Newspaper Page Text
TH] Vol. X., No. 3WWlftole No. 36U4. To the Public. THE NEW YOItK HERALD?daily newspaper?publisbed every day of the year except New Year'a day and Fourth of July. Price 'J centa per copy?or $7 per annum?poatagea paid?cash in advance. THE WEEKLY HERALD? published every Saturday morning?price flj cents per copy, or $3 13 per annum? postages paid, cash in a tvance. ADVERTISERS are iniormed that the circulation of the Herald ia overTHIfUl'Y THOUSAND, and increasing fast. It ha* the target circulation of any paper in thii city, or the world, and it, therefore, the but channel for burinee men in the city or country. Prices moderate?cash in advance. PRINTING of all kinds executed at the moat moderate price, and in the moat elegant style. JAMES GORDON BENNETT. Paoraicroa or the Hkksi.o e.rabliiiimknt, Northwest corner of Fulton and Nassau streets. BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM SHIPS. Of 1300 tons and 440 horse power each, i . Under contract with the Lords of tba Admiralty. MIBEKN1A, Commanded ?V C. H. E. JudXins. BRITANNIA. J.Hewitt. CALEDONIA. E. G. Lott. . ACADIA, Aleaander Ryne, Will sail from Liverpool and Boston, via Halifax, as follows . Fbom Lit unroot.. Fhos Boitor. Caledonia, iDee. 1. tcadia, Nov. 19. Dec. 10. ibernia, Dec. ft. Jan. 1. ritaunia, Jan. 4. veb. 1. Caledonia, Feb. ft March 1. Acadia, March 4, April!. These vesaeH carry experienced snrgpons, and are supplied with Frances' Patent Lift Boata. For freight or passage apply to , . D. BRIGHAM, Jr.. Agent, oI7r No. 3 Wall at.. New York. TAPSCOTT'S GENERAL EMIGRANT PASSAGE OFFICE. jfe Am ARRANGEMENTS FOR 1844. The anhaerihitre tieir tn pall (he ertenfinn nf (heir friend* Anil the public generally to their mpcrior arrangement* for bringing out paueuger* from, and reuittiog money to all part* of Rogue il, Ireland, Scotland and Wiue*. ? l'HE NEW LINE OK LIVERPOOL PACKETS, COMPRISING THE QUEEN OK THE WEST. IIJO ton* THE SHERIDAN, 1000 ton*. THE ROCHESTER. 1000 tou*. THE OAKHICK, 1000 ton*. THE HOTTINGUKK, 1000 ton*. THE HOSCIUS, 1000 ton* THE LIVERPOOL, 1150 ton*. THE 8IDDONS, 1C00 torn. Sailing from Liverpool twice *v*rv month, anil i'HE UNITED LINE OK LIVERPOOL PACKETS, cwnpoied ol aupeiior, hi at claa* American packet*, tailing from Liverpool four time* in each month, ar* the thin* in which thoae whoae paasage may beengaaed with the*ub*cnber? will come out in, and it i* a well known fact th* above named packet* are the mo*t miguiliceut ihip* afloat, and the frequency o( their tailing, (being every five dava) prevent* the P',*?ibility of peuenger* being nunece**arily detained at Liverpool. HegardUa* of etpenie, in order to meet the wanta of the public nnd the withe* of their Iriendi, Mr. Wm. Tapjxcott. one of the tirm, has gone to Liverpool to supermwnd the departure for this country of inch persous whose passage may be engaged with the subscribers, a fact, which to thosa accounted with Mr, VV. T., is a sufficient guarantee that they will receive ererv attention from him, and be uuiclrly and nomiortably despatched. b deuld (nose sent tor dec line coming, the passage money will be promptly refundsd, without any deduction?a* usual. Remittance* ?Those remitting money can be supplied with craits at signs, tor any amount, payable IV. e of discount or any ouwr m'i?, in every principal town in England, Ireland, fecouauu and Wales Affvty \ti ur tetter, post paid,) to W. * J. T. TaPSCOTT, 43 Teck slip, in eve v oik?or to _uw WM TAP8COTT. Liverpool. NR.W LINK OF- LIVERPOOL PACKETS. To tail nom Nsw ? org on the 16th and Liverpool on the 11th oi men month Ml Phoim Nrw loss. Ship 8IDDONS, Captain E. 15. Cobb, 26 th December. Ship SHERIDAN, Captain F. Depeyster, Jam January. Ship OARRICK, Capt. Wm. Skiddy, 26t!i February. Ship ROSCIUS, Captain John Collins, 2tith March. From Liverpool. Ship S1DDON8, Captain A. 15. Cobb, 11th February. Ship SHERIDAN, Captain F. A. Depeyster, Uth March. Ship OARRICK, Captain Wm. Skiddy, 11th April. Ship ROSCllIS, Captain John Collins, 11th May. These ships are all of the first class, upwards of 1000 tons, built in the city of New York, with snch improvements as combine gnat speed with unusual eoinfort for passengers. Every care has beeu taken in the arrangement of their accommodations. The price of passage hence is $100, tor which ample storus will be provided These ships are commanded by ttparisaesd mpeseue. whe will make every exertion to give general satisfaction. Neith-r the captains or owners of the ships will be responsible lor any letters, parcels or packages sent by them, unless regular bills of lading are signed therefur. For freight or passage apply to lb. K. COLLINS U CO., 06 South st., New York, or to BROWN. ShlPLEY 01 CO., Liverpool. Letters by the packets will be charged 12X cants per single heet ; 50 cents tier ounce.-and newspapers 1 cent each. d2 ROCHE BROTHERS & CO.'S PASSAGE OFFICE, S3 FULTON STREET, NEW YORK. jr ? JnsjUT PAS?AUe. FROM Lt v AturOOL. lu the following Packet Ships, vix:? The NEW YORK, sailing from Liverpool on the IstFeb. The COLUMBUS, do do 16th do L Ttw YORKSHIRE, new, do do 1st March. Tnu CAMBR1DOE, do do Uth do Or in any of the Packets cnmeriiiug tne Old Line sailing from that port on the 1st end Uth of every month. Those sending for their friends will find it to their iuteresU and comfort to Muuinan out iiinc, a* uu puisiDw reirauuo uu vuiuaiaiug cw be given. Pa?p Certificate* **nt by the tteamihip Hibernia, sailing from Boston on the lit of January, will have plenty of time to prepare to come by the firtt named packet, or in any ol the above magnificent and unequalled packet*. Person* remi'ting money to the old country can at all timn obtain from the subscribers draft* at iiant lor anv amount, drawn direct on the Iloyal bank of Ireland, and on Me**n I retcolt, Grote, Aines It Co., Banker*, London, which are paid tree of uucount in every town througnout England, Ireland. Scotland and Wale*. For passage, apply to or addreaa (if by letterpoit paid.) ROuHE BROTHERS It CO.. d]9rc 31 Kolton at, next door to the Fulton Bank. "" ^KHAN OEM UN'TiT FOR I Ml. OLD ESTABLISHED PASSAGE OFFICE, 10# Pine *traet, corner of South. and the public in general, to the fcilowing arrangement* for 1M4, for the purpose of bringing out cabin, 2d cabin, aud leerage passengers, by the Regular Line of Liverpool Packet*, sail ing the 1st,0th, lkh, IGth. tlitand 26th of every month. By L live London Packen, to tail rrm New York, the 1st, 10th aud 20th?and from London on the 7th, 17th and 27th of each month. lu connection with the above, and for the purpose of affording "till greiter facilities to passengers, the subscriber has established* regular line of IWat class New York built, coppered and copper fastened ships, to sail punctually every week throughout the year. For the accommodation of persons wishing to remit money to their I unities or friends, drafts are given, payable at sight, on the following Banks, vie Provincial Bank of Ireland, payable at Cprk, Limerick, Clonrael, Londonderry, Sligo, Wexford, Belfast, Waterford, Gulway, Armagh, Athlon*, Colerain, Ballina, Trale*, Youghal, Knniskillen, Monaghan, Banbridge, bally mans, Parsonslown, Hownpatrick, Cavan, Lurgan, Omagh, Dungannou, Bandon, Ennis, Ballyshanno Htrsbaue. Skiberwa, Mellow, Moneymora, , Cootchill. Rilrnsh, Dublin. Scotland?Tha City Bank of Glasgow. I England?Measre. Spooner, Atwood h Co. Banker*, London; I R. Murphy. Waterloo Hoad, Liverpool; payable in every town ) in Great Britain. For fUrther information (if by letter, post paid,) apply to JOSEPH McMURRAY, 100 Pine street, i corner of 8outh. N. Y. Or Messrs. P. W. BYRNES k CO, 3? Waterloo Road. |;{ jo 6m* re Liverpool. I THE NEW L^F-LiVERPOOL PACKET?~ mat m mUL ZSk from ud IVoi^Livfrpool 6tM^5cn Bl?n' " AYom JVeio York. L'vool. Now Ship LIVKRPOOL.lliO ton.. ^~ril \\ ft*; * J. Eldridge (An^ 2t Oct. ? N. .hip QUEEN OF TMp WEST.Hf" y ?} ftf'" J fttO ton. P. Wootfflon.c Not. ? || Now ahip ROCHESTER. ?J? torn. Jft?y *{ aS.' ? it .John Britton J Oct'r 21 Dec\ 6 Ship HOTTINOUER, 10JO ton., j ftj,ch JJ nifl ' 11* Burmely, jNoy'r 21 Jau'y 6 Theae ?ab?tantial, fait aailing, firit elaaa ship., all bnilt in tlio city of Now fork, are commanded by men ol experience and ability, and will bo diapotchcd pnnctnally on the 21at ot each month. , , ... v. Their cabina are elegant and tommodiou., and are (nrnuheo with whataeer can conduce to the mac and comfort of paaaengen. Trice of paaaage, $100. Neither the ceptaina or owner, of theae ahipe will be reapon"ble lor any perrH. or package, awit by tliem, nuleaa regulir I Ml? ""lading areaigned therefor. r or freight orJPaaaage apply to WOODHCLL k MINTURNS, , ?T Sooth atreet, New York. ??to F1ELDEN, BROTHERS k CO., , il lltef Liverpool iE M. M M. . havkJH'acketb. Hrcond Line?The Ship, of thii line will hereafter leere New York on the lit, and llarra on the Hth of each month, at follow., rig n. Foom Nr.w Yogg. Knew H?vnr. New Ship ONEIDA, ( lit March. lath April. Captain flat July. < I6lh Auguat. Jamm Fiinek. r lit November. I1 lath Pcrwnber. Ship BALTIMORE, l lit April 18th May. Captain < Jit Angtut. lath Heptemhec, Edward Fnnckf lit December. I lath Jannary. BbipUTICA, I lit May. Ifth June Captain < lit September lath October. " Frederick Hewitt, (lit Jaanary. I 'lath febmary. N'wihipSt. NICHOLAS ( lit June. 16th July. Captain < lit October. 16th Norembar. J- B. Pell.f lit Febrnary. 18th March. The accommodation, of thine ihtpi are not ?urp?aaed, com Inning all that may be required for comfort. The price of ca bin pun age i. ?IOO. Paiiengeri will l>e i applied wttheTery re. quiiite with the etception of winci and liquor.. (fond* intended for iheie veaat-U will lie forwarded by (he inbSi tcriben, free from any oilier than the ei|?>n?ei actually inf cun.d cm them, h or freight or paaiage, apply to i . . ? BOYD klliNCKEN, Agent., Mo. 9 Tontine Building, cor. Wall and Water it E NE NE OLD LINE LIVERPOOLTACKETS. m m m. m ^nTrrTT)LD L.I Ar!<>M\c h sis for Liverpool will hereafter be a despatched in the followiug order, exceptiug that when the | sailing (lay falls ou Sunday, the ships will aail ou 'he succeed tog dap, yi*:? ? from New York. From Liverpool The CAMBRIDGE, (June 1 July 1# #50 com, i Oct. 1 Not. 16 W. C. Baritow, (Feb. I Mar. 16 The ENGLAND, (June 16 Aug. 1 750 Ml, ? < Oct. Hi Dec. 1 8. Bartlett, r keb. 16 April 1 The OXFORD, (J?1* 1 ?u?- 16 000 torn, Nor. 1 Dec. 16 J. Rathbone, I March 1 April 16 The MONTEZUMA. (July 16 Sept. 1 1000 torn. 1 Nov. 16 Jan. 1 A. B. Low ber, March 16 May 1 I The EUROPE, I Aug. I Sept. 16 18 com, ? Dec. I Jan. 16 E. O. Ear ber, f April l May 16 The NEW YORK, (uew) (Aug. 16 Oct. 1 050 tons, < Dec. 16 Feb. I T. B. Cropper, (April 16 June I The COLUMBUS. ( Sept. I Oct. 16 700 tons, I Jan. 1 Feb. 16 O. A. Cole, r May 1 June 16 The YORKSHIRE, (new) (Sept. 16 Nov. 1 1050 torn, <Jan. 16 Mar. I D. O. Bailey, f May 16 July 1 Their ahipi are not surpassed in point of elegance or comfort in their cabin accommodation*, or iu their fast failing qualities by any vessels in the trade. The commanders are well known as men of character and experience, and the strictest attention will always be paid to promote the comlort and convenience of passengers. Punctuality, as regard* the day of sailing, will be observed as heretofore. The price of passage outward is now fixed at Seventy-Five Dollars, for which ample stores of every drsoription will be provided, with the exception of wines and liquors, which will be furnished by the stew ards, if required. Neither th captain or owners ol these shins will be resnon tibia for any letter*, parcels, or trackages tout by them unless regular bill* of lading are signed therefor. For freight or pasui'i apply to GOODHUE It CO, ?4 Sooth it. C, H. MARSHALL. 3? Burling slip. N. V. j!9tf mid of BARING. BROTHERS h CO.. LWI. MARSEILLES LIME OF PACKETS. a m. m. m The undermentioned shipe will be regularly (litPatched from hence on the lit, and from Marteillet on the 3th of each month during the year as folLwt From New York. Marteillet. MINERVA, Capt. Brown, Dec. 1 Feb. 5 TRE8COTT, Capt. Myrick, Jan. 1 March 5 H'RY THOMPSON,Capt.Sylretter, Feb. 1. April 5 HELLESPONT, Capt. Adams, March 1. May 5 COIUOLANUS, Capt. Haile, April 1. Juuei They are all coppered and copper fattened, and hare excelleut accommodation! for passengers. The, price of cabin passage will be $109, etclusivt of wines and liquors. (joous addressed to the agents, BOYD It H1NCKEN, will be forwarued free of other charges than thoas actually |<aid. For freignt or pasinge apply to LAWRENCE tk PHELPS. IM Front street or to boyd It HINCKKN, Agents, t?26r No 9tTontine Buildings. For new Orleans. LOUI8IANNA AND NEW YORK LINE OF PACKETS & m. lor the better accommodation of shippers, it is i(Bended to despatch a ship from this port on th? 1st, 5th, 10th, I5th, 20th, and 25th of each month, commencing the 10th October and continuing until May, when regular days will be appointed for the remainder of the year, whereby great delays and disappoint menu will be prevented duriug the summer months 1 he fol lowiug ships will commence this arrangement: Ship YAZOO, Captain Cornell. Ship OCONEE. Captain Jackson. Ship MISSISSIPPI, Captain Hilliard. Ship LOUISVILLE. Captain Hunt. Ship SHAKSPEARE, Captain Miner. Ship GASTON, Captain Latham. Ship HUNTSVitiLE. Captain Mumford. Ship OC'MULGEK, Captain Leavitt. Ship NASHVILLE?, Captain Dickinson. Ship MEMPHIS, Captain Knight. Ship LOUISA, Captain Mulford. These ships were all.built in ths city of Nsw York, expressly for packeu, an of light draft of water, have recently been newly coppered and put in splendid order, with accommodations for passengers unequalled for comfort. They are commanded by experienced masters, who will make every exertiou to give general satisfaction. They will at all times be towed up and down the Mississippi by steamboau. Neither the owners or captains of these ships will be responsible for jewelry, bullion, precious atones, silver or plated ware, or for anv letters, parcel or package, sent by or put on board oi them, unless regular bills of lading are taken for ths same and the value thereon expressed. For freight or passage, apply to KTlTlJOLLrNS h CO., M Sooth ?t., or IIULLIN fc WOODRUFF, Agent in Now Orleans. who will promptly forward all goods to their address The snips of this line are warranted to sail punctually as ad verlised, and great care will be taken to hare the goods correct Iv measured. tnt WINTER ARRANGEMENT-FUR ALBANY. Via BRIDGEPORT and wsa?M aMtm eg Housatofiic It Western ^hMS>IUild>osdi. i-ailjr, Unndsys.^^K^M 3Bs*^BB9Ka Eacepted. Passengers for Albany by this Route will take the new and elegant steamboat EUREKA, Capt J L. Fitch, which leaves New York from foot Liberty at. Saturday morning at half past 6 o'clock, for Bridgeport, thence by th? Housatouic and Weuern Railroa Is, without change el cars or baggage crates, to Albany, arriving same evening at o'clock. Fare through For passage or Freight, apply on board, or at the office, foot of Liberty street. U. M. PERRY, Agent. jI9ec PATERSON RAILROAD. AMQ ftjuadfa F^IS'TTLK E T.""| ULL I NOW" N~11 From Paterson to Jersey City. On and after Monday, Oct. 3d, 1843, the cars will lease Faterion Detst. Leave New Yore. 8 A. M. ? A. M. "Vm. * F?MThe Snnday Trains will be discontinned until farther noice. Transportation cars leave daily (Snndara eacepted.) Passes cers are advised to be at the Ferry, foot of Courtlandt street, t few minutes before the stated hours of dep&rtnre. jy 19 8m* NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA RA ..ROAD L1NF DIRECT, Fog Ncwasi, Newbrunswics. Princeton, Trbnto*, Borbentown Ana Buslinutos. THROUGH IN SIX HOURS. Leaving New York daily from the foot of Conrtlandt it. Morning Line at 9 A. M.?Mail Pilot Line at 4X P. M. The Moruing Line proceeds to Bordentown, from tlience by steamboat to I'hiladslphia. The Eveniug Line proceed* direct to Camden (opposite to Philadelphia) without changed cars. Passengers will procure their tickets at the office foot nl Conrtlandt street, where a commodious steamboat, will be is reaainats, with baggnge crates on board. Philadelphia baggage crates are conveyed from city to city, wihout being opened by the way Each train is provided with a car in which are apartmeuta and dressing rooms ei;Tessly for the ladies' use. Returning, the lines leave Philadelphia from'the foot of Wal nt street, bv steamboat to Bordentown at T o clock, A. M. and by railroad from Camden, at 5 o'clock, P. M. The lines for Baltimore leave Philadelphia at TK A. M., and 4 P. M. bvins a enntlhnatinn of the lines from New York rttivAiE. uisbAata. A CURE GUARANTEED.?The College of Mediein. and Pharmacy of the City of New York, atabliabed foi the suppression of quackery.!* now prepared to treat all ilia eases of a private nature, and offer to all thoae afflicted wife these distressing maladies advantages not to be met with in an? other institution in this country, either public or private. Frotr the constant correspondence, and from private arrangements between the members of the College and the most eminem Professors of the Medical Institutions of Europe, all improve, menta in the treatment of these diseases are forwarded to then long before they reach the majority of the medical profession of this country. All persons who have used the celebrated Sreparation of Professor Kicord, " The Pansier* Alterativ fixture," can bear testimony to its being the most powerful remedy ever discovered for primary or secondary syphilis, strengthening the constitution, whilst eradicating the disease Professor Valnean's discovery in his Specific Pills, for lh? care of gonorrhoea and gleet, has raised hm immeasurably above all his contemporaries in this particular branch of th? profession. With snch celebrated remedies, together with th? combined skill of'the first medical men of this country, tlu College feel satisfied that the rood work they have undertaken the suppression of quackery?' will teceive the patronage it deserves from .that portion of the public requiring their sev VMM. Terms, for advica, all medicine*, $S. Office, and Consulting Rooms of the College, 97 Nassau St. M _ _ . ... W. 8. RICHARDSON, Agent. N: liring at a distance, by stating their disease explicitly in writing, giving all symptoms, together with the treatment they received elsewhere, if any, can obtain a chest containing all medicines, with full direction fot use, with s guarantee of cure, by addressing Ihs Agent of the College, posi Paid, enclosing $5. nrt )mWr PRIVATE MEDICAL All). IMPORTANT TO COUNTRY INVALIDS. ?TMIE Members of the New York College of Medicine and a Phaimicy, established for the snppression of quackery, having dnected Ilisir paiticular attention to all diseases of a private natnre, and being aware of the improper course of treatment usually adopted by theeonnlry practitioners in genera', beg leave to apprise all persons suffering from those complaints, or from the effects of m"rcuty in their constitutions, that by forwarding, either bv post or through any of the express lines to this city, a full and explicit statement of thvir complaint, with ail symptoms, time or contraeti in, and treatment they received elsewhere, (if any,) and enclosing 1,1, post paid, will receive, with as little delay as poiaihle, a ch -st containing all me dtcines requisite to perform a safe an'1 permanent core, by atldresting W. S, RICHARDSON. Agvnt. Office and consulting rooms of tlx College, 9j Nassau su jl3 JmWtr. ~VALENTINE'S DAY. CUPID'S HOLIDAY. I HAVE made preparations for the celebration of the approaching 14th February, the joyful Anniversary of Love through| out the United Htat's, in a manner worthy of the occanon: having imported by the last airivals from England, France and Oermany, themoat beautiful, elegant, and recherche d'UKin for Valentine*; every description of b'xeor.h and Oerman Billet Caper, Lace Paper,and all the delicate device* in Htationory empi oyed by lorer* and approved by ladie* on inch occaaion* Country ordet* supplied to any eiwmt, on the moit liberal term*. Periodical a?ent? will find it for their advantage to make early VALCNTINB EMPORIUM. jJ7 Jtw"rc Na**au itreet. New Vor* $4T5o ; and .mall Nnt at ?t W per ton. delivered Lee of ear1 age, from 1 the yard*, JIJ We?t itreet, comer k ranklin. North river, and i comer fifth and Lewi* .Meet., Ka.t river Order* received at te8agar Kntinery, 21 Leonard itmet, throngh the Uetpatch it, *nd at both the yard*, N. B.?An allowance made to dealer*. 1 J"Jw*m TYLEK It MAPK8 , Whil>DINt?ANI) VISITINO CARUd-Engraved and t Prit t-d in the first .tyle of the Art. at 'educed pri :**, at | VALKNTI NK' VN?. 1 Beehmau ?t. Corner ol'Park Row, Lovejnv'* Hotel. 1 rieue call and eiamin* tpecimen* j30 lm*rre | ?&,* * V .".I ; J * if' W Y( :w YORK, SUNDAY MC France. [C'orreepondenoe'of the Ilerald l r Pahis, January 1st, 1811. 7lie King'x Speech?Hi* Popularity?Change in the Ministry ami Ministerial Intrigues and Difficulties?Ex-Queen Christina and the late King of Holland?Flare-up in the Military Circles?Affair of Honor in High Lift?Literature?Theatricals?Gambling, Sfc. fjfe. James Gordon Bbnnktv, Esii Dear Sir :? Our Chambers are now opened, the speech has been delivered, and the squabbles have already begun. The beautiful weather on the day of the opening of Parliament, enticed tout Paris to the Place de la Concorde, for the sake of witnessing the passage of the King. There were only a few National Guards on the spot; and the expected cries of " down with the Bastilles," were, therefore, few and far between. The King, as well as the ladies of the royal family, were frequently cheered; and it was generally remarked, that the people never gave them a more cordial recoptmm The deputies, who are to receive the King in the name of the House, wer?, as usual, drawn by lots; and the first person, whose name was read, happened to be Berryer, the legitimist, who cuts now so conspicuous a figure, from his recent visit to the Duke de Bordeaux ; but, of course, his name was j ,u? i;., i u..?i.,?. and ironical cries of " absent for the service of the Roi de Franct The speech of the crown met only with a passive reception?it is not considered of a very interesting nature, nor does it contain anything which could present lo'the opposition a Bubject of blame. Our relations with foreign powers are on the most friendly footing, and the paragraph.alluding to the good understanding between England and France was received with cheers, as well as tha statenaent of the prosperous stato of our finances. The fate of Spain and of the young Queen, claim his utmost solicitude, of which fact nobody entertains ttie least doubt, because ho wants her to marry one of his sons. A few words about the Princess of Joinville, Algiers, and the railroads, complete the whole document. But in spite of its milk and wutety complexion, the reply to the address will give rise to long and tedious discussions on amendments, which noth sides will bring forward. The Conservatives intend condemning the scandalous behaviour of the Icgitimistical Peers and Deputies, and the opposition will take hold of the forts, nicknamed bastilles, and perhaps of the never tiring and nil tedious question about the right of search. The only paragraph which will have the approval of all parties, is that speaking about the promised regulation of secondary institution, which is of the highest importance. The King took his departure amidst greut demonstrations of resnect and good will Irom the largely congregated assembly. The Duchess of Orleans was vehemently cheered us well as the Count of Paris, although he was not present. Mr. Lafitte was then nominated President of the Chamber pro tempoye, being the oldest deputy, and after the election of the eternal Sauzet as President for the year, lie returned thanks, accompanied by a very silly political speech about the different precipices which he fancies to open their maws, for the sake of engulphing our institutions. He was frequently and angrily interrupted, although he appealed to his past services and claimeda hearing lor the sake of his age. That is all very well; he is old, and his services were good, but the influence of a political character consists neither in the past nor in the future, but in the present, and nobody can deny that Lafitte has outlived himself, so that I always think of a singer who has lost his voice, whenever he speaks. Mr. Lafitte is a first rate banker, and a glory to France, through his virtues and exalted principles, but I do not think him a great statesman, at least judging from the decided failures of Ins ministerial file. He is too upright for a politician. He can prove admirably well that two and two make four, but now-a-days the real secret of a thorough politician consists in demonstrating that two and two make five, to the satisfaction ol the people and their representatives. He bears in u great many points a striking resemblance to your excellent John Quincy Adams. I was very much grieved at the downcast manner with which he received the "accolade d'utage" from his successor Sauzet, who had nut on a clean shirt and looked quite smart, probably in the anticipation of his successful re-election, through which he certainly satisfied the chairman, who is always quizzing hint on his dirty appearance. Till now ministers have turned up good cards, Sauzet having been their candidate. Tliey have uaewise neen suecessiui in inc election or itcsidenta anil Secretaries of tire bureaux for (he month, having elected ten members against eight of the opposition. The Duke de Broglie, who is sustaining them, has been nominated president of the committee appointed to draw up the unswer to the speech of the crown lor the Chamber of Peers.? This result is generally considered gratifying, although the opposition tries to lind a public condemnation in the decline of the stocks alter the intelligence has been received; but the decline was trifling, and rather the effect of manmuvres in the coulisse, Government has therefore a clear field, and it will probably push through the year, if it is not beaten in the dotation bill Yes, them dotation bills?there is the rub. Every speculation on its success is set at nought, hut it we judge from precedents, it will he defeated. Vou recollect that tne Ministers of the twelfth of Mai presented an apanage hill for the Duke of Nemours as Prince, and that it was rejected wiihout debate, mterri as it is called in the political largou. The present bill, however, differs from it insomuch as the dotation is asked for him in case of his becoming Regent of the 'calm, and that it will be paid during his official career only. The principal objection is, thai there is no necessity at present for the enacting of a similar law, and that it will be sufficient time to provide for the Regent, when the moment will he come for his functions. There were considerable quarrels between the King and the Ministers; he asked first a million of francs, then seven hundred thousand francs?to neither sum the Ministers assented, considering the amount asked too high?hence the rumor of the bill having been abandoned. But then, Louis Phillippe, acting on the principle that something is better man nothing, accepted half a million, and the ministers intend making a cabinet question out of it. The success of the bill is compromised by Louis Philip;**'* injudicious conduct in reference to the Prince de la Moscova, son of Marshal Ney. Soult presented his name to the king for a promotion from the rank of a major to that of a lieutenant colonel, but lie refused tosign it, because he opposes him in the Chamber of Peers, and berause be is an intimate friend of Theirs. As if a major could not enjoy the right of an unbiased vote. Everybody, but principally the fraction known as the centre gauche, are indignant at this unjust proceeding. i ne icii ccnin* cimiisin *m ?i?uui immj irtpuum, combining the principal orators of the Chamber, with Thiers as the lender. They would have voted iu favor of the hill, bemuse they were morally bound to do it, Theirs having supported the Hegency bill, but now they will probably resent the afl'ront inflicted on the Prince, who is their organ at the upper House, by absenting themselves when the bill is coming up. The Prince, who is very popular, on account of the sad end of his lather, lias thrown tip his commission, and intends devoting himself entirely to politics and the study of music; being an excellent composer of celebrity through his lovely Opera "Lc Cent-Suisse." The most important fact of the season is the change of Ministers. This importance does not consist in the change itself, hut iu the superior position of < Mii/.ot with regard to Soult. Mr. Uutnon, a simple Deputy, without any recommendation, except that of being a creature of Guizot and the whipper-in of the nominated minister of public works, in the place of Teste,who is promoted to the peerage, with the situation of a President of one of the Chanibrc* dc Cassation. Sou It strenuously o|>posed his retiring, having found Teste very useful ill answering the interpellation* of I he opposition ; wun nnf word, i esic was r?onn nsDunwn will he Ouizot's. In one respect the resignation of Teste is considered rather beneficial; the place o( a minister of public works is at thin moment, where our railroads are to be constructed, of very groat importance, and Teste, although very talented, was rather too much a man of impressions, than it is deemed consistent with the rnntenal interests of the country. He embraced every great idea with eagerness, but then the slightest objection took his courage away ; he is therorore not unjustly nicknamed the " mini$trr phonpho rii/M." lie was, moreover, too much in favor of framing contracts in the construction of railroads, UM iJ 'J I 1.1 J W II '.iHJB.ll .ggBHSCTB )RK ] IRNING, FEBRUARY 4, 1 contrary to public opinion, who think* them safer and cheaper in the hands of the State Mr. Passy has been likewise raised to the peerage. This circumstance is equally very important, first, because he and Teste ure men of great tulent, who will fortify and elevate the upper chamber, who till now has been considered as the ho.-pital of all olddeut and blindHeneruls and Ministers ; and second, because it may produce a change in the position of the respective parties in the Chamber of Deputies. Passy was the head of those deputies, amongst whom the ministers of the twelfth of May were chosen; his place will now be taken by Mr. Dufaure,who in rather liberal, and is expected to go over to Thiers one of these days. Guizot could not refuse the peerage to Passy, who asked it, else he would not have run the chance of increasing Thiers' strength, who begins to think seriously about office, mid who would certainly not confine himself to thinking only, if the question of the fortifications would be disposed of. Having made the report in. 1840 he would be obliged to defend tlieni, nt the risk of his popularity, which is the goddess he adores. Our holy mother church lias shown her teeth for some time, hut now she begins to be quite restive. Nearly all of the higher clergy require the dismissal of Professors from the Colleges ol their dioceses, whose views they consider dangerous to the Catholic religion. The Bishop of Chalons has inderdicted the administration of the sacrement 111 the chapel of his diocese, and threatens to excommunicate the ProlessOts. Most of the bishops and archbishops are Carhets, and Louis Philippe, who knows their infiuenep und power ill the nrovinces, 'is afraid of offending them, lie confines himself to proclaim in the Moniteur, that there was an abu*, about which the prelates care about as much, as if you would say to a mischievous boy you are naughty; on the. contrary they are proud of incurring the displeasure of the King of the French. This intolerant spirit exhibits itself even in paltry things, as, for instance, in the case of Moh^re's monument, at the inauguration of which the Minister of the Interior refused to assist at the advice of the Archbishop of Paris. So likewise a priest refused to accompuny the coffin of a young woman, because she was servant to Dejazet, the uctress. The storm culled up tluough the journey of the Duke de Bordeaux to London is far from having subsided. The Court is very uneasy, and it was currently reported that the sjieech of the Crown willalludu to the had conduct ol the Deputies and Peers who went over. But it was abandoned, because it would have the appearance as if the private affairs of the King would be mixed up with those of the nation. They cannot be. prosecuted, since they went simply on a visit, without having any political ends in view, us they say. This constitutes no crime, but only a misdemeanor ol a private nature. and diiea not prime under the inrixdictinn of Parliament or the Chambers. The only way in which the Kins showed his anger, was in dismissing six distinguished legitimists from the |iost of a Mayor in several small places. The prosecution against the legittmistical press continues: many numbers of the Gazette de Frame, Im Nation, I/i Qaolitlienne, and l/i France, having been seized. Of course the oigans of the opposition call out, " Those September laws!" but neither Thiers nor Barrot appear to notice them, because they aspire alter office, and know the value of those laws to men in power. The affairs of Spain continue in the same unsettled or rather uproarious state as before. The Cortes are prorogued, and will be dissolved. Olozaga fled to Portugal for the sake of avoiding the accusation pending over him. Some say that he returned in secret to Madrid ; others aflirin that he went to Logrono, whose Deputy he was, with a view of getting re-elected, so that he might defend himself in person. Meanwhile Mr. Donoso, accompanied by General Ron de Olano, have arrived in Paris to invite Queen Christina to return tc Madrid, and to take back the guardianship ovei her second daughter Louisa, of which she was de prived in 18-11. 8he is therefore leaving Pa?s ir the beginning of February; but what is she goinf to do there, not being reigning Queen or Regent' It is believed that the French Court tries hard tci persuade her not to return, as her name will be used by contending tactions; but she appears anxious tu see her daughters. Hypocrisy, nothing more; fwi she has proved herself a bad mother; it is herdowry she wunts, which has been stopped byKspartcro. The last month inflicted serious losses upon the artist teal and social world. The celebrated Cnta lain is said to be really dead, although the Patrii contradicts the report. I should not he astonished if she would resuscitate once more; because she has been killed four times within a lew years. Ii was the same with Puganini, who died six times ir one ypar. Mr. Gue one of our best scenery pain ters, Mr. \Vollis( a lawyer, celebrated through his bons mots and his wit, and Mr. .leannin, the i|Uas manager of the Italian Opera, left this vale ol lean for u better world. The ex-king ol Holland is like wise dead; he abdicated the sevbnth Octobre, 1840 and was succeeded by the present king, his son who is married to the sister of the Emperor oi Russia. The deceased king played a conspicuoui part in the principal events of the last fifty years, hut his popularity was much impaired through the confusion in the finances of the kingdom, princi nolltr /in ii lid ei Kir k <i raiiu/ufir * ii/I oLir-l/ .Kililii nir urn. |?uiiy <.aurou uj iivpav.i,i u...v? pensities. by means ol which he left the immense Kitin of three hundredjand twelve million of francs. He married only a few yearn hack, the Countessd' Oultramont, who in a Belgian and a Catholic. This union was very much opposed by his family and the nobility, so that he found it necessary U abdicate before the consummation of the act. In the mortuary list of December, figures like wise the name of Lavoisier, a nephew of the grea savant, who died upon the scaffold, hi?| could no even obtain from his executioners a respite of a lev days, so that he might he emibled to finish sonu very important chemical experiments. Hisnsphey was a cabinet maker, and died in the hicetre ii the greatest misery. France and the world havt to bewail the death of one of the greatest poets o] the age, in the person of Casimir Delavigne, win expired in Lyons on his way to Montpelher, whert lie intended rrsidingduringthe]winfer IIisdiseas? was a kind of languor, which gave Ins numerou; friends great anxiety, although his end was not con sidered to he so near at hand. An hour before he died, he asked his wife, to read hint some chapter! from Walter .Scott's (fjty Mannering, and as hct emotion paused her frequently to stop, he complained thpt she skipped many phrases, and gave the book 'o his son, who is only ten years of age. A few moments after, his head lell upon the cushion and he began to recite some, verses from an unfinished tragedy, Two minutes more, and lie had ceased to live. His body was brought to Paris and buried in the P&re-Lachaise, attended by about six thousand persons, amongst whom were all distinguished men present in the city. Victor Hugo pronounced the oraison funibre, and Dttprez sang the mass. There was no performance at the French Theatre that evening Casimir Delavigne was the greatest tragedian of the present time ; all his pieces met with unbounded favor, principally his crole <|es Vieillartls les enfans d Edouara, Don Juan d'Autriche et Lou in onze. He was equally distinguished us a lyric poet, being the author of les Messcniennes. His statue is going to he placed ill the foyer of the Theatre Frangais, but his greatest monument are his works. Because I am just talking about monuments, 1 will mention, that the statue of the still living Rossini is nearly finished. Mr. Etex is the author, and he refused every compensation for his trouble. The committee consists of Vatel, Auher, Meyerbeer, Donizetti, Duprez, Ary Schefler. and ol others equally celebrated. 'Die principal subscribers are Baron Rothshild, Colonel Thorn, the heirs of Aguado, and Baron Delmar. This is de eidedly the age of monuments j the statues of twenty-four ol the greatest captains ol the ennrirr are to be placed round the arc tie I'ctnile ; Mo Iicra goi nis moiiuineni iwo muuircu years alter his death?and over the house where he whs born, in the rue Richelieu, number thirty-four, figure* a white marble slate, with ai. inscription, put up last month. The death ol Pelavigne canned a second vacancy in the Academic of the Irnmorteln ; the canvassing has already begun, which in rather easy at the present moment, as ten out of forty members are absent. The principal applicants are Cnsiinir Rumour, and the Puke de Pecazes. The lady of the latter has opened her salons in the Luxembourg, and is giving splendid parties. I>orrI (!?* ley, the English ambassador, gave a splendid hall, at which nearly three thousand persons ns-mted. Count Pahlen. the Russian envoye, invited the distinguished ft ussians now in Parts to a national dinnerparty in honor of the birthday of the eiuiioror. His hotel was splendidly illuminated, 'lhe Austrian embassy has not yet been received, and Mr. Rothshild's soirees are interrupted through ihr death of his graitdelnld. ('mint Castcllane does not intend opening In* private theatre ; he tired of the wpiabbleH amongst the performing amateurs, who have found an asylum at Mr. Tudor's, celebrated for lus rich entertainments. Mulard is tuning his violin for the opera halls, and the Salle Vivienne is thoroughly repaired for a set ol soirees, which are to be given there by a society, who number in their ranks very distinguished la HERA a a a 0?<4. dies of the faubourg St. Germain, for the sake of r procuring funds to enable the monks of Mont Car- e niel to rebuild their convent. The small papers i call those soirees religious balls, which will most likely be well attended, us hypocrisy is in the a*- I ceudaut. A friar of the same order astonished the | city last year with a long while heard reaching to i his knees, who went from house to house collect- ? ing money for the same purpose. He got a huu- i dred thousand francs, which do not cover the re- I quired expenses. ? M. de Haber, the celebrated banker from Carls- t ruhe, has published a justification of hij conduct in ] his affairs of honor, which has created a great sen- i nation in the fashionable and commercial circles. ! I think it worth while to give you a lull account of all the circumstances, because they afford a good insight in the morals of certain part- of Germany. 1 luring the water season in Haden,a company, consisting of the principal families of Carlsruhe, got up a splendid ball in honor of the guests, who had congregated in greater number iast summer than in any previous year. Mr. Haber, who is one of die richest men of the country and banker to the court, was denied tin admittance from several of the members, at the head of whom was Mr. Goehler, an officer in the army of the Grand liuke, on the ground of his being an Israelite. The majority of committee, however, were for admitting him, not thinking this reason a good one; hut Mr. Goehler opposed him more on the ground that Haber has been spreading reports highly injurious to the reputation of the Grand Duchess, having boasted of being her lover, and of being in possession of certain letters from her. Mr. Haber denied it most strenously, and considered himself bound to challenge Mr. Goehler, who accepted the challenge, chose Mr. Sacharaga, a distinguished Spaniard, equally in the service of the Grand Duke, as his second, and was killed at the first shot. After the funeral the exasperated jpopulace surrounded Mr. Haber's dwelling, broke into it, destroyed the coeti.. r..;n<n,ltu,l liia In 111 iIv. hv aoostru nhising them with hep, hep? with which name the Jews were quizzed in the middle age; they threatened to burn the houses of the other Jews, and were only dispersed the following day by the police. Mr. Ilaber was arrested, and his papers were seized by the government, but it did not transpire whether any letters Irom the Grand Duchess were found amongst them ; enough. Mr. iiuber was liberated a few days after, but the seconds were arrested, and Mr. Sacharaga was condemned to ten months imprisonment in a fortress; Mr. I'icot, the inspector of the police, was dismissed tor hiH negligence in dispersing the people. A petition was got up for the pardon of Mr. Sacharaga, whose punishment was reduced to one month's imprisonment, and who, hardly liberated, threw up his commission, and challenged Mr. Ilaber for the sake of avenging his friend; they met at the frontier, and Sacharaga shared the fate of Goehler. Mr. Ilaber Hed to Paris, und intends leaving the duchy, which is u great loss to the commercial community and to government, whose agent he is. The < irand Duchess departed for Italy, extremely grieved at the part she played in that unfortunate affair. It these duels had a melancholy end, another duel which ought to have come off in Paris excited universal merriment. A known fashionable, unii versally acknowledged to be a coward, was insulted by a major of the Fench army ; he challenged i the major, hoping that he would refuse, but was cruelly deceived by un acceptance. The seconds fixed the distance at twenty-five paces; but the dandy insisted on fifteen. The seconds remonstrated in vain, that the offence was n small one, but the fashionable was obstinate, und could hardly be i prevailed upon to fight at a distance of twenty paces. They met the next duy at the JJois de Boulogne ; but now were they ustonislicd to see the i dandy muke his appearance with a sword. Gen tlemen, he said, I never light at less than filteen I paces; you have fixed the distance at twenty paces; i very well, but 1 am thefmsulted, and have, of course, r the choice of weapons. 1 chose, therefore, the - small sword. The proposition to fight with a small i sword at a distance of twenty paces created such a ; hilarity and put every body 111 so good spirits, 1 that the major offered an excuse, and our dandy i was overjoyed to pay it good breakfast with chani! pagne at Vcry's. i Mr. Staunton, the champion of the English Chess Club, has vanquished Mr St. Amnnd, the celcbrn> ted French chess player. The terms were, that the winner of the lirst eleven games should be the ' victor. Mr. Staunton won them, against six won - by Mr. .Kt. Amand, and four drawn games. A re! turn match is to be played. The stake was for five , thousand francs and all expenses; but the bets ? were much heavier; nearly all the betters were t English. Mr. Htaunton, who was kept on small i allowance by Ins secord, got the same evening - gloriously drunk. The French papers say, if Mr. i .Staunton is a better chess player, at least Mr. St. i Amand has the advantage of good manners und i tempwMoe. In the literary world there is nothing new; se i verat new novel* nave inane meir appearance, uui they ure not worth mentioning. From the first of ' January several new papers ate to be sturterl. ' Georges Sand intends editing a literary and politi1 cal daily paper, which will most likely succeed, as she Iihs many admirers, and is intimately acquainted with numerous choice spirits, who have promised contributions; Lumenaia will superintend the political department and he the main contribu; tor, from whicn circumstance it is obvious that it will be a republican paper. The German Central Bureau will likewise publish a German radical paper, under the title of I'orwaerti?advance ; but its ' success is more than doubtful, because the censure in Germany will certainly ostracise it, and the " < lermans in Pans prefer reading the French papers. 1 There have already been several similar enterpri' sea, but they have ended in smoke. The Charivari, tliHt true personification of French wit and na* tive nprit is now the property of .Mr. Perre; it was, as is universally known, under the patronage of ' the legitimists, who used it as a. powerful engine to " ridicule Louis Philips and kis governnicnt. lti-j ' dicule is Willi us a more dangerous weapon than j ' serious attacks, as we prefer the ludicrous to the grave. Its influence in less pernicious since political caricatures are forbidden by the September I ' laws. The engravings, which are the best part of ' if, bear, therefore, reference to social weaknesses. which lire perl eel |y understood hv i 'iiMirill and J Dumont, the painters and illustrators. The theatres are very well Hifended, although , they chiefly rely upon their old successes. The theatre Frangais reproduced Tiberc, by Clionirr, and is anxiously wailing for M'lle. Rachel's rcco! very, who is expected to appear 111 a few days in I Mithridate. The Odeon distinguishes itself through I the great number of novelties, and is nightly filled . hv large audiences, who congregate to admire I , .M'lle Georges in the Fete de Neron and Ponsard's Llcriee. Charles the Sixth and lfon .Sebastian , are alternately performed at the opc.ra to cratnmcd houses. Carlotta Grisi and Petipa have returned from London, and reappeared in la Peri. The manager is negociating with Fanny Elssler, who has been dancing in Vienna, previous to her departure for Milan. Cerito achieves glorious triumphs wherever she goes; a golden wreath has been thrown to her at Home, which proves, most likely, more, acceptable tliun laurel. Hie is to dunce at the opera next winter, and consequently willgi ve (he Parisians an opportunity ol comparing her w ith wrisi, I iiKiiniii, mm EsiaDicr*. inert' isinn un irnei doubt that she will be eminently successful, be cause site is young, pretty, and unitm Klaslcr's skill with Taghoni's grace. Donizetti has again taken Iivh departure for Vienna, to lead the Italian opera, wlucn is beginning there on the first of April. He is writing a new opera, entitled the Duke nl Albn. Prince Pnniatowski. the nephew of the celebrated hero, is expected in Puna thiBfwinter. He brings with him n new opera?Don Dessiderio-wliieh he composed for Lnblache. Him Bonifacio dc Geremei, has made furore, in Home, and lie. was called out neurlv fifty tiniea in one evening. The Prince is not only a good composer, but likewise ;i first rate tenor. Balfe's Bohemian Girl, which is so well received at Drury lane, is to be translated into French by St. Georges. and will be performed at the < )pera Comique. The plot of the Boheinian Girl ih originally taken from the French ballet La Gijmy, and is re-translated from the English. Mr. Jeannin, the skillful manager of the Itulian opera, has committed suicide, in company with a lady, who was living with hnn, and who passed for his wife. Mr. < hiliot, the director of the box ofliee, whs detected by the Comnnwary ot the Hospitals, (charged to receive every night the amount deducted from the, receipts tor the poor,) to have rinbe/.zcllcd. for some time, nearly three hundred francs a night, and excused himself with having acted according to the ordei received from .leannin. Jeannin. not being able to prove his innocence, took the matter no to heart that he killed himscll It appears that he was really innocent, and Galiot was arrested. Mr. V'at?i iispoken <>, as the successor, and will probably lie confirmed by the Minister of the Interior. He intends adding to the present stork company Moriani, Tanihurini, and Miss Vavanti, who creates ut present such nsensation at Naples. Perriani, the husband of the prima donna, brought out II Juntmnta, a new opera, which was rapturously LD. Ww Two Canta. eceivrd. A Folacci, sung by hia wife, wu en:ored three times. It 10 performed bv Matin, Rononi, Farnnsari, and Pereiani. Our beautiful Grisi brought another suit against dr. de Melcv, her husband, for a division of pro erty. She obtained a divorce in 1840, because :y would not receive her in his houre after her lealinga with Lord Casflereagh, in London. She a now under the protection of Mario, by whomrho taa two children. She was nonsuited, because ilie ought to have applied for a division of propary five months after the separation, according to ine French law. The property in dispute consists in estate* and ironwork* to tne valuo of nearly a million of francs Yours, very respectfully, B tJ The Dirrtct'ltt Between Messrs. Welle* aki> SitaivKn ? Having heretofore published the "curds" of Me*nrn. Shriver and Dawson in relation to th? difficulty between Weller and Shriver, we now give the following from Hon. Win. Cost Johnson. STATEMENT BY MR. WM. COST JOHNSON. Being called upon to give a statement of my knowledge of the circumstsnce* connected with the uupleastnt attair between Mr. Weller and Mr. Shriver, I * bull do to at briefly u? I can, and to the beat of my recollection. Thin 1* the more necessary n* I find my u?n:e intiodurul iu tlm putilic journals in Connection, rn.ouie <Jegioe; with it. 1 gave Mr. Edward W. Johnson a letter of introduction to Mr. Weller, with whom be was not acquainted. I understood that Mr. Weller declined the interview which Mr. Shriver requested; and that, at the timo Mr. Weller"* friend intimated that an informal meeting could be had by the part lev, which suggettiou Mr. Joburon submitted to Mr. Shriver ami hia frienda for considfiation, ao that he could report the remit. Mr. Shriver and hia frienda thought such a meeting deairable, aa one more legular liad been declined; and deaired Mr. Johnson ao to report, with the qualification that it ahould he at any place w here third persona- men or women?ahould not be < udangered. Mr. Johuatoa stated that it waa thought b y (ieneial Dawson that loma amicable understanding could be hud, and piopoaed that Mr Johnaon and my sell' ahould cull at hi* room at an hour named. Although perceiving no giuund* like!} lor such an adjuatment, 1 felt it to be my duty to ca!l at tbu time appointed. A converaation of aevrrsl hours enitifd without attaining the end; in which conversation no unkind feeling was expressed, no reflection on any of the partiea ; hut, on the contrary, every sentiment of kindness and consideration. Generul Duwaon thought it the duly of the friend* to avoid if possible a hostile meeting ul any kind ; to all which generous feeling 1 and Mr. Johnston responded to with sympathy and cordiality ? I at the astro time slating that 1 could not perceive on what grounds an amicuble adjustment could he had. 'I he basis of such adjustment, however, lie (General Dawson) thought he could lay down arid explain. It waa something like the following: First, if Air. Shriver'* friends pleased, ihey could renew or send a challenge, which he would accept?then it is to be witbdiawn lor explanations. Mr. Shriver to admit error in his course as to hia publication in the rettjot, and impetuosity oi remark in the conversation with Mr. Weller which caused the conflict ; then Mr. Weller could explain aw ay the effects of his assault. The basis stated I dissented from, because I thought that Mr. Hhriver thought hiacouree aa much right and justified aa Mr. Weller did bis. Under audi conviction no satisfactory explanation could he had. To the question which General Dawson put to me :? What docs Mr. Shriver or hia frienda require I I answered, first, a meeting on the usual tcims of u duel. This General Daw son >-uid, could not be had. Then I Mated, secondly, an irregular meeting, to be agreed upon at any place where third persons were not endangered?w eupons equal, to be named, or either party to select such as hi might desire. This General Dawson alio declined. Upon which I stated that the all'air must end aa it stood, so far as I was an adviser. General Dawson staled, however, lhat, if Air. Shriver desired to attack Mr. Weller, he could do it on the street, lietweeu his boarding house and the Capitol, or in the ltotundo. Tothi* I answered that, in the first place, Mr. Shriver would likely be arrested before he could see Mr. Weller in such a conspicuous part of Washington ; but at any rate, 1 could not ne instrumental in arranging such a fight, and especially as I thought that third mid inno cent peisons might lie in as niucheimger ns the j n:ties belligerent. Here the interview terminated. Um it may b? proper for me to my that lien. iJawson made no lellectioii on either Mr. Shriver or Mr. Johnson ; on the cor.tiui y, he disclaimed uny thing of the sort, and expressed, repeat, edly, hia admiration of Mr. Shriver'a courage- a courage so luJlen proven that lie thought he could be justified in acceding to an adjustment upon the. gtounda which U?n. Pawaon had propoaed, and which Mr. iohnaton and m; telf declined. The result of this interview waa reported to Mr. Sliriver, and I informed him that I would neither adviie nor be privy to any turther hostile atepa on hia part, finding, however, that Mr. Shriver had a purpose to attack Mr. Welter at his first meeting with him, and believing that hi; had done everything necessary to vindicate hia character, I tesolved upon my own motion, without the knowledge of Mr. Shtiveror any one, to call on the Mayor and have him hound over to keep the peace. This course I thought due to Mr. Shriver, to Mr. Welter, arid eminently due to the public. And here muat terminate, my connexion with an aflair which I used every exertion to avoid, and which I could not have lieen induced to take any part in, either dirrctly or indirectly, hut from the fact that Mr. Shriver hud been twelve years a constituent and a friend, and that he was a stranger in Washington, possessing a character without reproach, an honor unsullied, and whose courage requires no endorsement from me. WM. COST JOHNSON WnsHinuTAN, February I, 1844. "SmiTkttlk'n Owl" in the title of a newspaper published at Lowell, Maes. We extract the following from "ttrat No. 2" of the Owl:? Wits: Santos o> Stm Tit tls:.?Any body that wanta to git marid?its jest us easy to do so as tis for me to make | a pudden stick, it any body wants to by one. all you hav | to do is to tell any onem you cant get your stockins mend ed at you yusto tote you came away Irom your home, and there Hint a gal in ? dozen buttle tuy w hy dont you get marrid?then* your time to ray I cant get any liody Cwill have me, so one word w ill bring 011 tother, and puty soon it youl only lollo on yen ran get most any oncm Mr. Hetli Tiittlfi snilh?Thus sailh Setb Tuttla?#ven ttms Seth Tuttle Nuitli??i/. : saith Moth Tuttle, ?aith Seth, and Seth snith it in sincerity, " Or good and do good,' and it ihall he 'well with thee.' Thus Seth Tuttle aJth. Nobody should he out late nitea, heco* there aint 1 out of ahnndred of the rity watchmen that can ?ee verv plain arter dark, and you are just aa likely to get intew the loby aa any body - they dont no no dillereucc w ith penle. hie rccommamil to all to behave ax well a* they know how, for they can't do much better, and it any body doe*, anil will let me no it, I will rite about it in tne n?xt Owl. They nay there* a man out weat who'* ?o tall that hi* Ileitis oiler* covered with mow; hut ive my doul* about it. Nobody ahould let hi* nngry passion rue, rnuxe there ia danger of glting mail.'' Moi nt Bemcdict.?Another rtlort ih making in the Massachusetts Legislature to pay the Catholic* for the loa* sustained by thern in the deatructlon of their convent aomc year* ago at Mount lleiiedict. PRINTERS' AND BINDERS' WARE ROOM, Mvl) It OOLD-8T., NEW YORK. rPHE " HOE" I'liiitinK Press, Machine and Saw Manufee1 lory, bring under the management and direction i f RICH ARi) M. 11"K and ROBERT HOE conrinue to maoalar lure, at are*tly rrdnced price*. Printing Preaaea, Hydraulic I'reaan, Standing Preaaea, Nelf-inking Machines. Chases, C? sea, and every article nereasa ry lor a complete Printing Oilier, a-anrplyef which, including type, ink, Ac. they keep constantly on hand. Hop A cn's Patent Single Cylinder Pre?? has heeu recently much unprorrd in many raaential [articuUrs, with a new to idapt it to first-rate book printing, aa writ aa ncelleut newsy*|ier work. A considerable number of these machines are now in daily operation in this city aud elsewhere, doiog the work very rapidly and in a superior manner The improvement* in their Double Cylinder Press not only greatly increase it* speed, bat render the press m"ch noire durable and less liable to get out of order. It is the only mi chine adapted to the moat >apid newspaper printing 'I hey are also the mannficlurrra of the Patent tVaahingion aud Smrth I'leste*. which are so extensively used hy prmttis thronghont the United Stales and Cai adna Thty call thesi. tent'on of Printers to their New Machine < aid Press, wub which one bov can print I'diP cards per hoor in the b at style. This snarl ins is very simple, and not liable to get oat nt order Ita inking a"psratns is si lf-tclinr. The' HOE" Co. also msonfartnir a Cylinder Job Press, of large foolscap site, which m|?ir?s two boys to attend it, wh I.. ...... . .1.... , 1.. ,,, u-ltifie is ill, i hei r lee ll_.ll I>rtn' (n in IMIO to 2000 intpreaeiooe per lionr.aud do good ?oik Tfe " HOK" ? ? their iri'iidt and Printer# gcnerall tW n i I'D'iii ah ill I" a;ered to maintain the repntation of llirir ettahliahoieot, mid inat *11 ordeia e? (rimed to them will rwfivr prompt and nponl attention Kditora and Pabluhert will be ispphail Willi * timaWa in deiail for Printing Ollicae ar Rmtlrri'i by luloimmi na of ih? at via and inaniilv of W"rk which they ,?ire to no. Hon fc ( 0 alee maimfacmie ( aat Hteel, Mill, Tit, Cro-ieol, Circular and other Bawa a anpply of which lh?y harp eon alaatly on hard. and Machine work in i;auei*l. N B ?Puhliahera ofNewapaiera in the United States ar Canada, who will maart thit arivarliaaaumt thraa tioiaa tiefn'e the Itl of natt July, and aei.d nna copy of thair payer torn containing it. will be rulitlad to tha payment of thnir billa on pnrrhaannt lour timaa tha amount therenf Naw York, Jaa. 27th, ,111 , >0 tidkltw rrr SALAMANDER HAKES. rpMI-. Hebacnber a tha only paraon in tha State of Naw * l ork, .mihonied tn make or dupote of Wildei'r ge aiu? Patent Salamander Hafe. An othar Balamandara ai? a" attamrt to imitatn Wi'der, in violation of the patent taw. for which suits ara row ponding. Tha subscriber aaaaraa tha pnbtie, thnt avary Bafa mada by him, will baaa Bra-prool aa any avar lasted, tlity narrr haling Billed III preserve tha coataala uninjured, though frequently ? ??d to tha moai trrart leatai when othtr antra iiava bwn to twlly daatroyad by tha lamr heat Thate Bafea, all having Chnbb's Thiaf-d?taeior Tnmbler Lock, and wairantrd dry ? mada and told at tha Iron Mafa VVgrehoii'e and Factory of HI LAB C. IIKRNINO, No. I? Water, corner ol Daprj aUr atmat N. B ? Second hand Se:ea, weighing from JO# to 1000 p Kindt, of other makara, tuck aa hava bean taken in part payment fit the genuine Halamandaga, for aale at ona third or mat coat. ;1? Iw dv Jtwy re OKITlVt Ok JEKkEKHON INAUHANCK CO. New Ynn, January lith, l#M THY. Annual Mectiqu fur Directors ufthia Company, Wit! b" held at thnf office. No. JS Wall street. on Monday. >th Hrhrti. rv nart. Toll opana at 11 o'clock, and w.l, coutuiaa open one hour OLD. T IIOrh, jlktoKl ac bac-atary