Newspaper Page Text
NEW YORK HERALD. New York, Monday, July 8, 1K44. The Mutter of Joe Smith, the Mammon Prophet. We received by the afternoon mail yeaterday, and issued immediately, in an extra, the intelli gence which we give in another column, of the murder of Joe Smith and his brother. Thia shock ing piece of news, we have every reason to believe, is authentic. It excited a great deal of interest in the city. We certainly have been expecting for some time past the receipt of some such intelligence from the Mortnon country. The irrepressible excitement amongst the people of that district, was, it was easy to foresee. Boon to result in bloodshed and murder. This occurrence discovers in a very striking man ner, the utter impotency of the law, in controlling the passions ot an infuriated mob, and, with the recent catastrophe in Philadelphia before our eyes, we ot this region cannot very consistently lecture the people ?f the West on their preference for Lynch law of the most sanguinary description. The death ol ihe modern Mahomet will seal the fate of Mormonism. They cannot get another Joe Smith. The holy city must tumble into ruins, and the " latter dav saints" have indeed come to the latter day. Motiiionisnt from the beginning was a sad delusion, and the violence and folly which had begun to characterize the movements of the Proph 0.'leave little room for sympathy in any quarter for its fate, bloody and revolting as it has been. TU? English News?Slate and Prospects of the British Ministry. By the last steamships, especially by the " Great Western," we have received very in teresting intelligence respecting the present position of iSii Robert Peel, and the preca rious condition of the Tory administration. It very evident that Sir Robert now holds office by a very uncertain tenure. The opposing elements are rapidly commingling, and we do not believe that the reign of the Tories can last many months longer. The ministerial defeat on the Sugar Duties Bill has inspired all classes of the opposition with hope and energy, and although Sir Robert, by whipping some refractory followers up to the mark, on a suc ceeding day, succeeded in carrying a motion to reconsider the adverse vote, yet the moral effect was undiminisned, and still more disastrous re verses are unavoidable. The government plan was to continue the duty of 24s. per cwt. on Bri ish Colonial sugars. This was opposed by Mr. Miles, one of the members tor Bristol, who moved an amendment that the duty be reduced to 20s., which was carried by a majority of twenty, in one of the fullest houses of the session. One of the journals gives the following analysis of what has been called ihe " right about face division." It is carious enough. Here it is:? Analysis or Division on Mr. Miles'* Motion. Friday, June 14. For?Tellers include I. Lberiti,'18a Tor.e* ??? 61 113 Monday, June IT. Lih?i?l. . nut 5 u m r' thau ' Literal*,- 195 * onKrid?y. Against?Tellers inclndeil. Lib rals,* 15 i'oiies 223 Tariaa... SO I 22 le*s thsu OB Tories.. ? 39 J rrinsT 215 Liberals, ? 11 j * '^fidoy* ?? oi?J5? mors then Tons* 216 J 0B Kridajr 257 The ministerial crisis was tollowed by a very violent burst from the leading Tory organs. The Timtt, in a long and able article commenting with great severity on Sir Robert Peel's general conduct, as the head of the Conservative party, thus point-1 edly rebukes the great Whig leader: " If Sir Robert Peel's measures were the best ever con ceived by the most consummate wisdom, inspired by the highest virtue, he would have no claim to the absolute oouttdunce, the utter prostration of judgment, which he j demands: for this plain reason?that his supporter* are the very last persons in whom he reposes confidence. No eontidence can last which is uot reciprocal. Sir Kobeit does n?t communicate with his supporters?does not pre pare them-does not identify himself with them?does not stand by them?does not protect them ?does not give them the smallest credit, or the smallest share in hi* suc cesses, such as they are On the contrary, every step in his course is their humiliation and confusion. He deals with them as with his most open enemies. He takes them by surprise at every turn All his snuiurca are citije d fitat. He brings thesn into a detile, with the enemy in their Iront, and some drea Iful extremity in the rear, so in to cut off all retreat, arid then says, ' I don't trust you; but you must fight, or be destroyed to a man." Whether con- | fldeuce in so miscellaneous a body as the conservative, would not he wholly misplaced,if Sir Robert did happen to feel it. is quite another question. We are only saying, that inasmuch as he does not trust them out of hi* sight, ?o to apeak, or from one hour to another, but puts, if any thing. rather more confidence in their enemies, he has no manuerof right to bewail, deplore deprecate, obtecrate. and so forth, when he finds them behaving precisely as he himself has all along treated them." Tnissignificant language has been of course taken up and re-echoed by the prominent whig journals throughout the couatry. We annex a few speci mens ot the altered tone and spirit of presses which were previously amongst the most unscrupulous sup-1 porters of the administration. The Liverpool Mail, commenting on the article in the Timet, from which we have just quoted, says? Wa htirtily and cordially tub-cribe to every word con tainud in the above passage. Sir Robert Peel has made, during his career, a liberal use ol wh g principle*, but. m, regards his proper perty and hia suppo teri, he has taken his own way in repudiating whU policy. What wt mean ia this : He has made a tolerably discreet use of bi? friends, and purveyed his patronage in an oppoai'e direction. (From the Liverpool Courier.) Bat Sir Robert Pael does not stop here. He declare* his intention to follow up thia step with another, and ti drag the house through the mud as completely as he did in the esse of the factory act Such a course, we mu-t ?ay. is rq'isily discreditable to the Minister who propose* sod to the members who submit to it. Why should men who go to Parliament prepared to support the general po licy ol Ministers be expected to acquiesce in every mea sure thst they may bring forwanl f No Government it entitled to exact any such implicit and aervile deference from ita party. In that case, the constitution, for the saiat part, would be virtually abrogated. Representation would be a mere name, and Parliament might as well ad Journ tine die, leaving the Ministers of ita choice to rams and enact auch la wa as they might judge proper. (From the Dublin Evening Mail) The cheers with which the announcement of the defeat of Ministers waa hailed, last night, from the Conservative benches left no doubt on the minds ol Ministers as to the foaling of the party towards them. " Thus, in two and h half years, having falsified every pledge tbey gave whilst outol office, the Ministry that boosted of a majority ol ose hundred in a house called by their antagonists, now retire without sympathy or honor." These mutterings of rebellion in his own party, ate alarming enough, but Sir Robert has now ar rayed against him in formidable combination a va riety of opposing elements against which it is ut terly impossible tor him to maintain his position. The imprisonment of O'Connell has been eagerly seized upon by the English Whigs,?who care as much for Ireland as the Tories,?and the old coa lition between them and the Irish members has been renewed. Then we have the anti-corn law leaguers who have grown into u vast influential body, throwing in their forces against the Premier. In Scotland too, the agitation on the Church que*, rion has produced a wonderful revolution amongst the gTeat body of voters, and an election there now would discover widely different results trom those which followed the last. A large majority against the Tories would be returned from Scot, land. All these elements are now uniting, and the next defeat of the ministry in the House must be followed by their resignation. The Mexican War Steamers?The Mexicai war steamer Guadeloupe will be raised upon th< Sectional Dry Dock, at the foot of Pike street, thi morning about 9 o'clock, and will aflord a good op porfunity lor seeing hsr. and witnessing the opera tion of the Dock. The Hull of the steamer is con ?tructed of iron. She is the first vessel of the de ?cription evei attempted to be raised upon a Dr Dock in thia harbor Wr understand that sever* shot pierced her hull during an engagement wit Com. Moore, and temporary repairs only hav hitherto been made. The sheets of iron pierce are now to be replaced by others. The Montezi ma is also to be repaired in a few days. The Secretary of the Navy is expected on her in the course of a week to make the examinatio relative to the construction of a dry dock st tin station. He has the decision of this vexed que: tion. f? The Hon. Ex-Secretary John C. Spencer i shortly expected in town (run Washington. Th* Trial or Polly Bodink and its Result. ?The result of this truly interesting trial was anti cipated through our columns several days previous to its termination, and the accused must therefore be again arraigned before another tribunal to an swer the charges alleged against her. There are few cases, perhaps none, that have ever been pre sented to an American jury, that involved so much atrocity ; and few in which the evidence on one side was more positive, while,if truth existed on the other, mysterious doubt still would have lurked in the mind of auy truly conscientious juror. The trial occupied nine days, after which the jurors were kept together lor consultation about fifteen hours before they were called into Court, and then, being unable to agree, were supplied with food and detained about two hours longer, and finally dis charged, without a verdict, they being eleven for conviction and one for acquittal. The juror who adhered to a verdict of acquittal refused, when the panel was originally called, to be either sworn or a (firmed, avowing that his "conscientious scru ples" prompted him not tOLssent. The Court point ed out the special statute of the State showing that an affirmation was merely a promise, and therefore did not involve any of the conscien'ious objections urged against taking an oath. After considerable delay, and an intimation from the Court that im prisonment would follow his refusal to affirm, as matter of contempt, the juror assented to be af firmed. He was afterwards called as a juror to serve on the trial, and notwithstanding the evidence of his peculiar construction of mind, as had pre viously been shown to the court, the prosecution made no objections and he was affirmed as a juror to try the cause. On being discharged he stated that his conscientous scruples would not allow him to render a verdict of guilty, and that these scru ples were based upon the fact that he conceived there was reasonable doubt as to the guilt of the party accused, and also that he could not render a verdict of guilty if capital punishment was to fol low its rendition. A man avowing twh "consci entious scruples" should never have been placed upon the jury, and the prosecution alone are ac countable for such oversight. It is rare that the testimony in a case of such importance was more clearly presented to a jury by counsel on both sides, and the business-like manner of Circuit Judge Parker, who presided in the absence of Judge Kent, tended materially to hasten ihe progress ol the cause, that otherwise might have occupied a month. The chain ol us U:nony,a8 prepared and presented by District Attor ney Clark for the prosecution, seemed almost overwhelming and conclusive until the defence pre sented their theory of the case. The prosecution ?howed that the accused slept with the deceased on Saturdaylnight, December 23d, and left the house early on the morning of Sunday, and went to her mother's near by, as was her usual practice. They therefore assumed as their theory that deceased was in all probability murdered on Saturday night by the accused or on Sunday. In opposition to this, the defence show by two positive witnesses, and two doubtful, that deceased was seen at her house on Sunday, and also that the accused could not have committed the murder on Sunday night as she slept with her sister at her father's house in the same room with her father and mother. The prosecution and defence both concur in the fact that accused left her father's house on Monday (Christmas) morning for Mew York, when the pro secution aver, and sustain the position by two cre dible witnesses and three doubtful, that she pawned the stolen gold watch, gold chain and silver spoons in this city on that morning. The defence deny that the accused is the person, but present no testi mony to show where she was on that day after she arrived in this city, or where she remained thai aight; it being the night that the house of de ceased was discovered to be on fire and the horrid murders made public. They content themselves with the rather singular fact, that no person saw the accused at the scene of the fire on Monday night, although it is certain, from the finding of the bundle of unblackened clothing in the room after the fire was discovered, that the person who com mitted the arson must also have been tie one who committed the murders. To sustain the theory that the accused committed the arson and then fled, the prosecution shew, by three witnesses, the pre sence of a woman resembling accused at the Sta ten Island boat, at Quaiantine, at daylight on Tuesday morning after the lire, who alleged she had walked some distance and was much fatigued, and who then came to this city in the boat. The defence present no offset to this point except thai of denial of the allegation and lack of clear identi ty. The theory of prosecution, that the intent ol tccused in committing the murder was to obtain he possession of the #1000 that had previously been received by the husband of deceased, is an swered by defence, who introduced the father, mo ther and sister ol accused, as well as husband of lecensed, who testified that accused was aware that the #1000 was kept in the house of her father, snd not in that where deceased was murdered The prosecution then assumed the bold position "hat from this testimony, including the fact that th nother, sister and father were among the first ai "he discovery of the fire, that they were all acces sories after the f.ict, and had thus sworn and per lured themselves to save the accused from convic ?ion. These are the prominent points of this hor rid and yet myst-rious transaction, as presented at this trial, and which, unless sustained by defence, by rank a d positive peijury, would leave much' doubt upon a nicely balanced mind as to the posi tive legal guilt of the accused. Application will no doubt be made to the Supreme Court, at its early sitting, for a change of venue in the case, to another county, as it would be impossible to obtain a jury on the Island from any panel that could be sum moned. Common Council ?Election op a Magistrate ?The Board of Aldermen and Assistants meet this evening, for the purpose of electing a new msgis trate, to fill the place ot Miln Parker, Esq , whose term has expired?Mr. Drinker, the applicant for the office, and his fitness for the magisterial chair, having already caused much discussion and excite ment among the members of the Board, as has been seen in our sketch of the long debate which took place on Wednesday evening last. The mi nority will doubtless continue their opposition to his appointment. It will be seen, by our repori referred to, that the case of Mr. Drinker was refer red to a committee, ot which Alderman Hasbrouck was chairman. Certain charges had been prefer red?what they amount to we know not?and over forty witnesses were examined. The majority were for reporting to the Board without the evi dence?the minority were in favor of reporting with the evidence; and.the chairman, on being called u, on on Wednesday for the report, claimed further delay, upon which a long and warm debate took place between Aldermen Hasbrouck, Gale, Cliarltck, Emmans, Miller, Cozxens, See., Sec.., which resulted in the decision to discharge lh? committee, by a vote of 22 to 11. The minority contended that the public were fully entitled to the evidence taken on this inves tigation, and after much personality and excited debate between Aldermen Hasbrouck and Gale, the discussion resulted as above. If there had been anything to warrant the charges against Mr. Drinker?or if there was no foundation for any charges against him?it was due to the public to <ive him the benefit of the testimony taken on this mvestigation. The matter, however, being now lalten out of the hands of the committee?and h <nH|ori:y in f?vor of his nomination?Mr. Drinker ?vill doubtless be elected. The minority are deter nined, however, to nominate a candidate, and, at we anticipate the debate will be an exciting one, we shall attend to it. Appointment bv the President.?Richmond Loritig total Commercial Agent of the United States si Aux ( ayes, in the Island of St. Domingo, in the plsos oi William B. Oooob. rostgnsd. ? Jfsduamaw Government Espionage in Griat Britain, and Revolutionary Movements in Italy.?A very considerable degree of ezcitemeni has been pro duced in England, by a remarkable Italian, named Mazzini, who was banished some time since from his native kingdom, and has been busily engaged in London, in effecting the organization of "Young Italy," by means of revolutionary clubs in the cities and towns of that classic land. Sir James Graham had, it appears, at the instigation, as is said, ot the Italian Ambassador, who suspected that Mazzini was in communication with his disaffec ted countrymen at home, opened the letters of the Italian revolutionary leader, after they were de posited in the London Post Office. This conduct on the part of the Home Secretary had excited a universal buret of indignation; aud by none has his | conduct been more vehemently denounced than by many of his own party, amongst whom Sir James | has long been quite unpopular. The subject has been taken up in the House of | Commons, and the conductfof Sir James Graham was characterized a* dearading, disgraceful and die-1 creditable to the country. Mr. Wallace, a mem- j ber of the House, who is well acquainted with the working ol the Post Office system, asserted that there was a regular machinery at the Pest Office foi the purpose of opening letters?that there was a room set apart for the purpose, and that persons employ ed in tlte department had been sent abroad to stud} in the school of Fouche, how to open, fold, and reseal letters in the London Post Office. This certainly gives a singular insight into the operations of the British government, and informs us that it is more closely allied to the despotisms of Austria 01 Russia than in&ny suppose. A letter to the London Timet, from that true friend of human liberty, the eccentric and philo sophical Carlyle, embodies so well the spirit which has been aroused in England, by this txpou, and is, I besides, written in such a manly, free, and inde- j pendent tone, that we give it to our readers T? THE KDITOB or THE TlMK* 1? SiE-In yourol>*ervntion? in yesterday's Timn on the lata disgraceful affair of Mr. Mszxini'i letters and the See- j ? alary of State, you mention that Mr. Maxxini is entiieiy unknown to you, entirely indifferent to you, andadJ, very Justly, that if be ware the most contemptible of man kind, it would not Hffect your argument on the subject. It may t? nd to throw further light on this matter if I now certify yon, which I in some sort feel called upon to do, that Mr Mazzini is not unknown to various com pet en' persons in this country; and that he is very far indeed | from being contemptible? r.ona farther, or very few ol living men. I have had the honor to know Mr. Mazzini for a aeries of years; and whatever I may think ol his practical insight and skill in worldly affairs, I can with great freedom testify to all men that he, if I have evei seen one such, is a man of genius and virtue, a man oi sterling reraeity, humanity and nobleness of mind, out of those raia men, numerable unfortunately but as units in this world, who are worthy to he called martyr-souls who, in ailencu, piously in their daily life, understand ant! practice what la meant by that. Oi Italian democracies and young Italy's sorrows, of extraneous Austrian Empe rorn in Milan, or poor old chimerical Popes in Bologna, I know nothing, and desire to know nothing; but this othei thing I da know, and can here declare publicly to be a fact, which fac, all of ua that have occasion to comment on Mr. Mazzini and his affairs may do well to take along with us, as a thing lending towards mw clearness, ami not towards new additional darkness, regarding him and them Whether the extraneous Austrian Emperor and miset- | able old chimera oi a Pope ahall maintain themselves in Italy, or be obliged to decamp from Italy, is not a ques tion in the least vital to Englishmen. But it is a question vital to us that sealed letters in an English Post Office he, as we all fancied they were, respected as things sacred: that opening of men's letters?a practice near of kin to picking men's pockets, and to other atill viler and fai fataler forms of scoundrelism?be not resorted to in Eng land except in cases of the very last extremity. When some new gunpowder plot may be in the wind, some ] double dyed high treason, or imminent national wreck not avoidable otherwise, then letns open letters : not till i then. To all Austrian Kaisers and such like, in their time of tronble, let us answer, as our fathers from of old have answered ; Not by snch means is help here ior you. 8uc.h means, allied to picking of pocketa and viler forms of acoundrelism, are not permitted in thia country lot your beheof. The right honorable aecratary doe* himsei detest such, and even i* af aid to employ them. He dan not?it would be dangerous for him ! All British men that might chance to come in view of such a transaction would incline to spurn it, and trample on It, and indig nantly ask him what he meant by it ? I am, air, your obedient servant, Chelsea, June. THOMAS CARLYLE. Aa for Mazzini, himself, he has succeeded in creating and organizing a liberal party, which, wt doubt not, ia destined to redeem Italy. In Londor he haa supported himself by his literary labors, and earned a honorable rank amongst the literati ol the day. Like his countryman, Ugo Foscolo, h? has also distinguished himself, not only by iis lite rary attainments, but also by his benevolent exer tions to relieve the necessities, and promote th< welfare of his exiled countrymen of the poorei classes. He is, evidently, a man well fitted to lead in the work of his country's salvation from the des potism and miseries of a long age. We have good reason to believe that his patriotic labors will, be fore manv years, result in the deliverance of beau teous,but unhappy Italy. State of Ireland.?The most important intelli gence brought by the late arrivals of the state oi affaire in Ireland, is that respecting the rumored ministerial measures for the authoritative suppres sion of all the repeal associations, and the enact ment of a law making the agitation, in any form, o! (he question of a dissolution of the legislative unioi between the two countries, illegal. The only eflec> of any attempt of this kind will be to strengthei the bands of the opposition, and accelerate th? downfall of the Tory administration. A great dea of capital has indeed already been made by th Whigs out of the imprisonment of O'Connell ant bis associates. Ireland itself continues in a perfectly tranqui state. The refusal of the authorities to admit thi multitudinous repeal deputations, with their ad dresses to O'Connell, into the prison, had exciter a good deal of discontented muttering. We thinl it is highly probable that a new trial will be grantei by the House of Lords The reply of her Majestj to the address of the Repealers, laconic as it is, i> sufficiently significant. On the 4th inst. the appea was to come up. The chief ground on which th< demand for a new trial will be urged in the Lords, will be the difference in the usages of the Irish Courts from those of England. Lord Lyndhursf who is a great stickler for the constitutional laws and usages of the English courts, and person ally entertains any feeling but that of hostility u O'Connell, whatever their public conduct towards eHcli other may be, will not, it is supposed, be likel) to oppose the application for a new trial. After thi appeal is heard, a hubtat rorput will be issued, on which O'Connell will be brought before the Lords and go at large on his hail, which may or not be enlarged. Great anxiety will be felt until the next arrival, which will probably bring highly interesting intelli gence respecting the proceedings on the appeal. Very Lam prom Brazil.?The fine brig Ener gy, Capt. Bright, arrived yesterday in a short pas sage from Ilio de Janeiro. We have advices t? the 25th of May, for Vrhich we are indebted to Capt. B There is not much news. It was rumored ai Rio that the English were going to take part with the Msntevideans. Freight on Coffee was at 80 ti 75 cents per bag and very scarce. The fiigate Itari tan and corvette Boston were at Rio. Business at Rio on the 25th of May was general ly dull. The market overstocked with flour, and produce becoming scarce Freights, during ths month of April, owing to a scarcity of vessels, were brisk, and at considerably advanced rates, but owing to numerous arrivals and the expecta tion of many others from the River ; they were becoming dull and declining to former rates. Italian Opira.?Madame Cinti Damoreau again appears to-night at the Opera Houre, for thr last time in V Italiani in Algeri Considering the season, the houses have been remarkably good on the previous nights, and on thin occasion w* expect a large and brilliant audience. Artot als< ap|?eiirs and plays several pieces before the Opera This is sufficient to secure a crowded house. Th< admirable mode ol ventilating this elegant theatre renders it perfectly comfortable, and the delightfu lounge presents a very agreeable mode of enjoyint the intermission. Of the gifted merits of Madam* Cinti and the attractive character of the Opera, i is unnecessary to speak. On Wednesfny I Barburi is to be produced Tin Arrival of Sydney Smith?Pennsylvania ! Bonds, tec. See.?Considerable excitement pre vailed in thia city yesterday in consequence of the announcement of the arrival of Sydney Smith, per Great Western. It was generally thought that among the extensive family of Smiths, there could be only one intelligent, witty, clever, and philoso phic Sydney. Common John, Joe, or Dick, would not have been attended to,?but Sydney settled the business at once?it could be no other than the bona fids Simon Pure of St. Paul's. The conse quence was, that other holders of these securities began to look up, while the drab-coated gents of the Key Stone State were looking down ; and that applications yesterday were innu merable at the Astor House to view the autograph of this celebrated end well known holder oi Penn sylvania bonds, to see if they could judge of the in terest that might be attached thereto. The differ ent toadies who endeavor to make a benefit oi the arrival of individuals of notoriety and talent, and with the hope ol bringing themselves into public notice, were in thick attendance. Committees were formed to welcome the great little man of St. Paul's?there was quite a press to 6ee who should be first and endeavor to engage and occupy the most of his time and attention. Public dinners, balls, toirut, to welcome him, were arranged ; in short, another edition of the Dickens' aflair, im proved and enlarged, with notes and references, was bettled upon. The book, with sojourners' names, was carefully examined, but no Syd ney appeared thereon; Capt. Hoskens was appealed to, being a fellow-passeager, but that gentleman's word did not seem to receive that degree ot ere dance it is ever worthy of; the waiters, important men in these days, were appealed to, but still noth ing satistactory was forthcoming?the exact name could not be found; but there was a Smith came over, and to all appearance it will require five or six affidavits of some of the oldest and most re. spectable inhabitants of this country to satisfy cer tain parties that this is not the much-desired indi vidual. It is truly lamentable that these very worthy and respectable worshippers of the gods they set up cannot be gratified. This is the second time, with in a short p. riod, that they have been doomed to disappointment. Edward Lytton Bulwer did not behave well in not coming here to gratify them? to be eat, drank, danced, and sung with, and every other possible species of toadyism be shown to wards him, for which he would have had ample op portunities of repaying by ridiculing them, and libeling the country to which they belong. Link of Steam Ships from New York to Liver pool.?We stated last Saturday that Capt Hosken formerly of the Great Western, was daily expected in this city on business connected with the estab lishment of a line of steamers to run between this1 city and Liverpool. Since then he has arrived j here, and as his stay will necessarily be [short, w< suppose that he will begin work immediately. The organization of a line of ocean steamers, making this city their western starting point, will be of the highest importance to our prosperity, and as the problem, as it was once supposed to be, ol navigating the Atlantic with steam vessels has been satisfactorily solved, we wish to give our views on the subject, and throw out a few hints for the bene fit of whom they may concern m this matter. There is much yet to be learned. It is well known to those engaged in mercan tile pursuits in this city, that we have received but very little impetus from the enterprise of our capit alists. They are a set of men as little given to ad- ] vance a city to greatness, as mice are to preserve food in a pantry. They prefer to dabble in fanc\ stocks and water lots to any solid operation. T< all the enterprises started in New York, such as rail | roads, public buildings, packets, and the like, the) have merely loaned their names to lure others les> wealthy on, and the moment the value of the stocks rose above par they would withdraw and let th? le:-s experienced suffer the losses, and on their owi ruin build up the projects to something substantial This has been the case with the Erie Rail Road the Harlem Rail Road, and a dozen others of tin like kind. These roads have been thus used, and if ever they are completed they will be by th? efforts and money of farmers, mechanics, gro cers, bakers, and butchers, who take more real interest in the posperity of New York, than any other class of citizens?than the Astors I Costers, Whitneys, &c. &c. As in rail roads so it [ has been in packet ships. When it was contempla ted in 1818 to start a line of packets to run regular ly to Liverpool, who were the persons who stepped forward and had the ships built and sent to seal | Were they the capitalists of this great city 1 No They were our mechanics. A ship builder took one share, an old shipmaster another, a riggei another, a baker another, a sail maker another, then a caulker, a butcher, &c., subscribed to n share each, and thus was a small line of Liverpool packets sent into existence in 1820, and this line has since swelled to fifty or sixty magnificent ships, ind made America celebrated far and near for su perior naval architecture. And what has proven true in rail roads and packet ships has to this da) proved true with regard to steam ships. One ot two of our most enterprising merchants have in tin last few years exerted themselves to establish s line with the assistance of our government, bui without success, and wholly because these gentle men looked to the capitalists for aid insread of the small merchants and working men. These are facts. Now we hope in consideration of all this that Captain Hoskens will begin at the right end in the business he has undertaken. He is a skilful office) and a man of sound judgment, and we trust that he will meet with success in establishing a line ol steamers to run to the commercial metropolis ol America and have them conducted and managed as our famous packets have been But let him look to the proper source for aid. If such a line ever be established our mechanics, butchers and bakers, will furnish the means. We mny expect nothing from the codfi.-di aristocracy of New York. God forbid that we Bhould. Recovery of thk Remains of the Pirato Kidd's Vessel.?An old gentleman has informed a friend of ours, who told us, that near unto the ??pot where it is supposed the remains of this cele brated freebooter's vessel lie, that during the re volutionary war several gun boats were sunk, and that the remains of the vessel now discovered if much more likely to be one of ihe latter than the former. This might be very possible, but that the research made already by pricking and boring, evidences a vessel of much greater extent than any gun boat of ancient or modern times?upwards of 130 feet in length. However, the question is now in a fair way of being solved, and in a very short time it will be ascertained whether or not this it the much sought for vessel. Niblo's Garben.?The excitement created b) the announcement that the grand romantic ballet called " The Revolt of the Harem," is to be pro duced to-night is intense. All our " leading young men"?all our fairest leaders of fashion?all th? ilite of the 6eau monde are on the qui vivt, and to night will prove the commencement of a most bril liant era in the present season at Niblo's. In thie hallet appear the Mad'lles Desjardins, Pauline, M Martin, and Herr Kerponay; to these are added the petite and graceful Demoiselles Vallee, and aomt fifty nymphs, a band ot houres, an army of Amazom and a fair troop of Odalisques. Surely this forms attraction sufficient to fill two Gardens such at Niblo's. Beacon Cottrre, Hobokkn.?This day there wil be presented to the public both amusement ant sport. Herr Otto Motty goes through his unrivallet and classical performances, which alone are wor thy of witnessing. Then, there is a good pacint match to succeed, well worthy the attention of tk? lovers of such sport. Important from ITomtoo Dioth of Joe ul Hiram lwIfh-TerrtMe Excitement at the West. V We yesterday received by the western mail the following particulars of the death of Joe Smith the Prophet, and his brother Hiram. They tctrt both thot. There was a tremendous excitement at the west in consequence of their death A dreadlul civil war was expected. Thus ends Mormonism. [From Cincinnati Gazette, July 3.] We received the following last evening, by a passenger l? [From St. Louis Evening Gazette, June 29.] Friend Flags.?Enclosed you have a copy ol an "Extra" issued at Quincy We left Nauvoo about daylight this morning (Friday 28th). All was quiet. The Mormons heard of the death of the Smiths, as (Jov. Ford, who was ehcamped a few miles back, had not (as supposed)'intercepted the messengers from Carthage At Wawaw, all was excitement. The women and children were all remsvedf and an immediate attack was expected Irotn the Mormons. We met the " Boreas," just above Quincy, with 300 men armed and equipped lor Warsaw, eager for fight. I send the Quincy Herald, printed this morning, containing the particulars of smith's death. I.i haste, yours fee. A. J. Stone. On boaid steamboat St. Croix t Friday evening, June 28, 1844 ) (From Quincy Herald, June 28) Death op the IPropiibt !?Joe and H.rau Smith are dead!?The steamboat Boreas, just it. from Warsaw, brings shocking intelligence front the scene of the Mormon war. The following slip from the office of the Warsaw Signal explains the dreadful tragedy. " Joe and Hiram Smith ar- dead?shot this af ternoon. An attack from the Mormons is expected every hour. Will not the surrounding counties rush instantly to our rescue 1 " Warsaw. June 27th, 1844." It seems that the circumstances attending the killing of the Mormon Prophet and his brothet Hiram are as follows: On yesterday, Governoi Ford left Carthage with about one hundred and twenty soldiers, for the purpose of tskiug posses sion of the Nauvoo Legion and their arms. They arrived at Nauvoo about noon, and called for the assembling of the Legion. About 2000 men with arms immediately respond ed to its call. These trdope were put under com mand- of Col. Singleton of Brown county, who ac companied Gov. Ford to Nauvoo. Tne Governor finding all quiet left Nauvoo about 5 o'clock, P. M., with a company of 60 men lot the purpose of encamping about seven miles from the city. At Hbout the same time that Governor Ford left Nauvoo, the Prophet gnd his brother were killed at Carthage, under the following circumstances, as near as we can ascertain them Joe and Hiram areaboth confined in the debtor's room of the Carthago jail, awaiting their trial on n charge of treason. The jail was strongly guarded by soldiers and anti-Mormons, who had been placed there by the Goverrror. A Mormon attempted to rush by the guard for the purpose of forcing his way into the jail. lie was opposed by the guard, and fired a pistol at om of the guard, giving him a slight wound. A general confusion ensued in the crowd around the jail. Joe and hiB Mormon fellow prisoners it seems had provided themselves with pistols, and commenced firing upon the guard within. He then attempted to escape from the window, when u hundred balls entered his body, and he fell a life less corpse. His brother Hiram shared the same fate. Rich ards, a leading Mormon, was badly wounded.? There our intelligence ends?what took plact after this God only knows. Mormons imme diately left for Nauvoo to carry the news of tht death of the Prophet. It is feared that tht Mormons at Nauvoo will be bo exasperated as to exterminate the Governor and his small force. The Boreas brought down moat of the women and children from Warsaw. It is feared their town ib in ashee before this. Our citizens were aroused this morning by the ringing of bells and a call to arms. Our three in de|>enaent companies are already in marching or der. Maj. Flood hasorderedout the militia ot this regiment, and the steamer Boreas is waiting to con vev them to the scene of action. There is no knowing where this dreadful afl'aii will end. Many have expressed fears that out city is in danger, because most of the Warsaw fa milies have taken reiuge here?but we believe there is no danger; we are too far irom the scent of action. Messengers have just left for Hannibal, and the towns below, for the purpose of arousing the Mis snurians. The excitement in our city is intense, and the anxiety to hear the fate of G..v. Ford and his men is very great Mr. Vandknhoff.?This gentleman called upon us yesterday to say, in contradiction to a state ment which appeared in our paper relative to his reception at Boston, that he had not been in that city for upwards of thirteen months, and that his reception in other parts had been every way satis factory. We copied the paragraph from one of the Boston papers which we thought was good authority. Excursion through the Slave States?By G W. Featherstonhaugh, F. R. S. Harper & Bro thers, 82 Cliff street.?We have here another abu sive book on America. It is as wholesale in itr condemnation, as bitter in its invective, and ap parently as unscrupulous in its assertions, as the best, or worst, ot the many that have preceded it It will be widely read, for it is spirited, grapoic and entertaining; and it will be denounced most un sparingly. tor it is precis' ly of that sweeping, ma licious, defamatory character, which no one can read and keep his temper. The Harpers have pub lished i for two shillings. Cttjr Intelligence. Police Office ?Jui.r 7.?Attemfted Murder.? lohn Fenton anil his wife, of Lauren* street, were arrest ad on ? charge of attempting to take the life of Thomas VlcCarty, of40 Laurent street, by striking him with an axe on the bead. Both man and wife joined in the mur lerous assault, and are both committed to await the result of their misdeeda. Boat Stealiro ?A sail boat belonging to Captain M'Connelly, \ ontgomery Guards, was stolen away from 'he foot of Duane street, on yesterday, by a party ol rewdiea, who were captured at Hoboken by the owner ol the vessel The rowdies will be prosecuted according to law ; which will have a salutary effect upon those mi merous rowdies who prowl about the wharves in search of plunder. Coroner's Office ?Surdav?1The Coroner was ac tively engaged during yesterday and held inquests on the body of a man named Thomas B Feamster, of 143 Read street, who had boarded there with Michael Sullivan. Ih broke loosa on a frolic on the night before the 4th of Jul) kept it tip for a day, brought on a diarrhea*, had no physi cians and was found dead on Saturday night in his bed An Inquest was held on a female lunatic named Hall, sgeil 35, at the Bloomingdale Hospital who had hung heriell, and also upon unknown man, found drowned, dressed in a black cloth coat, red striped shirt, flguied vest and ligh' jean pant, aged about 35 years, and black hair. Body a; tha dead house lor recognition. Common Plena. Before full Bench. Jult t.?Hogan <fr Wi\ft ads Donovan.?Motion in arrest of judgment. The argument in this case was laid ovei till the next term. For plaintiffs, O. Major; lor defendant, Mr. Emwell. Boston Light Infantry.?Wc had, for the first time, a good look at the " Tigers" on the 4th; and we have no hesitation in risking our reputation, as a military critic, on the assertion, that, as a volnnteei company they ore surpassed, tn no respect, by hut very few companies in the United State*. Those hear skin grenadier caps, however, theugh of very martial appear ance, contrast badly, in this warm weather, with whits pants ; and also with the name of the company. There !? much in a name more than most men dream of." The company visit New York next week.?Boston Bee, July 6 Santa Fk Traders.?Mr. Albert Speyre and several other persons arrived Inst evening on board the Admiral from Santa Fe, and bring with them a large amount of specie, gold dust and a small amount of furs,? they separated from the main Caravan, some two or thret hundred miles above Independence, where they left them detained by high water. Tnese gentlemen left tha mail body with one wagon, in which they succeded in reach Ing Wayne City, and there embarked on board the Admi ral.? St. Louie Bra, June 'XI. St. Louis Races, June 25 ?Citizen*' Purse, S 150.?Mile Heats?Rest three in fire, m. Mc,Mullen's b. f Victress, by Grey Eagle, dam by Royal Charlie, 3 years, *1 Ilia , 1 1 ] 8. L. Berry's b. f. Ann Kender.hy Mingo, dam hy Arab, 4 years, 97 lha., 4 3 9 Miles Kelly** ch. g. Handy Andy, hy imp. Levia than, outof Clara Howard, 4 yeara, 07 lbs., 9 9 3 P. Fowler's ch. f. Roseberry, by imp. Barefoot, dam by Sir Charles, 4 years, 07 lbs., 3 4 4 Time?1:59,1:40, 1:63.?Course in good order. Fatal Accident ?We learn from one of the conductors on the Lowell Railroad, that a serious and fatal accident occurred at Haverhill, New Hampshire, on the 4th ol July. A large number ot laaiea and gentle men were upon the piazza of a honae In the village, to witnea* the passage of the procession, when it smldenl) Sive way, trom the great weight upon it, prec.ipating e whole party to the ground, killing three ladies, anc severely wounding several other persons The names ot the persons killed, our informant did not learn.? Hotter Tranecript, July 6. Cowrt Calendar thla Day. Common Pi.eas No*. 90,99 40, AS, 76,4,63,61,89,00 I, 6, 11, 17, 14, 16, 44, 67, 61, 60, 71, 71, 74. 90 Circuit Court.-Nos. 67, 60, 61, 09, 03, 04, 06, 06, 07, 09 0?i TO, 79, 78, 74, 70, 70, 77, 70. |Am gMBWntt, (jCf- We are happy to award the meed of prai.-w mil good management to the proprietors of the rastle Gardun. Not a tingle fracas on the 4th. The great Spanish an i French troupes depart alter Tuesday. We mention this to advise our friends to witness these won derful artists in their feats before they embark for\1> xico. Visitors are sure of an excellent entertainment ; the sew views, the Arabio fountain, the Brats Band, the Feu d'Ar tifice and above ail, the excellent order constantly ob served. CO Those persons who wish to witness one of the most wonderful events thut ever happened in this muudane sphere of ours, should wend their way to the Americsn Museum and there laiheld the extraordinary sight of two giantesses, a giant and two dwuifs appearing in company at the same time. Such a thing has never oc curred in this country before, aud is only on acoouut ol ita being the benefit of the Giant and Giantess, and their last day, that such an unu<ual circumstance takes place. There will be a performance in the sfternoon at half past three, and in the evening. The infant sisters, those ex quisite artists in miniature, introduce their most popular songs and dances. Western and his wife, give their iiu merous Yankee sketches, besides which, Conover, Misa Adair and Mr Lynch add to the attractions. We expect It wili be a seoend edition of the 4th of July nra- STORE TO LET .?The entire Store No..41i L i MLS-aJwS1 ? Sll8>8. August. Apply No 61 LitM.rly ?tr?et. 00- NANKEEN COTTON.-One hale yellow Cotton, for sale by PEBS9E A BROOKS. No 61 Liberty street. CONSTITUTIONAL DEBILITY LUKEL.? I'ii# flail- Mixture, prejKired by the College of Medicir.ea.-id iharmacy of the city of New York, is confidently rt. commended for nil cases of debility produced by secret in| tulgence or excess of any kind. It is an invaluable rirnrf Jy (or ini|eteuce, sterility, or barrenness, (unlets Jcpe-d^ iagon mat formation.) Single bottle* $1 each ; cases oi hall a uoze:; $S; ; ire. i illy packed and sent to all i-arts of the Union. Odlce ol the Cullege of Medicine and FhstMei Nassau street. W.A RK-H AHDRON. M. D . Agont 00- TO THE GENTLEMEN, AND LADIES ALSO. ?How often do we see a fine head of hair beginning to fall out and grow thin, losing all its lustre arid beauty. The Balm ol Columbia will prevent 'bis; it will restore the hair even in Bald plsces ; it is the best tonic in use for promoting the growth of the hair ; it has been in use for the last fifteen years, and lias h< en daily increasing in popularity ; it never fails tr clean the bead from dandruff, ana always givea it a lustre and beauty unsurpassed. Only at 31 Courtlandt street 0tj- OOURAUD'8 BLANC D'ESPAGNE, or Spanish White, gives a pure, lifelike, alabaster whiteness and smoothness to the skin-free from all injtitions ifigre,'-' , snts, and is entirely annihilating common chalk and f i 0 white. Put up in elegant boxes, 25 cents each. This, wnu other of Dr. O.'s preparations, is imitated Buv nowhere else but at 07 Walker street, 1st store from Broadway, where will be found an assortment of the moat dslicaio and choice Perfumery, imported from all parti. 00- " A WORD TO THE CARELE98."-The author of the Diary of a Physician says that a alight cold is an egg, which when hatched, produces pleurisy, inflamma tion of the lungs, asthma and consumption. And yet how many there are who in this cold and changeable season are suffering from the effects of cold, and who neglect it altogether. Let such beware They wili manifest anxietv when it is too late The golden mo ments, when relief could have been obtained, have passed away, and they can look forward lo nothing with certainty but the grave Dr. Sherman's Cough Lozenges are a spe cific. as hundred* and thousands are ready to testify who have resulted to them Do not be deceived and fool away your time and money. We can recommend this remedy as one that never taila. Dr Sherman's warehouse Is 100 Nassau s'reet A gents, 337 Hudson. 198 Bowery, 77 East Broadway. 86 William street, 10 Astor House. 110 Broad way, 130 Fulton street, Brooklyn, aud 8 State street, Boston. 00- VELPEAU'S SPECIFIC PILLS FOR THE CURE of Gonorrhcea, Gleet, and all mucopurulent discharges rom tho urethra. These pillR, prepared by the New York College of Medicine and Pharmacy, established for tho tuppression of quackery, may he relied on as the tnont ipeedy and effectual remedy tor the above complaints ? "hey are guaranteed to cure recent case" in from three t j five days, and possess a greater power over obstinate discharges and chronic gleet, than any other preparation at free ant known, removing the disease without confine ment fiom business, tainting tbe breath or disagreeing wttn the stomach. Price $1 per box. Mi at the Otlice of the College of "hnrmacy and Me dicine, lift Nassau street. '.V, 3. RICHARDSON W. D Agent 00- PILES.?How many suffer with this distressing complaint, and let it run along month after month without procuring a remedy. We would advise all such to use Hay's Liniment. Do not hesitate to procure these article! as soon as the attack is coming on. It never faila to give relief. At 31 Courtlandt street. 00- KOLM8TOCK8 VERMIFUGE, a sure and ef fectual remedy for worms in ail cases. It has never been known to fail. Price 53 cents. Let every mother who suspects her child has worms, procure this article. It can do no harm. Sold at 31 Courtlandt street. 00- POUDRF, SUBTILE, FOR ERADICATING hair from female's upper lips, sides of the face, low fore heads, or the more stubborn beard of man. tested belore buying?proof positive this, and no mistake. At 67 Walker street, 1st store from Broadway. Directions in French, Spanish and English accompany each bottle? $1 each. 00- THE HEALING SALVE.?The numerous acci dents which almost daily occur, occasioned by fire,should be a warning to the people to keep a remedy always on hand. Connel's Pain Extractor is an effectual antidote for all burns; it removes nil pain almost immediately upon its application ; it has often saved life. Let every family provide themselves with this Salve, at 31 Courtlandt st. We warrant it to please the user in every case, and cure the following complaints, viz Sore Eyes, Burns and Scalds, Biles and Warts, Fever Pains, Pain in Back and Side, Oalls, Runrounds; Tic Doloreux, Ague in Face and Breast, Fever Sore. Old Burn Scars, Inflamed Skin, Sore Nipples, Bough Hands, Ice. 00- A MIRACLE.?To cure eruptions and beautify or clear discolored skin. A 'valuable discovery in che mistry has been made lately by M. Vesprini, an Italian chemist, for curing all eruptions, and for changing the color of dark, yellow, or discolored skin, to a fine juve nile andyouthful clearness. He has made this in the con. venient form ofa beautiful piece of soap, for any old cases if eruption, such as scurvy, salt rheum, erysipelas, and it is called Jones' Italian Qhemical Snap, and it cures won lerfully; also, freckles, tan,sunburn, morphew, pimples, hlotches, Ice. In fact, its wonderful |-owers are such that it actually changes datk. yellow, sunburnt, or ditco.ored -kin. to a fine healthy clearness. Sold, mind, no where else genuine in this city, but at 'he sign of the American Eagle, 83 Chatham street, 323 Broadway, and 135 Fulton street, Brooklyn. 00- RICORD'S PARISIAN ALTERATIVE MIS Tuft K ?For the cure of primary or secondary Syphilii, indall affections produced by an injudicious use of m-t tury. The great advantages possessed by this powerful dtei ative over all other preparations for the cure ot Sy ?hilis, is, that while curing the disease it improves tho ?onsfttution, whilst mercury generally leave a much vorse disease then the one it is administered lor. The teat recommendation we can give of it is, that it is now axtensively prescribed by the medical faculty, who for nerly considered mercury the only cure tor those com plaints Sold, in single bottles. $1 ,-ach ; in rases of half lozon, #6, carefully packed, and sent to all parts of the Union Ofcice of the College of Medicine and Phartr.a :y, 05 Nassau street. W. H. RICHARDSON. M D., Agent (01- THE ITALIAN MEDICATED SOAP OF DRJ GOURAUD, for curing all blotches. pimples, freckles, tan, morphew, scurvy, redness, itch, sallownes* and roughne** of the skin; for chapped hand*, face, and mos quito bite*, it* effect* are immediate; in the wanhing of children, in allaying nil irritation and chafing, it* prop r tie* are really astonishing, *o softening and healing that no mother should be without a cake One cake, All Cent*, i* sufficient, and We warrant it, or return the money if not sucreaat'ul fie on your guard against a bold imitation, ind buy now hero else but at 67 Walker street, 1st (tore from Broadway. QQ- ARE YOU TROUBLED WTIH RO ACHES OR B d Bug* 7?A sure exterminator of those noxious ver mtn may bo had at 31 Courtlandt street Also, Dr. Sphon's Remedy for the nervous or billion* tick headache Whole families, every member of which was subject to it, have been cured by its use. THE CONCENTRATED EXTRACT OF BAR ATAF dAPARlLLA, GENTIAN AND SAUSAFHAS,prepared iy the New York College ol Medicine and Pharmacy, rs iiblished for the suppression of quackery This refined ind highly concentrated extract, possessing all the ptirL ying qualities and curative powers of the afuve herbs, s confidently recommended by the College, as infinitely mperior to any extract ol Sarsaparilla at present heloro he public, and may he relied on as a certain remedy for ill diseases arising Irom an impure stu e of the blood, uich as scroluia, salt-rheum, ringworm, blotches or pim ples, ulcers, pain in the hones or joints, nodes, cutaneous ?rnptions, ulcerated sore throat or any disease arising com the secondary effects ol syphilis or an injudicious ise oi mercury. sold in single Bottles, .it ... 7 A cents each. " in Case* of half-a-dozm Bottles, >S 60 " " one do/en " 6 00 Cases forwarded to all parts of the Union. N. B.?A very liberal discount to wholesale purchasers. Office of the College, OA Nassau street W S RicM AHDHON, M.D., Agent QCh PRIVATE MEDICAL AID.?The members of the New York College ol Medicine and Pharmacy, In returning the public thanks for the liberal support they have received in their efforts to " suppress quackery," her leaveto state that their particular attention continues lCi he directed to all diseases of a private nature, and from the great improvement* lately made in the principal hos- ' pitauof Europe in the treatment of those diseases, they San confidently offer to persons requiring medical aid ail ran tag re not to be met with in nny institution ki this wintry, either public or private. The treatment of the Oollege is such as to insure success in every case, and ia . itally different f?om thai oeru r.nti* practice of mining the constitution with merrury, anJ in mostensr* leaving i dt-ease much worse than the original. One of the mom Mr* Of the College ,for many years connected with the principal hospitals of Europe, attends daily for a conmUta lion from B A.M. to 8 P.M. Term*?Advice and mrdu iuo, pa A cure guaranteed. lueoSTiivT ro CotnvTftV>*.-Personn living in the ronutry an" not finding ?< mveniert to atteu o pep tonally, can navr fot vard' ' '? h< m a chest containing til medicinrs ukjuiaiti < . elect cure oy stating their mm explicitly, tcg'.dV i cii' -'1 symptoms, time o). ftOOtrwHOa and treatment . (???iv-d elsewhere. if f J u '. ur>- 'osinr t' est >n;d add i ?????! to / S. RICH AJU/SON, M. D , ?*; Odic? tad >J oruo'Uing rroros of the f'cllegt 96 Ne>