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THE NEW YORK HERALD NEW YORK. TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 9, 1844. .Terrible State of Affairs in Philadelphia. RIOTS RE-OOMMENGED, GREAT LOSS OF LIFE. The Hob and the Military. SEIZURE OF CATHOLIC CHURCHES. We five below the particulars received yester day afternoon from Philadelphia. [from Philsdalphia Times (Loco and Anti Native) July 8 ] Our city is once more the scene of riot and bloodshed?of civil war?and of fearful out rages upon ihe laws and resistance 'o the con stituted authorities. The State House Bell is tolling the alarm, and the streets are filled with an alarmed multitude, whose features ex hibit eve>y variety of feeling, from deep indigna tion at the utter, hopeless, and lameutable ineffi ciency of our municipal government, to lamenta tion at the sad nature of cuirent events. A mob at our present writiag, hus complete possession ot the lower part of the city. The rioters have driven on the military and seized St. Philip's Church, killing one or two of the Hi bernia Green's in their rage. Other troops have returned to the ground?have fired upon the crowd killed and wounded 12or 15 individuals?a number of the rioters have proceeded to arm themselves for the conflict?the air is alive with the groans ot the wouaded and dying, with the imprecations ot thei^friends, and every thing wears the aspect of a : iterate and mortal combat that will be likely, before this page is in the hands of our readers, to deluge onr streets with blood. * * * * t Nothing weuld uow satisfy the rioters, but the marching of the Hibernia Greens from the ground with reversed arms. Between 2 and 3 o'clock, P. M-, this was done, the Greens being escorted by the Warkle Rifle Co., a portion of the mob follow ing. At Second and German streets the Rifle Ceinpany left the Greens. The latter turned into German street, where encoun:ering another mob, the latter attacked them with brickbats. The Greens fired retreating, for several squares, wound ing three or four persons, some of tue bullets en tering dwelling houses, and one a Protestant church They then broke and run for thsir lives, the mob in pursuit. Most of them arrived early at the May or's office where they were put in safety. One of them?private Robert Gallagher?ran into a house at the N. W corner ef Fifth and Small afreet, and up stairs. The mob rushed in?he fired down stairs?one Native was slightly injured?he was captured. His captors held the butt-end of the musket out oi the window to show that tbsy had secured it A boy in the street, mistaking their intention, fired a pistol at the window, and weunded Robert Lyons, a native, in the arm. In the meantime, Mr. Gallagher was dragged down stair*, beaten horribly, mutilated, hauled through Small street to Sixth street, and treated with savage inhumanity The Moyamensing police released the dying man from the mob, but were beaten off by the rioters afterwards, and the bleeding victim was at length borne ?fl to the Southwark watch house. St. Pliilip's Church was now left unprotected The mob rushed into it like a torrent, ana an awful scene of desecration and destruction commenced Three leaders and a peace-posse ot natives suc ceeded in saving much of the church furniture, and until 9 P. M. riot reigned supreme?the whole Division of the military which had been ordered out at 3 P. M. being safely (the greater portion) locked up atthcGirard Bank (it really seemed) for protection! At 6 P. M. the rioters had retired from the church, and it was in possession of a com mittee of about one hundred natives, who really seemed anxious to preserve the building, and who deprecated all these acts of violence as calculated to injure the cause ef true nativeism. We feel bound to do them justice, for they seemed sincere in their efiorts to restore order, and felt no doubt the full extent of the truth, that wicked spirits were perverting their cause to the worst purposes, and making it a cloak for the most nefarious designs About 8 P. M., a part of ths First Division arrived on the ground. - General Cadwallader demanded and obtained possession of the Church'. All war quiet. Multitudes of excited people arrived, but no demonstrations of violence. The Committee commenced retiring from the Church, two by two. At this moment Capt. Hill, ot the City Guards, posted oa Queen above Second street, got into e collison with some elderly person. Capt. H. struck at the latter with his sword. The mau got the sword from Capt. H.?a crowd gathered?Capt. II was knocked down?an attempt was made to stab him?one of his soldiers rushed forward to bayonet the one about to murder Cspt. U.?some boye threw stones at the military?confusioa ensusd?? riot?Ges. Cadwallader rushed up excited?gave the word (it is said) to fire /?a murderous dis charge of several volleys took place from the mus kets of the City Guards and Cadwallader Greys, up and dowu 2d street, and down Queen st, at any and every citizen en the ground,withost previouswarning or discrimination. This was a terrible procedure. The streets were filled to overflowing with crowds of people, and the air was instantly filled with cries of human agony. Women and children were pass ing from houae to house, and a Mrs. Lisle, wife of Capt. Lisle, of Front, below Queen street, who was leaving a house where she had been visiting, was shot through the left arm. Many of the Com mittee were also wounded, undone killed. About five others were filled on the spot, whose names we could not obtain, and a great number wounded mortally. ,*The- rioters immediately congre gated at the Wharton Market, organized, armed themselves with muskets, obtained two nieces of oidnance, repaired to the scene of bloodshed, and about 9 P. M. commenced a san guinary battle with the military?cannon and small arms being freely ased on both sides. The names of those wounded at the first fire on Queen stteet, are James Lawson, Mr. Sansenberger, James Tul le, of Lombard street; Mr. Strert, brother of the liev. Mr. Street; Mr. Carter, Win. Lanning. A man who was walking with the Committee had his face shot entirely away. An old man waa kill ed on the pavement in Queen below Second street. A friend undertook to pick him up. A soldier aimed at, and shot him dead. A waterman with ?. W on his arm was also killed. Mr. Lanning was shot at a square's distance from the scene of danger. The soldiers were so exasperated, they pur sued 'he ciowd in all directions, firing and charg ing on the fugitives wit.i their bayonets. About 9 o'clock began the general engagement between the rioters and the military, with c<?nnon and mus kets. A continual firing was kept up iu the vitini ty of Qusen nnd Second streets, raking those two streets completely. The rioters planted one can non at Queen street wharf, and pointing it up thai street, did immense mischief. They say the gun was managed by four sailors. One discharge, it is said, killed and wounded 20 soldiers. The battle raged furiously for two hours, between 10 and 11 o'clock, P. M the contest was very severe. The number of killed and wounded is immense, though it is impossible to ascertain the number The mili tary have suffered terribly. Capt. R. K Scott, ol the CadwalladerOrays, was shot in the spine, and is, it is fearsd, in mortal danger. Col. Pleasanton, ?f the Artillery Regiment, was wounded in the groin?soins silver change in his pocket preserving his life. Capt. Murphy, of the National Artillery, is also, we learn, badly wounded. One or two of the dwellings adjacent to St. Philip's church have been converted into a Military Hospital. The kil led and wounded of the rioters were carried off by their friends, though many were left dying in vari ous places unrecognized. Amongst others wound ed, *ye glenn the names of John Shuster, Lemuel Paynter, W. J. Barne, Henry Slack, and John Cook. About ten persons have been removed to the Hospital, the majority of them not expected to live over a few hours. The contest was continued at interval up to one A. M., different detachments of the military going to the aid of their associates until at about midnight, the whole division was on the ground. The rioters proceeded to Merrick it Towne's Foundry, on the railroad, during the heat of the engagement, compelled the watchman to give up the key of the establishment, and furnish them with al> th# grape shot in the place, and all the iron-scrapings, itc., with which they loaded their four or five pieces of ordnancs, and did great execution. Each military aid was fired at from the corners ot the streets, sr pelted with stones, as he passed with orders from the communding offi cers, <fcc. 2 o'clock Monday morning.?The scene of the late carnage, is now in almost complete pessession of the military. The rioters have generally been driven to a distance, where they ars rallying round their guns, and preparing, it is said, for something dreaillul with which to begin the morning. Even at this hour there are ciowds of persons in the streets, and an immense number of rioters are pouring in from Kensington and other districts, with muskets and canntiu, to sustain their fellows. All is in confusion, ^families are weeping and mourning in great distress. Some houses are com pletely riddled with shot. The greatest alarm arid ezciternent prevails, and God only knows what the morning may produce. We dread to think of it. And this is the City of Brotherly Love ! [From Philadelphia Sun, (Native,) July 8.] Anothk* Outrage of thk Irish Catholics.? After the pacific and exemplary deportment of the Native Americans on the Anniversary of our Inde pendence?when quiet and order reigned in every quarter of our city, in a manner beyond all ex amples of former times, ex-oping universal admi ration, and permitting every description and clai-s of persons the fullest measure of freedom?after such a demonstration of peaceful forbearance, we say, who could have dreamed, in the wildest ima ginings of a suspicious temper, that the Irish Cath olics were even at that moment plotting in secret the massacre of Native Americans, by a scheme ol their own diabolical hatching. A wicked plot to provoke the natives to stand again on the defen sive, to protect their lives and property. Who, we say, could have conceived of such unparalleled atrocity, under such circumstances of order, peace and even magnanimous forbearance displayed by the twenty thousand natives who celebrated the Fourth in h irmouy, molesting none, offering) insult to none, and exteuding the hand of amity to all! It was indeed, a base return for such generous and friendly conduct, for the Irish Catholics to arm their churehes in open day-light, to exasperate a population yet smarting under their injuries, and provoke an assault from the Natives for the un generous purpose of afterwards casting odium upon that party! Was it manly 1 Was it hon ourable 1 Was it Christian-like l And what justi fication do they give for such base conduct! What excuse do thev offer for this formidable preparation of deadly conflict?amounting to one hundred musk* ets, a large number of pistols, a keg of gunpowder, with slugs andjballs in proportion! Why, Priest Dunn merely atates, that he had received an " anonymous letter," threatening to burn the church ! No it appears that the whole native popu lation are to be at any moment assassinated by an armed band of Irish Catholics, on the strength ol anonymous letters! Letters which they themselves fabricate in any number, at any moment and which never can or ought to be given in justification of any hostile preparation against a party who had de monstrated so nobly by their conduct on the Fourth, that they were as far elevated above an unworthy act, as these men are incapable of appreciating lofty, generous and magnanimoua conduct. Now such a letter could not have been written by a Nati ve, if there be such a letter at all, for that would have defeated his purpose. It must have been written by one ol their own party, and if so, it must have been written only to produce a scene of violence and bloodshed. If the Americans desired to have burned the church, what prevented the accomplish inent of such a deed on the 4th or on the 6th, be fore the arrival of the posse ! Why wait for the 6th, and then send a notice sf their intention ! How ridiculous then to say, that any anonymous letter is sufficient warrant for such a preparation tor deadly assault as was made within tne walls of St. Philips He Neri! When apprised of the deposite of this formidable armament, the Natives very properly de manded that theyahould be removed from the church aa a precaution against another massacre from be hind its walls, such as had occurred to stain out country with intamy at Kensington. When this demand was made, twelve musk(t? only wert brought out by the Sheriff and Priest Dunn. The people, not satisfied with this partial proceeding, Ksisted on sending a committee of twenty. To is request the Sheriff replied, on a solemn declar ation, that there were no other arms in the Church! But an examination being insisted upon, seventy five muskets, with pistols and ammunition were discovered! Is comment necessary on an act so bare-faced and flagitious! No. But the plot was deemed necessary to support the ridiculous chargt of " persecution" preferred against the Americans, and to give plausibility to their false and malicioui imputations against the Natives as church burners! Thank Heaven no American can be accused ol murder and massacre. As Americans, the charac ter which the Natives have established for them selves, as lovers of law, peace and order, is not to be impugned with success by the only people who are notorious among us for anarchy and riot, luiii'iii nnu ucDuiaiiuu. The time Ims arrived, when truth munf b? vindi cnted with a leailrss henrt, by the people, one and by the plots of Catholic Priests, or tin all?unawed i vile slanders of their tools. Rights must be de fended, and justice and law maintained at every sacrifice. There can be but one opinion in this community, upon this monstrous outrage? tlio crave and important subject. Shame, eternal shame will be the doom of these Irish Catholic Conspirators, who thus attempt to hatch unother reign of anatch and bloodshed, upon the basr authority of a despicable 41 anonymous letter." Since the above was written, the sspect ol ihe citv has become black, tuffocaling, and bloody At half past 3 o'clock the crowd had swelled tc thousands. Mr. Johnson, cabinet-maker, was ad dressing the people in part of the church, beggiop them to desist. Some groaned and some cheered Drunken men and hoys were in abundance.? Messrs Grover and Levin were inside doing al' ihey could to allay the excitement. A few stonet were thrown at the windows of the frame house next to the church on the west side, and in a mo ment Col. Jack appeared from said window and vpoke fot sometime. A large battering ram was now aimed at the door, bat the blows were avert ed by Mr. Johnson. Just at this time, some boys got over the breast-work near the rear of the church and punched a hole through a wall erectec in a line in front or ths church, and a few people now poured in and forced an entrance through the door. The brick work on the top of the aperture now fell with a tremendous crash, and strange to relate, the people who were passing through did not get hurt. The prevailing worda which rang through the multitude was 44 no fire!" 44 no fire!" 44 no fire." Just at this time the State House bell struck for the riot, and immediately (it not being generally known that it was for the riot,) the firemen repair ed to the church, thinking it to have been se. on fire. When they found out their mistake they soon returned to their respective locations. j|The ringing of the bell however, was the signal tor tne Military of the city and county to beat to quarters, and it caussd much excitement to pre vail among the inhabitants thereof. Bodies ol armed citizens are now parading the street, under regular military discipline and getting ready to prevent a general riot. At this time,which is five o'clock,'Mr.Perry is ad dressing a meeting in Queen street above Second, and the Natives there assembled seem to be de termined in their efforts to preserve the Church from destruction. An Irishman it was said was found secreted in a closet in the church. This, we believe, was not true ; he behaved rather improperly in front ol the church and was told to keep quiet?he would not and was then arrested by Mr. Charles Serine and taken to ihe lock up under the Hall. While on the road, the mob made a rush and beat him, and kicked Mr. Strine several times in the ribs. The man was considerably beaten about the head, and the blood streamed from him profusely He was at length taken into the Hall and his wounds were properly attended to. Wholesale Murder?Eight o'clock, P M.? Up to this hour the citizens who had possession of the church, preserved the utmost order in and about Queen street, until the arrival of the mili tary,winch was about a quarter past seven o'clock Gen. Cadwallader rode up to the church and demanded Irom Mr. Grover the* possession of it. The Church wus immediately given into the pos session of the military, and the Captain of some company, we do not know his name, commenced saying?44 Clear out, clear out, clear the street," when a boy apparently about 16 years of age, said something like " give us time and we will." He said something else, when the officer became much enraged, and made an attempt to stick him with his sword, and when lie was about to do it, the citizens rushed to ill boy's rescue, and just at this moment the City Light Guards, fired upon the citizens and a number of them tell, four, we learn, were killed. One young man, named Reese or Reeves, residing near 5th and Parish streets, was wounded. The conster nstiontwhichtprevailed at the time, was so great, that we cannot tell how many were wounded,though we happened to be in the crowd at the time it was fired upon. We saw while running, some women falling in the street; whether they were shot or not, we cannotsay; we believe, however, that one female was wounded. All this was done in two or three minutes. We did not hear any timely warn ing given; no time was given to the multitude to disperse: and thus every man who pulled a trigger on that lamentable occasion, is a murder _ _ murderer. We do say, at a reporter and a citizen, that some of the officers acted more like drunken men than any thing else. As a matter cf course the people fled in all di rections?men, women and children, much fright ened, seemed as it they did not know which way ..... 'PU? L I.. ~I* .L_ . .1 J toruii. The great body of the people when they fellow citizens butchered in cold blood, saw their l v?,? as they were, retreated, and obtained several field pieces to battle with tne military?but up to this time of writing, 8 o'clock, they have not retali ated. John Street, boot maker, in Second street, whb j shot m the knee, carrying away the entire calf. Robert Lyon, shot in the left arm. Sarnonburg, wounded in the thigh. I* Carter.shot in the abdomen Thomas Tally, shot in the right arm. William Crosier, killed Resided in a court running north from Fluni above George; was shot in the head. He was quite aged and lame. Lewis Jones was severely wounded in the shoulder, ?t Fifth and Queen streets. Elijah Jesier, a chairuiaker, in the employ of A. i VlcDonough, was mortally wounded about half] iw>t nine o'clock last evening. , A man named MacDonald, lies dead at the oouthwark Hall. Jacob Corndoffer, Southwark, shot through the head, reported dead. A man named Thalbert, of Fifth Watd, was dangerously wounded. Capt. Teal, a grey-headed man, lies dead at | Soutnwark Hall. Several other citizens, whose names we could not obtain, are killed or wounded. . James Dougheitv, a young lad about 16 years1 old, shot in tne right temple, und instantly killed, at the corner of Second and Queen. His mother resides a' Flight und Locust. I About 11 o'clock the citizens rallied in numbers, | and having provided themselves with un old ship , cannon, commenced an attack on the military, discharging their piece loaded with stones and nth er missileB, several times, in the affair Captain j Scott, of the Cadwallader Greys, was mortally ! wounded, and severdl of the soldiers are reported | to have been killed or maimed. Col. Pleasonton is reported wounded. The ammunition of tne citizens was, however, soon exhausted, when they retreated south to the Wharton Market, and are making fearful prepara tions for the renewal of hostilities. The military, conscious of the flagrant outrage they have been led into by criminally rash men, are deserting on every opportunity ; and God only knows what the approaching day may bring foytn. 12 o'clock Midnight.?We ure compelled to go j o press, and have only a closing remark to make ; the Catholics of this city have in a measure effect-1 ?-d the fell purpose at which 'they aimed, thut oi bringing the American military in collision with American citizens. This they have pursued with a purpose both as systematic as characteristically vi ctous. Having obtained a legal opinion that a mob may be summarily fired on by the military, they have left no stone unturned to raise a mob round i their churches, both by incendiary publica tions und an unnecessary exhibition of armed array when there was not a shadow of dan ger. It the American Republicans had been found i trraying themselves in every quarter, und making | barracks of their head quarters, for the purpose ol intimidating the Catholics, we should nave been i the first to expose and denounce the injudicious act; as it is, the fearful responsibility rests with 1 those whose overt demonstrations of menace or taunt have begot the dreadful issue that we this j :i ti... ? " ? day detail. But enough, an awful responsibility rests on the head of both the instigators and the . ? ?. - ?.. ...w nnu UIC authors of the horrid butcheries of yesterday and last night. [Fram U. 8. Gazette, (Whig) July 8 ] It is with a sense of deep humiliation that we state that one of the districts of Philadelphia has been the scene of almost continued riots since the evening of the 5th instant. We gave, on Saturday morning, some account of what took place on the evening previous; and in another column, will be found our reporter's statement of occurrences since Saturday morning We cannot comment upon them, as they will reach the office after the neces sary departure of the editor, who is called to an ex traordinary meeting of the City Councils, on Sun day evening. Facts, however, are what is needed. We understand that orders were issued by Major Jeneral Patterson early yesterday, for a consider able portion of the troops ef the Second Brigade ? There waB a constant alarm during the afternoon, axd at 4 P. M. the State House bell was struck, to assemble the citizens to preserve the peace of the city. The Girard Banking House was opened at noon, as the head quarters of Major General Pat terson. The County troop was at head quarters on duty, | and arrangement* were made for protecting he ?ity during the night. At 4 o'clock, Alderman ,., ? ........ mini;,, Alderman Havs reported that he had thirty men of Dock Ward under armx ; and after that, otner Aldermen report 'd the situation of their several Ward Companies and commanders of military companies also report ?*d These were dispersed by the Major General. ?nd their proceedings wil', of course,'be found in 'he record of the proceedings by the reporters. - ...Oo x.j ?mv it I'l/ItClB. After the nbove was written, the contest between the troops and the rioters became se regular thai 'he whole assumed the appearance of a contest be tween parties engaged in civil war. We resume the eport of occurrences, as they have transpired at the Catholic Church of St. Philip de Neri, Southwark The crowd increased, and about eleven o'clock, it was manifest that there was a strong determina 'ion to release Mr Naylor, by force. Previous to his the City Guards had been relieved by the ar aval ot the Mechanic Rifle and Montgomery Hi I hernia Greens. The lact of the latter company beinji in the church, seemed to add fuel to the flame, ['he assemblage in froflt of the Church increased; ind the mob, having nothing now to complain ol, began to imagine tnat there was some unknown treason in the Irish Volunteer company, which w* have mentioned being in the Church ; it was de ermined they should be ejected; they were obliged in this; and out the whole of the volunteer fotce marched, the M&ikle Rifles nnd the Mechanic Rifles acting aa a sort of guard to the Hibernia Greens. The American companies were vehe mently cheered, but the Irish company was groaned at every step?followed tor squares?the other com .inntes jeered lor being with it, and several rusher were made upon the three. At length the -- ,? v , ...I ?v. n> leilftlll llir Greens" wheeled and fired, fortunately withoui much effect. A firmer from Bucks county, named Robert Lyons, (a mere spectatui) was wounded in the arm, and is at the Hospital. A ball entered the window shutter of the house 358 Pouth 2d street, within four inches of the head of Col. R. F. Christy The detachment was then attacked, and each member of it made his escape from the ground as best he could, without the least regard to discipline or order. One member of the Greens was follow j ' . VxTl , O-Iim wao IUIIUW* Hi to hia honse, at Fifth and Small atrcct, from whence he fired two shots. The house was pre sently assailed and carried by the mob, who drag ged the man from it, and carried him down to the | Southwark Commissioners' Hall, bestowing b owe upon him plentiously by the way. On" his 'arrival in the neighborhood of of excitement, the fury of the populace was absolutely without bounds "He was knocked down, and trampled knocked down, and trampled upon by hundreds with nlmost demoniac violence. * * * * But it was not lung before a small party of boys and Irishmen, (the Reporter stood near and is cer tain of the fact,) having procured a huge log, be gan to use it as a battering ram agiinst the west ernmost door of the front. On the instant, a num ber of gentlemen rallied to its defence, and sus tained themselves manfully against the most des perate attacks. The most conspicuous among these was a gentleman named Mchlroy. who su? mined the combined fury of several determined attacks, and whose bravery deserves more eulogy than we have space to bestow upon it. Finding all attempt to force the door ineffectual, an attack as sudden as it was successful was made upon a wall recently erected at the western extremity of the front. A breach was instantly made, and the as sailants poured into and through It with fearful ra pidity ; nn entrance to the church was gained?a renewed attack was made upon the doors, and is protectors, disheartened by the entrance of the mob into the church by other means, gave way, and soon there was ingress sod egress for all who choose to avail themselves of it. To our surprise nothing within was injured or destroyed, and after what seemed to be mere curiosity had been /ratified, the church remained quiet inside, with 'he exception of some little bustle in one corner, where Colonel Jack was engaged in organizing a "oeeial corns for the protection of the church from incendiarism. Th* Nioht ? Every thin* remained quiet until about seven o'clock, when a detachment of mili tary undor General Oadwallader arrived upon the ground, and proceeded to take up poaitiona for the defence of the church. Cannon were placed so as to command Queen street, east and west, and Se cond street, north and south. Platoons of soldiers were stretched across the street at Third and Queen, Second and Queen, and around the Commission ers' Hall. Thie disposition of force being made, Gen. Cadwaltader informed Mr. Grover that the military would protect the church, and that the citizen force might be discharged, which was done, the men marching out two and two and mingling quietly with the crowd ; but before all had left, the report of firearms at Second street was heard. This was occasioned, we believe, so far as the many contradictory stories can be reconciled with proba bility, by the crowd pressing on the company of Cadwnllader Greys, Captain R. K. Scott, and the City Guards, Captain Hill. Orders were given to the men to force them back, and in doing to one of the officer* encourtered a man who refused to retrept, the officer thereupon struck him with his sword and the bk>w wai returned. A scuffle then ensued?a brick was thrown from the crowd at tlte soldiers?and immediately afterward the firing commenced. It seems from all (hat can be gather ed that the crowd were besought to retire by ihe officers, and their obstinate refusal compelled them to resort to the last means. The soldiers commenc ed firing by files, and trom thirteen to twenty shots told among the crowd, and at least seven men were killed almost instantly. One man was taken up with nearly two-thirds of his face blown away ; another had his abdomen ripped open, and the en trails protruded in a most shocking manner. The scalp of a third was sent ftom his head, and a fouith, who seemed to be a waterman, and bore the letters E W. and an anchor pricked in blue in his rigfit arm, was instantly killed by a ball which entered his right breast, traversed acioss the chest, and came out at the left side. An immense degree oi excitement was created againat Captain Hill, of the City Guards, who it was asserted had given the order to fire upon the crowd without any warning to them to re tire. This volley caused the dispersion of the crowd, but increased the exasperation of the disaflected to a fearful pitch. A mob gathered in the rear ol the Commissioner's Hall, where two or three of the bodies of the slain were carried, and after angry parley, broke into the Hall and took therefrom h considerable number of the muc-keta, which had been brought from the Church and deposited there Threats were made against a number of soldiers, who were stationed in the lower part of the Hall, and finally a gathering was had at the Hay J-Calee, near the Wharton Market, below the Southwark Railroad, and about9 o'clock, abody ot men came down Federal Btreet preceded by a four pounder cannon, roughly mounted, and drawn with ropes The men who followed in the rear were armed with muskets in part, and with other instruments of offence. They proceeded to Front stteet, and up Front street to Queen, where they quietly pluced the cannon at the middle of the junction of the street, so as to range along Queen street, towards Second, at which latter street a body of military and a six pounder were placed. The darkness fa vored their operations, and they were undisturbed until they had fired the piece, which was heavily loaded with fragments of iron, that had been has tily collected. At thesame time the mob fired wi h muskets in the same direction from such covered positions us they could find, and the fire was im mediately answered by a volley from the military, and the discharge of the field piece. The firing on both sides was then kept up at iniervals until about 10 o'e'ock, when it temporarily ceased. The mob had at that hour two pieces, placed so as to range Queen street, and had also a fifteen pounder, which they could not use, because it was not mounted. The feefing among them seemed to be that of despeia tion, and threats of the most startling character were very generally used by them against the nuli tary, and especially against General Cadwallader It was utterly impossible to obtain a definite ac count ot the loss ot killed and wounded in the lasi encounter, although the reporter underwent a dan gerous risk in order to do so. It wasgenerally said that two of the mob at Second and Queen street were killed. Colonel Pleasunton is slightly wound cd in the groin, and Capt. it. K. Scott dangerously in the spine. It is believed that the list ol killed and wounded on both sides will be large. At 11 o'clock, Major General Patterson detailed the Ger man battalion, with two field pieces, and the com panies of Washington Cavalry, and First Coun y Troop, under the command of General Rouinfort, as a reinforcement, and the column immediately moved to the scene of action. We unders-tund that the Sheriff, lute last evening, addressed a note to the commander of Fort Mifiliu, requesting him to send to the city as many of his troops as he could spare trom his command. The reports of the guns shook the houses in the vicinity?shattering windows and damaging furniture. Balls passeu into many of them, and the inmates were com pelled to retire precipitately by the back ways leaving all their property behind them. In one instance an aged lady was obliged to be Idled over a fence, and while tlilt was being done a ball cut off" the branch of a tree near by. About ooe o'clock. A- M. the First City Troop of Cavalry, Captain Butler, was ordeted to proceed to the vicinity ot the church, and it possible, cap nire and spike the guns used by the mob. This duty was immediately performed, and at half past one o'clock information had been received at Hem; Quarters that the large fifteen pounder had hem captured at the corner of Filth and Queen streeit *nd spiked. hate last night we heard that during the en counter which occurred after nine o'clock, a man named John Cooke, was shot beside the cannon stationed at Front and Queen street. He had firei the piece twice, and was about to apply the match a third time, when the discharge of a musket near him revealed the position of the mob to the military and lliey instantly fired their piece. A grape shot took effect in Cooke'a groin and killed htm instant ly. An old man named Field was also killed by two bullets, which passed through his breast. A young man who was not recognized, was likewise shot dead. At half-past one o'clock, a meeting of the dis rtfleeted was held at Wharton Market without ostensible object. Rumors were generally prevalent that they intend ed to make another attack upon the Military, and had entered into an organization, made arrange ments tor procuring ammunition, etc. Two o'clock, A. M.?All is quiet, but it is rumored that another attack is to be made upon the military at 4., A M. Sijll Latkr ?We have learned from Head Quarters that the origin of the firing upon tht crowd at seven o'clock last evening, was in con sequence of an attack made upon the City Guards Capt. Hill was struck to the earth, and an attempt was made to stab him with his own sword. While in this situation, one of his Lieutenants gave the order to fire, which was done. The military are continually harrassed by the mob, and men are said to be lying in wail upon the roots of houses in the vicinity of the Church ready to fire ? henever an occasion offers. It is now said that three ot'the soldiers are killed, two or three mortally wounded, and some more considerably hurt?in all about twelve. The following is believed to be a list of the killed and wounded. Other names will be found in the report above. John Cook, an oysterman, about SOyears of age, was killed upon the spot Win. Crozier, residing in Plumb street above Se cond, his face half shot off with a load of slugs died immediately. Capt. Teal, an old patriot, 90 years old, ball en tered the neck; a ball in the stomach. I Joseph McDaniel shot through the heart, ball passing out the opposite side. Theodore Slack, residing in Queen street, above Second?wounded in the leg. Dr. Appleton wounded in the leg and arm Thomus^Street an old man residing near Second and Race, wounded in the knees. A young lady, 18 years of age, whose name we could not learn, shot with a ball through the thigh Mr. Raggs, wounded in the leg, residing in John street above Front. Henry Slack, residing in Carpenter, above Sixth, wounded in the thigh with a slug. Henry Jones, wounded in the right shoulder, re siding in Christian above Third. Two horses of the military shot dead near Second and Catharine. One of the troops fell from his horse, supposed to be shot. Capt. R. K. Scott, commander of the Cadwal lader Grays, was shot, it is feared mortally in the spine. Col. Plesssntnn slightly wounded. Thomas Faulkner was shot, but not seriously wounded. Thomas D. Grover, received a bayonet thrust through his coat. Joseph Silby, "-'outhwark, wounded in the should er and thigh?mortally wounded ("apt. Lyle'swife, residing in Catharine street be low Third, wounded in the arm. Mr Guy, residing in Penn stre-t above South, wounded in both legs. [From Philadelphia Inquirer (Whig,) July A ] Our reporters have returned from the deplorable scenes in Southwark. Just before sundown a con siderable body of trooiw marched* to the ground, under the command of General Cadwallader. A committee of Native Americans, which until that time had held possession of the Church, came for ward and gave it in custody ol the military. Alter this, a difficulty occurred (ictween Captain Hill and an individual in the crowd, in which others took (Mift But respecting the origin of the tragic scenes which followed, we have really heard so many con flicting accounts, that it is utterly impossible for us to give the details with confidence. The military however, fired. Several persons fell desd anil others wounded, and nmong them two or three of those who had just come out of the Church, which they had been protecting, as above stated. The excitement now increased at a fearfiil pace. A pause then ensued?but every now and then a discharge occurred. The heaviest, perhaps, took ! place at about half past JO, when two pieces of ar tillery were tired in quick succession against the military?and mutantly 'oliowed by a rolling tire of mui-ketry, evidently from a large body of soldiers. Again, a brief pause ensued?only brief, however, for the discharges and vollsys, loth of artillery and musketry, now came thick and teat The scene in the iinmed ate vicinity was indeed appalling? wives screaming for their husbands, children lor their father, ana nil alarmed and ternfied in the ex treme. Mangled and dead bodies ever and anon borne along, reports of friends or relatives killed, rushes of the crowd Irom some false or real ground of apprehension?all bore witness to a frightiul dra ma that was inprogress. The loss ot lite must have been dreadful?but it is utterly impossible in the present state of public excitement, even to guess at the numbers ol killed or wounded on either side. We anticipate with the keenest apprehension, the discloaures of the morning?disclosures which will carry dismay and anguish into the bosoma of many families, and make every sensitive mind contemplate with griei and horror, the dreadful loss of human lite. Two o'ci.ock Monday mornino Small knots of people may he seen along Second and Third streeis, at almost every corner between .Market and Catherine. They are talking over ihe aiiairs of the night, and ua may well be supposed, in many cases wuh much excitement and teeling A gentleman who has just come up Thud street says, that he was taken into custody below, having unconsciously gone beyond one ot the guard sta tions of the military. A report of a cannon lias just been heard, the first that has disturbed the silence of the night for un honr and a halt. The military still occupy Queen street, in front of the church, and the avenues lead ing to the building. The Commissioner's Hall, Southwark, has been converted into a temporary hospital, and several dead bodies were there an hour or two ago. We trust that daylight will bring tranquillity and repose, and we sincerely hope that we may never be called upon again to record such painful scenes We have this moment been informed ihatalarge meeting has been held in Wharton street market - the authentic particulars of which huve not yet transpired in this part ot the city. (.From Philadelphia T.rrtger (Catholic and afterwards Native,) June 8 J More R iotfno.?As we write, the city is again thrown into a ferment by fresh riots. The parti culars tip to the latest hour are in another column. It is only by oft repeating the truth that it has its effect. Over and over again has the Ledger advo cated the supremacy ol law, and the suppression of riots. Hut we feel it our duty again to repeat what we have so often said. In the name of uh that is decent, tiue and just, in the name of the ?spirit ot tree institutions, we would invoke peacs and quiet for the city. Here we are again dis graced by outrages, by the attempt to commit high crimes by niuliitudes of men. What ideas can these misguided persons have of liberty or lawl Lo they not reflect that they are in a country where all power springs from the neoplel where equal and exact justice is guaranteed to the citizen by the forms of lawl where every wrong has its remed) according to lawl We would ask them in all so berness and earnestnesa to reflect on the atrocious character of their proceedings; to consider that vto lence in the parent of violence, and that their at tempts to put down the authorities must be met with force that cannot calculate for consequences, but must vindicate the majesty of the law at all hazards. The present riot has been the work of a desperate set of men, who were opposed by th Native American natty. The latter were posted to guard the Church ot St. Philip against the at tacks of these men, belonging to no parly, actuated by no principle, not even that of blind revenge, but moved merely by a reckless disregard of all civil restraints, and rioting for the love ot riot. It belongs to the press to urge upon citizens to support the laws. Hupport the authority*?stand by the men who are deputed to administer the laws?crush the riot. Such should be the advice and action of all good citizens. * ? * * Mr Levin was lollowed hy Mr. Gruver and others, who succeeded in piicily in* the crowd so far that they promised :<> spare th? church if the Hibernia Greens were taken out i t ihe but u ding. 'tins wasai Ian <l....o, und ilie MaiKIr Kifles came out guarding the Hibernia Greens Thev proceeded together lip Second street as far h German, a crowd following and cheering the nfli ?ompany, but pelting the G ecus as of:en as the* soulri get a chance. At German street the Green rapidly retreated, some ol them filing their nius ket- as they fled. One of the Hibernia Urei ns, named Robert G&llaher, wan caught in Pine alley near Shippen street, and moat teinlily beaten about 'lie head and face. He, however, does not appeal to have received any mortal iniur^ and may re cover with care and attention. The terms upot which the military had given up the church were, that they would guaranty the safety of the build ii g. The fact tnat the Hihernia Greens shouh tire upon their pursuers, and the rumors that soon organ to float about that several persons had been wounded by their fire, caused a new excite ment to spring up, which soon bid fair tc ?et at defiance all the eflorts of the vo lunteer guardians of the edifice. The throng in front ol the church again became dense, am nthough Mr. Levin pleaded most eloquently thai iliey should unite in keeping sacred the word ol those who had vowed to preserve the edifice, tber* were some present who apprarsd bent on the de traction of it. In the breach made in the door it the morning, Messrs Grover, Johnson and Wright Aids, manfully stood their ground, and wiih every Itrgument they could devise, ap|>ealrd to those who stood around to second their endeavors.? \ large log of wood was hoisted up for the purpoM if butsting the door entirely open; but thoBe near eat the door joined in preventing this use of it 1. Ja About four o'clock Col. .rack rode up, and getting into the second story of the house above the church, addressed the crowd to the same effect as those who had preceded him While he was speaking, however, stones were flying at the windows to wards Third street. Tre active rioters were ?' 'his time engaged in making a breach in the brick wall recently erected above the church, and it dio not take long to make it large enough to admit nn> person at a time. When this was accomplished, (he mob thronged in pell mcll, and immediately bursting in a side door, leading into the basemeni room, dispersed themselves throughout the building The protectors of the church still united their en desvors to persuade the people from any violence In this they were aided by a great many persons who flocked in lor no other purpose. An Irishmat was arrested in the church about this time, und taken to the Hail, for what reason we were una ble to discover. Alter they had possession fut about an hour, a smoke was seen issuing from the cellar. A few persona went down and extin guished it in u short time. The throng then gra dually left the building, and at last it was taken Itoesession of by a committee o| twenty, who guarded the doors and allowed no one to enter, but all to go out that desired to go. A meeting was called about 5 o'clock on the op posite side of the street, and Mr. Spencer was csl led to the chair. After a few remarks with regnrd to the object ?f the meeting, he introduced Mr Perry. This gentleman made a briel speech con taining some excellent advice. He concluded will uiiiv ng that the meeting adjourn, and that each person go to their homes, and leave the church in the charge of those chosen to protect it, and to set a good example, he would be the fitst to go. A number followed him, and the excitement seemed to be gradually disappearing. The military apnear ' o'clock ed in great force on the ground about 7 They drove the crowd down Queen street, and strove to disperse them in Second and Queo. streets. It is said that the warning given bv the officers was unheeded, and that stones were thrown at them. The soldiery were then com manded to charge upon the crowd ; they did so. but the crowd stood resolutely before their bay onets. The word was then given to fire, and im mediately a volley was discharged dow n Queen street. In a few minutes it was followed by a cond An elderly man was shot through tin chest and lived about a quarter of an hour. He was so much like Mr Jacob Komdafler, residing in Se cond street, below Christian, that he was taken to his residence. He died in about ten minutes af ter being laid down in the house. His name is not yet known. A lame man, s iid to he named Crozer, was carried into the Commissioner s Hall, with the loss of the whole of his lower jaw. He died almost instantly. . . Half-Past 8 o'clock ?A large meeting of the crowd, aimed with muskets, convened at the Wharton Market, and with two field pieces, wheals muffled, proceeded from thence up Front street, with the avowed intention of attacking the milita ry. We then left the ground; in a moment after we heard the discharge of a cannon This was followed by the firing of small arms in irregular re ports, succeeded by a regular volley From thi? moment the air was shaken at intervals by heavy discharges, accompanied by shoiita. It was now evident that the military Hnd the crowd had en gaged in one of the most deadly of conflicts. Fe males were seen rnnntna distracted through the streets, wringing their hands and uttering the names nf brother, husband, father, with the wild est gesticulation. Crowes were guibeieii shout at the corners of the atreeta, astooirhed and allocked at the extent to which these deplorable outbreaks have been earned. As we came to the office de sultory firing was heard. 10 o'clock ?The German Battalion has just atri ved at Gen Patterson's quartern Five ?f the per sons wounded were twk?n to the hospital during ye-terday afternoon and evening Half-fast 10 o'clock.?The City Troop and the German battalion, with two field pie' ee, have ju.t left the head-quarters for the t-cene ot disturbance. A soldier, who had been in the vicinity of ir-ec. nd and Queen streets in a cab, was taken ?ut, his gun seised and he himself tossed absut in the crowd, but not iniured. Elxvkn o'clock, P. M.?The military and the mob are fighting with desperation on both sides ? There is u continual oischaige of cannon 10 he heard, followed by the regular roll and rattle < 1 the mut-keia of ibe former. It is reported, by an ex press from the scene of action, thai six of the mil itary have been killed in all. Among tlie number, it is said, is Capt. Scott, ol the Cndwul adrr Greys. Mr. Elisha Justus, not of the military, wc hn\e just heard has been killed by a ball He was a man about 35 years of age, and worked, it is said, in Baldwin's lactory. Reports alone have to be de pended upon for the particulars of this horrible bu siness, as no person except the miliiary and those sngaged w ith them will dare venture near the place of battle. How many of those opposed to the mil itary have been killed it is impossible to ascertain. 12 o'clock ?The report is that the cavulry have jtrst taken possession ol the cannon of the mob. which had been planted at the corner of Second and Queen streets, and are now patrolling the street-, having complete possession. They are oc casionally ussailed by random shots from behind houseB, and from alleys, which of course do not do much damage. Several horsemen, who convey in telligence from the scene ot anion to Head Quarters, have been fired at, and one or two have been pelted by bricks as they puss up through the streets This last game, however, has not been carried to any great extent, as the more peaceable portion of the citizens have interfered. One man was thrown by his horse being struck, but received no other injury than a few bruises arid torn clothes. Six or seven persons, either kill ed or wounded, have been carried up Second at. on settees. At half-past 11 a man was shot at the corner ol Second and Queen streets, but whether by the mob or by the military ib not known. Cap tain Teal is the name of one person killed. Ti>* name of the man who wua killed at the corner of Second ai d Queen, is John Cook. He is an ojs lerman, and is from New York, and had charge of ths piece which was fired upon the militsiy Hs was 9iiuck in the gioin by a grape shot, alter he had discharged the gun three times. He w?s car ried into the Weccacoe Engine house, where h* whs lying at the Ihsi accounts. The following Proclamations have besn issued by the Sheriff: Proclamation.?Whereas the peace and security of tks city and county of Philadelphia, and the live* ami proper ly of the citizen* are endangered by the law lets violence of a mob, notice la hereby given ko all able boded citi zena, who have not been othernite aummoned. loithwith to report th> mielvea te the Sheriff, and to aid in suppoit ing the public peace. MORTON McMIClIAEL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, July 7, 1844. Proclamation ?Whereas, certain evil dispoaed persona have resorted lo ihe uae ot fire aim* in open d< fiance ot 'he law* ; now, therefore, thia la to give notice that ail ?uch perion* and nil otbera aiding, abetting, aamtiu.g, or in any way giving any encouragement or countenance to iuch persona, cue hereby declined in open rebellion lo the laws, and will be dealt with a? trai'or* and inetugi nu MORTON Mi MICHAEL, Islnifl. Philadelphia, July 7, ISM. OenciAL Ri roi r or the Proceeding! or Citt Council* July 7, 1844, 6 r. M. Mr. Hagort offered the following? Resolved, That the Major be requested to apply, in conjunction, with the Committee on Police, as a.orh at may be necessary (under i xiiting circumstance)-) i f ths unexpended balance of the appropriation of $.70,()i 0 sisi't in May lust lor preserving the pence ot the city Resolved. That the citizens be rtqneated to meet in stantly in their respective wards ir.d organize Gr tie preservation of the public peace, under the Aldermti. ? f 'lie retpictive wards., rim )?. Mayor ho tTQUestfd to - r?' tie -mi vices of citizens to be organized and firmed in ' bf he civil authority, not exceeding two thour&nd in num ber. Which were twice read and passed. Select Council concurred. Mr. McCall offered the following? licsrlved. That in the optrion ol these Councils ths -1v11 authorities are justifiable in using whatever degrt* -if force maj b? necessary, in preatrvii g ihe public jtaea and protecting the lives and property ci the citizens W inch w aa twice read and passed. Select Council con - curred i euncui turn adjourned to meet to-morrow at 11 A. M. [From Phil. Chronicle'(neutral) July 8.] The riots in Southwatk, in ihe vu inity of Rt. Philip de Ndi Catholic Church, Queen men, ibove Second, which commenced on Friday night, t>ut was quieted by the Rheriff a'ter consider hie exertions, were renewed on Saturday, Saturday n>Rht, and Sunday. The Sheriff, with the police nt the District of Southwatk. after removing the tire arms from the church, Friday night, continued on duty until 5 o'clock, Saturday morning, when ihe church was placed under the charge ot a body of police. Early Sunday morning the crowd gath ered again?went to the wharf, took acennon irom he brig Venue, at Queen street wharf: another they dng up and cleaned. Both of these they load ed with spikes. The cannon taken from the brig, tiler having been loaded, was dragged up to the church. The piece which wan dug up is the one used for firing salutes on the wharf. Several thousand persona accompanied Mr. Nay lor to his dwelling house m Filth atreet. ahovs Prune, where he made a apeech requesting therrt to utMieree and go home quietly. The procession, with Mr. Naylor at their head, between two men, and Col Lee 011 horseback, alongside, proceeded from the church, up Queen street to Third, up Third to Plumb, pp Plumb to Filth, up Fifth to Prune, in the middle of the street, to opposite the residence of Mr Naylor. The pa ?ade numbered some two or three thousand, it is thought. Having arrived at his house, Mr. Naylor entered, with the two who were with him, for he ippeared quite weak and faint, and proceeded to a window, from which he addressed the crowd, as follows:?*? (Orest cheering, waving ot lists, and -houting.) I feel that you loss ma arid lova my country, l.eretore I conjure you, go peaceably to your hsmas. I will submit to the law, the law, the law, and if to* asa must tall ht it tall an my head. J am very mm h la rigued, and not in a situation to addraaa you, and. if I wis, it would he wrong in me to do so now, owing to your excited feeling*. Merely because I c) aiged them not to fire upon my lellow citizens, I was disggnd to a prison. (Cries of ' No, not to a prison, a chuich.")? Well, a church, without a chair to act upon, watei to JriDk, or a crust to eat. Gire me your word*, frit rtda, that you will retire pcaaeably to your homes, and allow me to submit to the law. (Cries ol "y e?, we will.'- from the crowd ) and Mr. Naylor retired, snudst the most vo niferoui cheering we ever heard. Ihe crowd Hen scat tered in all direction*. Rome of the above persons were some distance from the soldiers?sonic were tired at while in nl leys, others who had retreated on the pavement in Queen street, below Second, for the military raked the pavement At a quarter past eight o'clock largs group* of people were standing at the different cor ners of Pecond and Christian streets, talking in the most excited manner of the firing of the military upon the people, when several voices cried out "Native Americans come to the meeting;" "Kes cue Native Ame icana," and a large bodv of ger anns rushed down Second st. towards the Wharton Market. Ore man cried out in a stenti rian voice, ??Liberty or Death by G?d." A great gathering was soon assembled at the market, hut did not or ganize. They brought out f< ur pieces of cannon, md ruked Second street. They were v e|| armed with muskets, and supplied with ammunition They tire determined for light. All the First Divi sion were ordered out in the slten oon; the Major General took up his head quarters at the Girard itank. All the alter loon, the Aids of the several Generals were flviag in alldircciinnson hoi*ebs? k The Mayor's officers, the Sheriff's officers, and he deputies of the aeveral authorities wsre all in ictive motion during the day. At S minutes past 4 o'clock, the mob had increased to an alarming ex tent?the military not being prrpsrsd, and the civil mrne not attending the regular summons of the sii ihorities, the State House bell was struck eight t?l?s, in accordance with the order* 11 the authori * tea, for the purpose of collecting the citizen* tn front of the State House It rung for twin? f.<# minutes, and the result was, shout one hundred per sons attended! These were armed, am. marched to the scene of riot?some about six ?'clock? others about seven o'clock. The milii y were ordered to he in readiness at their armorisa it half past one o'clock. At four they did not mus ter, all told, 150. By six o'clock, fresh orders hav ing been issued, they mustered in great numbers. A detachment were on the ground about 7 o'clock, vml the main body arrived there before 8 o'clock. An express was started to Harrishurg for the Uov ?rnor about 6 o'clock in ths afternoon, for ths pur