OCR Interpretation

The New York herald. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1840-1920, July 08, 1844, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030313/1844-07-08/ed-1/seq-3/

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?uiUf, Jnlj 7?8 P. M.
The itock market during the past week ha? been very
much depressed. Quotation* have not declined a very
large per cent, but the operation* have been very limited.
The depreeaion in the market cannot be attri
bnted to the want of money in the market, for capi
tal never waa mora abundant, or obtained at
cheeper rates. The banka have commenced preparing
fer the Auguat return*, and have drawn in large loan* ;
but the vacuum ha* been filled from other aourcea, and
the supply of money fully luitained. Speculator* in
atocka are not ao apirited a* they were previoua to the
late exploaion in funciea, and operate very ahy. Many
are in the country, and the buainea* of Wall atreet gen
orally la very quiet. The firat effect of the European
new* we* very favorable on the ttock market, but it
could not be (uatained.
Quotation* roe Stock* in thi N* w Yobb Mabkrt.
Sat. Man. 7V?. JV* Sm'y.
lb, Island, 79* 79 IIS <1 tifi (3
Mohawk, 61* 61 #4 67 64
HaHem, 72* 71 72K 71* 77* 77*
It ? ll? ? 64 ?
Caetnn, ? 14 16 3*X S8K 38H
ffsimen'Loan,. .....II II 46 4*H 4lX 4?K
Norwich auil Wor. 53X 53X 55 & 57 47
<>?"" ?'?. 91% 97X 91% 91% 91%
III 4*Vc ? ? ? 45)2
Indian*. 43% 44X ? 41% ?
Kemui-kyR's, IH4M ? HIX lOiX 161 >61
Pen (vlvania 5*s, li% ? ? ? 74X 75
Stoeinelon 41 41 44 45 45 4i%
Erie K M 20* 30 ? 21
U > t le. B*. k. I ?H I IX IX ?X
Vickibern.*? 7X ?X ? - ? ?
The commercial intelligence by tbe Oreat Weaternto
the 22J u'it., confirm* the favorable account* brought by
the Br* tannia. The cotton market* ahow a very great
firmness. and price* have advanced lull |d on American
descriptions. Thia improvement in the lace of auch im
mense import*, i* unprecedented, and ia very good evi
dence that the market ha* touched bottom. The advance in
pricne haa eome almoat too late, but we have no doubt
many who were hanging over the gulph of bankruptcy, will
be raved, although at the laat moment The reaction that
haa taken place in tbe Liverpool market nuat create re
newed activity in thi* great ataple, and apread quite an
excitement through the aouth. The new crop will aoon
be coming forward, and the change that haa taken place
in the movement* of thi* article, muat exert a very fa
vorable influence on the new aupplie*. More than two
third* 'of the apeculator* in cotton for the paat aeaaon
have become bankrupt* ; the aouthern market* have been
very much deprei?ed by the repeated report* from Liver
pool of tailing price*, and.thechange on the other tide
will he hailed with delight. A* the advice* per the Bri
tannia and Weatern apread over the counfry, every
thing will brighten up, and once more become prosperous
The European advice* regarding the grain crop* can
not be coniidered very favorable for the producer* of thi*
country, however much ao the change in the weather
may be on the other 'aide. The crop* throughout Oreat
Britain had been much improved by genial ahowera, and
the proapect* were improving for an average harveat.
The monthly return* of the bank* of Oreat Britain for
May, ahow a decreaae in the circulation of promiaaory
note*, and in the bullion of the Bank of England.
Bank* or Orrat Britain.
England March 4. Mrch SO. Jipl '7 May 27
Bant of Ei,aland,-?2'.*71 (WO 2i',8l".nno 2 .839 000 21, *4,001
Pr-ml Bmks, 4 992.709 1 98S 616 5 29.,239 5,H',83n
Join'S nek Hank*---3,427,189 3,302,363 3,752.867 3 688,413
Pri?-te -nd J' int
8-nek Bank., 2,684,191 2.610,712 2,714,627 3.041,079
Ireland ?
Bmk of Ireland,??? )
1'fi at* mid Joint >3.609,690 3,577 100 3.625,925 3,663.500
? tcck Bank*, .... J2.128,498 2,424.072 2 377,446 2,211 722
Total ?38,612,387 37.953,893 39 585,104 39,233,544
Bullion in Bank of
End .nd, ?16.011,000 16,322,000 15,844,000 15.572 600
The bank* of England, and joint atoek bank* of Ireland,
ahow a falling off, while thaae of Scotland and other* of
Ireland have increaaed their circulation*. The decreaae
ha* been in the Bank of England ?836,000, private banka
?163 409, Joint atock hank* ?73,464, joint atock banka of
Ireland ?116,724. The increase haa been, in the private
and joint atock banka of Scotland, ?336,463; bank of Ire
land, ?37,676. The total decreaae in the circulation of all
the bank* in the kingdom waa ?311,660, and in the bullion
ef the Bank of England, ?273,000. The decreaae in bullion
aince March 30th, the higheat point, waa ?760,000. It
being pretty nearly aettled that the new ay*tern of bank,
ing will be adopted without much alteration or much op
position, the Bank of England haa changed ita policy and
i? preparing itself to conform to the requirement* of tbe
new p'an, by reducing ita circulation and bullion. The
private nnd joint atock banks are atriving to get an aver
age of the paat Ave year* instead of the last two, or aa a
sort of compromise, they propose that the maximum of
the paat two years should be taken aa the maximum for
the futuro. The average of the last two year* is about
?8 000,000, the average of the last five years ?9,600,000.
The maximum of the laat two year* is about ?9,000,000,
giving to tbe country bank* ?1,000,000 more circulation
than they would have under an average. Sir Robert Peel
adheres to hi* first proposition, vis : that the Bank of
England shall issue ?14,000,000 in securities, and the pri
vate and joint atock bank* the average of the laat two
year* Thi* being aettled, it may be considered aa adopt
ed, The returns of the Bank of England to the 16th inst.,
compared with those for May, ahow a still further de.
urease in circulation, and but a alight increase ia bullion.
Bank or Eboland.
May 24 June 21. Iner. Deer.
Circulation," ?? ?21,ttll.OOO 2 ,327,000 ... M.000
D*|>o?i'w, 13 343,000 13.423,000 138.000
S.mrit.as, 31 780,000 31,916,000 130,000
Bullion, 16.010,000 13.900.0r6 ... 110 000
According to the returna iitued from the Stamp Otflce,
the average circulation for the four weeka ending May
Oath, was ?31,004,000, while the actaal circulation, ac
cording to the Bank returna on the 34th of May, waa
?31 393 000.
The Comptroller of Connecticut makee a eery fair ex*
hibit of the Auances of the State
Finance! or Connecticut.
Payment* from the Treasury from March >1,
1843. to April 1, 1844 $00,337
Payment* into the Treaiury from March
31, 1843.to April 1,1844 $89 #64
Balance in the Treasury April 1, 1843,. , . 33,10#
Balance in the Treaiury March 31, 1844 33,433
Permanent Fund.
Bonk Stock not transferable?
Hartford Bank, 1848,148# ihare* at $100,$148,400
Plienix do 890 do at $100 89 000
New Haven do, 374 do, at $300, #4 800
Middletown do, #93 do, at $100 S9,30O
Farmer*' and Mech'* do, 7 do, at $100,.. 700
Bonk Stuck pure hated and tramferahle?
HaitUrd Bank, 144 ihare*, at $100,. . , 14 400
Pnenix de, 396 do, at $100 39.6O0
New Haven do, IB do, at $300, 3,800
flAmong the receipt* into the Treaaury we notice an
item of $10,000 received from the Warden of the State
Priaon, a* attrpln* earning*. The total receipt* from
taxe* amounted to $47 368, of whioh only $3,033 were
from Bank*, Iniuraace, and Turnpike Companiea. The
State Priion ap|tear* to be the moat profitable inctitution
in the State, and yield* the government more revenue
than any other aingle aource they have.
The report from the Illinois Commi**ioners doe* not
?eem to have iiad a very favorable iufluence on the
price of the State itock in thia market. In fact the move
ments of the Commissioners are looked upon with a great
deal of diitrunt by partiea here, and if the loan i* actually
negeciated and conArmed, we may attribute the remit to
the rnn.H rtinn (Sov Davi* had with the buainei*. Some
time unee we puldiihed a letter from one of the Connnli
?iunkM wnttenin Loudon, in which he apoke in the
moit iIim-i ura* ii g term* of the proipect then before them
a* to ultimate success. At the time many doubted the
sincerity of the content* of that letter, and looked upon
them a* living intended for conauviption in thi* market
for the purpoie of running down the atock here for the
heneAt of whom it may concern. We were informed at
the time that those who underitood the movement, go
verned themielve* ac oriingly. We are not mrpriied
that the credit of the State* abroad i* ao far below par.
Thoie who have been entrmted with the negociation* of
loan* in Europe have in many initance* bad a much
greater pecuniary interest in the remit than any of their
constituent*, and have luhmittvd to aacriAcr* and term*,
which, at the time, they must have been convinced could
not be borne by the people. We do not believe the Go
vernor and Legislature of Hlinoi* will ratify the ar
rangement made by the Commiiiioner* with the bond
holder*, became they muit be convinced that the term*
cannot lie complied with. The debt of Illinois stand* a*
State Drat or Illinois.
Amount of Am't < / Population ? rop'n of Prop'n
deb . interest. in 1*40. debt pr k'd. int pr bd
$I4.7?J,8I9 8*2,22# 476,132 W:73 1.97
The annual interest on thi* debt cannot now be much
less than $990,000. The debt will be Increased the amount
oi the loan, swelling the total imlebtedne** to more than
$16 000,000, requiring nearly one million of dollar* *nnu
ally to pay the interest. The estimates and calculation!
made as to the future receipt* from the canal,we can safely
set down to t>e full one hundred per cent, more than will
be realized. Thi* has invariably been the case in th*
public work* of all other States, and we have seei
no superior judgment exercised by the government
of Illinois, in their internal affairs, to destroy thi
impressions that the *ame mistake* will he mad'
in this instance. It is gratifying to see the delinquen
State* making every effort possible te meet the interest
on their debts, but when ?? aee an additional tout con
tree ted, whan we see the already large debt made (till
larger, upon terma that oannet be ftilflUod, we cannot
quietly look on and aee the people of that State pressed
down deeper then they now are.
Old Stock Kxcbnnge.
V^NYo'ktViM iilS ""I?
' teeo Ohio 'M 97 V 109 do 41
10000 do 97 s 100 do 40V
loae Ohio ey to ??? jo do Jo?
Ohioe'l.'JO, 'J6V 2i Out<n Co ?V
4000 Kontncky 0'i 102)< 25 do
JM?. ??0 75 ? do
60 ihu Ohio Trust 90 126 do 39
26 Blooingion KR blO 40 25 di 30V
i ' 25 da 38*
4? 16 60 Hcediiig RR 60W
do b?0 l?* 100 do 60V
1! ?r ? d1. ? L b3u <?* Ilhnoii 0'
JjUtiMt. 8rh,a 129 3000 do 60V
500 L l.ljtd Rlt 83 25 ihai M. hawk RR 61
do b30 14 26 do 83 V
>?? do bOO 24 160 U 9 Bank |?
5? __ do 82V 25 Illinois Beak 20
40 Merchant!* Bk 187 25 We tern RR 76
Second Board.
?JERK"** 26 ah? Vor e.d Woic 55V
? ti? . ,M 17 M Canton CO 35
25 sbae Nor and Wore 56 135 do ww
!? 4? ?S0 60 60 Farmers' Treat 40
90 do .30 60 25 do bW'dar 39V
M do 60 25 go b4 40
Sew Stock Kxcbange.
?yeo Illinois o'e .30 45 V 60 .haa ronton Ce 210 40
? a' 1$ ,0? 4? bow 40
;?? do 45V 5 do aio 39
2J?0 do bnw 47V 5 do .10 39V
6000 Kontnrfay 5'a h3 >9* 100 do >10 WW
;ooe-Oftio6*..vo bJo ooj 30 ? b!S
1000 do how 9* 60 do 39
700 Kecfucky S's bnw 1<>2V 100 do (15 3<V
,2S2S 4" 1M> 1J? Virk.bore Bk 8
13?00. , fo. . H2V 26 Hurling Co ope V
50 ahaa L Island RR 04 25 do opi ?
J? 4? *1 26 Saratoga RR .10 4o?
50 do 82V 20 Kre Htt .3 22
K i? , 04V 25 Stonington RR c 44 W
50 Hi 230 23v 25 do ,3 44 V
5? do 82V 100 do 46
? ,do?? , ?8V 50U8B.uk 8V
?j? Harlem KR blO 79 50 do hl5 IV
J? 4? b'5 n 25 N Am Trn.t bio 146.
?1? A ur aio 77V 25 h.rm.r.' Loan bl 41V
26 Nor and Wore 68 60 do bow 41
jj Jo bSS* 8 t b.szi0*
26 dS blO 57 50 d? b"W <U
State of Trade.
Ashbs?Pots are getting still lower. We now quote
$4 a 4 064 Pearls are sUll very Arm at $4 131. There i*
?ery little doing in either description.
Bnicao.Turr. - Our quotations for Geneaee ere 94 314 a
4 37J: round hoop Ohio $4 36 a 4 37J: flat hoop do 94 36,
Michigan, $4 lbj a 4 31$; aouthern, $4 60 a 4 631 There
have been a few .ale. lor the English market Just now
the receipts are (mull. Wheat rungea from 90 to 95 cent.
The following ia the atatement of breadatuffa received
at Albany from the commencement of canal navigation,
te the close of the month of June, in 1843 and 1844
? , 1943- I8U.
Canal open May let. Jtpril 18.
Toll!,... 986,967 74 9137(146 69
Flour, bbla 363 164 444,670
Wheat, buahela a 17.076 63 964
Corn, do 30,117 3.670
Barley, do 3,034 0,636
We learn from Chicago, that on the 36th ult. that there
waa more wheat on the market that day than any prtvi
oua day for a long time. It waa taken at fair pricea, and
the farmers leave town immediately for their respective
homes to make preparation, for harvesting. Some of the
early sowing will he ready for the cradle next week, and
the later seeding will come on immediately. A large
portion of the standing crop is out of danger entirely;
tho ruat ia the only thing that can possibly prove injuri
ous, now that grain is so near ripening, and much is be
yond injury from that cau.e We can now assure eastern
purchasers that the Illinois supply this year will greatly
excoedthatoi any former one '66s is the highest price
paid for good samples winter. A very choice load brought
66 for milling.
The Cincinnati Chronicle ia of the opinion that the
wheat crop oi Ohio this year will be nearly twenty mil
lions of bushels, which is an increase of 36 per cent on
the crop of 1839 About one half of this immense yield
?ten millions of bushels -will be a surplus over the an
nual consumption ot the 8tate, which surplus, supposing
it to average the low price of 60 cents per bushel, will
sell for six millions of dollats.
According to a calculation, the following is tho total
quantity of flour and grain shipped from Canada this sea
son, to the 36th ult
Flour, bbls 130,000 Peas, bushels 60 000
Wheat, bushels 160,000 Barley 30,000
It will be observed by this table, that the total quantity
of flour received in Montreal up the 28th ult is, in round
numbers. 330,000 bbls. Of these, including the cargoes
of the vessels then in port, but not yet cleared out, and
also the shipments from Quebec, 130,000 bbls. have been
shipped, leaving a balance now on hand of about 100 004)
Canal Tolls.?Tolls received on all the New York
State canala, viz s?
To the 1st July, 1844, (being the first 74 days of
navigation 9877,879 00
To the 14th July, 1843, (being the first 76 days
of navigation,) 719,670 0(1
A. Increase,. . . 168,309 00
Of this increase there is, on merchandise
from tide water?
At Albany and Weat Troy, 963,477 00
On products from western
States, vis :?
At Buffalo and Blk Rock, 980,999 00
At Oswego, .. . .. 30,843 00
67,383 00
109,809 00
Leaving as the increase at all other ofllces.and
being on products of this State, 948,000 (X
Cotton?The market during the early part of th?
week TM very dull, and pricea very much depressed
Since the arrival of the Britannia, the market has dccid
edly improved, and pricea art* much firmer. The sale* 01
the week add up about 1,800 bales, and the receipts foi
the same period reach 8,100 bales. There were a few
?pinners in the market to-day. Shippers will not opera it
at present pricea. We annex the current quotations
LivaareoL CLAisiriCATtON.
. Vplande S.Orl. f M?biU.
Inferior 6 a 64 ... 6 a 64
" "* ?, ... 6j a 0
!i ::: ' "
7 a 74
9 a 9}
Ordinary 6 _
Middling 6 a
Middling lair,.. 7 a
Fair 7; a 8"
Ooed fair 5 a S| ... ? _
Fine 8} a 9 ... 10 a
Hav?There ia vary little doing in bale hay. Commoi
qualities sell at 30 a 23c. The receipts continue ver
Provisions-Beef and pork are very inaotive, and price
w ithout the slightest alteration from these last quoted
Lard is in moderate demand at 6jc
Whisxet- Drudge casks sell as wanted at 33)c. Wet
tern and prison barrels are held at 33 a 33}o.
Baltimore Cattle Market.
Jolt 0.-There were 316 head of beef oattle offered fo
sale at the scales on Monday, and 193 sold. The extreme
of prices pmd wet e 9176 for inferior, to 93 634 per 10
lbs on the hool for prime quality, which is rquat to abou
93 60 a 96 net. Yesterday there were only 04 head offV-i
ed, of which 36 were sold at 94 48 per 100 lbs. on the hool
and the balance laid over. The supply of live hogs con
tioues ample, and limited aales are makicg at 94 per 10
On Sundty, 7th init. by the Rev. J. B. Herdenburgh,
Mr. Qgoaog M. Carte*, to Mia* Emma, daughter of the
late Richard Major, all of thii city.
On Sunday morning, 7th init. Oaoaoa Washiivotor
Kino, eon of Jamea and Margaret King, aged two yeaie
and three monthe
The frienda and arqnaintancea of the family are rea
pectfully invited to attend the funeral, thia afternoon at 2
o'clock from the reaidenca of hia father, 331 Canal, cor
ner ot Renwick atreet.
On Sunday afternoon, 7th inat at 4 o'clock, of con
*umpt:on, An* Eli*a, daughter of Ab-abam and Ann
Dally, aged IS year*. ft monthe and 8 daya.
The relaiivea and friend* of the lamily are rejueated to
attend her funeral, from the residence of her lather 368
Houston atreet, thia afternoon at ft o'clock, without fur
ther invitation
On Sunday, 7th inat. Mr*. Bulah Roooebs, aged 63
Her frienda and acquaintance*, and the member* ol
Captain Wiilet'a watch, are respectfully invited to attend
her luneral, from her late residence, ftl Lewis street, this
afternoon at ft o'clock. $7- Philadelphia papers will
pli ase copy.
On hoard the brig J H. Steven*, on her pasaage from
Port au Prince to this port, of cenaumptien, Mr. Pekbll,
a native of the former place.
Foreign Importations.
''ASTHIOISA-Bii? Persia?' Reported yrst rd<y)-2i4l
hides 8 uosm egars 1 t'k< skins 2U0uc <coa nnts Ds Pe-st-rfc
Whilinarsh?43 o?gs cocoa 13 do spa ie S tons Haeh* wood 2
cs ?alaam Murrey k Lmmaa?1 cut on tin Wetherill kSprngue
?lOtoui fustic W C Atwaier??8>8 hot s 7. \ hrisson k Co?I
haas c ultra LswienC", IVlarrav k lagst'?t b' * P Harmony's
Nephews?t pVge nuise W McOregor?1 do got 1 id, silver ti
Do mingae*? I bag d.ubloons J B Retler? I do J J Fisher?I do
Ha sev k ,VUe?nv.
Maracaiho ? Schr Zerr sh?(Reported yesterCav)?19 casks
balsam 101 hiCes Iftl b gs coffee I I), a ?ate I peg tiger skins A
Aringartn?1018 hags coffee VI. sou k I hompson?I0S Co 200
hides I cask old copper 21 Co bItem Mnrrsy k Caiman?'47
bees ? off** F W J hmidi k Vogel?344 hides 7 bells gnat ehint
I a , deer skins 8 bags cocoa 7 tons fustic 10 bbls mats William
Poar ai; Pause*- Brig J 11 Hrevens?J200U pds logwood F
fJnltin? 88 p s m.h- gtnv 4 bbls ginger E nogmli-? bds rags
4 bblt g.i ger (iiiflln k Hoyt
Hailing Days of tk* Steam Ships.
Brum,in?. Hewitt Jaly 14
O. Western, Matthews Ju'y 38
rtiherrna, Ryne Jnly 4 Aug. 1
U Britain, Hoakea-?> Jolv II ....???? Aug. 4
Caledonia, Lott Jnly I* Ang. It
Acadia, Jndkina Ang. 4 Sept. I
(i Western, Ma the we Ang 17 Sept. It
Britannia. Hewitt- ? ??? Aug. 18 Sept. 11
|J. Britain, Hoskun Aug. 31 Sent. 21
Hibiruie, Kvrie fept. 4 ????Oct.
(J. Western, Ma*thews Oct 12 ????? ? < Ni v. '
'J.Britain. Hosken---. Oct. 19 *Nov.l<
Ship Masters and Agent*.
W' shall est-em it a favor, if Captains "f Vends will git,
,0 Commodore RoagaT 811 it:* <,r our News Fieri, a iiep<,r
if the Shippiug left at the I'oit whence ihet sailed, -he V< aaet
IpoEen on their passage, t l.istcl iheir Cargo, nr.d tut Fo
eign Newspapers or JNews liiey iuay have. He will bonul then
immediately un their arrival Agents and Correspondents, .t
n.msvi Abroad, will alao conler a favor by sending (?> tin.
?Ilice all tha Marina Intelligence they can obtain. Nasties
Information of any kind will be thankfallr rnoaived.
?4 Ml MOOR It
Bright, 48 d?y. from Hio Janeiro, with Ml be#
J'" **41 kidea I kx rndae to Mason It Thnmtia .u; I bxs plants
Starves It Beoue't H Shaw, aaauian, of Ph.ladeiphia. died Id
m*t. of conrnmpuoD.
Sicilian bria Carolina, Creachio, 54 dan from Palermo, via
Boat ??. id ballast. to A Pa'tnieii
Bfi? John H Huvooa, Hall, II daya from Port to Prince, with
lot wind. >o J H Steven,
British brig May Flower,
Ns. with plaa'.er, to maatar
,? ua,a iiuui ran an rlirw, w 1U1
otwood. 'o J H Steven, _ , .
British bug May Flower, Cochran, II day, from Wiodaor,
?JS. with plaatar, to maatar . .
Schr Chesapeake. Poet. I day, from Horn Key, with 30OT
boahela aa't to A G k A W Ben... Tie weather coutmu d
very drv, and produce .caice. ... . .L
bchr Pearl, Marai.all, 3 daya from Labec, with plaster. to the
Schr Amelia, Terry, 3 daya from Baltimore, with mdaa, to
Schr^??ria. Homer 6 daya fiom Altaandria. with floor, to
Hitche?clt It Co .... . , ?
Schr A> n, Hopkiaa, 4 daya from Viriima, with tobaeeo, to
J*8-hr wlier Bird, Ribbins, 3 daya from Cherryatone. with
applet. to master. _ . ,
Schr Prodouce, Collnm 3 daya fm Cherryatone, with applea. |
"schr'ipafk, Williams. S daya from Smith field, with appl*a,
to ID ??tPf , . , .
Sle*mer Tigress. Hart. 68 hour, from Richmond, with mdaev
to N L McCVarfy It Co. I
One ahip, unknown.
Correopondenco off Use Herald.
? Rhode leL?Nota Orrica. I
Nnwronr. July# 1844 J
Art Sd Loo. Philhroek. Thomnten for N Yoik; Franco., and
y aaex. Fall River for N Yoik _... , ,
Air 4th. t harlea, Milton, of and forTaaoton, from Philadel
phia wi'h e al?waa ?? f ul i f in a ihiek lor. ?a Wednesday
about 1)4 p m, by steamer Mok can. haoee f r Stnnirgt n ; had
all larboard rgf air PP'd several stanch ona and rail broke,
and s'ern r'pprd off on t. at aid- down to t' e water a e-'ge; rx
n cted she wood sink immediately, fni made out to kee_- n-r
afl iat. the wind beintr favr hie, and to Iget in here Vesael
mm ad Also arr. Rie> ?i. Darfee. and Emily, New Yotn lor
Proe dance; Nnti.e, N York f r Tannton
Arri'h O-ator, Ash, IN York fo' Pioe deroe; Curlew, I ?rd.
"i' ton for Someraet; Anna Parker, Brown, Albeny for Fall
^i'h?Exprcts to clear to-day, Wm Lee. Wimpenny, Pac.fic
Foreign Letter Orrick.?The Etnera'd, Hone, for
Haera, will sail thia m irniug. Her letter bags will close at U
Brig Silurian.'Br) Rt Boaton from Newport, W evperi
enc.d very h-avy weather throu h?>a' the passage?shifted p rl
of car* ? i??entf tiovi, f?u?l wtowM if again. Lo?t part of
bnlw rka, the upper brace of th? rndd-r, kc
Miastvo Vt.irL-*rhr Km oror, Shorei, ol Taunton,
tailed from New York four or lire weeka tine# for Richmond,
and hat rot ainC* been heard f om.
Launch.?A he utiful .hip <f abon' 180 tona. was rejn ly
l.nnchrd ?l Blneh'll. Ma. en'led the l ame oo. o ned par'ly to
New 1 or'?, and partis hy Captain Sinclair, of B and it to be
commanded by him. ffl e ia iuieuden for a Caba trader.
Notice to Maurlnora.
Horto Kowo. March l.-Tbe Alligator. ? yok, arrived her#
fnra Sydney. NSW r porta that on the 9?h JAynary ahe fell in
with an unknown ?e*f. in Iat 7 56 N. Ion 154 *0 Et m form of a
horse shoe, to the extent of at least 18 miles
Arra- New B-dfrrd *th iuat. Pae He. Leevitt, New Zealand,
wtth 1950 bb'? oil 57? ?(> Sc?oke off Cnrtia Rock. XZ M rch
18,0'hm. Nichole. N nt. 32 mo.. 800 Mil.; April - Noble,
nwenev, N?w Suffo'k lOOwh. for NW Cneac. Cld }th Sal
iv Ann?. Clark. Indian Ocean; Kabiaa, Nickeraon. do and Pa
eifie; M Mapoiaatt, < f Mattapoi.ett. Biiah'man, Atlantic.
Cld at ProTidence 4ih, Knroy, ) iihar, Indian Octan and N W
Coiat. .
Jane (Br)48 -"aya 'mm Ooerutev far RioJvneiro.no da'e,
''"w.rlkwlof iv'ew York ateeriug NE by E, Jane 28, Iat SI,
'"oaeyea. S?che. 19 daya from NOrl'ana for Marfillea, Jnce
23.'at 33 21. Ion 7138. , ? ,
Velaaco, Ch 'ate, from Boaton for Hayana Jnn? 30, Iat Sfi 10
Lncre'ia, of and from Providence for Pictou, June 24, off
C l^ntenf?Clark, 3 days from New York for Matar.iat, Juoo
29, l*t 37, loo 31.
Foreign Porta.
Livr.aronL. June 22?Arr Camh-i'lge. ?'"'ow.lwj* >?rk;
Tncmva Bem.ett Chai|r(ton: Nicholaa Biddle. Mobile. 20lh,
Laura. Snow; Movntvi-e-r, Bogart. and Robt B uc-. Y';u?k.
N.W Orleans; Ccmpton, Chnpmvn; Jo-ephv, Leitch. and Ladv
l.ilford, Beo't, t'h -rl-aton; Affahan, Black, and Ere-gme .,
Henrv. Mobi'e; Helen Thompeon. Peine. N York; Suaquvhan
uah. Mie ckeu Phi'a'elph a; Roht Bum, Mcenaer ^P ?"
ehicnla; Sarah k Araelia M -tteaon, NewOrle-nj. Bid Rohart
Pul.ford, Rohincn, Hung Kong Arr 2!at, Robert Paik r,
D-viaht. NOrleana; Pac.flc. Hill, do; Proetdeaee.XornRrth,
M' bile; Manco, Apalachicola; Oaijtea. O;kao, Charl-atoa.?
Cld 19'h, Pioreer, Alexandria. l)C; Pertnahirs. NYork.
Lilleas. hence to Rio Janeiro, has put Iwek with dama*e.
l?.ky, having be?n >n contact llth mat, eff Bardaey, with the
Ohi ?. Lyon, from NYork.
Hull. June 17?Arr A'debvran, Fiahwick, NOrleana.
Cowaa. June 20?Arr Aotoleon Ht?ana.
Falmouth, Juno 19?Off, Aden, from Mobile; 13 h, Ken
tUo/AT^?i?ijJj*uoe28? Bid Nstehex, Boston; St James, New
Dartmouth, Jane 17?Off, St Cloud, of N York, for Ham
bUSALCOMBx. June 17?Off. DabI Webster, Malarxaa forHam
b,ICAnDirr. June 17?Sid J k Mary, Philadelphia.
Glasgow June 11?Arr B'olliera, Marshall, Mobila.
Cltdx, Juqv 30?Sid Bu>li- gton Boaton.
Havre, June 17?Off, Broth'ra, from Charleston.
Calais. June I7-Arr Oenoa Packet Charleston
Bilbo A. June 10?Arr Gibraltar, NOrleara.
CnoiaaTADT June 1?Arr Meateoter. Boa'On.
CorxsHAoa.it. Jo-ell?Arr K Pnndeeaae t aroli.e, Charles
ton; Bajold.do; W F W Broderaon, Htoniogton.
Stocrholm June 7?Arr Siappopp, NOrleaaa
Elsisorc. June II?Arr N-jad-n, arid Apollo, NYork.
Brxmeh. juue 13?Arr Virginia. Baltimore; Agnoa, Naw
Orleaoa; Caroline, NOrleana .. . - ;k?
Hamburo. Jore II?AtOacar, Lorenix,New York, Jibor
Snow. Havana; Kth. Lnuia?. NYork
Helvokt, June II?Arr Hollander,NBodrord; Ann. NYork,
Wm k James Philadelphia. ?
"lriRL June 18- Arr OeoStevens, NOrleana; Jenny, Naw
York; 14th, Charlotte, NYork.
Schkldk. Jane 18-Arr Mmervn, NOrleana.
St Jaoo, Cuba, June 33?In port, Oen Brooks, Peko. from
Boston, wtg; Phabe D, Seeley, for NYork, Ida; Lurlew. Cro
well, nrd He'ena, Oew, from NYork. Passed off the Mora, a
arhr anppo ed the Ostrich. Ellis, from NYo k, konnd m
Ciisruxooe.Cuba, Jure33?In port. Adelaide, Sidnek, for
Boaton. Idg-only American. Sid 19lh, Elixv Borgesa, Wil
''"bar^coa! June 31?In port, Pacific, Smith, far New York, 7
daya. Oort u e, for Charlntor, aid 4 days hofora
Hio Jaskiro. May 81?".port. Inca, Conklior, and R H
Douxlaaa, Nomlle. ot Baltimore, di g; Amelia Mulholland,
Millmgton, and Maxeppa. Smith, i f New V-'tk, do; Louiaa,
-h-iver, of do.for Boaton,1 data; Susan Mary, Conner, of
Baltimore, for' ape of Good Hop-; Leda. Dewing, ol Bvetoo.
.<iag. Franklin, Snow, cf do, wig fit. Kaatueky, for Coaat of
Africa, aid 2 weeka before.
Home Porta.
Portland, July S-Arr Exremet. Sawyer. Roodoit; Dorcte
Howes. O good,and Baaan. Oaeaod, Krneebeefor New York.
1 h. Tangier, Park, Ma'aoxia. fid Old Colony. Cna?e. Caba;
VYaDon. Dochray, Goedaloope; Heiriel. Dunning, Pictou
Salvm. Ju el-Cld Fa?field Burr NYora_ .
Boar os, July ?-Arr Jehu Odiin. Han' *er. Trtntdad: Nep
-une Fo t r. do; Turk. Eldridge. Ph ladelnh-a; Sneedwell.
Pr-tt, Mamcribo: Mvrtha Kinam-n Wait O??rgeiown, DC.
Father, Km'ry; Chaatim Hamor; Wyoming, Niekerao-; fcdw
Fraukhn, Grav; Cimer.Ha, Bntg-at. and bqnirtel, Tildeo,
Phila lelpbie; Daci-1 Francis Small. Jetemte lith nlt-ief-no
4m ve ?el; Slawmnt Earrar. Savannah; Nartagauaett. Baker.
Richmond; Ta quia. Paine.Freo.riekanorg; Hellespont Wood
? ury, B-I'imne; ti'arloB.Col-ma-, Albany; Vail, Nic>.ols
>aw York T airgraphed, Cere .from Bayannah. Siinal for a
brig Cid Fraaklm Masse t. East ludi'j; Cai o. -Mur oeh, Li
verpool: Emerald, [of this port, late ol Pror.deneel Bahaoo.
Madeira and a mkr; .Ma son. Cole.'an, Coracoa; Will-a Par.
?am. Cook. St J hn., PR; Robert Mil'a. Lawleae. Mataoxae;
Pho. w Ren. Oeoraetowu. DC; Chatham Davis., Baltimore;
W n Pitt Rake , and Home, nowee. P"ila<*ei| hia; 1 r. J?o.
Davis, ' alair. to load for West Indies; R d-.li h, [of this lott,
Ute > [ Non ehoro. Me] Pe d e o-',C ne'en. Me; A d ' ro.by,
HieNmond; Louisa, Otis, Alnv y and 1 roy; Met j B'gelow,
Baxter; Henowu, Lnvell. and Faner.Ch ae. N York Arr ith.
t arumn, Heamer, P.e'un; Silurian [Br] Moon, Newpoit.lA ;
P. arl, Ha-diu., and Sao Ryder, Phil dtlohia; Crgoet Cooper,
fort au Prince; Marv k hlvbeth. Harding, OcraC'ke; North
Carolina, Tr pe. Notf .Ik; Omiitnbo. saraiy.t. I hi aile phia.
Nxw BxDroRD, July 1?Arr Ge. rnana, Lot'. Albany.
Edoabtows. Ju y 4?Arr aevral achia boand EaatS Le*d'r,
Rnaaeil. N Yi rk. Sid Caapiao. P-tteraoa, Pmladelphia; Ltad
ar, Nantuchrt. and o,her? boand E , .
Wtiaiit, Jnl? I?Arr Barton, le?rnham. Richmond^
Proviuknck. Julv 4?Art Jan ei Lain
4d. K end Knah. Niek.raon, Pbiledelphia. Bid 4th, Thomaii
Feuner. Nieaeiaon do; Divid Belknap, Newbn.g. Arr 1 Iv.
cagrange. Howard Frederick hurt; Splendid H-tundars; J F
Cronch, i"ow.|in; Penobacot, Hoag; O eaon, Winea. and 1 1
Hertme Prown, Philadelphia; Emily. Oonld, and Ornament,
'' '"alt^mobi1, July 1?Arr G?rm. Lmeoln. Ponce; N; rthnm
beilaud N?aon, Ch?r!eaton; G-n T-iyloe, Brown, C.|*i?, Semi
McDowell, Hnlae. NYork Sid Naotilus. Reed, Mjatevieoe;
ldRicHMOtsDBJoTyn5-Arr Mtrielta Burr. NVnrk Hid'4an,
Notes Suiuinaton; Spy, Somera. New York; Wm W Wyer,
AMoaiL^"j?*i 29?Cld Staai eh SnMlinga. N York.
Naw uaLEesa Jn e 2?? \rr lo O a me, Wineh'll, Matan
xv; B.r i iiig-am. sobiaaon and letlon. M?naon, Boator,
Leont.ie, [8 em] Ar'aua Bieme-; Oene.ee Mi iott, N York.
ri Law ?uee, C'-urcn II Havaiiii h la Mar. Cld Lydia, MiJ ?
d u n. Hm i: New Yoik lal Wright. Oalveatmi lowb at
Pant-ici ta.i'.itv the Hen-y. Noyei, from N ? ork. aanore e tji#
lit a, near A tld-r'a Bavna. **?
Oppotilt the New Anise Courti and Railway
lion, corner of
JAMES MOHQAN Proprietor of he ibon n'w ud cmn
inodnu. eatubliehmeut, respectfully ioferma Ilia fnenda
and the nob ie tint it ia now op.n Tor the reception of Private
Families and O nth men
With lie Hotel it i ombined and el riant anil ritenaive Coffee
Room, News Hootn. end r- vera) private Sitting Rooma, litud
up ia a alyle suitable f?r rhe rec-ptiou of Families . nd Visit
ors. 0- fort raccommodation of partiaa requiring riny brank
la ta. Iiiiirhenna dinnera, Ac..
Ti e aleepii a dap-irtnieot will b- nnder the peraonal ?uperin
tendance ol" Mrs Morgan, and visitors inayi.lv withconfi
d'nee. that in thia eaaeiitxl particular eomlort, naatueaa and
Con>eniaace hate brcu carefully alndied
The '.utiuaiy and Cellar detriments will embrace the choi
ce>t Vi'nda. Wines A ? , which can be obtained, and J. M.
t'Ua'a that hia own lertioga, aided by the aaaiatance ol ripe
r euced wa lera, nnv recme the pprobation ol tratellera gem
rally, at the aatne time thi acaleot chargea will be alnetly mi
Prxate Rooma for large or sma'l Dinner Partiaa.
Hot, Cold, and Shower Bathe tl?a,a ready
t.tery informition respecting the departure and arrital of
the iirioua Hallway Traiua Se m and Sailing I'acketa Ac
To Strung- rsvriutia Lverpoil, it maybe uecertar. to oh
terra that The Imperial" is centrally situated, within view
of, ando ie raiunte'a w ,1k f t>m tha Literpool and Mai cheater,
and Orand Junction Railway Staiione, and imitirdiately oppo
aite the New Aaiite Courts ; it ia alio contiguona to the pnu
ciimI Theatres, and other placet of public raeort.
N. B At T avallere are frequ ntly mialad. plente deaire the
driver to procard direct to the Imperial. jJO laMdt
DOR SALE?A eery handeome Cuaol Inatrnmenta will be
?T aold at a fur price Any peraon wiahing to pn'rhaae,
pleaae addreaa "Degtiat," thia office. j] m
E? gentlemen or genteel familirt can he accommodated with
board and comfortable rooma, constating ol parlora and, if r?
quired, bad rooma adjoining, at 27 Courtlnndt atreet, N Yoik
The French language ia apokeo in the family. J.-22 Im eod-'m
PAkNE'S UNIVERSUM : or, Pictonal World-kdite,
hy t he.r ea Edwarda. Erq. heirg a t ollectibn of Ergrai
inga of Viewa in all Countries, Portrait! of Oreat Men, and
tp' cimena of Woika cl Art, of ail agea and a| every charaetn
wii| he ouoliahad in rinntbl) I'aga.rach containi ig /bur highly
Will he ouoliahad in vmnihl) rags.rach contain ig four ruga ly
tnlihetl Sleel Engren ingt, from new plaiaa. pri i'rd on Ce , j
qaario p*,er. anu will ce if romper led with eight to twain
pager let'f r prraa.
the auh.cribera of the Pictorial World (for ona year) wi'
be preaaoted with Three Premiums. (tea p'otpectaaJ
JaM Uawlw*ra No. lit Naaaau atraat, N. T.
A UCTION NOTICE?8*1# ?f Green House Plants, Trues.
?O fce.?In South Brooklyn, on the premisesknown as Rus
sell's Gird en. in Heury nrar Atlantic stmt. on Tuesday. July
9th. II u'clo- k, consisting in pari of Ho* ? I ine m, Al lias,
Dshlus, Helitropes, Mag o'in. Catcv>Iari*,Hydr<uice*< splen
did isige Rhododendrons, in tab*. soma valued at $200, lico
mtimua, '??ranumi, Pinka, lie . lie
Catalogues on the ground Bale positive, hy order of the
Sheriff of King* Coniily. J. YV. SCHl LTZ,
jl lt*ei Auetiunaar.
WHUSSELL. Kio'iat, Sc. Henryi afreet, Brooklyn, re
? si*ctlully inf rau ?i* f'ivndt and the i ublie that the
ah*1 iff will a*il on Tuesday, Julv nth. at II o'clock at hi* Ou-1
orn. (or th- balance due ou levy made by Men for SlMO, (via :
about $100 I all thoae la'g* ana n aamficeat plant* of R bed '
d-ndroaa, Kuaaelleanun, Urandrfloram and Alalia (ndica A'
ba. wi h nil hi* new collection, Eredling Rnododeadiona, Aa?
liea, R >*et. Itc ; and aa W. R. ha> uo mean* of prerenliag the
aalr. he par icularly inritet hi* 'riendaand the rublic to attend,
when they wll hare au oppoilnnitv of seeming acme i f tha
io?t tupeib Flowerii g PI ntain th* world. jjllt'irc
VALUABLE REAL ? STATE in the Eighth Ward of
* the city of Bro' klvn ?Will beaold at public auction, at 1
the M-rchaet*' Exchange in the city of New York, on Thura
day, the nth Inly, 18M, at II o'clock, by Wilkiea A Hollioa,
auctioneers 100 v<Inside lota on both aide* of the atl>at lead
ing from the third avenue. in the city of Brookl)D, to tha
Grreuwnod Crmeiery, ana alio lota ou Ike adjoining stfe
and the Third and r on-lh arennea.
L kew aa tha rilnabU Water Lota or landing place in front
ol rhe premises, on Gowa n< Bay.
Tki* iropeity it adjicent to 'he city of New York. Omni
bn*?ea run to tha raouth and Fulton F-r iaa. To m-enaniee
and oili- ra da irmg to nnita c ureal-nee of location and an au
surpass-d ri w of f a city and Bay of New York, atara y
modem-outlay, ihe pmaat tale offer* a moat adraniageoua
1 arm, of payment liberal. Sa'a rositive?tit's perfect. ,
Apulv to heanrtioee ra, 17 Bend ataa-t, New York, or for |
lithograph e m-p* or iuf irma'iun aa to tula. Ac to
ISAAC C. DELAPLAINe, Coboaallor at Law,
jy2 9t' m 7 New atra-c.
?AiiD WA ul'h D ?A lady with her family, conn-liag
of a ton ai d dtushter want permanent board in a reap-ct
able h u>e in th* vicinity of the Park Two room* wil'
-e required Appl eatnius by letur, add retted to A B C. at
this ' to -, will r-ceire immediate atteotio . jg lt*jgb
TJOARD? A (Jeutlriu*n and hia ? i'e cur be ileaaenilr *c
^ ? uniinodat-d with b laid, and a fine air, room ou ftr?t floor,
i f th- n-w aud modern built nonae No tl Forty Ji -t Alao
one or two aaiall r-omt ?u.ttble.l ir gentlerni'ii and their wirea
or aingle gentlemen. There are but few bmtrdera ih-family I
quirt, lo< niion ph ? atut and courcuient, and the term* -re suit I
aa no one will object. jg |i?e?
LOOT?A not- drawn by Jebruder Hei-a ou Heiaa, Br thers
A t o, moor ?d b? < ha le> Wmt-nried. payable to Kr dr
? hiut. Hipp for $800, thirty ilitaafter tight, waa lost on ihe
ah mat Ihe public arr cantionad again t urgotiatirg the
tame, a, pay m nt ol laid n't- baa be n stopped. Al*o a pocket
??. '"B PfiPete of value only to the owner.
Our dollar reward ?ill be paid for the recovery of honk and
paprra ifoUbny ?tr>rt, N >. )t 3t*ac
A BAY Make AND Wagon, hired n he ?tH of July,
to a m*n wh# Called him.ell Robert Morns, to go a* lar
a* Bo uhitn
The said Morria it about S l*-t ( tncli '1 in height. light com
pinion, fee rather thin, wore a white hat, (rock coal and
ga >er ahoe*.
The above Mare it a bright bay, with 1-ng tail, about I5H
hau-i.big , aud about 8 or 9 yea-a o'd Buvgy Wagon opeu
frout, with drab lining, and calico alio linn g Ha'ueav, braia
u.ount-d, and bar but Whoever will return aaidma*e, wagon
nndihi-i or give iuiormttioa * h re th?y may be lound, will
b* liberally rewarded by applyn a at
. ... - TOWNSEND'9
Jyl 3 *rrc Livery Stable, 71 Rea<*e alreet.
u'elork m I nil nu.form By order ufthe^apjW". 0rJ<>t,y
j8 It'fC ? ?
Of) KIRHT RATE HaNDs vrh hive been in the habit
w* vv i f unking Hoe Shirta ?It will lie nve era for any to ap
p y ? icept thote wh are quit- competent to d ? the o at of work,
a* no *1 p work it mide in th- above eataoliabmeut. T''ev
wou d b-nrvlerred where there sre a-veral in i lainilr. The
heat of prio-* -itlb. paid and the be?t of work iquired, an, 1
cnustoi' inpl'iym i t tbr- u hnU'. h-yiar A a mp e of work
or good rem e cewil b-t-q-rr-d A-'lily at the Sign ol tne
O dfliu ?ith,27l orosdway, corner > f Chambers street,
jl Ifec
A SPLE ulD ASSORTiVlr.NT, n-w attli*. iu?l r?c-ived
'A an I u ill be made up to ordtr at our tis >al iroile a e miner.
WM T JENNING* A (*(' . |
jy8 2'vVec 13 Broadway, op, o*ite th-Fountain.
u AKU ?The bob crib r re |ectfn,ly anuouncra that th
Near York .vitiieum will remain cloud durn-g ihe waini
weather aud re-open early in aeptember. wheu'he hope> he I
>h-notice of tie pub ic each nov-l
ahall b?' able to pr sent to
tie* a* will euauie hnn a contn uioce of the'vervl,be al'patr'on
ag* ha has hiitmno aiperieuced. H. BeNNE'I T.
jyl t' rrc
MOvllAY, ?ve.DNr.buAV AND hRlbAY
- Hnbt-rrb r take, pi-aiure in announcing to his Friend* ,
and .he Pnblic. that he h-a m,d* arnuigementa with the
celebrated Cornet Band, under rhe rlitction of Mr. All-n
Dodrw rih for the t niprae ul living a aerirs of lustrnmeut?l
concerts on the above day*; and h- hop-* by ?,> doing, to
make it still more agreevb'a to those who have ao liberally
patronixed him.
Fir?t Couceri thia afternoon. J *ly 8th
Refiaanments of all kind* fnriuahad with promptn-st and of
the very beat quality. L. SCHWAR1Z.
jyl Jt*rrc
A PRACTICAL Pb INTER who has had several years'X
perience aaa newspaper editor and who likawia* it p aeti
caliy a-qnainted wiih bo <k-kreping in all pa details iadtsn
on* of abtaiving e nploymvnt in either or all ol th* so -ve rapa
cities, iu town or country,to'th or south or in any ol the mi?*
?iouary or other printing offi es abr-ad?or he wonld la-e
c a ge of a hnoka'oie, or asami in a scnoo', for both of which
?tationa ha is fully qualified. Ha would have no obj-ction to
engage for a trim of v ara, at a moderate to peataunn. Ad
drti T. K. G., Po.t Oflic*, Boston. All letter* inuat be pn?t
T he eeu'ttiy of tha press is solicited by a brotheg
Hffjlor t- giv* th* shove publicity. jt 3fec
?pO THOSE who have used Jones's Coral Hair Restorative
*? know it* excellent qualities: to thoae who have not, w# say
that the fact of our eelling t shilling bottles mutt prom the truth
of our atatem-nt?and that we are not afraid of persona Dying ?
?mall qnantityol it first. Wc warrant it to possess the following
qualities:?It will force the hair to grow on any part where na
ture intmideil hair to mow, (top it falling off, cure Scarf or
Dandruff, and make light, red or grey hair grow dark For
dreaaiog th- hair aolt and ailky. nothing rireedi this It is, in
deed, the most economies!, yet superior, article tnadefoitbr
.-old?price t, 5 or ? shilling* ? bottle?at the feign of the
American Eagle, |2 Chatham street. New York: 119 Fnlton at
Brooklya: 8 State >tract Boston: 1 Ledger Buildings. Phil',
delphi*; 197 King street, Charleston, B.C. jj8 Im"ec
HE HOKTblesaed and wonderful rrmedv ever discovered
rr,r U?? a-rtaia and permanent cure of all
Diseasesand Eruptions of the Skis
rimples. Bait Kh-nm, Scurvy,
Blotches; in {act. enr disfigurement: but the public most be on
their guard ai aiavl
wnu attempt to conn'erf*ir thia valaable, and in its wonder
wots.ng -Ifecl. blessed srticle Render, be not deceived Ask
for Jones' Italian Chemical Soap. If tliev offer yon another,
do not toneh it. if yon use it, tit dangerous or naeless Ask
particularly for Jon- s't Italian Chemical Boap. We positive
IV warwtni the above in b- it* real qnalities; it alao ia the most
?nrpriatng roaaner
Change* dark or yellow skin
To a healthy, fine clearness
Many may think its powers exaggerated; let sneh try it ona^
St has iu bondr-da of canes el-tr-u the skin of frecklea. Inn,
sunburn, morphrw;it can alao be conscientiously recommend
ed for old aor-t, ringworm, and sore heads Physician* can be
referred to who nse it daily in their practice.
B-.tr mind it ia Jonea'a Soap I as done, and still effects these
cur-t Get ,? no where else in thia city but al the sign of the
A men ran Eagle. 82 I hatham street, and 111 Broadway, N. V.;
in Boston si Rediling's, 8 State street: Zeiber, I Ledger Bail J
ings. Philadelphia! 107 King street, Charleston, S c.: Giah
Lancaster. *>.: a-d Mrs Hay , 119 Fnlton street, Brooklvn. L
Island jyl Irn'ec
IN this age of Qnackery aud Humbug i' ia moat important to
rhooae en 'xiwuvoeed phya'Ciau ?Ur J. Evans has removed
i,is old Galen's Head Diepei.aary to No 281 Pearl street, corner
ol Beekmaa street, where be continues hi- most aitreordtsary
arrsof all dehcale disetsea, no in-tter how complicated He
apprises rhe citixsu' and strangers th?t there it no Dr Evans in
his old Hand, and that he has n ? connection whtUver with any
o'lter I flics His chimes am moderns?bit consultations
atri tly i neat* N B?Observe the numbsi?mistakes aia olt?n
dangerona?288 Peril ens t.
r r Med cines and direcfione sent to any rartoflhe Union,
by particularly stating the e te, and enrlosing five dollars,
jl It'ec
DR GRM.4GRY i> consuit-d cooAi.entially as usual, a'his
residence No II Ba'tlay ilrift, rear the Park Or G is
* i hi tinai and surgeon, who has rrac'iscd in t is brauch of
hi-prole si <u MClusively for scve al years ; he his. ihsrefo s
n*d i-itend rt oppoitu iti-s to pe f?ci ? t< st> m ol tealtnent io
or y lUcom'-Uiuc not to be . s eetel from ihe general i recti
toner His cores will in a I run he wt r-n-ed speedy k-d
perfect Those ? ho ha?r fsi ed to obtain relief el** I ere, sie
particularly iueited to cell ishurgea ia all c ses modeia'S.
jvi I "rrc
R)IM--VaL V BlSnOP Jr , Irnpo is-' f Precioui Htuoes,
lie . has r- m vei bus i flic- Irom Ne. 44 to N?>. H Maiden
Laisr I h- business - f J A 114)11 K, Importer ol Vu*ie .I In
s'runeots, ? ill he cried on m the same establishment during
Mr Km e s kb enc-in Eur ipe J??"ll3i.*rc
The htna?ho,t S' 1171 H AVIKl-ICA,
4 apt M H 1 ra sdell.wiiha new of p|, a
saut'v end saf-lv ace minudatii g PrtniUrs
with their -hildr*n. on sh rt h sru-*inns t, tl e i,owe- Bsy.
fit the purpose ol fiewi g th' Hnrlyor, Ku'l-ticili-ns. Laud
?nd i <ce-io Scenery. wi'l m be a Dsi'f Trip (Suud-ys esr-pt
ed) is- lair wea h-r, rowu the flav. laodma, girg and return
ing. -t)n t Hamilton.
i ry Will leaeeBeie'ay ?"ee'(v H ) 'MY o'clirh P.M.
Cathe-ine st-eet (?. It ) ? t JJY. Pier No I |N R / ail, tourh
at rare ry street st 4)g Amos stieet 4 "* and tela o <a t me
to Uun the pasrerg rst' H?veu o'eloeb; eomnieaciog Monday
J ilv I'h, 1444. ant 'ouliru- until 'u-th-r notice Kara I wauti
live eenis ( hildrao ond*r '1 we.ve ya-rs of age half-price
0" The no t perlrct oider will be mnuteine I on hoard
an i eyery efT' rt will he ma 'e to r-uder the eica-aion entirely
p eiaant. The '1 rip will ha Omitted in etoraiy weather
jjl tf rre
Lrndinit at Caidwen's, West I'oiut, Cold
iSrr-uR, f'oriiweil nd Kishi'l landing
, The steamboat J A " EH M A DISoN. Capt
4 lianes r aot.ad. w It lea*e ihe War-en street piee eyery
Monday afternoon kt il o'el ? k, aud every TueaJay aad Friday
at 4 o'clock. P.M.
Returning will lease Newbareh eyery Tnesday mornicg at
half past I o'clock, and eyery Wedaeaday and Saturday at
I o clrck IB the a teiueon.
All baggage, bnnll billa, bandies or parcete pat on board thia
boat, mutt be et the r<sk uf the reap-cttve owners the-eol, unless
entered npon the book of Ihs toat, or a bill of lading or receipt
i? given lor the same jl Iw'ec
FOR LONDON-Packet of th* 20th Jaly-The
nWUV'p'eodid, fast seiling packet ship HENDRICK
jgUftlfc HUDSON. Cspt Oairge Moore, will anil punctually
u ah i?e her regular day.
Thia snpennr packet hsa very Ana accommodations for eabin, ,
second cabin and steerage paaiengert, wh i wilt he takea at
rer> reasonable rates, il early application be made on board, or
to w.k i T. TapHCOTT,
78 H uth*tree'. corner Maiden l ane.
Persons wishing to sand for their Iriends to come out in trie
shio or any of the line, or who are about 'o remit money, est
naltr favornhlc arrangeaieuta by applying na above. jltoMre
Havana and princTpe TTkmrh-wooo "rwli,
"evars, superior: 11 #00 De Moyaa ; JVMM l-a Norm-*;
0.008 K-culapioa: IS KM India f'eaadoras: M.SSt La Union.
| in OS' Esperanaa, very fire ; ISSi Krnngarciaa; MOO * (Tirana-;
eiOtlLauril: >S IKIO "l.a Peneteiiaa," sniwrior ; JS.nes Cuba He
| garsy SO.oSft Jo?to Ring I'rineipe ; IS OOu De La < rat's?wi'l
other rlioice brands making a complete ass'<itm- nt?for sal'
cheap (or eaah, by the quarter bo* or ihoaaand, h?
IRAA4) H RMITH.ISS frroat .treat,
jtS Sw ltaw*rc oppoeite ha I ton Market.
Doon open at hal'-piat T?Perlnima'.re lo ci nnnec at t.
Will make her id appeirau'e prevn.ni to?hi r departure for
Europe. ?r,d will he united by
Muni av JUL k ?.
In?Overture "Fill Oreheotia
Id?'1 he boovenin of Bellini, Fuliiii f-f Violin,
composed and riecited bv Artot
I? Grand Arena nd l netto from the "per a of Cla
re of Rutemberg, The PitCol end (he Poi ard.
iiw! Auicuurii, Alio ruiui ihw uio i vi w?i
bv .. big Vuiie1!'! ? end Banqoirico
4th?Introduction ~ *
'traduction, Recitative, and the Carnival of
Venice, by Paginint, urcated by Artot
Will lerfnrm Kouini'e Opera Hull
Isabella Mad Ciati Damorean
Finn Miai Buniard
Znlmn Sig Alberlaili
Hi| Antogarai
.Muatafla Sig Valnllina
Tadeo big Sniquiico
Hale Sig Mayer
Overiure ??? Oicheatra
N. B ?The Boa Office ia now open every day during the
wank,f on 10 o'clock A M until 4 o'clock, P. M. whan mate
may be aeeuied 'or the Opera.
The enterUiuH ei.tt am under ihe aole diiection of
Dnora open at T?Entertainment* e mueuee at I precisely.
MONDAY EVF.MNO Julyt t ? comrae- en with, let time,
Mahomet Mr Wella I limu' Mont Mi'tin
Myiaouf ????Hen Korpao" I hanl.ne--Mid'lie P Deaurd at
No Postponement attmaeatafclisMnen' on aecmnt of wea'her,
aa 'he mod entrance from Broadway to toe Sa'oon ia protect
ed. and the New Saloon, which ia vraii atad from the top and
aidea. cm be aneloaed at a mouient'a notice.
Monday 8th and 'Tuesday Uth July.
Thee unp ny wll be aalnted on their entrance iet" ?t-e mag
ailcent centre Area, bv the tupeib BRa 8b BAND, Led by
the celebrated ?lr Lothian.
The alrgant ciren'ar Fountain will cut op ita clear and beau
tifnl wnt-ra In a variety of fanciful forma.
A trend'howcr of Oo'd R.in Rockets. and at 9 praeitelf.
The light, airy atid m >?t truly elegant ol all air vanliera,
will rtpdat by draire of aeveral lamiliea, lua moat vitraordiaary
act nu
Terminating with a Viad Tornado succeeded by tha
Attiradaa th* Roman A hle-m will exh bit a variety af FaaU
of ihe Atmaand f tea ofihe Academy
The who!e to ronc'nde wi'h -n Exhibition of
For pnrtieulart, tee Oil's ,,f tiie Day.
i[~^ Admittance ?J een'x jS Jtee
Acting Manager,* Mm. Tun in | Stage Manager-.Mr. Waleol.
The nerf >rm?nce will commence with
After which a dmcr hv
llbmeiMiifn of hmf no hoar
To e -admit with the Comedet>a died
A GRAND B ALL, which ?ill coiamruie at the Intermit
aion, >od e -rtinne ro a Lte honr
aokial garden
Corner of hroi-dwnv and Ann itreet.
TWO O' a.NTES-Eh Ad) A GIAN'l !
Mak in.-?'e large-1 'ma le'.' a d ?t"h r
Eve' known iu A- e I. a
At hal'-pnat 1 o'cl"eh, ii t. e ,e? ?r,d it 8 in the inn,
The moit turp'iaiiig little creattirei iu the world, will appear
iu their Hi uir* and Dancra
La'e from Euiop.-, will make her ftrat a pi en ranee.
Mr. and Mrs WESTERN.
And otheia, will aprear.
For farther per'icul-re, tec large and small bill*.
Adm'ftion lo the whole 25 Ccnta?Childien under ten yea's,
ha'f price
Corner of Bnrnl ? ay aud Lcpoa-d ifNt
The Who!.' Collect on of Illustrations 'n One KTfniQg !
Ticket* 26 crnta. Chitdrrn half prir*.?To commence at*
Quarter put Ki ht prerisely
"A will give hit Discourse on the
Illustrated by a Splendid Collection of Teleaeopic View* of
ill* Planets, showing the Ue..grtphical Character of ihe Sor
fsce of several of them, their Atmosphere*, Clouds. Hno * he
lie. In the course uf 'he evening, the Entire t'oll-ctioa of T#
leseopic sad Scsnic illuifa ions will be rahibitrd, consisting
of above Two Hundred Di ramas
'I he Celebrated Gas Microscopic Appirates will be applied
te theaahibitiou ofau extensive collection of Entomological
subjects, including Animalcules in a drop of water. 'Ihe
highest power will teapi.lied te a Flea, which will be magni
fier! to Forty-five 'vet in L-ngth.
Optical Recreations, consisting of Illuminated Dioramas of
Scenery ia Enrore and Asia Dioramie Views of Rnree, Pa
lestine, Greece, and a Moving Pauorama of Jerusalem from the
Mouat of Olivet
To conclude with various humorous and fancy subjects,
Rosed'Amour, the Tertitaller, the Opening Carnation. Ngvi
gatlou ou a Small Scale, ihe Paeha'e Heed, he. he. jy0 im
TJETWEEN the twe m-st r?uowned D racers in the world,
p. the O-igiual JOHN DIAMOND^ and Da Colored Boy
IUB A. for a >?'?ger ol $200. oD MONDAY EVENING J ly
i'h at ihe BOWERY AMPHITHEATRE, wh-ch buildina
hat been rsprestly hired fiora the Proprietor, Mr. Smith, for
this oightnnly, >* its aeeimmodat'i.na will afford all a fair
view ot each step of three wonderful Dancers The f?u? of
these Two Celebrated Birakdown Dancers lias already spread
over the Union, and the aumei.ua frieodsof each claim 'h?
Champ'ouship for their favorite, and who have atii.utlv
wished for a Public Tiial letweee them and thns know which
is to b'tr the Title of t e Champion Dancer of the World
Tne time to dec de ihat has co<ne. a? the friends of J aba have
rhallvnved the w rid to produce hie inf erior in th>a Art for
tiuo That Challenge liaane-n accptrd by the Fne, d* of Dia
m-nd and on Monday Evening the< me-1 end Dii.ce Thive
J gt. Two Keels, and the Csmpiown Hompipr. Five Judges
have been se|rct*d for their .th lity and knowledge of the Art,
so that a fai' dc-i.ion will he made.
Hole?Eaci Dancer will s-lrct his own Violin, and th?
victory will be deiiued by the brat time and greatest number of
On thiaoccasion?Boxes Si cents: Pit 1SQ cents. Tickets
foi sela at the Conceit Saloon, 74 Chambers street, and tt ,he
Theater d"rlng Monday. ji l? -re
lu nM ? I lit new till. ?-si.,1 y PUII.II g No * ? au
tre Market Place, suitable for a crorery or eaiiog h mo,
_ud 'Wsril families. For t-imt aiply at 41 Ma-den
, net ween IS and S o'clock jS "fe
FNOI'A K r"a EK<H IP?1 he gnbtrribrr haeing lakeo Into
C" partnersl.i , his saut, John It aid J-aeph B Taylor,
- ? - the
hnsireis will H-oalter ba conducted unrer ihe firm of JoHN
Albany, July 4th, 1(44
NEW ALE?The undersigeed will be mabled to sunpljr
their customers and othere wautiae a superior aricle
Albany Ale, on 1 uesday, ?ih instant
No. IIS Warren s-r-ei, New Yoik, *ad
j( Jt'm No II Ore n strwt. Albany.
CTRANGERA visiting the cicv will find at our establish
? ment, Not. SM snd SM Broadway, bevond comparison the
most elegant^aod_extentiv_e whole si* an d_ retail assortment of
ou this side the Atlanta, which we take pleasure in showing,
snd sng-gt to sell at prices as low (saying the least) aa those of
any other honse.
Our present stock of Fanr.v Stationery, Umbrella*. Parasols,
and Sun Shades Gloves. Kidirg Wnipv, Fans, Card Cases aud
Tablets, Desks, Dressing Cases and Far'y Boies Parses Per
fumery, Fancy Porcelain snd Glass, Gift, 8t.il snd Mourn
ing Jewelry, and indeed of ev?ry thing we a>* accustomed to
import is el c.mp'etesod prf-ctas can be desired.
A lull Caialogee has just been published a- d may be had oe
jell m sod isee
1 his greet I nBe*trim will perfnim Ms f.at ? f Ridins Two
llo ssi roand ihis Course, flue mile in two minn<es and t n
seconds H? will also have a race oiih rhr* It.,inm I harie's
a ter wh eh he will go thr nghwiha Pe fn>ma. c-with Halls
weigh11 g Irom iw-o y to f. rty ponudg. throwing then, m the
? fruir
air from h.e to ten leet, and catch them on his harr neck with
oat (he aid i t his han * Performance to comm-me at JH
o'clock, on Monday th? 8 h inst.
At 4H o'.-lock, will ta'e plaee * Pa'n g Mat'h for $'(? be
tween air Green's mare Fauuy O sen and ihe paring horse John
c. Csllioaa. jilt* re
urti*i> ua ut. \ .\j. r-> nvirctrn niv r.iv E.
DAMON It i (g awill cnmsnnee on Moi.d y n
*?' CailyP rka*e Firrets, b? the Troy d*<
New Yoika.d Albany to the following |lir-s ?
oest, te ran a
host, f-om
on the river,
Canldwell'a, Peekskill, West Point. Newhnrgh Fishkill,
Poughkeepaie, Kmgs'on, Rhmefeck. I'atikill. and Hnilson
Faithful agen's have been engaged at (Loseplarfv snt a spe
cial agea'will ar Company the packets e.r h day. P*i?i-alar at
tention will he puid to the delivrvv of small |ia Cala, rhe pur
chase and sale of merchandise, and th- goWsttion of dra'ts,
notes snd hills.
Paicels mast he marked for Memos It Co 'a espress Oftrse
for the r-cnpt.f paekaies at Harn'*en k Co, No. 1 Wall
street, New York, aud Livingston. Wells It Pomatey, No. 6
Kirhange. Alagny.
Dated New York. July g. 1(44 JafiJl*
Hamilton jhousf-fokt Hamilton, long
ISLAND?The anbseriber beg* leave to announce thsi
be has made arrserrui'ou wuh the Sia'ee Island Aieatnb at
Company to ran their h mi. oa end a^er Monday ihe l7th lost
rn the ab .ve plaee, and for the special accommodation of ibe
patrons and vis-tors lo this favorite spot
Leave New York, from Whitehall, at ? A. M. and ]Q P M.
Leave Hamilton House, retarding to (heritv at 7S A M
d ?h p m_ alonzo rIed
and 4* P
j,? Itawistf re
ME ..CVAflJW okleans.-louisiana am
VORK LI N t ? Regular packer of g?e Mth <
' TT e fast miIiiik (target ship LOUISYII.I k
C*l>i (Inui. will positively sail aa above, tier r?guiardny
For Irrignt or passajro, having beans nine Inraisneo arc- mn-.
datinaa, apply na board, at Orlsats Wt, p.ni ol Wallttrre*
or lo E. K ( til.LINK k CO
6g K"nth st'ee
rosi' ively nr goods received af'er iheevening ol rhe t.6th mst
Ac , is in New Orleans?Messrs. Mallin ?.i I Woo'rn" ? ?.
Will promptly forward all goods to their address
.ha packet ship Hanuville, Captain Cornell e.l .eec-r
ha LoaisviUa, aad mil isch Aagwat. jytr*
[Corrcipendence of the Harold ]
? Philadelphia, Sunday, July 7,18M
During the whole of yesterday St. Phili|'? de
Neri Church, Souihwark, waa surrounded by
crowds of angry and excited men. Late in the
afternoon, people residing in the neighborhood
commenced moving, and on the opposite side of
the street the American flag was displayed as a
means of protection. People seemed to have made
up their minds that the church was devoted to de
struction, and that as soon as night came, rit 'ous
forces from Kensington would make their ap; ir
ance and consummate this object. But the ci ?ti
tuted authorities were, this time, wide aw.ke.
Sheriff McMichael had summoned a strong f see
ol the citizens of the city proper, who would n. i flto
likely to he much acquainted with those ot S? ilti
wark or Kensington, (the opposite extremes of mt
city aod districts) and who would lor this ret -on
be disposed toj>erforni ihf ir duty with nior? Pjoti u
lude and decision. In addition to this, Gen ral
Cadwallader's brigade was under arms, iu wbic h is
included Col. Pleasanion's battallion of ariill- ry,
with two field pieces Gen. Hubbell's brigade v as
also under orders, and an armed detachment ot ho
same was posted as a guard at St. Paul's Chut< li,
The ward police of the two districts were p r
feclly organized and every thing was in readin m
to crush any outbreak the moment it should occur.
At about 6 o'clock >n the afternoon, the Sherili s
noute was upon the ground, and in less than livo
minutes afterwards, they had the street in front at
the Church cleared to the distance of a square such
way. Guards were then placed across the
to prevent the influx of the mob Abciul dusk the
troops bt gau to arrive; the Washington Blues. C*pt.
Patterson, reinforced the second company of Mats
Fencibles, which had been posted in the Church;
detachments were drawn up in front of the pobco
at the end of each avenue of approach. No hos
tile demonstrations were made by the mob till soma
time after dark, when a body of rioters, consisting
principally of boys, from 17 to M years of age, from
the upper districts, come down armed with cIuds
and other weapons of oflence, and amid the most
demoniac shouts and yells, made a
they supposed to be the peace police of the bheriH.
Their astonishment may be imagined, when in
stead of encountering hickory and
they wen- brought op all standing by the bayonets
of the military. The police seized the moment of
consternation lo make arrests, snd the noteis nea
up Catharine street, aflrightmg ihs
with their horrible yelling Tn?*y made a similar
assault upon Si. Paul's Church, Moyamensing, wiin
tlie same result. , , .. .
Foiled in their attempts to break the lines, they
returned to the vicinity of St Phillip's Church ana
stood around in presence of the mi itary in l^econd
and Third streets, shouting, hooting and rushing up
and down the streets. At about ten o'clock in the
evening this gang was reinforced by the dieotderly
from all parts ol ihe city and county, and every
thing indicated that matters were (.rowing ee"*-""
Second street for about a square was ihruiged, and
ihe multitude exhibited the most menacing and
determined aspect But the military and polic?
stood firm ami unmoved. Presently s shower of
bricks at the Third street line, which was the weak
est, annouueed that the mob had resolved to make
an another attempt to carry out their derigoa When
General Cadwallader at the head of ( ol. rleasan
ton'a regiment came down Queen street, the police
made a rush into the crowd, clearing both up ana
down Third street, making as many arrests as poa
eible, and a company of men were then drawo
.,cro-H the street with orders to fire should it be
come neceasny.
A piece of artillery waa also planted so aa to
sweep away all opposition, and the timid of ih6
mob having fled out of the range of the shot, the
more determined were seized by the police and put
under guard. In the mean time the main body ot
the rioters made a similar but more desperate at
tack upon the Second street line, with rio better
success, however, lor they were beaten off by the
stronger force there posted. In the course of theae
attacks General Cadwallader came near being un
horsed twice, and at one time a platoon of military
had their muskets leveled, and a wtitd trom their
commanding officer would have strewed the stie*W
of our city with the killed and wounded. Thero
were eight companies snd two pieces of cannon
upon the ground, and iit going among the ft*"!
with a majority of wham I ant well acquainted, I
heard the utmost readiness manifested to obey
every roininand given. Hnd s determtnsrton to
preserve ?hr peace, no matter at w hat sacrifice.
Among the arrests made by order of the General,
waa the Hon. Charles Naylor, formerly the whig
member ol Congress, lrom the Third Congressional
District, now and for sometime past represented ny
the Hon CJ. J. Ingersoll. Mr. N. was attached to
the Sheriff's posse, and when the General wao
giving t! e cautionaty order at Third and Queen
streets, "prepare to fire," he interposed by exclaim
ing, " General, don't fire." This set of insubordi
nation in presence of a mob, was the result ol Blia
apprehenttion on the part ot Mr N. mirtooR it
for an order to fire, and as he knew that a company
of riflemen were coming down the street at the mo
ment, lie interposed, as he imagined, to save them
from destruction. As the proper method of com*
municating this information should have been a
mere whimper, Hnd a? the loud eRpretiion, don t
fire " whs calculated to lead the mob to suppose that
a part ol the police were on their side, the General
had no other alternative than to order the gentle
mar. under arrest, to which he promptly submitted.
He remained under guard in the churah all night
awfully chagrined ana pacing the room in a
ing rage. Generals Patterson and Cadwallader
were as much mortified as he, but they were com
pelled to keep him in custody as the moral eneet
upon the multitude by his release would certainly
hHve been disastrous
The prompt new of the military and peace officer*
hud completely toiled the rioters, and at one o'clock
this morning, all was quiet, there being no persona
upon the ground hut the military ana a portion of
the peace police of the district.
Half-past 4 P. M. I have juat come from thn
scene of the riots. A single company of militair,
the Hihernia Greens, were left in charge of the
Church at daylight this morning, and before eleven
o'clock the mob had reassembled and planted two
pieces of artillery before the doors. The panel*
were then broken through and the prisoner*, among
whom was Mr. Naylor, were all liberated.
The Greens, however, maintained their station.
The congregation of Trinity, Episcopalian Church,
in the next street above, and the back part of which
is nearly opposite St. Philip's, was dispersed by iho
noiae m the midst of their worship, the women be
ing dreadfully frightened. A number of gentle
men succeeded in inducing the mob to isk# their
pieces of caonon away, but not until they had dis
charged it at the rear of the church from an ave
nue leading from Christian street, and blown in the
round window and shattered a portion of the btick
wall. At the request of Lewia C Levin of thie
city, the Hibernu Greens left the building to ap
peaae the rage of the rioters, but scarcely had
they left, when they were followed through the
street*, and beaten with sticks, stones, and every
imaginable missile.
At Third and German streets the* were so hard
pressed that two ol them tuined and fired, w< und
ing, but not an T believe, killing any person. Theso
two men were then chased into a house, but they
were finally brousht out, one succeeding in making
hisesCHpe, but the other was beaten in the most
shocking manner, and carried helpless to the watch
house. At Fifth and JmiihII another shot was fired
by a squad of two or three of the Greens uoder
hi in 11 s r citcuinstances, and one of them was left
lor dead in the gutter by the mob. We are in a
dreadful state, wuhoui law or order, the whola com
munity apparer.ilvjoining in or justify tug the out
rages Tlie aherifra poeee has been dismissed, and
cannot again be got together; the military are
tardy in assemblings and the mob has possession of
the District ol Souihwark.
Lust night a jeweller's shop underneath the
" >pirit of the Times" office was burned oat, and
rumor attributes it to design. Several Iri-h houses
have bean atoned, one, a Mr. John McCoy's in
Front street, Southwark, and the others the resi
dences of noor people in Fitzwater street, Moya
rnensing. It ia now near time for the mail to eloae
and I must also close. The dtama, however, ia
hiiII going on, and we ^know not how eoon it ma*
burst out into one of tfie must awful flames which
ever lit up this or any city?nor can any ono
venture to predict the end.
PniLADKi.M(x, 4 P. M , Sunday.
Dka* Sis t?
The cloud that haa threatened for the last two
days has burst upon this city once mors.
In consequence of the Irish carrying muskets into
their churchea on the 4th and ftth inat., the people
assembled around St. Phillip's Church, near the
Navy Yard, and threatened u? tear it down For
ihe last forty-eight hours the military have been
under arms in the neighborhood ; and about two
?'clock this morning, the mob made a rush to at
tack the church. Gen Cadwallader ordered the
until' ry to hre one ol the ennttnna Th- Han Mr.
NIV|or, ex-M. C , threw binselt in front <>f tha
cannon and said, lie would be the fir-t man killed.
He was arrested and confined in the church all
night This morning ?he mob obtained a caano*

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