OCR Interpretation

The New York herald. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1840-1920, March 05, 1844, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030313/1844-03-05/ed-1/seq-1/

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? _
Vol. X., Ho. (U-WhoU Ho. 3035
Wul lake place ou Wedueeaey, tha d.h ituteiil, at 'he
CihN \* L t<
PROFSBSOR KAUVt.L-GOURA.UD will andrree the aa*
dt.ace'oti the kubp-tt ofMauiory and .Mnemonic* I neraly,
altar ?nich one hu died wel auown citixena ol New toil
a id nruokl) u. alt u,nn ?eji ol Ptofeeeor <?. ? prreeut ????, will
rahibit a mnof I'hreno- dnemoltc nlc ?xpei.me-U, the character
a.dualue of which will no douil piore highly *ratil>lug
te etrry one wh' tike* an tulerrel in either the a stew |
or tl e diatoieiaeted purpo o which tlua | ropoaed lectuie hu tu :
V,JLvarv (incite phila: hropitlU irapectfnll. lurked to remera- !
bar o t th a occasion, tlte > *dr ?ud unl'ntu at - orphan*; n. d
i. Older that e.eif ayu. alky may bit utoie lire y in ih.le tea,
the ti.iliua pt.io hat b?e i propose and adup ed
Et r pur Inner ol a ticket ul sJini.iioa Mill writeon tltu
back of k a t ck.it I a name of ill . Orphan \j> turn to wlttc 1
ha wiahaa Ina do atinu e| . Led. am1 tlie ilir.ctiiu will br a. ru.
puloual, followed, under the superiulendauce of Prul. (J '? ,
I ithlui.fs t aud tlte tliiec ort a..e unu>a er? ef thevatkus i.
a.it tioua who toty join him ta .he acme
Ticke-aM ceuW, car be n?d t Prof O.'a office, 297 Broadway,
* frw da ,rs shore tlte U.autle Pudding; at Atwill'n, 2,1
Broadway, and at the T ber acie on Weduemtay evetuug.
A huge proer-'I utr of the I'lueuo-Mcruiotrchuic ri ieiiiaeuli
-will te othv<n?d gratuitously at the door
The Lecture will beyiii at piecis-ly htlf put 7 o'clock.
,N. B ?Thisuh.o ibsrs to 1'rof. li'unud's i\KW CLASSES!
both vvruuiK *ud (lay caiaesi) am ro.|Uf?lcd to ir.ert ou
FriJay evening hell, the Ilk instant, in Clihton H-ll, eoruer of
JJeekmaa end Nassau streets,.?t prec.sely 7>j o'clock, lor the
purple of eceivi: g and discussing communications ou th < orgin
nation el the two classes, after whicu the hint Lcure of
the C-urse w.ll hi iinmeoialsly given mt 3t*ic
DiStA-lb .rising from disordered cuon ul' the vital syslein?(hut
is, 01 t e org.us ertieioyrd in s-cretiug an rr?p
rug .h< fluid* which sust iu li e?< a limine mm ,ved by n.ediciues
liui t<d 111 thtir o,eration to ihe locality wli re ih*t dine
ite m-n, le?ts its II- A he in iniliststion is merely lie effect
ofadtra ye ,.eut of he tui.c.ious of ihota oigMn which pr,tare,
secrete, ana amalgams,e the elemeuti el lis b'oud. If
these eleiiiruis be impure, or are uot mixed iu doe proportions,
th - bl- od will lie iu an unn .trial suie; and K so, the whole
systemthrough which itcuculates must oe injuriously altected.
Trie grand des.de rat am, thou, is?apreparruuu which will
art directly, powertuliy, anl si feiy, upou i hat portion of 'he
animal m clnuery winch |ir.pares Iron tns food taken into the
siouiaeh that tluiJ wlucn slur word* bec.mes venous blood.
This tiui i IS Celled Ch>le. iu order te liave pure blood there
must Us pure chyle; and it is upon the orgauiz iliou which prepaid
una acta iilion this chyla?in opier wo ds, upou the dig-?live
apparatus, tha iutistiuea, and the liver, that the medic ue
should act.
Now. it has been proved, by the experience often years, end
rttabliihed t>y teus of tiiousauds of attested certificates, th t
PElLttb' 1'ILLd operate in this way, and by removing at
the place of iu origin the cause of disease, nrodnc- a radical
cure. For ili.s rteaou iufalibility is cla med lor them. Other
medicines ruav alleviate, but Peters' fii s al >ne eradicate the
disorders of the system. If a fountain be pure, all tne streams
that flow f out it wid be pure; end if the el meats of the tlood
be free fiom all taint, health will be diff'- sed through every
>, vein aud fibre of the human macbiue. irysprpaia, Jaundice,
Bilious Fever, Colic, Csioleia, tieauaclie, bicoiitss at the btomach.
Fevers. Languor, all ludimmatory Diseases?iu shoit,
eve.-y complaint growing ontof a disordered, snppresseo, or
too lapid action of the digestive or secretive trgaus, yields
readily to tho iuflueuce of this most extraordinary vegetable
coinpoand. The'citizens ol the buutli regard it aa thmr taleguard
aud protection. It they exp -rieuce symptoms of bilious
lever, or cholera, such as suuceu clinls, cold sweats, cramp in
the bowels, nan-us, paius iu (he back, itc , they ins antly res.'rt
to Pfc,TEtib' PILLS, and the next cay, iu uiue cas t out
ol ten, ihey aie abla to return to lueir uvccation*. From ordinury
cbo.i.' up to the most dsngerout levers?indeed, in eiery
disease .nciuent to e Southern cliui .te, these Pills are aduiListrred
will auioirm success. Fur more tnan ten years tlie virdiet
oflritir elfic one / his ban pionouueed, una could a jury
oi ail they have relieved be summoned fr?m the Nor li the
South, the rest, and the West, million* of voi> ei would be
hearo in aeela > atiou of liter ma chl ss prop rtiea, The cliilu
auu tiie adu t-the y utli aud the drcrpit old uitu?both taxes
and all a?es ? may a.ice take iliese Pil.a w.lh safety. and the
cert int, ol lelicf. Price 26 and 60 cents per box. Principal
ollice. Hi b ulton stret, New iork. ml 2t*tC
' l'HE FOLLOWING PETITION, signed by opwardi of
f 1 h'ce Hundred Nau.es has been pieseuied 10 the Legislature
low iu tttaoii at Albany, Every our ac-iu tiutou with the
present management ou thai road, will adintt that relurin i>
gre.tly neeued.
1 he Petition of tha uudenigurd, inhabitants of the city of
New York and Loo* Maud, rest cetluliy shows : 1
hat Ins L Jug Island Hail Road Company was chartered in
the year 1834, foi tue purpose of coustiuctiiic a Rail Koad f/oui
Brooklyn to ureeopjit. ou l<uutf Island, desiaued lor tne a> oom
uuil turn of the population of the city ol New Yoik and
Lou j Is)mil :
T at lneuu.o origina'ly f.xed for the completion of the Road.
St eigot years, Wu I j 1819 esLeud'd to ill yua. 11119,and ,hu tiu
sud rus'l u not ye. cump.eteJ; auout filly mi.es only o' the
whole diatuice ?1* admit u,.e nuudied nines saving Lesu
bnished :
a hat your petit oners < ither lire on this li c of the lfoad, oi
have trr> f equeut OcCisiuu to travel on It; that the c> u uu.
Jy sutl -i b i ?e u g litem am ineii.ieul manner in whiun th<
suiJ liusd is supeun.e..uel by it. i r.iei.t Di.'.clioi; auu t at,
asliiev lia'e no otlnr u_e.ni of Cariec lug these evil*, me. hud
in nisrlves C-u .tianed io appiy toyoui il.uori.ule Umly :
ilia n Uu said ivuad was Weil a~u shilluily managed, I'
Would uc % eat C0..V uie..cr au sec.in n da.i. n to me popu
Jut.o residing u its ficiuuy; utlrotn he mtune id wh.cn i.
IS ucW uiyec cU, i. is a soutne ol Co slant annoy sued
A. d t ui y? tiuue.s, in rale.ence to th psiticulir deface
whi.h .he. have t. pul?t out, hen leave to slate, Ui.l a general
waulol.UuC.U Illy iu all the details of theuuectiou. is u.e
gntuteit; inn ars e, her so nor ainve at the regular uou.s, si
u.uugii ironi the comparative mildurss of the dim.to I Cou.
island, th. wratier altordsno amuus obiltcie.evi u iu ill- depth
of wiuor. i lie car themselves are coustsutly out ol r pair,sun
iu no wise nt lor n Convenience of UuTeli rs :
That . our peiiu uers are u t ac.iu.ed ny sny h stilitv to th
ton ilse.f, a <d wnu.d be wiiii, g to m.ike great ailnWuuca lo.
O.Cs. >nsl ob.t uc lou. or delay, il' any s in o acCuminooa
tidu wa? manliest ou the part of the persona wh - coul.ol the
load lint u? .ucll eu prr IS uppa.Cu.) on ilie contrary, tile officers,
wsllawai that they have a monopoly oi t.ieoa.eion
this route, wh>n ioinpldiuta sr.- made of the un.uileti
fetilcs oumaiitieJ, iul >nu the co'npia uants "ihat if they do
n .1 ii?e it, they cun go ou loot," a.d l. other w.ys.shnw an
enllie dlt.egu.d of tueir duty ... th. puol.c.aud t > your Houora
bie ilody, tiy ???? f vor tliry exist i no re-?..t Direc.or.
out s. ol H. Rugg ea, Treasure.; 1). 9. Ives, gecrelaiy; Lelferl
Letfcrts, Ist.C E. liar.laud. u.. S. VVo dhull, L uu Le
Wolle, alias Carle, \V illiaiu Aguew, Cnaries tinu, nsur
llusg ei, Valentine Hiciu, Edwin I'ust, E. Mills, Ceoig.
las :
And the President is George B. Fisk who, if any body,
ought to have it iu bit power to correct the evils of which we
Your petitioners therefore humbly pray, lhat your Honorabb
Body will ixe>l the power wliiuti has been reuerve.i b, tne Acts
creation the siid coipoiatiou, so larss u> com,>el them to hre,
pi'ui er and orieai cars ou the s .in Road?1<> iuu t..e said cs. >
pane ualtv, and in a 1 reasonable rnpe ts to consult ttie COuVo
u.eu.e .ml ce.ufortol t.ie tiaveiliug pub.ic.
Anil your petltiourrs will ever pray, 4t~.
tin if at.Mit l'u re
PACKET "isiirr 11 Vi, 1 i.'iiUllr. KKOd H.VVRE-Cou
A sisueei are uqu wtol to send th.ir prrunts ou boaid, at pie
No t Norih R.v-r.
All go?di uot permitted by tiieTth instant, wl e liable to
be le. t to the punjic stuns ntl due
American hkii bli a.\ n^dals?struck to com
lurmorate the glorious revivsl ol the spirit of 'it, Contsio
nig the American Eagle, the Bunker Hill Monument, Mutton
Inscription, and othrr appropr.atr Uevi.es, tic. F< r sale
wholesale and retail, by JOH.h I>. LEVEl'T,
_it* re >? | i onlandt streot.
until further notice. The subscribrJ nretida giriiig hit
tmrticulru attention to the purchase and sale ol ihe aoOT.-Coal
Consumers ol lAoerpoot Coal ae invited to call ou tue sab
sc.Oer o?'f .r-purcuasiiig e.iewhcr.* ?s I e i pr-. atbj to sell at
email profile. i. sl'uKhs DICKER-vOn,
m l loi*irc No. 107 AuthOuV st, uear Broadwav.
SCBscRl Jtily has. (id n.,.s q i?ne,e ?f being uider1
milled in ''r.nl" bv .nine "aenllemnn" I anlil He.,lor Ira.
moved hi* (JolJ Lwf 8*ct iiy to "
On It three door. Iroin his old stand, wlie e ue is confident his
old friends will follow, J?iai nuditc Lentst's tioid nil
ml 3w*ec Practical (soli Bralor, No 91 heade street.
IUST RbCe.lVc.il AT J. LXO.N 8, 37 'ohi street, and
?18 Maiden Lane, a splendid aisvitmrnt ol KN(ii.I">H HON;
NfcTd. counting of saver Paie,i<s, fine HutUuds, Alb, ri
Brai.', fcc. kc. Also, an elegant assortment ?f l uscaus, Riblions,
tii'ks, Klowers, and ee?ry other article in the millinari
Hue. Milliusrtaud others are respect.u ly mailed to call and
etamine the aborn. The e.nglish Hats ar- the clearest ami best
is the inaraet. All tha above will be told at wlioleaala or retail,
at id Maidan Lane and 37 John street.
N. B.?The Basement of 30 Miideu Lane to let?possession
giveu immediately. ml lm'ic
CRK.AVI OK 8APHN1NK, turpas <? any shaving toai.
now in use, and it pronounced b? thoie who hare tried it. to 1
? sceed all oiheit in making a rich and poimansnt lather, (Jentlrmen
hivi> g hard beards end tender faces, are requested to I
sell end eiye it a fair trial, and if nut peifectly satiified, the |
money will be retanied. 1 he lollowiag is ooe of the number
of letters received by the manufacturer
Nkw York, Lee. It. 1841. '
Dear Sir?Among the -'ills that flesh is heir (hair) too," not '
the least, especially wb*n travelling, it an ' iiashaven" chm! '
lieturuiug recently from an excursion, wh*u arriving at Col- I
rhe ter, l oan , I stepped into a sture, and the proprietor, my r
very t seel lent friend J. H. Whe-ler, bsq (obsnrviug iny hai y- t
n'ss )preieut?d me apot of yonr Shaving Cream. With a lite .
devoted to scientific persons, I am acquainted with most ol 1
tlie tapoaaeeout eomponuds produced during the preirut can
tury, jnd lor the parpote iiiteuilrd, I know none which I prii* r
so highly as vour Cieam of Bspoome . I thus voluntarily ol- u
fer you iny opi i.on of its merits, and in* friends wou d ,tke to
ksow wliere it may lie obtained in this citv. Yours, ke. i
K C Fene, K?q JON All! AN DODUIC, M.U.
l'oriale, in any inantity. bv the mmniacture '? event, No c
73 Maiden Lane also by all the princ pal druggists and fiury >
dea'ert in the city. J. VV. fluLBKRlON. t
1*1 8t?ec
Omi t or Jarrtasopr Imursmir roMPA-tr,) J
No 311 Wall St, < ppusite tne Kxchauge. J I
'PHIS Coaitisny conliuuea to linn r againal Lost and Us- n
i mage by Fir^ on goods, wares and nitrchaudiae, and also (
age nst ioaa by inLud unvigatiou on vessels aud ibvir ear*oee. .
Tbomaa w. Thone, Kitstia Kings.
Thomas T Woodruff, Anson Bafcur,
' ?iti K Kobaon, M. P., Joseih urske, c
Ci, Thsmnepu l*nee. Joseph Al'en, v
MosesTnekar, .lamea K. Holmes,
John R. Uavidaon, John P. Mooie,
John H. Lee, J.nn-t R *? luting,
< aieb C. Tunis, Win. K Thorn.
6'? Kiavcis P. Base, '1 homes Morrell, '
John o. Meruit, Kug-ce Bog rt. p
- ~ ,,rni. THOMAS W. THOK.SK, President. d
OEO T. HOP1-., heereury. m3 ra ,
TJ LMOV LD from rtrceod street t ? spring at?Patyoniner 1
AY by the m"tt eminent inrgeous throughout h.urope end bi ?
the cost dull gntthed ol ll.eir proletsional brethim is th. '
United nlv.rs. and allowed by all to be the nearest approecl
to nature eiihe to produced Introdnoed into thia country am lr
mudo aoiely by WILLIAM 8ELPHO. I'
No. *0 Spring street, near Broadway. New York. !
IT"/"Terms moderate. and indiepatab'e r-feieneea given '-I
" I have seen tha artificial leg of vtr. Melpho. lu construe 1!
rkm. appears escelleot, and well calculated to answer all tie a
i lijvcis denied But the heat of all ta the proof uf those she ii
wear them; this is positive and undeniable. Some of my
f lends whom I rave santilated. inform me that the rare sepernnr
ui all others. VALENTIN If. MOT\7 '!
Professor of forgery, University of Now York." tl
ml lm4yftwy**? n
Dec 111 on In Chancer jr.
Before the Hon. Lewis II. SandlorJ, Assistant Vice Chancellor.
M i*< n 4.?IK. liockwsll. .f r , IhtrtUors of F.btntzcr A.
Hobby, v. liarritl Hobby.?O. Cue, for complainants: J
| W. 'lonipkiiis, for defendant ?Decree that testator had aa
! equitable hen on the premises. Sale ordered for defendant,
interest and costa.
Chartts A. Jackson, ri, ICi'liam Cornell et al.?J. A. Lott
for complainant: A. D. Logan and A. Crist far defendant:
Karrington, S. F. Low drey, for M. Taj lor.?Bill dismissed
with costa as to defendant, Taylor. Assignment of Cernellsnt
aside as void against the complainant. Decided
that where au insolvent member of a copartnership, assigns
his separate property, and prefers the creditors of
the tiim to his separate creditors, ttie assignment it fraudulent
as uguinst the latter. *
Frtdnic dt Ptysltr, ts Qtorgt Bowcn ft al?E II Owen
lor complainant i 11 VV. llonuey, lor defendant, Stewart.?
Decree that Stewart's judgii eut is a lien prior to complainant's
mortgage. I'remins to be sold, and proceeds
paid accordingly.
John McDonald and wife, ra Atari as H'al grots ct al.?
O. H. l'lfttt* tnd J. N. linvnolila lor fcomitlainanla* .1. A
Morrill unil E. Morrill, for Jones and wile; IV. 1 owerru
aud ii. W. Boil any, for Heater YValgrove's executors.?
Decided that Heater VV'algiova took an estate in ice in the
premises under the wilt of Samuel Walgiove. Bill die
missed without costs.
Jo An Jl. Barker end al. vs. William Israel end al.?Cram,
for complainants; B. W. Bonney, for defendants ? W
Israel's general assignment declared fraudulent. Tlio
conveyances ol the houses in Broome street upheld. Bill i
dismissed without costs as to all the defendants, except I
VV. Israel and his assignee !
Richard Harry i>? M, reliant's Exchange Company and
James V. King?F. B. Cutting and C. O\;ouor,lor coinplaiuants;
M S Bidwuii, lor Merchant's Exchange Company;
D. Lord, jr. aud John Dui-r, for James ti King.?
Decided that the two mortgages to J. G. King, for ?100,0(10
and $300,000 respectively me valid. Bill dismissed with
Maker's Executor's vs. S Kingstand.?S. F. Clarkson, for
complainants; W. Huffman, for defendant?Defendant's
depositions suppressed. Bill dismissed with costs, to he
paid out of the estate.
lipollox Reives vs. David Reeves and al-?T. Hastings, for
complainant; W. N. Dvckman, lor defendant, A. M.
Tupping. Decree that Topping owns one-fourth of premises,
which are not liable to mortgage, and recovers
costs. Bale of residue for complainant's ebt and costs.
William H. St urges and al. vs T. S. Cargill and al.?
E. Faine, for complainants; E. Wilkes, for defendants.?
Decided that the children of iMrs.Sturges take a remainder
in fee in her share of thu estate, under the will of .
Jonathan Havens vs. Cynthia Havens, and others.?D P.
Hall, lor complainant; A. Robertson, lor Mrs. Havens
and others: A. H. Dana, for Sackett and wife.?Decree
that Mrs. Havens it entitled to dower, and to the Firemen's
stock; that John T. Havens took the lots in Water
and Front streets, by the devise; and that the bequest of
the residue includes personal estate only, and it to be apportioned
among the legatees.
Solon Grout vs. J. fan Schoonhortn, and others.?J.
Hewe, for complainant; D. Buel, jr., for defendants.?
Decided that trusts of the marriage settlement are valid as
to the land during complainant's life; and as to thu per.
sonalty during his wife's life, and void as to the residue,
tin making new settlement 88 directed, complainant to
receive JIU,000 out of the fund, and costs to be paid out of
same. Reference to a Master, and further questions
IfiUiain Burr, rs. E. O. Sherwood.?J. R. F.dgerton, for
complainant; P. Wilson, for defondant. Decided that defendant
was ageut and not partner. Decree l'er taking
account, aud reserving all other questions
Randon ip Groasbtik, rs. The Receiver of the Cvinmef
cial Bank?Sams, vs. Same and others ? W. Judson, for
complainants; E. H. Blatchford, for defendant. Decided
that tha Hudson insurance stock was fraudulently obtained
from the complainants by Redlluld. Receiver to
restore same to them, and pay costs.
Robert J Mow, et al, vs. Charlotte Kelso, el al.?8. F.
Cowdrey, for complainants; I'. Hamilton, for deiendants.
Decided that the mortgage of $400 was a lien on Mrs.
Kelso's lile interest. Interlocutory decree for partition
Benjamin Joumsend and Wilt, vs. John Halts.?J. Anthou,
tor complainants: E. 11. Owen and M. 8. Bidwell,
for defendants. Bill dismissed with costs, but without
prejudice, tic.
Cacscs Heard at Alramy?Ja^t'art Term.
Corning f Homer, vs. Phillips, tf ot ? D. Burnell, for
complainants; S. Cheevcr, tor defendants. Assignment
declared valid, but without costs. Complainants entitled
to tlie preferred debt due to Milton t'iiillip!
Hut;h Simpson, is I'hilo Wilcox ?A. J. Parker, iir
complainant: A Becker tor defendant. Defence of usury
not sustained Decree for foreclosure end sale.
George Home, us Edward Phillips and others?Edward
Phillips and others, vs Gearge Rowt.?it Miller uud S.
dteveus for Kowe, it llogeboom for Phillip* at al. Decided
that boud and mortgage are not usurious. Cross hill
dismissed, with cost*.
Alexander Grant, vs Elsprit Grant, and others?L
Mouson and 8. tlordon, for complainant-, A. J Parker, for
0 Uraat and others; A. Beecher, lor other defendant*
Bill dismissed with costs. Will not proved to have been
duly executed
Andrew 0 Ten Eyik, vs- John Simpson, fc.?X. J Parker,
ler complainant-, A. Becker, fur J Simpson Decided
that complainant is entitled to deed from John 8. on
paying the purchase money to him. John Simpson to recover
costs against complainant.
V S. Circuit Court*
Before Judge Betts.
March 4.? William Huff was indicted under the 23.1
section of the actot Congress of 3d March, 19J0, for robbing
the Albany and New York mail bag, on the uiglii
ot the7thof December last, at the city of Hudson, end abxtracting
therefrom certain letters and parcels containing
draft* and money.
iltcYRv C. Miller sworn and examined by Barret r ?
Reside* in Hudson; it in partnership with Mr. Smith; re
collects the night ot the 7th December, the mails came to
our office that night, they were brought in bv Terry, the
mail guard, and a man named Martin Ho* was there.
Witness remained until they were all brought in ; about
naif-past 8 o'clock witness sent lor Hotf to come into the
office; he came accordingly ; witness told him that he
wanted him to take charge ot the mails ; witness lelt the
office at five minutes alter nine.
Cross examined by Robert 11. Morris, Esq?Hart was
not born in Hudson ; worked tor witness oil'and on since
1836 ; did not count the bags that came that night ; it was
-iot u heavy mail; does not re-collect what directions he
gave HofPto go to tiie boat in the moming;it was his business,
however to go there ; it was also a part of his business
to call the drivers up.
K. Elias Terrt examined?Was connected with the
mail in December last; accompanied the mail from Albany
to Hudson on the 7th December ; the mail bags from
Albany containing letters ior New York were put into the
nind boot of the coach by witness ; the coach was not
changed from Albany to Hudson, nor was the mail bag removed
until we came to Hudson ; 1 then took it out and
placed it in Smith & Miller'a office, at Hudson ; cannot
say that the hag now produced is the one that was taken
out of 8mith Si Miller's office ; when I got to the ottice
next morning about 6 o'clock I found Miller, Hotf and
Martin there ; they were putting the mails on u sleigh to
put them on hoard the Utica.
Crossexamined by Mourns ?Did not count the mails either
when I put them in or took out ; they were uil lying
on the sidewalk ; I asked when we were putting the
mails on the sleigh* If tue Hudson mail was there; I mere
ly asked the question ; they said no ; when I received the
bag at Albany the persoa who gave it to me said it wm>
l.'ncle Sara's bag, and desired me to look out; the hag
could not be taken out without my kuowledge from the
time we left Albany until we came to iiudeon.
Frederick C. Balder examined.?Was in Hudson on
the night of the 7th December iaat ; was present when the '
msils were taken out; the prisoner, myself, Martin and
Mr. Miller, were present when the liags were taken out ;
about a quarter before 10 o'clock that night, witness went
to call Iloir to taki charge of the mails ; witness returned j
in a minute or two followed by Holf ; thinks the mails (
were in the snme condition when witness returned that
ihey were when he went to call Hofl'; had a conversation ^
with HolT in the morning ; he said t? witness that he leit ,
Lhe office about 4 o'clock and went to the Hudson House (
to light his lamp, anil then went with John Smith to the 1
boat. r
Cross-examined by Morris.?Terry and another were in
be office with Hoti when I left it; tlie office was left with v
die door open the evening I went to call iloff.
Blake, (colored) examined ? Saw Hott on the morning
if the 8th December in the office of Hmith & Miller ; he
went out ; saw him shortly after on the tow-boat dock ;
le had a stick in his hand and was punching in the rii er ;
saw him out of the window, and also from the door ; he
-emaincd punching the water for about ten minutes ; he
hen returned to the office and (aid the lioat was coming ; !'
asked him " was he spearing eels 7" he said he wu*.
Cross-examined.?Is in the liahit of seeing Hotf every ! '
noming mi me river ; 11 11 a custom wiui tlie -Invert to ,
;o down there every morning to wait for the boat*.
Direct examination returned ?I tew the pole with which
le said he wee ipearing eels ; there was no spear on (lie
ndofit; never saw any one spearing eels there before ;
t was through joke I asked the <(uestiou ; I believe it was
hrough joke he answered. n
II. Iir ATi examined.?Witness was cantain of the steam- 11
loat Utica iu December last; was on lioard the boat at *1
ludson on the morning of the 8th December, and saw a c
nail bag in the river ; I sung out and got it taken up j '>
the hag is produced and witness identifies it,) had it con- "
eyed to the post oftice ; it was about ten feet out shore ,c
10m the point of the dock when witness discovered it , >'
fitness next went to the office of Smith Si Miller ; hud a '>
on venation wiih Mr. Miller on the subject of the disco- *
ery of the mail bug ; lioff was present; does not recol- '*
set that he made any remark duiing the conversation. [
Edward O. Hollv? Resides in Hudson -, knows Hodh
ecollects the day of the robbery; had a conversation with P
loir about half |>ast 0o'clock; John Smith, a driver, war
resent; the conversation took place in the stables yard of "
imith and Miller; I asked Hoff if he had heard the mail *?'
.-as robbed ; he said there was sucli a report; wittiest ^
aid it was strange that it should he robbed, as there war
guard with it; Tie said it was a mail brought by the boat
e then said ho heard the hag wn* rut and monay taker
tit; I then asked him if the bag was fuund above or below
ludson; he said he could not ascertain '<
Heir c. Mills* recalled?First heard of tlio robber} r<
om Captain Hyatt; Hoff vns present, and witness asked
im if he had olieyad his orders ; he said he had, and that 11
e had not left the office until alter 4 o'clock, and that he "
ie.n went to the river with John Smith; witness then said
lofTlf it is our bag it is a bad job; he made no reply, hut "I
ppeared very much dashed, and moved back ami sat on
10 sofa. 91
About 3 o'clock it was ascertained that some of the ma- ni
trial witnesses for the prosecution had not arrived, and
la District Attorney asked for a postponement until to- *,
torrow monuag (this day,) when he was sure the wit- n
I ll I I . . .1- .1 - ...LI LW
nassea would be In attendance. The counsel for the prisoner
strenuously objected, and the < ourt took a recesa
until 4 o'clock, iu caae the mail should arrive by that
time. The Court aat aga'n at 4 o'clock, but the witneea
had not arrived. It waa, however, dually ugreed by the
counael ou both sides, that further proceedings should be
postponed until 10 o'clock to morrow, and the Court adjourned.
His Honor the Mayor is counsel for the prisoner.
Judge Betts cautioned the Jury against conversing with
each other or with any other person, on the subject of the
trial, until the sitting of the Court to-morrow,
Circuit Court.
Before Judge Kent.
Momday, March 4 ? Krrmer it Ryan, for Crim. Con.?
The jury returned a smiled verdict in tin* cate at ihe opening
ol the Court, and rendered un award of $ot>0 damages
to the plaintitr
The jurors summoned for the next case, were then called,
anil nine of the pannel not answering to their namea,
they were severally fined $15 for nun attendance.
The case of fan Colt vs. Shatp being the next in order
on the calendar, it was called on by Judge Kent, and alter
the jury were empanelled, a young gentleman in a frock
coat, with black hair of a most intense gloss, and a very
decided curl, rose and opened the case in a speech, which
he read in a low under tone from a tolerably volumnlous
manuscript which he held in his hand. Krum this, those
who pa,d a most desperate atteution were enabled to glean
the facts, that it was un action for criminal conversation
with the plaintiff's wile, brought by Albeit B. Van Cott
against William H. Sharp, and that the damages lor this
nuirum trespass wm taut at ??IO,0?H>.
As this case lias been tried once before, (revived now iu
consequence of l!iu disagreement of the former jury,) nnd
ai all the circumstance* connected with it. unwell as
every particle of t??titnony the cine is capable of, hasalrcady
but n 1 'tit 1 (nil > icporicd in the colnmini of this paper,
weiftieed not recapitulate all the n.inutia again.
After the conclusion of the opening, .Mr. De Witt, for
the plaintiff, called to the stand
Jacob Petit?This witness stated that he knew Van
Cott and nis tvife: but upon being asked if he were present
nt the time of their inurriage, suddenly sunk his head
and made no answer. I'non the qnertion being repented
he replied that lie was ill, and upon being inquired of, if
that was the reaaon of hia not answering the question, replied
in the negative, stating that he reluaed to answer it.
The question was then put again. This time the witness
answered reaJily that he had been present at the time of
the marriage, and that the ceremony took place in 1832 in
Mnngin street.
Doctor Moktoosiekt J. Baieey was next called. The
Doctor testified that he lias known the plaintiff lor a number
of years?the former as much as 14 or lu, and the latter
lOor 14. NThey resided, formerly, iu Division street in
this city, after which they removed to Williamsburgh in
1830, when the alledged criminal conversation, for which
this action is brought, was committed Van Cott, who is
a jeweller, is the cousin of his wife, and s great degree of
intimacy up to a period previous to the last two years, had
existed between them. Van Cott kept boarders iu Williamsburgh,
and among tliem in 1841, was a young man
nnmed William H. Sharp. This gentleman, tbe Doctor
testifies to having first seen, in his frequent visiting* to the
house, in 1841, ami also to having seen him in must of his
subsequent visitings to the same place. In Ine middle of
a day in the month of August, 1841, the Doctor entertd
the back basement of tbe house, and passing a
colored female servant whom he met nt the door,
went to the front basement room, where the family
usually lived and took their meals: the door was
partly iijar, and on looking in the perceived that the room
was somewhat darkened by the drawing to of the shut
tors; he went in, and as he did so, Mrs Van Cott stepped
from the sofa on which Sharp lay reclining at length, and
alter opening the shutter, turned to a dressing glass in
another corner of the room to arrange her hair, which
bung down her back, and regulate her dress, which was
open at the neck and slipping off her shoulders. Sharp
started up at first, with some degree of astonishment, nut
upon ascertaining the characterof the visiter, sunk buck
again with the remark of "oh, ^thought it was VanF ?
It was Van Cott'* custom to make a journey to the south
every winter on business, and this season he went away
some time in October or November, to return in the following
spring. During his absence the Doctor saw Sharp
there several times. On the 1st January, 1841, the Doctor
and his wife visited Van Cott's house. Hharp, who
had been out all the evening, returned at II o'clock?
shortly after which, or at twelve o'clock, the Doctor ami
his wife went to bed, leaving a Mr. BellJ Mrs. Van Cott,
and the alleged seducer down stairs in the basement. The
former followed immediately cftet wards, and went up to
his room ; but Sharp was not henrd to ccme up stairs
thaughthe doctor lay awake a long time, and thinks he
mutt have heard him if he did so. Oil the lollowitig morning
on going down in the basement, lie found Mr. Ueil.
Sharp and Mr*. Van Cott there. Sharp wu* sitting near
the fire, nnd remarked " that he felt like the
devil, as he had not gone to bed till near 4 ?"block in the
morning " The doctor further testified to having seen
shv n hug nnd kiss Mrs . Van Co'.t once or twice, and;
'hat tie had teen him otherwise rude and viirward, iiiul <
?t?u, nidi v an vun * iremmeni 01 MR will Wdl Kllia Hint
affectionate lnroishitig her with teacher* m muiic, dancing,
language*, Sic
Thi* ended the direct testimony of the w itness, and the
counai'l torthe defendant entered into a rigid cross-exami
nation, in thecour*e of which a xtrong and persevering
effort wax made to ?h?w the intimate connexion* oi interest
between the witness and the plaintiff for the putpoteof
caxtingdiacredit upon his testimony. The Doctor
further stated that lie did not inform Van (.'ott before lie
(Van Cott) went South, of the scene in the basement, bur
intimated to him the propriety of taking his wile with
him ; but when Van f'ott returned, sometime in the
monrh of May, he told him all about it. This information
the witness testified to having given to Van Cott pre
vious to the writing of a letter to Sharp (in answer to
one which Sharp wrote him on hearing the nature of the
doctor'sdisclosures to the husband) which denied having
said an) thing to implicate his (Sharp's) honor with Van
< 'ott, or the character of the intimacy between him and
the wile. In the interview with Van Cott. the doctor
testiiied that wlien cautioning him against Sharp, he had
said that he wished to be distinctly understood that he
made no direct assertion against the honor of either party,
and that he did not believe that anything wrong had
taken place. This led to an interview between the
whole three, Van Colt, the Doctor and the defendant.
in which the same, language wax repeated b>
'lie Doctor. This was sometime in the month of May.
Sharp denied that he sat up with Mrs, Van (lott on the
New Year's evening, and also denied every tiling else cal
culated to implicate him. Th? Doctor further testified
that at the time of the basement scene, a Miss Waldron
and a Miss Ityder resided at Van Cott's, und that Van i ott
and he had h falling out in conse<|uenre ol his wounding
Van Cotl'a faith by making these disclosure* in regard to
liia wife. The Doctor further testified that Miss Waldron
wrote him a letter, informing lum that Sharp bad taken
improper liberties with his w ife?that he called on Sharp
lhout it, who denied the charge in toto, and declared that
he would see Mist Waldron and have the matter explained,
and that afler this Sharp wrote him a letter, telling
liirn that Miss Waldron would soon w rite herself ami ex.
plain all. I'pon the top of all this, Van Cott writes a let
'or to Sharp, blowing every body to the devil who should
lare to impugn the honor of his wife, and him, his friend
Mrs. Bails called.?This witness was the wife of the
last witness, and testified to the New Vear'? night scent,
ind also to having seen Sharp ki?? Mrs V ant'ott, take
lier in his lap,and te.d her limbs at divers time* Slio moreiver
testified ar. to hi* having hiui the audacity to make an
imorou* dcmrr.itration 01 her, in the way of a kisr,
'hough on thi* oecusion there were other females by, all
if whom shared the same fate from the adventurous gallant.
A* to the New Year's night bttsines*, the
lady testified to having laid awake till three o'clock in the
morning, for the express purpose of listening to hear
whether Sharp came to lied or no; but that she was cerain
that up to that hour he did not mount the xtairn; that
the went down in the basement in the morning, and there
found Sharp in his pantaloons, alone, in rcmpanv with
Mrs. Van Catt, Mr. Bell, Mis* Waldron, and Mi*s ftyder
Mr. Shnrp made no answer to her husband's (Dr. Bniley's)
pieation, afterwards, ?s to what had kept him up so late;
lut Mr*. Van (-'ott remarked that "she had also staid up
ill three o'clock, to wash tip tho dishes" from Hie table
in which they had had a late supper the night belore. It
va* before New Year's, when slic raw Sharp kiss Mrs
/an (-'ott and feel her limbs, and Mrs. Van (lott on all of
liese occasions repulsed him. When Sharp kissed Mrs.
/an (lott, Miss Waldron was also present. Tins, witli the
xception of the averrment of the kind treatment of Mrs.
/an Cott by her husband, was all the testimony of this
vitnexx?when the Court adjourned iuntil the billow ing
lay at 10 o'clock.
V. K. Marshall's UIHff.
Mahcii 4 ?Two *ailor*. one named Hobert Thompson
nd the other (ieorge Collins, both hand* on hoanl tho
hip Charles Carrolf, were sent homo from I.ishon in iron*
iy tho United StntM Consul at that |>oi t, to take their trial
ir an attempt to murder the mate, and to create a muttii)
n hoard the thin. They were examined thi* morning lieire
Mr. Commistioner Rapslje, and fully committed to
iikn their trial.
City Intelligence
Police.?March 4?Kxamuva iio* oi Polii k Om ii k?.
-Tho article published in the IhralH yoaterday morning, (
cviewing tlie new police hill, and suggesting the exami tiou
ol nil the officers to be appointed under it, by in ,
[X>ction oi the acat* o( their breeche*, canted much exilement
at the upper and lower office*. Nearly all w ho
are been addicted to lounging habit*, wearing out their
wn pantt. and the chairs ol the police, appeared in new
ggery, tliu* endeavoring to avoid detection by the con inplatcd
committee from the Hoard ot Appointment*,
ut thi* will not avail, u* nil their old unmentionable*
ill hu demanded by the committee for examination be
irethev can expect to receive salaries oftyiOOper annum,
nder the new law. Home of the police magintratc* ex
ihlted equal cunning, and presented them solve* with
ant* worn threadbare at the seat, thu? endeavoring to
inw that conntant attendance in the arm chair* of the
Bice in the performance of their public duties, had proneed
thi* re?ult. Thi* will not suffice?their wnidrobe
nut bo exhibited to the come i tee, or they will never ,"
a** mu*ter. .
llioHwtr KnnniRv.?A man named David II Kvanx,
f Vandam street, while itrollinr through "thePoint*"
n .Sunday night, wa* Mopped by three men, who sue.
neded in robbing him of the *um of $d6. One of the t
rgiie* wa* arrested, but the other two escaped. ?
Hiirhixu * Miat Snor-?Yesterday morning, two boy "
smed Daniel Crawford end Oeorge White were arrested r
i the act of entering a butcher's ?hop at 31 Foreytb
rect. They stated that they found the door of the shop
pen, and entered to look about, hut not to Meal. Thi i
wners of the shop allege that the door wa* broken open, i
id the l?oya were therefore commit ed for further examiit
Trim to Nrwark.?Tne river is open, t
id vesiela have resumed their tripe between Newark ar a '
wYork. I<
)RK 1
>RNING, MARCH 5, 1844
Common Council.
Boabd or Aldbbsicm.?Monday.?Alderman Purdy.presideiit,
in the chair.
Hatlrtn Hr.ilrond ?A number of remonstrances were
presented ugannt removing tile rails el the New Vork and
llailem Railroad below 14th meet, which were referred
to the street eooimittee.
AldermanBBiocs.nl presenting the remonstrance, remarked
thut he wished to be understood as entirely opposed
to the objects of the pet doners, and that he should
Tote in favor ot the removal of the rails whenever it came
up in this Board.
lighting Jlvtnut l)?K resolution to light Arenue D
Irom Tenth street to Houston, was read and adopted
trim ami Oil?The report and resolution of Alderdam
Brady, in lavorof placing two gas lamps instead of three
in the streets in future to tie lighted with gas, thus milking
the expense of lighting the same us thul of oil, were alsu
/in Knfinn?The Committee on Kire and Water reported
in tavor of allowing No. li to occupy tliv engine
house in the enth Ward, formerly used hy No. 37,wtiirh
was laid on the table after being warmly sustained by
Alderman I'urdy utid opposed by Aldertnan Waterman,
on tbe ground that there were engine companies sulltcient
already established.
Printing by Contract?The Select Committee to whom
was referred the propriety of having the printing of the
departments and the supply of stationery for the Corpora
tion givun out hy contract to the lowest biddet .reported In
favor of authorising the clerk of the Common Council te
advertise tor such proposals, and resolutions to that ell'ect
I were adopted and sent to the Board oi Assistants tor concurrence:.
| Changing the Pott O fi -r Location?Alderman Pit so.
presented a petition front A. M esse role, atid one hundred
ethers, to divide and district ttie city,so as to brim; the post
ollice and other public buildings nearer the centre of the
city than they are at pruveiit, which was referred to a select
committee, consisting of Aldermen Purdy, Brady and
iJrij Dorkt?A resolution from the other Board reconsi
dertiie aotiou upon the memorial to Congress, adopted at
the last meeting, asking that body to order a new survey
of this island for the construction of a dry dock, which
had been sent to the Mayor to be forwarded to Washington,
was called up for concurrence.
Alderman Pi-env oil.-re.I the lollowing amendment I
Resolved. That the Common Council oi the city ol New
Yotk earnestly urge upon the Congress of the United
States the importance and uocusslty of an immediate con
struction of a Dry Dock on the island of New York, of
sufficient capacity to accommodate the wautaof this narul
Alderman Batons offered an amendment, authorizing
the Clerk of the Board to forward the memorial adopted
at the last meeting, asking for a new survey, whioh was
lost by a vote of 1) to 7.
The resolution presented by Aldorman Purdy was then
adopted by a unanimous vote.
Polici HiUt ? Alderman Emma is* moved that the Police
Bill that passed the other Board, be made the special order
of the day (or the next meeting, which was adopted.
Alderman Tii.iou said that his voluminous report would
be reaily in the meantime for the action ol the Common
Ughting with Cot.?A resolution to inquire into the
propriety of lighting Laight street, from Canal to Greenwich
street, Yarick from Canal to Krunklin, and Beach
from West Broadway to Greenwich, was presented and
relrrred to the Committee 011 l.ampx und Gas. Also,
Broome street from Cldridge to Last River, and Houston
street from thu Bowery to the Last River.
The Dry Dock Memorial.?Alderman Onions moved a
non-concurrence with the Board of Assistant Aldermen,
ou ine imoiuuun requesting mo Mayor not 10 semi the
memorial adopted ut the Inst mooting of the Common
Council,asking Congress to oriler a now nfMr of thii
inland, for the purpose ol selecting a site for u Pry Pock,
which non-concurrence wan adopted, and the Clerk of the
Board ordered to aend the memorial an previously directed.
Opening Streets ?An opinion of the Jmlgei of the Supreme
Court, relative to owning streets, was laid on the
(able and ordered to ho printed, and the Board then adjourned
till Wednesday evening.
Board or Aiiiitiii Aidlrmkn, March 4.?Assistant
Alderman Brown, President iu the Chair ?. Innual Appro'
pyiationi ? The Annual Appropriation Bill wus taken up,
and adopted as it passed the other Board, with the excop
tion of striking out all the specific appropriations under
the head of Roads and Avenues, ana inserting In their
place "Koads and Avenues" $10,77.1. Also, by striking
out the appiopriation for "Keeper of the Park Fountain,"
and, us amended, was sent to the Board of Aldermen,
where it was concurred in.
A resolution, directing the Comptroller not to pay out
any money, under thu heads of "extra services of police
olHcers, ami contingent expenses of the police office," unless
the lulls aie previously examined, anil audited by the
Board of Supervisors, was ottered by Assistant Alderman
l ikri.ick. which was lust, 7 voting in the negative, and
5 in the affirmative
I'upers Irom the Board of Aldermen concurred in
llrpoi It of Committee on hip/tire?On petition of James
Connor, County Clerk, to have certain repairs made in
his otlice, was adopted
Cm don Halsey, and VVillet Seaman, were appointed
City Weighers ; and Noble Ormsby, Inspector ol Lime
Afiur which, the Board adjourned to Wedneaday evening,
at i o'clock.
Coutt of dciiloni.
Before Recorder Tnllmadge, and Aid Scole* and Lea.
Jonas B Pim.i.irs, Ksq , acting District Attorney.
.March 4 ?The March term of the . ourt was commenced
this murning. and several very important trials
will come ofl dur.ng the term.
The calendar for tlietorm comprisas the following new
caie?Kargery, II; burglary, fl; grand larceny. H; lalse
pretences, I; receiving stolen goods, 9; insuring in lotte
ry. I?total, 'in Previously convicted, 1; indicted, 13;
bastardy,?; witness, 1?total, iH
Grand Jcar.?The following gentlemen .were called
and sworn as Grand Jurors: ?
Richard Irwin, foreman, mcrrhant.
I. Armstrong.merchant. John G. Goll, mason.
1). S. Ba, lis, shipwright. T. G. Gibbs, gentleman.
Isaac B Brower, grocer. H. Griffin, gentleman.
M. >1. Barrel), druggist. B. Granger, butcher.
I. W. Beekman, gen"'man. K. B lleyer, marchant.
T. Charlock, coppe ami It W. G Hunt, merchant.
P. Crawford, innkeei John C. Hull, merchant.
T. Donnelly, manufacturer. Joseph Jackson, gentleman.
C. Debiiio. grocer. r.. w. Milliank, hrewet.
\l. Gills, gentleman. IV. Sherwaod, clerK.
John Kootc, grocer. T. P Wulker, merchantTotal
number, twenty-three, consisting of six merchants,
three grocers, one shipwright, one druggist, one
coppersmith, one innkeeper, one manufacturer, one mason,
one butcher, one brewer, one clerk, and four gen
Alderman 8coi.es then proceeded to'charge the Grand
Jury. After referring to the usual topics, he spoke of
the great number of offences committed by very young
criminals, as eajx-cially demanding the most serious
consideration of the Grand Jury, ff? dwelt on the necesuty
of additional severity in the detection and prosecution
of receivers of stolen good', who w ere in this ease worse
than the thief He then alluded to the cases for obtaining
goods Under f.ilse pretences, as particularly requiring nt
t'-ntive consideration. " Other matters," he then said,
"somewhat similar, perhaps, to these, will be laid before
you. I allude In meet nf tmhet clement on the part of indiduals
in whom > nnfidrtu e teas place </. and who are eonnrcti d
with our nnhlic. institution*. I will say of these as
if the oilier*, they are worthy of the patient con-ideration
of the Grand Jury, end which, on the
one hand, a spirit of indignation ought never to
prompt a grand jury to go farther than the law will
warrant. Btil) the nature of the offence?its frequency in
this community?and the disastrous consequences flowing
ironi it.mnkf* it tVMil U/nrthV of t ftitr Iiuhunt inoouf "<vo?
Vnil in acting on it, no considerations other than thoin ot
l>ulilic justice, and the gocl of tin* community should situate
you. And I have full confidence that these matters
will i>e thus taken tin liy you.
The (irand Jury then retired.
I'tlil Jurnri.?St were in uiual summoned but only 'J3
appeared to nerve.
e'iises.?A tine of $96 each was imposed on nine grand
and petit jurors for non-attendance ot the present and previous
term of the Court
Not Pioi.?In the case of Abraham K. Stivers, indicted
ior? misdemeanor in obstructing a Marshal in thepcilormance
ol his duties, liy ditection of the District Attorney,
and with the consent of the Court, a nollr prtttqui
was entered and the case dismissed.
TrialJar Petit ferrciny ?John Prince, a colored man,
-vna then tried lor a petit larceny, in st?aliug a pair of gai- |
rr boots, worth 99 Ml. on the 1st ol Isst month, from the
-lore of Mr. VVInslow L. Whiting, No. 43ft} Broadway? '
Verdict, not guilty.
(Stand /yin-Miy. ?Daniel Mr Bride was then tried for a '
frond larceny, in stealing a quantity of clothing, tar., i
vorth fdXI, on tlie80th of lust January. Irom the premises I
if Theodore A. Belknap, No. 100 William street, part of
which was his properly and port belonging to a second |
The property, or a part thereof, was exchanged nt Syl
ester's store, in Chatham street, as proved by Mr. Syj- 1
i'ester,by the prisoner, two4days after the robbery. tfciilty '
if petit larceny only, and sentenced to the I'eniteiitiasy lor 1
ux months. <
Ditard'rly Haute.? Michael Curry was then tried for
veeping a disorderly house at No 36 Cross street, the te- |
iort of youth of a tender age, and who assemble lioth day ,
ind night for the piitqiose of rambling, drinking, he. ? i
f.vidence defective and insufficient. Verdict, not guilty.
Adjourned to Tuesday, nt 11 o'clock, A. M.
Court Calender.
Cinrrir Cot at?60, 208, 137,Oft, 109, 940. L
Hrraaioa Cocar?9, 10, ft, II, 12, 18, 14, 1ft, 10, 17, 1<J, 10, H
10, 91, 22, 23, 91, 2ft, 26, 27, 28, 31. 0
Comuos Pi tts? 20, 39, 33 , 88, 1, 98, 37, 40, II, 19. ?i
Sic ihkbn Navigation.?We lparn tliattlie Man '
igera of the Schuylkill Navigation contemplate opeaing I
he Canal for transportation, aliout the loth of March, v
honld the weather jiermlt. h
Tin. N'kw I-'actohy ?The Camden bugle of n
urday says, "thestock books of the new cotton factory a
it this place were opvne ion Wednesday according to law, t,
md we learn that snares to Ihc amount ot $130,000 were
cudily taken.'' r
Sicrnkss in Vgg.tioNT.?ICrysipelas i? raging to h 1
earful extent in northern Vermont In Dnmmeiston, and 1
n the little town of Troy, it hua been very fatal. -i
Wont..?The Nnrridgwock Workingmnn soya, 1
he Dexter Factory Company are now purchasing all the '
vonl they can Or.d, ant paying the liberal price of two '
hillings per pound. (
H E R4
lew Orleans.
[CorrtMpondeoce of the Herald j
N*w Orleans, Feb. 23,1H44.
Anniversary of the Birth Lay?Mixture of Politirt
with Patriotism?State \Election?Imme nic Exportationt?Sales
of Cotton?Ntxn per Extra Herald?Large
Floating Population, &r.
Dkar Sir:?
The 22J has come ami gone, and I am happy to 1
add that the day was duly honored as the anniversary
of one that gave birth to the father of a country.
The shunt light was a splendid affair?the
whole population turned out to witness the same.
Every thing went off with flat. Not eo with the
whig procession, which to suy the least, was a poor
affair, after all the heralding of what was to be
done on the occasion by the leaders of the party.
The fact is both parties are used up, the people are
sick and tired ot the political hacks now offered in
the market; they need some holiest man to lead
them. Hut to the procession?at llo'clock the same
proceeded through some of the principal streets till
they arrived at tne Place d'Arms, where u staging
Was erected. Ill tlie midst ot' llie iM?rfnrmuiiri-M
flown where the scaffold speakers crowd, mid all
feet up, heads down, truly prophetical of what is to
happen. "Coming events cast their shadows hefore."
There was not to exceed five hundred, all
told, lookers on, <tee < If the procession, two hundred
and sixty, counted So you may |udge something
of the state of the public pulse here. "Harry
of the West" is here i-pending the winter. This
was rather cool lor him.
On Monday an election for a Senator takes place,
to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death oi
Judge Howe. The whins have nominated llocelieus.
The democrats have made their nomination,
Thomas, Slidell, brother to John Slidell and I
Alexander Slidell McKenzie, of some notoriety, I
believe. Set it down that he is ejected if nomina
led. We are looking forward with some anxiety
to the proposed fill of July Calhoun Conveniiou.
The fact is, either Tylei or Calhoun would suit the
people belter tliuti Clay or Van Btiren. They are
sick, perfectly sick anu tired of such knaves. But
away wiih politics.
I see that you New Yorkers are boasting greatly
at the amount of your importations. Wc can also
boast, if not of our importations, we can of our
exports, which, for the month of January last, exceeded
that of the corresponding month of 184U,
by $2,800,000?and this coastwise. I will endeavor,
if possible, to procure (he whole amount of
imports and exports, and send you the same. 1 can
hIso assure you that mote than double the number
of vessels from foreign ports and otherwise have arrived
since the 1st December last, than at a like
period before. New Orleans, in spite of yellow
fever and all humbugs, is destined to be a great
We received intelligence by mail yesterday,
(through an extra Herald) of a rise of ] in the cotton
market. It has had its influence, as you will
perceive by the table below. In connection with
the cotton market, allow me to assure you that
those engaged in the speculations here are but
"men of straw." The old stagers know a thing or
two. No one of capital invests. They are looking
out for Hiualls that will surely come. I give yon
the classification here, including also Texas:?
Inferior, 7) a 7j Good Fair, 10J a 11
Ordinary, k a HI Good and Fine, 11$ a 12
Middling, Hi a Hi Texan, sj a 0
Middling Fair, Uj a I'J Prime, ti] a tij
Fair, l?j a 9}
Sugars, inferior to common, 6$ a Sh Fair, hj n li. Tobacco,
inferior and common lota, 3 a 3j; Fine lot*, 3 a 3$.
On band, total lialci Cotton on the 33d, 332.03^
" " lihdi Sugar " " 3,631) estimated
? <i .. 'X'oliacco " " 4,663
It has been clearly and satisfactorily ascertained
thai there were burnt 7,715 hales. The greater part
if not the whole were insured. The company intend
rebuilding as soon us possible.
There is little of importance going on in the way
of local news other than what I have mentioned: the
Legislature are yet in session, and have done
nothing: better for the interests of the State and nil
concerned thai they udjourn and go home. Louisiana,
like many other States, is legislated to d? nth.
1 would remark for the purpose of showing you
how thronged our city is, that the St. Charles Hotel
ut this moment has a population of SOU people,
the other Hotels in propottion.
[t'orrcuponilencu of the Herald ]
lhin.Aiy.ii.riiu, March 1,1844.
Mart Financiering?Proof* of the Equality oj
Black and White Men?Fun among the Brokert?
Capital Punishment?Murder*, and to on.
I have waited to see if your tegular correspondent
took notice of certain movements that are exciting
much attention in the polite circles in the
Quaker city. As he has not, I will supply his lack
of service. The cuteness of Philadelphia lawyers
and the peculiar ability of her financiers, is too well
known to the universe Ht large, and through our
solar system in particular, to need any extended illustration.
Particular facts, therefore, should he
related only to keep up the reputation of our city.
For a genteel seduction, a thrilling murder, n demonstration
of the insanity of all rogues, and ours
in particular ; a refined suicide, for which the most
elaborate preparation is made; a neat bankruptcy,
or a capital forgery, or breach of trust, we defy the
competition of New York, Buffalo, New Orleans,
or ( rand Cairo itself. When to all these attractions
you add the brilliancy of our literature?the
refinement ol general society, and the beauty of
our Quaker girls, you cannot wonder that tieorge
Munday prophecies that the inillentutn is to commence
here, in 1843. But I am wandering from
my objects.
A few days since, the latest case of financiering
came to light. It is the first instance on record of
xtensive forgeries committed by n colored mantor
lie cannot he called a negro. The guilty party
is James Forten, son of tit*' late respected nnd
wealthy sail milker of that name. The father way
universally resitected for his probity and his btiMness
talents, lie left quite a large property to his
children. His two sons continued hisbitsiness, and
with much success; having cleared several thousand
dollars the past year.
A few days ago it was ascertained that some
#15,000 to #120,000 of their paper was in circulation,
bearing the forged endorsement of their brother-inlaw,
who is a colored man of great wealth and
very honorable character. It appears that the oldest
brother committed the forgeries, without any suspicion
on the part of his brother. The money was
not applied to their business at all. Several thousand
dollars have been traced to lottery offices?
those curses to society, and especially to the colored
|>eoplr of our cities?where Forten hail wasted
some S 10,000 within nine months past' Investigation,
however, shown that be is only one party to
these frattda. Two of our leading brokers have
n-rii arresiru nun neiu 10 n.tll, lor pas.-nilg there
notes, knowing tliem to lie forgeries. Against one
|>1" them tli** evidence m said to be ipnte strong. Up
was arrested ut tlip suit of oiip of our banks, which
ins sutie red to the tune of several thousand*. His
tame in Cumin. I hope he will be able to clear
liniself from so sen oil* a charge. I'orten, it i*
aid, took 'ill the funds o| the firm lie could lay
lands upon, and sailed for Port Jlepublieani, on
he lirsl rumor of lua knavery. Hi* exploits are
tot <|iiitr e(|ii!il to those of Kaihhun, hut you will
igree. with the tariff men, that "wool'sri/. and
i/.in." What may we not hope from the progress
if education in the course of a few years !
The contest between the friends and Ines of
tanging,waxeejwarm in this Stale. Thedchates
>n this topic attract large audiences to the Frankin
Institute, muscam and other places, two or three
mies a week. Those who advocate the abolition
if the death punishment, are evidently gaining
;round At first, few besides the Socialists,flicks
tes, (Quakers, I niversaliatn and I nitariaiis ailvoatcd
it. Now, a large numher of the other sects
ire ranged on the name side, including ninny <d
air worthiest clergymen and most philanthropic
ilizens. I do not lielieve one twentieih pnrt of the
eople go with them; hut they will probably carry
he abolition of the law by activity and zeal, hetire
the rnasH of the friends of capital punishment
i'ake up to know what they are doing. Our ainin|p
friend O'Sulliv.tn's report is the text book on
hat aida of the question The hanging side of the
rgument is dclended with sunt. but tew ol its
dvqcales scetn to have given the subject much atention.
You duly recorded the murder committed in our
uarket a few days since by a mere boy. I could
nit notice how \ery little sensation the murder ex
ited We tak. such things very <pneily 111 our
tood city. It is many years since any bodv whs
mug |or such a deed in this city II the case i- a
nere common murder our juries arc too humane
o convict, because they are opfKMed to hanging
f it is a very outrageous case, we acquit the guilty
in the ground of in?anny. Indeed, ever since the
Prt?? Two Cento.
distinguished lawyer, P A Brow ne, Ksq. introduced
(hut plea into our courts, the opinion has been
gaining grottud among us, tliut all rogues are insane
an opinion ao consonant with buih reason
and humanity, so illustrative ol the rapid pn cree*
oi I'iety and rascality. I mean molality cennoi
tail to result in the speedy conversion of your jails
and penitentiaries into schools ol relorui. Nobody
will oppose the change but the hemp groups
and r?i>e manufacturers, und perhaps n lew other
interestud classes of ihe old conservative stamp.?
Heaven help tlieir eyesight and inend their lit arts
?they never will learn what a great country mid a
wonderful age we live in.
Suicides have been vety frequent for n few weeks
past. I have heard of live or six, all young people ,
in goou cnurut'ier, uimutjie, unci beloved in aiI u.e
relations of lite. In three instances they were juet
about to he married1 llatl they been married men
I should have called lor the organization ot bachelors'
Clubs all over the luad, to abolish the monopaly
of men and women at, the fkeueateles "eoinmunity"
folk# ure expected to do in your State, uccotding
to Captain Collins. Huottgh tor to-day.
Yours, for brotherly love of the Philadelphia
sort. OlKbKVKK.
Thi Wounded of tiie Princeton.?The following
persous were sent to the Naval llopiul,
wounded by the late esplusivo on hoai J the Princeton:?
Joseph Traisol, quarter-gunner, severe contuiion ol ilio
John Potter, quartc- gunner, contusion ot the breast.
William Taylor, ordinary seaman, wound ot the knoejoint
un.1 fr inure uf the ltgs
James M. Green, seaman, coat used leg.
< Onirics l.ewis, captain of the forecastle, wounded face,
with lace and hands burnt.
John I.. Kisiich. gunner's mete, face wounded ai.d
burnt; also, contusion of the. thigh.
James It Dunn, marine, sevuia contusion of the lelt
< harles II. Itobinson, seaman, couturion about the oy cs
and torelicad.
William It. fanning, seaman, wound and contusion of
the leg
We are happy to learn, from good uu'hordy, that it i s
probable that ail these men will i'iix)ver;liiit it was dif tcult
to ascertain at the time ot injury the extent of bruises at. J
concussions.?National Intelli^rnro, Mayih 4.
Threatening Texas.?Capt. Klliott accomi ';nied
Henry Clay to Natchez, after the visit ?>! the
latterto New Orleans about a fortnight siiv e The Galveston
News auys (weknow uotou whut authority) "that
a letter was received in this city (Galveston) by* me la l
boat, from ('apt. Klliott, in which it is declared ttiut the
project of annexation cannot he consummated without .<
war with Great Britain." The News also says " we hate
it now^lrom the highest authority that Capt. tlliot: bus
taken to threatening Texas and the United States, in relation
to the question of annexation." It is not improbable
that these threats may hare been the means ot expediting
the ratification oltlie treaty lie for a the Senate of tho
United States.?J/ousinn, firm, Tiltgraph, fii. 14.
Funeral of Nicholas Hiddi.e.?The remains of
.Mr. Piddle were borne to their last resting place
on Saturday afternoon The body was attended from the
residence ot Francis llopkinson, r.sq , in Chestnut street,
l.y a vast concourse ot citizens, to the burial ground, st
Ciirist Church, at Fifth and .Arch streets, where it wag deposited
in tho family t stilt, Dr. Dorr, the rector of
Christ Church, reading the luuerul service, it is but seldom
that so targe a number of people are gathered, on aimilar
occasions, as were assembled in the luneral tiaiu
which followed the remains ol Mr. Diddle to his lung
home ?Phil. Gaz. March 4.
t heat Hank IUhiukry.?The Madron branch of
the State Hunk ol Indiana was forcibly entered on
the night of the itith tilt , and robbed of the large sum of
? J7,370. A reward of $4000 is ottered for the recovery ot
the money, and an additional $1000 tor the arrest and conviction
ot the thief. The following extract of a letter to
a friend in this city, gives some further particular! :?
" The money stolen was ail on oae branch, (excepting
$'4000 or $3000 on other branches) mostly 20's, Mi's and
IOO'i?a large proportion being '40's."
Church Burned.?We inform our readern of tho
coutblete destruction by lire of ft. I'mil's Church,
in this town. The entire ot the South end of the church
was soon enveloped in Rumen, and so rapidly did the fire
progress that every hope of extinguishing it, or saving
any hurt of the tmildiinr. was ouicklv ilisoelled. Hv the
strenuous exertion* of those present, the greater part of
the million*, prayer books, kc. anil tomr of the p wi In
Iholuwerpurt, weie saved, tut every thing else, including
Hie organ, vv liicli hud beed i rccted but a li vv montlir,
ami the huge hell brought by Mr t'rnnyn lium Irelond,
fell u prey to the devouring elumint.
HeiTicc had teen performed In Ike Cburcli in the forenoon
(it living Ash YVedncaday) and it I- supposed that u
spark of lire from one of the stove* had comas unicntt d
through a knot hole hi the Moor to shaving* w hich had
been left underneath. The building win insured lor
si,.'do, hut this (uin will come far short of covering the
loaa. Thia i? the second large lire which ha* occurred in
our tow n within the ahoit apace ol one week . destroy dig
property to a large umouat. About 0 o'< lock on Friday
evening lied, a Are brake out in a large three atory ftame
building, aittiuted on Votk street, ati'towned and occupied
by Mr. Auatin, carpenter. Mr. Austin has loat hfa all ?
lumielf and family having had tartly time to ^escape
? aoine of them ulmoat in u itate of nudity. Thdrewa*
no insurance on the building.? /./union. CanaJa, bkjtiirrr,
FV4. '13
Kxpcwre of Mormons.?The Mount iltdly, N.
Jersey, Herald flutes iliut thirteen Mormons, r< elding
and worshippig at HhrcveviJle, lately renounced
Mormoniam, in consequence of a new revelation mailt by
foe Smith. The new revelation alluded to is said to be of
a moat abominable character.
Arrival from K to.?The Charles Wirgman arrived
to-day fiorn Itio de Janeiro, whence abe tailed en the
IHth January. We have aeen letters by thia arrival hut
they contain no important news. The entire amount of
ilour in all hands u as 7/>,<HMl bids., prices slightly tending
low nwards.? Halt. Pal.
MF'OK SAI.k ?T,iF l-t'ASf', F' KM IIl< K. A "v D
FIX i Cltks OF' A F'I It ST < L ASM ICO . F.L which
tiss beau established t ur )?nr? iu a LwdgikK House soil
t un 'oi in. 'i h>' U d rotm fu'u. nr' '* cii'e'-st i,iui tvTbi
Bir ri.i.in a id Palo n s?? li t?il an i-t a *tyl? ui.sun-el
lijr any Hotel in the Lnioo. A I the hut I.nu - uvvt so e. iih
the base, but a Urn portion of ibr odier l usiti etc1 furniti r
will be ree.oved if mjiirrd. ' h* sh< rn to.use l* Jo. g s sr st
insioest? but n is not IpeCted'list anV one will believe t is
ira siateiria.it, hut it will t>< Mov J lo the ssli.ln'U i. ol il ?
nut scepteiii. wiie may wish to rn-eh.ue. P. mm. .mi t"> r <
<iac> "a tlir l,r?l <? Met j . X , hi i |>nri..cr with n cmh i p.'.il
?: $1(1041, mid (foul gutlili Alititia lo r induct ill I* ratald lahiri-ur.
woul I , etne-n, if prrf?red. Th* lal'er eouditio n n>c
aaary. u tin* p r?II proprn tur will 1 murine rt iu oil I:u *i
f?? which ? II rrijiure ihr tnnjoi i mi ot t ta lime. Addieia
1 . J. K ai hit olf.cc. in", lin'r
ujmj, W\xTKIi 'i'O rilnl'lltiiK-lii Brooklyn, i ir
oTIW the Kullnn k rr- nr Willi .mat,u?g. dw ilv> IV k -lip
jmUL'* eirv. ? uO'iil iwu aloiy and attir,. r th.ee ah ry hot"a> .
. .y Oiie li?.i ||I|{ : urh to diapoa-cl, ,?ay he 1 of .1 r..?li poi
I nj?r By addream-it a Hole, a!aiiii( locaion, lie., to b,,\ 139
iPtar 1'Otl 1 (ficr, N. V. p j re
Up* KARM WANT*.l>?On ? leuar ol iru ate , a la
firOvenn. with Irom twreiv to forty arrea ot iud, i 1 tl* be t
.oMawitat'i of til'aite, wrh In.uae, ham, wauou bouae awleli
nil ?tft) thiiiit l<* looanif to the Mme, a? Ni' tenant wi?he? t>
lurcliaae rterytlnrc, *a Innta liortit, rowt, he., aa by 11 vr, ti.ry,
lint u( I lerih 1 than >11 no In from Nnr \ or li, and if
praam hie no iter lithe city.
Pleate to a IdriM, 1'iiai 1 aid, J. W , at tint ofTicn, w th (nice
if yearly lenae ami iiirciaae of articlaa.
J .ewr Vaaik. Martn 4, '*44. mi ?t rc
nof A K ARM in I' ,e Tuvrt.h ft i f Unur, N. J., ait mil a
JpP^froin \| o ira and two hum No.lh Urai.ea? lf*ac ,a two
walhe-'hirda meadow and arable, balance th i't, atiel InU't
it 1.loma, farm a id cellar laiel" 'r|i,,/nl , a a an,, |j ,| ,|.
iiKt Kooda?aprle ami |a*ach orcnniu-" 'enty una If ml v,||
wateredbj i|irn *??K?i il well at door? ? . h- 'Itm ki.uito.n
?| iire water. 1 o be aolil a bnr( in. w>t'. at tea ; di aired-|>o .
etaion w hen mpi red A |>| I y ?t IS k-rry at. Ill P'*aioo r.
. Dry at, or UfcO. BLAC KBUHN P., ferry Lan-, ol '
lace. mi 1 in re
eft Tli? lint rrcularl-Vni.il. AUCTION H U.K.
. will take |.|aee at thia eatabluhmeiit. THIS
- ' ^1' I) A V March 5th, rmnmencina at e'endi o'clock,
at Ii t.arnaitea llame a. Haddlary, be . new and aecond hand
lfrut.li men in the cnnn.ry harm* property to diap ar . I,
ithrrat public or private atle, ? ill hare thnr order* fntrhfolly
tttended tu.d
At I'ri??te "ale??i fine young rotintr bo-a-a. kind ami
o.unrl, juat in from the wratrtrn pit ol tl.a Mia ; tarn aniennr
matehed pa ra of Bay lloraea, a line pair of Bmwn ll.oaei, 1a
aplendld pair of Bay I irnaye llora ?, o ,e aery fiue K'lght Ma r
el llnrae, young, ko d ami pound, end a eery faat tiotier.
Alan, aeyeral aey fine .-add e ||r ra>a
Alao, at pnrate rale, a rery namiaome lioekrway W Knn.
iced only on* week and a nnriiiwr o( new and eecond h.ad
tiarooehea and Light Wagona,
Iloraia taken at i.irrri.and kept m anprrior aryle.
Accomtnoditiona for dealera In.rari, in arablra nnanrpiaaed
Uy ? 1 eatablialtinerl of the kind in the l,'">it?d St,tea.
S'fOk\<V? Ve- irlea of all ileaciption taken nu a orafe in
lha Urye an leonfenient llemnrory ol the eataMiabtrn n-.
IV. I 1 > vV A N w ol attend , etaoualy to all orcera lorbniuif
and telli g horn a
All perionaaeilin* property at tlna eatahliehmeut may r. ly
jp ..I l.avind a true account, of a..le render"*, it it th,. (nil
mnot ol proceed I will. III all caaea, be paid prniri|tly u cil'reot
mon >.
i he A HK.N A of thia -itahliahment it bnilt on an e rirrly
lew and in rat citli'e?|.'?t tdun, bntc detatrh rl from tr e m.nn
bailding and atahle, ih-reiiy not nier'rriiK 111 the leeat With
nery or rale Inures Kntny ont cr commit iu on the Jay of 1 'cti,ill
At all other tnnea t>.? Arena ta k pt entirely clear, an I 11
.eiaed lor the at column,bp ion of 1 nyate ho ran ami tW e nu
ale, fliirdiui every lacility for ei rcne, tiaiainp *uo ahowiu.
hoew? C0WA?l A.NU DILKB,
mi Im re froprictora.
TO OL'N MA hi Ell S 7""
\\TAN TV l)?A Uv.t Mrorkrnnn rAjv^M^of m.iUiRC up
vv l< ind Shot Gw'?. aNoiif bat *nch n* r in fivr oil
t*comni?>iiOiitionsa*rJ iptily. KOW. K. THVO.N.
131 Noiih S??c? i? 1 - t f?-i U -*
W A NT K l>- A Ml TI' \ T ic^N ~A~* ~~A TTA H l'K>KH - A
' v Rin, f?lio u %?fll rc?fc*#ri4?nr + ?'b *?frf -
'pu'Wf 'tuffhi buniii?*??, pirliciilarl) ilw cmiifni''U u i
iriaa?u?*me t orti^tn r.? m hct h'<ui*ii, hikI ffwithoiii* ? uhJ raptor
oriihiti" ,ul u ii l**niiu'-bA?iuir hrril i. I ye^fs
?i *' 10" Ol th?? uiott ;? -I l?^?f < UMtioiiii in t ?n coil ilr\
Tha4 <U?rti?rr cun giv t! rn rvaiTf^l In Hr ais >
I il'TntHid i farinii g n nn n'MO iirdr In mmag mr l of
Ootb r.?rm mid gAOin. Hiring rn? r.hiJd4#n, bit vr.lv would
rrkr rkurr* ,?i ihv rnmii4frin?ut <>f nnlk a u buttrr, pou tr\ *r?1
Oirin bour"* bu inrM. A Imr ^rrvi-il t) J W , (put p\id) ."%?
torn ontl otBce. I ' 09 * < , vr.U b? rd??|v?ifury mt^u?W?) ' ?
f77 3UWIW

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