OCR Interpretation

The New York herald. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1840-1920, July 10, 1845, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

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Vol. X1M Ho. 187? Wtiol* Wo. M49
PrtM Two Coats.
Circulation? Forty Thousand.
DAILY H ERA I.TT- Kvei ; ~ u> Price U cenU pet
oiiy ? $7 28 pei annum ? pf>ynhl?* in advauco.
WEEKLY HERALD ? Every Saturday? I'rioe <)J cant*
e. iy ? fi* lii rent* per annum ? payable in advance
AilV f.HTISEMENTH at tbe usual p-iceu? alwayi
a.ih in advance.
Hill VTI NO ol ail kind* assented with beanty and
Ml lottor* or couimunfoutiona, by mail, addressed
?) ilia e -dabliahment, must be post |>aid, or the postntfe
? ..I.. leducted from the -tibvription motwy remitted
i'AO-aik'TOB or THK New Y'lHK Hkuald K?TAHLI?HMI!?T
Vorthwent rom?r of Knltnn and Nkmii ?tr?ei?
Will commence running in the following
rder, on Saturday, May 'lie 17th. IBIS, leaving
? -T daiihattanville at 6 " clock, A. M., and con
w ? ie>) ii.i i' liour until 7 o'clock, P. M. Leaving New
t mil, i' m?r of Chatham and pTryon Row, it 6 A. M.. and
oiuinii' <?> ery half hour until H . M. Stages to Carmansville
? inity Church Cemetery and Kort Washington, every hour
(hrouiAi ilie -I v, from 7 A. M. to 7 P. M.
K to M.<<iha:tauville 12K cents; Carmansville 18V; Fort
V -.si gt .n 25 c , nu. B. MOORE,
j- " lui*re Proprietor.
'Through. in Seven Hour*.
lied Steamboat ROBERT MORRIS, Captain J.
M D M |f*W< will, on and after Monday, June 18, leave Dock
: rreet wlivf. daily, (except Sundays,) ?t 3 o'clock, P. M. Pas
se igera .11 arrive in Baltimore at about 10 P. M. Fare out y
T1.I-. Line it computed of the following splendid and fast
Steamboats: ?
Robert Morris, Captain J. M Douglass.
Ohio. . . Captain L. Davis.
Couititulion. Captain J. Chsytor.
George Washington Captaiu J. Tnppe.
This Line leaves Bowly's wharf, Baltimore at 3 P. M.?
Tickets for Wheeling and Pittsburg can he procured on board
ll.e boat.
An S'J ? Through in Six Hours
Via Chester, Wilmington, Elk ton, Havre de Grace, &c.
Stem gfta
On and after Wednesday next, June 2Mb, the fare between
Philadelphia and Baltimore, by the Mail Lines, will be reduced
to $2.
The Trains w ill leave a* follows: ?
From Philadelphia, I From Baltimore,
Depot llth and Market streets. Depot in Pratt rtreet.
Daily, except Sunday, at 3 A.M. I Daily, exc, Sunday, at 9 A M.
And Daily, at (I'M I And Daily, at 8P.V1.
Wheeling and Pittsburgh? Tickets through to Wheeling and
Pittsburgh can be had at the Depot. Eleventh and Market sis,
O. H. HUDDELL, Agent.
For further iiiformatiou, apply to
J. L, 8LEMMER, at the office of
Adams 8t Co. 17 Wall street.
June 21th, ,1846. je29ee
Ou and after 14th June, 1845.
J 'Yum Ilrooklyn Depot ?
Boston Trail? A. M. daily, Sundays excepted, stopping
at Karmingdale anil St. George's Manor.
Accommodation Tram ? 9>6 A. M and 5 P. M. for Farming
dale iiid intermediate places, daily, Sundays excepted.
Accommodation Train, 3 r. M. for Oreenport, unly, Sundays
excepted, slopping at Jamaica, Branch, Hempstead, ami Hicks
?ill , and all the stopping places between Hicksville and
From Greeuport Depot ?
Boston Train, daily. Sundays excepted, at 12X o'clock M.,
or on the arrival of the steamers from Norwich.
Accommodation Train? At 5 A.M., daily, Sundays exceptvd,
for Brooklyn and intermediate places.
Fr?m Fa rutin * dale Depot ?
Accommodation Train. A- M. and 2>? P. M., daily, Sun
days excepted, for Brooklyu and intermediate places.
From Jamaica Depot ?
Extra Train, 1W P.M. daily, Sundays excepted, for Brook
lyn and intermediate places.
The Boston Trains stop only at Karnungdale aud St. George's
!l anor.
The Accommodation Trains stop at the following places
on the road, going both ways to receive and deliver passen
g-rs. vix:
l,edlor? * Deer Park 69
East New V ork I2>i Thompson HB
Kara Course 18, '1 Suffolk Station 100
Trot! lug Course 18)4 Lake Road Station 1 ln V,
Jamaica 25 Medford Station 1 18)4
Brushville 31!? Milleville 1 50
Hyde Park, 17 miles 3714 St. George's Manor. ... I 62
CloWsville, (during ?cs- Riverhead 1 02
sion Court,) 37*^ Jamesport 162%
Hempstead Mattetuck 1 82'*
Branch 117', Cutcho.ue 1 62 S
Carle Place 44 Southold 1 62>i
Wectbury 41 Ownporr, \cc'n. trim. I 75*4
Hicksville 41 Bot.uTraiu 2 00
Farmingdale . ... . M!*,
Stages are in readiness on ;'>e arrival of Trains at the several
Htati?i:s, to take paaseugirs at very low Fares, to all parts of the
Baggage Cptn w ill be in r.-ndim't* at the foot of Whitehall
street, to reive B 'ggaue i.>r the m v-r-.l Trains, 30 minates be
fore tbe from tie Brooklyn ?iile.
- t'. i k w \ H irg g" 1 -ke 1,1 i-epir.iie ' r tes. julOrc
l''r >m 1 liil 'delphia to Pittsburgh via tH? I'euusylvania Rail
?a'L. uiJ Canal ? through in day Tlie above line is now in
>11 operation Hid offers ureal inducements to persou* who wish
>1 ;?ant mode of travelling to the w est.
Th? tars are built in the most approved modern style, the
Mts are lilted ii|> in a superior manni r.ami every ellort is made
; the proprietor* to conduce to the comfort iuid convenience
travellers. Tlw scenery on this route i? unrivalled, and tV
feat chain of Pennsylvania internal improvements is well woi
v of being seen.
!>)? This route passengers n.,id .ill the fatigues ind dangers at
"<*?et upon state tra veil !? >.', and I the same time make an ei
i i us trip.
lie tars leave every morning at 7 o'clock. Passengers are ad
,<eO to engage their places at Philadelphia. Ollice in Philadel
' E. corner ol Chesuut and Fourth streets, and at Nos.
1 15 Smith Third at*. A. CUM.MINUS, Agent,
f "Vtelph.i, May 17, 1845.
?jiuf > tuition. in the city of New York, apply to
, '?< ft. H. KNISELL. Ajrent lor
?? ' D. LEECH k CO.'a Line. 7 West st, N. K.
myl7 In.* re
JEfflteaf \A*"t *71
an now u ranged for passengers to leave Boston at 6 o'clock
.ti.d arrive i , New York at 4, aa was the case last evening; and
lake ine iinUdelpliia train at uuarter beforei, and arrive there at
II I' VL my23tf
The Trustees of this Ferry, believing that
Cj rf.V-J*M'eP' ire many of the eitir.ens of New York
w fiBfa^ZLaiid vicinity that are unacquainted with the
lacituiea this rerry aflord.i as a pleasant communication with
Williamsburg ?ud Long Islind, would s'ate that there
are two good Kerry Boats on this Ferry, which leave Peck
Slip every fifteen Or twenty minutes through 'he diy up to 5
o'clock, P. M., and then up to 8o'clck, at each even hour and
half hour; afier which a boat leaves at 9 o'clock and 10 o'clock
The I aat boat leaving Williamsburg at half-pait 9 o'clock, P.
p. 8 ?On the evening of July 4th, the boat will continne to
run until 13 o'clock. jyj lm*rc
Oil and after Saturday 7th June, the Steamboats SYLPH and
HTATI'N ISLANDER will leave New Y ork every hour
icept 5 P. M., commencing at I A. M., until 7 P. M. Leave
Ntaieii Maud every hour except 4, commencing at S A.M.,
until 7 I'.M. ju7m
FOR ALBANY. TRC'Y and intermediate
Q. ? ^rV?rrj*landin?s. from the Steamboat Pier at tlie foot of
2EL*3K58LBarclay street.
lirvoklnsi and Dinner oil board the boat.
Leaves New York at 7 o'clock, A.M., Tuesdays, Thursdays
ind Saturday, and Troy at 6 o'clock, A. M., Albany at 7 o'clock
A. M. VI otidsy, Wednesday and Friday.
The low-pressure steamboat THOV , Captain A. Oorham, mi
Tuesdays, Tltursdsvs and Saturdays, at7 o'clock.
The steamho it NIAGARA, Cairtsitl A. Degroot, on Mon
day, Wednesday and Friday, at 7 o clock.
For passage or freight, apply on board, or to F. B. Hall, at th*
office on the wharf.
Notice ? All goods, freight, baggage, bank bills, ajmcie^or any
other kn.d of property taken, khip|*d, or put on board this boat,
tituat be at the risk of the owners of such goods, freight, bag
, age^icc. jellrc
?~"t 7 o'clock, P. M ? The steamboat EM
? PIRE, Captain R. B. Macy, will leave the
?? oulinat pier foot of Oourtlandt ?treet, every Tuesday,
Jliuraday ami Saturday nfternooa, at 7 o'clock.
The stei in boat COLLMBIA, Captain Win. H. Peck, every
iMoi ilay, VV ednesday a> d rriila'' aflernoou, at 7 o'clock.
ror Passage or f reight apply on board, or at tlie office on the
wh?fr JnJ*
JS*LT>Sa.\I)Y HOOK LIGHT, affording IHSSeii
a fine view of tli<! Ocean, and the^rojrtifiJ
cation* i?u w.eiitry of our Harbor, and enjoviiiu tlie refreshing
:r rrnl 7ij' J P*n 1IHJ ? ominodioiu strainer DKLAW \H?,
n J' hmi,"i rhuriday afternoon, July 10th, will leave
I larnmond "treei ( N. R.) nt 2f? o'clock; I'suiAl street at ijnar
!"-i r tJrr, v , Y" " ) (mat 3; and pierNo. I,
' . ll ?? clock, lor Ine above excursion ; return
ng tofhe city by 7S o clock. Fare for the whole ?ten rsiou 25
G^QH fALB?A large <|imntity of Iriah Oat meal and Navv
I. Xieatl, at a nindemie rate. \pi.|y to
iv"-"'' .)? HERDMAN, HI South st.
iV ^7 ^, ^ I AbKH I* OH SALE? S00 iron bound Water
" t asks, for sale low, by
iv?-rr J, HERDMAN, ?l South st
A. WLTaa-The splendid st-ainboat SOUTH AMERI
IC^ttaaLCA, Cupiaiu M. H. Truesdell, will leave tlie
foot of Barclay street (north IMI of the Kerry) nil Thursday
Morniuu, July Ittth, at 7 o'clock.
it / "Breakfast and Dinner on board.
For passage a I>I>1 y on board the boat.
Usual l.niidiuKs ? Caldwell's, H'cii Point, Newbnrgh. PouaU
keeiaie, Hyde Park, Khinebeck, Redhook, Mald-ti, Calsktll,
Hudson, Cossack le, Kiuderhook and New Baltimore.
jyS'n _
DAILY ? Sundayi Excepted? l^uroogh Di
'reot, at 7 o'clock P. M., from the Pier between
Courtlandt and Liberty streets
Stwamboat ROCHESTER, Captain R. (i Crutteuden. will
leave on Monday, Wednesday and Friday Kveiiincs, at 7 o'clock.
Steamboat KNICKERBOCKER, Captain A Houghton, will
leave on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdaj evenings, at 7 o'clock.
At 5 o'clock P. M., landing at intermediate place*, froui the foot
of Barclay street
Steamboat N EW JERSEY. Capt. R H. Furey, will I wave
on Monday, Wednesday, Kriday and Sunday Afternoons, ?t 5
Steamboat NORTH AMERICA. Captain L. W Bramard,
will leave ou Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Afternoons, at 5
Pa-senger* taking either of the above Line* will arrive iu Alba
ay m ample time for the Morning Train ol Cars for the east or
The Boats Hie new and substantial, are furnished with inw and
-leg.-uit state rooms, and for speed and accommodations arc ou
rivalled on tlie Hudson.
Freight taken at moderate rate*.
All iiersoiu are forbid trusting any of the Boats of thia Line,
without a written order from the Captains or Agents.
For passage or freight, apply ou board the bonti, or to P. C.
Scmtit z. at uie office ou the wharf. je30 m
THE Royal Mail Steam Ship* C ALEDO
N1 A and HI BERN 1 A, will leave Boston fur
I the above ports, as follows:?
Caledonia, E. O. Loft, Esq., Commander, Tuesday, July 1st
Hibernia, Ale*. Ryrie, ' " Wednesday, July 16th.
Passage to Liverpool $120.
Passage to Halifa* 20
Apply to D. BR1UHAM, Jr.. Ageut, 6 Wall at.
je ?6
, ? Packet of gl?t July ?The splendid and favorite
ipacket ship HOT'l INCITER, 1100 tons burthen,
('apt Ira Bursley, will sail ou Monday, July 31, her regular
The ships ef this line being all 1000 tolls and upwards, persons
about to embark forthe Old Couutry wilj not fail to see the
advantages to be derived from selecting (his line in preference
to any other, as their great capacity renders them every way
more comfortable and convenient than ships of a small class,
and their accommodations for cabin, second cabin, and steerage
passengers, it is well known, are sui>erior to those of any oilier
line of packets. Persons witihiug to secure berths should not
fail to make early application on hoard, foot of Wall street, or
to W. Si J. T. TAP8CQTT,
75 South street, corner of Maiden Lane,
jy3 r re I'p Stairs.
i?OR SALE? The Ne# York built copper fasten
.entd and coppered slop SYLVANUS JENKINS,
iburthen |"er register. 5 17 tons? She sails. fast, carries
well, and is well found. Apply to Captain Eveliegh,on
boaid, at pier No. J, N. R ,or to
jyRrc No. 9 Tontine Building, cor of Wall and Water sts.
KOR LIVERPOOL ? Packet of the 16th July
,The new packet ship FIDELIA, Captain Hackstaff,
_iJr__jwill positively sail as above, her r gularday.
AUo, tlie splendid packet slop ROSCIL'S, Capt. Eldridge,
will positive!) sail on the 26th iust. For passage, having su
perior accommodations, apply to
jy8-rrc J. HERDMAN. 61 South st.
iRegular Packet of the 16th of July. ? The new and
inagniticent packet ship K1DEL1A, 1150 tons burthen, Wm.
O. Il ickst iff, commander, will sail positively ou Wednesday,
18th of July.
For terms of passage and to secure the best berths, early ap.
plication should lie made on board, foot of Beekman street, or
to the subscribers, ROCHE, BROTHERS b CO,
jy7ec Fulton street, next door to the Fnlton Rank. N.Y.
,ven' fast sailing packet ship, MISSISSIPPI, 650 tons,
?built iu this city by Brown & Bell, salted ou the
stock*, and resalted every year, live oak and and locust top,
live oak apron, semson stem frame, and forward arid after
cant frames ? newly coppered <*nd in perfect order for a three
yeari voyage ? has accommodations for 26 passengers. Apply
ou board at Orleans' wharf, foot of Wall slJeet, or to
ju6m E. K. COLLINS 8t Co.. V> South street.
KOR NEW ORLEANS ? Louisiana and New
York Line Regular Packet, to sail Monday, 21st
ji infant ? The elegant fast sailing packet ship OSWE
<>Ot Capt. Wood, will positively sail as above, her regular
For freight or passage, having handsome furnished accom
mnditions, apply on board, at Orleans wharf, foot of Wall st,
or to E, K. COLLINS Jc CO., 56 South st.
Positively 110 goods received 011 board after Saturday evening
19th instant.
Agent in New Orleans James K.Woodruff, who will prompt
ly forward all goods to his adddress. jlrc
? OFFICE, 61 South St.? Passage from England, Ire
?laud. Scotland and Wales? Those sending for their
Friends would do well to avail themselves of the op|>ortuuity of
making their arrangements with the subscribers oil very mode
rate terms, by first class packet ships, sailing from Liverpool
Drafts can as nsual he furnished lor any amouut, payable
throughout the United Kingdom. Apply to
JOHN HER DM AN, CI South st.
Tim mail steamer Hiheruia sails frnin Boston on the 16th inst,
bv w nicli letters eon he forw ai ded <iuickly. uiv23 rh
KOR OLASUOW ?Regular Packet.? The well
known, fastsailiug British Barque ANN*HARLEV.
? Duncan Smith, master, 450 tons, will meet with
quirk despatch.
Kor freight or passage, having excellent accommodations
apply on board pierS N. R-, or so
jyJrc 117 8 inth street
? packetship BALTIMOHK, Captain Edward Kunk,
^will sail on tlie Istof August.
> or lreight or passage apply to
No. 9 Tontine Buildings, coi. Wall and Water street*
JV-' r r
KUH LONDON? Regular packet of III, li July
Tile well-known, fast sailing packet ship WEL
iLINOTON. Captain Charles Chadw ick, will posi
tively am 1 1 as above, her regular day
Ik, splendid accommodations for cahin, second cabin and
steerage passengers, who will he taken at reasonable rate 4, II
?aurly application be made on boaid the ship, foot ol Mai leu
Lane or, to JOSEPH Mc MURRAY,
Corner of Pine and South street
KOR LIVERPOOL? The super, or ship NEP
TUNE, Captain Peach, will sail on her regular day.
H Kor passage, having unsurpassed accommodation*
abiu only, applyto JOHN HERDMAN,
61 South street.
? KOR L I V K.RPOOL? The New Line-Regulai
Packet 21st July ? The su|ierior fast sailing Packet shi|
iIIOTTINGUER, 1040 tons, Capt. Ira Bnrsley, will
sail as above, her regular day.
For freight or passage, having excellent and superior accom
modations, apply to the Captain on board, or to
WOODHULL k MINTURN, 87 8outh street.
Price of passage I KM).
The Packet Ship Liverpool, 1150 tons, Capt John Eldridge,
will succeed the Hottiiiguer, and sail oil her regular day, 2d of
August. je26 ec
JwjpJVvery fast sailing bar>|Ue HOME, Captain Watts, built
MaUlfiBin Baltimore one year since of the best materials,
carries auout 4,000 barrels, and has handsome accommodations
for tweuty passengers. Apply to Captain Watts, on hoard, at
Pike street whart, or to E. K. COLLINS k CO.
117 rc M South street.
very fast sailing N?w York built packetship VAZOO
I? 670 tons ? Live Oak and Locast top, Live Oak trau
.in, apiou and forward and after cants j carries 2200 bales NrW
Orleans cot' on, and h<s handsome furnished accommodations
for twenty-six passengers. Apply on boardat Jones' wharf, or
t \ _ E. K. COLLINS k CO.,
Jy9 01 56 8outh street.
SANDS SCOTT returns his most sincere thanks to his
friends and the public at large, for the liberal support re
ceived since he has been in business, and hopes by the same
strict attention to merit a continuance thereof. The qualities
of his Ales, Wines, Lienors and Segars, me too well known
to need comment. A large assortment of Refreshments to be
had at all times,till twelve at night? such .is Beef Steaks, Mut
ton Chops, Kri?d Kidneys, Ham and Eggs, Sardines. Poached
Eggs, Pickled Tongues, Welch Rarebits, Colfee, Tea, lie. A
Sood dinner of Roast or Boiled Meat for One Shilling, every
ay, from 12 to 4 o'clock. Dublin Brown Stout always on
draught. Good Lodgings for 25 cants a, id 37 >% cents. Cold
Cuts at a moment's notice. This House has been proved by
comparison, for years past, to be the coolest and most comfort
able in the city No House better supplied with English
Irish, Scotch and city papers. Always the latest news by the
Steamers. Oood Rooms for Private Parties always ready at a
moment's warning? free ? gratis ? for nothing. je8 lm*ec
THE Undersigned being desirous of doing all in thair power
to sustain the Uovernment in its experiment of giving
cheaper postages, hereby give notice, that on and after the first
day of July next no mailable matter whatever, either open, or
in envelopes, or in wrappers, will be received at any of their
Offices fur transmission by express, or otheiwise.
Positive instructions will be given to their Agents to refnse
mailable matter, under whatever guise it may be offered.
New York and Buffalo Express.
New York, Jnne 23, 1845. jefj tisju ec
HAS constant'y on hand, a full assortment of Militatv ana
Horse Equipments, according to the United S ates and
State regulation. Also, a variety of Saddles, BridL<s, Harness,
franks, Valises, lie. lie.
Horse Equipments of every style, in ade toorder. jalS lm'm
'TIS FIELD respectfully informs his friends and the public
i u he has arrived la the city and taken quarters at the Uni
ted Mates Hotel, his entrance through the bar, or 196 Water
' w"ere he has a number of Bass lord's improved Billiard
J ahlea, oil sale or for playing, and will be happy to have them
ki.i wfi!1??'' stocked with malerialslormakiiigSherry
Cobblers, White I.mn*. ?*. lie. Je4i lm*rre
npHE SUBSCRIBERS have just opened the large and suae ions
1 CARPET WARE ROOM*, So. 464 Pearl street, former
ly occupied by Smith, Hewitt It Co., aud are now ready to offer
trie public an entire new stockof Car|>eting, bought expressly for
the spring trade, some of which are exceedingly rich, of new de
signs antf colors. Among them ma* lie found ?
Entirely New.
Rich Shading.
Of every variety and description.
Rnga, Druggets, Table aud Piano ( overs, Worsted, Tufted
and Jute Milts; Oil Cloths, very heavy and in great varietiee,
from 2 to 24 feet wide: together with ill oilier art icle? usually
found in the trade. '1 he public are reqnwted to cull and examine
onrstock before purchasim^^ & JJUMPHRKY,
m20 2m ? m 454 Pesrl street.
L> eLT? English Patent Sheathing' Kelt, sniUblefor roofs of
M. h?t?e? ?nd thin bottom*, a rtry inpenor article, anu 01
treat oe aelit not only to the bottom of ve#*el?. but a 1*0 to tn*
opjjsr. For sala by I K COLLINS fc CO * Souih st.
Chatter I.
The " Courier" positively never sees the " Hera'd,"
The Oregon <?uestion. ? We never by any chance 1
gee a copy of the New York Herald, except when ;
moving about the country, or in our neighboring
chap. it.
" lite " Courier" actually docs sometimes sees what j
the Herald says : ?
But we find in the* Tribune of yesterday, the fol
lowing extracts from that print, being an extract
from a letter written by its Washington Correspon
dent under date of July 3d.
ll'luit that Terrible "Print," the "Herald," does
" For gome days past there lias been a rumor pre
valent, at first exceedingly vague and improbable,
but gathering strength from day to day, until it has
assumed, like Hamlet's ghost,
1 Such a questionable shape,'
that we will speak of it. In five words, it is a com
promise of the Oregon question. It is now confident
ly asserted that Mr. Pakcnham for II. B. M. and Mr.
Buchanan for the Administration, have settled upon
the 49th degree of North latitude, as the highest point
of the Northern boundary of the Territory of the L'. i
States West of the Rocky Mountains. I)r. Duncan's
bill which passed theliruse by an overwhelming vote
fixed onr Northern Oregon boundary at 54 deg. 10,
and if Mr. Buchanan has agreed to cede away nearly i
degrees of latitude for the sake of peace, there will |
lie no peace for him. The voice of the Great VVest
for this territory is unanimous that not an inch
should be surrendered ? not the iirst solitary square
inch from the boundaries defined by the bill of Dr.
Duncan. Such a compromise as is rumored to have
been made, cannot be made with the universal voice
of the Mississippi Valley, and a strong correspond
ing sentiment from th# East of the mountains against
it. The Administration would become powerless
from the moment of the assurance that a compro
mise had been conceded upon the Oregon question
It would become as negatively weak as the admin
istration of John Tyler, and fully as odious to the par
ty placing it in power. An open and broad proposi
tion to establish a United States Hank would be re
ceived with immeasurably more forbearance by
the Democracy of die whole country, than any pro
position whatever, excepting, if necessary, the ar
bitration of the cannon's mouth. The fvest is rife
for War, and any temporising or concession by the
Executive Government to ward off this issue, will
be received with unqualified reproach and detesta
tion. The motto of the whole West is 'War ? war
to the knife, before a concession of the first solitary
square inch of our rightful soil to any power upon
the face of the earth.',
"But it is said, that upon the authority of a propo
sition on the part of the United States, heretofore
made, but rejected by Great Britain, to recede to the
4f)th parallel, Mr. Buchanan finds his authority for
that concession now. No authority will answer
him ? no reasoning, or diplomatic casuistry will save
him. He must go the whole figure. The soil may
not be worth having ? it may cost millions to main
tain our title to a strip of land not worth one dollar;
but where the honor and dignity of the country are
involved and regarded, the |**ople will rather abide
the chances of war and direct taxation, than yield
the shadow of a compulsory concession for the sake
of peace. And a treaty Biibmitted to the Senate for
the settlement of the Oregon question, by our rece
ding to the lJMh parallel.duly signed by the high con
trading parties, would be rejected at the first read
i ing. We therefore think the rumor a mere feeler put
l forth by the Cabinet to ascertain the tone of the pub
lic sentiment upon this subject, and nothing more. ?
For while we incline to the opinion that Mr. Buch
anan may be disposed to recede, we are confident
that he lias not the hardihood for the movement,
without first consulting his own safety in making
It. '
The " Courier'' shakes its noddle, and waxes virtuously
i If it bp true that the Oregon questien can be Bet
; tied by the extension of our line of boundary from
the Lake of the Woods, west, that is, on the parallel
of lat. 19 deg., we not only get all we claim, but the
administration which refuse such a settlement of the
question, ought to be execrated by every honest man
in the nation.
The " Courier " becomet somewhat jmrifitd, and gives
us a prodigious quantity of original of information.
The truth is. from latitude 12 deg. to u4 dew. 40
min., there exists a joint title on the part of England
and the I niied States, which has resolved itself into
a joint occupancy, under existing treaties between
the two countries. In IH27, our commissioners,
with a view of dividing the territory in dispute, pro
ved that our line of boundary from the Like of
the Woods, -l!> deg. north, should be extended to the
Pacific. To this the British Government objected,
because it <*ave us seven degrees of the disputed ter
ritory, and left them but five degrees and forty min
utes. They said, however, we will consent that the
line of 19 deg. north shall be extended we6t until it
strikes the waters of the Columbia, and then through
the centre of that river to its mouth, which is north
of the 16th degree of north latitude. To this we ob
jected : and thus the whole territory inrdispute was,
and is narrowed down to an area less than two hun
dred miles square.
The " Courier" h its its hand at a syllogism, and is
about as successful as usual.
" It' you lovei me as I loves you,
No knife will cut our love* in two.''
Now, if England is willing to accept the propo
sition which she rejected in 1827, would it not be
worse than madness in our government to refuse
such a compromise ?
ThiU aufuJ "print" again actually hits the nail on
the head.
But says the Herald ? "the West >t rife for war."
No doubt of it.
CIIAP. Vltl.
The IVest, like Col Webb, keens out of harm's way.
They would reap the full advantages of the enor
mous expenditures which a war for two hundred
miles of barren waste in Oregon would necessarily
demand, while they would, at the same time, be en
tirely out of harm s way.
1 The Courier thinks the H'ett rather mean"diggins."
They have no ships to be captured? no commerce
to be swept from the ocean- -no towns and cities to
be ba"ered down by an enemy's guns.
So let ut the canikin clink, clink,
A soldier'* a man,
t.ife'i but a span?
Why, then, shouldn't a soldier drink?
["War. "a trogtdy, hy
Colonrl. tl'rbb, of thr rtnular army.)
To them war would bring wealth, without any of
the miseries always attendant upon it. But because
it might add to the wealth of the West, and because
a few restless and reckless spirits therefore desire
war. shall this nation put itself in the wrong !?
Shall the government of this country be frightened
into a rejection of a just compromise of the Oregon
question, because a reckless foreign press, too long
tolerated among us, threatens it with the anger of the
West !
That horrid "print" again weighs heavy on the soul of |
thr pious Webb! ? Frightful Depravity!
The lleruld, and presses of that stamp, would be- .
nefit by war. because of the excitement for news; |
and we need not say that the cupidity of its editor,
and all kindred soirits, is such, that they would
cheerfully involve tne country in a war fto insure an
increase of the daily sales of their papers.
The Courier charitably hopes that Mr. folk will re - (
tain his senses, in spite of the Herald.
But we trust that Mr. Buchanan and Mr. Polk are
not to be driven from a faithful discharge of their
duties by the threats of any press, and much less by
the threats of one exclusive!) owned and conducted
by men who are not even citizens of the country.
The Courier auotes]f rom its " trusty and -irtll beloved
cousin" of bran-bread and consiifuttion, the Tri
The Tribune, in commenting on the remark of the
Herald, says: ?
" We shall not be surprised to see Messrs. Polk end
Buchanan backed out ot the wiso and Just step they are
reported to have taken, by a clemor ?? froudle** ??d
wicked as faction and fraud ever instigated. Let u? see
how thejr carrv themselves. Should they stand firm for
the right, it will gratify u? not only to sustain them in
the rijjht, but to jive them Liberal credit for their course
in maintaining it"
7>ic Courier </uile agrtet with the Tribune.
The last f'-ntirrif nt is one we cordially approve.
CHAP. xv.
On reflection the Courier entirely duagrtn with the
And yet when after Mr. Polk's inauguration we
avowed our determination of judging him by his
measures, and declared that we should approve any
act ofhis adminiHtration which would have met our
approval if Mr. Clay had been elected, this same Tri
bune charged us wuh having abandoned the whig
party and embraced loco focoism ?
A delicioui nvrsai of sentiment ? the Courier becomes
ferociously moral and pure.
Such is ever the consistency of men who permit
their feelings and their subserviency to party, to
triumph over their love of truth and honesty.
Hie Courier afectumatcly lectures Mr. Polk anil Mr.
Let Mr. Polk and Mr. Buchanan do their duty
firmly and like men, and they will find the country
rallying to their support. The first great object of
every administration should be to claim no more
than what is just from any government. Let them
make this their rule of action ; and ihen, if war i
should follow, they may always rely with the same |
confidence upon the support of' their political oppo- ]
nents, as upon the countenance of their more inime- i
diate political friends. England has no desire to go
to war with us ; but it must not be concealed that it :
is in the power of our government to force war upon ,
The Courier it rather afraid of Mr. Polk and Mr.
Our Folly in h tail slut, and minds not what we've taught
her ;
I wonder any man alive would ever rear a daughter !
For when she's drest with care and cost, all fino and tempt
lag gay
As men would treat a cucumber, she flings herself
away !
Will the ej*istinr? administration be guilty of such
folly ?
The Courier recovers it* composure and think * better
of Mr. Polk und Mr. liuclunuin.
We hope' not und we belie re not; and what is more
we do not entertain a solitary doubt, but it will cheer
fully adopt tlif line of 49" if Ennlana will concede it.
Hut we fear that that line will not be conceded by
England ; and in that event the whole subject must
be left to arbitration.
The Courier closes in a perfect hurricane of mag
na mity.
Shall it he we then J? Story of Die Organ-blower.
If our claims be unquestionable, we can have no
objections to submitting it to the arbitration of a dis
| interested party.
Springfield. Mat*.
[Correspondence of the Herald.]
Speinofield, Mass , July 6, 1841.
Unt'/ualled Celebration of the Fourth at Springfield
? Some Remarks on Population ? Military, Sun
day Schools, Horticultural Exhibition, Circus, and
Firework ?.
As Springfield on the Fourth of July was the unor
dinary scene of thousands and thousands of excited
and stirring mortal beings, as the chief portion of
the jocund masses was composed of visitors to the
town, and as everyone remarked the deepest asto
nishment at seeing so small a town so densely
thronged, and so city-like in its whole appearance,
I deem it the first duty of a patriot to his country to
sit down and inform it, through the Herald, of the
incidents which transpired in Springfield on the
memorable anniversary, and of the probable cause
of its unusuallyimmense population on that occasion,
and perhaps tnerc limy be s-ome parts of the narra
tive not uninteresting to any heart.
Waked in the morning at (our o'clock by u cool
sweet breeze, and the tiring of crackers, I got up,
and awhile imagined myself in my native city, so
familiar was the sound explosive, and the roar of
wheels, bringing in at that early period rosy-cheeked
travellers from villages in the vicinity. In two or
three hours after the streets were flooded with pass
ers; green lervro, rotes und tobacco mingled their
perfumes, and all the hotels, and the neighborhood
especially, of the western railroad depot, were noisy
with the hum, tread, and high-keyed remark of buoy
ant multitudes. Eleven trips to Cabot (a lively
town about four miles off) were made by the cars,
which brought from thence, as from Albany, Hart
ford, and the many towns on the road, crowd after
crowd, mass after mass, till Springfield wus actually
more boisterous than ftew York itself! \o such
day ever dawned on Srmngiield before, and the na
tivp inhabitants tunned up their eyes to the skies in
surprise. My gracious ! how the soda flowed! Who
says he did'nt make money 1
The Cabot Guards, u fine body of very
highly disciplined military, numbering about
lifty muskets, and accompanied by a very excellent
brass band, inarched up from Cabot, and paraded
the chief streets of Springfield a little while previous
to taking the cars to Weschester, about twenty-two
miles distant. In this ex|>edition they were joined
by all the children and teachers of the various sun
day schools of Springfield, who, rigged out in pic
turesque festive attire, formed a tremendously ex
tended as well as interesting procession to the depot,
where I should think they tilled, or rather squeezed
fifty enormous cars.
There was a horticultural exhibition here, among
other things, but the greatest of all which served to
absorb pulilic attention and remark, wna the magni
ficent and vast mammoth circus of Rockwell and
Stone, which had advertised for three exhibitions
on this occasion. The morning performance com
menced at about half-past eight o'clock, and such a
tremendous scene as occurred at the opening of the
doors, 1 never before had the opportunity to see.
The paviliion will contain from 2,a00 to 3,000 per
sons, yet it was rammed to its utmost capacity,
which circumstance gave occasion for the announce
ment that there wonla be four subsequent exhibitions
during the day and evening, every one of which was
honored by a still increasing tide of patronage. My
immediate neighborhood to the scene of amuse
ment gave me a fine advantage of observation,
which I improved.
The tickets were sold from an open wagon near
the entrance of the great tent, and so completely was
it surrounded by applicants with inoniea fists and
beety faces, that it seemed like a St. Helena in that
human sea; and its occupants certainly stood their
ground like " le grand Empereur." The sun poured
down his intensest beams and baked them almost to
death ? almost to crusts ? yet they grew not crusty ;
so far from it, that in the full fire of business and the
hurricane of boisterous appeals from sweaty and
squeezed individuals on that trying occasion, one of
them, in a white hat, thrust his hand into his coat
pocket, drew forth a wlnte cambric handkerchief,
and with great gravity wiped the face of an individ
ual in the throng, who was as red as a peony, and
could scarcely see for perspiration. This act, so
cool in the heat and so composed in the commotion,
set the crowd into convulsions, that is to say, all
who were not so already from the insupportable jam
they suffered.
Truly the roar of that sun-tortured crowd beat the
throat of Niagara to a pig's whisper, and it was con
tinued without cessation through the day, many of
them being from Hartford, where the diversion nad
been a long time before announced in advertise
ments, and of course such as these were anxious to
obtain entrance before the cars departed home for
the last time. I fear that hundreds were doomed to I
be disappointed.
The great day wound up with tli?* ascent and fairy
gleam of a splendid collection of fire-works, in the
v icinity of the arsenal, and the good and enterprising
people of Springfield retired at a late hour to their
welcome balmy beds. So did I, too, and I became
1110 re convinced than ever that this in fact a great
CmxmE Mvsiuk. ? The Marlboro' Chapel is un
dergoing repairs, preparatory to the reception of the
rare und unique collection of rhinese article! of virtu ,
composing ,\fr. l'etera'a collection, which are rtrat to be
exhibited in Boston. Sixty-five cases were shipped on
board the Cleopatra one Hay last week, from New York
to Norwich, en route for this city, a part only of tliia rich
collection.? Umlon Trans. July 8.
A Cashier wirn a "Metallic Basis. ? Lewis A.
Hall, the bank cashier' who was so nearly murder
ed by Weils, in Monroe. Michigan, Ima so far recovered
as tobe able to resume his place in the bank. The bul
lets are not yet extracted, but he walki a abort distance
with little pain.
Tint H*mi> Makkkt ? Maysville, in Kentucky, is
bocoming an important hemp market. The total receipts
of the article there during the tirst half of the picrei t
year, "mounted to 3,.MK> tons. One house in Maysville
"shipped a few days since on board tu o steamboats. ?38
ales of hemp.
(< orr??|,uinJeiice ot the Herald.]
Hamii.t?\, (C. W.) July 5, 1846.
Business here, which connects the place with the
Went, if in the most nourishing possible position?
the hotels are nightly crammed? and with the aid of
the railroad power it will stand forth the most promi
nent jwint in Western Canada; this is fully appreci
ated by the capitalists of Boston, Lockport, Buffalo,
Jcc., who in conclave assembled, decided on this us
a main point. Jasper P. Gilkison, E#q , having
called public attention to the feasibihy of this route, :
it was thoroughly acted on. mid will be carried i
through in a spirited manner.
Yesterday being the Ith, some Americans here
hoisted the stars and stripes, which w?-re almost in- '
stqntaneously ordered down. How strange a con- !
trast to the liberality of the Americans, who has j
not seen the standard of England, the cross ol St. ?
Andrews, the budge of St. Patrick, and the emblem
of Wales, hoiMetf annually on the Astor and City
hotels, without a murmur. Such things are.
The town has been in daily exudation of a com
pany announced from the Bowery, under the man
agement of Mrs. ltield, accompanied by Mr. l'lios.
Had away, Arc ; we now despair their further aiv
proach. Potter's Circus made a short but profitable
sojourn here." If you visit the falls this year, it wou.d
do you good to run through some of our western
towns, which, mushroom like, are rising in a day.
[ 1'orrcnpondence of the Herald. J
Norton, (Mass.) July 5, 1815.
Quietude of Norton ? H'hmton's Female Seminary ? I
Proration on the Fourth ? a Ram tile to the Covn- j
try, and Enchanting Pic Nic.
1 arrived in this place on the Fourth, and amen- |
joying the pure country air, delightful scenery, and
the society of accomplished ladies. Norton is situ- !
ated about one mile from the Xew-Bedford and ,
Taunton railroad, in one of the must de.ightful and
secluded spots in New England. The world enters
not here except through the Post Office, andastrange
face hardly ever intrudes upon these tranquil scenes.
Days, undisturbed by news from the'vust turbulence
of murmuring cities, here pass away unconsciously.
It may not be uninteresting for you to know, if
you do not already, tliat in this place is situated
i "Wheaton Female Seminary." To the school room
, and spacious boarding-house has lately been added
I a gymnasium. Teese buildings were erected, and |
! we hope we can .sooti say endowed, by the Hon. i
Laban Wheaton. A stranger cannot help but notice
| the lady-like deportment, and nice sense of nroprie
' ty, that characterize this school. This results from
I an appeal to the pupil to cultivate the moral and re
1 ligious sentiments, and govern herself. Confidence
i is thus reposed in each other. The spirit and tcm
> per appear with all the buds and bloom of a fresh
moral spring, and the seeds of this sweet flower thus
: scattered, will spring up again in some other bosom;
I and multiply itself in the same way forever.
| The Fourth was celebrated m a style that would
' have nut powder and cannon to the blush, if they
had the least particle of modesty in their composi
tion. A vehicle of a tasteful construction, was
drawn by a pair ef enormous ** ox elephants," deco
rated with flowers, ribbons and flags, whisking
their majestic tails to keep the flies at a reasonable
distance. Intpjhis palanquin were stowed torty or
fifty young ladies, dressed in every variety of taste
ful colors, and looking as it all the flower gardens
of the town had been gathered into one focus. Af
ter them came the teachers, reflecting the be.tutiful
principles they teach. Then the standard-bearer,
the doctor, the temple of thp muses, the banner of
crimson, on which was inscribed in letters of gold,
" faith, hope und charity," the " sisters ot love and
sympathy, the "co-operation society," invjted
guests, citizens, Sec., came on in regular succession
' About two miles from the village we left the road
and took our way umo g the overhanging willows,
along a rude path, that brought us to a small bed of
water in the wooas. Flocks and herds " ruminating
lie," and the wind comes a? a blessing to this calm
I recess. There, a little farther on, gushes forth the
j sparkling waters from the hill side, and Hows, in cir
I cling eddies, amongst the( rocks, und fern, and ten
drils of wild plants, on, until their course is lost, like
die restless passions that agitate the breast of man
in the ocean of eternity. And there go a party, gay
as the butterflies, and "as if the eurth were air, whirl
about as long as the summer lasted." Let us place
ourselves in that boat by the shore, and coast the
silent waters, and listen to the merry tale, whilst the
jocund laugh wakes the solitude of the woods -
Blithe notes of music are suddenly let loose on the
charmed ear.
But we can go no farther, for all are now sum
moned to the feast. Under the shade of trees the
table is spread, and on soft Turkish ottomans we sit
down to the pic inc. Really this is a picture for
painters to study.
" Though my stomach was sharp. I could scarce help re
To spoil such a delicate picture by eating."
But I have not time to describe the whole scene1
and speak of the toasts, the neat and appropriate ad"
dress of a pupil fto her school mates, the singing)
the bustling, the lightsome hearts, the stores o'
"cakes in every lap," the witty repartee, the forms. I
faces, shifting pictures, "clad 111 bright colors ana J
glowing smiles."
" I seem to hear the call
Ye to each other make; I sec
't he heavens laugh with you in jubilee;
My heart is at your festival.'"
But it is time to return. What ho! there, thou
"dark eyed one harness the elephants ; pile in
the girls? a few more ; now swell out the notes, a
louder and yet a louder strain. The woods resound
with the shout, and echo buck the glad strain.?
Some wend their homeward way, gathering wild
llowers as thry go, and talk "with open heart and
tongue." Twilight slowly approaches, lulling na
ture to repose, and light and sound arc leaving the
?' If the cold worldling could live again in the
memory of scenes like these, he would know what
it is to N)mpathise with the unseen power that
rules in nature, and mingle earnest wishes for
many returns of such happy days.
Newport, R. I.
[Correspondence of the Herald.]
Ni vport, July 7, 1H46.
Account of a Cliivalric and Intrepid Action between
the People of Newport and two Score of enormous
IVhalet in Newport Harbor .
Your valuable paper being most read by the fash
ionables of these United States, you should have
the latest and most interesting news stirring at the
summer resorts of the upper ten thousand. Now in
this cool and delightful town you have no corres
pondent, at which I have often wondered, and the
ladies also have often expressed their surprise alter
having sent to your agents for the HeraJd, and not
finding one word from Newj?ort.
This morning at about seven o'clock, there was
a shoal of whales discovered in our inner harbor
the news spread, and everybody Hocked to the wharf
to see the sport.
Everything tliHt could float was pressed into the
service, and soon our harbor presented one of the
most animated, exciting scenes I ever beheld. The
boats put after them, sail boats and whale boats,
all manned and equipped; and after about three hours
snort, succeeded in capturing and bringing to the
snore thirty-three fish, that will yield from one to
three barrels per fish.
Capt. Sin i lie, of the brig America, and his bro
ther, with their boats, captured seventeen fish. Capt.
Lawton, of the U. S.A., manned Captain Woolscy's
yacht Reveille, and with the assistance of Captain
Hailey, of the brig Confidence, and Mr. W. Swin
bune, who acted as boat steerer, captured three very
large ones, that will yield four barrels a piece. The
wharves were lineu with people, and all enjoyed
the exciting scene, and the town of Xew[Hirt now
presents one of the most lively and animated scenes
it ever did before. Those who were so fortunate
as to strike a whale, (and among them ('apt. Lawton
stands preeminent) will revel in the bright smiles of
the lovely belles of Newport, for beauty always loves
National G i 'ASM Rkiiutobced. ? The steamboat
Rochester, this morning, brought upa reinforcement
of two companies of infantry and one ol cavalry to trio
:27th regiment of National Guards, now enrampe.l at the
Hull* Head. With this addition to the lorco on the
ground the pageant of a dress parade will present a very
line appearance, ami a? the most excellent hand which
accompanies the troops, give a great nian) hue airs, tho
encampment is one of the n.o.t plca?unt places In the
vicinity of the city for an afternoon excursion Vaster
day afternoon a large and fashionable attendance of
)a<lies spoke very highly of the appearance of the troops,
oud were ?'ell*iitod with the performances of the band,
by which several aiu from "Norma'' were played in
beautiful "tyle - Albany Jttlai, July P
Conrt Intelligence.
81 periok Court, July 0. ? Before a full Bench.?
Thurlow Weed vs. bruant and Bof j*s.? Thit was an ac
tiou for libel, in whicn the plaintiff sue* the defendant*
for an alleged defamatory publication in the Evening
Poit, in this city, in relation to the celebrated " Roor
back' case, the publication of which wa a altered to be a
forgery. Plaintiff i* editor and proprietor of the .Alba
ny Evening Journal. Defendant*, in their plea, aet up
that the plaintiff could have no right of action in this
case, became the article which wa* published, wa* not
intended to apply to plaintiff personally, but wa* intend
ed for the paper ? Evening Journal. That Weed wia
not known a* the editor of that paper, al?o that there
wan no such book a* " Roorback's Travel*" ever pub
lished ; and. further, that the publication being intended
for good motive* and justifiable ends, defendant* warn
not liable. Tlaintiff demurred to all these point*, and
avers that their plea doe* not answer their declamation.
That the publication copied by the plaintiff, being un
true, doe* not justify the (lander, and moreover, that the
defeuce of good motive* and justifiable end*, doe* not
meet the case fully. Judgment f >r plaintiff, with liberty
to Hie defendant* to amend aud payment of cost* within
ten day* notice of thia rule.
William Hinsdale vs. Nathaniel Sands, Jr.- -Appeal
dismissed with cost*.
Charles Ridabock and Jlltxandtr H. Ridabock ri. Fre
derick Hewett ? New trial ordered, coit* to abide the
William Va n Wart vi. Hoshman, Keyland and David
M. Demerast.? Judgment affirmed.
John M. Ruerads. (iarret S. Molt? Report of referee*
set aside and rule of reference discharged. Costs to
abide the event.
John S. Harris ad*. Robert D. Wykoff? Motion for DOW
trial denied.
Farmer s' Loan if- Trust Co. ?(. Tlwmai R. Minium ?
New trial granted; cost* to abide the event.
The jury were discharged for the term. The Court took
up the argument calendar.
Court or Over and Terminer, July 9? Before Judge
Edmonds and Aldermen Charlick and Rich.
Murder Case? The trial of Hodgkins and Livingston,
for the murder of Jesse Lee Burti*, which was set down
for thi* day. ha* been poitponed to Monday next, in cou
sequence of the absence of a material witness lor the pro
CiacriT Court, July 9 ? Before Judge Edmonds.- -
Foster <f- Sunt vi. Jackson Marine Insurance Co. ? This
case, already referred to, wan returned. It wa* an action
to rccovur the amount ofa policy of insuiance on the ship
A/elia which put off from Trieite, in the Mediterranean,
and which vessel got damaged at sea. The amoinU
claimed is $10,000. Verdict this forenoon.
U. S. Marshal's Office, July 9. ? James Allen, a tea
man on board the packet ship Ashburton, has been ar
rested and stands committed to auswer on a charge of ha
ving created a riot on board during her last voyage from
U. S. Circuit Court, July 9.? Beforo Judge Nelson. ?
Smith vi Erickson. ? This tedious case, after a postpone
ment of three weeks, in consequence of the illness of n
juror, was resumed. It is an action to recover damages
for infringement of patent right, in relation to the cele
brated screw propeller used in the propelling of steam
vetsels. The case stands adjourned over.
Common Pleas, July 9. ? Before Judge Daly. ? Nelson
Robinson vs. W. Pulrer. ? This was an action to recovei
the amount of losses sustained in consequence of a
breach of warranty, in the sale of a horse. The defence
set up was that the sale was made without the warranty,
aud that the defendant received the horse subject to all
the consequences of a loose bargain.
Wanmaker, Public Administrator, vs. O'Neil. ? The
jury in this case, already noticed, rendered a sealed ver
dict for plaintiff $175.
Beforo Judge Ingraham.? Keyxer v*. American Insu
rance Company. ? This case already noticed, stand* ad
journed over.
General Sessions, Julv 9 ? Before the Recorder, and
Aldermen Conner and Jackson? M. C. Patterson, Dis
trict Attorney? Grand Jury. ? The Grand Jury wero
sworn this morning, and received the charge of tho Re
James M. Smith, Esq., moved that Carman Nicholls,
now in prison, on charge of beating a servant girl, who
is not expected to live, be admitted to bail. The Recor
der consented to fix the bail at $2000.
Trial of John F Kelly, for Libel.? Thii indictment wa*
founded on an article which appeared a paper called the
"Court Journal, or Life in New York," on the 15th day
of March, 1846, headed "A .Van of Feeling " in which
"a ceitain quack doctor" was cbarged with having pro
cured the body of his ton from the State Prison at|8iug
Sing, where he had died, aud hanging the skeleton up in
his office alter dissecting him.
Wm. ArrLEc < rt, sworn? Know* John F. Kelley; he
wa* tfce proprietor of tUeCourt Journal in 1846; 1 printed
the first numlcr* of the paper for him.
Cross-examined? Some week* previous to the publica
tion of the article referred to, I discovered objectionable
article* in the paper, and diicontinued the publication
for him.
Solomon Heine, sworn ? 1* a physician, office 67 Reado
street; purchased u copy of the Court Journal ollMi
Kelly, dated lsth March; he told me he was the proprie
Two witnesses were called, who testified that they
had read the article, and were satisfied that it referred to
Dr. Heine.
The Counsel for the defence contended, that although
the article referred to, might be a libel on somebody, it
would not be a libel on Dr Heine, as his name was not
mentioned, and it had uot been shown by the proiecn
tion that Dr. Heine ever had a ion in the State Pri*on,and
therefore the article wa* not matter for an indictment.
The jury returned a verdict of guilty.
The ( ourt now adjourned.
Court Calendar? Tim Day ? Common Pitas ? lit
Part.? Nos. 78, 90, ft, H4. 98. 2nd Part.? No. 20, 27,60,
76, 130, 26, 43, 46. 89, 65, 76, 4f?, 70.
Circuit Court? Not. 4, 47, 6, 16, 18, 20, 35,26 to 32. 272,
34 to 39.
Daring Attempt at Robbery. ? The lumctea of
Coleman's fi le Hotel were disturbed lastniyht about
I o'clock, b; ,>n alarm of robber* being concealed in, the
house. Itii geared that Mr. Masterson of Tennessee,
who has an <-d in these parts with a targe f um of money
to purchase siavea. was about to get into bed. when,
having moved the bed a little from the wall, he di*
coveiwd a man concealed beneath it. lie immediately
gave the alarm, but the rascal mad* his exit from the
window, three tad a half stories from the ground, but
there was a shed which took away one and a naif stories
The n atch was called and search made, and the would
be robber wits discovered in the water-closet in a private
yard, on which the window opened, and the doors of
which had to be forced open to secure him. It turned
outto be a person named James Baker, who hud been in
troduced to Mr. Masterson at Richmond, whe ice they
had travelled in company, and both had put up at Cole
man's, where they were lodged in separate adjoining
rooms. He had in his possession when arrested a piece
of lead about the si/e|of a hen's cgg.tied up in a sill: hand
kerchief. and with wfcich lie doubtless intended to silence
Mr. Masterson if lie had been dircovered in the act of
eommitt;ng the robbery. Affidavits were made of all tbc
circumstances, and Mr. Baker was locked up to await
the consequences. ? ff aldington Cowl it ution, July 7.
Excitement and Sport at Newport. ? Noevent
since the visit of L'Hercule, has produced ao
much excitement ns has existed here this morning. ?
At an early hour it I came known that a shoal of black
fish whs in the offing, <nder rapid way for the harbor,
and in less than an ho. they made their appearance in
side of Fort Wolcott. They received their first welcome
from the boats of an outward-bound whaler, which were
soon joined by a fleet of boats from the wharves. The
chase, the striking, and the towing in of the fish, wen;
animated in the extreme. Before 11 o'clock 33 flsh were
dead and landed. They measured from 9 to 3*2 feet in
length, and will each yield from '2 to 0 barrels of oil.?
Hundreds of spectators enioved the sport while standing
on the wharves, and viewed'the whaling corps engaged
in this mimic chase of the monster of the deep. A " huu
dred barrel" fish could not have called forth more energy
and skill than were displayed by the "old salts'' in the
whaleboats. Two of the first were taken by a small boat
not 12 feet long, and the way in which she walked the
water was a caution to country boy*. Gravelly Point
showed as many corpses at low tide as hanged there by
the iiock, when 33 pirates made a taut line under the
gallowl in the reign of Queen Anne.? Nneiiort fatter,
July 7.
Murder.? The body of a man by the name of
Moses Whitney, of Cabotville, was taken from the
river, at Hartford, Ct.. on Huuday morning, supposed to
have been murdered. George Heath, late of Springfield;
and Aaron White, are supposed to have been hi* mur
derer*. The latter has been arrested.
Florida, the new State ok the South.? On
Monday, the 23d of June, the first legislature of the
new State assembled at Tallahaasee. .lame* A. Berthelot,
of Leon county, wa* unanimously elected president ot
the Senate, and Thomas F. King clerk; and Hugh Archer,
of Leon, was unanimously elected speaker of the House,
and M. D. Papy chief clerk. Both houses have passed
resolutions in honor of General Jackson. Tha House
had fixed on the 1st of July as the day for electing two
senator* of the United States. The Senate had not acted
upon their resolution. Last Wednesday week, the new
governor (Moseley) wa* installed into office with alt
solemnity and civic honor*. Hi* inaugural i* stamped
with the strongest republican principle*. The citizen*
had presented a stand of colors, which had been adopted,
pro trm. as the colors of the State of Florida. On the
centre of the ornnge stripe is a white scroll, with tho
emphatic motto, " Let us alone.
"There's Blood I pon It."? In consequence of
the statement put forth in the "confession" of Mc
Curry, that he did not cut the throat of the unfortunate
Hons, whom he murdered, (the fact being well establish
ed that his throat was cut almost from ear to eer,) a large
knife found in the trunk of McCurry, when arre*ted In
\e w York, by officer ltidgely, and caiefully preserved,
was yesterday submitted to the test of a chemical pro
cess, and the lacrustation upon the blade was declared to
be blood. The blade is of an unusual large sice, and
much colored by a dark red crust C omment is unneces
sary.- Haiti more Clipper.
As (?x-Govkrnor Insane. ? A letter from India
najiolis to the Cincinnati Uazttir sava: ? "A melan
choly spoctaele was witnessed in our streets one day last
week. F.x-Governor Ray, followed by a crowd of boys,
was conducted through them to the County Jail. For
some years pa?t it has been evident that hi* mind was
becoming Impaired, (supposed to be from disappointed
ambition,) till at length ne bec*me so far deranged a* to
threaten the destruction of bis wife *n'l for her **f*ty
h# w?s committed to prison

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