*rc 18 Bowery JI. A C(| AND $5 25.-?A superior article of Brokra, Egg _ iJpfr.iJU Micvf mid Nut Size Coal, doubly screen, d, at to 23, J mil smaL Nut at $4 50 per tun, delivered Wee of car age, from . ilieyarila, til Wen atreet, corner Franklin North river, and " c?ru>r Kiflb ?ud Lvveia vtrvete, Eaat river. Order* received at " the Sug.r Refinery. 1$ Leon, rd atreet, through the Despatch !' fort, -nd at boih the yarda, ' N. B ? An allowance tirade to dealera. Jllrw'm TV LEE It MAPEP. J! NEW AND CHEAP LAMPS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. it rPHK Subaeriber ia now opening aoine new and beautiful m a. pattern* of Snlar and Chemical Oil Lamp*, wnich ha will Pj ell at low and reduced price* Peraon* deairoua ofpurchaaing f; or economising iu light, will find it much to thei> advantage to ? call and examine thia atock. A Urge reduction haa been made di in the price*, and every lamp i* warranted. Pure Chemical Oil and Burning Fluid for Bpirit Lampa, da ?{ livercd punctually when ordered. Pi d20 lm*rc J. C. HOOKER, 4M Broadway. FIRST PREMIUM DAGUERREOTYPES" r DLUMBK. Uagu'rrimi Gallery of Patent Pinminm Colored 1 1 Photograph*, 2Ji Broadway, above Mnrrav ttreet. New ,r York?Awarded the first| reiinum and huh si honor, by Aim- no mc in and franklin Imtiluea, lor the moat beautiful colored h Dag urrroty pe* ever exhibnel. 'Pro tMor Plumbe. the 'American Dagu*rre ' whoea fame a* Ul the li at Photographer iu the world is familitr uot only here, t, but in Europe; eud who*e laurel* have r<ceutlv been increaaed t< by the public tegtimouy of the Ainericau eud Kranklin Insti- ci mtes declaring In* col'red Photogiauhs the moat beautiful ever tl ihibited lia>, from a liberal desire to place his *up rb poitrait* u within the leach of e]|, juat reduced tiia term* ? the lovveat ales of the innst indifferent ariiaia inthecity. We advise all lo examine hi* liue gallery ol pecimen* which the world nan- V uot equal, 251 Uroanway "?New York Express. * Pluiiioe* premium aud G Tin in Apparaitu and Iuatruction 1' Plr tea ases, Itc , at the lowest rates. j 19 lmdyfcwy?ee. tl| BALL DRESSES. EMBROIDERED ROBES, AND HEAD DRESSES. ti P ROBERTS, 373 Broadway, beg* to call the atteution of *1 the ladies, in general, lo a apleudid assortment of the jn above desirable ar icl-s ' 500 Lai its' < ore na'ion Robes, with five row* of embroidery, " rpile ? new article, telling at $5, v> ll worih SI2 Ci Ladies'"evieire Organdi un-sies fiom $7 upwards- !' Ladies' De Beg is r inbrotdered Rob-s. a r >rr article, it $S " Ai?o, Illusions, Tail .tana. Lace*. Silk Mautuas, Belgarinea ' "nd French < rial*! Liaaea, of every shade maunlacturad. J (,0 i Dozen Lauira' Kid Gloves, iu black and colored. 200 " " Wbi e Kid, in loon and ahcrt. 20 ''artona EmhroidereI Ca|iea and Col'art. j 17 Imrc P~ ACKET SHIP QUEEn OF THE V5 EsT, lor Livtr- | pool? I h'a ship having been unavoidably detained, will , aail on Wedueaday morning, f lth inalant Cabin i'aa>eu*era will please be on hoard ateamboat Hercules, Whiuhall dock on that day at II o'cl1 ck preci-uly. ' 'I he letter bags will close at the usual places at lialf-past 10 1 jZlec jj PthTLf.Mfcft'S f URN1SH1NO STORE, 69 MAIDEN d ? LANE. r OverCoaia, from 93 to 12 c Hack do to S P Frock do 10 to 14 * Dress do 9 to 14 il Pant* 3 to 8 o Vest* to 4 ? AII made in the best materials and cnt in the modern style. h Persons furnishing their own materials can depend upon >i having them made in the best manner, at Use following ? prices Over Coats, made and trimmed *.f8 to 10 04 1 Dress do do do * 7 to 10 VO 'i Frock do do do to '2 00 V Vest*and Pantaloons, $1 50 to 1 75 h Shirts made np to order, after the l"test and roost approved ' French patterns. Under garments ef all descriptions constant k ly on liand. Gloves, Hosiery, Cravats, Scarfs, Suspenders.tic. l! jll Im'ec Vt. COLLINS. U riNITKli M'I'A'tk'.h I) A111) "H K 1 AN HAI.I.S.IIV iv. v Broadway, up stairs.?E. WHITE would resper-tlnlly ca'1 the attention of cititenaand strangers, visiting the city to hi* plrndid collection of DaguerreotypePorlraiU.siugleoringronp* ( from two to fourteen |? sous on the same plate, which lor ( beauty tud accuracy of deli neat iou cannot be surpassed Por- <* traits taken in all kinds of weather, either with or without e colors. i The American Institute at its late inhibition awarded Mr. > White the tint premium for Use best Daguerreotype likeness for J gronpingand g*?rral effect, which is but another proof of the i superiority. of nis portraits. Mr. White is sole agent in New York for the very superior unport"d German Csmaras , and at no other establishment in / tins city or State ran they be obtained. V N. B?Imported Uerman Cameras; also. French and Ameri ? can Iustrumeuts of the very best quality, with Plate Cases, Chemicals, Polishing Materials, be., be., always ou hand, for K tale at (lie very lowest prices. o7 Jm?m y MATCHES WITHOUT SULPHUR. w HANDEL'S NEWLY PATENTED SUPEKLAT1VE ?l MATCH. 'PHIS ne pins ultra of Krictioa Matches will stand the test of A any climate. Lour immersion in water does not prevent its " igniting, as was fully proven to thousands who saw them ex- , limited in water at the late Fair of the American Institute, 1 where it obtained a ,, FIRST PREMIUM. l_ Also, a new article called MATCH 'PAPERS, which burn v iv? minutes, neatly put up, for sealing letters, be. Kor sa'c st the Manufactory, No. ItiI Bleecker street. at No. I 26 Maiden Lare. * d lit) Broadway. Alao, in I'niladslpbia, by H. Crosby, No HI Walnut street. J17 lm*rc ^ DAOUERRKOTYPE PORTRAIT'S. f (AK the mostrxquisite tone and fiuisb, possessing all the colors W of lire, by A. F. TIIUMPnuN b C'?., ? No. 11 Park U?w, opposite the As tor House. Daguerreotype Apparatus. Plates, Cases, Chemicals, be., ' for sale. * Instructions gjveu in the art. j!8 lm*m ,, AoEIONKTTE BBANDk?8. T. NICOLL.No. 67 and ? 69 k roi t street, is constantly importing and has recently received direct Irnm Kochelle, a cargo of the abuse Braudv, of ' I lie old and iteuuine brand and of very superior quality, which ' lie offers f t sale iu half pipes, quarter casks and rights, under Custnin Home lock, entitled to debenture jl 2taw 7w*ec CTUAllT. LADIES' HAIR-DRESSER. Nlo.~3 Murray . *3 street. respectfully announces that lie is prepared to ( wait ou ladies at their residences, aud to dress heads according ;? the latest Parisian fashions Terms very moderate. ore im* 't pOAL-Peach rchard Red Ash Ceal, of th# best quality and ' " st redactd prices. Also other coal. Consumers of i oal 0 can depend ou a good article aud coriect weight, at 43S Washmelon stre. t, formerly Fitcsimmon's yard. 1 3?l l.n* m J DAVENPORT OAT IN WHITE FOR PAPER STAINKRS-Just re f ceiied, ill casks oi abont ;?00 pounds each, for sale by I JOHN C. MORRISON, 188 Greenwich street. I Dealer in Diugs, Paints Oils. Dye Wo ds, J j'9 lw*ic nnd Manufacturers articles CHEAPEST OIL STOKE IN NEW YORK. !| rPO np-town Grocers and Families? 1 Sperm Oil?Winter aud Fall Strained, Bleached White and Nstnrnl. Sea Elephant Oil? " " " Lard Oil? " " 1 Linseed Oil?raw and boiled, i Olive Oil?in bottles and bettiea. i NeatsloolOil. Alcohol and Cnmphene. Patent, S|ierm ana Stearic Candler. The above are warranted to stard the weather, and to be ol line quality for parlor and astral lamps. For sale by the cask, barrel, gallou, quaitond piul, ehrap. JOHN C. MORRISON, No. 188 Greenwich street, betweeu Fnllou snd Veaey. Denier in drugs, medicines, paints, dye-woods, teas nml grocers' articles?dyers', manufacturers'.pa|?r makers', dis.ilters', roufettinners', brewers', beer makers', bakers', and paper slain ?rs articles. <IW 1m*re IVI&UIUAL. AINU SUItUIlIALi UfPlUJS. ("NOCTOR JOHNSON, 17 Huane street, ?o well known U i U the victims of Syphilitic disease, as the m?st successful practitioner that New Vork can beast of. in the treatment ol :his destructive anil almost unmanageable malady, is still to la ound at the old nlfice, which he hat occupied lor the laat tr /tin. The public, and a large portion of medical men in geuw i nl practice,hava au id a tint all advertising Doc ten are quacks. 1 We admit that a large portion of those that infest this city aie ? ignorant, uneducated Charlatans, but that all are quacks we dr- 7 ty. Medical quackery consuls in a man holding himself forth > is skillvd in the heming art without having a diploma, orau- e ihority to practice, or without general medical ui^rina'ion. < Wo ran satisfy any one 'hat we are legally qualified to practics fhysic and Surgery?that vie poaaets a knowledge of genera) " disease superior to three-fourths of yonr general " Physicians' I -and that our skill in the treatment and proper management ol every variety of Vcuereal Disease, including the surgical a treatment of that harrassiug complaint, Strictnre of (lie Urethra, is pre-eminent. We have confined onr pra-tice to thr ' '.reaiment of all priva-e and delicate complaints for ten yeais ' We cute ou au average UOO patients a year; our laments art nol ' only from every part of the Uui'ed States, bat they come to ut. from the Writ Indies and Canada. We have three physicians ludet our care el the present time amino werk passes without physicians in the city and from the country comiou to consult ' at respecting their patients, er sending os llieit pato-alt lor out 1 tdviee. We discount-nance qu ckery in anv fo.m, and there- t| lore take this method ol iiif'iming st angers, and persons in the c iuniry where they cm tird a physician skilled in tlietrestmn t of their disease, livery case we undertake we enrr. or nuke no , charge. No matter how long you may have Oleet, Stricture, i, IJIce.enpon the body, or in the throat, or note, paius in the ,c liea J and bones of the lrgs, w e will end can cure y< u, if your (. case is i iirale e at all. fl Coustitutional Weakness, or Impoteucy, is a disease so com- / plicated in ils character, hat Lhe treai meet adopted by til - great ,c uiajo' ily of phy si i.ins is highly injurious instead of salutary. We have paid much attentfoa to Use p mum of ilntin, i. My, it constituting pait of our practicr. Many an unfortunate victim of this unnatural vice hat ripe onceo the be -til of our ealuury treatment. ' yipsqis.a, weakness of the limhs and small I the hack, confuiiou of intellect, Jorge Uuliiest, i.alpiurion ol , the In ad, aversion to society, aid au in-bllity to look a man in a 'he race, are O >ly symptoms of this complaint. Ii our dree- n ti lis are lodosved, 'vevnarantee a cure. Poet paid Ictie s, with ? ta'co.otitof?s?e,containing $1 for advi e, attended to. We a ho|d no commnvins with tlie . dveriisingdoctore in Me ? York. :| We speak ol?ourselves as a physician, and tav not* eg ol she | liialihcations of others, (.'nice 17 Duane street, one ooor from ;i i nil ain .irtru Jll IW || MJJDA&UC COITUiLO, " n L'KMAl.K TH V HI (J IA .N?ednctlcd at the .Medical Kacultr 11 iq Paris, itid (irnilnAta rj Midwife, often hfr [>rofV**jiionaJ ?1 irrvice* to the Iodic* ol thi* city and country. Hnrin* hud Ion* ejperirune and rarprizing incccna in the treatment of di?'hw-* incidental to net aei, appn*** Indie* on the point of eon- , iinemcnt. or thoie ttilTrrini from luppreMiou, itrc*olontr.' b- I tiuctinni, *c. ti'.at ?.; will be happy to afford a comfortoit i tflDPOMrr hlfinff fit hrr rMlHfmrr whrn* the* ** * altviwn ti. . 1 (V h"?t medical treatment and the mnt matronly care and ' inning, or if preferred, will wait on nod attend them at thru owu bonnes until perfectly recovered. Mnoame C. particularly begi to iinpreaa on thr mind'of the delicate, that ihe offinafi ' personally in retrr cane, 10 that henitation or dread need never J be "prrehended. N. It.?Madame toatelln wonld inform ladiei residing ont 01 , die cur, whose health woold not admit of travelling, that ah* ' would devote her personal attendance npon them ia anr Pert ol lie United Hunts within rcaaonal/lf diatance. 11?dame U. can be conaultrd r.t her reaidence, 14 Lispennrd ' itr?et, nl all tiro?? and with the atrictert rrtrard to the wiahra ol cer raumta. Ail eoamvnicationaaad iett-ri malt be pott paid. j 10 ln?fre J MADAME G08TELLO rf.MAl.K PKIllODICAf, PILLS?linar nnteed ia every case where llio monthly periuda have become irrepulm "Von eo'ilt.Ar Their certainty of action h.ta long bee* ! < acknowledged hy the medical profeaaion, rnd linndrn'a | k hat have uselessly tried variona boaated r medies. riate >' a ao.n'timea necenary to their nae ; though they contain no ,? medicine detrimental to the coaatitntioa. Advice given grain >: to nil those who use the l'ill?, hy Madame < ostello. II Liape- i aarJ street, between Walker and I aaa>. wliera Ihe l'illt are told. I'll" III per Oct J III lm"ec RI-.-l'U KM> ' hTTO.V-B l.ab-, in hug limner Imiii ' New Orleans, and for anle by PKKH9K h BHOOKH, ., iti Jtrc No ?i Libert).ureal. I his Corns, by two applications of "8ir Aslley Cooper's lebratod Cora Salve." Let the public understand that this Ive has cored eboat tweulv-Ave thousand persons hlMtest as, four hundred of whom are referred to by eartifteete, la >w York and Brooklyn, and they i auuot gaiusaythla oveclielming truth Bold at lloadley, Phelps *t Co.'s. 1U Watae New York. Mr. Milium. IIS Broadway, and moat of the ug atorea throughout the ITnitad States. l" lm'cd DR. SHERMAN'S COUGH CORDIAL, j 'OR the care of Coughs, Colds, Consumptions, and Diieas-sof tlie Lungs?it t^e grea'esl cough remedy lhalh s er heen offered to the public. It sever fails to accomplish e otj'ct for which it is taken. It is very quick in its opera)ii, curing, sometimes,the most viol-ut cough in a few hours, is so agr cable in taste the adult finds pleasnra in Its use; i I .children it U doubly valuable, being alway. takeu | tin avidity, There .is no mcdiciur, hitherto oitcovered end | i ted to the public, which can be relied on with so m ich c rinty, as the Cough Cordial. All aAeclions of tlie lungs and ; roat aie spleodily cur, d. l"or sale by Jiuihton It Co., 110 Broadway aud lOAstor o"*?. j 10 lm*ec . SCIENTIFIC HAIR TONIC RESTORER AND BEAUTIF1ER, TRIAL BOTTLLB?TURhK BHiLLlNUS. HO those whs have used Joues' Coial Hair Restorative know L i s racelleut qualities-to those who have uot, we say that is fact u! our selling three shilling bottles, must jprove the > iug a (null ,uaniity lira,, we wariant it to youfu the foliwiuit qualities It will force the inir to grow on any part h re nature inteudrd hair to grow, atop it falliae oil, cure surf or dandruff, and maJte light, red or grey hair grow Jar*or dreasiue the hair (oft and aillay, nothing can exc? d this? makes it truly beautiful a?d keeps it ao. It is iu?.-?d, the io?t economiral. yet superior, article made for the hair, cold, lice I, 5 or 8 shillings a bottle, at ti.e aign of iheAmrricau agle. to Chatham street, New York; 139 Kult.m Street, rooklyn; t 8 at* street, flostou; 3 Ledger Builuiiigs, rluladphia; 307 King atreet, Charleatou, B. C. The dooriih Hair Dye, for dyeing red or grey a dark Wwn r black. Price SO centa, or 91 a bottle; aold at the aamt lacea __ _ _ _ d22 lin*?c DOCTOR MORRISON. "\OCTOIt MORRISON coutiuucs to be couanlted ronfiJ deutiaily in all i mate diacniee, which he cnrea without leicory, or reatraint iu diet or pur>uita. l>r. M'a improved irth'id of curing Mriciures of the Ureihra by aiaorption, ia gh y auccaaa iL '1 ho train of evila reeultn g fr?m a aecri l esiructive htbl in yonth, inducinir nocturnal emissions. er?i ua dobi'ity and ultimite iinputeucy, axe radically removed y Dr M. on pathological priuciplee, by reatoriug the ayiteui > a liealthv tone, uiareinatatinir ita original vig< r. A perfect re guaranteed or uo charge With one eaeeption, Dr. M. ia w oul? una1 ilied adveitisiug aurgeon in the city. See hia diplo.a. in hia otfiee, 204 % Pulton atreet, uear Ureeuwich. j i7 lm*rc VITHOUT MONEY AND WITHOUT PRICK. jfAV tie had at the priucipi' wholeaale and retail otfiee for a the aaleof Seheneck'a Pulmonic Syrup, No. 4#X Couitmot atieet, New York, amphlets, containing pl?tes iliuat are ol the variona diaeaied cundi ion of the luuga, with a parcular dracriptiun of the character and variety of cuiiaumotion lf-cting them, end also of Llie dueaaea incident to llie l.iyer od Keapiretory Oigana. It ia confidently believed that thia tile pamphlet gitea a uiorv couciae hiatory and description of le liingi than any publicut.ou of ita aiae now in print, and outaiaa in a lew agra, the moat valuable and important infor lauou, which every consumptive person should and may hare i possession, eapet is'ty as it now Is offered them without mo ey and without piica, Kemember, 49H louillaudt at, New or* j IS lm??c GUIDE TO SOUND TEETH. DESIDERATUM IN DENTISTRY "^R. A . C. CASTLE. Ml BROADWAY, eornei J of-WHITE STREET, ha* a Taate for filling ecayed "'hollow teeth. It can be .put into the most tender *ih without any pain nr inconvenience, with which it beoinca impacted into ONE hard solid body, thus restoring and reserving (hitherto painlul and useless teeth) artificially sonml ud perfeol in all thei r respective uses for life?preventing IN ILL CASES, theurccssity of extraction. Ladies the mosi istinguished in society, otter their testimonials in the most ivid terms, a* to ita efficacy. Tha Editor of the Evening Post iys.' ?" It is admirably adapted for tender teeth and nerrona ermons.and Dr.Castle operates on the teeth with great care and bility. The New York Aurora says " It makes the teeth all respects perfect for life." The Son says Dr. Castle has btaineu much celebrity for hit excellent mode of filling the wth." I ne most eminent gentlemen of the Medical Faculty ave personally tried and recommend Dr Castle's Pasta foi Uing t e teeth. Tooth-ache pills, one of which put ia tthe chins oth will effect a permanent euro. I, LE IHEV'R. DON ANGEL CALDERON DE LA IARCA Ambassador mid Plenipotentiary Extraordinary, roni Dan tIsabel H Gnreu of S am, to the Uni'ed States, at Van inct .do certify that ', aa well a* many of my friend*, ire know Dr A <J CAsl LE for many yiari uaiuccfw ll and akil 'I Dentist, standing pie-eminent in his proferiio ; uovring his vorth oud his thing a gentl-raaii of strict iut grill, I with ttlo inre rvcotntnnid nun f.o those who may rtqairs te aid of his olesaional set r ires. I would also recommend his excellent Composition for filling Mih. having in many cases teen its superior tflicacy. (Signed.) A. CALDERON DE LA BARCA. j Dr. ;A.iC. Castle relets to the Spanish. K reach and hlgliah Ambassadors, Ml Stoughton, the Spanish Consul, tear Admiral Walton, Lord Morpeth, Gen. McCsrty, lor. Mason. Dr. E. U. Johnson. President of the Medical So iety, 8. N. V.: Mia General Oaiues, J. B. Beck, M. D j Dr. A. Smith, Dr. E Delafield, Dr. Beadle. Dr. Boyd, Dr. Boer, Dr. J. C. Cheesman, Dr. A H. Stephens, Dr. J. Tcm, layliet. Dr. Wm Grayson J) Dernng. ?w. fce. Office Ji I I roadway. i31ta*s? ABERNETIi/'S BOTANICAL PILLS. "V\E BOX ol these invaluable Pills are worth all the quack J medicines advertised lor certain delicate diseaa-s. Let the nfortunate rest assured that there is no exaggeration in assertyt these Pills to be e speedy and radical cure lor gonorrhoea, leels, irritation of tl. kidneys, htc They were for several ears piescrihed by thi celebrated Aberuethy .in ail stages oi the tiove diseases. In tie first stage one box is usually sufficient i effect a cure in a fee days. Inloug protracted chrouic stages, bstinate gleets,he. tr y are equally certain, having cured hunreds who had been ta ing other medicines for mouths, which nded more to destu v the constitution than to cure the duisc. i'liey never leap the parts subject to troublesome weakens, which so frequ I Jy occur alter "sing other medicines, hey have no uupiu. uit taste or smell, and anv one taking lem might frequent the most refined society without having teir mislortuues suspected. They are com|>osed entirely ol egetable ingredients, which iuvigorate the system generally.? or sale only iu New Vork by Wui. Watson, Apothecaries' tail. 36 r.atiiemie street. j3 im*ec CllOTON BAKERY NOTICE. JIX POUNDS Of BREAD KOH ONE SHILLING ? ' The largest bread in the city to be had at the l.rotou Ba. ery,92 James street, six pounds of superior wheat bread lor oe shilling, or three pounds for six cents. Wheat, Indian, lye and Graham Breau. also, the Kimell Rye Bread of a xuiwior kind ; large lamily Pies of all kinds at six ceuts each, eud a eneral assortment of Tea Lakes, Rusks, Buns, Crullers, Btiy rr Crackers, fresh every day. German and New Year Cakes i>r the holidays. Hour wholesale and retail. V east for ileivery (lay. N. B.?The above articles can be had at the branches No. 368 'earl between K'aukliu squate and Oak stree , aud No. 262 Wil lain ncer Kraukfort, also at 228 Cherry i ear Pelbam st. (123 lm?ric JOHN H. WIEGA N D, 12 Jamea St. DOCTOR CORBITT Lf AY BE CONSULTED confidentially at his office No It Duane stieet, two doors from Chatham street. Stran ersare respectfully informed that Dr. CORBITt is a member if tile University of the city of New York, and that be has exlusivety coufinod his practice to the treatment of a cer am class of eisensca (now over eleveu years iu the city >f New York) which engages his entire attention. The uuala of medicine do uot record greater success than is to be buiud in his practice. The Doctor cautions the unfortunate against the use of mrr;ury. aa it has its thousands of victims. Recent cases ate iu a ew days tcmoved entirely from the system. St-c that you are udicionsly treated by a pvrsou legally qualified, and uot by nctenders and quacks, as then are several of them iu the city, 'ersous afflicted with protmcted aud iuveter.ite cases, need not Kspairof being restored to health by applying to Dr. Corbiit' V practice of many ye.trs has established the Docicr'a reputeion forskill aud respectability, Strictures engage the Doctor's rolound attention. A medicine may be had to prevent a ceisin disease in say of its forms. Office nners T A M In s I1 Ml il2t 'mere C. PRINCKERHOFF'S HEALTH RESTORATIVE, JOE the cure of coughs, colds, liver complaint, raising of - blood, pain in the tide and chest, nnd all other complaints rising fruin a wiuil of HM in the stomach. The unrivalled success attending ihii medicine, requires no urthrr evidence ol it, eflicir ncy m relieving the distresses of rinny who were el mo it ready to tcspair of any hope ol erur nuying Ml The numbrr of letter* the proprietor ii receiving from difeieut aeetinn* ol'the couutry. i> certainly flattering in itte I ? dip?dent of the Joy aud satisfaction he hag >n knowing e naa been tnabled by thu discovery in giving relief to sufferlit mort da The prryudice of many who lute heratofore classed thia ledicine with the many nostrums now before the public?ar eg-uning to eeliero in its virtue aud effir-cv?became ihey are oinpeiled toacknowledga its salutary elfecta. ['/"Office No .'>8* Broome, ucar Hndaontt., and also it th havers'store, !W John st. dill lm*ec HULL'S TRUSSES NOTICE TO KUITL'UfcD PERSONS. JEIWUN8 alBictcd with rnptnco* may tvly upon thn belt instrumental aid the world affords, on application at the ffice. No. 1 Veaey street. or to eithu or the ugeuts in the prieipal towns in the United Stale*. Be careful to examine t) e ack pad of linH's Trasses, to see- if thry are endorsed by Dr. lull, in writing. None are genome, or to be relied upon u ood, without his signature. Many periona have undertaken to vend imitations of Hall's slebralcJ trusses, and thousands are imposed upon in cons* arnre. These imitations cannot be relied npon ; they ate tade by nnskilfhl mecbsnies, and are no better than the ordi ary trusses. Rooms hare been fitted np at No. 4 Vesey street^ exclusively sr ladies, having a separate entrance from the business depart tent, where a female is is constant attendance tn wait o|os smale patients 414 lm*r KROM LONDON. TO THE LADIES. M*9- M1TUHKLL. late of London, bei,-s respectfully to ' ? announce I'll mis'- isur's rftju IIlug I If ai'4 (II a .111 ' WIie, rut she has completed her arrangements for a permanent rete once in New kork. M. hu received a thorough medical ducaliou, end beirs * diploma from the City of London Lyn g i Hospital, to which institution the was ettarlied as Midwile >r several yenrs, mid was succrasltilly iged as assistant and ill sever al thousand cases of childbirth. Mr*. M. it ivored with high hV.imnuMli audcertifirates of SMiiOeation nnn tli- most eminent oftM London nodical facu'ty, and . hieh are at all tunes opeu lor inspection. Residence 2 M ulion street, one door l'rooi I'eirl. dl5 Jm'r __ INVISIBLE WIG JO closely resembles the real head of hair thitscepies and J connoisseurs ha'e pronounced it the most |>erfect end raraorduiary inventiut, of the day. The rrrntadenniais of this ovel and Mliqw Wig is its being Mi WkMM sewing or reaving, which cmits appearances so closely to resemble le natural hair, bo'It iu lightness aud natural appearance, us ?> efy detection. Its teslure being so beautiful, so porous and so ee, that in all cases of |iertpiration evaporation it unimpeded, ad .os great evils of other wigs entirely avoided. The sceptic nd conuolasenr are alike invited to inspeet this novel and beau lulWig, and toe peculiar method of fitting the head, al the lauufacturer's. A, C. Barry, 146 Broadway, cornrr of Liberty Lreet, an sulral ilf7 lm*rc SKBRING'S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL S now universally ad muted to be a certain specific lor Dyspepsia, Nervous Affections, Weakness, Loss of Appetite, Mnlity, lie. I'liys'ciana piescrihe it to their patients; gentlfsen who have esp?rieuc-il its curative rlf-cts granfully rcmnirud it; lailiea have derived the yieatest benefit from ita ihihillon in nervous and other complaints; epicures are ivored to their spietite; and the weak and f ebleare madeslioug ndtigoons. "Health, the |H>or nun's riches?the rich msn I lea," has, through its inlluruca lieen rstciu'ed toall classes mi t.oHuiLHjus?niH imiiicK ana nnnniacin rem, rrrrcniws auu ankers, lawyers aud.divines,'philosophers, a-d planters, inv* .ill bctu rured by I h <a medicine, aa their crtliftcitra iid rrcoimncudatmus satisfactorily prove. Yet thciiaanda poii thousands remain wlio are daily suffering lortnre, both of i.lid .iliI liody, irom Ilia above complaints, vidian an infall ible rineily n off-red to ih-m in the lleitoiatir* Cordial which la rrpared by (;. C. rlKBHINU, and an d at liia office. No.ti durray trrrct. Trice on* dollar |ier bottle, and nine par doaan. jVO lm*ec WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. JTKIKEK'8 SOLUTION KOIl THE II VIII, which will i liauye itr*y hair to ita original color in a l*w miiintra. Tim altitioii ia dittarant from any yet offered, and cauuoi fail of scarceding all otheia. It is highly efficacious, and the real advantage ol beantifying ilia hair without injuring ill rowth. T hose a Vo dniibt ill virtual are requested to have their hair hnnirct i '-ire paying their inouey. II litiiiiluigs Would talis vis vi i it . r ihcre would lie no reasou to cumplam One lwill prove the fact. .Wold ? iioleaale anil retail, and applied, at No. 5 Chaihr m"?t. ppi iito ine Hall of Hacords, New York, op ataira, dr< lit "sc MO CUU NO PAY. OIL. COONt*. ,14 DUMMM. Mm Chatham and Willuua atraeu. ukto ihw mathoi 1 of itTmui citiMU aad tlnuoi that ho boo fot theUatta ran aoaiaad hia practice aolaly nth* treatmentof Vrueml, Mmearial, ud ether 4mom of alrlioate ?ton. Althoo?hii in coneildareil by a poroo* of thomadtaal preftaeioa u ? *P*^J fcwfeotwnl^JwoSjIiwicBi SrroUal'huattention to a Parti caUr breachofthe profceian, out be apparent, iio you not employ i larftoo to luoetiti a limb ??to an oeulist, om dieeaee of the rye^?tojt denUft for u oijrration on the yon are trooped wiSTvenarenl 1 Aad yon do to from the feet that thoae men an periket in thi> branch, because they only atactic* at it. Dr. Cooper spent year* ha a eoUbratedLock Uoapital. and baa for tan yean enjoyed the meat animal** practice in thu way of any medical ana in New York. Hacan cure 11 moat aggravated *??* of Syphilis. and mild cam sit* red, in two to Br# daya. TheJ)r 11 aiagm'uijrafcaatnd physician sad tnrieon, trl ???? naffer* hia patteata to leave antil a perfect tl nit performed. It ia deplorable to WMncaa some- of thacases that am presented to the Dr, wham the aiaaaae has been driven into the ayitem by quaeka, to break oat again ia the form of pots and nlcert oa tha body,paiBi in the ioiata, ton throat, night aweau and emaciation. Tha Dr. will la erary caae warrant a core, or make no charge. STRICTURE.?Dr. Cooper ha* discovered a new method, by which he can core the wont form of Stricture ,a from one to two wteha, with rcnreely any pain to the patient. Imitative of the urethra, or proatrata gland, ar of the neck of the Bladder, an loinetiniae mistokan for Striatal* by ganeral pracutioaan "CONSTITUTIONAL DEBILITY, aometimee called Seminal Weakness, brought oa by a aeeret habit ladalged in by young men. This ia, where too freely indulged in, tha graitaat evil that can befall man; for it hearts tbaaaae of Urn heart, consumption, dyspepsia, emaciation of tha frame, and liually Midi ia complete idiocy. Dr. Cooper win effect a radical cure in ucheaaaa, and restore tha constitution to its original rigor mad that by a mild and simple course of medicine. A core warrant! ed in every case, or no charge. Poet paid letten, describing complaint and enclosing (3, attended to. Patieat* attended ia bote la or boarding houses. Otter open till 1C at night. Remember. It Duane atraat. between William and Chatham its. jit lm*m WONlJhkFUL REMEDY. VIRREY'S TINCTURE AND LOTION OF 1NV1UORATION. A SUPPLY of three invaluable and extraordinary remedies liaa be-n received direct 'rom Doctor Adiian Vimy.of Lyons. by bia excluuve American agauto, Ds Lanuey Ik (Jrey. of New York Nothing equal to them has yet been d iscoverrd for removing impottucy, tluor albui, nrrroui affections, and invigorating the lyitem and reviving the decayed energies of certain parti, n fact that can be proved by any person in ten 'niuutes; for wbilo all other medicine* recommended for tha vne diseairs are admitted by thrtr inysatori to be slow of cperation,theTincturr and Lotion of Invigoratiou act at once and make their effect felt in a few momanta after tliey arc made uia of ludeed thrir quick and wonderful action ii inch, that colduses or imbarilitv cannot remain in the consritutiou that it under their dominion for half an hour; nor is it posiible lor any married female to nse them aud remain without offspring for they immediately correct the inactivity of certain organs which in ninatv-nine cases oat of a hundred is the cause of unfruit'ulitess 1 hey are also uurivalled remedies in incipient coosump UOU, ayi}iepiii, ("Uyiwumi wi Mir >wv?*? ..n.?.. ...v. and atfectiuua ol the kidneys, and in all diseases produced by a nameless solitary habit, for which they are a speedy and positive cure The Tincture is taken internally ana is pleasant to the taste; the Lotion is used externally. They may be used seraratrly with great benefit, bat are most effective when need toueilier. Price $3 a bottle, or both bottles for $S. N. B ? Persons living at a distance can have these medicines sent in the ?oim of two powders, at only doable the povOgo, w>th full pnu'ed directions for converting them into the Tine Lure and Lotion. Price |g for one powder, or $3 for both. (When both axe need their effect is wooderAil in removing impotence. ) All remittances mast be post paid, and directed to De Laoney Ik Grey, Ne^v Vork. Information of adelicateand interesting nature, which can not b? inaerled in a publicadvertisement, accompanies each bot( tic and powder. Theto mcdiciuea should never be u.ed by prejj nant women, for their exciting nature would be liable to Mul dace abortion. Sold by ipecial appointment of ,DK LAUNEY It OHEY, ? d29 lm-'C At 'I lln.p. ,t New VnrV, jayne's expectorant. T OOK at our billa of mortalit. and you will find that Con" sumption ii more destructive to human life in ibis country tlian any other disrate We ell know lliet cough, like the warning of the rattlesnake, always preretles as well as accompanies tins terrible scourge. It is a fair presumption that every cough insy unminate in s pulmonary disease if uot cheeked early, and where the risk is to great, the. danger so imminent, is is astonishing that individuals should be foa. d mad enough to nsglect the m'aus of cure. Dr J ay lie's Kxpertorant can beteaoily procured in any part of the United States, and the experie ced and voluntary testimony of thousuids, the result of chemical analysis aid the decisions "f professional men who, ttaud in the first rank of medical science, a'l poiut it out as the best preparation ever invented by man for the cure of diseases of the lungs, chest, wind pipe, and oilier organs connected with the process of respiration. It is in regular practice by the most celebrated physicians of ihe day. The following uotr-e is presented as one among many furmahingconelusive evidence of the great veloeofthis medicine; Worthy of notice?We learu from the Mouut Pleasant Hegirter that Miss Mary Campetl, of Fayet'e rouuty, New Haven.has been cured of aatbma, with which site ha. been afflicted for more than eighteen years, bv the use of Dr. Jayne's Expectorant. Tim disease was deep seated aud aggravated, but this care was e flee ted by the use of eleven bottlse. The Register adds?we make this public for the reformation and benefit of others. We give it to our readers with the same motive?and we may be allowed to add, that this medicine is not a common quack medic'ue of the day, but is the regular receipt of an 'dncatrd and well known physician. Dr. Jaynr demrves well of posterity fo' his labors in ameliorating the snfferings of his fellow men. He has saved many whose carelessness and indiscretion hare brought than rvar the grave ; aud his Expectorant is not now only uresl, but openly recommended, by all the best and most intelligent physicians ss a cure for cough or consumption. We know of uoihing more invaluable, ana it has been found to be of great service to many afflicted with oppiessioa of the brrosr, ar.d disease of the liver. Its use is hov ever in best recommendation. Sola by A. B. It D. Sands, druggists. No. 79 Fulton st., 273 Brosdway, and 77 East Broadway. d22 im'rrc Leechesi leeches!! leeches!!! Q1 OHO LA1HJE Healthy Swiedish Leeclme, jnst rtUl)UUU ceived per ship Stephen! from Hamburg. For ale at moderate prices br ui a. n. w i i i s., (Ill 'm'M N?w >?A TO MAiiRIED LADIES. IVf^DAMB REST ELL'S PREVENTIVE POWDERS. Those invaluable Powdershare lycn univerially adopted in Europe, bat Krauce 10 particular, for upward* of thi ty years, as well as by thousands iu this country, as b-ing tt e ouly tu'ld, safe and rflic:tci"Us remedy for marriad Whs whose health forbids a too rapid increase of family. The results of ihtir adoption to the happiness, the health, nav, often the life, of many an affectionate wife and fond mother, are too east to touch opou withii lh? limits of an advertisement?results which affect not ouly the present well Iwtng of tstents, but the future happinesa of their offspring Is it uot ut t >o well known that the families of the married often increase beyoud the hvpinfas of those who gave them birth would dictate? Iu how many instances dors (he batri wotkiiir hither, sud more esjecially the moiher, < fa poor family, remain slaves throughout tlieir lives, tugging at the oar of ii.csssaut labor, toiliug but to live aod living but to toil, wheu they might have enjoy, d c ndort and comparative aillue-ce; and il care and toil have weigh < down the spirit, and at I ut broken the health ?f the father, how often is the widow left unable with the most virtuous intentions, to save her fatherless offspring from becoming degraded objects of charityor profligat.' votaries ofvicef Even though competence and plenty smile upon nv, how often, MM|| are the days ol the kind huibac d and father embittered in beholding the emaciated form and dec I in lor health ol tha companion ol his bosom, ere site had scarce reached the age of thirty?fast sinking into a premature grave?with the certain prospect ol himself being rally bereft ol the pa tn-rrf Ins joys <nd soirnws, and his \ouug a d helpless childre . of tl o,e *udrariog alt-ntious and watchful solicitude, which a mother alone can bestow, not uufrtaineuliy at a time when least able to support the hvort-reuding affliction ! Is it oesirab'e, then,?is it moral?for partn's to increase their familirj, regardless of C nse<|uences to themselves, or the well ben gof tbriroffspring, wli n a simple, easy, healthy, and certain remedy is within our control? i he advertiser, feeliug th>- importance of this subject, sud estimating the vast Im netiis resulting to thousands by the adoption of means prescribed by her, would resprctfollv arouse toe attention of the married 10 its consideration. Is it uot wise tnd vivtuo.s to preveiitevils to which tte sre subject, by simple ud healthy means withiu our coutr.d? Kv.ry dispassionate, virtuous and on ightened mind, will unhesitatingly answer in . the affirmative. rricc live doiiATi a package, accompanied wun tun ana particular direction! All Idle'! moit be post paid, and addreated to box ''808," N. Y.,or MAD i ME RESli-.LL, Kama * I'nyacian. I riucipal odicv, 118 firceiwich atreet. New irork. O.Hue lionra trom 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Boeton office, No. 7 Essex at. dlO 2m*re MADAME 11 EST ELL. FEMALE PHY8YC1AN, Office and residence, 141 areea" wich atreet, between Comtlaudt and Liberty atrocts, where he can be consulted witb the stricteat confidence oa complaints incident to the female Dan-a. Madame Keatell'a experience and knowledge in the tventreral of obstinate cases <j/ female irregularity, stoppage, suppiussioa, *c.. is such as to require but a law days to elfect a perfect curt. Ladies desiring proper medics) attendance during cm.iineir.tal or other indispoiition, will re accommodated during auc> time, with private and fapvcUnle board. " Preventive Powders," fo? married ladies, whoje delicate rf precarious health forbids a too rapid 'iicrease of family. will Is cat by mail to any part of lac United Btates. Price $5 a (nib ? u< All letters (post-paid/ adtlreaaed to box, Hit. Mow York. ooston Office, No. 7 Essex street." N. J*.?Mada/ne H&6TELL would inform ladies reoidtrg | ->at of the city, wbotc health would net admit of Lravellirr, 1 that she would dsvotc -her personal attendance upon tiieiu n aay pan of the United Btitan withia reasonable distance. | di?*m?c PORTUGUESE FEMALE PILLS. iwvgltTin atro paxrasKD av M. DE BOUDF.LOQUF., M.D.. LISBON, POUTUOA1I TI1K. Scientific combination of iuxtedisuts of which three 1 Pills are composed, have made them the wonder and adni ation of the world. They are known tH over Europe to ba the only preparation aver discovered that has proved invariably c-rtaia in producing the monthly turns. Their certainty, in tfl cases, being sach that they must not be used during pregnancy, for though always mild, safe and healthy, thry are curtate te produce miscarriage if need duriug that l-eriod. The direetiona are translated into English,and are enveloped ronnd with the seal of the Importer, stamped. Each boa cot, 1 Uins the signature of M. dc ftoudelooue, and the English diI net.1, us have the signature of Dr. K. MELVEAU, authorised < agent for the continrnt of America. I They can be transmitted bv mail to say part of the Lulled *taw?. ?oldny Ur r.MtLVKAU,i|?l una importer roi the United Btrtca, office 12* kinrtT street, omr Greenwich if Price IS?half fc-iri >1. No hall boxes iwt by mail. Bold I in Boal'm at No. it Solmn street. Letters directed Co Or. W. I Melveau, boa 21, New York, will meet with irnrnediata attfl I do*. All letters moat b? i>oat paid, dlu Iin..t?w*e _ KKMALB MONTHLY FILL8 I , )WINO to thr> rrli-hritr. efficacy, and invariable aaacaa o. * " Madaire (''stills b'rtnsl' Monthly Fills in nil esses of if i regularity, supprrisicn, or rui'imge ol those functions ol ut| inre upon which the health of every female depends, uno* their inweouctinn into the United Bur's,now about four y-a.v, cocnu-rieita and imilationa are constantly attempted to b? palmed off for the grnninc. Cheap common pills ni* purchases at twelve cent* n box. no: op in boiea, am) called? " konialo Monthly Kills," with the object of selling chain, k( i possible, at one or two dollars a box. H final. are ther-lors I cautioned against these at'tmpu to impose m>on them. It le I sufficient hem la stats that ell Female Monthly" I'iII* are coun i uvfsits, except those sold at Madame Heat ill's Principal Office, 'ti Greenwich sweet, New York, and 7 Kssex street. Boston! Price tl. Msdams ftest'U's signalers is written on ths cotsr i of each box. , . N. B.?They can he card by married or single, by following i the direction* ** >s?d inaide of each box. Sold also by ap ; pointmen: at 181 Grand street, comer of Allen, New York i did *m*c CAUTION TO JfKAlALEB VfADAMK HESTKLL, KKMALK THYB1CIAN, wonld bvA inform ladies who, with a proper delicacy, have a repair* 1 state to the treatment of their complaint* except by one of then I owa sex, that in all Oases she attends to tltem personally, bet experience, practice and know ledgs enables her to do so. Bh# deems it necessary to state this, as she does not wish to b# classed with the pretenders continually appearing and disnp peaiing, advertising m " female Physicians," who too igno . rant and incompetent themselves are obliged to gel some scare a !y lea# ignorant qnaek to experiment instead. Consultiti;? per . lots end residence, 141 Greenwich street, between Courtlaad , and Liberty *<r?nlr. Honrs of attendant* from A. M. t<?? P.M. dll tm*c PUBLISHED DAILY BY J A ITl KB GORDON BKNNKTT, j N. W. COUNKIl FULTON AND NASSAU STIIKKTS ,! Thk Nkw Yohk Hkrai.o?A daily pa|*r, mued evury i moinin* of the week?price two cr.w r? \mi copy. Country aubacrrberr furniahed at the tamo rata, for any ap^cifii! period, <>u a remittance iu *adtance. No paper sent unless paid in ad | vance. 'i'ttK WirkLT HnnaLD?Issued every Hitnnluy morninz at ten o'clock?price sr* aao a iptnua cim |*r copy?fur. uiilied to country subscriber* nt $J XJ per annum in advance, or at the aame rate for any specified period. , CeaaneroaoaiVTe are retareteiiltn; address their lettera to i JaMKt Uatoow graatrr, Proprietor and hdilor?aadjdl let